皆さんこんばんは、Tassoです🌿 前回の動画からかなり時間が経ってしまいましたが、ようやくパリvlogの前編をお届けすることができます😭✨ 今回は日本出発〜パリ滞在3日目までをお届け♪ 蚤の市を巡ったり、老舗カフェで朝食、クリスマスマーケット🎄と盛りだくさん! 長い動画ですが、ぜひ最後まで楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです🙏 今後もパリ編Part.2やバルセロナvlogをお届けしていく予定ですが、最終的に総集編も作成する予定です✊ 総集編はより詳しく、各vlogではカットしたお役立ち情報も追加する予定なので楽しみにしていてください☺ それでは、パリ旅Part.1をお楽しみください🇫🇷🎄 Tasso. Good evening everyone, this is Tasso🌿. It's been quite a while since our last video, but I can finally bring you the 1st part of my Paris vlog 😭✨. This time, I'll be bringing you from our departure from Japan to our 3rd day in Paris 🌿! I went to a flea market, had breakfast at a long-established cafe, visited a Christmas market 🎄, and so much more! It's a long video, but I hope you enjoy it to the end 🙏. I will continue to bring you Paris Part.2 and Barcelona vlogs, and eventually we will make a compilation ver.✊. The compilation will be more detailed and will include useful information that was cut from each vlog, so please look forward to it☺. So, enjoy Part.1 of our Paris trip 🇫🇷🎄 Tasso.
Good evening everyone, this is Tasso🌿.
It's been quite a while since our last video, but I can finally bring you the 1st part of my Paris vlog 😭✨.
This time, I'll be bringing you from our departure from Japan to our 3rd day in Paris 🌿!
I went to a flea market, had breakfast at a long-established cafe, visited a Christmas market 🎄, and so much more!
It's a long video, but I hope you enjoy it to the end 🙏.
I will continue to bring you Paris Part.2 and Barcelona vlogs, and eventually we will make a compilation ver.✊.
The compilation will be more detailed and will include useful information that was cut from each vlog, so please look forward to it☺.
So, enjoy Part.1 of our Paris trip 🇫🇷🎄
Bonjour de Paris🇨🇵 j espere vous reviendrez ❤
Merci beaucoup~🥰
Je l'espère vivement aussi!
J'essaierai certainement de m'y rendre à nouveau🇫🇷