I can hear his sadness. It's really upsetting. I love you bro even though I haven't met you. Keep your head up. Keep expressing your emotions and moving forward.
I hope so to! This is song is amazing, ive had it on repeat. This is literally how so many people in our generation feel, unable to put it into words. Terror reid managed to express how alot of people feel. Shout out terror reid/getter, this song is going to help alot of people.
Mutt I can relate to this song so much “my mind is gone I don’t wanna find it the devil gave me a cintract and I signed it” dope does that shit to a person. God help me caz right now I’m in dire straits.
Love this song. Terror Reid’s music really speaks to me especially this song. It’s crazy how sometimes people be goin through the same shit and don’t even know each other. It just reminds me that I’m not alone and there is other people that feel the same way, and that makes it ok.
conquering a meth and heroin addiction feeling betrayal and loss stuck in the struggle of finding my self feeling spineless this man pushes me to strive for more even if ill never be a renowned dub step artist or rapper I can achieve something and tanner should tale pride in the people he has influenced and struggles he has conquered
Yooo Tanner! I met you at your first show ever in Denver. You were out in the crowd after your set just kicking it being hilarious and having fun with everyone on the patio. Never saw an artist just having so much fun and interacting with fans. You're deffinitly a legend and yeah life can suck no matter what you have or obtain, but it's the legends like you that make it more enjoyable. Thank you for all your music and art!
I graduate today from college to pursue my bachelors in Nursing and this comes out!!! I can't explain how much your music has helped me out!!! Thank you!
It's been 3 Yeats since I can finally listen to this again.. I listen to it when my brother passed away and I could never do it again... but I finally feel ok to listen again. I miss you so much bro. Thank you for showing me Terror Reid!
Eight years since ive signed my "contract" and honestly, idk if I'm going to ever wake up. Thank you creating something so heart-wrenching yet so beautiful Terror Reid.
This song was definitely my depression xan days and it almost triggers me but at the same time makes me understand how much further I’ve come . Love it ! Still bumpin you terror !
I cant explain the feeling I get when seeing a new Terror/Getter drop, I literally wait on that. So happy to be alive in such a awesome era in our side of the musical tracks.
I feel soooo conntected with Getter, really, like only thing that I'd love to do rn is to just hug him in silence and wish him best. Idk why but a spirit of this song (and song itself) instantly made me cry. Love u Getter, keep goin ♥
This song is incredible. I've always enjoyed seeing the different stuff Terror/Getter has done (I actually grew up/live in Simi, so I'm a die hard real bros fan - so many incredible small details) but I only recently learned about him rapping as Terror Reid (I knew about him as Getter and his part in HOOD RICH with Pink Guy). Having listened to a fair amount of songs this one obviously stands out for the message and the seriousness behind the track. If anyone knows of similar tracks, I'd appreciate a recommendation. And I definitely hope to hear more serious tracks in the future (and look forward to some fire ass drops as well)!
Lyrics: (But I am who I am, and it is what it is) (huh) (Is that real shit?) (huh) (yo-huh) (huh) (I feel like, I feel like, I feel like) [Verse 1] I feel like im hanging by my throat I wanna cut the rope but i just dont know how to cope They think i got it all but in reality im broke Try to cleanse my soul but i bought the wrong soap How the hell did this happen? I used think was a captain Now Im all alone and my stories untold I'm missin the innocent citizen i coulda been Listenin' to Eminem just a kid with some headphones Ashamed of my thoughts so i hide 'em all in jokes I hate my fuckin' shows i can’t do this anymore So i just choke on these fucked up feelings that i wrote Waiting for the day i wake up and feel like everybody else I just want to be myself I’m already in hell can't u tell by the smell? But i am who i am and it is wat it is Limiting my ablilities so i can live [Hook 1] I've lost my mind can't you help me find it? The Devil gave me a contract and I signed it All the bitches and money got me blinded Can't even stand up anymore bitch I'm spineless And if u find this a little bit amusing You and ya whole crew can bite on this uzi You’ve unleashed the fuckin terror inside me So when i'm gone move on and don't cry for me [Verse 2] I can't feel pain, I can't hide, I can't go outside I can't look anybody in the eye I couldn't even cry, back when Greenback died I try to ease my pain but i always gotta fly I see no reflection when i look into a mirror I’m fading into nothing and that ain't even my biggest fear I just don’t wanna be forgotten I wanna be a prophet I want my shit played out often Don’t wanna be anotha body in the earth And i want every mothafucka to have a Terror Reid shirt And bump my shit til they fucking ears hurt Ain’t gonna be starvin artist gone unheard Want 'em to hear my words To feel my hurt To see my dirt To go berserk That’s why i always work But thats why i always hurt man FUCK IT Im forever stoic I guess all i’ll ever be is another dead poet [Hook 2] My mind is gone out I don't wanna find it The Devil gave me a contract and I signed it All the bitches and money got me blinded Can't even sit up anymore, bitch I'm spineless And if you find this, a little bit amusing You and ya whole crew can bite on this uzi You've unleashed the fuckin' terror inside me So when I'm gone move on and don't cry for me
ro] (Ale jsem, kdo jsem, a je to, co to je) (huh) (Je to skutečný hovno?) (huh) (jo-huh) (huh) (Mám chuť, mám chuť, mám chuť)Reklama [verš 1] Mám pocit, že mi visím pod krkem Chci přeříznout lano, ale prostě nevím, jak si poradit Říkají, že mám všechno, ale ve skutečnosti jsem na mizině Snažím se očistit svou duši, ale koupil jsem špatné mýdlo Člověče, jak se to sakra stalo? Myslel jsem si, že jsem kapitán Teď jsem úplně sám a moje příběhy jsou nevyřčené Chybí mi ten nevinný občan, kterým jsem mohl být Poslouchám Eminema, jen dítě s nějakými sluchátky Stydím se za své myšlenky, tak je všechny schovám do vtipů Nesnáším své zasrané show, už to nemůžu dělat Takže jsem se jen dusil těmi zkurvenými pocity, které jsem napsal Čekám na den, kdy se probudím a cítím se jako všichni ostatní Chci být jen sám sebou Už jsem v pekle, nepoznáš to podle vůně? Ale jsem, kdo jsem a je to tak, jak to je Omezil jsem své schopnosti, abych mohl žít [Hook 1] Ztratil jsem rozum, nepomůžeš mi to najít? Ďábel mi dal smlouvu a já ji podepsal Všechny ty svině a peníze mě oslepily Už si nemůžu ani sednout, děvko, jsem bezpáteřní A pokud vám to přijde trochu zábavné Vy a celá posádka můžete kousnout na toto uzi Rozpoutal jsi ve mně ten zasraný Teror Takže až budu pryč, jdi dál a nebreč pro mě fotky Registruj se pro MÉNĚ REKLAM !!! [verš 2] Necítím bolest, nemůžu se schovat, nemůžu jít ven Nemůžu se nikomu podívat do očí Když Greenback zemřel, nemohl jsem ani plakat Snažím se zmírnit bolest, ale vždycky musím létat Při pohledu do zrcadla nevidím žádný odraz Propadám se do ničeho a to není ani můj největší strach Jen nechci být zapomenut Chci být prorokem Chci, aby se moje sračky hrály často Nechtěj být jiným tělem na zemi A já chci, aby každý mothafucka měl tričko Terror Reid Nabij mě, dokud je nebudou bolet uši Nebude to hladovějící umělec, nevyslyšen Chci, aby slyšeli moje slova Cítit svou bolest Abych viděl mou špínu Zuřit Proto vždy pracuji Ale to je důvod, proč jsem vždycky ublížil, kurva Jsem navždy stoický Myslím, že všechno, co kdy budu, je další mrtvý básník [Háček 2] Moje mysl je pryč, nechci ji najít Ďábel mi dal smlouvu a já ji podepsal Všechny ty svině a peníze mě oslepily Už si nemůžu ani sednout, děvko, jsem bezpáteřní A pokud vám to přijde trochu zábavné Vy a celá posádka můžete kousnout na toto uzi Rozpoutal jsi ve mně tu zasranou hrůzu Takže až budu pryč, jdi dál a nebreč pro mě
Koleś jest niesamowity. Prawdziwy muzyczny talent. Bit to poezja, flow miażdży głowę, i do tego ten tekst. Chwyta za serducho jak skurwysyn. Jedna z moich ulubionych piosenek ever. Rób swoje ziomek bo czuć, że jesteś do tego stworzony. Pozdrowienia z Polski. PS. Pokazuję twoją muzykę komu mogę i każdy ma takie samo zdanie.
This song is life I’ve been rocking it for some time now and sharing it with everyone I think would appreciate its amazingness. every word resonates in my soul. You will never be forgotten.
you're genuinely a hero man.. i truly hope you realize it someday! I'm struggling hella and fighting. your music helps me cope and it also motivates me during my workouts! please keep going man i still have yet to see you perform and that's my dream really.. i promise to stick around two!!!
Hey man I appreciate this song, thanks for putting it out, I found a bit of myself in the lyrics, keep your chin up brother, it all gets better with time.
Please release more songs like this i can relate to. idgaf there is no music video. you are a fucking masterpiece and have too much talent to waste but it feels good to have a song i can bump that expresses my feelings to the exact. We love you Getter so take the time you need off, do whatever it takes but you are saving more lives by creating than destroying yourself. Please stay with us man
you touch more lives than you realize, this songs paints almost a mural of my own life. You have too many fans that care about you to just quit now. Any state you go or venue is gonna sell out and if that's not what you want let us know we are all behind you- Greenbacks
This song is hitting on a whole mother level, I’m 19, I still live with my parents, I’ve lost everything over and over again, and at this point it is what it is, and those words finally hit me today, because it made me realize I don’t have anything to lose anymore and that’s dangerous, so anyone reading this, I’m gonna advise that you please, don’t get to where I’m at, and please try to find a reason to keep going, because I’m at a point where I’m just waiting for something bad to happen
Iv dumped nearly a quarter of a million into medical bills and everything iv worked for was for nothing. I live with my parents as well because the fires really fucked my life up. Im sober still sure ya thats cool i guess but being in this position is beyond humiliating and depressing. your 19 and way younger than me so dont give up i know you can recover. If your not in debt and have a mountain of medical bills to pay your doing pretty freaking good my friend. Everything iv worked for in my life is gone and worst part is i lost myself along the way. Stay strong kid you got a chance please dont give up. If this means anything i hope you know your not alone and someone else on this earth cares about you despite not even knowing you, Keep your head up, drop your shoulders and smile because you got this
22 about to be 23 in a couple months...I feel you man I live with my parents...I lost my dog this summer...im doing therapy...I go to the doctors all the time now...Bills to pay....all that shit man but getting over things will get you farther in life learn from mistakes and take what happens to you and use it for the better...I know all this will sound a little fucked but I lost my dad when i was 17 to lung cancer, nasty shit man was with him every damn minute I could. he was a huge part of my life and to lose him like that threw me into a fucked up pit I was scared ever damn minute for 9 months watching him slowly turn into someone I could barely recognize from his strokes, chemotherapy, Cancer medication(real toxic shit) the cancer was turning him into a restless emotional wreck, fuck I would would be scared too. watching him before he passed it got bad, he was in so damn much pain he would ask me in the middle of the night when I would get a drink, since he was in our house not the hospital where he didn't feel comfortable and away from family that he just wanted to "end his suffering" he wanted to go. God did that ever sit in my gut wrong ever time he mumbled in pain with any of those words. I wanted my dad to live dammit. I was scared I'm not going to lie death was just a thing I didn't wanna grasp, almost like I wanted to fool myself into thinking he would get better but it never did. I'm so glad that I was there with him before he passed with my mother and her grandparents for 2 whole days my father wasn't there in the head I couldn't wake him up eyes rolled back into his head and coughing up blood. I had and emotional drop where I couldn't do anything but sob and scold the world for doing this shit to me and my family...after I started doing shit I would never ever ever think to do but I did...I picked that choice I numbed my feelings man. I started to take prescription pills and pharmaceuticals it might not feel like things are going your way bro but I promise!....PROMISE! that shit will get better...its all motivation man and making choices. I got over everything and I'm slowly recovering from shit you need to cope in your own way. you might not feel right until you DO accomplish something or resolve something with yourself. You might have Pain That you need to take care of. I do too. everyone does...worlds scary but speaking from me who had more kicks to his balls that I've took in stride you'll be good man!
Homie maybe your inner dreams Will help you That's what helped me and I'm still trying to accomplish the dream of becoming a Sim-Racer and race in the GT Championship Or at least buy a S13 Whatever those 2 come first.
I could listen to a new TERROR REID tune every single week easily. What a dopeness! Shout out to the one and only GETTER for changing the game forever!
Getter/terror reid music has help me though high school, I have so much love for you and I hope your doing good, with your music it has help me face my fears. Please know your one of my heros..
I mean IDK.. Have u listened to the lyrics in most of his songs aha.. He may just be a music artist to u but that's nothing to scoff at.. They usually put what they're feeling into a song. And he most likely feels a bit better knowing he's vented a bit of stuff in a song
while listening to this, I am starting to realize that I wasted everything, the only memory from summer that I have it when my n my friends spent a whole day at the lake, and then we walked back to the city on the sunset, and this was so damn beautiful, but after that I spent all the time I had playing videogames and shit, now Im sad cuz videogames fill up the emptiness in my heart, but they will never make me feel good, appreciated and loved. Now its autumn, and I'll spend the most of my time at home cuz its cold outside, and this will make me feel more alone and will make me regret more of my lifestyle. I need to work really hard to get a proper education, to get a good job and hopefully get a good salary. I cant live like this anymore. I always laugh and smile when I am with my friends or classmates, but really nothing is fun and ok at all. I can't feel pain, I can't hide, I can't go outside.......
It's okay man, summer's coming back again before you even notice so you should start preparing for it. Time seems to speed up year by year and that scares the shit outta me. I was just like you some 3 years ago, I had a Xbox 360 and I both loved it and hated it. It ate - or I let it eat - all my free time. Then one day I thought to myself that I have to get rid of it since I didn't trust myself to have the discipline to play a reasonable amount of time. My dad's eyesight was getting worse so I gave my huge smart TV to him and that was that. That was also the best decision I had made in about 5 years. I was bored as fuck at first but it went away a lot quicker than I'd expected. Now I have no reason to stay at home other than to play guitar or make music so I go out a lot more and I'm a lot happier with my life as a result. Anyway, I'm drunk and ramblin' again. I wish you all the best man!
People that are going to your shows aren’t in it for the music they’re there for the cookie cutter shows baby you’re killing it just keep doing you, visceral was amazing so is every terror Reid song you’ve put out ❤️ from CO
Bro I listen to you every single day man idk if you understand how fucked my head is rn from everything going on but thank you bro for real it's on the daily I listen to You man.
ive never felt so related to a punk i thought was just spittin flame. after all these years i get it. i feel ya tanner. youre a fuckin legend and a g brother. i got that Terror Reid shirt🫡
i hope getter knows how much of a legend he actually is.
That's so right
dude wtf this is terror reid
@@gergosz3609 ever seen Terror Reid and Getter in the same photo???
I can hear his sadness. It's really upsetting. I love you bro even though I haven't met you. Keep your head up. Keep expressing your emotions and moving forward.
I hope so to! This is song is amazing, ive had it on repeat. This is literally how so many people in our generation feel, unable to put it into words. Terror reid managed to express how alot of people feel. Shout out terror reid/getter, this song is going to help alot of people.
We need more people like you
He ain’t sad, he’s just selling it to a crowd. You seen that dude in an interview, he’s popular, good looking, probably got a dick. Shaaadup
Mutt I can relate to this song so much “my mind is gone I don’t wanna find it the devil gave me a cintract and I signed it” dope does that shit to a person. God help me caz right now I’m in dire straits.
Hope he really didn't sign the contract with the Devil..
Seriously, the gentle sound gave me goosebumbs, really really great vibes.
Same here dude. The lyrics are deep.
Yeah these words really made me realise how much it seemed to be written about “me”…
Im just going to leave this comment here that way whenever sombody likes it I can come back and listen to this.
Time to come back my friend.
5 days ago is to long fam. Come and listen.
Man 3 hour ago is crazy, maybe you should come and listen 😅
Aaaand again😂
Brate vrijeme je opet haha
Love you Getter, hope you're feeling better now
getter jest zajebisty xD
prosze przestańcie
@@sysybnsk Popieram :3
@@hondeuszb hm?
Love this song. Terror Reid’s music really speaks to me especially this song. It’s crazy how sometimes people be goin through the same shit and don’t even know each other. It just reminds me that I’m not alone and there is other people that feel the same way, and that makes it ok.
That's very true
We're out there
quantum entanglement
i can't wait for the album fuckkk
enlighten me .. was anything announced?
@@callmebond1297 he announced that the album will be released during 2018 on his twitter
Are we not going to talk about how your comment is older than this video!! Like the fuck dude?
@@callmebond1297 and it's called Hot Vodka
Like who da F.U.C.K aintt !!!!!!!
conquering a meth and heroin addiction feeling betrayal and loss stuck in the struggle of finding my self feeling spineless this man pushes me to strive for more even if ill never be a renowned dub step artist or rapper I can achieve something and tanner should tale pride in the people he has influenced and struggles he has conquered
Hang in there brotha you got this ❤❤
Well I know what's gonna be on repeat this weekend
Been waiting soooo long 👏🙏
On the same boat thousands of miles away but on the same boat man. Hope you will have a better day tomorrow
this, it's this
'I guess all I'll ever be is another dead poet' That gets me every time
Getter if you read this I want you to know that you are my inspiration af dude .. love ya ✌💀
Dude for real!
Yes yes yes
Junr Lylied ^
fuck yea
Yooo Tanner! I met you at your first show ever in Denver. You were out in the crowd after your set just kicking it being hilarious and having fun with everyone on the patio. Never saw an artist just having so much fun and interacting with fans. You're deffinitly a legend and yeah life can suck no matter what you have or obtain, but it's the legends like you that make it more enjoyable. Thank you for all your music and art!
I graduate today from college to pursue my bachelors in Nursing and this comes out!!! I can't explain how much your music has helped me out!!! Thank you!
Joceline Perez Congrats! Such an honorable profession. Thank you.
@@NICKGUTTED thank you so much!!!!
Not at all…. Way to common not impressive at all.
saw terror reid live last night and he played this song what an awesome ass night to remember thank you terror ❤
fuuuuuuck I've been waiting so long for this. you're a genius tanner.
Aye I found you I follow your channel love your music
kids calling artists by their real name will always be the most cringe thing on the internet.
@@mass-cp6jf not if they know them/are friends with them... i dont call my friends by their gamer usernames in-game either,
@@mass-cp6jf lol u don't know if they are homies
@@mass-cp6jf can i just point out that "the kid" has double the subs than "the artist"
It's been 3 Yeats since I can finally listen to this again.. I listen to it when my brother passed away and I could never do it again... but I finally feel ok to listen again. I miss you so much bro. Thank you for showing me Terror Reid!
Damn 3 yeets
𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝙢𝙚 😩😩😩
Old hip hop vibe but, sounds new
Im digging it
Getter deserves way more love than he actually gets
He said when he started that he wanted his music to have and old hip hop feel to it
@@damnboi6669 make the new guys sound old, and the old school sound new.
@@damnboi6669 And he did, man of words !
fuck it man, he deserves ALL the love
This is awesome! Your music is so inspirational
Why this piece of art is not on spotify?
exactly bro
marcelo escalante it was briefly idk probably removed for some weird reason
@@coteaux I think it is because he doesn't have the rights for the sampled song Alex Ebert Truth
Because spotify sucks ass
Hella tight,ready to bump this during summer cheers from Berlin, Germany ;)
hans goerh Ehrenmann der erste deutsche kommentar 😌 haha
den ganzen sommer auf Dauerschleife
Na endlich normale Leute hier XD 🤙🏼
Österreich 😎
Bier + See
Eight years since ive signed my "contract" and honestly, idk if I'm going to ever wake up. Thank you creating something so heart-wrenching yet so beautiful Terror Reid.
This song was definitely my depression xan days and it almost triggers me but at the same time makes me understand how much further I’ve come . Love it ! Still bumpin you terror !
I cant explain the feeling I get when seeing a new Terror/Getter drop, I literally wait on that. So happy to be alive in such a awesome era in our side of the musical tracks.
I don't care what anyone else says. This is one of the greatest you've ever made. Keep at it Terror ❤
rapping about things coming from the heart. rare these days.... keep it up man
You're goddamn right.
Have you heard of J Cole
@@gopimaddi8137 shut the fuck up
@@AarnavDasari fuck you
Getter is probably the most underrated dude making beats that’s for sure
Getter is the most talented n most underrated dude in this culture... N that flowww hardddddd brother 🙌👌
Millions of views...? That is not underrated by any means.
@@MultiStarboard it is if kids like lil pump can get 50 times that
Yeah but the sample makes if so much better...
One of the most talented producer i know. Great upload
I wish this song was on Spotify
This songs gonna be a timeless classic
I love this change of the pace !
it truely shows that you are true mastermind.
big props to your skills in beats and rap
I feel soooo conntected with Getter, really, like only thing that I'd love to do rn is to just hug him in silence and wish him best. Idk why but a spirit of this song (and song itself) instantly made me cry. Love u Getter, keep goin ♥
The best hip hop set i"ve ever heard! Thank you getter for playing in finland
Dude I'm just sick of waiting, this album will be lit
You are definitely killing it Getter, hope you're better
8th May the time has come!!!!
He's Doomed
This song is incredible. I've always enjoyed seeing the different stuff Terror/Getter has done (I actually grew up/live in Simi, so I'm a die hard real bros fan - so many incredible small details) but I only recently learned about him rapping as Terror Reid (I knew about him as Getter and his part in HOOD RICH with Pink Guy). Having listened to a fair amount of songs this one obviously stands out for the message and the seriousness behind the track. If anyone knows of similar tracks, I'd appreciate a recommendation. And I definitely hope to hear more serious tracks in the future (and look forward to some fire ass drops as well)!
(But I am who I am, and it is what it is)
(Is that real shit?)
(I feel like, I feel like, I feel like)
[Verse 1]
I feel like im hanging by my throat
I wanna cut the rope but i just dont know how to cope
They think i got it all but in reality im broke
Try to cleanse my soul but i bought the wrong soap
How the hell did this happen? I used think was a captain
Now Im all alone and my stories untold
I'm missin the innocent citizen i coulda been
Listenin' to Eminem just a kid with some headphones
Ashamed of my thoughts so i hide 'em all in jokes
I hate my fuckin' shows i can’t do this anymore
So i just choke on these fucked up feelings that i wrote
Waiting for the day i wake up and feel like everybody else
I just want to be myself
I’m already in hell can't u tell by the smell?
But i am who i am and it is wat it is
Limiting my ablilities so i can live
[Hook 1]
I've lost my mind can't you help me find it?
The Devil gave me a contract and I signed it
All the bitches and money got me blinded
Can't even stand up anymore bitch I'm spineless
And if u find this a little bit amusing
You and ya whole crew can bite on this uzi
You’ve unleashed the fuckin terror inside me
So when i'm gone move on and don't cry for me
[Verse 2]
I can't feel pain, I can't hide, I can't go outside
I can't look anybody in the eye
I couldn't even cry, back when Greenback died
I try to ease my pain but i always gotta fly
I see no reflection when i look into a mirror
I’m fading into nothing and that ain't even my biggest fear
I just don’t wanna be forgotten
I wanna be a prophet
I want my shit played out often
Don’t wanna be anotha body in the earth
And i want every mothafucka to have a Terror Reid shirt
And bump my shit til they fucking ears hurt
Ain’t gonna be starvin artist gone unheard
Want 'em to hear my words
To feel my hurt
To see my dirt
To go berserk
That’s why i always work
But thats why i always hurt man
Im forever stoic
I guess all i’ll ever be is another dead poet
[Hook 2]
My mind is gone out I don't wanna find it
The Devil gave me a contract and I signed it
All the bitches and money got me blinded
Can't even sit up anymore, bitch I'm spineless
And if you find this, a little bit amusing
You and ya whole crew can bite on this uzi
You've unleashed the fuckin' terror inside me
So when I'm gone move on and don't cry for me
(Ale jsem, kdo jsem, a je to, co to je)
(Je to skutečný hovno?)
(Mám chuť, mám chuť, mám chuť)Reklama
[verš 1]
Mám pocit, že mi visím pod krkem
Chci přeříznout lano, ale prostě nevím, jak si poradit
Říkají, že mám všechno, ale ve skutečnosti jsem na mizině
Snažím se očistit svou duši, ale koupil jsem špatné mýdlo
Člověče, jak se to sakra stalo? Myslel jsem si, že jsem kapitán
Teď jsem úplně sám a moje příběhy jsou nevyřčené
Chybí mi ten nevinný občan, kterým jsem mohl být
Poslouchám Eminema, jen dítě s nějakými sluchátky
Stydím se za své myšlenky, tak je všechny schovám do vtipů
Nesnáším své zasrané show, už to nemůžu dělat
Takže jsem se jen dusil těmi zkurvenými pocity, které jsem napsal
Čekám na den, kdy se probudím a cítím se jako všichni ostatní
Chci být jen sám sebou
Už jsem v pekle, nepoznáš to podle vůně?
Ale jsem, kdo jsem a je to tak, jak to je
Omezil jsem své schopnosti, abych mohl žít [Hook 1]
Ztratil jsem rozum, nepomůžeš mi to najít?
Ďábel mi dal smlouvu a já ji podepsal
Všechny ty svině a peníze mě oslepily
Už si nemůžu ani sednout, děvko, jsem bezpáteřní
A pokud vám to přijde trochu zábavné
Vy a celá posádka můžete kousnout na toto uzi
Rozpoutal jsi ve mně ten zasraný Teror
Takže až budu pryč, jdi dál a nebreč pro mě
Registruj se pro MÉNĚ REKLAM !!! [verš 2]
Necítím bolest, nemůžu se schovat, nemůžu jít ven
Nemůžu se nikomu podívat do očí
Když Greenback zemřel, nemohl jsem ani plakat
Snažím se zmírnit bolest, ale vždycky musím létat
Při pohledu do zrcadla nevidím žádný odraz
Propadám se do ničeho a to není ani můj největší strach
Jen nechci být zapomenut
Chci být prorokem
Chci, aby se moje sračky hrály často
Nechtěj být jiným tělem na zemi
A já chci, aby každý mothafucka měl tričko Terror Reid
Nabij mě, dokud je nebudou bolet uši
Nebude to hladovějící umělec, nevyslyšen
Chci, aby slyšeli moje slova
Cítit svou bolest
Abych viděl mou špínu
Proto vždy pracuji
Ale to je důvod, proč jsem vždycky ublížil, kurva
Jsem navždy stoický
Myslím, že všechno, co kdy budu, je další mrtvý básník
[Háček 2]
Moje mysl je pryč, nechci ji najít
Ďábel mi dal smlouvu a já ji podepsal
Všechny ty svině a peníze mě oslepily
Už si nemůžu ani sednout, děvko, jsem bezpáteřní
A pokud vám to přijde trochu zábavné
Vy a celá posádka můžete kousnout na toto uzi
Rozpoutal jsi ve mně tu zasranou hrůzu
Takže až budu pryč, jdi dál a nebreč pro mě
I think it’s “You and your whole crew can vibe on this Uzi” 😊
@@ZedTheMasterOfShadows definitely bite
Listened too this a lot when my sister died and really man… you help out more then you think
Koleś jest niesamowity. Prawdziwy muzyczny talent. Bit to poezja, flow miażdży głowę, i do tego ten tekst.
Chwyta za serducho jak skurwysyn. Jedna z moich ulubionych piosenek ever.
Rób swoje ziomek bo czuć, że jesteś do tego stworzony. Pozdrowienia z Polski.
PS. Pokazuję twoją muzykę komu mogę i każdy ma takie samo zdanie.
It’s super cool to think across the world we all speak the same universally sad language
Tak, ale tą melodie wziął z piosenki Truth z serialu Breaking Bad
God damn... I was smashing the like button 10 seconds in mannn. So good. So relatable.
Yes I will smoke a bowl
clayton campbell me to i think ima load one now before i go to work haha
This song is life I’ve been rocking it for some time now and sharing it with everyone I think would appreciate its amazingness. every word resonates in my soul. You will never be forgotten.
“I am what I am and it is what it is”. Dude gets it
God damn one of the best producers turned rappers best sound best Cali flow keep doin you bro you're the greatest
Terror reid, getter, the human green screen is the legend the myth and an amazing artist all around and one of my biggest inspirations for music
I really hope you're okay man, you've got a lot of support
you're genuinely a hero man.. i truly hope you realize it someday! I'm struggling hella and fighting. your music helps me cope and it also motivates me during my workouts! please keep going man i still have yet to see you perform and that's my dream really.. i promise to stick around two!!!
Hey man I appreciate this song, thanks for putting it out, I found a bit of myself in the lyrics, keep your chin up brother, it all gets better with time.
I don't know how you got someone to whistle so perfectly, it's mesmerizing. Good job on this!
Check out truth by Alex Ebert man!
Please release more songs like this i can relate to. idgaf there is no music video. you are a fucking masterpiece and have too much talent to waste but it feels good to have a song i can bump that expresses my feelings to the exact. We love you Getter so take the time you need off, do whatever it takes but you are saving more lives by creating than destroying yourself. Please stay with us man
Sometimes its nice to have someone to talk too. Especially when its someone special. Dayum this song hits everywhere
Bro, u'r getting Getter and Getter!
you touch more lives than you realize, this songs paints almost a mural of my own life. You have too many fans that care about you to just quit now. Any state you go or venue is gonna sell out and if that's not what you want let us know we are all behind you- Greenbacks
This song is hitting on a whole mother level, I’m 19, I still live with my parents, I’ve lost everything over and over again, and at this point it is what it is, and those words finally hit me today, because it made me realize I don’t have anything to lose anymore and that’s dangerous, so anyone reading this, I’m gonna advise that you please, don’t get to where I’m at, and please try to find a reason to keep going, because I’m at a point where I’m just waiting for something bad to happen
Iv dumped nearly a quarter of a million into medical bills and everything iv worked for was for nothing. I live with my parents as well because the fires really fucked my life up. Im sober still sure ya thats cool i guess but being in this position is beyond humiliating and depressing. your 19 and way younger than me so dont give up i know you can recover. If your not in debt and have a mountain of medical bills to pay your doing pretty freaking good my friend. Everything iv worked for in my life is gone and worst part is i lost myself along the way. Stay strong kid you got a chance please dont give up. If this means anything i hope you know your not alone and someone else on this earth cares about you despite not even knowing you, Keep your head up, drop your shoulders and smile because you got this
Checking in on you homie, it’s always the darkest before the dawn my friend.
22 about to be 23 in a couple months...I feel you man I live with my parents...I lost my dog this summer...im doing therapy...I go to the doctors all the time now...Bills to pay....all that shit man but getting over things will get you farther in life learn from mistakes and take what happens to you and use it for the better...I know all this will sound a little fucked but I lost my dad when i was 17 to lung cancer, nasty shit man was with him every damn minute I could. he was a huge part of my life and to lose him like that threw me into a fucked up pit I was scared ever damn minute for 9 months watching him slowly turn into someone I could barely recognize from his strokes, chemotherapy, Cancer medication(real toxic shit) the cancer was turning him into a restless emotional wreck, fuck I would would be scared too. watching him before he passed it got bad, he was in so damn much pain he would ask me in the middle of the night when I would get a drink, since he was in our house not the hospital where he didn't feel comfortable and away from family that he just wanted to "end his suffering" he wanted to go. God did that ever sit in my gut wrong ever time he mumbled in pain with any of those words. I wanted my dad to live dammit. I was scared I'm not going to lie death was just a thing I didn't wanna grasp, almost like I wanted to fool myself into thinking he would get better but it never did. I'm so glad that I was there with him before he passed with my mother and her grandparents for 2 whole days my father wasn't there in the head I couldn't wake him up eyes rolled back into his head and coughing up blood. I had and emotional drop where I couldn't do anything but sob and scold the world for doing this shit to me and my family...after I started doing shit I would never ever ever think to do but I did...I picked that choice I numbed my feelings man. I started to take prescription pills and pharmaceuticals it might not feel like things are going your way bro but I promise!....PROMISE! that shit will get better...its all motivation man and making choices. I got over everything and I'm slowly recovering from shit you need to cope in your own way. you might not feel right until you DO accomplish something or resolve something with yourself. You might have Pain That you need to take care of. I do too. everyone does...worlds scary but speaking from me who had more kicks to his balls that I've took in stride you'll be good man!
@@SmallAndSoft It breaks my heart that medical bills can crush a person like that. So sorry
Homie maybe your inner dreams Will help you
That's what helped me and I'm still trying to accomplish the dream of becoming a Sim-Racer and race in the GT Championship
Or at least buy a S13
Whatever those 2 come first.
I love all your instrumentals and lyrics, chrome caskest is Lowkey my favorite
goes hard
I think this is my favorite song from Terror so far.
I could listen to a new TERROR REID tune every single week easily. What a dopeness! Shout out to the one and only GETTER for changing the game forever!
The masked maniac is back, boys and girls.
This song makes me feel genuinely happy, and in general i barely am, Thank u getter
As if anybody could forget a legend like him
I need this song in spotify, probably the song that made me love terror reid
4 years y'all
I dont know how many times I've just sat here and restarted the song.. Terror keeping killin man.
The sampled song is ‘truth’ by Alexander if anyone is wondering bois
With the RZA
thanks brother
Listening to this song on repeat. Glad you are doing rap and your EDM music because I'm a fan of YOU man. no labels
Can't wait for the album you're a legend
Getter/terror reid music has help me though high school, I have so much love for you and I hope your doing good, with your music it has help me face my fears. Please know your one of my heros..
Keep your head up Tanner. We need you.💖
I agree. Or do I ?
Just a song. dont take it so seriously ❤
I mean IDK.. Have u listened to the lyrics in most of his songs aha.. He may just be a music artist to u but that's nothing to scoff at.. They usually put what they're feeling into a song. And he most likely feels a bit better knowing he's vented a bit of stuff in a song
But Wether it's agree to disagree we can all say we love Tanner and his music xD 😊
Getter or terror Reid who ever you are, the music you do is precious and dope
this is one of my fav songs ever im sad it’s not on spotify 😢
So diverse always changing up that why I love you as an artist, you really have made an impact on music
Einstein thank you
Really good lyrics, I am happy clt-v'd them here. Thanks man.
Bb n,n..bb Nah
how can I double like ?
Getter is my new hero :) youll never be forgotten bro!!! Keep making your acid videos for me :)
Please put this om Spotify getter lover from Sweden!
Terror reid is number one! Stort fan från sverige med!
I'm so glad i found Shred Collective; TR and ELIOZIE.. Bringing back memories of a time when music was real but it's different; in an amazing way.
HOT VODKA can't come soon enough 😵
Яeverse Music I’m saying man! Fuck
I haven't stopped any Terror Reid songs on Spotify for about a week and my ears are starting to hurt from his fire tracks
while listening to this, I am starting to realize that I wasted everything, the only memory from summer that I have it when my n my friends spent a whole day at the lake, and then we walked back to the city on the sunset, and this was so damn beautiful, but after that I spent all the time I had playing videogames and shit, now Im sad cuz videogames fill up the emptiness in my heart, but they will never make me feel good, appreciated and loved. Now its autumn, and I'll spend the most of my time at home cuz its cold outside, and this will make me feel more alone and will make me regret more of my lifestyle. I need to work really hard to get a proper education, to get a good job and hopefully get a good salary. I cant live like this anymore. I always laugh and smile when I am with my friends or classmates, but really nothing is fun and ok at all.
I can't feel pain, I can't hide, I can't go outside.......
It's okay man, summer's coming back again before you even notice so you should start preparing for it. Time seems to speed up year by year and that scares the shit outta me. I was just like you some 3 years ago, I had a Xbox 360 and I both loved it and hated it. It ate - or I let it eat - all my free time. Then one day I thought to myself that I have to get rid of it since I didn't trust myself to have the discipline to play a reasonable amount of time. My dad's eyesight was getting worse so I gave my huge smart TV to him and that was that. That was also the best decision I had made in about 5 years. I was bored as fuck at first but it went away a lot quicker than I'd expected. Now I have no reason to stay at home other than to play guitar or make music so I go out a lot more and I'm a lot happier with my life as a result. Anyway, I'm drunk and ramblin' again. I wish you all the best man!
The system doing what it does best
People that are going to your shows aren’t in it for the music they’re there for the cookie cutter shows baby you’re killing it just keep doing you, visceral was amazing so is every terror Reid song you’ve put out ❤️ from CO
when it will be out on other platform like Apple Music or spotify ?
Getter is easily the most underrated anything ever
I never clicked so fast, I love you Terror...
Saw u in Lawrence in March and I could see how sad y were but u still gave an incredible show. Thank u for giving ur soul. Hope ur feeling better💕
This is the kinda rap music we need. This song is amazing and it makes me sad. I probably will cry when he's gone.
The title in the video is moving, and I'm STILL NOT DRUNK! Cheers & Good Luck bro. Don't give up even if life is rough!
straight F I R E. damn dude. so much respect!
Holy fucking shit. This is by far the best song I have heard in a while. You are a genius getter.
Sick, greetings from Germany, Hamburg
Bro I listen to you every single day man idk if you understand how fucked my head is rn from everything going on but thank you bro for real it's on the daily I listen to You man.
I LOVE YOU GETTER/TERROR REID/Tanner. We love you x)♥️♥️
You one of the greatest Getter. Never forget that.
ive never felt so related to a punk i thought was just spittin flame. after all these years i get it. i feel ya tanner. youre a fuckin legend and a g brother. i got that Terror Reid shirt🫡
Wish this was on spotify its my new fav!
Most underrated artist of the decade
Yo thank you for the inspiration and helping more then you know. 🙌🙏🖤
My favorite Reid song. I hope this ends up on streaming services cause god damn this shit beautiful
The disrespectful lunatic back at it with the heat boi
Damn Terror, the lyrics on this one are actually really nice! You're doing an amazing work dude, keep it up!!!
cant wait for hot vodka
vod hotka
Bro I cant i just cant, i felt this on a whole new level I have no words, just amazing