Tamar needs to work on delivery when having a conversation. She doesn't listen and she comes off as "aggressive" loud and maybe even offensive. She can make great points, but have to work on delivery.
Nice Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you ever tried - Taparton Returning Love Takeover (google it)? It is a great exclusive guide for learning how to stop divorce without the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend finally got cool success with it.
Khemistry IBMOR Actually, if you’d bothered to take notice of the other two women trying respectfully to be heard, you’d have seen that it isn’t typical female behaviour.
I don't like no mess. I like it clean. I want the divorce over and done. That' means it filed and finalized. I don't believe in that separated business. Cut all ties so you can move forward with your life. A man that's got one foot in legally, ain't the man for me.
Thanks for the Video! Forgive me for butting in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you heard about - Taparton Returning Love Takeover (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is an awesome one of a kind product for learning how to stop divorce without the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin at very last got excellent results with it.
Cora gurl bye every lady that does the panel does the exact same thing she does its a panel they have to jump in when they can to get their opinion across in the amount of time they have i think you just don't care for Tamar and that's ok too
Well I used to like her but I just don’t anymore. She is out of control. Sorry not sorry. Somebody needs to give her a crash course in etiquette right quick.
@Undre Felix.....Here you go again attacking another viewer for their opinion. I thought you said you weren't trolling. People are allowed to voice their opinion Undre'. You are acting like your ass is on pay roll. She clearly said she likes her same as me and you attacked me.
Tamar is so rude for cutting that girl off, and to my understanding they were saying the same thing. If you guys have filed and aren't living in the same house go for it!
What they were saying was different. You can be separated from someone and not "file" for divorce and what Tamar is saying is that you should file for divorce before dating another person.
Nope! They are saying different things. *Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all. Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
I started dating before my divorce was final. I had already filed and was waiting on my court date for my divorce to be finalized. So it was over, he didn’t have anything to worry about. I was just counting the days.
exactly like if you need a paper to determine the status of your marriage im sorry to tell you, but the marriage ended along time ago. Two people know when the relationship is over whether the divorce is in process or not. You don't need a paper for that.
And my dear you are an adulterer and my dear whether you know it or not you will reap that 🤷🏽♀️ I don’t care what your mouth, the Lord said you were still married so get ready for that karma to hit.
And that's why men some men are so jacked up, because they don't deal with their emotions. They use another woman to fill the void that the other woman left and the next woman end up with a fraction of a man until he can get himself together. I rather have zero man than a fraction of man. Why should I subject myself to undoing what another woman has done to him, if that's the case. Can I get a whole man please?
Very obvious, she stays cutting people off, doesn't allow them to finish their sentences but wants to counter their points. Points she doesn't even listen to
Tamar is right. You should not date anyone who is married under any conditions. Once the divorce decree is signed and it is finalized then proceed. There are too many loose rules in this generation. Marriage is a vow and a binding contract. To those out there who think it is okay. Just stop.
However, she date he knew man while she was still legally married to Vince, so hypocritical she is. Also, I rather her be with Vince than flava flav who her new man looks like.
Traci would agree with this lol. They brought Traci to and charm school to get some etiquette lol. I think Tamar should have listened better when they dragged Traci there.
MsTW how she doing too much and many of the other ladies that's been on the panel have been the same way y'all kill me tryna always come for Tay she politely said she disagree her voice wasn't loud our anything that's just how she talks ugh get over it she said she disagree and stated why
That is my opinion. I'm entitled to it. Life is already too short for you to let anyone kill you. No one came for her ma'am calm down ok so ugh somewhere else. I also politely disagreed. Now that's all you get keep trolling people comments.
MsTW oh was that for me...lol try again I respected your opinion didn't say anything was wrong with it and I don't troll boo my time is to valuable my notifications let me know when someone respond
*For those of you saying they are saying the same things, they are NOT.* *Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all. Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
T Essence NO GIRL! THEY ARE SAYING THE SAME THING!! Julissa said that divorce takes time so for it to be okay to date while you have filed for divorce you have to be separated!! Tamar listens to responds and then talks for the sake of talking instead of listening to UNDERSTAND!
Exactly Julissa just said separated legally separated means taking a break(even if its been over a year, to a judge its still a break) but filling for divorce means it's over so what they said is very different
Lmtl - She didn’t get to finish her first explanation, *HOWEVER* as the conversation continued, Julissa DID get to say exactly what she meant and they were not saying the same thing.
a bunch of sensitive women on this panel. Get some stronger women with thicker skin, who listens, and lets other people finish thier sentences next time please!!
Jasmine Coz gurl bye they have maybe 5 minutes to get 4 different inputs in and I think all 3 if tree ladies have thick skin what does that have to do with anything... And after the ladies give their input Steve gives his input from a MAN perspective I love it I wished his panel stayed longer
Arielle Williams first of all hun that's not place to be take up for Tay Tay but I do take up for right is right and wrong is wrong this topic has nothing to do with the topic ya'll have made this about her behavior it's crazy to me how women have to continue being each other down for no reason everyone personality is different I don't want to get off topic at the end of the day you can say what you want about me but if won't prosper she hasn't done anything that any of the other panel hasn't I'm a tamartian I don't always agree with EVERYTHING she does and I'm pretty sure people don't agree with everything I do but that's life this instance I myself didn't see anything she did wrong this instance
Exactly his crazy ass (Undre' Felix) just trolled me too for giving my opinion. I'm trying to figure out why his opinion is the only one that is allowed. Ignore him. LOL! You can have your opinion he is trying to force his on you like he did me.
My husband and I were married in 1988. He had 3 kids, I had 2 kids, and we adopted 6 kids, all with special needs. He was, and is, a business owner and I helped with that. At the same time I homeschooled 7 kids, was dealing with a severely mentally ill child, the deaths of our grandson and my parents. I broke. We broke. I fled and I didn't under stand why at the time. We were divorced in 2015. He moved out of state and I was a hot mess. He moved back to the Pacific Northwest in 2016 and, by the Grace and Glory of God, we remarried July 7, 2017. We were able to analyze, to see our roles in the breakdown, and realize a piece of each of us was missing. He never dated anyone else, I did, but in the end we made it. We're the same people but we're Jeff and Teri version 2.0. Thank you for posting this. It was such a great reminder of what we went through, how we came out of it, and how we rose above.
DJ APOCALYPTIC Yes, it is. He was cheating on me with the OW while we were separated but telling me he wanted to save our marriage. After the divorce he married her very soon after. Someone very wise told me "the same way she got him is the same way she is gonna lose him."
So True!!!! For some reason men telling you they find you attractive and want to pursue you ....is a good motivator when you separate a man who put you down so much ***it shouldn't be our only motivator though.. because we have to love and cherish ourselves first.
Be divorced. A lot of seperations don't actually happen. They get back together. Or try to a couple of times and the person(s) they were dating are left standing there looking crazy.
Mermaid Adams My sentiments. Separated, Filed for, Living apart... it all means the same thing to me. And I’m not just talking based on theory. I tried dating men who were all of the above, and only one has actually completed the process. Not that I stuck around for it to happen... It just leaves too much uncertainty for me being the single person not knowing what the other spouse will decide to do. Also, you as the single person have no idea what they discuss when they speak to each other. You only know what he tells you. I’m good...
Tamar has got to learn to let people TALK! She is so hostile towards people with different view points than her. I doubt she grow up because she is getting too old. Some stuff she says is on point but HER MOUTH and ATTITUDE just makes you get sick of hearing her.
It doesn’t matter if you filed or they filed you are not divorced until it is finalized meaning, there is still room for reconciliation. It has happened and will continue to happen where people have separated and filed and ultimately ended up not divorced, plus if you a Christian you don’t want to be caught up in adultery anyway, because the word clearly says if that person is divorced for the wrong reason you are committing adultery when you marry that person. Hence why it says if they are separated let them reconcile. So no in America save yourselves the pain if they not divorced don’t get involved.
If the divorce is not FINAL, there is a chance of reconciliation. So dating a married person is just helping to break up what is not totally broken up. So, that makes you a grimy person and a home wrecker.
I LOVE Tamar Braxton!! She remains HERSELF & refuses to be like everyone eles (all politically correct),with no personality. I love an AUTHENTIC HUMAN BEING,who lives their life their way. Now that's what makes TRUE STARS,folks who stands out from everyone eles. I am watching because of her lol lol. Her name made me click ❤❤❤💫
I agree there are stages, but a separation and a divorce hasn’t been filed, even if they are living apart is still a marriage that’s on hiatus like Tamar said. And most likely means they will either eventually reconcile or/and they are still emotionally invested. Then there’s the separation and divorce has been filed. This is tricky because if the person you’re dating isn’t the one that filed or didn’t agree to a joint petition for divorce, they may be legally free but not emotionally. The only safe and ok stage to date is after divorce or when a divorce has been filed and the person you’re dating is emotionally and mentally done with the relationship.
Nope! They are saying different things. *Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all. Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
Divorce during Covid took over a year during the shut down. It depends on how committed to marrying you he is and how mentally seperated he is from the divorcee. And how me as woman am i mentally ok to handle what comes with this able to handle my insecurities.
Hi, get anyone you love or (SP) attracted to you. And also get your EX back coming to you begging you for a second chance through the help of Dr Steve, he helped me restore my 5 years broken relationship. Also Dr Steve always keep up with his words, I will advise you seek his help thanks.
I like Tamar for the most part but I am soooo tired of her cutting people off like girllll...wait your turn!!!! This is honestly why I think she didn’t stay on the real. Don’t get me wrong she is entertaining but she honestly would be better on a show by herself cuz she seems like she has a “it’s all about me” mentality. She really has a great heart & you can tell but this right here really is the reason she has a lot of problems with people cuz she doesn’t FULLY listen.
lailah lyn ikr its ridiculous its cray cray how much hate people have in their hearts its like they don't like her so much they don't like to say when she right or make her ALWAYS out to be the bad person people act like its not OK to agree to disagree which they did she wasn't rude at all cause I know many people from where I grow up where they have been separated but felt it was to expensive to get a divorce and every now and then they would have sex but I believe when you file your completely DONE mentally and physically and nothing they say can change that
TheChunlilover she did not cut her off she interjected respectfully it's a panel that's what they're supposed to and far as her husband gurl Tamar mouth has came a long way since she started on BFV or Tamar & Vince, Vince mouth is reckless too
No one can create self esteem issues in you. Is either you love yourself or you don’t. And Tamar is right, a lot of men are not emotionally available right after a divorce . Most of them are not interested in anything serious for a while because divorce is usually harder on men than on women. They just don’t show it.
Here we go with Deceive with Steve. Marriage is about selflessness. Fake Christian places blame again on the woman. We're supposed to respect the opinion of someone who is married to someone who's young enough to be his daughter. Gth Steve!
So a person tearing you down on their way out of the relationship...has a shortage in self, so instead of him finding another you he needs to find himself. Heal him/herself. Is that what Steve is saying?
Tamar way to emotionally for this subject 😂😂😂...agree w/ Steve no reason to tear someone down doing a break up .... honestly ppl like that tell on themselves and how insecure they are
Should not date till divorced; you are still married even though you are legally separated. Use the time you are still married to take care of yourself and to focus on what will make you happy in the next chapter of your life.
I would wait till the divorce proceedings were final before I dated a man. Couples can decide they want to work things out before they get that divorce. I've seen that a lot with couples. My mom and dad were separated and still having sex together. Even after My parents divorced they were still seeing one another. My aunt told me this information after I got older. My cousin and her husband were on and off for years and they would break up, see other people and wind up back together. I think they are still legally married and my cousin is dead and her husband is still alive. Jada Pinkett is a gold digger who was broke and irrevelant that's why she wanted Will.
My mom filed for divorce with her husband 22 years ago they still not divorced but havnt seen eachother sense she never went through with it because it would cost her too much without his signature and she said she never wnated to be remarried. 🤷♀️
These people are way too self-absorbed! Get a grip and be an adult, realize that you made some big mistakes and maybe you need to take some time to learn from the mistakes that you made instead of jumping into it with somebody else as soon as you can! Even if that takes years while you’re/ this other person is separated, try exhibiting some self-control for a change. There are 1,000,001 different people out there, which are single with no strings attached that you can go barking up a tree with. Let married messed-up people sort out their stuff on their own, even if it is to be a divorce and stay out of the way! You don’t want to get the wrath of the universe on you one day for being so desperate you have to go for a man or woman in the middle of a divorce. Ick!
There are people who have a aggressive or abusive marriage and if they have separated as there is abuse some people are too scare to admit they had abuse and they won’t file for divorce but they will get away therefore if they are not going to go back then yes but not if they know they will go back.
Hi, get anyone you love or (SP) attracted to you. And also get your EX back coming to you begging you for a second chance through the help of Dr Steve, he helped me restore my 5 years broken relationship. Also Dr Steve always keep up with his words, I will advise you seek his help thanks...
I am not waiting on someone to get out of something they shouldn't be in. If they want me in their life, its because we've known since before they got fake married and now they grew balls. So...7 years of history and they are on their way out, law of vibration is to speed up the divorce, yes you should. Nothing is exclusive until they go the whole 9 yards with me. No loss to me but I'll make a great gain to their family when they officiate the whole 9 yards.
My ex came back to me few days ago ❤️ I got help from a Relationship Restorer Dr Steve Who was able to mend back my broken relationship and make my ex to come back and beg for a second chance. He can bring your ex back
According to SH "Men dont have to go to the mountains to find themselves after a breakup" This is the problem with men, their lack of growth. They need to upgrade themselves before they jump to the next girl because without change, history repeats itself. #Growth. --men need to get themselves together to be prepared for a real women.
It's hard because divorce can take a long time. But it doesn't make it ok to date while you're still married even though you're separated your still married. Use the time to learn who you are & lean on God.
Julissa is best friends with Adrienne Bailon who used to do a talk show with Tamar. Tamar still has ill feelings and is purposely trying to talk shade on Adrienne and Julissa is trying to defend her situation with dating a married man.
Tamar seems like this subject triggered her.. She’s in her feelings and being extra..
I mean, she DID file last October, so..
because she has some things to work on...starting with her father's abandonment
Tamar is always..EXTRA!!!
It did
Tamar needs to work on delivery when having a conversation. She doesn't listen and she comes off as "aggressive" loud and maybe even offensive. She can make great points, but have to work on delivery.
Thats why her man left her
Yes exactly My thoughts . I’m like damn girl relax it’s just a conversation
Yes and she rudely interrupted Julissa with “i disagree...” just to say the same thing as Julissa.
Nice Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you ever tried - Taparton Returning Love Takeover (google it)? It is a great exclusive guide for learning how to stop divorce without the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend finally got cool success with it.
Yes, omgosh
Tamar needs to stop cutting people off and stop trying to upstage others...
That is typical ratchet, narcissistic female behavior. Quite common...at least in western countries.
Khemistry IBMOR Actually, if you’d bothered to take notice of the other two women trying respectfully to be heard, you’d have seen that it isn’t typical female behaviour.
Tamar doesn’t try to upstage anyone, she’s just being Tamar. I do agree she shouldn’t have cut Julissa off though.
Tamar needs to works on herself, I can hear the stress and anger in her voice.
Realtalk, out here saying she gotta hurt the person that hurts her.
What a great example.
I wish she would let other people finish their statement before they finish
victoria Lozi Just like her Mommy. Too much bitterness
I agree with that, the next man or woman shouldn't have to pay for what their ex has done to them.
I don't like no mess. I like it clean. I want the divorce over and done. That' means it filed and finalized. I don't believe in that separated business. Cut all ties so you can move forward with your life. A man that's got one foot in legally, ain't the man for me.
brooklynforever1990 separated is married and filed is still married. No honor in that mess.
@@debrabelton3161 I wish I saw this advice much sooner.
More men need to go to them mountains and get on that self reflection.
i am scared of heights.
Julissa is such a class act and absolutely stunning 😍. Definitely wife material
Coachbrown6 I agree
Coachbrown6 facts..
😍yea for sure
Still not married... I can see why. She would date a man who is just separated 😂 she should get herself a 48 y old divorced man just like Adrienne
Thanks for the Video! Forgive me for butting in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you heard about - Taparton Returning Love Takeover (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is an awesome one of a kind product for learning how to stop divorce without the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin at very last got excellent results with it.
OMG Tamar let ppl finish talking before you jump in damn. I like Tamar but sometimes she is too much.
Cora gurl bye every lady that does the panel does the exact same thing she does its a panel they have to jump in when they can to get their opinion across in the amount of time they have i think you just don't care for Tamar and that's ok too
Well I used to like her but I just don’t anymore. She is out of control. Sorry not sorry. Somebody needs to give her a crash course in etiquette right quick.
TheChunlilover All the time..
@Undre Felix.....Here you go again attacking another viewer for their opinion. I thought you said you weren't trolling. People are allowed to voice their opinion Undre'. You are acting like your ass is on pay roll. She clearly said she likes her same as me and you attacked me.
Tamar is so rude for cutting that girl off, and to my understanding they were saying the same thing. If you guys have filed and aren't living in the same house go for it!
thats why she isnt on the real. she got issues
I think you misunderstood what I said. She was rude for interrupting the girl, not cutting her hair off.
Exactly they r saying the same thing so idk why she acting like that
What they were saying was different. You can be separated from someone and not "file" for divorce and what Tamar is saying is that you should file for divorce before dating another person.
She is a scorn woman, the topic probably hits her real close.
Julissa read Steve! 😂😂😂😂
"Because they don't go to the mountains"...
Tamar: *jumps down person's throat who expresses approval of dating a separated person*
Also Tamar: *expresses approval of dating a separated person*
Julissa at the end LOL
Steve's face was like "Ya you right...." LOLOL
When he said I'm an expert...I.LOST IT!!🤣🤣🤣
Tamar your repeating exactly what she said but louder! Ugh she gets so loud sometimes
Nope! They are saying different things.
*Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all.
Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
R u dumb?
she always feels like her opinion is the only truth
No it's not the same
SweettCurls daz y she got fired from the Real cause she sooooo Hood and fake!!!
I know a lot of people that separated and got back together and their marriage is stronger then ever.
I started dating before my divorce was final. I had already filed and was waiting on my court date for my divorce to be finalized. So it was over, he didn’t have anything to worry about. I was just counting the days.
exactly like if you need a paper to determine the status of your marriage im sorry to tell you, but the marriage ended along time ago. Two people know when the relationship is over whether the divorce is in process or not. You don't need a paper for that.
And my dear you are an adulterer and my dear whether you know it or not you will reap that 🤷🏽♀️ I don’t care what your mouth, the Lord said you were still married so get ready for that karma to hit.
And that's why men some men are so jacked up, because they don't deal with their emotions. They use another woman to fill the void that the other woman left and the next woman end up with a fraction of a man until he can get himself together. I rather have zero man than a fraction of man. Why should I subject myself to undoing what another woman has done to him, if that's the case. Can I get a whole man please?
A marriage has just ended or is in the process of ending and I'm gonna put myself in the middle of that mess...
No thanks ✌
luvmifro1003 I totally agree
luvmifro1003 we’re simply not built that way. That’s just the way we’re wired.
xSTARSxRome Nguyen Generally yes, but it creates a lot of messiness in the new relationship.
Exactlyyyyyyyyy 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I see why Tamar got fired from the Real.
Kutlwano Bokala ikr!
Very obvious, she stays cutting people off, doesn't allow them to finish their sentences but wants to counter their points. Points she doesn't even listen to
Yes. I absolutely cannot take how loud she is. The eye rolling lip smacking head turning is too over the top for daytime television
She added "0" value to The Real.
Can Tamar let people finish their points?
here sits tamar with the best friend of adrienne ...awkward
that girl in the pink is adriennes best friend lol
don't mess with me or else Which apparently is the reason Tamer cut her off.
Yes and birds of a feather flock together because her best friend think the same way
Is Adriennes to girl that married to the singer Israel?
i love tamar
“you tried me”
Tamar is right. You should not date anyone who is married under any conditions. Once the divorce decree is signed and it is finalized then proceed. There are too many loose rules in this generation. Marriage is a vow and a binding contract. To those out there who think it is okay. Just stop.
However, she date he knew man while she was still legally married to Vince, so hypocritical she is. Also, I rather her be with Vince than flava flav who her new man looks like.
Tamar dated her new man while she was married to Vince, so she a hypocrite.
Tamar need to calm down. She doing too much. I am a Tamar fan, Love her music. I agree with her comments but she needs some etiquette lessons.
Traci would agree with this lol. They brought Traci to and charm school to get some etiquette lol. I think Tamar should have listened better when they dragged Traci there.
MsTW how she doing too much and many of the other ladies that's been on the panel have been the same way y'all kill me tryna always come for Tay she politely said she disagree her voice wasn't loud our anything that's just how she talks ugh get over it she said she disagree and stated why
That is my opinion. I'm entitled to it. Life is already too short for you to let anyone kill you. No one came for her ma'am calm down ok so ugh somewhere else. I also politely disagreed. Now that's all you get keep trolling people comments.
MsTW oh was that for me...lol try again I respected your opinion didn't say anything was wrong with it and I don't troll boo my time is to valuable my notifications let me know when someone respond
*For those of you saying they are saying the same things, they are NOT.*
*Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all.
Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
T Essence NO GIRL! THEY ARE SAYING THE SAME THING!! Julissa said that divorce takes time so for it to be okay to date while you have filed for divorce you have to be separated!! Tamar listens to responds and then talks for the sake of talking instead of listening to UNDERSTAND!
Julissa isn’t worried about the filing, and I think that’s the part you’re missing..
Julissa didn’t get the chance the chance to finish what she meant
Exactly Julissa just said separated legally separated means taking a break(even if its been over a year, to a judge its still a break) but filling for divorce means it's over so what they said is very different
Lmtl - She didn’t get to finish her first explanation, *HOWEVER* as the conversation continued, Julissa DID get to say exactly what she meant and they were not saying the same thing.
I'm not dating no married or separated man. Nope. I'm single you better be single too
Lol 😂
a bunch of sensitive women on this panel. Get some stronger women with thicker skin, who listens, and lets other people finish thier sentences next time please!!
Jasmine Coz gurl bye they have maybe 5 minutes to get 4 different inputs in and I think all 3 if tree ladies have thick skin what does that have to do with anything... And after the ladies give their input Steve gives his input from a MAN perspective I love it I wished his panel stayed longer
why are you on everyone post taking up for behavior? she has no manners and is clearly rude. Exactly why she got fired from the REAL.
Arielle Williams first of all hun that's not place to be take up for Tay Tay but I do take up for right is right and wrong is wrong this topic has nothing to do with the topic ya'll have made this about her behavior it's crazy to me how women have to continue being each other down for no reason everyone personality is different I don't want to get off topic at the end of the day you can say what you want about me but if won't prosper she hasn't done anything that any of the other panel hasn't I'm a tamartian I don't always agree with EVERYTHING she does and I'm pretty sure people don't agree with everything I do but that's life this instance I myself didn't see anything she did wrong this instance
Arielle Williams and we don't know the real reason why she's not on the real not good to make accusations lol
Exactly his crazy ass (Undre' Felix) just trolled me too for giving my opinion. I'm trying to figure out why his opinion is the only one that is allowed. Ignore him. LOL! You can have your opinion he is trying to force his on you like he did me.
My husband and I were married in 1988. He had 3 kids, I had 2 kids, and we adopted 6 kids, all with special needs. He was, and is, a business owner and I helped with that. At the same time I homeschooled 7 kids, was dealing with a severely mentally ill child, the deaths of our grandson and my parents. I broke. We broke. I fled and I didn't under stand why at the time. We were divorced in 2015. He moved out of state and I was a hot mess. He moved back to the Pacific Northwest in 2016 and, by the Grace and Glory of God, we remarried July 7, 2017. We were able to analyze, to see our roles in the breakdown, and realize a piece of each of us was missing. He never dated anyone else, I did, but in the end we made it. We're the same people but we're Jeff and Teri version 2.0. Thank you for posting this. It was such a great reminder of what we went through, how we came out of it, and how we rose above.
I love what Julissa said at the end , the way she said it , ha!
Steve is looking around like please don’t try me! Hahahhaa
Y'all notice Tamar's emphasis on the "k" when she said "we taking a break"? XDDD Had me rollin
still adultery no matter how man tries to twist it to benefit self lust
DJ APOCALYPTIC Right on bro!
DJ APOCALYPTIC Yes, it is. He was cheating on me with the OW while we were separated but telling me he wanted to save our marriage. After the divorce he married her very soon after. Someone very wise told me "the same way she got him is the same way she is gonna lose him."
AS R still adultery. Then what? DIVORCE! What's hard about that?
So True!!!! For some reason men telling you they find you attractive and want to pursue you ....is a good motivator when you separate a man who put you down so much ***it shouldn't be our only motivator though.. because we have to love and cherish ourselves first.
Tamar is not angry that is her personality. Passion and anger is not the same thing.
Be divorced. A lot of seperations don't actually happen. They get back together. Or try to a couple of times and the person(s) they were dating are left standing there looking crazy.
Mermaid Adams My sentiments. Separated, Filed for, Living apart... it all means the same thing to me. And I’m not just talking based on theory. I tried dating men who were all of the above, and only one has actually completed the process. Not that I stuck around for it to happen... It just leaves too much uncertainty for me being the single person not knowing what the other spouse will decide to do. Also, you as the single person have no idea what they discuss when they speak to each other. You only know what he tells you. I’m good...
I'm here for Julissa on the panel. Love her comments. She give mature insight on everything.
Tamar has got to learn to let people TALK! She is so hostile towards people with different view points than her. I doubt she grow up because she is getting too old. Some stuff she says is on point but HER MOUTH and ATTITUDE just makes you get sick of hearing her.
There is no “other you.” You’re unique
"Why you gotta tear her down on your way out the door"🙌🏼
Yes. What the hell is that about? I haven't encountered this before my current bf. Is this a big red flag?
Julissa was feeling that last message she was imparting. lol lol I love Tamar's laugh.
It doesn’t matter if you filed or they filed you are not divorced until it is finalized meaning, there is still room for reconciliation. It has happened and will continue to happen where people have separated and filed and ultimately ended up not divorced, plus if you a Christian you don’t want to be caught up in adultery anyway, because the word clearly says if that person is divorced for the wrong reason you are committing adultery when you marry that person. Hence why it says if they are separated let them reconcile.
So no in America save yourselves the pain if they not divorced don’t get involved.
If the divorce is not FINAL, there is a chance of reconciliation. So dating a married person is just helping to break up what is not totally broken up. So, that makes you a grimy person and a home wrecker.
I LOVE Tamar Braxton!! She remains HERSELF & refuses to be like everyone eles (all politically correct),with no personality. I love an AUTHENTIC HUMAN BEING,who lives their life their way. Now that's what makes TRUE STARS,folks who stands out from everyone eles. I am watching because of her lol lol. Her name made me click ❤❤❤💫
I agree there are stages, but a separation and a divorce hasn’t been filed, even if they are living apart is still a marriage that’s on hiatus like Tamar said. And most likely means they will either eventually reconcile or/and they are still emotionally invested. Then there’s the separation and divorce has been filed. This is tricky because if the person you’re dating isn’t the one that filed or didn’t agree to a joint petition for divorce, they may be legally free but not emotionally. The only safe and ok stage to date is after divorce or when a divorce has been filed and the person you’re dating is emotionally and mentally done with the relationship.
Tamar....sis......she was saying the same thing you said..
Nope! They are saying different things.
*Julissa* said separation is okay to date. Some couples “separate” without the legalities & she stated she feels emotional is the breakup end-be all.
Whereas *Tamar & Steve* both felt that legal action should talk place first. The main difference is FILING.
Mutsa Charamba lies boo they were not saying the same thing.
2:20 that head whipping dang
Love Julissa!!! She has come a long way. Love her outfit always been a classy chick 😁👍🏽
Steve Harvey needs a dating show. Forget the talk show path. His calling
Divorce during Covid took over a year during the shut down. It depends on how committed to marrying you he is and how mentally seperated he is from the divorcee. And how me as woman am i mentally ok to handle what comes with this able to handle my insecurities.
Hi, get anyone you love or (SP) attracted to you. And also get your EX back coming to you begging you for a second chance through the help of Dr Steve, he helped me restore my 5 years broken relationship. Also Dr Steve always keep up with his words, I will advise you seek his help thanks.
Message him on Whatsapp
lol, I forgot that Julissa Bermudez is Adrienne Houghtons (The Real) best friend.... I looove her response at the end
I was never sure if my divorce was final or not. I made sure to tell anyone I dated this fact right from the start,so no misinterpretation.
I loved this video
I like Tamar for the most part but I am soooo tired of her cutting people off like girllll...wait your turn!!!! This is honestly why I think she didn’t stay on the real. Don’t get me wrong she is entertaining but she honestly would be better on a show by herself cuz she seems like she has a “it’s all about me” mentality. She really has a great heart & you can tell but this right here really is the reason she has a lot of problems with people cuz she doesn’t FULLY listen.
Tamar i just watched this today and watch your interview with wendy last week i smiled
I wonder what people think now since they've seen the whole video and they was so quick to come for Tamar
Exactly! Some people still don’t understand what she’s saying because they’re so busy focused on the delivery rather than the actual message. smh
T Essence i absolutely agree with you
People on here are so ignorant it's ridiculous. Tamar is out her getting her coins
lailah lyn ikr its ridiculous its cray cray how much hate people have in their hearts its like they don't like her so much they don't like to say when she right or make her ALWAYS out to be the bad person people act like its not OK to agree to disagree which they did she wasn't rude at all cause I know many people from where I grow up where they have been separated but felt it was to expensive to get a divorce and every now and then they would have sex but I believe when you file your completely DONE mentally and physically and nothing they say can change that
TheChunlilover she did not cut her off she interjected respectfully it's a panel that's what they're supposed to and far as her husband gurl Tamar mouth has came a long way since she started on BFV or Tamar & Vince, Vince mouth is reckless too
They tear you down on the way out the door because they chose not to go to the mountains and find themselves
No one can create self esteem issues in you. Is either you love yourself or you don’t. And Tamar is right, a lot of men are not emotionally available right after a divorce . Most of them are not interested in anything serious for a while because divorce is usually harder on men than on women. They just don’t show it.
Here we go with Deceive with Steve. Marriage is about selflessness. Fake Christian places blame again on the woman. We're supposed to respect the opinion of someone who is married to someone who's young enough to be his daughter. Gth Steve!
lol....the three women go mmmhhmmm when Steve starts talking 1:30 - 1:45
I dont like what steve is sayin but i can appreciate it!
So a person tearing you down on their way out of the relationship...has a shortage in self, so instead of him finding another you he needs to find himself. Heal him/herself. Is that what Steve is saying?
Tamar way to emotionally for this subject 😂😂😂...agree w/ Steve no reason to tear someone down doing a break up .... honestly ppl like that tell on themselves and how insecure they are
Soooo Adrienne’s bestie and Tamar on the same panel 🐸☕️
Hon H why y'all so trappsy😉😂😂😂😂
Btw julissa is so fine
love common and angela rye she is EVERYTHINGGGG
Should not date till divorced; you are still married even though you are legally separated. Use the time you are still married to take care of yourself and to focus on what will make you happy in the next chapter of your life.
"Self Esteem" is THE ESTEEM of SELF men can't create or make that go bad that's on you.
I agree with Julissa!!! ❤️
I hate how Tamar argues when she doesn’t agree. Nobody else can have an opinion but her.. so much attitude & anger. She is over the top.
Homegirl Braxton doesn't let ANYBODY have an opinion different from hers...she's all " You tried it" cray. I tried it!
I love that pink top
Why do people listen to these people? Especially steve, he is not a moral correct person, why listen to someone like this.
I would wait till the divorce proceedings were final before I dated a man. Couples can decide they want to work things out before they get that divorce. I've seen that a lot with couples. My mom and dad were separated and still having sex together. Even after My parents divorced they were still seeing one another. My aunt told me this information after I got older. My cousin and her husband were on and off for years and they would break up, see other people and wind up back together. I think they are still legally married and my cousin is dead and her husband is still alive. Jada Pinkett is a gold digger who was broke and irrevelant that's why she wanted Will.
My mom filed for divorce with her husband 22 years ago they still not divorced but havnt seen eachother sense she never went through with it because it would cost her too much without his signature and she said she never wnated to be remarried. 🤷♀️
These people are way too self-absorbed! Get a grip and be an adult, realize that you made some big mistakes and maybe you need to take some time to learn from the mistakes that you made instead of jumping into it with somebody else as soon as you can! Even if that takes years while you’re/ this other person is separated, try exhibiting some self-control for a change. There are 1,000,001 different people out there, which are single with no strings attached that you can go barking up a tree with. Let married messed-up people sort out their stuff on their own, even if it is to be a divorce and stay out of the way! You don’t want to get the wrath of the universe on you one day for being so desperate you have to go for a man or woman in the middle of a divorce. Ick!
A lot of women do the same thing as far as tear a man down when they break up. It’s not just the men.
You're right
I am completely OVER Tamar!! 🙄🙄 She is ALWAYS extra and rude!! Fame has completely gone to her bald head!! 🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️
Brittany Berry her whole family said she’s been like that since a child🤷♀️
Steve's tie is fly as fuk
Tamar is doing the most. She obviously hadn't watched these forums to notice that the answers are usually genuine and not self-serving.
"That's *men* tality"😂
Lol love the last part
Lady in the middle is in NFS Underground 2
Tamar is the definition of too damn masculine! Hey Julissa😉
always loved julissa (from empire girls). wonder where she today.
There are people who have a aggressive or abusive marriage and if they have separated as there is abuse some people are too scare to admit they had abuse and they won’t file for divorce but they will get away therefore if they are not going to go back then yes but not if they know they will go back.
If the divorce is caused by anything that isn't infidelity, then here are the steps.
Step 1: Shame on both of you
Step 2: Look at step one
Hi, get anyone you love or (SP) attracted to you. And also get your EX back coming to you begging you for a second chance through the help of Dr Steve, he helped me restore my 5 years broken relationship. Also Dr Steve always keep up with his words, I will advise you seek his help thanks...
I am not waiting on someone to get out of something they shouldn't be in. If they want me in their life, its because we've known since before they got fake married and now they grew balls.
So...7 years of history and they are on their way out, law of vibration is to speed up the divorce, yes you should. Nothing is exclusive until they go the whole 9 yards with me. No loss to me but I'll make a great gain to their family when they officiate the whole 9 yards.
Because they don't go to the mountains
My ex came back to me few days ago ❤️ I got help from a Relationship Restorer Dr Steve Who was able to mend back my broken relationship and make my ex to come back and beg for a second chance. He can bring your ex back
Divorced or separated men/women are going to do what they want to do.
According to SH "Men dont have to go to the mountains to find themselves after a breakup" This is the problem with men, their lack of growth. They need to upgrade themselves before they jump to the next girl because without change, history repeats itself. #Growth. --men need to get themselves together to be prepared for a real women.
You dating a man who is seperated..you are in the way of them working it out.
tamar always has to cut people off with "you tried it"
It's hard because divorce can take a long time. But it doesn't make it ok to date while you're still married even though you're separated your still married. Use the time to learn who you are & lean on God.
As long as you are legally bound to someone else, I am not interested.....
Tamar's logic is chaotic!!! Geesh!!
Julissa is best friends with Adrienne Bailon who used to do a talk show with Tamar. Tamar still has ill feelings and is purposely trying to talk shade on Adrienne and Julissa is trying to defend her situation with dating a married man.