In Soviet cartoons, there are many songs from Soviet pop culture and references to it. Since everyone knew these people and the songs, the children understood all the references. If a song is playing on the radio and a movie is playing on the TV, it means that it is safe for children. In the first sketch, the wolf whistled as in the song of Vysotsky, then there will be songs by Pugacheva and her image in the form of a red fox, later he will sing a few more songs together with the hare. In addition, Soviet cartoons are sometimes strange: philosophical reflections in "Hedgehog in the Fog", a dog who tries to hang himself in "Once upon a time there was a dog", one of the saddest songs in "Crocodile Gene". Soviet cartoons did not try to protect children from cigarettes and alcohol, children have already seen it in real life. Everyone already knew that it was harmful.
The Wolf did not want to eat the duck, he wanted to "take revenge" specifically on the Hare, and on exactly this one (!), and not "on any hare in general".
I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!! Also, in the episode start, the wolf was not kicking a Garbage Can, it's actually a Urn! Other thing, you mean that the show doesn't look like a kid friendly show? Well, when the show premiered on 1969, characters smoking per example was allowed on kids television! *ANOTHER THING!* 9:56 Don't be worried! It's a kid show! They won't show a type of scene like that!
Each episode plot usually revolved around a particular location. This pilot episode had 2. Started in city, than suburbs (probably Moscow). The song at 5:20 mentions the electric train connecting Moscow and its suburbs.
It's actually debatable question if wolf wants to eat the rabbit. In the books (yeah, there were also books) wolf constantly tried to mess with him because rabbit was from a stable family and the wolf was a problematic teen who couldn't pass classes and stuff. So basically it was about social inequality. Because well soviet censorship couldn't allow one anthropomorphic animal eating another would be too much like cannibalism.
Было много серий . Ну, погоди!. 0 из журнала Весёлая карусель . 1969 года .Режиссёр,художник . Геннадий Сокольский. Волка озвучивает Геннадий Сокольский. Телевыпуски 1980-1981 годов . Вячеслав Котёночкин в своих мемуарах. Называл эти выпуски .Убогим дурновкусием. Сняты на студии Экран . Режиссёр Юрий Бутырин . Он рисовал оригинальные серии .Ну, погоди!. Волка озвучивает Владимир Ферапонтов .Зайца Клара Румянова . Реклама Конфет Джойта . 1994 года . Волка озвучивает Владимир Сошальский . Которые в 15 выпуске . Озвучивал Бегемота . В 16 Волка из Красной Шапочки . Это была последняя работа . При жизни Вячеслава Котёночкина . И Клары Румяновой . Реклама Камеры Кварц . 1976 года . Снята на студии Союзмультфильм. Режиссёр Виктор Арсентьев . Волка озвучивает Анатолий Папанов .Зайца Клара Румянова . Социальная реклама 15 серий . Ванна, Кран, Лифт, Пружина . 1986-1987 . Режиссёры Юрий Бутырин, Александр Федулов, Вадим Меджибовский . 4 выпуска киножурнала Фитиль . 1977-1979 годов . Режиссёр Вячеслав Котёночкин. Волка озвучивает Анатолий Папанов. Зайца Клара Румянова. 1 .(( Фальшивый мотив)),. 1977 года . 2.(( Руками не трогать)), . 1977 года. 3. ((Удивительные башмачки)) ,. 4. ((Запрещённый приём)), .1979 года . Реклама Нурофена 2018-2019 годов .Волка озвучивает Дмитрий Филимонов. Зайца Ксения Бржезовская . Ну,погоди! Новогодний выпуск . 2 версии . 1 Ну, погоди! Новогодний выпуск. 2012 года . Режиссёр Рим Шарафутдинов . С использованием голосов .Папанова, Румяновой . 2 Ну, погоди! Поймай звезду .2017 года . Волка озвучивает Игорь Христенко .Зайца Лариса Брохман . Реклама Шоколадный яиц Петрушка . 2004 года. Волка озвучивает Игорь Христенко . Реклама Шоколадных яиц Ландрин . 2005 года. По Ну, погоди!. Есть комиксы . 2 крипипасты . 1 Страшная копия мультфильма . Ну, погоди!. 2. Потерянный эпизод Ну, погоди! Смерть Волка в полночь . На 90 процентов копирует .Крипипасту Потерянный эпизод Губки Боба Суицид Сквидварда. 8 Серий Ну, погоди!. В виде диафильмов . 4 Отличается персонажом медведем . Вместо ежа .И концовкой . Продолжение Ну, погоди!. В виде книги .Ну, погодите! или Двое на одного. 1998 года. Автор сценария Александр Курляндский. Реклама Рассчетно-кассовое обслуживание населения. 1976 года. Ну, погоди !. Реклама 2012 года. Будет 2 перезапуск. Ну, погоди!. От другой студии . Подробнее в этом ролике .Ссылкавидео.html. Посмотри это .3 перезапуск Ну,погоди!.видео.html. Этот парень хочет .Сделать 4 перезапуск .Вернее сделает, если успеетвидео.html. Я когда-нибудь .Сделаю свою серию .В стилистике Союзмультфильма 2020.
Hey, nice to see you again! As it was mentioned before, each episode has some cultural references, such as tunes that were popular back than. For instance, while the wolf climbs the balcony, he whistles a melody of Vladimir Visotsky's song about mountain climbers, and while he's heading to the beach there is a pop song from 1966 "The Last Suburb Train".
In the first episode, when the wolf climbs the rope to the balcony, music from the famous song about climbers by Vladimir Vysotsky plays. The inscription on the poster "Drink carrot juice". The hare advertises a healthy lifestyle.
Нифига. Мне Том и Джерри больше нравятся. Особенно от Уильям Ханна и Джозефа (не буду писать фамилию так как боюсь написать неправильно - плохо помню), особенно когда они ещё были в самом разгаре. Вот по качеству проработки, тут сразу побеждает Том и Джерри. Но оно и понятно, у Тома и Джерри бюджет больше. Вообщем данные мультсериалы хоть и имеют один основной жанр, но все таки они очень разные. Сравнивать какой лучше из них, совсем не корректно.
Thank u for your reaction!! Hope u will proceed with this series, glad that I've liked it)) And want to advise some more soviet cartoons for further reactions: ""The secret of the third planet" planet" (about space travellings in search for some rare animals) and "Treasure Island" (based on R.L. Stevenson's story, very hilarious, with some "comics" style. But contains some specific songs and filmed, not cartoon, sketches.
Oh my childhood... btw. in Czech it's translated as "Jen počkej, zajíci!" (Just you wait, hare!). I always loved that vibrant Cyrillic in intros and outros and I didn't know you're supposed to read it in a different way, so their "конец" ('konec' in Czech) was "koheu" for me 😂😂 and I really didn't care back then :D
Heeeey nice to see you again hehe. Ouuh its nice to see the comparisons between the two languages :D Btw, hows the situation in the Czech Rep with the whole sickness thing?
@@IntricatelyRandomAsian I know I know. It's been a while. I'm finally here ^^ Huh? Situation.. um.. we.. are kinda almost in a war against Russia. Not a big deal :D We will maybe have some defenestration against our president and stuff. IDK. Things are kinda complicated now. Of course there are more and more sick people but I don't think that's the only problem here. 😂😂 Czech republic. What can I say? :D And what about the situation in your country?
Enabled speech translation in the browser-when it comes to the hare, translates as "hair".The wolf is chasing the hair 🤣 🤣 🤣 Of course, the technology is not perfect yet😂😂😂 Включил перевод речи в браузере-когда речь заходит о зайце,переводит как "волос".Волк гоняется за волосами 🤣🤣🤣 Технологии конечно ещё не совершенны😂😂😂
That episode had a robotic hare that kept saying "Zayats, Volk" (Hare, Wolf) over and over again. We saw earlier that the hare could simply turn it off with a switch. The buffoonish wolf did not do this and tried getting away from the robot. The robot still followed the wolf everywhere. He could not take it any more, and he hit the robot with a hammer. *Instead of breaking, it radically changed its appearance to an aggressive one and attacked the wolf with lightning.*
Both the Hare and the Wolf are boys. Then (in the books) it turned out that they were both high school students. But the Wolf is older than the Hare by a couple of years, because he stayed in the second year several times. The reason why the Wolf runs after the Hare was not explained to us. But the Wolf himself said that 100% is not for eating a Hare. The Hare grows up an obedient boy, he has a full-fledged loving family, because (most likely) The wolf runs after him. Wolf had seen his father only once in his life on a «Wanted» poster. Simply put, he does it out of envy. I'm sorry if I wrote it wrong.
There is one amateur cartoon called Metal family. At the moment creators are translating it to English and now there is two series already. On Russian it is much more ofk. It starts like something non serious, just sketch or something, but it becomes more serious and finds its own style. I advise you to watch this.
Well, I don't know, I think Tom and Jerry are a lot tougher in terms of cartoon violence. Take at least this compilation. They knock out Tom's teeth, but it's like I can feel his pain myself.видео.html
@@dariarock9754 , ненависть как раз сквозит в Ваших словах. Что ставит под сомнения Ваши слова о том, что Вы "выросли нормальной". А в "Томе и Джерри" действительно много садизма. В отличии от нашего "Ну, погоди!"
@@Mikhail_Gladkikh если вы такой гнилой сноб, хорошо пусть будет по вашему - в Томе и Джерри много садизма! Однако я считаю фишкой Тома и Джерри это не садизм а креативный динамичный юмор показаный через безобидное насилие и прочее множество приемов, благодаря которым это и сделало его чертовски популярным комедийным мультсериалом в истории. Трюки которого копипастят теперь все последующие мульты такого жанра. Вот только почему-то мы не говорим что в них тоже самый садизм. Под это же число подпадает, ой какое совпадение, Ну погоди! Падение волка в трусах с большой высоты на семью ежей - ни капли не садизм! Боже, боты! Не смешите своим маразмом нормальных людей здесь пожалуйста.
Too many reactions .Well, wait a minute! divorced😀. Interesting facts Well, wait!. 1 Screenwriters Well, wait!. Felex Kamov, Arkady Hite, Alexander Kurlandsky. Immediately decided to film the chase . We went through the options of who will chase whom: a fox and a rooster, a fox and a hare, a wolf and a fox. But we finally settled on the wolf and the hare, which are familiar to our folklore. 2 Have been looking for the famous one for a long time .The phrase of the Wolf that would not only correspond to the plot, but also give the viewer hope for a continuation. Various options were discussed: "Well, wait!", " Well, wait!", ((Well, wait!)) But the point in this dispute was put by Felix Kamov, saying: "Well, wait!" 3 Well, I'm a Hare .I drew it pretty quickly. With blue eyes, pink cheeks, generally very positive. Says Vyacheslav Kotenochkin. . Well, I didn't manage the wolf for a long time. And then, you know, guys, I'm walking along Kalyaevskaya Street, I look at the wall of the house leaned such a healthy guy. He has long black hair, a cigarette hanging from his lips, his chest is sunken, his tummy is protruding. Just a copy of our wolf» I came to draw a caricature of this guy .A Wolf appeared. 4. Kotenochkin wanted to voice the Wolf Vladimir Vysotsky, did samples of his voice with hoarseness. . But Soyuzmultfilm said . Like Vysotsky is an odiznaya figure .We don't need that. Let's look for it. someone else . Wolf crawling on the rope . In 1 issue, the album Contains a song by Vysotsky . If a friend turned out to be suddenly. From the movie Vertical . For the role of the Hare, without any samples, they took Klara Rumyanova Vyacheslav Kotenochkin said. Papanov the Wolf . And the bunny is just my blue-eyed Klarochka, I won't even try anything . The Hare has blue eyes . In honor of Klara Rumyanova.5. The cartoon characters were .Not only are they popular .On the screen .There were notebooks, openers, packages with canute goods. Clothes for the Wolf used to be .Spied on friends. 6. In 1973 . After the release of issue 7. Well, wait! closed it. One of the writers .Well, wait!. Felix Kamov has left. To Israel. At that time. It was a betrayal of the motherland. At the same time. Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Nikolai Podgorny . He handed Papanov the title . Honored Artist of the USSR. After all, Papanov played a lot in the theater and cinema. Podgorny asked . Well, what do you have there .C Well, wait! done. Papanov answered. The film is being closed. One of the screenwriters went to Israel. After that, Papanov came .I went to the studio and told them about the incident. Soon the film was launched again. Back to work. Papanov began to be called. Honored Wolf of the Republic. 7. Almost all the directors refused .Work with Well, wait!. Who was not offered .They said Yes, well, some kind of garbage . And only Vyacheslav Kotenochkin . After reading the script he said : And as for the guys,.: "There is something in this!»
Not 'Well, wait!'. And not 'Wait a minute!'. Ну, погоди! should be translated as 'JUST YOU WAIT!' or "I'LL GET YA!'. Not an asking to wait. Rather a fierce, determined menace.
"Ну, Погоди" is not technically a Russian cartoon, but Soviet, which included also Ukraine, Belarus etc. Cartoons like this were common work and it is common legacy now, not Russian only, which is kinda important fact here. I mean, Russian and Soviet are not synonyms
In Soviet cartoons, there are many songs from Soviet pop culture and references to it. Since everyone knew these people and the songs, the children understood all the references. If a song is playing on the radio and a movie is playing on the TV, it means that it is safe for children. In the first sketch, the wolf whistled as in the song of Vysotsky, then there will be songs by Pugacheva and her image in the form of a red fox, later he will sing a few more songs together with the hare. In addition, Soviet cartoons are sometimes strange: philosophical reflections in "Hedgehog in the Fog", a dog who tries to hang himself in "Once upon a time there was a dog", one of the saddest songs in "Crocodile Gene". Soviet cartoons did not try to protect children from cigarettes and alcohol, children have already seen it in real life. Everyone already knew that it was harmful.
Спасибо за "Ну, погоди"
Ураааа, наше детство!))))
Льются слёзы ностальгии))
Да! Ура! Дождались!
you could see the soviet cartoon "Treasure Island" :) It's amazing :>
Yes, and it has subtitles. Really cool cartoon
The Wolf did not want to eat the duck, he wanted to "take revenge" specifically on the Hare, and on exactly this one (!), and not "on any hare in general".
Nice. Can't wait to see your reactions to other iconic Soviet era cartoons!
Also, in the episode start, the wolf was not kicking a Garbage Can, it's actually a Urn!
Other thing, you mean that the show doesn't look like a kid friendly show? Well, when the show premiered on 1969, characters smoking per example was allowed on kids television!
*ANOTHER THING!* 9:56 Don't be worried! It's a kid show! They won't show a type of scene like that!
Ok awesome thanks hahah
Each episode plot usually revolved around a particular location. This pilot episode had 2. Started in city, than suburbs (probably Moscow). The song at 5:20 mentions the electric train connecting Moscow and its suburbs.
Woah thats so cool! Thanks for the heads up :)
It's actually debatable question if wolf wants to eat the rabbit. In the books (yeah, there were also books) wolf constantly tried to mess with him because rabbit was from a stable family and the wolf was a problematic teen who couldn't pass classes and stuff. So basically it was about social inequality. Because well soviet censorship couldn't allow one anthropomorphic animal eating another would be too much like cannibalism.
it really makes sense
Я этот мультфильм лет 10 не видел))) спасибо!
Было много серий . Ну, погоди!. 0 из журнала Весёлая карусель . 1969 года .Режиссёр,художник . Геннадий Сокольский. Волка озвучивает Геннадий Сокольский. Телевыпуски 1980-1981 годов . Вячеслав Котёночкин в своих мемуарах. Называл эти выпуски .Убогим дурновкусием. Сняты на студии Экран . Режиссёр Юрий Бутырин . Он рисовал оригинальные серии .Ну, погоди!. Волка озвучивает Владимир Ферапонтов .Зайца Клара Румянова . Реклама Конфет Джойта . 1994 года . Волка озвучивает Владимир Сошальский . Которые в 15 выпуске . Озвучивал Бегемота . В 16 Волка из Красной Шапочки . Это была последняя работа . При жизни Вячеслава Котёночкина . И Клары Румяновой . Реклама Камеры Кварц . 1976 года . Снята на студии Союзмультфильм. Режиссёр Виктор Арсентьев . Волка озвучивает Анатолий Папанов .Зайца Клара Румянова . Социальная реклама 15 серий . Ванна, Кран, Лифт, Пружина . 1986-1987 . Режиссёры Юрий Бутырин, Александр Федулов, Вадим Меджибовский . 4 выпуска киножурнала Фитиль . 1977-1979 годов . Режиссёр Вячеслав Котёночкин. Волка озвучивает Анатолий Папанов. Зайца Клара Румянова. 1 .(( Фальшивый мотив)),. 1977 года . 2.(( Руками не трогать)), . 1977 года. 3. ((Удивительные башмачки)) ,. 4. ((Запрещённый приём)), .1979 года . Реклама Нурофена 2018-2019 годов .Волка озвучивает Дмитрий Филимонов. Зайца Ксения Бржезовская . Ну,погоди! Новогодний выпуск . 2 версии . 1 Ну, погоди! Новогодний выпуск. 2012 года . Режиссёр Рим Шарафутдинов . С использованием голосов .Папанова, Румяновой . 2 Ну, погоди! Поймай звезду .2017 года . Волка озвучивает Игорь Христенко .Зайца Лариса Брохман . Реклама Шоколадный яиц Петрушка . 2004 года. Волка озвучивает Игорь Христенко . Реклама Шоколадных яиц Ландрин . 2005 года. По Ну, погоди!. Есть комиксы . 2 крипипасты . 1 Страшная копия мультфильма . Ну, погоди!. 2. Потерянный эпизод Ну, погоди! Смерть Волка в полночь . На 90 процентов копирует .Крипипасту Потерянный эпизод Губки Боба Суицид Сквидварда. 8 Серий Ну, погоди!. В виде диафильмов . 4 Отличается персонажом медведем . Вместо ежа .И концовкой . Продолжение Ну, погоди!. В виде книги .Ну, погодите! или Двое на одного. 1998 года. Автор сценария Александр Курляндский. Реклама Рассчетно-кассовое обслуживание населения. 1976 года. Ну, погоди !. Реклама 2012 года. Будет 2 перезапуск. Ну, погоди!. От другой студии . Подробнее в этом ролике .Ссылкавидео.html. Посмотри это .3 перезапуск Ну,погоди!.видео.html. Этот парень хочет .Сделать 4 перезапуск .Вернее сделает, если успеетвидео.html. Я когда-нибудь .Сделаю свою серию .В стилистике Союзмультфильма 2020.
Девушка с картины Поля Гогена смотрит Ну Погоди! Что может быть прекрасней?😍😍😍
и правда похожа ))
Hey, nice to see you again!
As it was mentioned before, each episode has some cultural references, such as tunes that were popular back than. For instance, while the wolf climbs the balcony, he whistles a melody of Vladimir Visotsky's song about mountain climbers, and while he's heading to the beach there is a pop song from 1966 "The Last Suburb Train".
Love your disclaimer! :))))
Jerry spoils Toms life, but in case with ну погоди, bad things happen to wolf bc of his actions, so wolf makes it for himself.
Finally, some childhood classics!
Yuusss mah dude!
Русские смотрящие это: эх, ностальгия
о драсте!!
Cartoon from my childhood.
Memories heheh
It’s good to have you back, it’s been some time since I’ve watch one of your videos 😌
Ayyy thanks Tobs ;)
In the first episode, when the wolf climbs the rope to the balcony, music from the famous song about climbers by Vladimir Vysotsky plays. The inscription on the poster "Drink carrot juice". The hare advertises a healthy lifestyle.
Fun Fact! Vladimir Vysotsky was ment to be the original wolf voice actor!
You're finally back, or we've already missed you.)
"Ну, погоди" лучше "Тома и Джерри", более остроумнее! И картинка и звук на высоте, а уж содержание каждой серии вне конкуренции!
Это для нас! А они так же скажут про Тома и Джерри.Потому что у каждого и небо своё голубее и трава зеленее.
Принцип такой вот!
И то и то прекрасно) С Тома и Джери наорался в свое время)
Нифига. Мне Том и Джерри больше нравятся. Особенно от Уильям Ханна и Джозефа (не буду писать фамилию так как боюсь написать неправильно - плохо помню), особенно когда они ещё были в самом разгаре. Вот по качеству проработки, тут сразу побеждает Том и Джерри. Но оно и понятно, у Тома и Джерри бюджет больше. Вообщем данные мультсериалы хоть и имеют один основной жанр, но все таки они очень разные. Сравнивать какой лучше из них, совсем не корректно.
its personal vendetta at this point so the duck wont do
Странные алгоритмы ютуба зачем-то порекомендовали видео с этого канала в 4 ночи...
Ну заяц, ну погоди!!!
Wait for my reaction on Episode 6! ;)
@@IntricatelyRandomAsian when will be Episode 8? or 9, I don't remember
Thank u for your reaction!! Hope u will proceed with this series, glad that I've liked it))
And want to advise some more soviet cartoons for further reactions: ""The secret of the third planet" planet" (about space travellings in search for some rare animals) and "Treasure Island" (based on R.L. Stevenson's story, very hilarious, with some "comics" style. But contains some specific songs and filmed, not cartoon, sketches.
Thanks for the tips George!
Ты - прелесть! Давай следующую серию! 🤟
You should watch more of this and react! :)
Oh my childhood...
btw. in Czech it's translated as "Jen počkej, zajíci!" (Just you wait, hare!).
I always loved that vibrant Cyrillic in intros and outros and I didn't know you're supposed to read it in a different way, so their "конец" ('konec' in Czech) was "koheu" for me 😂😂 and I really didn't care back then :D
Heeeey nice to see you again hehe. Ouuh its nice to see the comparisons between the two languages :D Btw, hows the situation in the Czech Rep with the whole sickness thing?
@@IntricatelyRandomAsian I know I know. It's been a while. I'm finally here ^^
Huh? Situation.. um.. we.. are kinda almost in a war against Russia. Not a big deal :D We will maybe have some defenestration against our president and stuff. IDK. Things are kinda complicated now. Of course there are more and more sick people but I don't think that's the only problem here. 😂😂
Czech republic. What can I say? :D
And what about the situation in your country?
"Конец"="The end"
@@Софья-п2г yeah, thanks. I didn't put this translation here 😄
long time no see, Ira!
Missed you so much!
*waits for more*
You are so cool! Nice to see you have been learning so much time already
Вълкът е персонаж единствен по родът си!
7:50 As a kid I always too thought he swallowed the bird. Would've been funny
Check out soviet Winnie-the-Pooh
Russian Winnie the Pooh, please!
Enabled speech translation in the browser-when it comes to the hare, translates as "hair".The wolf is chasing the hair 🤣 🤣 🤣
Of course, the technology is not perfect yet😂😂😂
Включил перевод речи в браузере-когда речь заходит о зайце,переводит как "волос".Волк гоняется за волосами 🤣🤣🤣
Технологии конечно ещё не совершенны😂😂😂
You will understand the childhood trauma of at least half of the children from the CIS when you get to episode 14.
true. so true.
this episode still scares the shit out of me. the creepiest one.
That episode had a robotic hare that kept saying "Zayats, Volk" (Hare, Wolf) over and over again. We saw earlier that the hare could simply turn it off with a switch. The buffoonish wolf did not do this and tried getting away from the robot. The robot still followed the wolf everywhere. He could not take it any more, and he hit the robot with a hammer. *Instead of breaking, it radically changed its appearance to an aggressive one and attacked the wolf with lightning.*
The spookiest thing is that nobody knows is the rabbit a boy or a girl and what wolf exactly want to do with it))
Both the Hare and the Wolf are boys. Then (in the books) it turned out that they were both high school students. But the Wolf is older than the Hare by a couple of years, because he stayed in the second year several times. The reason why the Wolf runs after the Hare was not explained to us. But the Wolf himself said that 100% is not for eating a Hare. The Hare grows up an obedient boy, he has a full-fledged loving family, because (most likely) The wolf runs after him. Wolf had seen his father only once in his life on a «Wanted» poster. Simply put, he does it out of envy. I'm sorry if I wrote it wrong.
very flirty and cute)
I just love your greeting!🤭
There is one amateur cartoon called Metal family. At the moment creators are translating it to English and now there is two series already. On Russian it is much more ofk. It starts like something non serious, just sketch or something, but it becomes more serious and finds its own style. I advise you to watch this.
long time no see
Yooo buddy! Indeed
They have funny cartoons xD okh okh.
Yessss I enjoy it heheh
You'd better watch later episodes, this is like a pilot and not so great like others
May be he not hungry, just want eat that rabbit, not the duck. :) Like a sport, hunting or something.
Давненько тебя не было видно.
Well, I don't know, I think Tom and Jerry are a lot tougher in terms of cartoon violence.
Take at least this compilation. They knock out Tom's teeth, but it's like I can feel his pain myself.видео.html
Вы абсолютно правы, детям я не разрешала смотреть.
Nice reaction! Tom and Jerry more Hard because Tom Hard attack Jerry. We know about smoke from parents (its bad and other)
hi ate u are amazing
Heey salamat ading :)
Well, that was cool
react to maybe baby - ahegao please 🥺
You gotta watch the 16th episode!
React to Georgian rap ❤️❤️
KayaKata - polo palace
11:40, try to cancel the annotations when watching YT.
9:56 Какая у вас богатая фантазия 😅
Oh yesss indeed haha
Treasure island!!!
Make a reaction to Max Barskih & Zivert - Bestseller’s song🙏🏼🔥♥️
9:56 😹
damn u cute
Нууууу погади
Маленьким детям нельзя смотреть том и джери , там очень много садизма.
Бред.Я смотрела в детстве том и джерри и выросла нормальной.Сами вы садистка.Нормальный мультик.вы просто ненавидите все не русское,вот и все.
@@dariarock9754 , ненависть как раз сквозит в Ваших словах. Что ставит под сомнения Ваши слова о том, что Вы "выросли нормальной". А в "Томе и Джерри" действительно много садизма. В отличии от нашего "Ну, погоди!"
В ну погоди регулярные сцены курения и намеки на педафилию. Но это я смотрю вас конечно не eбeт, так как мультсериал НАШ!👏
@@Mikhail_Gladkikh если вы такой гнилой сноб, хорошо пусть будет по вашему - в Томе и Джерри много садизма! Однако я считаю фишкой Тома и Джерри это не садизм а креативный динамичный юмор показаный через безобидное насилие и прочее множество приемов, благодаря которым это и сделало его чертовски популярным комедийным мультсериалом в истории. Трюки которого копипастят теперь все последующие мульты такого жанра. Вот только почему-то мы не говорим что в них тоже самый садизм. Под это же число подпадает, ой какое совпадение, Ну погоди! Падение волка в трусах с большой высоты на семью ежей - ни капли не садизм! Боже, боты! Не смешите своим маразмом нормальных людей здесь пожалуйста.
See other series it will be more interesting well and profit respectively :)
Too many reactions .Well, wait a minute! divorced😀.
Interesting facts Well, wait!. 1 Screenwriters Well, wait!. Felex Kamov, Arkady Hite, Alexander Kurlandsky. Immediately decided to film the chase . We went through the options of who will chase whom: a fox and a rooster, a fox and a hare, a wolf and a fox. But we finally settled on the wolf and the hare, which are familiar to our folklore. 2 Have been looking for the famous one for a long time .The phrase of the Wolf that would not only correspond to the plot, but also give the viewer hope for a continuation. Various options were discussed: "Well, wait!", " Well, wait!", ((Well, wait!)) But the point in this dispute was put by Felix Kamov, saying: "Well, wait!" 3 Well, I'm a Hare .I drew it pretty quickly. With blue eyes, pink cheeks, generally very positive. Says Vyacheslav Kotenochkin. . Well, I didn't manage the wolf for a long time. And then, you know, guys, I'm walking along Kalyaevskaya Street, I look at the wall of the house leaned such a healthy guy. He has long black hair, a cigarette hanging from his lips, his chest is sunken, his tummy is protruding. Just a copy of our wolf» I came to draw a caricature of this guy .A Wolf appeared. 4. Kotenochkin wanted to voice the Wolf Vladimir Vysotsky, did samples of his voice with hoarseness. . But Soyuzmultfilm said . Like Vysotsky is an odiznaya figure .We don't need that. Let's look for it. someone else . Wolf crawling on the rope . In 1 issue, the album Contains a song by Vysotsky . If a friend turned out to be suddenly. From the movie Vertical . For the role of the Hare, without any samples, they took Klara Rumyanova Vyacheslav Kotenochkin said. Papanov the Wolf . And the bunny is just my blue-eyed Klarochka, I won't even try anything . The Hare has blue eyes . In honor of Klara Rumyanova.5. The cartoon characters were .Not only are they popular .On the screen .There were notebooks, openers, packages with canute goods. Clothes for the Wolf used to be .Spied on friends. 6. In 1973 . After the release of issue 7. Well, wait! closed it. One of the writers .Well, wait!. Felix Kamov has left. To Israel. At that time. It was a betrayal of the motherland. At the same time. Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Nikolai Podgorny . He handed Papanov the title . Honored Artist of the USSR. After all, Papanov played a lot in the theater and cinema. Podgorny asked . Well, what do you have there .C Well, wait! done. Papanov answered. The film is being closed. One of the screenwriters went to Israel. After that, Papanov came .I went to the studio and told them about the incident. Soon the film was launched again. Back to work. Papanov began to be called. Honored Wolf of the Republic. 7. Almost all the directors refused .Work with Well, wait!. Who was not offered .They said Yes, well, some kind of garbage . And only Vyacheslav Kotenochkin . After reading the script he said : And as for the guys,.: "There is something in this!»
Not 'Well, wait!'. And not 'Wait a minute!'. Ну, погоди! should be translated as 'JUST YOU WAIT!' or "I'LL GET YA!'. Not an asking to wait. Rather a fierce, determined menace.
Did you watch the Tom and Jerry? It is the same.
Not the same.
@@mashaegorova8680 верно. Том и Джерри лучше😁
Please watch some Ukrainian music: Hardkiss, Boombox, Onuka, Fiolet, Tina Karol 🙏🏻🍀❤
"Ну, Погоди" is not technically a Russian cartoon, but Soviet, which included also Ukraine, Belarus etc. Cartoons like this were common work and it is common legacy now, not Russian only, which is kinda important fact here. I mean, Russian and Soviet are not synonyms
Чёт запахло срачем
идиот, весь коллектив Котеночкина был в Москве
The hardkiss - все було так