  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @brosifski
    @brosifski 11 дней назад +110

    This might sound like heresy, but ad thresh top with titanic hydra might be something you would want to look for.

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  11 дней назад +6


    • @svvolkonitskiy7113
      @svvolkonitskiy7113 11 дней назад +1

      what is full build?

    • @Anonima20000
      @Anonima20000 11 дней назад +1

      With the wordt hydra

    • @mklmyrs5454
      @mklmyrs5454 10 дней назад

      @@svvolkonitskiy7113 heartsteel, titanic hydra, bloodmail, hullbreaker and sundered sky
      at least that's what im thinking of right now, maybe could get a tankier build with jak'sho instead of bloodmail

    • @hngamer4823
      @hngamer4823 10 дней назад

      Just search for Cryo and see his builds

  • @teetothemosquito
    @teetothemosquito 11 дней назад +53

    Went to check out your off meta playlist and saw that this was your first one. Keep it up man, there is a real lack of fun league content out there these days. 🙏

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  11 дней назад +5

      Yeah I have another one being made but wanted to see how well it did but I wanna keep making it

  • @kingkonglol
    @kingkonglol 8 дней назад +7

    gotta give this a try as a wukong main :D

  • @daichicreatives
    @daichicreatives 7 дней назад +1

    This is crazy I was literally just thinking how I can make a tanky wukong... glad more people are making content on him :)

    • @jokerplague276
      @jokerplague276 5 дней назад

      Heartsteel + Unending Despair + Spirit Visage is nuts cuz of passive regen

  • @MurasakiPhoenix
    @MurasakiPhoenix 11 дней назад +2

    I love how I've been on a Wukong kick for a while and you just happen to upload this! Love the videos!

  • @FSGLoL
    @FSGLoL 11 дней назад +9

    offmeta series about to go crazy

  • @naerolf09
    @naerolf09 10 дней назад +5

    lore accurate wukong
    also you should try reksai support

  • @Kostej
    @Kostej 11 дней назад +4

    I recently start playing wukong (totaly not becaseu of the Black myth wukong...eh...) and ye he is fun and this buidl seem like more fun :D. U need to try that. even i am bad as hell probably right now on him...
    Also 2 off meta builds.
    1 - Full Ap Yumi, i hear you al saying nah that is just full ap, but nobody understand that fun snipe Q or just drain hp with R.
    Just take sup item Realmspike, than Luden, Malignance or Lia depend what you need (but both are second and third item), Shadowflame, Rabadon and last change for sup items Cryptbloom or somethink else. (also play agresive, on lane phase is better jump down and aa if you dont have coldown, ex and ig as spells)
    2 - Infinit shield Poppy, i dont need to explain it is in name. I play her on sup, but top or jg will be better for faster build up.
    Start with Eclipse, (Boots somewhere), Winter's Approach, Spirit Visage But if you need Ad armor Dead Man's Plate or Thorn firs and after Visg., Sundered Sky, and ye you can push if you are fat Heartsteel in that. Have fun to just never die again.

    • @leohoagland1435
      @leohoagland1435 11 дней назад +1

      Yo is black myth unrelated but I wanna know

    • @Kostej
      @Kostej 11 дней назад +1

      @@leohoagland1435 it is awesome game, but you need good pc for it.

  • @1loveKofola
    @1loveKofola 2 дня назад

    my man you should try the support zoe. the roams are insane especially when you build mandate, shurelya etc. plus the bubbles can still oneshot with this build

  • @Cube__TV
    @Cube__TV 7 дней назад

    AP Kog'Maw mid is pretty fun off meta and has gotten stronger over the years. Takes more than 10 hours to get good at it though, Kog takes a lot of finesse especially early on.

  • @Dooman9
    @Dooman9 11 дней назад

    Try out crit wukong with tons of ability resets :
    first item - sheen ,then rush infinity and then navori quickblades (for ability resets).
    then you can either finish trinity , or buy collector, or you can go with spear of shojin for better survivability and cdr.
    Since wukong got petetration built in his kit he dosent need to rush % arm pen items, with navori you will be able to stick to range targets and spam abilities, and since wukong's q can also crit you will have both dps and burst in your kit (you can use your ult primarly for the knockup cc).
    The only downside with this build is being too squishy in team fights but it can be mitigated with proper runes and build path.

  • @yoshi596
    @yoshi596 7 дней назад

    6:28 with bamis item it could work early. You have to build reavenous early tho for tiamat then go bamis cinder items into your usual tank build

  • @onisun4114
    @onisun4114 11 дней назад

    If you want a really fun off meta build, I highly suggest full crit kled mid. He can absolutely shred most mid laners early game and if you get you items his unmounted autos are dangerous

  • @decatus3799
    @decatus3799 12 часов назад

    2:21 you werent on grevious wounds, the build is giga fun non the less

  • @TomatoesArentReal
    @TomatoesArentReal 7 дней назад

    I wonder if you'll do Qiyana. Shes fun when you can bait people into getting closer to walls. After a while they get wall-phobia.

  • @Zeromkai
    @Zeromkai 7 дней назад +1

    I'm laughing seeing an Gold Smolder walking up to Wukong and then use his Ult.

  • @mendrik.
    @mendrik. 7 дней назад

    Advocating for AD/hybrid taliyah midlane (manamune + eclipse + shojin + riftmaker + serylda's/serpent's fang (situational)) -> plated, merc., swifties or ionians work best with this build. Build is really good for sustained damage and cause of health and eclipse shields you're a bit more tanky + you basically do hybrid damage

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  7 дней назад

      but nothing scales with AD. a few other people have asked me to try this build and I just don't get it XD. I will put it down and maybe try it later though

    • @mendrik.
      @mendrik. 7 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL yeah its not really sleeper good or something. just sort of a fun different way to play the champ. i will say last hitting minions def. feels better with the AD

  • @RockLeeFighter333
    @RockLeeFighter333 9 дней назад

    I've seen the baus playing Lee sin top with w max and hydra rush. He healed for over 1k at some point, absolutely absurd. You should try that as well 😅

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  7 дней назад

      hm, I will keep that in mind

    • @philippdrescher6012
      @philippdrescher6012 5 дней назад

      Same can be done with Udyr. With his empowered W he has 30-40% life steal on his first two autos, so if you use Hydra in a minion wave, you'll always get to full hp.

  • @issa.abedal-rhman9279
    @issa.abedal-rhman9279 7 дней назад

    waiting for orianna one since u said u love big ults you will learn alot from her, if u want to realy learn mid lane u need to play vel koz

  • @andreistefan2511
    @andreistefan2511 9 дней назад

    i tried tody electrocute , sudden impact , eyeball , relentless into celerety and watewalking hecarim with ionians, eclipse,profane nd BC .Felt very good even tho it was for fun

  • @zandermercury3262
    @zandermercury3262 7 дней назад

    Solo lane taric with : grasp, build like heart steel+titanic+spirit visage+sheen item+bami's item+Attack speed boots

  • @alejandrogomez3119
    @alejandrogomez3119 11 дней назад


  • @jokerwhoaintjoking241
    @jokerwhoaintjoking241 11 дней назад

    good watch. keep doing these

  • @VM-lg7sz
    @VM-lg7sz 10 дней назад

    You should see Seraphine ults in Bronze, I have seen a Seraphine miss every single r somehow
    Also maybe try Triforce Cho’gath? It’s pretty fun and you actually do so much damage AND you can split push

  • @sortilien2099
    @sortilien2099 10 дней назад

    You have cooked a loti admit that's impressive
    when I start snowballing hard, i sometimes build Heartsteal it can turn Wukong into mundo in fight due to his passive.

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Yeah I just think heartsteel is a LITTLE slow for a champ like Wu. I do like it but the build path is really bad (Tried it many times before XD)

  • @firas4618
    @firas4618 11 дней назад

    glad i found ur channel before it blew up🙏

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад +1

      Soon hopefully :)

    • @firas4618
      @firas4618 10 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL no doubt these 10 hr challenge videos were a creative idea

  • @corvoyami3192
    @corvoyami3192 10 дней назад +1

    To be fair Wukong is so broken you could go 0 items and achieve the same results. But watching this video made me wonder why don't we all just try more builds of our own based on champ's stats rather than being sheep

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад +1

      I wouldnt even say he is a top 10 Top, every top laner is just broken.
      for the SECOND part, people just play meta stuff cause thats what people can research but people who play this game WAY TOO MUCH like me have more time to test new stuff

  • @fenixflyer5739
    @fenixflyer5739 10 дней назад

    ok listen to me , ap mundo this might be super weird but i dont think it will be tthat bad because of the reason that there are a lot of ap/heath items to try on mundo and with demolish and ap huge turrret dmg

  • @vb_0359
    @vb_0359 11 дней назад

    i really would like to see you try vlad with elite500 coaching you haha

  • @chaosgoblin
    @chaosgoblin 10 дней назад

    Not really off-meta, but AP MALPHITE SUPPORT is so much fun. Just make the enemy adc ragequit

  • @theboogerbomb
    @theboogerbomb 11 дней назад +5

    Discount Aatrox

  • @Thespice5
    @Thespice5 11 дней назад +1

    I feel like ornn mid is a super underrated pick. The midlane is shorter which is great since ornn prefers sort trades rather than running opponents down and it also means he's better at surviving ganks. Also being in the middle of the map means you can impact the map and team fight way earlier since your always stuck toplane dealing with splitpushers. The matchups in mid also are way easier for him if you itemize correctly. you can also check makro's ornn bible for every matchup there.

    • @lukepacis3963
      @lukepacis3963 11 дней назад +1

      I play ornn mid and it's great. It's easy to survive ganks. I always end up getting camped because the enemy midlaner can't do anything, and even if I fall behind or is facing a tough matchup, just itemize correctly and eventually that champion does no dmg to me 😂. I mostly just shove the lane immediately because Ornn's waveclear is insane, then roam to other lanes or take objectives.

  • @RobloxBacon11
    @RobloxBacon11 10 дней назад

    I have a build i want you to try its for Irelia first Blane than plated steelcaps trinity eclipse titanic hydra and last sundred or black cleaver

  • @justadutchperson4732
    @justadutchperson4732 11 дней назад

    if u want to play some fun off meta toplane stuff u should look into both nocturne with stride rush and samira top (no im not biassed cus im a samira top otp wdym), noc insta clears waves with passive tiamat and he can ult tp to hide the tp with his ult and still be able to ult afterwards, as for samira, im biassed and i think it slaps hard into anythign that isnt poppy darius ksante LOL (just please dont go collector that item sucks so much)

    @JGOOLDD 7 дней назад +1


  • @samuelperez9905
    @samuelperez9905 11 дней назад +2

    Have you tried W max Infinite sustain Vlad top? That's DISGUSTING

    • @_WIEL_
      @_WIEL_ 9 дней назад


  • @electricshadow5439
    @electricshadow5439 9 дней назад

    patiently waiting for warwick

  • @beleva09
    @beleva09 10 дней назад

    Here's one of my favorite builds of all time:
    Ctrl+Z Mordekaiser
    Just build all items that give heal+shield power
    Took a bad fight? Press W to undo their damage
    Warning: if an enemy builds serpent's fang you cease to exist

  • @dimitriskakaroglou7545
    @dimitriskakaroglou7545 11 дней назад +2

    Try ap irelia

  • @arkokroeger9799
    @arkokroeger9799 9 дней назад

    That looks just like URF Briar

  • @1loveKofola
    @1loveKofola 11 дней назад

    I think you should play mundo with grasp, heartsteel, titanic hydra, bloodmail and sundered sky. Trust me, it is litearly an one punch man build

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Thats just normal LOL

    • @1loveKofola
      @1loveKofola 2 дня назад

      @@EcoreLoL i mean yes and no, they usually go more resistance stats items

  • @ZsoltPalotas-cr4or
    @ZsoltPalotas-cr4or 11 дней назад +1

    Ap yasuo is a must

  • @polardon3161
    @polardon3161 9 дней назад

    i kinda don't like riftmaker. maybe something supportive like abyssal or cleaver as the last slot

  • @rxynatin
    @rxynatin 11 дней назад

    Can you pls do 10 hours learning Ekko for God's sake

  • @huggelion
    @huggelion 11 дней назад

    Full ap tahm kench is very interesting just get one max hp item to give your self loads of ap scaling

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      wait... 150% AP SCALING ON YOUR W AND ULT?!?!?!

    • @huggelion
      @huggelion 10 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL also the ap scaling on q and passive is 2% per 100 bonus hp

  • @PeppiGaming
    @PeppiGaming 11 дней назад

    so he hasnt being playing every char so he could make a viego video, I KNEW IT

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      That is still the plan just wanna play more stuff too :)

  • @Thejollyoldbman
    @Thejollyoldbman 10 дней назад

    banger video

    • @Thejollyoldbman
      @Thejollyoldbman 10 дней назад

      Just used this in aram it was actually spicy and pretty good

  • @itsyourguyskye
    @itsyourguyskye 10 дней назад

    now do this on darius with heartsteel, shits wild

  • @hfanyways
    @hfanyways 10 дней назад

    can you do azir taliah viktor gnar or rumble?

  • @MsDany79
    @MsDany79 9 дней назад

    Lethality Vi Mid or Master Yi Mid is very fun!!

  • @SanxNoel
    @SanxNoel 8 дней назад

    MAke a 10 hours with Gangplank

  • @john-os8ei
    @john-os8ei 9 дней назад

    try tank reksai mid its fun even without warmogs

  • @WiktorZadrożny
    @WiktorZadrożny 11 дней назад

    7:30 was the most gold thing ever

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Yeah I was a little overconfident there I had been winning most of my games I turned my brain off XD

  • @thaitruong7581
    @thaitruong7581 5 дней назад

    Next video try ap yi

  • @JeezyLul
    @JeezyLul 11 дней назад

    Waiting for Katarina still :D

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Working on the script now (1 more video is being edited Kat will be out in 2 videos)

  • @alanadamczyk113
    @alanadamczyk113 10 дней назад

    2nd video waiting for zoe

  • @achrafmh4212
    @achrafmh4212 10 дней назад

    Try full crit or lethality sion

  • @qios6438
    @qios6438 10 дней назад

    Alternative title: I made Wukong 7 times immortal

  • @buzaspeter6960
    @buzaspeter6960 11 дней назад

    My man Ecore, why not just build Overlord’s instead of Riftmaker 😭
    Its like AD Riftmaker

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Omnivamp from Riftmaker fits the "healing" theme better

    • @buzaspeter6960
      @buzaspeter6960 10 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL I mean i guess, but Overlord's would help Sundered sky's AD scaling

  • @ivangaming3694
    @ivangaming3694 11 дней назад

    Bruh you played against garen and lee sin 90 precent of the time 😂

  • @poyrazkaramanli2777
    @poyrazkaramanli2777 11 дней назад

    Bro please play ap viego its amazing but Hard so good luck

  • @petarnikolic5603
    @petarnikolic5603 10 дней назад

    Play nunu mid ap its very op in low elo trust me just roam and kill everyone

  • @svamptroopler1239
    @svamptroopler1239 11 дней назад

    Try bel'veth top and cheese people lvl 1 because bel q broken

  • @mklmyrs5454
    @mklmyrs5454 11 дней назад

    wukong ap 🗿

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      Only 1 ability so its kinda hard. Best I could do was a BIT of AP

    • @mklmyrs5454
      @mklmyrs5454 10 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL then how about a full lifesteal/healing Lee sin? Ya'know: sundered sky, ravenous hydra, spirit visage, bloodthirster and bork

  • @michaeljohn1508
    @michaeljohn1508 11 дней назад

    Do LUX or AZIR pls

  • @alexasu5222
    @alexasu5222 7 дней назад


  • @renatolemos2551
    @renatolemos2551 11 дней назад

    Try Tristana AP

  • @Viitala_
    @Viitala_ 11 дней назад

    wdym wukong is not jungle champ. Im wukong jg main and damn i love it

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      I said he CAN jungle, I just personally don't like it. I would not recommend this BUILD in the jungle cause your clear speed is ass with tank items and no Bami's. THAT BEING SAID, if I went Bamis maybe it woulda been better

    • @Viitala_
      @Viitala_ 10 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL true, my bad bro.

  • @muhammedfathi1988
    @muhammedfathi1988 11 дней назад

    7:15 where is your w CD????

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      I didn't use it :(

  • @Azturus
    @Azturus 10 дней назад

    So ap tryndamere when?

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад +1

      Eventually. There are a LOT of builds to try XD

  • @philong5716
    @philong5716 8 дней назад

    do yone or samira

  • @flowness6502
    @flowness6502 11 дней назад

    When Ad taliyah🤠

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  11 дней назад

      literally nothing scales with AD that doesnt even make sense XD

  • @geigh5502
    @geigh5502 11 дней назад

    Do nunu mid its so fun

  • @nicolasvillasecaali7662
    @nicolasvillasecaali7662 11 дней назад +1

    Ecore journey to MONKE

  • @lowcursedmg
    @lowcursedmg 3 дня назад

    Space aids joke in 2024 is insane

  • @BriocheBro
    @BriocheBro 11 дней назад

    Full Ap wukong when

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  11 дней назад +1

      Maybe another time (I thought about it but I couldn't bring myself to do that to my main XD)

    • @BriocheBro
      @BriocheBro 11 дней назад

      @@EcoreLoL or full on hit cause of the clone could be god to go lime terminus-wits end - bork - berserk boots - navori for cdr ecr

  • @yakupefeyldrm963
    @yakupefeyldrm963 5 дней назад

    idk man if you wants to do this build you need atleast 1 good player in team

  • @mohammadwaal3294
    @mohammadwaal3294 9 дней назад


  • @gatogm3882
    @gatogm3882 11 дней назад

    try ap ezreal

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  11 дней назад

      Thats not bad actually

  • @kwakid14
    @kwakid14 11 дней назад

    Akali brusier top

  • @SerVuS23
    @SerVuS23 9 дней назад

    This vid is showing the power of wuju adept wukong
    i think better build for healing is sundered > ravenous hydra > spirit
    this is giga enough aand better build path

  • @LXLG_aming
    @LXLG_aming 11 дней назад

    AP warwick. too much healing. anti heal doesnt do anything to you

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад

      I will put that on the list

  • @Demon8593
    @Demon8593 11 дней назад

    Oh, we're doing low elo off meta build videos now :(

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  10 дней назад +1

      I mean not low elo really. I mean Plat is pretty good and the goal is too actually see how far off meta stuff can CLIMB because I think there is a lot of build creativity in league that can be discovered.
      Like this build is ACTUALLY not bad and my next build (no spoilers) was also surprisingly good cause I did math to make interesting builds.

  • @user-dx2zy5it4t
    @user-dx2zy5it4t 8 дней назад

    this build is nothing new to wukong...

  • @user-ep6mm9dn5o
    @user-ep6mm9dn5o 7 дней назад

    clickbait me with the AP Wu to Diamond thumbnail = *do not recommend channel*

    • @EcoreLoL
      @EcoreLoL  7 дней назад

      I mean that is just 1 of the 3 thumbnails being tested I probably wont even use it going forward...

  • @tylerbeaulne1769
    @tylerbeaulne1769 7 дней назад

    mid maxing

  • @sure9059
    @sure9059 10 дней назад

    AP JAX