Second test of JU-03, almost there....

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 41

  • @Mobackenracing
    @Mobackenracing  10 дней назад +5

    After disassembly and some measurements a friend of mine in Australia (John Wallis) has run some calculations and found that the turbine guide vane area is roughly twice what is needed.
    I will do a quick fix and block off a section of the vane area with a stainless ring and give it another go. This will dramatically increase the speed of the gasses hitting the turbine blades and hopefully be enough to get it to run on its own.
    Keep your fingers crossed!😃

  • @davidclark3304
    @davidclark3304 7 дней назад

    When I was 15 I dreamed of doing this. But I had no money, no skills, and no tools. So here I'm seeing my dream vicariously!

  • @shahriyarpapyrus4828
    @shahriyarpapyrus4828 9 дней назад +1

    Good luck bro

  • @jimciancio9005
    @jimciancio9005 8 дней назад

    Very nice bullet heater......

  • @johndohe990
    @johndohe990 7 дней назад

    Hahahaha, va fan håller du på med för tok nu då?
    Men det ser helt klart roligt ut, måste nog ta mig en tur till Fjäl snart😂👍🏻

  • @pepscalibra4x4
    @pepscalibra4x4 10 дней назад +3

    Hehe hade den startat å du bränt av spännbandet då hade du fått myckevisningar😂

  • @DanielVergeles
    @DanielVergeles 10 дней назад

    Good luck with that

  • @philippwetter
    @philippwetter 10 дней назад

    Amazing build! Did you implement air labirynth seal for the compressor wheel and the intake cone?

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  10 дней назад

      @@philippwetter Thank you! This compressor wheel has a slight wobble due to the outer cone being rolled from a steel sheet template, so a labyrinth seal cannot be used.
      I have made the cover fit as tightly as possible around the inducer so leakage is hopefully acceptable.

  • @Turbojetkart
    @Turbojetkart 12 дней назад +1

    So close... little more revs ? Or more fuel ? But my friend am sure you will have it sorted soon 😊

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад

      This is the most fun part of building jets, thinking, redesigning and test running.
      Might be the comp vane backsweep that needs to change, the boost pressure needle was barely moving during the test.

  • @realistgutten1933
    @realistgutten1933 5 дней назад

    Great Washingmashine

  • @smokeebeefpv
    @smokeebeefpv 9 дней назад

    What will this turbine be powering in the future, once it is all built and tested?

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  9 дней назад +2

      The idea is to fit a snowmobile belt clutch directly on the rotor shaft (it will work since max rpm will be 8-9000rpm) and build a 1930-style Formula car around it to go on veteran hill climbs and such. But it is a loooong way there. :)

    • @smokeebeefpv
      @smokeebeefpv 8 дней назад

      @Mobackenracing That sounds awesome. Good luck!

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  8 дней назад

      @ Thanks!

  • @MarkMLl_uk
    @MarkMLl_uk 9 дней назад

    I hope you've got some bypass on that engine, since otherwise the webbing strap around it might not last long...

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  9 дней назад +1

      The outer casing should be cold enough to touch while running so no problems, I´ll make a proper engine mount later though. :)

  • @RinoaL
    @RinoaL 12 дней назад

    It feels like it's almost close enough to start.

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад

      It was pretty close but at way too high temps, so I probably have to redesign something. I want it to have a low and cold idle so even if I would have managed to get it to self sustain at high rpm´s and glowing temps that is not acceptable.

    • @RinoaL
      @RinoaL 11 дней назад

      @@Mobackenracing Ah that is a good point. Yeah

  • @VilgotStenberg-df1uu
    @VilgotStenberg-df1uu 12 дней назад

    Riktigt spännande att se den igång! Hoppas att du får fler prenumeranter😀

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад +2

      Fast den vill inte riktigt starta än, jag gjorde ett test utan att filma efter detta då jag gav på ännu mer bränsle. Då var avgastempen över 700 grader och den var jäääkligt nära att hålla sig igång på 3000rpm. Men det är alldeles för varmt, jag måste nog designa om några delar innan nästa test.

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад +2

      Många prenumeranter är inte något jag bryr mig i, lägger mest ut filmerna för att kunna länka till ett jetbyggarforum som jag är med i.

    • @VilgotStenberg-df1uu
      @VilgotStenberg-df1uu 12 дней назад

      @@Mobackenracing Ja 700 grader låter varmt, blir kul att se👍🏻

  • @scotthugo7328
    @scotthugo7328 10 дней назад

    Shouldn't testing always be performed in a tuxedo?

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  10 дней назад

      I know, but after years of running it hangs like a sack on me. Been thinking about getting a Hugo Boss suit for future test runs, if they were good enough for the SS they are good enough for me.

  • @WineScrounger
    @WineScrounger 9 дней назад

    If you’ve got spare shaft horsepower when this is going it would make a great CHP unit.

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  9 дней назад +1

      The plan is to extract shaft horsepower from it, not thrust. Since the max rpm will be soo low due to the rotor diameter a snowmobile belt clutch could be place directly on the turbine shaft in front of the compressor.

    • @WineScrounger
      @WineScrounger 8 дней назад +1

      @@Mobackenracing Sounds excellent, gas turbines make great prime movers for generators. Rover made a man-portable fire pump with one in the '60s, it started with a hand crank.

  • @knglaser
    @knglaser 12 дней назад

    "fortare, fortare!!1" :D nämen, nog är det kvar lite klurande än. ba drygt att börja designa om delar och inse att det är många gånger man måste pilla isär allt. jag tror du fixar't, hejja!

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад +2

      @@knglaser Det är ju det här som är kul, att förbättra och bygga om tills det funkar. Hade den startat direkt och gått felfritt skulle det vara lite av ett antiklimax, vad ska jag nu pyssla med liksom. 😁

  • @WikWak
    @WikWak 12 дней назад

    Turn down that wheel on the compressor. She wants more rpm i rekon!

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  12 дней назад +1

      @@WikWak I am not sure, it spun 3000rpm and that is close to 40% max rpm which should be well above idle. The compressor is loosely based on the FD3/64 design and with its backswept compressor it had a very low self sustain speed.

    • @WikWak
      @WikWak 12 дней назад

      I've not properly looked at the thread.
      Blimey, that's slow. I'll have to look up about that kind of compressor

  • @bjohn3421
    @bjohn3421 6 дней назад

    Not even close to proper speed with that drive set up you need 30,0000 rpms not 3,600

    • @Mobackenracing
      @Mobackenracing  6 дней назад

      Take into consideration that the rotor is 500mm in diameter, this is no Jetcat RC turbine.