My Spoiler free wishlist, Big Elders on the map, i want Dalamadur, jhen mohran dah'ren mohran, just Apocalyptic sized Monsters needing appropriate Vehicles to fight, ships ect ec. Bring back underwater, i want to fight Ceadeus and Abyssal lagi. Amatsu needs some love too, we barely see Amatsu.
The return of Dalamadur would be amazing, and the sand whales. Even if they can’t bring underwater back, a fight similar to the Mohrans where you fight a breaching Ceadeus on a ship would be amazing.
@@graysonthebard9034Dalamadur will return 100%.If not in the main game then in the dlc for sure.Dalamadur is a giant snake,the logo of the game has 2 snakes in it (dalamadur and shen dalamadur probably look at their colors they fit),this year is snake's year so everything talks by itshelf
fun fact the length ratio between dalamadur and najarala is less than 15 while the length ratio between the irl largest and smallest snakes is about 30.
man i've dreamed about playing the beta again last night, this game is already in my hearth like no other in a lifetime, thank god i gave a chance to Monster Hunter when i've watched Team Darkside videos
Outside Capcom IP Crossovers, it was sorely missed in Rise/Sunbreak Blangonga, to me him and Congalala are inseparable and his gear is pretty unique already My favorite Long Sword in Freedom Unite was the Eager Cleaver line. When you got the G rank Upgrade, the sheath had a cloth around it that changed color based on what you set the primary chest armor color to. So, I'd like to see little details like that added to weapons in Wilds.
The 3ds era of collaborations is unmatched. Running around with a Mr. Resetti Palico in 4u was formative (wish we would have gotten the one piece collab) I would welcome Blangonga back with open arms if they lean into that one cutscene where it grabs the Hunter’s weapon to block the attack. More monsters that adapt to the Hunter, please!
Wyporium Wyporium WYPORIUM Its the easiest way to add monster armor/ weapons without adding full on monsters, plus it extends the endgame loop and gives you a reason to keep fighting the monsters
Seems like I have an unpopular opinion on this. Not a fan of the trade mechanic. I understand people want their favorite gear to be there but I want to earn it from that monster. I was so dissappointed when I saw I had to go out and farm f'ing Najarala to get my Ceanataur armor instead of getting the throwback of grinding Shogun itself to get the armor like back in the day. Maybe I could get on board if it wasn't a direct trade and you can trade in parts from different monsters of "certain grade" to get equivalent materials. That way you can't be locked into grinding some monster you hate to get to the part of the monster you love.
@ something kind of like the how Sunbreak did the anomaly parts? You can get this specific trade in material from monsters X,Y,and Z and use that material to get Garangolm armor, as an example? I would definitely be on board with that.
All I want is to see molten tigrex in the dlc cause it would be funny seeing the new players or people who never played 4u fighting him for the first time
Glad Poborubarumu still got a mention. He is FANTASTIC! So many great monsters in Frontier though: Pobo, Toridcless, Doragyurosu, Ray and Lolo Gougarf, Diorex, ... the list goes on, it would be hard to pick. But Duramboros would be a really good fit for a main line returning monster.
The Wyporium parts trading would be amazing to see. I'd love it if they used that to put in World Armor/Weapons and not waste resources porting the Monsters over so we can get more returning from pre-World. It would be a great way to get the Underwater Monsters as well
The material trading is honestly my number one hope for a returning mechanic. We may never see Gobul again, but at least give us a way to get its weapons!
While i too love the sieges from gen 5 (safi being one of my favorite hunts of all time) i dont know how well they can balance that system with the 100 player lobbies
I think a big part of it will be making it feel truly cooperative, rather than the pseudo-race to get the kill that the World Sieges had. I would love something like Dalamadur showing up and wrapping itself around multiple zones, with groups of Hunters needing to take on different parts of its body to drive it away.
My personal top 5 is: Najarala (and Tidal of course) Nergigante (and Ruiner) Legiana (and Shrieking) Zamtrios (and Tigerstripe) Gigginox (and its subspecies) I know its unlikely but i would personally adore to see Dalamadur appear again :D And i beg, i fkn beg, no siege monsters PLEASE, the sieges are just unfun. I'll always prefer Kulve Taroth over Safi because she has an MR Event quest.
Actually i can see magnamalo fit in the game and actually in the oil basin area.I mean its not that bad putting a magnamalo into there.Imagine a tuff war between scorned magmamalo and ruiner nergigante
I’m iffy in Magnamalo personally. I love its fight but I’m not a huge fan of the design. I’d love to see him again but I’m fine if he takes a game off.
For me fighting mag without wire bugs would be awkward. They’d have to change his animations quite a bit I think. Not sure how I’d feel about it if they made a “lesser” version of one of the best hunts of sunbreak.
My number 1 wishlist is probably never gonna happen again but I really miss prowler from generations and double cross had great memories since generations was my first game in the series
Prowler was a lot of fun. Generation’s Palico system had a lot of depth to it when you got into the crunchy bits. Would love to see something like it come back.
I just don’t want ANY FOMO mechanics. I want to be able to not play for a day or two - as a parent I don’t get to play every day. Duramboros is a great wishlist item!!! He’d be a welcomed addition. I definitely agree with you on him and the Wyporium Trading. If they’re going to have small monsters like Zamites and baby Agnaktors (hated Rise for this) at least let me trade for their parent monster armor and weapons!
Agreed. The initial rotation of event quests in World was way too long. The current faster rotation is a lot better to make sure nobody misses out. I hope they’ll start with something similar.
Capcom bring back dalamadur,gogmazios and white fatalis and my life is yours.My theory is that dalamadur will return cause he is a snake,the logo has 2 snakes(probably dalamadur and shen dalamadur),this year is snake's year so everything talks by itshelf.The oil basin area just spoils it that gogmazios returns ans since the game is a sequel to world and in world fatalis was in it this means that white fatalis and maybe grimson fatalis will return.
I was wondering why Gogmazios was getting so many wishes. The name “oil basin” has been the only thing I accidentally got spoiled on since going spoiler free, but I don’t want to know any more about it. Dalamadur coming back is another big hope of mine. Imagine a multi zone fight where you have to deal with his head in the desert while another group fights his tail in the forest. But what I really want is a true Hydra monster. The big siege event being a different head showing up in each map like a multi-headed world serpent.
@@graysonthebard9034 dalamadur is 100% coming back.Gogmazios to give you to understand has for element something like oil fused with fire-dragon something like that.His design really fits in the oil basin area
@eugeneng31 Oh, I'm very familiar with Gogmazios. 4u is my favorite game in the series and I loved that fight and his armor/weapon designs so much. I meant that I didn't want to know more about the Oil Basin area. All I know is the name and I aim to keep it that way as long as I can.
@@graysonthebard9034 Monster huntet 4 ultimate is a G.O.A.T game literally and wilds right now seems more like a sequel to it rather than to world.That's another reason about my big-3 will probably return.Yeah i understand now what you meant about the area and i will agree with you keep it up.Personally after with what happened with the rumors of resident evil 9 i won't trust leakers anymore especially this duck golem leaker who was the one who said all the rumors and now comes to undone them like he never said them
lagiacrus, gobul, zamtrios, gore + shagaru magala, chameleos, agnakator, glavenus, valstrax, akantor, namielle. not suprised if none of these come back ngl.
Something i really wanna see and will make the game so much better is my friends coming on to play it with me. We are all playing different games at the moment as nothing is keeping us on a certain game. I think wilds could be it.
@graysonthebard9034 I've been updating every now and again to keep em keen. Just gotta be careful not overhyping it. Usually, I'm a bit hesitant on crossplay. But with PvE it ain't too bad
Mostly because I was disapponted in World and Rise’s marketing that by the time the games came out there weren’t very many surprises left. I think in Rise the only monsters not shown in trailers were Narwa, and (for some reason Jyuratodus). I’m already hyped about the game so the only thing the marketing is gonna do for me is show off things I’d rather see for the first time while playing.
It definitely needs some fine tuning but I think they learned pretty quick on how to do them right. Recording Kulve for this video reminded me how boring the early part of that siege is, especially solo. But then Safi was much better.
I think both would be great! Khezu as low rank like 3 star hunt introduction, and gigginox as high rank! I want a tough gigginox hunt that takes full advantage of the babies attacking too.
Yeah, lao needs a glow up someday. I would not mind seeing him again. I'd love to hunt with his hammer, a giant toenail on a stick. I mean he's not in as much of a rework as fatalis was lmao. That was not the god of monsters in gen 1/pre gen 5 that was the god of disappointment/anticlimax. The team knew that, that's why we got 2 move of them, where the lore was "this is what happens when he loses and lives" and "that first one was fake and a kid, here's the real one with the reputation" respectively. Even his theme was a huge let down, just forest and hills/rathalos theme with vocals, lao's second theme is a million times more epic than that. Melting an armor piece down into a decoration is an interesting idea but um the rest of that... Please no, I have enough issues trusting the title update people as it is so I don't need them taking cues from an MMO that really didn't understand the concept of a voice in your head/instinct telling you that something is a bad idea. Frontier had a lot of mistakes that that main line devs kind of vowed to never make in 2006. It's likely why one of them died, without going global, and the other exploded worldwide. Too many skills can also kind of make choices so abundant that they're meaningless. "Why don't we just have all the attack/crit skills in the entire game? It's not like that will make us a glass cannon, anymore." At that point, the devs would have to basically make monsters immortal, with so much HP that such sets wouldn't kill a monster in a minute but also end up making it so, if you don't do that, you can't kill it in 50. So it's not a choice anymore. With the beta's map and those 2 massive zones, huge monsters like duramboros could happen. I would adore to see this guy in Wilds. What I wanted, for duramboros, for years is him to really mess with the map/environment. Imagine him spinning, in a forest that's jsut full of trees, and his tail was able to knock tress over as an extension of his attacks. "You dodged the tail? Well, look out for that falling tre-" (gets crushed by a tree). I'm begging you, Capcom, make it ahppen. "Naturalistic" you say, as he's flying in the gameplay lmao. I love this monster so much. Yes, just yes. "There's a reason to not add this monster, you say? Well, I have a solution." Sieges could work but... Just don't make them a glorified race to a dam pinata. It was not cooperative, in the slightest, you just were begging that your team wasn't goingto fall behind and someone else wasn't going to get the kill too early so your HP pool was impossible got get through for your team. Your skill is no longer relevant. The skill of your team, in relation to the other teams, is all that mattered. You were not fighting the monster, you were fighting against the other teams. Trying to get all the kjarr weapons was a nightmare, I'm still missing that Kjarr blast GL after fighting it over a thousand times. Safi's system is more bearable but it still got old fast. I'm shocked that thing is as popular as it is, it's mostly just pinata 2.0. After enough hunts and novelty wears off, that's what they are. If you're gonna do it, make the base game/expansion include one as blueptrint and do not give the interns on the free content this task without keeping an eye on them.
Haha, that was unintentionally good timing on my “naturalistic” comment. The “competitive” aspect of the sieges is my biggest complaint with them as well. I would definitely want them to retool that to make it feel more like cooperation and less like a race to secure the kill. I mentioned it in the video but the Raviente fights in Frontier would make a good inspiration for that.
@@graysonthebard9034 ikr Plesioth just needs to be back, his massive size, his ridicules hitbosex and he is just a funny little guy. I just want to feel the Bodycheck once more Capcom... i beg you
I’ve got nothing against the people who look at the leaks, but I genuinely want to go into the rest of the game knowing as little as possible. Based on the early interviews though I’m expecting them to try and outdo themselves on the story side of things. Hope they stick the landing.
I started on World, and couldn't stand Rise. So I just hope for a bunch of ones I haven't seen before. Just as long as there isn't too many from World. I hated Kulve and Safi because I don't like forced multiplayer, and it pretty much was forced. I just hope there isn't another Zorah type fight.
The more monsters they can put in that skipped gen 5, the better. I agree with you there! I think Zorah has potential, they just need to retool it so it has an actual fight phase instead of just the cannons and popping his lava pimples.
My spoiler free wishlist is Gore magala, Lagiacrus, i would also love Diablos, but i think we should give Monoblos a shot again, Najarala, Akanlos/Ukantor, and Abiorugu as an ambush monster. Im also hoping for Akura Vashimu, as we really need a Scorpion monster! Im hope some of the monsters i listed will be in the game. Im staying completely spoiler free until i beat the game, so hopefully i wont be dissapointed😂
A great list. Give Diablos a break and let Monoblos come back! As long as they make some changes to the Akura Vashimu tail break mechanics I'm 100% in. That stuff is fine in an mmo but would be hell in a mainline game. There's so many great frontier monsters I would love to see again. Good luck to you staying spoiler free for the se last 30 days! I know they're gonna be ramping up marketing so it's gonna get tougher. Stay strong!
I’ve only seen the first two maps they revealed (remember,I’m pretty much spoiler free) hopefully there’s an ice map or at least an area where ice monsters can exist.
My Spoiler free wishlist, Big Elders on the map, i want Dalamadur, jhen mohran dah'ren mohran, just Apocalyptic sized Monsters needing appropriate Vehicles to fight, ships ect ec. Bring back underwater, i want to fight Ceadeus and Abyssal lagi. Amatsu needs some love too, we barely see Amatsu.
The return of Dalamadur would be amazing, and the sand whales. Even if they can’t bring underwater back, a fight similar to the Mohrans where you fight a breaching Ceadeus on a ship would be amazing.
@@graysonthebard9034Dalamadur will return 100%.If not in the main game then in the dlc for sure.Dalamadur is a giant snake,the logo of the game has 2 snakes in it (dalamadur and shen dalamadur probably look at their colors they fit),this year is snake's year so everything talks by itshelf
fun fact the length ratio between dalamadur and najarala is less than 15 while the length ratio between the irl largest and smallest snakes is about 30.
@@starchythepotato2877 that's actually awesome.
Arent those a little many?
man i've dreamed about playing the beta again last night, this game is already in my hearth like no other in a lifetime, thank god i gave a chance to Monster Hunter when i've watched Team Darkside videos
Dark side speedruns are insane, and I could never pull off what they do, but I’ll be damned if they don’t pull people into the game.
Outside Capcom IP Crossovers, it was sorely missed in Rise/Sunbreak
Blangonga, to me him and Congalala are inseparable and his gear is pretty unique already
My favorite Long Sword in Freedom Unite was the Eager Cleaver line. When you got the G rank Upgrade, the sheath had a cloth around it that changed color based on what you set the primary chest armor color to. So, I'd like to see little details like that added to weapons in Wilds.
The 3ds era of collaborations is unmatched. Running around with a Mr. Resetti Palico in 4u was formative (wish we would have gotten the one piece collab)
I would welcome Blangonga back with open arms if they lean into that one cutscene where it grabs the Hunter’s weapon to block the attack. More monsters that adapt to the Hunter, please!
Its the easiest way to add monster armor/ weapons without adding full on monsters, plus it extends the endgame loop and gives you a reason to keep fighting the monsters
It is far and away the mechanics I want to see come back the most.
Material exchange returning for mons not in the game would be a dream.
Seems like I have an unpopular opinion on this. Not a fan of the trade mechanic. I understand people want their favorite gear to be there but I want to earn it from that monster. I was so dissappointed when I saw I had to go out and farm f'ing Najarala to get my Ceanataur armor instead of getting the throwback of grinding Shogun itself to get the armor like back in the day.
Maybe I could get on board if it wasn't a direct trade and you can trade in parts from different monsters of "certain grade" to get equivalent materials. That way you can't be locked into grinding some monster you hate to get to the part of the monster you love.
@ something kind of like the how Sunbreak did the anomaly parts? You can get this specific trade in material from monsters X,Y,and Z and use that material to get Garangolm armor, as an example?
I would definitely be on board with that.
@ I never played Rise but sounds like broadly what I had in mind.
All I want is to see molten tigrex in the dlc cause it would be funny seeing the new players or people who never played 4u fighting him for the first time
4U’s my favorite game in the series so seeing Molten again would be great. Love that big ol bastard.
Glad Poborubarumu still got a mention. He is FANTASTIC! So many great monsters in Frontier though: Pobo, Toridcless, Doragyurosu, Ray and Lolo Gougarf, Diorex, ... the list goes on, it would be hard to pick. But Duramboros would be a really good fit for a main line returning monster.
There just needs to be an “Oops, all Frontier roster” game. Mezaporta may be in ruins but who’s to say they can't relocate.
The Wyporium parts trading would be amazing to see. I'd love it if they used that to put in World Armor/Weapons and not waste resources porting the Monsters over so we can get more returning from pre-World. It would be a great way to get the Underwater Monsters as well
The material trading is honestly my number one hope for a returning mechanic. We may never see Gobul again, but at least give us a way to get its weapons!
My spoiler Wishlist is for my gil gammoth she has to be in wilds she my favourite one at of the fated four members
Justice for gammoth
She deserves it after being the only one not in 5th Gen. would love to see them all in the same game again someday too.
While i too love the sieges from gen 5 (safi being one of my favorite hunts of all time) i dont know how well they can balance that system with the 100 player lobbies
I think a big part of it will be making it feel truly cooperative, rather than the pseudo-race to get the kill that the World Sieges had. I would love something like Dalamadur showing up and wrapping itself around multiple zones, with groups of Hunters needing to take on different parts of its body to drive it away.
My personal top 5 is:
Najarala (and Tidal of course)
Nergigante (and Ruiner)
Legiana (and Shrieking)
Zamtrios (and Tigerstripe)
Gigginox (and its subspecies)
I know its unlikely but i would personally adore to see Dalamadur appear again :D
And i beg, i fkn beg, no siege monsters PLEASE, the sieges are just unfun. I'll always prefer Kulve Taroth over Safi because she has an MR Event quest.
Narjarala, Giggi, and Zamtrios deserve to come back too. Giggi especially. I need that coffin hunting horn in my life again.
Actually i can see magnamalo fit in the game and actually in the oil basin area.I mean its not that bad putting a magnamalo into there.Imagine a tuff war between scorned magmamalo and ruiner nergigante
I’m iffy in Magnamalo personally. I love its fight but I’m not a huge fan of the design. I’d love to see him again but I’m fine if he takes a game off.
For me fighting mag without wire bugs would be awkward. They’d have to change his animations quite a bit I think. Not sure how I’d feel about it if they made a “lesser” version of one of the best hunts of sunbreak.
@ that’s another part of it. Magnamalo’s fight without Wirebugs would be weird, his hellfire clouds especially would need a lot of tuning.
@@graysonthebard9034 I am pretty sure that they can find something to make his fight without wire bugs
My number 1 wishlist is probably never gonna happen again but I really miss prowler from generations and double cross had great memories since generations was my first game in the series
Prowler was a lot of fun. Generation’s Palico system had a lot of depth to it when you got into the crunchy bits. Would love to see something like it come back.
I just don’t want ANY FOMO mechanics. I want to be able to not play for a day or two - as a parent I don’t get to play every day.
Duramboros is a great wishlist item!!! He’d be a welcomed addition. I definitely agree with you on him and the Wyporium Trading. If they’re going to have small monsters like Zamites and baby Agnaktors (hated Rise for this) at least let me trade for their parent monster armor and weapons!
Agreed. The initial rotation of event quests in World was way too long. The current faster rotation is a lot better to make sure nobody misses out. I hope they’ll start with something similar.
Capcom bring back dalamadur,gogmazios and white fatalis and my life is yours.My theory is that dalamadur will return cause he is a snake,the logo has 2 snakes(probably dalamadur and shen dalamadur),this year is snake's year so everything talks by itshelf.The oil basin area just spoils it that gogmazios returns ans since the game is a sequel to world and in world fatalis was in it this means that white fatalis and maybe grimson fatalis will return.
I was wondering why Gogmazios was getting so many wishes. The name “oil basin” has been the only thing I accidentally got spoiled on since going spoiler free, but I don’t want to know any more about it. Dalamadur coming back is another big hope of mine. Imagine a multi zone fight where you have to deal with his head in the desert while another group fights his tail in the forest.
But what I really want is a true Hydra monster. The big siege event being a different head showing up in each map like a multi-headed world serpent.
@@graysonthebard9034 dalamadur is 100% coming back.Gogmazios to give you to understand has for element something like oil fused with fire-dragon something like that.His design really fits in the oil basin area
@eugeneng31 Laviente or Dalamadur as a raid type monster would be so sick.
@eugeneng31 Oh, I'm very familiar with Gogmazios. 4u is my favorite game in the series and I loved that fight and his armor/weapon designs so much. I meant that I didn't want to know more about the Oil Basin area. All I know is the name and I aim to keep it that way as long as I can.
@@graysonthebard9034 Monster huntet 4 ultimate is a G.O.A.T game literally and wilds right now seems more like a sequel to it rather than to world.That's another reason about my big-3 will probably return.Yeah i understand now what you meant about the area and i will agree with you keep it up.Personally after with what happened with the rumors of resident evil 9 i won't trust leakers anymore especially this duck golem leaker who was the one who said all the rumors and now comes to undone them like he never said them
lagiacrus, gobul, zamtrios, gore + shagaru magala, chameleos, agnakator, glavenus, valstrax, akantor, namielle. not suprised if none of these come back ngl.
I would love to see Gobul again. But I think the species went extinct when the guild drained the flooded forest for Rise.
Everything u said is confirmed bro trust
I have been given the gift of prophecy.
Something i really wanna see and will make the game so much better is my friends coming on to play it with me. We are all playing different games at the moment as nothing is keeping us on a certain game. I think wilds could be it.
The game having full crossplay is gonna be huge for that! Hope you’re able to get your gang together!
@graysonthebard9034 I've been updating every now and again to keep em keen. Just gotta be careful not overhyping it. Usually, I'm a bit hesitant on crossplay. But with PvE it ain't too bad
I want an expandable moveset
Do you mean like the switch skills from Rise? I would love to see something like that again too, but hopefully without so many clear “best” options.
Just interested in why you wanna go into it so spoiler free?
Mostly because I was disapponted in World and Rise’s marketing that by the time the games came out there weren’t very many surprises left. I think in Rise the only monsters not shown in trailers were Narwa, and (for some reason Jyuratodus). I’m already hyped about the game so the only thing the marketing is gonna do for me is show off things I’d rather see for the first time while playing.
I do hope that going forward they use the 5th gen siege format it's really really fun
It definitely needs some fine tuning but I think they learned pretty quick on how to do them right. Recording Kulve for this video reminded me how boring the early part of that siege is, especially solo. But then Safi was much better.
Capcom! Bring back Gigginox instead of Khezu, and my life is yours!!!
The battle nun armor! the coffin hunting horn! I’ve been missing Giggi for years.
I think both would be great! Khezu as low rank like 3 star hunt introduction, and gigginox as high rank! I want a tough gigginox hunt that takes full advantage of the babies attacking too.
@ Gigginox weaponizing the gross egg sac would be both terrifying and amazing.
Yeah, lao needs a glow up someday. I would not mind seeing him again. I'd love to hunt with his hammer, a giant toenail on a stick. I mean he's not in as much of a rework as fatalis was lmao. That was not the god of monsters in gen 1/pre gen 5 that was the god of disappointment/anticlimax. The team knew that, that's why we got 2 move of them, where the lore was "this is what happens when he loses and lives" and "that first one was fake and a kid, here's the real one with the reputation" respectively. Even his theme was a huge let down, just forest and hills/rathalos theme with vocals, lao's second theme is a million times more epic than that.
Melting an armor piece down into a decoration is an interesting idea but um the rest of that... Please no, I have enough issues trusting the title update people as it is so I don't need them taking cues from an MMO that really didn't understand the concept of a voice in your head/instinct telling you that something is a bad idea. Frontier had a lot of mistakes that that main line devs kind of vowed to never make in 2006. It's likely why one of them died, without going global, and the other exploded worldwide. Too many skills can also kind of make choices so abundant that they're meaningless. "Why don't we just have all the attack/crit skills in the entire game? It's not like that will make us a glass cannon, anymore." At that point, the devs would have to basically make monsters immortal, with so much HP that such sets wouldn't kill a monster in a minute but also end up making it so, if you don't do that, you can't kill it in 50. So it's not a choice anymore.
With the beta's map and those 2 massive zones, huge monsters like duramboros could happen. I would adore to see this guy in Wilds. What I wanted, for duramboros, for years is him to really mess with the map/environment. Imagine him spinning, in a forest that's jsut full of trees, and his tail was able to knock tress over as an extension of his attacks. "You dodged the tail? Well, look out for that falling tre-" (gets crushed by a tree). I'm begging you, Capcom, make it ahppen. "Naturalistic" you say, as he's flying in the gameplay lmao. I love this monster so much.
Yes, just yes. "There's a reason to not add this monster, you say? Well, I have a solution."
Sieges could work but... Just don't make them a glorified race to a dam pinata. It was not cooperative, in the slightest, you just were begging that your team wasn't goingto fall behind and someone else wasn't going to get the kill too early so your HP pool was impossible got get through for your team. Your skill is no longer relevant. The skill of your team, in relation to the other teams, is all that mattered. You were not fighting the monster, you were fighting against the other teams. Trying to get all the kjarr weapons was a nightmare, I'm still missing that Kjarr blast GL after fighting it over a thousand times. Safi's system is more bearable but it still got old fast. I'm shocked that thing is as popular as it is, it's mostly just pinata 2.0. After enough hunts and novelty wears off, that's what they are. If you're gonna do it, make the base game/expansion include one as blueptrint and do not give the interns on the free content this task without keeping an eye on them.
Haha, that was unintentionally good timing on my “naturalistic” comment.
The “competitive” aspect of the sieges is my biggest complaint with them as well. I would definitely want them to retool that to make it feel more like cooperation and less like a race to secure the kill. I mentioned it in the video but the Raviente fights in Frontier would make a good inspiration for that.
@@graysonthebard9034 Don't know all the details of that fight. Though, I'm a bit skeptical.
just gimme plesioth capcom, i beg you
Plesioth coming back with an improved fight would be the ultimate out of nowhere delight.
@@graysonthebard9034 ikr Plesioth just needs to be back, his massive size, his ridicules hitbosex and he is just a funny little guy. I just want to feel the Bodycheck once more Capcom... i beg you
@@schneife4915 I'll promise to wish Plesioth's return into the aether if you'll support the Duramboros cause as well, deal?
@@graysonthebard9034 deal
My totally spoiler free monster wishlist is:
Gore Magala
Fulgur Anjanath
Ebony Odogaron
Would love to see Nerscylla again! It’s gotta redeem itself after the movie.
As someone who has seen eveything with the leaks. Im just exited to see everyone lose their minds over this game's plot twist.
I’ve got nothing against the people who look at the leaks, but I genuinely want to go into the rest of the game knowing as little as possible. Based on the early interviews though I’m expecting them to try and outdo themselves on the story side of things. Hope they stick the landing.
I think they could take final bosses of other games like dalamadur or gog and make them siege Monsters, that would be great
I would absolutely love to see both of them again. Dalamadur especially, I would love to see how they update that fight in a newer engine.
I started on World, and couldn't stand Rise. So I just hope for a bunch of ones I haven't seen before. Just as long as there isn't too many from World. I hated Kulve and Safi because I don't like forced multiplayer, and it pretty much was forced. I just hope there isn't another Zorah type fight.
The more monsters they can put in that skipped gen 5, the better. I agree with you there! I think Zorah has potential, they just need to retool it so it has an actual fight phase instead of just the cannons and popping his lava pimples.
My spoiler free wishlist is Gore magala, Lagiacrus, i would also love Diablos, but i think we should give Monoblos a shot again, Najarala, Akanlos/Ukantor, and Abiorugu as an ambush monster. Im also hoping for Akura Vashimu, as we really need a Scorpion monster!
Im hope some of the monsters i listed will be in the game. Im staying completely spoiler free until i beat the game, so hopefully i wont be dissapointed😂
A great list. Give Diablos a break and let Monoblos come back! As long as they make some changes to the Akura Vashimu tail break mechanics I'm 100% in. That stuff is fine in an mmo but would be hell in a mainline game. There's so many great frontier monsters I would love to see again. Good luck to you staying spoiler free for the se last 30 days! I know they're gonna be ramping up marketing so it's gonna get tougher. Stay strong!
no snow area no gammoth :(
guess i'll have to wait for monster hunter wilds icereborn
unless they make a desert gammoth subspecies
I’ve only seen the first two maps they revealed (remember,I’m pretty much spoiler free) hopefully there’s an ice map or at least an area where ice monsters can exist.