90% of Christians didn't follow the teaching of Jesus

  • Опубликовано: 8 июл 2024
  • Many people identify as Christians, yet research indicates that around 90% of them do not follow the true teachings of Christ. Instead, they are misled by false prophets who distort Christ's message, leading believers astray. This video uncovers how these deviations occurred, likening it to the "telephone game," where original teachings get twisted through generations. Jesus' clear commandments have been altered by deceptive influences, steering many towards practices he denounced. Are you genuinely following Christ's teachings or unknowingly following misleading doctrines?
    Explore how modern Christianity deviates from Jesus' core teachings with five critical questions. For instance, Jesus emphasized that "The Lord our God, the Lord is one," yet many Christians inadvertently worship idols and multiple deities. This video challenges viewers to reflect on their faith and practices, highlighting examples like misinterpretation of the concept of God's oneness, misplaced focus on end times, dietary practices not in line with Jesus' example, and the failure to love God wholly. Discover how to realign your faith with Christ's original teachings and avoid the pitfalls of modern distortions.
    #Christianity #Faith #JesusTeachings #TrueChristianity #ReligiousReflection #GodIsOne #BiblicalTeachings #FalseProphets #ModernChristianity #SpiritualDeception #ChristianDoctrine #JesusCommandments #EndTimes #DietaryLaws #HeartAndSoul #Worship #Idolatry #ReligiousMisguidance #FaithJourney #SpiritualAwakening
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Комментарии • 183

  • @robertgroves8691
    @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +11

    Respectfully, I have many concerns with this video. I see you are responding to comments so do hope you’ll respond to mine.
    Firstly, you are citing statistics but you don’t cite your source. “90% Christians xyz”, 1% of Christians xyz”, “70% of Christians…” etc. Have you just made these numbers up or do you have an actual evidenced based source you can cite please?
    Secondly, you argue there is only one God and refute the Holy Trinity. Yet you make no effort to reconcile passages where Jesus clearly claims divinity - or at least explain how you interpret them differently?
    Further, you assert that other religions are all worshipping the “same” God because there is only one; and so when we say they are wrong we commit a sin by making those “gods” false idols. This is a logical fallacy. Christian’s don’t make “idols” of false God’s by denying them. You’re making them false idols by attributing them falsely to the one true God. Not to mention - you are essentially validating Hinduism worshipping the one true God through their faith in 33 “gods”, yet at the same time reject the Trinity??? This is a clear contradiction no?
    Even worse than that, by you’re logic - YOU have just made false idols by denying Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the same way Christians deny Allah and the “gods” of Hinduism 🤯
    Your video then says that believing in the end day is a sin. You then cite passages to support your claim but all those passages say not to “worry” and encourages us to believe in The Father - it doesn’t say that believing that an end day will come is a “sin” at all. Are you suggesting we are to NOT believe what Jesus told us about the end times???
    Finally, you say that it’s forbidden to eat anything that was alive with blood - completely ignoring Genesis 9:3-6. You concede that Jesus Himself ate fish - yet don’t reconcile why this is permitted despite fish indeed needing blood to live? You cite there is no record of Jesus eating any other meat than fish - but you make an false assumption to conclude it is therefore a sin. Jesus never said this - in fact he said the opposite;
    In Mark 7:19 Jesus declared all foods to be clean. The difference between “clean” and “unclean” foods was specifically in reference to animals in the Old Testament and not plants.
    By arguing that all “Christians shouldnt eat anything with blood including chicken” not only do you contradict yourself by permitting fish, you also put words in Jesus’ mouth that are not recorded that He said, and seemingly contradict words that He did say in Mark 7:19.
    In conclusion, there are lots of aspects of this video that I am very suspicious of. I wonder too why you aren’t comfortable to put your own voice to the video or indeed you have relied on AI generated images to accompany your narrative?
    There is an awful lot of what you say that seems to sit very well within an Islamic view of Jesus.
    Can I ask what religion you subscribe too personally please brother?
    Truly hoping my message reaches you with an open heart and you’re willing to engage in some honest and open dialogue with me.
    God bless 🙏

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      My brother, what if i tell you that what i tell you all is the truth... There is only a really simple truth... Believe in one Father, the Lord, why making many others ... And complicated things..
      How about i ask you to join the journey for you to see your past life your self... Or i tell you.. there is a possible way for you to meet Jesus your self then you can ask Him Everything...?? Will you take that journey with me brother???
      I will show you the way.. how you look at the world mysteri with your own eyes... With your own very heart

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +5

      @@Apostle_of_Secret There is only ONE way, ONE truth, ONE life and it is ONLY Jesus who can show us.
      But if you are genuine in your endeavour, please don’t avoid my questions and address them brother:
      1. Statistics - are they made up or can you cite your source please?
      2. How do you reconcile passages that Jesus claims to be equal and ONE with God, not just from God?
      3. Denying a false god worshipped by other religions does not create a “false idol”, it recognises there is One God and One way to Him
      4. If all religions worship the same one God, and Christians make false idols by denying them, how are you not equally making false idols when you deny Christ and the Holy Spirit?
      5. Please cite a Biblical passage where it says believing in end times is a sin (please distinguish between believing in it to come as a fact Vs worrying about it which is distinctly different)
      6. Please can you share how you reconcile Jesus ate fish despite fish having blood, and Genesis 9:3-6 and Mark 7:19 if it is a sin to eat meat?
      7. Can I ask again what your faith is? I assume you aren’t trying to misguide anyone and don’t mind being transparent?
      Thank you in advance for your honest response. God bless

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад +1

      I will answer all of the question until you answer me one simple question...
      What will happen to our brother and sister who are Hindu, buddhist, muslim, and other religions?
      Will they be saved at the end of the day or they will die forever without salvation?

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +4

      @@Apostle_of_Secret you shouldn’t answer a question with a question brother - it’s disingenuous. I will answer that I promise, please if you are genuine engage the points I raised. If I see I am in error and you are right I promise I will be humble enough to say. I don’t want to “win” some debate for the sake of it. I desire to follow the truth and nothing more.
      (By the way - your question does rely upon you “believing” in the end day which you said in your video is a sin no?)

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      I just want to see if you have love in your heart to save innocent, if you dont follow the teaching of Jesus, about love your neighbours... You are totally useless being christian not following two main laws that out from Jesus mouth, so i will say nothing till i see if you really follower of Jesus or not

  • @ixsoraforsythia5482
    @ixsoraforsythia5482 13 дней назад +7

    John 10:30 (KJV) I and my Father are one.
    Jesus is not part of Father body, He is one with father.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      But when He goes down to the Earth, only a simple part of Father can come here... Of every of Father come to the earth.. the whole world will be destroyed.. so only Father's hand could be reaching the world

  • @DomiGamez8
    @DomiGamez8 13 дней назад +6

    Are you trying to claim that the trinity is wrong? Because you said „only one God“ so often that it kinda seems like you are rejecting the second most important point the Bible is trying to tell us.

    • @ixsoraforsythia5482
      @ixsoraforsythia5482 13 дней назад +4

      Yes, something wrong, Jesus is not part of Father body, He one with Father, his concept is wrong
      John 10:30 (KJV) I and my Father are one.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      Yes... Why divide since the first only one GOD...
      Only devil work divide GOD...
      Return to what Jesus said.. The Lord Is One.. you follow what jesus say or some demon's priest

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад +1

      Then Worship the Father, as Jesus pray to Father .... Simple.. just follow what Jesus did, dont be smart ass praying to Jesus

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +4

      @@Apostle_of_Secret Respectfully, I have many concerns with this video. I see you are responding to comments so do hope you’ll respond to mine.
      Firstly, you are citing statistics but you don’t cite your source. “90% Christians xyz”, 1% of Christians xyz”, “70% of Christians…” etc. Have you just made these numbers up or do you have an actual evidenced based source you can cite please?
      Secondly, you argue there is only one God and refute the Holy Trinity. Yet you make no effort to reconcile passages that Jesus’ clearly claims divinity - or at least explain how you interpret them differently?
      Further, you assert that other religions are all worshipping the “same” God because there is only one; and so when we say they are wrong we commit a sin by making those “Gods” false idols. This is a logical fallacy. Christian’s don’t make “idols” of false God’s by denying them. You’re making them false idols by attributing them falsely to the one true God. Not to mention - you are essentially validating Hinduism worshipping the one true God through their faith in 33 “Gods”, yet at the same time argue within Christianity there is ONE God and therefore reject the Trinity???
      Even worse than that, by you’re logic - YOU have just made false idols by denying Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the same way Christians deny Allah and the “gods” of Hinduism 🤯
      Your video then says that believing in the end day is a sin. You then cite passages to support your claim but all those passages say not to “worry” and encourages us to believe in The Father - it doesn’t say that believing that an end day will come is a “sin” at all. Are you suggesting we are to NOT believe what Jesus told us about the end times???
      Finally, you say that it’s forbidden to eat anything that was alive with blood - completely ignoring Genesis 9:3-6. You concede that Jesus Himself ate fish - yet don’t reconcile why this is permitted despite fish indeed needing blood to live? You cite there is no record of Jesus eating any other meat than fish - but you make an false assumption to conclude it is therefore a sin. Jesus never said this - in fact he said the opposite;
      In Mark 7:19 Jesus declared all foods to be clean. The difference between “clean” and “unclean” foods was specifically in reference to animals in the Old Testament and not plants.
      By arguing that all “no Christian should eat anything with blood including chicken” not only do you contradict yourself by permitting fish, you also put words in Jesus’ mouth that He are not recorded that He said, and seemingly contradict words that He did say in Mark 7:19.
      In conclusion, there are lots of aspects of this video that I am very suspicious of. I wonder too why you aren’t comfortable to put your own voice to the video or indeed you have relied on AI generated images to accompany your narrative?
      There is an awful lot of what you say that seems to sit very well within an Islamic view of Jesus.
      Can I ask what religion you subscribe too personally please brother?
      Truly hoping my message reaches you with an open heart and you’re willing to engage in some honest and open dialogue with me.
      God bless 🙏

    • @DomiGamez8
      @DomiGamez8 13 дней назад +5

      @@Apostle_of_Secret Cherry picking verses to try and Get your point across while stating in other videos that we are God and we can become Buddha and such. You are mixing false religions and trying to falsify the Bible by saying your own interpretation and deceiving other people as we can see in the comments

  • @marionoliver6004
    @marionoliver6004 12 дней назад +1

    What does Acts13:9-11 mean

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      it meand soem church teaching is "child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right!" you have to becareful to follow your church taht is cleary not Jesus, or purely follow Jesus way

  • @TheOtIItO
    @TheOtIItO 11 дней назад +2

    This video promotes a lot of false teachings like the rejection of the Trinity, rejection of the deity of the Holy Spirit who is God hist as the Father and Son are God as well. It also promotes sinless perfection. Also, there’s nothing wrong with learning about eschatology, Jesus literally speaks of the end times in the Gospels and the Revelation he gave to the Apostles in the Epistles including Revelation. I’m shocked that they haven’t also said we can’t eat pork. Oh, they said it. We can eat all meat.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      you basically can not eat all meat except Fish... why believe in trinity by Pope Damasus I teaching trinity, is he more holier than Jesus? Why can you believe in Lord is one, it is cleary written on bible, while trinity never written on bible

  • @robertgroves8691
    @robertgroves8691 8 дней назад +1

    brother, I ask you sincerely, if you’re not able to answer or refute my objections… how do you know you aren’t leading people astray. You could cost people their salvation. Doesn’t that worry you? Please respond as I am hoping you will agree this is a serious matter? 🙏

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  8 дней назад

      My dear brother, if you watch the video, all i want to tell is, Lord is One, love the neighbours even they are different religion, please eat fish only, love God all time instead of causing fear how can I cost people's salvation?
      If I teach you how to eat meat, pour more blood, hate other people, hoping they die, and worry about what will happen tomorrow, I can say, it all opposite of Jesus teaching... I just hope eveyone understand.. back to Jesus Teaching.. it is not hard right?

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 8 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret you are telling people to turn AWAY from Jesus’ teachings. That WILL cost them their salvation. Do you want me to repeat my objections and the Biblical proof you are in error? This is disingenuous. I don’t understand why you would intentionally ignore objections that are completely based upon the same scripture and teachings of Jesus Christ Himself that you are trying to leverage - and not engage in addressing them?
      Answer me honestly - are you able to reconcile my objections or are you blindly ignoring them? Please be honest. 🙏

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 7 дней назад

      @@Apostle_of_Secret why run brother? People can see our thread?!?!?!

  • @jvo3777
    @jvo3777 11 дней назад +1

    Jesus Christ is coming back friends, all the signs are here! Repent today, choose heaven. Romans 10:9-10, you are loved!

  • @Nomad58
    @Nomad58 11 дней назад +2

    Not one verse supports a Trinity. The Father, Son, Holy Spirit, are clearly three individuals. Not once did God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit ever mention a trinity or ever call Jesus God.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      The first to support the Holy Spirit in Christian theology was the early Church Fathers, who laid the foundation for understanding the Holy Spirit's role. Among these, the Pope Damascus I (Pope Damasus I) played a significant role. He was the Bishop of Rome from 366 to 384 AD and is known for his efforts in promoting the veneration of martyrs and the establishment of the canon of the New Testament. Pope Damasus I presided over the Council of Rome in 382 AD, which affirmed the divinity of the Holy Spirit, aligning with the Nicene Creed established in 325 AD. This was an essential step in the formal recognition of the Holy Spirit as co-equal with the Father and the Son in the Holy Trinity.
      this is devil for sure

    • @Nomad58
      @Nomad58 11 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret actually the Holy Spirits role and person was clearly defined in the gospels long before The wicked Catholic Church came into existence

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      Do you believe worshiping Holy spirit not wrong? while peopel could worship only Father?

    • @Nomad58
      @Nomad58 11 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret I have an opinion, like everyone else, but it is only that.
      Here’s my answer to your question. I believe There are three completely different beings. Father (God), Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost.
      Stephen saw Jesus after Jesus had already ascended back into heaven. When he looked up did he say I see God? No. He said, I see Jesus and he is at Gods right hand. Just like Jesus said he would be. He saw two different beings not one. With two different names.
      When Jesus asked them who they thought he was, the Holy Ghost, through Peter said “You are the Christ, the Son of God”. Why didn’t the Holy Spirit say, “You are God?”
      There are many times the Bible makes very clear distinctions between Jesus and God.

    • @johnroney4616
      @johnroney4616 11 дней назад +1

      @@Nomad58 on the contrary there's plenty of them Gen. 19:24, “Then the LORD [YHWH] rained brimstone and fire from the LORD [YHWH] out of heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah.”
      Notice the subject-object relationship that suggests two YHWHs. But since we know there’s only one God who is Yahweh (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6, 8; 45:5), this cannot teach polytheism. It is again a reference to the plurality of God.
      Amos 4:10-11, “‘I sent a plague among you after the manner of Egypt; I slew your young men by the sword along with your captured horses, and I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils; yet you have not returned to Me,’ declares the LORD [YHWH]. ‘I overthrew you as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah…’”
      In light of Gen. 19:24 above, this verse refers back to Gen. 19:24. Again, notice the subject-object relationship between YHWH and God
      ⭐🕊️💡 As well as the Bible supporting that Jesus is God too
      “For this cause therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God,” (John 5:18, NASB).
      Also, if Jesus was not God, why didn’t John the apostle clarify the situation? After all, it is a perfect opportunity to do so. Remember, John clarified other points. Here is an example:
      “This saying therefore went out among the brethren that that disciple would not die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but only, ‘If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?’ (John 21:23, NASB).
      “The Jews answered and said to Him, ‘Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon? 49Jesus answered, ‘I do not have a demon, but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me.” (John 8:48-49).
      John was definitely in the position to correct such a great error as Jesus being God in flesh, but He doesn’t do it. This is not something you would let slide if you were writing a gospel about who Jesus really is

  • @kevlaw8068
    @kevlaw8068 11 дней назад +2

    Jesus said, "i am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father expect through the Son". Jesus is the 2nd part of the one God. The holy spirited is the 3rd part that that descended on the apostle with tongues of fire.
    "Beware of false prophets, they act like sheep but inwardly are ravaging wolves"
    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      The Lord is one, like Jesus said, You Demon follower dont lead people to bow to Holy Spirit! listen to Jesus not church!

    • @RivetHead999
      @RivetHead999 11 дней назад +2

      @@Apostle_of_Secret An 11 min video explaining you just don’t understand the concept of the trinity.

    • @kevlaw8068
      @kevlaw8068 11 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secretjesus said, "I and the Lord are one" jesus is my lord and saviour. I follow the one true catholic church, the church Jesus founded by building his church on Peter the rock. Without the trinity there is no God. It is you who are leading astray and will pay a heavy toll on judgement day, please repent of your sins and discover the bounty of the glorious snd holy trinity. I pray the holy spirit descends upon you this day and fills your heart with the same love that God has for us and opens your eyes to Jesus
      Before Abraham was, I am

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      i can not understand why People worship Holy Spirit, while There is a Father that Jesus Command us to Worship the Lord???? Why making hard for yourself, by worshipping wrong, while easy right is there???

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      Peter was Traitor, Jesus was Lord, and Saviour, I worship Lord that Jesus prayed to. but Holy Spirit, what the heck! Me and you were holy spirit ourself before we were making sin, left only spirit that finding attonement to back into holy... I dont understand, why cant people just worship Lord is one. Why put that holy spirit at the middle as the problem?? Where all you need to do only worship Our Lord?

  • @happyhunterlungas4936
    @happyhunterlungas4936 12 дней назад +1

    Not the teachings, but their interpretations

  • @johnroney4616
    @johnroney4616 11 дней назад +1

    ⭐🕊️💡 without the ontological economic Trinity it is impossible for us to have salvation . And yes the Bible teaches that we can pray to all three persons and I can prove that using Bible passages too

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      this devil person you are following his teaching, he was not even Jesus, but he was great at misleadign whole christian
      The first to support the Holy Spirit in Christian theology was the early Church Fathers, who laid the foundation for understanding the Holy Spirit's role. Among these, the Pope Damascus I (Pope Damasus I) played a significant role. He was the Bishop of Rome from 366 to 384 AD and is known for his efforts in promoting the veneration of martyrs and the establishment of the canon of the New Testament. Pope Damasus I presided over the Council of Rome in 382 AD, which affirmed the divinity of the Holy Spirit, aligning with the Nicene Creed established in 325 AD. This was an essential step in the formal recognition of the Holy Spirit as co-equal with the Father and the Son in the Holy Trinity.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      YOu only need Lord, is One as the salvation, dont put more unneeded law on your self,

    • @johnroney4616
      @johnroney4616 11 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret John 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Ephesians 1:13 in him, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and in him, when you also believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit; it's very clear from the Bible at all three persons of the trinity
      Are proactive in the process of our salvation . But it is Jesus Christ Our Lord God and savior hallelujah s e l a h whose name we call upon to be saved

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      Holy spirt may help, but do you need to worship Holy spirit where the Father there?

    • @johnroney4616
      @johnroney4616 11 дней назад

      @@Apostle_of_Secret Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
      Colossians 4:2, “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;”
      1 Timothy 2:1-2, “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.'”
      So, prayer is a command of Scripture, and if we love the Lord, we should seek Him in prayer. It is a form of worship and obedience to God
      Do you believe the holy spirit is God ❓❓

  • @adamaksara5314
    @adamaksara5314 14 дней назад +3

    You are absolutely right❤

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  14 дней назад

      Of course

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +3

      @@Apostle_of_Secretthere is so much here that is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. What faith are you may I ask?

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      Then, may i ask you. There is Jesus teaching and so many smartass priests after... Will you believe to them or to Jesus??

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret I believe Jesus. Do you? For example eating meat - Mark 7:19. Do you believe Jesus or not brother?
      How do you reconcile passages Jesus claims to be not only equal with God but ONE with God? Do you believe Jesus or not brother?

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      I believe in Jesus... But not the priest... Do you know Jesus never admit trinity.. it was made after Jesus, by Pope Damasus I 366-384... Why you believe and worshiping human teaching.. and discard Jesus teaching

  • @rosemarietolentino3218
    @rosemarietolentino3218 11 дней назад +1

    1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      1 Corinthians 4:1-2.
      This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.

  • @καλέω
    @καλέω 11 дней назад +2

    Don't believe this guy LOL. I will believe in you 100% if you debate Sam Shamoun FACE TO FACE. Oh sorry, you're not ready. A coward like you not showing your face will truly be REFUTED by him easily. 😂😂😂 Don't try, it will hurt

  • @raukawa4732
    @raukawa4732 11 дней назад +1

    What does shiva have in common with Yahweh? How can one say he is a Christian if he accepts all gods and accusers Jesus of evil by eating meat (yes Jesus ate meat at Passover) and fish is an animal even though this guy doesn’t believe so. Satan is the father of all those who lie and this man who mixes truth with deception is a lier.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  10 дней назад

      Genesis 1:29-30: "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.' And it was so."
      See... Dont eat anything move on the ground.. not on water

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  10 дней назад

      No written in passover... He only eat fish recorded... And i only say... Lord is One... Like Jesus say.. but if you want to make a lot of idols on your mind. and still saying you are right... You are totally under satan deception.... Angry is not right... Even you think about angry is already wrong... Dont make idol on your mind..is it hard ??? To follow ten command?

  • @arjankremer8229
    @arjankremer8229 12 дней назад +2


  • @biblestory01
    @biblestory01 14 дней назад +1

    Great advice,🎉

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  14 дней назад


    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +4

      Which bit is great advice?
      Not to believe in the end times? Why not - Jesus taught of it. Even in this video all the passages state to have faith in our Father and not to “worry” - NOT that “believing” it will come is a sin.
      How about no Christian’s should eat meat that had blood to live? Skipping past the fact that Fish need blood to live - Jesus Himself declared all foods to be clean?
      How about denying the trinity because there is one God - but then saying all other religions do worship God because there is only one and so to deny them would be making “false idols” yourself?
      I don’t mean to offend - it’s ok if we have different opinions and I will respect that, but I’m genuinely interested specifically which part you felt was good advice?

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      When you eat meat, the holy spirit cannot enter you.. but it does not happen when you eat fish...
      Lord is one, the stupid priest made trinity ... And people follow the wrong teaching till now...
      Stop worry the tomorrow use this time to love God.. it aint hard right?

    • @robertgroves8691
      @robertgroves8691 13 дней назад +2

      @@Apostle_of_Secret where does it say that if you eat meat the Holy Spirit won’t be with you? Let’s start there. I assume you’re going to support your view with an actual Bible passage as you are quoting the Bible throughout your video right?

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  13 дней назад

      Because it clearly said in Galatian 5:16-17 ...

  • @companionchapel1033
    @companionchapel1033 12 дней назад +1

    More than 90% but we are to pray for everybody. PHILIPPIANS ch2 v 1-11 ' JESUS CHRIST IS GOD EXPLAINED AND IT'S SIMPLE ' EP#576 ruclips.net/video/b1AjR8pg8iE/видео.html PHILIPPIANS 1 'WHAT IT TAKES TO BE IN UNITY WITH CHRIST' Episode#575 ruclips.net/video/JgkWqulEJKc/видео.html

  • @GeneticFreak
    @GeneticFreak 11 дней назад +1


    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      Jesus is right Prophet right?

    • @GeneticFreak
      @GeneticFreak 11 дней назад +1

      @@Apostle_of_Secret Jesus Christ is God

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  10 дней назад

      You are totally damn right, that is why I am looking for trouble with people saying Trinity, how can Jesus be the son...

  • @marcusvanrensberg6060
    @marcusvanrensberg6060 12 дней назад +1

    Jesus christ is the glorious NAME of almighty God who became flesh and dwelled with man. The one and only true living God.

    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  12 дней назад

      You are totally right, but how many still follow his teaching without church misinterpretations

    • @piefacemms8546
      @piefacemms8546 11 дней назад +1


    • @Apostle_of_Secret
      @Apostle_of_Secret  11 дней назад

      Then what is right? if you dont believe in Jesus

    • @marcusvanrensberg6060
      @marcusvanrensberg6060 11 дней назад

      @@Apostle_of_Secret Jesus christ is the only salvation for mankind, Jesus Christ is the truth and the truth will set you free. There is no other way to eternal life in the kingdom of God, but be the blood of Jesus christ shed on the cross for our salvation.

    • @piefacemms8546
      @piefacemms8546 11 дней назад

      @Apostle_of_Secret I believe in Jesus he is the Son of God, not god.The Sun he tells us over and over that he is the Son of God.And that god sent him. The apostle paul said him and apollo were one. Yet they were two people. When you marry you become one. Yeah you are still two people. God and Jesus agree on everything.They think the same they look the same. The father in him and him in the father. Therefore , they are one yet they are two individuals.