Pimeä on oksan taitto Sinä petturi syvällä, Syntymä sinusta irti Joka kuusen kurkottama, Oksavarren kasvattama, Istu maalleni hyvälle Mättään päälle pehmeälle, Tämä on pimeän tullen Turvasi väkevää vasten Sinä saatat painajaisen Hiitolan tuvan ovelle Siellä on hiisi hirtettynä, Emä lempo leikattuna Tuossa on sidottu suusi, Sekä tuossa turman pääsi, Tuossa viisi hammastasi, Kuusi kuoleman sydäntä Maan on mullasta eläjä, Kansasta eronnut tieto Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko Rannoilta salmen maasta, Pettureiksi peiton alle, Sammaleen sysimajoille, Lailla rippuvan kipunan Päivän alle on tuleva, Tulevasta tarvittava, Tarpeesta haluksi saakka Halusta polvin pyytämäksi, Pyynnöstä pakoksi asti, Pakosta sodan suruihin Sammal on veren isäntä, Vaan multa on elon emäntä Sinä saatanan sukuni, Perintöni perkeleestä, Matala on kuusen oksa, Männyn katto korkeampi, Veden alta valtakunnan Ylle kuultava kuningas, Juuret tuon on maasi alta, Tammen taitto taivahalta Minä kättä painajaisen Käden kylmässä pitelen Istun kansani karilla Vesihiiden piipun päällä; Metsä on takana rannan, Hullu korven korkaluulla Tuon on allani majassa Oveen kohta kolkuttava Korven hullu, ruumistasi Veret seisovat repivät Itse riistän raukoiltani Rinnasta veren valuvan Pimeä on oksan taitto, Tuli hetken puhdistava, Palava on hetken mieli, Sammuva sitä enempi Maan on mullasta eläjä, Kansasta eronnut tieto Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko Rannoilta salmen maasta, Pettureiksi peiton alle, Sammaleen sysimajoille, Lailla rippuvan kipunan
This music video is magical, shamanistic and very mysterious, as well as the music itself. I really imagined the music video to turn out like that. It's definitely one of my favorite songs from the new album and this clip suits it wonderfully. Keep up the good work! :)
f that youtube algorythm.. listening to korpiklaani since +10 years, but never got jonne recommended, since today.. saw this vid uploaded 6 years ago... wtf...
This song is simply a work of art, it is magic and Jonne your voice is something from another world. Greetings from Cuba, here are people who listen to you from the heart and we raise the spirit thanks to your magical art.
I sometimes wonder if I would be better blind or deaf. I would prefer to be blind as long as I could listen to music like this. Without a doubt. I cant believe how beautiful this song is in every way, its a masterpiece! Its a fun mental exercise to see how people would have reacted to have this magical song being delivered to them at high volume at any other time than our most current one. Imagine 1000 years ago. People get hyped off of music now just like they did then....what would those minds have done to this sort of music? Imagine vikings going into battle with their boomboxes (dont talk about earbuds) blasting this! Beautiful music comes from beautiful minds. I am so grateful that I was able to experience this song!
[Verse 1] Sinä petturi syvällä Syntymä sinusta irti Joka kuusen kurkottama Oksavarren kasvattama Istu maalleni hyvälle Mättään päälle pehmeälle Tämä on pimeän tullen Turvasi väkevää vasten [Verse 2] Sinä saatat painajaisen Hiitolan tuvan ovelle Siellä on hiisi hirtettynä Emä lempo leikattuna Tuossa on sidottu suusi Sekä tuossa turman pääsi Tuossa viisi hammastasi Kuusi kuoleman sydäntä [Chorus] Maan on mullasta eläjä Kansasta eronnut tieto Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko Rannoilta salmen maasta Pettureiksi peiton alle Sammaleen sysimajoille Lailla rippuvan kipunan [Verse 3] Päivän alle on tuleva Tulevasta tarvittava Tarpeesta haluksi saakka Halusta polvin pyytämäksi Pyynnöstä pakoksi asti Pakosta sodan suruihin Sammal on veren isäntä Vaan multa on elon emäntä [Verse 4] Sinä saatanan sukuni Perintöni perkeleestä Matala on kuusen oksa Männyn katto korkеampi Veden alta valtakunnan Ylle kuultava kuningas Juurеt tuon on maasi alta Tammen taitto taivahalta [Verse 5] Minä kättä painajaisen Käden kylmässä pitelen Istun kansani karilla Vesihiiden piipun päällä Metsä on takana rannan Hullu korven korvaluulla Tuon on allani majassa Oveen kohta kolkuttava [Bridge] Korven hullu, ruumistasi Veret seisovat repivät Itse riistän raukoiltani Rinnasta veren valuvan Pimeä on oksan taitto Tuli hetken puhdistava Palava on hetken mieli Sammuva sitä enempi [Chorus] Maan on mullasta eläjä Kansta eronnut tieto Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko Rannoilta salmen maasta Pettureiksi peiton alle Sammaleen sysimajoille Lailla rippuvan kipunan
Thanks for making such a phantastic video to this deeply moving song. The pictures captures perfectly the mood and atmosphere of this brilliantly sombre and powerful music. Hopefully the movie "Backwood Madness" will be shown soon. I'm looking forward to that now! Is there a release date set for it already? Take care of you and enjoy this special time!
This is gorgeous...and FYI, the beings represented in this video are Finnish nature-beings, NOT demons of any kind. They're the inspiration for the Ents from The Lord of the Rings, and they mostly just hide in the woods and mind their own business so long as humans mind ours!
@@satansfall0760 When most Americans see a mythical creature with horns, they assume it's some form of demon. The funny thing is that demons and angels can both assume any form they wish, and the idea of demons having horns and a tail is just as much an artistic conceit as angels depicted with wings and a halo.
@@sarahgray430 well I am not American but I'm from Italy....btw the funniest thing is that when I was a 4 yo child I often used to insert in my drawings the being that resembles a humanized tree even if I didn't have read the lord of the rings or seen it anywhere.... I drove all my kindergarten teachers mad lol
You traitor in the deep, Life will be taken out of you The one surrounded by spruces, Raised by branches Sit on my good ground, On the soft tussock For when the dark comes, This will be your refuge against foes
You bring a nightmare To the door of Hiitola's house1 There's a hanged hiisi,2 A hiisi cut wide open There's your tied mouth, And there your head, There your five teeth, The six hearts of death
One living from earth is earth's Knowledge separated from the people There's a sickness, there's a disease3 From the shores of a strait, As traitors you end up under moss, In pitch black darkness Like a dying spark
When something occurs under the sun Later it will become a need, A need will become a want, A want will become a request, A request will become a coercion, A coercion will become war's griefs Moss is blood's master, But soil is life's mistress
You damned kin of mine, My heritage from the devil Spruce's branches are low, Pine's reach higher up From underwater rises A pale king over the kingdom Oak's roots are from your land, Its shadow from the sky
I am holding the hand Of a nightmare in the cold I'm sitting on the rock of my people,4 On the pipe of a water hiisi;5 Forest is behind the shore, A madman in the backwoods Will soon come to knock On the door of my hut
Backwoods' madman, Unspilled blood tears your body I myself take the running blood From my poor fellows' chests Dark is a branch's shadow Fire will cleanse for a moment Mind will burn for a while, Then it will die down
One living from earth is earth's Knowledge separated from the people There's a sickness, there's a disease From the shores of a strait, As traitors you end up under moss, In pitch black darkness61 Like a dying spark lyricstranslate.com
Hi people ! I'm a french listener of Korpiklaani and Jonne since over 8 years by now, and I'm kind of tired of not being able to understand this beautiful finnish tongue. Does anyone knows a good method to learn it, from zero to hero ? I'm not that bad with english, so I don't mind learning it from english to finnish. And thank you Jonne, for being this amazing over all this years. I could never get tired of your music. Have a marvelous day !
Hi mate, if you didn't solve your problem I advise you to download Mondly....it's totally free and you can learn Finnish very effectively. Plus remember to use music videos or movies to better your pronounce
can someone more talented/knowledgeable then me gimme the rundown on the runes on his face? I can do some of the work but I'm having trouble seeing most of it. SOMEBODY GET ME HIS COSTUME DESIGNER!!!!
Täällä ja muualla youtuben jännässä mailmassa kun niin kovin väitetään että Suomalaiset eivät olleet viikinkejä vastaus = jotkut olivat.Länsi idänmaa joka nykyään siis tarkoittaa ahvenanmaata,turkua (varsinais Suomea) Lukekaapa esimerkiksi euran hautakalmistoista & niiden löydöksistä! Länsi Suomi siis oli hyvinkin pitkälti saman kultturin omaavaa seutua mitä Sveanmaa oli tuolloin! Varisinaisesta Suomen viikinki ajasta ja sen alusta kylläkin on selvempiä merkkejä vasta ajasta jolloin skandinaavien varsinainen viikinki aika oli jo ohi ja kristinusko rantautui heidän mailleen .Alkoivat suomen ja viron urgilaiset pakanat nopeilla laivoillaan tehdä tuhoisia iskuja Ruotsiin tiedettävästi ainakin kahteen kertaan. Huom! Käytin valtioiden nimityksiä välillä vaikka kyseisiä maita ei vielä ole tuolloin edes ollut noihin aikoihin niillä nimillä mitä ne nyt kantavat selkeyttääkseni tekstiä. Voisin kirjoittaa asiasta tänne vaikka kirjan koska kyseiseen kysymykseen ei ole kyllä eikä ei vastausta:) Ja myöskään ne jotka sen kalevalan lainaatte sieltä kirjastosta niin muistutkseksi se ei ole alkuperäinen versio siitä!
voniiro666 Sen vielä lisään, että viikinkejä kutsutaan populaarikulttuurissa virheellisesti siihen tyyliin, että se tarkottaisi koko kansaa, ketä asui näillä mailla. Vaan oletettavasti, viikingeiksi kutsutiin niitä, jotka tekivät sota/ryöstöretkiä. Ja heitä, jotka asuttivat uusia mantereita. Eli termi 'viikingit' on siinä mielessä häilyvä.
Les signes étranges sur le visage de Jonne ont-ils attiré les monstres de la forêt ? En chantant cette mélodie et en me maquillant le visage, vais-je aussi attirer des monstres de la forêt ?
Mate, sorry if I reply in English, but I don't know French. I think if I understand the video well that he, as a shaman, is evocating the forest spirits through the singing and the signs on the face are just a part of the ritual
I could do it today, but I'm not sure if it will help. The way he uses the language is like a spell poem and some of the words have really no english counterparts. And some of those meanings escape me.
Sort of. Depending from the tribe really, but the idea was similar in the end. Runes came to use for a time with the arrival of Vikings, whom we exchanged cultural views, along with other trade business.
Lori Suomi Muinais-suomen aikaa tääl ei oo ollu juuri ollenkaa kelttiläistä kulttuuria, se kuuluu taas tonne Iso-Britannian puolelle. Meil on aina ollu omat juttumme, ja sen verra ollaan sillonki oltu yhteydes ulkomaailmaa, ett viikinkie kans on käyty kauppaa, vaihdettu kulttuurinäkemyksiä ja jotkut meistä on pestautunu viikinkiretkille.
What do the runes mean? I don't have any idea what the Finnish lyrics mean as well - I take them as they are and enjoy the sound of this foreign language. Same for other foreign languages.
Peoples need stop with thinking we was vikings....we was not...vikings come here sure, we asborbed some kind of their tradition and gods, but we haved our own...Plus we are not really (i say really really cause me personally ) Scandinavian we're Fennoscandia! Ok we shy...aye...But ur welcome for drink.. :)
Well, i rearly see, that someone thinks that finns were vikings. Those were vikings who travelled etc. But our culture was very, very similar with other nordic countires.
I agree...although the Norse had a few settlements along the coast and traded with the Finns, they were always a little bit scared of them because the Finns had a reputation for being sorcerers!
It's not that simple, of course. For example I come from a very old Savo (east Finnish) family and have the "viking disease" that the norse spread around the Europe.
Jonne is a beautiful man
I agree,he's such a lovely person when you meet him and he's pretty gorgeous :3
He looks better when his face hasn't been drawn on with a Sharpie, but you make a valid point!
His voice is magical
I do agree
Pimeä on oksan taitto
Sinä petturi syvällä,
Syntymä sinusta irti
Joka kuusen kurkottama,
Oksavarren kasvattama,
Istu maalleni hyvälle
Mättään päälle pehmeälle,
Tämä on pimeän tullen
Turvasi väkevää vasten
Sinä saatat painajaisen
Hiitolan tuvan ovelle
Siellä on hiisi hirtettynä,
Emä lempo leikattuna
Tuossa on sidottu suusi,
Sekä tuossa turman pääsi,
Tuossa viisi hammastasi,
Kuusi kuoleman sydäntä
Maan on mullasta eläjä,
Kansasta eronnut tieto
Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko
Rannoilta salmen maasta,
Pettureiksi peiton alle,
Sammaleen sysimajoille,
Lailla rippuvan kipunan
Päivän alle on tuleva,
Tulevasta tarvittava,
Tarpeesta haluksi saakka
Halusta polvin pyytämäksi,
Pyynnöstä pakoksi asti,
Pakosta sodan suruihin
Sammal on veren isäntä,
Vaan multa on elon emäntä
Sinä saatanan sukuni,
Perintöni perkeleestä,
Matala on kuusen oksa,
Männyn katto korkeampi,
Veden alta valtakunnan
Ylle kuultava kuningas,
Juuret tuon on maasi alta,
Tammen taitto taivahalta
Minä kättä painajaisen
Käden kylmässä pitelen
Istun kansani karilla
Vesihiiden piipun päällä;
Metsä on takana rannan,
Hullu korven korkaluulla
Tuon on allani majassa
Oveen kohta kolkuttava
Korven hullu, ruumistasi
Veret seisovat repivät
Itse riistän raukoiltani
Rinnasta veren valuvan
Pimeä on oksan taitto,
Tuli hetken puhdistava,
Palava on hetken mieli,
Sammuva sitä enempi
Maan on mullasta eläjä,
Kansasta eronnut tieto
Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko
Rannoilta salmen maasta,
Pettureiksi peiton alle,
Sammaleen sysimajoille,
Lailla rippuvan kipunan
kiitos helevetisti
This music video is magical, shamanistic and very mysterious, as well as the music itself. I really imagined the music video to turn out like that. It's definitely one of my favorite songs from the new album and this clip suits it wonderfully.
Keep up the good work! :)
best Jonne song
f that youtube algorythm.. listening to korpiklaani since +10 years, but never got jonne recommended, since today.. saw this vid uploaded 6 years ago... wtf...
Whyyyy did youtube only recommend this to me NOW AFTER 6 YEARS?! I didn't even know Jonne had another band!
Hell, you got it 5 months before me.
i love it, can't stop listening at that song
Holy shit this is great!!!
Bloody steppe vikings, why must your music taste so sweet?
This song is simply a work of art, it is magic and Jonne your voice is something from another world. Greetings from Cuba, here are people who listen to you from the heart and we raise the spirit thanks to your magical art.
Bueno saber que en Cuba conocen esta música. Saludos de otro cubano viviendo en Indiana
Not disappointed. As always, amazing amazing job. Powerful.
This is just the way I love to hear music from Finland! This should be like every new Korpiklaani Album to me! Hail Finland all the way! Great work!
this absolutely amazing.
Aivan loistava kappale taas kerran! mieli tekee vaan mennä nuotion ääreen juomaan kaljaa ja kuunnella tätä biisiä loistavaa jatka samaan malliin!
I absolutely love it!
напоминает монгольский рок. Йонне красавчик! Талант!
я тоже полюбил монгольский рок!)
I sometimes wonder if I would be better blind or deaf. I would prefer to be blind as long as I could listen to music like this. Without a doubt. I cant believe how beautiful this song is in every way, its a masterpiece!
Its a fun mental exercise to see how people would have reacted to have this magical song being delivered to them at high volume at any other time than our most current one. Imagine 1000 years ago.
People get hyped off of music now just like they did then....what would those minds have done to this sort of music? Imagine vikings going into battle with their boomboxes (dont talk about earbuds) blasting this!
Beautiful music comes from beautiful minds. I am so grateful that I was able to experience this song!
[Verse 1]
Sinä petturi syvällä
Syntymä sinusta irti
Joka kuusen kurkottama
Oksavarren kasvattama
Istu maalleni hyvälle
Mättään päälle pehmeälle
Tämä on pimeän tullen
Turvasi väkevää vasten
[Verse 2]
Sinä saatat painajaisen
Hiitolan tuvan ovelle
Siellä on hiisi hirtettynä
Emä lempo leikattuna
Tuossa on sidottu suusi
Sekä tuossa turman pääsi
Tuossa viisi hammastasi
Kuusi kuoleman sydäntä
Maan on mullasta eläjä
Kansasta eronnut tieto
Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko
Rannoilta salmen maasta
Pettureiksi peiton alle
Sammaleen sysimajoille
Lailla rippuvan kipunan
[Verse 3]
Päivän alle on tuleva
Tulevasta tarvittava
Tarpeesta haluksi saakka
Halusta polvin pyytämäksi
Pyynnöstä pakoksi asti
Pakosta sodan suruihin
Sammal on veren isäntä
Vaan multa on elon emäntä
[Verse 4]
Sinä saatanan sukuni
Perintöni perkeleestä
Matala on kuusen oksa
Männyn katto korkеampi
Veden alta valtakunnan
Ylle kuultava kuningas
Juurеt tuon on maasi alta
Tammen taitto taivahalta
[Verse 5]
Minä kättä painajaisen
Käden kylmässä pitelen
Istun kansani karilla
Vesihiiden piipun päällä
Metsä on takana rannan
Hullu korven korvaluulla
Tuon on allani majassa
Oveen kohta kolkuttava
Korven hullu, ruumistasi
Veret seisovat repivät
Itse riistän raukoiltani
Rinnasta veren valuvan
Pimeä on oksan taitto
Tuli hetken puhdistava
Palava on hetken mieli
Sammuva sitä enempi
Maan on mullasta eläjä
Kansta eronnut tieto
Tuon on torko, tuon on rahko
Rannoilta salmen maasta
Pettureiksi peiton alle
Sammaleen sysimajoille
Lailla rippuvan kipunan
Jonne is awesome i just found out that he's got a solo career
I'm frikkin speachless! The rythm! the sound! I have never been so astonished! Dude I can't wait to meet you to Rockstadt!
Jonne inspires me to learn more about the Finnish culture 😍
awesome song, awesome video.. i just will repeat.. i love you guys so much !!!
This video reminds me of the woods surrounding the lake I grew up at, in northern Saskatchewan, Canada
This is awesome! I love Jonne's music.
Jonne olet Kaunis henki.
Terveisiä Unkarista.
So cool and amazing!
I love Jonne 😍 such a perfect song 😍 Rise Pagans!
hei jonne onnittelut hyvästä laulu ja video terveisiä Sveitsistä
This is amazing!
Gotta love your country! Hails from Denmark
love it love it love it!!! :)
what a great song. Jonne's awesome!
i love Jonne
Thanks for making such a phantastic video to this deeply moving song. The pictures captures perfectly the mood and atmosphere of this brilliantly sombre and powerful music. Hopefully the movie "Backwood Madness" will be shown soon. I'm looking forward to that now! Is there a release date set for it already? Take care of you and enjoy this special time!
Love this track! Wish I understood Finnish -- it's a beautiful language.
excellent music
Fantástico jonne!!! una de mis bandas super favoritas!, Los finlandeses siempre dije....son los mejores músicos!!
I wonder what's in his soul. I like his voice, his every move is wonderful. But I care about his soul. (I would love his soul!)
HAHA all hails to my finnish bros in the northeast, and warm greets from the Netherlands :)
Родное сердце.
This is gorgeous...and FYI, the beings represented in this video are Finnish nature-beings, NOT demons of any kind. They're the inspiration for the Ents from The Lord of the Rings, and they mostly just hide in the woods and mind their own business so long as humans mind ours!
Who said they're demons? I understood they were forest spirits since the first time I saw the video
@@satansfall0760 When most Americans see a mythical creature with horns, they assume it's some form of demon. The funny thing is that demons and angels can both assume any form they wish, and the idea of demons having horns and a tail is just as much an artistic conceit as angels depicted with wings and a halo.
@@sarahgray430 well I am not American but I'm from Italy....btw the funniest thing is that when I was a 4 yo child I often used to insert in my drawings the being that resembles a humanized tree even if I didn't have read the lord of the rings or seen it anywhere.... I drove all my kindergarten teachers mad lol
@@satansfall0760 I did that too. I think it['s what Carl Jung called a "universal symbol"...it pops up in different cultures all over the world
No me canso de escuchar a Jonne, es increíble 💕
merci \o/
Aaaah I love it
LOVE from Norway
0:48-näkyvä johdot
musiikin ja videoiden upeita
You traitor in the deep,
Life will be taken out of you
The one surrounded by spruces,
Raised by branches
Sit on my good ground,
On the soft tussock
For when the dark comes,
This will be your refuge against foes
You bring a nightmare
To the door of Hiitola's house1
There's a hanged hiisi,2
A hiisi cut wide open
There's your tied mouth,
And there your head,
There your five teeth,
The six hearts of death
One living from earth is earth's
Knowledge separated from the people
There's a sickness, there's a disease3
From the shores of a strait,
As traitors you end up under moss,
In pitch black darkness
Like a dying spark
When something occurs under the sun
Later it will become a need,
A need will become a want,
A want will become a request,
A request will become a coercion,
A coercion will become war's griefs
Moss is blood's master,
But soil is life's mistress
You damned kin of mine,
My heritage from the devil
Spruce's branches are low,
Pine's reach higher up
From underwater rises
A pale king over the kingdom
Oak's roots are from your land,
Its shadow from the sky
I am holding the hand
Of a nightmare in the cold
I'm sitting on the rock of my people,4
On the pipe of a water hiisi;5
Forest is behind the shore,
A madman in the backwoods
Will soon come to knock
On the door of my hut
Backwoods' madman,
Unspilled blood tears your body
I myself take the running blood
From my poor fellows' chests
Dark is a branch's shadow
Fire will cleanse for a moment
Mind will burn for a while,
Then it will die down
One living from earth is earth's
Knowledge separated from the people
There's a sickness, there's a disease
From the shores of a strait,
As traitors you end up under moss,
In pitch black darkness61
Like a dying spark
Шикарно :3 ещё бы я понимала о чём ....
Hi people !
I'm a french listener of Korpiklaani and Jonne since over 8 years by now, and I'm kind of tired of not being able to understand this beautiful finnish tongue. Does anyone knows a good method to learn it, from zero to hero ? I'm not that bad with english, so I don't mind learning it from english to finnish.
And thank you Jonne, for being this amazing over all this years. I could never get tired of your music.
Have a marvelous day !
Hi mate, if you didn't solve your problem I advise you to download Mondly....it's totally free and you can learn Finnish very effectively. Plus remember to use music videos or movies to better your pronounce
Tätä kuunnelles meinaa painel korpee ja tehä leirinuotio jota vois vaa tuijotel, ku kattois tule henkee
Nice kantele Jonne! Is that from your personal collection? Also a great video! Thanks so much for this.
Yes it is. Jarno Salo made it to me.
Ah yes he has made you a very fine piece. Would be nice to see you play it some day. Hope to see you in Canada next year buddy! Heippa
Holy crap is that you Jonne?!
Better, than first album
I think the same!
Пек паро!
Осталось дожить
citim z toho vela mystici a temneho stredoveku super song.
can someone more talented/knowledgeable then me gimme the rundown on the runes on his face? I can do some of the work but I'm having trouble seeing most of it. SOMEBODY GET ME HIS COSTUME DESIGNER!!!!
So good, but what is it about?
Greetings from Bolivia!!!
Magnifique god of war stuff
Täällä ja muualla youtuben jännässä mailmassa kun niin kovin väitetään että Suomalaiset eivät olleet viikinkejä vastaus = jotkut olivat.Länsi idänmaa joka nykyään siis tarkoittaa ahvenanmaata,turkua (varsinais Suomea) Lukekaapa esimerkiksi euran hautakalmistoista & niiden löydöksistä! Länsi Suomi siis oli hyvinkin pitkälti saman kultturin omaavaa seutua mitä Sveanmaa oli tuolloin! Varisinaisesta Suomen viikinki ajasta ja sen alusta kylläkin on selvempiä merkkejä vasta ajasta jolloin skandinaavien varsinainen viikinki aika oli jo ohi ja kristinusko rantautui heidän mailleen .Alkoivat suomen ja viron urgilaiset pakanat nopeilla laivoillaan tehdä tuhoisia iskuja Ruotsiin tiedettävästi ainakin kahteen kertaan. Huom! Käytin valtioiden nimityksiä välillä vaikka kyseisiä maita ei vielä ole tuolloin edes ollut noihin aikoihin niillä nimillä mitä ne nyt kantavat selkeyttääkseni tekstiä. Voisin kirjoittaa asiasta tänne vaikka kirjan koska kyseiseen kysymykseen ei ole kyllä eikä ei vastausta:) Ja myöskään ne jotka sen kalevalan lainaatte sieltä kirjastosta niin muistutkseksi se ei ole alkuperäinen versio siitä!
voniiro666 Sen vielä lisään, että viikinkejä kutsutaan populaarikulttuurissa virheellisesti siihen tyyliin, että se tarkottaisi koko kansaa, ketä asui näillä mailla. Vaan oletettavasti, viikingeiksi kutsutiin niitä, jotka tekivät sota/ryöstöretkiä. Ja heitä, jotka asuttivat uusia mantereita. Eli termi 'viikingit' on siinä mielessä häilyvä.
Les signes étranges sur le visage de Jonne ont-ils attiré les monstres de la forêt ? En chantant cette mélodie et en me maquillant le visage, vais-je aussi attirer des monstres de la forêt ?
Mate, sorry if I reply in English, but I don't know French. I think if I understand the video well that he, as a shaman, is evocating the forest spirits through the singing and the signs on the face are just a part of the ritual
Would there be possible to provide lyrics? :)
can somebody translate the lyrics, please ?
I could do it today, but I'm not sure if it will help. The way he uses the language is like a spell poem and some of the words have really no english counterparts. And some of those meanings escape me.
One should never attempt translate spells from their rightful tongue.
Traditionalist Doomer well what if we want to know the idea behind what theyre saying?
The song was supposed to be featured in the finnish movie "Blackwood Madness", but I cannot find it anywhere. Any info?
Did Finns also use the old Norse runes?
JazzMan there are many types of runes and dialects that come with them.
Sort of. Depending from the tribe really, but the idea was similar in the end. Runes came to use for a time with the arrival of Vikings, whom we exchanged cultural views, along with other trade business.
We never be vikings. But we absorbed some of culture Slave, celtic, viking, etc....so im not a specialist but it's way possible.
Lori Suomi Muinais-suomen aikaa tääl ei oo ollu juuri ollenkaa kelttiläistä kulttuuria, se kuuluu taas tonne Iso-Britannian puolelle. Meil on aina ollu omat juttumme, ja sen verra ollaan sillonki oltu yhteydes ulkomaailmaa, ett viikinkie kans on käyty kauppaa, vaihdettu kulttuurinäkemyksiä ja jotkut meistä on pestautunu viikinkiretkille.
Tämä on totta! )
Не одного комментария на русском?? Очень жаль. Просто класс нет слов. Фины вы нам намного ближе чем вам говорит пропаганда .....
Kiitos! Большая часть "северных русских" и есть финны. Это вепсы, карелы, мурома, мещера, меря, которых "записали" в русские.
Är det Jonne Järvelä? Korpiklaanis sjungare?
Let's drink some beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
I can read the Elder Futhark on his face, but have no idea what the Finnish words mean >_
What do the runes mean?
I don't have any idea what the Finnish lyrics mean as well - I take them as they are and enjoy the sound of this foreign language. Same for other foreign languages.
Hiisi has been killed...
Those are not elder futhark runes..not even young futhark.
That doesn't look like elder futhark
Love it. But i bet i could out drink jonne. ;)
Is he married? Asking for a friend.
hes lady past away recently 😕.. but u can find jonnes and maarens music by typin shamaani duo in youtube
@@vladimirbobrichoff7937 Maaren was actually his ex-wife, he's in a relationship with someone else right now (not sure if they're married or not).
Peoples need stop with thinking we was vikings....we was not...vikings come here sure, we asborbed some kind of their tradition and gods, but we haved our own...Plus we are not really (i say really really cause me personally ) Scandinavian we're Fennoscandia!
Ok we shy...aye...But ur welcome for drink.. :)
Well, i rearly see, that someone thinks that finns were vikings. Those were vikings who travelled etc. But our culture was very, very similar with other nordic countires.
I agree...although the Norse had a few settlements along the coast and traded with the Finns, they were always a little bit scared of them because the Finns had a reputation for being sorcerers!
It's not that simple, of course. For example I come from a very old Savo (east Finnish) family and have the "viking disease" that the norse spread around the Europe.
@@PohjolanPeikko ...it's true our gods are simillar...like Freya...just different names...
But i prefer beleive in thoses
Бадья, Нодья, и Попадья.