Im coming up on 210lbs now. I stopped doing weighted to focus on other things so now I'm just progressively adding volume to my Chins every shoulder day. (I do other back work on different days too). Just hit 8 sets of 10 at 210. By the end of this bulk I'll likely be at least 10×10 at 220lbs for pull ups. Im barely 5'10 so I feel like that's decent. Ime as long as I keep my rowing numbers high and regularly do chin and pull ups, I'll still be able to do decent weighted numbers.
Probably nobody cares, but few weeks ago I hit a 60kg (132lbs) pullup ORM with 81kg (178lbs) bodyweight and I feel like I need to let the world know of my accomplishment.
The fact that despite being blown away by your gains when you did your cut this year, I'm now used to seeing it and not especially impressed, as though it's just normal, shows how severely the internet warps your standards.@@AlexLeonidas
i love weighted calisthenics since they keep you accountable for weight gain but also taking into account total overall load and not just the external weight has been a game changer. a lean bulk behooves all even weighted cali bros.
Something worth considering is that most people tend to improve their exercise execution over time. A little personal anecdote from me: My max (close grip) bench was at around 180kg a couple years ago. I can barely rep out 100kg now while simultaneously being way bigger. I used to add 40kg to my chin ups and easily repped it for sets of 8. Now I can barely hit 10 bodyweight chins. My point is that adjustments in your form can have a massive impact on your working weight. Especially if you are solely training for hypertrophy
I get what you're saying bro but you must've drastically changed the way you train to see such a dramatic drop in strength. I mean 180kg to barely repping 100kg is insane. It's unbelievable but yet believable😂
I am 1.64 tall and weigh 66kg, the heaviest I ever was. When I was in high-school I didn't know much about training and plateaued at 8-10 pull-ups while weighing 51-53kg, now I can rep 8 pull-ups while being 13-15kg heavier, but was discouraged because I didn't know how to asses my progress if I keep getting heavier, because I kinda stalled at 8 bodyweight reps and started doing 5x1 grease the groove with 85-90% of my 1RM. Thank you, Alex!
I had been thinking that I got a whole lot weaker. Last year I was able to do 11 bw pull-ups. For six months I completely burnt out and quit training. A couple months after getting back into it, I could only do 9 bw pull-ups. I thought I had regressed, but last year I was 140lb. Now I’m 182lb
I've genuinely fallen in love with pull-ups and chin ups in the past year. Only did rep work and decided to do a 1RM. Surprised myself with a 60kg weighted pull up at 6'1 110kg bodyweight. Next goal is to be repping the 60kg
@@omp365 your right the camera angle makes it look better then it is, in terms of actual metrics waist is 36inch round and shoulders are 60.5inch round
@@cammackk good job buddy. I wasn’t for a second doubting your work ethic or results, you’re strong af. I just know, from doing 75hard (progress photos), that I look like a mutant from that angle 😂
Damn. Good reminder for sure. Been gaining nice leg meat this year and pullups havent been going up as much as I'd like...but those extra lbs on the body means we gettin stronger! Thanks Alex
That’s why I weight myself before pull-ups, it makes tracking easier and eliminates all fear of not progressing. Our body weight is the load. We write it down the load on bench, curls, etc., so why not pull-ups too? This also goes for assisted pull-ups (subtract the assistance from your body weight).
Spot on My bodyweight upped from 78kg to 85kg or so during a bulk and not only did my rep count improve, my form and weighted numbers also did. At 78kg I could do a single rep with 1 plate, but now I can do 5 or more reps deadstop.
The form difference is massive! Right now I'm at 175cm 100kg and I can do sets 2/3 of 6 pull ups with top form (going at least upper chest to bar, 3 seconds negative, the least swinging). When I was at 90kg some time ago I could do sets of 8 reps with 15kg, but I wasn't controlling the eccentric like that. I could be doing sets of 10 or smth like I was doing before now, still acceptable form, but I want to prevent injuries, and it is absolutely way harder without any added weight
Pull ups are def the weirdest exercise to track, i remember that for some reason i didn't write down my wheight for my first year doing calisthenics only and i thought i regressed, but everything else was moving foward.
Your videos have kept me motivated to stay with pull-ups without the 300lbs total concept I would have always thought that I’m weak. But it could well and truly take 3-5 years to rep out bodyweight pull-ups at a heavy weight, but it would be worth it since you’ll be really strong and jacked even if it takes longer.
Nice video! This explains why as I've been bulking my weighted dips keep going up, but my weighted pullups are beginning to stagnate. The absolute load is still increasing.
Yep, I noticed this too, since I'm actually getting much stronger and bigger by adding both bodyweight AND reps to my previous weighted pull-ups. No wonder why I'm getting afraid to accidentally fly away! 😂😂
Being able to do same amount of pull ups while you gained 5 lbs is equivalent of adding 5 lb plates to your free weight exercises. You are getting stronger and youre basically progresivaly overloading.
I had similar thought when I began my "serious" bulk. Used to do 3x7 at a BW of 70 kg. Bulked up to 80 in 6 months and my pull ups went to 3x5 and the first thing that came to my was that "oh no! I got weaker at pull ups!" Now, I'm back to my original numbers with a better form!
One of the best of recent vids, in the streetlifting community the common knowledge is that bulking wont affect the pull up that much, the muscle up however will definitely go down, i think there's definitely a level of specialization in the pull up where bulking up might not affect it at all, in my case it even helped, my bodyweight went up and my added weight in pull ups also went up
This past 6 months, I’ve been diving deep into this, and even with BW factored in to the percentage calculations, I find that I can’t do as many reps with a percent as I should like on other lifts. I’ve also experimented with smolov jr for the pull-up. It fails as a program in that it makes little room for extra back work AND is not very good for growth, but it is great at building volume in high percentages. In retrospect, I’d probably recommend a HLM approach instead; some kind of top set/rep pr on heavy day, one or two light days of 10+ reps per set, and a medium day where I accumulate many submaximal sets at high percentage My natty career goal is to break the 500lb barrier (any BW) Queue video of Andrei Smaev yanking 240BW + 377 up on the pull-up bar.
That's funny, this exact thing is happening to me right now, gaining weight and losing reps which made me wonder if they're related. Glad this video cleared that up!
Bro, it feels like you just KNOW what I am thinking about. I was starting to worry about my pull ups even though my leg movements and weight are progressing. (Off topic, I got me a 6 spring Expander form the 70s, the grinding is INSANE)
i do bro split like this 4 day 1 Incline curl 3 set 8-10 rep 2 Preacher Curls 3 set 6-8 rep 3 Bench press 3 set 4-6 rep 4 Incline DB bench 3 set 8-10 rep 5 weighted Dips 3 set 6-8 rep 6 DB Flye 3 set 10-15 rep 7 Push ups 3 set to failure 1 Hatfield Squat 3 set 4-6 rep 2 RDL 3 set 8-10 rep 3 Leg Curl 3 set 8-10 rep 4 Hammstring Curls 3 set 8-10 rep 5 split squats 3 set 8=10 rep 6 Jefferson Curl 3 set 8-10 rep 7 Neck cable Curls 3 set 12-15 rep 1 Cable push downs 3 set 8-10 rep 2 cable overhead extension 3 set 8-10 rep 3 Barbell Row 3 set 8-10 rep 4 Weighted Neutral grip pull ups 3 set 5-6 rep 5 DB-Shrugs 3 set 8-10 rep 6 Seated Cable Low-Row 3 set 8-10 rep 7 Cable pulldown 3 set to failure 1 Single Arm Dumbbell Press 2 Sets x 4-7 Reps 2 Behind the Neck Overhead Press 3 Sets x 8-10 Reps 3 Seated pin press 3 Sets x 8-10 Reps 4 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps 5 Single Arm Cable Side Lateral Raise 2 Sets x 8-10 Reps 6 Lying Face Pulls 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps 7 Ab wheel 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
this video hits home, I have been 220 lb + for a long time now (peak weight 235) and I am trying to come down right now I never really hit good numbers on pull ups I barely did 6 reps with 25lb added and I always have trouble doing the top portion but you have been a great help in clearing my doubts alex.
140kg total, so i got to add another 30kg. you are right on the getting heavier but using less weight. i thought i was getting weaker but i realised that my total is actually incresed,when i was 60kg i could put 40kg on me and do 6 pull ups. now at 70kg i can do those with 35kg. when you look back at what you are doing to now, I realise i am impriving isnted of regressing
My pullups were trash when i started like a year ago.....after forcing myself to do it twice every week im now able to do 207+25 weighted pullups for 10 reps X 4-5 sets. When the strength gains went skyrocketing for all my upper body lifts (+15 to 20lbs for every upper body muscle) , i got to know how massive this muscle is
I've found for me that before gaining 25lbs of weight i Couldn't do even one rep of wide-grip pull ups(3 fingers of grip width before the end of the pull up bar) but now i can do 8 reps.(About year and 4 months of progress)
I'm not good at weighted calisthenics, just yet, but I always used to get laughed at for my number of bodyweight pullups. I used to be chubby, and mostly reocomped for the first half of my fitness journey. Lighter dudes would tell me that the idea of my bodyweight pull-ups being harder due to my weight was just copium. But I think that 10 reps at 82kg wasn't that far behind 18 at 65kg This year, I decided to dedicate the first pull day of my week on mostly calisthenics, except for the isolation at the end. About two months ago I introduced wide grip pull-ups, and began adding weight on other variations, but regular pull-ups being the main ones I'm focusing on improving. By the time I've gotten to chin-ups, I am too exhausted to be doing meaningful PRs, but, the numbers are still improving slightly on all variations. But the biggest thing, is I actually feel pumped and sore, which was something I was missing on my older program. Maybe the nature of calisthenics makes it easier for me to be strict on myself. I don't feel like I'm pulling properly unless my form is in check, which isn't something I can say about my other pull day which is mostly on the pulldown machine. I have learned to activate my lats better on machines than before, but I think that's directly because calisthenics helped me improve my mind-muscle connection. Right now I weigh 81kg on a modest but long-term bulk I started in the summer, and my best set of deadhang pullups was bodyweight + 12kg for 5 reps, with a drop set into bodyweight for another 6 reps. Hope I can come back next year and bring the improved numbers :)
I remember back when I first started taking lifting more seriously and would always start my back day with weighted pull up's back then I could do 8 strict reps with 2 plates, and remember taking the piss out of someone else when they said they couldn't do as many because they were heavier, As I thought wrongly the amount of strength and muscle you had would relate to bodyweight exercises and was relative so thought they were making a really lame excuse lol. Eventually Changing my routine around I stopped doing pull ups in favour of lat pull downs. Over the years I got much bigger and much stronger, I reached my genetic potential around my mid to late 20's at 230lbs at 5,7 and yeah. couldn't even perform one pull up when i went back to them again (not even close) despite being really strong on back exercises lol
my total number is definitely regressing. construction seems to be taking bigger toll on my body than it did in my early 20's and I'm always weak after work.
Thanks man. That's what really bothered me recently, but then I made a similar conclusion and stopped worrying. I do the same number of wide grip pull ups for half a year, but I am still a novice so I easily gain 2-4 pounds a month. Natural progressive overload. And yeah being a tall dude 6'2'' 210lbs about 20%bf is making this exercise really challenging
This was the perfect video I needed. I am currently bulking and i’ve been wondering why Ive been stuck at 45lbs for 9 and this video gave me insight as to why this is the case. Thanks Alex and continue to push out great videos
Man I’m so guilty of my weighted pull up performance because of bodyweight, sometimes I force myself to cut down in size for a few weeks to get back my relative strength performance. But in reality I could have stuck to the bulk whilst feeling no guilt of my numbers staying the same/going down.
Go right back to Alex’s early videos. It was already apparent this guy is all about the details. If you’re new here, that’s why some of us have been listening for years.
somehow it takes a long time to get better, but the back gains are amazing. guys, dnt give up on weighted pull ups 2 years ago, i had a 40kg rep max in chin ups, with a bodyweight of 80. i started with 40 kg for 1 rep, so i did 3x3 with 30 kg then 4x3 then 5x3, evertime i hit 5x3 i add 1 kg and start again, got some ups and downs, stopped training with weights and get back to weighted pull ups. today i am doing 3x3 with 54 kg with a 78 bw, i can see myself repping my own bow in two years reasonable.
I'm following an RPE/RIR based program and always calculate my estimated starting weight on weighted pullups by total load. Seems intuitive that you have to calculate that way.
I could do 2400 regular overhand pull ups weighing 162 and yesterday I did 750 super wide pull ups 4 a minute weighing 202 and more sore day after than 2400. Bodyweight makes a huge difference for pull ups
Dang, I needed this. On a bulk right now and shot my 225 3-5rm squat to 10+ reps and my legs have been seeing so much gains. But I was thinking to myself, why can't I boost my weighted pullups similarly? In reality, I did put on 2 more reps than when I was 10lbs lighter. This video was some more motivation for me to keep it up.
I couldnt do 1 of those wide grip pull ups even if some guy had a gun to my moms head and the only way to save her was to do say "Mom i love you, ill see you on the other side. My bad." Lol
I had been obsessing about my pullup weighted max not improving from last year. I was thinking I'm programming something wrong. But I'm 5-10 pounds heavier and didn't use my strongest grip (and probably also had more fatigue than I when testing last year.) This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks man!
i've been bulking from 80-90kg but my pullups have stayed the same num at 7 reps with a controlled (almost dr.mike eccentric) nice to here that i'm getting stronger and i have loooooong arms
Handstand push ups highlight this ratio for me. My numbers constantly fluctuate based on my body size. When I was under 180Lb I was getting 15 reps for multiple sets. Now that I am over 200Lb, I struggle to get 10 reps in one set. It feels really bad, but you have to look at the weight difference.
I suppose I'm at about 219-225 for the total weight on a 1RM pullup. My back is pretty big, but I still have lots of gains ahead of me. I've gotten maybe 3 months of bulking in since I pulled 410 (it's been mainly cutting). I don't train pullups, unfortunately. I don't have close enough access to any such bar. I do chest-supported db rows and get similar effects, but I do really love doing pullups and I get the feeling that if I could do them regularly, I would add reps to them quickly and with that make a ton of back gains overall, since it's not a movement I'm conditioned to. I can't put up a pullup bar in my apartment. They took away the playground where I could do them. And the outdoor gym and the other playground where it is possible are both too far away. I can't store a proper half rack or full cage here either. I've got one of those barbell racks/stands you take apart.
this is sort of true though heavier people are advantaged for weighted calisthenics unless they are fat and their numbers should be higher than a light person
Training hard should be the norm whether you're Bodybuilding or Strength Training. There's a serious problem if on a "Hypertrophy program", you're still get weaker. Double progression needs to be prioritized regardless.
@@AlexLeonidas this is true, but you must remember that most of the new generation of lifters do not know what it is to train hard from childhood, smartphones they do not go to army, they do not practice sports, they do not have hard physical work You often can see them training at the gym without any commitment to sets
@@WiecznieNieNasyconyboomers didn’t go to failure either. This is a trend that has gone on forever, remember when you guys used to do shitty pump work like Arnold then wonder why you look like a bag of potatoes? That’s why Mike Mentzer was able to make a name for himself (aside from his physique of course) but even he advised you lazy boomers to only do a handful of sets. Stop acting like intensity is a forgotten art lol, it wasn’t even the norm back in the day.
Standing OHP, Shrugs especially behind the back, Reverse Hypers and Neck Curls Source: Old Alex Videos :P Id like to add any snatch hip hinge and front squats. Any lift that challenges the upper back to stay upright (in good posture) specifically low traps will improve everyday standing posture.
I'm 197cm and 100kg by best pullup is +80kg (superwide chin grip) (Narrow neutral grip +70kg) , 8x50kg chins, 4x50kg superwide pulls and im going insane trying to reach +100kg and I feel weak given if I can lift 150kg + easy, If i use lat pulldown i always have to do single arm because the whole stack is easy
Hey! Lovin the videos. I had a question. So every time I take creatine, my hair sheds (genetics)& it grows back to normal when I quit for months. Can I still reach my complete natural muscle potential without it? I see my friends hop on it and “instantly” look ay fuller within a month and make faster gains and its disappointing at times that I’m at a disadvantage (unless I risk my hair LOL).
Thank you for the shoutout bro. You have been making awesome progress as well
It's actually shocking at how much progress we've made in the last 2 years, especially with pullups. Almost seems automatic!
Bro your pull-up technique is legit with those plates bravo 👏
Pull-ups + Bulking = weighted Pull-ups
Exactly, it's free weighted pullups and heavier guys should never be ashamed of their external numbers. Bodyweight + plates must be considered.
Of course 💪🏻
This made me feel better thank you (the bulk is getting out of hand)
@@The_Legend715fat-ass😂, respectfully
Im coming up on 210lbs now. I stopped doing weighted to focus on other things so now I'm just progressively adding volume to my Chins every shoulder day. (I do other back work on different days too). Just hit 8 sets of 10 at 210. By the end of this bulk I'll likely be at least 10×10 at 220lbs for pull ups. Im barely 5'10 so I feel like that's decent. Ime as long as I keep my rowing numbers high and regularly do chin and pull ups, I'll still be able to do decent weighted numbers.
Probably nobody cares, but few weeks ago I hit a 60kg (132lbs) pullup ORM with 81kg (178lbs) bodyweight and I feel like I need to let the world know of my accomplishment.
thats solid bro
You know the average gym bro can't even do a set of bodyweight pull ups, you are a beast.
Congrats man! That's awesome
hell yeah
70kg bodyweight 50kg chin up 1RM
Crazy strength and physique Alex 💪🏻
Lovin these pullup discussions.
Anything pullup related is a discussion worth having 💪🏻
The fact that despite being blown away by your gains when you did your cut this year, I'm now used to seeing it and not especially impressed, as though it's just normal, shows how severely the internet warps your standards.@@AlexLeonidas
6:25 Meant to say 360 without total bodyweight factored in (so 185 in plates) but even then the calculation is wrong. 130lbs is still too heavy.
What do you think of handstands at a heavier body weight like 190 to 200?
I was doing them at 200lbs, very hard but worth it. It's like doing heavy AF OHP with just your bodyweight.@@onedollasnake
Hey alex can you do a video/short about wrist pain? I have the mobility but cant weightbear at 90 degree extension and dont want to rely on wraps
Bodyweight exercises whilst getting heavier is automatic progressive overload
I believe that Weighted Neutral Grip Pull Ups are a game changer for back gains
i love weighted calisthenics since they keep you accountable for weight gain but also taking into account total overall load and not just the external weight has been a game changer. a lean bulk behooves all even weighted cali bros.
Something worth considering is that most people tend to improve their exercise execution over time. A little personal anecdote from me: My max (close grip) bench was at around 180kg a couple years ago. I can barely rep out 100kg now while simultaneously being way bigger. I used to add 40kg to my chin ups and easily repped it for sets of 8. Now I can barely hit 10 bodyweight chins. My point is that adjustments in your form can have a massive impact on your working weight. Especially if you are solely training for hypertrophy
A 180kg close grip is fucking absurd
@@Limbaugh_ it’s basically my normal benching form. I’m way weaker at wide grip lol
I get what you're saying bro but you must've drastically changed the way you train to see such a dramatic drop in strength. I mean 180kg to barely repping 100kg is insane. It's unbelievable but yet believable😂
@@Adam-cs3ld you would be surprised how much of a difference a slow eccentric and long pause can make lol
@@john_m3619 Yeah I know mate but 80kg lmao especially at that strength level. Pure insanity you madman lmao
This is a no brainer. Funny that some people actually need to hear this.
I am 1.64 tall and weigh 66kg, the heaviest I ever was. When I was in high-school I didn't know much about training and plateaued at 8-10 pull-ups while weighing 51-53kg, now I can rep 8 pull-ups while being 13-15kg heavier, but was discouraged because I didn't know how to asses my progress if I keep getting heavier, because I kinda stalled at 8 bodyweight reps and started doing 5x1 grease the groove with 85-90% of my 1RM.
Thank you, Alex!
I had been thinking that I got a whole lot weaker. Last year I was able to do 11 bw pull-ups. For six months I completely burnt out and quit training. A couple months after getting back into it, I could only do 9 bw pull-ups. I thought I had regressed, but last year I was 140lb. Now I’m 182lb
Clear improvements to me!
Once I started building bigger legs my pull ups felt a lot harder and started appreciating the bigger guys I knew.
Same, and my front lever went from 15s to 5 😂
Can jump and run trails like a demon now though so no complaints
I've genuinely fallen in love with pull-ups and chin ups in the past year. Only did rep work and decided to do a 1RM. Surprised myself with a 60kg weighted pull up at 6'1 110kg bodyweight. Next goal is to be repping the 60kg
your shoulder to waist ratio is absurd bro, good looks
@@cenkarson777I’m sure it’s good, but consider the camera angle. Trust me when I tell you that angle always creates that narrow/wide effect.
@@omp365 your right the camera angle makes it look better then it is, in terms of actual metrics waist is 36inch round and shoulders are 60.5inch round
@@cammackk good job buddy. I wasn’t for a second doubting your work ethic or results, you’re strong af. I just know, from doing 75hard (progress photos), that I look like a mutant from that angle 😂
Good reminder for sure. Been gaining nice leg meat this year and pullups havent been going up as much as I'd like...but those extra lbs on the body means we gettin stronger! Thanks Alex
That’s why I weight myself before pull-ups, it makes tracking easier and eliminates all fear of not progressing.
Our body weight is the load. We write it down the load on bench, curls, etc., so why not pull-ups too? This also goes for assisted pull-ups (subtract the assistance from your body weight).
I do the same now! Makes perfect sense brother.
I do this as well. For dips too.
2 weeks without a video?! I was about to cry 😢 imma enjoy that one
Longest I've ever gone without posting a long! Was focusing on shorts and other projects, been very busy but December will be a better month.
Spot on
My bodyweight upped from 78kg to 85kg or so during a bulk and not only did my rep count improve, my form and weighted numbers also did.
At 78kg I could do a single rep with 1 plate, but now I can do 5 or more reps deadstop.
You got a good amount stronger bro💪
Babe, that new Alex Leonidas just dropped
The form difference is massive! Right now I'm at 175cm 100kg and I can do sets 2/3 of 6 pull ups with top form (going at least upper chest to bar, 3 seconds negative, the least swinging). When I was at 90kg some time ago I could do sets of 8 reps with 15kg, but I wasn't controlling the eccentric like that. I could be doing sets of 10 or smth like I was doing before now, still acceptable form, but I want to prevent injuries, and it is absolutely way harder without any added weight
That's what I had to understand. Great video Alex
The psychological and neurological aspects of strength waver week to week. That’s why powerlifters program peaks, strength isn’t a constant
Pull ups are def the weirdest exercise to track, i remember that for some reason i didn't write down my wheight for my first year doing calisthenics only and i thought i regressed, but everything else was moving foward.
8:20 casually turning on coach gregg’s voice
Needed this wake up call thank you Alex!
I would love to see you explaining the techniques of some exercises, because we trust you.
Your videos have kept me motivated to stay with pull-ups without the 300lbs total concept I would have always thought that I’m weak. But it could well and truly take 3-5 years to rep out bodyweight pull-ups at a heavy weight, but it would be worth it since you’ll be really strong and jacked even if it takes longer.
Ironically, this video was a huge weight off my back
This is the same phenomenon I am going through
Weighted pull-ups are so underrated for a big back💪🏽
Pull ups are probably the best exercise in the world
I agree
Congratulations! Big PR! 🎉👏
Nice video! This explains why as I've been bulking my weighted dips keep going up, but my weighted pullups are beginning to stagnate. The absolute load is still increasing.
Yep, I noticed this too, since I'm actually getting much stronger and bigger by adding both bodyweight AND reps to my previous weighted pull-ups. No wonder why I'm getting afraid to accidentally fly away! 😂😂
Spot on! Hit 60kg weighed pull up PR at 81kg bw after cutting from 85kg. Could never get past 57.5kg prior to that.
Being able to do same amount of pull ups while you gained 5 lbs is equivalent of adding 5 lb plates to your free weight exercises. You are getting stronger and youre basically progresivaly overloading.
That's exactly right, and 5lbs here and there is HUGE on pullups, especially for high rep PRs.
I always weight myself before pullups so I can write total number in my logbook. Been doing it right from the start, nice
I do the same as well!
Alex the great, bringing the positivity 🔥
I had similar thought when I began my "serious" bulk. Used to do 3x7 at a BW of 70 kg. Bulked up to 80 in 6 months and my pull ups went to 3x5 and the first thing that came to my was that "oh no! I got weaker at pull ups!" Now, I'm back to my original numbers with a better form!
Getting 3 reps less in a set while being 10kg heavier, is impressive.
Happy holidays Alex miss your q&a’s / live streams
Much love Josh, Happy Holidays and I will do more lives next year.
Yo his videos are the best! 💯💯💯
If I weigh 80kg and am doing weighted pull ups with an additional 20kg, I record it as 100kg weighted pull ups. Makes perfect sense.
3 plate pull up. 🤯 Challenge accepted
Last I watched one of these videos, brotha's head wasnt nacked. God damn.
5:43 Nah that's just crazy, he just done pull ups with 440lbs ☠️
Kyriakos Grizzly is the final boss of Steetlifting ☠
@@AlexLeonidasGrizzly is the final boss of everything.
Now this is the video I needed
You’re definitely top-tier at weighted pull-ups bro
One of the best of recent vids, in the streetlifting community the common knowledge is that bulking wont affect the pull up that much, the muscle up however will definitely go down, i think there's definitely a level of specialization in the pull up where bulking up might not affect it at all, in my case it even helped, my bodyweight went up and my added weight in pull ups also went up
I needed to hear this!!
2:10 did the behind the neck variation last few session, drop my normal pull up reps from six to three.. this one is tough af
Next level super wide
This past 6 months, I’ve been diving deep into this, and even with BW factored in to the percentage calculations, I find that I can’t do as many reps with a percent as I should like on other lifts.
I’ve also experimented with smolov jr for the pull-up. It fails as a program in that it makes little room for extra back work AND is not very good for growth, but it is great at building volume in high percentages. In retrospect, I’d probably recommend a HLM approach instead; some kind of top set/rep pr on heavy day, one or two light days of 10+ reps per set, and a medium day where I accumulate many submaximal sets at high percentage
My natty career goal is to break the 500lb barrier (any BW)
Queue video of Andrei Smaev yanking 240BW + 377 up on the pull-up bar.
That's funny, this exact thing is happening to me right now, gaining weight and losing reps which made me wonder if they're related. Glad this video cleared that up!
always gotta remind myself im 20lbs heavier than my peak pullup performance weight
Bro, it feels like you just KNOW what I am thinking about. I was starting to worry about my pull ups even though my leg movements and weight are progressing.
(Off topic, I got me a 6 spring Expander form the 70s, the grinding is INSANE)
It’s a good day when Alex uploads
Damn I never counted my bw when tracking weighted pulls, im a fool.
Weigh yourself before you pull, makes a difference!
Nice video, my bro. Thanks ‼️
i do bro split like this 4 day
1 Incline curl 3 set 8-10 rep
2 Preacher Curls 3 set 6-8 rep
3 Bench press 3 set 4-6 rep
4 Incline DB bench 3 set 8-10 rep
5 weighted Dips 3 set 6-8 rep
6 DB Flye 3 set 10-15 rep
7 Push ups 3 set to failure
1 Hatfield Squat 3 set 4-6 rep
2 RDL 3 set 8-10 rep
3 Leg Curl 3 set 8-10 rep
4 Hammstring Curls 3 set 8-10 rep
5 split squats 3 set 8=10 rep
6 Jefferson Curl 3 set 8-10 rep
7 Neck cable Curls 3 set 12-15 rep
1 Cable push downs 3 set 8-10 rep
2 cable overhead extension 3 set 8-10 rep
3 Barbell Row 3 set 8-10 rep
4 Weighted Neutral grip pull ups 3 set 5-6 rep
5 DB-Shrugs 3 set 8-10 rep
6 Seated Cable Low-Row 3 set 8-10 rep
7 Cable pulldown 3 set to failure
1 Single Arm Dumbbell Press 2 Sets x 4-7 Reps
2 Behind the Neck Overhead Press 3 Sets x 8-10 Reps
3 Seated pin press 3 Sets x 8-10 Reps
4 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
5 Single Arm Cable Side Lateral Raise 2 Sets x 8-10 Reps
6 Lying Face Pulls 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
7 Ab wheel 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
you've helped me so much alex, thank you so much for everything.
Thank you habibi
Jesus Olivares doing pullups at close to 405LB bodyweight truly shocked me.
That's MONSTROUS, he literally mogs us all
this video hits home, I have been 220 lb + for a long time now (peak weight 235) and I am trying to come down right now I never really hit good numbers on pull ups I barely did 6 reps with 25lb added and I always have trouble doing the top portion but you have been a great help in clearing my doubts alex.
That's 6 reps with a total of like 245lbs. Solid work bro
@@BenWinney I did that at 235 so it would count at 260 right?
@@archlifts947 Yup
140kg total, so i got to add another 30kg. you are right on the getting heavier but using less weight. i thought i was getting weaker but i realised that my total is actually incresed,when i was 60kg i could put 40kg on me and do 6 pull ups. now at 70kg i can do those with 35kg. when you look back at what you are doing to now, I realise i am impriving isnted of regressing
My pullups were trash when i started like a year ago.....after forcing myself to do it twice every week im now able to do 207+25 weighted pullups for 10 reps X 4-5 sets.
When the strength gains went skyrocketing for all my upper body lifts (+15 to 20lbs for every upper body muscle) , i got to know how massive this muscle is
I just want to be able to do pull-ups. Never mind weighted pull-ups. Right now I can only do assisted pull-ups.
I've found for me that before gaining 25lbs of weight i Couldn't do even one rep of wide-grip pull ups(3 fingers of grip width before the end of the pull up bar) but now i can do 8 reps.(About year and 4 months of progress)
Exactly. We don't train for the pullup Olympics. We train for joocy bacc.
Bloat lord doing pull-ups is one of the most impressive feats of strength I’ve seen
Truly is mind blowing
Thanks I was getting frustrated
1:15 Joe Rogan flashback
I'm not good at weighted calisthenics, just yet, but I always used to get laughed at for my number of bodyweight pullups. I used to be chubby, and mostly reocomped for the first half of my fitness journey. Lighter dudes would tell me that the idea of my bodyweight pull-ups being harder due to my weight was just copium. But I think that 10 reps at 82kg wasn't that far behind 18 at 65kg
This year, I decided to dedicate the first pull day of my week on mostly calisthenics, except for the isolation at the end. About two months ago I introduced wide grip pull-ups, and began adding weight on other variations, but regular pull-ups being the main ones I'm focusing on improving.
By the time I've gotten to chin-ups, I am too exhausted to be doing meaningful PRs, but, the numbers are still improving slightly on all variations. But the biggest thing, is I actually feel pumped and sore, which was something I was missing on my older program.
Maybe the nature of calisthenics makes it easier for me to be strict on myself. I don't feel like I'm pulling properly unless my form is in check, which isn't something I can say about my other pull day which is mostly on the pulldown machine. I have learned to activate my lats better on machines than before, but I think that's directly because calisthenics helped me improve my mind-muscle connection.
Right now I weigh 81kg on a modest but long-term bulk I started in the summer, and my best set of deadhang pullups was bodyweight + 12kg for 5 reps, with a drop set into bodyweight for another 6 reps. Hope I can come back next year and bring the improved numbers :)
I remember back when I first started taking lifting more seriously and would always start my back day with weighted pull up's back then I could do 8 strict reps with 2 plates, and remember taking the piss out of someone else when they said they couldn't do as many because they were heavier, As I thought wrongly the amount of strength and muscle you had would relate to bodyweight exercises and was relative so thought they were making a really lame excuse lol.
Eventually Changing my routine around I stopped doing pull ups in favour of lat pull downs. Over the years I got much bigger and much stronger, I reached my genetic potential around my mid to late 20's at 230lbs at 5,7
and yeah. couldn't even perform one pull up when i went back to them again (not even close) despite being really strong on back exercises lol
I'm reaching for that 300 lb standard! Currently at about 264 lbs/120kg (80kg/176lbs bodyweight + 40kg/88lbs)
my total number is definitely regressing. construction seems to be taking bigger toll on my body than it did in my early 20's and I'm always weak after work.
Dude is a genius
WTF behind the neck pullups?!?! Definetly using that tomorrow
Thanks man. That's what really bothered me recently, but then I made a similar conclusion and stopped worrying. I do the same number of wide grip pull ups for half a year, but I am still a novice so I easily gain 2-4 pounds a month. Natural progressive overload.
And yeah being a tall dude 6'2'' 210lbs about 20%bf is making this exercise really challenging
a video about behind the back work would be nice, im curious about behind the neck pull up and behind the neck press
This was the perfect video I needed. I am currently bulking and i’ve been wondering why Ive been stuck at 45lbs for 9 and this video gave me insight as to why this is the case. Thanks Alex and continue to push out great videos
GJ! Your going to be a beast when your done!
Fully agree. I'm 90kg and do 124kg total weight for 7 reps and estimates max is 153kg and my back is bigger and thicker than ever.
Man I’m so guilty of my weighted pull up performance because of bodyweight, sometimes I force myself to cut down in size for a few weeks to get back my relative strength performance. But in reality I could have stuck to the bulk whilst feeling no guilt of my numbers staying the same/going down.
Go right back to Alex’s early videos. It was already apparent this guy is all about the details. If you’re new here, that’s why some of us have been listening for years.
My man, you get it 💯
somehow it takes a long time to get better, but the back gains are amazing.
guys, dnt give up on weighted pull ups
2 years ago, i had a 40kg rep max in chin ups, with a bodyweight of 80.
i started with 40 kg for 1 rep, so i did 3x3 with 30 kg then 4x3 then 5x3, evertime i hit 5x3 i add 1 kg and start again, got some ups and downs, stopped training with weights and get back to weighted pull ups.
today i am doing 3x3 with 54 kg with a 78 bw,
i can see myself repping my own bow in two years reasonable.
People who are winter bulking rn🗿👑
Haha yes
I'm following an RPE/RIR based program and always calculate my estimated starting weight on weighted pullups by total load. Seems intuitive that you have to calculate that way.
I could do 2400 regular overhand pull ups weighing 162 and yesterday I did 750 super wide pull ups 4 a minute weighing 202 and more sore day after than 2400. Bodyweight makes a huge difference for pull ups
You're on another level bro.
@@AlexLeonidas thanks bro
Dang, I needed this. On a bulk right now and shot my 225 3-5rm squat to 10+ reps and my legs have been seeing so much gains. But I was thinking to myself, why can't I boost my weighted pullups similarly? In reality, I did put on 2 more reps than when I was 10lbs lighter. This video was some more motivation for me to keep it up.
given all these elite athletes doing prs in 300-400lb total in weighted pullups just tells you how strong grizzly is
I couldnt do 1 of those wide grip pull ups even if some guy had a gun to my moms head and the only way to save her was to do say "Mom i love you, ill see you on the other side. My bad." Lol
I had been obsessing about my pullup weighted max not improving from last year. I was thinking I'm programming something wrong. But I'm 5-10 pounds heavier and didn't use my strongest grip (and probably also had more fatigue than I when testing last year.) This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks man!
This makes sense, i've been stuck on 6 reps of pullups for the last year, but during that time i gained 13kgs/28lbs so yeah...
i've been bulking from 80-90kg but my pullups have stayed the same num at 7 reps with a controlled (almost dr.mike eccentric) nice to here that i'm getting stronger and i have loooooong arms
Oh yeah the recipe for gains is brewing!
Handstand push ups highlight this ratio for me.
My numbers constantly fluctuate based on my body size.
When I was under 180Lb I was getting 15 reps for multiple sets.
Now that I am over 200Lb, I struggle to get 10 reps in one set.
It feels really bad, but you have to look at the weight difference.
I suppose I'm at about 219-225 for the total weight on a 1RM pullup. My back is pretty big, but I still have lots of gains ahead of me. I've gotten maybe 3 months of bulking in since I pulled 410 (it's been mainly cutting). I don't train pullups, unfortunately. I don't have close enough access to any such bar. I do chest-supported db rows and get similar effects, but I do really love doing pullups and I get the feeling that if I could do them regularly, I would add reps to them quickly and with that make a ton of back gains overall, since it's not a movement I'm conditioned to. I can't put up a pullup bar in my apartment. They took away the playground where I could do them. And the outdoor gym and the other playground where it is possible are both too far away. I can't store a proper half rack or full cage here either. I've got one of those barbell racks/stands you take apart.
this is sort of true though heavier people are advantaged for weighted calisthenics unless they are fat and their numbers should be higher than a light person
Because they generally have more lean mass but at the end of the day we still need to look at total numbers
Maybe you're getting weaker because you're not training as hard for strength, but you can quickly get back to your strength with proper training.
Training hard should be the norm whether you're Bodybuilding or Strength Training. There's a serious problem if on a "Hypertrophy program", you're still get weaker. Double progression needs to be prioritized regardless.
@@AlexLeonidas this is true, but you must remember that most of the new generation of lifters do not know what it is to train hard from childhood, smartphones they do not go to army, they do not practice sports, they do not have hard physical work
You often can see them training at the gym without any commitment to sets
@@WiecznieNieNasyconyboomers didn’t go to failure either. This is a trend that has gone on forever, remember when you guys used to do shitty pump work like Arnold then wonder why you look like a bag of potatoes? That’s why Mike Mentzer was able to make a name for himself (aside from his physique of course) but even he advised you lazy boomers to only do a handful of sets. Stop acting like intensity is a forgotten art lol, it wasn’t even the norm back in the day.
This is gonna be epic
Video on posture? Working on this and it's massive for bodybuilding
I do absolutely nothing for posture, only full range of motion training and some special exercises like pull-aparts.
Would love a video on posture and form on free weighted movements
Standing OHP, Shrugs especially behind the back, Reverse Hypers and Neck Curls
Source: Old Alex Videos :P
Id like to add any snatch hip hinge and front squats.
Any lift that challenges the upper back to stay upright (in good posture) specifically low traps will improve everyday standing posture.
@@The_Legend715may i add inverted rows
I'm 197cm and 100kg by best pullup is +80kg (superwide chin grip) (Narrow neutral grip +70kg) , 8x50kg chins, 4x50kg superwide pulls and im going insane trying to reach +100kg and I feel weak given if I can lift 150kg + easy, If i use lat pulldown i always have to do single arm because the whole stack is easy
The only thing holding gvs and nh back is there hair the data is clear baldness = gains
Hey! Lovin the videos. I had a question. So every time I take creatine, my hair sheds (genetics)& it grows back to normal when I quit for months. Can I still reach my complete natural muscle potential without it? I see my friends hop on it and “instantly” look ay fuller within a month and make faster gains and its disappointing at times that I’m at a disadvantage (unless I risk my hair LOL).