Future OPV of the French Navy at Euronaval 2024
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- At Euronaval, the DGA presented the new offshore patrol vessel design for the French Navy, which will deliver 7+3 ships by 2035 to replace older units and significantly upgrade the Navy's capabilities.
The new OPVs are designed to carry out missions currently performed by the six ageing D’Estienne d’Orves/A69 type (formerly light frigates and then reclassed as patrol vessels) high-seas patrol vessels (PHM) based in Brest and Toulon as well as the three Flamant-class (OPV 54) public service patrol boats (PSP) in Cherbourg: support for deterrence, maritime security, evacuation, protection, escort and intervention within the framework of State action at sea and deployment in France’s areas of interest. To carry out this wide range of missions, the new ships will have larger size and superior operational capabilities compared to the vessels they replace, owing to their advanced equipment and design features.
With a displacement of around 2,400 tonnes and a length of 92 meters, the new versatile, multi-mission second-tier ships will be able to achieve a maximum speed of over 21 knots and an endurance of about 6,000 nm with their diesel-electric propulsion or 30 days of sea operations. The width is 14.2 meters and the draft 3.6m. They will accommodate 84 people (crew and passengers). The new platform lifetime is indicated in 35 years with a requested availability of 140 days at sea per year (aiming to 220) and total availability of 300 days per year.
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thx for all the video coverage of the event, almost likei was there
PS I'ill preempt all the idiotic comments.
it is under armed it needs a bigger main gun, many CWIS guns, 1000 VLS for drone swarms etc...
Reply: no it doesn't it's a patrol ship!
Thank you!
What's the point of using military personnel, trained for total war, to patrol unarmed fishing boats...?
It should be a job for the Coast Guard.
@@jorehir Ask the Russians: every fishing boat could be a Japanese torpedo boat...
Or as they said in the video, they should protect the French SSBN when they return home and have ASW capabilities.
Thanks for the translation in english.
Brazilian here.
Great work.
Bravo, c'est beau de voir un pays qui prend sa défense nationale au sérieux.
Throw in Japanese subtitles just to confuse the enemy.
As expected of France! I wonder if their selfish nature is reflected even in their language.
I believe that he used French in order to deceive his enemy, first and foremost by deceiving his allies.
@@Sigma-66 hahahahahah
How does this channel not have more suubscribers.
Please subscribe! :)
You should just speak French and use subtitles. Much better conversational flow. It's easier to follow even for non French speakers.
Yes, our mistake. We were trying this for the first time and won't do it again. RUclips subtitles / auto-translation didn't use to work that well in the past but works quite well nowadays. We will interview in French and let RUclips translate in the future. Lessons learned 👍
There’s 70 million of us so it’s only fair the other 7.1 billion speak our tongue ;) 🏴 joke
C'est pour atteindre la clientèle anglophone ou anglo-saxonne dont bcp ignorent la grande compétence et des plus sophistiquée française qui soit, mais qui est engluée très souvent dans l'influence américaine qui fait trop le hup-eyeil sur les autres potentiels et éventuels clients qui pensent regarder ailleurs. Cependant, il y'a des versions en toutes les grandes langues.
I can't read though. ☹️
im sure translating and adding subs in post takes up quite a bit of time, and might not have been practical
I don't know which is the problem you traslate wonderfully from french to english as commonly done in business meetings. Bravo.
This are OPV not Corvette or Frigates even if the size fit but for confort and seakeping needs nothing more.
OPV are peace time vessels which biggest fight could be against a big hijacked merchant ship on short distance whereas you'll need to hit rudder compartment or engines one in order to stop it, thus a 76mm Superapido (in use by Marine Nationale) will be almost perfect.
OPV are just targets in war time!
This is why the goal is keep it cheap!!!
As mentioned before using the 76mm gun well known by french navy in Strales and Vulcano variant would met worst case scenario mission requirements adding a limited up to 5 nm range anti-missile and anti-drone capabilities for self protection, using the onboard helicopter to visually acquire and designate a surface target over the around 10 nm horizon limit of onboard radars up to 20 nm range of anti-ship Vulcano ammunition, Superapido is also capable to deliver the equivalent punch of an Exocet missile in less then 30 seconds.
Moroever 76mm gun will offer the extra possibility to hit already known or discovered buy drone fixed small point targets on land up to 20 nm from the ship.
Great capabilities at cost of a single gun without the cost of installing missiles and their combat system!
I wonder if these ships will also be useful in the Indo-Pacific for patroling territories in fisheries and anti- piracy patrols. would assume for the size the should have decent endurance. Also some use in the Caribbean at less cost than larger vessels. The hangar(?) for helicopter operations and/or drones?
Thank you for the positive feedback!
@@frosty3693there are already the POM OPVs in external territories and the Antilles-Guyanne OPVS in the Caribbean. It is most likely they’ll be used on Metropolitan French shores and on missions in the western African coast like the Avisos already do.
Nice looking ship 👍
Super continuez comme ca... 😊
Reminds me of the babcock defender 90.
the gun is 40mm autocannon - is it the same as in the EBRC Jaguar?
C'est un beau navire et dont le tonnage est celui d'une corvette. Malheureusement , les deux sympathiques personnes qui l'ont préparé, semblent oublier que nous ne sommes pas dans un monde de bisounours et qu'il faut VRAIMENT en tenir compte en matière ne fut-ce que défensive. On est plus que jamais dans un monde brutal et qui ne respecte que la force. Contrairement à ce qu'a dit un "haut (ir)responsable, ce n'est PLUS le "drapeau français" qui est la meilleure arme du patrouilleur. Admettons qu'il y a obligation d'utiliser le 40mm CTA national en lieu et place d'un 76mm, mais n'oubliez pas d'au minimum prévoir les câblages et les emplacements pour ajouter des effecteurs ultérieurement ! Ceux-ci devraient aller des mitrailleuses à des charges et/ou torpilles ASM (larguées par drones ?), en passant par au minimum un lanceur quadruple de MISTRAL3 et/ou de roquettes 70mm (multiples fonctions possibles) et leurres anti-missiles . On ne doit pas oublier non plus des moyens d'action non létaux, notamment à ondes sonores et avec LASER . Voyez par exemple les scénarii qui se répètent entre les philippins et les expansionnistes chinois. C'est du sérieux et il n'est pas exclus que, dans le futur, de telles joutes se déroulent autour de certains territoires "ultramarins" de la France !
Canberra & Wellington should make an ANZAC version instead of a Frigate
what is the status on the french opv the "Auguste Bénébig that was assigned to the indo pacific is there's a article online or news
These new OPV designs are larger and better equipped (sensors & weapons) than the ships currently serve in the French Navy. This new design is fitted with the RapidFire 40-mm canon, VDS, and bow thruster. It is interesting that there are 2 different designs: Patrouilleur Hauturier (as featured in this video) vs Patrouilleur D'Outre-Mer (Overseas Patrol Vessel) shown in the glass case slightly behind and to the right of the screen. Does anyone have information as to how the 2 designs compared to one another (dimensions, displacement, speed & endurance, sensors & weapons fit)? I would imagine that the Overseas Patrol Vessel being larger, with longer endurance (due to France's huge oversea territorial holdings mostly in the Pacific Ocean), and maybe more heavily armed?
Even the 1700 ton 72 meter actic OPV vessel of the Danish navy has provision for 2 double torpedo tubes for the MU90 torpedo. The French vessel ought to have the same as well as the possibilty of anti-ship missiles
I don’t know about the Danish OPVs but these OPVs will not be expected to fight combat ship.
No need to, considering the missions these OPVs will fulfill. The French Navy has nuclear-powered submarines, destroyers and frigates (+corvettes soon) armed with those weapons you mentioned and more. France should reinforce the armament of the first-rank warships instead of unnecessarily going overboard with a freaking OPV.
@@jamescotton01 yes but they will be on the front line if a conflict ever breaks out and should therefore be able to defend themselves against attacks from combat ships
@ except they won’t. Without sufficient crew to man defence watches 24/7 the ship we make a fast exit. Maybe they could operate in task group, but then other assets would provide additional security.
OPV roles are anything short of combat, to allow the surface combatants to train and prepare for a peer fight.
Mixing English and French stuffs up RUclips's speech to text. It would be better if you did the entire interview in French and allowed auto French to English translations.
Yes, our mistake. We were trying this for the first time and won't do it again. RUclips subtitles / auto-translation didn't use to work that well in the past but works quite well nowadays. We will interview in French and let RUclips translate in the future. Lessons learned 👍
Aucun missiles? Même des mistrals?
apparemment en France on aime pas les missiles, ça devient ridicule quand on sait qu il y a des lanceurs modulaires anti aérien ou surface qui sont présents dans les stands et fabriqués en France!
@@ShinoxSturmreiterDesTode Ce qui me fait hurler est de voir que nous vivons une situation internationale de plus en plus tendue et de constater que les nouvelles FDI sont moins armées qu'une corvette russe standard... magnifiques navires mais qui ont assez de munitions pour un combat de haute intensité de quelques heures.
@@ren2704à quoi bon lancer un missile quand on peut faire en sorte que le missile ennemi face demi tour ou aille dans une autre direction pour finalement se cracher en mer? La guerre électronique est bien moins coûteuse.
@@brunol-p_g8800 On est en France, entre la théorie et la pratique... ;)
C'est un patrouilleur. Pas une corvette ou frégate. Un navire de garde cote musclé quoi.
Un gros navire pour un seul canon de 40...
Seems to have a helicopter pad and hangar maybe? It has sonar too. Can launch UAVs.
Why send ppl that cant speak english, many more ppl understand that than French
Naval Prancis harus lebih vanyak bekerjasama bidang maritim seperti ini dengan Indonesia untuk stabilitas kawasan indo Pasifik yg damai dan tertib sebab hanya Indonesian yb bisa mengalahkan ketegangan klaim laut china selatan oleh Tiongkok
Merci pour cette vidéo car il n'y a pas beaucoup d'informations sur ce futur hauturier.
Je ne comprends pas l'intérêt d'un si gros navire du tonnage d'une corvette pour le rôle prévu d'un patrouilleur si peu armé.. un Patrouilleur Outre-Mer équipé d'un sonar, et peut être d'un aménagement plus grand pour un hélicoptère, aurait amplement suffit. Ils auraient coûté 3x moins cher et on ne serait pas obligé d'attendre 2042 pour tous les obtenir ; alors même qu'il y a urgence sur ces navires !
J'espère grandement qu'ils sont prévus pour être évolutifs niveau armement en cas de conflit..
Peut être qu'il serait possible de faire des économies sur le remplacement des fregates de surveillance avec ces Hauturiers augmentés de torpilles, mica vl ou exocet (ils font quand meme la taille d'une gowind 2500!).
c'est un patrouilleur pas une fregate de guerre navale. sa mission c'est de surveiller le traffic maritime, la peche, etc... voir mission d'assistance en mer dans la ZEE francaise.
Le sonar est la simplement pour aider les fregates Fremm et ATL2 pour la sortie et entree des SNLE, car plus de coques = plus grande zone de surete. Quand tu commences a envoyer des Ping tout azimut les sous marins enemis qui espionnent doivent degager de la zone sinon ils seront decouverts.
Lors d'un conflit ce n'est pas des patrouilleurs qu'ils nous faudra, mais d'avantage de Fremm, Horizon voir des FDI (si elles sont mieux armees, quid VLS). Rappel, a l'origine il etait prevu d'avoir 17 Fremm, 4 Horizon et 2 PA. Il est grand temps de remedier a cette erreur monumentale, et au gouvernement d'assumer sa mission de proteger la France plutot que d'etre un etat nonou.
Will that ship launch a French Baguette?
Dès qu'il parlent français, je comprends mieux l'anglais ... mon chien m'a dit la même chose
C'est quand même pas normal à ce niveaux de responsabilité
Des Français qui s'essaient à l'anglais. 🤣🤣🤣
aesthetically not an attractive ship. looks like the bow would porpoise in high seas and break off 😂
delete comment same with silent democracy
In most countries around the world, the first name alone is not used to introduce oneself.
It is in informal settings like this where people are colleagues.
For security reasons, it is not allowed to provide last name of military / mod officials in France, unless they are a high rank