"Sir, we have analyzed their attack, and there is a danger. Should we give the order to evacuate?" Tarkin: "Evacuate? So that the Emperor can slowly torture us to death? Screw that!!!"
Palpatine: The Death Star is what? Get me Tarkin now! Officer: That is impossible, my lord. Palpatine: Now he won't even speak to me?! He better be dead!
Tarkin knew what his fate would be if he failed and survived. He knew the station was going to be blown up, which is why he didn't evacuate. His overconfidence made him stay because he wanted to see the end of the battle, no matter which side won. And when he knew the battle was lost with the remaining rebel ships fleeing, he knew his fate was sealed, death by being blown up or death by execution. We all know what he chose.
0:11 I think Robot Chicken summed up Sidious' reaction pretty nicely :P "That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit?!"
Didn't Cushing say he wore the slippers due to the boots not fitting? I think I saw an interview where Cushing mentioned the boots and read about them in several articles.
"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you seriously overestimate their chances!" Translation: Fight to the last, if the Rebels succeed we are truly fucked
Nice efforts, but the translation of my eyes are like “They are just puny fighters, destroy them with ease with only our turbolasers. This is a day that will be remembered.”
Sounds to me like Sidious was planning to kill Tarkin anyway regardless of what happened to the Death Star due to him saying he had too much ambition and his days were numbered.
Honestly punishing vader was a mistake on Palpitines part. Technically vader was ready to finish off Luke and had already fired his TIEs weapons but was ambushed by Han Solo. In fact Vaders wingman sacrificed his life to bring Vader out of the trench before he could be destroyed by grazing his TIE with Vaders. Watch the movie closely.
Completely truth, Vader did not deserved to be punished, but sidious was always blinded by his rage everytime people failed him in important assets, so he did nonetheless.
@@superperfectcell214 Palpatine is the most incompetent Sith to ever exist. No true Sith goes hides like he did before ROTS and then takes over. He's such a coward that makes others do his dirty work.
@@lelouchvibritannia4028 in his only defense the hiding was Darth bane's idea and going into hiding is the reason why the sith became so powerful and were able to succeed in their great plan of 1000 years
@@lelouchvibritannia4028 I think its more of a testament to his power and influence in the dark side that he never really had to get his hands dirty, rather than being incompetent. Siths before him would slay hundreds maybe thousands in a day, Palpatine would kill billions in minutes.
I think everyone is missing the point that its also an empire. Whos to say the banks and insurance are not state run by the empire. Its hard to get insurance when you are the insurance.
Well, even if Palpatine said it, Tarkin had a value to him, loyalty. He was a fanatic supporter of the Empire and Palpatine's policies and was well-connected in the Imperial Armed Forces which were keeping the Emperor in power. If I was Sidious, I would have punished him, but certainly not kill him. Loyalty is pretty rare...
Emperor Palpatine My lord, if Tarkin recieved no reprimand for his failure, that would be perceived as weakness on your part, and potential for Tarkin or even Thrawn or some other imperial officer to stage a coup. If you did spare Tarkin from death, but performed some other form of capital punishment, be it torture or demotion, that leaves open the possibility of Tarkin’s loyalty fading away, thus mitigating all value he has to you. Tarkin’s only fate was death, my liege. Of course, in your infinite wisdom, you already knew this, Lord Sidious.
Loyalty aside there was some issues with tarkin blowing up Alderaan.he wasnt exactly happy with tarkins action as it did actually rally quite a lot to the rebels cause.had this world been Lothal or some other world without innocent peoppe on the forefront or atleast not a social server like organa then maybe things would have been smooth going.There qere other ways to deal with Organa like assassination especially now that the fake senate was gone completely.
Killing tarkin would also be punishment for destroying Alderran, albeit with hindsight. I've heard of Sidious being rather annoyed at the planets destruction which coinciding with the unveiling and subsequent destruction of the super weapon as well caused many more rebellions to rise up that and planets needing pacification. Another personal note is the causes for most if not all rebellions rising against the empire was the Tarkin Doctrine requiring a doomsday laser weapon as the Death Star. The construction of the station Alone was the cause for so much anguish, where the project needed slaves to maintain a construction timeline that still took 20+ years to complete. The heavy Taxation of the realms under Emperial Control to pay for just the Normal materials, not including the exotic components would have been REALLY expensive! I would have went with the eclipse style super weaponry where its still a Huge series of ships but the deployment of the weaponry can be spread further at one time than with a Death Star Station. The empire could already level whole planets with the fleets in hand and the resources to build a death star could have been spread throughout the fleet with thousands more of the ISD 2's or other series of ships, including super star's and Eclipse Super Star destroyers... Ranting Mode Disengaged... In Standby Mode....
Not sure if it's canon or not, but Sidious was warned by Vader and Thrash not to build the death star. Vader even said to the leaders in the empire. Don't be overconfident with technological achievement you've constructed. It's insignificant next to the power of the force.
Needless to say the biggest takeaway was that Palpatine was freaking Pissed off to no end. He was also taking out his anger of even his own flaws and shortcomings out on people who really did not deserve it.
Eh, not really. This is one of those cases where just about everyone involved can't REALLY be faulted for anything beyond some really bizarre battlefield mistakes. To begin with, the idea that there would be a weakness as catastrophic as to instantly destroy a battlestation the size of a small moon would be all but impossible to comprehend until it was found. Yes, everyone involved was practically foaming to get the plans back, but that's just standard response to leaked classified data. They didn't want any weaknesses exploited, period. Something that might cripple the station's propulsion, or break the superlaser and slow it down. But to pull the trigger and blow 30 years of construction to bits in one shot? I think even the Rebels were mentally scoffing at the idea even as they were desperately going through the design in hopes of finding that very thing. What could be Tarkin's fault at that point? The decision to follow Vader's suggestion to let Leia escape with the plans in their lap, and follow her to Yavin IV to blow the base up? To choose to take the DS1 directly into battle with unknown flaws the rebels would barely have any time to hunt down? Maybe it's Tarkin's fault that upon arriving in the Yavin System he didn't immediately declare general quarters for the station and deployed the entire fighter compliment to screen against a rebel counter-strike? Because 30 snub fighters are SO going to demolish a small moon's worth of durasteel and turbolasers... That would probably take forever to mobilize. Getting a squadron or two out there was doing fine cleaning up the mess. How about Vader for not stopping- Wait, he got his ass out there personally and was tearing his way through the Rebel fighters. And he was a few seconds from finishing the job when a random smuggler had an attack of conscience and showed up somehow without warning. Maybe we should blame whoever was supposed to be coordinating the imperial fighter response for not letting Vader know that "Hey, head's up sir. There's a YT-1300 coming in HOT! It looks like the one that we let escape yesterday! Better have your wingmen intercept it!" That's it! The fault for the failure to prevent the destruction of the Death Star falls to...... LARRY! Of commscan terminal C47, section 12. Because of his failure to communicate to the TIE squadrons in flight that a suspicious YT-1300 light freighter, literally the only thing between the DS1 and Yavin at that point, was making a beeline for the battle, Han solo managed to get the laser shots off that distracted Vader from his target long enough for Luke to take the fatal shot. Larry, hang your ghostly head in shame. If only you'd done your job to the most basic level.
Social Account - That's a very interesting theory to explore! Maybe you could message SW reading club to tell him about your #suggestion for a future "what if" episode! I'd love to hear about that!
Thrawn would've probably kept a fighter screen up as soon as he jumped in, and would also have wanted turbolasers replaced with lasers. But third parties seem to be his weakness so I can still see him losing.
From my point of view Tarkin be the one to tell Palpatine what happened because he was in charge of the battle station. I just find it ironic how Palpatine hated and despised his father for his lack of ambition and later killed him for it and another reason. But here he wants to kill Tarkin for having too much ambition.
Matthew Wheeler Palpatine's not insane, he's a lunatic but he's not insane. Insane means you do one thing and you think you do it another. But that's a common mistake most people make. But you're still right.
how was he insane? He wiped out the Jedi and became emperor of the Galaxy the only thing he couldn't succeed at was replacing Vader, always expecting the same results.
In canon it seems has Tarkin lived, failure or success it’s inevitable that Tarkins Days was numbered In a Certain Point of View novel Tarkin shows ambition When Admiral Motti Met was Tarkin after Vader Force choking him, both Motti and Tarkin shown to have not only confidence in the Death Star But thr ambition to potentially take over the Empire with it Tarkin while not said in many words, did shown he did agree nonverbally with Motti’s praises Tarkin was loyal to Palpatine and the Empire above all else, but the Death Star might have made Tarkin ambitious While more no confirmation he would have used the Death Stsr to lead a coup, it still shows that it did made Tarkin more ambitious and a potential threat to Sidious had he lived Palpatine’s Book Of Sith excerpt May be somewhat a confirmation of this even if it’s seemingly a Legends Source
depending on how canonical it still is, Palpatine may have had another reason for punishing Tarkin in the event that he survived--the radio dramas, at least, (which were/are at the next-highest level of canonicity after the movies) has Tarkin and Motti discuss the possibility of staging a coup against him, implicitly assassinating Vader as well, because while Palpatine was obviously the official leader of the Empire they would have the real power by virtue of directly controlling the Death Star
"Well, I'm sorry that my Dark Lord of the Sith can't protect a thermal exhaust port that was only two metres wide. That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! D- Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit?"
Sidious was a bad leader he is emperor but he is terrible at his job because everyone told him not to build the death star even thrawn told him not to build it ever.
S Stirbis Keep in mind that everyone was against the Death Star from a military value point of view, but they didn’t know the true purpose of it’s construction: Shift the fear that would keep the Empire in line from Sidious to the Death Star, freeing him from public appearances and devoting all his time to achieve Sith immortality...
3Minotaur3 what if hear me out before replying tarkin blew up corusant but kept the inqusitor corp so he can rule the galaxy with and iron fist and Vader and palpatine were on corusant when he did it and palpatine never discovered immortality?
1) Palpatine would have ample time to flee Coruscent before The Death Star arrives. Lots of his spies in that thing. And it's hard to hide a small moon. ;-) Also it has hyperdrive, but is very slow and cumbersome thruster-wise. It would have taken a while just to fly into firing position and the entire planet would have see it coming. 2) I wouldn't bet on Inquisitors siding with Tarkin. He's only a very high ranking Officer of the Empire but has no connections within the Empire the way Palpatine do. There are far more chance they would kill Tarkin than they would kill Palpatine (If they could at all. He's the most powerful entity within the galaxy at the time). That said, I agree from a "conquer the galaxy" point of view that the Death Star is not the best move. Better to have more Star Destroyers that can fight and conquer simultaneous planets at the same time than having a bloated space station that can damage/destroy/conquer one planet at a time. Blowing up a planet gives nothing in return no population, no ressources, no taxes, etc. And if you really need to wipe out a planet, a massive fleet of Star Destroyers can do the job without destroying the planet proper. Then again, Palpatine ultimate goal was to be the ultimate Sith and reach (flesh, not ghost-like) immortality and conquering the galaxy was just a step toward that goal.
Personally, I doubt Sidious would have executed Tarkin. He spent decades working with Tarkin on and off, grooming him to be one of his highest ranking most influential generals and administrators. His arrogance would CERTAINLY have been punished but his value was such that I believe Palpatine would have kept him on. But we'll never know will we... "Evacuate?! In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."
Tarkin was getting out of Sidious' hand "he had far too much ambition and his days were numbered" Vader was his apprentice and The engineer had to build the second death star for him thats why they were kept alive
If I was sidious as soon as I heard that the Death Star found the hidden rebel base I would take my personal star destroyer to the far side of Yavin. If things went well I would leave after the battle but if things went as they did I would target the base and fire all weapons at it.
You gotta love an empire that kills the administrator, instead of the designer for not putting more protection around that exhaust port. It always struck me as weird that all the heat exhaust from that massive station was channeled through just one port.
The Death Star's chief designer, when he was finally executed by the rebels, his last words were, "Do it right this time!" suggesting he was, in fact, sick of living, or perhaps just sick of dying and didn't want to have to experience more than once more.
There wasn’t “enough time” for Palpatine to even consider punishing Tarkin for the Death Star’s failure. Tarkin was blown to smithereens in an instant, along with the rest of the Death Star.
One thing that’s always confused me is why the sith would study the dark side of the force when they can learn from something even more powerful... HIGH GROUND!!!
Sidious was a devoted servant of the Darkness he would spend his time learning the it's secrets but the death star would've given him more than enough time to do so. Yeah taken would've been severely punished.
Im sure palpatine would never had executed Grand Moff Tarkin. Just electrocuted him painfully and slowly him and tarkin would have earn his honor back by destroying the rebels Alliance. That what palpatine would do because tarkin a one of palpatine best commdaners and loyal to palpatine.
Wait, this is in the cannon? So, why didn't Vader ever move his consciousness into a clone? I understand the importance of his suit, but staying in it was a weakness and gave Sidious an advantage over him, so why didn't he get a new clone body? It would take a lot of experimenting to create a good replacement, but Palpatine made an army of clones of himself in the EU and there was also Star Killer in the EU, so it seems plausible that Vader, who was very savy with technology, would be able to pull it off. Am I missing something?
Except, it was shown that when a Dark Side consciousness like Sidious moved between bodies, each body he inhabited started to degrade soon after, due to the effects of the Dark Side, kinda how Anubis's hosts in season 8 of SG1 would die after prolonged possession. If vader had tried the same thing, the same would have happened to his clone bodies.
@Logan It was. Pretty much anything related to Bevel was invalidated by Rogue One, which I can forgive since it is the only Disney SW movie worth a crap.
Has anyone ever considered that Palpatine might have had the stations built because he saw the threat of the Yuuzahn Vong coming, and had them constructed to take out their world-ships? It would have been the perfect weapon to do so...
I feel so bad for Bevel. He may have created a weapon that killed billions (and could've many more) but the things Palpatine did to him makes me very appreciative that I don't work for him.
Why give his apprentice such power if the apprentice didn't grab it himself? That isn't the Sith way. If Vader had gone out and found a holicron and figured out how to transfer his own essence, I'm sure Palps would be pleased as punch right up to the point that Vader sticks a saber through him.
This makes me wonder if there was a secondary reason Tarkin did not evacuate the station earlier as the battle drew longer and longer, not just out of confidence and professional pride, but because he calculated that IF he did leave, he would have possibly faced a worse fate then being part of a very big bang in that part of the galaxy, facing who knows what kind of horrors Palpatine could have imagined.
Ha! Director Krennic should have just waited about a week, and he'd have had an unlimited pass to go scream "I told you so!" at whoever the hell he wanted.
Actually, "From certain point of view" short story collection has one story that gives insight to Krennic's mind before his death. Not only he realizes what Death Star weakness is but he realizes that Tarkin will never find it, as he is more focused on his political machinations and doctrine of fear than weapons engineering.
The Death Star has shown that since it’s a single thing, it can be easily misused and it actually rallied the Galaxy against the empire... Let’s build one again
One guy gets devoured alive by bugs six times. Meanwhile Vader just gets inconvenienced by Sidious cutting off his already missing hand. Even better is he loses his hands all the time in comics and books. He probably has a drawer full of replacements.
Shiv could still have could have cloned and killed him until he grew tired of the failed grand moff. I also agree that Tarkin, as a military expert, in a galaxy run by military dictatorship, was almost a dime in a dozen. The were more moffs in the council to choose from including his favorite blue skinned alien tactician, to be next to take on the title of grand moff.
Yikes, good thing Tarkin did not evacuate the battle station before its destruction otherwise he would have been struck down by Vader or Sidious. Thanks, man. By the way, could you try doing a video on Piranha Beetles eventually? That would be very interesting!
At 3:56 Bevel has artificial eye in his right eye..in other illustrations on video was in his left..and in death star owner's manual its left too.. no wonder he couldn't make out the exhaust port.. he literally needed his eyes examining 😂
Role play commence the Death Star distraction in t minus 10. As general takin was observing the final destruction of the Death Star he was distracted by focus and he just wanted to see the rebel alliance fall. Instead the battleship blew up with him along with it. Ps the scene when the rebels destroy the Death Star is one of my favorite scenes in the star wars franchise. As obiwan said on star wars phantom menace. “If they find us they will crush us, grind us up into tiny pieces and then blast us into oblivion.”
I'm going to disagree. Emperor's gotta play it hard. Of course he was gonna put all the blame and threats on the dead guy. Probably a way to deal with his own emotions, you know how the dark side sucks at that. But nah, Tarkin was one of the few normies Palpatine actually respected. He probably also had a mix of respect and anger that he died on the Death Star and didn't run away like a coward. Mostly because he couldn't yell at him, and sad because he was gone. If anything, Tarkin would have owned his failure, and probably have been demoted. But I don't see the Emperor torturing him, like snooty McTech support, dude looked like a bitch.
I don't think Sheev would've killed him, he might secretly make his Empire think he did (Not only for the Death Stars destruction but also, as Danny Fenlon commented: Destroying Alderaan on Tarkins own accord as another offense for execution, but behind the scenes it would probably be a no-go. I'm confident he could still make a worthy instrument; Sidious said his days were numbered and that could just be another way of saying that Tarkins undoing no doubt, one way or another, would be connected to his tremendous ambition..
Tarkin also personally ordered the destruction of Alderaan, an act that galvanized anti-imperial sentiment across the galaxy. That recruitment boon for the rebellion alone would be worthy of 21,000,000 volt solute.
In Legends comics before The Empire Strikes Back (and presumably before Lucas planned for the 2nd Death Star) Sidious named a replacement battlestation the Tarkin. Not an act of someone wanting revenge.
I think I read somewhere that Sidious had already planned to have Tarkin punished for blowing up Alderaan, but the Death Star was destroyed before he could send an envoy to pick him up.
2:26 Vaders right hand was cut off? Count Dooku cut his entire right arm off from before. So what does cutting off a robotic hand do? He just replaced it. Thats no punishment....
Another great and interesting video! It's just my opinion, but I'm not so sure he would have executed Tarkin outright. Knowing how evil and sadistic at times Palpatine can be I think he would've done what he did tot he engineer and torture Tarkin until his body gave out, and put his essence into another clone body and start the process over again until he felt he made his point or got bored. It seems a worse punishment than just killing Tarkin outright. Although, that's just my opinion/interperatation; a great video regardless! Although I extremely partial to the EU, I like the new canon novels relationship between Tarkin & Palpatine, how Tarkin is sort of like another protege to Palpatine. I don't like the over ambitious (possible traitorous - cough - Admiral Motti - cough) Tarkin as much. Then again, that could be due to bias, as I greatly enjoyed the Tarkin novel.
Part of Tarkins punishment would have been public humiliation. Making Tarkin simp and bow to those whom he once mocked or terrorized, would have been a fate far worse than death.
"Sir, we have analyzed their attack, and there is a danger. Should we give the order to evacuate?"
Tarkin: "Evacuate? So that the Emperor can slowly torture us to death? Screw that!!!"
Palpatine: The Death Star is what? Get me Tarkin now!
Officer: That is impossible, my lord.
Palpatine: Now he won't even speak to me?! He better be dead!
Force Ghost Tarkin: Ha. Sucker.
@David Carty it was a joke....
@David Carty u didnt get it lol its still a joke and i understood it
@Jerrol Hale now I want my bank to have a Vader ATM
@@armandarmand8691 thank u!
Tarkin was probably rather happy that he did not evacuate
ImperialistOpinions I wonder if part of him knew...
TheWhiteWolf That is a very good theory. I love it
TheWhiteWolf People like you remind me why I love star wars
Tarkin knew what his fate would be if he failed and survived. He knew the station was going to be blown up, which is why he didn't evacuate. His overconfidence made him stay because he wanted to see the end of the battle, no matter which side won. And when he knew the battle was lost with the remaining rebel ships fleeing, he knew his fate was sealed, death by being blown up or death by execution. We all know what he chose.
Dr. W.D. Gaster Oooooor maybe he just had to much pride. To much pride to admit such an iota of doubt definitely
0:11 I think Robot Chicken summed up Sidious' reaction pretty nicely :P "That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit?!"
"WHO'S THEY!? ..Da fuck's an aluminum falcon!?"
"Urgh! It's Vader. Just thinking about him gives me a tight sphincter."
..."then I threw the Senate at him! The actual debate!"
"Im gonna tell everyone what a whiny little bitch you were about panda bear or pad a mama or who every the fuck she was "
Sidious actually said something like this in canon. Lol
Palpatine probably would’ve taken Tarkin’s slippers away. (Since Peter Cushing hated wearing the boots for the film.)
Bacon Rex lol.
Bacon Rex Gasp! Such evil!
That's so sadistic, it's exactly what a Sith would do.
Didn't Cushing say he wore the slippers due to the boots not fitting? I think I saw an interview where Cushing mentioned the boots and read about them in several articles.
"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you seriously overestimate their chances!"
Translation: Fight to the last, if the Rebels succeed we are truly fucked
Nice efforts, but the translation of my eyes are like “They are just puny fighters, destroy them with ease with only our turbolasers. This is a day that will be remembered.”
Sounds to me like Sidious was planning to kill Tarkin anyway regardless of what happened to the Death Star due to him saying he had too much ambition and his days were numbered.
Not Dave tbh he was that one co worker that kiss ass for promotion
@INCARNATE x you beat me to it. I'm actually pretty sure that tarkin was in his 90's.
[The power of star wars medicine!]
@@lilpotatozrcool1142,he was in his 60s.Not that old.He was in his 40s during the clone war
Tarkin would have been killed for destroying Aladeraan.
@@transformersrevenge9 you may be right, since even Palpatine wasn't expecting Alderaan to be destroyed by the Death Star
You may execute when ready...
I hope that you all enjoy today's video and thank you so much for your amazing support as always!
Remember too that sidious was quick to berate and punish tarkin after tarkin destroyed alderaan.
It will be done my lord
Honestly punishing vader was a mistake on Palpitines part. Technically vader was ready to finish off Luke and had already fired his TIEs weapons but was ambushed by Han Solo. In fact Vaders wingman sacrificed his life to bring Vader out of the trench before he could be destroyed by grazing his TIE with Vaders. Watch the movie closely.
You are an amazing analyst, may the Force be with you, always.
Completely truth, Vader did not deserved to be punished, but sidious was always blinded by his rage everytime people failed him in important assets, so he did nonetheless.
@@superperfectcell214 Palpatine is the most incompetent Sith to ever exist. No true Sith goes hides like he did before ROTS and then takes over. He's such a coward that makes others do his dirty work.
@@lelouchvibritannia4028 in his only defense the hiding was Darth bane's idea and going into hiding is the reason why the sith became so powerful and were able to succeed in their great plan of 1000 years
@@lelouchvibritannia4028 I think its more of a testament to his power and influence in the dark side that he never really had to get his hands dirty, rather than being incompetent. Siths before him would slay hundreds maybe thousands in a day, Palpatine would kill billions in minutes.
Not to mention the massive insurance premium that would come with the Death Stars destruction
The Primarch It was an inside job. Palpy just wanted the insurance money.
I can't imagine any insurance company would have the funds the cover a destroyed death star 😂
@@MinusTheRogue nobody in their right or unright minds would ever think of insuring the death star. Sidius was self insuring that bady out of pocket.
MinusTheRogue the banking clan might be able to XD
I think everyone is missing the point that its also an empire. Whos to say the banks and insurance are not state run by the empire. Its hard to get insurance when you are the insurance.
Well, even if Palpatine said it, Tarkin had a value to him, loyalty. He was a fanatic supporter of the Empire and Palpatine's policies and was well-connected in the Imperial Armed Forces which were keeping the Emperor in power. If I was Sidious, I would have punished him, but certainly not kill him. Loyalty is pretty rare...
*cough* Count Dooku *cough*
I Agree. And. Duku. Had. His. Plans to take Sidius Place. So. Noo. Tarkin. Wasn’t Like Duku
Ferdinand Maldonado why are you putting periods in each word
Emperor Palpatine My lord, if Tarkin recieved no reprimand for his failure, that would be perceived as weakness on your part, and potential for Tarkin or even Thrawn or some other imperial officer to stage a coup. If you did spare Tarkin from death, but performed some other form of capital punishment, be it torture or demotion, that leaves open the possibility of Tarkin’s loyalty fading away, thus mitigating all value he has to you. Tarkin’s only fate was death, my liege. Of course, in your infinite wisdom, you already knew this, Lord Sidious.
Loyalty aside there was some issues with tarkin blowing up Alderaan.he wasnt exactly happy with tarkins action as it did actually rally quite a lot to the rebels cause.had this world been Lothal or some other world without innocent peoppe on the forefront or atleast not a social server like organa then maybe things would have been smooth going.There qere other ways to deal with Organa like assassination especially now that the fake senate was gone completely.
"Do it" 😊
We all did it
@Stxr KillerX order 66
wrong death star
Killing tarkin would also be punishment for destroying Alderran, albeit with hindsight. I've heard of Sidious being rather annoyed at the planets destruction which coinciding with the unveiling and subsequent destruction of the super weapon as well caused many more rebellions to rise up that and planets needing pacification. Another personal note is the causes for most if not all rebellions rising against the empire was the Tarkin Doctrine requiring a doomsday laser weapon as the Death Star. The construction of the station Alone was the cause for so much anguish, where the project needed slaves to maintain a construction timeline that still took 20+ years to complete. The heavy Taxation of the realms under Emperial Control to pay for just the Normal materials, not including the exotic components would have been REALLY expensive!
I would have went with the eclipse style super weaponry where its still a Huge series of ships but the deployment of the weaponry can be spread further at one time than with a Death Star Station. The empire could already level whole planets with the fleets in hand and the resources to build a death star could have been spread throughout the fleet with thousands more of the ISD 2's or other series of ships, including super star's and Eclipse Super Star destroyers... Ranting Mode Disengaged... In Standby Mode....
That would be good for Leia,after he went back on his word
Not sure if it's canon or not, but Sidious was warned by Vader and Thrash not to build the death star. Vader even said to the leaders in the empire. Don't be overconfident with technological achievement you've constructed. It's insignificant next to the power of the force.
*Thrawn, not trash, add it to your auto-correct, and yes it's canon
Thrash, sounds like a badass nickname for a badass Admiral. :-)
@@darthtroller *OFFICIAL* L2 ENGLISH
@Z. H. S. heh please I have been defying the empire for years send the 5o1st if you want empiral trash
Needless to say the biggest takeaway was that Palpatine was freaking Pissed off to no end. He was also taking out his anger of even his own flaws and shortcomings out on people who really did not deserve it.
Sounds to me that like most tyrants and despots sidious blamed everyone but himself for his own failure.
At least he didn’t punish Vader 😂
@@harrambou9468 he just said he cut Vader's right hand off again as punishment and demoted him
@@wolfman100hits Demoted
Dark receptionist of the sith
Eh, not really. This is one of those cases where just about everyone involved can't REALLY be faulted for anything beyond some really bizarre battlefield mistakes.
To begin with, the idea that there would be a weakness as catastrophic as to instantly destroy a battlestation the size of a small moon would be all but impossible to comprehend until it was found. Yes, everyone involved was practically foaming to get the plans back, but that's just standard response to leaked classified data. They didn't want any weaknesses exploited, period. Something that might cripple the station's propulsion, or break the superlaser and slow it down. But to pull the trigger and blow 30 years of construction to bits in one shot? I think even the Rebels were mentally scoffing at the idea even as they were desperately going through the design in hopes of finding that very thing.
What could be Tarkin's fault at that point? The decision to follow Vader's suggestion to let Leia escape with the plans in their lap, and follow her to Yavin IV to blow the base up? To choose to take the DS1 directly into battle with unknown flaws the rebels would barely have any time to hunt down?
Maybe it's Tarkin's fault that upon arriving in the Yavin System he didn't immediately declare general quarters for the station and deployed the entire fighter compliment to screen against a rebel counter-strike? Because 30 snub fighters are SO going to demolish a small moon's worth of durasteel and turbolasers... That would probably take forever to mobilize. Getting a squadron or two out there was doing fine cleaning up the mess.
How about Vader for not stopping- Wait, he got his ass out there personally and was tearing his way through the Rebel fighters. And he was a few seconds from finishing the job when a random smuggler had an attack of conscience and showed up somehow without warning. Maybe we should blame whoever was supposed to be coordinating the imperial fighter response for not letting Vader know that "Hey, head's up sir. There's a YT-1300 coming in HOT! It looks like the one that we let escape yesterday! Better have your wingmen intercept it!"
That's it!
The fault for the failure to prevent the destruction of the Death Star falls to...... LARRY! Of commscan terminal C47, section 12. Because of his failure to communicate to the TIE squadrons in flight that a suspicious YT-1300 light freighter, literally the only thing between the DS1 and Yavin at that point, was making a beeline for the battle, Han solo managed to get the laser shots off that distracted Vader from his target long enough for Luke to take the fatal shot.
Larry, hang your ghostly head in shame. If only you'd done your job to the most basic level.
Other than unlimited power, he had one unlimited ego
What if Thrawn was in charge of the death star during a new hope? Would things had gone differently?
Social Account - That's a very interesting theory to explore!
Maybe you could message
SW reading club to tell him about your #suggestion for a future "what if" episode! I'd love to hear about that!
Thrawn didn't like the Death Star and may have let the Rebels destroy it.
Thrawn would've probably kept a fighter screen up as soon as he jumped in, and would also have wanted turbolasers replaced with lasers.
But third parties seem to be his weakness so I can still see him losing.
Nina Sampson He might as well have gone down with it by letting such a resource get destroyed by rebels
Social Account, I have to say Yes. Thrawn would have had the few Tie Defenders he had to defend the Death Star.
From my point of view Tarkin be the one to tell Palpatine what happened because he was in charge of the battle station. I just find it ironic how Palpatine hated and despised his father for his lack of ambition and later killed him for it and another reason. But here he wants to kill Tarkin for having too much ambition.
RadBadJad This is Palpatine we're talking about. The guy is just about the epitomy of insanity.
Matthew Wheeler Palpatine's not insane, he's a lunatic but he's not insane. Insane means you do one thing and you think you do it another. But that's a common mistake most people make. But you're still right.
+RadBadJad Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results each time
how was he insane? He wiped out the Jedi and became emperor of the Galaxy the only thing he couldn't succeed at was replacing Vader, always expecting the same results.
+RadBadJad what?
Love these vids, they teach me things I don't have the patience to learn on my own. and "IN THIS VIDEO EXPOSE"- "Star Wars Reading Club"
In canon it seems has Tarkin lived, failure or success it’s inevitable that Tarkins Days was numbered
In a Certain Point of View novel Tarkin shows ambition
When Admiral Motti Met was Tarkin after Vader Force choking him, both Motti and Tarkin shown to have not only confidence in the Death Star But thr ambition to potentially take over the Empire with it
Tarkin while not said in many words, did shown he did agree nonverbally with Motti’s praises
Tarkin was loyal to Palpatine and the Empire above all else, but the Death Star might have made Tarkin ambitious
While more no confirmation he would have used the Death Stsr to lead a coup, it still shows that it did made Tarkin more ambitious and a potential threat to Sidious had he lived
Palpatine’s Book Of Sith excerpt May be somewhat a confirmation of this even if it’s seemingly a Legends Source
reason: he wasn't ready to fire
depending on how canonical it still is, Palpatine may have had another reason for punishing Tarkin in the event that he survived--the radio dramas, at least, (which were/are at the next-highest level of canonicity after the movies) has Tarkin and Motti discuss the possibility of staging a coup against him, implicitly assassinating Vader as well, because while Palpatine was obviously the official leader of the Empire they would have the real power by virtue of directly controlling the Death Star
"Well, I'm sorry that my Dark Lord of the Sith can't protect a thermal exhaust port that was only two metres wide. That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! D- Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit?"
Sidious was a bad leader he is emperor but he is terrible at his job because everyone told him not to build the death star even thrawn told him not to build it ever.
S Stirbis
Keep in mind that everyone was against the Death Star from a military value point of view, but they didn’t know the true purpose of it’s construction: Shift the fear that would keep the Empire in line from Sidious to the Death Star, freeing him from public appearances and devoting all his time to achieve Sith immortality...
3Minotaur3 sidous plan was still stupid because what if the death star was used to destroy corusant??????
S Stirbis
Well, I doubt Sidious would care about the loss of Coruscent if he achieved the immortality he craved for.
3Minotaur3 what if hear me out before replying tarkin blew up corusant but kept the inqusitor corp so he can rule the galaxy with and iron fist and Vader and palpatine were on corusant when he did it and palpatine never discovered immortality?
1) Palpatine would have ample time to flee Coruscent before The Death Star arrives. Lots of his spies in that thing. And it's hard to hide a small moon. ;-)
Also it has hyperdrive, but is very slow and cumbersome thruster-wise. It would have taken a while just to fly into firing position and the entire planet would have see it coming.
2) I wouldn't bet on Inquisitors siding with Tarkin. He's only a very high ranking Officer of the Empire but has no connections within the Empire the way Palpatine do. There are far more chance they would kill Tarkin than they would kill Palpatine (If they could at all. He's the most powerful entity within the galaxy at the time).
That said, I agree from a "conquer the galaxy" point of view that the Death Star is not the best move. Better to have more Star Destroyers that can fight and conquer simultaneous planets at the same time than having a bloated space station that can damage/destroy/conquer one planet at a time.
Blowing up a planet gives nothing in return no population, no ressources, no taxes, etc. And if you really need to wipe out a planet, a massive fleet of Star Destroyers can do the job without destroying the planet proper.
Then again, Palpatine ultimate goal was to be the ultimate Sith and reach (flesh, not ghost-like) immortality and conquering the galaxy was just a step toward that goal.
Personally, I doubt Sidious would have executed Tarkin. He spent decades working with Tarkin on and off, grooming him to be one of his highest ranking most influential generals and administrators. His arrogance would CERTAINLY have been punished but his value was such that I believe Palpatine would have kept him on. But we'll never know will we...
"Evacuate?! In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."
Tarkin was getting out of Sidious' hand "he had far too much ambition and his days were numbered"
Vader was his apprentice and The engineer had to build the second death star for him thats why they were kept alive
Some punishment. Vader already lost both his hands to Kenobi and Count Dooku. If anything once his suit was repaired he got off the lightest.
Maybe it was a warning... this time he loses something replaceable... next time he will lose something more important (like his life)
Still a weak punishment for a Sith Lord!
Vader lost only his right arm to Kenobi. His left arm was uninjured.
@@slappamathagh No the other arm was lost To Count Dooku at the start of the war. It was already mechanical before the Kenobi fight.
Dooku took his right arm and kenobi took his other 3 limbs
If I was sidious as soon as I heard that the Death Star found the hidden rebel base I would take my personal star destroyer to the far side of Yavin. If things went well I would leave after the battle but if things went as they did I would target the base and fire all weapons at it.
A sound plan..Always good to have a backup plan in case things hit the fan
Indeed. For someone who played the long game, Palpatine wasn't strategic thinking at this point.
Another beastly video brother keep it up
You gotta love an empire that kills the administrator, instead of the designer for not putting more protection around that exhaust port. It always struck me as weird that all the heat exhaust from that massive station was channeled through just one port.
This brings to mind the Robot Chicken skit with "Papa Palpatine"
"What the hell is an aluminum falcon?"
The Death Star's chief designer, when he was finally executed by the rebels, his last words were, "Do it right this time!" suggesting he was, in fact, sick of living, or perhaps just sick of dying and didn't want to have to experience more than once more.
Channels like yours are what make's the great part of RUclips worth watching. Thank you. :)
There wasn’t “enough time” for Palpatine to even consider punishing Tarkin for the Death Star’s failure. Tarkin was blown to smithereens in an instant, along with the rest of the Death Star.
Its like they are desperately trying to impress us with how ruthless and badass Sidious is so they just make things up every day
One thing that’s always confused me is why the sith would study the dark side of the force when they can learn from something even more powerful... HIGH GROUND!!!
Please shut up
I wonder if vader truly realized just how low his authority was
Palpatine was just pissed that Tarkin blew up Alderon.....
Before Palpatine could place his order for more Alderon wine.
Palpatine JUST ran out!
As always, wonderful video Star Wars Reading Club!
Sidious was a devoted servant of the Darkness he would spend his time learning the it's secrets but the death star would've given him more than enough time to do so. Yeah taken would've been severely punished.
Palpatine sure knew how to have a good time.
Love your vids
To quote the last words of the Grand Inquisitor, "There are some things far scarier than death."
Lucky Director Krennic took a Super Laser shot to his face at Scarif before the Death Star blew up days later.
Um... I'm fairly certain it actually hit him right in the Spaceballs.
Im sure palpatine would never had executed Grand Moff Tarkin. Just electrocuted him painfully and slowly him and tarkin would have earn his honor back by destroying the rebels Alliance. That what palpatine would do because tarkin a one of palpatine best commdaners and loyal to palpatine.
Guess Tarkin's friendship with Palpatine only went so far. He was certainly lucky enough for Palpatine to protect him from Vader for so long.
Wait, this is in the cannon? So, why didn't Vader ever move his consciousness into a clone? I understand the importance of his suit, but staying in it was a weakness and gave Sidious an advantage over him, so why didn't he get a new clone body? It would take a lot of experimenting to create a good replacement, but Palpatine made an army of clones of himself in the EU and there was also Star Killer in the EU, so it seems plausible that Vader, who was very savy with technology, would be able to pull it off. Am I missing something?
Except, it was shown that when a Dark Side consciousness like Sidious moved between bodies, each body he inhabited started to degrade soon after, due to the effects of the Dark Side, kinda how Anubis's hosts in season 8 of SG1 would die after prolonged possession. If vader had tried the same thing, the same would have happened to his clone bodies.
Logan Marlow It isn't canon
We know that Starkiller was extremely powerful in the Dark Side, but he used the Facilities on Kamino which were almost perfect cloning centres.
Starkiller was, if I'm not mistaken, a different consciousness. And also powerful in the light.
@Logan It was. Pretty much anything related to Bevel was invalidated by Rogue One, which I can forgive since it is the only Disney SW movie worth a crap.
I used to not be able to listen to your videos, the new mic is going a long way. You got my subscription
I think tarkins fate would have been similar to echos in tcw season 7 where he become a living machine for the separatists.
By tying tarkin up with little space and repeating for six hours that he was The Senate
Never has a soul looked back from the edge of the abyss and thought "damn I really dodged a bullet there".
Dear god his voice is even more smoother than chills
The Emperor's credit score must have been red as all holy hell.
Has anyone ever considered that Palpatine might have had the stations built because he saw the threat of the Yuuzahn Vong coming, and had them constructed to take out their world-ships? It would have been the perfect weapon to do so...
I feel so bad for Bevel. He may have created a weapon that killed billions (and could've many more) but the things Palpatine did to him makes me very appreciative that I don't work for him.
And probably busted his cheeks in front of the galaxy
Why didn’t he just clone Vader? Sounds like a flawed logic
Why give his apprentice such power if the apprentice didn't grab it himself? That isn't the Sith way. If Vader had gone out and found a holicron and figured out how to transfer his own essence, I'm sure Palps would be pleased as punch right up to the point that Vader sticks a saber through him.
I think it is mentioned somewhere that force sensitive people can't be cloned, something a jedi like Rahm Kota has said.
Force sensitives can be cloned but it would've taken some time and possibly dozens if not hundreds of attempts as such as in legends starkiller
flyboymb Vader would never have killed sidious if the circumstances were different Vader needed sidious to survive
General Kenobi Well i dont exactley remember how they said it was done but Master Cbaoth somehow created a clone of Luke
2:25 so how many times did vader lost his arms and legs
His final look before it blows up shows that he probably thought “Oh shit they might do it.”
This makes me wonder if there was a secondary reason Tarkin did not evacuate the station earlier as the battle drew longer and longer, not just out of confidence and professional pride, but because he calculated that IF he did leave, he would have possibly faced a worse fate then being part of a very big bang in that part of the galaxy, facing who knows what kind of horrors Palpatine could have imagined.
Reading club, do you know what would of happened if Palpatine (canon) survived ROTJ? Can you maybe make a video about that? Thanks.
Ha! Director Krennic should have just waited about a week, and he'd have had an unlimited pass to go scream "I told you so!" at whoever the hell he wanted.
GearShotgun the plans were stolen under his watch. So everyone is gonna get it.
I wonder, if he survived, would Director Krennic of been able to do anything to help save the Death Star?
Alexander Bahn he wouldve been punished as well because the rebels stole the plans under his watch.
Actually, "From certain point of view" short story collection has one story that gives insight to Krennic's mind before his death. Not only he realizes what Death Star weakness is but he realizes that Tarkin will never find it, as he is more focused on his political machinations and doctrine of fear than weapons engineering.
He probably would have tried to fix the death star's weakness so there is no chanse for the rebels to blow up the death star.
@@tkmiz_fan If they had time.
'Sup SWRC? As always, thanks again for another wonderful video.
The Death Star has shown that since it’s a single thing, it can be easily misused and it actually rallied the Galaxy against the empire...
Let’s build one again
fun fact: the death star was a CIS design you can see its blueprints in i think attack of the clones in the background in one of the shots
One guy gets devoured alive by bugs six times.
Meanwhile Vader just gets inconvenienced by Sidious cutting off his already missing hand. Even better is he loses his hands all the time in comics and books. He probably has a drawer full of replacements.
2:25 Also his right hand?!?!!!? GOD DAMMIT!
Lovin' the new intro, looks much more clean
If not for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
For parahna beetles.
what is a parahna beetle
I imagine more of this kind of scenario:
_"Wilfuff Tarkin, give me back my Death Star!!"_ >:D
Shiv could still have could have cloned and killed him until he grew tired of the failed grand moff. I also agree that Tarkin, as a military expert, in a galaxy run by military dictatorship, was almost a dime in a dozen. The were more moffs in the council to choose from including his favorite blue skinned alien tactician, to be next to take on the title of grand moff.
I'd have guessed something along the lines of _"Lightning the piss out of him."_ It's his thing after all.
Yikes, good thing Tarkin did not evacuate the battle station before its destruction otherwise he would have been struck down by Vader or Sidious.
Thanks, man. By the way, could you try doing a video on Piranha Beetles eventually? That would be very interesting!
At 3:56 Bevel has artificial eye in his right eye..in other illustrations on video was in his left..and in death star owner's manual its left too.. no wonder he couldn't make out the exhaust port.. he literally needed his eyes examining 😂
Looks like Tarkin took Grand Inquisitor’s advice “there are things far more frightening than death”
Had he taken that advice properly, he wouldnt have abandoned his own doctrine by playing his most valued card in his hand in such an impulsive manner.
Role play commence the Death Star distraction in t minus 10. As general takin was observing the final destruction of the Death Star he was distracted by focus and he just wanted to see the rebel alliance fall. Instead the battleship blew up with him along with it. Ps the scene when the rebels destroy the Death Star is one of my favorite scenes in the star wars franchise. As obiwan said on star wars phantom menace. “If they find us they will crush us, grind us up into tiny pieces and then blast us into oblivion.”
Tarkin is very nervous in the 10 last second before explosing, he say that the rebels can to win
Talking was crucial for the Rule of Palpatine. Who are you going to replace him with? He told Vader early on that he needed him alive for his plans.
I'm going to disagree.
Emperor's gotta play it hard. Of course he was gonna put all the blame and threats on the dead guy. Probably a way to deal with his own emotions, you know how the dark side sucks at that. But nah, Tarkin was one of the few normies Palpatine actually respected. He probably also had a mix of respect and anger that he died on the Death Star and didn't run away like a coward.
Mostly because he couldn't yell at him, and sad because he was gone. If anything, Tarkin would have owned his failure, and probably have been demoted. But I don't see the Emperor torturing him, like snooty McTech support, dude looked like a bitch.
0:08 "Darth Lord of the Sith?" :P
I don't think Sheev would've killed him, he might secretly make his Empire think he did (Not only for the Death Stars destruction but also, as Danny Fenlon commented: Destroying Alderaan on Tarkins own accord as another offense for execution, but behind the scenes it would probably be a no-go. I'm confident he could still make a worthy instrument; Sidious said his days were numbered and that could just be another way of saying that Tarkins undoing no doubt, one way or another, would be connected to his tremendous ambition..
Did sisidous really cut-off vader's hand?
We know that the Rebels likely saved all those innocent people that were inside the Death Star before it exploded.
Tarkin also personally ordered the destruction of Alderaan, an act that galvanized anti-imperial sentiment across the galaxy. That recruitment boon for the rebellion alone would be worthy of 21,000,000 volt solute.
So there we have it!
I've given a like and I'm leaving comment, not for you, but for piranha beetles. I love those little guys.
In Legends comics before The Empire Strikes Back (and presumably before Lucas planned for the 2nd Death Star) Sidious named a replacement battlestation the Tarkin. Not an act of someone wanting revenge.
Wasn't Krennic chief engeneer?
I think I read somewhere that Sidious had already planned to have Tarkin punished for blowing up Alderaan, but the Death Star was destroyed before he could send an envoy to pick him up.
2:09 I imagine that if Director Krennic were still alive by that point, he would have been executed as well.
Interesting and good video!
Sidious is one to talk about ambition.
Grand moff tarkin is one of the most underrated star wars characters
This is legends now because of rogue one right?
To Valhalla yes
@@savagepanda8458 ah
2:26 Vaders right hand was cut off? Count Dooku cut his entire right arm off from before. So what does cutting off a robotic hand do? He just replaced it. Thats no punishment....
Sidious’ ambition to devote more time in the Force seems to draw from apocryphal tales of Hitler being obsessed with occult knowledge.
"You may fire, when ready."
No seconds on dessert for Tarkin.
if Tarkin Survived.
Palpatine: you have failed me tarkin! *fires force lightining*
Tarkin: AHHHHHHHHHHH! *Burnt to crisp*
Another great and interesting video!
It's just my opinion, but I'm not so sure he would have executed Tarkin outright. Knowing how evil and sadistic at times Palpatine can be I think he would've done what he did tot he engineer and torture Tarkin until his body gave out, and put his essence into another clone body and start the process over again until he felt he made his point or got bored. It seems a worse punishment than just killing Tarkin outright. Although, that's just my opinion/interperatation; a great video regardless!
Although I extremely partial to the EU, I like the new canon novels relationship between Tarkin & Palpatine, how Tarkin is sort of like another protege to Palpatine. I don't like the over ambitious (possible traitorous - cough - Admiral Motti - cough) Tarkin as much. Then again, that could be due to bias, as I greatly enjoyed the Tarkin novel.
Part of Tarkins punishment would have been public humiliation. Making Tarkin simp and bow to those whom he once mocked or terrorized, would have been a fate far worse than death.
Wow tarkin did not get the Force choke in the throat,bit got slapped on the hand.
I fully expect Tarkin to be retconned into a Rabel as the Tarkin Doctrine ended up doing more harm to the Empire than good in the end.