Oreo Emesis I’m trying, Oreo. I’ve had several women stay here until they could save up for their own place. I’ve taken in ppls animals until they could figure out other arrangements. I’ve taken in a young child, who’s mom took off-she was scared of her home life, physical abuse, and didn’t want her child to be next. So, I am trying to help-not sure I can “fix it”. Can you? Do you have answers
They've done this in every state. Manipulated market rates with added tarrifs and taxes, and higher property rates, capitalism force people out of their home's and apartments unless they have money to pay up. Our govt isnt helping us because most of the govt is run by the currupt, but not all of it, they really only like helping the rich classes, because thats their class, when it comes to helping the poor, they really only want them arrested and pushed out of town or into hospital's. The poor dont even get healthcare in America, disabled people lose healthcare all the time, they lose everything, house and everything. America isnt even secure for its own citizen's. This country is really only great if you're ultra rich, it's a great place for the ultra rich, they've legalized gambling, huge tax breaks for the rich, huge benifets if you're rich, big kickbacks and subsides for big corporation's. If you're poor its hell, because its one of the most expensive places in the world, the poor lose benifets, lose health-care, they lose their house's, they lose everything and housing rates are raised on them, it's also one of the most taxed places in the world, it's one of the most policed states in the world which leads to police violence on the population, especially in poor areas. Its also one of the most violent places in the world, because the amount of firearms in the country. It's not that great place if you're poor or low income, social networks withen have been trying to help the homeless population's but rarely if any get help from our govt.
His problem is offense, not defense. You need to make over $100k to live like a human in Cali. He is focusing on nice person things, which is his problem. He isn’t ruthless enough.
@Patriot Jefferson once born into poverty its not always so easy becoming rich. Sometimes it's just what you're born into. Children cant help if they where born into a poverty stricken sitiuation. You have short sited view of reality.
@Patriot Jefferson thank the insurance companies for raising your healthcare rate, it wasnt me an average citizen. Sounds like you need to take a nap. Lmao
I don't think that's true. But certainly true of people who live beyond their means. Anybody that always saves 10% of their income isn't. Ironically, everybody in the US is sort of forced to save with social security taxes. But they can't access those resources until they get old. This is not the case in countries like Singapore, where you can use the money you are forced to save to...buy a home! So home OWNERSHIP in Singapore is 91%. Yes, you can actually use your own money in Singapore to live. We should be able to do the same in the US. In other words, we made a big mistake with our social policies and no one is talking about actually fixing it.
Alan Brown you obviously didn't read the last 3 words in my comment. My whole message was to save, but even still the odds are against those whose work is more honorable than their wages.
D L Malley even $5.00 a week for the year is $260 a year. Saving $10 becomes $520 in a year. I did that for 2 years. I promised myself several years ago when I realized SS may or may not be a reality for some of us anymore by the time we're 67, I'd better do some type of saving on my own. I started out saving $10 a week and now It's $20. I suffered a severe loss by withdrawing from a 401k a few years ago and decided to drop it the following year completely. They get you by matching at the end of the year. But suffering the penalty just to withdraw wasn't worth it. I was actually advised 10 a week for the person making $10,000 a year $20 for the person making $20,000 and $30 for $30,000. Maybe next year I'll be disciplined enough to save $30 a week.
Identifying Me I have to keep myself reminded as well my friend. It's not so easy today, but I'm trying to do what it's going to take to make things a bit easier tomorrow. Social Security isn't looking so secure the way things are going.
There is a sadness, but fierce determination behind his eyes. I wish the both of them well when all the doors are opened for them into safety and out of mobile-homelessness .
@@elwinnordman2578 he has glaucoma dummy!, he has to take 5 medications in his eyes to keep from going blind there extreamly uncomfortable and have bad after effects! How them apples?
@@ketianamusic7428 If you are his daughter, my thoughts are this. Sometimes churches let you park at night in their parking lots. I think from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. I live in my van, one night I could not find a parking space where I usually park, so I parked in a church parking lot. I left at 6:00 am because the church had school buildings for kids and I knew that the church wouldn't want people sleeping in the parking lot when the kids get to school. No one knocked on the van the entire night. I had a peaceful rest knowing that I was in God's parking lot.
There is something very wrong with a country when people who have multiple jobs can't afford normal housing. Hope that you and your daughter will have a house soon.
Yeah, I want an affordable place in Beverly Hills with a pool and tennis court. But I cant afford that so will sleep on the sidewalk in Beverly Hills till the taxpayers give me such a place. Besides Im a nice guy, so I deserve it. ;)
@Sarah R I didn’t move here idiot the place got worse fast and I’ve been here forever, that’s what we’re talking about. The problem is real and quantifiable and more than just durr move somewhere cheaper. Laws from politicians make it harder for home builders to build its way more than the simplistic view you have
That’s my Dad, he’s been through a lot and is still pushing to better himself, keep going Pops! When I can get to Cali I’ll be there, love you! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Tell him to leave Cali and move to a state where the cost of living is more affordable. There are so many beautiful states that are easier to survive in. Cali is ridicoulosly expensive.
Moving to a cheaper state is your dad's best option but....sometimes people have their reasons. If he wants to stay there are lots of opportunities for people just like him (and me). Check out the resources on happyvagabonds.com and workamper.com. RV living is the way to go. Less bills = more freedom. Don't be sad for him, be happy.
so glad i never had children. all they are is another mouth to feed and tremendous liability alongside use of valuable resources such as time energy and money and sacrifice. no thanks.
Sadly this is the new middle class. I was paying $1000 for a room in OC. I finally got tired of throwing my money away. I placed all my stuff in storage and live in my car. I’m blessed with 2-jobs so I’m not stuck in my car anytime of the day. It’s a relief, but at the same time disturbing how it got to this point. You’re not alone sir. We are with you and understand it’s not easy but at least we have a roof over our heads (car, vans, RVs).
Hi everyone! Thank you for your support. Update: I am in the middle of converting a Chevy Van with a bed, cabinets, and sink. I have a gym membership which I workout at and have the luxury to shower! God willing I’m also looking into a home in Arizona for investment/retirement property. My job is good in Cali., so that’s where the van comes in. Good luck to you all!
People should get a tiny house on wheel or RV , tooo many are living one pay check away from homeless !! The reality is the economy is getting bad to worst n it will go on getting worst .
I was able to save money for my down payment on my home by living in my car for 2 years. It was difficult but I did it. The only regret I have is I bought in California, I should have bought in Arizona where it is 1/5 of the price.. now I have property taxes of 600 a month that I can barely afford!!
@@NonPremiumID You're such a small-minded, hateful person. First of all, I don't live in the US. So your stupid invitation for me to leave is a waste of time. Secondly, if you pay attention to these videos, not everyone who's homeless is on drugs. You're so ignorant. You don't even realise that this government you're worshipping has no loyalty to its people, including you. Fool.
Yeah, pray for them! That'll really help! Lol. Why don't you volunteer or hand out things they need! But no, your just going to spew a few words out of your mouth, stfu!
If prayers actually accompolished anything, we would not have homelessness and we would not be in the middle of a pandemic. The list is endless. So, pray if it makes you feel like you're actually helping these people out.
The Bible says that man is depraved. We are sinful. That is true. How can we sit back and not help those who need it whether they are humans, dogs, cats, horses, etc. We can be stewards of good or ugly/depraved.
My heart feels for this man and his daughter. They deserve a hand up! Both still working and taking care of their animal. These are good people fallen on hard times.
No, they are idiots. Find good homes for the animals and take care of yourself. The fact that he is putting dogs and cats ahead of the safety and comfort of his family is insane.
There's job's that do not pay enough to live, welcome to Trump's new America where the Rich get richer and the middle class goes broke & becomes homeless!!! Hey Mr. Trump what about a living wage??? We also still need to see those tax returns!!! Where are the tax returns Mr Trump ur tax records become public record when ur president
Mark Treadwell the left is just as against the middle class. They want us to be super rich or super poor. The middle class is having a good paying job with minimal education (manufacturing, automotive, coal, nuclear family etc.). The left wants you to be reliant on the government and stay just above poverty getting rid of those jobs, or super rich with pHDs.
@@marktreadwell549 yea the "republicans" have ran California for so long yet the taxes and homeless rates are still some of the highest in the country its crazy
Yes.. I was thinking the same. I love traveling, and thought about just traveling the world, RV living. But, his situation is quite different, considering prior to this, we'd have retirement money, and a bad RV. I hope they are doing well. I agree with some other comments, CA is not budget friendly at all. I visited twice last year.
@@ericae1066 not at all, I have family that way. I had actually sent him a message telling him to come to Alabama we'd love to have him. Lots of good places here less expensive and welcoming.
There is simply no way that this man would be homeless in Scandinavia, where I live. Period.... It's disgusting that the richest country in the world treats it's citizenry like this. What's the point of government if you're leaving folks out in the cold.
paxwallacejazz The US is not the richest country in the world. We’re closer to the tenth richest country in the world And while we have some socialist programs, we are capitalists.
Living in an RV is sooooooo much better than living in a tent and getting swept and hassled all the time. Plus you can move if you do not like your neighbors.
Yep, but Still very sad. too small. And his kid is a girl, a lot of things are not convenient.. They 2 should just leave Cali and start a new life in cheaper states.
@@InvisiblePeople I agree--especially if the RV leaks and is moldy or if there are mechanical problems. Especially not nice if the city is hassling them about moving it and not allowing parking.
@ well, lucky u have nothing to worry about because he won't be coming for you lol good day! 😊✌
5 лет назад+1
@@Snappingturtle 267 Just like that huh. I guess you have had to do it recently so your a expert.
5 лет назад
@@Snappingturtle 267 That is fine but you did nothing but avoid my question. if you know for certain his story i will apologize but if you don't your no better than a liberal.
5 лет назад+1
@@Snappingturtle 267 I get it but you have painted everyone with the same brush. And what i find amazing is you have animosity towards EVERY homeless person but are ok with your government stealing along with corporations you willingly support. I live in Toronto Canada there is less than 1.3% rental availability out here on everything sio if you are fortunate to rent a room and the house sells i don't give two shits how much you work your minimum wage jobs your screwed if you have no support system. We got mass immigration filling up hotels and motels but how long does that charade last. I work as a painter and clean two buildings i just scrape by. NO HOUSE NO CAR and i am 51 no bloody lifetime of mistakes not everyone will make the same money christ christ even corporations borrow money and team up. I had a situation late 2017 property management changed i was owed 3 months on one building at the time it was the only one i had painting dried up and even trying to get day labour at minimum wage is cutthroat so i fell behind nobody to borrow from. Then the fun my buildings where i live wanted me out so they can fix it up and raise the rent to city average. Now yes i am responsible for my poor credit score but that alone should not entirely ruin ones life. Fortunately i got by but reality is you need 2 jobs if not 3 if you are making minimum wage just to cover rent most times and you know those jobs are not conveniently right next to one another. I don't drink smoke do drugs never have, no food banks just trying to get by. Being a slave is nothing to be proud of, the west is getting a dose albeit small of what 3rd world people go through. I see your vets lining the streets dumb fucks willingly and illegally going to fight for the US HATE MACHINE those clowns i feel no sorrow for but cases where seniors on a fixed income are booted out of their place because a building or house sold is not the same. Mr Trump has had his rich ass bailed out of bankrupcy twice by jewish bankers thus his ass kissing to them not everybody can be so fortunate to reap after making poor choices and gambles.
Prayering for him & his daughter ♥️♥️ I have experienced homeless with my sons were smaller & it’s not experience no one wants to go through - Be human & have a humble heart you never know what someone is going through.
@Jonathan Ivarsson there are weekly fights, the LAPD is never called and we can hear his daughter screaming a solid block away. Its dysfunctional and a toxic setup. He seems healthy because he Rides fancy bicycles all day. His dog looks awful...
The powers that be do not want to bother with little people. They are too busy travelling by private jet to their various homes across the globe !! Renember everyond we are only temporary lodgers on planet earth and the earth belongs to all of us !! No one really owns our earth..no human anyway !! Stop paying parking fines etc. stand up for your human rights everyone !!
*Homelessness is a much bigger problem in liberal democrat cities. Liberal democrats also control the media. Therefore the media wouldn’t dare discuss the realities of life in these cities and the affect their bad policies have on good people.*
@@allegorx58 The elites love to see Americans blaming each other's political ideologies; they're laughing their way to the bank while we bicker amongst ourselves.
Im a single mom of a 6 year old and i work full time for a large bank but my income is too low to qualify for an apt (3x rent for income 1 worker 1 child) or affordable housing we live full time in a travel trailer in a park (blessing and curse) no hope in sight i will ever get into a real place or own a home. Thankfully there are other kids here too so im grateful he doesn't feel alone. Our kids do not qualify for bus route so we all walk in oregon rain and sleet and heat. Now with covid almost everyone at my work is work from home but i dont qualify because of my living situation so i still go to work with other employees that cant for various reasons. But we are grateful for what we have. WE NEED AFFORDABLE HOUSING.
@@aprille33 Exactly people work the exact same bullshit jobs every single year & wonder why shit doesn’t chance. Your life won’t change unless you do & working for someone else for minimum wage as a career is never going to work. You have to learn a skill or trade & work for yourself to be able to make changes. Stop doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.
@@JohnAlexanderiii you are the one in the backward thinking. A four year degree was not what I had in mind. It was a change of careers and learning a side business gig until it can be full time. America is full of people worse off than her accomplishing far more. Immigrants come here with no money in their pockets not knowing English and in ten years they are often well off. I bet if we visit her trailer it is full of depreciating assets like dvds, makeup, pet crap, and toys. People don't need free housing.
@@JohnAlexanderiii "iterally every destitute person took your advice, scrambled to get a 4 year education, all of them become fucking mechanical engineers." There are plenty of jobs that will pay well that don't require college degrees. In fact because of all the "go to college" rhetoric drilled into peoples heads since the 80s, the skilled trades (plumber, electrician, HVAC etc.) are basically in desperate need of people now. Those jobs pay really well. I just get so sick of the rhetoric. Unless you are developmentally disabled, you are more than capable of getting a job that at least has a path to a livable wage. I mean when I was 16 we had completely normal men in their 40s working as cooks at the friggin Popeyes I worked at. How the fuck are you in your fucking 40's and fry cook is the only job you are qualified for? The store manager of that fucking place was 23 and started there at 16 in highschool as a basic employee just like these old guys. If that manager stuck with it dude probably works in corporate or owns his own string of popeyes franchises by now.
He has a better than most homeless people... He's not outside being rained on, being cold, or somebody attacking him....Hope everything works out for him and his daughter.
I lived in the back of my minivan for about a month it was very eye opening I had a job and kept moving around every day just to be safe saved up some money and found a room for rent and now I have a late model mobile home that I like and a better job so i'm doing alright
I live in my 93 Ford conversion van and I love it..no desire to go back into a house..I'm 59, disabled and some days it's a struggle..I was forced to make lemanade out of lemons and I'm hooked!! All in the attitude maybe? But, I'm blessed..I have shelter, n some warmth and I can cook n drive to appointments..so, you cant forget to give back in appreciation✌❤😊
I wonder if people started renting out rooms in their houses..or making the garage into an efficiency apartment to rent out..and when they get old they can live in the efficiency and rent out their house...there are lots of things that could be done about the homeless..what about the old fashioned boarding house..they had those still when I was a child...they def filled a need..
@@fancysfolly554 One thing that makes it harder to help homeless people, is that wherever you try to build or adapt something to help them, someone objects and attempts to block it: not in this neighborhood; not in my back yard. If you want to make a place for owner-built tiny homes, or a campground wabts to accept them, there are always objections, and the objections of property owners are always heard over the needs of really poor people.
His last wish was EXACTLY what I was thinking before he said it. That man has a BIG HEART. I wish for him to get that living room so that he can enjoy that couch and TV time with his loved ones. God Bless
This man looks so stressed out. I am praying doors open for him and his daughter. #BeautifulSoul Puts a whole new light on #vanlife and the pressures on the people who have no other options.
Bless your heart. Please come to Texas! There are plenty of Rv parks that are reasonable and the people here want to help! Sending prayers your way for God's blessing.
Same in Missouri! There are RV camps/parks all over the place. And there’s affordable housing. In my town we have a housing authority that will get anyone into a lovely clean 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartment. Cali is a money trap. The midwest is best!
I’m from Texas and I feel like it’s too hot to comfortably exist, and it floods ALL THE TIME! My mom’s house just flooded during the recent tropical storm. Many, many cars went underwater. This man would’ve lost his motor home to flood damage if he up and moved to Houston where I’m from. That’s the appeal of California. You don’t need heating or AC, the weather is pretty hospitable year round. Not much rain, rarely gets above 80 on the coast, sun is always shining and you can chill on the beach when times feel hard (:
@Joyce Woodruff actually it smells like sage, candles and palo salto, I'd invite you to come smell for your self but I use all these things to keep negativity like yours away. But I here ignorance is bliss and obviously it must be working for you so enjoy that 😉
@Joyce Woodruff again your ignorance is astounding! But like I said enjoy that! Were all fine here, not even worried about you! Obviously you cant say the same. So I'd suggest focusing on your own problems, instead of making up ones for people you dont know.
The cats and dogs?! That would have been the first thing I got rid off! I never understand how homeless people keep 2 dogs and 3 cats. HOW? very unnecessary expense. Imagine how the inside of that RV looks and smells with those animals. They need to get their priorities in order. That dog would be left on the side of the road before I sleep in a tent.
Blu22 Everything you just said is spot on, the fact that this man can’t even see something as simple as what you stated explains why his family is homeless.
Indiana is also very expensive...these folks that think places r cheap in usa ...is false...since Reagan became president rent has gone up ...wages have not caught up
@@paulpasman9341 I have an uncle named Paul, he lives in Indiana with my great aunt Mary, you remind me of this great man... thank you for that, have a good day
Rent there is twice as much as it is around here. You can thank all the illegal aliens that are storming our border making life miserable for the rest of us. We need to get FEMA barges and fill them all with the illegal aliens that are around..... being bums , throw them in them and take them to South America dumping them either in the ocean or dump them where they can go home their choice but not stay here. That's why you can't afford housing in California plus the Democrats are idiots that are in charge they don't give a shit about you guys I care more about you than the people that run the damn place. Best of luck man use that RV to its full potential though. It's better than a tent ⛺. Be blessed
TF 3% I left there too. That state was ruined by its government. I have a way better life since I left there. One of my best decisions ever. A better decision was to believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. California is the epitome of calling evil good and good evil.
@@joeywho534 when you don't restrict your capitalism you'll get industrial era abuse of the working class and people will naturally call for socialism and communism, that's why it's in all of our interests to not handle our countrymen as enemies. treat them like they are for long enough and they will become just that.
There are a lot of working people choosing to live in tents because rent is becoming 90% of their salaries. Affordable housing doesn’t exist in California. I paid $700 for a studio apartment 5 years ago; today that same studio is $1000. At this rate it will be $1500 soon.
You trumpists really are something. Do you actually think that even if all the "illegals" and other immigrants just suddenly disappeared, the excess money would be spent to help the financially less fortunate? This sick system doesn't function without exploiting the poor, regardless of immigration.
@@KL_Stereo study and Learn and raise your iq. Excess of any commodity (ie labour) will decrease its value. Wages would go up to attract labour in a labour short economy. It has nothing to do with how the govt distribute wealth. Trumpist/musicians, classic.
@@johnpearce9891 cheapest option can often be RV in a campground if the climate is suitable for year round living or if you have an RV designed for extreme cold.
I've been around the country and it's a struggle everywhere I've been. If it wasn't for my brother in the Air Force letting me move in with him, I'd be homeless. With no car. And I've been working about 50-60 hours a week and barely been spending any cash outside of living expenses. Good luck to anyone out there struggling. I wish there was a brighter future, but I hope everyone finds a situation where they can live somewhat comfortably.
Hi all, I’m a 39 year old New Zealander, never been unemployed and had been living in Auckland city in my SUV for 2 years up until 6 months ago when I finally saved up enough for a deposit on my own home. The amount that I pay for my mortgage on a weekly basis is a quarter of what I was paying for rent. I actually didn’t mind living in my vehicle but I am grateful for what I have now. USA is not the only place in the developed world where homelessness is common.
@@yaxizhang9455 when you don't have a choice you have to do what you have to do. Have you ever been in a SUV it's bigger than most prison cell's in the USA. Take out the back seats and you probably can fit a full size mattress. As long as you have food in your belly and a place to lay down at night SUV or bed it doesn't matter. There's always someone out there worst off than you
@@ROBBIN.. how can kid's live in places where there's no clean drinking water they live in huts with dirt floors and but ass naked and they still manage to live longer than people in developed countries. You ever see those documentaries about African villages and see the 90yr old men still chasing down there food with wood spear's
It is not just land of greed, it's a land of in-human! You don't cause trouble, you just live in RV, and they still don't like it. They just don't want your face there. In general, Americans become so selfish!
@@naiqiong9061 SOOOOO GREEDY AND SELFISH... IT IS THICK I have seen prices rent,houses for sale that are unkept and deteriorating, 2 grand for a little square and 1 mill for a shack, literally. And, bottom line, it will only get WORSE.THE EARTH IS TOO FAR GONE.
I lived in an RV for 2 years. It was tough. But, soon you will find a system and place to park. Again, it is tough. And, yes, you are looked down on by people who live in brick and mortar buildings. My neighbor, RV, was an attorney. My other neighbor was a social worker. I was injured at a job, broke my back and had 5 surgeries. It is too expensive to live in California. I do not do drugs, I do not drink. I cant afford to live unless I lived in an RV. You keep your head up and do not give up. Do not people get you down.
I started watching this channel last month and have been both inspired and heartbroken in the process. How is it most of the people suffering so much are the ones so compassionate, so forgiving?!
God Bless His Soul! Great father-daughter team! Very touching and incredibly inspiring. I wish a lot of people see this interview. Sending good vibes and love!!!
5 лет назад+7
You can tell what a good guy he is by his 3 wishes. Hope his luck improves.
henree simp lol why do you think that? He would still be living in an rv that he doesn’t like. Still being harrassed by cops and business owners no matter where he goes. Doesn’t really sound like he has a problem with California. He just needs to embrace living in an rv and he could be a whole lot happier. He has a perfectly good home that he’s standing right in front of. He and his daughter work full time, should be able to put at least some money into it to make it more livable. And I can tell you from personal experience that there are places close to where he is that he can park and not be harassed. He’s new. I hope by now he’s enjoying the benefits of the lifestyle.
From Alabama, Sir you are welcomed here, there's many beautiful RV parks here and in MS. many prayers and positive energy coming your way. Be blessed. Actually I have been looking into tiny home living.
I live in Alabama as well and the cost of living is very reasonable and there's jobs available here as well may God continue to bless him and his daughter
If someone chooses to live in an RV there is nothing wrong with it, and I agree that is not homeless. When someone does not have a choice - that is homeless. David and his daughter do not have a choice. They are homeless.
If you can live in an rv park with full hookup (electric, water, sewer ) it's a world of difference! Been doing it for 11 years now. The way they're living is miserable.
He seems like he has a handle on his and his daughter's homelessness. He's actively working on his problems. He's trying. I like him alot. Only a matter of time before he's off the street.
I wouldn't be so sure. He's trying, but it's a snowball effect. Sounds like you weren't even listening to all the issues he's facing. Soon he might even lose his RV and job. That's how become hopeless. They aren't just "lazy".
@@0ak3nshi3ld88 He is 100 percent able bodied rides bikes like a 12 year old all day. Nothing a like job when you are 50 and sat on your ass all day bitching for aid. He is able bodied and a man; stop with the sympathy.
You need to take that RV and drive it right out of California. Come to Virginia, we have plenty of jobs here. Work your way across the state and live somewhere else.
I've been stuck for years living in my dad's kitchen without any personal space or privacy. It drives me insane with depression. I've been trying to fundraise for an old used RV to live in like this, but nobody understands or whats to help.
@@MarksTournaments He wouldn't want to live in my dad's kitchen. I have no personal space or privacy. My bed is literally between the sink and the living room TV. I already had to quit my last full-time job over my living conditions because I couldn't even sleep, so I was falling asleep on the job, plus I was always grumpy and in a shitty mood, due to the stress. I'm going insane with depression and can't even function. Trust me, an RV is a major upgrade.
It's not America, is certain key states. We moved out of CA to make a better life for ourselves and it was beyond worth it. I do my part by voting for the opposite policies that ruined CA.
It has more to do with supply and demand of housing. I acknowledge zoning laws do restrict housing supply but zoning laws are everywhere. As a matter of fact, California has a net migration gain in the high income group.
@@katewales923 "Not for me". We WERE homeless for 6 months until we got on our feet and moved out of our liberal hell hole of a state. ANYONE who is determined to get out of their situation can, it does however take huge SACRIFICES.
Policies didn’t ruin California- wealth has made California hard for most. This is a great state for the highly educated engineers, programmers and analyst but has priced a lot of people out of their ability to buy a home.
I was a former CEO. Got hit by a Chinese girl now I'm disabled diabetic and homeless from 1.8 million if med bills that her insurance didn't cover. If u live in an RV u are not homeless. Ur in tiny house nation. And ur a Rockefeller compared to those actually on the streets. - real homeless guy that use to be smart
Because there is three ways to obtain income. Earned income passive income and assets. The CEO of Amazon has been paying zero taxes because his income is directly correlated to how much value his assets can produce. Not how much time you can work or how valuable your skill sets are the rich are rich because they have assets
I van dwell all over north America. I can tell you that Venice Beach and much of coastal CA are the worst areas for parking fascism on the continent. The rich people just want to make sure that nobody else can share the nice weather and beaches!
I cannot stress this enough. I currently live in the central coast and the NIMBY crowd out here are slowly and finally being overtaken by the youth that need more housing.
@Sami Amor I have been looking for an apartment in Rancho Cucamonga and rent starts at 1500 and up. Its like people don't even have a chance to make a good living, which is sad. I feel If im going to pay 1500 for rent, let it be for a house note; not a small 1 bedroom apartment. Lol😩😆
This is a shame. Regular people can barely afford to survive in CA. They should take that van to Texas. Plentiful jobs here and affordable housing. They could sleep in the RV until enough is saved up to move into an apartment. They can apply and interview on line and have jobs waiting for them when they arrive. Benefits will transfer if they switch jobs within 30 days.
If that were only true, housing may be slightly less expensive in Texas,however Tx is a red state and there are hassles with Benefits for people who have the slightest bit of income or home. As bad as it seems if he and his daughter came to Texas their clock will start over and any social services not financially will be started from the beginning it is better that he stays where he is in line where he wont lose his place and continue to work towards that goal, There are more than 250,000 homeless veterans on the streets in Texas most of them women with children,its cold,raining sometimes scorching heat and we need to clean that up before we are overwhelmed with the overflow of what the government already ignores.
Lifted Bodhisattva There are a lot of assistance programs in this state, red or not. They built a subsidized gated apartment community near me that's far better than the regular privately owned complex that I live in. But...they don't need benefits, per se. They need jobs with benefits and they need a safe affordable place to live. He's not on government aid there or he'd be better off. He's working 1-2 jobs as is his daughter. If he's living in an RV there, he could live somewhere where he'd actually have a chance to get a good job and quickly save up a deposit and pay rent. They can't afford rent there. They could rent a 3 bedroom home here for what a 1 bedroom studio costs there. Jobs are far more plentiful in Dallas than Venus, CA. More and more major companies are moving their headquarters here, so the variety of jobs are constantly increasing. The cost of living is much more favorable anywhere than CA, (well except New York) not to mention no state tax in TX. Vehicle registration is a fraction of what it costs in CA. My family is from CA and my sister and I used to laugh because a new car here costs 70.00 to renew vs an older car that costs 275.00 in Cali. I love CA, a part of my heart is there, but it's not the best place for the working poor. Key word is "working". I can think of several other cities and states other than TX. I live here so I'm more aware of the job and housing market, which is why my comment mentioned TX.
@@jaeshasway I do not disagree with what you've said albeit coming from your personal scope of understanding. I also live in Texas,and am a Texan 4th generation (South) and I've also lived in Southern and Northern California. In both of these states ive been blessed to not only experience homelessness but ive been blessed to understand the system as a working homeless Veteran. While working Once I overcame this I not only had the opportunity to work for programs that needed reorganization for the homeless ,but I continue (though disabled) to direct people in the best way possible out of circumstances that lead to housing disorder. I dont bring this up as situational conversation but to bring the message that as we know there are many reasons why one becomes homeless you can work various jobs and still not have something that no one can take away from you. Simply putting someone in a home,a job, give them skills,aide these are not things that end homelessness,homelessness is much deeper than walls being built ,a gate..it is visceral..The world has a problem it is greed and money and until we overcome this problem there will continue to be Men,women,children and entire families living on the streets looking outside in . It is our responsibility alone to eradicate the whole of this, until there is no more.
Daniel Pan I’m confused. I think it’s because we don’t pay a state tax. We pay our taxes through sales tax and property tax I.e. the people who have money to buy items and buy property are taxed, not poor guys like this who’s taxes are taken straight from his paycheck. I live in Houston. my home is worth $180,000 - 3/3, 1800 sq ft - property taxes which go to multiple entities, not just public schools, were, $3800 for last year. besides if you have a million dollar home - your mortgage payment is higher than a 200k home regardless of taxes. Mortgage, interest, property taxes and homeowner’s insurance all cost me $1150 each month.
I recently left Denver because of this concept and all I got was flack from family, friends etc, but it's like rents are rising, about a 125% increase since I moved out there in about 10 years of living there, the housing market rose even more the average cost of a home now being $605,000. People can't believe I just up and left but I'm not living paycheck to paycheck my entire left to live in an expensive area.
There's no truck stops in the heart of LA. They work. They can't get out to truck stop land. The commute back in would take 2-3 hours and suck up their gas. Also, that RV probably can't be driven hard in stop and go LA traffic.
Not good to park at a truck stop because those guys need the space and it's harder for them with regulations and laws for them it's hard to do their jobs when cars and RV' s are taking up space!
I've been homeless for the last 6 months. I work a full time job myself. You have no idea how much those 4 walls mean when you don't have them. Its a horrible feeling not knowing where you are going to sleep at night, or am i going to eat today. I'm blessed to have a job and im able to get motel rooms but the money is gone within 3-4 days. Luckily I live in AZ so it doesnt get too cold. I wish them the best of luck!
Rose Diaz There are many programs for ppl who are in financial need and want an education for a better job. Go online and check out your state's financial aid for education programs and government funded educational programs. There are many ppl employed and willing to help you navigate the financial aid that's available. I went to college free on a Federal government program called a "Pell Grant". Are you young enough for "Job Corps"? I hope you can take advantage of these programs which are based on income. Best wishes to you from one of many compassionate Conservatives.
Being a single parent, 27 year old Latina and a California home owner, I’m humbled by the ability to have my own home. I do live in Bakersfield but at least I live in the Golden state. Thank you God.
God bless you man - I think you have a beautiful soul. Something good is going to come from this. Hang in there. You are such a positive person. Thank you for your honesty.
Everyone’s saying to leave California immediately, but he’s clearly staying for his daughter’s dreams. This is a good man & he’s lost so much because of it. The world shouldn’t work like that
When is the government going to start paying my mortgage and utilities...oh thats right I am expected to work for mine and provide for those who want to live the bums dream in a place were I can't afford to live making over 100K a year.
@Snappingturtle 267 I do not live there. I haven't lived there since I was a teen. I won't live thers again. I enjoy my 2nd amendment and California doesn't support it really.
He's very tough, but there's moments you see the sadness in his eyes. Hope he & his daughter are fine. Most people appearing in this great project are incredibly smart, their points of view and evaluations are razor sharp and most of all, they're such loveable, beautiful souls. Any sentence they speak has more truth to offer than you can read or see on the news all day long. I am not American myself and any countries has these issues more or less these days, but dare I say that politics & laws in the U.S. are simply not made for the people there. It's just my conclusion after watching this series. There's a new form of feudalism: keep people low & on the edge of dignity, but still fit and sane enough to keep the big money machine running whie making them believe there MIGHT be a chance of a better life. No solidarity, no humanity. Again, I live in Europe, I don't mean to offend anyone. Things went a lot in the same direction in many countries here as well. But it's not that horrible, while the "American dream" has completely turned into a nightmare.
I am not offended. The truth is that the "American Dream" has always been a myth. Most Europeans came here for financial advancement, not for freedom, liberty, and justice for all. If the dream had truly been the goal, the Native Americans wouldn't of been raped, killed, and brutalized, and the West Africans wouldn't of been enslaved, raped, and brutalized. Not to mention the general misogyny that women continue to battle to this day. We're just another country founded on religious hypocracy and greed. Despite these truths, I do think human beings are capable of making "the dream" into reality. But it shouldn't be an American goal. It should be a world wide goal. We could start by voting with our dollar, and stop supporting elitist companies who buy politicians to do their bidding. Get over the foolish concept that wearing a particular brand will get you cool points. You know what's cool? The survival of our species. 🤔
@@harmonyexists2834 oh man i love your comment and you are spot on correct. Im american and it appears the sins of the countries past are coming back to bite. With all the division and hatred towards our fellow man and woman it's inevitable to implode. GOD BLESS
Ranter Redhead That’s not true. I live in rural Minnesota, my rent is 380 all utilities paid and there are a TON of good paying jobs here, and a shortage of workers to fill them. There are places like this all over the United States. I see cornfields when I drive down the road instead of beaches but I am able to put thousands in my savings account every month. Location is everything. These people need to get out of California.
So many people commenting that this is a California thing..it is not..it is widespread across the US. I became homeless last year..lived in my van & now live in an old RV at a cheap RV site in TN.
I feel for dude because it is very hard to find housing that allow pets. I look at my dogs and cats as if they're family. If my animals can't stay, we can't stay...I feel you bro!!👊🏼
OMG I think that is the RV that parks on my street! I haven't really cared because I don't see trash around the vehicle and no rift raft, so I'm cool with that. I wonder if next week I should leave him a gift card on his door. When it's those parked RV's that are a nuisance I can see why LAPD is trying to get rid of them. The property taxes on my street are around 27K/year....
Tsunauticus III - Then you live in a state somewhere close to me AND/OR the house is old and isn't worth much, or the property hasn't been assessed in a LONG time! I live in OK (low cost of living) and my home is 3,234 square feet, only 10 years old, 1/3 acre lot, and it's still only worth $349k with taxes at $4518 last year. Not trying to brag anyone, the home is for sale (Disabled Vet with chronic illness and now can't work). Just trying to prove a point... I know it's beautiful in California but no wonder people are homeless there!!!
Brother come out to Missouri. Rent is cheap, living isnt too expensive. Its crazy because a lot of people really want to pack up and move around in RVs instead of having a permanent residence. I pray things come together for you brother.
Thursday morning i wish I have rv like him because I just want to be privacy and peace of mind as well it's hard to buy house in Philippines because life in my country is hard.
When I see people like this I just imagine how their so called friends and family feel. I mean he sees himself in the future hanging out with friends and family. Are these the same friends and family that see him living on the street or is he planning on making new ones?
Where are his friends and family to help them? What about their co-workers? Somebody they know has to know somebody who knows somebody who can help them Even if it's just so they can park their RV in front of their house or driveway! Maybe let them use the shower and launder their clothes once a week.
Tonight I met a homeless man that said to me: "It's not a homeless problem. It's an America problem."
Gustav Shetty really. There is no reason for anyone, in America, to be hungry or have no where to live. Period.
Cheri Your entire life from the moment you came out of your mother, there have been starving Americans and homeless Americans. Fix it.
Oreo Emesis I’m trying, Oreo. I’ve had several women stay here until they could save up for their own place. I’ve taken in ppls animals until they could figure out other arrangements. I’ve taken in a young child, who’s mom took off-she was scared of her home life, physical abuse, and didn’t want her child to be next. So, I am trying to help-not sure I can “fix it”. Can you? Do you have answers
@@cheri6360 - Good on ya Cheri..People need to stop treating homelessness like it's some kind of disease!!
He really should leave Cali, he's just spinning his wheels. The cost of living in that area is just too high.
They've done this in every state. Manipulated market rates with added tarrifs and taxes, and higher property rates, capitalism force people out of their home's and apartments unless they have money to pay up. Our govt isnt helping us because most of the govt is run by the currupt, but not all of it, they really only like helping the rich classes, because thats their class, when it comes to helping the poor, they really only want them arrested and pushed out of town or into hospital's. The poor dont even get healthcare in America, disabled people lose healthcare all the time, they lose everything, house and everything. America isnt even secure for its own citizen's. This country is really only great if you're ultra rich, it's a great place for the ultra rich, they've legalized gambling, huge tax breaks for the rich, huge benifets if you're rich, big kickbacks and subsides for big corporation's. If you're poor its hell, because its one of the most expensive places in the world, the poor lose benifets, lose health-care, they lose their house's, they lose everything and housing rates are raised on them, it's also one of the most taxed places in the world, it's one of the most policed states in the world which leads to police violence on the population, especially in poor areas. Its also one of the most violent places in the world, because the amount of firearms in the country. It's not that great place if you're poor or low income, social networks withen have been trying to help the homeless population's but rarely if any get help from our govt.
His problem is offense, not defense. You need to make over $100k to live like a human in Cali. He is focusing on nice person things, which is his problem. He isn’t ruthless enough.
@Patriot Jefferson once born into poverty its not always so easy becoming rich. Sometimes it's just what you're born into. Children cant help if they where born into a poverty stricken sitiuation. You have short sited view of reality.
@Patriot Jefferson thank the insurance companies for raising your healthcare rate, it wasnt me an average citizen. Sounds like you need to take a nap. Lmao
Just move. Get on indeed look for new job and look at rent cost.
Most of us are only a paycheck away from being in the same predicament. Save.. save...save.
I don't think that's true. But certainly true of people who live beyond their means. Anybody that always saves 10% of their income isn't.
Ironically, everybody in the US is sort of forced to save with social security taxes. But they can't access those resources until they get old. This is not the case in countries like Singapore, where you can use the money you are forced to save to...buy a home!
So home OWNERSHIP in Singapore is 91%. Yes, you can actually use your own money in Singapore to live. We should be able to do the same in the US. In other words, we made a big mistake with our social policies and no one is talking about actually fixing it.
Alan Brown you obviously didn't read the last 3 words in my comment. My whole message was to save, but even still the odds are against those whose work is more honorable than their wages.
Don't have Enough to save...
Month to Month...
D L Malley even $5.00 a week for the year is $260 a year. Saving $10 becomes $520 in a year. I did that for 2 years. I promised myself several years ago when I realized SS may or may not be a reality for some of us anymore by the time we're 67, I'd better do some type of saving on my own. I started out saving $10 a week and now It's $20. I suffered a severe loss by withdrawing from a 401k a few years ago and decided to drop it the following year completely. They get you by matching at the end of the year. But suffering the penalty just to withdraw wasn't worth it. I was actually advised 10 a week for the person making $10,000 a year $20 for the person making $20,000 and $30 for $30,000. Maybe next year I'll be disciplined enough to save $30 a week.
Identifying Me I have to keep myself reminded as well my friend. It's not so easy today, but I'm trying to do what it's going to take to make things a bit easier tomorrow. Social Security isn't looking so secure the way things are going.
There is a sadness, but fierce determination behind his eyes. I wish the both of them well when all the doors are opened for them into safety and out of mobile-homelessness .
Lifted Bodhisattva
Lifted Bodhisattva -
You wrote:
"...Determination behind his eyes..."
So much kinder than what I was thinking
@@elwinnordman2578 he has glaucoma dummy!, he has to take 5 medications in his eyes to keep from going blind there extreamly uncomfortable and have bad after effects! How them apples?
@@elwinnordman2578 He is not stoned. He may be tired and worried but he is not stoned.
@@ketianamusic7428 If you are his daughter, my thoughts are this. Sometimes churches let you park at night in their parking lots. I think from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. I live in my van, one night I could not find a parking space where I usually park, so I parked in a church parking lot. I left at 6:00 am because the church had school buildings for kids and I knew that the church wouldn't want people sleeping in the parking lot when the kids get to school. No one knocked on the van the entire night. I had a peaceful rest knowing that I was in God's parking lot.
There is something very wrong with a country when people who have multiple jobs can't afford normal housing. Hope that you and your daughter will have a house soon.
Yeah, I want an affordable place in Beverly Hills with a pool and tennis court. But I cant afford that so will sleep on the sidewalk in Beverly Hills till the taxpayers give me such a place. Besides Im a nice guy, so I deserve it. ;)
@@Tom-tk3du lmao
@@Tom-tk3du any part of Los Angeles actually. Take a look around and keep saying this is all just according to plan you idiot
@Sarah R yeah I’m sure this man is just a travel tik tokker living in his rv for fun, get real lady
@Sarah R I didn’t move here idiot the place got worse fast and I’ve been here forever, that’s what we’re talking about. The problem is real and quantifiable and more than just durr move somewhere cheaper. Laws from politicians make it harder for home builders to build its way more than the simplistic view you have
That’s my Dad, he’s been through a lot and is still pushing to better himself, keep going Pops! When I can get to Cali I’ll be there, love you! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
💜 Real!
Tell him to leave Cali and move to a state where the cost of living is more affordable. There are so many beautiful states that are easier to survive in. Cali is ridicoulosly expensive.
And good luck!
Moving to a cheaper state is your dad's best option but....sometimes people have their reasons. If he wants to stay there are lots of opportunities for people just like him (and me). Check out the resources on happyvagabonds.com and workamper.com. RV living is the way to go. Less bills = more freedom. Don't be sad for him, be happy.
so glad i never had children. all they are is another mouth to feed and tremendous liability alongside use of valuable resources such as time energy and money and sacrifice. no thanks.
Sadly this is the new middle class. I was paying $1000 for a room in OC. I finally got tired of throwing my money away. I placed all my stuff in storage and live in my car. I’m blessed with 2-jobs so I’m not stuck in my car anytime of the day. It’s a relief, but at the same time disturbing how it got to this point. You’re not alone sir. We are with you and understand it’s not easy but at least we have a roof over our heads (car, vans, RVs).
Hi everyone! Thank you for your support. Update: I am in the middle of converting a Chevy Van with a bed, cabinets, and sink. I have a gym membership which I workout at and have the luxury to shower! God willing I’m also looking into a home in Arizona for investment/retirement property. My job is good in Cali., so that’s where the van comes in. Good luck to you all!
People should get a tiny house on wheel or RV , tooo many are living one pay check away from homeless !!
The reality is the economy is getting bad to worst n it will go on getting worst .
I was able to save money for my down payment on my home by living in my car for 2 years. It was difficult but I did it. The only regret I have is I bought in California, I should have bought in Arizona where it is 1/5 of the price.. now I have property taxes of 600 a month that I can barely afford!!
Same. Since then, four months ago now... Im living in a 4x8 Wells cargo utility trailer.
Such a rich country and so much poverty. It's absolutely disgusting.
Then leave. 🇺🇸
@Cowlan Government helps those help themselves. These low lifes choose to get hooked on dope and ruining their lifes. 🐀 🐁 😷🗣🗣
@@NonPremiumID You're such a small-minded, hateful person. First of all, I don't live in the US. So your stupid invitation for me to leave is a waste of time. Secondly, if you pay attention to these videos, not everyone who's homeless is on drugs. You're so ignorant. You don't even realise that this government you're worshipping has no loyalty to its people, including you. Fool.
Yup. Both sides in Washington could care less.
It'll only get worse if we keep voting people in who idolize Venezuela l
“I wish people would be more human” damn I felt that 😔
My mom use to tell me " Next to God, your best friend is your dollar"
Nothing more human than looking down on someone else to look up.
I really like him. I pray for him and his daughter!!
Yeah, pray for them! That'll really help! Lol. Why don't you volunteer or hand out things they need! But no, your just going to spew a few words out of your mouth, stfu!
They fight like lovers its creepy AF the whole set up. 7 days a week the job is : Smoke weed & ride bike... bug eyes....
He is a Sociopath....
If prayers actually accompolished anything, we would not have homelessness and we would not be in the middle of a pandemic. The list is endless. So, pray if it makes you feel like you're actually helping these people out.
People judging this man when he parks his RV is disgraceful. Humanity is so overrated.
The Bible says that man is depraved. We are sinful. That is true. How can we sit back and not help those who need it whether they are humans, dogs, cats, horses, etc. We can be stewards of good or ugly/depraved.
Ur absolutely right. Hey wanna make new breeds of humanity ur kinda cute :)
Teri Saccone
I’m starting to agree.
Waaaaaay overrated! I've come to that conclusion many years ago. Humans are the best & the worst thing wrap ever created if you can comprehend it.
Hey man good for you.
My heart feels for this man and his daughter. They deserve a hand up! Both still working and taking care of their animal. These are good people fallen on hard times.
This man & his daughter are AWESOME for not abandoning their pets. Good people
Lindaloulynn noneofurbusinesssir
🐕 YES!!! Totally agree!!🐶 🐶 🐱 🐈
No, they are idiots. Find good homes for the animals and take care of yourself. The fact that he is putting dogs and cats ahead of the safety and comfort of his family is insane.
It's not insane it's love and being responsible people.
@ Veronica Shipp No, it’s called insanity and being irresponsible.
Shouldn't you be asleep?! It's late at night or early in the morning?!
My mom always told me to save, even if it's just $5.00 a week. Thank you Mom. I am glad I listened.
I wonder what would happen if I set aside 20? Every month?
Tony Hawk I guess maybe it could be useful, even if just practicing to save.
And then you have your first major medical bill and BANG... Savings are gone.
Stuck Berry welp thts what savings are for are they not
@@MrFuckYobit I guess you can pick one thing you'd like to use your savings on. I bet they'd prefer to use them on an apartment.
We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this as the middle class continues to disappear
There's job's that do not pay enough to live, welcome to Trump's new America where the Rich get richer and the middle class goes broke & becomes homeless!!! Hey Mr. Trump what about a living wage??? We also still need to see those tax returns!!! Where are the tax returns Mr Trump ur tax records become public record when ur president
Mark Treadwell the left is just as against the middle class. They want us to be super rich or super poor. The middle class is having a good
paying job with minimal education (manufacturing, automotive, coal, nuclear family etc.). The left wants you to be reliant on the government and stay just above poverty getting rid of those jobs, or super rich with pHDs.
@@marktreadwell549 yea the "republicans" have ran California for so long yet the taxes and homeless rates are still some of the highest in the country its crazy
@@aplacetobewithmythoughts7428 It's stunning to see someone who still doesn't understand that there is only a working class and an owner class.
Ian Sieller And when the working class is making a good salary they are the middle class. What don’t you understand about that?
IF living in an RV is homeless then my retirement plan is to be homeless. I love how you're making it work so encouraging!
Yes.. I was thinking the same. I love traveling, and thought about just traveling the world, RV living. But, his situation is quite different, considering prior to this, we'd have retirement money, and a bad RV. I hope they are doing well. I agree with some other comments, CA is not budget friendly at all. I visited twice last year.
That might be funny in some other video. Pretty inconsiderate here
@@beyondbeleef1013 piss off. You have no idea what my heart intent was. Don't judge.
@@ericae1066 not at all, I have family that way. I had actually sent him a message telling him to come to Alabama we'd love to have him. Lots of good places here less expensive and welcoming.
@@BeautynBrains75 come to Australia. I might travel with you!
There is simply no way that this man would be homeless in Scandinavia, where I live. Period.... It's disgusting that the richest country in the world treats it's citizenry like this. What's the point of government if you're leaving folks out in the cold.
paxwallacejazz The US is not the richest country in the world. We’re closer to the tenth richest country in the world
And while we have some socialist programs, we are capitalists.
Because our government put illegals ahead of its own people for the sake of votes for the Democratic party.
Brutal, but becomes normalized, obviously....
Yeah! #America'sgoverentSUCKS
-An Amerian
How does it surprise you? How do the rich get wealthy. Do you still believe it was hard work and good morals lol.
Living in an RV is sooooooo much better than living in a tent and getting swept and hassled all the time. Plus you can move if you do not like your neighbors.
Yep, but Still very sad. too small. And his kid is a girl, a lot of things are not convenient.. They 2 should just leave Cali and start a new life in cheaper states.
It's far from anything nice.
@@InvisiblePeople I agree--especially if the RV leaks and is moldy or if there are mechanical problems. Especially not nice if the city is hassling them about moving it and not allowing parking.
living in an rv is not easy living. It takes money to move and you can get harassed and ticketed.
I totally agree. Things need to change. I have slept in my vehicle many nights. But I am always so thankful to have shelter.
He was wise to get the RV as a stepping stone . If needed he can pack up , drive away and relocate . We do our best in any given situation ❤️
I am retired..if I didn't have so many pets I would live in an RV.. rehoming them is NOT an option
I hope he finds a tiny house community
He can drive, but how long till someone hires him?
I hope that he and his daughter are okay today.
Have a beautiful day everyone.
Bless his heart. He was about to make me cry just seeing his eyes water telling his story. I wish him and his daughter and others like him the best.
You can see pain in his eyes. Wish the guy and daughter the best
This breaks my heart. God save these people and come quickly 😥
@ well, lucky u have nothing to worry about because he won't be coming for you lol good day! 😊✌
@@Snappingturtle 267 Just like that huh. I guess you have had to do it recently so your a expert.
@@Snappingturtle 267 That is fine but you did nothing but avoid my question. if you know for certain his story i will apologize but if you don't your no better than a liberal.
@@Snappingturtle 267 I get it but you have painted everyone with the same brush. And what i find amazing is you have animosity towards EVERY homeless person but are ok with your government stealing along with corporations you willingly support. I live in Toronto Canada there is less than 1.3% rental availability out here on everything sio if you are fortunate to rent a room and the house sells i don't give two shits how much you work your minimum wage jobs your screwed if you have no support system. We got mass immigration filling up hotels and motels but how long does that charade last. I work as a painter and clean two buildings i just scrape by. NO HOUSE NO CAR and i am 51 no bloody lifetime of mistakes not everyone will make the same money christ christ even corporations borrow money and team up. I had a situation late 2017 property management changed i was owed 3 months on one building at the time it was the only one i had painting dried up and even trying to get day labour at minimum wage is cutthroat so i fell behind nobody to borrow from. Then the fun my buildings where i live wanted me out so they can fix it up and raise the rent to city average. Now yes i am responsible for my poor credit score but that alone should not entirely ruin ones life. Fortunately i got by but reality is you need 2 jobs if not 3 if you are making minimum wage just to cover rent most times and you know those jobs are not conveniently right next to one another. I don't drink smoke do drugs never have, no food banks just trying to get by. Being a slave is nothing to be proud of, the west is getting a dose albeit small of what 3rd world people go through. I see your vets lining the streets dumb fucks willingly and illegally going to fight for the US HATE MACHINE those clowns i feel no sorrow for but cases where seniors on a fixed income are booted out of their place because a building or house sold is not the same. Mr Trump has had his rich ass bailed out of bankrupcy twice by jewish bankers thus his ass kissing to them not everybody can be so fortunate to reap after making poor choices and gambles.
Prayering for him & his daughter ♥️♥️ I have experienced homeless with my sons were smaller & it’s not experience no one wants to go through - Be human & have a humble heart you never know what someone is going through.
The pain in his eyes is sooo sad
He is a jerk! Rose and Main by Goggle. .
@@ChihuahuaChappie You know him?
@@missmartha521 Lived across the street on Dudley & Main. He is a dickhead
@@missmartha521 quite the misogynist as well.
@Jonathan Ivarsson there are weekly fights, the LAPD is never called and we can hear his daughter screaming a solid block away. Its dysfunctional and a toxic setup. He seems healthy because he Rides fancy bicycles all day. His dog looks awful...
This should be discussed on all news stations. Homelessness
The powers that be do not want to bother with little people. They are too busy travelling by private jet to their various homes across the globe !! Renember everyond we are only temporary lodgers on planet earth and the earth belongs to all of us !! No one really owns our earth..no human anyway !! Stop paying parking fines etc. stand up for your human rights everyone !!
*Homelessness is a much bigger problem in liberal democrat cities. Liberal democrats also control the media. Therefore the media wouldn’t dare discuss the realities of life in these cities and the affect their bad policies have on good people.*
@@allegorx58 The elites love to see Americans blaming each other's political ideologies; they're laughing their way to the bank while we bicker amongst ourselves.
Check Nancy Pelosi. Her area is miles of homeless.
@@allegorx58 Yup. 100% right
Im a single mom of a 6 year old and i work full time for a large bank but my income is too low to qualify for an apt (3x rent for income 1 worker 1 child) or affordable housing we live full time in a travel trailer in a park (blessing and curse) no hope in sight i will ever get into a real place or own a home. Thankfully there are other kids here too so im grateful he doesn't feel alone. Our kids do not qualify for bus route so we all walk in oregon rain and sleet and heat. Now with covid almost everyone at my work is work from home but i dont qualify because of my living situation so i still go to work with other employees that cant for various reasons. But we are grateful for what we have. WE NEED AFFORDABLE HOUSING.
What you need is better job skills.
@@aprille33 Exactly people work the exact same bullshit jobs every single year & wonder why shit doesn’t chance. Your life won’t change unless you do & working for someone else for minimum wage as a career is never going to work. You have to learn a skill or trade & work for yourself to be able to make changes. Stop doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.
@@JohnAlexanderiii you are the one in the backward thinking. A four year degree was not what I had in mind. It was a change of careers and learning a side business gig until it can be full time.
America is full of people worse off than her accomplishing far more. Immigrants come here with no money in their pockets not knowing English and in ten years they are often well off.
I bet if we visit her trailer it is full of depreciating assets like dvds, makeup, pet crap, and toys.
People don't need free housing.
@@JohnAlexanderiii "iterally every destitute person took your advice, scrambled to get a 4 year education, all of them become fucking mechanical engineers."
There are plenty of jobs that will pay well that don't require college degrees. In fact because of all the "go to college" rhetoric drilled into peoples heads since the 80s, the skilled trades (plumber, electrician, HVAC etc.) are basically in desperate need of people now. Those jobs pay really well.
I just get so sick of the rhetoric. Unless you are developmentally disabled, you are more than capable of getting a job that at least has a path to a livable wage. I mean when I was 16 we had completely normal men in their 40s working as cooks at the friggin Popeyes I worked at. How the fuck are you in your fucking 40's and fry cook is the only job you are qualified for? The store manager of that fucking place was 23 and started there at 16 in highschool as a basic employee just like these old guys. If that manager stuck with it dude probably works in corporate or owns his own string of popeyes franchises by now.
Absolutely...and always with the credit checks!!
He has a better than most homeless people... He's not outside being rained on, being cold, or somebody attacking him....Hope everything works out for him and his daughter.
I lived in the back of my minivan for about a month it was very eye opening I had a job and kept moving around every day just to be safe saved up some money and found a room for rent and now I have a late model mobile home that I like and a better job so i'm doing alright
This is not ok
I live in my 93 Ford conversion van and I love it..no desire to go back into a house..I'm 59, disabled and some days it's a struggle..I was forced to make lemanade out of lemons and I'm hooked!! All in the attitude maybe? But, I'm blessed..I have shelter, n some warmth and I can cook n drive to appointments..so, you cant forget to give back in appreciation✌❤😊
CherBear I admire you. We will never again see a generation like your own, your strength and insight reminds me of my beloved Mother.
He wants better on other people expense . That is him as old as he is read him!
My heart goes out to these folks and all like them.
45 auto same it’s a awful state of affairs he only wants to be living a normal life
I wonder if people started renting out rooms in their houses..or making the garage into an efficiency apartment to rent out..and when they get old they can live in the efficiency and rent out their house...there are lots of things that could be done about the homeless..what about the old fashioned boarding house..they had those still when I was a child...they def filled a need..
@@edwardroy3401 yeah and I'm not sure if that's good or bad
@@edwardroy3401 totally agree, I know it serves me well.
@@fancysfolly554 One thing that makes it harder to help homeless people, is that wherever you try to build or adapt something to help them, someone objects and attempts to block it: not in this neighborhood; not in my back yard. If you want to make a place for owner-built tiny homes, or a campground wabts to accept them, there are always objections, and the objections of property owners are always heard over the needs of really poor people.
His last wish was EXACTLY what I was thinking before he said it. That man has a BIG HEART.
I wish for him to get that living room so that he can enjoy that couch and TV time with his loved ones.
God Bless
Cheap RV living is one of my favorite channels, they see it all in a very different light. Blessings to all!
This man looks so stressed out. I am praying doors open for him and his daughter. #BeautifulSoul Puts a whole new light on #vanlife and the pressures on the people who have no other options.
@Snappingturtle 267 yeah right cause he works only 2 jobs ! Your comment ??
Snappingturtle FACTS!
The majority of Americans are stressed out...
@Snappingturtle 267 he has a job and his daughter has two
Bless your heart. Please come to Texas! There are plenty of Rv parks that are reasonable and the people here want to help! Sending prayers your way for God's blessing.
Same in Missouri! There are RV camps/parks all over the place. And there’s affordable housing. In my town we have a housing authority that will get anyone into a lovely clean 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartment. Cali is a money trap. The midwest is best!
daryl howard have you ever been to Texas?
I’m from Texas and I feel like it’s too hot to comfortably exist, and it floods ALL THE TIME! My mom’s house just flooded during the recent tropical storm. Many, many cars went underwater. This man would’ve lost his motor home to flood damage if he up and moved to Houston where I’m from. That’s the appeal of California. You don’t need heating or AC, the weather is pretty hospitable year round. Not much rain, rarely gets above 80 on the coast, sun is always shining and you can chill on the beach when times feel hard (:
im so proud of them for keeping their cats and dog as part of their family. god bless u guys. i was where u were before. xo
Thank you 💜 Dottie, Ceelo and Niko say hello
@Joyce Woodruff actually it smells like sage, candles and palo salto, I'd invite you to come smell for your self but I use all these things to keep negativity like yours away. But I here ignorance is bliss and obviously it must be working for you so enjoy that 😉
@Joyce Woodruff again your ignorance is astounding! But like I said enjoy that! Were all fine here, not even worried about you! Obviously you cant say the same. So I'd suggest focusing on your own problems, instead of making up ones for people you dont know.
The cats and dogs?! That would have been the first thing I got rid off! I never understand how homeless people keep 2 dogs and 3 cats. HOW? very unnecessary expense. Imagine how the inside of that RV looks and smells with those animals. They need to get their priorities in order. That dog would be left on the side of the road before I sleep in a tent.
Blu22 Everything you just said is spot on, the fact that this man can’t even see something as simple as what you stated explains why his family is homeless.
He should leave California. There are so many other states that the cost of living is lower.
Not in Michigan. It's extremely expensive to live here.
Dont come to NJ. Just as bad w bitter winters.
@black666 Michigan is not expensive she's bugging.
Indiana is also very expensive...these folks that think places r cheap in usa ...is false...since Reagan became president rent has gone up ...wages have not caught up
@@paulpasman9341 I have an uncle named Paul, he lives in Indiana with my great aunt Mary, you remind me of this great man... thank you for that, have a good day
I feel for him, he is under stress....he is strong though ....prayer 💜🌻.
Come to the south lots of jobs cheap living!!
Luke. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated. People need to renew there mind .Be like a disciple love one another.
He has such a positive vibe stay strong bro
This is why I left California!!!
It's brutal!!! Move out friend.
Exactly it's too expensive here
Simple solution...
Rent there is twice as much as it is around here. You can thank all the illegal aliens that are storming our border making life miserable for the rest of us. We need to get FEMA barges and fill them all with the illegal aliens that are around..... being bums , throw them in them and take them to South America dumping them either in the ocean or dump them where they can go home their choice but not stay here. That's why you can't afford housing in California plus the Democrats are idiots that are in charge they don't give a shit about you guys I care more about you than the people that run the damn place. Best of luck man use that RV to its full potential though. It's better than a tent ⛺. Be blessed
TF 3% I left there too. That state was ruined by its government. I have a way better life since I left there. One of my best decisions ever. A better decision was to believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. California is the epitome of calling evil good and good evil.
Yeah just another vote (or several) on a ballot is all you are to the crooked politicians..
Just when I think my life is tough. This channel puts a lot of things into perspective
There’s something seriously wrong when you have to choose between food and rent when you’re working. How has it all come to this.
thats Good Ole America!
California is to expensive
@@carlos_caracas socialism is definitely NOT the answer. At least he can buy FOOD right now.
@@joeywho534 when you don't restrict your capitalism you'll get industrial era abuse of the working class and people will naturally call for socialism and communism, that's why it's in all of our interests to not handle our countrymen as enemies. treat them like they are for long enough and they will become just that.
Wow this man is strong, resilient, candid, and vulnerable. That’s beautiful. At least to me. Hard work pays off brother.
This is fuckin sad!! California is becoming tent city, it’s so fuckin expensive! Something has to be done for affordable housing!!!
It’s not just California
Yeah, stop giving services away to another countries citizens!!!!!!!!!
blueskys1972 they get free everything while citizens get nothing
There are a lot of working people choosing to live in tents because rent is becoming 90% of their salaries. Affordable housing doesn’t exist in California. I paid $700 for a studio apartment 5 years ago; today that same studio is $1000. At this rate it will be $1500 soon.
Living in an RV is a palace compared to sleeping on the sidewalk...
Exactly people live how he is living on purpose.
Been there
Yes I also came to say some people do this on purpose
Same thing basically.
@@d4ever649 some people choose to sleep on the street and make 7 figures a year. Z
California needs to lower their apartment and house costs
CA really needs to stop giving welfare to illegals and start caring for those that are here legally and those that are working!
You trumpists really are something. Do you actually think that even if all the "illegals" and other immigrants just suddenly disappeared, the excess money would be spent to help the financially less fortunate? This sick system doesn't function without exploiting the poor, regardless of immigration.
@@KL_Stereo who's a trumpists? And when did this conversation ever make a turn to talk about musical instruments? That was so far out there...
@@KL_Stereo study and Learn and raise your iq. Excess of any commodity (ie labour) will decrease its value. Wages would go up to attract labour in a labour short economy. It has nothing to do with how the govt distribute wealth. Trumpist/musicians, classic.
at that would do is raise the demand. it won't solve anything because there will still not be enough housing.
Bottom line is people need to get out of California, the housing situation is becoming hopeless unless you have lots of money.
It’s everywhere. My hometown is 40k people in Update NY. Housing costs are skyrocketing.
@@InvisiblePeople not montana to northern MN. small rural towns have cheap homes. trick is finding good jobs.
We need to do what foreigners do live 4 deep to a house pay it off move on
@@johnpearce9891 cheapest option can often be RV in a campground if the climate is suitable for year round living or if you have an RV designed for extreme cold.
I've been around the country and it's a struggle everywhere I've been.
If it wasn't for my brother in the Air Force letting me move in with him, I'd be homeless. With no car.
And I've been working about 50-60 hours a week and barely been spending any cash outside of living expenses.
Good luck to anyone out there struggling. I wish there was a brighter future, but I hope everyone finds a situation where they can live somewhat comfortably.
Aaawwww bless him. He's trying so hard to keep it together. My heart goes out to them both. I wish them all the best. ❤😇❤
Free water?
@@gilbertotorres8657 Clean rivers and lakes.
He has his jobs here and need not only water but also food
His daughter is an Entertainer so will she entertain Bigfoot? Js
Hi all, I’m a 39 year old New Zealander, never been unemployed and had been living in Auckland city in my SUV for 2 years up until 6 months ago when I finally saved up enough for a deposit on my own home. The amount that I pay for my mortgage on a weekly basis is a quarter of what I was paying for rent. I actually didn’t mind living in my vehicle but I am grateful for what I have now. USA is not the only place in the developed world where homelessness is common.
How can your kids sleep in SUV though????
yaxi zhang Who mentioned kids living in an SUV though?? 🤔🤦🏾♀️
@@yaxizhang9455 when you don't have a choice you have to do what you have to do. Have you ever been in a SUV it's bigger than most prison cell's in the USA. Take out the back seats and you probably can fit a full size mattress. As long as you have food in your belly and a place to lay down at night SUV or bed it doesn't matter. There's always someone out there worst off than you
@@ROBBIN.. how can kid's live in places where there's no clean drinking water they live in huts with dirt floors and but ass naked and they still manage to live longer than people in developed countries. You ever see those documentaries about African villages and see the 90yr old men still chasing down there food with wood spear's
Far from "land of the free "
D L Malley facts
It is not just land of greed, it's a land of in-human! You don't cause trouble, you just live in RV, and they still don't like it. They just don't want your face there. In general, Americans become so selfish!
I have seen prices rent,houses for sale that are unkept and deteriorating, 2 grand for a little square and 1 mill for a shack, literally. And, bottom line, it will only get WORSE.THE EARTH IS TOO FAR GONE.
@Snappingturtle 267 until you have gone through this, you will have NO UNDERSTANDING. HOPE YOU NEVER DO HAVE TO. GOD BLESSES
@Snappingturtle 267 you are wrong on every level,with a blindfold on.
I lived in an RV for 2 years. It was tough. But, soon you will find a system and place to park. Again, it is tough. And, yes, you are looked down on by people who live in brick and mortar buildings.
My neighbor, RV, was an attorney. My other neighbor was a social worker. I was injured at a job, broke my back and had 5 surgeries. It is too expensive to live in California.
I do not do drugs, I do not drink. I cant afford to live unless I lived in an RV.
You keep your head up and do not give up. Do not people get you down.
Why are you living in expensive california?
I started watching this channel last month and have been both inspired and heartbroken in the process. How is it most of the people suffering so much are the ones so compassionate, so forgiving?!
I lived in my van 15 years. Glad to be able to lock my doors!
God Bless His Soul! Great father-daughter team! Very touching and incredibly inspiring. I wish a lot of people see this interview. Sending good vibes and love!!!
You can tell what a good guy he is by his 3 wishes. Hope his luck improves.
My heart hurts for this man and his girls. I wish you the best and pray that you stay safe and get back on your feet. You are a good man!!!
I know your daughter wants to be in the entertainment business but man it might be time to get out of Cali.
Just go to new york then.... Hahaha
She thinks she good like all lazy ,self entitled idiots
Or work for a year, save then move to cali and try to break into the biz
She can still be a stripper thats entertainment
henree simp lol why do you think that? He would still be living in an rv that he doesn’t like. Still being harrassed by cops and business owners no matter where he goes. Doesn’t really sound like he has a problem with California. He just needs to embrace living in an rv and he could be a whole lot happier. He has a perfectly good home that he’s standing right in front of. He and his daughter work full time, should be able to put at least some money into it to make it more livable. And I can tell you from personal experience that there are places close to where he is that he can park and not be harassed. He’s new. I hope by now he’s enjoying the benefits of the lifestyle.
From Alabama, Sir you are welcomed here, there's many beautiful RV parks here and in MS. many prayers and positive energy coming your way. Be blessed. Actually I have been looking into tiny home living.
Sonjs Bibbs yes I live in Alabama too. Cost of living is lower too
I live in Alabama as well and the cost of living is very reasonable and there's jobs available here as well may God continue to bless him and his daughter
You're not really 'homeless' if you live in an RV. It just means that you don't live in a house, there's nothing wrong with living in an RV.
If someone chooses to live in an RV there is nothing wrong with it, and I agree that is not homeless. When someone does not have a choice - that is homeless. David and his daughter do not have a choice. They are homeless.
Louie Evans do you live in a RV?
If you can live in an rv park with full hookup (electric, water, sewer ) it's a world of difference! Been doing it for 11 years now. The way they're living is miserable.
Is there an RV park in Venice Beach?
@@caninetherapyinc9031 no. That metro lot should be the RV park.
He seems like he has a handle on his and his daughter's homelessness. He's actively working on his problems. He's trying. I like him alot. Only a matter of time before he's off the street.
I wouldn't be so sure. He's trying, but it's a snowball effect. Sounds like you weren't even listening to all the issues he's facing. Soon he might even lose his RV and job. That's how become hopeless. They aren't just "lazy".
@@0ak3nshi3ld88 he's been parked 5 years so whatever he is a creep.
@@0ak3nshi3ld88 He is 100 percent able bodied rides bikes like a 12 year old all day. Nothing a like job when you are 50 and sat on your ass all day bitching for aid. He is able bodied and a man; stop with the sympathy.
@@ChihuahuaChappie STFU ASAP
You need to take that RV and drive it right out of California. Come to Virginia, we have plenty of jobs here. Work your way across the state and live somewhere else.
come to Tennessee we have a whole bunch of jobs we don't have a state income tax are rents are very good Republican control that's why
I've been stuck for years living in my dad's kitchen without any personal space or privacy. It drives me insane with depression. I've been trying to fundraise for an old used RV to live in like this, but nobody understands or whats to help.
Network126 and then there’s the guy on the video who would love being in a house
@@MarksTournaments He wouldn't want to live in my dad's kitchen. I have no personal space or privacy. My bed is literally between the sink and the living room TV. I already had to quit my last full-time job over my living conditions because I couldn't even sleep, so I was falling asleep on the job, plus I was always grumpy and in a shitty mood, due to the stress. I'm going insane with depression and can't even function. Trust me, an RV is a major upgrade.
Network126 where do you live? I could honestly give you some advice if you want
It's not America, is certain key states. We moved out of CA to make a better life for ourselves and it was beyond worth it. I do my part by voting for the opposite policies that ruined CA.
It has more to do with supply and demand of housing. I acknowledge zoning laws do restrict housing supply but zoning laws are everywhere. As a matter of fact, California has a net migration gain in the high income group.
@@ltlwatcher There may be issues with supply and demand now, but it was not an added issue when we moved several years ago.
Not for you no,but for black people it is America
@@katewales923 "Not for me". We WERE homeless for 6 months until we got on our feet and moved out of our liberal hell hole of a state. ANYONE who is determined to get out of their situation can, it does however take huge SACRIFICES.
Policies didn’t ruin California- wealth has made California hard for most. This is a great state for the highly educated engineers, programmers and analyst but has priced a lot of people out of their ability to buy a home.
Imagine giving a homeless person a ticket smh
right....must be a shitty life
Happened to me. First night in cali too. Everywhere else just gave me a warning. Lol.
Gotta pay those useless Democrats’ salaries somehow right?
I was a former CEO. Got hit by a Chinese girl now I'm disabled diabetic and homeless from 1.8 million if med bills that her insurance didn't cover. If u live in an RV u are not homeless. Ur in tiny house nation. And ur a Rockefeller compared to those actually on the streets. - real homeless guy that use to be smart
I wish you and your daughter the home happiness and comfort 💖 that you desire
Praying for you both 🙏 ❤
Meanwhile Amazon paid ZERO taxes for the last fiscal year.
Mr. Chiweeni not amazon fault tho
i couldn't understand that when they ask for your tax information when you sell through them..how crazy is that?
Amazon provides jobs though.
Because there is three ways to obtain income. Earned income passive income and assets. The CEO of Amazon has been paying zero taxes because his income is directly correlated to how much value his assets can produce. Not how much time you can work or how valuable your skill sets are the rich are rich because they have assets
@@stephihampton Ya, jobs that pay jack shit, so you still will live in a rv anyways.
I van dwell all over north America. I can tell you that Venice Beach and much of coastal CA are the worst areas for parking fascism on the continent. The rich people just want to make sure that nobody else can share the nice weather and beaches!
I cannot stress this enough. I currently live in the central coast and the NIMBY crowd out here are slowly and finally being overtaken by the youth that need more housing.
Art Traveler end of times
California will not be getting anymore of my vacation dollars. I see videos that are not too flattering.
jobs don’t pay enough for how much it cost to buy or even rent a place nowadays it’s so sad they’re in my prayers I hope things get better
@Sami Amor where do you live? Minimum wage here in California is $11.50
@Sami Amor to be honest not many apartments are under $1000. Where I live in Riverside county, rent is 1200 and up.
@Sami Amor I agree. 😊
@Sami Amor I have been looking for an apartment in Rancho Cucamonga and rent starts at 1500 and up. Its like people don't even have a chance to make a good living, which is sad. I feel If im going to pay 1500 for rent, let it be for a house note; not a small 1 bedroom apartment. Lol😩😆
Love this Guy.. perfect teeth 👌 better than most who aren't Homeless. God Bless you and your Daughter.
I see my dad in his eyes. I really hope that something changes for them, anyone have any updates?
I’m curious as well how they’re doing
I want an update too.
Hows your dad doing
Bless this man ! And his daughter! Better days are coming my man
This is a shame. Regular people can barely afford to survive in CA. They should take that van to Texas. Plentiful jobs here and affordable housing. They could sleep in the RV until enough is saved up to move into an apartment. They can apply and interview on line and have jobs waiting for them when they arrive. Benefits will transfer if they switch jobs within 30 days.
If that were only true, housing may be slightly less expensive in Texas,however Tx is a red state and there are hassles with Benefits for people who have the slightest bit of income or home. As bad as it seems if he and his daughter came to Texas their clock will start over and any social services not financially will be started from the beginning it is better that he stays where he is in line where he wont lose his place and continue to work towards that goal, There are more than 250,000 homeless veterans on the streets in Texas most of them women with children,its cold,raining sometimes scorching heat and we need to clean that up before we are overwhelmed with the overflow of what the government already ignores.
Lifted Bodhisattva There are a lot of assistance programs in this state, red or not. They built a subsidized gated apartment community near me that's far better than the regular privately owned complex that I live in. But...they don't need benefits, per se. They need jobs with benefits and they need a safe affordable place to live. He's not on government aid there or he'd be better off. He's working 1-2 jobs as is his daughter. If he's living in an RV there, he could live somewhere where he'd actually have a chance to get a good job and quickly save up a deposit and pay rent. They can't afford rent there. They could rent a 3 bedroom home here for what a 1 bedroom studio costs there. Jobs are far more plentiful in Dallas than Venus, CA. More and more major companies are moving their headquarters here, so the variety of jobs are constantly increasing. The cost of living is much more favorable anywhere than CA, (well except New York) not to mention no state tax in TX. Vehicle registration is a fraction of what it costs in CA. My family is from CA and my sister and I used to laugh because a new car here costs 70.00 to renew vs an older car that costs 275.00 in Cali. I love CA, a part of my heart is there, but it's not the best place for the working poor. Key word is "working". I can think of several other cities and states other than TX. I live here so I'm more aware of the job and housing market, which is why my comment mentioned TX.
@@jaeshasway I do not disagree with what you've said albeit coming from your personal scope of understanding. I also live in Texas,and am a Texan 4th generation (South) and I've also lived in Southern and Northern California. In both of these states ive been blessed to not only experience homelessness but ive been blessed to understand the system as a working homeless Veteran. While working Once I overcame this I not only had the opportunity to work for programs that needed reorganization for the homeless ,but I continue (though disabled) to direct people in the best way possible out of circumstances that lead to housing disorder. I dont bring this up as situational conversation but to bring the message that as we know there are many reasons why one becomes homeless you can work various jobs and still not have something that no one can take away from you. Simply putting someone in a home,a job, give them skills,aide these are not things that end homelessness,homelessness is much deeper than walls being built ,a gate..it is visceral..The world has a problem it is greed and money and until we overcome this problem there will continue to be Men,women,children and entire families living on the streets looking outside in . It is our responsibility alone to eradicate the whole of this, until there is no more.
Daniel Pan I’m confused. I think it’s because we don’t pay a state tax. We pay our taxes through sales tax and property tax I.e. the people who have money to buy items and buy property are taxed, not poor guys like this who’s taxes are taken straight from his paycheck.
I live in Houston. my home is worth $180,000 - 3/3, 1800 sq ft - property taxes which go to multiple entities, not just public schools, were, $3800 for last year.
besides if you have a million dollar home - your mortgage payment is higher than a 200k home regardless of taxes. Mortgage, interest, property taxes and homeowner’s insurance all cost me $1150 each month.
whirling dervish oh wait / but his daughter wants to be an entertainer. She’ll do anything for her dream including being homeless :(
I tell my kids all the time, "If you can't afford an area, you need to go to an area you can afford".
I recently left Denver because of this concept and all I got was flack from family, friends etc, but it's like rents are rising, about a 125% increase since I moved out there in about 10 years of living there, the housing market rose even more the average cost of a home now being $605,000. People can't believe I just up and left but I'm not living paycheck to paycheck my entire left to live in an expensive area.
@@biggamer8655 like Denver is the end all be all. Don't even think about it. You made the right decision.
We are homeless living in our 1984 Itasca 27ft made by Winnebago Class A full time for the last 7 months!!✌
Please Try any truck stop! You can bathe for $5,00, You can spend the night in peace! Excellent cheap Food! T/A Truck Stop! Pilot Truck Stop!
There's no truck stops in the heart of LA. They work. They can't get out to truck stop land. The commute back in would take 2-3 hours and suck up their gas. Also, that RV probably can't be driven hard in stop and go LA traffic.
The nearest large truckstop to L.A is the T.A. in Ontario California. And there is even a Farmer Boys across the street. Yum
I'm a trucker myself.
Or get a gym membership
Gym membership is the best option :) his daughter and him both can benefit from that
Not good to park at a truck stop because those guys need the space and it's harder for them with regulations and laws for them it's hard to do their jobs when cars and RV' s are taking up space!
Texas is way cheaper folks. My house is 122,000. 3 bedroom 2 bath. Born in Long Beach CA.
I bought my house on Oregon for cash for 125,000 after selling my California town house for over 350,000.
thats my man ......
@@bridgetmccarthy5718 way to go Bridget....
I agree it is much cheaper, but God help you if you become poor or disabled, Texas believes in everyone taking care of their own.
Where in Texas???
Rent needs to come down across the country try to absorb this fact!
Biden will trash the economy so bad that rents will drop.
I've been homeless for the last 6 months. I work a full time job myself. You have no idea how much those 4 walls mean when you don't have them. Its a horrible feeling not knowing where you are going to sleep at night, or am i going to eat today. I'm blessed to have a job and im able to get motel rooms but the money is gone within 3-4 days. Luckily I live in AZ so it doesnt get too cold. I wish them the best of luck!
Rose Diaz There are many programs for ppl who are in financial need and want an education for a better job. Go online and check out your state's financial aid for education programs and government funded educational programs. There are many ppl employed and willing to help you navigate the financial aid that's available. I went to college free on a Federal government program called a "Pell Grant". Are you young enough for "Job Corps"? I hope you can take advantage of these programs which are based on income. Best wishes to you from one of many compassionate Conservatives.
Never give up
Being a single parent, 27 year old Latina and a California home owner, I’m humbled by the ability to have my own home. I do live in Bakersfield but at least I live in the Golden state. Thank you God.
That’s awesome! How long have you been a home owner?
Good for you . Bakersfield is not as excited but that’s ok ! You make sacrifices! Good job !!!
@@kardoyle thank you Karen ✨
@@anthonydiaz9093 5 years now
I’d say, save your money and move to another state. It’s not worth the struggle.
@fork at the end of the road takes one to know one lol
Come to Michigan apartments for 500 to 800 a month nice
Great interview!!
God bless you man - I think you have a beautiful soul.
Something good is going to come from this. Hang in there. You are such a positive person. Thank you for your honesty.
400 tents and 40-50% have jobs? Oh my, we've failed as a scoiety.
I loved how one of his wishes were “more humane people” Good luck to both of you and God bless
Everyone’s saying to leave California immediately, but he’s clearly staying for his daughter’s dreams. This is a good man & he’s lost so much because of it. The world shouldn’t work like that
Entertainer is slang for stripper/call girl.
George Carlin - “these people aren’t homeless, they are houseless and that’s a problem that society/government ought to be able to fix”
When is the government going to start paying my mortgage and utilities...oh thats right I am expected to work for mine and provide for those who want to live the bums dream in a place were I can't afford to live making over 100K a year.
It is the local government with all the taxes and laws that make it hard and expensive to live there.
@Snappingturtle 267 I do not live there. I haven't lived there since I was a teen. I won't live thers again. I enjoy my 2nd amendment and California doesn't support it really.
He's very tough, but there's moments you see the sadness in his eyes. Hope he & his daughter are fine.
Most people appearing in this great project are incredibly smart, their points of view and evaluations are razor sharp and most of all, they're such loveable, beautiful souls. Any sentence they speak has more truth to offer than you can read or see on the news all day long.
I am not American myself and any countries has these issues more or less these days, but dare I say that politics & laws in the U.S. are simply not made for the people there. It's just my conclusion after watching this series. There's a new form of feudalism: keep people low & on the edge of dignity, but still fit and sane enough to keep the big money machine running whie making them believe there MIGHT be a chance of a better life. No solidarity, no humanity.
Again, I live in Europe, I don't mean to offend anyone. Things went a lot in the same direction in many countries here as well. But it's not that horrible, while the "American dream" has completely turned into a nightmare.
You have said it so well!
Im american and this is insanely accurate.
I'm a black man and your absolutely right it's sad
I am not offended. The truth is that the "American Dream" has always been a myth. Most Europeans came here for financial advancement, not for freedom, liberty, and justice for all. If the dream had truly been the goal, the Native Americans wouldn't of been raped, killed, and brutalized, and the West Africans wouldn't of been enslaved, raped, and brutalized. Not to mention the general misogyny that women continue to battle to this day. We're just another country founded on religious hypocracy and greed. Despite these truths, I do think human beings are capable of making "the dream" into reality. But it shouldn't be an American goal. It should be a world wide goal. We could start by voting with our dollar, and stop supporting elitist companies who buy politicians to do their bidding. Get over the foolish concept that wearing a particular brand will get you cool points. You know what's cool? The survival of our species. 🤔
@@harmonyexists2834 oh man i love your comment and you are spot on correct. Im american and it appears the sins of the countries past are coming back to bite. With all the division and hatred towards our fellow man and woman it's inevitable to implode. GOD BLESS
Take them paychecks and fuel up the RV and move to a different State where theres a place thats affordable rent
Where's there affordable rent there are no jobs that pay.
You let me know where there's jobs and low rent that's not infested with HUD housing crack heads or rat and roaches like crips and bloods
He has an rv..he can workcamp..national parks, campgrounds, etc..free campsite, electric n pay..get out of city..
Ranter Redhead That’s not true. I live in rural Minnesota, my rent is 380 all utilities paid and there are a TON of good paying jobs here, and a shortage of workers to fill them. There are places like this all over the United States. I see cornfields when I drive down the road instead of beaches but I am able to put thousands in my savings account every month. Location is everything. These people need to get out of California.
Dillin Coombs Rural Minnesota
He looks like my dad. These videos are hard to watch, even worse when you think about how quickly things can change with no rhyme or reason
So many people commenting that this is a California thing..it is not..it is widespread across the US. I became homeless last year..lived in my van & now live in an old RV at a cheap RV site in TN.
looking into this fellas eyes makes mine go all glassy, hope him and his daughter are doing better now!
He seems like such a good bloke, and smart too - hope he finds his feet
Oh no he lost his feet? I sure hope he finds them too
Bloke 🤣
He's a nice man. Hope his luck changes soon. He's trying so hard. 🍀
what a great guy whoever made this channel and does this
I feel for dude because it is very hard to find housing that allow pets. I look at my dogs and cats as if they're family. If my animals can't stay, we can't stay...I feel you bro!!👊🏼
Even after two raises at my new job that I’ve been at for less than two years, I still feel like I can be homeless at any moment.
This was a great interview. Thank you.
OMG I think that is the RV that parks on my street! I haven't really cared because I don't see trash around the vehicle and no rift raft, so I'm cool with that. I wonder if next week I should leave him a gift card on his door. When it's those parked RV's that are a nuisance I can see why LAPD is trying to get rid of them. The property taxes on my street are around 27K/year....
Be careful. Nice of you to want to leave a gift card-hand it to the man or his daughter. Otherwise, it will be stolen!
You are being scammed by your county.
(me too, of course)
Tsunauticus III
What state do you live in ?
Tsunauticus III where do you live?
Tsunauticus III - Then you live in a state somewhere close to me AND/OR the house is old and isn't worth much, or the property hasn't been assessed in a LONG time! I live in OK (low cost of living) and my home is 3,234 square feet, only 10 years old, 1/3 acre lot, and it's still only worth $349k with taxes at $4518 last year. Not trying to brag anyone, the home is for sale (Disabled Vet with chronic illness and now can't work). Just trying to prove a point... I know it's beautiful in California but no wonder people are homeless there!!!
This is a smart man working full time and his daughter also and still can’t afford a home. Such a shame
Rebecca Swilling he explicitly said he works part time.
Brother come out to Missouri. Rent is cheap, living isnt too expensive. Its crazy because a lot of people really want to pack up and move around in RVs instead of having a permanent residence. I pray things come together for you brother.
Thursday morning i wish I have rv like him because I just want to be privacy and peace of mind as well it's hard to buy house in Philippines because life in my country is hard.
@Heidi Pastore you could be my girlfriends girlfriend😁😘
@Heidi Pastore where is ozarks laocated
@@raymondlumanlan1971 Arkansas, Missouri area
What about jobs?
When I see people like this I just imagine how their so called friends and family feel. I mean he sees himself in the future hanging out with friends and family. Are these the same friends and family that see him living on the street or is he planning on making new ones?
Where are his friends and family to help them? What about their co-workers?
Somebody they know has to know somebody who knows somebody who can help them Even if it's just so they can park their RV in front of their house or driveway! Maybe let them use the shower and launder their clothes once a week.
I was thinking the same thing
Good question Zarebel!
There are always large parts of these stories left out.