  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @thebedhead
    @thebedhead  4 года назад +2

    We’re all in this together and even though I don’t know where my journey is going to go from here, I’m going to keep trying. For you. For your sister. For your brother. For your friends. For me. I’m going to do this the healthy way because I owe it to myself. It’s time to break the cycle. 🤍

    • @Marlenn18
      @Marlenn18 4 года назад +1

      Although it may feel like what your feeling is not normal just know you’re not alone in those feelings.. we all have different goals but what matters is that even at our worst we still keep working towards them❤️

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад +1

      Thank you Marlenn. I think sometimes I get so caught up in reminding people that they're not alone, that I forget to tell myself the same thing. I'm always here if you need anything

  • @seleneperez4777
    @seleneperez4777 4 года назад +1

    Progress isn't linear. You'll have days where you wake up and you'll feel like everything is wrong and sadly for us who struggle with mental health that won't ever go away. I hope that on the days that you wake up and feel like the world is against you you can remember that it's all in your head. That the progress you have made doesn't go away or disappear because your brain is trying to play tricks on you. I hope you can interrupt your thoughts and remember that one bad day or one bad week won't set you back from all the work that you have put into yourself. You are such a genuine beacon of light for so many people around you. All of the content you have ever put out has always been positive and empowering. You have come such a long way from where you were and I hope on days like these you can remember that. Thank you for being strong enough be this open with the world. I LOVE YOU

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад

      I've been trying so hard not to cry while reading all these comments and of course you had to come in and shoot me right in the heart haha I love you too. This is such a beautiful message and I wish I could just print this out, along with the other ones to remind me to keep pushing forward. Thank you!!!

  • @Britsbook
    @Britsbook 4 года назад +1

    Girl, I love you. And your hubby is right. You don't owe anyone anything at all. It breaks my heart that you feel you have to apologize to us. I don't think you've been stringing us along. You are always so genuine and sincere and struggling doesn't change that or make you any less so. What I want is for you to be healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. In that order. It doesn't matter how quickly or slowly it happens or if you're 25 or 35 or married or have kids. There's no expiration on self care. I am 29, I have a baby, I'm "supposed" to have it together. Those ducks that are supposed to be in a row? They are quacking manically, flapping their wings and zig zagging all over my life. And earlier this week I put my kiddo to bed and I sat down and cried because I was so overwhelmed and disappointed in myself. And while I'd like for that to be the last time it happens, I know it won't be. And that's okay.
    I agree with Ricardo also that any progress is still progress. And I think anxiety/depression is one of those things that you never truly "cure" or get rid of. It's buried in our bones and so yeah, some days you may not want to get out of bed. But some days, is an improvement from everyday.
    It's okay to be lost, or confused. It's okay to take time to take care of you FOR YOU. You don't have to do it for anyone else or because you feel like you have to live up to anyone's expectations. No one has it together all of the time.
    I'm sorry - I feel like my thoughts are all over the place.
    We are all in this together, yes. Find the way that is healthiest for you and do it. Do it for you first. Then everyone else. I am always here, any time for anything.
    You are beautiful, magical, inspiring, and lovely. Outside, inside... all the sides! Sorry for the novel of a comment lol

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад

      I love you too! "There's no expiration on self care" that hit me hard. I don't know why I've created this head space for myself but I think recognizing that it's not healthy is a big step. I'm sorry about what happened earlier this week. I wish I could've been there for you. Don't forget I'm always here! Don't apologize for the novel, I always appreciate you taking time out of your day just to show me some support. If it wasn't for people like you, I wouldn't have had the courage to do what I did today.

  • @isamaracosta8985
    @isamaracosta8985 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for posting this! It was very well Said. I feel like I can relate to a lot of what you’ve described in this video with my own health journey. Ever since I had Ella it has been really hard to try and get back to what I used to feel like and how things used to work out for me especially with my mental health and body weight. I feel like I try really hard to a point where I think I mix up my priorities as a mother. Anyway I don’t think you should apologize for any of that. Like I said in your last video “it’s all about your health journey” which has many ups and downs and realizations and sometimes your doing great and sometimes you stay in the same place for awhile. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t on that same journey. We are all just learning along with you. Like you said in the video, “we are all in this together.” Just think of all the people who are going through the same thing and how many eyes you have opened. How many people might feel comfort in knowing that someone they watch are going through the same thing and how you might’ve helped them in some way. ☺️💕 Im proud of you friend great video!👌🏼

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад

      Hey Isa I really can't believe that you're saying this is really well said because I feel like this video was all over the place. You're an amazing mama and just like these other wonderful women and men are telling me, you're only human, you can't be perfect at everything. Yeah I think I really had to let yesterday sink in because it really did remind me how much other people are going through the same thing. It's sad and it hurts to know that there are people who can relate but I hope I've made an impact to where we all know we're in this together. Thank you for your support Isa

  • @cynthiahernandez6806
    @cynthiahernandez6806 4 года назад +1

    Love this video! It’s soooo real! Thank you! And I think one way of looking at life right now is being lost is where you are meant to be. Being lost is what will get to your new journey! Some of us need to be lost to be found! I can tell you that 100%. I’ve been on so many different journeys in my life and maybe even different ones at once. Just remember your goal! Some days it feels like it will take longer or like you will never get there but some days you might even be closer than you ever thought! In my personal experience I’m usually a super positive happy person but no one sees the real struggle! I have those days where I just want to hide under my blanket, yell, cry, be cranky, and sleep all day! Some I get so much done, be strong and just smile for my kids and husband. I know my way of thinking may not fit the way you think, but every little action takes you somewhere, I take it like I’m a leaf, sometimes I can control where I’ll be landing and sometimes I won’t. But I know what I can and should control can help me. I don’t know if that even made sense lol but I’m just grateful you share your life and journeys with us. It’s very real and raw!!! Love you and your journey! It’s one of a kind & unique to you! ❤️ no one can ever take that from you! I can even totally see you writing a book one day!!

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад +1

      OMG THIS IS SO SWEET. I used to write a lot when I was younger, and just recently (for the new series) started to write again. Maybe one day that'll be something I can look into. As far as the rest of your comment goes. YES. it totally makes sense. My FAVORITE part was the leaf part. I just think that that is beautifully put and I'm going to remember that forever. I'm just trying to remember to extend grace to myself like I do with other people. There's definitely a huge learning curve, considering that I am 1000% my own worst critic but that doesn't mean that I can't keep trying. I love you too! and thank you for your support and for taking the time to watch, and then comment such a beautiful message ♥

    • @cynthiahernandez6806
      @cynthiahernandez6806 4 года назад

      Bedheadsfit yeah! It’s always so hard because we know we can do better or at least we want ourself to do better so we are always harder on our selves. Life is a learning curve! The point is always to find a way to make ourselves a better human being to be able to help others. And you and I know that we will always have something to work on. I think life is just a constant learning journey for our own person! We will hit milestones, new adventures, obstacles, crazy things in life but we just gotta keep going. ❤️

  • @kim11510
    @kim11510 4 года назад +1

    Natalie! This hit home for me so much, I cant believe how much I related to this. I feel like I've been struggling with the same things for what feels like all of my life. I'm so glad you shared how you're feeling because I dont feel so alone in it. I really hope you get through this and find that wholeness you've been searching for ❤ please dont feel like you have to apologize for anything either, mental illness is a war and that's not your fault. I'm glad your husband is remind you of that 😊

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад +1

      I was literally just telling him how I hope everyone has that one person that supports them the way he supports me. I’m really sorry that you can relate to what I’m going through but I’m so glad that I shared so you knew you weren’t alone. I hope you’re able to find the same genuine happiness in your life too. I’m not really sure where to go from here but I think it’s starts here and I know we can do it! ❤️

    • @kim11510
      @kim11510 4 года назад +1

      @@thebedhead lol me either man I'm just trying to get over the gym anxiety first then I'll try dealing with how I eat 😅 but like Selene said progress is not linear and we have to remember that just because we feel like we aren't worthy doesnt mean its true.

    • @thebedhead
      @thebedhead  4 года назад +1

      I hope you’re going to able to remember this as much as I’m going to try to remember this! ❤️