【浅聊 Tealive】当年 Tealive vs Chatime,谁对谁错?Tealive 最近融资10mil?听说明年将上市, 背后有 Creador, 应该稳了?| Ivan & Jin 聊时事

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • 还记得2010年的时候, 我 ( Jin ) 才 15岁。那时候奶茶风气在马来西亚尚未崛起,也无人问津。可是在那年,Bryan Loo ( 吕伟立 ) 看到了前所未有的商机,大胆从台湾把 Chatime 这个品牌带回马来西亚。
    在7年时间, 把 Chatime Malaysia 发展成 200+ 分行的规模。可是好景不长, Chatime 随后把 Bryan 告上了法庭,涉嫌毁约嫌疑。 那经过前前后后的纠纷, Bryan 也算熬过来了。在短短的 45 天内,转型到今天我们家喻户晓的 Tealive。
    当年 high court 判了 Tealive 胜利, court of appeal 却驳回了这个审判。Tealive 和 chatime 到最后也选择庭外和解了。那如果我们回看这个事件,到底谁对谁错呢?
    看到今天 2023 Tealive 的发展,我们是否又能引以为傲的和所有人分享这家马来西亚企业?它的前景又是否明亮呢?
    Hosts: Ivan & Jin ( Founders of ZFounderclub )
    Venue: KL Podcast studio
    Collab: ZFounderclub

Комментарии • 116

  • @mlyw7918
    @mlyw7918 5 месяцев назад +6

    Franchise is an agreement between chatime Taiwan and chatime Malaysia , in the agreement there are requirement to franchisee to buy from franchiser. Regardless whatever reason you have … if you don’t buy from your agreed supplier , you are already on the wrong side . Unless u take them to court to challenge in saying they unreasonably inflate the price , but if you already signed a lopsided agreement.. you can’t win la….

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад +1

      Yeap I totally understand, just sharing different perspectives.(Jin)

  • @XuHaoTeoh
    @XuHaoTeoh 9 месяцев назад +9


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +1

      不好意思,可能是剪辑方面还未完善。让你觉得论点跳 tone。其实我们在讨论 “ 从这个事件学到什么 “ 之前,已经做了个总结。
      Jin - 认为双方都有错,不然不会庭外和解。
      Ivan - 不便下定论,因为在聊这个话题之前,她只科普了当中的一二。访谈全程是 Jin 比较熟悉,所以只好 stay neutral。
      我们以后会做出更好的影片。谢谢你的 comment。

  • @jly5828
    @jly5828 9 месяцев назад +7

    Chattime(台湾) V Tealive(马来西亚)
    AKS (日本) V SHN48(中国大陆)
    这两个案件都是在地商脱离了外地授权商的指定运营方式而上法庭最后达庭外和解, 最终结果都是外地授权商在在地按照自己的原则运营后慢慢消失。

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +1

      个人认为不管什么行业都好,都必须观察和考量本地代理商的挑战和需求。毁约固然不对,但是有时候合约也不能绑太紧 ( 如果是 外地和本地商家合作的话 )。
      以上的论点是我自己 general 的论点,不代表任何一家企业。

  • @elaineloo610
    @elaineloo610 9 месяцев назад +6

    太喜欢这种话题了 期待更多

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад


  • @voischin3976
    @voischin3976 5 месяцев назад +3

    每个成功人士,后面都有一个back up的,就算失败了还能翻身,他家里条件本身不错的,在当时家里能够拿出大概马币50万那样从台湾那边拿到代理,可是也是需要具备商业触觉才能成功的,他就是其中一个,正所谓的初生牛犊不怕虎,有干劲和方向,这种才能成功。

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад +1


  • @thooky7224
    @thooky7224 5 месяцев назад +3

    天底下合久必分,分久必合。。。商场没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。。说不定以后chatime和Bryan 为了利益还是会合作。成年人应该要有这种格局,真的商场计较对错没有用的,利益的成果才是最重要的。

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      说得好,但聊格局的同时,也必须聊 ‘身为人,何为正确’ , 有些事错就是错,没必要讨论。但是 ‘以其人之道,还治其人之身’ 就是另外一种说法了。(Jin)

  • @MentallyAcidic
    @MentallyAcidic Месяц назад +1


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      要再次澄清这支影片不是在为他洗白,只是也希望大家看他另外一面。Less negativity, more positivity.
      但还是必须分享我们不赞成他的所作所为。不过,当年发生的一切,我们没有 100% visibility, 所以不好评论。

  • @ckhau1401
    @ckhau1401 3 месяца назад +1

    Just leaving a comment here to support Ivan & this channel. Agreed that Jin leads the discussion better than Ivan, but I think Ivan also did a good job as a partner host. Looking forward for more good contents.

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  3 месяца назад

      Appreciate the kind comment. We will be better and always strive for improvements!

  • @mryfw
    @mryfw 5 месяцев назад +1

    题外话,Gong Cha在马来西亚的业务是Silver Ridge拥有,大股东是BERSATU高层...

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      Bryan Loo 是你的朋友?

  • @kailoonchin
    @kailoonchin Месяц назад +1

    他在变成 tealive 很久之前其实已经请了一个大广告公司在帮他们策划这新的品牌策略,很早就开始部署。

  • @phynecia
    @phynecia Месяц назад +1

    以前的chatime很好喝 其实它的变化我一直喝得出来 越变越香精 越变越化学味

  • @chun5540
    @chun5540 9 месяцев назад +1

    所以对我来说 他是很成功的人😊

  • @leechenkai9167
    @leechenkai9167 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад


  • @lun112
    @lun112 9 месяцев назад +4


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      很抱歉让你有这样的感觉。其实在录制之前,我们已经读完了所有人对 Tealive 的质疑, 然后再加以讨论。以后更加注意,以更好提升影片水准。谢谢你

  • @keanheetan5887
    @keanheetan5887 5 месяцев назад +2

    good video, really not much seeing the Chatime now in the market. Mostly were Tealive.

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад +2

      I guess after the incident, Malaysia isn't really one of their go-to market anymore. Anyways, their group is already making good money somewhere else, might not even be a concern to them already. (Jin)

    • @keanheetan5887
      @keanheetan5887 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@ZFounderClub 不得不说,Tealive是屹立不倒的奶茶,其他什么”堂”什么“堂“的都好像见少买少了

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад +2

      @@keanheetan5887 霸占了大多的市场吧。 但还是有有些细分的赛道可以生存下来的,比如说茶仙子,茶姬

  • @genietoh2291
    @genietoh2291 9 месяцев назад +3

    前面1.3 分钟的声音坏了。喜欢这样的课题 ❤

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +1

      声音坏了?怎么说?谢谢你的喜欢哦,我们会加油的 ❤

    • @genietoh2291
      @genietoh2291 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад


    • @waifeng2501
      @waifeng2501 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@ZFounderClub你test戴耳机 声音只在右耳

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      @@waifeng2501 好的谢谢你,我会和录音室反馈这个问题。

  • @weeedwin8208
    @weeedwin8208 Месяц назад +1

    换另一个思维认真想想,tealive 就是拷贝chatime 模式然后成功,他自创的baskbear,sodaexpress, wonderbrew 有到tealive 成功这个地步吗,并不觉得

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      我觉得是时机的问题。他开始 chatime 转型去 tealive 的时候,市场的奶茶品牌不多,个人觉得是靠店铺数量赢取市场的。
      相反 baskbear 如果没有记错,是在 Zus coffee 已在的情况下才开始的。竞争已经很激烈了。

    • @weeedwin8208
      @weeedwin8208 Месяц назад

      @@ZFounderClub 那你就是记错了baskbear 和 zus 都是2019 年尾开的

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад


  • @Ng-zc1zh
    @Ng-zc1zh 9 месяцев назад +4


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +2

      你先不义,就别怪我不仁。我没在support tealive, 我只是在探讨另外种可能。因为我们小红书账号有前员工爆料,分享当时的情况,真的不是我们想象中简单。

    • @weeedwin8208
      @weeedwin8208 Месяц назад

      @@ZFounderClub几年前知道的消息是,bryan 做大chatime了,翅膀硬了,开始不满意原材料都要加价向总部拿货(本来加盟模式都是这样赚钱的,tealive 自己做加盟也还不是赚原材料费)

  • @edlproperty
    @edlproperty 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      谢谢你!我们会在加油更新 ❤

  • @chunlim6342
    @chunlim6342 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      你觉得是就是吧哈哈。我们只是分享 facts, 没有说他没有错,只是有一说一。谢谢观看 (Jin)

  • @LianJim
    @LianJim 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад


  • @fionfion1542
    @fionfion1542 6 месяцев назад +4


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  6 месяцев назад

      每个人都有刚开始的阶段,不是她本意。我们两个在节目意外都是很好的朋友,相信我,Ivan 绝对不是故意的打断的。

  • @kianhonng2783
    @kianhonng2783 5 месяцев назад +1

    The title of this video is about was he wrong, not about his success in business. Totally out of topic. Even during out of topic also speak as if like llao llao started the yougurt ice cream first in Malaysia, it was Tutti Fruiti not llao llao. And llao llao was brought in to Malaysia not by Br*an, the person was Tan Kai Young, the CEO of The Woodpeckers Group.
    As for Tealive vs Chatime, definitely Br*an in the wrong. A breach of contract is a breach of contract, period. Unless Chatime did something illegal, he definitely in the wrong. Just because you have a very good business reason (i.e. cost control else business can't survive/flourish), still doesn't gives you the legal right to do so else, contract means nothing anymore because in every wrong action we always can find a very good reason.
    Out of court settle could also be Br*an knows he most likely willl lose if go to Federal court because "Court won't help those in cheat" this sentence shows higher level court did not take his breach of contract action kindly, it will set a very bad precedent for the Franchises industry in Malaysia which then create havoc. And given the circumstances, he may had paid an exorbitant sum and/or extremely favorable condition to Chatime, high enough for Chatime to not proceed to Federal court.
    I don't dislike/like Br*an, just dislike half of the video out of topic and not so accurate info.

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      (1) Title also included the fact that he recently raised a pool of 10 mil fund. So I dont't see why discussing some of his business decision and the recent success is out of topic. Tutti Fruiti might be first to came in but Llao llao was the first one to made it big.
      (2) Woodpeckers run Llao llao now but from what we know, it used to be under BLoo banner.
      (3) Not trying to justify his doing but was just sharing a different light on why he made the choices he had taken. Breaching a contract is always wrong, but unfair terms, while it doesn't nullify the breach legally speaking; but on a human level, you can at least see why he acted so. But again, not justifying the action. You can have your own opinion whether it's right or wrong or neutral in the end.
      (4) Doesn't make sense as if chatime know that they would ultimately win the case then it's always worth it to take them to court. Why take the settlement ( a piece of the whole gold mine ) when you can have the gold mine yourself?
      Just sharing some two cents. Feel free to agree to disagree. (Jin)

  • @eebingng5939
    @eebingng5939 22 дня назад


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  20 дней назад


  • @jly5828
    @jly5828 9 месяцев назад +4

    Grab vs Uber东南亚 的结果是 Uber东南亚 被Grab并购, 滴滴出行 vs Uber中国大陆的结果一样是Uber中国大陆 被滴滴出行并购, Chattime 的消失是我预见之中的事

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +2

      很好的分析。可能 Chatime 得了赔偿后,就当作退出马来西亚市场吧。其实我也不知道到最后是谁赔谁,赔几多等等。

  • @xiaozhi9499
    @xiaozhi9499 5 месяцев назад +2

    1000家不是他的 每个老板拿Franchise term codition 生意不好不管他的事 😂厉害 做坑给人跳

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      以前不知道,但现在大多数 Tealive 都是他们直营了 (Jin)

    • @xiaozhi9499
      @xiaozhi9499 5 месяцев назад +1

      哈哈哈 上市业绩不达标现在当然自己开 做的坑没人跳 最终业绩达标搞个上市 再坑一笔吧😂厉害厉害 玩弄资本

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      @@xiaozhi9499 看 creador 过后怎样和他配合吧

    • @xiaozhi9499
      @xiaozhi9499 5 месяцев назад

      配合上市后割韭菜 不是嘛 creador 的擅长操作 后来公司发展如何不甘他的事。

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      @@xiaozhi9499 errrrr 😅😅😅 如果是这样的话, CTOS 和 MrDIY 就不会有今天了

  • @tanaikloon1458
    @tanaikloon1458 Месяц назад +1

    等(泰山)来了,tealive 会更上一层楼

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад


    • @tanaikloon1458
      @tanaikloon1458 Месяц назад

      @@ZFounderClub 泰山,是我们平台的项目名字。以后就是连锁经营的招牌

  • @iMBAstrategicBIZadvisory
    @iMBAstrategicBIZadvisory 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @jesschong2706
    @jesschong2706 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      认为是就是吧。加油,谢谢观看 (Jin)

  • @Fluffy-r6x
    @Fluffy-r6x 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад


  • @kokpohong
    @kokpohong Месяц назад +2


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      不反对你的说法,但是我们不知道 100% 实情。所以,就不讨论了吧。

  • @Superfatttboy
    @Superfatttboy 9 месяцев назад +2

    虽然是第一次看你们的视频,一开始分享的觉得还不错。但是我看到影片中见女的开始说话我就一直skip了 🤡

    • @user-ge4cc1qn5u
      @user-ge4cc1qn5u 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      关于我 partner 的分享,可以知道你为什么 skip 吗?好让我们改进改进,谢谢你!

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад


    • @Superfatttboy
      @Superfatttboy 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@ZFounderClub when the guy speaks, the lady keep add some words to it makes me feel abit awkward to listen 😅
      And when her turn to speak, personally don't find it informative and relates to me.
      It's my first time watching your video. And this is just my personal opinion. Anyways, i do enjoy the guy's sharings.
      Hope this helps, all the best!

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +1

      I see, thank you so much for your valuable feedback! It's our first time running a channel together so I think we have much to work on still ( The channel is only approaching 2 months old ) . We will review your feedback and discuss among ourselves.
      Thank you so much! Hopefully when you return to our channel in the future, you will find our videos in better quality😁

  • @user-ge4cc1qn5u
    @user-ge4cc1qn5u 9 месяцев назад +5


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад +5

      😅😅😅 还好吧,这样都还啰嗦吗 😅

    • @KS-md4jj
      @KS-md4jj 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      @@KS-md4jj 男生还是女生?还是两个都有

    • @KS-md4jj
      @KS-md4jj 9 месяцев назад +5


    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  9 месяцев назад

      @@KS-md4jj 谢谢,我们会讨论然后再进步,加强以后的影片。 😁

  • @kbandito
    @kbandito 7 месяцев назад +1

    付了 20 mil 和解 iirc

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  7 месяцев назад


    • @kbandito
      @kbandito 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@ZFounderClub So settlement is only RM9 mil, which is the greatest move ever. Their GP margin then went from 52-53% to 65%. Try applying that on a RM300mil business.

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  7 месяцев назад

      @@kbandito if that's the truth, then it's a well calculated move. And great move indeed.

  • @sret7880
    @sret7880 Месяц назад

    女主持竟然还讲你heng kee bah kuh teh receipe 会赢meh...

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      她要表达的是,马来西亚市场里 copy cat 也一大堆。但有些抄了可以有一席之地,有些抄了却抄到四不像。

    • @sret7880
      @sret7880 Месяц назад +1

      @@ZFounderClub oh got it

  • @sret7880
    @sret7880 Месяц назад

    所以Bryan 一开始是被逼签下当初的 material purchase agreement? 没有错???LOLssssssss

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад


    • @sret7880
      @sret7880 Месяц назад

      @@ZFounderClub Court of appeal: court wont help those in cheat... nuf said

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      @@sret7880 then opt not to go to federal court and settle for settlements?
      Both parties must have realised they both have fault. Else why would you not sue all the way if you're 100% of the win?
      It's logic.

    • @sret7880
      @sret7880 Месяц назад

      @@ZFounderClub bro.... chatime won the court of appeal.... tealive have to close their shop. its up to Tealive to appeal to fed court... OMG... apa logic ni

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  Месяц назад

      @@sret7880 my point is why did they settle for settlements if they have 100% claim. It's just a simple question.

  • @cmong2005
    @cmong2005 9 месяцев назад


  • @haymaybit
    @haymaybit 5 месяцев назад


  • @visualnanas9199
    @visualnanas9199 5 месяцев назад +1

    on this topic... Ray Croc is even worse... go watch "the founder" and it will have 2 conclusion to the story... is either Ray Croc is the protagonist or antagonist... judgement lies over the eye of the beholder

    • @ZFounderClub
      @ZFounderClub  5 месяцев назад

      Yeap, there's valid arguments on both end. (Jin)

  • @phynecia
    @phynecia Месяц назад +1

    以前的chatime很好喝 其实它的变化我一直喝得出来 越变越香精 越变越化学味