Part 1. During August of 1973, I was pronounced DEAD On Arrival, at a Medical centre, and at least half an hour passed by, and then my heart started to beat again, without medical assistance... During the time I was reported to be dead, I, that is "LIFE My Real Self", felt very much alive, but not in this universe, nor did I have a human body or any other type of body. I felt NO Condemnation or judgement, but only a depth of LOVE far beyond human understanding... I saw No relatives, family or friends, and no Form, except for the Presence of pure white LIGHT.
Mine was different it wasn't bad but it was unlike any other I've heard other people's stories although see I won't tell it because I wrote it all out in a book about 15 years ago and it's on CDs and I don't know if I'll get it published before I die but I've had a lot of people steal my stories so I got to keep it down for now
@@rosykatzCATS It is NOT you that created the Stories... You have ONLY experienced a 'Story', that was Created by LIFE. I have learnt from LIFE to give Freely, what has been Created and NOT lay claim to anything. LIFE said, Freely I give to you, so Freely give to others ! ONLY Anti-LIFE tries to claim, what it never Created.
I missed this interview last year and am glad to come across it now. I appreciate the insights into negative NDE's. Each religion deals with human shortcomings and sin in their own ways. In my own life I've learned the vital lesson that self-examination is necessary if I'm to learn to love. Thank you both for this interview.
I love these interviews! Thank you for doing this. Each one changes my current life and understanding a bit more for the better. It changes my perspective. It even changes the decisions I make. I make better informed decisions toward being a better person.
I had what I can only refer to as an experience of enlightenment. I was fourteen at the time, and I experienced unconditional love, mercy and understanding. I was filled with this love, and I realized in that experience that all the condemnation I had previously experienced and feared came from my own judgements. I could also telepathically understand that it is like this for all. Once I experienced this all-encompassing love, I no longer had any judgements of anyone. And I, myself became loving and compassionate. Like Buddha, I loved EVERYTHING.
FANTASTIC INTERVIEW!! So much to absorb. I will watch again at least twice more. Thank you Dr. Nicolay for this thought provoking interview. Thank you very much.
Thanks!Very interesting🙂👌 At some point in the interview, while reflecting on the consequences of our actions, he starts talking about "animals" and our behaviour towards them...Would have liked him to go further into the topic...Guess there wasn't enough time to cover this topic😉 In my opinion love for animals is also an important layer on our journey towards love🥰🥰🥰 Thanks again, love your channel❤❤❤
Remarkably analyzed, eloquently asked questions, answers, and interpretation. I personally agree with almost everything. A Course In Miracles, a book channeled for seven-years and published corresponds with this entire contents of discussion. The person who received the messages was not religious. Therefore, not bias. Remarkable! Thanks for sharing. Beautiful! God blesd❤🙏
I wonder where I come from... When he talks about that sad souls I felt so identified with them, that's how I've felt all my life. I can easily love animals but I feel my heart so closed up towards people, I really fear them and avoid their love. I havn't realized this until I started watching ndes.
Deep interview. Dr. Moody's influence is never-ending. NDErs and those of us who have learned from NDErs owe him much. His book sent me on my spiritual journey when it was published. Tho I didn't realize it at the time.
Yes! YES! I bought Dr. Moody's book in 1982, and read it in remote Alaska, out on the tundra. Whoa! How exciting to SEE the alignment of so many things between The Word of God and these NDE's. . . That book is next to my Bible [KJV] in importance . . . on of a few that I cannot let go of.
I think the same with me too. My partner died when I was 22. I was very sad and looking for some comfort. I came across Life after Life in the Library and I feel like my interest in spirituality (of my own volition) kicked in from there ❤
I found this interview interesting as I am as interested in ‘negative’ NDEs as I am in the more typical ones. If we are to try to understand all we can about these events, then such studies should look with an open mind at all NDEs, not only the ones we feel good about reading. Who knows, maybe we can learn some vital information from them that can help all NDE experiencers, not just those who are blessed with ‘good’ experiences. 🙏
Eben Alexander's NDE began in quite a negative way in very dismal environment. He said he felt trapped there for what felt like eons before he finally emerged into a loving environment. So his NDE began very negatively but eventually turned positive.
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
A very enlightening and wonderful interview! I agree with all that Joachim says. Souls experience the next world according to their cultural and religious backgrounds. This makes the traditional belief in Christianity as the "one true religion" disappear. It seems to be more that every religion provides a spiritual background to prepare us for what is to come. Maybe all religions are actually one in reality. Just as we have different names for the days of the week even though its the same sun shining on each day, maybe the religions with different names are also illuminated by the same spiritual Sun of Reality. Here's an interesting quote from Krishna which indicates that He also saw religion as a succession of sunrises from age to age: "Whenever there is decay of righteousness... and there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth... for the destruction of evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age." --- KRISHNA- Bhagavad Gita- fourth discourse The Near Death Experiences are a reminder and good evidence that we are not our bodies, that our bodies are like horses, and we are the riders. If the horse dies, we continue on our journey without it. The Baha'i teaching is that our purpose in life is to acquire spiritual virtues or perfections. Whatever we develop in our character which is positive, we take with us to the next world. Our knowledge goes with us, but ignorance is just the absence of knowledge. Baha'is agree that the love of God is constant and universal. Baha'u'llah, the Prophet of the Baha'i Faith, mentions that even though the love of God is constant, it is conditioned by our own love for God: O SON OF BEING! Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant. But I think we need to update our traditional thinking about God and concede that we are far too limited intellectually and spiritually to pretend to understand the reality of God. I like to compare the latest understanding of the underlying reality of the physical universe as a quantum energy field from which emerges the physical phenomenon such as stars, galaxies, planets, etc. to a newer understanding of the Divine Field, or Light, from which emerges spiritual reality. Baha'u'llah speaks of the unique historical figures such as Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, Zoroaster, etc. as Manifestations of God Who appeared from age to age with a message suited to that age. If God is forever remote to our understanding, these Manifestations of God are real human beings who speak our language, understand our needs and inspire civilizations into existence through their words. Baha'u'llah appeared in the middle of the 19th century with a message centered around the unity of the human race and the oneness of religion, also teaching the immortality of the soul and a spiritual reality after death which is very consistent with NDE's. He presented God as the Ever-forgiving, the Most Merciful. People generally do bad things because of ignorance, lack of education or circumstances in their lives beyond their control. But how are we to develop the quality of forgiveness and mercy if no one treats us badly? How do we become more compassionate if no one needs our compassion? Life is more like a workshop where all painful and negative events are opportunities for spiritual growth. Maybe this world is in reality a stage, we're the actors and our bodies are our costumes. We drop our physical bodies and take on new costumes for the next act at the time of death.
@@Lisa-fu5qo I think that it's very complicated. My identity as a human personality began at birth. My identity is composed of all the memories of my life. I believe that each of us is like a drop from the ocean of cosmic consciousness, and when we "die", this drop returns to that ocean and we don't necessarily carry this human identity with us when we return to the ocean. With this understanding, our personalities do not reincarnate again on earth. Each new baby is a new drop from that limitless ocean of consciousness, a new individual human life with its own experiences. In a sense, we're all one just as the drops returning to the ocean are one with the ocean. I think that our life experiences are recorded and can be played back and experienced by others, just as we all can watch movies of someone's life, feel what they felt and learn the lessons of life that they learned. We don't become these people we're watching, but we gain insight through their experiences and feel their emotions. This is my limited understanding, but Baha'is are told that our understanding of the next world can be compared to the understanding of the baby in the womb of the world it is going to be born into. How can a baby in the womb ever understand the taste of an orange, the brightness of the sun or the vastness of the ocean?
@@Lisa-fu5qo I think it's not very complicated. I would suggest life on earth is like a day. With work, love, laughter, sadness, fun, anger and so on. The afterlife is like a night. We silently fall asleep, some more easily than others. We have dreams, some more vividly than others. We "digest" the experience of the previous day. Or of other days before that, whatever comes up. Then we wake up again to another day. It's easy.
Very interesting perspective. It sounds very much like what 'Spiritism' teaches, only without all the 'mystery'. Just plain and simple cause and effect translating through each new generation of ourselves. No one really knows, we write our story and it seems that we will never know. I am inclined to think that the initial experience of love and light is much like a waiting room, meant to calm you and help you transition. An experience I had made me know that whatever happens, you have no real control but it is completely don't need to do anything....much like giving birth. You go to classes and dream what it will be like but when it is happening... it is not is your body in charge.
Wow, very well no psut. I couldn’t have said it better. I also concur with your opinion. I feel I had one of these experiences while dreaming. I just remember people jumping into life like to experience the earthly human experience. What was a whole lifetime down here, was mere seconds up there. It was so real. Then I felt loving acceptance and felt so loved and HAPPY! I saw my cousin who had passed away about a year earlier. It was quite surreal. Different than any dream I ever had. Felt myself come back into my body.
It may be that God gives them glimpses of heaven so they can change their life when they come back for the better which most do. Many we're not leading a Godly life or belief before their nde. There is something within that person that needed to come out. I believe that most see a Heavenly afterlife but if they have lead an evil life there is repercussions and they cut themselves short. It is quite true God will give you everything you desire if one is worthy of such gifts then there is the investment of life itself being a good character or a bad character. It is not a good investment to hurt others
Yes, death is just like being born. You have no control unless you are a siddha. Same with birth but in reverse. In truth it means there is ONLY birth, that’s all. Desire to experience drives it all.
Part 2. I, LIFE then entered into the LIGHT, the source of "LIFE The Real Self", and was Aware of "The ALL". That is to say I was Aware of ALL that existed.... What I learnt from this, was essentially the DIFFERENCE, between "LIFE The Real Self", which is "The LIGHT of MAN", which is "The LIFE of GOD", and the Universes and other worlds, are just 'STORIES', told in the form of 'Holographic Simulations', displayed in a Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE", referred to in ancient manuscripts, as "The HOUSE of GOD" !
Thank you for working on this, it is something that I feel is one of the most intriguing questions of humanity. When I listen to the near death experiences, I have found that around 90 percent of those stories told dealt with a sort of reflection of their lives. They were also judged in a way that dealt with the consequences of their actions and the ripple effects that came from it. Well, when I get to that point in life, I would like to roll back the film on the creators of this life on earth. To me, and I have been trying to figure this out for many years and have come to only 2 conclusions. The 1st and 2nd conclusions are the same with one difference. Here on earth and more than likely other planets in the universe, we are what I refer to as a soul farm. It is a way to have the soul start it's journey, and perhaps relearn with reincarnation over and over again until that soul has achieved it goals. The difference being that the people who are in charge of this for one reason or another did not calculate the brutalities and consequences that come with such a farm. Thus once it was started they really had no means to stop it other than destroying the world all together, that is if they could in some sort of way. The 2nd choice would be that these people just don't care about the consequences and treat us like we treat our animals that we groom in order to consume. The main point being is the grooming of the souls for a pre determined outcome. To me, it is totally inexcusable to place people in this environment in order to achieve their goals. All the senseless wars, extreme famine, destruction from the weather, incest and rape, murder, refugees running from wars, viruses that kill millions. Then most people have this feeling that we need to pray to these beings, I must confess that I have and more than likely will continue, why, because it has shown to have some sort of success when doing so. But that does not excuse the system that they have created. They need to be ready to give me the answers, and honestly, there will be nothing they can say to atone for what they have done.
We have free will. We all have only one fragile body per lifetime, whether you are Adolf Hitler or Mother Teresa, and only one short day at a time in which to live, whether you are a beggar in the streets or Bill Gates in a yacht - one body, one day at a time. A 14 year old Australian youth had an NDE whilst at school at the close of World War Two. During his experience, he asked the ‘being of light’ why Hitler was allowed to exist and received the answer ‘Hitler was just one man, why didn’t you do something about it?’.
The common understanding of reincarnation is that each soul returns repeatedly to learn lessons, but another way of understanding is that each of us is like a drop from the Ocean of Consciousness who comes into being as a unique being at the time of conception. We then are given a name and live our unique lives until our body dies and we return to that Ocean of origin. Our memories and experiences seem to be recorded and can then be vicariously experienced by other souls. So the descent of these drops from the Divine Ocean could each be new individuals, not recycled older souls, but each of us will be able to experience the lives, challenges, heroism and pain as if we were them. So we are all one in the sense that we are drops from the same Ocean, but we are unique individuals who have the capacity to share our lives with others.
I'm Claire everything. I'm 71 and I've been doing Spirit communication with the OtherSide and reading since I was three or four years old. I agree exactly with you,! Why else are we allowed to be burned alive and sacrificed and murdered and hard things happening to animals there's no excuse a higher power should prevent that but in religion they say it's up to us, but I don't agree, I agree with you. I'm Jewish and I just decided I'm not sure that God really exists boy are they coming down on that on me for that... but I totally agree with everything you said but I do have to tell you you can communicate with the OtherSide. I mean everybody may not be able to, but I can and that includes animals. They have spirits and Souls as well and Christians think they don't but they do!!! I also have hundreds of videos and photos showing spirits on photos even with a face and they're not faked your Photoshop that can be proven and every time every single time almost that I use my phone the video on my phone just in my apartment I catch orbs and spirit lights and different things every single time especially around my Cats.💋❤️🐾
This man is very good to listen to..I heard that idea about where suicides go..years ago..also I read one man found himself in a "locked" room with only one other he asked do I get out of here? And the other replied..I wish someone would tell me..because I have been in this room for years..
Thank you so much for this remarkable interview; with so much clarity and understanding. I wonder if knowing about Jesus / God and reject Him while on earth would have anything to do with the "Negative NDE". On the other hand I can see why others may be forgiven, even suicide bombers. If raised in darkness or brain washed and taught killing is the only way to get to heaven; I believe that is the only "truth" they know. Matthew 12:31 "And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven." Thank you. God bless ♥️ 🙏
I think the punishment comes while still here when you are sick and waiting to die. Ive punished myself lots for mistakes and asked forgiveness. I am sick and ready to die. But not sick enough for the law here... which is a shame. I hope I will be loved and restored. I was a nurse and hospice too so I've helped many die. Also a single mom I wasn't perfect but I loved and fought for and advocated for every soul, child adult animal, that needed someone to help them. I pray that God will love me. I am so tired. My body is broken sick painful and not going to get better. I'm ready!! Need legal euthanasia assistance!
I believe this man is right because i believe that the spiritual realm is absolutely a realm of the consciousness which obviously is totally mental that would mean that your reality will be dictated by your thoughts and how you live your life will dictate your thoughts there you need to know you are a good person and if you know you are a bad person which we know which we are we dont need anyone else to tell us thats why i believe Jesus says you need to be born again which i believe Buddha and other religious leaders basically say the same thing you must be inlightened which is ridding your mind of negativity and those thoughts wont dictate your reality once you pass out of the physical.
I agree that Buddha and the Founders of all the historical world religions said basically the same thing as Jesus concerning being born again, becoming spiritually minded. I guess we need to be reminded of this from age to age in language meaningful to us.
How can it be any different? Jesus said “In my fathers house there are many mansions” I believe we go to the one that is correct for us at the time of death. Doesn't mean we have to stay there. Maybe it's just a starting point 😉
I think you're right! Dying might be seen as going from the ground floor of a house into the upstairs floor. As to mansions, maybe this refers to the many religions of the world such as Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, etc. Each religion is a mansion on earth and we go to heavenly mansions suited to our needs. Why should we put a limit on God's creation? Maybe the Founders of these religions are like Teachers in a school who tailor their lessons to the developmental stage of their students and their needs at the stage they find them in. Our 8th grade teacher is not greater than our first grade teacher just because the first grade lessons are more basic.
I know there are a lot of people hurting ...Please know however, the continuation of Life is Real...nothing to fear...The Light and Love of Jesus is with us....and awaits us All.
I’m not sure...I had a partial life review during a shared death experience. From what I read and my brief experience, it would appear to be a way that you can learn about how others feel by closely examining the experience and understanding the situations from varying perspectives. Perhaps a learning tool to determine what we are ready for next. I think we need to examine closely to our service to others and take responsibility to areas where we may have contributed to a situation. Not just focus on the negative....but the positive too. I often think our life here is only a tool we use to grow. we all grow.
@@iamric23 it seems to be a script of how well we did while we're down here. We need a critical view of ourselves in order to grow forward. The positive adds to the causal body and the negative remains in the karmic plane! We take a step higher in the afterlife. All this bullshit down here, all this noise and chaos is in the past now. As each Incarnation is a personality in a subsequential order progress and more towards the divine. Of course we take back steps also. That is the plan for these lower ephemeris. It's on a spiritual evolutionary scale. The goal is to express Divinity on the Earth plane. Such as Christ
I has this during a traumatic experience, suddenly my consciousness was expanded and my consciousness was up in the corner in the company of another "being" and I experienced the whole situation from the other persons point of view as well as my own point of view but from this non attached place or non local focus. It impacted me a great deal, and I feel like it was my future self experiencing my own life review. I'll never forget it.
I looked on Amazon, this book only seems to be in German. It’s a pity. I would have bought a copy because of the discussion about ‘negative NDEs’ that Joachim talks about, as I think they are an important aspect that’s often shied away from.
I can recommend the channelling of Quo, or Seth to delve into the different aspects there is to the afterlife whether it be "negative/postive" religious or non religious.
Reincarnation has only slightly been mentioned. I think that there are innumerable experiences on the other side but there has to be a working out of our actions, which to me means life is a school in which we are learning soul growth. The beauty we experience on the other side or even the depressive, hellish realms are temporary states in which our soul growth for most means rebirth of some sort.
Let me try to correct you. There are different planes of existence and on each one we have work to do to develop our vehicles of Consciousness on each of these planes. From the grossest to that of pure light and divinity. We might stay much longer on each of these planes. For example on the astral plane we may spend thousands of years before our next incarnation. It is a learning process and evolving process. The physical Earth is not our true home its main purpose is to establish individuality and a new Rejuvenation of character this is why most of us forget our previous lives but they are stored at the causal level
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
Thank you both for the interview and your interesting view. I like to comment on the hypothetical suicide bomber. I believe that almost any suicide bomber is utterly convinced that he’s doing the right thing for the right cause. He’s even a hero, for giving his life for the cause. From his viewpoint and the viewpoint of his friends, he’s doing good. It’s only when we take the viewpoint of the victim, that we call things evil. Evil exists in the eye of the beholder. It’s a matter of viewpoint. The suicide bomber from his own viewpoint is good, from the victim’s viewpoint he’s bad, and from an impartial viewpoint one could say he’s merely misinformed. Interestingly, the story from Genesis in the Bible tells us that in paradise there was no knowledge of good and evil. It didn’t exist. And when Adam and Eva gained knowledge of good and evil by eating the wrong apple, that was the end of paradise. We tend to think of paradise as being good. But according to the story there was neither evil nor good. There was no knowledge of it. It simply didn’t exist. I believe good and evil matters only here on earth, it doesn’t matter in the hereafter. That’s why this “unconditional love”, this complete lack of judgement by the Light. Us earthly humans may have a sense of justice. Those who bring about suffering for others deserve some form of punishment. That is also how the God of Christianity is pictured in the Bible. A rightious God who punishes all evil. One who has to punish his own son, in order for justice to take place. I believe in a paradise where those things don't exist. And I believe in a Godliness which is far greater and much more wonderful than that...
He keeps saying do we ‘deserve paradise’ like it’s a reward for human life, but the afterlife is not paradise. It’s home. Of course we are all going to go home once we leave these bodies. It’s our natural God given state of being.
Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers {contain information about} your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence - nothing more, nothing less. The consciousness/awareness matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its field of rest. It can, despite its removal, continue to exist in a self-sufficient manner for a certain amount of time. The para-layer layer is not limited only to the individual, but rather as a part of a general information layer - you could call it in a prosaic sense the community soul - that is connected with all animate and inanimate matter and all consciousness which exist on this main level.
Answers to these all questions . Heaven or hell as we experience is here in our world of reality . We go through many cycle of lives and our rewards and punishments are handed over here . Cycle of karma and incarnation is designed to evolve to souls until they are elevated to be disolved back in one . To the question what happens to a bad person ...he comes back to face miserly of life and suffers through own karma . That is why we see different spectrum of lives here some are happy some are sad . Our entire lifetime is culmination of free will and past karma's . Hindu scriptures have already explained it their philosophy has well understood this subject .
There is an aspect I've never seen mentioned. If anyone reads this and has some answers to it I would like to hear them. It is this: What about the effect of the body on the spirit? See the story is we come into the body to have some experiences and we criticise or judge ourselves afterwards by how we handled those experiences.- essentially how we meet events in our lives. And generally we judge according to the love we display. Which we measure via things like how violent or gentle we were, how helpful or unhelpful, how nice or nasty. Right? Now we know that some genealogies make you more susceptible to violence, more likely to be violent. And more likely to be hot tempered, impatient, nasty etc.. It seems like you could be inhabiting a body that is actively working against you in this 'spiritual' way ! I wonder what's to be said about that? Anything at all or it's really just the same? People, spirits of life, come down to inhabit those bodies in full knowledge of what they're getting into and wanting to experience that? LIke checking themselves out to see how they operate under a handicap sort of thing?
Jewish mysticism, the study of Kabbalah, gives us the closest explanation to the reality of near death experiences and the afterlife. It parallels the experiences from people that have experienced an Nde. This has been known for other a thousand years. As one rabbi that had studied Kabbalah and also experienced an Nde. Dying is like walking into another room and taking your coat off. In Hebrew the afterlife is called Olam HaBah the world to come. A world with no secrets. Nothing is hidden, not even your thoughts. It is also described as the garden of Eden. A further explanation are of reincarnation, where the soul will experience multiple lives in order to elevate itself. All detailed within the study of Kabbalah.
In advaita vendanta they say that death of the body is akin to waking from a dream. Whatever state we pass into seems more real than the previous, just like the waking state. It does not mean that afterlife is any more real than the previous state, In fact it shows that differing experiences show that it is as changeable as the waking and dream states.
Much as I respect anybody”s perspective on the after life and their perspective on nde’s, I would like to point out (and yes, we would probably all like to know the outcome of lives which were misguided such as the suicide bomber) that being in our human consciousness has its inherent limitations. We talk and hear about unconditional love from many people who have experienced nde’s but in all truth, we actually can only conceptualize this in its most primitive form, love for a child. I find it somewhat futile to ponder the afterlife outcome of suicide bombers or hitler like figures that have peppered our history. It is an impossible trajectory for our human consciousness to make with its inherent biases and cultural differences. We simply do not have the capacity for it. The prevalent arc of a majority of nde’s describe the love, acceptance and non judgmental attitudes of our and others’ higher being. Yes, there are a minority of negative nde’s which are hard to explain unless in terms of their own very fixed/limited mindsets. Rob Schwartz in his books goes into the reasons for negative experiences, sometimes they are for the growth of others, for self or for the collective. When discussing these issues, I truly believe we cannot just be scientific, there is such a huge element of mysticism and the unknown. As humans we try and make sense of it but there are always going to be a myriad of questions. My key takeaway from all of the nde”s is that life in human form is about loving and experiencing the joys as well the heartaches. But if your primary intention always comes from a space of love, you cannot go far wrong. Namaste and keep up the good work of enlightenment;)❤️
Unconditional Love doesn't exist. Unconditional love is an unjust love because all people good or bad are treated the same way! God doesn't punish anyone. Our behaviour "punishes" us because we chose darkness rather than light so we are given what we chose!
Disagree. It does exist as I have experienced it. I am not perfect but I loved everyone, I forgave everyone, I loved myself fully and I was completely loved by everyone, no exception.
I think you can't say that those who attemepted suicide gets a negative near death experience, there are lot of people reporting that attempted suicide having a positive near death experience. Negative near death experience even happens to people that died to an accident or surgery or whatever, we don't understand yet what provoks a negative NDE and what provoks a positive one. Why would an unconditional loving god puts someone who is in so much pain and suffering in even more pain and suffering (negative near death experience or maybe hell?).
There are different stages of closeness of the Light! Enlightenment in Hindu says the self is a concept. ???? They all say no loss of identity. Hindus say there is no more ID with self, but with ALL. This gives rise to more questions for me.
Carl Jung Death experience 1944 If care for some excellent insight If you know who Carl J is you could be on the right track 👣👀 for ( yourself ) Excellent video thank you so much
Emmanuel Swedenborg seems to imply hell is forever and that really bothers me.. he seems to imply God isn’t powerful enough to help change His children, or that the universe isn’t designed in love if people are strong enough in their own free will to live in hell forever.. this gives me a little more hope. God is not some being that weeps over billions of people who are destined to never get out of hell and who will relish in it forever…
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
It seems to me like he is saying that hell as an eternal destination does not exist but purgatory as a place of cleansing does exist and it is not eternal.
So hell isn’t forever? It just lasts for as long as it “needs” to? I get thrown by the word indefinite he says but he also says other things. Is more like everyone Eventually returns to the light?
I've read and watched hundreds and hundreds of NDE accounts. I do not agree with Mr. Nicolay as to the negative NDE accounts, in that regular folk, wives, farmers, church goers, etc., leading ordinary, somewhat unremarkable lives, have experienced them. There doesn't seem to be any pattern. Many people who experience a negative NDE, initially, will then have their same NDE turn into a beautific one.
Sometimes I wonder if the negative NDE is the darkness we harbor within ourselves that we have to pass through at death. I was told once that our life if like a well. When we find ourselves in situations, we draw from the well. We can only draw from that which we put in. I have no knowledge of this, it’s only a thought.
@@kathleenturner7138 Logical thought. As I meditate and ponder in these early morning hours, you could say that what comes up is from my well of personal thought and experience. Fortunately the hellish NDEs are infrequent. Perhaps they represent the darkness in our wells we haven't dealt with in life. Like you, I don't know ... and that's ok. I look forward to the transition home.
One pattern is that those who come from a religious background which expects hell for those who deserve it are more likely to experience what they expected.
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
Y’all should loo up ecstatic seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy. Also there’s a burst of gamma brainwaves that are related to cognitive thinking and memory retrieval. They pulled the plug on a few patients that were hooked up to life support and EEG’s.
So far, hellish NDEs could not be reliably linked to any acts that are, to human intuition, unethical, though I've heard about this tendency for attempted-suicide victims too. On the other hand, people who have committed acts which are, to human intuition, unethical, have had positive experiences. I think we shouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions about what causes negative experiences.
The unitive state doesn’t require the death of ego. But it’s not the highest state. There are two higher worlds then the unified field of Spirit. Paul refers to the third heaven. The second heaven is the level of the Son and the Third Heaven is the Eternal Father of Light. This is why Christ said that no one can come to the Father except through Me. It’s all true and the early church saints witnessed the same experience.
Thanks for the interview. If entities can appear as anybody the person feels comfortable with, then maybe the family and friends we will see over there are not really family and friends?
This 'dress up party' is just for our comfort to make us feel at ease during the transition. Former images of beloved ones are coming to life to welcome us to prevent us from running away for what's coming. Some of us need an well-known anchor to take the next step and their only purpose is to take you by the hand. Their purpose is not to become your spouse again to continue a happy marriage or whatever. After that this drop of consciousness becomes the ocean again as we all will. Read 'Ocean' as one consciousness in witch we'll finally merge. The droplet needs to recognise this ocean as it's home. It would be illogical to carry the same character for ever and ever, to have the same mother or child eternally. This worldview would make no sense in this other realm. Imaging having a terrible partner who's haunting you forever; that would create a real hellish burden lol. Nothing stays the same.
Maybe these experiences are the degree of reward due the person for their doings in this life. I believe Jesus is the only begotten of The Father. He will be the highest reward.
He lost it somewhere in the interview and confused between religion and actual unadulterated NDEs . Even atheists experienced NDEs . Religion has nothing to do with what you experience. It may have something to do with the way you describe to people afterwards.
That’s why people should get rid of guilt and fear while they’re here ! Most people don’t even know what is love ! And then don’t forget that there is none human they just look like humans, and manipulation goes on the other side the same as here ,,, yes they will show you live review with advanced technology make you feel guilty manipulate you to come back to Pey your karma what a crap shit
How come I never heard of anyone saying they saw buddha..?? All the NDE videos I watched they say they see dead relatives or a bright light or Jesus.. Never heard seeing budhha or any other. I totally believe that if you are a believer of Christ you have a place called heaven for you. As our sweet Jesus ❤ has promises. ❤ The non believers usually see light. What's weird is that since childhood I felt that this is not home. I get some feeling that I want to go back but I'm sure if he sent me hear it's definitely for a reason. ❤
Some NDE videos do indeed mention other religious entities. You'll find them if you keep looking. Shiva is one of them. It's interesting that some see a blond Jesus, others a dark complected Jesus. Apparently the spirit being you encounter is tailored to your expectations to ease the transition. It seems that no matter what we believe beforehand we go through very similar experiences. I.e., we all end up in the same afterlife/heaven, learn stuff, plan our next life, then return as a newborn.
Yaaaa no. I died in 97 and spent an eternity in heaven before being sent back. The ones responsible for my death were in heaven with me . God forgives instantly. It's very simple. There is no hell... dark experiences are illusions given by God to give insight.
‘Jesus’ never sat for a portrait; or did he..? (The HOLY BIBLE = helius biblius = the BOOK OF SUN) Metaphysical, not literal.. imo (Each to his own) 😏😉❤️
This is interesting. An academic with apparently no actual NDE gives his opinion on what he thinks and believes is the case. Some of the things he says are right: There is no hell; There is no punishment; You see familiar people and expected people, Jesus, etc. But other things he says do not make that much sense. Like the suicide bomber who has to spend some time somewhere until he learns better. The lady who suicided and ended up in a room of uncommunicative people. Where is this room? Such things do not make sense. Friends and relatives you meet after death are presented to you in a form that you will recognise, but that is no longer what they look like. You will gradually see them in their spirit form when the time is right. It isn't how they look now! The doctor is probably a good man, but he is looking at it from the point of view of one who has the learning but not the experience. Thank you, again, as I said, it was interesting.
We are just great apes, our specialty is intelligence, which is why we keep agonizing over the certainty of death. The simplest answer is probably the right one. We die and go to our eternal rest. Simple. Personally, shudder to think of eternal life.
I do not like Mr Nicolays’ comments on suicide NDE. It would appear very biased to me in a fundamental christian way. And where is the all enveloping love for deeply distressed people. With VAD gaining traction all around the world and the choice to avoid intolerable suffering for no apparent reason, these rooms as he called them, are going to be heavily populated with distressed souls. It makes a mockery of love and the light. I found it deeply offensive.
Buddha was just a person who taught concepts he was not Divine nor was he the son of God so I don't like it when people compare Jesus Christ to buddha. There is a trinity.
This man seed great contradiction within punishing one that you love. But parents are forced to do it every day. It's amazing how many people have ND experiences which are obvious proofs of God. Yet they obviously never acquire a schedule of talking to God, because they exist interviewed while far from God.
Part 1. During August of 1973, I was pronounced DEAD On Arrival, at a Medical centre, and at least half an hour passed by, and then my heart started to beat again, without medical assistance... During the time I was reported to be dead, I, that is "LIFE My Real Self", felt very much alive, but not in this universe, nor did I have a human body or any other type of body. I felt NO Condemnation or judgement, but only a depth of LOVE far beyond human understanding... I saw No relatives, family or friends, and no Form, except for the Presence of pure white LIGHT.
Mine was different it wasn't bad but it was unlike any other I've heard other people's stories although see I won't tell it because I wrote it all out in a book about 15 years ago and it's on CDs and I don't know if I'll get it published before I die but I've had a lot of people steal my stories so I got to keep it down for now
It is NOT you that created the Stories... You have ONLY experienced a 'Story', that was Created by LIFE.
I have learnt from LIFE to give Freely, what has been Created and NOT lay claim to anything.
LIFE said, Freely I give to you, so Freely give to others !
ONLY Anti-LIFE tries to claim, what it never Created.
@@johnb8854 wow..That was deep and profound thank you
May I ask, what was your level of earthly spiritual enlightenment before the time of your NDE?
You should tell your story at the IAND's conferences. So important!
I missed this interview last year and am glad to come across it now. I appreciate the insights into negative NDE's. Each religion deals with human shortcomings and sin in their own ways. In my own life I've learned the vital lesson that self-examination is necessary if I'm to learn to love.
Thank you both for this interview.
Incredible knowledge of this gentleman, he is excellent! Thank you
"Peace that surpasses all understanding."
It's fascinating to speculate.
This is one of my favorite channels.
I enjoyed watching and listening to this informative interview. Thank you for sharing.
I love these interviews! Thank you for doing this. Each one changes my current life and understanding a bit more for the better. It changes my perspective. It even changes the decisions I make. I make better informed decisions toward being a better person.
I had what I can only refer to as an experience of enlightenment. I was fourteen at the time, and I experienced unconditional love, mercy and understanding. I was filled with this love, and I realized in that experience that all the condemnation I had previously experienced and feared came from my own judgements. I could also telepathically understand that it is like this for all. Once I experienced this all-encompassing love, I no longer had any judgements of anyone. And I, myself became loving and compassionate. Like Buddha, I loved EVERYTHING.
I am so happy when people include animals....when its not only about US humans.
Me too
If they didn't, I wouldn't believe it n NDE, whatever was the proof. They are everything.
Everything, down to the last blade of grass, was created spiritually and will go on after this earthly experience is finished.
@@somebody401 Don’t know why you wouldn’t believe. It’s just an experience. It’s not death.
@@classicgalactica5879 Your comment is absolutely correct and I know from direct experience. I'm glad that you know.
FANTASTIC INTERVIEW!! So much to absorb. I will watch again at least twice more. Thank you Dr. Nicolay for this thought provoking interview. Thank you very much.
I’ve been doing a lot of research into this and this makes so much sense. Thank you so much for this. You’re both amazing
Thanks!Very interesting🙂👌
At some point in the interview, while reflecting on the consequences of our actions, he starts talking about "animals" and our behaviour towards them...Would have liked him to go further into the topic...Guess there wasn't enough time to cover this topic😉
In my opinion love for animals is also an important layer on our journey towards love🥰🥰🥰
Thanks again, love your channel❤❤❤
Remarkably analyzed, eloquently asked questions, answers, and interpretation.
I personally agree with almost everything.
A Course In Miracles, a book channeled for seven-years and published corresponds with this entire contents of discussion. The person who received the messages was not religious. Therefore, not bias. Remarkable!
Thanks for sharing. Beautiful! God blesd❤🙏
I wonder where I come from... When he talks about that sad souls I felt so identified with them, that's how I've felt all my life. I can easily love animals but I feel my heart so closed up towards people, I really fear them and avoid their love. I havn't realized this until I started watching ndes.
I saw Jesus. Jesus Hernandez at the town pub the other day! 😊 we had a pint of Guinness and the darkness lifted us both up mate!
Deep interview.
Dr. Moody's influence is never-ending. NDErs and those of us who have learned from NDErs owe him much. His book sent me on my spiritual journey when it was published. Tho I didn't realize it at the time.
Yes! YES! I bought Dr. Moody's book in 1982, and read it in remote Alaska, out on the tundra. Whoa! How exciting to SEE the alignment of so many things between The Word of God and these NDE's. . . That book is next to my Bible [KJV] in importance . . . on of a few that I cannot let go of.
I think the same with me too. My partner died when I was 22. I was very sad and looking for some comfort. I came across Life after Life in the Library and I feel like my interest in spirituality (of my own volition) kicked in from there ❤
Extremely interesting, as always. Congratulations and thank you.
I found this interview interesting as I am as interested in ‘negative’ NDEs as I am in the more typical ones. If we are to try to understand all we can about these events, then such studies should look with an open mind at all NDEs, not only the ones we feel good about reading. Who knows, maybe we can learn some vital information from them that can help all NDE experiencers, not just those who are blessed with ‘good’ experiences. 🙏
Thank you for this clear and intelligent conversation. I am very grateful for the in-depth research that you are sharing here.
Eben Alexander's NDE began in quite a negative way in very dismal environment. He said he felt trapped there for what felt like eons before he finally emerged into a loving environment. So his NDE began very negatively but eventually turned positive.
And it repeated itself constantly in a circle, too!!
yes Eben's is very unique. he had virtually every element of the typical NDE except I don't think he had an OBE.
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
He believe the negative parts were hallucinations caused by his severely damaged brain.
A very enlightening and wonderful interview! I agree with all that Joachim says. Souls experience the next world according to their cultural and religious backgrounds. This makes the traditional belief in Christianity as the "one true religion" disappear. It seems to be more that every religion provides a spiritual background to prepare us for what is to come. Maybe all religions are actually one in reality. Just as we have different names for the days of the week even though its the same sun shining on each day, maybe the religions with different names are also illuminated by the same spiritual Sun of Reality. Here's an interesting quote from Krishna which indicates that He also saw religion as a succession of sunrises from age to age:
"Whenever there is decay of righteousness... and there is exaltation of unrighteousness,
then I Myself come forth... for the destruction of evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing
righteousness, I am born from age to age." --- KRISHNA- Bhagavad Gita- fourth discourse
The Near Death Experiences are a reminder and good evidence that we are not our bodies, that our bodies are like horses, and we are the riders. If the horse dies, we continue on our journey without it. The Baha'i teaching is that our purpose in life is to acquire spiritual virtues or perfections. Whatever we develop in our character which is positive, we take with us to the next world. Our knowledge goes with us, but ignorance is just the absence of knowledge. Baha'is agree that the love of God is constant and universal. Baha'u'llah, the Prophet of the Baha'i Faith, mentions that even though the love of God is constant, it is conditioned by our own love for God:
Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant.
But I think we need to update our traditional thinking about God and concede that we are far too limited intellectually and spiritually to pretend to understand the reality of God. I like to compare the latest understanding of the underlying reality of the physical universe as a quantum energy field from which emerges the physical phenomenon such as stars, galaxies, planets, etc. to a newer understanding of the Divine Field, or Light, from which emerges spiritual reality. Baha'u'llah speaks of the unique historical figures such as Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, Zoroaster, etc. as Manifestations of God Who appeared from age to age with a message suited to that age. If God is forever remote to our understanding, these Manifestations of God are real human beings who speak our language, understand our needs and inspire civilizations into existence through their words. Baha'u'llah appeared in the middle of the 19th century with a message centered around the unity of the human race and the oneness of religion, also teaching the immortality of the soul and a spiritual reality after death which is very consistent with NDE's. He presented God as the Ever-forgiving, the Most Merciful. People generally do bad things because of ignorance, lack of education or circumstances in their lives beyond their control. But how are we to develop the quality of forgiveness and mercy if no one treats us badly? How do we become more compassionate if no one needs our compassion? Life is more like a workshop where all painful and negative events are opportunities for spiritual growth. Maybe this world is in reality a stage, we're the actors and our bodies are our costumes. We drop our physical bodies and take on new costumes for the next act at the time of death.
Do you believe we have to be reincarnated? Or do you feel we have a choice? Please and thank you
@@Lisa-fu5qo I think that it's very complicated. My identity as a human personality began at birth. My identity is composed of all the memories of my life. I believe that each of us is like a drop from the ocean of cosmic consciousness, and when we "die", this drop returns to that ocean and we don't necessarily carry this human identity with us when we return to the ocean. With this understanding, our personalities do not reincarnate again on earth. Each new baby is a new drop from that limitless ocean of consciousness, a new individual human life with its own experiences. In a sense, we're all one just as the drops returning to the ocean are one with the ocean. I think that our life experiences are recorded and can be played back and experienced by others, just as we all can watch movies of someone's life, feel what they felt and learn the lessons of life that they learned. We don't become these people we're watching, but we gain insight through their experiences and feel their emotions. This is my limited understanding, but Baha'is are told that our understanding of the next world can be compared to the understanding of the baby in the womb of the world it is going to be born into. How can a baby in the womb ever understand the taste of an orange, the brightness of the sun or the vastness of the ocean?
I think it's not very complicated.
I would suggest life on earth is like a day. With work, love, laughter, sadness, fun, anger and so on.
The afterlife is like a night. We silently fall asleep, some more easily than others. We have dreams, some more vividly than others. We "digest" the experience of the previous day. Or of other days before that, whatever comes up. Then we wake up again to another day. It's easy.
Sarah G of course it's complicated. Death is going into the unknown,despite you being an expert on such matters.
These are such amazing insights about EVERYTHING ❤️🙏🏽thank u so much
Nice interview, thanks to you both. Just not NEAR long enough of a conversation for my tastes.
Very interesting perspective. It sounds very much like what 'Spiritism' teaches, only without all the 'mystery'. Just plain and simple cause and effect translating through each new generation of ourselves. No one really knows, we write our story and it seems that we will never know. I am inclined to think that the initial experience of love and light is much like a waiting room, meant to calm you and help you transition. An experience I had made me know that whatever happens, you have no real control but it is completely don't need to do anything....much like giving birth. You go to classes and dream what it will be like but when it is happening... it is not is your body in charge.
Wow, very well no psut. I couldn’t have said it better. I also concur with your opinion. I feel I had one of these experiences while dreaming. I just remember people jumping into life like to experience the earthly human experience. What was a whole lifetime down here, was mere seconds up there. It was so real. Then I felt loving acceptance and felt so loved and HAPPY! I saw my cousin who had passed away about a year earlier. It was quite surreal. Different than any dream I ever had. Felt myself come back into my body.
It may be that God gives them glimpses of heaven so they can change their life when they come back for the better which most do. Many we're not leading a Godly life or belief before their nde. There is something within that person that needed to come out. I believe that most see a Heavenly afterlife but if they have lead an evil life there is repercussions and they cut themselves short. It is quite true God will give you everything you desire if one is worthy of such gifts then there is the investment of life itself being a good character or a bad character. It is not a good investment to hurt others
Yes, death is just like being born. You have no control unless you are a siddha. Same with birth but in reverse. In truth it means there is ONLY birth, that’s all. Desire to experience drives it all.
Part 2. I, LIFE then entered into the LIGHT, the source of "LIFE The Real Self", and was Aware of "The ALL". That is to say I was Aware of ALL that existed.... What I learnt from this, was essentially the DIFFERENCE, between "LIFE The Real Self", which is "The LIGHT of MAN", which is "The LIFE of GOD", and the Universes and other worlds, are just 'STORIES', told in the form of 'Holographic Simulations', displayed in a Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE", referred to in ancient manuscripts, as "The HOUSE of GOD" !
Dr Raymond Moody is my grandfather.
Thank you for exploring non traditional NDE’s
This is groundbreaking work, even though in English it’s like the lips and sound of an old Kung Fu movie.
Fascinating.. I've pondered much of the same things.
Thank you for working on this, it is something that I feel is one of the most intriguing questions of humanity. When I listen to the near death experiences, I have found that around 90 percent of those stories told dealt with a sort of reflection of their lives. They were also judged in a way that dealt with the consequences of their actions and the ripple effects that came from it. Well, when I get to that point in life, I would like to roll back the film on the creators of this life on earth. To me, and I have been trying to figure this out for many years and have come to only 2 conclusions. The 1st and 2nd conclusions are the same with one difference. Here on earth and more than likely other planets in the universe, we are what I refer to as a soul farm. It is a way to have the soul start it's journey, and perhaps relearn with reincarnation over and over again until that soul has achieved it goals. The difference being that the people who are in charge of this for one reason or another did not calculate the brutalities and consequences that come with such a farm. Thus once it was started they really had no means to stop it other than destroying the world all together, that is if they could in some sort of way. The 2nd choice would be that these people just don't care about the consequences and treat us like we treat our animals that we groom in order to consume. The main point being is the grooming of the souls for a pre determined outcome. To me, it is totally inexcusable to place people in this environment in order to achieve their goals. All the senseless wars, extreme famine, destruction from the weather, incest and rape, murder, refugees running from wars, viruses that kill millions. Then most people have this feeling that we need to pray to these beings, I must confess that I have and more than likely will continue, why, because it has shown to have some sort of success when doing so. But that does not excuse the system that they have created. They need to be ready to give me the answers, and honestly, there will be nothing they can say to atone for what they have done.
We have free will. We all have only one fragile body per lifetime, whether you are Adolf Hitler or Mother Teresa, and only one short day at a time in which to live, whether you are a beggar in the streets or Bill Gates in a yacht - one body, one day at a time.
A 14 year old Australian youth had an NDE whilst at school at the close of World War Two. During his experience, he asked the ‘being of light’ why Hitler was allowed to exist and received the answer ‘Hitler was just one man, why didn’t you do something about it?’.
The common understanding of reincarnation is that each soul returns repeatedly to learn lessons, but another way of understanding is that each of us is like a drop from the Ocean of Consciousness who comes into being as a unique being at the time of conception. We then are given a name and live our unique lives until our body dies and we return to that Ocean of origin. Our memories and experiences seem to be recorded and can then be vicariously experienced by other souls. So the descent of these drops from the Divine Ocean could each be new individuals, not recycled older souls, but each of us will be able to experience the lives, challenges, heroism and pain as if we were them. So we are all one in the sense that we are drops from the same Ocean, but we are unique individuals who have the capacity to share our lives with others.
@@theoduval1408 so ignorant
I'm Claire everything. I'm 71 and I've been doing Spirit communication with the OtherSide and reading since I was three or four years old. I agree exactly with you,! Why else are we allowed to be burned alive and sacrificed and murdered and hard things happening to animals there's no excuse a higher power should prevent that but in religion they say it's up to us, but I don't agree, I agree with you. I'm Jewish and I just decided I'm not sure that God really exists boy are they coming down on that on me for that... but I totally agree with everything you said but I do have to tell you you can communicate with the OtherSide. I mean everybody may not be able to, but I can and that includes animals. They have spirits and Souls as well and Christians think they don't but they do!!! I also have hundreds of videos and photos showing spirits on photos even with a face and they're not faked your Photoshop that can be proven and every time every single time almost that I use my phone the video on my phone just in my apartment I catch orbs and spirit lights and different things every single time especially around my Cats.💋❤️🐾
@@harlanlang6556 The movie called soul comes to mind
This man is very good to listen to..I heard that idea about where suicides go..years ago..also I read one man found himself in a "locked" room with only one other he asked do I get out of here? And the other replied..I wish someone would tell me..because I have been in this room for years..
Very interesting
Thank you
Thank you so much for this remarkable interview; with so much clarity and understanding.
I wonder if knowing about Jesus / God and reject Him while on earth would have anything to do with the "Negative NDE".
On the other hand I can see why others may be forgiven, even suicide bombers. If raised in darkness or brain washed and taught killing is the only way to get to heaven; I believe that is the only "truth" they know.
Matthew 12:31
"And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."
Thank you. God bless ♥️ 🙏
Thank you for this interview, very interesting and he answered some very important and relevant questions not covered in prior ndes.
Interesting points
Very interesting interveiw.
Very good interview
The interviewer asks very good questions. He’s an actual thinking researcher.
🙏🌞💚 great interview
I think the punishment comes while still here when you are sick and waiting to die. Ive punished myself lots for mistakes and asked forgiveness. I am sick and ready to die. But not sick enough for the law here... which is a shame. I hope I will be loved and restored. I was a nurse and hospice too so I've helped many die. Also a single mom I wasn't perfect but I loved and fought for and advocated for every soul, child adult animal, that needed someone to help them. I pray that God will love me. I am so tired. My body is broken sick painful and not going to get better. I'm ready!! Need legal euthanasia assistance!
I believe this man is right because i believe that the spiritual realm is absolutely a realm of the consciousness which obviously is totally mental that would mean that your reality will be dictated by your thoughts and how you live your life will dictate your thoughts there you need to know you are a good person and if you know you are a bad person which we know which we are we dont need anyone else to tell us thats why i believe Jesus says you need to be born again which i believe Buddha and other religious leaders basically say the same thing you must be inlightened which is ridding your mind of negativity and those thoughts wont dictate your reality once you pass out of the physical.
I agree that Buddha and the Founders of all the historical world religions said basically the same thing as Jesus concerning being born again, becoming spiritually minded. I guess we need to be reminded of this from age to age in language meaningful to us.
watch a movie called WHAT DREAMS MAY COME starring the late Robin Williams. I think that is absolutely spot on and not to mention very moving.
very interesting!
How can it be any different? Jesus said “In my fathers house there are many mansions” I believe we go to the one that is correct for us at the time of death. Doesn't mean we have to stay there. Maybe it's just a starting point 😉
I think you're right! Dying might be seen as going from the ground floor of a house into the upstairs floor. As to mansions, maybe this refers to the many religions of the world such as Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, etc. Each religion is a mansion on earth and we go to heavenly mansions suited to our needs. Why should we put a limit on God's creation? Maybe the Founders of these religions are like Teachers in a school who tailor their lessons to the developmental stage of their students and their needs at the stage they find them in. Our 8th grade teacher is not greater than our first grade teacher just because the first grade lessons are more basic.
@@harlanlang6556 Point for Harlan. Please move ON to the next level. . .
I am Claire Everything.
I'm 71 years old and I've been communicating with the other side since I was three or four years old.
Any interesting stories?
Remember Clair Everything, the more that you know, the more you are responsible for. And be careful with that Spiritual gift. . .
i would love to hear your experiences :)
I know there are a lot of people hurting ...Please know however, the continuation of Life is Real...nothing to fear...The Light and Love of Jesus is with us....and awaits us All.
What are life reviews when not ill or dying? I've had this experience. It was about a traumatic time in my life that was very severe.
I’m not sure...I had a partial life review during a shared death experience. From what I read and my brief experience, it would appear to be a way that you can learn about how others feel by closely examining the experience and understanding the situations from varying perspectives. Perhaps a learning tool to determine what we are ready for next. I think we need to examine closely to our service to others and take responsibility to areas where we may have contributed to a situation. Not just focus on the negative....but the positive too. I often think our life here is only a tool we use to grow. we all grow.
Can you go into more detail?
Wow interesting
@@iamric23 it seems to be a script of how well we did while we're down here. We need a critical view of ourselves in order to grow forward. The positive adds to the causal body and the negative remains in the karmic plane! We take a step higher in the afterlife. All this bullshit down here, all this noise and chaos is in the past now. As each Incarnation is a personality in a subsequential order progress and more towards the divine. Of course we take back steps also. That is the plan for these lower ephemeris. It's on a spiritual evolutionary scale. The goal is to express Divinity on the Earth plane. Such as Christ
I has this during a traumatic experience, suddenly my consciousness was expanded and my consciousness was up in the corner in the company of another "being" and I experienced the whole situation from the other persons point of view as well as my own point of view but from this non attached place or non local focus. It impacted me a great deal, and I feel like it was my future self experiencing my own life review. I'll never forget it.
I enjoyed this very much! I would like to get his book, but has it been translated into English?
I looked on Amazon, this book only seems to be in German. It’s a pity. I would have bought a copy because of the discussion about ‘negative NDEs’ that Joachim talks about, as I think they are an important aspect that’s often shied away from.
I can recommend the channelling of Quo, or Seth to delve into the different aspects there is to the afterlife whether it be "negative/postive" religious or non religious.
Reincarnation has only slightly been mentioned. I think that there are innumerable experiences on the other side but there has to be a working out of our actions, which to me means life is a school in which we are learning soul growth. The beauty we experience on the other side or even the depressive, hellish realms are temporary states in which our soul growth for most means rebirth of some sort.
Let me try to correct you. There are different planes of existence and on each one we have work to do to develop our vehicles of Consciousness on each of these planes. From the grossest to that of pure light and divinity. We might stay much longer on each of these planes. For example on the astral plane we may spend thousands of years before our next incarnation. It is a learning process and evolving process. The physical Earth is not our true home its main purpose is to establish individuality and a new Rejuvenation of character this is why most of us forget our previous lives but they are stored at the causal level
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
Thank you both for the interview and your interesting view.
I like to comment on the hypothetical suicide bomber.
I believe that almost any suicide bomber is utterly convinced that he’s doing the right thing for the right cause. He’s even a hero, for giving his life for the cause. From his viewpoint and the viewpoint of his friends, he’s doing good.
It’s only when we take the viewpoint of the victim, that we call things evil. Evil exists in the eye of the beholder. It’s a matter of viewpoint.
The suicide bomber from his own viewpoint is good, from the victim’s viewpoint he’s bad, and from an impartial viewpoint one could say he’s merely misinformed.
Interestingly, the story from Genesis in the Bible tells us that in paradise there was no knowledge of good and evil. It didn’t exist. And when Adam and Eva gained knowledge of good and evil by eating the wrong apple, that was the end of paradise.
We tend to think of paradise as being good. But according to the story there was neither evil nor good. There was no knowledge of it. It simply didn’t exist.
I believe good and evil matters only here on earth, it doesn’t matter in the hereafter. That’s why this “unconditional love”, this complete lack of judgement by the Light.
Us earthly humans may have a sense of justice. Those who bring about suffering for others deserve some form of punishment. That is also how the God of Christianity is pictured in the Bible. A rightious God who punishes all evil. One who has to punish his own son, in order for justice to take place.
I believe in a paradise where those things don't exist. And I believe in a Godliness which is far greater and much more wonderful than that...
I was about to write a lenghty comment regarding this. You have saved me the effort, thank you. You are correct.
He keeps saying do we ‘deserve paradise’ like it’s a reward for human life, but the afterlife is not paradise. It’s home. Of course we are all going to go home once we leave these bodies. It’s our natural God given state of being.
What is "natural God?"
Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers {contain information about} your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence - nothing more, nothing less. The consciousness/awareness matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its field of rest. It can, despite its removal, continue to exist in a self-sufficient manner for a certain amount of time. The para-layer layer is not limited only to the individual, but rather as a part of a general information layer - you could call it in a prosaic sense the community soul - that is connected with all animate and inanimate matter and all consciousness which exist on this main level.
Answers to these all questions . Heaven or hell as we experience is here in our world of reality . We go through many cycle of lives and our rewards and punishments are handed over here . Cycle of karma and incarnation is designed to evolve to souls until they are elevated to be disolved back in one . To the question what happens to a bad person ...he comes back to face miserly of life and suffers through own karma . That is why we see different spectrum of lives here some are happy some are sad . Our entire lifetime is culmination of free will and past karma's .
Hindu scriptures have already explained it their philosophy has well understood this subject .
There is an aspect I've never seen mentioned. If anyone reads this and has some answers to it I would like to hear them.
It is this:
What about the effect of the body on the spirit?
See the story is we come into the body to have some experiences and we criticise or judge ourselves afterwards by how we handled those experiences.- essentially how we meet events in our lives.
And generally we judge according to the love we display. Which we measure via things like how violent or gentle we were, how helpful or unhelpful, how nice or nasty. Right?
Now we know that some genealogies make you more susceptible to violence, more likely to be violent. And more likely to be hot tempered, impatient, nasty etc..
It seems like you could be inhabiting a body that is actively working against you in this 'spiritual' way !
I wonder what's to be said about that? Anything at all or it's really just the same? People, spirits of life, come down to inhabit those bodies in full knowledge of what they're getting into and wanting to experience that? LIke checking themselves out to see how they operate under a handicap sort of thing?
Jewish mysticism, the study of Kabbalah, gives us the closest explanation to the reality of near death experiences and the afterlife. It parallels the experiences from people that have experienced an Nde. This has been known for other a thousand years. As one rabbi that had studied Kabbalah and also experienced an Nde. Dying is like walking into another room and taking your coat off. In Hebrew the afterlife is called Olam HaBah the world to come. A world with no secrets. Nothing is hidden, not even your thoughts. It is also described as the garden of Eden. A further explanation are of reincarnation, where the soul will experience multiple lives in order to elevate itself. All detailed within the study of Kabbalah.
In advaita vendanta they say that death of the body is akin to waking from a dream. Whatever state we pass into seems more real than the previous, just like the waking state. It does not mean that afterlife is any more real than the previous state, In fact it shows that differing experiences show that it is as changeable as the waking and dream states.
This guy is amazing but there's not enough English information about him. Does anyone have any more information about him?
This video is unique, but that makes sense.
Is the book translated to English please?
Much as I respect anybody”s perspective on the after life and their perspective on nde’s, I would like to point out (and yes, we would probably all like to know the outcome of lives which were misguided such as the suicide bomber) that being in our human consciousness has its inherent limitations. We talk and hear about unconditional love from many people who have experienced nde’s but in all truth, we actually can only conceptualize this in its most primitive form, love for a child. I find it somewhat futile to ponder the afterlife outcome of suicide bombers or hitler like figures that have peppered our history. It is an impossible trajectory for our human consciousness to make with its inherent biases and cultural differences. We simply do not have the capacity for it. The prevalent arc of a majority of nde’s describe the love, acceptance and non judgmental attitudes of our and others’ higher being. Yes, there are a minority of negative nde’s which are hard to explain unless in terms of their own very fixed/limited mindsets. Rob Schwartz in his books goes into the reasons for negative experiences, sometimes they are for the growth of others, for self or for the collective. When discussing these issues, I truly believe we cannot just be scientific, there is such a huge element of mysticism and the unknown. As humans we try and make sense of it but there are always going to be a myriad of questions. My key takeaway from all of the nde”s is that life in human form is about loving and experiencing the joys as well the heartaches. But if your primary intention always comes from a space of love, you cannot go far wrong. Namaste and keep up the good work of enlightenment;)❤️
Unconditional Love doesn't exist.
Unconditional love is an unjust love because all people good or bad are treated the same way!
God doesn't punish anyone.
Our behaviour "punishes" us because we chose darkness rather than light so we are given what we chose!
Disagree. It does exist as I have experienced it. I am not perfect but I loved everyone, I forgave everyone, I loved myself fully and I was completely loved by everyone, no exception.
I think you can't say that those who attemepted suicide gets a negative near death experience, there are lot of people reporting that attempted suicide having a positive near death experience. Negative near death experience even happens to people that died to an accident or surgery or whatever, we don't understand yet what provoks a negative NDE and what provoks a positive one. Why would an unconditional loving god puts someone who is in so much pain and suffering in even more pain and suffering (negative near death experience or maybe hell?).
He says the only point of life is to develop the spirit. If that’s true, to me it means that the afterlife sucks just as much as this life
There are different stages of closeness of the Light! Enlightenment in Hindu says the self is a concept. ???? They all say no loss of identity. Hindus say there is no more ID with self, but with ALL. This gives rise to more questions for me.
Questions such as what?
Yassss! #GoVegan 💚
Carl Jung Death experience 1944
If care for some excellent insight
If you know who Carl J is you could be on the right track 👣👀 for ( yourself )
Excellent video thank you so much
People do love a good story of hope. Yes, and it must be of what’s to come in the future. No here, not now. Oh no, can’t be that.
Emmanuel Swedenborg seems to imply hell is forever and that really bothers me.. he seems to imply God isn’t powerful enough to help change His children, or that the universe isn’t designed in love if people are strong enough in their own free will to live in hell forever.. this gives me a little more hope. God is not some being that weeps over billions of people who are destined to never get out of hell and who will relish in it forever…
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
It seems to me like he is saying that hell as an eternal destination does not exist but purgatory as a place of cleansing does exist and it is not eternal.
So hell isn’t forever? It just lasts for as long as it “needs” to? I get thrown by the word indefinite he says but he also says other things. Is more like everyone Eventually returns to the light?
The main reason to negative experience is resistance
Author gives ideas of what his book is about. Mentions Raymond Moody
Earthly/life influences may affect the initial environment we find ourselves following body exit
I've read and watched hundreds and hundreds of NDE accounts. I do not agree with Mr. Nicolay as to the negative NDE accounts, in that regular folk, wives, farmers, church goers, etc., leading ordinary, somewhat unremarkable lives, have experienced them. There doesn't seem to be any pattern. Many people who experience a negative NDE, initially, will then have their same NDE turn into a beautific one.
Sometimes I wonder if the negative NDE is the darkness we harbor within ourselves that we have to pass through at death. I was told once that our life if like a well. When we find ourselves in situations, we draw from the well. We can only draw from that which we put in. I have no knowledge of this, it’s only a thought.
@@kathleenturner7138 Logical thought. As I meditate and ponder in these early morning hours, you could say that what comes up is from my well of personal thought and experience. Fortunately the hellish NDEs are infrequent. Perhaps they represent the darkness in our wells we haven't dealt with in life. Like you, I don't know ... and that's ok. I look forward to the transition home.
One pattern is that those who come from a religious background which expects hell for those who deserve it are more likely to experience what they expected.
The main reason to negative experience is resistance.I have couple of sleep paralysis and night terrors where I resist deeply and it turns into very negative but when I stop resisting it becomes comforting..... So you don't have to worry about anything at all
He's looking at it from a human mentality and logic. This life is not real, it's all just an experience and it's over when we go home.
Where is home?
@@innerstar6569 Home is Here and Now.
First to comment! Yay!
How does he know all this. There is only one who knows GOD🌸
Y’all should loo up ecstatic seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy. Also there’s a burst of gamma brainwaves that are related to cognitive thinking and memory retrieval. They pulled the plug on a few patients that were hooked up to life support and EEG’s.
So far, hellish NDEs could not be reliably linked to any acts that are, to human intuition, unethical, though I've heard about this tendency for attempted-suicide victims too. On the other hand, people who have committed acts which are, to human intuition, unethical, have had positive experiences. I think we shouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions about what causes negative experiences.
The unitive state doesn’t require the death of ego. But it’s not the highest state. There are two higher worlds then the unified field of Spirit. Paul refers to the third heaven. The second heaven is the level of the Son and the Third Heaven is the Eternal Father of Light. This is why Christ said that no one can come to the Father except through Me. It’s all true and the early church saints witnessed the same experience.
Do you remember?
There is no way he knows that a suicide bomber will face a delayed entry into “the light”; he is solely dealing with his theories.
The egyptian pyramid wall art shows the scales of death...did you lose karma or gain it..
Sounds like a game to me for higher dimensional beings..
Thanks for the interview. If entities can appear as anybody the person feels comfortable with, then maybe the family and friends we will see over there are not really family and friends?
Could be lower vibrational beings/demons
This 'dress up party' is just for our comfort to make us feel at ease during the transition. Former images of beloved ones are coming to life to welcome us to prevent us from running away for what's coming. Some of us need an well-known anchor to take the next step and their only purpose is to take you by the hand. Their purpose is not to become your spouse again to continue a happy marriage or whatever. After that this drop of consciousness becomes the ocean again as we all will. Read 'Ocean' as one consciousness in witch we'll finally merge. The droplet needs to recognise this ocean as it's home. It would be illogical to carry the same character for ever and ever, to have the same mother or child eternally. This worldview would make no sense in this other realm. Imaging having a terrible partner who's haunting you forever; that would create a real hellish burden lol. Nothing stays the same.
Some body who doesn't know, comments as though he does know.
Sehr änlich wie die Lehre der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Lëtzten Tage.
Maybe these experiences are the degree of reward due the person for their doings in this life. I believe Jesus is the only begotten of The Father. He will be the highest reward.
Analyze all you want. Logic and the workings of the human mind cannot and will not explain NDEs nor predict what afterlife is really about.
He lost it somewhere in the interview and confused between religion and actual unadulterated NDEs . Even atheists experienced NDEs . Religion has nothing to do with what you experience. It may have something to do with the way you describe to people afterwards.
That’s why people should get rid of guilt and fear while they’re here ! Most people don’t even know what is love ! And then don’t forget that there is none human they just look like humans, and manipulation goes on the other side the same as here ,,, yes they will show you live review with advanced technology make you feel guilty manipulate you to come back to Pey your karma what a crap shit
How come I never heard of anyone saying they saw buddha..?? All the NDE videos I watched they say they see dead relatives or a bright light or Jesus.. Never heard seeing budhha or any other.
I totally believe that if you are a believer of Christ you have a place called heaven for you. As our sweet Jesus ❤ has promises. ❤
The non believers usually see light.
What's weird is that since childhood I felt that this is not home. I get some feeling that I want to go back but I'm sure if he sent me hear it's definitely for a reason. ❤
Some NDE videos do indeed mention other religious entities. You'll find them if you keep looking. Shiva is one of them. It's interesting that some see a blond Jesus, others a dark complected Jesus. Apparently the spirit being you encounter is tailored to your expectations to ease the transition. It seems that no matter what we believe beforehand we go through very similar experiences. I.e., we all end up in the same afterlife/heaven, learn stuff, plan our next life, then return as a newborn.
We are all going to the same place regardless of anything in this life. Life is simply an experience. Nothing more.
Yaaaa no. I died in 97 and spent an eternity in heaven before being sent back. The ones responsible for my death were in heaven with me . God forgives instantly. It's very simple. There is no hell... dark experiences are illusions given by God to give insight.
‘Jesus’ never sat for a portrait; or did he..?
(The HOLY BIBLE = helius biblius = the BOOK OF SUN)
Metaphysical, not literal.. imo
(Each to his own) 😏😉❤️
Holy does not mean the Sun
This is interesting. An academic with apparently no actual NDE gives his opinion on what he thinks and believes is the case. Some of the things he says are right: There is no hell; There is no punishment; You see familiar people and expected people, Jesus, etc. But other things he says do not make that much sense. Like the suicide bomber who has to spend some time somewhere until he learns better. The lady who suicided and ended up in a room of uncommunicative people. Where is this room? Such things do not make sense. Friends and relatives you meet after death are presented to you in a form that you will recognise, but that is no longer what they look like. You will gradually see them in their spirit form when the time is right. It isn't how they look now!
The doctor is probably a good man, but he is looking at it from the point of view of one who has the learning but not the experience. Thank you, again, as I said, it was interesting.
We are just great apes, our specialty is intelligence, which is why we keep agonizing over the certainty of death. The simplest answer is probably the right one. We die and go to our eternal rest. Simple. Personally, shudder to think of eternal life.
I do not like Mr Nicolays’ comments on suicide NDE. It would appear very biased to me in a fundamental christian way. And where is the all enveloping love for deeply distressed people. With VAD gaining traction all around the world and the choice to avoid intolerable suffering for no apparent reason, these rooms as he called them, are going to be heavily populated with distressed souls. It makes a mockery of love and the light. I found it deeply offensive.
Buddha was just a person who taught concepts he was not Divine nor was he the son of God so I don't like it when people compare Jesus Christ to buddha. There is a trinity.
Years and years studing the NDES, and he didnt realize is all about a reincarnation soul trap
Spiritual > Religion and materialism
This man seed great contradiction within punishing one that you love. But parents are forced to do it every day. It's amazing how many people have ND experiences which are obvious proofs of God. Yet they obviously never acquire a schedule of talking to God, because they exist interviewed while far from God.