As a former infantryman, having watched several of these guys videos, I would say that they are the only legitimate military training in America for a civilian
Its funny In the Army I did not always always forward to going to the field. I loved training soldiers and being in the suck together. I have been out about 3 years now and I miss it all the time now.
I feel much the same way, Outlaw Three. I enlisted into the US Army Infantry for excellent reasons. I opted to get out of the Army nine years later for very good reasons. These were good decisions, but I've missed it every day since. Have you ever considered joining a Warrior community like One Shepherd? It's a fantastic community of Warrior-Scholars where the brotherhood is still thriving. And your experience in the Army is valued here. Consider it.
Nerovar Taramee - Welcome! One Shepherd has a long history with Warriors from all branches of the US Armed Forces. We actively recruit veterans such as yourself. When you're ready and available (difficult to do while on active duty, I realize) we'd be glad to have you out training in the field with us. Join us.
Jay Miner - I got out in 1994 after nine years in the US Army Infantry. Although One Shepherd had been around as a gaming organization since 1981, I think it's no accident that when so many of us NCOs returned back to the Midwest, One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program (WLP) curriculum began in earnest as a school in 1995. And it is a blast! Honestly, it's how I've kept my sanity ever since departing military service. It's kept me sharp to be in the company of a Warrior brotherhood. Come join us!
From a former CF Arty soldier, thanks for putting stuff like this together. I personally feel that leadership should be taught in public schools and worked all the way up to grade 10, but since it's not, it's nice to see that there are options available for people who want to learn it. Thumbs up Chris
The spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area. ONE SHEPHERD REGISTRATION OPENS - FRI, 01 MAR Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY • Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200 • Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200 • Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300 Spring Semester Location: BSR Facility 201 Motorsports Park Circle Summit Point, WV 25446 NEWCOMERS MUST ATTEND THE WARRIOR BASIC COURSE FIRST!
One Shepherd is a leadership school that uses war gaming as the principle means for leadership opportunities. Mastery is achieved through adventure, community, and fun! One Shepherd employs Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems (MILES) and Blank-Fire (M200 cartridge) in force-on-force live simulation. Opponents engage each other in battle out to a half mile (800m) or beyond to score "kills" or "near misses." One Shepherd is an inclusive, plural community. To join One Shepherd, Warriors must be at least 14-years-old and have no felony convictions. While the average age at the start of the program is 21, we routinely accept Warriors in their 30s and 40s. Warriors from all walks of life are encouraged to join One Shepherd's three-year leadership program - regardless of gender, ethnicity, faith, or political affiliation. Since 1981, One Shepherd boasts more than 400 alumni from 20 nations worldwide.
Apologies, Baudellio. I'm just now getting to your question. My PhD is in learning technologies with an emphasis in educational psychology from the University of Missouri. My specific areas of research and applied interest are in tacit cognition of leadership, specifically cognitive models of decision-making, and learning through wearable technologies such as MILES gear. My latest publications in conjunction with One Shepherd have focused on the Engagement Decision Matrix (EDM). We recently had an article published in the US Army's Infantry Magazine at the School of the Infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia -
Christopher Larsen that's very cool I'm working on getting my DO and trying to get into the rural physician program. I would attend a one Shepard course, Brent 0331 sent me only training I have is executive protection and PSD and some medical training. I'm far from anything high speed and I want to learn about leadership and that looking miles gear do u offer basics then an cool course like Brent went through.
Med school. Very cool, Baudellio. Brent participated in the FTX Simulation of One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program. Frankly, that was a promotional effort between both organizations - Brent's RUclips channel and One Shepherd. Great stuff! Yet, what it missed (a bit) was the scope of the Warrior Leader Program (WLP). All participants must first attend the 2-day Warrior Basic Course (WBC), as an entry point into the WLP. The next two days of training involve the STX Seminar in which you will learn small unit tactics as a member of a fireteam, squad, and platoon. The last three days of each semester is the FTX Simulation. Here the "students" take over as Warriors and Warrior-Leaders to plan, execute, and assess missions in a non-stop, continuous wargame simultation for three days and two nights. Then it's an evening of beer, steak, and war stories! That's just the first of six weeklong semesters you'll spend with One Shepherd in the WLP. Many of our Warriors complete all six semesters over a three-year period. Others complete the program over a six-year period, depending on the demands of their personal schedules. Either way is fine. We've designed One Shepherd's WLP to suit the Warrior. There is a spring and a fall semester each year. And participation is remarkably affordable at (very roughly) $100 per day - prices include classes, meals, blank ammunition, pyrotechnics, plus issued gear like AR15, MILES, tactical radios, and night vision. Of course, tented sleeping quarters, sleeping cot, flush toilets and hot showers are also included. The only items you need to provide are the uniforms (1 OD + 1 Woodland), boots, and field gear. One Shepherd provides the rest! So it's a great value, plus a fantastic community of Warrior-Scholars. You'll fit in fine here, Baudellio. Come join us.
Smankticus - You just hit the nail on the head. That's our philosophy - useful and fun. It's gotta be fun, or they simply won't come...and they damned sure won't come back! Why does America insist that "serious learning" must be miserable? At One Shepherd, we've disproven that fallacy for 36 years and counting. The quality of learning at One Shepherd is peerless. You'll love it here. Come join us.
One could wish! I'm way too poor and out of touch with being someone functional to get into something like this, lmao. Perhaps someday in the future once I've gotten my shit together, I'd love to, just incapable at the moment.
That's reasonably accurate...although not very precise. To be cheeky about it, I might steal from Mason Dixon Tactical's tagline and insist that One Shepherd is a "Pre-Enactment" for the things to come. Just kidding. That's pretty cynical, and One Shepherd is above the board and apolitical. One Shepherd training isn't "re-enacting" because the battles aren't scripted. They're open-ended and either side (BLUFOR or OPFOR) can "win" the firefight engagement. But it's much more complex than that. You are correct that the focus is on learning, so yeah, educational. It's still amazing to me how many people join One Shepherd and at the end of their first 7-day semester say, "Oh. You guys weren't kidding - this REALLY IS a leadership school." Yep.
I love what the institute is about. I would love to have training like that. On top of my ems/leo/security training, I would be so much more valuable to my community in a civil unrest situarion.
Warrior monasteries are a very old tradition. The Young Marines are still around and in business. But...I believe their charter prohibits any tactical training. That's a shame.
@@christopherlarsen7788 Members of N.Y.R.M are trained in stages. From basic to advanced tactics. Most members also hold Military or Law-Enforcement backgrounds. Most younger members come from military families. It all comes down to the ethos of your training. Age is not a factor but a commitment and will to learn to be better.
This is amazing and I would love to see JROTC cadets go to something like this. I was a JROTC Raider and that was great and all but nothing like this. I am currently enlisted in the Missouri National Guard and will be attending Basic in the summer of 2018 and attend AIT in the summer of 2019 and will be an 11B and am currently doing recruit sustainment program where we cover some of what I have seen you are teaching. Also where is this located at? Thank you and have a nice day.
Boyd Boy - Excellent! The Army National Guard is a great way to go. Many One Shepherd Warriors have gone on to service in the National Guard, and particularly in the Infantry and Artillery. A Company, One Shepherd Regiment trains primarily at the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) located just south of Ulman, MO. The 2018 Spring Semester runs Sunday, 3 JUN thru Saturday, 9 JUN... and the 2018 Fall Semester runs Sunday, 23 SEP thru Saturday, 29 SEP. If either of those dates fit your schedule - Join Us!
Fried Rice - Short answer, no. You aren't too old. We've had 60-year-olds enter and complete our program a couple times before. Those two gentlemen still support our Warrior Leader Program at One Shepherd in a variety of ways. Of course, the longer answer is - it depends on so many things, health wise. But here's the aren't getting younger. So if you're interested in this opportunity, you really need to get out to our spring semester next year! Yeah?
Fried Rice, 2yrs have passed by. Wondering if you made it happen as I'd like too as well but 63 n not good physical condition. Yet have a burning desire to make it happen, but won't have a chance unfortunately.
James McCann - So do we! Seriously. We'd love to come train in the UK, and the idea of establishing a One Shepherd Rifle Training Company in Europe would be absolutely awesome. We often get asked if we'll establish Rifle Training Companies in other nations. So a few years ago we tried to visit Australia - with the help of a dozen Australian paintball fields. This effort went on for about six months before the Australian government told the paintball companies to "cease and desist" their effort to bring One Shepherd into the country. They were told that our type of training was exclusively for the Armed Forces, and not suitable for civilians in any way. That's a shame. It is difficult for me to imagine a more safety-conscientious training institution. BUT... The good news is that you can always fly across the pond and train with One Shepherd. Join us!
James - Ultimately you're going to want to migrate over to You can also keep up to date on our Facebook page, Here are the highlights... Spring Semester Sun. 3 JUN ~ Sat. 9 JUN CMTC in central Missouri Fall Semester Sun. 23 SEP ~ Sat. 29 SEP CMTC in central Missouri It's $700 USD for the entire 7-days of training. That includes tuition, meals, ammunition, and tented lodging in camp with hot showers and flush toilets. It also includes AR15 weapon, MILES gear, PRC tactical radios, and night vision. If you need to rent battle rattle (field gear) to avoid the hassles of getting this equipment through customs, you can do that through the Shepherd's Closet at very affordable prices. Otherwise, your only expenses are travel and uniform! Registration opens 1 MAR 2018.
Damn, I wish we had these in Indonesia... I mean I could just join 'BELA NEGARA' which is a volunteer corps led and trained by Indonesian Army of course but at the same time it's very different it's just like scouts but with the Army, I mean I like scouts and their programs and also I'm a platoon leader in my school scouts program and I'm very well in leadership of course but at the same time again what's the different between 'BELA NEGARA' and scouts? Now this one is different than other and I liked it not because it's cool it's because it's more serious and fun at the same time especially at 'Leadership and excellence'.
Pizza With Rice - Interesting. I've heard much about the Indonesian Army led scout program. As it turns out, One Shepherd has a handful of Indonesian alumni. They all attended One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program (WLP) here in the United States and have since gone on to fantastic jobs in engineering and science. [Warning: Bragging Ahead] In fact, One Shepherd claims alumni from 22 nations worldwide. If that doesn't seem impressive, then realize the WLP requires six weeks (42 days total) to complete. Each 7-day week of training is offered twice per year, each June and September. That means it takes three years to complete our program. We are always impressed, and humbled, by the Warriors who travel to the US to participate in our leadership program.
Christopher Larsen - I see One Shephard website and there's Dr. Ozy Sjahputera which is Indonesian Honored Alumni wow! I wasn't expecting that I would say, perhaps maybe in the future I could head to US and join One Shephard! And also are One Shephard an international organization (ex : in Australia) or it's just a local organization? If it's international do you guys have any interest bring your program to other countries?
Not just one Indonesian alumni, but three, actually. (Last time I counted.) And yes, Dr. Sjahputera is "Triple Tabbed" as an Honored Alumni. We'd love to have you training with One Shepherd! Unfortunately, One Shepherd is exclusively offered in the United States only. We've been invited to multiple European countries, plus South Korea and Australia. But we've never received permission to travel into a foreign country because we use real firearms and military combat simulation (MILES). Each country has refused to allow us to bring our equipment with us - but in fact, even without our equipment those same countries tell us that our training curriculum is forbidden because we teach intense small unit tactics that are unique to their special forces units. We keep insisting One Shepherd is a leadership school, but they seem reluctant to believe us. Sadly.
Christopher Larsen - Well that was unfortunate. And have you consider to have social media (ex : Instagram, Twitter etc) for One Shephard so you can promote your program! I think that's really good maybe your Tacomp Media can handle that or maybe Brent & Bruce can handle that.
Yes. One Shepherd has a website at plus a Facebook page at In fact, there are several "hidden" Facebook pages for current members, plus another for staff and cadre. Check them out.
Sorry for the late response, Corey. Hopefully, you've found your answers online. But, if not... The tuition for each 7-day semester is $900. That includes ammunition, pyrotechnic, meals, tented sleeping quarters, latrine and showers. It also includes issued AR15 series weapon, MILES gear, tactical communications, and navigation systems. Warriors provide their uniforms (OPFOR & BLUFOR), field gear, and transportation to and from the training facility - Alpha Company in Missouri, or Bravo Company in West Virginia. When? Each rifle company hosts two semesters per year. That's a total of four semesters to chose from. Registration opens the first Saturday of January each year. Semesters have been selling out quicker than normal. But, both fall semesters still have seats available.
Thank you so much Christopher. I was looking for exactly this information on the website. Unfortunately, Icould not find it. I am planning and looking forward to registering for this fall semester.
One shepherd is in Missouri, just a stone's throw away from Kansas. I've been a community member for nearly 7 years now and I live in central Kansas. If you want to do it, then go for it, and don't let geography stand in your way.
Absolute Requirements: (1.) Minimum of 14-years-old. (2.) Non-felon due to use of firearms. (3.) Participation in the Warrior Basic Course as entry into One Shepherd. WBC is offered the first two days of each 7-day semester. One Shepherd is nonprofit. All staff officers and cadre instructors are unpaid volunteers who contribute multiple weeks each year toward the community - all in an effort to keep the costs incredibly affordable at $100 per day. $200 Warrior Basic Course (2 Days of Training) $200 STX Seminar on Squad & Platoon Tactics (2 Days of Training) $300 FTX Simulation of Combat Patrolling Ops (3 Days of Training) It'll be great to have you out training with One Shepherd, NavyCorpsman.
Roseline Madtha - I think you'd be in good company! We already have a few Canadians in our alumni - one of whom just completed our three-year Warrior Leader Program this past fall semester. I do believe he will remain with us for another year or so to complete the Lightfighter scroll requirements. So, yeah, Canadians are welcome! Definitely.
Christopher Larsen thank you for the quick reply. Did the other Canadians borrow rifles from you guys or did they bring their own over the border? I’m afraid the government might think I’m a terrorist hahaha
Oh, they use One Shepherd rifles, of course. Virtually all foreigners use One Shepherd weapons, unless they are a resident working or studying here in the States. In that case, they often have purchased their own rifles. No worries. We really prefer you use One Shepherd rifle for your first semester, at least. And there is no extra charge to use our weapons, so why not?
@@artFRAGz - One Shepherd boasts almost 500 alumni from 22 nations worldwide. If you are allowed to visit the USA, then yes, we absolutely welcome you to train with One Shepherd. This year we offer four different 7-day semesters...two in West Virginia (near Washington DC) and two in Missouri. Be sure to check out the website -
Throw Commies - Join us, brother. Not to make light of your problems, but I think it's ironic that those of us who did serve all have back problems! So you'll be in good company. We live on ibuprofen. Honestly, if you can carry 60 pounds of gear over uneven terrain in daytime or nighttime conditions...then you'll have no problems here. Come be part of this community of Warriors.
i am really interested in the program. unfortunately i am type 1 diabetic with that being said i have a pretty good grasp on my illness and in no way expect any special treatment. would i even be allowed to attend 1 shepherd
We've had several Warriors with type one diabetes enter and complete our program. At least one has gone on to become a Black Hat Cadre Instructor. You just have to manage your health! Join us.
Dr. Larsen, Due to the current operational environments around the world, the DOD has directed Personnel Recovery/SERE training for all DOD employees. Has One Shephard given any consideration for a one-two day block of instruction on this topic?
You bet! This topic has come up for discussion every single year since 2010, I think. Clearly there is a great deal of interest in SERE courses. At the end of last year (2018) we started talking to two commercial companies that are well positioned to offer SERE training. The big question is "what will sell?" Will Warriors want to come to a 5 or 7-day weeklong SERE course ... or would a 3-day weekend be better? And if the preference is for a weekend course, then should it be two courses? The first 3-day weekend for survival training. And then a second 3-day weekend for escape and evasion with weapons (blanks and MILES gear) while being chased by an "enemy force" with tracking dogs. Clearly the first weekend would be instruction, and the second weekend would be a practical application of the lessons. But then, the advantage of making it a single weeklong course is that for the people who have fly in or drive significant distances, they only have to pay for that once. Much to think about! But I'd appreciate your input, if you're willing to offer it. Thanks for asking.
Dr. Larsen, I designed a SERE course in support of the corrections field for officers assigned to corrections emergency response teams. Topics included a three hour interrogation lab for stress inoculation, restraint defeat, RASs, etc., etc., etc. I was involved in training approximately 100 officers from 4 different agencies before retirement. While no one was ever injured, the Administration decided to end the program due to "possible" liability. I don't think they liked the water boarding. I never received negative feedback from any of the students. While we had approximately 5 male students voluntary withdraw from training (their reasons were their own), we never lost a female student. Like I said, no one was ever injured. If you would like to discuss my course/experience further please let me know.
@@dscheffler - You've raised an interesting proposition. I'd like to discuss this with a couple of colleagues. But please reach out to me through email: Larsen.TCM (at symbol) so that we can discuss this further. Thank you.
There has to be some form of hazing and punishments to make it real for example at 5:25-5:35 when the TL/SL had to say shoot at the enemy in the wide open from the flank like a hundred times, come on ppl
DR Chris has the look to play a colonel . I am reminded of a man of which I can't remember the actors Name . However he played a captain I believe in Platoon. The scene wherein he radios air support to drop napalm on there camp when they are over run. He is the one who tells Barnes that there will be an investigation on the illegal killing and or rape after they get back to base. Also if they were to ever remake rambo. LOL Dr Chris would make a great stand in for Colonel Trautman .
Whew! The holidays are finally over and the new year is here. I can finally catch my breath. No worries, Scheffler. Registration for 2019 doesn't open until March 1st. (We may change that in coming years to open just a bit earlier because so many people are asking why this is our policy.) That is when the dates are "held firm" and the classes open for registration. So please look for available courses on March 1st. Okay? Right now One Shepherd's home page shows that Alpha Company in Missouri has proposed the following dates: SPRING SEMESTER Sun. 2 JUN ~ Sat. 8 JUN FALL SEMESTER Sun. 22 SEP ~ Sat. 28 SEP We are also trying to stand up Bravo Company in West Virginia near to the Washington DC metro area to begin training in 2019. We haven't yet confirmed the training facility, so we cannot post any proposed dates yet. However, I honestly believe we will have Bravo Company dates posted in a month. Okay?
The minimum age to participate in One Shepherd is 14-years-old. Now, we recommend 16 years of age. And for reference, the average age to start is 20 years of age. However, the absolute minimum is 14 years of age...just so we're clear. The real issue is the physical ability to carry 60 pounds of gear over uneven terrain in all weather and visibility conditions for several days. That includes rifle, battle gear, and rucksack that will easily weigh 60 pounds. Okay?
I live about 60 miles north of Osage Beach and am 15 turning 16 in April. I'm seriously considering doing this in the 2018 or 2019, if there is any general advice what would it be?
Wow. Adam - you're right in our backyard! I mean, we have people who fly in from Canada and Europe, or from the east and west coast of the USA. Heck, most of our staff and cadre come from KC, STL, or Springfield at two or three hours drive away. Here's my advice. Join us! You'll be out of school in late May before the spring semester kicks off in early June. Register and join us. At the very least, swing by and visit in June. That way you get to see it in person, and meet people. But my only concern there is that if you like it...will you be able to take a week or a few days off in late September for the fall semester? I mean, you'll be back in school then. So it will be difficult, I think, unless you have super chill parents. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a whole year.
Well, I am home schooled so as far as schedule that probably would not be too large of an issue. My main problem I'm seeing is the price, but that can be done by getting a job next year when I have my driver's license and having a bit of help from parents. I think the cost problem can be overcame though. As far as liking it I might not for whatever reason like you mentioned, but I have a couple years experience with airsoft and a sort of sub-par militia group. I am inclined to believe I would like it, but I recognize there could be a reason I do not. On another note, as far as I understand from the website the required equipment would be the OD green and M81 ACU cut blouses, pants, boonies, rucksack, waterproof bag, rain tarp w/bungee cords, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, entrenching shovel w/carry pouch, utility multi-tool, extra canteens w/cup and carry pouch, flashlight, first aid kit, personal hygiene kit. Any equipment I'm missing that would need purchased?
Adam - We have several other homeschoolers currently going through our Warrior Leader Program. The schedule works very well for that purpose. And homeschoolers tend to do very well in this program. Your list seems fairly complete. You can find the Packing List (PDF) on the One Shepherd website. The big thing to focus on is the uniform. The rest of the field gear can be rented at an very affordable price per semester, keeping your initial investment low. But the uniforms are almost impossible to loan due to different sizes and the limited number available. The cost of training is also substantial at about $100 per day. No doubt. At 16 years of age, I would not expect you to have a point of reference for the commercial cost of such training. Yet, I can tell you that if you go to other commercial training companies you will see a wide range of about $300 per day on the low end, up to $800 per day for some of the better known commercial training companies. The average government rate (GSA) is right at $500 per day - including everything except your travel expense and personally provided uniforms/gear. That would put seven days of One Shepherd training at $3,500 per semester. So how does One Shepherd keep the price so low? Simple. One Shepherd is a nonprofit school with an all-volunteer staff and cadre who donate weeks and weeks of work each year to our community. But it's far from free. Again, the cost of training runs $700 per semester. Plus, the cost of uniforms, boots, parkas and field gear can easily run another $1,000 or more. That's why we recommend focusing on your uniform the first year, and the purchase of field gear the second year. (Rent field gear your first couple of semesters...or borrow it from a friend.) Find us on Facebook or our website online and send the staff a PM. They can give you much more detailed information. Yeah?
Alright, thanks, that sounds good. I'm likely going to try and attend in the next year or two like mentioned before, unless something very specific comes up. Again, thanks for the details. Also just wondering about where I could find the uniforms, is there a link to a source on the website I missed, can they be purchased in person, or do I need to look on my own?
Adam - All good questions. The S1 Personnel Officer can answer these questions better than I can here. You might even be able to purchase them through the surplus store in Columbia...I'm just not sure if they still carry these uniforms. They used to. But I live in the Washington DC area, so I'm just not on top of that information. My apologies. Reach out to One Shepherd through their Facebook page or website. Cool?
Average Trooper - Absolutely! We have a lot of Scouts join our ranks. Scouts do well in the Warrior Leader Program. In fact, if you are at least 14 years of age, you can already join. Online registration opens Thursday, March 1st. You'll just need to register, and then get the uniforms. Spring Semester: Sun. 3 JUN ~ Sat. 9 JUN Fall Semester: Sun. 23 SEP ~ Sat. 29 SEP Let me know if you have further questions.
Good. The Warrior path can be found through many different endeavors. The American militia has a proud tradition that established many of the American military prestige known today. Yet, the militia also has a dark past. As a general rule of thumb, when the militia represents the population of its constituents, then the militia tends to be successful. When private militia become exclusive and reject membership of others based on race, religion, or creed...then the militia has a tendency to pervert into darkness. This is not always the case, of course. But it occurs frequently enough to become a "rule of thumb." And I mention this because you've called your militia "Christian" in the title. That's fine. No problems there. you exclude Warriors of the Jewish faith, or Buddhist faith? For example, the YMCA definitely has "Christian" in its name. And that's good. But the YMCA does not exclude Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or even atheists. Instead, it simply aims to uphold Christian principles of doing charitable work for the good of mankind. Let me be clear here. You don't owe me an answer. This is America, and you are free to do as you decide! It's just that I've been pondering your comment for a full day now, and wanted to offer an idea for you to consider. Thanks.
Sorry to respond so late. I need to come back to this video more than once per year. The tuition for each 7-day semester is $900. That includes ammunition, pyrotechnic, meals, tented sleeping quarters, latrine and showers. It also includes issued AR15 series weapon, MILES gear, tactical communications, and navigation systems. Warriors provide their uniforms (OPFOR & BLUFOR), field gear, and transportation to and from the training facility - Alpha Company in Missouri, or Bravo Company in West Virginia.
Certainly more friendly than Basic! And yes, we have Army and Marine NCOs who've said they'd prefer One Shepherd training over the US Armed Forces. One Shepherd is a learning institution, after all. So of course we're going to refine our curriculum and method. It is a world-class educational program. And you know what we've found? We don't need to humiliate Warriors! They show up motivated to be a better Warrior-Leader, and they constantly seek improvement - even without be yelled at, punched, or punished. Amazing.
Not too late, Pixely Charge. The last semester of 2019 will be held in Ulman, Missouri from 22-28 September. If you can make it, then register here -
Anti-Mason - Sorry I'm so late responding. However, I see that Matchstick has already replied. And he is correct. We insist that for your first semester you use a One Shepherd issued AR15. Then, if you wish to purchase an AR15 at a later date, you are free to bring your own rifle. But of course, you don't need to purchase your own rifle. You can continue to use One Shepherd's weapons at no extra cost. That's why we maintain an arms room for our Warriors. Also, One Shepherd's MILES gear is the type for 5.56mm weapoons (M200 blank ammunition). For five years we mounted MILES 2000 onto Kalashnikov 7.62x39mm weapons, but there was too much damage to the laser SAT. Way too expensive to maintain! So sadly, we sold off all of our Kalashnikov weapons back in 2012. Still, that shouldn't stop you. Come join us!
Possibly...if it is 5.56mm caliber (AK 100 series). But your first semester you will be required to use One Shepherd AR15 anyway - provided at no extra cost. Regardless of which weapon system you prefer, the lessons at One Shepherd are not centric to any single weapons system, so it's applicable instruction. Where are you coming from, Zak?
Peter Krepkiy - No live ammunition. One Shepherd is purely a BLANKFIRE-ONLY learning environment. That is why the MILES gear simulation is so critical to our training outcome. Without MILES gear, how would anyone know if they were "killed" or "near missed"? MILES gear allows battles out to a half mile (800m). (See more info on MILES gear -видео.html) The enemies are your friends. Okay, that sounds weird. I mean that the same Warriors who go through One Shepherd training with you will also be your enemy sometimes. The participants split into a Blue Force (BLUFOR) team and an Opposing Force (OPFOR) team to conduct training. Let's say there are 50 participating Warriors in training for the 3-day FTX Simulation. We split into two teams, roughly 25-man platoons and then issue separate but conflicting missions. The BLUFOR and OPFOR platoons engage each other for three days and two nights in continuous patrolling operations. That can mean a lot of battles...or very few. It depends on the operational tempo. Cool? So. Interested in joining One Shepherd?
Snake Eater - I apologize for the delayed response. Busy week! "Are civilians generally looked down on?" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Quite the opposite. One Shepherd has been trying to recruit more and more civilians for the past 37 years. Honestly. When we calculate the military veterans at almost 50 percent of the One Shepherd community, plus law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, engineers and training specialists working as contractors in the Department of Defense, OR high school and college students interested in one of these aforementioned pursuits...this accounts for as much as 80 percent of the One Shepherd community. Yet, we know with proven certainty over four decades of experience that One Shepherd's leadership education applies across the spectrum of every industry. Leadership is a valuable competency. Excellent leaders are rare! So, the perennial question for One Shepherd staff officers is, "How do we recruit more civilians?" Join us. You're going to love this community of Warrior Leaders, and Warrior Scholars.
Snake Eater - The spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area. ONE SHEPHERD REGISTRATION OPENS - FRI, 01 MAR Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY • Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200 • Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200 • Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300 Spring Semester Location: BSR Facility 201 Motorsports Park Circle Summit Point, WV 25446 NEWCOMERS MUST ATTEND THE WARRIOR BASIC COURSE FIRST!
Pixely Charge - YOU BET! Our wives...our bosses...our professors, etc. By the way, the spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area. ONE SHEPHERD REGISTRATION OPENS - FRI, 01 MAR Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY • Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200 • Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200 • Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300 Spring Semester Location: BSR Facility 201 Motorsports Park Circle Summit Point, WV 25446 NEWCOMERS MUST ATTEND THE WARRIOR BASIC COURSE FIRST!
Bitch - Your moniker suits you! It is you, troglodyte, who has just attempted to tarnish the honorable valor of numerous veterans who served in almost every conflict from the Vietnam War up to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those same veterans now serve as staff officers and cadre instructors in One Shepherd. Very nearly half of One Shepherd’s 500+ alumni have served in the US Armed Forces, as well as in foreign militaries abroad. Many of us have borne the experience of not just one combat theater, but two or three combat theaters and/or tours of duty. And I find your zeal for elitism disgusting. Yet, if you are indeed a Warrior, and particularly a veteran of the US Armed Forces, then I offer you a chance to redeem your malignant comment - come out and join us for just one single semester. Look our Warriors, combat veterans in the eye and repeat your ridiculous charge of “stolen valor.” Otherwise, I must conclude that you’re are an imposteur, a cretin, and a coward. You are not a veteran.
Just a Bitch - I think you might be confused. The term "stolen valor" means a person who claims to be a military veteran, or wears the uniform of the military but never served. One Shepherd takes significant effort to state that we are not in any way affiliated with the US Armed Forces. They do not sponsor One Shepherd. And we do not certify military occupational specialties (MOS). Additionally, we do not wear the uniform, rank, or insignia of the US Armed Forces. - The OG-106 and OG-107 uniforms have not been in service with the US Armed Forces in 35 years. - The Woodland BDU has not been in service with the US Armed Forces in 12 years. - The One Shepherd name tape was never in service with the US Armed Forces. - The One Shepherd regimental patch was never in service with the US Armed Forces. - The Lightfighter scroll is not an official insignia of the US Armed Forces. One Shepherd uniforms and insignia are intentionally discrete from the US Armed Forces. No claim is made that we are affiliated in any way, shape, or form with military service.
I don't think you have that right. I haven't heard them make any claim to be apart of the military. Some of the instructors may have but, One Shepherd is like young Marines, Boy Scouts Of America, or Police explorers except the program One Shepherd looks to be for adults.
Average Trooper - Exactly. In fact, in an indirect way, One Shepherd is an offshoot of the Boy Scouts of America. It came about due to a lack of Junior-ROTC, Young Marines, or Civil Air Patrol in the local area. While it was initially intended for high school and college-aged students, in recent years One Shepherd opened the doors to Warriors of all ages, 14-years-old and up. Today most of our Warriors are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s...but high school and college students still make up almost a quarter of our members. And although almost 50 percent of our alumni go on to military service, One Shepherd is NOT in any way funded by or affiliated with the US Armed Forces or any private militia! We are a bona fide nonprofit school with an established curriculum, academic calendar, administrative staff, and cadre instructors.
Serg Jay - Why so negative, man? I'm asking an honest question here. One Shepherd is a leadership school that has just completed its 36th year of training. Our staff officers and cadre instructors are not only military veterans, they are scholars and researchers. For example, we just had an article published by the US Army's Infantry Magazine from the School of the Infantry at Fort Benning, Georgia regarding squad leader decision-making - One Shepherd has more than 500 alumni from 22 nations worldwide. Almost half of our alumni either go on to successful military service, or come to us as veterans of the military - mostly the US Armed Force, but also from foreign military service in Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, etcetera. Many of the men you see in this video are veterans of our American wars - Afghanistan, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Panama, El Salvador, and we even have a few Marine and Army Infantry veterans of the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia. I am one of the original founders. I served in the US Army Infantry for nine years and was deployed to two combat theaters. My best friend helped me establish One Shepherd. He served in the US Army Aviation for six years and was also deployed to two combat theaters. So trust me when I tell you that the people who come to One Shepherd are not seeking to become US Army Soliders or Marines. Instead, they are already Warriors who want to master the art of leadership. If you are interested in the Warrior-Leader path, Serg Jay... perhaps you should join us.
As a former infantryman, having watched several of these guys videos, I would say that they are the only legitimate military training in America for a civilian
Its funny In the Army I did not always always forward to going to the field. I loved training soldiers and being in the suck together. I have been out about 3 years now and I miss it all the time now.
I feel much the same way, Outlaw Three. I enlisted into the US Army Infantry for excellent reasons. I opted to get out of the Army nine years later for very good reasons. These were good decisions, but I've missed it every day since.
Have you ever considered joining a Warrior community like One Shepherd? It's a fantastic community of Warrior-Scholars where the brotherhood is still thriving. And your experience in the Army is valued here. Consider it.
Current active duty Army, and I would love to come down some day and participate in this stuff! Once I’ve got the equipment, of course.
Nerovar Taramee - Welcome! One Shepherd has a long history with Warriors from all branches of the US Armed Forces. We actively recruit veterans such as yourself. When you're ready and available (difficult to do while on active duty, I realize) we'd be glad to have you out training in the field with us. Join us.
Disney world for men now that's a real trip I would love to take wow.100,000 thumbs up great video.
Man, I served in the U.S. ARMY from 97-99 as a Redleg and from 99-02 I was slotted as a Medic (no school sans EMT-D). This looks like a blast.
Jay Miner - I got out in 1994 after nine years in the US Army Infantry. Although One Shepherd had been around as a gaming organization since 1981, I think it's no accident that when so many of us NCOs returned back to the Midwest, One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program (WLP) curriculum began in earnest as a school in 1995.
And it is a blast! Honestly, it's how I've kept my sanity ever since departing military service. It's kept me sharp to be in the company of a Warrior brotherhood. Come join us!
From a former CF Arty soldier, thanks for putting stuff like this together. I personally feel that leadership should be taught in public schools and worked all the way up to grade 10, but since it's not, it's nice to see that there are options available for people who want to learn it.
Thumbs up Chris
Thanks, brother. And agreed!
Let us know if you're headed toward our neck of the woods. We could always use a Canadian veteran on patrol.
The spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area.
Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY
• Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200
• Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200
• Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300
Spring Semester Location:
BSR Facility
201 Motorsports Park Circle
Summit Point, WV 25446
One Shepherd is a leadership school that uses war gaming as the principle means for leadership opportunities. Mastery is achieved through adventure, community, and fun!
One Shepherd employs Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems (MILES) and Blank-Fire (M200 cartridge) in force-on-force live simulation. Opponents engage each other in battle out to a half mile (800m) or beyond to score "kills" or "near misses."
One Shepherd is an inclusive, plural community. To join One Shepherd, Warriors must be at least 14-years-old and have no felony convictions. While the average age at the start of the program is 21, we routinely accept Warriors in their 30s and 40s.
Warriors from all walks of life are encouraged to join One Shepherd's three-year leadership program - regardless of gender, ethnicity, faith, or political affiliation. Since 1981, One Shepherd boasts more than 400 alumni from 20 nations worldwide.
Chris Larsen what kind of doctor
Apologies, Baudellio. I'm just now getting to your question. My PhD is in learning technologies with an emphasis in educational psychology from the University of Missouri. My specific areas of research and applied interest are in tacit cognition of leadership, specifically cognitive models of decision-making, and learning through wearable technologies such as MILES gear.
My latest publications in conjunction with One Shepherd have focused on the Engagement Decision Matrix (EDM). We recently had an article published in the US Army's Infantry Magazine at the School of the Infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia -
Christopher Larsen that's very cool I'm working on getting my DO and trying to get into the rural physician program. I would attend a one Shepard course, Brent 0331 sent me only training I have is executive protection and PSD and some medical training. I'm far from anything high speed and I want to learn about leadership and that looking miles gear do u offer basics then an cool course like Brent went through.
Med school. Very cool, Baudellio.
Brent participated in the FTX Simulation of One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program. Frankly, that was a promotional effort between both organizations - Brent's RUclips channel and One Shepherd. Great stuff!
Yet, what it missed (a bit) was the scope of the Warrior Leader Program (WLP). All participants must first attend the 2-day Warrior Basic Course (WBC), as an entry point into the WLP. The next two days of training involve the STX Seminar in which you will learn small unit tactics as a member of a fireteam, squad, and platoon. The last three days of each semester is the FTX Simulation. Here the "students" take over as Warriors and Warrior-Leaders to plan, execute, and assess missions in a non-stop, continuous wargame simultation for three days and two nights. Then it's an evening of beer, steak, and war stories!
That's just the first of six weeklong semesters you'll spend with One Shepherd in the WLP. Many of our Warriors complete all six semesters over a three-year period. Others complete the program over a six-year period, depending on the demands of their personal schedules. Either way is fine.
We've designed One Shepherd's WLP to suit the Warrior. There is a spring and a fall semester each year. And participation is remarkably affordable at (very roughly) $100 per day - prices include classes, meals, blank ammunition, pyrotechnics, plus issued gear like AR15, MILES, tactical radios, and night vision. Of course, tented sleeping quarters, sleeping cot, flush toilets and hot showers are also included.
The only items you need to provide are the uniforms (1 OD + 1 Woodland), boots, and field gear. One Shepherd provides the rest! So it's a great value, plus a fantastic community of Warrior-Scholars. You'll fit in fine here, Baudellio. Come join us.
I want this for my life tactical experienced what are the requiriments to go into the training?
Damn I'd love to do something like this. Looks like a hell of a lot of fun, not to mention how useful it actually is.
Smankticus - You just hit the nail on the head. That's our philosophy - useful and fun.
It's gotta be fun, or they simply won't come...and they damned sure won't come back! Why does America insist that "serious learning" must be miserable? At One Shepherd, we've disproven that fallacy for 36 years and counting. The quality of learning at One Shepherd is peerless. You'll love it here. Come join us.
One could wish! I'm way too poor and out of touch with being someone functional to get into something like this, lmao. Perhaps someday in the future once I've gotten my shit together, I'd love to, just incapable at the moment.
Understood. We've all been there before. Hopefully 2018 will be a better year for you. We'll be here when the time and conditions are right for you.
So this is like war re-enacting but more educational
That's reasonably accurate...although not very precise. To be cheeky about it, I might steal from Mason Dixon Tactical's tagline and insist that One Shepherd is a "Pre-Enactment" for the things to come.
Just kidding. That's pretty cynical, and One Shepherd is above the board and apolitical.
One Shepherd training isn't "re-enacting" because the battles aren't scripted. They're open-ended and either side (BLUFOR or OPFOR) can "win" the firefight engagement. But it's much more complex than that. You are correct that the focus is on learning, so yeah, educational. It's still amazing to me how many people join One Shepherd and at the end of their first 7-day semester say, "Oh. You guys weren't kidding - this REALLY IS a leadership school." Yep.
I love what the institute is about. I would love to have training like that. On top of my ems/leo/security training, I would be so much more valuable to my community in a civil unrest situarion.
This is the same as when I founded the New York Recon Marines in 1974.
Warrior monasteries are a very old tradition. The Young Marines are still around and in business. But...I believe their charter prohibits any tactical training. That's a shame.
@@christopherlarsen7788 Members of N.Y.R.M are trained in stages. From basic to advanced tactics. Most members also hold Military or Law-Enforcement backgrounds. Most younger members come from military families. It all comes down to the ethos of your training. Age is not a factor but a commitment and will to learn to be better.
@@NYRM1974 - Well said.
This is amazing and I would love to see JROTC cadets go to something like this. I was a JROTC Raider and that was great and all but nothing like this. I am currently enlisted in the Missouri National Guard and will be attending Basic in the summer of 2018 and attend AIT in the summer of 2019 and will be an 11B and am currently doing recruit sustainment program where we cover some of what I have seen you are teaching. Also where is this located at? Thank you and have a nice day.
Boyd Boy - Excellent! The Army National Guard is a great way to go. Many One Shepherd Warriors have gone on to service in the National Guard, and particularly in the Infantry and Artillery.
A Company, One Shepherd Regiment trains primarily at the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) located just south of Ulman, MO. The 2018 Spring Semester runs Sunday, 3 JUN thru Saturday, 9 JUN... and the 2018 Fall Semester runs Sunday, 23 SEP thru Saturday, 29 SEP. If either of those dates fit your schedule - Join Us!
Christopher Larsen I will probably be able to attend in September and thank you for the invite.
gathering all my gear, looking to hopefully attend!
I'd do this in a heartbeat, if I can get my knees working again. Is 60 too old (4 years USMC a lifetime ago.)
Fried Rice - Short answer, no. You aren't too old. We've had 60-year-olds enter and complete our program a couple times before. Those two gentlemen still support our Warrior Leader Program at One Shepherd in a variety of ways.
Of course, the longer answer is - it depends on so many things, health wise. But here's the aren't getting younger. So if you're interested in this opportunity, you really need to get out to our spring semester next year! Yeah?
Fried Rice, 2yrs have passed by. Wondering if you made it happen as I'd like too as well but 63 n not good physical condition. Yet have a burning desire to make it happen, but won't have a chance unfortunately.
I wish we had this in the U.K.
James McCann - So do we! Seriously. We'd love to come train in the UK, and the idea of establishing a One Shepherd Rifle Training Company in Europe would be absolutely awesome.
We often get asked if we'll establish Rifle Training Companies in other nations. So a few years ago we tried to visit Australia - with the help of a dozen Australian paintball fields. This effort went on for about six months before the Australian government told the paintball companies to "cease and desist" their effort to bring One Shepherd into the country. They were told that our type of training was exclusively for the Armed Forces, and not suitable for civilians in any way. That's a shame. It is difficult for me to imagine a more safety-conscientious training institution.
BUT... The good news is that you can always fly across the pond and train with One Shepherd. Join us!
Christopher Larsen excellent. Please can you send me details.
James - Ultimately you're going to want to migrate over to You can also keep up to date on our Facebook page,
Here are the highlights...
Spring Semester
Sun. 3 JUN ~ Sat. 9 JUN
CMTC in central Missouri
Fall Semester
Sun. 23 SEP ~ Sat. 29 SEP
CMTC in central Missouri
It's $700 USD for the entire 7-days of training. That includes tuition, meals, ammunition, and tented lodging in camp with hot showers and flush toilets. It also includes AR15 weapon, MILES gear, PRC tactical radios, and night vision. If you need to rent battle rattle (field gear) to avoid the hassles of getting this equipment through customs, you can do that through the Shepherd's Closet at very affordable prices. Otherwise, your only expenses are travel and uniform!
Registration opens 1 MAR 2018.
Damn, I wish we had these in Indonesia...
I mean I could just join 'BELA NEGARA' which is a volunteer corps led and trained by Indonesian Army of course but at the same time it's very different it's just like scouts but with the Army,
I mean I like scouts and their programs and also I'm a platoon leader in my school scouts program and I'm very well in leadership of course but at the same time again what's the different between 'BELA NEGARA' and scouts?
Now this one is different than other and I liked it not because it's cool it's because it's more serious and fun at the same time especially at 'Leadership and excellence'.
Pizza With Rice - Interesting. I've heard much about the Indonesian Army led scout program. As it turns out, One Shepherd has a handful of Indonesian alumni. They all attended One Shepherd's Warrior Leader Program (WLP) here in the United States and have since gone on to fantastic jobs in engineering and science.
[Warning: Bragging Ahead] In fact, One Shepherd claims alumni from 22 nations worldwide. If that doesn't seem impressive, then realize the WLP requires six weeks (42 days total) to complete. Each 7-day week of training is offered twice per year, each June and September. That means it takes three years to complete our program. We are always impressed, and humbled, by the Warriors who travel to the US to participate in our leadership program.
Christopher Larsen - I see One Shephard website and there's Dr. Ozy Sjahputera which is Indonesian Honored Alumni wow! I wasn't expecting that I would say, perhaps maybe in the future I could head to US and join One Shephard!
And also are One Shephard an international organization (ex : in Australia) or it's just a local organization?
If it's international do you guys have any interest bring your program to other countries?
Not just one Indonesian alumni, but three, actually. (Last time I counted.) And yes, Dr. Sjahputera is "Triple Tabbed" as an Honored Alumni. We'd love to have you training with One Shepherd!
Unfortunately, One Shepherd is exclusively offered in the United States only. We've been invited to multiple European countries, plus South Korea and Australia. But we've never received permission to travel into a foreign country because we use real firearms and military combat simulation (MILES). Each country has refused to allow us to bring our equipment with us - but in fact, even without our equipment those same countries tell us that our training curriculum is forbidden because we teach intense small unit tactics that are unique to their special forces units. We keep insisting One Shepherd is a leadership school, but they seem reluctant to believe us. Sadly.
Christopher Larsen - Well that was unfortunate.
And have you consider to have social media (ex : Instagram, Twitter etc) for One Shephard so you can promote your program! I think that's really good maybe your Tacomp Media can handle that or maybe Brent & Bruce can handle that.
Yes. One Shepherd has a website at plus a Facebook page at In fact, there are several "hidden" Facebook pages for current members, plus another for staff and cadre. Check them out.
I havent played grunt since 2004. I may want to play it again, here....just to do battle drill 1A all over again lol
You will just never know...
Wow when how much
Sorry for the late response, Corey. Hopefully, you've found your answers online. But, if not...
The tuition for each 7-day semester is $900. That includes ammunition, pyrotechnic, meals, tented sleeping quarters, latrine and showers. It also includes issued AR15 series weapon, MILES gear, tactical communications, and navigation systems.
Warriors provide their uniforms (OPFOR & BLUFOR), field gear, and transportation to and from the training facility - Alpha Company in Missouri, or Bravo Company in West Virginia.
When? Each rifle company hosts two semesters per year. That's a total of four semesters to chose from. Registration opens the first Saturday of January each year. Semesters have been selling out quicker than normal. But, both fall semesters still have seats available.
Thank you so much Christopher.
I was looking for exactly this information on the website. Unfortunately, Icould not find it.
I am planning and looking forward to registering for this fall semester.
I wish they had this in Kansas where I live.
One shepherd is in Missouri, just a stone's throw away from Kansas. I've been a community member for nearly 7 years now and I live in central Kansas. If you want to do it, then go for it, and don't let geography stand in your way.
What are the requirements? and how much? I'm interested
Absolute Requirements: (1.) Minimum of 14-years-old. (2.) Non-felon due to use of firearms. (3.) Participation in the Warrior Basic Course as entry into One Shepherd. WBC is offered the first two days of each 7-day semester.
One Shepherd is nonprofit. All staff officers and cadre instructors are unpaid volunteers who contribute multiple weeks each year toward the community - all in an effort to keep the costs incredibly affordable at $100 per day.
$200 Warrior Basic Course (2 Days of Training)
$200 STX Seminar on Squad & Platoon Tactics (2 Days of Training)
$300 FTX Simulation of Combat Patrolling Ops (3 Days of Training)
It'll be great to have you out training with One Shepherd, NavyCorpsman.
What do you guys think of Canadians signing up?
Roseline Madtha - I think you'd be in good company! We already have a few Canadians in our alumni - one of whom just completed our three-year Warrior Leader Program this past fall semester. I do believe he will remain with us for another year or so to complete the Lightfighter scroll requirements. So, yeah, Canadians are welcome! Definitely.
Christopher Larsen thank you for the quick reply. Did the other Canadians borrow rifles from you guys or did they bring their own over the border? I’m afraid the government might think I’m a terrorist hahaha
Oh, they use One Shepherd rifles, of course. Virtually all foreigners use One Shepherd weapons, unless they are a resident working or studying here in the States. In that case, they often have purchased their own rifles. No worries. We really prefer you use One Shepherd rifle for your first semester, at least. And there is no extra charge to use our weapons, so why not?
I wish something like this existed in New Zealand ):
Yep. Me, too. One Shepherd would LOVE to come to New Zealand. But we've been told firmly, "No."
@@christopherlarsen7788 Do you accept people from overseas coming to USA to do some training under you?
@@artFRAGz - One Shepherd boasts almost 500 alumni from 22 nations worldwide. If you are allowed to visit the USA, then yes, we absolutely welcome you to train with One Shepherd. This year we offer four different 7-day semesters...two in West Virginia (near Washington DC) and two in Missouri. Be sure to check out the website -
@@artFRAGzyes they do come on they do Florida now too
This looks awesome. Couldn't enlist because of lower back problems. Would love to experience this and learn some useful stuff.
Throw Commies - Join us, brother. Not to make light of your problems, but I think it's ironic that those of us who did serve all have back problems! So you'll be in good company. We live on ibuprofen.
Honestly, if you can carry 60 pounds of gear over uneven terrain in daytime or nighttime conditions...then you'll have no problems here. Come be part of this community of Warriors.
i am really interested in the program. unfortunately i am type 1 diabetic with that being said i have a pretty good grasp on my illness and in no way expect any special treatment. would i even be allowed to attend 1 shepherd
We've had several Warriors with type one diabetes enter and complete our program. At least one has gone on to become a Black Hat Cadre Instructor. You just have to manage your health! Join us.
Dr. Larsen,
Due to the current operational environments around the world, the DOD has directed Personnel Recovery/SERE training for all DOD employees. Has One Shephard given any consideration for a one-two day block of instruction on this topic?
You bet! This topic has come up for discussion every single year since 2010, I think. Clearly there is a great deal of interest in SERE courses.
At the end of last year (2018) we started talking to two commercial companies that are well positioned to offer SERE training. The big question is "what will sell?" Will Warriors want to come to a 5 or 7-day weeklong SERE course ... or would a 3-day weekend be better? And if the preference is for a weekend course, then should it be two courses? The first 3-day weekend for survival training. And then a second 3-day weekend for escape and evasion with weapons (blanks and MILES gear) while being chased by an "enemy force" with tracking dogs.
Clearly the first weekend would be instruction, and the second weekend would be a practical application of the lessons. But then, the advantage of making it a single weeklong course is that for the people who have fly in or drive significant distances, they only have to pay for that once.
Much to think about! But I'd appreciate your input, if you're willing to offer it. Thanks for asking.
Dr. Larsen, I designed a SERE course in support of the corrections field for officers assigned to corrections emergency response teams. Topics included a three hour interrogation lab for stress inoculation, restraint defeat, RASs, etc., etc., etc. I was involved in training approximately 100 officers from 4 different agencies before retirement. While no one was ever injured, the Administration decided to end the program due to "possible" liability. I don't think they liked the water boarding. I never received negative feedback from any of the students. While we had approximately 5 male students voluntary withdraw from training (their reasons were their own), we never lost a female student. Like I said, no one was ever injured. If you would like to discuss my course/experience further please let me know.
@@dscheffler - You've raised an interesting proposition. I'd like to discuss this with a couple of colleagues. But please reach out to me through email: Larsen.TCM (at symbol) so that we can discuss this further.
Thank you.
There has to be some form of hazing and punishments to make it real for example at 5:25-5:35 when the TL/SL had to say shoot at the enemy in the wide open from the flank like a hundred times, come on ppl
DR Chris has the look to play a colonel . I am reminded of a man of which I can't remember the actors Name . However he played a captain I believe in Platoon. The scene wherein he radios air support to drop napalm on there camp when they are over run. He is the one who tells Barnes that there will be an investigation on the illegal killing and or rape after they get back to base. Also if they were to ever remake rambo. LOL Dr Chris would make a great stand in for Colonel Trautman .
Ha! Hollywood here I come!
That was Dale Dye, former Marine and now actor, military advisor for Hollywood. He was in SPR & played Colonel Sink in Band of Brothers.
Dr. Larsen, your website currently shows all courses as "unavailable". Are they all filled for the year?
Whew! The holidays are finally over and the new year is here. I can finally catch my breath.
No worries, Scheffler. Registration for 2019 doesn't open until March 1st. (We may change that in coming years to open just a bit earlier because so many people are asking why this is our policy.) That is when the dates are "held firm" and the classes open for registration. So please look for available courses on March 1st. Okay?
Right now One Shepherd's home page shows that Alpha Company in Missouri has proposed the following dates:
Sun. 2 JUN ~ Sat. 8 JUN
Sun. 22 SEP ~ Sat. 28 SEP
We are also trying to stand up Bravo Company in West Virginia near to the Washington DC metro area to begin training in 2019. We haven't yet confirmed the training facility, so we cannot post any proposed dates yet. However, I honestly believe we will have Bravo Company dates posted in a month. Okay?
how old do you have to be at least to sign up?
The minimum age to participate in One Shepherd is 14-years-old.
Now, we recommend 16 years of age. And for reference, the average age to start is 20 years of age. However, the absolute minimum is 14 years of age...just so we're clear.
The real issue is the physical ability to carry 60 pounds of gear over uneven terrain in all weather and visibility conditions for several days. That includes rifle, battle gear, and rucksack that will easily weigh 60 pounds. Okay?
I live about 60 miles north of Osage Beach and am 15 turning 16 in April. I'm seriously considering doing this in the 2018 or 2019, if there is any general advice what would it be?
Wow. Adam - you're right in our backyard! I mean, we have people who fly in from Canada and Europe, or from the east and west coast of the USA. Heck, most of our staff and cadre come from KC, STL, or Springfield at two or three hours drive away.
Here's my advice. Join us! You'll be out of school in late May before the spring semester kicks off in early June. Register and join us. At the very least, swing by and visit in June. That way you get to see it in person, and meet people. But my only concern there is that if you like it...will you be able to take a week or a few days off in late September for the fall semester? I mean, you'll be back in school then. So it will be difficult, I think, unless you have super chill parents. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a whole year.
Well, I am home schooled so as far as schedule that probably would not be too large of an issue. My main problem I'm seeing is the price, but that can be done by getting a job next year when I have my driver's license and having a bit of help from parents. I think the cost problem can be overcame though. As far as liking it I might not for whatever reason like you mentioned, but I have a couple years experience with airsoft and a sort of sub-par militia group. I am inclined to believe I would like it, but I recognize there could be a reason I do not.
On another note, as far as I understand from the website the required equipment would be the OD green and M81 ACU cut blouses, pants, boonies, rucksack, waterproof bag, rain tarp w/bungee cords, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, entrenching shovel w/carry pouch, utility multi-tool, extra canteens w/cup and carry pouch, flashlight, first aid kit, personal hygiene kit. Any equipment I'm missing that would need purchased?
Adam - We have several other homeschoolers currently going through our Warrior Leader Program. The schedule works very well for that purpose. And homeschoolers tend to do very well in this program.
Your list seems fairly complete. You can find the Packing List (PDF) on the One Shepherd website. The big thing to focus on is the uniform. The rest of the field gear can be rented at an very affordable price per semester, keeping your initial investment low. But the uniforms are almost impossible to loan due to different sizes and the limited number available.
The cost of training is also substantial at about $100 per day. No doubt.
At 16 years of age, I would not expect you to have a point of reference for the commercial cost of such training. Yet, I can tell you that if you go to other commercial training companies you will see a wide range of about $300 per day on the low end, up to $800 per day for some of the better known commercial training companies. The average government rate (GSA) is right at $500 per day - including everything except your travel expense and personally provided uniforms/gear. That would put seven days of One Shepherd training at $3,500 per semester.
So how does One Shepherd keep the price so low? Simple. One Shepherd is a nonprofit school with an all-volunteer staff and cadre who donate weeks and weeks of work each year to our community.
But it's far from free. Again, the cost of training runs $700 per semester. Plus, the cost of uniforms, boots, parkas and field gear can easily run another $1,000 or more. That's why we recommend focusing on your uniform the first year, and the purchase of field gear the second year. (Rent field gear your first couple of semesters...or borrow it from a friend.)
Find us on Facebook or our website online and send the staff a PM. They can give you much more detailed information. Yeah?
Alright, thanks, that sounds good. I'm likely going to try and attend in the next year or two like mentioned before, unless something very specific comes up. Again, thanks for the details.
Also just wondering about where I could find the uniforms, is there a link to a source on the website I missed, can they be purchased in person, or do I need to look on my own?
Adam - All good questions. The S1 Personnel Officer can answer these questions better than I can here. You might even be able to purchase them through the surplus store in Columbia...I'm just not sure if they still carry these uniforms. They used to. But I live in the Washington DC area, so I'm just not on top of that information. My apologies.
Reach out to One Shepherd through their Facebook page or website. Cool?
Are they firing blanks?
Yes with the MILES system
After I eagle out of boy scouts can I join this? How would I be able to join?
Average Trooper - Absolutely! We have a lot of Scouts join our ranks. Scouts do well in the Warrior Leader Program. In fact, if you are at least 14 years of age, you can already join.
Online registration opens Thursday, March 1st. You'll just need to register, and then get the uniforms.
Spring Semester:
Sun. 3 JUN ~ Sat. 9 JUN
Fall Semester:
Sun. 23 SEP ~ Sat. 29 SEP
Let me know if you have further questions.
I have my own militia called the revolutionary Christian warriors
Good. The Warrior path can be found through many different endeavors.
The American militia has a proud tradition that established many of the American military prestige known today. Yet, the militia also has a dark past. As a general rule of thumb, when the militia represents the population of its constituents, then the militia tends to be successful. When private militia become exclusive and reject membership of others based on race, religion, or creed...then the militia has a tendency to pervert into darkness.
This is not always the case, of course. But it occurs frequently enough to become a "rule of thumb." And I mention this because you've called your militia "Christian" in the title. That's fine. No problems there. you exclude Warriors of the Jewish faith, or Buddhist faith?
For example, the YMCA definitely has "Christian" in its name. And that's good. But the YMCA does not exclude Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or even atheists. Instead, it simply aims to uphold Christian principles of doing charitable work for the good of mankind.
Let me be clear here. You don't owe me an answer. This is America, and you are free to do as you decide! It's just that I've been pondering your comment for a full day now, and wanted to offer an idea for you to consider.
Calling yourselves both Revolutionary and Christian right in the name might be a very risky branding move.
I see you're revolutionizing the spelling in the name.
How much does this cost?
Sorry to respond so late. I need to come back to this video more than once per year.
The tuition for each 7-day semester is $900. That includes ammunition, pyrotechnic, meals, tented sleeping quarters, latrine and showers. It also includes issued AR15 series weapon, MILES gear, tactical communications, and navigation systems.
Warriors provide their uniforms (OPFOR & BLUFOR), field gear, and transportation to and from the training facility - Alpha Company in Missouri, or Bravo Company in West Virginia.
@@christopherlarsen7788that's cheaper than most hotels
"Better than Basic"
Certainly more friendly than Basic! And yes, we have Army and Marine NCOs who've said they'd prefer One Shepherd training over the US Armed Forces. One Shepherd is a learning institution, after all. So of course we're going to refine our curriculum and method. It is a world-class educational program.
And you know what we've found? We don't need to humiliate Warriors! They show up motivated to be a better Warrior-Leader, and they constantly seek improvement - even without be yelled at, punched, or punished. Amazing.
I want
Not too late, Pixely Charge.
The last semester of 2019 will be held in Ulman, Missouri from 22-28 September. If you can make it, then register here -
badass stuuf
It sucks that I cannot do this; I own Kalashnikov variant rifles.
They provide AR-15's for use if you don't have one of your own - no extra charge.
Anti-Mason - Sorry I'm so late responding. However, I see that Matchstick has already replied. And he is correct.
We insist that for your first semester you use a One Shepherd issued AR15. Then, if you wish to purchase an AR15 at a later date, you are free to bring your own rifle. But of course, you don't need to purchase your own rifle. You can continue to use One Shepherd's weapons at no extra cost. That's why we maintain an arms room for our Warriors.
Also, One Shepherd's MILES gear is the type for 5.56mm weapoons (M200 blank ammunition). For five years we mounted MILES 2000 onto Kalashnikov 7.62x39mm weapons, but there was too much damage to the laser SAT. Way too expensive to maintain! So sadly, we sold off all of our Kalashnikov weapons back in 2012.
Still, that shouldn't stop you. Come join us!
So he stopped hosting dirty jobs?
I run an ak platform is that accepted in ur course
Possibly...if it is 5.56mm caliber (AK 100 series). But your first semester you will be required to use One Shepherd AR15 anyway - provided at no extra cost. Regardless of which weapon system you prefer, the lessons at One Shepherd are not centric to any single weapons system, so it's applicable instruction.
Where are you coming from, Zak?
do they use live ammunition? Who are 'bad guys?'
Peter Krepkiy - No live ammunition. One Shepherd is purely a BLANKFIRE-ONLY learning environment. That is why the MILES gear simulation is so critical to our training outcome. Without MILES gear, how would anyone know if they were "killed" or "near missed"? MILES gear allows battles out to a half mile (800m).
(See more info on MILES gear -видео.html)
The enemies are your friends. Okay, that sounds weird. I mean that the same Warriors who go through One Shepherd training with you will also be your enemy sometimes. The participants split into a Blue Force (BLUFOR) team and an Opposing Force (OPFOR) team to conduct training.
Let's say there are 50 participating Warriors in training for the 3-day FTX Simulation. We split into two teams, roughly 25-man platoons and then issue separate but conflicting missions. The BLUFOR and OPFOR platoons engage each other for three days and two nights in continuous patrolling operations. That can mean a lot of battles...or very few. It depends on the operational tempo. Cool?
So. Interested in joining One Shepherd?
Glad there is some yelling and face-paint !
This would be awesome in australia but the gun laws are stuffed and everything else.
Agreed. And, sorry.
are civillians generally looked down on?
Snake Eater - I apologize for the delayed response. Busy week!
"Are civilians generally looked down on?" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Quite the opposite. One Shepherd has been trying to recruit more and more civilians for the past 37 years. Honestly. When we calculate the military veterans at almost 50 percent of the One Shepherd community, plus law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, engineers and training specialists working as contractors in the Department of Defense, OR high school and college students interested in one of these aforementioned pursuits...this accounts for as much as 80 percent of the One Shepherd community.
Yet, we know with proven certainty over four decades of experience that One Shepherd's leadership education applies across the spectrum of every industry. Leadership is a valuable competency. Excellent leaders are rare! So, the perennial question for One Shepherd staff officers is, "How do we recruit more civilians?"
Join us. You're going to love this community of Warrior Leaders, and Warrior Scholars.
Snake Eater - The spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area.
Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY
• Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200
• Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200
• Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300
Spring Semester Location:
BSR Facility
201 Motorsports Park Circle
Summit Point, WV 25446
Is this for both genders or just males ?
+Angelena Lloyd Anyone can attend our courses! We have both males and females ages ranging from 14-80!
Don’t bullshit me. This „leadership course“ stuff is just the way we will sell this to our wifes lol
Pixely Charge - YOU BET! Our wives...our bosses...our professors, etc.
By the way, the spring semester is in West Virginia, very near the Washington, DC metro area.
Spring Semester Date & Pricing: 28 APR ~ 4 MAY
• Sun-Mon 28-29 APR - Warrior Basic Course @ $200
• Tue-Wed 30 APR-01 MAY - STX Seminar on Small Unit Tactics @ $200
• Thu-Fri-Sat 02-04 MAY - FTX Simulation (3-Day Non-Stop) @ $300
Spring Semester Location:
BSR Facility
201 Motorsports Park Circle
Summit Point, WV 25446
One simple phrase for this. Stolen Valor.
Bitch - Your moniker suits you! It is you, troglodyte, who has just attempted to tarnish the honorable valor of numerous veterans who served in almost every conflict from the Vietnam War up to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those same veterans now serve as staff officers and cadre instructors in One Shepherd.
Very nearly half of One Shepherd’s 500+ alumni have served in the US Armed Forces, as well as in foreign militaries abroad. Many of us have borne the experience of not just one combat theater, but two or three combat theaters and/or tours of duty. And I find your zeal for elitism disgusting.
Yet, if you are indeed a Warrior, and particularly a veteran of the US Armed Forces, then I offer you a chance to redeem your malignant comment - come out and join us for just one single semester. Look our Warriors, combat veterans in the eye and repeat your ridiculous charge of “stolen valor.”
Otherwise, I must conclude that you’re are an imposteur, a cretin, and a coward. You are not a veteran.
Just a Bitch - I think you might be confused. The term "stolen valor" means a person who claims to be a military veteran, or wears the uniform of the military but never served.
One Shepherd takes significant effort to state that we are not in any way affiliated with the US Armed Forces. They do not sponsor One Shepherd. And we do not certify military occupational specialties (MOS). Additionally, we do not wear the uniform, rank, or insignia of the US Armed Forces.
- The OG-106 and OG-107 uniforms have not been in service with the US Armed Forces in 35 years.
- The Woodland BDU has not been in service with the US Armed Forces in 12 years.
- The One Shepherd name tape was never in service with the US Armed Forces.
- The One Shepherd regimental patch was never in service with the US Armed Forces.
- The Lightfighter scroll is not an official insignia of the US Armed Forces.
One Shepherd uniforms and insignia are intentionally discrete from the US Armed Forces. No claim is made that we are affiliated in any way, shape, or form with military service.
I don't think you have that right. I haven't heard them make any claim to be apart of the military. Some of the instructors may have but, One Shepherd is like young Marines, Boy Scouts Of America, or Police explorers except the program One Shepherd looks to be for adults.
Average Trooper - Exactly. In fact, in an indirect way, One Shepherd is an offshoot of the Boy Scouts of America. It came about due to a lack of Junior-ROTC, Young Marines, or Civil Air Patrol in the local area.
While it was initially intended for high school and college-aged students, in recent years One Shepherd opened the doors to Warriors of all ages, 14-years-old and up. Today most of our Warriors are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s...but high school and college students still make up almost a quarter of our members.
And although almost 50 percent of our alumni go on to military service, One Shepherd is NOT in any way funded by or affiliated with the US Armed Forces or any private militia! We are a bona fide nonprofit school with an established curriculum, academic calendar, administrative staff, and cadre instructors.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep, and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
this guys will be easily wipeout in real combat they all look like wannabe soldier
Serg Jay - Why so negative, man? I'm asking an honest question here.
One Shepherd is a leadership school that has just completed its 36th year of training. Our staff officers and cadre instructors are not only military veterans, they are scholars and researchers. For example, we just had an article published by the US Army's Infantry Magazine from the School of the Infantry at Fort Benning, Georgia regarding squad leader decision-making -
One Shepherd has more than 500 alumni from 22 nations worldwide. Almost half of our alumni either go on to successful military service, or come to us as veterans of the military - mostly the US Armed Force, but also from foreign military service in Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, etcetera.
Many of the men you see in this video are veterans of our American wars - Afghanistan, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Panama, El Salvador, and we even have a few Marine and Army Infantry veterans of the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia.
I am one of the original founders. I served in the US Army Infantry for nine years and was deployed to two combat theaters. My best friend helped me establish One Shepherd. He served in the US Army Aviation for six years and was also deployed to two combat theaters.
So trust me when I tell you that the people who come to One Shepherd are not seeking to become US Army Soliders or Marines. Instead, they are already Warriors who want to master the art of leadership. If you are interested in the Warrior-Leader path, Serg Jay... perhaps you should join us.
already did my time in the military and had enough i lost many brothers in combat
Understood. Thank you for your service, brother.
serg jay you're an idiot.
Please post your videos so we can see how its done. Otherwise, go back to your third world disaster and retake English.