Nice work and thanks for sharing this. I believe I have worked out exactly why these structure exist. I’m currently writing a paper on it and will publish it in the new year. The answer is way more simple than anyone thinks
In fact there’s some great features presented here. Do you mind if I used a screengrab on some of them? The things you show here all support my hypothesis
@@WeirdOldWorld - of course, no problem. I have to say, some of these ‘out of the way’ videos have shown some really clear evidence that’s not so obvious at the tourist sites. Your videos are a goldmine of good information, at least to me anyway
Nice work and thanks for sharing this. I believe I have worked out exactly why these structure exist. I’m currently writing a paper on it and will publish it in the new year. The answer is way more simple than anyone thinks
In fact there’s some great features presented here. Do you mind if I used a screengrab on some of them? The things you show here all support my hypothesis
@@mcrowe..1 No problem. Feel free.
I'm curious about your hypothesis. Could you let me know when you publish, please?
@@WeirdOldWorld - of course, no problem. I have to say, some of these ‘out of the way’ videos have shown some really clear evidence that’s not so obvious at the tourist sites. Your videos are a goldmine of good information, at least to me anyway
@@mcrowe..1 Thanks. I'm glad it's useful to at least one person.