Glitchtale - Ascended (#4 Ascension) EXTENDED VERSION | by amella

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @CamilaCuevas
    @CamilaCuevas 4 года назад +5899

    The perfect outro to a perfect song. I hope I did it justice in the animation. Thank you amella ♥
    I truly fear Gaster. A *monster* among monsters

    • @ilvrxy
      @ilvrxy 4 года назад +107

      hewwo cami :D

    • @nicolasmelendez2249
      @nicolasmelendez2249 4 года назад +159

      Yes you did Cami.

    • @noriyuckykekyoin390
      @noriyuckykekyoin390 4 года назад +129

      Truly so. I expect we'll be seeing more of him in the prequels.

    • @farel7752
      @farel7752 4 года назад +21


    • @vlad3223
      @vlad3223 4 года назад +112

      Yo you both did an amazing job portraying Gasters true powers

  • @CrazyChimpCollective
    @CrazyChimpCollective 4 года назад +2367

    "C o m e ."
    Final utterance of a man who's about to kill.

    • @DreadnoughtDT
      @DreadnoughtDT 4 года назад +126

      "Is that all? Then... It's my turn. GrrrrrrRRAAAAAAAAAGH!"

    • @emresedefoglu
      @emresedefoglu 4 года назад +98


    • @Azimuth-07
      @Azimuth-07 4 года назад +80

      @@emresedefoglu (Rip and tearing intensifies)

    • @NoOne-pm9id
      @NoOne-pm9id 4 года назад +2

      ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 🕈︎⚐︎☠︎❄︎ ☜︎💧︎👍︎✌︎🏱︎☜︎ ❄︎☟︎İ💧︎ ❄︎İ💣︎☜︎

    • @scorpx3790
      @scorpx3790 4 года назад +61

      _That eyes... that are the eyes of a man who rejected his humanity... the eyes of a 'murderer'_

  • @vtp6903
    @vtp6903 4 года назад +4465

    You don't fear a man until you realize what he's been through. You don't fear a man until you made him snap. It's always interesting to see what a mere human can do when they break, when mercy has been thrown off, and they throw everything on the line to kill the ones that wronged them. Not even family can piece them all back together.
    What makes a man fear is when you threaten to kill something they love. What makes a man break is when you actually do it. They shall do anything to tear you apart. It's funny, how killing brings us all closer together, since now, you felt fear that you gave them, and you felt their power, *breaking* you to pieces.
    But now, you don't face a man with flesh and bones, you face a monster, with magic and pain. You thought by killing, you weaken their strength, but what you did had only fueled their anger. You thought you gained more power, but you only transferred it to them. You have fueled their hatred, their anger, and now you pay the price. You are no longer in control.
    They don't feel fear anymore, you are.
    You're not facing their anger.
    You're not facing their hate.
    You're facing both.
    You're facing *Spite.*

    • @niplob
      @niplob 4 года назад +233

      Im kinda sad now that your comment only has 9 likes considering the work you put into it

    • @corvusx5674
      @corvusx5674 4 года назад +79

      Hmm...Not bad

    • @Peppy2975
      @Peppy2975 4 года назад +82

      Think this is my favorite comment on the planet...

    • @holano9183
      @holano9183 4 года назад +60

      Mmmmm i have seen this in real life and i am scared
      Exept the magic part

    • @colegial77
      @colegial77 4 года назад +37

      @@Evoxyre you know betty died though right?

  • @Mooonwithanextrao
    @Mooonwithanextrao 3 года назад +840

    "If you could kick a child for 200 billion Dollars, would you do it?"
    Gaster: *This starts playing*

    • @itsonlyyou.5398
      @itsonlyyou.5398 3 года назад +17


    • @TotallyRoSaid
      @TotallyRoSaid 3 года назад +24

      Technically betty is a loli......

    • @fumofumo7815
      @fumofumo7815 3 года назад +36

      @@TotallyRoSaid using human terms on it is pretty merciful i must admit

    • @naviekd2409
      @naviekd2409 3 года назад +8

      @@TotallyRoSaid instead of the 200 Billion Dollars, can I have the loli ? xD

      @STATEofDREAMlNG 3 года назад +6

      @@TotallyRoSaid she isn't

  • @VeraVemaVena
    @VeraVemaVena 4 года назад +3716

    Death is terrifying, but do you know what's even more scary? A man who's rage has escalated so much it has broken, making him appear calm.

    • @snowflake1227
      @snowflake1227 4 года назад +255

      This comment defines that fight scene so perfectly

    • @eriquano9474
      @eriquano9474 4 года назад +442

      The saying goes like this:
      If a man wants to fight and he's making gestures to try and scare you, he's not strong, just trying to scare you.
      If a man looks annoyed/calm in a fight, he's literally going to beat the living hell out of you, he's strong.

    • @VeraVemaVena
      @VeraVemaVena 4 года назад +130

      @@eriquano9474 well, I wasn't trying to take inspiration from the saying, I commented this because it's *literally how Gaster was in the fight.*

    • @alienthrower4342
      @alienthrower4342 4 года назад +91

      @@eriquano9474 you have a point but should be careful of the people who actually enjoy the fight and some people use fear to their advantage

    • @eriquano9474
      @eriquano9474 4 года назад +29

      @@VeraVemaVena yeah I can tell

  • @bruhzee3931
    @bruhzee3931 4 года назад +2777

    SPOILERS: Gaster didn’t just lose Sans and see his other son hurt, but all his effort was lost on keeping Sans alive again. Gaster truly lost it, not showing his anger, just to make Betty’s ego flare, making her a a predictable target, hence why she said he was underestimating him, she got cocky, which was ultimately HER downfall. Then Hate was just like, oh cool free corpse.

    • @effectz_end
      @effectz_end 4 года назад +383

      I love how you phrased that last part
      "oh cool free corpse"

    • @bruhzee3931
      @bruhzee3931 4 года назад +115

      Effectz End hate be consumin bodies tho 😯

    • @effectz_end
      @effectz_end 4 года назад +37

      @@bruhzee3931 yee

    • @cllncl
      @cllncl 4 года назад +209

      Betty: *dies*
      Hate: it's free real estate

    • @dillon8124
      @dillon8124 4 года назад +32

      I said that same last part 2 months ago

  • @donnamitsuki281
    @donnamitsuki281 4 года назад +1053

    Isn't it funny. Villains always talk about how weak love makes the hero,they'll talk about how without their loved ones they'll have nothing to fight for and will give up. How they'll fall.
    But in reality,actually hurting or killing someone the hero loves is the worst of decisions. Cause now the villain has crossed the line,and the hero will throw their morals in the trash. The one who feels fear is now the villain,who realized their mistake. The hero has become the monster.
    *Never underestimate someone who has nothing left to lose*

    • @titanictnt7476
      @titanictnt7476 4 года назад +100

      And think, if Betty killed Papyrus instead of Sans, imagine the brutality Sans would have caused her. Did you not see the insanity in his eyes when Betty so much as injured Papyrus, imagine if she actually killed him.

    • @MagikalKrabical
      @MagikalKrabical 4 года назад +42

      @@titanictnt7476 how many blasters do you think sans would have? I think more then the amount of times blaster 6 has to a no cooldown hacker in soul shatters

    • @ДмитрийРубежов-э1б
      @ДмитрийРубежов-э1б 4 года назад +42

      "The only way to defeat a monster is

    • @macmadness5932
      @macmadness5932 4 года назад +6

      @@ДмитрийРубежов-э1б who said that?

    • @knucks5793
      @knucks5793 4 года назад +16

      sounds like frisk to me

  • @pitchvantablack7005
    @pitchvantablack7005 4 года назад +379

    *Skeleton with hand holes vibechecks small pink child.*

  • @emresedefoglu
    @emresedefoglu 4 года назад +2494

    "Give her hell for me." -Jessica to Gaster, before she died.

    • @him2598
      @him2598 4 года назад +261

      And he did.

    • @red-vg2ds
      @red-vg2ds 4 года назад +231

      lmao yes he fucking did

    • @niggaify145
      @niggaify145 4 года назад +87

      He did it boys

    • @pixelchrome2
      @pixelchrome2 4 года назад +53

      @@niggaify145 He did it...

    • @starrod1396
      @starrod1396 4 года назад +55

      "Sure : ) "-Gaster

  • @fizzlock
    @fizzlock 4 года назад +1488

    The man who lost everything
    The man who got it back
    The man who was betrayed
    The man who failed to save those he loved
    The man who has nothing left to lose
    The man who speaks in hands

    • @lucasravaschio1550
      @lucasravaschio1550 4 года назад +38

      Man, this Is really sad :'(

    • @storm5x10
      @storm5x10 4 года назад +14

      Gaster speaks in windings not hands...

    • @LAVCIAK
      @LAVCIAK 4 года назад +48

      @@storm5x10 Jesus
      Search wingdings alfabet
      A lot of symbols is hand like ✋

    • @niggaify145
      @niggaify145 4 года назад +33

      Betty should have followed the last warning of the river person tho “beware of the man who speaks in hands”

    • @TotaIIy
      @TotaIIy 4 года назад +3

      LAVCIAK yea but is not called "hands" it's called "windings" not just because it haves a lot of hands means the name is "hands" lmao.

  • @TheDaveMan1987
    @TheDaveMan1987 4 года назад +2851

    When a character has Eye Shadows, you know things are serious.

    • @zacplayzgamer6328
      @zacplayzgamer6328 4 года назад +253

      *When your character is a shadow with eyes*

    • @yourmomxddd9639
      @yourmomxddd9639 4 года назад +73

      *C R I M I N A L*

    • @Ash_6614
      @Ash_6614 4 года назад +59

      @@Evoxyre hate be like:DiD yOu JuSt AsSuMe My GeNdEr

    • @null8379
      @null8379 4 года назад +33

      And when their pupils shrink

    • @TheDaveMan1987
      @TheDaveMan1987 4 года назад +23

      True that

  • @watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346
    @watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346 4 года назад +1230

    I love how Gaster has no trace of anger on his face.
    His expression says nothing.

    • @MeDicenPacho
      @MeDicenPacho 4 года назад +56

      Before he goes purpla eyes mode

    • @Ageirii
      @Ageirii 4 года назад +12

      says the one who's the same :/

    • @MeDicenPacho
      @MeDicenPacho 4 года назад +24

      @@Ageirii is that supposed to be an insult? because if my pfp is purple idc but if u try to make it like a joke then

    • @Ageirii
      @Ageirii 4 года назад +8

      @@MeDicenPacho sorry i was talking to a depressed sans human not to a you. :/

    • @dogeified
      @dogeified 4 года назад +33

      He was so mad that it looked like he was calm

  • @tadeogomez7303
    @tadeogomez7303 3 года назад +196

    "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the wrath of a kind man."
    - Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear

    • @ok-yv9dd
      @ok-yv9dd 2 года назад +1

      NotW quotes are the best

    • @NaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
      @NaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Год назад

      But... Nights without the moon happen like... Once a month?

    • @Sbsdcontentcreator
      @Sbsdcontentcreator 8 месяцев назад +1

      A night with sun

    • @dashspeed9523
      @dashspeed9523 6 месяцев назад

      @@Sbsdcontentcreator dark sky with sun? thats just a solar eclipse

  • @bluewithcartoondragons2132
    @bluewithcartoondragons2132 4 года назад +1131

    Me: *doesnt think about glitchtale for 1 second*
    (Also, F for what happened. I think it's alright so don't worry :P)

  • @amadezstone9170
    @amadezstone9170 4 года назад +450

    Spoilers if you haven't seen it yet.
    My favorite part of Gaster just brutalizing Betty in that "fight" (more like massacre), was something no else seems to be talking about, after Gaster says "come" he never takes a step or even moves his legs the entire time he's brutalizing Betty so he didn't just kill Betty he did it standing still.

    • @TheArgentinianStealer
      @TheArgentinianStealer 4 года назад +33

      True,I didn't notice that,Also he used his little hands and not his Big hands because he would use more Magic and the polycromatis wouldn't be so strong(or that's what I think)

    • @Aiden-MGR
      @Aiden-MGR 4 года назад +20

      @@TheArgentinianStealer you said little hands and I laughed.

    • @TheArgentinianStealer
      @TheArgentinianStealer 4 года назад +13

      @@Aiden-MGR sorry XD ,it would be better if I said small hands?

    • @1103Everything
      @1103Everything 4 года назад +24

      Nah that wasn't a massacre, that was an execution.

    • @gebdemedici
      @gebdemedici 4 года назад +27

      That is so true, I never noticed. That also explains why Betty got so scared even without Gaster activating his Polychromatism. His defense and counterattack was literally perfect. The moment he stopped being defensive and went into the offense, that's the exact moment where the battle had already been decided.

  • @qwilethesilly
    @qwilethesilly 4 года назад +152

    Betty has learned a new lesson: don't throw a scientists work on keeping his son alive down the drain or you will be torn, impaled, and microwaved.

    • @Trigger-ub6xn
      @Trigger-ub6xn 3 года назад +15

      Best description of 3 miniute Betty brutalization. Take my lik3 and get off-of my screen.

    • @Den-rc7uf
      @Den-rc7uf 3 года назад +7

      oh nooo
      not microwaved
      thats painful :(

    • @maxplay6729
      @maxplay6729 Год назад

      Gaster learn a lesson: only asriel and chara can kill hate

    • @Savedon-131
      @Savedon-131 9 месяцев назад

      @@maxplay6729 Wrong! He can, but do you expect him to do that thing a second time?

    • @dashspeed9523
      @dashspeed9523 8 месяцев назад +1

      Emphasis on the microwaving

  • @veir8156
    @veir8156 4 года назад +1038

    Yo this was absolutely insane. I love it tremendously.

  • @desertsandfly2277
    @desertsandfly2277 4 года назад +217

    This ost was my favourite from glitchtale. Such an intense and scary music that expresses gaster's rage and how screwed Betty was.

  • @TheLoreMan5300
    @TheLoreMan5300 2 года назад +168

    When someone fights for themselves they are scared for themselves
    When someone fights for their friends they are scared for their friends
    When someone fights for their beloved they are scared for their beloved
    When someone fights for their children they are scared for their children
    When you take everything away from someone they have nothing left
    No reason to smile
    No reason to run
    No reason to live

    No reason to fear
    So now I ask…
    How can you scare someone who doesn’t feel fear?
    How can you hurt someone who doesn’t feel pain?
    How can you steal that which is already taken?
    How can you break that what is already broken ?
    How can you kill someone who is already dead?
    You can’t…
    And you know it…

    You’ve created a monster…
    And now your scared…
    Because not even God knows what they’ll do…

    But then…
    You already knew that…
    Didn’t you?

    • @fridge.2785
      @fridge.2785 2 года назад +7

      Bro WTF that was bad ass with this music playing

    • @TheLoreMan5300
      @TheLoreMan5300 2 года назад +5

      @@fridge.2785 Thanks! Writing has always been a passion of mine!🖤 Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @Sewibl
      @Sewibl 2 года назад +3

      Lmao came back here just to read everyone’s poetry. This is awesome dude!

    • @TheLoreMan5300
      @TheLoreMan5300 Год назад +4

      @@Sewibl glad you enjoyed! Have a great day! ❤️

    • @oneparthi
      @oneparthi Год назад +3

      Awesome! I come back from time to time just to read everyone’s poetry

  • @wixdraco151
    @wixdraco151 4 года назад +180

    That art gave me chills. The drop at 4:58 is DIVINE, and everything about this has me burning with hype

    • @benbradford1066
      @benbradford1066 4 года назад +6

      wixdraco151 hopefully not as insane as Betty’s drop from the building she was thrown out of.

    • @benbradford1066
      @benbradford1066 4 года назад +1

      But at the same time your right, that drop is insane

    • @jamieboydyt7357
      @jamieboydyt7357 4 года назад +1

      talking of drop.. the bowl symbolism in ep 8 was amazing

    • @saucesaucesaucesauce1380
      @saucesaucesaucesauce1380 4 года назад +1


  • @phanton4305
    @phanton4305 4 года назад +159

    This wasn't a fight, *this was an execution.*

  • @Welcometotheslam5424
    @Welcometotheslam5424 4 года назад +1847

    What everyone expected the fight to be like: Gaster dealing a lot of damage to Betty but still dying.
    What the fight actually ended up being: *Gaster brutalizing Betty in less than 5 minutes.*

    • @vermelliwoolf8889
      @vermelliwoolf8889 4 года назад +179

      When he tore off Betty’s leg with his gigantic hands, man that was not clean like what a saber would do but thats the point, that was BRUTAL ;u;
      I love Gaster more than Sans since Glitchtale, srry peeps x’D

    • @gebdemedici
      @gebdemedici 4 года назад +145

      @@vermelliwoolf8889 Gaster is literally my favorite character. I just KNOW Cami is gonna kill him at one point.
      I'm curious what his role will be now that he's done so much. He almost killed Betty early on, gave Sans Determination enough so that they could fight Betty. And of course, ended up actually killing her in the end. If Gaster does more than that, he'll steal all the spotlight for other characters.

    • @1nked_29
      @1nked_29 4 года назад +39

      its 2 minutes and 46 seconds

    • @-_-murilo2865
      @-_-murilo2865 4 года назад +45

      and sans dying again... even krillin is getting jealous

    • @thatkingdomheartsguy9615
      @thatkingdomheartsguy9615 4 года назад +24

      I loved it, Betty finally getting the beat down for all the horrible stuff she did was amazing.

  • @vaxyppah6951
    @vaxyppah6951 4 года назад +129

    (*They stand in front of you)
    (*Its no use)
    (*You must fight back)
    (*You feel like your gonna have a bad time)

    • @benbradford1066
      @benbradford1066 4 года назад +4

      Vaxyppah me when my parents pull out my report card

    • @astrumgenesis7014
      @astrumgenesis7014 4 года назад +5

      Oh, it was SO much more than just a "bad time"

    • @FuriousRampage06
      @FuriousRampage06 4 года назад

      @@astrumgenesis7014 yes

    • @wingdinggaster17
      @wingdinggaster17 4 года назад +1

      (*Wait, no. ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 🕈︎⚐︎☠︎🕯︎❄︎ ☟︎✌︎✞︎☜︎ ✌︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎ ✌︎❄︎ ✌︎☹︎☹︎.

    @DZAG_OFFICIAL 4 года назад +23

    Literally no one:
    Gaster atm: “Okay, I’m about to do what’s called a pro gamer move.”

  • @FirstResponderAlex
    @FirstResponderAlex 4 года назад +335

    So, I'm concerned on what's going to happen with this fight ;n;
    Angry Dadster Time.

    • @carlo423
      @carlo423 4 года назад +15

      you were right

    • @creo2272
      @creo2272 4 года назад +17

      Execution is gonna happen. And surprisingly he looked dead emotionally.

    • @effectz_end
      @effectz_end 4 года назад

      Gaster turned into a Dalek for a sec

    • @-_-murilo2865
      @-_-murilo2865 4 года назад +1

      F for sans

    • @stormblade2510
      @stormblade2510 4 года назад

      Alex The Nerdette

  • @necro7612
    @necro7612 4 года назад +357

    Oh I see who's this part gonna be for, and im damn sure its gonna be quite satisfying

    • @samuel_sasek
      @samuel_sasek 4 года назад


    • @tursol6805
      @tursol6805 4 года назад

      Na its gonna be more sad then satisfying

    • @Zooface1234
      @Zooface1234 4 года назад +21

      This aged very well.

    • @WantBadtime
      @WantBadtime 4 года назад +14

      Gaster ripping Betty into shreads

    • @necro7612
      @necro7612 4 года назад +9

      @@WantBadtime I am quite satisfied

  • @SonicMaster-bo2xy
    @SonicMaster-bo2xy 4 года назад +94

    Gaster is a scientist,
    And scientists try to eradicate problems.
    Betty is a problem.
    *She has been eradicated by the man who speaks in hands.*

  • @anatidaephobia8358
    @anatidaephobia8358 4 года назад +356

    Gaster still has a red eye it seems. Paps isn’t dead yet in this image. But like, what the hell is actually going on here? I don’t know but it looks cool so I’m down for it.

    • @pls69ksubs65
      @pls69ksubs65 4 года назад +6

      He has red eye not orange eye. If papyrus was alive his eye would be lil more orange. Now it seems that he has determination

    • @LoretaBunny
      @LoretaBunny 4 года назад +30

      @@pls69ksubs65 If Sans and Papyrus die, He'll get purple eye (in case you don't know)

    • @peanot417
      @peanot417 4 года назад +15

      @@pls69ksubs65 His eye has never been orange, in gt papy's colour has always been red

    • @nobody.3120
      @nobody.3120 4 года назад +8

      @@pls69ksubs65 And I don't know if you remember, at the end of Game Over when he opened his eyes and he had a Red Eye, Pap was still alive-

    • @tursol6805
      @tursol6805 4 года назад +12

      Papy is alive for sure ascension is after eternal sleep that means he is angry that sans died again but this time he died infront of him hes on rage mode

  • @rivaldo4521
    @rivaldo4521 4 года назад +759

    *Gaster goes to the arena*
    *Sees Asgore almost dead*
    Gaster: I retire for what, like 5 minutes, and it all goes to sh*t

    • @krimsontheloser6252
      @krimsontheloser6252 4 года назад +27

      We need people like you to put our frowns upside down ♥️

    • @benbradford1066
      @benbradford1066 4 года назад +63

      I can’t turn a frown upside down but I will present you with this random thought...
      None of this would happen if frisk was smart enough to realize a car can’t vanish out of frikin air.
      I now leave to go contemplate child stupidity

    • @jackofalltrades8412
      @jackofalltrades8412 4 года назад +5

      Hawkeye meme very yes take my like

    • @jamieboydyt7357
      @jamieboydyt7357 4 года назад +7

      sans-i have little power
      gaster-watches him fly about 30000 times

    • @rivaldo4521
      @rivaldo4521 4 года назад +15

      @@benbradford1066 none of this would happen if Jessica didnt want to take revenge for her daughter, killing Sans (Gaster's son) :/

  • @monidemonimur
    @monidemonimur 4 года назад +234

    Betty: *kills/exhausts Sans*
    Gaster: Ironically, that must have been your worst mistake yet.
    Also Gaster: *kills Betty*
    Betty: Ironically, that must have been your worst mistake yet.

    • @umbrellazandthangz1539
      @umbrellazandthangz1539 4 года назад +16

      Chara:allow me to introduce myself!

    • @pinkwonderfulcabbage4824
      @pinkwonderfulcabbage4824 4 года назад +10

      If charas dies the timeline won’t erase so chara might die :p

    • @pinkwonderfulcabbage4824
      @pinkwonderfulcabbage4824 4 года назад +2

      Since betty is dead
      AKA the checksum

    • @accuratememin
      @accuratememin 4 года назад +3

      @@umbrellazandthangz1539 dang, beat me to it.

    • @superstardoughball9822
      @superstardoughball9822 3 года назад +3

      @@pinkwonderfulcabbage4824 Yes it will, she barely hung on back in Game over part 1, and that was to stop Asriel. If they die, there is nothing they can do to change anything.

  • @themultiverse1987
    @themultiverse1987 4 года назад +729

    Is it just me or gaster is the one who suffer the most in glitchtale ? 😭

    • @theninthally3772
      @theninthally3772 4 года назад +101

      THE MULTIVERSE - I mean, other than his sons, everyone he loves is dead, and those two are probably dying this episode, so yeah he’s definitely suffered the most.

    • @tursol6805
      @tursol6805 4 года назад +34

      @@theninthally3772 yep there are only 2 left that he loves
      and cares about the others died thats why hes mad and when his sons die too well . . . It wont end good for betty

    • @CJ55981
      @CJ55981 4 года назад +84

      He lost
      His parents
      His siblings
      His best friends
      His older son (twice!)
      He is one of the characters that suffered A LOT.

    • @jackofalltrades8412
      @jackofalltrades8412 4 года назад +95

      He lost:
      Sans (twice)
      His career
      Probably alot of people from the core incident
      His life
      His family after becoming practically nonexistent
      And his sanity

    • @Crosswashere
      @Crosswashere 4 года назад +9

      @@jackofalltrades8412 I felt the sadness from him 😔

  • @blighttale5550
    @blighttale5550 4 года назад +96

    Seems gaster wasn't the only one who ascended... oh boy...

      @SNOOPIELOOPIEDOOOPIE 4 года назад +6

      The bodies are gonna drop along with this beat. Goodluck Chara.

    • @MystMelly_UwU
      @MystMelly_UwU 4 года назад +7

      @@SNOOPIELOOPIEDOOOPIE its time for more death in 3months or so maybe 7

    • @Tablesi
      @Tablesi 4 года назад +3

      More of a strong takeover of a corpse

    • @dinodude6992
      @dinodude6992 4 года назад +2

      Meanwhile ghost: time to do radiant

    • @sheepbow909
      @sheepbow909 3 года назад +1

      68th like
      I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess

  • @Apparently_I_am_everywhere
    @Apparently_I_am_everywhere 4 года назад +44

    My favorite part of the entire song. It goes from calm to intense in a matter of seconds, and I love it.

  • @nobody.3120
    @nobody.3120 4 года назад +510

    Betty: **kills pap**
    Also Betty: Why do I hear boss music?

    • @1yellowfella
      @1yellowfella 4 года назад +20

      actually, I think that it's too obvius now. Like, c'mon, it's Camilla we are talking about, why would she kill someone like this? I can predict that she will kill someone else, maybe even gaster, who th knows...

    • @tursol6805
      @tursol6805 4 года назад +19

      @@1yellowfella she would kill him bc she likes making the viewers suffer

    • @powerthunfischdesdonners3086
      @powerthunfischdesdonners3086 4 года назад +8

      @@tursol6805 trying to kill gaster to break his ever forgiving nature. It would probaly not work,but still.

    • @Magma-Idiot-2001
      @Magma-Idiot-2001 4 года назад +7

      She thought she pissed dis boi off before. Now Ascension will begin the glow of Gaster final special attack, Polychromatism. And if theories are right, Betty won't take control of it with Rhabdophobia this time.

    • @watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346
      @watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346 4 года назад +8

      Nope, betty doesn't kill papyrus yet.
      Notice Gaster's red eye in the picture.

  • @Archive_7802
    @Archive_7802 4 года назад +83

    Remember Avalon? Here’s it’s long-lost relative.

    • @comradethegreat3599
      @comradethegreat3599 4 года назад +11

      *flashbacks to when Kars pulled the mask out of his ass and bamboozled everyone into powering it*

    • @rixmorseekerofdarkness
      @rixmorseekerofdarkness 4 года назад +5

      @@comradethegreat3599 kars?
      you mean like... that kars?
      the pillar man?

    • @comradethegreat3599
      @comradethegreat3599 4 года назад +6

      @@rixmorseekerofdarkness Ayayayayayayayyyy
      I think that answers the question.

    • @rixmorseekerofdarkness
      @rixmorseekerofdarkness 4 года назад +3

      @@comradethegreat3599 *niiiiiiice*

    • @justarandomboi4717
      @justarandomboi4717 4 года назад +3

      Imagine buff sans papyrus gaster doing the pose

  • @mistermaxie6487
    @mistermaxie6487 3 года назад +49

    Betty assumed Gaster was underestimating her, but she couldn't have been more wrong.
    He was overestimating her the entire time.

    • @Goldusfellow343
      @Goldusfellow343 Год назад +2

      Greatly overestimating Betty, she got too cocky and then bit the bullet
      *Which was a 50 cal in this case*

  • @azuratm4147
    @azuratm4147 4 года назад +42

    Anger is terrifying but even more when the person appear calm with it, Gaster is a true exemple of that and Betty earned what she merited. Gaster just finished what sans and everyone else started

  • @frogsnidget_7345
    @frogsnidget_7345 4 года назад +62

    Bette: no you can’t just kill me, I won our last fight
    Gaster: haha chroma attacks go brr

  • @nikro3386
    @nikro3386 4 года назад +32

    "don't mess with a man with out looking at his pass"
    You may never know when they will

  • @justanotherastronautlostin7046
    @justanotherastronautlostin7046 4 года назад +869

    Sans: Died
    Betty Noire: It´s alright ... one down 2 to go
    Gaster: C O M E
    ☝︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ ☼︎♋︎♑︎♏︎ ✋︎■⧫︎♏︎■⬧︎♓︎♐︎♓︎♏︎♎︎

    • @goodnerwusanimations3846
      @goodnerwusanimations3846 4 года назад +131

      the windings say:G︎a︎s︎t︎e︎r︎ R︎a︎g︎e︎ I︎nt︎e︎ns︎i︎f︎i︎e︎d︎

    • @dvd1sk
      @dvd1sk 4 года назад +74

      Y O U W O N ' T E S C A P E T H I S T I M E

    • @sachu0203
      @sachu0203 4 года назад +11

      @@goodnerwusanimations3846 Thank for telling,i wanted to translate it soo badly.

    • @ColdSumisu
      @ColdSumisu 4 года назад +10

      nice man
      ♤☆♧¤◇》☆¿◇ ♡☆♧¤¡

    • @blazelawson3681
      @blazelawson3681 4 года назад +6

      @Alvaro Sanchez What does this say

  • @paul.7288
    @paul.7288 4 года назад +105

    Its about to go down.

    • @bruhzee3931
      @bruhzee3931 4 года назад +1

      Obama Prism hey your in the discord lel

    • @dankybankey6541
      @dankybankey6541 4 года назад

      Thank you Obama prism, very cool

    • @thecube8583
      @thecube8583 4 года назад

      Where is obama cube?

  • @iliketoeatsoap6843
    @iliketoeatsoap6843 4 года назад +17

    "You're the first of your kind, I'll make sure you're the last."
    "Im so tired..."

  • @caseyh.8880
    @caseyh.8880 4 года назад +67

    This is amazing! I’ve got intense chills right now 😂
    Sending tons of encouragement with Eternal Rest, Amella! I’m so sorry that happened but you can do this! Take your time!

  • @privatecabo8400
    @privatecabo8400 4 года назад +45

    1:37 This part it's simply amazingly menacing. Those tones gives me Old West vibes, truly baddas music for someone as gaster, u can really feel that he is done with Betty BS and he is able to solo her and even kill her.

  • @yanliwei9300
    @yanliwei9300 4 года назад +22

    Gaster is one of my favourite characters in Glitchtale. Betty killing Sans a second time just made him go out of his limits.
    Betty: tries to strangle papyrus
    sans: so you have chosen death
    sans: *dies*
    gaster: so you have chosen death

    • @DannySmithson
      @DannySmithson 3 года назад

      Gaster. Passes out
      Papyrus: 👹

  • @human4673
    @human4673 4 года назад +453

    uh... amella's file got corrupted too? god no who will be next

    • @Ranze_Draws
      @Ranze_Draws 4 года назад +8

      it was me i was animating for my AU until a freaking corruption happened

    • @human4673
      @human4673 4 года назад +3

      @@Ranze_Draws i predicted the future

    • @Blueberrehs
      @Blueberrehs 4 года назад +10

      Cami was next. But she only lost a few seconds of animation. About 2 hours worth of animating lost

    • @АртёмКитайчук
      @АртёмКитайчук 4 года назад +1


  • @lav4_ravg319
    @lav4_ravg319 4 года назад +171

    Here is my theory
    Gaster will first meet Betty and starts fighting her for a bit. Later, papyrus and sans is going to help Gaster to fight Betty. Bettys only goal is to go after papyrus because he is the only skeleton that is weak. Gaster and sans will protect papyrus at all cost. After seeing sans and Gaster fight Betty, Betty has a chance to grab papyrus and make him wounded or injured.
    After papyrus was injured by Betty, sans will use all of his power to stop Betty. But what sans is doing is a sacrifice. Sans will protect Gaster and papyrus. But Betty might survive all the Gaster blasters and sans will fade away if he use all of his power.
    Eternal Atake
    Papyrus might bleed out I believe and Gaster might just be by himself to fight Betty with his final form. ( if papyrus makes it then he might be recovering)
    Gaster still has a red eye and the only skeleton that has a red eye is papyrus. Like what I said on eternal atake he might be safe at a random place healing. Gaster fights Betty again by himself and tbh I think Gaster might have a lot of power to kill Betty. But if his eyes are purple, he can do everything by himself with great defense and attack damage to stop Betty
    That’s all I have for this fight. ( I think everything that I said is wrong so yeah correct me if I’m wrong) thanks for reading this but remember it’s just a theory for Glitchtale.

    • @chomik5353
      @chomik5353 4 года назад +9

      That's very good theory!

    • @lav4_ravg319
      @lav4_ravg319 4 года назад +1

      Chomik thanks 😊

    • @lav4_ravg319
      @lav4_ravg319 4 года назад +1

      招秀清 she probably does have plan B to be honest with you 😂

    • @tursol6805
      @tursol6805 4 года назад

      @@lav4_ravg319 ye i had almost the same theory but mine went to the last part of the song

    • @cal_motus332
      @cal_motus332 4 года назад

      I am now even more scared of the next video... Thanks :D

  • @elizawulf8180
    @elizawulf8180 4 года назад +22

    “Demons run when a good man goes to war
    Night will fall and drown the sun
    When a good man goes to war
    Friendship dies and true love lies
    Night will fall and the dark will rise
    When a good man goes to war
    Demons run, but count the cost
    The battle's won, but the child is lost”

  • @DaVideoGameBeastr
    @DaVideoGameBeastr 4 года назад +35

    "You cannot know strength until you are broken." This is a song of anguish and despair. Most people think that by inflicting these on to someone it will be their downfall. And maybe in the long term it will be. But what you must prepare for is the immediate aftermath. You just blew them up, now the debris is hurling towards you. When you take what they love most. You also take their kindness and mercy. Maybe they even hated you before. But now, that person's entire existence is dedicated to make you suffer, as they have suffered. It doesn't matter if it's 30 years later, they will have spent those 30 years preparing to make you beg for mercy. A good example is John Wick. You thought you took away their strength, their will to live. But all you did was increase it. They want to live more than ever, so they can make you pay.

  • @rellelijah1621
    @rellelijah1621 4 года назад +96

    Sans: IM DEAD!
    Also Sans: IM ALIVE!
    Also Also Sans: IM DYING!
    Also Also Sans: IM DEAD!
    Cami: *whips out gun* NO

    • @guncatto2625
      @guncatto2625 3 года назад +5

      Also also also sans: well fuck

    • @Mythos190
      @Mythos190 3 года назад +1

      lAST bReATh sANs PhASE 9829281

  • @graguu
    @graguu 2 года назад +61

    The fact that a series like Glitchtale can come from a small, charming indie game is astounding. I never fail to underestimate the true power of a fandom as strong as this one 😂❤

  • @Korudo1322
    @Korudo1322 4 года назад +590

    Let's just appreciate how Camille got us sans and just killed him in less than 30mins

    • @typicalfella
      @typicalfella 4 года назад +13


    • @knopfir
      @knopfir 4 года назад +13

      less then 5*

    • @aven6150
      @aven6150 4 года назад +5

      Supremely Better Lmao.

    •  4 года назад +3

      It's Camila not Camille

    • @Korudo1322
      @Korudo1322 4 года назад +8

      @ it is I, the great typo

  • @thatkingdomheartsguy9615
    @thatkingdomheartsguy9615 4 года назад +1387

    Seeing the fear in Betty's face as Gaster is giving her the beat down is so satisfying

    • @Ash_6614
      @Ash_6614 4 года назад +80

      Ah yes when the feared becomes the fearful

    • @knopfir
      @knopfir 4 года назад +64

      especially with how gaster doesnt have any expression except for "die." and "AAAAAAAAA"

    • @electroshock1021
      @electroshock1021 4 года назад +29

      honestly, the theme plus the hate being is so intimidating.

    • @paulstelian97
      @paulstelian97 4 года назад +38

      (come? Is he underestimating me?)
      I've beaten you once, I'll do it again.

    • @RasitCRT
      @RasitCRT 4 года назад +6

      yea its satisfying me

  • @rojo_the_proyt2801
    @rojo_the_proyt2801 2 года назад +13

    Gaster reflects the Fans anger in every way, against Betty, against all the things she has done, it is emitted and reflected into Gaster's personality, because he withnessed a lot of deaths, including Sans's and Jessica.
    Gaster is the character that Cami should fear, the perfect character that could kill off every single person if he is insane enough.

  • @godzillafanking1377
    @godzillafanking1377 4 года назад +435

    gaster is filled with...

    • @theninthally3772
      @theninthally3772 4 года назад +42

      Just want to point out, he IS all pissed and all, but he doesn’t actually have HATE in his soul. HATE can much more easily possess a monster soul, so he’d be in much bigger danger if he did have it.
      Not to say he isn’t gonna wreck the shit out of Bete though.

    • @drakath5727
      @drakath5727 4 года назад +24

      More likely he's filled with Animosity then anything, not to mention the fact Gaster's likely gonna use Fusion Chroma Magic on Betty (shorthand: Polychromatism) and give her a taste of Amber's magic to finish the job.

    • @godzillafanking1377
      @godzillafanking1377 4 года назад +2

      @@theninthally3772 i know

    • @godzillafanking1377
      @godzillafanking1377 4 года назад +2

      @@drakath5727 yes i know, but that means papyrus has to die too

    • @arsenelupin5424
      @arsenelupin5424 4 года назад +6

      Godzilla fan king
      This aged.......I’ll leave it for you to decide

  • @theloobisclips4548
    @theloobisclips4548 4 года назад +82

    The day the episode comes out: now I know why the song was so epic yet evil... Gaster goes super Saiyan

    • @squidboi9001
      @squidboi9001 4 года назад +10

      @Tuff Nope, he definitely *ASCENDED* beyond that.

    • @titanictnt7476
      @titanictnt7476 4 года назад +2

      @@squidboi9001 Good one!

    • @squidboi9001
      @squidboi9001 4 года назад

      @@titanictnt7476 Thanks.

  • @adachiplsrailme
    @adachiplsrailme 4 года назад +21

    Who would win?
    A being with incredible power, a monster that has absorbed so much soul magic that is able to kill someone with a single slash from her blade, who's sole purpose is to kill everything it sees so nobody can live in peace.
    One skeleton dad

  • @niplob
    @niplob 4 года назад +50

    This episode was so emotional and thoughtful, I was almost crying. This track is by far my favourite of all glitchtale so far. I LOVE it❤️ My favourite part begins 5:59
    Edit: and 3:20

  • @soundfly8189
    @soundfly8189 4 года назад +214

    "An unholy rage raised up in his head. Thoughts are getting more chaotic with every second of the fight. The last words were said. The last breaths are about to be taken. This is where it all ends. This is where this man will put to the end bloodshed of the monster in front of him. He promised himself to keep in control his rage and hatred. But... this is the day when he and this monster will go straight to hell for what they did!
    For every kill... For every thrill... For King and the Queen... For his friends... in the name of his Son's...
    The man who speaks in hands - will have his final stand. Once and for all!"
    P.s. the most epic music ever made in the history of mankind

    • @ohhyoy2115
      @ohhyoy2115 4 года назад +2

      should have changed "hands" to hand to it will rhyme with "will have his final stand"... but that is just my opinion. btw i enjoyed every second reading this ^.^

    • @sachu0203
      @sachu0203 4 года назад +3


    • @sachu0203
      @sachu0203 4 года назад +1


    • @Yuti640
      @Yuti640 4 года назад +1

      You aren’t wrong
      Because he did put an end to it

    • @ektortheartist
      @ektortheartist 4 года назад +1

      Y'know, he probably isn't dead because papyrus was struck with fear when he saw him die. Let's hope I'm right

  • @loganbatis5573
    @loganbatis5573 4 года назад +16

    I love how Gaster is a broken man, who left all emotion and sanity just to save the ones he loves, this theme is the thing I would imagine gaster feels, badass but emotionless with only intent to kill.

  • @gulexhard
    @gulexhard 4 года назад +12

    0:13 "are you two ok?..."
    1:12 Gaster take his magic back from Papyrus and protect himself and him
    1:54 " *C* *O* *M* *E* "
    2:17 Gaster caught Betty's scythe and counterattacks
    3:23 Gaster released his true power
    Gaster incinerates Betty
    4:08 "GASTER!!!"
    4:30 Gaster kills Betty
    4:59 *HATE* breaks free
    5:18 *HATE* faked Gaster's death
    6:03 Chara save Papyrus and free him from illusion
    6:43 "Then let me show you my Animosity"

  • @sergentesasso7531
    @sergentesasso7531 2 года назад +59

    the fact that gaster killed her in matter of minutes really show how a man without anything is the most powerful thing of all

    • @thebrainnotworkguy2160
      @thebrainnotworkguy2160 Год назад

      2 minutes and 8 seconds

    • @AkiratheMemeLord
      @AkiratheMemeLord 3 месяца назад

      Not a man without anything but a man who lost everything, he saw his son die infront of him he had no more reason to hold back betty killed sans twice and gaster knew what he had to do things wouldnt be the same if gaster was fighting for himself but here its a man who's fighting for the spirit of what he lost, he has became revenge itself

  • @minecraftperson8412
    @minecraftperson8412 Год назад +9

    My Man made a song that sound like a biblical choir run through a synthesizer.
    This is goddamn masterpiece.

    • @SosukeAizen-w7z
      @SosukeAizen-w7z 6 месяцев назад +1

      I listen to this song to help me sleep at night lol

    • @minecraftperson8412
      @minecraftperson8412 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@SosukeAizen-w7z you are that special kind of weird that i can get behind

  • @UltimaD.
    @UltimaD. 4 года назад +76

    4:17 wait a minute this is Epilogue.

    • @lav4_ravg319
      @lav4_ravg319 4 года назад +2

      She has to put all the music in because it couldn’t be just the music by itself for some reason

    • @amellaOfficial
      @amellaOfficial  4 года назад +24

      I've put in small elements of Epilogue, but that's just it. Epilogue will get its own extended version soon!

    • @lav4_ravg319
      @lav4_ravg319 4 года назад +2

      And she put eternal atake also

    • @mariosonicv
      @mariosonicv 4 года назад +1

      Did it come out yet or am I not missing anything yet, love this song

  • @vjdats9126
    @vjdats9126 4 года назад +27

    Jessica's Last words: give her HELL for me
    sans' last words: give her BAD TIME for me
    Gaster's last words before going to fight with all his might:
    I'll make sure you're going to have hell of a bad time

  • @seeker4864
    @seeker4864 2 года назад +120

    I knew this was Gaster's theme at first when I heard how it sounded like.
    Looking back at this, this was truly a masterpiece.
    This was better than Hope. Animosity was truly my favorite episode.

    • @applesauce155
      @applesauce155 2 года назад +3

      Finally someone who agrees

    • @lucasgisc3922
      @lucasgisc3922 2 года назад

      Yep, hope is overrated

    • @vlad_gor_
      @vlad_gor_ 2 года назад +1

      @@lucasgisc3922 by who is it overrated? Actually it is not.

    • @Basil_22
      @Basil_22 2 года назад +3

      @@vlad_gor_ yea glitchtale itself is underrated

    • @SosukeAizen-w7z
      @SosukeAizen-w7z 6 месяцев назад


  • @stephenarts1422
    @stephenarts1422 4 года назад +130

    The part where Bete's hate just bursts out of her(4:58).....

  • @Pete_Ness
    @Pete_Ness 2 года назад +13

    Do not fear the weapon, fear the man who wields the weapon perfectly describes gaster
    Awesome song good job

  • @shemidreamer8701
    @shemidreamer8701 2 года назад +18

    There's nothing you should fear more then someone who has nothing to lose. Especially if their powerful and dangerous

    • @lazyatbeinglazy13
      @lazyatbeinglazy13 Год назад

      The thing that stopped gaster from killing himself was that he DID have something to lose. Well, not killing himself in a suicide way, but in the… over exertion way.

    • @shemidreamer8701
      @shemidreamer8701 Год назад

      @@lazyatbeinglazy13 and that caused hate to survive....

  • @cursedfounder2052
    @cursedfounder2052 4 года назад +80

    "So be it. You want to see hate? Then let me show you my animosity." (I hope you're happy ._.)

    • @maestro7123
      @maestro7123 4 года назад +6

      *Then let me show you my Animosity

    • @cursedfounder2052
      @cursedfounder2052 4 года назад +1

      @@maestro7123 cool but I ain't editing Mr.Nazi

    • @maestro7123
      @maestro7123 4 года назад +2

      @@cursedfounder2052 Mr.Nazi?

    • @cursedfounder2052
      @cursedfounder2052 4 года назад +1

      @@maestro7123 Yes.

    • @maestro7123
      @maestro7123 4 года назад +3

      @@cursedfounder2052 what's "Mr.Nazi"?

  • @PETARDO07
    @PETARDO07 4 года назад +31

    Gaster has absolutely no regrets. This man regrets nothing.

  • @arandomspanishdude3849
    @arandomspanishdude3849 2 месяца назад +3

    Years later, I have came back. I have seen these last years some hate towards glitchtale but I still think It is a good series.
    After all for gods sake It is something you can look for free on youtube, It was one of the best stories I have seen when I was a kid, and the hype I had was incredible.
    But without a doubt, I still think and will always think.
    This is the best song to represent that rage, that rage so deep it changes you, It completely makes you just look with wide eyes silently seeing the person that took everything from you, knowing you have nothing restraining you, knowing you will do anything to make them pay.
    I dont care what they say about the series or Camila, I will never forget how good this song is for that feeling in any media.

  • @reywolf1053
    @reywolf1053 4 года назад +23

    Gaster's rage mode, everyone run
    (I'm so excited to see the next episode)

  • @kanashi6803
    @kanashi6803 4 года назад +387

    Who listens to this after watching Gaster obliterating Betty?

    • @niplob
      @niplob 4 года назад +16


    • @maestro7123
      @maestro7123 4 года назад +13

      Everyone who's watching the Animation.

    • @Tablesi
      @Tablesi 4 года назад +4


    • @ancientbanana2449
      @ancientbanana2449 4 года назад +3

      Like in the bed? PS iam sorry

    • @TheGamer-lh5mh
      @TheGamer-lh5mh 4 года назад +5

      @@ancientbanana2449 But why? Why would you say that?

  • @SmoothWolf
    @SmoothWolf Месяц назад +4

    I don't think people talk enough about how menacing this theme was when Hate woke up. It was absolute peak when put together with all the SFX too

    • @Blair_xWx
      @Blair_xWx 8 дней назад +1

      Best part of the song imho

  • @SunlightCalibur1996
    @SunlightCalibur1996 4 года назад +7

    Glitchtale OST - Ascended (PART: 1): 140 - “I Will Break Myself” - By: Amella (0:00)
    Glitchtale OST - Ascended (PART: 2): 140 - “Ascension” - By: Amella (1:12)
    Glitchtale OST - Ascended (PART: 3): 140 - “Epilogue” - By: Amella (4:08)
    Glitchtale OST - Ascended (PART: 4): 140 - “A Second Threat” - By: Amella (4:52)

  • @TheArgentinianStealer
    @TheArgentinianStealer 4 года назад +20

    As our man gaster said one's: "You think you're scary?You know NOTHING of fear"

  • @DanKisaragi
    @DanKisaragi 4 года назад +13

    4:58 Man, this part is... DAMN, SO GOOD

  • @deadshotsx6015
    @deadshotsx6015 4 года назад +37

    I feel like an ant when listening to this.

    • @amellaOfficial
      @amellaOfficial  4 года назад +4

    • @sulzh
      @sulzh 4 года назад

      uh why an ant from all the animals

    • @serg1319
      @serg1319 2 года назад

      @@amellaOfficial heya, it's been a while but could you please give lyrics? i'm curious what are the words

  • @itsVooshi
    @itsVooshi 4 года назад +31

    Amella. you and Camila were made for eachother.
    this music and her animations-
    nothing describes how epic it is

  • @sutarte9527
    @sutarte9527 4 года назад +62

    The fear of losing,
    The anger of failing
    The pain of death
    Nothing to lose
    Nothing to claim
    Nothing to get
    Nothing to earn
    Nothing to server

  • @notazombie...notatall8577
    @notazombie...notatall8577 4 года назад +36

    **Betty legs ripped off flashbacks.**
    By the way i forgot, this song is absolutly amazing

  • @samtoads9804
    @samtoads9804 4 года назад +12

    Damn both parts of the song fit the theme and character they were played to. I love the second half more that the first because of how menacing it sounds. It definitely fits the true form of the black beast. You did an amazing job.

  • @dingz963
    @dingz963 3 года назад +11

    1:36 is just amazing, just the way it sounds give me chills

  • @MrNexis3
    @MrNexis3 4 года назад +8

    I KNEW IT. I knew the finale of the original ascension was going to be replaced by this extended version. And it made it SO MUCH BETTER.

  • @Nintadso
    @Nintadso 4 года назад +15


  • @plooferofficial
    @plooferofficial 4 года назад +5

    What i love about this moment is that Gaster doesn't care anymore. He knows Papyrus is probably going to die. Sans died once again, he saw his son die infront of him. Gaster at this part of the moment will do everything to make Betty suffer just like he suffered.
    *Gaster is a true war machine.*

  • @Zaandik
    @Zaandik 4 года назад +22

    Gaster be like: *beep beep your qualifications to live has ended*

    • @jasonrabideau3919
      @jasonrabideau3919 Месяц назад

      *we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty*

  • @Aus1
    @Aus1 3 года назад +6

    His power is unnatural...
    His pain seethes through his words...
    He does not beseech for mercy, but instead for vengeance...
    A man feared most, is a man who has nothing left to lose...

  • @labgoat6787
    @labgoat6787 4 года назад +17

    This scene wasn’t Gaster fighting.
    He was *E X E C U T I N G .*

  • @ivxn9491
    @ivxn9491 4 года назад +9

    I love the part of the minute 5:42, good work, amella!!

    • @fallenking3417
      @fallenking3417 2 года назад +1

      Me too
      It gives me the feel of real pain and monster

  • @pedrocasademunt4465
    @pedrocasademunt4465 4 года назад +14

    The scene used for this theme was amazing, and epic.
    Very epic.

    • @jamieboydyt7357
      @jamieboydyt7357 4 года назад

      ironically. this was your biggest mistake yet

    • @olaas647
      @olaas647 4 года назад

      @@jamieboydyt7357 im glad that betty is dead tho

    • @jamieboydyt7357
      @jamieboydyt7357 4 года назад +1

      @@olaas647 same lol

  • @jonasgrant
    @jonasgrant 3 года назад +13

    I think I understand what makes Gaster so scary. He isn't innately powerful; unlike like Frisk, Asriel and Chara, every power and ability he has, he created, with a mix of magic and technology, through discipline and mastery. Reminds me of the Zuko vs Azula fight, talent vs hard work.

  • @Krex1
    @Krex1 4 года назад +7

    Bro the picture at 1:15 makes me actually super hype for the fight
    btw this is my favorite song so far because of the mysteriousness in it and how all the beats just go crazy at some points

  • @EnderKingDubs
    @EnderKingDubs 4 года назад +11

    Many will pay the calm, composed, and quiet man no mind.
    That is... Until you make him snap. Then there will be Hell to pay, for he is more terrifying than anyone who is quick to anger.
    He won't just hurt you, he will make you broken like him. For when he is not angry, he is always watching, always learning; and when his anger is unleashed, he will use everything he knows to destroy you. Avoid those who seek to make the calm man break. For they will feel his wrath, and if you aren't careful, you may be next.

  • @lightice9275
    @lightice9275 4 года назад +4

    "So be it. You want to see HATE? Then let me show you my Animosity."
    -Chara in Glitchtale Season 2: Episode 8

  • @samdersomwilliam2480
    @samdersomwilliam2480 4 года назад +31


    • @ilvrxy
      @ilvrxy 4 года назад +7

      *rips betty in half*

  • @RoyalGuardNo17
    @RoyalGuardNo17 4 года назад +23

    First of all F. Second of all, the artwork here shows quite a lot of pink. Gaster’s magic is Chroma Magic which can copy or imitate soul powers. Does anyone suppose that Gaster can copy Betty’s magic? Because that would be awesome- to give her a bit of her own medicine. Also- definitely one of my favourite soundtracks. It relays a feeling of empty anger. Like there’s nothing left, but the anger and the vengeance.

    • @ioanavornicita2021
      @ioanavornicita2021 4 года назад +6

      That would be cool but i dont think so. If it would the colour wouldn't be pink, it would be dark orange (the original colour of fear). Betty's magic is pink because of the spell that was used
      Idk tho

    • @kryyto6587
      @kryyto6587 4 года назад +2

      I also think that Gaster could maybe mimic the soul of fear with his Chroma Magic, could be awesome !

    • @ДмитрийРубежов-э1б
      @ДмитрийРубежов-э1б 4 года назад +3

      I will explain something for the people who didn't understand:
      When both sons are alive - Blue and red eyes [1/3] [Monotone]
      When one son is dead - Red eye [2/3] [Duality]
      When both of sons are dead/One son is dead and Gaster absorbs magic from other son soul - Purple eyes [3/3] [Polychromatism].
      And absorbing magic from other son when son is dead is dangerous to both of them [We saw that in Animosity]

  • @fnafmasterof
    @fnafmasterof 3 года назад +6

    “The only thing scarier than a man who has nothing left to lose, is a man who has just lost everything”

  • @JaoChurrasqueiro
    @JaoChurrasqueiro 4 года назад +15

    I will miss it when the epilogue had megalovania at the end :3
    (And F for file)