видео.html By reading all the bullshit people write in the comment section it is very clear that they don“t listen. I never said anyone should change their etnicity. My opinion that I talk about is that on PAPER as I said we would all be Bosnian (Bosnia and Hercegovinian for all the butthurt hercegovinian people) that. This way the country would be able to function more normal with one president and one pasport and ofcourse ONE country. Apperantly people rather keep hating eachother seperatly and keep their little islands instead of work together to make life better for everyone...... but hey whatever pleases you guys ;)видео.html
Nationalism ruined the Balkan region. People should realize serbs, croats bosniaks are the same people only difference is religion, and by religion you get some difference in culture. Other than that we all have same food culture, culture at home, love for sports etc. Need politics and people that are for Unity and Brotherhood and not hate on each other.
Man, I am a Serb born in BiH, my father was born in Yugoslavian Serbia, same as my grandfather. But, his father was born in Bosnia in Kingdom of Yugoslavia and that’s the thing, Serbians were never, as you said, moved to Bosnia. They lived there for centuries, what actually happened is that once Tito came to power after the war, he offered land to them in Serbia, mainly in Vojvodina, so lots of Serbs from Bosnia moved there and got that land in exchange for land in Bosnia.
you can't be "politically" from somewhere, where you were born, where your parents, grandparents, etc were all born describe your ethnicity. Politics dont decide place of birth.
I think Bosnia is the only country where religion determinate your nationality and it's crazy. The fact that I'm bosninan doesn't make me a worse orthodox. Pozdrav
Not only, for example in Iraq the religion (Shia or Sunni muslim) is used more frequently used to describe identity then their ethnicity (of course kurds are exception here).
@@TheBosnianboy19 while we talk and people fight about those stupid things the politicians are putting billions of dollars in their own pockets and laugh about us ...
Upravo tako. Crkva i država (odnosno šerijat) su u većini država odavno razdvojeni ali ljudi ovde to povezuju sa religijom. Na kraju krajeva ako baš hoće po vjeri, nacionalnost igra apsolutno nikakvu ulogu u tvom odnosu sa Bogom
Man! I'm a typical Brazilian (mix of european, african and amerindian people). I understand you when you say 'we all are Bosnians!'. In south of Brazil, some people say 'I'm Brazilian but with blablabla roots'. But they're Brazilians! When traveling abroad we can recognise eachother by far! We're already the same! I've been (also) in Mostar for vacation last year and I loved it! Be proud of your country and for being from Balkans! Shall God bless you!
When I visited Republic of Srpska, there was no Bosnian flags at all, in the shops in tribinje they were selling Serbian Football shirts and flags. The two war memorials there were both for Serbian Soldiers and had the Serbian flag flying.. But I technically still visited Bosnia though right?
MRslavic Yes I know! I was hoping to buy a Bosnian Football Shirt and I couldn't comprehend why and after I did some research and I realized. At the border from Montenegro, it said welcome to the Republic of Srpska which confused me, and the only Bosnian flag I saw was at the border. The town was beautiful!
@@mattfelton2283 the biggest Problem with Republic of Srpska is the fact that politically it will always try to break off and officially join Serbia, most citizens in Serbia pay very little attention to our neighbour Bosnia, because we don't have an issue with them, right now we are still all trying to come to terms with Albania, and whether we should or should not join the EU However Republic of Srpska will always be a problem for Bosnians because of religious reasons, you see it's the if you so choose to call it "Orthodox Christian part of Bosnia" Now I myself am Serbian from Republic of Srpska but my parents moved to Serbia for simplicity sake. And to be honest there wouldn't really be a war if Bosnia kind of you know? "Annexed" it because any Serbian from Bosnia that doesn't feel good there can and should move to Serbia, and yes I agree that it's honesty so stupid not calling all people in Bosnia "Bosnians". But in the end of the day my friend you have to realise these are the Balkans, there will NEVER be true peace and love on the Balkans, because most of us are Slavs, and it's known that Slavs have very little tolerance towards other Slavs.
@@DinoK how does it not make sense? If kosovo wants to be independent, republica serbia needs to be it to. If i say i am bosnian people think i am a muslim so yea there is your answer i dont want to be called a muslims thats why people from republica serbia call themselfs serbian
John Markov There was literally mosques and Orthodox and Catholic churches very close to each other! With no problem! It's people like you my friend who live in the past and will stop your countries from growing!
Eeeeeeh if you are a Serbian born in Bosnia you're A Bosnian citizen, but still a Serbian. Your national Identity has more to o with how you feel thatn where you live. That's how you have Italians in Istria with last name Martincic and a Croat with the last name Špada( from Italian word spada). The Town of Peroj has mostly Montenegrian that came there after the great plagues. I agree that Splitting Nations by religion is Crazy, But at this point it's something unrevertable. Be it in Bosnia, be it between Armenia and Azerbaijan aand Cyprus
Not Serbian but Serb. Serbian is the term used for people which inhabit the state of Serbia and belong to that country by law. Serb on the other hand is the term used for the serbian ethnicity. It's just like in Bosnia where everybody born in Bosnia is by nationality a Bosnian (a bosnian national), but when it comes to ethnicity you may have Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Ukrainians, Russians, and so on.
@@yolson2376 totalno pogresno tumacenje na kraju. Naravno srbin u bosni je srbin a ne srbijanac(termin koji determinise geografsko porijeklo nekog u vecini slucajeva srbina) sta ti navodis je glupost ako se rodis u bosni onda si po nacionalnosti bosanac.... glupost bosna je drzava bosanaca (ime ljudi koji zive tu isto kao srbijanac, crnogorac....) nacionalnost je jedna srbin i manjine e sad ovi drugi sto ne priznaju da su srbi koji nisu pravoslavne vijere njihov problemi zato oni srbi katolici se deklarisu kao hrvati po naciji(nacija ili etnos je isto zato nemoj da mijesas ili vrsis razdvajanja....) oni pravoslavbi se ne odricu srpstva a ovi u islamu su odvaceni i od jednih i od drugih gore navedenih i sad tragaju i izmisljaju svoj identitet (jezik, kulturu i td). Jer npr prvo su rekli da je njihov jezik bosnjacki pa su vrsili pritisak na skole u rs da im se pise tako njihov "maternji" jezik i tako u srbiji i u cg... a sad novo hoce da se zove Bosanski koje gluposti sto govori o ociglednom poremecenom nekom njihovom cilju...
Well there is an option for the people considering themselves to be serbian, croatian or turkish, just move in Serbia, Croatia and Turkey and leave Bosnia to the bosnians... easy peasy
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb. Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false. I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
Unfortunately, he is right, since even the Constitution of BiH reffers to our people as Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats , and the Others. Not to mention the ridicoulous fact that Constitution doesn't even recognize the term "Bosnians". Not to say that you also have constitutions of both entities, district, cantons that are in collision with each other about these things. I share your opinion on how things should be named and done, but Dayton agreement, which is probably the most unsuccessful political experiment ever, only made things worse and confusing.
Umm... I'm a Serb in the Republic of Srpska, and I've never met a Serb from Serbia that doesn't like us. I mean, when I was younger, I went to Serbia with my school, and some other kids thought that I was Bosnian, and I had to explain to them that I live in a Serbian part of Bosnia. But except from that, everyone else just acknowledges us as Serbs...
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb. Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false. I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
Defsuz If you’re a Serb born in Bosnia you’re a Bosnian Serb, but that doesn’t make you any less of a Serb because of that. Muslim Bosnians are Bosniaks, with a “k”. Bosnians = Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniaks, basically anyone born in Bosnia.
That is what I am saying all this time, I agree with you. Problem IS that too much Serbs and Croats from Bosnia won´t recognize Bosnia as their country, I know. But problem also IS, when Bosniaks try to take away ethnic identity of these Serbs and Croats. When you read the comments down here, most of them deny these Serbs their ethnic identity, they say "you are a orthodox Bosnian, not a Serb or catholic Bosnian, not a Croat" How do these Serbs and Croats react? By denying Bosnia completely, claiming to be a part of Croatia or Serbia because the country they live in/the people who represent the majority of this country deny their identity. Look what happened to Serbs in WW2 in Bosnia and Hercegovia, they got massacred by the hundreds of thousands, their identity was denied, tried to be erased. Look what happened to Bosniaks in the Bosnian war in the ´90s.. their identity tried to be erased! We should accept each others ethnicities. It´s OK to be Serb, Croat or Bosniak in Bosnia and Hercegovina. When we learn to respect each others ethnicities, Bosnia will be a much better place. I believe then these Serbs and Croats who have the freedom to call themself Serb and Croat will start calling themself also Bosnian, because they will feel at home to be Serb and Croat inside their Bosnian home.
@Defsuz prvo ja kao srbin imam svoj jezik i ne moram kotistiti engleski tebi koji znas sta ti pisem. Drugo nema to nikakve veze sa tradicijom i to je kardinalna greska sto pricas jer to ti moze progutati neko ko ne zna svoje korijene . Ja sam rodjen u Zvorniku 1990 godine. Dakle tadasnja SFRJ, i prije raspada te usrane vise jugoslavije srbi i dugi narodi u BiH su se slagali cak su pred rat protestvovali i vezivali zastavu jednu za drugu kako nece da se razdvoje od Jugoslavije. Ali to sto ti pricas je notorna glupost. Jer ako si rodjen nedje ne znaci da ti je to nacija jer ti tako druze vrijedjas npr albance u cenoj gori jer oni su albanci a ne crnogorci ili pak iste u grckoj i makedoniji i srbiji. To sto muslimani u BiH mastaju o svojoj i samo njihovoj drzavi je smijesno i zalosno cak da svaki gradjanin koji nije musliman i koji se deklarise kao srbin i da izadje nedje iz bosne bosna opet ce biti drzava srba ali srba islamske vijere i muslimanskih imena.... dakle kad smo stigli do sustine evo ja sam ti samim uvodom se predstavio dje sam a moje ime i prezime mozes viditi tako da ti to moze da bude kao fakt da se ja ne bojim ovoga sto pricam, a pricam istinu. Ja znam svoje porijeklo i odakle sam dosao , ustvari nisam nidje ni bio izvan bosne jer moji su dosli od ozren planine a drugi dio Vukotica je otisao u crnu goru i ja znam sve do tad svoje pretke djedove i pradjedove da navedem. Brat mog pradjeda je poginuo na sutjesci kao partizan. Sto dalje govori da je stitio zemlju od uljeza u 2 svjetskom ratu a vecina muslimana je bila u handzar diviziji a za hrvate da ne govorim.. idemo dalje. Moji preci su drzali i cuvali obraz kao sto i ja danas cinim. U ovom proteklom ratu moj otac pokojni je branio zarobljene muslimane u zvorniku. A sto se tice tih odrednica nacionalnosti i sl. U 19vijeku pocinju se radjati moderne nacije (novo konponovane) tako da pored narodnosti ima i ta nacionalnost. Moja narodnost je sloven (ili slavic) nacija srbin. Znaci ako se ja rodim u bosni ja nisam po naciji bosanac jer bosanac je geografska odrednica a ne nacionalna, to je uobicajen naziv koji koriste narodi na balkanu jer drugi iz vana misle da je to nacija pa onda sole pamet. Cekam da proglase i naziv srbijanac za naciju i sve sam vidio...
@Defsuz e brate u tome je problem nemaju mualimani u bosni nikog ko sto ti kazes jednostavno srbi tu zive i hrvati i to sto kazes "mi imamo u bosni", bosna je drzava 3 naroda (a gledajuci kroz istoriju samo jedne nacije, ali trenutno stanje je da svako zeli da istakne neku svoju pripadnost i ima pravo). Cinjenica je da su i srbi i muslimani(bosnjaci) i hrvati 3 konstitutivna naroda koja imaju jednako pravo u bosni bez obzira koliko koga ima. Jer realno stanje je nesto drugo. Naravno ako je otac musliman(bosnjak) a majka srpkinja dijeca su po nekom patrijalhalnom defoultu ono sto i otac osim ako otac i majka dogovorom odluce da im dijeca budu npr jugosloveni. Termin Bosanac/Bosanka je naziv za stanovnika iz te teritorije koju ta drzava uzima nema veze sa nacijom, taj termin je pokusao da pretvori u naciju Benjamin Kalaj u interesu imperijalistickih ciljeva austro ugarske monarhije i to se provlaci i dan danas kod nekih Bosnjaka koji ne znaju svoje korijenje ili ekstremiste. I evo npr da vidis misljenje srbina. Npr za vrijems rata svi misle da srbi vole Arkana, a to nije tacno srbi u Bosni nisu volili arkana jer je bio nitkov i kriminalac a ne patriota kako se predstavljao krao je dje je stigo i samaro regularnu vojsku i uzimo njihova sledovanja(u cigarama hrani odjeci obuci naoruzanju i sl. I posle prodavao)Samo srbi koji su glupi i koji ne znaju da razmisljaju njega vole jer kao on je nesto oslobodio oslobodio je moj k srbi mijestani sami su osobadjali. A sto se tice ratne slike kod srba tad je bila npr ovako odu osvoje neku teritoriju i komanda javi povlaci se i oni predaju osvojeno a npr za neke cuke koje nisu imali vaznost lezali su i po snijegu u rovovima i dijelili sa muslimanima sa dr strane cigare hranu i pice ko je sta imo (sto je npr apsurd rata). Dakle ja sam srbin bosanac i moja je drzava bosna kao svakog drugog ko je se rodio u njoj, moji preci su generacijama bili tu i imamo svoje groblje uvijek amo u miru zivili sa muslimanima i dan danas se pomazemo ali problem su ekstremi sa obe strane jer taj zavad pravi samo covijek koji ne zna da rasudi nasijednd. U mom mijestu se desilo da je neki srbin ubio srbina o okrivio muslimana i ovi su znali da taj musliman nije jer je posten covijek i ispitivali su ga i otkrili... mi u bosni ne trebamo da pratimo ko je sta nego ko je kakav jer brate npr cijena brasna raste a plate stoje to govori da nas sisaju na sve strane jer nam prodaju price preko tv tobos bakir napada dodika i ovaj njega a odu u knez mihajlovu i jedu i piju zajedno
Sorry, but I am catholic Croatian from Hercegovina. It can never be possible for me, when some People says to me, that I am a Bosniak. It doesnt matter where I am born. My blood is Croatian. And my name is not Huso or Haso. My Name is Stipe, it's not a Bosniakish Name. Only that you know.
Tako je, ne razumijem kako oni misle da smo mi Srbi, ili vi Hrvati Bosanci kad su nam familije srpske ili hrvatske a ne bosanske. Samo sto imas drzavljanstvo BiH ne znaci da si Bosanac odnosno Bosnjak. Etnicki si Srbin ili Hrvat.
Turkey smuggled weapons Into our country To help us But they tries to bring us help and units but greece and bulgaria And macedonia didnt allow us to bring Units into Bosnia
Firstly, I want to thank MRslavic for this video which hopefully produces mature dialogue between people. As MRslavic corrected "Barby" on several points which he did not agree with, we have to apply the same logic and scrutiny with his opinions and thoughts as he unfortunately used next to no sources. Only expecting the audience to rely on his corrections as being the truth, and this for simply being a native Bosnian himself. Speaking about Bosnian's it is correct that everyone are Bosnian by nationality but a significant distinguishment is required when you are talking about ethnic groups. Simply referring to it as a "bad thing" which some would agree does not per se make it a true statement. It is almost as naive as saying just because a child, for example was born in England to Somalian parents makes him English. Again yes by nationality, ethnically no. Did Hitler think the German born Jews were ethnic German? I think you see where this is going. I also find it ironic how Bosnian Muslims or "Bosnjaks" almost demand the other entities to refer to themselves as Bosnian, but by the same token I am yet to witness a "Bosnjak" living in Serbia, referring to himself as Serbian. Unfortunately, I guess we as humans will never learn, that we are all the same and just because we happened to be born in a different places, believing in different teachings, traditions and so on would produce so much unnecessary negative history. Perhaps, one day we will learn, but then it might be too late for other reasons. Peace and greetings from Sweden.
If you are born in Serbia but are a muslim you are basically a Serbian muslim or if you are born in Croatia.Its the same with catholich and orthodox in Bosnia if you are born in Bosnia you are a Bosnian catholic or orthodox because religion doesnt shape your ethnicity.
@@mtrb5072 ethnicity and nationality are different things. Nationality is determined by your citizenship or where you live and ethnicity by your genetics and culture. So yes serbs in bosnia are bosnians by nationality but not ethnically bosniak.
Slavicu, Ethnicity and Nationality isn't the same. Both Croats and Serbs have lived and still live in Bosnia since centuries, there is only a minority of them who are originally from today's Serbia or Croatia. Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats (the one's that live in Bosnia obviously) are all BOSNIAN, since they are born and raised in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
@@DinoK There are more money stealers when you have 3 presidents so it makes sense to have 3 presidents, I am not sure why here there aren't like 7 presidents yet
i know i gonna get killed but... (Even Barbie said it) but Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Montenegrin are technicly the same people... just devided by Religion and for historical reasons
+MRslavic do you think that Yugoslavia should've just called everyone Yugoslav and enforce a Yugoslav culture since the only difference is in religion like it is in modern day Bosnia,I see Bosnia as a smaller Yugoslavia and I don't think I'm wrong in that,Catholic Yugoslavs Orthodox Yugoslavs and Muslim Yugoslavs
The information you provided is something you don’t receive from research. You have to actually talk with Bosnian’s who have been there through all that, because WiKi and other websites don’t tell the whole story, Jos jedan dobar video u svakom slucaju, lep posao.
I think barbs still tried his best tho since he was very willing to hear inside information from the locals. And i agree with dinos points too so...this whole war bs all started because of serbian propaganda anyway. Also its important to note that croats or bosnians did attack the serbs too in like ww2 by collaborating with the nazis so in a way the three people groups are all at fault which complicates the matter more. But the fact that someone did something to you doesnt justify revenge cause see how the war has done to all these former yugoslavia regions.
13:08 THANK YOU! As someone from Bosnia i hate it when someone describes Turkey as an protector of Bosnia. Even when i ask my family what was the great help Turkey gave us durning the war, thay just say they helped us. Iran was a tremendous help and few people in Bosnia i know, know the fact.
Don't forget Austria, where thousands of Bosnians found their new home after they fled the country during the war. Austria gave them shelter and accepted them while Turkey was watching behind the scenes. Also when it comes to foreign investment in Bosnia after the war, Austria is one of the highest investing countries in that regard, while Turkey barely makes the top10. And Turkey is probably investing mainly in mosques and islamic centers, places I'd rather see declining than raising to be honest !!
Its actualy simple If you are russian and you move to china(for example)and in few years you become father Will you let your son forget he has russian origins and let himself reffer as chinese while he has nothing with chinese ppl but paper
well that depends on the culture... I'm Chinese American... like I'm a US citizen so I can say I'm American, and I *shouldn't* be treated any less American than other white or black people in America. This is because America is an immigrant country (well Native Americans have lived there for a long time already but white people from Europe came and basically told them to fuck off... that is a long story for another day), so if you're born in that country you're American regardless of your ancestors, but you know racism and that is complicated in America... China on the other hand is different. If your parents are not Chinese doesn't matter if you're born or raised here and have citizenship, you're still from where your parents are from and you wouldn't call yourself "Chinese"...
@@xx22best77 Well you cant use America as comparison because no one from America is really true American except natives, but white people from America still like to give themselves that title because they conquered that land and killed 97% of natives and on the other hand you have Balkans where history of ruling is totally complicated,in Bosnia you had serb majority until 1st world war where Croatians and Bosnian muslims joined the central powers(Germany,Austria-Hungary Ottoman empire and Bulgaria)and on the other sides Serbs were with Great Britain Russia France and USA,after world war 1 serbia instead of taking most of Serbian populated areas in croatia and bosnia created a Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians(Idea of Bosnia being a wasnt invented yet)then world war 2 kicked in where once again croats sided with germany and created their own independent state bosnian muslims were divided in partisans(communists) and ss hanjar(fascists) when world war 2 ended huge atrocities on bosnian serbs resulted in serbs being minority in bosnia and after the fall of yugoslavia in 90s bosnia was created and serbian minority was trapped in that country so no wonder they dont feel like bosnians but they feel like serbs you cant compare them with america which was just new continent populated by every race
Im A Bosniak and agree with every you said accept about Turkey, Turkey actively supported the Bosnian Muslims.[15] It assisted Iran with smuggling arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[6] The Turkish line included arms and money also from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Brunei and Pakistan.[6] Turkish private individuals and groups financially supported the Bosnian Muslims, and some hundreds of Turks joined as volunteers.[16] Greatest private aid came from Islamist groups, such as the Refah Party and IHH.[16] As a NATO member, Turkey supported and participated in NATO operations, including sending 18 F-16 planes.[15] It was the first of the member countries to call for military intervention, and backed all US calls for engagement, and strongly supported air strikes.[15] It has been noted though, that financial aid from the Turkish government was minimal.[17]
Which countries gave thousands of bosnian refugees shelter during war ? Answer: Not Turkey Which countries invested the most in Bosnia after the war ? Answer: Turkey barely makes the Top10 in that regard. The most friendly countries for Bosnia during and after the war were Austria, Germany and the scandinavian countries (above all of them Sweden).
5:36 Yeah, but they would be ethnically Serb. I get what you're saying; religion and nationality should be kept separate but that doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between ethnicity and nationality. I was born in Australia but my family's Serbian so I'm an Australian Serb. I don't refer to myself as simply Australian (actually, nobody in Australia really refers to themselves as Australian unless they're Anglo, they just introduce themselves with their ethnicity) because that's only the culture that I was educated in, not the one that I grew up in. If that makes any sense. On paper I'm Australian, but my name and blood is Serbian. But that's the west, it's much more complicated in Bosnia. In the context of ex-Yugoslavia; my family's Serb from Bosnia. I've always been confused as to why we don't just refer to ourselves as Bosnians since we've most likely lived there for centuries. When you think about it, Bosnian Serbs are basically Bosnians that are Orthodox but due to nationalism, they tie themselves to Serbia; just like Bosnians that are Catholic tie themselves to Croatia. It is the Balkans so everything has to be 10x complicated. From personal experience, a lot of Serbs in Australia that are from Bosnia (basically every Serb living here) don't like to introduce themselves as Bosnian cause they think that people will assume that they are Muslim since most people surprisingly don't know the difference between a Bosniak and a Bosnian. It all comes down to pride and war wounds.
I've been watching Geography Now! videos for years now and it was great to see someone from the country of one of the videos actually talk about their opinions on the video. You added a lot of context that Geography Now! videos don't generally have the time to add as they're just overviews. As the Bosnia & Herzegovina episode was many years ago when the channel was young I'm not sure how many people from the country he had helping him with this video, but generally he calls out for any viewers of the channel to help with research for the countries he's about to produce videos on. Of course he does his own online research on top of this but he tries to get things backed up by the viewers from that country. He then also has a video out a few days later where he talks about the flag and then opens fan mail, and in that video he starts off by talking about the things he got wrong in the original video. So if he got a former President's name wrong or used the wrong photo or even something bigger like mixed up the relations with neighbouring countries he apologies for it.
Just introduced myself to your video today. I thank you so much because of so many reasons, however I cannot start listing all the reasons as I will end up writing a book here. I do want to say to whoever sees my comment to know that there still are Serbs, Croats, Bosnians who never wanted this war to happen because we all were part of Jugoslavia and plenty of them were at peace amongst eachother ( even the Gypsies). Many of us shared what we had to make each day a better one than yesterday and so one house grew potato and onions, the other neighbor had flour for bread, the other had sugar to make cookies, the other milk for yogurt, like I can go on and on. I was born here and am 47 y/o now and only visited Bosnia ( Bugojno) from 1979-1981....I was there when Tito died. Although I was young and not born there, my feelings always remained of the tears all nationalities and religions were so devastated. They looked at their neighbors and cried that something may happen soon and they will be forced to seperate from what they considered their home with all types of families that were their neighbors. Even my mom had a best friend named Zopra from Montenegro before the way existed and Zora was acting like a terrorist and the one day my mom couldn't take it anymoreand gave her own opinion that if she is thinking like this than she mustalso feel some type of wat to my mom. After my mom spoke her peace, Zora never came over, invited us over, and didn't speak to my mom unfortunately few months before Zora died. My mom held on to that fucked up feeling that she lost a friend because she was all for war. It's just really fucked up anyone has to live in such hatred, jealousy, greed. i want to go next year but I need help going back to where my mom and dad was born, and where in Bosnia are the poorest people because I need to be with them to help in any way I can. I asked some family members to please help me find the areas I remember as a kid so I can see what it looks like now but it seems they don't even want to discuss it because they never reply and I am really upset, like all my relatives are there, my mom and dad have passed away and I just have the need to see something after all these years and where these poor people are so I can start from now asking for donations and just bring all that there da podjelim. I am subscribing to your channel in hopes your other videos are informative as this one, and I hope and pray we all of any race or nationality can love each other with a pure heart and live in peace ang growth of human beings. Jesam ti rekla da cu pisati knjigu ovde??? eh pa (j)ebiga lmao..... molim da se cujem od tebi mozda live jednog dana, da ti kazem gde su mjeste sto trazim jer niko u familiju moju tamo is replying, and it is extremely frustrating.. Hvala may you live a life of health happinnes and love.
A LOT of people here are confused about NATIONALITY and ETHNICITY….People that are from the SAME NATION have the same NATIONALITY no matter their ethnicity….People of the SAME ETHNICITY come from the same Heritage no matter the Country they live in….DINO IS SIMPLY SAYING: Even though people come from the same Heritage they SHARE a LAND when you are from the same Country and Unity/Pride for the land you live on IS WORTH being PROUD of and keeping peaceful NO MATTER your Heritage.. The idea PRIORITIZING PEACE and UNITY by celebrating what people have in Common VERSUS PRIORITIZING FIGHTING and WAR to celebrate the Egos of HERITAGE and LEADERS…. Some times suffering is so common the idea of change is radical.
okay Im bit late on this video.. ancestors are what keeps herzegovian people believe they are Croatians, aswell the fact that most of the people there were actually born in Croatian maternity hospitals... Also you cant say serbain is same language as croatian and otherwise. They have similar or same words but rules in the actual language are not applied in both of them. its not the same like German and Austrian thing. ethnicity in BiH decides your nationality. BiH is still federal state, so thats why. Balkan is not ruined. One thing that hold us tougether is tradition and way of thinking. I am not sure but I think Balkan is the only part of the world which successfuly supresses western politic and keeps some of our own believes. I saw some comments that bosnian,serbs and croats are same people. you cant say that as well. we have long history and different one. We live as neighbours very long time but aint same. Religion in history is ignite for culture progress, so its obvious why Bosnia prefers Turkey. Islam is backed up by big Islamic country. Same goes for Serbs who praise Russia brotherhood more than one with Croatia. Croatia became for USA by being part of EU and NATO. So yeah, our belives are rooted by our culture, which is connected with our ancestors and religion. MRslavic I like your approch of thinking, but its federation and they have every right to say they are croats or serbs. You can change nationality but you cant change ethnicity. I would like to have open discussion with arguments, and not fuck you and things like that. Aswell I think most of the hate between Serbia Croatia and BiH comes because of political issues in all of those countries. People are done with dipshit which they get on daily bases from diplomacy. I can gurentee that after hour of talking they would end up huging and drinking tougether. We are not the same but Im pretty sure that we all have same passion about sport and drinking, aswell we apricciate friendships on whole another level than USA(I have been there so I think have right to say that). We enjoy same music and have same humor. Thats why our 3 countries will have something that rest of the world dont. We love each other more than we hate each other. And that hate is dying. New generations are coming, we have bright future, beautiful nature and best people on Earth.
@@sheteeh8922 wtf he has 220 videos its not about work, getting popular is not proportionally related to "working harder" its rather how often people share your video and what type of content is popular... Most famous youtubers suck at their quality of content...
Cool video. I was born in germany but my parents are from bosnia "republika srpska" My mom is orthodox and dad is catholic. And everytime when people ask me where i come from, they get everytime confused. Sentences like "Oh you are bosnian, so you must be a Muslim." or "ur half orthodox? Are u a Serbian?" are already said everytime and this is getting really annoying..... I like that u re not so extremely nationalistic like others are. :) Pozdrav iz njemačke ;)
Stvarno uzivam gledati tvoj kanal, jedan si mi od rjetkih uzora. Samo sam jos htjela pitat iz kojeg si grada i jesi li zavrsio skolu u BiH. Sry ako si rekao u predhodnim videima nisam u toku lately ^^
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb. Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false. I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian are the same but there are just small diferences called "ekavica" and "Ijekavica" and that is why they seperate them. For me it is the same
You say that people can have different nationalities according to their birthplace and you are right, however ethnicity can be a difficult topic. Also I like your channel name (says a guy who named his channel according to his location as a kid)
Yeah, it all kinda depends. My parents have been born in Bosnia, but have lived in Croatia, since they graduated from high school, and to be honest, we have never been fully accepted in 'our' own country. I was born in Croatia. Croatians don't like Croatians from Bosnia, and for some reason feel 'we' are less worth then Croatians from Croatia. I myself have been in Bosnia twice in my life, but still get mocked for being Bosnian, if i get asked where i'm from, and i say Croatia. My whole childhood, in schools, teachers would ask me where my parents are from, because our last name wasn't local, but is still Croatian. And they knew it, cause we live in a place of 1500 people lol, but they wanted me to feel ashamed of not being a proper Croatian, in front of the class. I hated being 'Bosnian' and i didn't even know why. I still don't understand it, to this day, what is so different about me or my parents.
I'm born in rs but i have a very serbian last name, I fit in quite well when I go, I have never had another serb judge me or put me at less worth for being born in bih
@@AmazingYT yeah but situation in Croatia is very different. Croat from Bosnia took all jobs in public sector and now they are only employing their relatives. They are the number one cause of corruption and poor economic status of Croatia. For example, mayor of Zagreb iz from Bosnia, he is very corrup and the city is in bad situation becaus of him, but he is in the place of the mayor because Croats from Bosnia who live in Zagreb vote for him just because hi is Bosnian and they do not care for anything else. He has been accused of corruption for a couple of times, but he is released every time... judges were Bosnian Croats too. I hope you now understand our situation.
See and in the rest of the world its Your nationality from where you were born, so for example you would be a bosnian on paper because you are born in bosnia and your religion would be catholic, but because its bosnia everything is the other way around which makes living working and politics more complicated which is the reason the country is doing not so good
Good Video! I espacially like the fact that you said that there are not three different langauages, it's the same one! When you buy a packet of cigarettes you can read "Smoking kills" three times: "Pušenje ubija" "Pušenje ubija" and "Pušenje ubija"(in cyrillic letters) All the same shit, everyone understands it, but they have to write it down three times, because some people are too proud and they quickly feel insulted...
6:18 bro it doesn't matter where you're born like if you're parents are Bosnian and you are born in Serbia your not a Serb you are Bosnian you just born in that country
10:40 Lmaoo same with Urdu (Pakistan) and Hindi (India) - the script is different and formal versions are too, to an extent, but the casual convos are pretty much fully understandable
The problem is Turkish government at the time, was a highly secular government which wanted nothing in terms of relations with other countries which have a significant amount of muslims like Bosnia. The government even did not allow Turkish volunteers to go to Bosnia to fight. Those who went to Bosnia went to there by illegal ways. You can tell if the government was a government like today's, things would be quite different.
Hey i am bleron I am Albanian I like your video brother i like you I saw this video and I love how you look at this things your a real Yugoslavian brother and I know Yugoslavia was a great country long live the Yugoslavian brotherhood 💪🏻
I enjoyed your video a lot and thanks for all the additional info. Although I can understand the nationalists approach, your way of thinking really is refreshing and might be key for stability in this region. At last, which country would you consider the closest ally to Bosnia?
*Another reason why RS annexing themselves to Serbia would not work - the Dayton Agreement states that no legal entity of B&H could be seperated unless there's a legal process or anything similar. If the Serbs would rebel against that, NATO, the UN and the whole shebang would annihilate them.*
Turkey wanted to help, but Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia didnt allow moving army troops through their countries,dont just telling false information without thinking.
I am Turkish and I read that Erbakan sent money and guns to Bosnia during the war and he also converted an oil factory in Bosnia into a gun and rocket one. Aliya Izetbegovic also pointed that secret gun help from Turkey and how they crashed and captured Serb tanks. Anyway I hope that will never happen again
The thing with nationality is a bit complicated though. A person born in Bosnia but by Serbian parents will still be Serbian. He’s ethnically a Serb but he’s a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Hi MRslavic brother, It happens that I totally agree with you and I am sure there are many open-minded decent intelligent people from the Balkans who do the same. Unfortunately many are also falling for the nationalistic propaganda spewed out and have been distanced from reality. Greetings from Australia and great video. Subbed. Peace.
It's funny thing people live in Bosnia their born there called themselves croat and srbs they didn't want to call themselves Bosnians all about they're politician that's why the War started. In Bosnia they want to divide the country half Serbia half to Croatia they forgot there's one more people live there Bosnians 😋😋
Ethnic pertains to: of or relating to LARGE groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.... Only TWO 'ethnic groups' that settled and assimilated others in the Balkans are documented: Serbs and Croats. But that was long long time ago.... Hypothetically if Ottomans never conquered and converted some people to Islam none of this shit would be happening. Bosnians wouldn't be agitating for their own separate state. If they stayed christian they'll gladly be part of Croatia or Serbia. Just like Swabian, Bavarian, Prussian, Saxon 'Germans' don't have a need to separate from unified 'Germany.' Only Muslim Bosnias want to separate from their 'brothers'. Islam is THE foundation of Bosniak identity. Also Yugoslavia was always a form of 'Greater Serbia'. Ultra nationalist Serbs as Cosic, lament the act of King Alexander choosing Yugoslavia as opposed to a smaller 'Greater Serbia'.
You seem like a nice guy, and you live in the West so it´s not so bad, but you´re confusing citizenship and nationality-citizenship is Bosnian, no problem, and nationality is Serb, Croat, or Bosniak... I´m not a big fan of Bosniaks claiming Bosnia as their own, a Serb in Bosnia should be proud of being Bosnian, but that´s a regional identity, not a nationality... And it´s not like the Serbs and Croats moved to Bosnia. They were living there for hundreds of years.
i think what he meant by calling people 'serbs' 'croats' etc is because of their origin not necessarily their religion or nationality on paper. on paper i'm american but my mom is italian and my dad is french so although legally i am american (and french and italian since i've got the passprts but whatever) i am still italian or french because those are my origins
Turkey is actually one of our most loved and important ally that we have rn, if erdogan was president in the yugoslavian war back then... We would have gotten way more help than we did then
Hercegovina was a separate entity, once upon a time ( the County , herceg) Bosna, after the river. ☆ Mostar and Sarajevo, I have been to both, twice. Pork, &c. is allowable if no other option is available. Commin sense. Kravice falls are amazing. Watch out for the Golden Jackels.
i mean, i get his point. with trying to say we're all bosnian in the end. it is kind of true, we are all from the same country though i do think the cultures remain different. bosniaks are different from croats and those are different from serbs. we grow up surrounded by different cultures so i don't think it's quite right to say we're all the same in the end.
kätzchenfleisch having different beliefs doesn’t change your nationality. If you speak the same language, eat the same food, live door next to eachother in the end you’re the same people just have different views in life still makes you from the same country.
I think you're right. Even in the time of Yugoslavia (the first an the second one), when people had to tell their nationality in the census there was Serbian Croatian and "muslim in the sense of nationality" so no matter if being Bosnian is actually a "thing" no one ever said that.The terminology of Bosnian or Bosniak was invented in the 90's when people desperately wanted to distinguish themselves (Especially non-muslims from muslims and vice versa). Before the 90's Bosnia was just considered a territorial term and not an ethnical term. That's the reason why Bosnia is what it is right now. In that sense it is no surprise that the 90's war had his epicentrum in Bosnia because it was the only Yugoslavian region where no one was actually sure about what he is, where he belongs to and what the boundaries are.
@@harisbegovic i completely agree!! beliefs should NEVER determine your nationality. for example, whenever i talk to my bosnian friends (one of them is a serb, two are muslim and another one's a croat) one of my muslim bosnian friends i feel is a lot closer to the way i've experienced living in bosnia (my parents are catholic) than the other ones - even the croat. but i think it is important to keep in mind that bosnia is, in fact, very diverse. all i was trying to say.
Maybe I'd believe that Pyramid was real if I didn't see that same Pyramid shaped mountain again and again wherever I drive in central Bosnia. It's 100% natural phenomenon.
Literally everything about Bosnia and even the Balkan is such a fucked up discussion. We are all the same nation, the same people but they(not gonna specify bc that would start an argument 😂💀) manipulated us into going to war and hating each other 😶🤯
The fact that People from western countries think this about us is awful. For them we are just small countries that have war. We are all the same! Im muslim and i have some a lot better croat and serbian friends than bosnian friends
@@THEAG28011966 Of course its silly. You seem to not understand the point in beeing ironic... Unfortunately, humans born in Bosnia belong to some alien country just because of their religion. A guy born in bosnia, speaking bosnian, having a bosnian passport would rather consider himself as a serb or croat just because he is christian. Even if he never visited one of those countries ever in his life time and doesnt have relatives over there. This is the Problem in the balkans. Its called nationalism. People are BLINDED by nationalism.
@@THEAG28011966 This comes together with the fact that people died for their national leaders. They died just that some guys can have more land or draw new maps of countries. For what do they need land? We in the balkans are poor as fuck and have less then what we achieved before the war. I would get it if they took at least some precious land and build cities or would use it as farmland but no. People died literally for nothing. They killed families, children and raped women just to leave the land abandoned and let the infrastructures decay. The worst is that this happend and after more than 20 years nationalistic people are still fighting about whos country is the coolest. Listen guys all of you are poor losers...
Im from Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And my friends were bugging me because i don’t watch balkan youtube videos. Im not racist, its just that i’d rather watch USA or UK youtubers. I enjoy the content more. Have a nice day!
Yes, i do. It means that i prefer some person over an other person because they are a different skin color, different religion, speak another language or live in another part of a city. So you are wrong.
Yee , now we all can see you don't know what racist is . I just wanted to confirm that . So thank you , no need for further explanations ... So next time pls don't write about something you know nothing about , at least google it ... see ya
@dino You mentioned smth about how the first generation moved from Serbia during Yugoslav period? I didn't rly understand that. Sr Bosnia was always split along thr lines of tripartite consensus, all the way back from 43( when the first constitution was made ). I don't think Barby was wrong in saying what he said. It's simply how the country was made. Even today Bih is a country whose constitution separates 2 ethnic groups, it has no mention of a Bosnian Nation, so even that is the fault of those who've setup the system.
you removed the parts where he explains himself: he said that bosnian , crotian and serbian are as similar as 3 english dilects for exemple , you deleted it
My country is hella confusing, and I do agree with a lot but not all said in this video. It is true, not many Bosnians live in Bosnia and it has said that this year alone about 30,000 thousand Bosnians moved to America alone not counting the other countries they moved to as well, and for someone who moved from America back to the motherland, it really does break my heart to see so many people think this country has nothing to offer, but it does. We all know the basics to economy and that is the more citizens+more jobs= that our country financially can be doing much better, but since we only have less then from what I know 8 million citizens living in Bosnia right now, this does not help our country at all economically. Also a lot of companies from Turkey are actually exporting goods or what ever material they need from Bosnia because they do see that the majority of citizens in Bosnia are muslim so that does help our country out financially, but only by a little. I am currently about to start my third year of International Finances, so I do know a lot about marketing and business and if I could just give any advice to any citizen of Bosnia, it will be so they please stay in Bosnia. If you are someone who thinks that Bosnia is "shitty" because you hear how extravagant your aunts and cousins say living in America or other counties are, chances are they are bullshitting. I was born in Bosnia but left to live in America when I was 7 months old, so I practically lived all my 18 years there and moved back to BIH when I graduated HS. And I lived in New Hampshire and over the years that state has become not so great in terms of more crack heads and people getting addicted to drugs, but that state is still very beautiful. I know depending on where you live in America you have or had a different experience, but with that pig as my president and a hole lotta other shit going on America is not that great anymore, in my opinion. What I am trying to say is that when Bosnians leave BIH because they move to another country to live a better life, you actually end up fucking up your motherland because in order for a country to survive and sustain itself financially, you need citizens living there and it does not help when we just leave as soon as we get married or turn 18.
"Turkey didn't do anything during the war" LOL You have no idea. Turkey was lead by a communistic leader "Demirel" at that times, who was a marionette of the US. At that times turkish soldiers were sent to Somalia in order to fulfill Americas oil ressource interests. You don't know how much turkish people protested, that their soldiers were in Somalia and not in Bosnia. If they had Erdoğan back then, they would surely participate in the war on Bosnias side. And you cannot tell me, that history is the only connection. The food is literally 80% the same. (Burek, Cevape, Kahva, Sarma, Baklava, Dolma, Dzevrek etc.) Even the preperation of turkish Kahva is exactly the same as the bosnian Kahva with Dzezva and Lokum etc. Also traditional music, dances, traditions are very similar. The balkan is much more similar to Turkey than to the rest of europe. How can you deny this connection? 🇧🇦🇹🇷 Also watch this (from 1993):видео.html
@@adalet127 Yes but it was the government, who did nothing. The turkish population was always on Bosnias side but they couldn't do anything because of that shitty communistic government.
Somalia had absolutely no crude oil infrastructure, or known oil reserves, when the US was kicking around there in the 90s. Only in the last few years have even exploratory wells and drilling even occurred in Somalia. Stop making shit up, it makes you look stupid.
Turkey sent guns but secretly. well it was that secret I guess even some of you guys have still no ides lol! you can look and read Dutch reports for Turkish help to the Bosnian side during the war.
This is a tough topic with a simple solution. And it is a topic that needs to be adressed and dealt with. I am glad you are talking about it the way you do. BiH needs to be one, whole and united as such. No split in the ruling entities to Federation and Rep. Srp. Only one president is needed and should be installed. The bullshit name of "Bosniaks" should be forgotten as the name Bosnians covers that and it is a true name for people living in BiH. As "Bosniak" is only created cause of religion difference and you should not mix religion with nationality. Also, I am not sure how people in BiH see Croatia. But, Croatia does not seek to divide BiH to "Croatian part" and to "Whatever parts are left". No matter the history of BiH, it should be independent country with one president and one nation (Bosnians). Sure, ethnically you will still have Croats and Serbs living there, but only that... ethnically. Just like USA has many ethnicities. In my opinion, first step to better BiH is installation of only 1 president. And second is removal of the Rep. of Srp. Then the rest comes...
'And second is removal of the Rep. of Srp' That was the whole point of war. Bosniaks didn't wanna be part of Yugoslavia; and now Serbs don't wanna be part of Bosnia.видео.html
By reading all the bullshit people write in the comment section it is very clear that they don“t listen. I never said anyone should change their etnicity. My opinion that I talk about is that on PAPER as I said we would all be Bosnian (Bosnia and Hercegovinian for all the butthurt hercegovinian people) that. This way the country would be able to function more normal with one president and one pasport and ofcourse ONE country. Apperantly people rather keep hating eachother seperatly and keep their little islands instead of work together to make life better for everyone...... but hey whatever pleases you guys ;)видео.html
Nationalism ruined the Balkan region. People should realize serbs, croats bosniaks are the same people only difference is religion, and by religion you get some difference in culture. Other than that we all have same food culture, culture at home, love for sports etc.
Need politics and people that are for Unity and Brotherhood and not hate on each other.
Man, I am a Serb born in BiH, my father was born in Yugoslavian Serbia, same as my grandfather. But, his father was born in Bosnia in Kingdom of Yugoslavia and that’s the thing, Serbians were never, as you said, moved to Bosnia. They lived there for centuries, what actually happened is that once Tito came to power after the war, he offered land to them in Serbia, mainly in Vojvodina, so lots of Serbs from Bosnia moved there and got that land in exchange for land in Bosnia.
I miss yougoslavia im from bosnia
MRslavic im a serb/bosniak kako si bre?
R u Muslim or a part of another religion?
Politically you are Bosnian, but your ethnicity is wherever you're from. ethnicity doesn't change based on where you live.
you can't be "politically" from somewhere, where you were born, where your parents, grandparents, etc were all born describe your ethnicity. Politics dont decide place of birth.
blue_catz does stuff yeah no shit, I didn't say that, I said your ethnicity is where you're from bud.
Tako je srbin
Nationally he is Bosnian, ethnically is your genetics.
I think Bosnia is the only country where religion determinate your nationality and it's crazy. The fact that I'm bosninan doesn't make me a worse orthodox. Pozdrav
Nikola Cupic that's what happens when idiots take control of the governments
Not only, for example in Iraq the religion (Shia or Sunni muslim) is used more frequently used to describe identity then their ethnicity (of course kurds are exception here).
@@TheBosnianboy19 while we talk and people fight about those stupid things the politicians are putting billions of dollars in their own pockets and laugh about us ...
Nikola Cupic its all of Balkan
Upravo tako. Crkva i država (odnosno šerijat) su u većini država odavno razdvojeni ali ljudi ovde to povezuju sa religijom. Na kraju krajeva ako baš hoće po vjeri, nacionalnost igra apsolutno nikakvu ulogu u tvom odnosu sa Bogom
I'm a typical Brazilian (mix of european, african and amerindian people). I understand you when you say 'we all are Bosnians!'.
In south of Brazil, some people say 'I'm Brazilian but with blablabla roots'. But they're Brazilians! When traveling abroad we can recognise eachother by far! We're already the same!
I've been (also) in Mostar for vacation last year and I loved it! Be proud of your country and for being from Balkans!
Shall God bless you!
😂😂😂😂all three of us are terrible people let’s face the facts
When I visited Republic of Srpska, there was no Bosnian flags at all, in the shops in tribinje they were selling Serbian Football shirts and flags. The two war memorials there were both for Serbian Soldiers and had the Serbian flag flying.. But I technically still visited Bosnia though right?
Yes you did and that is the whole problem that I am trying to adress. Doesn“t make any sense does it haha
MRslavic Yes I know! I was hoping to buy a Bosnian Football Shirt and I couldn't comprehend why and after I did some research and I realized. At the border from Montenegro, it said welcome to the Republic of Srpska which confused me, and the only Bosnian flag I saw was at the border. The town was beautiful!
@@mattfelton2283 the biggest Problem with Republic of Srpska is the fact that politically it will always try to break off and officially join Serbia, most citizens in Serbia pay very little attention to our neighbour Bosnia, because we don't have an issue with them, right now we are still all trying to come to terms with Albania, and whether we should or should not join the EU
However Republic of Srpska will always be a problem for Bosnians because of religious reasons, you see it's the if you so choose to call it "Orthodox Christian part of Bosnia" Now I myself am Serbian from Republic of Srpska but my parents moved to Serbia for simplicity sake. And to be honest there wouldn't really be a war if Bosnia kind of you know? "Annexed" it because any Serbian from Bosnia that doesn't feel good there can and should move to Serbia, and yes I agree that it's honesty so stupid not calling all people in Bosnia "Bosnians". But in the end of the day my friend you have to realise these are the Balkans, there will NEVER be true peace and love on the Balkans, because most of us are Slavs, and it's known that Slavs have very little tolerance towards other Slavs.
@@DinoK how does it not make sense? If kosovo wants to be independent, republica serbia needs to be it to. If i say i am bosnian people think i am a muslim so yea there is your answer i dont want to be called a muslims thats why people from republica serbia call themselfs serbian
John Markov There was literally mosques and Orthodox and Catholic churches very close to each other! With no problem! It's people like you my friend who live in the past and will stop your countries from growing!
Eeeeeeh if you are a Serbian born in Bosnia you're A Bosnian citizen, but still a Serbian. Your national Identity has more to o with how you feel thatn where you live. That's how you have Italians in Istria with last name Martincic and a Croat with the last name Špada( from Italian word spada).
The Town of Peroj has mostly Montenegrian that came there after the great plagues.
I agree that Splitting Nations by religion is Crazy, But at this point it's something unrevertable. Be it in Bosnia, be it between Armenia and Azerbaijan aand Cyprus
Not Serbian but Serb. Serbian is the term used for people which inhabit the state of Serbia and belong to that country by law. Serb on the other hand is the term used for the serbian ethnicity. It's just like in Bosnia where everybody born in Bosnia is by nationality a Bosnian (a bosnian national), but when it comes to ethnicity you may have Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Ukrainians, Russians, and so on.
yeah . I expressed myself the wrong way.
@@yolson2376 totalno pogresno tumacenje na kraju. Naravno srbin u bosni je srbin a ne srbijanac(termin koji determinise geografsko porijeklo nekog u vecini slucajeva srbina) sta ti navodis je glupost ako se rodis u bosni onda si po nacionalnosti bosanac.... glupost bosna je drzava bosanaca (ime ljudi koji zive tu isto kao srbijanac, crnogorac....) nacionalnost je jedna srbin i manjine e sad ovi drugi sto ne priznaju da su srbi koji nisu pravoslavne vijere njihov problemi zato oni srbi katolici se deklarisu kao hrvati po naciji(nacija ili etnos je isto zato nemoj da mijesas ili vrsis razdvajanja....) oni pravoslavbi se ne odricu srpstva a ovi u islamu su odvaceni i od jednih i od drugih gore navedenih i sad tragaju i izmisljaju svoj identitet (jezik, kulturu i td). Jer npr prvo su rekli da je njihov jezik bosnjacki pa su vrsili pritisak na skole u rs da im se pise tako njihov "maternji" jezik i tako u srbiji i u cg... a sad novo hoce da se zove Bosanski koje gluposti sto govori o ociglednom poremecenom nekom njihovom cilju...
If everyone in BiH just considered themselves “Bosnians”, the politics would be much less complicated.
To get him to heart your comment you just need to say something he said
let me try, leave a like guys
-w- Actually made this comment before I watched the full video
Well there is an option for the people considering themselves to be serbian, croatian or turkish, just move in Serbia, Croatia and Turkey and leave Bosnia to the bosnians... easy peasy
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb.
Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false.
I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
Unfortunately, he is right, since even the Constitution of BiH reffers to our people as Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats , and the Others. Not to mention the ridicoulous fact that Constitution doesn't even recognize the term "Bosnians". Not to say that you also have constitutions of both entities, district, cantons that are in collision with each other about these things. I share your opinion on how things should be named and done, but Dayton agreement, which is probably the most unsuccessful political experiment ever, only made things worse and confusing.
You explained it, thank you very much.
I'm Bosnian and when I was 3 I learned english
And in Bosnia is very prrety By the way good video
(Sorry for my spelling )
Umm... I'm a Serb in the Republic of Srpska, and I've never met a Serb from Serbia that doesn't like us. I mean, when I was younger, I went to Serbia with my school, and some other kids thought that I was Bosnian, and I had to explain to them that I live in a Serbian part of Bosnia. But except from that, everyone else just acknowledges us as Serbs...
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb.
Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false.
I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
If you’re a Serb born in Bosnia you’re a Bosnian Serb, but that doesn’t make you any less of a Serb because of that. Muslim Bosnians are Bosniaks, with a “k”. Bosnians = Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniaks, basically anyone born in Bosnia.
That is what I am saying all this time, I agree with you. Problem IS that too much Serbs and Croats from Bosnia won´t recognize Bosnia as their country, I know. But problem also IS, when Bosniaks try to take away ethnic identity of these Serbs and Croats.
When you read the comments down here, most of them deny these Serbs their ethnic identity, they say "you are a orthodox Bosnian, not a Serb or catholic Bosnian, not a Croat"
How do these Serbs and Croats react? By denying Bosnia completely, claiming to be a part of Croatia or Serbia because the country they live in/the people who represent the majority of this country deny their identity. Look what happened to Serbs in WW2 in Bosnia and Hercegovia, they got massacred by the hundreds of thousands, their identity was denied, tried to be erased. Look what happened to Bosniaks in the Bosnian war in the ´90s.. their identity tried to be erased!
We should accept each others ethnicities. It´s OK to be Serb, Croat or Bosniak in Bosnia and Hercegovina. When we learn to respect each others ethnicities, Bosnia will be a much better place. I believe then these Serbs and Croats who have the freedom to call themself Serb and Croat will start calling themself also Bosnian, because they will feel at home to be Serb and Croat inside their Bosnian home.
@Defsuz prvo ja kao srbin imam svoj jezik i ne moram kotistiti engleski tebi koji znas sta ti pisem. Drugo nema to nikakve veze sa tradicijom i to je kardinalna greska sto pricas jer to ti moze progutati neko ko ne zna svoje korijene . Ja sam rodjen u Zvorniku 1990 godine. Dakle tadasnja SFRJ, i prije raspada te usrane vise jugoslavije srbi i dugi narodi u BiH su se slagali cak su pred rat protestvovali i vezivali zastavu jednu za drugu kako nece da se razdvoje od Jugoslavije. Ali to sto ti pricas je notorna glupost. Jer ako si rodjen nedje ne znaci da ti je to nacija jer ti tako druze vrijedjas npr albance u cenoj gori jer oni su albanci a ne crnogorci ili pak iste u grckoj i makedoniji i srbiji. To sto muslimani u BiH mastaju o svojoj i samo njihovoj drzavi je smijesno i zalosno cak da svaki gradjanin koji nije musliman i koji se deklarise kao srbin i da izadje nedje iz bosne bosna opet ce biti drzava srba ali srba islamske vijere i muslimanskih imena.... dakle kad smo stigli do sustine evo ja sam ti samim uvodom se predstavio dje sam a moje ime i prezime mozes viditi tako da ti to moze da bude kao fakt da se ja ne bojim ovoga sto pricam, a pricam istinu. Ja znam svoje porijeklo i odakle sam dosao , ustvari nisam nidje ni bio izvan bosne jer moji su dosli od ozren planine a drugi dio Vukotica je otisao u crnu goru i ja znam sve do tad svoje pretke djedove i pradjedove da navedem. Brat mog pradjeda je poginuo na sutjesci kao partizan. Sto dalje govori da je stitio zemlju od uljeza u 2 svjetskom ratu a vecina muslimana je bila u handzar diviziji a za hrvate da ne govorim.. idemo dalje. Moji preci su drzali i cuvali obraz kao sto i ja danas cinim. U ovom proteklom ratu moj otac pokojni je branio zarobljene muslimane u zvorniku. A sto se tice tih odrednica nacionalnosti i sl. U 19vijeku pocinju se radjati moderne nacije (novo konponovane) tako da pored narodnosti ima i ta nacionalnost. Moja narodnost je sloven (ili slavic) nacija srbin. Znaci ako se ja rodim u bosni ja nisam po naciji bosanac jer bosanac je geografska odrednica a ne nacionalna, to je uobicajen naziv koji koriste narodi na balkanu jer drugi iz vana misle da je to nacija pa onda sole pamet. Cekam da proglase i naziv srbijanac za naciju i sve sam vidio...
@Defsuz e brate u tome je problem nemaju mualimani u bosni nikog ko sto ti kazes jednostavno srbi tu zive i hrvati i to sto kazes "mi imamo u bosni", bosna je drzava 3 naroda (a gledajuci kroz istoriju samo jedne nacije, ali trenutno stanje je da svako zeli da istakne neku svoju pripadnost i ima pravo). Cinjenica je da su i srbi i muslimani(bosnjaci) i hrvati 3 konstitutivna naroda koja imaju jednako pravo u bosni bez obzira koliko koga ima. Jer realno stanje je nesto drugo. Naravno ako je otac musliman(bosnjak) a majka srpkinja dijeca su po nekom patrijalhalnom defoultu ono sto i otac osim ako otac i majka dogovorom odluce da im dijeca budu npr jugosloveni. Termin Bosanac/Bosanka je naziv za stanovnika iz te teritorije koju ta drzava uzima nema veze sa nacijom, taj termin je pokusao da pretvori u naciju Benjamin Kalaj u interesu imperijalistickih ciljeva austro ugarske monarhije i to se provlaci i dan danas kod nekih Bosnjaka koji ne znaju svoje korijenje ili ekstremiste. I evo npr da vidis misljenje srbina. Npr za vrijems rata svi misle da srbi vole Arkana, a to nije tacno srbi u Bosni nisu volili arkana jer je bio nitkov i kriminalac a ne patriota kako se predstavljao krao je dje je stigo i samaro regularnu vojsku i uzimo njihova sledovanja(u cigarama hrani odjeci obuci naoruzanju i sl. I posle prodavao)Samo srbi koji su glupi i koji ne znaju da razmisljaju njega vole jer kao on je nesto oslobodio oslobodio je moj k srbi mijestani sami su osobadjali. A sto se tice ratne slike kod srba tad je bila npr ovako odu osvoje neku teritoriju i komanda javi povlaci se i oni predaju osvojeno a npr za neke cuke koje nisu imali vaznost lezali su i po snijegu u rovovima i dijelili sa muslimanima sa dr strane cigare hranu i pice ko je sta imo (sto je npr apsurd rata). Dakle ja sam srbin bosanac i moja je drzava bosna kao svakog drugog ko je se rodio u njoj, moji preci su generacijama bili tu i imamo svoje groblje uvijek amo u miru zivili sa muslimanima i dan danas se pomazemo ali problem su ekstremi sa obe strane jer taj zavad pravi samo covijek koji ne zna da rasudi nasijednd. U mom mijestu se desilo da je neki srbin ubio srbina o okrivio muslimana i ovi su znali da taj musliman nije jer je posten covijek i ispitivali su ga i otkrili... mi u bosni ne trebamo da pratimo ko je sta nego ko je kakav jer brate npr cijena brasna raste a plate stoje to govori da nas sisaju na sve strane jer nam prodaju price preko tv tobos bakir napada dodika i ovaj njega a odu u knez mihajlovu i jedu i piju zajedno
Sorry, but I am catholic Croatian from Hercegovina. It can never be possible for me, when some People says to me,
that I am a Bosniak.
It doesnt matter where I am born.
My blood is Croatian. And my name is not Huso or Haso. My Name is Stipe, it's not a Bosniakish Name. Only that you know.
Tako je, ne razumijem kako oni misle da smo mi Srbi, ili vi Hrvati Bosanci kad su nam familije srpske ili hrvatske a ne bosanske. Samo sto imas drzavljanstvo BiH ne znaci da si Bosanac odnosno Bosnjak. Etnicki si Srbin ili Hrvat.
I believe he is talking more about nationality than ethnicity. You are ethnically Croat but your nationality is Bosnian.
Turkey smuggled weapons Into our country To help us
But they tries to bring us help and units but greece and bulgaria And macedonia didnt allow us to bring Units into Bosnia
Firstly, I want to thank MRslavic for this video which hopefully produces mature dialogue between people.
As MRslavic corrected "Barby" on several points which he did not agree with, we have to apply the same logic and scrutiny with his opinions and thoughts as he unfortunately used next to no sources.
Only expecting the audience to rely on his corrections as being the truth, and this for simply being a native Bosnian himself.
Speaking about Bosnian's it is correct that everyone are Bosnian by nationality but a significant distinguishment is required when you are talking about ethnic groups. Simply referring to it as a "bad thing" which some would agree does not per se make it a true statement.
It is almost as naive as saying just because a child, for example was born in England to Somalian parents makes him English. Again yes by nationality, ethnically no.
Did Hitler think the German born Jews were ethnic German? I think you see where this is going.
I also find it ironic how Bosnian Muslims or "Bosnjaks" almost demand the other entities to refer to themselves as Bosnian, but by the same token I am yet to witness a "Bosnjak" living in Serbia, referring to himself as Serbian.
Unfortunately, I guess we as humans will never learn, that we are all the same and just because we happened to be born in a different places, believing in different teachings, traditions and so on would produce so much unnecessary negative history.
Perhaps, one day we will learn, but then it might be too late for other reasons.
Peace and greetings from Sweden.
If you are born in Serbia but are a muslim you are basically a Serbian muslim or if you are born in Croatia.Its the same with catholich and orthodox in Bosnia if you are born in Bosnia you are a Bosnian catholic or orthodox because religion doesnt shape your ethnicity.
@@mtrb5072 ethnicity and nationality are different things. Nationality is determined by your citizenship or where you live and ethnicity by your genetics and culture. So yes serbs in bosnia are bosnians by nationality but not ethnically bosniak.
Slavicu, Ethnicity and Nationality isn't the same. Both Croats and Serbs have lived and still live in Bosnia since centuries, there is only a minority of them who are originally from today's Serbia or Croatia. Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats (the one's that live in Bosnia obviously) are all BOSNIAN, since they are born and raised in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Yes I understand that. But than it even makes less sende to give them an own president 😅
@@DinoK There are more money stealers when you have 3 presidents so it makes sense to have 3 presidents, I am not sure why here there aren't like 7 presidents yet
i know i gonna get killed but... (Even Barbie said it) but Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Montenegrin are technicly the same people... just devided by Religion and for historical reasons
@@JustAToeBee True..
+MRslavic do you think that Yugoslavia should've just called everyone Yugoslav and enforce a Yugoslav culture since the only difference is in religion like it is in modern day Bosnia,I see Bosnia as a smaller Yugoslavia and I don't think I'm wrong in that,Catholic Yugoslavs Orthodox Yugoslavs and Muslim Yugoslavs
The information you provided is something you don’t receive from research. You have to actually talk with Bosnian’s who have been there through all that, because WiKi and other websites don’t tell the whole story, Jos jedan dobar video u svakom slucaju, lep posao.
I think barbs still tried his best tho since he was very willing to hear inside information from the locals. And i agree with dinos points too so...this whole war bs all started because of serbian propaganda anyway. Also its important to note that croats or bosnians did attack the serbs too in like ww2 by collaborating with the nazis so in a way the three people groups are all at fault which complicates the matter more. But the fact that someone did something to you doesnt justify revenge cause see how the war has done to all these former yugoslavia regions.
The Putin part aged well
As someone from Bosnia i hate it when someone describes Turkey as an protector of Bosnia. Even when i ask my family what was the great help Turkey gave us durning the war, thay just say they helped us.
Iran was a tremendous help and few people in Bosnia i know, know the fact.
Mister Love and Germany, Holland,USA, Mexico, Brazil but people only like turkey
semir bekto turkey is like whatever. I do like the USA though.
Don't forget Austria, where thousands of Bosnians found their new home after they fled the country during the war. Austria gave them shelter and accepted them while Turkey was watching behind the scenes. Also when it comes to foreign investment in Bosnia after the war, Austria is one of the highest investing countries in that regard, while Turkey barely makes the top10. And Turkey is probably investing mainly in mosques and islamic centers, places I'd rather see declining than raising to be honest !!
@@yolson2376 bruh
Beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina ☺
eurovision fan????????????
@@esczat9166 yeah ✌ we europeans like Eurovision 😁🇪🇺❤
@@mirzasara85 i love eurovision im european xxxxxx i love all europeans ♡♡♡♡♡
@@esczat9166 me too...i love everything what has to do with Europe. Europe is my home.
And i ❤ all our nations 🇪🇺
Its actualy simple
If you are russian and you move to china(for example)and in few years you become father
Will you let your son forget he has russian origins and let himself reffer as chinese while he has nothing with chinese ppl but paper
That's where we draw a line and start to differentiate between nationality and ethnicity. You would be an ethnic Russian and a chinese national.
@@yolson2376 right on point
So you cant say serbs from bosnia cannot reffer themselves as serbs
well that depends on the culture... I'm Chinese American... like I'm a US citizen so I can say I'm American, and I *shouldn't* be treated any less American than other white or black people in America. This is because America is an immigrant country (well Native Americans have lived there for a long time already but white people from Europe came and basically told them to fuck off... that is a long story for another day), so if you're born in that country you're American regardless of your ancestors, but you know racism and that is complicated in America... China on the other hand is different. If your parents are not Chinese doesn't matter if you're born or raised here and have citizenship, you're still from where your parents are from and you wouldn't call yourself "Chinese"...
@@xx22best77 Well you cant use America as comparison because no one from America is really true American except natives, but white people from America still like to give themselves that title because they conquered that land and killed 97% of natives and on the other hand you have Balkans where history of ruling is totally complicated,in Bosnia you had serb majority until 1st world war where Croatians and Bosnian muslims joined the central powers(Germany,Austria-Hungary Ottoman empire and Bulgaria)and on the other sides Serbs were with Great Britain Russia France and USA,after world war 1 serbia instead of taking most of Serbian populated areas in croatia and bosnia created a Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians(Idea of Bosnia being a wasnt invented yet)then world war 2 kicked in where once again croats sided with germany and created their own independent state bosnian muslims were divided in partisans(communists) and ss hanjar(fascists) when world war 2 ended huge atrocities on bosnian serbs resulted in serbs being minority in bosnia and after the fall of yugoslavia in 90s bosnia was created and serbian minority was trapped in that country so no wonder they dont feel like bosnians but they feel like serbs you cant compare them with america which was just new continent populated by every race
Im A Bosniak and agree with every you said accept about Turkey, Turkey actively supported the Bosnian Muslims.[15] It assisted Iran with smuggling arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[6] The Turkish line included arms and money also from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Brunei and Pakistan.[6] Turkish private individuals and groups financially supported the Bosnian Muslims, and some hundreds of Turks joined as volunteers.[16] Greatest private aid came from Islamist groups, such as the Refah Party and IHH.[16] As a NATO member, Turkey supported and participated in NATO operations, including sending 18 F-16 planes.[15] It was the first of the member countries to call for military intervention, and backed all US calls for engagement, and strongly supported air strikes.[15] It has been noted though, that financial aid from the Turkish government was minimal.[17]
There have also been voulonteers from Turkey that wanted to join but they weren't allowed.
Not to mention tons of investments in Bosnia by Turkey.
Abid Sabanovic they went under cover, so I heard from a close relative
Which countries gave thousands of bosnian refugees shelter during war ? Answer: Not Turkey
Which countries invested the most in Bosnia after the war ? Answer: Turkey barely makes the Top10 in that regard.
The most friendly countries for Bosnia during and after the war were Austria, Germany and the scandinavian countries (above all of them Sweden).
5:36 Yeah, but they would be ethnically Serb. I get what you're saying; religion and nationality should be kept separate but that doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between ethnicity and nationality. I was born in Australia but my family's Serbian so I'm an Australian Serb. I don't refer to myself as simply Australian (actually, nobody in Australia really refers to themselves as Australian unless they're Anglo, they just introduce themselves with their ethnicity) because that's only the culture that I was educated in, not the one that I grew up in. If that makes any sense. On paper I'm Australian, but my name and blood is Serbian. But that's the west, it's much more complicated in Bosnia. In the context of ex-Yugoslavia; my family's Serb from Bosnia. I've always been confused as to why we don't just refer to ourselves as Bosnians since we've most likely lived there for centuries. When you think about it, Bosnian Serbs are basically Bosnians that are Orthodox but due to nationalism, they tie themselves to Serbia; just like Bosnians that are Catholic tie themselves to Croatia. It is the Balkans so everything has to be 10x complicated. From personal experience, a lot of Serbs in Australia that are from Bosnia (basically every Serb living here) don't like to introduce themselves as Bosnian cause they think that people will assume that they are Muslim since most people surprisingly don't know the difference between a Bosniak and a Bosnian. It all comes down to pride and war wounds.
why Serbs are shithole
Even I learned something new, good job Dinooo!
I've been watching Geography Now! videos for years now and it was great to see someone from the country of one of the videos actually talk about their opinions on the video. You added a lot of context that Geography Now! videos don't generally have the time to add as they're just overviews.
As the Bosnia & Herzegovina episode was many years ago when the channel was young I'm not sure how many people from the country he had helping him with this video, but generally he calls out for any viewers of the channel to help with research for the countries he's about to produce videos on. Of course he does his own online research on top of this but he tries to get things backed up by the viewers from that country. He then also has a video out a few days later where he talks about the flag and then opens fan mail, and in that video he starts off by talking about the things he got wrong in the original video. So if he got a former President's name wrong or used the wrong photo or even something bigger like mixed up the relations with neighbouring countries he apologies for it.
Just introduced myself to your video today. I thank you so much because of so many reasons, however I cannot start listing all the reasons as I will end up writing a book here. I do want to say to whoever sees my comment to know that there still are Serbs, Croats, Bosnians who never wanted this war to happen because we all were part of Jugoslavia and plenty of them were at peace amongst eachother ( even the Gypsies). Many of us shared what we had to make each day a better one than yesterday and so one house grew potato and onions, the other neighbor had flour for bread, the other had sugar to make cookies, the other milk for yogurt, like I can go on and on. I was born here and am 47 y/o now and only visited Bosnia ( Bugojno) from 1979-1981....I was there when Tito died. Although I was young and not born there, my feelings always remained of the tears all nationalities and religions were so devastated. They looked at their neighbors and cried that something may happen soon and they will be forced to seperate from what they considered their home with all types of families that were their neighbors. Even my mom had a best friend named Zopra from Montenegro before the way existed and Zora was acting like a terrorist and the one day my mom couldn't take it anymoreand gave her own opinion that if she is thinking like this than she mustalso feel some type of wat to my mom. After my mom spoke her peace, Zora never came over, invited us over, and didn't speak to my mom unfortunately few months before Zora died. My mom held on to that fucked up feeling that she lost a friend because she was all for war. It's just really fucked up anyone has to live in such hatred, jealousy, greed.
i want to go next year but I need help going back to where my mom and dad was born, and where in Bosnia are the poorest people because I need to be with them to help in any way I can. I asked some family members to please help me find the areas I remember as a kid so I can see what it looks like now but it seems they don't even want to discuss it because they never reply and I am really upset, like all my relatives are there, my mom and dad have passed away and I just have the need to see something after all these years and where these poor people are so I can start from now asking for donations and just bring all that there da podjelim. I am subscribing to your channel in hopes your other videos are informative as this one, and I hope and pray we all of any race or nationality can love each other with a pure heart and live in peace ang growth of human beings. Jesam ti rekla da cu pisati knjigu ovde??? eh pa (j)ebiga lmao..... molim da se cujem od tebi mozda live jednog dana, da ti kazem gde su mjeste sto trazim jer niko u familiju moju tamo is replying, and it is extremely frustrating.. Hvala may you live a life of health happinnes and love.
Ive been waiting for this video :)
Im croat but my Familie live in Herzegovina
Blackzy koji dio Hercegovine da vidim znam li te :D :D :D
I’m from Malaysia and I know a Bosnian who migrated here in the 1990’s
A LOT of people here are confused about NATIONALITY and ETHNICITY….People that are from the SAME NATION have the same NATIONALITY no matter their ethnicity….People of the SAME ETHNICITY come from the same Heritage no matter the Country they live in….DINO IS SIMPLY SAYING: Even though people come from the same Heritage they SHARE a LAND when you are from the same Country and Unity/Pride for the land you live on IS WORTH being PROUD of and keeping peaceful NO MATTER your Heritage..
The idea PRIORITIZING PEACE and UNITY by celebrating what people have in Common VERSUS PRIORITIZING FIGHTING and WAR to celebrate the Egos of HERITAGE and LEADERS….
Some times suffering is so common the idea of change is radical.
im a guy from republika srpska and im reacting to a bosnian react to geography about bosnia and herzegovina jesus christ
The fact that a Bosnian can say "Nope, they're all the same language" is hilarious to me
Love this! Well done perfect explanation
okay Im bit late on this video.. ancestors are what keeps herzegovian people believe they are Croatians, aswell the fact that most of the people there were actually born in Croatian maternity hospitals... Also you cant say serbain is same language as croatian and otherwise. They have similar or same words but rules in the actual language are not applied in both of them. its not the same like German and Austrian thing. ethnicity in BiH decides your nationality. BiH is still federal state, so thats why. Balkan is not ruined. One thing that hold us tougether is tradition and way of thinking. I am not sure but I think Balkan is the only part of the world which successfuly supresses western politic and keeps some of our own believes. I saw some comments that bosnian,serbs and croats are same people. you cant say that as well. we have long history and different one. We live as neighbours very long time but aint same. Religion in history is ignite for culture progress, so its obvious why Bosnia prefers Turkey. Islam is backed up by big Islamic country. Same goes for Serbs who praise Russia brotherhood more than one with Croatia. Croatia became for USA by being part of EU and NATO. So yeah, our belives are rooted by our culture, which is connected with our ancestors and religion. MRslavic I like your approch of thinking, but its federation and they have every right to say they are croats or serbs. You can change nationality but you cant change ethnicity. I would like to have open discussion with arguments, and not fuck you and things like that.
Aswell I think most of the hate between Serbia Croatia and BiH comes because of political issues in all of those countries. People are done with dipshit which they get on daily bases from diplomacy. I can gurentee that after hour of talking they would end up huging and drinking tougether. We are not the same but Im pretty sure that we all have same passion about sport and drinking, aswell we apricciate friendships on whole another level than USA(I have been there so I think have right to say that). We enjoy same music and have same humor. Thats why our 3 countries will have something that rest of the world dont. We love each other more than we hate each other. And that hate is dying. New generations are coming, we have bright future, beautiful nature and best people on Earth.
Im bosnian but i love srbs crorats and more
I approve of this video ;) great job
As a Russian reacting to this video! I agree greatly with what you said about Putin and the country.
Anyone else feel like he should have millions of subs his vids aren’t fake beef or diss tracks there just the truth
exactly, facts
If he works harder he would actually get them
@@sheteeh8922 wtf he has 220 videos its not about work, getting popular is not proportionally related to "working harder" its rather how often people share your video and what type of content is popular... Most famous youtubers suck at their quality of content...
You are right
Cool video.
I was born in germany but my parents are from bosnia "republika srpska"
My mom is orthodox and dad is catholic.
And everytime when people ask me where i come from, they get everytime confused.
Sentences like "Oh you are bosnian, so you must be a Muslim." or "ur half orthodox? Are u a Serbian?" are already said everytime and this is getting really annoying.....
I like that u re not so extremely nationalistic like others are. :)
Pozdrav iz njemačke ;)
Stvarno uzivam gledati tvoj kanal, jedan si mi od rjetkih uzora. Samo sam jos htjela pitat iz kojeg si grada i jesi li zavrsio skolu u BiH. Sry ako si rekao u predhodnim videima nisam u toku lately ^^
I was born in Mostar and my nationality on paper is Croat, I have Croat Passport and most of those things
On paper you are, but your family and geens are Croatian.
he which would make you on paper bosnian, with a catholic religion as in the rest of the world because it makes much more sense
@@borntowinnomatterwhat9813 ali se zna tko si i od kuda si
you do know there is a difference between nationality and ethnicity right? My nationalities are Dutch and Bosnian but my roots, my genes, my DNA.. my ethnicity is Serb.
Nationalities and nations can change, but your ethnicity never changes, you can not change your roots even if you wanted it. An ethnic Somali can never be an ethnic German.. you could see he is black, his ethnicity is visibly different from a German one, but his nationality can be German. He can even call himself German if he wishes and has the German nationality, which would not be false in that case, but he can also call himself an Somali which also would not be false.
I don´t understand why so many people have problem to understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
Genes xDDD
Slavs all have the same genes.
This is absurd!
You live in a country, you were born and raised in it, you love it in your heart.
That's the logic
Dobar video kralju
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian are the same but there are just small diferences called "ekavica" and "Ijekavica" and that is why they seperate them. For me it is the same
You say that people can have different nationalities according to their birthplace and you are right, however ethnicity can be a difficult topic. Also I like your channel name (says a guy who named his channel according to his location as a kid)
Yeah, it all kinda depends. My parents have been born in Bosnia, but have lived in Croatia, since they graduated from high school, and to be honest, we have never been fully accepted in 'our' own country. I was born in Croatia. Croatians don't like Croatians from Bosnia, and for some reason feel 'we' are less worth then Croatians from Croatia. I myself have been in Bosnia twice in my life, but still get mocked for being Bosnian, if i get asked where i'm from, and i say Croatia. My whole childhood, in schools, teachers would ask me where my parents are from, because our last name wasn't local, but is still Croatian. And they knew it, cause we live in a place of 1500 people lol, but they wanted me to feel ashamed of not being a proper Croatian, in front of the class. I hated being 'Bosnian' and i didn't even know why. I still don't understand it, to this day, what is so different about me or my parents.
Lara that's very weird. In Finland we treat every Finn the same no matter is he or she from Finland, Sweden or Russia etc.
Lara same I live in austria and get mocked for being slovene. But Brate We can make it
I'm born in rs but i have a very serbian last name, I fit in quite well when I go, I have never had another serb judge me or put me at less worth for being born in bih
@Defsuz u stupid.
@@AmazingYT yeah but situation in Croatia is very different. Croat from Bosnia took all jobs in public sector and now they are only employing their relatives. They are the number one cause of corruption and poor economic status of Croatia.
For example, mayor of Zagreb iz from Bosnia, he is very corrup and the city is in bad situation becaus of him, but he is in the place of the mayor because Croats from Bosnia who live in Zagreb vote for him just because hi is Bosnian and they do not care for anything else.
He has been accused of corruption for a couple of times, but he is released every time... judges were Bosnian Croats too.
I hope you now understand our situation.
I have muslim Russian BFF and i will never hate her
Sjajan video MrSlavic
ako je otac iz hrvatske/srbije a dete rodjeno u bosni ima pravo na dvojno drzavljanstvo
Im born in bosnia but in my passeport write that im Croat, because im
See and in the rest of the world its Your nationality from where you were born, so for example you would be a bosnian on paper because you are born in bosnia and your religion would be catholic, but because its bosnia everything is the other way around which makes living working and politics more complicated which is the reason the country is doing not so good
You put your ethnicity on your passport? Weird.
Good Video!
I espacially like the fact that you said that there are not three different langauages, it's the same one!
When you buy a packet of cigarettes you can read "Smoking kills" three times: "Pušenje ubija" "Pušenje ubija" and "Pušenje ubija"(in cyrillic letters)
All the same shit, everyone understands it, but they have to write it down three times, because some people are too proud and they quickly feel insulted...
6:18 bro it doesn't matter where you're born
like if you're parents are Bosnian
and you are born in Serbia your not a Serb you are Bosnian you just born in that country
I Love Bosnia.. from Indonesia
10:40 Lmaoo same with Urdu (Pakistan) and Hindi (India) - the script is different and formal versions are too, to an extent, but the casual convos are pretty much fully understandable
The problem is Turkish government at the time, was a highly secular government which wanted nothing in terms of relations with other countries which have a significant amount of muslims like Bosnia. The government even did not allow Turkish volunteers to go to Bosnia to fight. Those who went to Bosnia went to there by illegal ways. You can tell if the government was a government like today's, things would be quite different.
Lol I'm from Republic of Srpska and most people here do identify as Serbs rather than Bosnians
Hey i am bleron I am Albanian I like your video brother i like you I saw this video and I love how you look at this things your a real Yugoslavian brother and I know Yugoslavia was a great country long live the Yugoslavian brotherhood 💪🏻
Albanian Swissguy Smrt fašizmu Sloboda narodu!
This slogan is good and I'm NOT a communist
I enjoyed your video a lot and thanks for all the additional info. Although I can understand the nationalists approach, your way of thinking really is refreshing and might be key for stability in this region. At last, which country would you consider the closest ally to Bosnia?
*Another reason why RS annexing themselves to Serbia would not work - the Dayton Agreement states that no legal entity of B&H could be seperated unless there's a legal process or anything similar. If the Serbs would rebel against that, NATO, the UN and the whole shebang would annihilate them.*
Turkey wanted to help, but Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia didnt allow moving army troops through their countries,dont just telling false information without thinking.
I am from Azerbaijan and our people love and respct to Bosnia
I am Turkish and I read that Erbakan sent money and guns to Bosnia during the war and he also converted an oil factory in Bosnia into a gun and rocket one. Aliya Izetbegovic also pointed that secret gun help from Turkey and how they crashed and captured Serb tanks. Anyway I hope that will never happen again
Good review of a review of a country!
Bosnia is an example of a country where people really hate each other yet the country still exists and is quite peaceful.
He usually gets his Info from the internet and people from Bosnia .
The thing with nationality is a bit complicated though. A person born in Bosnia but by Serbian parents will still be Serbian. He’s ethnically a Serb but he’s a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The language wasn't called Yugoslavian during Yugoslavia times it was called Serbo Croatian.
I would like to see a video where you talk in Dutch or German, like "I talk another language" type of video. Zdra'o.
The Balkan the reason why i have two keyboards one to be curious and ask why things are complex the other to smash my head with
I was born in Zenica, Bosnia. Iam a Orthodox Bosnian. Its facts! & Common sense.
Im from Bosnia and Herzegovina
I am croatian
My family is catholic i am muslim
real talk Wtf???
Real Talk
U konvertering to Islam ?
Masallah !
Hi MRslavic brother, It happens that I totally agree with you and I am sure there are many open-minded decent intelligent people from the Balkans who do the same. Unfortunately many are also falling for the nationalistic propaganda spewed out and have been distanced from reality. Greetings from Australia and great video. Subbed. Peace.
It's funny thing people live in Bosnia their born there called themselves croat and srbs they didn't want to call themselves Bosnians all about they're politician that's why the War started. In Bosnia they want to divide the country half Serbia half to Croatia they forgot there's one more people live there Bosnians 😋😋
Actually, it is the people who were born and who lived in Yugoslavia and refused to call themselves Yugoslavians.. that is why the war started!
Ethnic pertains to: of or relating to LARGE groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background....
Only TWO 'ethnic groups' that settled and assimilated others in the Balkans are documented: Serbs and Croats.
But that was long long time ago....
Hypothetically if Ottomans never conquered and converted some people to Islam none of this shit would be happening.
Bosnians wouldn't be agitating for their own separate state. If they stayed christian they'll gladly be part of Croatia or Serbia.
Just like Swabian, Bavarian, Prussian, Saxon 'Germans' don't have a need to separate from unified 'Germany.'
Only Muslim Bosnias want to separate from their 'brothers'.
Islam is THE foundation of Bosniak identity.
Also Yugoslavia was always a form of 'Greater Serbia'.
Ultra nationalist Serbs as Cosic, lament the act of King Alexander choosing Yugoslavia as opposed to a smaller 'Greater Serbia'.
Dude serbs dont hate the people in the republic of skrpska, they are just more nationalistic. We dont reject them.
You seem like a nice guy, and you live in the West so it´s not so bad, but you´re confusing citizenship and nationality-citizenship is Bosnian, no problem, and nationality is Serb, Croat, or Bosniak... I´m not a big fan of Bosniaks claiming Bosnia as their own, a Serb in Bosnia should be proud of being Bosnian, but that´s a regional identity, not a nationality... And it´s not like the Serbs and Croats moved to Bosnia. They were living there for hundreds of years.
Yours story is speculation !!!
@@freesoul397 Tvoja priča je sranje.
Its crazy how im muslim never gone to a mosuqe and eaten pork.This makes me think i have betrayed my religion 😐 😐
All are welcome to Serbia !!! : ]
ne seri
Jugoslavija brate ;)
i think what he meant by calling people 'serbs' 'croats' etc is because of their origin not necessarily their religion or nationality on paper. on paper i'm american but my mom is italian and my dad is french so although legally i am american (and french and italian since i've got the passprts but whatever) i am still italian or french because those are my origins
As an Albanian from Kosovo, I find a lot of your reactions so funny
Turkey is actually one of our most loved and important ally that we have rn, if erdogan was president in the yugoslavian war back then... We would have gotten way more help than we did then
I'm Pretty sure Bosnian, serbs and, croats reffers to their culture
Hercegovina was a separate entity, once upon a time ( the County , herceg) Bosna, after the river. ☆ Mostar and Sarajevo, I have been to both, twice. Pork, &c. is allowable if no other option is available. Commin sense. Kravice falls are amazing. Watch out for the Golden Jackels.
Keep in mind the geography now vid mad years ago
With the Croats in the south thing, I think he was referring to ethnicity not nationality
i mean, i get his point. with trying to say we're all bosnian in the end. it is kind of true, we are all from the same country though i do think the cultures remain different. bosniaks are different from croats and those are different from serbs. we grow up surrounded by different cultures so i don't think it's quite right to say we're all the same in the end.
kätzchenfleisch having different beliefs doesn’t change your nationality. If you speak the same language, eat the same food, live door next to eachother in the end you’re the same people just have different views in life still makes you from the same country.
I think you're right. Even in the time of Yugoslavia (the first an the second one), when people had to tell their nationality in the census there was Serbian Croatian and "muslim in the sense of nationality" so no matter if being Bosnian is actually a "thing" no one ever said that.The terminology of Bosnian or Bosniak was invented in the 90's when people desperately wanted to distinguish themselves (Especially non-muslims from muslims and vice versa). Before the 90's Bosnia was just considered a territorial term and not an ethnical term. That's the reason why Bosnia is what it is right now. In that sense it is no surprise that the 90's war had his epicentrum in Bosnia because it was the only Yugoslavian region where no one was actually sure about what he is, where he belongs to and what the boundaries are.
@@harisbegovic i completely agree!! beliefs should NEVER determine your nationality. for example, whenever i talk to my bosnian friends (one of them is a serb, two are muslim and another one's a croat) one of my muslim bosnian friends i feel is a lot closer to the way i've experienced living in bosnia (my parents are catholic) than the other ones - even the croat. but i think it is important to keep in mind that bosnia is, in fact, very diverse. all i was trying to say.
Maybe I'd believe that Pyramid was real if I didn't see that same Pyramid shaped mountain again and again wherever I drive in central Bosnia. It's 100% natural phenomenon.
the second picture of waterfalls is not located in Perućica
Literally everything about Bosnia and even the Balkan is such a fucked up discussion. We are all the same nation, the same people but they(not gonna specify bc that would start an argument 😂💀) manipulated us into going to war and hating each other 😶🤯
The fact that People from western countries think this about us is awful. For them we are just small countries that have war. We are all the same! Im muslim and i have some a lot better croat and serbian friends than bosnian friends
RUclips recommend me this after I searched anything related with "Sarajevo siege".
The world has 1.2 billion catholic and 300million orthodox christians. Why dont we just call all of them serbs and croats?
@@THEAG28011966 Of course its silly. You seem to not understand the point in beeing ironic... Unfortunately, humans born in Bosnia belong to some alien country just because of their religion. A guy born in bosnia, speaking bosnian, having a bosnian passport would rather consider himself as a serb or croat just because he is christian. Even if he never visited one of those countries ever in his life time and doesnt have relatives over there. This is the Problem in the balkans.
Its called nationalism. People are BLINDED by nationalism.
@@THEAG28011966 This comes together with the fact that people died for their national leaders. They died just that some guys can have more land or draw new maps of countries. For what do they need land? We in the balkans are poor as fuck and have less then what we achieved before the war.
I would get it if they took at least some precious land and build cities or would use it as farmland but no. People died literally for nothing. They killed families, children and raped women just to leave the land abandoned and let the infrastructures decay. The worst is that this happend and after more than 20 years nationalistic people are still fighting about whos country is the coolest. Listen guys all of you are poor losers...
THEA G. This was ironically lol
Im from Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And my friends were bugging me because i don’t watch balkan youtube videos. Im not racist, its just that i’d rather watch USA or UK youtubers. I enjoy the content more. Have a nice day!
Racist ? :O LoL u know what racist means ??? :D :D :D
Yes, i do. It means that i prefer some person over an other person because they are a different skin color, different religion, speak another language or live in another part of a city. So you are wrong.
Yee , now we all can see you don't know what racist is . I just wanted to confirm that . So thank you , no need for further explanations ... So next time pls don't write about something you know nothing about , at least google it ... see ya
8:40 what history was saved there….. when ur in bosnia and u want history in woods and mountains watch out for landmines
@dino You mentioned smth about how the first generation moved from Serbia during Yugoslav period? I didn't rly understand that.
Sr Bosnia was always split along thr lines of tripartite consensus, all the way back from 43( when the first constitution was made ).
I don't think Barby was wrong in saying what he said. It's simply how the country was made.
Even today Bih is a country whose constitution separates 2 ethnic groups, it has no mention of a Bosnian Nation, so even that is the fault of those who've setup the system.
you removed the parts where he explains himself: he said that bosnian , crotian and serbian are as similar as 3 english dilects for exemple , you deleted it
Take a drink every time he pauses
My country is hella confusing, and I do agree with a lot but not all said in this video. It is true, not many Bosnians live in Bosnia and it has said that this year alone about 30,000 thousand Bosnians moved to America alone not counting the other countries they moved to as well, and for someone who moved from America back to the motherland, it really does break my heart to see so many people think this country has nothing to offer, but it does. We all know the basics to economy and that is the more citizens+more jobs= that our country financially can be doing much better, but since we only have less then from what I know 8 million citizens living in Bosnia right now, this does not help our country at all economically. Also a lot of companies from Turkey are actually exporting goods or what ever material they need from Bosnia because they do see that the majority of citizens in Bosnia are muslim so that does help our country out financially, but only by a little. I am currently about to start my third year of International Finances, so I do know a lot about marketing and business and if I could just give any advice to any citizen of Bosnia, it will be so they please stay in Bosnia. If you are someone who thinks that Bosnia is "shitty" because you hear how extravagant your aunts and cousins say living in America or other counties are, chances are they are bullshitting. I was born in Bosnia but left to live in America when I was 7 months old, so I practically lived all my 18 years there and moved back to BIH when I graduated HS. And I lived in New Hampshire and over the years that state has become not so great in terms of more crack heads and people getting addicted to drugs, but that state is still very beautiful. I know depending on where you live in America you have or had a different experience, but with that pig as my president and a hole lotta other shit going on America is not that great anymore, in my opinion. What I am trying to say is that when Bosnians leave BIH because they move to another country to live a better life, you actually end up fucking up your motherland because in order for a country to survive and sustain itself financially, you need citizens living there and it does not help when we just leave as soon as we get married or turn 18.
I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina
super za tebe
"Turkey didn't do anything during the war" LOL
You have no idea. Turkey was lead by a communistic leader "Demirel" at that times, who was a marionette of the US. At that times turkish soldiers were sent to Somalia in order to fulfill Americas oil ressource interests. You don't know how much turkish people protested, that their soldiers were in Somalia and not in Bosnia. If they had Erdoğan back then, they would surely participate in the war on Bosnias side. And you cannot tell me, that history is the only connection. The food is literally 80% the same. (Burek, Cevape, Kahva, Sarma, Baklava, Dolma, Dzevrek etc.) Even the preperation of turkish Kahva is exactly the same as the bosnian Kahva with Dzezva and Lokum etc. Also traditional music, dances, traditions are very similar. The balkan is much more similar to Turkey than to the rest of europe. How can you deny this connection?
Also watch this (from 1993):видео.html
Yes... sadly Turkey back then chickend out. But I highly doubt that that will ever happen again
@@adalet127 Yes but it was the government, who did nothing. The turkish population was always on Bosnias side but they couldn't do anything because of that shitty communistic government.
Somalia had absolutely no crude oil infrastructure, or known oil reserves, when the US was kicking around there in the 90s. Only in the last few years have even exploratory wells and drilling even occurred in Somalia. Stop making shit up, it makes you look stupid.
fuck turkey
Turkey in generel did nothing for us.. but there were some volunteers from turkey called „mudzahedini“ they fought with the muslims❤️
Turkey sent guns but secretly. well it was that secret I guess even some of you guys have still no ides lol! you can look and read Dutch reports for Turkish help to the Bosnian side during the war.
This is a tough topic with a simple solution. And it is a topic that needs to be adressed and dealt with. I am glad you are talking about it the way you do. BiH needs to be one, whole and united as such. No split in the ruling entities to Federation and Rep. Srp. Only one president is needed and should be installed.
The bullshit name of "Bosniaks" should be forgotten as the name Bosnians covers that and it is a true name for people living in BiH.
As "Bosniak" is only created cause of religion difference and you should not mix religion with nationality.
Also, I am not sure how people in BiH see Croatia. But, Croatia does not seek to divide BiH to "Croatian part" and to "Whatever parts are left". No matter the history of BiH, it should be independent country with one president and one nation (Bosnians). Sure, ethnically you will still have Croats and Serbs living there, but only that... ethnically. Just like USA has many ethnicities.
In my opinion, first step to better BiH is installation of only 1 president. And second is removal of the Rep. of Srp.
Then the rest comes...
'And second is removal of the Rep. of Srp'
That was the whole point of war. Bosniaks didn't wanna be part of Yugoslavia; and now Serbs don't wanna be part of Bosnia.