I believe he's using his Force essence to reanimate his own corpse. He must have done it instantly after dying, and somehow floated his body away from the Death Star before it exploded.
So here is a Theory...in The Last Jedi, Luke said that Palpatine was first a Jedi and ROS canonized essence transfer. What if...before the prequels, when Palpatine turned to the dark side a long time ago and became a Sith student of Plagieus, Palp killed Plagieus (spellcheck), Plagieus transferred his Spirit/essence to Palp’s body. So really Palp has been the embodiment of Plagieus the Wise all along. When we see Palp tempting Luke to strike him down in ROTJ Palp was wanting to transfer to him to live on. So now he’s trying the same to Rey. Basically we’ve been dealing with Plagieus all along trying to live on through other vessels this whole time. The next films will be prequels to the prequels showing Palpatine’s origin story and his downfall and will probably end with Plagieus entering his body. Boom! Mind blown!
Palpatine's comments in the movie alluded to him not really being alive, as if his essence was trapped on a different plane and he needed either Rey to strike him down in anger, or he needed to draw life out of a force "dyad" as we saw toward the end. He was not really alive again until he had drawn the life from Rey and Kylo. He must have set up this arrangement using Plagueis' "unnatural" methods ahead of his death in RotJ.
W Sears that’s what I figured. Palpatine used his training from Plagueis to prevent himself from truly dying. A sort of limbo state where he isn’t truly dead, but also not completely alive. The Dark side is a pathway to the unnatural after all.
Ethan Champagne Let’s assume it happened some time around the Phantom Menace when he wasn’t that old. The question is, how old were Rey’s parents when they gave birth to her?
Spoiler: When Palpatine threw Kylo down the hole in ROS, surely he didn't actually think he'd die considering he literally taught Kylo how not to die from a fall....
@@JoeyArnold7 it would be too nice if it would be true, and that would give an interesting dark tone to an otherwise too good - and copied - ending… is Disney relying (maybe too much) in side stories and that's not just a silly plot? I hope so, this movie is getting such interesting side hypothesis in front of the disappointment in itself, like it was for The Last Jedi
The Real Chicken that’s because he’s a reanimated decomposing corpse for the majority of the movie until he leeches off of the other characters and restores himself fully.
What I dont get is why Palpatine looks like a corpse. When he was thrown down the shaft in Return of the Jedi he explodes into blue lightning/force energy. So his body is destroyed in the fall... So what body do we see in Rise of Skywalker? If its a new one why is it decomposed?
I think Palpatine is not absolutely alive. I think he physically died but with the help of the dark side he transferred his ghost back to his body. It's like his ghost is inside his dead body! That's why he is so messed up!
Triphon Stoyanov :D The most likely idea is when he died, he transferred his essence into a clone of himself on Exogal (explaining his relatively young appearance. No wrinkles on his face like ROTJ.) The reason why his hands are so mangled and the lack of pronounced iris’ could be a result of using the dark side of the force for some time, posing as Snoke. The clone body most likely began decomposing (the hands and eyes most likely more since he was unable to stand before ) as a result of extensive dark side usage.
How the movie should have ended "I’ve been waiting for you, Sidious. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the leaner; now I am the master"
@@MidratsSnack the hardcore fanboys on this channel will try to justify every stupid thing about the sequels, no matter how lore breaking and idiotic it is.
Hell yes. The clone wars cartoon added so much context to the prequels that when I went back and watched them again. Filoni would kill be amazing again
I feel like if JJ was in charge of all three films Palpatine wouldn’t have returned. After the mess that was the last Jedi, JJ has to go off next to nothing with Snoke being so lamely killed off and I’m pretty sure before the last Jedi came out JJ said “Snoke is his own thing” but then Ryan has to go kill him off leaving JJ with not a lot of options
If you go back to the first 2 movies, there’s no way in hell palpatine was envisioned to come in to the picture. Palpatine getting added was jj way of improvising and trying to fix last jedis mess
Snoke had the rings and he saw "the empire rise and fall" so I think palp's return was planned. But Rian probably killed him off earlier than it was initially planned by JJ. Same for Luke.
I particularly liked the “zombie-like” appearance of Palpatine, how he referenced the “unnatural” abilities of Dark Side Force powers, as he did in Episode III, and how he already “died”. It all clicks with his appearance. He’s also very disfigured and basically held up by an “arm” of sorts, so I think they did a pretty good job of portraying him as being “alive” but with extreme physical and non-physical assistance.
@the kookoo bird Technically he was cause he Made Snoke and controlled him. You need to understand .. he said to Ben ..I am all the voices you have ever heard in your head and one of the voices was that of Snoke .
The way I see it he is dead and is essentially a Sith zombie. Reanimated by his technology powered by the dark side of the force. At the end you see him absorb Ben and Reys life force bringing him back to life.
And yet if that’s the case, how was he still so powerful to create something like Snoke, who was able to bridge minds across galaxies, and rag doll Kylo and Rey?
@@TTUploads have you watched the new movie? snoke was full of crap, he never bridged Rey and Kylo's minds, that connection was always there, dormant, until after TFA/start of TLJ
In GLs vision the path to immortality lead through compassion, not greed. In the old EU Palpatine did "survive", by moving from one cloned body to another, but each and every clone would detriorate faster. If in the new canon the Sith can survive their own death and come back to life from the netherworld, this means you can never really destroy the Sith, and since only the good guys care for life as something unique and precius, but both sides can make you immortal, being on the Light side seems like a weakness! Also, we can never be certain as to the demise of a star Wars character again.
I think with all the lab equipment and the tenders and cultists, it's implied Palpatine wouldn't return on his own, he needs a living host and living helpers to return from the Netherworld. Lucas changes his mind a lot, he let Tom Veitch write Palpatine's return in Dark Empire 30 years ago. He later decided behind the scenes for ROTS that Sith could not retain their identity after death, 14 years ago. Then, in 2011, he initially wanted two ancient Sith Lord spirits guiding the Son in the Mortis Trilogy, before Filoni made him change his mind due to the implications. The episode where they would have appeared is even called Ghosts of Mortis. Now, we're at the point where the Sith act like they do in TOTJ, they come back from the Netherworld of the Force, but the exact method isn't explained in the films. However, there is one Sith Lord who bound his soul to his helmet in the canon comics, Lord Momin and thus his consciousness survived in the physical realm. Back in TOTJ, this was the way the ancient Sith lived on in their tombs of Korriban/Moraband. Obviously, this is referenced in the TCW episode where Yoda travels there, interacts with undead Sith specters and rebukes them. How any of this lines up with George Lucas's view of the Force, is up in the air. Much like how his own ideas are a bit up in the air from year to year. Though as a fan of ancient tales and myths, there are plenty of mythologies that have evil spirits, so SW wouldn't be transgressing most folklore which inspired parts of it to begin with.
I'm sorry but according to KK and Disney there is. O source material to draw from because the EU does not exist. It is just sloppy writing Jar Jar Ruin Johnson destroyed everything that GL created and that is why we are fans of this universe. In less than five years Disney has managed to split the fan base apart and take the most legendary and profitable IP and completely killed it. Just my opinion along with the majority of the people who actually saw the original trilogy in the theaters
Mary sue lame woman can't be nearly as powerful as luke she is ridiculous then it's impossible. She always had the palpatine idea strapped to you it was so obvious idiot.
Kinda like darth nihilus's spirit being one with his mask and cloak, but instead palpatine doing it with his body when pairing this magic with essence transfer which implies it is even more like darth sion.
@@Charlo420 Facts this way does make the most sense, cause even though NORMAL cloning is equally as likely it makes some plot holes which is why this is da way XD.
Completely agree with this, that is like a zombie Palpatine until the moment he absorbs the energy of Ren and Rey, then his body is officialy alive again as we see his hands being regenerated and his eyes going from death to the sith yellow color.
This seems like the best answer. He did die, but his force essence is literally holding on and keeping his body from decaying. It explains why he needs that mechanism to more easily move his body around and why his body is so mutilated. He had enough power to stop from crossing over but not enough to heal himself, much like Vader was able to stay alive but not heal himself. And Maul in cannon being able to keep himself alive after being cut in half.
But Grievous who is a non force user can survive exploding in a ship while in space? Granted he's a cyborg after that but palpatine couldn't even move until later on.
In legends, some ancient Sith “survived” their deaths by possessing objects. I think that’s what Sidious did. Anakin killed him by throwing him down that shaft (and into the exploding reactor), but Sidious’s spirit refused to die and he possessed his own dead body. He certainly looked like a rotting corpse. If he survived by possessing his own corpse, then it would make sense that destroying the corpse (his lightning vapourises it) would destroy his spirit as well. So technically, Anakin still killed him. Rey just burnt the body.
@@jackieliu8306 Well a huge chunk of the Deathstar itself managed to survive the explosion… and entering the atmosphere… and the impact with the planet’s/moon’s surface. So clearly it was quite sturdy, maybe the shaft didn’t go directly into the reactor and while still fatal, his body was protected from the explosion? Maybe Sidious made himself a cocoon of force energy… there are options.
Possible. But what if he created a force-portal or smth like that so he was teleported to that planet or to a ship? And then, as far as we know, strong Sith can put their souls into things , so he could possibly put his soul into his own dead body so that's why he looks dead:)
JCbklyn707 nope he did in fact die in the Death Star II. His corpse was transferred to Exogol (which is full of sith spirits, including that of Palpatine) who then reanimated it to an extent. But needed to be connected to a machine in order to keep the body from decomposing any further.
I stll feel Plagueis “The Wise” could’ve been the ultimate baddie in the skywalker saga. He was introduced in episode three. and anticipated Palpatine’s betrayal.
@@robertconover7178 That's not true. Apparently, it's impossible to actually die in Star Wars. If the Emperor survived the destruction of the 2nd Death Star, then Rey killing him The Rise of Palpatine's Random Granddaughter would be so easy for him to come back from.
So anybody gonna say that MOTHERF*CKING Mace Windu survived his fall in Episode 3?! I've never accepted that he died, he's survived very high falls in the Clone Wars TV show.
J&N Gaming and More! But we're talking about Mace motherf*cking Windu. He ain't your average Jedi and he had Sidious defeated if not for Anakin being a b*tch and betraying him. Mace and Yoda were the strongest Jedi of all time, I think he survived.
Ryan Rozario you can fall for hours on Coruscant. He had plenty of time to come back conscious and catch himself with the force And I don't think he needs both arms to catch himself! He could've landed on a speeder like Anakin did in Episode II
BattleDash that's Bc mace Windu was 53 yrs old in 19 BBY the fall of the republic. He would've been over 100 yrs old in the new trilogy ever thought of that? Yes that's why he's dead. He could've survived about 20 yrs after ROTS tho I think.
If we look at your first theory (snoke is palpatine) you say that plagueis might have the ability to attatch to other beings. Lets say that he attatched to palpatine when he killed him, this would mean that palpatine is plagueis. And was so obsessed with anakin becouse he was the perfect host to attach to. And after episode 6 when luke (maybe) learned that palpatine was alive, looked into imortality and then learned about plagueis. And then he figured that the only way to become imortal, would be to attatch to other beings. And then he understood that palpatine must have been plagueis all along. And that if he got luke as a host, all hope would be gone for the resistance. And becouse of that he went into hiding knowing he couldnt let plagueis get him. Could this be a theory?
Mr. Tobjohn I would say a very creative theory to try and make sense of poor storytelling by Disney. You can make creative pieces work, but I seriously doubt Disney is as creative as you or other fans of SW.
I saw the movie the other day and the answer to how palpatine survived is, he didn't, he did die but by using the dark side of the force, he came back, in a rather crippled manor, btw, Rey Palpatine.
I'm pretty sure he died and put his soul into his corpse which will explain why no one bothered to clean him. And what do you mean by BTW rey palpatine.
The death star exploded then crashed into a planet. A ship that can blow up planets, itself exploded, thats probably like several thousand nuclear bombs blowing up, then the remains falling into a planet. You would be lucky if a few dead cells survived, but his whole body surviving? Impossible
Dethflash Even through I don’t think it’s probable. It should have taken a fair amount time for an exhausted Luke to carry Vader to the next hangar in a battlestation that’s bigger than most moons. There should have been enough time for someone to recover Sidious or his remains and carry them to the next ship. An old man is much lighter than someone who consists mostly out of metal.
@Joseph Sciberras Maybe it was a part of ALL sith except Dooku, since he was very different obviously. Even if it was part of being a Sith lord, does it really have to be mandatory? I mean, Palpatine should know his weakness by now. Palpatine can manipulate everyone and pull an entire fleet out of his ass but can't listen to simple advice!
@@kar2424 Yes but every "Yoda" species has been extremely powerful Force-users so far, and baby Yoda is around fifty, so it's not impossible for him to learn it by himself.
i feel that the heal wasn’t something the jedi would teach but back around their founding they would, over time they realized it was unnatural and went against their rules of attachment. but the knowledge of suck power would be in the original jedi texts, where rey would learn it over the time between last jedi and rise of skywalker.
Palpatine definitely died and, yes, he says it. Further proof is that you can see his fingers were split apart and then they heal later on in the film. Plus he just looks like a talking corpse. I think the film makes it very clear that it's Palpatine's dead body that has been reanimated by his spirit like a zombie. It isn't until he sucks the life force from Rey and Ben that he then grows his fingers back and heals his body. And his white, milky, dead eyes turn red again. Initially, he was looking for a new host (Rey), but when he saw he could bring back life to his own body, he changed his plan.
For a little bit until his grandaughter completely annihilated him all by herself like he was nothing even though he was extremely OP a few seconds earlier where he literally wiped out an entire fleet and basically had more power than Zeus himself
I actually think Sidious did a Darth Sion. He fell down the shaft, protect himself with the force to get out and to protect his body from the total destruction. He died but didn't leave his body.
I think the tv shows on Disney Plus is a good idea because Disney has trouble with looking at a more complex wholistic universe for Star Wars canon. This especially due to them disregarding Legends in many aspects. I think the drawn-out detailed nature of having a full long TV show will force more intriguing narratives from them and increase the amount of lore they will make canon from Legends
The only good part of the rise of palpatine (Skywalker) lets be honest its dumb she gave herself the name Skywalker im sorry empress you're not a Skywalker but the only good part was when palpatine was winning and destroying the whole fleet with all the power of the sith
I think palpatine sensed snoke in the unknown regions. Maybe smoke was an ancient jedi and was still good. But palpatine wanted to control him. So he captured and cloned him. The clone is the snoke we see. The real him is dead.
So in the end. The entire OT was meaningless. The New Republic was destroyed by the Empire 2.0, The jedi never returned. And Anakin/Luke the chosen one didn't even kill Palpatine. It all seems so pointless now.
@@casey-capri2914 Star Wars, it's essentials, it all lives not thanks to Disney. It lives thanks to people like StarWars Theory. Now we can support him so that he can once again show Disney how a true SW story should be made with his Vader ep.2.
G B the thing is that Disney decided to make all that LEGENDS stuff non canon talking about how they were starting a new and all that shit but when they get desperate they start digging into LEGENDS material hoping we didn't notice to try to save there asses
George Lucas said in a post Disney interview that Palpatine was definitively dead. Bringing him back was not only desperate, but also went against George Lucas's wishes.
My theory is that he got thrown down, and he hit, but was barely breathing and some acolytes got him out before the death star blew up. And for those 30 years they nursed him back to where he could talk and move a bit. He was basically on life support lol. It's definitely possible, because keep in mind anakin got chopped in half and burned a bit, and he survived.
If he already knows how to clone/transfer himself he could easily do it again and again! From where do we know that he hasn’t planned this. Some would say that you can see him clearly die in the end but didn’t he also clearly die from Vader too ? This is too much for my brain!
It doesn't make sense to you because it really doesn't make any sense. That's why Jar Jar Abrams didn't even attempt to explain it. The entire concept of it was just too absurd & he knew that whatever he said would be mocked. So, Jar Jar just decided to drop any explanations of Palpatine's survival from the movie & just used the "Move along; Nothing to see here" method to try to change the subject. Why else do you think that the pace of "The Rise of Palpatine's Random Granddaughter" was so quick? Jar Jar was afraid that if he slowed the film down at all, it would give people time to ask themselves: What the F was actually going on in the film?
ZeusAllPowerful yes it was too complex, but I really liked the force connection between Kylo and Rey, wish they had used it too kill Palpetine. That would have been a better ending.
ZeusAllPowerful In all fairness to JJ, Rian Johnson took his work from The Force Awakens and took a shit on it. He killed off Snoke, made Luke a terrible character (even Mark Hamill himself, who played Luke, complained) Sure JJ could’ve brought a new villain in, but this is the last of the sequel trilogy, he needed to put in a villain who has some form of connection, and that isn’t Kylo, since we saw his redemption coming for a while now. So blame Rian Johnson for this one, I still find ROS a good film and praise JJ for fixing the story as much as he could, despite the failures that Rian Johnson made in TLJ
Isn't it obvious? Palpatine's Last Moments from Robot Chicken is clearly Canon. "You know, looking back it all makes sense. Dream big, live big, love big... fall to your death down a giant f***ing hole. Now I know, which is exactly 0% of the battle apparently."
@Brody Smith yeah, some of the parodies that are Canon are: Yarrel Poof part 1 - 3 My Face Is On Fire (which also links to episode 9... "If you had made your mind up 5 seconds earlier, we could have ruled the galaxy and maybe I could have gotten laid one more time before I died.") The Emperor's Phone Call Palpatine's Last Moments
In one of the Clone Wars episodes, Anakin and Ahsoka (I think it was) were jumping off cliffs and stuff and using force push to stop them from going splat so it has definitely been covered in Canon before, problem is not everyone watches the other shows or the plays the games, reads the books, etc. So good on you for getting these things out there :) Keep up the good work
Here’s my theory....palpatine truly died but some dark side users found his corpse and took it to exagol and used the machine to slowly bring him back to life
Ben Kirkey yes, and he turned into a glowing blueish light sort of like the Jedi that become force ghosts. Not sure yet how he did it but I'm guessing essence transfer into a clone that rapidly decayed due to the corruption of the darkside on the body. Which is why he was so frail and had to use snoke as a puppet dictator so he could find a new body which ended up being Rey.
This is how he survived: Ryan Johnson killed Snoke off even though he probably was supposed to the villain of episode VIII so he brought Palpatine back
Supposedly when a Sith dies the Dark Side energy escapes from their body and the result is an... Explosion. Maybe it was palpy's essence escaping from his body to transfer to a clone before he died?
My theory is that the palpatine we see for most of ros is palpatines hate, he is dead but he holds on to that hate and that’s the bit of him that’s alive.but when he takes the life force out of kylo and Ray he is getting his life back from Rey which is stored in her, possibly why he wanted her all those years ago ( and the life is in her because he’s her grandfather).So the life is being put into him to make him a person again. He did technically die but he is a bridge of alive and force ghost because he can cheat death. And he wants Ray to kill him because the hate that he holds is transferred through the hate that killed him.
Here is a shorter and easier explenation. He died in ROTJ and Disney just pulled him straight out of their ass for this movie since Ryan Johnson idiotically killed of Snoke in TLJ. Mystery solved.
I like the idea, and it makes some sense out of what we got, but i think @CarlJohan is right about Disney pulling it out their asses lol. Snoke should have been Palgeius. Yes it may have been predictable and obvious to core fans, but bringing in Plageius would have opened us so much more stories to explore with future films that would have expanded Star Wars cannon rather then destroy it.
“Oh man look Palps could have survived a fall” I mean rookie Ahsoka can do that. Here’s a better question, how did he survive *EXPLODING*. Which the script confirms he did. I give Theory’s denial a week. You can see it wearing him down video by video.
He's like the god emperor from 40k, a slowly decomposing corpse tied to a machine that keeps his cells alive just enough to link his spirit to his body.
He said that *i have died before* Soo he was revived ? Maybe by ancient Sith ? That may explain way he said *i am all Sith* maybe his body arrived dead on exegul and the ancient Sith took control of it and sidious took control of it !!?! Maybe It has nothing to do with a logical explanation cause he said that’s the dark side of the force is a pathway with many abilities *unnaturel*!
Someone found his died or dying body on the walkway on a lower level and they dragged him out before the Death Star exploded the same way that Luke did with his father. Palpatine’s body died, but they kept it on life support to slow the decay and save is consciousness. Like with the other Sith, due to Palpatine ego and that he was the only true Sith around, he believed himself to be “all Sith.”
I can't help but think how this may have been at the expense of a more interesting backstory for Snoke. But then again the "I have been every voice in your head" sold it to me.
I believe we will learn more about how Palps lived in a novel or possible clues from the Mandalorian. That being said, I think it had to do with transferring his force essence into a clone of himself. The Emperor either allowed himself to die on the 2nd Death Star or was legit killed by Vader and then transferred his essence to a series of clones that he had on Exogal. One of those clones is what we saw in the movie and that shell of a clone is easily corrupted by the Emperor's dark side powers which decays it rapidly. Hence, unable to now walk, fingers falling off, decaying, etc. He likely had more clones of himself and used Snoke clones to get close to others by transferring his essence into this shell and back to his main Palpatine shell as needed. It would be interesting to see if Snoke was actually a force user alien in the outer regions that Palpatine corrupted, eventually killed him, and then used his body to clone other Snoke shells to be used at will. Perhaps that alien species was able to withstand dark side corruption longer hence a good shell to be used.
FallenSun Yeah, pretty much the Emperor’s master taught him how to cheat death. So that’s one of the reasons in the comic that Snoke told kylo how to stop himself from splatting on the ground. It makes sense. And how Palpatine had so much power to do what he did over the course of 40 years most likely.
They were going to. Hayden Christiansen even filmed two scenes where Anakin’s force ghost shows up. One was to give Rey a speech about what he’s been through and how to defeat palpatine. The second one is where he puts his hand on rey’s shoulder during the final fight and transfer power to Rey giving her the ability to kill palpatine. Disney forced all of this to be cut. Hayden was very pissed off
@ECG_yt Yeah, I do, too. Both because it was Anakin's life that was ruined and to show Kylo that he was misguided in his thinking about "Grandfather". Imo, they should've just ended after 6 films because everything was resolved nicely at that point. However, I was surprisingly okay with how they explained the past events and how most things played out. I wish we'd gotten more than just Anakin's voice, and I feel bad for Hayden, he's got to be disappointed. But I liked it much more than I thought I would after reading the leaks. I'm glad I saw it and I feel like I got closure.
@@SpaceDT no it doesn't his legacy is his family and his legacys a lot better if the story doesn't end in this guy yeeted the biggest down a hole and he died.
*spoiler* Daisy Ridley once said in an interview after The Force Awakens that it was obvious who her parents were in the movie. But then when she started to chat with her friends she realised that in the viewers minds it actually wasn’t that obvious. Can you do a video about all the hints in TFA about Rey being a Palpatine
I believe that Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker was a clone. He used some advance cloning process that only he knows how to use to make Snoke and he probably knew that Vader would turn on him, resulting in him dying, so he also made a clone of himself. It wouldn't have made sense for him to say that he died before if he survived. When everyone thought they were truly at peace, he was still pulling the strings.
Palpatine was an absolute machine in this film, he crippled a fleet of thousands of ships. He clearly died on the Death Star, and his cult probably pieced him back together from his corpse, and his spirit kept him alive, though imperfectly. Also he was gunna so possess Rey when he tried to trick her into killing him.
Palpatine said to Rey if she lilled him he would go into her amd become one w her. His spirit be pne w her. Puppet Master Palpatine could be dormant in Rey
Does this mean that he's practically immortal and will haunt the galaxy forever as the main antagonist of the Skywalker saga? As long as they continue the Skywalker saga again I'm all for it XD
@@gibraillagneau1302 i believe they will reveal the puppet master as the son of mortis. It will link the story of mortis more. The son is tp pf what was made the sith stronger. I think the son became one w the individual amd confined all the sith souls into one which is the shadow. Palpatine also is in their
cadkls no because she wasn’t trying to kill him with hate. she was just facing him trying to kill her. complete acceptance and standing for what she is
THEORY: Palpatine dies but the dark side and rage prevents his body from getting completely destroyed. (Same reason Maul survived getting cut in half and Anakin getting burnt alive). His troops recover his body and start looking for ways to revive him. Now either he is barely alive or has transferred his consciousness somewhere else. Either way they need to study and use the force to revive him. That's where Baby Yoda comes along. Or maybe they succeed in keeping him alive regardless, but now he needs a way of fully coming back. Maybe cloning has something to do with it...
Good theory, this is a universe where being very angry allowed Anakin to survive what should have killed him. Not too far fetched to think Palpatine used the knowledge of the Sith to cheat death unlike his master before him. It fits well since that is how he got Anakin to turn to the dark side, cheating death
You guys are literally idiotic in your explanations for this garbage movie. Yo, THE DEATH STAR WAS FXCKING VAPORISED IN EPISODE 6. I don't care how much rage Palpatine had in him, heck! He might even be able to survive for like a week in the deep space but bro, nobody was going to rescue a BODY when there was nothing there anymore after the implosion. Like there was nothing to gather, the death star was turned into god damn space dust. It is like in Episode 4, would you go looking for survivors of the Alderaan explosion? No, of course not, how could you? It's gone. There would be no point for anyone to go looking for survivors of something that literally turned the station into space dust, what are you talking about?
The question shouldn't be HOW but WHY does Palpatine want to stay alive? Because if Luke was being unLuke in TLJ which killed that film, why is Palpatine waiting for his granddaughter to kill him after 30 years? 🤣
He didnt want her to kill him. He was stalling for kylo to get there. Kylo and Rey's bond is a once in generations thing. He needed both of them to consume their esscnece. The whole "empress palpatine" thing was a ploy.
Fun fact: When we see Palpatine and Rey together in the throne room, and they 're flanked by what appear to Royal Guards; they are actually confirmed to be Sovereign Protectors, which is pretty interesting all things considered.
The dark side is a pathway to many uno reverse cards some consider to be cheating..
Yea but have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise tho🤠
He survived through what he learned from darth playgus
4:20 Mace Windu
I believe he's using his Force essence to reanimate his own corpse. He must have done it instantly after dying, and somehow floated his body away from the Death Star before it exploded.
So here is a Theory...in The Last Jedi, Luke said that Palpatine was first a Jedi and ROS canonized essence transfer. What if...before the prequels, when Palpatine turned to the dark side a long time ago and became a Sith student of Plagieus, Palp killed Plagieus (spellcheck), Plagieus transferred his Spirit/essence to Palp’s body. So really Palp has been the embodiment of Plagieus the Wise all along. When we see Palp tempting Luke to strike him down in ROTJ Palp was wanting to transfer to him to live on. So now he’s trying the same to Rey. Basically we’ve been dealing with Plagieus all along trying to live on through other vessels this whole time. The next films will be prequels to the prequels showing Palpatine’s origin story and his downfall and will probably end with Plagieus entering his body. Boom! Mind blown!
Plot twist: Disney didn’t actually want to bring palpatine back but he told them to DEW IT, and they just couldn’t deny the senate
Max Eriksson I can hear the dew it
Funny thing is, he actually, says it in the movie. Again!! Lol
Max Eriksson when they did he said Good lol
Now strike me down and you will be the new Emperor
Random old woman: "Who are you?"
Rey: "The Senate"
Not yet.
@@RohanOvie *autistic screaming*
The senate *skywaller* ftfy
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Sidious The Senate?
Well, ofcourse i know him. He's me!
Emperor Palpatine Grand Dad?
Kamil Kluczewski Not. Yet.
Still can't believe C3PO killed palpatine using the force...
Jake Everett-Rose LMAO RIGHT?! I had a feeling he was the true chosen one
@@c0nqu3st5 uh did we watch the same movie
Did you spot Mace Windu in the crowd on the arena with the game of thrones throne? The place where c3po killed Palps
@@hwcollector7237 you guys are fucking stupid
Johnny Castro stfu
Palpatine's comments in the movie alluded to him not really being alive, as if his essence was trapped on a different plane and he needed either Rey to strike him down in anger, or he needed to draw life out of a force "dyad" as we saw toward the end. He was not really alive again until he had drawn the life from Rey and Kylo. He must have set up this arrangement using Plagueis' "unnatural" methods ahead of his death in RotJ.
W Sears That makes sense, palpatine kept his essence safe...until he could find a powerful source of force energy. Literally life force!
Makes sense
W Sears that’s what I figured. Palpatine used his training from Plagueis to prevent himself from truly dying. A sort of limbo state where he isn’t truly dead, but also not completely alive. The Dark side is a pathway to the unnatural after all.
@@azureheart2846 no, wormhole
palpatine put a ton of pillows down that hole to cushion his fall
No, he had a water bucket
He had his Disney Troopers...
He explode
Palpatine: I am all the sith
Rey: *I am... the senate*
Plot twist
I am the chosen one🙄
Silent Ninja Rey I am Padme and the senate and you have lost
Anakin Skywalker They totally messed up
Palpatine: Not Yet!
Rey: It’s treason, then.
The biggest question I have is, who clapped cheeks with ol' Palps?
maybe padme..?
and that’s why anakin basically killed him
He wouldn't have to. All he would have to do is arrange it via medi-chlorien
@@FourThousandAndFive but they wouldn't be biological family
@@thatboy6532 REY KISS HER UNCLE
The question no one is asking: WHO FRICKED PALPATINE
He could have fricked whoever he liked.
He had a hentai fetish so probably Abeloth
Ethan Champagne
Let’s assume it happened some time around the Phantom Menace when he wasn’t that old. The question is, how old were Rey’s parents when they gave birth to her?
I mean the man was the Senate. Who wouldn't want to smash
Spoiler: When Palpatine threw Kylo down the hole in ROS, surely he didn't actually think he'd die considering he literally taught Kylo how not to die from a fall....
NKBdude well I don’t think he expected him to still have enough life force to use the technique he showed him.
NKBdude Goooood NKBdude Gooood, kill him, kill him nowwww
@@JoeyArnold7 Yes, it really was that convoluted. Boy does Jar Jar Abrams suck at telling stories.
@@JoeyArnold7 it would be too nice if it would be true, and that would give an interesting dark tone to an otherwise too good - and copied - ending… is Disney relying (maybe too much) in side stories and that's not just a silly plot? I hope so, this movie is getting such interesting side hypothesis in front of the disappointment in itself, like it was for The Last Jedi
@@justaguy5266 how could it not be true, because Palpatine said it and Rey did it, period.
We just gonna ignore the fact that Sheev said “Dew it”?
Palpatine was creepy af in this movie lol, the intro scene was so freaky
TheCeilingFanCollectorHD he literally looked like something out of a horror movie, especially with all that stuff hooked up to him keeping him alive
I thought the beginning was the best part
chris it was pretty cool
The Real Chicken that’s because he’s a reanimated decomposing corpse for the majority of the movie until he leeches off of the other characters and restores himself fully.
What I dont get is why Palpatine looks like a corpse. When he was thrown down the shaft in Return of the Jedi he explodes into blue lightning/force energy. So his body is destroyed in the fall... So what body do we see in Rise of Skywalker? If its a new one why is it decomposed?
everyone:palpatines dead
palpatine: its treason then
Everyone: Palpatine is dead...
Disney: We need money...
@@SubjectZero05YT tell that to legends
@@superkamiguru5354 Tell that to me.
@@youraveragebarney6206 olright. Kylo loves you
@Combustible Dragon - since when were the Sequels about legends? I'd rather see legends be canon and made into a movie then this crappy trilogy...
I think Palpatine is not absolutely alive. I think he physically died but with the help of the dark side he transferred his ghost back to his body. It's like his ghost is inside his dead body! That's why he is so messed up!
Triphon Stoyanov :D The most likely idea is when he died, he transferred his essence into a clone of himself on Exogal (explaining his relatively young appearance. No wrinkles on his face like ROTJ.) The reason why his hands are so mangled and the lack of pronounced iris’ could be a result of using the dark side of the force for some time, posing as Snoke. The clone body most likely began decomposing (the hands and eyes most likely more since he was unable to stand before ) as a result of extensive dark side usage.
So can you explain how his body is still existing after the Death Star vaporized into atoms?
Chris Blaze did you not read my comment? I said he transferred his essence into a CLONE BODY. Lol
Chris Blaze and no, it didn’t vaporize into atoms, there were chunks of it on the one planet.
@@chrisblaze1484 There were giant pieces of the dead star so there is a good chance that Palpatine's body wasn't blown up
I can't believe Anakin only appeared as a force voice...
Mr. Anderson for real
@Mr. Anderson Yeah, I agree. I think he deserved more than that. I was good with most of the movie, but that part still bothers me.
Rick Sanchez you done that yourself
Wait wrong line 😂
Oh no! I lost my force ghost. Master obi-wan's gonna kill me.
I can believe it. Jar Jar Abrams sucks. What else could you expect from a no-talent hack like him?
Everyone: “How is Palpatine still alive?”
Palpatine: “Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”
Have you heard the tragedy of Rey Palpatine?
She could heal others wounds but not her own.
How the movie should have ended
"I’ve been waiting for you, Sidious. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the leaner; now I am the master"
Rey Palpatine was so bad at kissing that Ben Solo died.
Kiss of death
@@ZombolicBand It really was.
Ben died with a hard on
Dew It lol
Zombolic Music Productions Dark side kiss
We need a new animated series to correct this trilogy’s mistakes. Filoni get in here!
Rey feels like she is written like a video game or cartoon character anyway
I smell denial in these comment threads lol smh. I was depressed when I walked out of that theater. It was horrible
Easier to just uncanon this mess
@@MidratsSnack the hardcore fanboys on this channel will try to justify every stupid thing about the sequels, no matter how lore breaking and idiotic it is.
Hell yes. The clone wars cartoon added so much context to the prequels that when I went back and watched them again. Filoni would kill be amazing again
I feel like if JJ was in charge of all three films Palpatine wouldn’t have returned. After the mess that was the last Jedi, JJ has to go off next to nothing with Snoke being so lamely killed off and I’m pretty sure before the last Jedi came out JJ said “Snoke is his own thing” but then Ryan has to go kill him off leaving JJ with not a lot of options
If you go back to the first 2 movies, there’s no way in hell palpatine was envisioned to come in to the picture. Palpatine getting added was jj way of improvising and trying to fix last jedis mess
You are exactly right. Rian Johnson killed JJs villain; Snoke.
Snoke had the rings and he saw "the empire rise and fall" so I think palp's return was planned. But Rian probably killed him off earlier than it was initially planned by JJ. Same for Luke.
Nah apparently they planned on having him back all along. Plus they wouldn’t have a plot for the movie if he didn’t return
It was originally going to be Rey turning and Kylo and leia fight her but Carrie died so they had to go into a different direction
Make a video explaining who the people in the sith stadium was, i mean the dark looking people in the Big crowd chanting. And what they chanted?
I literally thought they were gathering for sith football match😀😁🤣
Probably just some force projection from good ol Palpatine himself
I think they were all clones of snoke
They were all ghosts of past Sith's (lords)
I particularly liked the “zombie-like” appearance of Palpatine, how he referenced the “unnatural” abilities of Dark Side Force powers, as he did in Episode III, and how he already “died”. It all clicks with his appearance. He’s also very disfigured and basically held up by an “arm” of sorts, so I think they did a pretty good job of portraying him as being “alive” but with extreme physical and non-physical assistance.
Dr. Mofongo plátano con salami
Guwoop 006 Y huevo con queso frito. Los tres golpes! Klk 😉
Snoke: I can't have you defeated by heights.
Anakin: *Intense vietnam flashbacks*
If you think about it palpatine is the villain in episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
He was snoke so yeah 7 and 8 aswell
He was, and look how trash and easily the let him be killed. Dude got 1 attack off and got Mace Windu’d again.
@@MrMcGlinchey As the pupepet master pulling the strings 😒
@the kookoo bird Technically he was cause he Made Snoke and controlled him. You need to understand .. he said to Ben ..I am all the voices you have ever heard in your head and one of the voices was that of Snoke .
yolomon but we don’t see him in in the flesh during episode 4, 7 and 8 (snoke is a puppet).
The way I see it he is dead and is essentially a Sith zombie. Reanimated by his technology powered by the dark side of the force. At the end you see him absorb Ben and Reys life force bringing him back to life.
That's what I thought too, that palps was like Darth Sion. Dead but feeding of his rage and the life of others.
@@karlfranzemperorofmandefil5547 sith Lords tend to have the ability to do not die when they are supposed to...either out of rage of pure will
That makes sense since Star Wars canon is always talking about Sith zombies.
And yet if that’s the case, how was he still so powerful to create something like Snoke, who was able to bridge minds across galaxies, and rag doll Kylo and Rey?
@@TTUploads have you watched the new movie? snoke was full of crap, he never bridged Rey and Kylo's minds, that connection was always there, dormant, until after TFA/start of TLJ
Mountain Dew: since the rise of skywalker just came out let’s collaborate with Star Wars.
Emperor Palpatine: DEW IT
*_This is outrageous, it's unfair!_*
Anakin Skywalker Thanks for your help in the battle.
@Anakain skywalker I know right this feels outrageous and unfair. But how are you still alive..?
Take a seat, young Skywalker 👉🏽
Anakin, you’re the Chosen one and when sh*t hits the fan, you don’t even show up..
Glad C3PO cleaned up the mess
In GLs vision the path to immortality lead through compassion, not greed. In the old EU Palpatine did "survive", by moving from one cloned body to another, but each and every clone would detriorate faster. If in the new canon the Sith can survive their own death and come back to life from the netherworld, this means you can never really destroy the Sith, and since only the good guys care for life as something unique and precius, but both sides can make you immortal, being on the Light side seems like a weakness! Also, we can never be certain as to the demise of a star Wars character again.
I think with all the lab equipment and the tenders and cultists, it's implied Palpatine wouldn't return on his own, he needs a living host and living helpers to return from the Netherworld. Lucas changes his mind a lot, he let Tom Veitch write Palpatine's return in Dark Empire 30 years ago.
He later decided behind the scenes for ROTS that Sith could not retain their identity after death, 14 years ago.
Then, in 2011, he initially wanted two ancient Sith Lord spirits guiding the Son in the Mortis Trilogy, before Filoni made him change his mind due to the implications. The episode where they would have appeared is even called Ghosts of Mortis.
Now, we're at the point where the Sith act like they do in TOTJ, they come back from the Netherworld of the Force, but the exact method isn't explained in the films. However, there is one Sith Lord who bound his soul to his helmet in the canon comics, Lord Momin and thus his consciousness survived in the physical realm. Back in TOTJ, this was the way the ancient Sith lived on in their tombs of Korriban/Moraband. Obviously, this is referenced in the TCW episode where Yoda travels there, interacts with undead Sith specters and rebukes them.
How any of this lines up with George Lucas's view of the Force, is up in the air. Much like how his own ideas are a bit up in the air from year to year. Though as a fan of ancient tales and myths, there are plenty of mythologies that have evil spirits, so SW wouldn't be transgressing most folklore which inspired parts of it to begin with.
I'm sorry but according to KK and Disney there is. O source material to draw from because the EU does not exist. It is just sloppy writing Jar Jar Ruin Johnson destroyed everything that GL created and that is why we are fans of this universe. In less than five years Disney has managed to split the fan base apart and take the most legendary and profitable IP and completely killed it. Just my opinion along with the majority of the people who actually saw the original trilogy in the theaters
@@JoeyArnold7 Palphole? Sounds like we just coined an in-universe term for the New Star wars canon. For example: 'Shut your palphole!' ;)
...not if their guaranteed to make money 😏
@CommonSense8102 Worm Hole He Created
But is Palpatine, Palpatine? Or is he an Ancient Sith that has body hopped for centuries?
Funny enough, there was a theory that the Rule of Two was just Darth Bane's way of becoming immortal thanks to force transfer.
He was definitely born sheev palpatine but the other guy mentioned a pretty good idea.
He survived because he has
I wanted him to scream that when he shot lightning upwards
Dew it
It wasn't the high ground?
Well that explains seizure planet
Imma miss, anakin and palpatine 2 of my favorites of in the movies atleast
I’m glad we got to see Endor We get to see what return of the Jedi would’ve looked like if it was made now
Tim Mann i know that just like yavin but people don’t realise that so and can’t be bothered to write it right
He survived only to get killed by ridiculous scavenger girl
Did you not watch the movie? It was his granddaughter, or were you just not listening?
@@BraydenGlascockMedia nobody cares, it's even dumber
Mary sue lame woman can't be nearly as powerful as luke she is ridiculous then it's impossible. She always had the palpatine idea strapped to you it was so obvious idiot.
Brayden Glascock Media no she's a skywalker DUUU DUUU DUUU DUU DUUU DU DU DU DUUUUUUUU
Sidious was all the Sith so he had Plagueis as a part of him.
He said he died, he's obviously just clinging onto his corpse, it's not a new body, it's not a failed one. Same body just dead.
Kinda like darth nihilus's spirit being one with his mask and cloak, but instead palpatine doing it with his body when pairing this magic with essence transfer which implies it is even more like darth sion.
@@Charlo420 Facts this way does make the most sense, cause even though NORMAL cloning is equally as likely it makes some plot holes which is why this is da way XD.
Completely agree with this, that is like a zombie Palpatine until the moment he absorbs the energy of Ren and Rey, then his body is officialy alive again as we see his hands being regenerated and his eyes going from death to the sith yellow color.
This seems like the best answer. He did die, but his force essence is literally holding on and keeping his body from decaying. It explains why he needs that mechanism to more easily move his body around and why his body is so mutilated. He had enough power to stop from crossing over but not enough to heal himself, much like Vader was able to stay alive but not heal himself. And Maul in cannon being able to keep himself alive after being cut in half.
@@shadow15kryans23 he's not cloned
When he says " just shows how force users can survive massive falls" wonder how that worked out for mace windu 🤣
He was electrocuted in pain and shock if u know what I mean
No matter what Disney says you’ll never convince me that Palpatine survived that.
But Grievous who is a non force user can survive exploding in a ship while in space? Granted he's a cyborg after that but palpatine couldn't even move until later on.
@Grimm Reaper he wasn’t in an exploding ship. And yes he’s a cyborg
Megan Brown That makes no sense. He would be paralyzed anyways. They need to leave him dead it obviously a cash grab on nostalgia.
Palpatine didn't survive. Even Jar Jar Abrams knew that the idea was so utterly absurd that he didn't even try to explain it in the movie.
ZeusAllPowerful Exactly
In legends, some ancient Sith “survived” their deaths by possessing objects.
I think that’s what Sidious did. Anakin killed him by throwing him down that shaft (and into the exploding reactor), but Sidious’s spirit refused to die and he possessed his own dead body. He certainly looked like a rotting corpse. If he survived by possessing his own corpse, then it would make sense that destroying the corpse (his lightning vapourises it) would destroy his spirit as well.
So technically, Anakin still killed him. Rey just burnt the body.
How the he did his corpse remain intact after being thrown down the shaft and the death star exploding?
@@jackieliu8306 Well a huge chunk of the Deathstar itself managed to survive the explosion… and entering the atmosphere… and the impact with the planet’s/moon’s surface. So clearly it was quite sturdy, maybe the shaft didn’t go directly into the reactor and while still fatal, his body was protected from the explosion? Maybe Sidious made himself a cocoon of force energy… there are options.
Plot Twist: The Emperor was never on the Second Death Star. He was a force astral projection like Luke in Last Jedi.
Possible. But what if he created a force-portal or smth like that so he was teleported to that planet or to a ship? And then, as far as we know, strong Sith can put their souls into things , so he could possibly put his soul into his own dead body so that's why he looks dead:)
Except that you can’t touch an astral projection. Vader picks Palp up and chucks him off a cliff.
They can also explain it to us in The Mandalorian .
JCbklyn707 no he said he died so he died
JCbklyn707 nope he did in fact die in the Death Star II. His corpse was transferred to Exogol (which is full of sith spirits, including that of Palpatine) who then reanimated it to an extent. But needed to be connected to a machine in order to keep the body from decomposing any further.
I stll feel Plagueis “The Wise” could’ve been the ultimate baddie in the skywalker saga. He was introduced in episode three. and anticipated Palpatine’s betrayal.
FJ Ramos Art Last Jedi messed up the whole thing
FJ Ramos Art 💯 I thought that’s how it would have gone down!
Palpatine killed plagueis..
Some theory say Darth plagueis is A Jar Jar Bink
@@robertconover7178 That's not true. Apparently, it's impossible to actually die in Star Wars. If the Emperor survived the destruction of the 2nd Death Star, then Rey killing him The Rise of Palpatine's Random Granddaughter would be so easy for him to come back from.
So anybody gonna say that MOTHERF*CKING Mace Windu survived his fall in Episode 3?! I've never accepted that he died, he's survived very high falls in the Clone Wars TV show.
I heard or read somewhere that they are thinking of bringing Mace Windu back for his own TV show, which would mean he survived the fall.
J&N Gaming and More! But we're talking about Mace motherf*cking Windu. He ain't your average Jedi and he had Sidious defeated if not for Anakin being a b*tch and betraying him. Mace and Yoda were the strongest Jedi of all time, I think he survived.
Ryan Rozario you can fall for hours on Coruscant. He had plenty of time to come back conscious and catch himself with the force And I don't think he needs both arms to catch himself! He could've landed on a speeder like Anakin did in Episode II
BattleDash that's Bc mace Windu was 53 yrs old in 19 BBY the fall of the republic. He would've been over 100 yrs old in the new trilogy ever thought of that? Yes that's why he's dead. He could've survived about 20 yrs after ROTS tho I think.
Mace surviving his fall makes more sense than Palpatine surviving being thrown into a damn nuclear reactor and surviving, smh
Palpatine: I am ALL of the Sith!
Rey: And I.. am... *Iron Man*
Paplatine survived because he wanted to tell rey the tragedy of darth sidious the senate
billy b indeed
If we look at your first theory (snoke is palpatine) you say that plagueis might have the ability to attatch to other beings.
Lets say that he attatched to palpatine when he killed him, this would mean that palpatine is plagueis. And was so obsessed with anakin becouse he was the perfect host to attach to.
And after episode 6 when luke (maybe) learned that palpatine was alive, looked into imortality and then learned about plagueis. And then he figured that the only way to become imortal, would be to attatch to other beings. And then he understood that palpatine must have been plagueis all along. And that if he got luke as a host, all hope would be gone for the resistance. And becouse of that he went into hiding knowing he couldnt let plagueis get him.
Could this be a theory?
Mr. Tobjohn
I would say a very creative theory to try and make sense of poor storytelling by Disney. You can make creative pieces work, but I seriously doubt Disney is as creative as you or other fans of SW.
This makes sense i’d buy it
It does make sense because palpating said himself that he was going to transfer I to Rey. And that all the Sith were living inside him.
Yes but Luke should have found a way to destroy the spirit of Plagueis, Palpatine, and/or etc, etc.
@@dallinhansen1355 Exactly! "I am ALL of the siths!" And that he wanted her to slash him down, so that he would take over her
We should definitely get a Palpatine movie, that would be awesome.
It’s so stupid that Star Wars Theory has to explain how the emperor survived rather than the damn movie
plot twist: they're making more star wars movies and the palatine in the rise of skywalker was a clone all along
Dude....he WAS a clone! They said that!
I saw the movie the other day and the answer to how palpatine survived is, he didn't, he did die but by using the dark side of the force, he came back, in a rather crippled manor, btw, Rey Palpatine.
I'm pretty sure he died and put his soul into his corpse which will explain why no one bothered to clean him. And what do you mean by BTW rey palpatine.
He didn't survive, his body was recovered by his sith servants and using the dark side and tech they brought him back
Yes, it was destroyed in return of the Jedi so it wouldn’t make sense.
@@ashtonbyrd3686 exactly. They killed Snoke in _The Last Jedi_ for no good reason, so they had to use the only evil Force user they could think of.
The death star exploded then crashed into a planet. A ship that can blow up planets, itself exploded, thats probably like several thousand nuclear bombs blowing up, then the remains falling into a planet. You would be lucky if a few dead cells survived, but his whole body surviving? Impossible
You can't "recover" something that was obliterated to smithereens. 🙄
Dethflash Even through I don’t think it’s probable. It should have taken a fair amount time for an exhausted Luke to carry Vader to the next hangar in a battlestation that’s bigger than most moons. There should have been enough time for someone to recover Sidious or his remains and carry them to the next ship. An old man is much lighter than someone who consists mostly out of metal.
So Luke tells Palpatine his overconfidence is his greatest weakness, and he learns nothing from it!
@Joseph Sciberras Maybe it was a part of ALL sith except Dooku, since he was very different obviously. Even if it was part of being a Sith lord, does it really have to be mandatory? I mean, Palpatine should know his weakness by now. Palpatine can manipulate everyone and pull an entire fleet out of his ass but can't listen to simple advice!
I can never have enough of Palpatine. Wouldn’t mind if he shows up again.
Rey probably learned the force heal from the books
but baby yoda does it in mandalorian
@@kar2424 Yes but every "Yoda" species has been extremely powerful Force-users so far, and baby Yoda is around fifty, so it's not impossible for him to learn it by himself.
i feel that the heal wasn’t something the jedi would teach but back around their founding they would, over time they realized it was unnatural and went against their rules of attachment. but the knowledge of suck power would be in the original jedi texts, where rey would learn it over the time between last jedi and rise of skywalker.
Unrelated note: I just realized if Ashoka was one of the voices of Jedi past, she died as of the sequels😲
Uchenna Okorie
So was Ezra.
Probably from old age
Considering Luke & Leia were dead at this point, it isn't that shocking.
JJ found him at the bottom of the shaft and stuck him in a mystery box for safe keeping to later be used as a convenient plot device.
@Finely Frost After... He lost those fingers somehow.
What actually happened is that Kylo just had a whole bunch of bubble wrap
He survived cuz he’s the senate
He survived because Disney wanted more Disney Dollars
How did this get so many likes???!!!😂
Palpatine definitely died and, yes, he says it. Further proof is that you can see his fingers were split apart and then they heal later on in the film. Plus he just looks like a talking corpse. I think the film makes it very clear that it's Palpatine's dead body that has been reanimated by his spirit like a zombie. It isn't until he sucks the life force from Rey and Ben that he then grows his fingers back and heals his body. And his white, milky, dead eyes turn red again. Initially, he was looking for a new host (Rey), but when he saw he could bring back life to his own body, he changed his plan.
If Anakin instead of Han would have spoken to Kylo to turn him to the light this movie would have been awesome, this is my biggest regret
the SENATE is back
For a little bit until his grandaughter completely annihilated him all by herself like he was nothing even though he was extremely OP a few seconds earlier where he literally wiped out an entire fleet and basically had more power than Zeus himself
@@DeathStalker yep
@@DeathStalker mmmh not by herself, with all the Jedi. Sad they didn't show as ghosts, by they manifested anyway as voices
@@Fiolaro She heard voices in her head and became god, amazing. Especially for the final movie of the biggest Saga in movie history
They should declare last 2 movies non canon.
As always, wonderful video!
I actually think Sidious did a Darth Sion. He fell down the shaft, protect himself with the force to get out and to protect his body from the total destruction. He died but didn't leave his body.
Well, that could have actually make sense...
I think the tv shows on Disney Plus is a good idea because Disney has trouble with looking at a more complex wholistic universe for Star Wars canon. This especially due to them disregarding Legends in many aspects. I think the drawn-out detailed nature of having a full long TV show will force more intriguing narratives from them and increase the amount of lore they will make canon from Legends
Also tv series through subscription is much more profitable than full blow films are . More money means they're more likely to make more star wars.
There’s been many EU things made Canon in this movie 🎥 though
KRYMauL yeah there’s references to old Sith that also show Force possession they also have Sith loyalists and they also have Sith languages now!!
"I'll try spinning that's a good trick!" - after he falls on the death star shaft.
He’s not alive alive he is like attached to a machine
He got out after he sucked the life outta Rey and Kylo
Jerry Gil oh yeah lol this guy doesn’t die damn it 😂
@@jerrygil1965 there for he WASNT alive alive
The only good part of the rise of palpatine (Skywalker) lets be honest its dumb she gave herself the name Skywalker im sorry empress you're not a Skywalker but the only good part was when palpatine was winning and destroying the whole fleet with all the power of the sith
as we are
I think palpatine sensed snoke in the unknown regions. Maybe smoke was an ancient jedi and was still good. But palpatine wanted to control him. So he captured and cloned him. The clone is the snoke we see. The real him is dead.
Jackattack809 or snoke was a remnant of the original sith species
@@davionarchie807 the original sith species looks completely different
Da'Vion Archie Snoke himself said he wasn’t a Sith but
@@cadkls In the old EU, yes. But since didney killed that off, it could be different
heatmaster28 exactly
So in the end. The entire OT was meaningless. The New Republic was destroyed by the Empire 2.0, The jedi never returned. And Anakin/Luke the chosen one didn't even kill Palpatine. It all seems so pointless now.
I envy you the way you retain hope that there is a real real reason for palpatine to be back in Disney canon
It's called money.
Lol hes digging deep. I can see the hope for star wars dying in his eyes though.
Let’s be honest palpatine has been the main villain for the entire saga it makes sense he would be the main villain once more.
@@casey-capri2914 Star Wars, it's essentials, it all lives not thanks to Disney. It lives thanks to people like StarWars Theory. Now we can support him so that he can once again show Disney how a true SW story should be made with his Vader ep.2.
G B the thing is that Disney decided to make all that LEGENDS stuff non canon talking about how they were starting a new and all that shit but when they get desperate they start digging into LEGENDS material hoping we didn't notice to try to save there asses
George Lucas said in a post Disney interview that Palpatine was definitively dead. Bringing him back was not only desperate, but also went against George Lucas's wishes.
Like in Legends.
My theory is that he got thrown down, and he hit, but was barely breathing and some acolytes got him out before the death star blew up. And for those 30 years they nursed him back to where he could talk and move a bit. He was basically on life support lol. It's definitely possible, because keep in mind anakin got chopped in half and burned a bit, and he survived.
If he already knows how to
clone/transfer himself he could easily do it again and again!
From where do we know that he hasn’t planned this. Some would say that you can see him clearly die in the end but didn’t he also clearly die from Vader too ?
This is too much for my brain!
It doesn't make sense to you because it really doesn't make any sense. That's why Jar Jar Abrams didn't even attempt to explain it. The entire concept of it was just too absurd & he knew that whatever he said would be mocked. So, Jar Jar just decided to drop any explanations of Palpatine's survival from the movie & just used the "Move along; Nothing to see here" method to try to change the subject. Why else do you think that the pace of "The Rise of Palpatine's Random Granddaughter" was so quick? Jar Jar was afraid that if he slowed the film down at all, it would give people time to ask themselves: What the F was actually going on in the film?
ZeusAllPowerful yes it was too complex, but I really liked the force connection between Kylo and Rey, wish they had used it too kill Palpetine. That would have been a better ending.
@@prodbyediz1119 I agree with that. And I also believe that this movie was better than the complete garbage The Force Forgot to Awaken.
He was expecting something like that even if he wasn't ready. Anyway it wasn't going to be eternal
ZeusAllPowerful In all fairness to JJ, Rian Johnson took his work from The Force Awakens and took a shit on it. He killed off Snoke, made Luke a terrible character (even Mark Hamill himself, who played Luke, complained) Sure JJ could’ve brought a new villain in, but this is the last of the sequel trilogy, he needed to put in a villain who has some form of connection, and that isn’t Kylo, since we saw his redemption coming for a while now. So blame Rian Johnson for this one, I still find ROS a good film and praise JJ for fixing the story as much as he could, despite the failures that Rian Johnson made in TLJ
Isn't it obvious? Palpatine's Last Moments from Robot Chicken is clearly Canon.
"You know, looking back it all makes sense. Dream big, live big, love big... fall to your death down a giant f***ing hole. Now I know, which is exactly 0% of the battle apparently."
@Brody Smith yeah, some of the parodies that are Canon are:
Yarrel Poof part 1 - 3
My Face Is On Fire (which also links to episode 9... "If you had made your mind up 5 seconds earlier, we could have ruled the galaxy and maybe I could have gotten laid one more time before I died.")
The Emperor's Phone Call
Palpatine's Last Moments
In one of the Clone Wars episodes, Anakin and Ahsoka (I think it was) were jumping off cliffs and stuff and using force push to stop them from going splat so it has definitely been covered in Canon before, problem is not everyone watches the other shows or the plays the games, reads the books, etc. So good on you for getting these things out there :) Keep up the good work
Here’s my theory....palpatine truly died but some dark side users found his corpse and took it to exagol and used the machine to slowly bring him back to life
Mr. Rhenium Megatron style
Mr. Rhenium His body was completely destroyed though when he was thrown down the shaft.
Ben Kirkey yes, and he turned into a glowing blueish light sort of like the Jedi that become force ghosts. Not sure yet how he did it but I'm guessing essence transfer into a clone that rapidly decayed due to the corruption of the darkside on the body. Which is why he was so frail and had to use snoke as a puppet dictator so he could find a new body which ended up being Rey.
Mr. Rhenium like Zog the Eternal?
Guys I have a theory Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker :0
That can't be possible. Rey Skywalker is the Chosen One. ;)
Wai wha!?!? This can't be true!
Search your feelings, you know it's true
Hes not, there two different people, they just share the same body
Simplesean it’s a joke
This is how he survived: Ryan Johnson killed Snoke off even though he probably was supposed to the villain of episode VIII so he brought Palpatine back
What was the huge energy burst that came from the pit in rotj?
Supposedly when a Sith dies the Dark Side energy escapes from their body and the result is an... Explosion. Maybe it was palpy's essence escaping from his body to transfer to a clone before he died?
its a wormhole transporting him to exogol which in the process kills him due to the immesne energy it requires
Luka Mair not a bad theory there.
I always thought he fell into the reactor and got vaporized, and then the Death Star exploded as well
Alex M nah, the fall would take ages, the thing was huge.
My theory is that the palpatine we see for most of ros is palpatines hate, he is dead but he holds on to that hate and that’s the bit of him that’s alive.but when he takes the life force out of kylo and Ray he is getting his life back from Rey which is stored in her, possibly why he wanted her all those years ago ( and the life is in her because he’s her grandfather).So the life is being put into him to make him a person again. He did technically die but he is a bridge of alive and force ghost because he can cheat death. And he wants Ray to kill him because the hate that he holds is transferred through the hate that killed him.
I mean if Darth Maul could pull it off, then I'm certain a far more powerful Sith like Sidious can do it in even the most extreme deaths
Here is a shorter and easier explenation. He died in ROTJ and Disney just pulled him straight out of their ass for this movie since Ryan Johnson idiotically killed of Snoke in TLJ. Mystery solved.
@@carljohan9265 Thank you
I like the idea, and it makes some sense out of what we got, but i think @CarlJohan is right about Disney pulling it out their asses lol.
Snoke should have been Palgeius. Yes it may have been predictable and obvious to core fans, but bringing in Plageius would have opened us so much more stories to explore with future films that would have expanded Star Wars cannon rather then destroy it.
@@TheSugoiShawnicles there's a difference. The place where maul was didn't explode unlike Death Star II did
Now there's a Romantic horror movie concept right there, The Nun and Palpatine
“Oh man look Palps could have survived a fall”
I mean rookie Ahsoka can do that.
Here’s a better question, how did he survive *EXPLODING*. Which the script confirms he did.
I give Theory’s denial a week. You can see it wearing him down video by video.
He exploded into blue raspberry kool aid mist in the dsII reactor which as you know is tne weakest of kool aid flavors therefore he only died a little
He's like the god emperor from 40k, a slowly decomposing corpse tied to a machine that keeps his cells alive just enough to link his spirit to his body.
He said that *i have died before* Soo he was revived ? Maybe by ancient Sith ? That may explain way he said *i am all Sith* maybe his body arrived dead on exegul and the ancient Sith took control of it and sidious took control of it !!?! Maybe
It has nothing to do with a logical explanation cause he said that’s the dark side of the force is a pathway with many abilities *unnaturel*!
Nope Palpatine made worm hole and that really killed him but in that same time all The sith tranfered to palpatines body so he can survive that
Devor Vonti well by survive u mean he’s still dead right? cuz in the movie he was dead
Nick Sanchez by survive he meant Death Star 2 fall he died for4 in the end of movie
But I don’t even know how!? Cause he said I died before
Someone found his died or dying body on the walkway on a lower level and they dragged him out before the Death Star exploded the same way that Luke did with his father.
Palpatine’s body died, but they kept it on life support to slow the decay and save is consciousness.
Like with the other Sith, due to Palpatine ego and that he was the only true Sith around, he believed himself to be “all Sith.”
Because..Reasons ⚡👊👍
I can't help but think how this may have been at the expense of a more interesting backstory for Snoke. But then again the "I have been every voice in your head" sold it to me.
I believe we will learn more about how Palps lived in a novel or possible clues from the Mandalorian. That being said, I think it had to do with transferring his force essence into a clone of himself. The Emperor either allowed himself to die on the 2nd Death Star or was legit killed by Vader and then transferred his essence to a series of clones that he had on Exogal. One of those clones is what we saw in the movie and that shell of a clone is easily corrupted by the Emperor's dark side powers which decays it rapidly. Hence, unable to now walk, fingers falling off, decaying, etc. He likely had more clones of himself and used Snoke clones to get close to others by transferring his essence into this shell and back to his main Palpatine shell as needed. It would be interesting to see if Snoke was actually a force user alien in the outer regions that Palpatine corrupted, eventually killed him, and then used his body to clone other Snoke shells to be used at will. Perhaps that alien species was able to withstand dark side corruption longer hence a good shell to be used.
FallenSun Yeah, pretty much the Emperor’s master taught him how to cheat death. So that’s one of the reasons in the comic that Snoke told kylo how to stop himself from splatting on the ground. It makes sense. And how Palpatine had so much power to do what he did over the course of 40 years most likely.
FallenSun snoke could be a member of the original sith race
@@davionarchie807 Very true, good point there. Would be interesting to see if that race was part of them.
Da'Vion Archie In a way, yes. Because palpatine created snoke in a sith power way.
I wish they brought back Anakin to kill palpatine and finish the movie with who it started
I wanted that to happen when the life was sucked out of kylo/rey
@@WarSeether YES! That would've been awesome.
They were going to. Hayden Christiansen even filmed two scenes where Anakin’s force ghost shows up. One was to give Rey a speech about what he’s been through and how to defeat palpatine. The second one is where he puts his hand on rey’s shoulder during the final fight and transfer power to Rey giving her the ability to kill palpatine. Disney forced all of this to be cut. Hayden was very pissed off
@ECG_yt Yeah, I do, too. Both because it was Anakin's life that was ruined and to show Kylo that he was misguided in his thinking about "Grandfather". Imo, they should've just ended after 6 films because everything was resolved nicely at that point. However, I was surprisingly okay with how they explained the past events and how most things played out. I wish we'd gotten more than just Anakin's voice, and I feel bad for Hayden, he's got to be disappointed. But I liked it much more than I thought I would after reading the leaks. I'm glad I saw it and I feel like I got closure.
DW Zenix look up mike zeroh
He survived - he had a way finder in the Death Star. He had a way and place to escape, get medical attention. He obviously had a backup plan.
But it still destroys Anakins legacy
@@SpaceDT no it doesn't his legacy is his family and his legacys a lot better if the story doesn't end in this guy yeeted the biggest down a hole and he died.
*spoiler* Daisy Ridley once said in an interview after The Force Awakens that it was obvious who her parents were in the movie. But then when she started to chat with her friends she realised that in the viewers minds it actually wasn’t that obvious. Can you do a video about all the hints in TFA about Rey being a Palpatine
Selim Topal probably originally obi wan seeing as how he spoke to her originally in force awakens...
I bet anything that Rey was meant to be a Kenobi but The Last Jedi changed that
There was not a plan, so at the time of tfa they did not know palpatine was gonna come back
I believe that Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker was a clone. He used some advance cloning process that only he knows how to use to make Snoke and he probably knew that Vader would turn on him, resulting in him dying, so he also made a clone of himself. It wouldn't have made sense for him to say that he died before if he survived. When everyone thought they were truly at peace, he was still pulling the strings.
@Brody Smith So he can die and just come back because he's Palpatine?
@Brody Smith why was his face not nearly as scarred as in Return of the jedi then?
@@stanley7223 same reason yoda looks way different than in return of the jedi
If Palpatine is indeed a clone body, then why choose a wrinkled up, badly damaged old man for his body? Thats just stupid.
@@vashythewabbit8288 To make it seem like it's really him but not really. I don't know
Do yall remember how Palps said
"DEWWIT" in the rise of skywalker
Didn’t Palpatine sense snoke in the unknown regions in one of the comics?
Maybe it wasn't Snoke at all....(The books only mention some kinda voice calling him from the unknown regions...
Captain Coolz, yeah I agree lol apparently snoke was alive during the rise of the empire.
Maybe that thing he sensed was actually Exigol, and that's why he traveled there, to rebuild the Sith Empire?
Maybe he sensed the
Snoke that he did not create.
Drake LXIX , I’m thinking it was the sixth work execul where we say those legions of sith cultists
We would be honored, if you would join us.
Palpatine was an absolute machine in this film, he crippled a fleet of thousands of ships.
He clearly died on the Death Star, and his cult probably pieced him back together from his corpse, and his spirit kept him alive, though imperfectly.
Also he was gunna so possess Rey when he tried to trick her into killing him.
He didn't survive. George Lucas himself said the Emperor is dead
People make up so many excuses to try to like this movie, its just funny at this point
@@user-oo3oi9ki2j It was pretty enjoyable and cleaned up after TLJ
@@aarondowd7346 Agreed.
@@aarondowd7346 lol
@@user-oo3oi9ki2j Oh so we simply can't like movies now without making up "excuses"?
Palpatine said to Rey if she lilled him he would go into her amd become one w her. His spirit be pne w her. Puppet Master Palpatine could be dormant in Rey
Does this mean that he's practically immortal and will haunt the galaxy forever as the main antagonist of the Skywalker saga?
As long as they continue the Skywalker saga again I'm all for it XD
@@gibraillagneau1302 i believe they will reveal the puppet master as the son of mortis. It will link the story of mortis more. The son is tp pf what was made the sith stronger. I think the son became one w the individual amd confined all the sith souls into one which is the shadow. Palpatine also is in their
rey technically didn’t kill palpatine, she just blocked his attack so much that palpatine killed himself
@@blurdavis3601 Doesn't mean he can't still transfer his spirit into her. Doesn't matter how he dies lol the force doesn't care about symbolism.
cadkls no because she wasn’t trying to kill him with hate. she was just facing him trying to kill her. complete acceptance and standing for what she is
Snoke doesn’t want Kylo to be beat by “I have the High-ground”
THEORY: Palpatine dies but the dark side and rage prevents his body from getting completely destroyed. (Same reason Maul survived getting cut in half and Anakin getting burnt alive). His troops recover his body and start looking for ways to revive him. Now either he is barely alive or has transferred his consciousness somewhere else. Either way they need to study and use the force to revive him. That's where Baby Yoda comes along. Or maybe they succeed in keeping him alive regardless, but now he needs a way of fully coming back. Maybe cloning has something to do with it...
Good theory, this is a universe where being very angry allowed Anakin to survive what should have killed him. Not too far fetched to think Palpatine used the knowledge of the Sith to cheat death unlike his master before him. It fits well since that is how he got Anakin to turn to the dark side, cheating death
Darth Sion was technically dead but didn't die
You guys are literally idiotic in your explanations for this garbage movie. Yo, THE DEATH STAR WAS FXCKING VAPORISED IN EPISODE 6. I don't care how much rage Palpatine had in him, heck! He might even be able to survive for like a week in the deep space but bro, nobody was going to rescue a BODY when there was nothing there anymore after the implosion. Like there was nothing to gather, the death star was turned into god damn space dust. It is like in Episode 4, would you go looking for survivors of the Alderaan explosion? No, of course not, how could you? It's gone. There would be no point for anyone to go looking for survivors of something that literally turned the station into space dust, what are you talking about?
Whatever it is, after seeing the movie, I think Palpatine had planned to use baby Yoda to restore himself the way he did with Kylo and Rey
@@DravicPL exactly excuses and excuses
The question shouldn't be HOW but WHY does Palpatine want to stay alive? Because if Luke was being unLuke in TLJ which killed that film, why is Palpatine waiting for his granddaughter to kill him after 30 years? 🤣
213 that’s what im sayin
He didnt want her to kill him. He was stalling for kylo to get there. Kylo and Rey's bond is a once in generations thing. He needed both of them to consume their esscnece. The whole "empress palpatine" thing was a ploy.
213 that he adopted or whatever
allenc1091 Dark Rey
@@allenc1091 this! Palpatine is the master mind and even fools the audience I see :D
Fun fact: When we see Palpatine and Rey together in the throne room, and they 're flanked by what appear to Royal Guards; they are actually confirmed to be Sovereign Protectors, which is pretty interesting all things considered.
The question really is: Who did Papa Palpatine bang to get a son?
They could have been conceived by the force
I could be wrong man but that's what I am thinking
@@williamlogan3628 yeah thats what I thought but how did Palpatine create a son thta went against him?
Who knows
Kathleen Kennedy