I Did Not Recommend Euthanasia | @meganandtherescues

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • I am not offended by the comments, rather heartbroken that those of you who support these animals will cease your support for them simply because you could not take the time to listen and or verify. I am heartbroken that this is exactly the hate and consequences that I was discussing. A very complicated matter that I wanted to ensure each individual limitations were addressed in and that their experiences were not belittled.
    My greatest fear has always been not for what I say to be judged, but that what I say may negatively impact the animals in the rescue and their support system. It is why I am always lengthy and careful with my words. That and for the safety of those outside of my care as well. It is with that fear that I still believed that the harassmant of those in the veterinary field (or any medical profession) was too important to not speak up on. For animal & human lives alike.

Комментарии • 340

  • @paramkore1101
    @paramkore1101 2 месяца назад +71

    When did he slander Vets? I’ve been watching him for a while and I’ve only ever heard him say he went to a vet and the vet gave an incorrect solution to a nonexistent problem so he went to ANOTHER VET to get the care his pet needed. How is that vet slander? Just like human doctors, they aren’t all great and you have to find one compatible with you

  • @joosoo
    @joosoo 2 месяца назад +38

    Ok, as an outsider to these two people, girl... you fumbled it. You do not make a video titled beef and directly addressing another creator and THEN say that the talking points you made had nothing to do with him. Make two separate videos. You were reactionary and came off manic, which maybe you were in your feelings, but the fact you have to make _this_ video shows you didn’t communicate clearly. And yes! You did! You recommend euthanasia! To the guy, Nate, specifically? No, and I don't think he should have clipped it that way but the only reason your words even got misconstrued in first place was because of how poorly thought out that beef video was.

    • @BrikBeans
      @BrikBeans Месяц назад

      She doesnt know what implication means and how implying something is a form of communication in which this case an action is being reccomended. Implication is real communication. And she heavily implied the cat shouls be wacked.

  • @phir77
    @phir77 2 месяца назад +71

    Megan, I've been following you for a hot minute, but im not with you in this one. You are assuming money and resources is the issue, rather than listening to Nate when he said he believed that the ride to the vet wouldve stressed her out to the point she most likely would have passed on the way there.
    You have every right to speak up for your beliefs, but sometimes its good to reconsider, and understand if you may have gone too far. I would be livid if somebody got on youtube, ignored crucial facts about the care of my cat, and assumed they knew more than I do, never having met her.
    You had every right to be concerned, but i think most of us agree that this has gone into overstepping without listening to anyone but your own concerns.

    • @GooseEnthused
      @GooseEnthused 2 месяца назад +3

      She very clearly stated that she brought up resources in order to clarify for viewers other than Nate that she does not blame them for their circumstances & asking for help with resources is ok. Like that is stated one minute into this 4 minute video

    • @phir77
      @phir77 2 месяца назад +31

      ​​@@GooseEnthused she also ignored Nate's reasons and made it seem like he vilified vets. His reasons were clear, distance and experiences that made him wary of the vets that are close in distance to him/them not taking her, made him choose alternatively and instead of hearing him, it became a, "You could have chosen to go regardless and you're vilifying vets, so now I need to speak up for their voices." When Nate simply said that he trusted in his ability to care for her over pursuing an in person vet.
      To me this reads as backtracking to say you had a different point that was actually your point, the second you don't hold favor in the court of public opinion.
      (TW, animal death)
      I live somewhere where Avain vets are incredibly rare to find. I do not love my bird any less or think that all vets suck for choosing not to go to the one that I am close to, because Ive already had a negative experience with a bird dying on their watch. Told them over and over, do not leave her alone with her stitchings, she will chew through them. They didn't listen, they left her alone and she bled out before they noticed. I'm not a bad bird owner for deciding not to return to them and using other resources to care for my pet, and I wouldn't be too happy to engage with someone that came into the internet, presenting my care for my animal as a hate tirade for vets, instead of an alternative way to care for your animal in similar experiences.

    • @mexyreyes1158
      @mexyreyes1158 2 месяца назад +12

      You're pretty calm now in this video. Weird. You obviously havent watched other videos of Nate. He would actually go the distance to find the best vet for his animals. Besides, people's take away will be people's take away regardless of what you think is right or what you advise them. If someone doesnt believe in taking their pets to the vet then you cant make them by attacking someone who obviously you know nothing about. If you care about his animals, then message him directly, why post on tiktok? Makes you question the real agenda.

    • @midnightrunkennelbeth7629
      @midnightrunkennelbeth7629 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@phir77🥺 So sorry about the horrid death of your bird! (While under the "care" of a vet...) Avian Vets are hard to find, and not always conveniently located.
      Hopefully, you have better resources, closer to you, should a similar situation (God forbid) ever come up again!

    • @phir77
      @phir77 2 месяца назад

      @@midnightrunkennelbeth7629 I don't, but I have an account with online 24/7 vets and I've done way more research and bought way more supplies for any immediate care I need to take with him. I still routinely every few months call around to see if there are any Avain vets even if for a simple checkup let alone an emergency, and routinely freshen up on my skills to care for him in an emergency, as well as being careful about his husbandry and well-being, which is really all I can do circumstances considered.

  • @hivemindgoblin8540
    @hivemindgoblin8540 2 месяца назад +19

    For everyone who is curious about the cat now, kitty is doing just fine! His reasonings for not taking Katana to the vet was not due to resources or money, it is because he lives in a very rural area and the closest vets were hours away, and it was difficult to set up an appointment. This is pretty common in very rural areas (I had the same issue when I lived rural, a lot of rural vets are also booked months out and don’t have emergency options). They were very reasonably afraid their cat wouldn’t make it through a stressful, hours long roadtrip while being so sick.
    They successfully nursed the cat back to health enough for them to make that trip to the vet. They just posted an update and apparently Katana has been given a pretty clean bill of health!

  • @whyareyouhere1000
    @whyareyouhere1000 2 месяца назад +22

    Girl, stop. You have been working with animals and thought you knew better although you are not a profesional and didnt even see the cat in person. In the end the kitty is feeling better, and other people who said the same as you sincerely apologized for overstepping. Acknowledging your mistakes is healthier than trying to protect your ego claiming that people didnt understand what you meant.

    • @_shino__
      @_shino__ 2 месяца назад


  • @jamestippett3065
    @jamestippett3065 2 месяца назад +34

    The backtracking is real with this one.

  • @sheenestevez6038
    @sheenestevez6038 2 месяца назад +44

    Look, the issue is that you started with a response to his cat's particular situation, and, afterwards, you claim you made an entirely separate point about final ability to treat an ailment and humane euthenasia. Seemingly, you implied that if distance/cost prevented Nate from going to a vet, and the problem was as life threateningly serious as you mention, then humane euthenasia may be all you can do. Did Nate take the clips out of the their original context? I mean, they're clips, so yea, and of course he interjects between individual statements. Did Nate do anything malicious or even unreasonable considering the original posted? It doesn't seem like it. The vet technicians are getting hate for supporting humane euthenasia, whereas you're getting hate for seemingly advocating it in this particular instance and talking down to the original poster.

  • @TheWishy3
    @TheWishy3 2 месяца назад +44

    I’m so confused. Your original video was about having beef with Nate because of the way he handled his cat sickness. He took vets advice and did what they told him to do and did everything to the best of his abilities.His cat got better. He never once disregarded vets or vets advice. You just seemed to be upset that he didn’t drop everything and rush them to the vet, that was an hour away and may or may not be open once they get there or may not even take the animal in (they could be packed/busy). Idk why it triggered you, but I feel like you also misheard or misunderstood the situation. Your original video seemed more like you were shitting on Nate, not that you were trying to spread a message about not disregarding vets words or whatever.

    • @SophiaB.0519
      @SophiaB.0519 2 месяца назад +12

      ikr just because he lives on a farm and isn't a city person like her and doesn't panic THE SECOND there is a problem, but instead knows how to handle problems and wait, she has an issue with it

    • @pandorahunter
      @pandorahunter Месяц назад +1

      The er vets was 3 hrs the regular vet which wasn't open is 1 hr he also was working with vets online

  • @BionicPayer
    @BionicPayer 2 месяца назад +11

    sorry I might be deaf but I was looking for the "I am sorry" in this video, couldnt find it

  • @lisacruz5185
    @lisacruz5185 2 месяца назад +32

    You did absolutely target him in that video. You knew nothing about the situation. You only exploded saying how you were gonna start beef because of the way that he was caring for his cat. He does a amazing job with his animals. Who are you to get your panties in a wad? For some things that doesn't even belong to you.

  • @mzscary5092
    @mzscary5092 2 месяца назад +58

    YOU ABSOLUTELY DID RECOMMEND EUTHANASIA. You should be ashamed of yourself, all you're doing is trying to twist a situation and deflect.

    • @a11evan87
      @a11evan87 2 месяца назад +11

      I agree with this person. You can’t roll back on something you said on video.

    • @midnightrunkennelbeth7629
      @midnightrunkennelbeth7629 2 месяца назад +8

      It was 11:40-42 She did, indeed, say "Euthanasia".

  • @maryjanedoe
    @maryjanedoe 2 месяца назад +52

    He has never slandered vets or people taking their animals to vets.... you keep twisting things and thats the issue.
    He did the correct thing. Katana recovered perfectly. You acted like an unhinged psychopath over someone not doing what YOU thought they should be doing... he didn't want to stress her out and risk killing her trying to find a vet HOURS away, when he had people he could reach out to and was able to properly care for her.
    You keep contradicting yourself and trying to backtrack while talking in circles girl give it up.
    You have no qualifications. You are not a professional. You need help. Stop projecting your anger and issues on others.

    • @thecrippledone3325
      @thecrippledone3325 2 месяца назад +1

      Lmfao yes he did,do you even watch his videos??! He 💩s on vets constantly

    • @maryjanedoe
      @maryjanedoe 2 месяца назад +17

      @@thecrippledone3325 No he doesn't. He doesn't tell people what to do. He's only talked about HIS experiences, which is why he has made friends with people that he is able to reach out to if he isn't able to get to a vet like this instance since it was 4th of July and all that. He has never told anyone to not go to a vet or anything even close to it. He shows his life on the homestead, thats it.

    • @maryjanedoe
      @maryjanedoe 2 месяца назад +16

      @@thecrippledone3325 and the only time he talked about a bad experience with a vet, he explained how he went to a DIFFERENT ONE ! But i guess thats slandering all vets lol not just telling his experience about a shitty one who could have killed his dog.

    • @roydonarthur153
      @roydonarthur153 2 месяца назад

      At the end of his latest short about the woman who apologized he said he will take his catS to the vet

    • @qwerttrewq8158
      @qwerttrewq8158 2 месяца назад +8

      ​@@thecrippledone3325he only "dissed" a vet once and thats cause the vet gave a diagnosis without even checking the dog or running tests. Then he got a second opinion and that vet said the previous diagnosis was incorrect. The second doctor turned out to be correct and thats why his dog is still well and not suffering from lyme disease as the first vet had claimed.

  • @JonJinn
    @JonJinn 2 месяца назад +48

    I still don't understand what going on. The cats live and well. How about you don't put emotions on RUclips. I have watched both videos. You angry is visible and it takes over.

    • @mzscary5092
      @mzscary5092 2 месяца назад +10

      She's blinded by her anger and her desire to be right

    • @spectilia
      @spectilia 2 месяца назад +9

      If you watched both of her previous videos, then you know she went into extensive detail what her concerns were and only at the VERY END mentioned euthanasia as an absolute LAST RESORT. She also further explains that, if that is your only option, due to finances or circumstances, don't feel guilty or like you are a bad pet owner cause this was you being a good pet owner.
      Aaaand Nate took exactly the part about her suggesting euthanasia, clipped it, and ignored eeeeveeything else she said before and after. He portrayed her as some nutter who just wanted him to euthanize his cat for no reason. This is absolutely a jerk thing to do, absolutely a good reason to me upset at him, and demonstrates, to me anyway, that he didn't actually listen to or care about the very legitimate concerns she was presenting. Otherwise, he would have addressed them, even to just point out how they were wrong.
      But, nope! Clipped her out of context making it seem like she wants his cat dead. The fact that you aren't upset by this is baffling.

    • @roberthernandez3902
      @roberthernandez3902 2 месяца назад

      ​@spectilia if you can't afford it you really should not have pets yet get financially secure first that's just an excuse

    • @AH62830
      @AH62830 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@spectilia I've watched both. She's in the wrong. End of story byeeee

    • @spectilia
      @spectilia 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@AH62830Didn't say wether she was right or wrong. Only answered the question of why she is upset and why people are still bringing it up. It doesn't matter if she was right or wrong, only that Nate objectively clipped her out of context to make her look bad, which he did and is worthy of criticism.
      Meet people at their points when they make them. If you have to resort to clipping out of context to make your point, then you are either a coward, are unable to make your points otherwise (likely meaning your position is indefenceable), or both.

  • @randomconsumer510
    @randomconsumer510 2 месяца назад +45

    Mmmhm.... something tells me you don't have ANY qualifications.

    • @Cleanbob503
      @Cleanbob503 2 месяца назад +1

      @randomconsumer510 👁 ❤ u

  • @KrivRUs
    @KrivRUs 2 месяца назад +20

    If this is supposed to be a sincere apology to Nate, you’re second runner up for worst RUclips apologies. Lots of backpedaling and trying to spin the narrative. Incredibly disappointing to see the absolute lack of accountability on your end. It’s like you purposely misunderstood and misrepresented the situation for some kinda reason. Perhaps feeding off Nate’s fan base? I mean you seemed pretty excited to start beef with a larger creator…
    Nate talking about a bad experience where his dog was misdiagnosed and then he got a second opinion and a proper diagnosis is not him being anti-vet. Him not wanting to drive a sickly kitten over 1.5+ hours to a vet that’s most likely closed during a holiday weekend when he can provide the same care and monitoring at home with the guidance of actual professionals via telehealth is not being anti-vet.
    Whip out the ukulele at least next time, damn. 😩

  • @Dead-Levi
    @Dead-Levi 2 месяца назад +21

    I suggest you take everything down and talk to nate and apologize for making a mistake and be quiet for awhile

  • @mariahmonaco8433
    @mariahmonaco8433 2 месяца назад +10

    So you took his videos out of context and now other people are taking your video out of context... Strange how the internet works.

  • @ar0maeth3real13
    @ar0maeth3real13 2 месяца назад +19

    You were right about one thing, you have no license

  • @Wexti_B
    @Wexti_B 2 месяца назад +15

    That fact that at the end of the video she pull the "oh you think I'm unhinged you should see the other guy" line like wow real mature 🙄

    • @spectilia
      @spectilia 2 месяца назад +4

      That's not at all what she is saying though? Have you not watched any of her other content? A running gag (reality?) is that Megan struggles with her sanity taking care of these cats. The statement is pretty clearly meant to be "did you not get the memo? Of course I am unhinged and insane." Idk where you are getting a dig at Nate out of that.

    • @Wexti_B
      @Wexti_B 2 месяца назад +2

      @spectilia3566 looking a bit more in to her content I see that I is a running joke(which I get cause my cats drive me nuts too) but I definitely think that mabe she could've pulled that joke of a bit better espicaly after the whole "internet beef thing"
      I understand that what I did with that one comment is similar to what she did and I do apologize for it
      But I do think she could've handled the apology to nate and running joke a bit better

    • @Wexti_B
      @Wexti_B 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@spectilia3566 I watched that part over and over again after watching the whole vid and I know I can be distrusting of people but the way she said "did you not get the memo?and kindof rolled her eyes and looked to the side Felt like she was refering to the video she made target him
      I do see what you saying about the running joke but it could've been made more clear that she was playing into that and not refering to her internet beef video

    • @spectilia
      @spectilia 2 месяца назад

      @@Wexti_B Hey, no worries. Easy enough to clear up. I thought the placement of the comment was fine, but also acknowledge it might just be because I have watched a lot of her content and am used to her way of speaking. Idk how it sounds to a first time viewer of her.

    • @Wexti_B
      @Wexti_B 2 месяца назад

      It's dosent sound a clear as I think the joke was souposed to be and I think is she was to have put it first and made the video a bit lighter after it would have come off clearer to first time viewers and fans alike by sticking with the majority of her content that I have seen these past few days

  • @Deluxe-wb8vy
    @Deluxe-wb8vy Месяц назад +3

    I didnt hear "sorry" ONCE

  • @pentallica893
    @pentallica893 2 месяца назад +6

    You overreacted. Get iver it.

  • @samaritan_sys
    @samaritan_sys 2 месяца назад +17

    You remind me of someone I work with. She also loves to appear like she’s a sweet caring person, despite being an unhinged look behind closed doors. And, like with you, sometimes her mask slips and we see the crazy beneath.

  • @M5nofsteel69
    @M5nofsteel69 2 месяца назад +14

    I think you need professional help lol

  • @TaraLall
    @TaraLall Месяц назад +1

    I don't care about all this drama - I just have such deep respect for you because of the animals with serious health issues you take in and care for. And how much you love them. You have to be so incredibly caring and emotionally strong to do all of that. It takes so much time and energy and you are just trying to make your cats have full and happy healthy lives. I found you from seeing Uh Oh and Spagettios on Petfinder. I wanted to adopt them so badly, but knew I didn't have the resources or cat proof enough home to care for them. The amount of money it takes to get all the health issues of your rescues taken care of and the way you cover ALL the bases is intense. The fact that you are transparent about your mental health is also very admirable and as somebody who has OCD and is bipolar, well - we recognize our own. The stigma needs to end and the people telling you to get help in comments are the problem. You are amazing with your rescues. You know what it means to get your cats to the vet for absolutely every issue. You recognize that if someone doesn't have the resources needed to take care of an animal, they shouldn't have animals. That's why I didn't try to adopt uh oh and spagettios. I knew they needed somebody who could take care of them with their wobbly wonkiness and not just take them because of their absolute adorableness. I watch your videos about those two every single day for a serotonin boost. I want to say thank you for everything you do for your rescues, the way you let your subscribers see what it takes to care for special needs cats and for being you. If people don't support you because of some drama, they are only thinking about the drama and judging you - they don't care about your rescues. It's not about the people, it's about the pets.

  • @roberthernandez3902
    @roberthernandez3902 2 месяца назад +5

    Maybe get of the internet for a lil bit

  • @Wexti_B
    @Wexti_B 2 месяца назад +14

    Look, it's people like you who made it difficult and undiseriable for nate to post more up dates on Katana, and while in absolute extremes, unithanasia may be necessary to prevent further suffering wether a vet can be reached or not everything in ones power has to be done to save an animal before unithanasia is required
    In this case, nate did everything he could, and Katana is doing soooo much better despite the negative comments and un helpful advice from people like you
    I my self care for animals and alot of them are livestock meaning with where we live it is more difficult to get a vet for them as well as much more expensive than a regular cat or dog so i much like nate take it apon my self to learn all i can about caring for the animals i have and healing there injuries or illness and they all continue to live with us today happy and healthy
    No one said that caring for animals would be easy, and even vets can't fix everything, so it's our job as vets or regular people like nate and i to do our best caring for these animals
    And Nate, if you get tagged in this and read it, good job taking such good care of your animals and well done on Katana's care. Obviously, it worked, and she is doing much better now🎉

  • @noah5889
    @noah5889 2 месяца назад +9

    You said a lot without making any real points

  • @ravenbuckle5069
    @ravenbuckle5069 2 месяца назад +12

    Honistley i tried to watch and listen to your side of things but those hand movements have me distracted. Not to mention your constant upward look and run round, irrelevent train of thought.

  • @acidhead2232
    @acidhead2232 2 месяца назад +8

    you know youre in the wrong you know you messed up

  • @marilyne4324
    @marilyne4324 2 месяца назад +18

    Katana is alive and well,
    I just don't know how you can say you weren't targeting anyone.
    You were definitely targeting Nate, and it's awful.

  • @AH62830
    @AH62830 2 месяца назад +6

    Still waiting for you to backtrack and admit how wrong you were about the entire situation

  • @benjaminmorgan2169
    @benjaminmorgan2169 2 месяца назад +13

    Your video was upsetting to watch. Nate knows what he is doing. Maybe just stick to your own channel and stop bothering others

  • @bobbie-jenehenderson7824
    @bobbie-jenehenderson7824 Месяц назад

    You've seen PEOPLE die from this? Girl, what?! 😮

  • @Teeps-sm1uf
    @Teeps-sm1uf 2 месяца назад +13

    Even with the video being clipped you still said “humane euthanasia” in a video where you’re talking about beef with him because of how he’s treating his cat lmao this guy is perfectly capable of caring for his animals when/if they get injured just like he did with Saber and Dagger when they got hurt. You don’t know his experiences with vets so don’t say he’s slandering the vet community. If he listened to the “advice” from all you people that cat would most likely be dead right now but she’s fully recovered alive and well. Just admit you were wrong about a complete stranger and move on.

    • @roydonarthur153
      @roydonarthur153 2 месяца назад +5

      If she actually watched his videos she would know that he was on the phone with vets telling him what to do through the whole thing

  • @gir3423
    @gir3423 2 месяца назад +12

    First of all, you said that you were not a professional, so it is not in your right to tell others what to do.
    There is swelling behind the eye beside that everything else seems to be fine. This is not Internet beef. it is not your place nor your opinion on what he does. You need to stick to your lane. If you are not a professional, do NOT tell others what to do, then try to get sympathy all options are not off the table for him so I do not even know why you mentioned that in a video about him please stop telling others what to do and focus on you, I love animals so so much they have made up most of my life but when I can see that an animal is obviously taken care of comfortable and fine I leave it alone because it's not my issue.
    Cats are very irritable and can die when put into high stress places (like a 3-hour drive to the vet)
    Also, you did recommend it. Don't lie.
    It's pretty clear you have not watched the video and know nothing upon cats, so stop acting like you do.

  • @Kingsugarsnaps
    @Kingsugarsnaps 2 месяца назад +12

    You came off like a weirdo overstepping boundaries in your video and now there are repercussions.

  • @celticcomedy1316
    @celticcomedy1316 2 месяца назад +30

    Your original video, and even this one, are nuanced and well thought out. They are beautiful and needed. And it’s disgusting that Nate just clipped out a strawman to refute lazily without addressing the criticism or understanding the full message. He perceived the attack/that he is being called wrong for his neglect and exploitation of his cat’s illness instead of listening. I’m very grateful Katana is doing better and I’ve lost any respect I had for her owner. Everyone has different experiences and options and we shouldn’t be cruel to those who dedicate time money and sanity towards the health of others(people included), and we shouldn’t be cruel to those who don’t have the choice to do better for their animal. But as long as you do your best, go to the vet if possible, and love and care and put their best interests at heart, you haven’t failed them. If you made If through all this drink some water, you’re doing awesome, and know you’re patient as hell. Have a great day and maybe share this video with maybe some animal advocates that may need it.

  • @isabellsiruo
    @isabellsiruo 2 месяца назад +38

    Shame on these people that took your statements completely out of context!!!😡
    Megan you are amazing and you were absolutely right !!❤

    • @kevenhiemie
      @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад +6

      She said euthanasia was an option how is that taking anything out of context? 😡
      Megan may be an amazing person but she's very wrong in this situation.

  • @yoshi8735
    @yoshi8735 2 месяца назад +8

    "She got beef" part of title, you got response and got criticized, witch in the other video you said that was alright that he got it to since he said it was toxic but you said its not toxic its criticized, its his RUclips channel its his choice on advertising his life on social media. Vets wouldn't take in katana cuse there no point where he is so he stuck with resources that was useful around him and kitana was able to recover. I belive in natural selection you can fight for there life but you can't always safe them.respect for veterans who do deserve the praise, stay strong everyone.

  • @janieleopold6607
    @janieleopold6607 2 месяца назад +33

    I am sad to see that someone has clipped and used your words against you.
    I am on disability and at times can barely afford to care for myself but my cat is everything to me.
    I have been told by others to not have an animal if I couldn’t afford to treat it.
    I watched the video your talking about in this one and understood exactly what you were saying. ❤

    • @kevenhiemie
      @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад +5

      But clearly you didn't watch Nate's series about the cat

    • @janieleopold6607
      @janieleopold6607 2 месяца назад +1

      @@kevenhiemie no I didn’t. I only follow Megan and she did play a bit of his video.

    • @janieleopold6607
      @janieleopold6607 2 месяца назад +1

      @@kevenhiemie sometimes I would agree with you but in this case I don’t. No one knows exactly what is going on in each others lives or how financially stable they are.
      I have fostered cats, owned or been owned by cats and I volunteer in a shelter. I know the pain of having to make heart wrenching decisions due to not having the funds.
      Thank you for your opinion of me. Have the day you deserve.

    • @kevenhiemie
      @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад +5

      @@janieleopold6607 I believe Nate has the funds just not the geographic location to an open respectable vet.
      These two do live a very different lifestyle but what Megan needs to understand is that Nate is showing people the struggles and difficulties that come along with living a homestead life.
      From his content Nate seems like a reasonable and helpful man I'm sure after some apologies he'd be more than happy to invite Megan to his homestead. To show her the difference between raising animals in a LA apartment compared to in the middle of nowhere.
      🥰 I also hope you have a beautiful and peaceful day.

    • @midnightrunkennelbeth7629
      @midnightrunkennelbeth7629 2 месяца назад +4

      ​​@@janieleopold6607 I no longer follow Megan, after this attack on Nate.
      Judging him by a small clip Megan has done, is not right, as I'm sure you will agree.
      The Sheriff that was called on him even said that if Nate chose to not show him the cat, he would have just driven away. Instead, he went on his personal time, saw the kittens 🐈 playing, and proceeded to chat about another topic -- if the Law has no problem with Nate, strangers across the Continent shouldn't be assuming!
      Megan even says, that she has not examined the kitten in person, AND she's not a licensed professional. So Why? is she bashing a stranger over a decision he has made UNDER THE RECOMMENDATION of his own Vet, and Vet Tech friends??
      Please watch Nate's long videos about this topic before just automatically jumping to Megan's side against him.
      Signed, "a licensed Vet Tech"

  • @worldwithout1356
    @worldwithout1356 2 месяца назад +71

    He explained very clearly in his videos why he did not take katana to the vet, it's pretty clear you haven't watched his videos. Having no money to pay for a vet is not the reason yet that's all you seem to be able to talk about.

    • @w0000ticus
      @w0000ticus 2 месяца назад +10

      Yeah its nates religious views getting in the way of trusting medical science

    • @MeganandtheRescues
      @MeganandtheRescues  2 месяца назад +23

      Yes, his reasoning is what I have issue with. His actions in lieu of a vet I have even further issue with. I addressed finances and accessibility so that others knew it was not about them & their limitations that are out of their control. This was all within Nate’s control, but he opted not to and advocated for dangerous measures. But my BIGGEST issue is the slandering of the veterinary community (most prominently here on RUclips) and the impact this will have on others who view this content and view him as an example.

    • @eyalamit5120
      @eyalamit5120 2 месяца назад +44

      ​​​@@w0000ticus No it doesn't he explained he couldn't get a hold of a vet despite trying his best. He never even talks about religion. He lives in a homestead in the south so that means he's a religious man with an aversion to medicine and doctors? That's dumb.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +14

      ​@@eyalamit5120 He has an alt account where he talks about religion, and people documented his anti science ways and how he believes women are property.

    • @sharky8618
      @sharky8618 2 месяца назад +18

      Nate was in contact with vets and vet techs throughout the entire ordeal tho? Also when a cat is sick like Katan was, stress could dim her chances of survival and Nate's local vet is several hours away. A long car ride to the vet would 100% stress out the cat. And another thing this was during the 4th of July weekend many businesses were closed, how was he supposed to go to a closed vet office?

  • @norasmith8699
    @norasmith8699 2 месяца назад +54

    Clipping your video to make it appear you were recommending euthanasia for Katana was rude and inappropriate.
    "Did you not get the memo?" 😂 best possible response!
    (I also have serious mental illness -thankfully well managed lately)

    • @mrjonesyyy
      @mrjonesyyy 2 месяца назад

      Literally watched the whole video she shared and she literally recommended it… confirmation bias much?!
      So much hate in her videos for those that disagree. It’s not like Nate didn’t fucking care?! Your lack of compassion towards him and understanding is the devil in you. I’m not even religious.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@mrjonesyyy She didn't reccomend it for Katanas case, she said its an option for those who can't afford emergency animal care. Which isn't an evil take to have.

    • @birthdayprincess9758
      @birthdayprincess9758 2 месяца назад +2

      @@breel75 if the animal can survive without the vet and normal care from the owners with the same care it’s completely fine

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +1

      @@birthdayprincess9758 But with what Katana was presenting with, it could be a blood clot or stroke or something worse. Which needs vet care. All animal owners would take that cat to the vet. Only abusers would live stream the animal suffering.

    • @hivemindgoblin8540
      @hivemindgoblin8540 2 месяца назад +3

      @@breel75 The thing is he wasn’t at all refusing to take Katana to a vet. The only vets available were hours away (which is pretty common if you live rurally. When I lived rurally the closest vets were hours away, and most of them didn’t have emergency hours or appointment options), and at that point with the kitty’s health it was very unlikely that Katana would survive that stressful journey. He was being advised over phone the ENTIRE time by his personal animals vets, and they mutually agreed that it would be better for Katana to try to get a little bit better first to at least give him a chance at surviving the situation.
      Under the direction OF THEIR VET they were able to nurse Katana back to enough health to take the long journey over to a vet’s office and he was given a clean bill of health as of today’s update.

  • @sean4024
    @sean4024 2 месяца назад +8

    Me my we my me we me my we it's all about you

  • @emilyvince1733
    @emilyvince1733 2 месяца назад +14

    Keep shinning 💖 We love you 💚 Your compassion for animals makes the world a better place 💗💗💗

  • @kevenhiemie
    @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад +11

    If you don't want something you said to stay on the internet forever don't say it online.

  • @BazerrkInsaneAsylum
    @BazerrkInsaneAsylum 2 месяца назад +15

    Love you Megan. You have done more for fur-babies than any of us could dream of doing. With the donations, you have done AMAZING things to help the ones who would have been put to eternal sleep. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to a beautiful cause....BLESS BABY BIRD IN HEAVEN. Bird knows the way. As it shall be. Keep doing what you do, only the loyal will follow. I will be one of them. Blessed be. I give you all the hope and love I can muster in my 4'9 frame. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @ravenbuckle5069
    @ravenbuckle5069 2 месяца назад +7

    He never mentioned the money. Your doing this for the hype. You say you want to a help an animal but your suggestion is to put it down. When its clearley not suffering. Ill yes. Suffering no. Go back to school. Get your facts straight. Maybe therapy. Your emotional regulation needs work. Best wishes. Your in a fight youve already lost. Time to close up shop.

    • @PanikaMCD
      @PanikaMCD 2 месяца назад +4

      if you watched the video, you’d see she didn’t assume he either had the resources or didn’t. but you assumed he didn’t take her out of context and that’s on you.

  • @mikilin4750
    @mikilin4750 Месяц назад +1

    Made a post on one of the threads here that I think was deleted where I asked for some kind of statement or evidence of Nate being anti vet. I think it may have been deleted bc I made a list of videos where we not only see him talk about how he was fallowing the vet’s instructions for Katana’s recovery, but a bunch of random vet visits he’s filmed in the past. So I’m going to post it here. I’ve even found more to add to the list than I initially found. 16 is particularly important if we’re focusing on Katana.
    1: ruclips.net/user/shortsy-AobUSoP_g?si=DvcGkPowGq5i3Owf
    2: ruclips.net/user/shortsj5khoBA-gYI?si=Ok5j0n1SrC-DNGQ1
    3: ruclips.net/user/shorts7SvxhvJNd84?si=h4kiOzMUhxcpeTHd
    4: ruclips.net/user/shortsopl1lh8fwvo?si=g8tarqOfMnXf0DwI
    5: ruclips.net/user/shortsyx0PXE62hmA?si=Jy9QxTaQRCnBuCRf
    6: ruclips.net/user/shortsg3cZ1NIBobU?si=bcVb4LeinVX4fue4
    7: ruclips.net/user/shortsxePhqxqY738?si=h6S09VfGWSnzeXzJ
    8: ruclips.net/user/shortsq5o-fRvg1R4?si=2Z7U5gmdAYudWdup
    9: ruclips.net/user/shortsBHGoqCWm8MU?si=LMU-RogRQT3PMZqX
    10: ruclips.net/user/shorts1SNwqZmaxrY?si=8ylw48WRtD6KlUJe
    11: ruclips.net/user/shortsxFwt3Epq6C8?si=ucXEx0spkg5rvnmD
    12: ruclips.net/user/shortsXBuR190ekoU?si=Sybbbsvjl5a8k4kU
    13: ruclips.net/user/shortsFBMjTbWd0Tg?si=wKdu5whxBzbu0JLy
    14: ruclips.net/user/shortsCE42HVIjC8k?si=eBn1enewpC9McHWi
    15: ruclips.net/user/shorts-fyg9qdzXm4?si=T1xzVBPOkqSynbUS
    16: ruclips.net/user/shorts-fyg9qdzXm4?si=qfD48iLCwdfXXUVW
    17: ruclips.net/user/shorts_6K_JJL0gvI?si=bxm6xGNReWoZKhOI
    18: ruclips.net/user/shortsBpJ8ZoFT-xc?si=LvbUgCSGwqff2cpe
    19: ruclips.net/user/shortsfLwMj4jaBfg?si=9jErfCTqkMiJ5scH
    20: ruclips.net/user/shortsjh_bRvqY8Ts?si=sspUzc2aX15VcpCN
    21: ruclips.net/user/shortsV-n4bqANkwQ?si=xBKJ67BCcwRNerwb
    I want to be clear that I don’t think Megan is some kind of evil crazy lady, I’m making this post bc of how she’s handled this whole thing thus far. This is obviously a good hearted woman who cares deeply for animals and is very willing to do more than most would care to. That said, she should handle such a serious situation and accusations with similar care. It looks more like she may have seen a sick cat and got lost in a whirlpool of emotions over it, and posted in the moment. Completely understandable, however that does not mean a person can say and do whatever they feel in the moment and not face the ripples of their action later on.

  • @ashleighnelson512
    @ashleighnelson512 2 месяца назад +10

    Megan, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. Please know that there are many like me who value your wisdom, your kindness, and your passion for helping animals and humans alike. 💙💚💜

  • @JordanJames_420
    @JordanJames_420 2 месяца назад +14

    “Oh no strangers are talking shit to me on the internet for making a video talking shit on the internet, booohoooohoooooooo

  • @bookworm_of_heaven
    @bookworm_of_heaven 2 месяца назад +7

    pretty sure this is another case of misunderstandings. or maybe im denial bc i like both your contents. oh well.
    you were talking in general. when you talked about euthanasia, the cost, all that, it was in general. nate saw your video and thought you were talking to him, about his kitten, since the video was about him/existed bc of him. and i think the misunderstanding arose because you didnt make it clear when you were talking in general, and he just didnt get it even though one can infer it *relatively* well. it happens.
    also i dont think he "hates" vets as much as you make it out to be, whether you make it out to be bc, again, youre talking in general, or bc you believe he hates vets. if he hated vets he wouldnt communicated with vets, let alone schedule an appointment with one after his kitten was stable enough to make the ride there. but, whether or not he intended it, nate did promote not going to one. youre right on that.
    sigh. gotta love talking past one another.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +6

      Either way, Nate needs to apologize for encouraging comments degrading Megan based on how she looks or act. That was uncalled for. He also needs to apologize for taking her quote and making it seem like she said something she didn't.
      But that won't happen. The fact is people are pointing out Nate has gotten into a pattern of doing this to people. Of being wrong about something then sending his audience to defend him in the grosses way possible. That to me says a lot about the nature of Nate, and I dont think he did this by accident.
      I hope this is a miscommunication, but if it is Nate needs to own up to it and apologize to Megan and the other lady for encouraging gate and clipping them out of context, and learn to listen before acting. Till then, I am going to believe this was more malicious than accidental.

    • @elenuvien
      @elenuvien 2 месяца назад +3

      he's very clearly doing it for his fanbase as a ragebait so he'd get views and engagement. at the end of the day, he's a content creator and having people click, watch and comment is how he earns money. it's the youtube game and he's playing it in disgusting but effective ways. if he watched Megan's video, he'd have understood what Megan was saying and that she wasn't recommending euthanasia but that's irrelevant, he needed a clickbait so he made one out of context and his fanbase will bend over in whichever ways to defend everything of his and give him the engagement he wants.

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад

      ...he literally clipped her video, bestie. You're delusional at this point. I liked Nate too, but he's punching down. He's lying about what Megan said. He literally used Katana being sick as a way to get people to his lives. He knows what he's doing, he's not a idiot bumpkin. He's had shit like this pulled on him. He's being a dick.
      Honey, angel, let him go.

  • @april4prez
    @april4prez 2 месяца назад +11

    Fist of all, love your content. Came for Bird, stayed for Megan. That being said some people on the internet just suck. You can sneeze on the internet and someone gets offended. We, the people of the Baby Bird, we knew what you meant. Dont listen to the internet idiots who use your clipped af content for their own gain. Dont let them get you down. We love you. Sending all my serotonin your way. Its not much, and it's a little wobbly, but, as we all know, that's the best kind of serotonin 😂😂 ❤❤❤ sending love and hugs.

  • @sean4024
    @sean4024 2 месяца назад +2

    I can't believe yall still wanna he apart of this 😔

  • @breel75
    @breel75 2 месяца назад +29

    You explained it clearly, just people want every reason to attack without thinking critically. You did everything right, Megan. Your page and your heart speaks out for what is right.

    • @percyleeh
      @percyleeh 2 месяца назад +5

      I would argue that there was one issue: Megan should have taken a beat to collect themself and have what they wanted to say together before posting.
      If the point is mainly about what you post and how it affects others, there should have also been consideration to being a bit calmer so that people will listen to what is being said. I understand its a stressful topic, but some people just absolutely cannot absorb information in the extremely emotionally charged way it was presented in the last video. (This one was much better)

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +1

      @@percyleeh Megan's brand is also off the wall hyperness. It doesn't take that many videos to realize that's her being her.
      Meanwhile, Nate fully took a clip out of context and demonized her for no good reason.
      Yes, being composed is good. But it doesn't take long to realize people's branding and where their default is at. It's not an excuse to be treating Megan the way people are

    • @davidh3332
      @davidh3332 2 месяца назад

      ​@@breel75Or...if your brand is being a reactive pretentious POS you immediately get called on it until you learn to silence yourself.

    • @chiefonahoe
      @chiefonahoe 2 месяца назад +3

      Nah, just a phsyco.

    • @larrymandusky7332
      @larrymandusky7332 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@breel75 no one should be expected to watch 7 vids to figure out what "character" the person is playing... she's clearly pretending to be a vet tech after admitting she has no training so why should anything she say be taken seriously?

  • @syl1661
    @syl1661 2 месяца назад +4

    ❤❤❤ love you megan

  • @YorikTheBlasphemous
    @YorikTheBlasphemous 2 месяца назад +24

    Vets, vet techs, animal advocates, shelter workers, pet boarding workers, pet salon workers, zoo workers: so many people who care so deeply for animals are given so much bs and they dont have newrly as much control as most think.
    It hurts that you video was taken out of context. You put in a LOT of thought into your wording. Theres care and consideration in what you show, what you say, and what we the public get to see.

  • @katharinewhits
    @katharinewhits 2 месяца назад +22

    He made you look crazy by posting clips the way he did. Iam a follower of his. Always enjoyed his content. Except when i saw him exploiting his cat, insulting vets,(in his longer yt videos) also claiming that because people are concerned they just want katana to die. He was clickbaiting people to get their reaction so he'd make money. He knew exactly how much of a reaction he'd get. In the end I am just glad she's okay.
    You should go watch the video he posted about vets...

    • @MeganandtheRescues
      @MeganandtheRescues  2 месяца назад +6

      Oh I did… that’s what got me so riled 🫠

    • @DAJANEM99
      @DAJANEM99 2 месяца назад +3

      @@MeganandtheRescuesmade you LOOK CRAZY?

    • @mrjonesyyy
      @mrjonesyyy 2 месяца назад +6

      @@MeganandtheRescuesjust hateful for having differences in care. Making mountains out of molehills when there’s plenty of animals in the wild with nobody. Instead you’re here creating drama when there wasn’t any. The hate you bring…

    • @thecrippledone3325
      @thecrippledone3325 2 месяца назад

      ​@mrjonesyyy old man noone cares about your opinion,go in the corner and keep your mouth closed until the black hooded man comes for you

    • @chiefonahoe
      @chiefonahoe 2 месяца назад

      Mentally ill jesus freak lol

  • @Wh00000
    @Wh00000 2 месяца назад +30

    Girl, even with context it looks like you were talking about a very specific situation without getting the full picture. Like, I have a lot of respect for what you do for cats, (I am a cat lover) but in this particular situation you are just wrong. Guy's not even poor, really, just in a really remote area without easy vet access but a lot of experience with animal care. And again, with the full context of your statement, it is fucking wild that you brought up euthanasia for a cat that was already being cared for to the best of the man's ability. It's not like the guy ruled out the possibility, he was just doing what he could with the tools at hand to, you know, NOT NEED to euthanize his cat. If someone said that in relation to me talking about caring for my sick cat I wouldn't take it well either.
    Maybe next time you talk about general limitations folks may have you shouldn't be talking about specific people.

    • @sharky8618
      @sharky8618 2 месяца назад +3

      Thank you for standing up for Nate

    • @TereeTart
      @TereeTart 2 месяца назад +7

      She wasn't saying that! Watch HER video not his edited version that misleads! It's disgusting he edited her video to make her look bad, he hasn't done himself any favours.

    • @elenuvien
      @elenuvien 2 месяца назад +3

      spot someone who didn't watch Megan's full video or just can't understand what is being said.

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@elenuvien...they couldn't even be bothered to watch the full clip that she posted in This video.

    • @sharky8618
      @sharky8618 2 месяца назад +4

      @@elenuvien okay my mistake, I commented before I watched the video I apologize for being misinformed. I watched the video but there's still an issue, she attacked Nate for doing the best he could. He didn't take Katana to the vet because taking a sick cat to the vet that is an hour to a few hours away could make the situation worse, and this happened on the 4th of July weekend so many businesses were closed. Also Nate never said "don't take your pet to the vet you can do it on your own" he said that he himself has been wronged by a vet and is hesitant to take her immediately. I understand her video was taken out of context in Nate's video (which does kind of piss me off, that incredibly rude) but she didn't have to attack him like that.

  • @TereeTart
    @TereeTart 2 месяца назад +8

    I wish you didn't have to go through all this shit, you really don't deserve it ❤ I've had the same sort of thing all my life, just keep doing what you do, many many people understand you and what you are doing. We all love you 😽❤

  • @lo2ox_74
    @lo2ox_74 2 месяца назад +4

    Damn gurl stop victimising yourself wth

  • @nuggetpai
    @nuggetpai 2 месяца назад +11

    Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me, that they cut your video out of context. Your video was well thought out and you were right. The only way for him to appear superior in a response was to ignore all your points and cut you out of context.

  • @Louves192
    @Louves192 2 месяца назад +27

    I have no idea who that guy with the dying cat is, nor do I really care, but even without that context it was clear you are not addressing him with the 'what to do when you don't have resources' segment.

    • @marilyne4324
      @marilyne4324 2 месяца назад +12

      Cat is not dying, her name is katana.
      And she is alive and well.
      Nate, the cats owners, spoke to vets.
      It's just weird that she came for a great pet owner.

    • @mzscary5092
      @mzscary5092 2 месяца назад

      How are you gonna speak on a situation you know NOTHING about. You sound like a fool.

    • @midnightrunkennelbeth7629
      @midnightrunkennelbeth7629 2 месяца назад +5

      Katana was not dying -- she was lethargic, and later got swelling in her third eyelid. Nate chose NOT to stress a young kitten with an hour and a half car ride, to a Vet that was closed over 4th of July. He immediately contacted a Vet whom he can call, as well as Vet Techs, etc.
      AS SOON AS the closest Vet office was open, Nate DID take Katana for a full checkup -- that's where the eye drops came from.
      Now that the kittens are 6 mos old, they've had a full vet checkup.
      All is well on NarroWay Homestead. 🕊️🙏🏻🐈🐈👍🏻

    • @marilyne4324
      @marilyne4324 2 месяца назад

      @@midnightrunkennelbeth7629 thank you adding the details.
      Because they matter.

  • @masterblaster8386
    @masterblaster8386 2 месяца назад +6

    You're a crazy person

  • @Bonklyboi
    @Bonklyboi 2 месяца назад +14

    That is so insidious and sus that he clipped it like that. Done with them. You we're basically saying the opposite. That proper and early veterinary care can PREVENT euthanasia. Disgusting.

    • @marilyne4324
      @marilyne4324 2 месяца назад +7

      It's literally not.
      She came for him, not the other way around.
      I get it that she's unhappy with the consequences of her own actions, but they are all her own making.
      Nate's a good man, and a caring pet owner.
      I don't know this creator, but in this situation, she was the only who had a choice. She could have just kept scrolling.
      What choice did Nate have but to defend himself.

  • @mutt8535
    @mutt8535 Месяц назад +3

    Yeah no. The man is pro vet, and I think youre anti rural life.

  • @greenscreen7948
    @greenscreen7948 22 дня назад

    you feel stupid now dont you LMAAOO

  • @sean4024
    @sean4024 2 месяца назад

    You are a animal out a animal advocate

  • @mwnbeme
    @mwnbeme 2 месяца назад +7

    Some financing options for vet payments can be Care Credit or Scratch pay if your vet clinic takes them. You have to have ok credit to use them and it is a loan on credit so you aren't getting a discount but you can make payments over time. Perhaps you could do a video on various methods to help people afford vet care especially for emergencies. Nothing is more reassuring than knowing you have options, and it can even help in making that final decision for euthanasia knowing you exhausted all paths first.

  • @arielstarr9913
    @arielstarr9913 2 месяца назад +4

    Megan, you're lovely and you're doing great. This was so AWFUL of that guy. I love you and I'm greatful for everything you do with your babies.

  • @Too_Many_Kittens
    @Too_Many_Kittens 2 месяца назад +11

    Nate and Katana deserve a public apology!

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +6

      Nate doesn't. Katana deserves a home that will take care of her.

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад


    • @krystians2016
      @krystians2016 2 месяца назад +1

      @@breel75 most of those coments are from simpls like you
      stop defending this stupid "woman"

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@krystians2016 Megan has never neglected a cat in order to advertise her twitch or live streams. Once Nate can say that, I will defend him.

    • @kalle1634
      @kalle1634 2 месяца назад +3

      Definitely, but this woman does not know selfaccountability

  • @sheofthealwysmispronouncedname
    @sheofthealwysmispronouncedname 2 месяца назад +21

    That paramecium Nate or Nathan or whatever his name is has no scruples. He'll do anything to make content to monetize. It's disgusting.

    • @eyalamit5120
      @eyalamit5120 2 месяца назад +7

      He successfully got his cat to recover you know nothing about him.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад

      ​@@eyalamit5120We don't know if the cat recovered until a vet sees her.

    • @sheofthealwysmispronouncedname
      @sheofthealwysmispronouncedname 2 месяца назад

      @@eyalamit5120 You're obviously a stan, making excuses for a pos that used his suffering cat to make money. Live streaming her suffering? What kind of soulless, vile ghoul does that? And you defend his actions? You're as abhorrent as he is.

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад +3

      ​@@eyalamit5120...Bestie, I watched his videos for awhile. Months. I was a fan. He's being an asshole. And he got lucky with Katana. If she had died, y'all would be crying because now Megan 'is picking on him even though his cat just died'.

    • @mrjonesyyy
      @mrjonesyyy 2 месяца назад +3

      He’s describing his life without a filter. Better than starting a childish feud without being able to have a conversation. Just attacking. And now you all are tiny king in to defend a Kristi Noem.

  • @Azwen100
    @Azwen100 2 месяца назад +2

    You are amazing with the work you do, and are so right in that we need to trust our pets health to the trained professionals who know the animal personally. Stay strong, and know that we are out here supporting you!❤

  • @kathymadden3241
    @kathymadden3241 2 месяца назад +3

    Anyone who follows you, and everyone should, knows what you stand for.

    • @krystians2016
      @krystians2016 2 месяца назад +3

      stand for what? brain dmg?

    • @Username1924REAL
      @Username1924REAL 2 месяца назад

      @@krystians2016 And you my good sir. Nobody loved you.

  • @faerisoul
    @faerisoul 2 месяца назад +9

    I'm so disapointed, I used to be a fan of Nate but I'm unhappy with his handling of this situation. He should not have taken your words out of context.

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад +2

      Same. This is super gross.

    • @daisymay6505
      @daisymay6505 2 месяца назад +1

      i had already unsubbed to him a while ago, this is the last straw and i made sure to have youtube not recommend his channel to me

    • @Username1924REAL
      @Username1924REAL 2 месяца назад +1

      He was never a sigma

    • @Cleanbob503
      @Cleanbob503 2 месяца назад +1

      Y’all 🧢 😂😂😂 your sub didn’t count anyways lame af

    • @Cleanbob503
      @Cleanbob503 2 месяца назад

      @@faerisoul MAGA also your subscription doesn’t count we hole heads , if your wondering what that means then you head is empty 🥸🙃🤣😜

  • @dementedopossum8148
    @dementedopossum8148 2 месяца назад +2

    That guy has stuck in my craw for a while now.

  • @GooseEnthused
    @GooseEnthused 2 месяца назад +3

    Jesus this comment section is awful. You all have seen brief snipits of a person getting emotional about something they really care about and have twisted it into “woman in hysterics”

  • @TheFluttershy97
    @TheFluttershy97 Месяц назад +1

    The way he cut your video in his response turned me off so hard. He took out all of the nuance and context. Also he kept changing his story. In one video the vets an hour and a half away and in another three hours.
    Give the kitten water and wait and see was barely a solution. And he was lucky things turned out ok.
    Also the way he used a sick cat to promote his twitch was vile

    • @AH62830
      @AH62830 Месяц назад

      Tell us you haven't done your research without telling us. Vets said the care he gave was the same they would receive at the clinic, he followed what he was told during the time by vet techs, and he took the cats to the vet as soon as possible. Best part, they were completely fine.

    • @AH62830
      @AH62830 Месяц назад

      It's funny you talk about how he cut out context like she didn't though.

  • @ashleydavis92001
    @ashleydavis92001 2 месяца назад +1

    I know her personally and she has such an amazing heart❤️

  • @_shino__
    @_shino__ 2 месяца назад +1

    People you can actually smell through the screen:

  • @CinderTheFox
    @CinderTheFox 2 месяца назад +4

    I just wanted to watch his dog stand on the exercise ball cause it was cute
    The tonal discrepancy of what he used of you in his videos vs the full 17 minutes of what you had to say is astonishing. Unlike "the pond that won't hold water" or the other humorous stuff he responds to, this was something that required a lot more tact - It's even making me question his response to a previous situation in which a neighbor's loose dogs may have potentially killed one of his original cats on the homestead. I'd love to know if he's actually watched your full video, because to some degree it feels like he didn't.
    I want to say in good faith that his intentions were not to slander vets, because that's... Well, really fucking stupid. Keeping the cat's stress low is a valid point - Not saying it outweighs the importance of a professional seeing them in person, but it does show that he does care for the animal. He runs livestreams of random things on the homestead while he's doing work, and does frequently advertise it. While I don't think it was entirely appropriate, I imagine it was done since that's how other shorts of his flow.
    Megan - I greatly appreciate your passion for animals. While I might not fully agree with you, you don't deserve internet assholes harassing you. Sadly those will always persist.

    • @manbearpig6025
      @manbearpig6025 2 месяца назад +1

      Nate has had bad experiences with his local vet care. His dog (he’s had just under a year) had a medical emergency and he took it in.
      The first vet didn’t do any test. Just straight up diagnosed him with a genetic disorder and gave Nate a limited life expectancy for his pet.
      Took it to another. Bam. Dog just needed some medication. No life threatening genetic disorder.
      Btw. He’s a 3 hour car ride from town. The cats aren’t used to cars (as he lived in a homestead)
      He also consulted professionals via video conference and followed their advice.

    • @CinderTheFox
      @CinderTheFox 2 месяца назад

      @@manbearpig6025 I do remember that now that you mention it

  • @BrikBeans
    @BrikBeans Месяц назад

    Ok so to keep to a buck fifty with you 1. You thought the cat was suffering and the medical emergency was so suvere "at homecare is not an option" (quote from the video) 2. You clearly stated your metric for when humane euthanasia is a valid option "if you cant afford a medical emergency and the animal is suffering humane ethuanasia" (quote from the video) in this case he couldnt access a vet which is fundamentally the same thing. He def couldnt afford a 2 hour car ride that would have killed that cat. So yeh 1milliom percent my bottom dollar you were recommending if someone is in that same emergency position to put the cat out of its suffering by killing it. Idk if you understand how communication works, but i would revisit the statements and possibly look up what implacation means and how it's a very strong modality of commication but should be used prescriptivley ❤
    "A condition likethat can turns in seconds, SECONDS" yeh pants on fire

    • @BrikBeans
      @BrikBeans Месяц назад

      Even in the comments you say "his actions in liue of a vet" you have a problem with, but you fundamentally not engaging with thefact he was acting as the vet isstructed and you claim he opted not to and instead did dangerous measures but the alternative saying yes too youre atill implying killing the cat because like you said "things out of your control" in this instance its the fact its a holiday and katana picked a bad day to get sick. The only other thing within nates control was killing the cat. If "at home care is not an option" and every vet is piss drunk eating cheese burgers. Youre doubling down

    • @BrikBeans
      @BrikBeans Месяц назад

      She aint sticking up for professionals Nate is appealing to vetinary science in his actions of how he treated the cat you're appealing to emotion because its sad katana is sick....

  • @mallorydean5330
    @mallorydean5330 2 месяца назад +1

    Hope Nate sees this... i like him, but i think he was wrong for what he did and i hope he apologizes

  • @KilianTheDandelorian
    @KilianTheDandelorian 2 месяца назад +3

    I saw his video and got so mad.

  • @BrikBeans
    @BrikBeans Месяц назад

    You arent sticking up for professionals Nate is appealing to vetinary science in his actions of how in treated the cat you're appealing to emotion because its sad katana is sick....also how would not establishing credibility with your audience by not showing your credentials display your respect for appealing to valid vetinary science. Like if its impkrtant to you, you should be qualified but also not be afraid to explain youre qualified and then give the vetinary science based opinion and just explain the content.

  • @byfuzzerabbit
    @byfuzzerabbit 2 месяца назад +1

    You need help, get off RUclips and social media.

  • @kevenhiemie
    @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад +7

    So you're upset that so many ppl disagreed with you after you felt it was necessary to put your opinion online?

  • @GooseEnthused
    @GooseEnthused 2 месяца назад +2

    Dude you took her crazy out of context. Not cool. She did not suggest you euthanize your cat. You either didn’t watch her full video or are deliberately choosing to misrepresent her, and I don’t like either of those possibilities.

  • @kelvinyoung2161
    @kelvinyoung2161 2 месяца назад +12

    Nah you are just not trying to get cancelled or put on the spot on how hypocritical you sound you’re literally walking back on what you said. come on get the memo 😂 don’t try to assume someone doesn’t have enough money nor experience to care for their pets

    • @w0000ticus
      @w0000ticus 2 месяца назад +4

      Nates a monster

    • @MeganandtheRescues
      @MeganandtheRescues  2 месяца назад +8

      I didn’t. I wanted others without access to know that this problem was not directed towards them. But having the accessibility and actively choosing not to & advocating for such is exactly the problem

    • @eyalamit5120
      @eyalamit5120 2 месяца назад +10

      ​@@w0000ticus Ah yes he's a monster for... Successfully taking care of his cat when vets were inaccessible.

    • @sharky8618
      @sharky8618 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@MeganandtheRescues I kinda understand where your coming from but suggesting to euthanize Katana was so unbelievably out of pocket and just flat out disrespectful. 🤷‍♀️

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +8

      ​@@sharky8618 She never once suggested to put Katana to sleep. Watch the videos.

  • @TheKittyWonder
    @TheKittyWonder 2 месяца назад +4

    I follow Nate and to see him do this is disappointing

    • @kalle1634
      @kalle1634 2 месяца назад

      Do what? Have you watched her video? She needs help

    • @TheKittyWonder
      @TheKittyWonder 2 месяца назад

      @@kalle1634 I follow the panic and serotonin. She follows her therapist

    • @TheKittyWonder
      @TheKittyWonder 2 месяца назад +2

      @@kalle1634 I watch many of her videos and continue to for the panic and serotonin.

  • @PanikaMCD
    @PanikaMCD 2 месяца назад +1

    I always wondered what kind of a doofus tries to base their life around Walden Pond and now I know.

    • @kevenhiemie
      @kevenhiemie 2 месяца назад

      Why do you have such hatred in your heart for someone you have never met?

  • @allred4me
    @allred4me 2 месяца назад +7

    To joke use mental health as an excuse for your actions is disrespectful to those of us that really struggle… your not better than anyone get some help

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +9

      Dude the whole thing about being unhinged has nothing to do with mocking mental health, it has to do with the fact she takes on incredibly stressful cases where people have said she has to be crazy to willingly keep these cats. Not disrespectful to anyone.

    • @MeganandtheRescues
      @MeganandtheRescues  2 месяца назад +5

      @@breel75this and also I’m actually clinically unwell 🙋‍♀️

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +3

      @@MeganandtheRescues Honestly not that familiar with that side of you so I didn't want to speak on it 😅 Love your content and all your ways!

    • @norasmith8699
      @norasmith8699 2 месяца назад +9

      Mental illness sucks!
      Mocking people for mental illness also sucks. There's been a lot of that in the comments. People are dismissing her, because she has mental issues and should get help.
      Megan's mental health issues are old news. She's been quite candid about them, and about getting treatment.
      A lot of new commenters have been trying to dismiss her because "She's crazy".
      I interpreted her response as "We've already established I'm crazy! What about it?"

    • @smol-one
      @smol-one 2 месяца назад

      ... wouldn't your comment imply that she's also struggling mentally?

    @DADSGARAGE777 2 месяца назад +4

    Are you a licensed vet?

  • @MauOfTheDead
    @MauOfTheDead 2 месяца назад +17

    You doubling down on your intellectual dishonesty is quite amazing. I watched your original video and, my girl, you need therapy and lessons in logical thinking. Godspeed. Also *misCONstrued

    • @maggiemidnight8957
      @maggiemidnight8957 2 месяца назад +8

      Have you watched any of her other videos? Or did you just come from Nate's channel to criticize her without knowing her background?

    • @MauOfTheDead
      @MauOfTheDead 2 месяца назад +8

      @@maggiemidnight8957 Her background isn't pertinent to her bad faith and dishonest arguments. She's is accountable for her words and decided it was a good idea to double down on her nonsense instead of apologizing and correcting her mistakes. She tried to put him on blast by spinning an absurdly untrue narrative and got deserved criticism for it. If she has a problem with the consequences of her actions maybe next time, I don't know, "don't start beef" while being confidently wrong and being malicious for clout? And you are an enabler. Shame on you.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +7

      ​@@MauOfTheDead Saying "take your animal to the vet if it's showing signs of dying" isn't a hot take and to attack Megan for saying it is, is rather ridiculous. Nate neglected the animal in his care. The eye swelling could be deadly. Katana needs vet care. We still don't know if she is okay because she still isn't getting checked up on.
      Also, one thing I disagree with Megan on is this. If Nate is struggling this much to get a very to be in the same room as the cat, then he shouldn't have animals. It's not fair to them that they can't get proper treatment because of a lazy man child.
      Megan, on the other hand, have taken in cats and allowed them to live for much longer and happier than they normally would have. The proof is on her page.

    • @MauOfTheDead
      @MauOfTheDead 2 месяца назад +10

      @@breel75 So you STILL haven't seen his videos, huh. OMFG you people are AMAZING. You're doing exactly what she did and STILL can't realize what's wrong. That's some room temperature IQ attitude. In CELSIUS.

    • @breel75
      @breel75 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@@MauOfTheDead No, I've watched Nates videos multiple times. But I also know that without seeing a vet, we don't know of thay cat is okay. I mean look at the Baby Bird saga with Megan. Bird was dying from the inside out and seemed fine a lot of the time. Katana could be presenting fine but still needs to go to an actual vet and be physically seen. Till then, that cat is being pointlessly put at risk.
      On top of that, streaming a cats suffering is inexcusable. "OH but he did it for-" no he did it for money and to get views on twitch. He could've just set up a private camera for his people but he didn't. He monetized it. That's Boogie levels of disgusting