Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @georgeleithiii1748
    @georgeleithiii1748 Год назад +40

    This was some of the best research I’ve ever seen. Thank you.

  • @nicholasbstone
    @nicholasbstone Год назад +20

    It's amazing how nasty atheists can be when you challenge their religion.

    • @dianejensen3420
      @dianejensen3420 Год назад +3

      YES!! Thank you!!

    • @troyevitt2437
      @troyevitt2437 Год назад +1

      Atheism is a religion the way walking is your favorite model of car.

    • @derp8575
      @derp8575 7 месяцев назад

      Yes! When Christians interact with flat earthers, are they aware they are behaving eerily similar to the way atheists treat Christians? The emotions, mockery and ridicule are the same, even though the words used might be different. Whether it be rejection of germ theory or rejection of heliocentrism, their reaction to our objections sounds the same. HATEFUL. Most flat earthers are Christian; most Christians are not flat earthers.

  • @grahambell9426
    @grahambell9426 Год назад +33

    Well you have persuaded me! For 46 years I believed in Big bang, evolution and atheism - yes atheism is a religion.
    Thank God, God called me.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +11

      Praise God brother!

    • @Scynthescizor
      @Scynthescizor Год назад

      What I do not understand is why you think it's impossible to believe there is a God if the universe has an intrinsic order to it that is as deep and complex as the order described by our best scientific understanding. God is the ultimate artist and creator, why should his work not be sophisticated and complex? It's like demanding that God create a children's book for us so it is easier to understand rather than have him give us a rich novel that is constantly unfolding and revealing new insights, and which no single person can fully grasp. Flat earth theories rely on a childish understanding of the world and show little faith in a God who works rationally, and yet beyond our understanding.

    • @derp8575
      @derp8575 7 месяцев назад +6

      You never have and never, ever will convert an existing flat earther back onto the plantation. The globe is dead. At this point we're just dancing on its grave.@@Scynthescizor

    • @mbsevans
      @mbsevans 4 месяца назад

      @@derp8575 great channel! Fantastic content! Idiot.

    • @mbsevans
      @mbsevans 4 месяца назад

      LOLOLOl atheism is a religion eh? BWAAAAHAHAHAHA yes whatever you need to tell yourself, to make things feel better.

  • @Shhhoooooo
    @Shhhoooooo Год назад +212

    What I don't understand is that they can send a satellite to Pluto or Titan but they won't send up a satellite to show the earth in real time. All we ever get is a CGI pic or a collage of many pictures.

    • @joejones9520
      @joejones9520 Год назад +27

      pull up the space station live, you can see Earth.

    • @RogHawk
      @RogHawk Год назад +15

      See the EPIC views, or Himawari 8, or GOES West and GOES East sats, among others. Please broaden your research.

    • @paulplatt2622
      @paulplatt2622 Год назад +30

      @@RogHawk have you seen these "satellites" with your own eyes? Have you been to what they call "space"?

    • @RogHawk
      @RogHawk Год назад +16

      @Paul Platt One can see those sats, and many other geostationary sats by using a good telescope. My hobby currently is photographing transits of the much closer and larger ISS. One can also capture the signals directly from the satellite, as well as confirm the accuracy of the information from ground observations. Your current worldview is problematic, to say the least.

    • @kevinhowe6598
      @kevinhowe6598 Год назад +4

      @@paulplatt2622 you can buy a telescope look up th coordinates and see th iss yourself. Theres hundreds of videos of normal people doing this not NASA employees . Yes I've done it myself as I use to entertain th flat earth theory. Its simply not true. The earth is not flat sorry

  • @kylontobias
    @kylontobias Год назад +16

    What a blessing to view this documentary. May this be spread by the billions!!!

  • @CelebrateTruth
    @CelebrateTruth Год назад +35

    Great job on the documentary! It’s a must watch to expose Scientism. I’ll add it to my 24/7. Blessings.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +6

      Thank you brother. Your documentaries opened us up to a lot of truth. God bless and please add this as you said.

    • @CelebrateTruth
      @CelebrateTruth Год назад +3

      @@earthenvesselsministry I would love to have you on my radio show at some point if you're interested. What's the best way to reach you?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +3

      @@CelebrateTruth Sounds great brother info@earthenvessels.org.au

    • @magnetmountain33
      @magnetmountain33 Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry This is the absolute dogs nuts of a historical documentary my God this is professionally done good on you🎉
      Highly impressive😮👍

    • @amsumalivallaart2805
      @amsumalivallaart2805 Год назад

      Really you are telling us how bad science is using your round satellite driven I phone
      Oh sorry your iPhone works by
      biblical magic
      Do you also transport yourself by thought after all drive a car too far you might fall off the edge
      Finally you are indeed a genius

  • @loydmartin9111
    @loydmartin9111 Год назад +18

    This is one of the best documentaries of all time!

  • @DaphneMaerie
    @DaphneMaerie Год назад +25

    Hands Down! The best documentary on the subject. Thank you so much; it has brought together all the things I already knew but had to collect different separate sources to give an overall picture of what I want to tell friends and family. And you guys...amalgamated it perfectly, sumblime graphics. Clear, concise and factual. Thank you! May God bless and keep you and your whole team! ✨

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад +1

      Considering the theatrics of this video, and use of exaggerated dramatic voice and face-making expressions, it is clear that this antiChrist maker of this video and h∅llyw∅∅d has something deeply in common in using theatre to deceive people away from Christianity. For example, this antiChrist video maker does not Believe Jesus Christ to be Almighty God Came in the flesh as Man. And that is one of the reasons why this antiChrist video maker and his clique are fanatically opposed the whole of Christianity. This antiChrist video maker and his ilk are antiChrists

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад +1

      The same fanatically antiChrist third party incited and encouraged and supported the Christian kings of Europe to rebel against Christianity The Church; later the same fanatically antiChrist third party incited and encouraged and supported the people to overthrow the Christian Kings of Europe in bloody revolutions; later the same fanatically antiChrist third party incited and encouraged and supported women in people's families to overthrow the man at the head of the Christian family unit; later the same fanatically antiChrist third party incited ethnic peoples to reject the Universal Religion of Christianity and to return to their ethnic pagan religion god while promoting neo-paganism and other antiChristianity ABOMINATIONS and perversions through the media.
      Yet, the fanatically antiChrist third party tries to hide itself by blaming Christianity The Church for the antiChristianity activities commited by the fanatically antiChrist third party.

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад +1

      Martin Luther was NOT sure and only wondered as to the question of who really is the "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and this uncertainty on the part of Martin Luther on that question is the same uncertainty expressed by a large majority of Christians, and this uncertainty is due to the respect and is a reflection of the respect which Christians have for Christian Scripture especially the Revelation of Jesus Christ where the following words are written in Revelation 22:18 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man SHALL ADD unto these things, God shall ADD unto him the PLAGUES that are written in this book: 22:19 And if any man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall TAKE AWAY his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
      But antiChrists such as the antiChrist maker of this video despise Jesus Christ and they do not respect Christian Scripture and the Words contained therein, therefore these antiChrists do not hesitate to add to, and to twist, and to remove from Christian Scriptures whenever it suits their antiChrist agenda. It is actually not surprising that obvious non-Christians antiChrists claim and accuse Christianity The Church which does NOT adhere to non-Christianity antiChrist heresy, to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; which is an obvious diversionary tactic to attempt diverting attention and scrutiny away from the non-Christians antiChrists as to the question of if they were "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      If the non-Christian antiChrist maker of this video alleges "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" to be a religion, the question arises as to on what basis does he pick on the Religion of Christianity, while turning a blind eye on paganism that carried out bloody Persecutions against the Church; while turning a blind eye on neo-paganism being promoted today by antiChristianity; while turning a blind eye to a religion whose Persecution against Christianity is quoted in the verses below, and whose leaders condemned Jesus Christ to death?
      If "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" is associated with commerce, why turning a blind eye to commercial cities, and why turn a blind eye to a religion that the following verses show that it carried out commerce in its temple?
      Mark 14:63 "Then the HIGH PRIEST rent his clothes, and SAITH, What need we any further witnesses? 14:64 Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye? And THEY ALL CONDEMNED HIM TO BE GUILTY OF DEATH."
      Acts 7:56 "And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, 7:58 And cast him out of the city, and STONED him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul. 7:59 And they STONED Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 7:60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep."
      Acts 8:1 "And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great PERSECUTION AGAINST THE CHURCH which was AT JERUSALEM; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles."
      Acts 9:1 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and SLAUGHTER against the DISCIPLES OF THE LORD, went unto the HIGH PRIEST, 9:2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem."
      Matthew 21:12 "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."
      Acts 19:24 "For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen; 19:25 Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. 19:26 Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: 19:27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. 19:28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 19:29 And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre."
      Martin Luther was NOT sure and only wondered as to the question of who really is the "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Any antiChrist falsely claiming Christianity to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", is a liar scheming to have the Church deserted and to draw Christians towards apostasy and antiChristianity.

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      The antiChrist m@ker of this video has revealed himself to be engaged in Leftist-m@rxist-styled word-linking-tactic propaganda falsehood, by his claiming something containing the word "Mystery", as being "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and as being attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and as being associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; thus revealing himself to be from the same antiChristianity source that promoted and promotes L£ftist antiChristianity notions such as m@rxism, communism e.t.c.
      The Truth is that, having the word "Mystery" attached to something, does NOT mean the something to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and does NOT mean the something to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and does NOT mean the something to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      For examples.

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      Mark 4:11 "And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:"
      Jesus Christ attached the word "Mystery" to the Kingdom of God, and that does NOT mean the Kingdom of God to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      2.)1 Corinthians 2:7 "But we SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD IN A MYSTERY, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:"
      Jesus Christ through Apostle Paul attached the word "Mystery" to the Wisdom of God, and that does NOT mean the Wisdom of God to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".

  • @lee-annecorrigan8559
    @lee-annecorrigan8559 Год назад +18

    Wonderfully explained truth here. I want everyone to see it especially Christians around the world. Thankyou for your dedication to bring it forth at such a time as this🙏✨😊

  • @thetruthisstrangerthanfict4367
    @thetruthisstrangerthanfict4367 Год назад +28

    Ok I finally got a chance to watch this after hearing it recommended over and over, and wow... This went far beyond whatever I was originally expecting. Simply phenomenal work. This is an instant must-watch for any Christian still insisting that heliocentric theory had any Biblical origins whatsoever.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +8

      I checked out your AETHEREAL after seeing this comment and see that you made some very similar points as we did and regarding the Hermetic connection, but took it further than astronomy in regards to atoms and such. Very Interesting...
      Thank you for the endorsement!

    • @RunBostonBear
      @RunBostonBear Год назад +2

      Great content y’all! Fantastic channels bringing truth to the people and glory to the Father and his Son! ❤️🙏🏻

  • @billhesford6098
    @billhesford6098 Год назад +35

    Big bang, heliocentricity, and evolution all from pagan religion. Man doing his own thing.

    • @WatchTheCollapsePodcast
      @WatchTheCollapsePodcast Год назад +4

      big bang from a vatican priest!

    • @timlewis7218
      @timlewis7218 Год назад +3

      Writing the bible is man doing his own thing. Building a church, creating a ritual, or believing in Santa clause are too. You are a man doing his own thing. What's your point?

    • @billhesford6098
      @billhesford6098 Год назад +3

      @@timlewis7218 Triggered, eh. lol

    • @timlewis7218
      @timlewis7218 Год назад

      @@billhesford6098 I suppose to some degree, but not by your comment. You were just the first I was compelled to approach because I saw you are thoughtful and intelligent, so I asked for your point because I am curious if you will say it.

    • @billhesford6098
      @billhesford6098 Год назад +2

      @@timlewis7218 In that case, man has really only been given two options for his assumed existence -correctly I hope we can agree.
      1. We got here by pure contingency (things didn't have to be), luck, fate chance deduced from the existence of time and change. Mixed with unchanging laws that give us science. Or phenomenalism.
      2. We were created by something outside of this system that is not a part of this system. Changeless, timeless. (God by most definitions and I would add only the biblical god truly fits)
      Man gets to decide if he will take on authority the creation as described, or he gets to choose self existence. This is what many would say is pagan religion or man doing it his own way.
      I think the heliocentric version of reality is this religion and has less credibility than Santa Claus. No science can prove the big bang, no philosophy, and obviously no history. A complete fairy tale, but one that has to be taken because it is the only option for anyone who can face their existence squarely. Man chooses 'freedom' away from this 'controlling' god because he does not like it.
      God is sovereign or man.

  • @regine3147
    @regine3147 Год назад +16

    Great doco. Thank you. I heard someone being interviewed once who was making the connection with Copernicus. It was a brief interview. Unfortunately the interviewer died last year so I never heard any more. But here you have covered so much.
    BTW, I still see a flat horizon when I'm at 40,000 ft. How is it that nobody notices that? It's supposed to curve 8 inches for every mile. There's a lot of miles on that horizon!

    • @AlinaTowers
      @AlinaTowers Год назад

      Curve where? As long as the plane is directly over earth, the horizon is going to be a more or less even line circling around you.

  • @patrickharner
    @patrickharner Год назад +35

    Brilliant documentary! Super high quality. Great blend of narration, voice overs, animation, historic document quotations, etc. I also really appreciated how you directly tied this into standing on and trusting in God's Word! Amen!

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +1

      Amen Patrick.

    • @thetelescopeguy0
      @thetelescopeguy0 3 месяца назад

      So your source is a shitty religion that shouldn't even still exist? I'm so glad I'm not delusional.


    I haven't finished this yet, but I love the way it started. Thanks for putting such high quality work on display for us to share.

    • @Earth1stSpaceL8tr
      @Earth1stSpaceL8tr Год назад +3

      It's a well done piece 😀 even exposing NASA toward the end you will enjoy the rest sir. Blessings brother!

    • @tylerporter2171
      @tylerporter2171 Год назад +2

      What up brother Josh 👋
      You will enjoy the rest 👍
      High quality work indeed 🙏🏻

    • @markmead6742
      @markmead6742 Год назад

      High "quality" twisting of the truth.
      The Catholic Bible ie. The Douey Rheims is a "flat" earth book, Isaias 40:22 reads "...globe of the earth", but as the narrator twisted its understanding to be globe earth. In the original latin, it reads Terra Firma. Just like The Early Church Fathers Hebrew Depiction of The Earth and It's Globe of The Earth upon which is Jesus Christ our God's Throne, where He looks down upon us.
      Then he twisted the poles of the world, to the false understanding of poles of the earth.
      In context, and how it literally reads is poles of the world, and the world is correctly understood as the whole of creation, and correct, because the Firmament is a perfect sphere, and rotates around the "flat" earth Terra Firma, and thus has poles. The north pole, being directly beneath Polaris, and The Antarctic Circle realm meeting The Perfectly Globular Rotating Firmament, where the stars are fixed, and within it the moving stars, sun and moon in their circuit too, while the earth remains fixed, immovable, and stationary, Geocentric to it all.
      You silly heretical schismatic protestants are so spiritually blind, and bad willed, just as Prophesied twist the scriptures to your own Destruction. You refuse to know, love, serve, obey, and Worship Jesus Christ our God, and you reject His Bride The One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, His Dove and Perfect One, The Pillar and Ground of Truth, outside of which there is no salvation, or remission of sin, or True Worship of Jesus Christ our God.
      Prove me wrong, and articulate specifically The Form and Matter by which you worship Jesus Christ our God, and when you can't, know that I am correct, and that protestants are hellbound heretics, and schismatics outside of The Christian Church and Her Deposit of Faith ie. The Catholic Apostolic Tradition, The Catholic Bible, and The Authoritative Magisterium which is The Proximate Rule of The Whole Christian Faithful.
      I can post literally hundreds of Quotes from The Catholic Bible and even the plagiarized perverted protestant versions of The Catholic Bible, that teach a "flat" Terra Firma, enclosed Tabernaculum Firmament Universe, WITH POLES.
      I can post hundreds of Quotes from The Early Church Fathers, Doctors, Theologians and even Popes that speak to the "flat", Terra Firma, enclosed Tabernaculum Firmament Universe World.
      Catholic bashing protestant god, is not Jesus Christ our God, The God of The Holy Catholic Bible. Your god and 50+ thousand occult "churches" are from the machinations of godless minds of madmen, twisting, adding to and removing biblical text according to your own iniquities, and lusts.
      You Silly Fools: Globalgoobers, and heretical schematic protestants are the dregs of society and even the gates of hell. That's Right! Heresy is the single GREATEST sin among all sins, formally declared "the gates of hell".
      Any Questions⁉️
      Any Answers⁉️
      Kyrie Eleison 😔

    • @tylerporter2171
      @tylerporter2171 Год назад

      22But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
      Matthew 5:22

    • @markmead6742
      @markmead6742 Год назад

      You scripture is not to the point. Firstly I am not angry in the least, and protestants aren't Catholic militants, and so are not my brothers, but rather anathema, and choose to reject Jesus Christ our God, and His Bride The One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation, or remission of sin, or True Worship of Jesus Christ our God.
      My informing you, and them of these truths I've shared, refuting, and rebuking is prudent, and actually an act of love, and charity, in truth, but you are scandalized by truth.
      I wouldn't leave an ox in the ditch, and I don't leave non-Christian protestants in ignorance either, but if they reject ignorance, I can't do anything about that,other than to pray for their conversion to The One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, that they may attain justification, for the hope of salvation.
      Perhaps since you falsely judge me, the truths I've presented have pricked your conscience, but if you reject those truths, which obviously you do, woah to you you silly foolish man.

  • @OwlPsalm
    @OwlPsalm Год назад +23

    i can't stress enough how much i appreciate the efforts you put forth to release this information to us. you are such a blessing brother... I absolutely love how you incorporate playing cards into it, it really gives a beautiful statement as to how they have slowly trickled out deception overtime one after the other strategically played to distort our reality over time. love it man, pure brilliance

    • @marcomonti4231
      @marcomonti4231 Год назад

      Yes, brilliantly done. Just one thing. The earth is not flat 😂

  • @christiankatharine8798
    @christiankatharine8798 Год назад +15

    Thank you for this very important piece of the jigsaw puzzle. This is the answer to the "Why? Why would they deceive us?"

  • @samuel_rowbotham
    @samuel_rowbotham Год назад +108

    I really appreciate you going into the history of heliocentrism with this and not going to deep down the rabbit hole and scaring away the average person, haha. Eloquent and beautifully presented. You rocked it, man! We need more quality documenteries like this. God bless you brother.

    • @skottheskeptic
      @skottheskeptic Год назад

      Perfect right!? 🧐😮😕😄

    • @endlessnameless8181
      @endlessnameless8181 Год назад +2

      I don't know, it seems pretty scary to me.

    • @unarammer2003
      @unarammer2003 Год назад

      Heliocentrism is Babylonian mystery religion,....it was around waaaaay before the catholic church...the catholic church is under the control of the deniers of Jesus Christ,and use the church to promote their pagan religion...why do think the pope wears a little hat????

    • @QuestionTheAnswers
      @QuestionTheAnswers Год назад

      @Ourania Sakellariou well You get an A for effort.

    • @smuirhead3107
      @smuirhead3107 Год назад

      And thank you very much from the average deeply emotional, sensitive and empathic I suppose. Knowledge lessens my fears

  • @flatearthbanjo
    @flatearthbanjo Год назад +113

    Outstanding documentary brothers. Kudos to everyone involved in creating this masterpiece!

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +24

      Thanks brother for supporting us and helping promote the message. Glory to God!

    • @decipheringtruth3896
      @decipheringtruth3896 Год назад +7


    • @wtfwtfwtf7477
      @wtfwtfwtf7477 Год назад +3

      God is Great

    • @st3po584
      @st3po584 Год назад +2

      Did anybody see the in the moon footage the strange thing walking around on its long ass legs? Or am I tripping balls.... 1:24

    • @piercingtheveil7749
      @piercingtheveil7749 Год назад +3

      @@earthenvesselsministry Like it states on the headstone of the Grandfather of Nasssssa Warner VonBraun
      -psalm 19:1
      The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

  • @LibbysBluegrassVideos
    @LibbysBluegrassVideos Год назад +13

    This is excellent. I really appreciate the clean, well-grounded Christian perspective and the solid scientific and biblical truths presented. It's so clear that the battle in our world today is not religion vs. science. Rather, heliocentrism is entirely a religion itself, and a very occultic one - which is warring on God's Word and TRUE science. Thank you so much for putting this out there!! I'll be sharing it with many people!

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +3

      Well said Libby. God bless you.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +4

      Amen Libby

    • @Ethermatter
      @Ethermatter Год назад +2

      I agree with Tom and Chris and I'm going to attend a SDA church this Saturday for the first time and get some sister White's writings. I thank the Lord for the work you are doing. God only needs 288 more for battle. God bless.

    • @markmead6742
      @markmead6742 Год назад

      Ridiculous video High "quality" twisting of the truth.
      The Catholic Bible ie. The Douey Rheims is a "flat" earth book, Isaias 40:22 reads "...globe of the earth", but as the narrator twisted its understanding to be globe earth. In the original latin, it reads Terra Firma. Just like The Early Church Fathers Hebrew Depiction of The Earth and It's Globe of The Earth upon which is Jesus Christ our God's Throne, where He looks down upon us.
      Then he twisted the poles of the world, to the false understanding of poles of the earth.
      In context, and how it literally reads is poles of the world, and the world is correctly understood as the whole of creation, and correct, because the Firmament is a perfect sphere, and rotates around the "flat" earth Terra Firma, and thus has poles. The north pole, being directly beneath Polaris, and The Antarctic Circle realm meeting The Perfectly Globular Rotating Firmament, where the stars are fixed, and within it the moving stars, sun and moon in their circuit too, while the earth remains fixed, immovable, and stationary, Geocentric to it all.
      You silly heretical schismatic protestants are so spiritually blind, and bad willed, just as Prophesied twist the scriptures to your own Destruction. You refuse to know, love, serve, obey, and Worship Jesus Christ our God, and you reject His Bride The One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, His Dove and Perfect One, The Pillar and Ground of Truth, outside of which there is no salvation, or remission of sin, or True Worship of Jesus Christ our God.
      Prove me wrong, and articulate specifically The Form and Matter by which you worship Jesus Christ our God, and when you can't, know that I am correct, and that protestants are hellbound heretics, and schismatics outside of The Christian Church and Her Deposit of Faith ie. The Catholic Apostolic Tradition, The Catholic Bible, and The Authoritative Magisterium which is The Proximate Rule of The Whole Christian Faithful.
      I can post literally hundreds of Quotes from The Catholic Bible and even the plagiarized perverted protestant versions of The Catholic Bible, that teach a "flat" Terra Firma, enclosed Tabernaculum Firmament Universe, WITH POLES.
      I can post hundreds of Quotes from The Early Church Fathers, Doctors, Theologians and even Popes that speak to the "flat", Terra Firma, enclosed Tabernaculum Firmament Universe World.
      Catholic bashing protestant god, is not Jesus Christ our God, The God of The Holy Catholic Bible. Your god and 50+ thousand occult "churches" are from the machinations of godless minds of madmen, twisting, adding to and removing biblical text according to your own iniquities, and lusts.
      You Silly Fools: Globalgoobers, and heretical schematic protestants are the dregs of society and even the gates of hell. That's Right! Heresy is the single GREATEST sin among all sins, formally declared "the gates of hell".
      Any Questions⁉️
      Any Answers⁉️
      Kyrie Eleison 😔

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +1

      @@Ethermatter Hi Steven. I'm glad you agree. If it interests you, please watch some of our videos on the SDA church and Mark of the Beast, and 2020 Vision on our site. This advice is so you may be alerted to all that is happening withing the SDA Organization today. It was definitely a movement raised by our Lord in 1844, but has changed since then. The Bible is our safe guide, and the writings of Ellen White help us to understand the Bible better. God bless your study.

  • @dustyrose853
    @dustyrose853 Год назад +15

    What a wonderful presentation. Keep spreading the truth. I have shared this with many. May God continue to bless this ministry. Thank you!

  • @karil2918
    @karil2918 7 месяцев назад +15

    I’m freaking out over how well done this is!!!!! THANK YOU. what a GREAT WORK OF TRUTH and HONOR. Even mentioning the long game. Next… hopefully an exploration of scripture explaining biblical cosmology. Thank you 🙏🏼

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  7 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks for the feedback friend, glory to God.
      We have a short animated video explaining the cosmology described in scripture here: ruclips.net/video/ulnzT4K3NXg/видео.htmlsi=XlzZKQWOxFjo37mX

    • @redraven1604
      @redraven1604 7 месяцев назад +1

      It’s complete bollocks, it’s not flat.

    • @karil2918
      @karil2918 6 месяцев назад

      @@redraven1604 you feel this way because…. Someone you respect told you? What personal investigation have you done? Eric Dubay. Start there

  • @gr8deals2do
    @gr8deals2do Месяц назад +17

    Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement

    @DOPEGEEE Год назад +14

    The earth is flat, thats what we can see and test for ourselves. Choose Jesus Christ, and you ll be FREE!!!

    • @coff77
      @coff77 18 дней назад

      I can see ISS with a telescope. Still haven't seen God.

  • @ewc58
    @ewc58 Год назад +10

    Wow this is brilliant work. Regardless of what one believes, the question of how we got to our current level of “understanding”, who brought us to it, and what their motivation and belief systems are is something everyone should contemplate deeply. Thank you so much

  • @brmjf2471
    @brmjf2471 Год назад +10

    Praise the Lord
    May God bless this ministry and the all the viewers.

  • @ArmattanQuads
    @ArmattanQuads Год назад +13

    All opinions aside, this is a beautifully made documentary. Much enjoyed it.

    @AFRoSHEENT3ARCMICHAEL69 Год назад +13

    Hey thats the definition of Pharmakeia: witchcraft and sorcery. That's where we get the English word Pharmacy from.

  • @thankGodforJesus116
    @thankGodforJesus116 Год назад +14

    This is a masterpiece of a documentary thank you🙏❤️

  • @dw8773
    @dw8773 Год назад +13

    Wow! To just say "well done" is such an understatement it feels like an insult to me. Unbelievably good, and all of it in well under two hours!! Truly a blessed work.

  • @edwardwilson1874
    @edwardwilson1874 Год назад +17

    This was so very well put together!
    Thank you for this blessing. This is what I will use to share with those who think my absolute trust in the Word of God is foolish. I believed the scientism lies as well… until I was saved by God. When the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the Truth, I was brought to the understanding that much of everything I had been taught was a lie. I give praise to the Most High for this gift which have shared with us. Thank you again for your hard work and TRUTHFUL teachings!

  • @ShaniTheBurningTree
    @ShaniTheBurningTree Год назад +16

    I’m on level ground.

  • @sandrasosnoski3338
    @sandrasosnoski3338 2 месяца назад +11

    Excellent video! Unfortunately, there are very few people I can share it with, as many people just don’t seem to be ready to inquire about the truth.

  • @TheTheist
    @TheTheist 7 месяцев назад +14

    This is my overall favorite video on RUclips I've come across so far.

  • @monikatoth5697
    @monikatoth5697 Год назад +26

    Thank you Chris and your team for this great documentary.
    In all my life I believed in a globe earth. I believed because I was taught like that. Sadly I mocked those people who believed in FE. But before my baptism in this July my brother in Christ told me that they believed in FE. Honestly I was a bit shocked... but I started to read verses in the Bible (Joshua 10:13 etc) about it. Now I would never go back to the heliocentric model.
    Now I understand that the heliocentric model is the Sun worship in the science, same as the Sunday worship in the religion. It's a great deception.
    Also your videos and the Pinto brother's videos helped me a lot to understand what is all about.
    Some would say "oh why it is matter? If the Earth is globe or flat and stationary?"
    Now I'm saying it matters a lot because they lie about everything. They lie about the shape of the Earth, about Antarctica, about Moon landing, about the whole system we live in.. shortage of water etc..
    It's amazing how the enemy, Satan, the devil built up his deceptions throughout the centuries. He has thousands of years experience how to deceive the mankind.
    My last thought is a quote from
    John D Rockefeller who said :
    'I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers. '
    We need to think and think, not to believe everything what can be seen in the news and in the social medias.
    Thank you for reading my long comment.
    God bless You all! 🙏🏻👐🏻

    • @DandyLion2024
      @DandyLion2024 Год назад +4

      Thank you for sharing. I mocked too when I first heard. I grew up with my dad who is (still) a big sci-fi fan and up until a few years ago was an active member of our local observatory. Titus 3:3, Mat 24:24.

    • @NoonyNewborn
      @NoonyNewborn Год назад +5

      Praise God that you came around so quickly 😊🙏🏻 the baptisms were wonderful. Love and hugs from your sister in Christ, sharing this beautiful enclosed flat earth 💕

    • @Viktoria-7
      @Viktoria-7 Год назад +3

      Well said, Monika.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +7

      Amen Monika ...blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear (Matt 13:16)

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +2

      God bless you Monika. It certainly does matter when God Himself speaks a whole chapter on how He created the world. It matters to God. Therefore it should matter to every believer of that God.

  • @pandora_nature_charms2566
    @pandora_nature_charms2566 Год назад +3

    kama maji kwenye Sahara... Here in East Afrika, a listener to Walter Veith, thanks you for your efforts and truth in this light... God give you strenght till the end of times. Asante sana.

  •  Год назад +12

    Thank you for this Excellent documentary. I don't take high quality work like this for granted.

  • @leewheatley4379
    @leewheatley4379 Год назад +6

    I've been studying this for years and this is by far the best example on RUclips I thank you sir for your work

  • @gr8deals2do
    @gr8deals2do Месяц назад +12

    First director of NASA, Wernher von Braun, has "Ps.19,1" on his tombstone.
    KJ2 King James 2000
    Ps 19:1: "... The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork."

    • @horisview
      @horisview 22 дня назад +1

      Firmament is just an old word for night sky.

    • @gr8deals2do
      @gr8deals2do 22 дня назад +2

      @@horisview The word firmament comes from the Latin firmus, or "firm," and this description of the sky as something solid reflects ancient ideas of the way the universe was constructed.

    • @horisview
      @horisview 21 день назад

      @@gr8deals2do they believed the lights are fixed up there in space. today we know better of course.

    • @gr8deals2do
      @gr8deals2do 21 день назад +2

      @@horisview Not true. We don't know better. There's no observable parallax of stars so they must be fixed n the "ceilling". The lack of the parallax proves the earth doesn't move in the 3D space.
      "Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement...

    • @horisview
      @horisview 21 день назад +1

      @@gr8deals2do you guys always say „there is no..“ to things which obviously exist.. living in an online only fantasy is your life? get a better script, your old one is exhausted.

  • @denniswilliams3465
    @denniswilliams3465 Год назад +13

    In my lifetime the earth has flown through the galaxy 320 TRILLION MILES and every day adds millions more....but the stars are exactly the same!!! All the constellations are the same.....even taking into account paralax this is IMPOSSIBLE. WAKE UP+

    • @crossbredmushing
      @crossbredmushing 11 месяцев назад +1

      Good way to show you have no idea about astronomy and how stupid your comment is. Earth and everything else in our galaxy is moving around the center. The stars are slightly shifting but because of the vast distances it takes a long time to see any difference.

    • @ChristianMisfits2020
      @ChristianMisfits2020 17 дней назад

      ​@@crossbredmushing Stay indoctrinated friend 😂

  • @abidaouladali7019
    @abidaouladali7019 Год назад +368

    Earth is flat.

    • @abidaouladali7019
      @abidaouladali7019 Год назад +9

      @@ambiencelectronica 💯🔥

    • @tenderlungs2065
      @tenderlungs2065 Год назад +11

      @@ambiencelectronica Why do you sail/fly WEST to reach Japan rather than from the East then? Or better yet.... why can you go in either direction and STILL reach Japan, Russia etc.? How is that possible? Everything in the video about how Rome never truly fell and that the church controls society is spot on, but the flat earth shit is laughable.

    • @tenderlungs2065
      @tenderlungs2065 Год назад +4

      @@ambiencelectronica @Earthen Vessels explain gravity and how it works in your hypothesis too.🤣 Please. I'm dying to hear it and how a Flat Earth or even a cube could generate it when gravity itself seems to create spheres. Like rain drops. Y'all need to think through this shit a bit more. I DO agree with almost everything else in the video though, besides the parts that deny reality.

    • @tenderlungs2065
      @tenderlungs2065 Год назад +2

      @@ambiencelectronica Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fuck outta here. That's literally no explanation. Now explain gravity. 💀💀💀🤡

    • @tenderlungs2065
      @tenderlungs2065 Год назад +3

      @@ambiencelectronica Explain the horizon too.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀⚰

  • @CK-ie4hp
    @CK-ie4hp Год назад +11

    Great documentary. Congratulations! The world is a stage

  • @GeMbErKoEk
    @GeMbErKoEk Год назад +8

    i recommended this to a whole bunch of people!

  • @YellowFraug
    @YellowFraug Год назад +11

    What a well put together documentary! Keep up the good work!

  • @ExposeAntarctica
    @ExposeAntarctica Год назад +9

    Unfortunately most people are too brainwashed to watch this or give it any credit.

  • @SixStringSlinger1
    @SixStringSlinger1 Год назад +9

    This documentary is sooooo well done! I wasn't sure if this channel made this documentary so I checked the rest of the channel, and I'm definitely subscribed now! I see many other videos I can't wait to watch.
    God bless! Keep up the great work!

  • @Marie-qt1zc
    @Marie-qt1zc Год назад +64

    my son has been talking fe for awhile. his research has made sense and i've been intrigued. curious but not quite yet convinced. learning of the biblical references, i was definitely leaning in as a believer. as one rehabilitated from paganism, i am aware of the rituals & symbols. curious as to their usages in catholicism, i've been busy in my own deep research dive. in this, i have come to recognize this as an inverted religion. knowing this, my son sent this video. thank you for such in depth research and wonderful presentation! today i am absolutely 100% convinced that the earth is flat.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +7

      Praise the Lord Marie!

    • @Marie-qt1zc
      @Marie-qt1zc Год назад +7

      @@earthenvesselsministry Amen! I am so thankful for his daily awakenings! God's blessings are mighty! Praise The Lord!

    • @Marie-qt1zc
      @Marie-qt1zc Год назад +8

      @@earthenvesselsministry interestingly enough, my son kept saying he believes the truth of flat earth to be "the key". wow was he right!

    • @salvitoripopadillo4539
      @salvitoripopadillo4539 Год назад +12

      Congratulations. As time goes on it will seem as though a spell has been lifted from you and you'll be puzzled as to how you ever believed you lived on a spinning space pebble with gas and water stuck to the outside flying millions of mph through a vacuum. 😅

    • @Marie-qt1zc
      @Marie-qt1zc Год назад +7

      @@salvitoripopadillo4539 thank you and you are right. i'm feeling the spell being lifted daily! throughout my life, even as a child i didn't feel like it made sense for us to be spinning soooo fast, yet we can't feel that!? i get dizzy easily perhaps that's why i always questioned that aspect (:

  • @terezdudas5308
    @terezdudas5308 Год назад +14

    Very well done documentary exposing the deception that involves everyone. An eye opener!

  • @Yahzerael777
    @Yahzerael777 Год назад +12

    A well put together presentation, all facts with no conspiracies nor far fetch information. Legitimate enough to share with others, thank you sir.

  • @anniehopkins8470
    @anniehopkins8470 Год назад +11

    When the process of scientific inquiry does not co-sign the metaphysical and spiritual realities of our existence... then the process is in error.

    • @desmonides
      @desmonides Год назад

      It’s not a matter of Science b Religion..
      It is the science of one religion against the science of another religion

  • @exmarine268
    @exmarine268 Год назад +9

    Bravo! Great historical review - wonderful job! You have shown that Newton, Copernicus, Kepler, etc, did not possess a Christian worldview at all, but were alchemists rooted in hermetic mysticism; and this clearly factored big time into their “scientific” theories. Thanks for the reminder that scientism is both religious and metaphysical, and not grounded in observation and experimentation. They have deceived all of humanity.

    • @simonmwangi116
      @simonmwangi116 Год назад

      I've always suspected all those ancient scientists of practicing hermetism

  • @makermarx
    @makermarx Год назад +12

    Shared far and wide. To the four corners of the earth...

  • @mbhinkle
    @mbhinkle Год назад +9

    Spot on...very few have the correct view about this subject and who is actually working behind the scenes as in The Art of War. Ultimately spiritual wickedness in high places. God bless in Christ.

  • @toosiyabrandt8676
    @toosiyabrandt8676 Год назад +11

    Also read the 1st book of Enoch to see where the occult power of Egypt, the Jesuits, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Illuminati and all pagan hierarchies empowered by initiation rituals down to our own day, originate.

  • @ТетяПеся
    @ТетяПеся Год назад +10

    An exceptional video!!! Thank you for your work!!!

  • @jswole227
    @jswole227 Год назад +14

    This is so well put together, good work my friend. It blows my mind how flat earth has brought me so much closer to God. The idea of being nothing in the grand scheme of things like the heliocentric model depicts is honestly depressing, and I cannot believe God has been hidden from me in a way like this since my childhood.

    • @tim3207
      @tim3207 Год назад

      swapping a fairytale out with another doesnt help anyone.. you are still just under the spell of man.
      if there is a god, there is no evidence of such, and we can conclude that there is no divine inspired manual

    • @jswole227
      @jswole227 Год назад +5

      @@tim3207 whatever you say man, idk why you’re salty that I have hope or something whether you think it’s real or not

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +5

      @@jswole227 God bless you Joey. Tim, you need to believe before you get the evidence. God doesn't play games, but He is certainly real. If you are serious, ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you, and watch what He does. But do it seriously, no games.

  • @marimacmusic
    @marimacmusic Год назад +7

    Wow! God bless you guys. I have seen many Documentaries about flat earth, but THIS has been the most educational, well produced and historically based movie I've seen to date. Thank you for such important work. May God continue to bless your work and that His works may open the eyes of many! ❤🙏🏼

  • @OwlPsalm
    @OwlPsalm Год назад +8

    This documentary is a game changer, thank you so much Earthen Vessels. Pure brilliance. Bless you in the perfect name of Christ

  • @kevinbobick
    @kevinbobick 11 месяцев назад +10

    I was hesitant to watch this documentary for awhile because I was afraid it wasn't authentic. But man oh man, I am so glad I did. Very captivating. Very well put together. Very informative. Wow! The best I've seen in awhile. Thank you for all that you do!

  • @nearerprefect761
    @nearerprefect761 Год назад +11

    Wow! This is a very well made presentation!!! Thank you to the makers and everyone involved!

  • @davidbryan7795
    @davidbryan7795 Год назад +5

    Definitely the greatest documentary I've ever seen.

  • @seaislevel7233
    @seaislevel7233 Год назад +11

    Simply Magnificent, finally.
    Jesus please let this go viral.

    • @NoonyNewborn
      @NoonyNewborn Год назад +2

      I was praying the exact same thing! 😆

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +1

      @@NoonyNewborn Amen Noony.

  • @desmonides
    @desmonides Год назад +11

    “Heliosorcery”… I like that. I’ve always referred it as “heliopsychosis”

  • @OwlPsalm
    @OwlPsalm Год назад +18

    Easily the best and most informative documentary I've seen on this topic, this documentary is a game changer to the way we understand the Bible, the place we live, and the hidden adversity of occultism that's being exposed (Thanks to people like you who follow God and do not fear the world) Bless you brother, To God be all the Glory

  • @goldenremnant2610
    @goldenremnant2610 Год назад +21

    Bravo! Please continue this with a Part 2, 3 & 4.
    This film gives perspective of exactly how extensive our journey is to “come out of her My People”.
    Quite literally, for most Americans and Westerners today, just about everything we have been taught to believe is a lie.
    This documentary shows the tangible nature of the wheat and the tares being grown up together until the end.
    (Which has arrived)

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      The antiChrist m@ker of this video has revealed himself to be engaged in Leftist-m@rxist-styled word-linking-tactic propaganda falsehood, by his claiming something containing the word "Mystery", as being "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and as being attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and as being associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; thus revealing himself to be from the same antiChristianity source that promoted and promotes L£ftist antiChristianity notions such as m@rxism, communism e.t.c.
      The Truth is that, having the word "Mystery" attached to something, does NOT mean the something to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and does NOT mean the something to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", and does NOT mean the something to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      For examples.

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      1.) Mark 4:11 "And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:"
      Jesus Christ attached the word "Mystery" to the Kingdom of God, and that does NOT mean the Kingdom of God to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      2.)1 Corinthians 2:7 "But we SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD IN A MYSTERY, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:"
      Jesus Christ through Apostle Paul attached the word "Mystery" to the Wisdom of God, and that does NOT mean the Wisdom of God to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      1 Corinthians 15:51 "Behold, I SHEW YOU A MYSTERY; WE shall NOT ALL SLEEP, but we shall ALL be CHANGED,"
      Jesus Christ through Apostle Paul attached the word "Mystery" to the truth that "WE shall NOT ALL SLEEP, but we shall ALL be CHANGED", and that does NOT mean the truth "WE shall NOT ALL SLEEP, but we shall ALL be CHANGED", to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".

    • @gonuh7783
      @gonuh7783 Год назад

      Ephesians 1:9 "Having made known unto us the MYSTERY OF HIS WILL, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:"
      Jesus Christ through Apostle Paul attached the word "Mystery" to the WILL OF GOD, and that does NOT mean the WILL OF GOD, to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".
      Similarly, attaching the word "Mystery" to the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ, does NOT mean the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus Christ to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --"; and it does NOT mean those that Believe in and Teach the Trinity Doctrine of Jesus (which in fact is the whole of Christianity The Universal Catholic Church such as The Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church,) to be "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --" or to be attached to "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --", or to be associated with "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, --".

  • @vickis.9363
    @vickis.9363 Год назад +9

    I have narrated and imaged Tupper Saussy's book "Rulers of Evil" on my channel, the entire 27 chapters. It's a great book if you'd like to check it out...

  • @ladyjolamilesambassadorfor1418
    @ladyjolamilesambassadorfor1418 Год назад +10

    What an Amazing Production!! BRAVO!!

  • @anticensorshipsociety1063
    @anticensorshipsociety1063 Год назад +9

    Rome has been about Sun worship since antiquity, when the empire was in it's infancy. They worshiped sol invictus. Do the heliocentric idea works for them perfectly.

  • @alph8654
    @alph8654 Год назад +11

    I am not sure at this time if this is truth or not, but i will say it was well done. Also I will say that i am 68 yrs old and the longer i live the more i find that almost everything i was taught as a child is false.

  • @watersabove.below7
    @watersabove.below7 Год назад +10

    This was a masterpiece! So well put together and so logically sound in it's argument. It breaks my heart the deception I always felt existed but a powerful joy when you know God's word is always more powerful and true.

  • @ShellbieB
    @ShellbieB Год назад +11

    POWERFUL, AMAZING AND AWESOME!!!!! You are definitely not ashamed of the Gospel. 👍
    I have also met the, “What does it profit me?”, and the , “How does this help with my salvation?” People. My reply as a Christian is, does the truth matter, and shouldn’t we look at how the truth is going to benefit someone else? After all, the Gospel is to go out to the whole world(others). We are not to hoard it for ourselves, it’s about others. It’s about standing up for the truth(the word of God) and being the best PR agent we can be. Many will stay selfish. They seek the worlds approval. After all, why ruffle feathers if it doesn’t benefit them in some fashion. The truth matters, because we love God. The truth matters, because Jesus is the Truth!
    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 KJV
    [10] And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [11] And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: [12] That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    I honestly had to pray to God to help me love him. Pray, pray, PRAY! Our love is so deficient, but with Christ, all things are possible❤️

  • @nstephens66
    @nstephens66 Год назад +20

    Rob Skiba would have been so happy about this documentary! I wish we could see his reaction.

    • @JohnDee633
      @JohnDee633 Год назад +4

      Aye! I was a Skibanite until his passing. Much of my early Biblical understanding came from him.

      @SPINNINGMYWHEELS777 Год назад

      Rob Skiba the operative? Yikes. He was pure satanic

    • @derp8575
      @derp8575 7 месяцев назад

      Thanks for providing evidence.@@SPINNINGMYWHEELS777

  • @rainingsmoke2720
    @rainingsmoke2720 11 дней назад +5

    This was am amazing video, great editing and well detailed, also 100 percent accurate. Keep up the good work

  • @alphabetsoup488
    @alphabetsoup488 Год назад +10

    Its Gods creation, I trust Gods Word. God doesn't lie or make assumptions to lead us into the land of confusion. I have looked at this for over 40 years, and you did the best job expressing this in a 2 hour movie. God bless you! Excellent work!

  • @NoonyNewborn
    @NoonyNewborn Год назад +12

    Wow Chris, that was fantastic. I am really moved. How great and wonderful our God is. The Holy Scriptures are the only truth we have in this world, and Jesus Christ who they are pointing to, is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This production was even better than I had hoped for. Thanks and praise and adoration be to God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!!!

  • @BackToTheCovenant
    @BackToTheCovenant Год назад +11

    What an amazing documentary! I have seen quite a few on this topic and this is the best by far!

    • @tylerporter2171
      @tylerporter2171 Год назад

      Super YAHsome indeed 👍😁
      Shalom my brother 🙏🏻👋

    • @BackToTheCovenant
      @BackToTheCovenant Год назад

      @@tylerporter2171 Shabbat shalom my brotha.

  • @hazyspirits3177
    @hazyspirits3177 Год назад +10

    I haven’t even finished yet, but this is beautifully done. Satan is known as the light bringer…makes sense that a lot of the teachings revolve around the sun.

  • @livinlattes
    @livinlattes Год назад +32

    This is the best work on this topic I have watched. I played it for my high school children. They are now smarter than there teachers and eventually their college professors.

    • @tompinto8692
      @tompinto8692 Год назад +3

      God bless you and your children Jonathan.

    • @chrispartlow9434
      @chrispartlow9434 Год назад +1


    • @DogMomAwakening
      @DogMomAwakening Год назад


    • @mbsevans
      @mbsevans 4 месяца назад

      No they are not smarter. They are dumber and what you have done amounts to child abuse.

    • @thetelescopeguy0
      @thetelescopeguy0 3 месяца назад +1

      You should be fired for misinformation.

  • @lightbeforethetunnel
    @lightbeforethetunnel Год назад +12

    Excellent job. I've come to realize the way people react to Flat Earth is *extremely revealing* regarding their character. Think about it: There's no rational reason why anyone would actually be emotionally attached to the idea we live on a spinning water ball that defies physics with a sky vacuum. They become upset as a defense mechanism. They're defending their egos, nothing else.

    • @tammiebono9935
      @tammiebono9935 Год назад +4

      that's called deep indoctrination. They indoctrinated us all.

    • @lightbeforethetunnel
      @lightbeforethetunnel Год назад +3

      @@tammiebono9935 Exactly. This reality seems to be designed brilliantly in that only those who genuinely place the truth above their egos can find it. Without the indoctrination, it would be too easy and the truth wouldn't have as much value as it does.
      Not that I'm supporting indoctrination like that, I'm vehemently against it and working to expose it. I just mean to say it's part of God's larger plan.

    • @RogHawk
      @RogHawk Год назад +1

      @@lightbeforethetunnel But flat earth is a web prank, based on the work of 19th century snake oil salesmen. Anyone can determine the actual geometry of the Earth for themselves. This is something I've been helping people to see for several years. The world wide web can be great for information, but it is also a platform where anyone can post anything they can make up, from Nibiru to Tartaria, and flat earth.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +5

      Once you start pointing out holes in the paradigm, that necessitates that the entire fabric of our world view be called into question. Becasue identity is wrapped up in that paradigm, by defending the paradigm we are defending ourselves. But the Gospel calls for a continual dying to self, so those who truly accept the Gospel will have no problem allowing any paradigm to be dissolved in order to establish truth.
      It all boils down either to a love of the world or a love of God.

    • @courtneyrichmer6150
      @courtneyrichmer6150 Год назад +1

      @@earthenvesselsministry are you a Seventh-day Adventist ministry?

  • @okieelijah
    @okieelijah Год назад +9

    Very well done. Well worth watching.

  • @berniventer1343
    @berniventer1343 10 месяцев назад +19

    54 years old and every single thing I was taught as history is utter rubbish. I have been awake for a while now, but this is a brilliant way to get people thinking.
    Well done to the producers for the Godly work.

  • @diane1420
    @diane1420 Год назад +12

    Wow mind blowing. Jesus is savior. Earth is flat. So be it.

  • @forTHEHIGHESTname
    @forTHEHIGHESTname Год назад +9

    What an AMAZING, well done & presented documentary!!🤯🙌🏼🔥Love how you covered a lot of the deception while sharing God’s truth!!💯🙌🏼🙏🏼Will be sharing, as this needs to go viral!!🔥Great job, new sub!👏🏼🤗

  • @twodwozzle6090
    @twodwozzle6090 Год назад +9

    Outstanding work. Exceptionally well researched and presented. This is at the top of my list for highly recommended watches.

  • @bettyboop-xg6jo
    @bettyboop-xg6jo Год назад +6

    Really well presented and narrated documentary. Thank you!

  • @throwingpearls4601
    @throwingpearls4601 Год назад +11

    This is the most important documentary of our time

    • @remnantreport8418
      @remnantreport8418 6 месяцев назад

      It isn't even close. It's not even the most important or best biblical cosmology documentary much less the most important documentary of our time

    • @throwingpearls4601
      @throwingpearls4601 6 месяцев назад

      @@remnantreport8418 the subject of the documentary is not a biblical cosmology; it's the origin, purpose, and propagation of heliocentricism. Exposing the Jesuit/Roman/papal power, the biblical Antichrist, as the spreader of the spherical earth and sun-centered cosmology reveals one of the greatest deceptions in history. It seems you missed the entire point

  • @monikatoth5697
    @monikatoth5697 Год назад +8

    I've shared your video on social media without even seeing it. Can't wait to get home and watch it 🤩👐🏻

  • @fourseasonsnorth
    @fourseasonsnorth Год назад +9

    INCREDIBLE! Bless you Chris and Earthen Vessels in Jesus' name for bringing this truth and shining light on this deception.
    Greetings from Northern Alberta.

  • @HeraldofRighteousness
    @HeraldofRighteousness Год назад +5

    Bravo. Excellent. The best and cleanest documentary I've ever seen.

  • @elisabethragan2964
    @elisabethragan2964 10 месяцев назад +9

    amazing video! Why do people refuse to question the spinning ball theory especially those who read the Bible and believe in the teachings therein? Boggles my mind. Is this also the great deception we were warned about? Going to binge watch the rest on this channel. Thank you Earthen Vessels!

  • @Curtis1984
    @Curtis1984 Год назад +10

    Everything is more than reasonable presented in this documentary. I believe it is a righteous judgement as well, concerning truth. There is a spirit at work in our world that doesn't want the truth, and desires to bring down souls to their perdition and destruction. It's quite sad. Because we who are of the truth hide nothing, and no matter where we go and where we are, we only want to be true and sincere. That Wicked is not so, they have to disguise as something, but thanks be to God for opening our hearts and minds to His Truth of the Gospel.
    2 Timothy 1:9-10 (KJV) 9 Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, *and hath brought life and immortality to light* through the gospel:

  • @friendoftheocean
    @friendoftheocean Год назад +10

    Outstanding documentary! Very factual and thought provoking.

  • @Saith516
    @Saith516 2 месяца назад +8

    Most fascinating documentary. Much to consider.

  • @paulsecrest9427
    @paulsecrest9427 Год назад +10

    Do not follow men follow the god in your heart.

  • @sandygiacobbe3675
    @sandygiacobbe3675 Год назад +15

    This is Genius , God Bess you.

  • @SeanMurphy00
    @SeanMurphy00 Год назад +9

    Just found your channel. Great documentary. Thanks for all the time and resources you’ve put into this.

  • @jodellbertwell1270
    @jodellbertwell1270 Год назад +19

    I am 65 and a former catholic and from the multitude of study that I have in my years I have to say that this is one of the very best, concise overview of history that is true. An excellent documentary!

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +4

      Thank you friend!
      1Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

    • @simonmwangi116
      @simonmwangi116 Год назад

      Come back to the true Church of Christ, there is no other true path to the Lord

  • @thepaintedsavage3729
    @thepaintedsavage3729 Год назад +10

    144k views, good number indeed.

  • @geraldstone2204
    @geraldstone2204 8 месяцев назад +8

    Bravo! Well done, really loved watching this video, it just goes to show how we live in a world of deception, but God’s Truth always shines through His Word and His people, amen and amen!

  • @awakenblake
    @awakenblake Год назад +8

    This was beautiful. thankyou ♥️

  • @retr0porter
    @retr0porter Год назад +8

    Wow that was awesome! Must share!