Is Sue Underrated?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 82

  • @jonahj9519
    @jonahj9519 3 месяца назад +13

    I really can’t agree with the whole “nomad trooper is a better class than paladin” argument, because while sure, 1-2 range and weapon triangle control are relatively weak boons in fe6, Nomad troopers are stuck at E swords after promoting, meaning they’re probably not going to have decent 1 range combat for awhile, so no strong enemy phasing beyond niche scenarios they can enemy phase with a bow. They’ll be stuck with just iron and slim swords for 50-17 rounds of sword combat, assuming they double every time. Then they can use steel swords, Iron blades, and armorslayers, which is a little better, but at this point the best combat units are primarily using Killer Lances so if we want Sue/Shin to have as good 1 range combat, they’ll need another 17-25 rounds of combat with swords to catch up and use a Killing Edge. This ultimately means that while yes, they do have 1 range combat like a Paladin, they require 34-50 rounds of combat with a sword before their combat is comparable to a Paladin, which is hard to fit in because they’re going to still be mainly using bows. Plus you get your first Orion’s bolt 2 chapters before Miledy and 4 chapters before Percival(3 and 6 which Gaidens) who are going to be carrying so hard it can be difficult to squeeze in some time for Sue to enemy phase with an iron sword.
    Ultimately I just think that it’s hard for a nomadic trooper to compete with a paladin’s strong out the gate enemy phase combat, so they’re going to be primarily focused on bows, which is still good but more niche then the universal utility of someone like Percival or a trained Christmas cav.

  • @lazykatie42069
    @lazykatie42069 3 месяца назад +12

    Worth noting that on normal the gap between Sue and Sin is far less wide bc Sin doesn't get hard mode bonuses there and Sue's extra availability means she gets to killer bow faster

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +9

      Another sue w

    • @something1558
      @something1558 3 месяца назад +6

      Yeah Sue in normal mode will be much better than Shin by the time you get him if you use her. She even has availability on top of that contributing to one of the most hardest chapters in the game ch7. If HM bonuses weren't a thing she'd basically take his spot.

  • @maxyaju4293
    @maxyaju4293 3 месяца назад +69

    Sue would be better if she and Dorothy could be bow girlfriends

  • @FrancMcStien
    @FrancMcStien 3 месяца назад +15

    Stahl catching stray bullets in an FE6 video, beautiful

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +3

      Stahl moment

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 3 месяца назад

      Should have been called Silber, then he would be good.

  • @naotoueda2838
    @naotoueda2838 3 месяца назад +4

    the triangle strategy music starting when you said yes is so fitting. It's basically: "Sue is good, play the epic music"
    I'm the weird guy who thinks Sacae> Illia. It was so funny during the forever draft 2 no one drafting any nomads to avoid Sacae. XD
    I think Sacae with Delphy Shield Melady, a good promoted armor knight (Bors or Barth) for high defense and Sue-Shin combo.
    Gel only has the light brand, so Shue-Shin B support helps a lot against him without the critical hit from the light brand.
    Monke is another story, because you want to finish him in one turn to avoid the ambush spawn. I think having good bow users let you attack him more because of his location. But you can get unlucky and miss most your attacks.
    23:09: the "I made a video to justify making one row each for b and c tier"

  • @dumpsterfire9345
    @dumpsterfire9345 3 месяца назад +17

    I love Sue, and ill be real i've done even stinkier slower strats with ch6 involving a def blessed alen to trade spots with marcus and both remain unequipped in doorways for sue to steadily gain every single drop of exp. It was all worth it for double digit str sue annihilation :)

  • @smileswithriles
    @smileswithriles 3 месяца назад +4

    I like Sue as a character and she is fun to use, but I do often opt out of using her explicitly to avoid Sacae. :( she’s definitely outclassed by Shin, but I always like that Fire Emblem lets you try whatever units you want and you’ll probably see some success.

  • @lpfan4491
    @lpfan4491 3 месяца назад +3

    I honestly want to see a romhacker fix the "playable reinforcements get HM bonusses"-bug because the balance is a bit scuffed because of it. Sure, it helps some units that really need it, like Fir, but it also creates some overly tremendous people and further invalidates others that do not get the boost.
    The boost also being relevant for the midgame-discussion because Sin getting it is what overshadows Sue. If that is good or bad depends, I guess.

  • @trikkinikki6843
    @trikkinikki6843 3 месяца назад +8

    I actually went to Sacae on purpose because I didn't want to use the pegasus knights due to them were made of paper, but I've also been informed that I'm a crazy person so take that how you will

  • @jierdareisa4313
    @jierdareisa4313 3 месяца назад +4

    I love ALL Dani Doyle videos!!!! ❤

  • @CritAlps
    @CritAlps 3 месяца назад +1

    Wait this is so wild, I’m playing through the game for the first time completely blind and loooooove Sue! She’s been super duper helpful to me to the point where I didn’t even use Shin.

  • @plushyloverowo6730
    @plushyloverowo6730 3 месяца назад +2

    My opinion on the sacae route when using nomads:
    When I played hard mode I used shin and went to sacae, he was extremely useful in those maps as nomads do well against nomads
    So by using either one or both, as long as they aren't stat screwed they will be able to contribute a lot (especially for those who gave them a mutual support)

    • @pksprite6401
      @pksprite6401 3 месяца назад

      When I went the Sacae route, I had a similar experience, and Sin utterly carried my ass. But I found this didn’t really apply to Sue, who was just too frail and so much weaker in comparison. Did mine just get unlucky?

  • @pksprite6401
    @pksprite6401 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video!
    I think I advocated in favor of Sue in your FE6 tier list video, but since then, I’ve kind of wrapped back to high C tier for her, where you originally put her. She’s a fun unit with a good stretch of usability, and the potential to go beyond, but as a unit who is primarily combat focused, her stats are just too low to be consistent without some heavy attention (like that odd yet pretty cool chapter 6 grind).
    Funnily enough, in past runs I’d always avoid Sacae by just not using Sin, since I’d always use Sue in the short term and then be too afraid to even put anything else into another Nomad, regardless of how good they were. Probably unnecessary since Shanna is my favorite unit and I always use her a ton, but the Sacae fear is real.

  • @MoogleMecha
    @MoogleMecha 3 месяца назад

    Re: The Japanese version of Ridersbane, this is true, and I didn't even think about it when doing my Japanese runs of FE6 and 7: The Japanese name of the weapon is changed from Knight Killer to Horse Killer. With Rapier as well, the Japanese was changed from "Knights" to "Horse-mounted (Riders)" from 6 to 7. So it's less a "bug" and more a very intentional design decision.

  • @bananaboy2373
    @bananaboy2373 3 месяца назад +3

    My only issue with Sue is that I find sacae so unfun that I am terrified of accidently raising her too high. Also I feel like shin is just alot better then her in alot of ways. If sacae didn't exist I'd used her more cause she is kinda swag

  • @samuelline9573
    @samuelline9573 3 месяца назад

    I would love to see you tackle Tethys. As shes the only dancer I've ever seen people have negative opinions about

  • @Spolcyps
    @Spolcyps 3 месяца назад +2

    Ok wait a minute, why is Chad level 20 in the stock footage? He took on that wyvern surprisingly well lol.

  • @maskie4189
    @maskie4189 3 месяца назад

    I will say about the fe6 weapon triangle point from the beginning of the video, you have to consider that the majority of the enemies in the game, especially the more threatening ones, are lance or sword enemies, and especially later in the game, it's worth taking 1 less damage, doing 6 more damage, and getting 10 more avoid in exchange for 5 or so less hit rate. And while the hit comparison holds up for iron weapons, the best late game weapons are the killer weapons, and the killer lance has only 5 less hit than the killing edge, meaning the hit ratio is usually in favor of the killer lance, and you get more damage as a bonus. There's also the factor to consider that Cavs have way longer to build sword rank than nomads who only get it on promotion, which they will most likely only be able to promote on the tail end of the axe-heavy portion of the game.

  • @rooklordofmagic
    @rooklordofmagic 3 месяца назад +1

    Even if you were to rather meanly say shes a budget shin, thats still pretty good and with fe6 being the way that it is especially early,, sue is definitely better than she seems to be credited for

  • @samkeiser9776
    @samkeiser9776 3 месяца назад

    That one paper mario TTYD song that you used is extremely awesome and has immaculate vibes. Not the point of the video but it is the point of life I think 🤔.

  • @dougdoug2469
    @dougdoug2469 3 месяца назад +5

    Foot mounted

  • @Ty9916
    @Ty9916 3 месяца назад

    Wanted to mention that for CH7 Wolt can make use of supports really well. His Oce affinity gives him hit no matter what, and because Roy, Allen and Marcus all give hit it’s not unreasonable for him to have +15 hit at that point in the game from a few support partners.
    That being said in practice I’ve found that the extra hit is STILL unreliable and is so limited, not only does Wolt have to move his tiny feet but he has to be nearby a lose condition and others when fighting the most dangerous units in the game at that point.
    Sue’s mobility is so much more useful here, but Wolt clears Dorothy IMO

  • @merric4754
    @merric4754 3 месяца назад +4

    Sue is just fun to use tbh

  • @jemolk8945
    @jemolk8945 3 месяца назад

    As far as supports go, I think it's perfectly reasonable to factor in the ones that you can get in normal play with a bit of careful positioning. Anything with a +3 per turn growth or more(*cough cough* Roy/Lilina +4 per turn, even hitting A support is pretty trivial if you're not LTCing) is reasonable to factor in even assuming no support grinding IMHO. (If it's +2 per turn, that's probably going to require slowing down considerably, and +1 per turn outright demands grinding.) Unfortunately, this calculation doesn't end up working out in Sue's favor, since Sue/Sin is +2 per turn, but it's worth mentioning anyway IMHO just as a general principle. And they do start with 30 support points, so that significantly reduces the time to C support, at least.
    I also am of the opinion that Sacae is significantly overhated. Sacae has higher enemy quality than Ilia, I'd agree, but even Kel and Monke aren't as insane as most people make them out to be. You can block all but one reinforcement tent while fighting Monke, which means odds are extremely good that you will see no reinforcements at all during that time -- and that's if you don't use rescue-dropping after attacking to get your attacker back onto a tent. Then none of them can spawn reinforcements. Plus, he starts with a brave bow equipped, so if you do the rescue-drop method, he won't even get to counter you. Just make sure to steal his elixir -- but hey, free elixir. As for Kel, the Light Brand at range does exactly 10 damage with no chance of crit in Binding Blade, so anyone who can attack at 2 range will take at most 20 damage per combat. That's easily healed through if you've got a few good staffers, so you can absolutely out-damage him and wear him down. They're strong, but not as strong as popular perception makes them out to be.

  • @tyeus3673
    @tyeus3673 3 месяца назад +1

    22:16 lol, what's with the random potshot at FE7? Why's it bad? Genuinely curious why you think that

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +1

      I talked about it in my "all fe games ranked" video so I'd watch that if you want the long answer. Short answer is badly designed maps, hoardes of tedious enemies, and unfun unit design

  • @roda_
    @roda_ 3 месяца назад +2

    Commenting before watching but i think Sue is actually good.
    She's only underrated because Sin exists
    It's kinda like Fir vs Rutger to me.
    Fir is good but Rutger simply pulverises all reasons to use her bc he comes earlier, with higher stats and possibly promoted at that chapter.

    • @entl8319
      @entl8319 3 месяца назад

      I would use Fir if RNG rolls her base strength at 10. If at 9, she is straight to the bench. Because 1 more strengh is worth 4 level ups considering her strength growth at 25%. Swordmaster is the most reliable killing bot in FE6 and I don't mind using them both.
      But when it comes to Sue and Shin, it really depends on your choice of Sacae versus Ilia route. I personally do not like Sacae and would try my best avoiding training Shin too much, let alone Sue, who is a weaker version of Shin all around.
      On the other hand, if you have decided to go to Sacae, I recommend using Sue and Shin together as they really build a fast support. Sue is the only viable support partner for Shin in my opinion since all the others either support too slow or are low tier units themselves.

  • @Jiggelmeister
    @Jiggelmeister 3 месяца назад

    Yo whats this song at 3:00 again? its so familiar

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +1

      That is "Land Loved by the Goddess" from three houses

    • @Jiggelmeister
      @Jiggelmeister 3 месяца назад

      @@DaniDoyle ty

  • @Keon994
    @Keon994 3 месяца назад +1

    @9:40 I think the intended mechanic is that supports are an added bonus to discover rather than something to grind for. This is why I don't support grind.

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +2

      It's hard to say, because there's things like Karel and fe7 Ranult, which feel impossible to get without grinding, due to game mechanics. I just think gba supports are dumb

    • @Keon994
      @Keon994 3 месяца назад

      Also about Ilia. I honestly don't see either or being worse than the other if you are playing blind on a first playthrough without a guide. Ilia is only way easier with a guide I think. The fog of war and Ballistae is frustrating.

    • @Keon994
      @Keon994 3 месяца назад

      @@DaniDoyle Oh yeah I forgot about that one. FE9 did it best I think.

  • @lynp9996
    @lynp9996 3 месяца назад

    Sue was useful while she lived in my playthrough of fe6 but she died and then I didn't get shin.

  • @dominicmoisant8393
    @dominicmoisant8393 3 месяца назад

    I like Sue and Sacae and her supports with Shin and Dayan don't @ me

  • @zannax351
    @zannax351 3 месяца назад +2

    On the topic of revisiting fe6 units on your tier list, do you think you might have overrated lilina? I'm no binding blade expert but I usually see her a lot lower on most people tier lists compared to where you had her, around C or even D tier units. I don't really have much experience though and it probably isn't worth another video but I am curious of your thoughts on it since I never found much reason to use her over lugh apart from favoritism, but my fe6 knowledge is a lot more scarce

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +3

      Nah, Lilina is fine where she is. I talked about it in my tier list, but high magic and automatic roy support are both valuable. She and Lugh are "magic vs speed" but her speed is good enough to double armors anyway. Lugh's only advantage is joining early, but his magic stat is so bad.

  • @tylerferguson3193
    @tylerferguson3193 2 месяца назад

    Hope you're having a good day c:

  • @mavtato6898
    @mavtato6898 3 месяца назад

    Why do you add an h to sins name when you say it ?

  • @nothankyou4859
    @nothankyou4859 3 месяца назад +1

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but what romhack has the translation AND the displayed stats during no-animation combat? Also free palestine

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +2 also free palestine

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +1

      I replied with the link but sometimes youtubes spam filter gets weird about that so i also added the link to the video description now!

    • @nothankyou4859
      @nothankyou4859 3 месяца назад

      @@DaniDoyle Thank you!

  • @grottosstuff
    @grottosstuff 3 месяца назад

    Oomf has a Clarine Sue rarepair and I think it’s badass

  • @voltron77
    @voltron77 3 месяца назад

    Fir should go in great with investment. She’s a second swordmaster if you train her.

  • @quickpawmaud
    @quickpawmaud Месяц назад

    Bow Knight and Hero are my favorite classes but I play Project Ember and don't like FE6. In PE Sue is so bad though really sad. Mainly because Wolt is amazing and there is an amazing killer bow upgrade that only Snipers can use.

    @IAARPOTI 3 месяца назад +1

    What if raigh got a hard mode bonus? Will he jump from D to S?

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад


    • @samkeiser9776
      @samkeiser9776 3 месяца назад

      @@DaniDoylewhat if the bonus was +30 movement

  • @compsognathus3106
    @compsognathus3106 3 месяца назад +1

    I will do all that I can to avoid Sacae. So Sue is always competing against Shin. And it's just not a competition she wins.

  • @FuriousHaunter
    @FuriousHaunter 3 месяца назад

    The throne in sacae 20x will always be the bottom right one if you reset the chapter.
    As such it is 100% consistent.

  • @prrrromotiongiven1075
    @prrrromotiongiven1075 3 месяца назад

    Doesn't Neimi count for the female nomad thing?

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +2

      Ranger has different animations than nomad, and personally i dislike fe8 ranger animations

  • @fationmuhollari9768
    @fationmuhollari9768 3 месяца назад

    Nomads seem more impressive than Paladins for sure in FE6, but I don't believe they're better. It's just that Sin is better than any cav you have to train, but not better than Perceval mind you, cause you mentioned only Marcus. I'm sold on what you said about Sue though. Certainly in Normal mode she's arguably a better choice than Sin even.

  • @dumpsterfire9345
    @dumpsterfire9345 3 месяца назад +1


  • @nathanjohnson2382
    @nathanjohnson2382 3 месяца назад

    Sacae is the main reason I don’t train Sue as much as I’d like

  • @ness6099
    @ness6099 3 месяца назад

    In the middle of an Ironman right now. In 6 levels Sue got +2 hp, +1 speed, no strength, and 6 luck/skill, so… I’m gonna leave her on the bench for now.

  • @seththeace6217
    @seththeace6217 3 месяца назад

    Some of these points are irrelevant as someone who will never play fe6 hm and just wants to know if sue is worth
    Anyway im going to go bring sue to endgame wielding both mulagir and durandal

  • @wingofshu
    @wingofshu 3 месяца назад

    ill take sue over shanna any time(and these to compare for route split reasons)

  • @theghostcreator776
    @theghostcreator776 3 месяца назад

    She's pretty
    Top tier
    Also penalizing a unit bc some people don't like the route they can *potentially* make you go down is uh
    Definitely the consensus the community has made of all time glad there is some pushback on it

  • @randomcatname7792
    @randomcatname7792 3 месяца назад

    What's a Sue?

  • @Toxin-56
    @Toxin-56 3 месяца назад

    0:18 What's this romhack?

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад

      Sacred Trilogy

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад

      I'll post a link to download when I get back to my computer

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад

    • @Toxin-56
      @Toxin-56 3 месяца назад

      @@DaniDoyle Thanks!

  • @nlsnator3802
    @nlsnator3802 3 месяца назад

    The shadow siren/doopliss battle theme was loud and distracting, if you use it again in the future please turn it down. It's a high energy distracting song that completely overshadowed your monologue in this video.

    • @DaniDoyle
      @DaniDoyle  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for the feedback!

  • @luisangulo5332
    @luisangulo5332 День назад

    Sin better

  • @alexbdagger
    @alexbdagger 3 месяца назад

    hay can you please do a video on why shadow dragon oguma is underrated. I personally use him as a hunter every time I play because he has more move and damage tham all the over archers even with an iron bow, and with my playstyle I usually don't give doga any exp because I just send jagen down to maipulate the enemies and wait for them to come to me one chapter one, and a base speed doga does not double anything unless he's a merk.