Silver Dragons | D&D Monster Lore | The Dungeoncast Ep.133

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 65

  • @Eruvadhril
    @Eruvadhril 5 лет назад +54

    "Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

    • @MySerpentine
      @MySerpentine 2 года назад +1

      GNU PTerry

    • @MrZega000
      @MrZega000 Год назад

      Give a man a cheese burger, he'll eat for a day.
      Teach a man to cheese burger, he'll live forever.

  • @Rageaxe195
    @Rageaxe195 5 лет назад +51

    "Do not piss off dragons" is something I wish my PCs kept in mind more often.

    • @Ragejaw
      @Ragejaw 3 года назад +6

      I once had a ancient blue dragon that was a level 20 transmutation wizard who was looking to get the party to work for him and in away be a group patron. The level 2 party attacked him entirely unprovoked....

  • @claduke
    @claduke 5 лет назад +59

    Based on the beginning description, since gold dragons are the paladins of the dragon world, it seems like silver dragons are the clerics of the dragon world.

    • @EmethMatthew
      @EmethMatthew 5 лет назад +7

      I like that comparison... Silvers are more in tune naturally with Bahamut, while Golds have more force, but need more guidance?

    • @user-vm9xz4kv9z
      @user-vm9xz4kv9z 3 года назад +7

      Gold= paladin
      Silver= cleric
      Copper= bard
      White= barbarian
      Red= fighter
      Green= wizard
      Black= rogue
      Blue= ???

    • @MZQV
      @MZQV 7 месяцев назад +2

      I would argue white is a ranger, due to them being master hunters.
      And red a barbarian due to their rage issiues.
      And then broonze and blue as fighters.
      I really like the rest, and this is just an opinion 😊
      Brass i a tough one to place😂

    • @brandonclark435
      @brandonclark435 2 месяца назад +1

      I'd argue both Gold and Silver can both fall into the Paladin or Cleric class, but Silvers are closer to the Knight-Errant and Gold is the Crusader.

    • @kylienielsen6975
      @kylienielsen6975 Месяц назад +1

      Blue dragons would be sorcerers or maybe wizards. Copper would be bards or rogues. Brass maybe bard cause they like to talk? But they tend to actually be bad at it so 🤷‍♂️

  • @philiphamel8504
    @philiphamel8504 5 лет назад +28

    Ancient silver dragon librarian, the horde is the Library. And in there is all different kinds of lore on various threats in that horde.

    • @seanmcgcostumes
      @seanmcgcostumes 4 года назад +1

      My bard is is going to consider True Polymorphing into an Adult Silver Dragon, and as a bard he's more of a storyteller and lute player than anything else. So if he does True Polymorph into a silver dragon, his horde would 100% be a library hahaha.

    • @tristencovarrubias4950
      @tristencovarrubias4950 3 года назад

      Yeah, you’re basically describing CandleKeep... ha

  • @dorianrobinette9712
    @dorianrobinette9712 4 года назад +8

    Honestly even though I'm pretty indecisive, silvers may just be my favorite dragons in dnd.
    They have the most likable personality, their very powerful, they have an appearance I like quite a bit, there just all around likeable. I find it ironic though because I like gold more than silver as a metal.
    This was another fun one to rewatch.

  • @leodouskyron5671
    @leodouskyron5671 5 лет назад +30

    Some of my old thoughts on silver Dragons and why everyone loves them even a bit.
    1) The thing that is most important about Silver dragons is that they are like a mirror- you think they are pretty and cool and they think that about you. That tends to make a popular dragon.
    2) Silver Dragons are among the few that will and can have a party with you and be cool enough to chill the beer (amazingly popular with Dwarfs).
    3) Gold and Silver dragons are two of the most magic centric of the “true” dragons. But were Gold dragons use it to complete there goals of good, Silver dragons are just as likely to play with it. (Elves like that).
    4) Silvera - This Dragonlance Silver Dragoness has been popular since the original novelization and as such may be the only non-God dragon to be mentioned in ever Edition of D&D (just waiting on her mention in this edition to keep the streak alive)
    5. Red and Silver dragons are actually mirror dragons. Reds typically are more physically powerful and Silvers often having more magic. Reds seeking to intimidate, bully and kill. Silvers trying to nurture, support and protect. Red likes fire and earth. Silver Clouds and rain.
    Lastly- I think polymorphed dragons from the spell or spell like ability become dragons if you “kill” them in the changed form. That is how we did it in e1-2. Kill some dude that was a dragon and well you get instant, angry and vengeful dragon in his/her place. And then unless you are fast on the spell you get to see the inside of a dragon (but as always I am old and my characters have seen the insides of lots of creatures :). )
    Fun episode guys

    • @Ed_man_talking9
      @Ed_man_talking9 3 года назад +2

      but mostly because their the type of dragon most likely to say "sure, i'll help you kill the cult full of beholders. free of charge. take this legendary artifact and have fun."

  • @IamWalkingDead1
    @IamWalkingDead1 5 лет назад +8

    My last elf character was a draconic bloodline sorcerer. She was the daughter of a happy elf and silver dragon father. He poses as an elf in town. She learned he was a dragon once she started school. It took a bit to learn to keep it a secret. Her silver streaks in hair was just seen as an elf thing.

  • @InfamousJoe
    @InfamousJoe 5 лет назад +16

    Silver Dragon's in 3.5 had an ability called Cloudwalking that allowed them to walk on clouds and fog as if it were solid ground. Sad that didn't translate over to 5e.

    • @bleddynwolf8463
      @bleddynwolf8463 4 года назад +3

      tell your DM, they might like the idea.

  • @stuartableman6657
    @stuartableman6657 5 лет назад +9

    I love Silver Dragons, absolutely my favorite of them all! Thanks for doing this one!

  • @poisonisFunguy182
    @poisonisFunguy182 5 лет назад +21

    Favorite dragon right next to blue dragons!

  • @justincarlozmaxino1100
    @justincarlozmaxino1100 5 лет назад +20

    "They give scent of rain and evergeen needles" ok I'm so curious how that smells.
    Would a dragon allow me to sniff it?

    • @Painted-Coyote
      @Painted-Coyote 5 лет назад +8

      You can also just chill in the woods of the north west of the us, it's a very nice smell

    • @bleddynwolf8463
      @bleddynwolf8463 4 года назад +7

      have you never been to a pinewood? oh lord, it's magical.

    • @jeova0sanctus0unus
      @jeova0sanctus0unus 3 года назад +3

      so... it smells like home?

    • @AverageAnnusEnthusiast
      @AverageAnnusEnthusiast 3 года назад

      @@Painted-Coyote A lot of the midwest too honestly

  • @heskiador2752
    @heskiador2752 5 лет назад +14

    Loving all the dragon lore guys!!!
    Keep up the amazing work!!

  • @wolfsbane1293
    @wolfsbane1293 5 лет назад +7


  • @IamWalkingDead1
    @IamWalkingDead1 5 лет назад +6

    The entire time y'all were talking about the silver's propensity to wait, all i could think of was Hamilton:
    "I'm willing to wait for it. I'm willing to wait for it."

  • @fracros95
    @fracros95 5 лет назад +8

    Man, I am cracking up! The Comedy in this one kills me!

  • @EmethMatthew
    @EmethMatthew 5 лет назад +6

    Love me some silver dragons 😁

  • @nack287
    @nack287 2 года назад +2

    The reason all dragons have detect is because of The Hobbit. Where a notable encounter involved Bilbo hiding from Smaug.

  • @dmperri
    @dmperri 2 года назад +2

    Silver Dragons, the true Humanoidists of the realm

  • @aeoscampaignsetting8489
    @aeoscampaignsetting8489 5 лет назад +3

    I think detect is used for when the rouge bonus action hides in combat, that way the dragon is less vunrable from sneak attacks and assassinate abilities. Granted, this only gives the dragon a CHANCE to find your sneaky rouge. And doesn't completely neauter the rouge, cause you could still hide better than dragons percecption.
    The other case here is like will said if the dragon needs to track a wizard or spellcaster who has gone invisible. Being an anceint hperintellgent being, they know invisible casters can be deadly. . So detect if used effectively and correctly can make a combat against it much more difficult.

  • @james739123
    @james739123 4 года назад +8

    I just want to know, would Coppers and Silvers get along

  • @drizztiley8740
    @drizztiley8740 5 лет назад +10

    Ok this is getting freaky
    Urroner the cleric has just been slain. The PC new character was rolling on one of those charts in XGE and he keeps pestering about having the "former lover was a silver dragon".
    Jamie! Are you secretly feeding these two ideas? *I WILL SMITE THEE*

  • @theodobson7757
    @theodobson7757 5 лет назад +6

    What about a questline where the last son of some order of Paladin has to gain back the favor of a silver after there ancestor wronged them to gain back the families enchanted armor?

  • @theark890
    @theark890 5 лет назад +4

    Thought I’d share how I use some dragons, including silver. In my homebrew, there is are 4 primordial deities. All the lower deities reverence eventually finds its way to them. They are also some form of neutral (lawful, neutral, chaotic). Dragon deities (one good/one evil) are the outcome of celestial magic, and those Draconic deities created the chromatic and metallic dragons.
    That’s just a little homebrew deity backround.
    In the campaign, there is growing tension between the primordials, the dragons (whether through their own maliciousness or goodness) attempt to shape the world in their own way (arrogant bastards) despite the will of the primordials. Throughout the campaign, the adventurers meet various types of dragons (polymorphed and not) which attempt to push their ideals on the adventurers (cause their always right, duh); since the PCs are generally good or neutral, they tend to side more with the good natured dragons, although sometimes good is not the most moral or just; which causes player dilemmas.
    Basically, as the DM I use dragons as part or leading the sub-conflicts the players have to deal with (political intrigue, cult uprisings, civil wars, etc). Due to the arrogant nature of dragons and their never ending quest to veer society off the balanced path the primordials want for the world, combined with their immense power, they make for perfect sub plot adventures.
    Anyways. I’m loving the Dungeoncast content, and also listen via iTunes podcast to save some battery. 🤙🏻

    • @theark890
      @theark890 5 лет назад +2

      To add, in my campaign, the Silver dragon is a polymorphed human speaker for the “King” in one of the main cities. His food cravings are equal to his polymorphed size, and he hasn’t morphed into his draconic form for some 400 years (since the end of the old age and destruction of the forgotten kingdoms). Metallic dragons remain in hiding, as they have been outnumbered and hunted by chromatics since the fall of the kingdoms, and due to the massive loss of historical reference in the forgotten kingdoms, all dragons are relatively feared by non-ancient creatures.
      He’s the most powerful wizard on the continent, but hides most of his power, as magical knowledge was also lost in the kingdoms, and using his immense power would put him on notice by the chromatics (who only work together to defeat metallics).
      This “dragon-war” is all going on as a subplot. I also have them meet a traveling elven tinker/wizard who is a polymorphed steel dragon. He just shows up at random with a quest or information. He would be my dues ex machina if i really needed one. (Haven’t yet, players usually just die).
      I have a female Bronze dragon in the desert that will provide a quest to trap and then kill a Blue Dragon, but the players haven’t ventured there yet.
      I play my dragons more like lower deities or Greek demigods. They don’t hate each other, but don’t spend too much time together due to their narcissistic tendencies and selfish hoarding. When they mate, the offspring is a 50/50 toss up of the parents.

  • @jaybutler779
    @jaybutler779 4 года назад +2

    My ancient silver is a headmaster of a magic school I love her so much

  • @mylesbrownGSP
    @mylesbrownGSP 5 лет назад +5

    Love your work! Keep up the awesome work! If I could be any dragon, it would be a silver dragon.

  • @saltykrug
    @saltykrug 4 года назад +2

    My favorite dragon, the next one I'm painting since I finally got some Vallejo Metal Color airbrush colors paint set in. I used the Gold and then Army Warpaints greedy gold for highlights on my gold dragon and just wow. I'll use Duraluminum for base coat and Gunmetal grey for shading and the leading edges of the wings. Silver is going to be a patron and quest giver for my sons group that I DM. They both play dragonborn so it should be interesting and give me lots of RPing to make it fun for them. Especially if there is a red dragon nemesis that has gotten an evil part to serve it's wishes and end up going against the party.

  • @benway23
    @benway23 Год назад +1

    Man, I always loved Silver Dragons...

  • @aeoscampaignsetting8489
    @aeoscampaignsetting8489 5 лет назад +2

    The good king Jonah,
    An NPC in my home game erobos, he has ruled the kingdom of endon as a guiding force and becon of good for many centuries in polymorph form, he changes his polymorph every so often so mortals don't catch on to him. But he still leads his people to do and be good. The current arc in our game is after several sessions getting to know Jonah and run jobs for him, he reveals his true form and the fact he is dying. And sends the party all through the lands to try and find a worthy being to pass his mantle to.

  • @fracros95
    @fracros95 5 лет назад +5

    Dragon Time!

  • @oielvert
    @oielvert 7 месяцев назад +1

    The older dragon probably has the better lair. That's why he younger dragon moves in with the older one.

  • @lntnchrs1
    @lntnchrs1 5 лет назад +2

    I dig the outlaw star hat

  • @PlaneWalker18
    @PlaneWalker18 5 лет назад +2

    Every Dragonborn ive ever played has had Silver lineage, if on a higher alignment. Blue is lower so ya, I’m with the guy on the left just silver over blue.

  • @granttrain3553
    @granttrain3553 5 лет назад +1

    The saying in the UK is "Give a man a fire and he will be warm for the night. Set a man a fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

    • @MySerpentine
      @MySerpentine 2 года назад

      That's a Terry Pratchett joke, right?

  • @joshgregg369
    @joshgregg369 5 лет назад +2

    While we are on dragons can we get a dragon turtle plz . Really enjoy all your content keep up the great work .

  • @mickwarshaw3431
    @mickwarshaw3431 5 лет назад +2

    You guys are awesome

  • @joshgregg369
    @joshgregg369 5 лет назад +6

    For those who disliked this video are just mad bc they can't grow a beard .

  • @draxthemsklonst
    @draxthemsklonst 5 лет назад +2

    Niv Mizzet, miscolored scales? Similarities.

  • @williethenerfherder2193
    @williethenerfherder2193 5 лет назад +1

    I wish silver dragons had stronger breath damage. They should do as much damage as red dragons.

  • @grantleavy9845
    @grantleavy9845 4 года назад

    Are there any renowned silver dragons? Love the video

  • @MysterygamerX1234
    @MysterygamerX1234 5 лет назад

    Talk about Force and Prismatic Dragons.

  • @devilmayclarify666
    @devilmayclarify666 4 года назад

    Wow, this guy raises Silvers to Mary-Sue-like standards.

  • @nikolickia
    @nikolickia 5 лет назад

    Dope hat will

  • @flspacebear
    @flspacebear 5 лет назад +3


    • @flspacebear
      @flspacebear 5 лет назад
