What is the UNFORGIVABLE SIN? | Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Explained

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @Magic818100
    @Magic818100 4 месяца назад

    God bless you brother this is Mario. You Don't short for you got right into the point. And you are so correct this verse has been taken out of context I mean when Jesus even speaks about this and I challenge many Christians in the first thing I asked them. If Christianity did not exist yet what did Jesus was trying to tell those Pharisees and you got to see the way they look at me because I told him what did they understand with the Holy Spirit why did Jesus tell them that when Christianity didn't even exist yet. But you did a good explanation here

  • @Charles-tv6oi
    @Charles-tv6oi 4 месяца назад

    One person says they commited this in ignorance as a child. (1) They may have had a demon n therefore not responsible. (2) Underline the places its says against n it makes more sense. The person is dedicated today. (3) Speaketh is ongoing i think (4) and it can be without words but deeds. He who maketh himself a king speaketh against ceasar kjv etc. so who knows

  • @dansandman7271
    @dansandman7271 3 месяца назад

    Can I ask you a question? I understand that Jesus was saying that "Giving praise to any other name for the works of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy"..right?
    So I come across the name Yeshua.
    The name Jesus means Jehovah saves. It is of hebrew origin. The name of our Lord.
    Yeshu, means "May his name be obliterated". So what does Yeshua mean?
    I find that it is becoming a common thing that people pray in the name of Yeshua. It is common for them to throw out that name when one is talking about the things of Jesus Christ.
    "And let every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father"...correct?
    So who is Yeshua and why is he getting all the credit for the things of God? Do you see where im going with this?
    There is only one name by which we are saved. Giving praise to another for the things of Jesus Christ, is the blasphemy that I see concerning that name.
    There is more. God declares that his name is JEHOVAH. Man declares Gods name as Yahweh and Yahweh gets the praise.
    God decares that his Sons name is Jesus. Man says his name is Yeshua. Who are we supposed to listen to?
    Are we taught to pray in the name of Yeshua? Yet they do.
    So I ask you this, could the "Blasphemy" of the scripture, be anything but , what I have just described to you? In your opinion?
    Most might even say that what im suggesting is blasphemy on my part. I say, it is a true saying ,that, the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. I believe we are living in a world that hates Jesus so much that it would even try to destroy his name.
    Does that or does it not , fall perfectly in line with the false Christs we are warned about, and the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
    I appreciate your response as it is a very serious subject. All comments welcome

  • @guitarnotator
    @guitarnotator Месяц назад

    I resepectfully disagree with your interpretation. Firstly he is speaking universally not just to the pharisees. (Matthew 12:31-32) he uses the greek word "anthropos" meaning "all men", translated in the KJV "unto men". He also says in verse 32 "whosoever" meaning anyone. To further the point he uses the third person singular pronoun "him". The pharisees were a plurality of people, so this passage is clearly not just directed towards them. There is also no direct statement towards them that they were the subject who blasphemed the holy spirit. After accusing him of casting out demons by the power of beezlebub he begins to make the statement as a warning, but there is no evidence of confirmation they had commited the unforgiveable sin. Some might say this sin could only be commited whilst Jesus was on earth, so it's not applicable for today. Well if that was the case why does Jesus say "if one speaks a word against him they will be forgiven"? if it was something that was just applicable to that time zone, this statement would counteract that because speaking a word against him whilst he was on earth would account to blasphemy against the holy spirit with that understanding. He also says "neither in this world or the world to come". Well whether you believe the 2nd world is the afterlife or not, this clearly shows 2 distinct time zones. The holy spirit, which is the spirit of Christ is eternal. If he is with us always (Matthew 28:20, John 14:16) then the sin can clearly be commited by anyone at any time. Lastly (Luke 12:9-10) Jesus is talking to his diciples, proving my point again he was directing this statement towards all people, and not just the pharisses.

  • @richardrichardhaleysguitar8810
    @richardrichardhaleysguitar8810 4 месяца назад

    What if a person who has willfully done this and apologized to god and wants to return back to God will he restore them back to him I hope so

    • @joshuadanielson1812
      @joshuadanielson1812 4 месяца назад

      Like he said in the video noone is beyond God's grace anymore:) We repent and believe and follow Christ