令人垂涎的蘋果鬆餅!肉桂蘋果夾心的完美甜點 Irresistible Apple Pancake! Perfect Dessert with Cinnamon Apple Filling

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • 週末的早晨,就像這份美好的蘋果鬆餅食譜一樣!我準備用有機蘋果做出一份香氣迷人可口的蘋果鬆餅。蘋果片在鍋裡輕煮,仿佛跳起了歡快的舞步。當鍋中飄出誘人的香味時,我知道這將是享受一頓美好早餐的最佳開始。鬆餅做好以後,簡單淋上天然楓糖漿還有加上藍莓的天然水果味,這為我週末的好心情開啟了一個完美的樂章。也就是這樣,讓我感受到一天最美好、最有元氣的開始!
    整片肉桂蘋果夾心!大人小孩都愛的蘋果鬆餅 Apple Pancake!A Whole Piece of Cinnamon Apple inside!
    蘋果肉桂/鬆餅/松饼/美式松饼/Pancake/Apple pancakes/Easy pancake recipes
    令人垂涎的蘋果鬆餅!肉桂蘋果夾心的完美甜點 Irresistible Apple Pancake! Perfect Dessert with Cinnamon Apple Filling
    Weekend mornings, just like this delightful apple pancake recipe, are full of promise and flavor! I'm gearing up to create a batch of aromatic and mouthwatering apple pancakes using organic apples. As the apple slices gently cooked in the pan, it's as if they're dancing with joy, filling the kitchen with their wonderful aroma. The moment that irresistible fragrance wafts through the air, I know it's the perfect start to a wonderful breakfast. Once the pancakes are done, a simple drizzle of natural maple syrup and some fresh blueberries add a burst of natural sweetness, setting the stage for a perfect weekend mood. It's moments like these that make me feel energized and ready to embrace the day with enthusiasm!
    1 organic apple
    Pancake mix
    Some water (adjust based on desired thickness of pancakes)
    Cinnamon powder
    Nutmeg powder
    Sea salt
    Oil (for frying pancakes)
    Natural maple syrup
    Blueberries or other favorite fruits (for garnish)
    Peel the apple and remove the core, then slice it horizontally.
    Heat a pan over medium heat, add some cinnamon powder, a dash of nutmeg powder, and a pinch of sea salt, then pour in 1/4 cup of water. Place the apple slices into the pan and cook until slightly softened and infused with flavor, then remove and set aside.
    Prepare the pancake mix according to the instructions on the package to make batter. You can add some extra cinnamon powder to the batter for more flavor, if desired.
    Preheat oil in a skillet over medium heat.
    Dip the cooked and cooled apple slices into the pancake batter, coating them evenly.
    Place the batter-coated apple slices into the skillet and fry until both sides are golden brown and crispy.
    Remove the fried apple pancakes from the skillet, arrange them on a plate, and drizzle some natural maple syrup over the top. Garnish with blueberries or other fruits as desired.
    Enjoy this delicious, nutritious, and easy breakfast to kick off your weekend on a high note!
    簡單鬆餅食譜 - 整片肉桂蘋果夾心喔!Pancakes - A Whole Piece of Cinnamon Apple slice inside!
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    我愛做菜,愛美食,更愛與朋友們分享生活中的大小經驗!雖說世上無完美之事,但我總是願意帶著一份喜悅和創新態度來豐富自己的生活。我從自己拍攝RUclips視頻以來,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我為興趣而做,樂在其中!我選擇平衡的生活,所以我每一週到一週半會發布一部新的視頻,我不趕進度,不為保持流量而拍視頻。相信您也是應該是願意過著健康,平衡的生活吧!:) 感謝Gabe Van Sloun/陳帥全為我做優美的原創視頻鋼琴音樂。如果您喜歡我的視頻,請支持訂閱的我頻道!感謝您!
    I love cooking and I enjoy eating good & healthy homemade food! I make RUclips videos because I enjoy filming, editing and doing the audio by myself. Thanks to Gabe Van Sloun for composing beautiful original piano music for my videos.
    Please support and subscribe to my channel! Thank you!
    我爱做菜,爱美食,更爱与朋友们分享生活中的大小经验!虽说世上无完美之事,但我总是愿意带着一份喜悦和创新态度来丰富自己的生活。我从自己拍摄RUclips视频以来,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我为兴趣而做,乐在其中!我选择平衡的生活,所以我每一周到一周半会发布一部新的视频。我不赶进度,不为保持流量而拍视频。相信您也是应该是愿意过着健康,平衡的生活吧! :) 感谢Gabe Van Sloun/陈帅全为我做优美的原创视频钢琴音乐。如果您喜欢我的视频,请支持订阅的我频道!感谢您!

Комментарии • 2

  • @conniechen4918
    @conniechen4918 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes
      @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes  6 месяцев назад +1
