فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون .. اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump). ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين. ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين. ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]. وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين والحَمدُ لله رَبِّ العالَمين.. خليفةُ الله على العَالَمين الإمام المهديّ؛ ناصِر مُحَمَّد اليَمانيّ." 03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ الموقع: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
@@unconnectedbedna If I understand your question right. Faker has for a long time been called "the demon king". Of my knowledge the first time they mentioned "The Very Killable Demon King" was in the practice match referring to Baus. (I could be wrong tho, please correct me if I am :T)
@@YuaRoswell no faker always was refered to as ''the unkillable demon king'' and baus was refered to as '' the killable demonking'' as a meme because of the bausen law strategy. the guy above asked if faker now gets his killable demonking title because baus killed him solo. which is a clear no no in my books :D
they don't refer to anything or provide an example? "here's a warning. Figure out the incident" edit: I thought this was referring to his stream or esports career, not league inting style, since the message tells caedrel to explain to baus about his behavior. Why would they ask caedrel and not baus directly?
As someone thats has been working as project manager on multiple projects of different sizes as well as tresurer for multiple years I can tell you that its always like this. They find few € dont match and you have to go through everything again by yourself, because they cant provide examples
Riot: "Baus needs to fix his bad behaviour" Caedrel: "What bad behaviour?" Riot: "Huh?" Caedrel: "What did Baus do wrong?" Riot: "We don't know. Just fix it. Or else!"
Dantes telling people in chat and on stream to unalive themselves while constantly bringing real life drama to his streams Riot: Quality content Baus having fun, being creative, reaching challenger and being entertaining to watch while avoiding unnecessary topics: Riot: Yeah this guy's a criminal If they can make excuses for Tyler1 who literally got perma'd and continued being toxic and aggressive until he became wealthy and happy, then make an excuse for Baus when he's literally one of the top streamers right now and everyone knows who he is
Dude Ludwig literally said on stream that their teammate should k*ll themselves irl in Silver, multiple times, but Californians love him so it's cool. He was 1000x more "toxic" than T1 ever was when calling a player "dog" or "dumbass". And suddenly nobody cares.
I mean I don't mean flame like " flame, toxic" but we all know Riot soft system. You say in soloq " Damn that play was like from an animal" boom 5 games chat restriction
Who is responsible for the toxic state and the main character mindset of the league community ? It doesn't matter if it's in game or on stream, streamers have influence over the viewers and should have been held to higher standards this whole time. The game would be in a better place.
Bro the on stream "toxicity" thing is only for calling people slurs or wishing disease or death upon them, it's not for saying "you're bad", also Baus NEVER flames
@@GHKiwi man if actual adults are getting 'influenced' by streamers that's a them problem, and honestly saying it's their fault when league's community has been this way (and way worse) over 10 years ago when twitch was barely a thing tells me there's other issues
Having watched the scrims, it could be because he says things such as "You cant kill me idiot" or "they are dumbasses" which are always lighthearted but riot may not tolerate it
@@TiboNutz More like if you gonna say it & PUBLISH IT .... editor gotta "censor" it. If I am not mistaken, I think Midbeast editor censor the F bomb word.
By that logic. At which point can i keep forcing warmogs + cookies rush or mobility boots rush or blue ezreal or mid AP yi before im just trolling my team? It's chill and not my fault right my techniques got nerfed also dont worry if u are my teammates and u have to deal with it b/c i will also refuse to ff
Flashbacks to: "This Targamas guy is so f...'ing boosted man. He's running it down." "Man when I sell my account." I guess riot and Targamas took those claims too seriously. xd
Baus has never really been a typer. He's always been the guy to int, go 0/10 and get reported 30 times. I think this is more about the comments made by him on stream, since riot is genuinely enforcing that now. Baus has had like 5 accounts banned & unbanned by riot within days cause of his playstyle, it would make zero sense for them to warn him on something they've already been helping him with. I think it's more about him using the R word (I'd type it out but youtube would beat my ass) and things like that to describe other pro players he's playing against, which would obviously be a huge no no when it comes to more professional games. He does it in the heat of the moment, and obviously on stream in soloQ as well.
First, rito has no business what someone says off their platform. True dictatorship behavior right there. Second, unironically him saying stuff like that to other pros (obviously in a joking manner) is actually helping them because it's bringing in more viewers. People like seeing pros that engage in lighthearted flaming to each other, it's funny to watch and sparks a rivalry everyone wants to see. Ever watch MLG cod matches back in the day for mw2, it was nothing but trashtalk, even harder than this and everyone loved it. Rito decision making is so ungodly awful.
@@luckytanuki5449look man I like Baus but you’re coping, him trash talking these pro players doesn’t get them more viewership lol if it does it’s almost certainly negative. Riot also has no obligation to operate as a democracy because they are a privately owned company, and the pro scene they create is quite literally their business. Almost every company has requirements for public facing figures to maintain a reasonably clean image. That being said I think there’s a scale of acceptable to unacceptable that is worth noting. The R word isn’t really a fun banter it’s just a straight up insult, but being goofy and saying stuff like “I’m going to destroy him in lane” the way Baus usually does is pretty acceptable imo. Most games are trying to reduce toxicity rather than promote it. COD lobbies are exactly what they want to avoid because it is becoming more and more apparent that toxic figureheads encourage toxic players, and weaken the experience for everyone.
@@Kalsimir You are soooo high bro, its unreal. Him trash talking ABSOLUTELY gets them viewership. Im an example seeing as how i havent played or watched anything league in over a year, but guess what, i watched that redbull match against LR and T1 because id heard about baus despite not being into league, which got me curious. And now, here i am, watching LR videos because I liked their team dynamic and goofy personality. Banter absolutely does bring in people, If you were alive for Old call of duty MLG matches back on mw2, you would know this. People love watching a people throw shade while having the confidence and skill to back it up. You sound sooo much like a softie. But you are right that they have no obligation to run the pro scene as a democracy, but them taking such a hard stance on friendly banter is going to cause it to lose any and all viewership. Esports are not like traditional sports, Trashtalk and banter is a part of them, and these suits need to get that through their head.
@@caesarsushi3238 Why would caedrel recieve the automated system response from baus's account? It's not a automated response its from them responding on checkups on the LR competitive team.
@linusblomberg913 Because he submitted the accounts to riot and they are now affiliated with him. There is nothing stopping this from being automated and you literally don't know either way, so stop acting like you do.
Hasn't tyler1 been saying exactly that, but going into even more detail for years now? "IT'S TRASH, FIX THE GAME" I believe is one of his famous quotes lol.
@@luckytanuki5449 correct me if I'm wrong but I remember basues comments being less directed at the state of the game and more directed at the moderators where as t1s seem to be more broadly about the game. their ideas kinda being t1: this game needs to be fixed, baus: the people making this game are making mistakes; I am a baus fan but I believe these subtleties might be the difference. I don't support riot in this opinion just working to understand their position. don't need to attack me. I don't remember bauses exact comments but rather what I understood hearing them which is what I've outlined above.
@@danielanderson5806 Does it matter how directed they are? They are both saying the same thing in a somewhat harsh manner. "This game as it stands now is broken and needs to be fixed". They are both blaming the people in charge as those are the ones making the decisions...
@@luckytanuki5449 It does because they are effectively influencers on the internet. Dumb viewers will harass the riot employees which will get old really fast. T1's lines are more likely to make people complain about the game passively than to be actively mad at riot employees. It's the same diff as the "in minecraft" quote.
@@dddmemaybe It doesnt... If you are so young as to be influenced into doing what you said by streamers, you are probably a child who shouldnt/wouldnt even be playing league in the first place.
Beacuse the team owners get a report about their players solo queue behaviours at the start of the season. There was another video on the clips channel that mentioned this.
For context it's a manual review, they go over all chat logs including DMs after game if you added someone and flamed them or if you flamed them back etc. I don't have any players who stream so I can't tell you if it's stream content as well. It's not just LR, multiple other teams in the NLC and wider ERLs will get similar warnings for specific players. I can say based on having seen a few Humzh clips, Ruddy 100% got an official warning for him also. Riot usually does nothing on the first competitive warning unless it's something significant like you told someone to unalive themselves or sent a slur, but in that case or on a second warning it's usually a one game/series competitive ban. This maybe the reason they subbed Caedral into top for game one of the scrims today to get practice in incase Riot takes further action.
Riot's automated ban system is bad and Los Ratones could serve the community, because of their power and exposure. Players are banned for having a bad game, ehile acyual inters get unpunished. Caedrel, you have the opportunity to help the community.
They are killing the new player experience, the casual experience, the for fun player experience and now they are starting to slowly kill the last bit of community experience, how nice of riot.
All Riots system see's is 0/11/2 Maokai dying to turrets deep into enemy territory with the chat logs saying things like "you can't kill me" He's operating outside of this dimension at this point.
Its because during streams during pro games hes flamed enemy players, yes its jokingly but thats the policy. Like when Baus first flamed them on stream caedrel even got shocked and said baus needed PR training
@@Crusina League is entirely reliant on its content creators atm. Arcane doesn't even compare in terms of attracting regular players. If everyone stopped making content, the game would die in a few years.
@@noiseisgold3n42A bit wrong in a slight way. Arcane brings in new players, but it doesn't keep them after they try it, get stomped, have no idea what they are doing and then leave. Content creators keep them coming back since they see what the game could be like if they learn it.
You know its not flaming, cause he never types, dude has monk mental so its 100% master kids spam reporting him, lmfao he is one step before going on Lec he could become one of the best pro players soon RAJOT moment
i don't understand how is riot still banning and warning this guy after they have unironically done that like 15+ times at this point. its clear that he isn't inting and that he isn't toxic, and besides he has been the face of league content creation for literally years now.
Riot is like the IRS +We know what you should do -Well what should I do? +We can't tell you -Then I don't have to do anything? +No you should, and we know what's the solution, we're just not gonna tell you. And if you fail to fix it, you're getting punished for it
Riot treating official warnings like in game bans, "So, you are banned, figure out yourself what you have done xdd", also Tyler was banned for life until riot just discovered they could cash with his content bringing people to League and to official events, not to mention other streamers that are actually terrible in behavior live and in game, and nothing happens.
i do think its what he says during scrims and the fact that those comments are being published as well as being said in live streams. i mean he call other people aiming to go pro(or ex pro/former pro/current pro)boosted, and some other comments. the fact that the other streamer are doing worse is 100% true but it still soloq they are not doing such comments(that at least we know of) in scrims and tournaments so i guess that may be the major driving force behind this warning.
I have been saying it ever since it's been announced: Riot being able to deem a streamer "toxic" thanks to their new policy will give them the ability to shut down any streamer just because they might deem that their actions are bad, without actually revealing what their issue is.
I'm almost certain this is because he was shit talking other pro players on stream at an official sanctioned event, when he said the player always runs it down at the red bull stream
It might be because of Baus admitting to boosting people like a decade ago on stream, which is hilarious because he explicitly said that it was not ok and really stupid.
My teammates (emerald/diamond) when they have a bad game have similar kda but much worse cs and they never get banned. Their match history shows it happens all the time as well…
isn't it insane that he is top elo, playing with pros, competing, everyone knows of him, and riot still don't understand that and deal with it as isolated thing? if you have someone in silver/gold playing his way, sure but come on like what
Riot is the most pathetic company owner of any video game I've ever played, that says a lot considering all the stuff I've played, I'm done with league good riddance, on top of all the greedy stuff they've added into the game and the broken champions they keep adding, good riddance.
People really watch the bays just throw away games for literal years and just make his team miserable so he can play the hero then go "What did he do wrong??" Meanwhile they'll say the most vile stuff to their jungler for missing a smite. The league community is just a fascinating bunch (derogatory).
Great DP Tho
fight it don't accept it
fk riot
فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون ..
اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump).
ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين.
ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين.
ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران].
وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين والحَمدُ لله رَبِّ العالَمين..
خليفةُ الله على العَالَمين الإمام المهديّ؛ ناصِر مُحَمَّد اليَمانيّ."
03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ
الموقع: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
They can't get rid of The Very Killable Demon King
Wait, didn't faker take that name now after Baussie killed him solo bolo in the show match? xD
@@unconnectedbedna -_-" ?
@@unconnectedbedna If I understand your question right. Faker has for a long time been called "the demon king". Of my knowledge the first time they mentioned "The Very Killable Demon King" was in the practice match referring to Baus. (I could be wrong tho, please correct me if I am :T)
@@YuaRoswell no faker always was refered to as ''the unkillable demon king'' and baus was refered to as '' the killable demonking'' as a meme because of the bausen law strategy. the guy above asked if faker now gets his killable demonking title because baus killed him solo. which is a clear no no in my books :D
they don't refer to anything or provide an example? "here's a warning. Figure out the incident"
edit: I thought this was referring to his stream or esports career, not league inting style, since the message tells caedrel to explain to baus about his behavior. Why would they ask caedrel and not baus directly?
Automatic-ahh system, same with youtube
As someone thats has been working as project manager on multiple projects of different sizes as well as tresurer for multiple years I can tell you that its always like this.
They find few € dont match and you have to go through everything again by yourself, because they cant provide examples
0/15/0 irelia game
@@IZZY404_ Show a clip where he is inting without trying to win.
@@AdamLighter1 him picking irelia should be considered an int at this point
Riot: "Baus needs to fix his bad behaviour"
Caedrel: "What bad behaviour?"
Riot: "Huh?"
Caedrel: "What did Baus do wrong?"
Riot: "We don't know. Just fix it. Or else!"
this is tirany
They sent a reason 10 mins later. Caedrel kept it private.
it's the IRS all over again "pay your taxes" "how much do I gotta pay" "figure it out"
@@Cuskocuint tyranny
They sent a reason and baus said it was one few games he typed in and was really angry that day
The Very Bannable Demon King
Riot Games Target Nerf -> Perma Ban True Combo
Targamas mustve sent a complaint to riot 😂
fing booooosted player
??? obv not, he doesn't talk. KC fans, though...
Dantes telling people in chat and on stream to unalive themselves while constantly bringing real life drama to his streams
Riot: Quality content
Baus having fun, being creative, reaching challenger and being entertaining to watch while avoiding unnecessary topics:
Riot: Yeah this guy's a criminal
If they can make excuses for Tyler1 who literally got perma'd and continued being toxic and aggressive until he became wealthy and happy, then make an excuse for Baus when he's literally one of the top streamers right now and everyone knows who he is
he has sinned
Baus is now a pro player, standards are different.
Dude Ludwig literally said on stream that their teammate should k*ll themselves irl in Silver, multiple times, but Californians love him so it's cool. He was 1000x more "toxic" than T1 ever was when calling a player "dog" or "dumbass". And suddenly nobody cares.
@@obryzii is it? or it is the case of their new policy of monitoring players outside of the league too.
It's cuz baus openly called out all the trash in pro plays, and all the trash in dev and management team LIVE kekw, they are all mad.
I think it has something to do with the new Twitch/Riot policy...you can't flame on the stream anymore
That's for 2025, his history is way longer
he never flames tho. especially comparing to other big streamers
If it were, I think they would know better than not to specify the specific cause no?
I mean I don't mean flame like " flame, toxic" but we all know Riot soft system. You say in soloq " Damn that play was like from an animal" boom 5 games chat restriction
My friend even got a chat restriction for saying something in our PARTY chat, all friends... He said one word and boom. Riot is soft af
LR: saves league viewership.
Riot: hold my beer.
The best part is where the company sexually assault people, steal ideas and are in general douchebags.. but you know, gotta ban people for talking.
Probably said something on stream because riot for some reason thinks its a good idea to police streamers even if they are not toxic in game
my words in deed
Who is responsible for the toxic state and the main character mindset of the league community ? It doesn't matter if it's in game or on stream, streamers have influence over the viewers and should have been held to higher standards this whole time. The game would be in a better place.
Bro the on stream "toxicity" thing is only for calling people slurs or wishing disease or death upon them, it's not for saying "you're bad", also Baus NEVER flames
@@GHKiwi streamers should be held to a higher standard however it is not up to Riot to pass judgement on actions that were not made on their platform.
@@GHKiwi man if actual adults are getting 'influenced' by streamers that's a them problem, and honestly saying it's their fault when league's community has been this way (and way worse) over 10 years ago when twitch was barely a thing tells me there's other issues
Having watched the scrims, it could be because he says things such as "You cant kill me idiot" or "they are dumbasses" which are always lighthearted but riot may not tolerate it
That`s true.
Riots are all DEI pussy
The game is doomed if twitch streamers can't even say that... That would be unreal...
@@TiboNutz More like if you gonna say it & PUBLISH IT .... editor gotta "censor" it.
If I am not mistaken, I think Midbeast editor censor the F bomb word.
@@Rncko Midbeast censors so his videos can get recommended to a younger/wider audience on RUclips
"me and riot are like this 🤞these days"
😂😂😂 at the red bull event
Baus: use weird techniques to win games
Riot games: nerf said technique
Baus: loses
Riot games:😡
My thought exactly
This is so freaking true, like riot seems to not give the slightest attention to what the man is about
By that logic. At which point can i keep forcing warmogs + cookies rush or mobility boots rush or blue ezreal or mid AP yi before im just trolling my team? It's chill and not my fault right my techniques got nerfed
also dont worry if u are my teammates and u have to deal with it b/c i will also refuse to ff
Flashbacks to:
"This Targamas guy is so f...'ing boosted man. He's running it down."
"Man when I sell my account."
I guess riot and Targamas took those claims too seriously. xd
Baus has never really been a typer. He's always been the guy to int, go 0/10 and get reported 30 times. I think this is more about the comments made by him on stream, since riot is genuinely enforcing that now. Baus has had like 5 accounts banned & unbanned by riot within days cause of his playstyle, it would make zero sense for them to warn him on something they've already been helping him with.
I think it's more about him using the R word (I'd type it out but youtube would beat my ass) and things like that to describe other pro players he's playing against, which would obviously be a huge no no when it comes to more professional games. He does it in the heat of the moment, and obviously on stream in soloQ as well.
Makes sense
1v1 him
First, rito has no business what someone says off their platform. True dictatorship behavior right there. Second, unironically him saying stuff like that to other pros (obviously in a joking manner) is actually helping them because it's bringing in more viewers. People like seeing pros that engage in lighthearted flaming to each other, it's funny to watch and sparks a rivalry everyone wants to see. Ever watch MLG cod matches back in the day for mw2, it was nothing but trashtalk, even harder than this and everyone loved it. Rito decision making is so ungodly awful.
@@luckytanuki5449look man I like Baus but you’re coping, him trash talking these pro players doesn’t get them more viewership lol if it does it’s almost certainly negative. Riot also has no obligation to operate as a democracy because they are a privately owned company, and the pro scene they create is quite literally their business. Almost every company has requirements for public facing figures to maintain a reasonably clean image.
That being said I think there’s a scale of acceptable to unacceptable that is worth noting. The R word isn’t really a fun banter it’s just a straight up insult, but being goofy and saying stuff like “I’m going to destroy him in lane” the way Baus usually does is pretty acceptable imo.
Most games are trying to reduce toxicity rather than promote it. COD lobbies are exactly what they want to avoid because it is becoming more and more apparent that toxic figureheads encourage toxic players, and weaken the experience for everyone.
@@Kalsimir You are soooo high bro, its unreal. Him trash talking ABSOLUTELY gets them viewership. Im an example seeing as how i havent played or watched anything league in over a year, but guess what, i watched that redbull match against LR and T1 because id heard about baus despite not being into league, which got me curious. And now, here i am, watching LR videos because I liked their team dynamic and goofy personality. Banter absolutely does bring in people, If you were alive for Old call of duty MLG matches back on mw2, you would know this. People love watching a people throw shade while having the confidence and skill to back it up. You sound sooo much like a softie. But you are right that they have no obligation to run the pro scene as a democracy, but them taking such a hard stance on friendly banter is going to cause it to lose any and all viewership. Esports are not like traditional sports, Trashtalk and banter is a part of them, and these suits need to get that through their head.
they can't even EXPLAIN the reason for the warning?
Yes, as in they literally can't, it's an automated system based on reports so they have to be vague
@@caesarsushi3238 Why would caedrel recieve the automated system response from baus's account? It's not a automated response its from them responding on checkups on the LR competitive team.
@@caesarsushi3238 why are you surprised its retard riot
The checkup system is semi-automated as well.@@linusblomberg913
@linusblomberg913 Because he submitted the accounts to riot and they are now affiliated with him. There is nothing stopping this from being automated and you literally don't know either way, so stop acting like you do.
That Rioter mustve been inted by Baus and couldn't ban him so he decided to get Bausi in hot water.
Bold of you to assume that Rioters have elo close to Baus
Bauss reaction at 2:45. It was like you asked him about his body count 🤣
Riot determined to kill a rare league hype-train.
thank you baus o7
Yeah wait, wouldn't this be about his comments on streams and stuff, and not his in game behavior??
well..apparently riot can't specify the problem so we are all left wondering
@@JoseTrovoes92 unless bausen asks, based on what crownie said
What comments on stream? Baus literally NEVER flames and NEVER titls, also the riot thing is for when streamers wish diseases and death on others
@ultratronger rajioooot
@@ultratronger OH REALLY??
He said something about Riot being f*cking stupid on stream during scrims. I would imagine Riot dislikes that more than his gameplay?
Hasn't tyler1 been saying exactly that, but going into even more detail for years now? "IT'S TRASH, FIX THE GAME" I believe is one of his famous quotes lol.
@@luckytanuki5449 correct me if I'm wrong but I remember basues comments being less directed at the state of the game and more directed at the moderators where as t1s seem to be more broadly about the game. their ideas kinda being t1: this game needs to be fixed, baus: the people making this game are making mistakes; I am a baus fan but I believe these subtleties might be the difference. I don't support riot in this opinion just working to understand their position. don't need to attack me. I don't remember bauses exact comments but rather what I understood hearing them which is what I've outlined above.
@@danielanderson5806 Does it matter how directed they are? They are both saying the same thing in a somewhat harsh manner. "This game as it stands now is broken and needs to be fixed". They are both blaming the people in charge as those are the ones making the decisions...
@@luckytanuki5449 It does because they are effectively influencers on the internet. Dumb viewers will harass the riot employees which will get old really fast.
T1's lines are more likely to make people complain about the game passively than to be actively mad at riot employees. It's the same diff as the "in minecraft" quote.
@@dddmemaybe It doesnt... If you are so young as to be influenced into doing what you said by streamers, you are probably a child who shouldnt/wouldnt even be playing league in the first place.
If your in front you need to fight to snowball. If your behind you need to fight to catch up.
It's funny to see how he sit and there is a bookmark Ytb "Back Pain..." next to him😅
death note ahh posture
Targamas really called riot after the redbull incident ain't no way
but why they send it to Caedrel if it's his behaviour in game? maybe it's back then on redbull cup when baus mention someone do booster iirc
Beacuse the team owners get a report about their players solo queue behaviours at the start of the season. There was another video on the clips channel that mentioned this.
@@haf0 but we all know that Targamas is boosted 🤔😁
Gotta respect that you told about it and didn't keep it undercover to not create problems with Riot
It's like the director sending a report to the parents about their child's behavior at school😭
Riot is afraid Los Ratones will keep winning against T1, so they had to do something.
They should just give Baus an immune account
pro players need to have a ideal behavior, they represent riot and their game
For context it's a manual review, they go over all chat logs including DMs after game if you added someone and flamed them or if you flamed them back etc. I don't have any players who stream so I can't tell you if it's stream content as well. It's not just LR, multiple other teams in the NLC and wider ERLs will get similar warnings for specific players.
I can say based on having seen a few Humzh clips, Ruddy 100% got an official warning for him also.
Riot usually does nothing on the first competitive warning unless it's something significant like you told someone to unalive themselves or sent a slur, but in that case or on a second warning it's usually a one game/series competitive ban.
This maybe the reason they subbed Caedral into top for game one of the scrims today to get practice in incase Riot takes further action.
Guys you have to ask Rito to clarify. There's a (slim) chance it's a legit warning and if you ignore it they might actually punish Baus for it.
Riot's automated ban system is bad and Los Ratones could serve the community, because of their power and exposure. Players are banned for having a bad game, ehile acyual inters get unpunished. Caedrel, you have the opportunity to help the community.
well played to this Simon
They are killing the new player experience, the casual experience, the for fun player experience and now they are starting to slowly kill the last bit of community experience, how nice of riot.
Crownie gotta finish his sentences
All Riots system see's is
0/11/2 Maokai dying to turrets deep into enemy territory with the chat logs saying things like "you can't kill me"
He's operating outside of this dimension at this point.
Baus literally the only reason I have any connection to league. He’s just so dang likable
Its because during streams during pro games hes flamed enemy players, yes its jokingly but thats the policy. Like when Baus first flamed them on stream caedrel even got shocked and said baus needed PR training
Love how Riot wants to kill their own game so badly :)
Love how you think the game is reliant on a shitter like baus lol
as long as faker is still playing this game won't go anywhere
@@Crusina bro 20k views per stream, if you are gonna hate at least do it properly
@@Crusina League is entirely reliant on its content creators atm. Arcane doesn't even compare in terms of attracting regular players. If everyone stopped making content, the game would die in a few years.
@@noiseisgold3n42A bit wrong in a slight way. Arcane brings in new players, but it doesn't keep them after they try it, get stomped, have no idea what they are doing and then leave. Content creators keep them coming back since they see what the game could be like if they learn it.
"10-15" 14 day suspensions is crazy work 😆
why? what did I do? *everyone starts smiling* 😊
Rito, knock it off. Spell it out so we can mock you incompetents.
Im pretty sure thats because of what he said live at the redbull event
what did he say?
You know its not flaming, cause he never types, dude has monk mental so its 100% master kids spam reporting him, lmfao he is one step before going on Lec he could become one of the best pro players soon
RAJOT moment
i don't understand how is riot still banning and warning this guy after they have unironically done that like 15+ times at this point. its clear that he isn't inting and that he isn't toxic, and besides he has been the face of league content creation for literally years now.
Riot is like the IRS
+We know what you should do
-Well what should I do?
+We can't tell you
-Then I don't have to do anything?
+No you should, and we know what's the solution, we're just not gonna tell you. And if you fail to fix it, you're getting punished for it
Baus showing RIOT that their game can be played in different ways, FUCKING DIABOLICAL
That's his play style you cant blame him.
Imagine being feeding enemy but still winning the games with >60% win rate .
if they actually go through with this, the backlash will be ballistic. Like that could be the start of the end
The Very Killable and Bannable Demon King
Riot treating official warnings like in game bans, "So, you are banned, figure out yourself what you have done xdd", also Tyler was banned for life until riot just discovered they could cash with his content bringing people to League and to official events, not to mention other streamers that are actually terrible in behavior live and in game, and nothing happens.
Honestly riot need to get rid of their hate boner for riot, they are beyond pathetic.
i do think its what he says during scrims and the fact that those comments are being published as well as being said in live streams.
i mean he call other people aiming to go pro(or ex pro/former pro/current pro)boosted, and some other comments.
the fact that the other streamer are doing worse is 100% true but it still soloq they are not doing such comments(that at least we know of) in scrims and tournaments so i guess that may be the major driving force behind this warning.
I have been saying it ever since it's been announced:
Riot being able to deem a streamer "toxic" thanks to their new policy will give them the ability to shut down any streamer just because they might deem that their actions are bad, without actually revealing what their issue is.
Baus, The Unbannable Demon King
He's got an entire Ban Match History
Don't shange Baus! become an idol if necessary, but don't shange!
I'm almost certain this is because he was shit talking other pro players on stream at an official sanctioned event, when he said the player always runs it down at the red bull stream
Wouldn't it be because he often runs it into fountain as the game is ending? Seen as intentionally dying in a pro match.
Riot going behind baus back straight to the coach is next lvl of petty behavior 😂😂😂
Riot really gonna try to ruin the best thing to happen to lol esports in years with zero explanation
he types wpgg
i'd ask for details
nah they had to message his mom
Baus is actually the only player so good at his champ that riot has to retroactively make his playstyle a bannable offense.
Was it about him talking about other top laners "just running it down" and "stealing money" ? XD
It might be because of Baus admitting to boosting people like a decade ago on stream, which is hilarious because he explicitly said that it was not ok and really stupid.
My teammates (emerald/diamond) when they have a bad game have similar kda but much worse cs and they never get banned. Their match history shows it happens all the time as well…
I believe in higher mmrs system more sensitive.
Well he said the Ahri skin is a scam while live casting a pro game on stream
Im like 70% certain it's because of the interviews.
Baus the Very Goatable King
i think Baus said "Riot is fucking stupid" when talking about new mechanics on the new map while in a scrim.....possible...
-Baus: That sign can't stop me because I can't read!
How does every Riot employee not know who Baus is at this point?
they thought it will be LR baus only to get el L9 BAUSI outta nowhere 🗣🗣🗣💯💯🔥🔥
This has to be because of the Targamas comments lol
But he's high challenger in EUW every season (while "inting" according to them) and most rioters are gold/plat
baus legit never types
i think its about him calling some pro players "boosted" lmaooo
No way, way worse trash talk has existed in the pro scene for 15 years now
o7 baussiii
BAAUUUUUSSSS! You can't do that stuff before you got your emplyee of the month title!
Afterwards tho....
Lets not forget that Tyler 1 got unbanned after all the toxic shit he did intentionally
isn't it insane that he is top elo, playing with pros, competing, everyone knows of him, and riot still don't understand that and deal with it as isolated thing? if you have someone in silver/gold playing his way, sure but come on like what
Guy plays AP irelia, goes 1/14 in lane.
"Why am I getting riot'd?"
Absolutely clueless baus
To be fair, what he did to spearshot the other day was ABUSE
Targamas guy
Riot is the most pathetic company owner of any video game I've ever played, that says a lot considering all the stuff I've played, I'm done with league good riddance, on top of all the greedy stuff they've added into the game and the broken champions they keep adding, good riddance.
They hate baus because they had to fix the game because of him
baus : 1v1 me
People really watch the bays just throw away games for literal years and just make his team miserable so he can play the hero then go "What did he do wrong??"
Meanwhile they'll say the most vile stuff to their jungler for missing a smite. The league community is just a fascinating bunch (derogatory).
He never types
Baus Bless
Funk you riot, let the guy speak his mind, it's not even anything bad
Sounds more like they´re talking about Baus calling other pro players boosted on official events.