  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 829

  • @Alias1414
    @Alias1414 5 лет назад +1048

    6 thronamails WOW LOL imagine if he has a real full armor build and not 6 items where's 5 out of them have a negatated unique passive LOL

    • @dariomoccia8266
      @dariomoccia8266 5 лет назад +26

      Yi build makes no sense against rammus. Sterak > phantom

    • @TheGios100
      @TheGios100 5 лет назад +67

      >Rammus buys thornmail
      >"i'm full build"

    • @Paulo-bn8hj
      @Paulo-bn8hj 5 лет назад +2

      yi New reason limit, with guinsoo and steracks

    • @philipphoffmann8929
      @philipphoffmann8929 5 лет назад +10

      Well it also doesn't make sense to use q and e - as rammus - when u engage instead of keeping at least one of those for yi's w, since your damage comes from neither of those 2

    • @omarazzam423
      @omarazzam423 4 года назад


  • @jamestierro1234
    @jamestierro1234 4 года назад +280

    Imagine rammus would use his taunt when yi is in his w and he has his shield instead of...wasting his taunt

    • @mivias6768
      @mivias6768 4 года назад +15

      Or the fucking q for fuck sake. He literally had q and left master to heal more then 15% of his health before using it 1:32 wtf is this

    • @broloco3966
      @broloco3966 4 года назад +1

      Or if yi would run away when Rammus w

  • @alinbrie1351
    @alinbrie1351 6 лет назад +1109

    look ramus build - look yi build ... rly man ? this is fair ?

    • @9heart
      @9heart 6 лет назад +30

      alin brie
      Nah yi gotta get better build

    • @fallenpentagon1579
      @fallenpentagon1579 6 лет назад +114

      both builds are terrible, in a real game yi wins 100% of the time if he isn't brain dead

    • @netherstag
      @netherstag 6 лет назад +1


    • @redlildevil1
      @redlildevil1 6 лет назад +139

      Lmaooo you guys are REALLY REALLY REALLLLLLLY underestimating rammus

    • @Christs_Apologet
      @Christs_Apologet 5 лет назад +4

      Ye and yi is something like 30 40%life steal+

  • @nc_aravindan
    @nc_aravindan 5 лет назад +512

    No limitations..rammus has tp...*insert confused pikachu*

    • @katchan53
      @katchan53 5 лет назад +15

      🤣🤣 rammus is fucking strong in combat while using tp

    • @neredebahtsizbedevim
      @neredebahtsizbedevim 5 лет назад +19

      And Rammus's runes...

    • @dinhanhquan3425
      @dinhanhquan3425 5 лет назад +2

      And flash XD

    • @juliomonte6804
      @juliomonte6804 5 лет назад +1

      Kkkk sem graça, podia ter incendiar e smait vermelho.
      Espinhos , item da JG de vida(smait vermelho), máscara abisal, limite da razão, máscara de liandre e tabi ninja !!
      Tem nem graça o master Full build com todos os itens pra counter de rammus e rammus com 6 espinhos como se acumulasse o dano , WTF 😒, e ainda mais flash e tf boa , bela comparação vcs fizeram , fora que as runas !

    • @juliomonte6804
      @juliomonte6804 5 лет назад +1

      @wild fire não entendi? 🤔
      Você quis dizer favorável ao yi mesmo com qualquer build ?
      Rapaz se for não acho pq eu sou momo rammus me especializei trocar contra master Yi, e sei matalo sem nem se quer levar dano dele, pq smait vermelho e tabi ninja já fazem qualquer troca contra o yi ser vantajoso ainda mais com o resto do itens a favor do rammus , master Yi pode inventar qualquer build , pq com a build que eu disse mesmo que o yi faça cutelo ou qualquer outra build ele morre antes mesmo com QSS
      Pq a fonte de dano do rammus na minha build não é da armadura e sim mágico e de efeito de contato fora o W do rammus ativado , o master Yi some , ali o rammus nem dano tinha!

  • @queendread4427
    @queendread4427 5 лет назад +106

    Imagine cleansing taunt so you can auto attack the opponent

    • @cx3622
      @cx3622 4 года назад

      Its so he can use q

  • @raizbemnutella119
    @raizbemnutella119 5 лет назад +237

    This Rammus cancels his own W 🤦‍♂️. Bruh you need more skilled people to make these 1v1s.

    • @pablomachuca9461
      @pablomachuca9461 5 лет назад +13

      Yes, rammus "está puro weando"

    • @duncanmackay9885
      @duncanmackay9885 5 лет назад +8

      Rammus also taunts before yi’s w

    • @mrbencker1074
      @mrbencker1074 5 лет назад +5

      @@pablomachuca9461 hace puras weas este rammus se va report

  • @Jerryofberry
    @Jerryofberry 5 лет назад +19

    I feel like when you add abilities into it you actually need good timing on them. Verse a yi there is no time someone engages with their q. You save it to cancel his w

  • @shim2004
    @shim2004 6 лет назад +259

    10:16 nice wind wall

  • @g-mo7130
    @g-mo7130 5 лет назад +135

    6x thornmail tho?
    Tp tho?
    Not using skills properly tho?

    • @phlmnrbn
      @phlmnrbn 5 лет назад +1

      Yi did not use his skills properly either + he didn't take ignite or exhaust so there was no advantage for him. Yi is just straight up stronger than Rammus and the 6 thornmails are the way to get the most armor in the game. Those tests are not relevant when it comes to real games.

    • @patrikrazga3210
      @patrikrazga3210 5 лет назад +1

      @VerxSuroi RUclips why cant you get 6 thornmails in real game? Ofcourse you can

    • @A.SH96
      @A.SH96 5 лет назад


    • @CallieKou
      @CallieKou 4 года назад

      Twofingers A. It’s not frozen hearts are. B. In that case you should have yi build 6 Nashors tooth’s so he can have the most attack speed so what if he doesn’t have the damage he would have with other items. C rammus is getting one item passive and basically a non existent health stat. I’m not saying rammus is a better champion but this fight is obviously skewed

  • @spidermelon
    @spidermelon 5 лет назад +206

    Imagine if rammus had a real build tho 😂

    • @firestar5879
      @firestar5879 5 лет назад +3


    • @kestanecihasanpubg
      @kestanecihasanpubg 5 лет назад

      isnt this more effective against yi?

    • @mlgbblade5221
      @mlgbblade5221 4 года назад

      B1Q let’s see u build 6 Thornmails every game if they have yi on other team. Let’s see u do it if u think it’s so good

    • @TerraTheWise
      @TerraTheWise 4 года назад +1

      Conquerer, botrk, bloodrazor, rageblade and rammmus is done for no matter what he builds.

    • @spidermelon
      @spidermelon 4 года назад

      TerraTheWise sounds like a guy who has never built a gunblade on rammus 😂

  • @guyboo3339
    @guyboo3339 4 года назад +8

    Master yi: *Just wait till you see my full damage*
    Rammus with full thornmail: "0uR dAmAg£"

  • @panospanou4401
    @panospanou4401 6 лет назад +1

    The only youtuber who doesnt uses all the same trash music again and again and also has nice footage.👍

    • @roneygaming3246
      @roneygaming3246 6 лет назад

      panos panou ti les re malaka antigrafei cibtent ilithie

    • @panospanou4401
      @panospanou4401 6 лет назад

      Roney Gaming ti ine to cibtent

  • @shuyangzhang7661
    @shuyangzhang7661 6 лет назад +19

    Use ur fcking q during master yi w. Dont use it at beginn.

  • @ryuugahideki4034
    @ryuugahideki4034 5 лет назад +16

    The real reason was rammus didnt have Aftershock and he had grasp of the undying

    • @adamhsr
      @adamhsr 5 лет назад +1

      U realise yi didnt even have co querer right?
      Back then it was 20 percent true dmg. Anyone with conq alone could kill rammus

    • @wessup4106
      @wessup4106 5 лет назад

      @@adamhsr Not even remotely true. 88% win rate rammus in 38 games. Not even ONE Yi has beaten me. Not one. Yi could be good or trash & still lose if the Rammus has brain cells.

  • @duongbui9684
    @duongbui9684 5 лет назад +34

    People: wait for the ramus W end, yi
    Yi: nahhhh¡

  • @alucardshlt5818
    @alucardshlt5818 6 лет назад +7

    Love your videos😊

  • @20subscriberswith1video2
    @20subscriberswith1video2 5 лет назад +3

    You must try:
    Rammus full build vs. Tank killers

  • @yusufbaki8568
    @yusufbaki8568 6 лет назад +51

    If Rammus use his Q after Yi W. He will win all round.

    • @pascalisoikonomou2637
      @pascalisoikonomou2637 6 лет назад +2

      yi shreds rammus, + yi had wits end which sucks, oh and if yi had conqueror, rammus would have died within 3 secs

    • @johnkim9866
      @johnkim9866 6 лет назад +4

      Pascalis Oikonomou rammus with no tabi sunfire frozen heart or randuins lmao

    • @pascalisoikonomou2637
      @pascalisoikonomou2637 6 лет назад

      @@johnkim9866 attack Speed debuffs dont affect yi

    • @Christs_Apologet
      @Christs_Apologet 5 лет назад

      But u know thouse youtubers they are bitches

    • @kingbrett1
      @kingbrett1 5 лет назад

      Conq plus dominiks and guinsoos alone woulda shredded Rammus but of course youtubers for some reason are trash at lol

  • @straykat8269
    @straykat8269 6 лет назад +1

    2:50 idk why that low health Ezreal kept dealing autos on Rammus who turned on its shield. It may happen on new ad players playing in normal games, but shouldn’t happen on an ad who’s in a professional team.

  • @Keneditinghome3
    @Keneditinghome3 6 лет назад +32

    "Rammus master yi counter in 2018" LOL im early HEART ME

    • @LinardsZ
      @LinardsZ 6 лет назад

      that is with lethal tempo not conqurer active and fully build guinsos stacks where ramus have no chances i just have oneshted reammus if i have all up

    • @sera_venus
      @sera_venus 5 лет назад

      ranmus mater yu countrr in 2020

  • @mivias6768
    @mivias6768 4 года назад +1

    1:32 use the fucking q instantly when he heals. Not at almost the end of the heal. For fuck sake.

  • @garciacastellanosyuremalai3917
    @garciacastellanosyuremalai3917 5 лет назад +19

    Rammus cancel the w, nice, without limits en rammus has tp xd

  • @JudgeAngelz
    @JudgeAngelz 5 лет назад +3

    When you all try to focus Yi, but when you saw Yi one vs five and when he kills all of you, you start to look at his build, and saw that he build Full Ap Yi you were like :O

    • @memebro8703
      @memebro8703 4 года назад

      MurrderHigh 4 W scales with Ap so it’s not total troll. Stuff like manamune give attack speed as well. He probably was just over leveled though because AP yi still isn’t great.

  • @kylepesebre2856
    @kylepesebre2856 6 лет назад +9

    Notif squad are here.

  • @NightWolf3342
    @NightWolf3342 5 лет назад

    We all can see Rammus was using bone plating instead of Conditioning
    As I remember conditioning give champions 9+5%armor and Mr right?
    so Rammus can gain 38 armor without using his W ( as his armor was 589 in 0:29)
    activated W, his armor was 1176, I totally forgot how much it granted, but it's roughly give Rammus 99.66% Armor
    let's the constant armor be assumed as 30, the armor bonus will be about 94.56%
    so the bouns armor gained would be 74.8, and make Rammus armor become 1250
    As they were having a close call, would 74 bouns armor help?

  • @remwaifu6997
    @remwaifu6997 5 лет назад

    Làm sao xem góc 360° vậy ạ chỉ e với

  • @uraniumgum4063
    @uraniumgum4063 5 лет назад +6

    Give Rammus a proper build and he wins.

    • @kingbrett1
      @kingbrett1 5 лет назад

      Master yi didnt even come close to a proper build either

  • @TobenyChen
    @TobenyChen 6 лет назад

    It would be better to replace one Thornmail with Randiun's Omen, for which the latter grants Rammus 20% damage reduction from abasic attack. Randiun gives 60 armor while Thornmail gives you 80 armor. 586 armor (highest possible while fighting) gives you 85.6% physical damage reduction, but Yi's E makes 10% of his ad into true damage. With one Randiun, you only take 0.8*(1-520/620)≈13% from Yi's basic attack plus some resuced true damage.

  • @droyventurer
    @droyventurer 6 лет назад +11

    Yi can win against Rammus if he uses all his abilites but if the Rammus is good at thinking what to make, then the yi will definitly lose. Yi can win but on thw other hand Rammus is a hardcounter with dorans and sunfire cap etc. Nice Video.

    • @julioparedesgabino4960
      @julioparedesgabino4960 6 лет назад

      Froschyyy aprende español pwrrra

    • @albertooliboni3046
      @albertooliboni3046 6 лет назад

      shakuuza ez rammus is pretty easy to counter as yi with items, guinsoo, black cleaver and last whisper can melt him quite easily

    • @gabichiriac2674
      @gabichiriac2674 6 лет назад

      Alberto Oliboni 7 forgot about infinity

    • @albertooliboni3046
      @albertooliboni3046 6 лет назад

      Paulo Dybala crit items are no good vs rammus

    • @OkOk-qn9rv
      @OkOk-qn9rv 6 лет назад

      Julio Paredes Gabino but Yi have better build

  • @toni-sp1nz
    @toni-sp1nz 5 лет назад +8

    Why does rammus haves the same 6 items this probes nothing.

  • @skars2735
    @skars2735 4 года назад +1

    Rammus buy thronamail = Full build

  • @CallieKou
    @CallieKou 4 года назад

    Yi: actual build that people do
    Rammus: fresh out of a RossBoomsocks video
    Come on man if your gonna do this do it right

  • @drewsnider7352
    @drewsnider7352 5 лет назад

    Am I just stupid or isn’t this the time when passives are unique and you get more out of varied items as the unique passives only apply once?
    Frozen heart?

  • @hikikomori8
    @hikikomori8 5 лет назад +31

    왜 여진이 아니라 착취냐 람머스

    • @user-lw8hs7kq3m
      @user-lw8hs7kq3m 4 года назад

      방어력 오지게 쌓으려고 고른거 아님?

  • @SalthimarLP
    @SalthimarLP 6 лет назад +3

    If rammus uses his taunt on yi's meditate He would have easily win every time.

  • @swickens930
    @swickens930 5 лет назад +2

    Yep, figured as much. Tanks are supposed to counter assassin's anyway, at least to an extent. Watched till the and realized, under that theory, riot still has some game theory work to do

    • @VDTDable
      @VDTDable 5 лет назад +1

      There are 2 types of assasins, skirmishers like Yi or Yasuo who do dps and are actually supposed to take on tanks and slayers, who do burst damage like zed or talon and are supposed to focus squishy objectives

  • @amvgod4786
    @amvgod4786 5 лет назад

    There is an item called last whisper which is the only thing you need against rammus+black cleaver

  • @7meekah
    @7meekah 4 года назад

    It looks like fun. I'm going to try it

  • @Mezlyx
    @Mezlyx 6 лет назад

    Can you start using as spells ignite and Exhaust? ( anyway awesome video)

  • @raysixx656
    @raysixx656 6 лет назад +6

    5:21 To be continued...

  • @christianhernandez5781
    @christianhernandez5781 5 лет назад +1

    Conqueror rageblade blade of the ruined king titanic hydra black cleaver phantom dancer works jg item Is good with this build melts the Rammus super fast also gives yi more sustained

  • @lesleejohntan4954
    @lesleejohntan4954 6 лет назад

    Love your vids😘

  • @sionsion8466
    @sionsion8466 6 лет назад +33

    Grasp rammus bronze logic

  • @ThanhNguyen-xp1rn
    @ThanhNguyen-xp1rn 6 лет назад

    Mua đảo thủy ngân mà ko bao h thấy kích hoạt ? Thay bằng huyết kiếm có khi còn mạnh hơn

  • @TheRealWALLABI
    @TheRealWALLABI 5 лет назад

    What we can see here is that lethality Yi sucks even more than crit Yi against tanks, which doesn't make any sense but is actually the case.

    • @flyingcactus1953
      @flyingcactus1953 5 лет назад

      TheRealWALLABI of course lethality suck against tank more than crit. Crit increase your damage by 225%. While 5 lethality items can be nulified by a single thorn mail

    • @TheRealWALLABI
      @TheRealWALLABI 5 лет назад

      @@flyingcactus1953 crit also sucks against armor, especially if you get a randuin's omen. Tbh lethality was better when it was still the old armor penetration...

    • @flyingcactus1953
      @flyingcactus1953 5 лет назад

      TheRealWALLABI raindune omen will reduce crit damage by 20%. So if enemy has raindune omen then crit will only increase damage by 180%. On the other hand, except for dusk blade, normally lethality item will give you 15 lethality, 5 of them give 75 lethality. A single thorn mail give 80 armor. It is very easy to nulify lethality when you goes full armor. With 6 thorn mail this rammus has 1200 armor

  • @linhhchiuwu986
    @linhhchiuwu986 6 лет назад +1

    Hay quá AD ơi

  • @dkim3648
    @dkim3648 6 лет назад

    Okay so Rammus builds 6 of the same items but yi builds 6 different items, how is that a “full build” fight?

  • @Crazy84cherokee
    @Crazy84cherokee 4 года назад

    Bloodthirster, berserker greaves, trinity force, infinity edge, phantom dancer, and essence reaver. Try it and see?

  • @EcclesiarchNevsky
    @EcclesiarchNevsky 4 года назад

    I dont see a full build rammus, i only see a 6TM troll rammus and a full build yi

  • @Alex-le4ls
    @Alex-le4ls 5 лет назад +1

    If rammus had Tabi with just 1x chainmail with 4x Frozen hearts he would win without Breaking a sweat

  • @eunsilver7913
    @eunsilver7913 5 лет назад +15

    2:12 ㄹㅇㄱ

  • @onga6656
    @onga6656 6 лет назад

    Nice video. Pls music 0:00

  • @LinardsZ
    @LinardsZ 6 лет назад +5

    why the hell is lethal tempo not conqurer????

    • @waneksio2937
      @waneksio2937 6 лет назад +5

      Because this was made by 10 years old kid =D

  • @FTOXy
    @FTOXy 5 лет назад +4

    Before Rammus was steep, than more have him was armour the more damage from attacks was, and now as on me became he much weaker

  • @takamura6364
    @takamura6364 6 лет назад

    How did you get king rammus skin?

  • @SinBad7C
    @SinBad7C 6 лет назад

    Thank u bro ❤

  • @nicolev5756
    @nicolev5756 5 лет назад +7

    Try to temove guinsoo and wits end for good measure.

    • @creepypato3984
      @creepypato3984 4 года назад

      Yi without magic resist implodes against rammus.

  • @teknosqurl8154
    @teknosqurl8154 4 года назад

    >Rammus has TP
    >No Chilling Smite
    >6 Thornmail is supposed to be full build
    Not even sort of fair to Rammus

  • @tuanminhdang8264
    @tuanminhdang8264 4 года назад +1

    No one build 6 same armors to rammus

  • @the_Haexler
    @the_Haexler 6 лет назад

    lul the onhit build also has crit with pd and that "crit yi" only exchanged scimitar and wits end for ie and statikks while still ahving 3 on hit items. Botrk and Bloodrazor should be fine (warrior would be an altenative, more ad, more crit dmg), but why does the rageblade stay? Here could have either the scimitar stayed or a lord dominiks added.
    On the other side, wonder how rammus would fight with tabbis as yis dmg is m ostly autos which tabbis reduces. Also i always wonder why these 6 thornmail builds with enarly no ehalth, a warmogs or/and cinderhulk could add so much effective health again.

  • @tarpanashina2210
    @tarpanashina2210 6 лет назад

    Why does rammus build armor vs magic damage? Is this a bronze elo?

  • @chialingchiang2336
    @chialingchiang2336 6 лет назад

    Song name? Thanks

  • @ducks7015
    @ducks7015 4 года назад +1

    "No limitations"
    So round 2 again?

  • @teuchiichiraku8615
    @teuchiichiraku8615 5 лет назад

    So why does this rammus not cancel yi w? Or why he goes 6 tm while yi has real items...

  • @mrjerry1499
    @mrjerry1499 6 лет назад +1

    AP Warwick vs AP Nasus please

  • @ongvo1331
    @ongvo1331 5 лет назад

    Đấu trường vô lý đã nói lên điều này rõ nhất braum giáp gai vs Zed vô cực

  • @isaacmaya1915
    @isaacmaya1915 5 лет назад +1

    That's not a full rammus build. Missing a frozen heart or Iceborne and sunfire hell even randuins.

    • @gester159
      @gester159 4 года назад

      Randuins wont do shit againts a dps yi with bloodrazor, botrk using conq rune. Its all true damage man

    • @isaacmaya1915
      @isaacmaya1915 4 года назад

      @@gester159 fair enough mans. Also that's a shit rammus build never finish thornmail first. If it was a real rammus build he might be able to kill yi but he'll go down with him. Plus rammus will never let yi get that strong

  • @vicentefortin1938
    @vicentefortin1938 4 года назад +1

    el segundo round de no limitations esta trucado porque yi no usa la W???

  • @dontcheckmychannel6568
    @dontcheckmychannel6568 5 лет назад

    Hi yi main in d1 China here
    U r supposed to have lethal tempo / conquerers and domination second tree with fking atk speed with runes
    With items
    Lethal tempo : atk dmg jg item (I always use conq and forgot what it's name is), berserker boots, guinsoos, infinity Edge, deaths dance and situational items
    (either guardians Angel or for def boost if their team full of 1 hit ko dmg teams or hextech gunblade for the def tanks as yi's E scales with AP and for lifesteal)
    Conquerer : blood enchantment : stormrazor, berserker boots, infinity Edge, deaths dance, and either titanic hydra cuz their team will one shot u, guardian angel if their team doesn't have lethality items or fking hextech gunblade for 33 percent lifesteal and lethality items for last item
    Edit : lethal tempo is for dmg with armor penetration to melt tanks and conquerer has true dmg and needs a lil atk speed ult and a lethality item with infinity edge
    Side note : we want infinity Edge over other crit items cuz IE gives u more dmg on crit and yi doesn't need that much atk speed for penta
    Sorry if bad english

  • @lovrojelic8453
    @lovrojelic8453 5 лет назад


  • @lukichanel171
    @lukichanel171 6 лет назад +1

    Tại sao lúc master yi xài chiêu thiền/ lúc đó ramus không xài khiêu khích????
    Không hợp lý?

    • @kuzzy9847
      @kuzzy9847 6 лет назад

      rammus trong video ko bt chơi

  • @yasuogolzi4672
    @yasuogolzi4672 6 лет назад

    Rammus 6 giap gai và vayne full ad đi

  • @dzhananahmed4923
    @dzhananahmed4923 6 лет назад

    Ramusa nasil build yapmışsınız
    Normal buildini görmek lazım

  • @zezzyjoe2699
    @zezzyjoe2699 6 лет назад

    why in 3 round no lilitation they dont use ing and exh?

  • @OffMyGourd
    @OffMyGourd 4 года назад

    Can you redo with legit build please. 6 thornmails doesn't stack the passive. Add some stuff like raduins or sunfire cape.

  • @hubertwalczak3855
    @hubertwalczak3855 6 лет назад +1

    Jax vs Trundle , Jax vs Master Yi , Master vs Trundle

  • @alexdasilva8864
    @alexdasilva8864 6 лет назад +2

    7:21 até que fim um BR

  • @BringBackCyrillicBG
    @BringBackCyrillicBG 6 лет назад +2

    Rammus with 6 different tank items next time and see the magic

  • @filippantovic8576
    @filippantovic8576 6 лет назад

    Can someone tell me why "NO LIMITATION" rammus dont have "IGNITE AND EX". Sry if i miss some name dont play LoL at all.

  • @nguyenvo6028
    @nguyenvo6028 6 лет назад

    if rammus has red smite and exhausted, no limitation would be different

  • @immortalizedpp4983
    @immortalizedpp4983 6 лет назад

    If rammus waited for yi to use meditate and then bumped into him with q he would have win every fight. Using q to start a fight was a total waste..

  • @BryanLeandry
    @BryanLeandry 5 лет назад

    Umm. Why are you not waiting for yi to W before rammus taunts? If you dont waste taunt and instead wait till yi uses W, yi will not win at all

  • @meocon5516
    @meocon5516 6 лет назад

    Mấy pha highlight đằng sau toàn đồng đoàn

  • @Jooolzhop
    @Jooolzhop 6 лет назад

    Why rammus has only build 1item?that is full build?...think before upload your videos

    • @phuoan3495
      @phuoan3495 6 лет назад

      Jomel Sobrepeña because ramus full build too strong, yi cant stand with this

    • @dontcheckmychannel6568
      @dontcheckmychannel6568 5 лет назад

      @@phuoan3495 No I'm a d1 yi main And I am fking sure yi has wrong builds if he has right builds he would win rammus full build for sure

  • @alansangui8090
    @alansangui8090 6 лет назад +11

    AP Yasuo vs AD Katarina :v

    • @ec1644
      @ec1644 6 лет назад

      Alan Sangui Ad kat will win because yasuo has to E then wait for the cooldown until that time ad kat will win.

    • @ortenszkyattila6776
      @ortenszkyattila6776 6 лет назад

      Master Zed yea

  • @Extrasailor
    @Extrasailor 5 лет назад +1

    Me vs Rammus, to kill Rammus specifically I would build: With's End, Spirit Visage, BOTRK, Triforce, Mercs, Dominik's Regards

  • @beansguy2479
    @beansguy2479 6 лет назад

    Rammus... the champion created to specifically counter someone like yii... dies and barely beats a normal build jungle Yii using a troll build no one does in game... balanced.

  • @stealthy9156
    @stealthy9156 6 лет назад

    For god's sake, can u stop making rammus full thornmail? Since unique passive doesn't stacks, yi has endless bonus effects. If you want to make it fair rammus 1xthormmail 5x frozen heart

  • @o0camy564
    @o0camy564 6 лет назад +1

    6 thornmails = fullbuild?
    then yii should have like 6 stormrazors.
    its a funny vid, but nowhere nearly the thing that would happen

    • @LinardsZ
      @LinardsZ 6 лет назад

      Where is yi with conqurer why the hell he has lethal tempo ??????????

    • @dontcheckmychannel6568
      @dontcheckmychannel6568 5 лет назад

      @@LinardsZ he needs it but his build is wrong making the rune useless even though he has atk speed yi needs armor penetration every game

  • @ABcmaSter_
    @ABcmaSter_ 6 лет назад

    Why didnt you take press the attack on rammus

  • @howlintube2093
    @howlintube2093 5 лет назад +1

    Ye, put some tabis, health items and aftershock on rammus, he wins easily

  • @xul4m06qj6
    @xul4m06qj6 6 лет назад

    Rammus should use taunt when Yi meditates

  • @moshfit9437
    @moshfit9437 6 лет назад

    Wow man that rammus skin is soo rare

  • @TheTakenKing999
    @TheTakenKing999 6 лет назад

    Need the 400AD Fiora vs 1k stack Nasus.

  • @juanpablogomezospina7665
    @juanpablogomezospina7665 4 года назад +1

    Rammus tp yi cimitarra?

  • @lepesito1
    @lepesito1 6 лет назад +10

    Rammus noob start with Q xd

  • @brandonallen2301
    @brandonallen2301 4 года назад

    2 CC's and he doesn't save either for meditate? Just uses them right away? 😒

  • @limas1991
    @limas1991 5 лет назад

    5 thonmails + hextech gunblade = Rammus wins and ends full life

  • @Farengo
    @Farengo 6 лет назад +1

    6:35 I have the impression that the kog'maw is scripting ^^