Ravens and Crows can be very generous too. If you feed them, the are known to drop off "gifts" to you right on your porch like all the time. They find shiny things like coins and even random jewelrey , bottle caps and things of that nature, and they will drop it near you or in front of your door. They;re smart.
I fed a crow on my front lawn one day, then after that it would drop apple cores and other random stuff down my chimney. Wasn't sure if it was a coincidence if if he was returning the favor. It was pretty funny though.
Those ravens can be very smart. I know from personal experience. I was up for promotion in the company i was working. All i had to do was to complete a project which i worked on in my office. A raven was watching me from the window and realized what was going on. When i would leave, he would come in my office, use my laptop and in the end negotiated a better deal with my boss and sto|e my promotion.
@@nunyabiz9418 That was so out of place you might as well have walked into a random crowd and yelled "FUCK SJWS AM I RIGHT?" Sounds like something a raven would do
i feed ravens all the time. i live in a village on mt hood and there hundreds of them. i have many many vids of me feeding them. or tons of them fighting over food. flying. in my weather reports and the guy who makes all the music for my vids. he wrote a song about me feeding the ravens. it is epic.
as a boy I found a raven chick, I hand fed and "saved" her .. she was free to leave but she stayed for 5 seasons, followed me everywhere , knew what time I got home from school sat waiting for me on the school roof, knew what times I had soccer practice , she learned somehow to ring my bike's bell, she learned how to open a door by going to sit on the doorhandle .. legit one of the brightest animals I was blessed to call my friend
Ravens are cool man. Super smart, has similarly to humans befriended wolves and semi domesticated them, and can copy sound as well as parrots too. Why arent more people trying to learn to communicate with ravens and instead tried dolphins.....
Unfortunately your bird friend may of passed away or been killed. In a 2019 study in Yellowstone park they discovered Crows/Ravens create lifetime relationships with wolves and are best friends for life. Crows can’t eat anything on carrion but the eyes without wolves tearing apart its flesh for them so they lead them to it. The crows will play with wolf pups by using sticks for tug of war, chase & tag. When male pups leave the pack their Crow friend they grew up playing with follows them. They work in tandem to live where the bird find food the wolf can kill or crack open for them to eat. Crows warn the wolves of coyotes that can steal their kill and will even mimick different wolf howls to make them think there’s more than one. They even will stay at the den to protect pups warning wolves if they’re pups are in danger. These relationships last a lifetime and a crow will spend 98% of its life with wolves!
I've seen crows manipulate squirrels into being hit by cars a few times. ...and as soon as the squirrels were on "squish" status, the crow would call buddies to eat the dead squirrels. Sik
That is exactly what I thought after watching this video. I think this bird is eating the dead cats in these streets. These "Corvidae" must have witnessed stray cat fights and know these might result in food (dead cat that loses the fight). The bird is obviously increasing tensions with one cat which might attract other alpha males to the scene and a fight is soon inevitable. Just a theory but the squirrels story would coincide with the "Eating Dead Cats" theory.
at my local park, I saw a raven drink out of the human water faucet. used its legs to press the button, and drank from the stream. Bird left, then others crows did the same thing...I was speechless
I learned my lesson messing with a crow when I was 14. I threw a rock at a crow thinking it was just gonna fly away! Not this bird! It chased me for a week. Waiting for me to go to school and following to the store! I am still traumatized to this day!
I had a neighbor she was an introvert, and suffered from anxiety issues. She fed and cared for wild ravens. She built them nests, and fed them. They fell in love with her and started bringing her gifts, like ear rings, rings, necklaces, sunglasses. It was amazing to watch. And they protected her house and yard. If you didn't belong there, they would swoop down and attack you.
Hes correct about ravens being smart. When i was 17 one once broke into my house, stole my mums car and crashed it. Then to top it off it framed me to make me look guilty
I once read an article about COWS being as smart as a 7 year old kid and that they could understand idioms and hunt with wolves in the woods. I remember it being a little weird, but I had a cow just like that when I was a kid. Months later I found out that it was actually CROWS and not COWS.
I lived in the arctic for a while and there are huge ravens up there, they move south in the winter. I once watched a raven hopping around on the gravel road, picking up rocks and flipping them around, he did this for about 10 minutes until he found the right rock, flew up onto my deck, wedged the roc between two boards and proceeded to clean it's beak with this tool. it was amazing
@@91KP_SilentEchoes do yourself a favor and google Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Canada. That's where I lived, the ravens did not stick aroun when it was consistently below -40C for months at a time.
Growing up my dad used to call crows. He took me hunting for lots of things from deer to geese to coyotes to turkey, but never shot crows. He liked to be social with them and I guess killing their family members is a bit of a faux pas. He said they had an etiquette, you don't just blast crow noises at them (unless they are mobbing nearby, in which case it will attract a swarm-have food and you've just made a hundred friends lol), instead, you call a few times and wait 5 to 10 seconds or so for a response. If they respond, you can try different combinations of calls; waiting for a response each time and altering your patterns to be close (but not the same, they stop responding if you just repeat their calls). Different regions have different cultural standards and likely different greeting calls/warning calls/etc. Our border collie sorted out what we were doing and would look upwards and bark in response to both our calls and the birds. Sometimes, the crows and the dog would have a conversation in a strange way, with the dog barking a few times, then carefully listening for a response before barking a little differently. Obviously not really understanding one another in the same way as us, but the mutual attempt at communication between two species left me with chills the first time I witnessed it. I live about a mile away now, and they'll still show up even when I don't bring them food to "chat". Once they attacked a hawk that was nesting near the walking trail I use after it did a close territorial flyby of me. They did their "you guys distract while I dive bomb" routine until I was past the nest. Really interesting critters, if you build up a relationship with your local murder they'll provide endless entertainment.
I saw two crows steal fries from a seagull a few days ago. They started following it from a distance. My guess is gulls are better at finding food due to better eyesight or sense of smell or some shit and the crows realised this. They watched the crow land near some fries and would take turns taunting the gull from just out of distance while the other fed. The teamwork was amazing and the way they moved showed an understanding of distance and position on par with a skilled out-fighter. Seagulls are no bird-brains either. I once saw one limp over to a person eating and the person fed it. Once it had enough it walked away normally. Little fucker faked a limp knowing it would get sympathy! Blew my freaking mind!
Fair point, maybe it's thought pattern wasn't that sophisticated, maybe it just saw another seagull limping and getting food and just copied the behaviour with no deeper layer of understanding but the result was the same. At the same time though I wouldn't rule it out, predators need to understand how other animals think to some degree to predict their behaviour, gulls care for their young so must have some understanding of sympathy and they have been around humans for a very long time.
Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for. Faking a limp may have been observed and copied behavior, but it's still impressive that it learned that by acting a certain way, people are more likely to feed it. Animals have behavior patterns, and if it learns that a certain behavior allows it to eat more food, it'll keep doing it.
I have seen crows attack big birds of prey in mid air. They protect their nests very aggressively and sometimes very smart. Odds are the video of the bird with two cats has to do with a nest nearby. But Seagulls have lost my respect for a smart bird since Last summer. One of them was in a bus stop that was made entirely of glass. The seagull was inside and outside there was a piece of bread. The gull kept running into the glass head first to get it like 10 times in a row. Boink "looks dazed" boink "looks dazed" boink etc..But who knows, might have been a mentally retarded one. Later that day I did see a gull steal a sandwich from a woman's hand in full flight. So that was a better example of intelligence.
Ravens by my house figured out my dad was feeding them, they would then hang out by his garden and eat bugs eating his plants. They also figured out which bedroom window was his and would sit there if their feeder was empty. These birds would look you in the eye and you could just tell; it was like looking at a person.
we have ravens all over here where i am from and yes this is true, but ive never pissed one off, but they do follow you and will yell and make funny sounds at you lol, they used to come around my house all the time when I had an african grey and try and talk to him through the screen door and my parrot would talk to them all the time, it was quite the show haha
Ravens have been seen having relationships with wolves, they lead the pack to food in exchange for the scrap on the bones they couldn't of gotten to before. These Ravens were studied having friendships with the wolves and seen playing tug-a-war with the wolf pups with sticks and nibbling there tails to give chase. Very cute, always be friendly with Ravens! There were Ravens outside our house making a whole bunch of noise during quarantine, and my mom straight up walked out there and said "You guys need to leave, find somewhere else to be noisy. You are very pretty but please leave" and then were gone the next day. Maybe they just thought she was crazy but we all thought it was pretty funny 🤣
Yeah crows can tell other crows that something in the vicinity is dangerous. So even if a crow hasn't experienced the specific danger, it will still learn to be cautious about it in the future.
@TreeWop @Moose Niga that’s weird. I replied to a comment about some dude that basically said he thought the goth girl was hot and he wanted to bang her. My comment either got miss-placed or the original comment was erased.
I saw a documentary where they taught ravens to collect change from the city and go out to these fields where they setup crow vending machines where they trade change for food 🤯
I was attacked by ravens while doing a nest inspection on a 250' tower... When your eye to eye with a pissed off mama raven shit gets serious real quick
Working up in northern Canada, we had big street lamps around camp, that came on and off by photo sensors.. and these ravens would sit up there in the winter in the day!! Spread there wings, cover the senser and turn that light on to keep warm!!!
This made me laugh! Years ago, I rescued a couple orphaned ravens. They can solve lots of problems, figure out things in their environment. Also they can understand quite a lot of speech , and they can speak back to you. The tongue split Myth is wrong! No need, they'll speak or not, more or less, as they wish. Like parrots, some just talk more. But they all still understand you. They are a completely wild creature. Dont project domestic traits to them. But they're bright. Edit: one cool thing, they remember your face, for years. Often they visit their humans that fostered them, for years.
Ravens are super smart, they have a complex language. I took to feeding the local ravens meat on some cold winter's days, they greet me like a friend and it's not them just being conniving with the aim of getting fed again, ravens in far away locations now greet me as well. A happy raven literally jumps with joy and flips over onto his back when flying. Such excellent fliers, they love a good storm, they play tag, I see them do it. My favorite birds, those black beauties.
Ravens are insanely smart. If you're out goose hunting, those things know you have a shotgun and they steer clear of you, even if you haven't shot yet.
Molten Smegma I once heard if you're big game hunting, a crow/raven will fly above an animal & get your attention to that direction because they know you will clean your kill there & they can have the guts afterward
@@MayorIguana In the woods here in East Texas, don't look at a crow while hunting, they'll literally alert all the animals in the forest. I think it's possible they're doing this to protect predators, mountain lions and Bob cats are starting to become a problem.
About twenty years ago,I threw a pack of stale chocolate chip cookies out in the yard. Here came a raven. He walks over to the first cookie,turns his head sideways and picks it up with his beak. He walks over to the second cookie,tips his head sideways,looks at that cookie,puts the first cookie on top of the second cookie and picks up both cookies. Then walks over to a THIRD cookie,puts the first two on top of that cookie,on the ground,picked up all three and flew away. I swear he smiled at me before he flew off. No shxx. That was one BOSS bird right there. I felt like I had just witnessed greatness right there.
Ravens are super smart. My neighbor had dogs & the raven would open the gate, letting the dogs out, then the raven locked the gate. After the dogs were locked out, the raven would eat the dog’s food. It wasn’t until my neighbor set up a camera to see who keeps letting his dogs out, discovered it was a raven.
I had a conversation with a crow about how stupid chickens are. He would mock them and literally laugh with me whenever the chickens were doing something dumb. And he took pleasure in me acknowledging that he was not them. Crazy. He truly felt that he was more like me than he was like them. And he was right.
Do you remember one about a black crow who got feathers from all these different birds because he wanted to be different and amazing or whatever and at the end learns he needs to be himself?
People keep telling amazing stories, but a much simpler action always intrigued me: Crows clearly understand how cars work. Compared to other animals that often end up as roadkill, it's very obvious crows understand cars WAY more. Flight helps them too, of course.
They pass their knowledge down to the next generation of crows right? That means they are aware of how human civilization would operate and interact with their kind somewhat, Following soldiers into conflict knowing there could be corpses to be eaten..
I’ve seen them drop large snakes in front of a semi truck in order to kill it, and they swoop back down to pick up their meal. You only need to see that once to understand these birds are not to be fucked with.
Extremely intelligent and beautiful. They can live a very long time and not only mimic what you say but even mimic the sound of your voice. It's amazing. I'd love to have one especially where I live on 60 acres with no neighbors
One time I smoked a joint and ended up getting into a jam session with a crow and a songbird for two hours. The three of us would take turns whistling or cawing a melody and then the other two would try to copy it. I had it recorded too but I eventually lost that phone.
Nah I heard that man. I go out on my bike regularly, always going fast as f, and I thought it was fun to say "crow" at crows as I passed them by. Eventually, they would sit on lightposts and trees waiting for me to pass them and just squak 3 times. Sometimes I would respond with a 3 beat sound. They like to fly around me sometimes and I'll sing to them while I zoom zoom zoom on that bike.
@@petesthename1588 It's just the truth... There's a status on my Facebook from the day it happened but other than that I don't know how I can prove it. It was a very magical experience. It probably helped that I'm a pretty good whistler, but I think it was also that those birds were exceptionally intelligent specimens. It was crazy hearing the crow try to sound like a songbird. They can't quite mimic the whistling sounds but somehow that just makes it more impressive. It was the kind of experience that was so odd that looking back, the more time flies the more you question yourself whether it really happened. I know it did, but in twenty years I'll probably think it was just a dream, or forget about it entirely.
My dad!!!! This story is exactly like my dad!!!! My dad had a pet raven he would follow him to school and wait outside school until he walked home. It would it on my grandmas shoulda pulling the hair pins out her hair. It had so many tricks i wish i could remember them all. My dad always talked about him!
Ravens are so smart! One time me and my friends got too drunk to drive back so we asked this raven sitting in a tree outside the club if he could drive us back home, he agreed, grabbed the keys and dropped us all off! Tipped him aight, great bird👍
I went to school where my freind had a pet raven, it used follow him to school and wait in the trees outside, at breaks he used come down to him in the playground when he called, Then he would follow him home.
We don't have as many ravens here as we do their lesser cousins, crows. But I can say crows are pretty smart too. They are known to bring gifts to people who give them food. They will learn to recognize you, and your car. And depending on your relationship with them you will have more or less bird poop on your car. I have seen that one myself. I used to work overnight and save my bread scraps from lunch and give it to the crows in the parking lot in the morning before I went home. They started roosting on lights and in trees around my car, and they would chase the seagulls away. At first I thought it was just about making sure the gulls didn't steal their food. Then some guys at work were talking about how the gulls eat the garbage out of the parking lot and poop on everyones cars in the morning. Having that in my mind as I got off work the next morning I noticed my car was the only one in the parking lot that didn't have any bird poop on it. The crows were returning the favor of a free meal by not letting the seagulls poop on my car. And on top of that, they wouldn't poop on my car either. So make friends with some local crows and you won't have to clean poop off your car. Especially if you feed them near the car so they associate it with the free food.
I raised a fledgling crow when the tree fell and the nest-mates all died. It was one of the most amazing animal experiences I ever had. He would soar across the yard, and before he knew how to land, it was like the Hitchcock movie with this squawking bird coming towards my face. He figured it out, and would jump around on me, constantly peering up to my face, as if he was always monitoring me, his chosen mama, for an indication of what was up. Crows pay attention to our face, and mannerism even more than a dog. Never, ever piss off the crows or ravens in your neighborhood. They will never forget. When I had my fledgling, every crow in the area started a flock over my house. They were like a mob, asking me to give up my hostage. They stay with family their entire life and loyalty is beyond humans. Years after my first crow baby, I found an injured one who was too old to adapt to humans. I took him home to protect until his strength improved. When I decided to release him, I stupidly took the cage out my door and opened it. That crow barely made it across the street before at least 6 gangster crows came flying over, and pinned him to the ground upside down. They would have killed him. How did they know I was releasing him? I have no idea. It was instant. I rescued him from the gang and took him back to where I found him. But I will never underestimate a crow. One chased my cat when he was eating some garbage at the curb one day. And that cat was a ninja killer, but he ran like a little bitch when the crows swooped down.
@apapz3245 not illegal. People may sometimes want to help animals and save them from horrible suffering and death. Natural agony is still agony and it's bad. So yeah when people wanna help, let THEM be
@@apapz3245 I mean the world is big, I'm not american, I'm from Europe. But yeah european countries are usually a lot more fussy with this kind of regulations, so I guessed everyone else would have looser rules on these things. Anyway, here it's only illegal to keep dangerous/protected species. That makes sense, I don't see how for instance raising an orphan black bird should be illegal
I pulled up to a stop sign once and a crow hopped off the curb walked across the cross walk and right before it got to my car we made eye contact and it walked Infront of my car and hopped up on the curb on the other side of the road. Ive always wondered how man times that crow watched cars stop for people to walk across the road before it was like "I'ma fuckin try it". Its a moment I'll never forget.
Vette Hogan Yeah but you followed the bird tutorial. You could not have built it without them building it first. They designed the blueprint. You were just their copycat. 😺 How else were you to know birds build nests? 😉
My dog as a child in the Yukon had a deep relationship with ravens. She would share her food, which was under a canopy next to the entrance to her house, very uncomfortable for a bird especially with a lab cross a foot away. Also when the dog would escape to roam the neighborhood they would knock over garbage cans. My impression was that the ravens would scout for good stuff and my dog would come to knock over the cans and enjoy their haul. The ravens would come and sit around her house and do raven stuff, and my dog just loved having them around, she never liked people or other dogs but she loved the big black birds.
I saw this documentary were a lady adopted a hummingbird, she got in a car accident and the hummingbird had to work for Walmart to help the family make ends meet... Rogan, it makes sense hummingbird are smarter than Walmart associates.
I have a theory: since ravens are scavengers and eat animals that are already dead-rather than killing it themselves cuz they’re not strong enough-maybe they developed a tendency to provoke two big animals to fight each other, so at least one of the animals dies. Ultimately, so the ravens can eat off of the remains of the conflict they started.
A girl at the local rescue nurses a baby raven back to health, it became incredibly bonded. She lived about 35km away from town and worked at the ski hill which is another 20km from town and she’d drive to work and the raven would be there waiting for her. She would walk her three dogs and the raven would walk with the dogs.
When a bird bonds with you, they're making a mating bond. That's why their connections with their owners can be so intense and why sometimes they lose it (e.g. feather plucking) when their owner is gone for too long.
Crows used to stole my pets' meals all the time. Two guarding the food, one dropping the food in water, waited a minute, *and then* all took turns to eat the now easy to swallow victory.
I live in a area with a lot of ravens but I never knew they could be raptors. Once saw 2 ravens in a classic fighter attack formation one in front one behind wings back in a dive like a falcon the first one hit a pigeon with his or her feet knocked it out of the air and the wing man pounced on it before it could recover. It was an obvious coordinated attack
The Raven was likely doing this so it can gather the fur for a nest. When cats fight, they rip a lot of hair from each other and it is one of the best things a bird can use for a nest as the scent will keep away things like skunks and raccoons which will eat their eggs.
a raven followed my friend home from school one day & he wouldn’t leave him. He would fly away but come back and give him presents in exchange for knowledge. Robbie literally trained this bird and once he got everything he wanted dude brought a dead animal and left for good.
The little instigator bird from the cat fight video wasn't a raven, it was a magpie. Although, a magpie is a part of the same subspecies of birds called corvids. Corvids are incredibly intelligent and clever birds that include ravens, crows, magpies and even buejays! You can tell that is a magpie and not a raven in the video cause they have white bodies and black wings and are considerably smaller then a raven.
Ravens and Crows can be very generous too. If you feed them, the are known to drop off "gifts" to you right on your porch like all the time. They find shiny things like coins and even random jewelrey , bottle caps and things of that nature, and they will drop it near you or in front of your door. They;re smart.
I fed a crow on my front lawn one day, then after that it would drop apple cores and other random stuff down my chimney. Wasn't sure if it was a coincidence if if he was returning the favor. It was pretty funny though.
So if I fed a raven, it would drop off a corvette at my house?
No harm in trying. Just make sure you have a big enough chimney.
Nick_ Nutty , I'm laughing my ass off! You're funny
I need a raven to go get me weed, can you talk to them?
Those ravens can be very smart. I know from personal experience. I was up for promotion in the company i was working. All i had to do was to complete a project which i worked on in my office. A raven was watching me from the window and realized what was going on. When i would leave, he would come in my office, use my laptop and in the end negotiated a better deal with my boss and sto|e my promotion.
Damn bro. Fucking crows
but yourre a sexist racist nazi because that raven identified as an aligator that has a robot pee pee .
You bastard.... I got to the end of your comment to realize you were shitting me the entire time.
Fuck you for making it look so easy.
@@nunyabiz9418 That was so out of place you might as well have walked into a random crowd and yelled "FUCK SJWS AM I RIGHT?"
Sounds like something a raven would do
i feed ravens all the time. i live in a village on mt hood and there hundreds of them. i have many many vids of me feeding them. or tons of them fighting over food. flying. in my weather reports and the guy who makes all the music for my vids. he wrote a song about me feeding the ravens. it is epic.
Do Ravens ever try DMT? Jamie pull that up...
Young Jamie the real mvp
David Mihaljcic Well played 😂
as a boy I found a raven chick, I hand fed and "saved" her .. she was free to leave but she stayed for 5 seasons, followed me everywhere , knew what time I got home from school sat waiting for me on the school roof, knew what times I had soccer practice , she learned somehow to ring my bike's bell, she learned how to open a door by going to sit on the doorhandle .. legit one of the brightest animals I was blessed to call my friend
How fortunate. They are brilliant. 💗
Ravens are cool man. Super smart, has similarly to humans befriended wolves and semi domesticated them, and can copy sound as well as parrots too. Why arent more people trying to learn to communicate with ravens and instead tried dolphins.....
Man this is so cool to me.
@@dylanstack8710it is but it’s got kind of a stalkery vibe, no?
Unfortunately your bird friend may of passed away or been killed. In a 2019 study in Yellowstone park they discovered Crows/Ravens create lifetime relationships with wolves and are best friends for life. Crows can’t eat anything on carrion but the eyes without wolves tearing apart its flesh for them so they lead them to it. The crows will play with wolf pups by using sticks for tug of war, chase & tag. When male pups leave the pack their Crow friend they grew up playing with follows them. They work in tandem to live where the bird find food the wolf can kill or crack open for them to eat. Crows warn the wolves of coyotes that can steal their kill and will even mimick different wolf howls to make them think there’s more than one. They even will stay at the den to protect pups warning wolves if they’re pups are in danger. These relationships last a lifetime and a crow will spend 98% of its life with wolves!
I've seen crows manipulate squirrels into being hit by cars a few times. ...and as soon as the squirrels were on "squish" status, the crow would call buddies to eat the dead squirrels. Sik
That is exactly what I thought after watching this video. I think this bird is eating the dead cats in these streets. These "Corvidae" must have witnessed stray cat fights and know these might result in food (dead cat that loses the fight). The bird is obviously increasing tensions with one cat which might attract other alpha males to the scene and a fight is soon inevitable. Just a theory but the squirrels story would coincide with the "Eating Dead Cats" theory.
Yah they use the lights and traffic to crack there nuts open so it makes sense
That's gangsta but won't d cars squish d ravens too?I'm guessing d dead squirrel z in d road
It's like reverse hunting. You just lure them into killing themselves and the work is done for you.
Dude you look like fred durst lmfao
at my local park, I saw a raven drink out of the human water faucet. used its legs to press the button, and drank from the stream. Bird left, then others crows did the same thing...I was speechless
+Akilleus no lie bro
Same name as the og boxer mike weaver!!
Extra on the ''Human'' part faucets for human. It was not hamster faucet or rodent faucets. This is very important
Ravens are different but that's cool as fuck
I learned my lesson messing with a crow when I was 14. I threw a rock at a crow thinking it was just gonna fly away! Not this bird! It chased me for a week. Waiting for me to go to school and following to the store! I am still traumatized to this day!
Reggie Turner That’s because those crows belong to Lady Death.If you mess with them,you mess with her.Lol!
@@Zigthrill who?? You high?
Doomaster Nope deadass serious.Those Crows are her chosen beings.
That was before you became the black panther right?
@@azizanputra amazing comment
I had a neighbor she was an introvert, and suffered from anxiety issues. She fed and cared for wild ravens. She built them nests, and fed them. They fell in love with her and started bringing her gifts, like ear rings, rings, necklaces, sunglasses. It was amazing to watch. And they protected her house and yard. If you didn't belong there, they would swoop down and attack you.
I’d imagine for an intruder that’d be more terrifying than a guard dog lmaoo
That lady sound interesting. That's pretty cool
Wouldn’t be surprised if the police busted down her door one day for mass theft considering all of the stolen jewelry she probably had in her house
I’m aN iNtRoVeRt aNd I HaVe AnXiEtY
@@jjm004and all the kids that tried to get their football out of her yard and got attacked by groups of crows
Hes correct about ravens being smart. When i was 17 one once broke into my house, stole my mums car and crashed it. Then to top it off it framed me to make me look guilty
How did he frame you lol
@@halconsalvaje got sellotape to take my fingertips as I was sleeping and put them all over the car driverside door, steering wheel etc etc
Damn bro, that’s sad. Did the Raven also steal your girlfriend and dump her after it was done with her?
Bro i think you got robbed my the 13%
I once read an article about COWS being as smart as a 7 year old kid and that they could understand idioms and hunt with wolves in the woods. I remember it being a little weird, but I had a cow just like that when I was a kid. Months later I found out that it was actually CROWS and not COWS.
heyDominik you stupid idiot
hahahaha i love it
Imagine hunting with prey with a fucking cow at your side 🤣
I actually took time to read the whole comment... 😂😂
If Joe had a chimp on the podcast he would be saying: Chimps are definitely smarter than ravens!
Why is this not the top comment lol
Wow, I never thought of it like that bro. Crae... Zee
@csknives2140 Yeah I remember hearing about that, iirc it was the lady who went to help her friend corral the pet chimp that was running loose outside
Flash grits Joe Rogan interviews chimpanzee
I feel like this is true with joe😂
I lived in the arctic for a while and there are huge ravens up there, they move south in the winter. I once watched a raven hopping around on the gravel road, picking up rocks and flipping them around, he did this for about 10 minutes until he found the right rock, flew up onto my deck, wedged the roc between two boards and proceeded to clean it's beak with this tool. it was amazing
I live in the arctic. They don’t migrate.
@@tjmuggs5 well they don't hang around in the winter in the Eastern Arctic, not Pond Inlet anyway.
I've seen them pick up clams on the beach. Fly way up and drop them on the rocks. Then fly down to eat them.
I live in Iowa and I can confirm that they do not leave due to weather.
@@91KP_SilentEchoes do yourself a favor and google Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Canada. That's where I lived, the ravens did not stick aroun when it was consistently below -40C for months at a time.
Growing up my dad used to call crows. He took me hunting for lots of things from deer to geese to coyotes to turkey, but never shot crows. He liked to be social with them and I guess killing their family members is a bit of a faux pas. He said they had an etiquette, you don't just blast crow noises at them (unless they are mobbing nearby, in which case it will attract a swarm-have food and you've just made a hundred friends lol), instead, you call a few times and wait 5 to 10 seconds or so for a response. If they respond, you can try different combinations of calls; waiting for a response each time and altering your patterns to be close (but not the same, they stop responding if you just repeat their calls). Different regions have different cultural standards and likely different greeting calls/warning calls/etc. Our border collie sorted out what we were doing and would look upwards and bark in response to both our calls and the birds. Sometimes, the crows and the dog would have a conversation in a strange way, with the dog barking a few times, then carefully listening for a response before barking a little differently. Obviously not really understanding one another in the same way as us, but the mutual attempt at communication between two species left me with chills the first time I witnessed it.
I live about a mile away now, and they'll still show up even when I don't bring them food to "chat". Once they attacked a hawk that was nesting near the walking trail I use after it did a close territorial flyby of me. They did their "you guys distract while I dive bomb" routine until I was past the nest. Really interesting critters, if you build up a relationship with your local murder they'll provide endless entertainment.
Awesome story, that you for sharing!
Fuuuck I wanna ready that but I’m too high
Noah Cels dude you should read it
@@noahswork7997 you sounds like you need to be reading. It took me 20 seconds to read that
I can watch Joe do voice overs to animal figths for hours to damn funny
that's a job for Ozzy man reviews
R u high
Snoop dogg is amazing at it as well lmao
He should start a channel doing that
You peaked at 12 rws
I saw two crows steal fries from a seagull a few days ago. They started following it from a distance. My guess is gulls are better at finding food due to better eyesight or sense of smell or some shit and the crows realised this. They watched the crow land near some fries and would take turns taunting the gull from just out of distance while the other fed. The teamwork was amazing and the way they moved showed an understanding of distance and position on par with a skilled out-fighter.
Seagulls are no bird-brains either. I once saw one limp over to a person eating and the person fed it. Once it had enough it walked away normally. Little fucker faked a limp knowing it would get sympathy! Blew my freaking mind!
Fair point, maybe it's thought pattern wasn't that sophisticated, maybe it just saw another seagull limping and getting food and just copied the behaviour with no deeper layer of understanding but the result was the same.
At the same time though I wouldn't rule it out, predators need to understand how other animals think to some degree to predict their behaviour, gulls care for their young so must have some understanding of sympathy and they have been around humans for a very long time.
@@JimGiant fair point
Nature is amazing
Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for. Faking a limp may have been observed and copied behavior, but it's still impressive that it learned that by acting a certain way, people are more likely to feed it.
Animals have behavior patterns, and if it learns that a certain behavior allows it to eat more food, it'll keep doing it.
I have seen crows attack big birds of prey in mid air. They protect their nests very aggressively and sometimes very smart. Odds are the video of the bird with two cats has to do with a nest nearby. But Seagulls have lost my respect for a smart bird since Last summer. One of them was in a bus stop that was made entirely of glass. The seagull was inside and outside there was a piece of bread. The gull kept running into the glass head first to get it like 10 times in a row. Boink "looks dazed" boink "looks dazed" boink etc..But who knows, might have been a mentally retarded one. Later that day I did see a gull steal a sandwich from a woman's hand in full flight. So that was a better example of intelligence.
Ravens by my house figured out my dad was feeding them, they would then hang out by his garden and eat bugs eating his plants. They also figured out which bedroom window was his and would sit there if their feeder was empty. These birds would look you in the eye and you could just tell; it was like looking at a person.
Raven: "wooooorld staaaaaar"
dammit now i’m gonna watch raven videos for the next 4 hours
Dam it now my turn...
@@Eray-fy5bz now its my turn buddy
@@Eray-fy5bz my tourn
@@ch-17vevo55 my turn boys
Heard that. And then im gonna want 1
Ravens remember people. Never piss off a Raven, they won't forget you.
good thing its still just a bird.
we have ravens all over here where i am from and yes this is true, but ive never pissed one off, but they do follow you and will yell and make funny sounds at you lol, they used to come around my house all the time when I had an african grey and try and talk to him through the screen door and my parrot would talk to them all the time, it was quite the show haha
Frank Huguenard how does one piss off a raven.
A slingshot and a rock works pretty well.
Frank Huguenard Yeah, they were ripping up my lawn for weeks. Waited on my driveway behind the car and put a .177 pellet through its chest lmao
Ravens have been seen having relationships with wolves, they lead the pack to food in exchange for the scrap on the bones they couldn't of gotten to before. These Ravens were studied having friendships with the wolves and seen playing tug-a-war with the wolf pups with sticks and nibbling there tails to give chase. Very cute, always be friendly with Ravens! There were Ravens outside our house making a whole bunch of noise during quarantine, and my mom straight up walked out there and said "You guys need to leave, find somewhere else to be noisy. You are very pretty but please leave" and then were gone the next day. Maybe they just thought she was crazy but we all thought it was pretty funny 🤣
Odin having wolves and ravens as companions probably stems from that
I always kill ravens and crows with my air rifle. They're evil creatures
just like House Stark having a pact with the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones 😬
I’m a raven and I confirm that this is all true
youre username isnt a raven nor is your picture...........Its not funny now
22 people disagree lol
Nunya Biz it’s blending in now. Switched tactics
I’m one of those cats, and i can confirm, you were acting like an asshole in there
I was gonna like but its at 420
Ravens hold grudges and tell other ravens about it so THEY hold the same grudge
Struggle Gaming seriously?
Yeah crows can tell other crows that something in the vicinity is dangerous. So even if a crow hasn't experienced the specific danger, it will still learn to be cautious about it in the future.
Akilleus aren’t they the same? They both seem to have similar level of intelligence
Struggle Gaming
Crows do this too
Akilleus yes it is. I think that doc is called murder of crows. That’s where I saw that. Edit: apparently ravens hold grudges too.
The car like an upside down "u"....
That's an "n"
Not if you are on TMD...
Jay Marsh 🐑 An upside down yew is a dead sheep.
@@random-cc4me No. I mean TMD 😂
Hajduk Besmrtnik What is TMD? Are you sure you don’t mean TMD??
@@johnsweeney6072 ewe
“You ever heard of ravens?”
Joe: “yeah I’m on it right now.”
I just watched the Hamilton Morris podcast yesterday
Time to replace the chimps in the intro with some ravens.
*Caw-caw-caw-caw* the Joe Rogan experience
The raven who started the fight is the best thing I've ever seen in my life.
I think he tried to stop a fight...
bear532 what the fuck are you on about
@@HarryG98 obviously he's talkin bout dem birds 😂
@TreeWop @Moose Niga that’s weird. I replied to a comment about some dude that basically said he thought the goth girl was hot and he wanted to bang her. My comment either got miss-placed or the original comment was erased.
thats a magpie not a raven
Native Americans had crows as pets. They took to the air and led hunters, by altitude, they can find deer. Hunter kills deer, feds crow
Are you sure they didn’t take to the water?
@@DoggoWillink probably did both
I am quite sure wherever ravens have lived people have kept them as pets.
They also work with wolf packs
I saw a documentary where they taught ravens to collect change from the city and go out to these fields where they setup crow vending machines where they trade change for food 🤯
You got Source Material?
Sounds very Intersting,
Please Do Tell.
@@michaelstewart1838 ruclips.net/video/1qSsVBPh9Lo/видео.html
Ya and they knew quarters were worth more
@Ozhika There is a park where they are trained to pick cigarette butts
Street performers watching a murder of ravens descend and take all of their money
I was attacked by ravens while doing a nest inspection on a 250' tower... When your eye to eye with a pissed off mama raven shit gets serious real quick
Working up in northern Canada, we had big street lamps around camp, that came on and off by photo sensors.. and these ravens would sit up there in the winter in the day!! Spread there wings, cover the senser and turn that light on to keep warm!!!
Jamie: It's a crow, Ravens are a lot bigger. I studied birds in college, I got an A.
The really weird part is that he looked at a big raven just seconds before.
I mean, he's right.
spinningchurro he's wrong. Its an Australian magpie.
This made me laugh!
Years ago, I rescued a couple orphaned ravens. They can solve lots of problems, figure out things in their environment.
Also they can understand quite a lot of speech , and they can speak back to you.
The tongue split Myth is wrong! No need, they'll speak or not, more or less, as they wish. Like parrots, some just talk more.
But they all still understand you.
They are a completely wild creature. Dont project domestic traits to them. But they're bright.
Edit: one cool thing, they remember your face, for years. Often they visit their humans that fostered them, for years.
Ravens are super smart, they have a complex language. I took to feeding the local ravens meat on some cold winter's days, they greet me like a friend and it's not them just being conniving with the aim of getting fed again, ravens in far away locations now greet me as well. A happy raven literally jumps with joy and flips over onto his back when flying. Such excellent fliers, they love a good storm, they play tag, I see them do it. My favorite birds, those black beauties.
Ravens are insanely smart. If you're out goose hunting, those things know you have a shotgun and they steer clear of you, even if you haven't shot yet.
Molten Smegma I once heard if you're big game hunting, a crow/raven will fly above an animal & get your attention to that direction because they know you will clean your kill there & they can have the guts afterward
Dont matter what gun you have. I come outside in the farm with a pellet gun and all the blackbirds leave. The robins and everything else stay.
absolutely, and they also knew the range I could hit them with an .22 and always stayed just far enough to be safe.
@@MayorIguana In the woods here in East Texas, don't look at a crow while hunting, they'll literally alert all the animals in the forest. I think it's possible they're doing this to protect predators, mountain lions and Bob cats are starting to become a problem.
About twenty years ago,I threw a pack of stale chocolate chip cookies out in the yard.
Here came a raven.
He walks over to the first cookie,turns his head sideways and picks it up with his beak.
He walks over to the second cookie,tips his head sideways,looks at that cookie,puts the first cookie on top of the second cookie and picks up both cookies.
Then walks over to a THIRD cookie,puts the first two on top of that cookie,on the ground,picked up all three and flew away.
I swear he smiled at me before he flew off.
No shxx.
That was one BOSS bird right there.
I felt like I had just witnessed greatness right there.
@ShadowRyderVR 😂 oh God.
Ravens are super smart. My neighbor had dogs & the raven would open the gate, letting the dogs out, then the raven locked the gate. After the dogs were locked out, the raven would eat the dog’s food. It wasn’t until my neighbor set up a camera to see who keeps letting his dogs out, discovered it was a raven.
Hahah this is hilarious
That Raven was bringing his inner Rogan during his UFC days lol
"Joe Crowgan"
Bowl Of Diogenes 😂
this needs more attention lmaoooo
Pull that up, Ravie
@@clausjuergenwalde7251 the Crowgan & Ravie Show
A raven just knocked on my door... I bought a vacuum from him.
I had a conversation with a crow about how stupid chickens are. He would mock them and literally laugh with me whenever the chickens were doing something dumb. And he took pleasure in me acknowledging that he was not them. Crazy. He truly felt that he was more like me than he was like them. And he was right.
Maybe he was laughing at a person who thinks he can talk to birds 😂
Joe ''Joe Rogan'' Rogan
xXbelmontXx - Joe “Joe “Joe Rogan” Rogan” Rogan
Joe “Joe “Joe “Joe “Joe Rogan” Rogan” Rogan” Rogan
Joe mama
Tom (Joe "Coco Diaz" Rogan) Segura
I click joe rogan videos just to look at joe " " rogan comments
Does anyone else remember a classic childhood tale about a crow putting pebbles in a container to get the water? It was one of my favorites....
Did u just create a mandala effect..?
Do you remember one about a black crow who got feathers from all these different birds because he wanted to be different and amazing or whatever and at the end learns he needs to be himself?
The thirsty crow😀
Made me remember 'How the birds got their colours'
@@beastified22 what are you smoking?
That Raven was in the video screamin' "WORLDSTAR!!!!!" while the cats were fighting lolol
People keep telling amazing stories, but a much simpler action always intrigued me: Crows clearly understand how cars work. Compared to other animals that often end up as roadkill, it's very obvious crows understand cars WAY more. Flight helps them too, of course.
Damn i never thought of that
They pass their knowledge down to the next generation of crows right? That means they are aware of how human civilization would operate and interact with their kind somewhat, Following soldiers into conflict knowing there could be corpses to be eaten..
I’ve seen them drop large snakes in front of a semi truck in order to kill it, and they swoop back down to pick up their meal. You only need to see that once to understand these birds are not to be fucked with.
shows goth chick with a raven
me: wow, she's hot
Joe: look at this creep! prolly got baby heads in that bag
02:48, *sshole mode on.
He sounds completely douchey there. Total jock douche mode.
She is not hot in the slightest. What in the fuck are you guys going on about.
I don't wanna call you simps but unfortunately we live in a society that
She had an attractice face, but imo Rogan is right, she looks like she has serious baggage that I wouldnt wanna touch either.
The raven knows it’s smarter than the cats.
Highly intelligent.
Even dogs are smarter than cats so I don’t know why the opposite is portrayed in pop culture.
Lmao, dogs are dumb as dirt. Cats are definitely smarter than dogs. Ravens outclass both though
@@georgeeast5502 no. Some dogs. You dont know the difference between a Malamute, Staffy and a pug clearly.
@@CrowBag dogs are dumbos
There’s a reason why the Raven was a symbol for Odin
you Valknut.
They weren't a symbol "for" Odin. More a messenger or companion
ᛞᛃᛚᛟᚾ ᚡᚨᚱᛃ they were his eyes.
Huginn and Muninn
Extremely intelligent and beautiful. They can live a very long time and not only mimic what you say but even mimic the sound of your voice. It's amazing. I'd love to have one especially where I live on 60 acres with no neighbors
One time I smoked a joint and ended up getting into a jam session with a crow and a songbird for two hours. The three of us would take turns whistling or cawing a melody and then the other two would try to copy it. I had it recorded too but I eventually lost that phone.
Dude I swear I have a girlfriend she just goes to another school!
Idk why but i believe you
@@gooddogreallygooddog6157 this isn't a joke I've done that too... birds gog brains man!
Nah I heard that man. I go out on my bike regularly, always going fast as f, and I thought it was fun to say "crow" at crows as I passed them by. Eventually, they would sit on lightposts and trees waiting for me to pass them and just squak 3 times. Sometimes I would respond with a 3 beat sound. They like to fly around me sometimes and I'll sing to them while I zoom zoom zoom on that bike.
@@petesthename1588 It's just the truth... There's a status on my Facebook from the day it happened but other than that I don't know how I can prove it. It was a very magical experience. It probably helped that I'm a pretty good whistler, but I think it was also that those birds were exceptionally intelligent specimens. It was crazy hearing the crow try to sound like a songbird. They can't quite mimic the whistling sounds but somehow that just makes it more impressive. It was the kind of experience that was so odd that looking back, the more time flies the more you question yourself whether it really happened. I know it did, but in twenty years I'll probably think it was just a dream, or forget about it entirely.
If you hang out with birds, eventually their frequencies make you smarter than everyone. - Nikola Tesla
He said that?
Did he really say that
Don't believe every quote you see on the internet.- Justin Bieber circa 1137 AD
Not sure if this quote was true but Nikola Tesla did actually keep pet pigeons and said that he was in love with one.
@@Prometheus7272 I guess you can say he was into chicks. *Ba dum tss*
My dad!!!! This story is exactly like my dad!!!! My dad had a pet raven he would follow him to school and wait outside school until he walked home. It would it on my grandmas shoulda pulling the hair pins out her hair. It had so many tricks i wish i could remember them all. My dad always talked about him!
Shoutout to Joe Rogan. He can literally promote a backyard cat fight into a more exciting thing than modern boxing fights.
Ravens are so smart! One time me and my friends got too drunk to drive back so we asked this raven sitting in a tree outside the club if he could drive us back home, he agreed, grabbed the keys and dropped us all off! Tipped him aight, great bird👍
was his name mike? Similar thing happen to me
The commentary over the cat fight was amazing
I went to school where my freind had a pet raven, it used follow him to school and wait in the trees outside, at breaks he used come down to him in the playground when he called,
Then he would follow him home.
They really smart to memorize human face ..huh
are u serious?
We don't have as many ravens here as we do their lesser cousins, crows. But I can say crows are pretty smart too. They are known to bring gifts to people who give them food. They will learn to recognize you, and your car. And depending on your relationship with them you will have more or less bird poop on your car. I have seen that one myself. I used to work overnight and save my bread scraps from lunch and give it to the crows in the parking lot in the morning before I went home. They started roosting on lights and in trees around my car, and they would chase the seagulls away. At first I thought it was just about making sure the gulls didn't steal their food. Then some guys at work were talking about how the gulls eat the garbage out of the parking lot and poop on everyones cars in the morning. Having that in my mind as I got off work the next morning I noticed my car was the only one in the parking lot that didn't have any bird poop on it. The crows were returning the favor of a free meal by not letting the seagulls poop on my car. And on top of that, they wouldn't poop on my car either. So make friends with some local crows and you won't have to clean poop off your car. Especially if you feed them near the car so they associate it with the free food.
I raised a fledgling crow when the tree fell and the nest-mates all died. It was one of the most amazing animal experiences I ever had. He would soar across the yard, and before he knew how to land, it was like the Hitchcock movie with this squawking bird coming towards my face. He figured it out, and would jump around on me, constantly peering up to my face, as if he was always monitoring me, his chosen mama, for an indication of what was up. Crows pay attention to our face, and mannerism even more than a dog.
Never, ever piss off the crows or ravens in your neighborhood. They will never forget. When I had my fledgling, every crow in the area started a flock over my house. They were like a mob, asking me to give up my hostage. They stay with family their entire life and loyalty is beyond humans.
Years after my first crow baby, I found an injured one who was too old to adapt to humans. I took him home to protect until his strength improved. When I decided to release him, I stupidly took the cage out my door and opened it. That crow barely made it across the street before at least 6 gangster crows came flying over, and pinned him to the ground upside down. They would have killed him. How did they know I was releasing him? I have no idea. It was instant. I rescued him from the gang and took him back to where I found him. But I will never underestimate a crow. One chased my cat when he was eating some garbage at the curb one day. And that cat was a ninja killer, but he ran like a little bitch when the crows swooped down.
You shouldn’t be doing that, it’s illegal to own wild animals like that, leave them be
@apapz3245 not illegal.
People may sometimes want to help animals and save them from horrible suffering and death. Natural agony is still agony and it's bad. So yeah when people wanna help, let THEM be
@@tacitozetticci9308 no, you’re wrong. It is 100% illegal
@@apapz3245 I mean the world is big, I'm not american, I'm from Europe. But yeah european countries are usually a lot more fussy with this kind of regulations, so I guessed everyone else would have looser rules on these things.
Anyway, here it's only illegal to keep dangerous/protected species. That makes sense, I don't see how for instance raising an orphan black bird should be illegal
@@apapz3245 how do you think we have dogs and cats?
Joe "chimps are in the stone age but ravens are smarter" rogan
Trollol Police hahha
I was looking for this post when I saw the title! Lol
Ravens and crows have been using tools for centuries. They've been in the Stone Age far longer than chumps.
Only if they drive it.
LUN4T1C lol idiot
Jamie "pull up a Raven".
James Buff LOL
I pulled up to a stop sign once and a crow hopped off the curb walked across the cross walk and right before it got to my car we made eye contact and it walked Infront of my car and hopped up on the curb on the other side of the road. Ive always wondered how man times that crow watched cars stop for people to walk across the road before it was like "I'ma fuckin try it". Its a moment I'll never forget.
Ravens aren't smarter than me. I built a nest in college. I got an A.
Vette Hogan Yeah but you followed the bird tutorial. You could not have built it without them building it first. They designed the blueprint. You were just their copycat. 😺 How else were you to know birds build nests? 😉
@@greentrees-inc stfu nobody cares, your comment was actually fucking pointless bud
"Why are you angry?" 🤣🤣🤣
Hank who hurt you?
Hank who came in your breakfast jeez 😂
My dog as a child in the Yukon had a deep relationship with ravens. She would share her food, which was under a canopy next to the entrance to her house, very uncomfortable for a bird especially with a lab cross a foot away. Also when the dog would escape to roam the neighborhood they would knock over garbage cans. My impression was that the ravens would scout for good stuff and my dog would come to knock over the cans and enjoy their haul. The ravens would come and sit around her house and do raven stuff, and my dog just loved having them around, she never liked people or other dogs but she loved the big black birds.
big black birds😳😳😳
'Send a raven' - Thor
Ravens have actually been stated to be as smart as *7 year old human children* if that doesn't make you respect these birds, nothing will.
Who cares..Im 8
i know a few 7 year olds. their pretty dumb lol.
I was raised by a Raven, can confirm they're smart
I saw this documentary were a lady adopted a hummingbird, she got in a car accident and the hummingbird had to work for Walmart to help the family make ends meet... Rogan, it makes sense hummingbird are smarter than Walmart associates.
Def gunna look into it!
MIguel Crespo
I met that dude..works in the deli.
MIguel Crespo lmaoo
lockandloadlikehell 😂😂😂😂😂
1:08 here are parenthesis:
( )
Now picture them upside down.
Sideways obviously
Sideways dumb dumb
@@eliterager9241 nah he said upside down idiot
@@bigchungus7050 obviously still not what he said...
😂😂💀💀 I fucking died of laughter ahaha
I have a theory: since ravens are scavengers and eat animals that are already dead-rather than killing it themselves cuz they’re not strong enough-maybe they developed a tendency to provoke two big animals to fight each other, so at least one of the animals dies. Ultimately, so the ravens can eat off of the remains of the conflict they started.
Ravens and crows have great face recognition.
Better face recognition than theiPhone X lol
A girl at the local rescue nurses a baby raven back to health, it became incredibly bonded. She lived about 35km away from town and worked at the ski hill which is another 20km from town and she’d drive to work and the raven would be there waiting for her. She would walk her three dogs and the raven would walk with the dogs.
When ravens are smarter than most of Joe's regular guests; Brendan Schaub, Eddie Bravo, Avi etc etc
Definitely smarter than Eddie.
The raven knows the earth isn't flat.
@@ramonek9109 spheres lack the proper balance to sit on a turtle's back. Obviously earth is an upside down plate.
Ravens are smarter than most of my neighbours.
Joe "dophins have different accents" Rogan
They're all from Ravens fans, too (speaking of ravens).
ReverentGhost knew it’d be here, thank you, take your like good sir
Lmao fair play
Other dolphins can be very judgmental to those with Baltimore accents.
No wonder ravens are the chosen symbols of his excellency Odin.
Those are his pets he sees through there eyes I believe
kan raventhorpe leve videre!
“Excellency” Odin?
Hail odin
Don't forget the Morrigan
🤣Baltimore’s birds are smarter than the citizens 🤦🏻♂️
🤣🤣🤣 Savage
Facts lmfaooo
That's what the title in the video says, no need to repeat it.
David Webb 💀
Sometimes they are. They are way smarter than the white ppl down fells point. But not our hood dealers.
Im literally in love with Ravens!!
Jamie: I took a videography class in college. I got an A.
Still can’t pull up a split-screen video on a podcast
Instantly searches for “Raven starting car”
0:38 Joe transforms into Owen Wilson
Haha I liked that
That is the funniest cat fight starting bird video ever🤣🤣🤣💀
Someone in my neighborhood had mistreated a crow and at least 8-10 crows stocked his apartment every morning in my gate in community. XD
Stocked eh?
When a bird bonds with you, they're making a mating bond. That's why their connections with their owners can be so intense and why sometimes they lose it (e.g. feather plucking) when their owner is gone for too long.
Raven: _Damn I'm STARVING! Gotta get one of these crazy ass cats to kill the other so I can eat._
hahah that raven was LOVING watching those cats fight. Bet he would be a UFC fan.
When you said “this lady had a pet raven”
I imagined an old lady that was widowed and had a smart bird companion.
Anyone else going to RUclips Ravens now?
Pedro H 100% 😂
Anything they talk about, you better believe I’m searching regardless if I’ve seen it or not 😂😂
@@xbrazzers69 Because of Joe Rogan i youtube and google a lot of random stuff. I would like to say that i learn a lot of interesting, random facts.
@@xbrazzers69 You wouldn't be saying that if it wasn't real or on a real DMT trip for hiding out in your caravan cave.
@timmy thistle who tf are you ? 😂😂
Ravens are amazing. Crows are very smart also. I died laughing at the "Dolphins & Orcas have Baltimore accents" XD
Orca and dolphins do have different language, depending on location.
That raven had money on that cat fight🤣🤣🤣
Ravens have been taught to find lost coins and use them on special vending machines that dispense food.
Ravens mayyyy be smarter BUT.. they ain't gonna rip your arms off and beat you to death with them!! Lol
The bird making the cats fight isn't a raven. It's a hooded/carrion crow
They’re both corvid’s tho but ya it’s not a raven
Oh who cares
That raven is getting the cats to leave the area without having to fight them himself.
And as a bonus he gets some entertainment.
I’ve watched the cat fight / raven video before and it was pure entertainment!
Then these two with their commentary...PRICELESS!
2:55 his IMMEDIATE REACTION lol i rolled
Crows used to stole my pets' meals all the time. Two guarding the food, one dropping the food in water, waited a minute, *and then* all took turns to eat the now easy to swallow victory.
I live in a area with a lot of ravens but I never knew they could be raptors. Once saw 2 ravens in a classic fighter attack formation one in front one behind wings back in a dive like a falcon the first one hit a pigeon with his or her feet knocked it out of the air and the wing man pounced on it before it could recover. It was an obvious coordinated attack
The Raven was likely doing this so it can gather the fur for a nest. When cats fight, they rip a lot of hair from each other and it is one of the best things a bird can use for a nest as the scent will keep away things like skunks and raccoons which will eat their eggs.
a raven followed my friend home from school one day & he wouldn’t leave him. He would fly away but come back and give him presents in exchange for knowledge. Robbie literally trained this bird and once he got everything he wanted dude brought a dead animal and left for good.
The little instigator bird from the cat fight video wasn't a raven, it was a magpie. Although, a magpie is a part of the same subspecies of birds called corvids. Corvids are incredibly intelligent and clever birds that include ravens, crows, magpies and even buejays!
You can tell that is a magpie and not a raven in the video cause they have white bodies and black wings and are considerably smaller then a raven.
Appreciate the info
That is not a magpie but a hooded crow.
That's the bird from the cartoons right?
Was looking for this. The bird seemed a bit small to be a raven but I’m far from informed on these beautiful creatures.
It's Hooded crow
“I bet you’ll never look at birds the same way again.” - Dr. Alan Grant