Remembering Bruce Lee - Van Williams Interview

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 294

  • @rubyred93chev
    @rubyred93chev 4 года назад +98

    _Van Williams is pure class. I just wish the show 'The Green Hornet' would have lasted beyond 26 shows. As a kid in the 1960s, the reason I tuned into the show was because of Bruce Lee._

    • @stephenshw2262
      @stephenshw2262 3 года назад +12

      Everybody watches Green Hornet for Kato.

    • @atom6277
      @atom6277 2 года назад +8

      Batman and robin was always my favourite, but I loved green hornet because of Bruce Lee, I did not know it was Bruce Lee at that time. I agree 100% with Bruce Lee for not being the loser in that fight.

    • @Crezelltree4261
      @Crezelltree4261 2 года назад +6

      In China,The Greeen Hornet was called The Kato Show.

    • @alexkoronec4326
      @alexkoronec4326 2 года назад +1

      It would have
      Unfortunately abc cared more about the The Batman tv series. That's why the show was canceled

  • @deebee9751
    @deebee9751 5 лет назад +52

    RIP Van. You were a great man with a big heart that gave Bruce a chance to be your friend while prejudice was very bad at that time. But because you worked with him and became friends.You are more a star now before you met Bruce. Thats the best gift you got was to do 27 episodes with Bruce Lee. You spent a lot of time getting to know Bruce and probably have endless stories to tell.

  • @LPMAN02
    @LPMAN02 2 года назад +23

    RIP and long live Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940 - July 20, 1973), aged 32
    RIP and long live Van Williams (February 27, 1934 - November 28, 2016), aged 82
    You both will always be remembered as legends.

  • @michaelorton9887
    @michaelorton9887 5 лет назад +47

    Anything Bruce Lee always puts a smile on my face

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +6

      Mine as well! I am a huge fan! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +1

      GREAT! Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @newerafrican
    @newerafrican 5 лет назад +103

    RIP Van... Died of renal failure in November 2016. This interview shows how much he cared for Bruce and other actors. Van shows real humility and compassion for his fellow actors and crew.

    • @raimundosilva4382
      @raimundosilva4382 4 года назад +1

      Cara a única pessoa que está me dando agora nesse momento é você agora em vozquando dá algo para alguém que a gente aceita que eu aceito sem eu pedirque eles confessam que me deram é crime o tempo todo que eles confessam crime naeles confessaram que me deram amigos aí para mim pegar a cabeça quem está me dando agora neste momento e eu você em voz você está me dando dá algo para alguém é da forma que você tá fazendo me defendendo e você agora neste momento você está mepor isso eu te agradeço muito obrigado pelas suas palavras que as suas palavras valem muito mais para minha pessoa algo para alguém é dessa forma que você estásem ter isso de nada sobre a minha defesa você está me dando agora você está me dando agora vocêo que eles confessaram aqui me deram que você tá comentando comentário deles de palavras criminosas é crime que estão cometendo é o que eles estão me dando querendo me darpalavras criminosas que falta com respeito tempo todo das palavras da colocação davocê está me dando a defesa representando a minha pessoa da água para alguém é dessa forma que você agora está menão eles que estão agindo como os criminosos me dando um creme só que eu não lembro deles culpa deles na minhas costas faltando com respeito tempo todo enquanto você tá em combatendo em voz agora algo para alguém é dessa forma sobre a defesa não dando dandoe você mata alguém ou se você rouba você dá para alguém você você defende uma pessoa você ajuda uma pessoa aí sim você está fazendo por mim agoravocê nunca me viu você está me dando em voz a minha a sua defesa por mim você está me dando

    • @raimundosilva4382
      @raimundosilva4382 4 года назад

      Você quer ver uma coisa você quer perceber e abrir a sua mente da sua visão na minhas palavras peço que me deram eo que já que eles confessaram tanto que me deram deverá apresentar as provas do que eles me deram não o que que eles apresenta o que eles me deramo que que é isso eu quero me dá as palavras faltando com respeito e palavras carinhosas porque eles só querem me dar o crime vocês me dão as coisas boas que a defesa do crime você é mais uma pessoa que é testemunha e vozinhatudo que eles colocaram de ruim de crime sobre a minha vida que eles confessaram que me deram que apresenta o clima na defesa você tá me dando o melhor de todos que a defesa por mim em voz dá algo para alguém ou fazer algo para alguém é dessa forma que você está fazendo amigo suas palavras valem muito mais 100 vezes mais do que eles confessaram é assim que eu vejo as qualidades do ser humano quando o homem é como uma pessoa você nos humanos de verdade nós temos direito de respeitar um ao outro dessa forma que você tá reagindo você tá reagindo não só com respeito mas com a justiça cesta me ajudando na defesa dessa forma me defendendo o que é mais importante para mim são pessoasinteressa não é o dinheiro que me interessa são seres humanos que de vocês que tem a capacidade na hora que mais precisa é o que eu preciso de todos vocês é mais uma prova viva que eu tenho em vós sempre une as forças com as pessoas e as pessoas estão fazendo isso por mim sem eu pedir você me conhecesse você nunca me viu você acreditou em mim e está por mim agora tremendo seres humanos que merecem todo o respeito da sociedade sim para você sim eu baixo a cabeça e assino embaixo que você é o cara que eu respeito a tua colocação das suas palavras já é tua conduta assim évocê é a mesma forma que eu penso assim sou eu assim você se junta com outra pessoa unidas forças então é a mesma coisa de eu aí você está falando por mim a mesma coisa sem a minha pessoaa mesma pessoa em voz quando você faz essa defesa por mim por isso eu te agradeço eu não tenho nem palavra para te agradecer sobre essas palavras

    • @raimundosilva4382
      @raimundosilva4382 4 года назад

      amigo aonde eu passar em qualquer lugar do mundo sou um cara que eu já rodei muito mundo afora andei muito a viagem bastante e aonde eu passo amiga se eu deixo família onde eu entro aonde eu entro e saio eu só deixo as porta aberta não diz porta fechada tá fechado é o que é o respeito pelo ser humano é o carinho e respeitoeu tenho um carinho e respeito toda a raça humana seja feio seja tudo seja alegado chega criança seja mulher eu tenho respeito e carinho por todos eles como seres humanoseu não entro na tua casa para ver o que você tem não entro na sua casa para ver quem você é se você é verdadeiro se você não é nada da sua casa me interessa que me interessa é o que você é se no ponto de visão e assimeu sou melhor do que ninguém não sou melhor que ninguém nunca nunca você é melhor do que ninguém mas eu posso fazer o melhor e respeitar o próximonós vivemos no mundo e nós devemos respeitar um ao outro e fazer o melhor um pelo outro posso fazer um melhor para você porque que eu vou atrapalhar sua vida vou poder na sua vida não no próximo às vezestem que ser responsável pela sua própria vida e pelo que a gente faz o que a gente fazendo tem que ser responsável por tudo que a gente fazpoder jogar a culpa no outro pelo erro dos outros pelo seu erro não liberou o meueles estão fazendo tudo errado palavras criminosas jogando a culpa só em mimvai querer jogar tudo em cima de mim então procurei a justiça para unir as forças com a justiça para investigar os casosJaqueline se achar se acha no direito de jogar toda a culpa em cima de mim dos erros deles quero me matar então ele apresente as provasjogar tudo em cima de mim se eles provaram que tem tudo contra mim e minha cabeça deles pode me matar hein se eles provarem pode me matar amiga não tenho medo da morte eu não sou covarde agora se eles não provarem eu tenho medo direito que ele tem eu quero a cabeça eu não tô fazendo sacanagem com nenhum não tá usando malandragem estou usando a pura verdade a minha cabeça e a deles a troco das provas que eles cometerampor que que ele não faz isso o que que eles vão aceitar a proposta ainda continua apresentando o crime de apresentar as provas apresenta o clima o que que eles vão aceitarentendi porque eles continuam cometendo um crime na minhas costas jogando em cima de mim que lei burra é essa que lei burra é essa i***** essa apresenta o crime não as provas contra minha vida

    • @raimundosilva4382
      @raimundosilva4382 4 года назад

      por que que ela não apresenta as provas que eu sou louco amigo porque que ela não apresenta que eu sou louco então os problemas que apresentarque juízo os burros são esses que tribunal idiotas são esses porque ela tem que apresentar as provas que eu sou louco já que elatudo que a gente fala ou comenta ou aponta o dedo para alguém tem que apresentar as provas cara não é assim que funciona aqui o que você fala ao condenar alguém você tem que apresentaronde você compra as suas compras no mercado você não pega um comprovante de prova que você comprou e pagou provando ninguém me fala que você roubou do mercadocomo cometer um crime contra uma pessoa tem que provar isso aí eu existo tem que existir as testemunhas e as provas tem que existir sim apresentadatudo que a gente compramos hoje é tudo registrado e comprovado que você comprou e pagou assim somos nós na nossa vida o crime se você cometeu tem que apresentar as provaseu apresenta as provas e o apresenta as testemunha e vós o tempo todo tempo todo eu estou apresentando as provas e as o que que é isso apresenta o crimeé isso que eu não entendi que o juiz tá fazendo isso junto com eles colaborando com os criminosos dessa forma

    • @raimundosilva4382
      @raimundosilva4382 4 года назад

      Não começo não começo que eu conheci a Lara pelos vídeos tava tudo OK que ela me deu no começo ela me deu tudo no começo a Lara me deu sime ela se apresentou no programa aí e falou um monte de palavras a seguir moral faltando com respeito o tempo todo ela meela não come se pagaria uma pessoa para me buscar aqui no Brasil me buscar e morar com ela era o propósito que eu ela aceitoudo nada essa mulher virou a cabeça e falou um monte de palavrão feio uma rádio no jornal no jornais essa mulher nunca nem viu ela tá vendo que você tá vendodo nada essa mulher virou a criminosa sobre a minha vida e respondeu palavras absurdas faltando com respeito e até hoje ela continua cometendo os mesmos crime sem prova sem testemunha e nunca me viu você vai julgar alguém de uma forma de modelo que ela colocou sendo que ela não de tá todo ponto de erê emquero ficar me julgando e condenando que nunca me viu nuncaqueria casar comigo aceitou a proposta e depois do nada mulher deu o inferno e pesadelo faltando com respeito da minha vidatudo no começo eu respeitava ela muito tinha todo carinho e respeito por ela como uma mulher do nada ela virou a cabeça e falou um monte de palavrão faltando com respeito no jornaisvocê entendeu porque ela tava fazendo aqui até hoje eu queria até hoje se eu estiver de frente a frente com ela eu ia perguntar para ela porque que ela tá com outra mim sendo que eu não tinha nada contra essa pessoatem hoje ela se levantou contra minha pessoa da forma que ela se levantou até hoje eu não entendo porque ela tá fazendo tudo isso

  • @HarleyBreakoutGuy
    @HarleyBreakoutGuy 5 лет назад +67

    holy crap this is the best interview about bruce thank you Van !

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +3

      This was excellent! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @indieshack4476
    @indieshack4476 3 года назад +24

    What a wonderful interview, Van Williams is a great interviewee - RIP. Van clearly knew a lot about filmmaking

  • @badimpulses17
    @badimpulses17 5 лет назад +37

    When Micheal Jai White said he could beat Bruce Lee just because he is bigger, I laughed so hard.

    • @nooneyouknowof
      @nooneyouknowof 4 года назад +14

      All you have to do is watch the original ufc's before all the weight divisions and extra rules, etc, and then you'll see weight doesn't mean as much as many think it does in a more realistic fighting situation.
      Against average people who don't know how to fight, yes weight is more a factor.
      Not against someone who is way faster than you, has knockout power with his jabs, is a full contact fighter and a street fighter, trains like an ocd person would, is incredibly strong for his size and weight, knows all your vital spots and goes for them without hesitation, is known for his legendary speed and power, seems to be able to anticipate his opponents moves etc.
      Many people don't seem to understand what kind of martial artist Bruce was.
      He was the type to be open minded enough about any style that has real combat merit and then he would train his ass off to become the best at that style.
      A lot of mma guys assume he would get recked in the ufc because he doesn't know grappling because he never showed that in his movies, yet he's studied with other master grapplers like Gene LeBell.
      If he saw that ground fighting is what he'd need to know in a fight or ufc, you bet your ass he'd train in it and master that as much as possible.
      That was Bruce.
      Was very surprised Michael said what he said.
      Jim Kelly said it didn't matter to Bruce whether you were a light, middle, heavyweight, he could spar with anyone and he said Bruce was untouchable.
      James Demille says he'd put his money on Bruce against any fighter in any weight division.

    • @tehokowhitu00
      @tehokowhitu00 4 года назад +4

      Nick Richards thank you for laying that down yes if Bruce saw something that was advanced he would study that to the T! The main thing these keyboard warriors forget is that fighters these days have easier access to training their body but back in the 60’s and early 70’s Bruce studied and pioneered and trained hard to get where he was, he was always learning and did things way ahead of his time. The first martial artist to use protective gear when sparring Kung fu!
      People need to stop comparing the 60’s to this generation because it’s completely unfair and unjust yes I believe there are people that could surpass Bruce in a fight from our time especially the legacy that he gave to the world could spark a fighter to go above but in saying that Bruce was always the hardest worker in the room...there’s so much proof for him to be untouchable but just like us he’s human

    • @dreamthedream8929
      @dreamthedream8929 4 года назад

      @@tehokowhitu00 of course he is only human! Jeez...some of these fanboys out there blow it out of proportion! The thing about being the best martial artist out there is that the movie ones make a very tiny percentage of all the people that practice or have practiced martial arts. There are plenty more of those out there that have nothing to do with movies or any entertainment industry whatsoever. If you go and research and perhaps go and visit you can meet some amazing martial artists but to say that Bruce or any other is the best is not realistic. When it comes to physical fitness and certain abilities different people are good at different things. For goodness sake Bruce couldn't even swim!! Just consider that...such a simple thing that he couldn't do! But look at Wim Hof now whom many now considered to have reached superhuman abilities. He has trained his mind and body to avoid the effects of severe cold. Could Bruce do any of that what Wim can do? Of course not. Bruce would be dead in minutes if he would find himself in the middle of a frozen lake or river.

    • @eastside0434
      @eastside0434 3 года назад +5

      Jai White is a bullshitter compared to Mr Lee who was way more talented and never boasted about beating anyone,he didn't have to prove his skills he wasn't concerned about losing any fights he only wanted to teach anyone who would listen to his knowledge ,we have all missed out on so much with his death.

    • @karanpandey728
      @karanpandey728 3 года назад +2

      If size matters so the elephant is the king of jungle

  • @mazzbalboa
    @mazzbalboa 4 года назад +30

    Big respect to Van.....amazing and honest interview

  • @tnylam
    @tnylam 6 лет назад +36

    Bruce was the first superhero...nice interview.

    • @uncletony6210
      @uncletony6210 5 лет назад +2

      The closest thing to a real superhero there ever was.

    • @victortaylor7737
      @victortaylor7737 4 года назад +2

      Yeah I remember reading the Green Hornet was a descendent of the Lone Ranger,& Luke Keye played Kato in the 40s was very different from this series.main reason was of course Bruce Lee.

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +2

      Yes great interview! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @dm2216
    @dm2216 2 года назад +10

    I'm very, very, very, impressed with Van Williams as a human being.

  • @shihanUKS
    @shihanUKS 6 лет назад +61

    Van was always matter of fact. Called it the way he saw it. He had a blue collar wisdom that kept him sober from that narcotic called stardom. Bruce needed his grounded perspective on the business, the reality of "playing a part" and not changing the world...yet. Van was a banker, a business owner, and in law enforcement...and made money. He learned about percentages and residuals and merchandising. Bruce learned from that and parlayed that into film production once he got to Hong Kong. Very nice post.

    • @uncletony6210
      @uncletony6210 5 лет назад +1

      I get the impression that Bruce held an awareness that he could learn something from everyone he encountered - and I think he did.

  • @mariofonovic
    @mariofonovic 6 лет назад +47

    tnx....van williams seems a very nice person...!!!!!

    • @MyREDTAIL
      @MyREDTAIL 6 лет назад +4

      Sadly Van Passed away a few years ago, May he RIP, & Will be missed , By all of his Fans etc.

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад

      Indeed he does! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

    • @johanneslundie
      @johanneslundie 4 года назад +1

      Yes, he's sincere, real, and unpretentious. All tv stars should be so modest, so cool.

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад

      Indeed and could not agree miore! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @jesuscastillo3335
    @jesuscastillo3335 5 месяцев назад +1

    That's my buddy, the great late Van Williams, whom I knew for about 14 years before his passing, during the 25 years I was a Hollywood stuntman. he was very humble, the way he speaks about Bruce Lee, that's how he spoke of everyone he knew, but never a word about himself, he had been a Navy Seal, his style of fighting was different than Bruce's, and I believe that is one of many reasons they became such great friends. Van Williams, may you rest in peace , buddy.

  • @jamesyu9926
    @jamesyu9926 2 года назад +6

    Most accurate and realistic descriptions of Bruce Lee. Thank you Van~~~!

  • @martymathews8163
    @martymathews8163 2 года назад +5

    Loved Green Hornet. As we all did, and now as we all get older...much appreciated Van and Bruce and cast.

  • @JohnCena-mp7ue
    @JohnCena-mp7ue 6 лет назад +31

    Wonderful interview, Jesus nearly had a tear in my eye at the end

    • @onionsan7688
      @onionsan7688  6 лет назад +2

      Glad you enjoyed it. It was a very heartfelt interview.

    • @orlandoramos1878
      @orlandoramos1878 5 лет назад +2

      I nearly had a tear in my eye to eye know when he said that about Bruce the last comment he made about him seeing the premiere of Enter the Dragon that has got to be the hardest thing to see for anybody to watch you know you know and he's in a better place and he's up there with Bruce Lee and they're probably laughing their heads off right now up there you know I know that Williams and Bruce Lee their souls or a peaceful one another as friends

    • @robdcollector2808
      @robdcollector2808 5 лет назад +2

      Orlando Ramos ....bruce is not where anyone thinks he is...hes def not in heaven. He was a flat out atheist who openly said he doesnt believe in god. He never spoke of accepting Jesus and only through Jesus can anyone get into heaven

    • @Laughandsong
      @Laughandsong 5 лет назад +4

      @@robdcollector2808 F*** off you superstitious moron. You call yourself a Christian? You're just an ugly idiot.

    • @phoenixkepo2743
      @phoenixkepo2743 5 лет назад +3

      @@robdcollector2808 Orlando, even you have it wrong. I've got it on good advice that Bruce is trading punches and kicks with the Holy one. Use no way as the way; have no limitations as limitations...

  • @InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe
    @InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe 3 года назад +6

    What a fantastic mentor Van Williams was for Bruce Lee a willing student...with a degree in philosophy!

  • @neveragain1854
    @neveragain1854 4 года назад +6

    I've really enjoyed this interview. Van told what others had not told about Bruce and It's 👍. I wish Van a happy life. He's such a down to earth person, just wants to be a good husband and a good father. 🙂👍

  • @jasonjones8768
    @jasonjones8768 4 года назад +5

    I Will Never Forget How Great
    The Green Hornet & Kato Worked Well With Each Other..
    Much Respects To Bruce Lee &
    To You Van Williams For Bringing Us Such Good Episodes Over The Years..

  • @JoeRiggsMentalist
    @JoeRiggsMentalist 4 года назад +17

    LOVE THE BATMAN STORY. ALWAYS HAVE. Cocky Burt Ward got HUMBLED and HUMILIATED. To go around saying you're better than Bruce Lee, THEN wind up on a set with him, and to have Bruce staring at you. Knowing he could break you, and you've insulted him. The terror he deservedly felt is divine. Kato LOSING to Robin, OR Batman. In a fistfight without gadgets, no way. No. I respect Lee more for saying NOT GONNA HAPPEN ON MY WATCH. love it

  • @gerrydooley951
    @gerrydooley951 5 лет назад +12

    I really like Van's comment at the end when he talks about how he'd like to be remembered.

  • @JoseRamos-kd9ig
    @JoseRamos-kd9ig 6 лет назад +28

    Incredible interview!👏👏👏👍

  • @carydavidhoffson6014
    @carydavidhoffson6014 6 лет назад +44

    This was different from any other interview he did on Bruce Lee and it was the best of his life you can tell it was

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +1

      Agreed! Great interview! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @AlexGarcia-ze4yg
    @AlexGarcia-ze4yg Год назад +1

    Such a blessing for us fans who were born long after Bruce died, that there is a treasure trove of material he did before his films.
    I remember when I was about 7 years old and all of my adult relatives mentioned some television show that Bruce Lee starred in.
    I was so pissed at all the grown ups for days! "There's a whole TV show with Bruce Lee yall watched as kids and NOBODY TOLD ME!!"
    My aunt laughed so hard.

  • @johnreece9184
    @johnreece9184 5 лет назад +46

    I really like this interview .Bruce was a perfectionist.

    • @uncletony6210
      @uncletony6210 5 лет назад +1

      I didn't like how he set Bruce up to be laughed at or how he still laughed at Bruce when telling the story.

    • @ZeusTheTornado
      @ZeusTheTornado 5 лет назад +3

      @@uncletony6210 He wasn't laughing at Bruce.

    • @uncletony6210
      @uncletony6210 5 лет назад

      @@ZeusTheTornado what was he laughing at?

    • @ZeusTheTornado
      @ZeusTheTornado 5 лет назад +3

      @@uncletony6210 Probably at the fact that the public didn't like his work, or maybe he was also laughing at his work. But I don't think he was laughing at Bruce, he didn't seem like that kind of guy.
      Also, what do you mean by him "setting up Bruce to be laughed"?

    • @uncletony6210
      @uncletony6210 5 лет назад

      @@ZeusTheTornado dude, "laughing at his work," is the same as laughing at him. How would you feel if someone laughed at your work? ...exactly.

  • @condocows7635
    @condocows7635 5 лет назад +10

    I had a good chuckle at Van’s recollection of the confrontation of Bruce and Batman.

  • @rodolfoayalajr.8589
    @rodolfoayalajr.8589 2 года назад +1

    I was 7 from Williamsburg Brooklyn. Love watching you. Now I’m 63 years old. I purchased the season from the Green Hornet. Looking great 👍. Thank you for the memories Amen 🙏.

  • @benkim2016
    @benkim2016 4 года назад +7

    Green Hornet was a great learning experience for Bruce in terms of martial art cinematography.

  • @georgeisaak5321
    @georgeisaak5321 5 лет назад +7

    At the beginning i was like "oh here we go again" thought he was about to talk about Bruce in a bad way and then... all of a sudden he is like "he was a good guy" and then i decided to keep watching ! I am glad i did because in the end he said a lot about Bruce that i didn't know !!!! Thanks mister Van !!!!

  • @mig1017
    @mig1017 Год назад +1

    Rip Van Williams. A genuinely down to earth classy guy.

  • @shihanUKS
    @shihanUKS 4 года назад +10

    Van's comment about the camera being two dimensional. Bruce had that perception issue throughout his career. His full contact training hard wired his depth of field. Its a hard habit to break when the lens is constructed differently but the camera misses nothing...depending on where you put it. Example: In the mirrored room filming "Enter the Dragon" , the director argued the same point. "Bruce, crowd the kick to Han's head Get in tight." " Im too close, Bob ( Robert Clouse). My foot is way past his head. Its like my knee is kicking him. Its looks ridiculous." "But not in the mirrors! The camera will put you in the right spot." This went on until Bruce saw the rushes. He was better after that. But camera logic and lens physics was a constant struggle for his choreography.

  • @BlackStorm555
    @BlackStorm555 5 лет назад +24

    I guess they didn't laugh at Bruce for long. He left a legacy.

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад

      Indeed he did! He was the greatest of all time! How long have you been a Bruce Lee fan? Since you like Bruce Lee please visit my Bruce Lee Channel and please join our growing Bruce Lee community by Subscribing! you will enjoy the channel! Thanks Charles!

  • @zoolook3264
    @zoolook3264 4 года назад +5

    " ... Mr Lee was not going to hurt you ... " LOL I love this interview :)

    • @jacopodanglars4836
      @jacopodanglars4836 3 года назад

      i just can’t believe how robin talked so much smack and then cried like a baby.

  • @dargaga1974
    @dargaga1974 2 года назад +1

    Mr. were lucky enough to shoot a series with the best athlete in the world...R.I.P.

  • @stewsretroreviews
    @stewsretroreviews 2 года назад +3

    Brilliant review and what a nice guy, sounds like he had some great memories with Bruce too.

  • @anjapirker1938
    @anjapirker1938 Год назад +1

    Thanks too much for this respectfull and Long interview about *,Bruce Lee* really thanks

  • @dianagrandin4831
    @dianagrandin4831 2 года назад +3

    What a great tribute from a great friend! I loved this .

  • @gerrydooley951
    @gerrydooley951 6 лет назад +21

    Van, great guy, he was a reserve deputy with the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department.

  • @randalwung8715
    @randalwung8715 6 лет назад +20

    Just saw a portion of this video last week; great to see the whole thing. And my goodness, what a nice, warm, cordial man Van Williams was. One of those guys who’s just a natural talker and you can listen to him tell stories all day long. And I'm not surprised, but I am surprised I hadn't seen or read it before, that Bruce was proficient with THROWING STARS. Y'know, when people argue about how good he really was, that a decent grappler would've tied him in knots for example, I can't help but think there was so much he knew and trained for that most others were never aware of. Like throwing stars. Did he do that in class; did he bust those out at the drop of a hat? I doubt it. But sounds like he could take your eye out with one, lol. After all these decades of admiring the man, I'm always tickled there are still little facts like these that make me smile.
    And speaking of smiling, I NEVER get tired of the “making Burt Ward pee his pants” story. I read an interview where Burt not only denied that ever happened, but claimed he and Bruce worked out together and regarded each other as “equals.” I think those tight Robin shorts must’ve affected his memory, lol. And great to hear how they let Bruce be fight director for a day and what a humiliating, humbling disaster that was, but instead of being defeated by it what does he do? Studies his ass off to become maybe the greatest action director in the history of film. Bows aplenty to the Little Dragon.
    Finally, in this posting and another there’ve been a few comments about Mr. Williams using the term "Oriental." Well, I grew up in Hawaii and, guess what, that's what we used to call each other. Some of us still do. To be PC and all I say Asian now, but I'm frankly more comfortable with Oriental; just sounds better to me for some reason. In fact, I had an argument with a very socially conscious black woman back home who took issue with my use of the word, and I just looked at her and said, "But I AM Oriental." She tells me, "Doesn't matter. It's not an acceptable term anymore and words have power so you should stop using it." If I could've done the Bruce Lee fist with the cracking knuckle sound that totally would've been the moment.

    • @onionsan7688
      @onionsan7688  6 лет назад

      Great post again. Thanks for adding discussions to the videos!
      I think the guy who uploaded that portion of this interview just ripped it from this one, and that's fine because he has a awesome Bruce Lee channel with a lot of content for the fans, and it's great that more people get to listen to this interview.
      “I think those tight Robin shorts must’ve affected his memory” Lol, well said.
      The Asian term is very broad. It could mean India, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc but as far as i know, when people use that term to me, they usual mean East Asia like China, Japan or Korea etc so i understand why people would use Oriental to differentiate. I'm not saying it's right, but that's what i have personally noticed.

  • @howardmoore1332
    @howardmoore1332 6 лет назад +22

    Wow, how smart of Van Williams to demand a piece of the action and more residuals, because, poor Bruce Lee, I believe he only got about 400 bucks an episode and that was it!

    • @gerrydooley951
      @gerrydooley951 6 лет назад +4

      That's true because this was Bruce's first acting job in the states. Van ended up getting zero from the merch and almost nothing from residuals. He made about $2000 per episode.

    • @phoenixkepo2743
      @phoenixkepo2743 5 лет назад

      @@gerrydooley951 In them day many were chicken fodder... How times have changed.

    • @gerrydooley951
      @gerrydooley951 3 года назад

      it's about what Burt Ward made

    • @shihanUKS
      @shihanUKS 3 года назад

      Lee's take home after taxes ? $ 330.00 per episode.

    • @shihanUKS
      @shihanUKS 3 года назад

      You know thats robbery. They could have paid him more.

  • @bufnyfan1
    @bufnyfan1 2 года назад +4

    What a wonderful man!! the end of the interview was one of the humblest things I've ever heard. As Mr. Williams said (31:45) he wanted to have been known as a good father, good grandfather, and a good husband and that's how he wanted to be remembered (not for the things he did in acting/writing etc)

  • @nikoxiro
    @nikoxiro 5 лет назад +5

    Great interview..meybe one of the most important one...

  • @vivahvv
    @vivahvv 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for this! Van was a lovely and humble person. I could listen to him for hours.

  • @philliplloydwright1867
    @philliplloydwright1867 5 лет назад +5

    It took me ages to get the original green hornet dvds the only Bruce Lee dvds I haven't got is lomgstreet,
    Thank you for sharing your story 🙂

  • @Aikunle78
    @Aikunle78 6 лет назад +10

    Thanks very much for sharing! Thanks

  • @SNAKEPIT359
    @SNAKEPIT359 6 лет назад +16

    This was a good interview. Thanks for sharing.

  • @subramaniamsrivatsa2719
    @subramaniamsrivatsa2719 4 года назад +4

    insightful interview. Demystyfying the evolution of the legendary bruce lee. Much respect.

  • @Gunn27
    @Gunn27 Год назад +1

    What a great interview. Brilliant stories. Van Williams seemed a great, down to earth humble guy.

  • @mparra7988
    @mparra7988 3 года назад +4

    Those were the great years with great actors. There is nothing that matches those great years. Also, no one so far has reached the level of perfection and expertise that Bruce Lee had in martial arts. We lost a gran master of the universe.

  • @planetfeelgood17
    @planetfeelgood17 4 года назад +1

    Brilliant!! ~ Such A Great Sharing~* Thank~You~* Van~* Williams~* Such A Great Stories~* & Insights~* Into Dearest Beloved~* * Bruce~* Lee~* ✨✨✨✨✨✨

  • @JimmyLee27
    @JimmyLee27 6 лет назад +12

    thanks for posting!! never saw this before.

  • @wesleyalmonds7334
    @wesleyalmonds7334 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Van Williams for your awesome interview you're A#1 classiest gentleman & how you gave an amazing tribute to Bruce Lee as a fellow actor & friend & he was a great friend to him and respect for each other you can see how emotional Van was he showed Bruce all about the acting business.....I loved it when Van backed Bruce for not doing the scene in the Batman crossover episode when Kato & The Green Hornet supposed to lose to Batman and Robin Bruce believed no one expects Kato to lose to Robin nor believed it Bruce had deep hatred for Burt Ward for Ward believed he can best Bruce haha please & I believe Van when he said Burt Ward pissed in his pants when Bruce stared him down lol.....thank you Van & may you continue to S.I.P with Bruce✔

  • @sclm55
    @sclm55 4 года назад +7

    I stumbled onto this. Very glad I took the time to listen to this interview of Van Williams, discussing his experiences and friendship with Bruce Lee.
    What makes this interview so interesting and insightful to me, is Mr. William's down to earth humility and the personal respect he had for others. Certainly that of his great respect for Bruce Lee - and that which he displayed for his long time stand-in/stunt-double and friend, Bennie Dobbins.
    Mr. William's humility as a person allowed him to speak very candidly, yet with a great degree of warmth and respect for Bruce Lee and others; which in addition, provides us all the opportunity to hear some very fascinating stories with more detail than what we no doubt would never hear from someone who was looking to 'best' Bruce Lee in whatever story they might relate about Bruce Lee.
    It's even more abundantly clear Mr. Williams was a humble down to earth man, by what he stated at the end of this interview. That he would like to be known and/or remembered in the following way: one, as a good father, two, as a good grandfather and as a good husband. In deed he must have been all of these and more {as a good neighbor, citizen, employer an American.

    • @lcself7035
      @lcself7035 2 года назад

      I wish he'd been a better father to me and my twin sister, and our 4 children - his grandchildren. 😰

  • @Fultonfalcons86
    @Fultonfalcons86 Год назад +1

    Bruce is known for his speed and power and accuracy You just have to respect Van and his stories

  • @warriors5062
    @warriors5062 2 года назад

    Watching this as a youngster in the late 60s was awesome!getting home from school listening on the radio then on TV was the best!

  • @user-ty6do8yz4l
    @user-ty6do8yz4l 3 года назад +3

    19:22 Burt Ward has DEFINITELY redeemed himself several times over since then. One of his awesome accomplishments was developing a KICKASS line of dog food. He's an animal lover and I just know, if Bruce was still here, there'd be a Bruce n Burt show, and they'd have been buddies for the last 54 years. Burt was young, on a mega-hit show, his head just got a little big that's all. We're deeply indebted to ALL these people.

  • @HarleyBreakoutGuy
    @HarleyBreakoutGuy 5 лет назад +4

    i had a glimpse of what bruce did in kato ! thank you !

  • @jenniferprice4697
    @jenniferprice4697 4 года назад +3

    Great respect for Van god bless rip and Bruce also

  • @feelwang
    @feelwang 4 года назад +1

    Those solid days those solid men and Bruce is fooling around again

  • @mssolitare
    @mssolitare 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful interview.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @thewizardofchinohills7277
    @thewizardofchinohills7277 5 лет назад +7

    Such a Humble Being Van Williams Is. I say Is Cause I Believe Every Being Is Immortal and He and Bruce are either back here in the Mix On Planet Earth or they Ascended to that Higher Vibration. I’m sure One Of Them did anyways. Williams is Nothing But Humble. For Me, I Love the Green Hornet because of Van Williams. I wanted to be The Green Hornet. I’m sure others wanted to be Kato. That’s what made that show Special. They were both Special Beings. All the Good Things That Came to Van Williams In Life, Came Because Of the Good Energy He Exuded.

  • @awildarodriguez3454
    @awildarodriguez3454 2 года назад

    They were showing it two years ago in channel 140 but at 5 am in the morning,,on Saturday and Sunday,, but they took it off again,, God bless them both,, Mr Van Williams and Master Bruce Lee you're the best.❤️🌟✨😔🙏🤗

  • @Castro62
    @Castro62 6 лет назад +12

    Keye Luke played Kato in the original Green Hornet series and coincidentally was from Seattle as well as Bruce Lee. In addition, Keye Luke did voice over for Shih Kien aka "Han" in Enter the Dragon. For those that don't recall, Keye Luke played blind Master Po on Kung Fu series. Series that turned down Bruce Lee for lead role.

    • @onionsan7688
      @onionsan7688  6 лет назад +1

      Thanks for the info! I didnt know that.

    • @Castro62
      @Castro62 6 лет назад +1

      My pleasure Onionsan; thanks for posting the interview.

    • @onionsan7688
      @onionsan7688  6 лет назад

      You're welcome. This interview is gaining a lot of traction for some reason, it's doing so well in fact it could be the most popular video i've ever uploaded in terms of thumbs up and comments.

    • @franklinhu573
      @franklinhu573 5 лет назад

      think he also played on of Charlie's son.

    • @sitarnut
      @sitarnut 5 лет назад +2

      Keye Luke had a long acting career- also fondly remembered as Charlie Chan's Son is so many of those films... he was also an accomplished artist. We first saw the Chan movies as kids on Sat. TV in the 60's... we always thought Keye was the best "Son" out of them all.

  • @roypruysvdhoeven1855
    @roypruysvdhoeven1855 2 года назад +1

    This Green Hornet serie was the beginning actually of the Martial Arts in movies and series... I am sure if this serie was taken 5 to 10 years later it would have been a franchise with much more than 26 episodes.... RIP Van Williams and Bruce...

  • @danielrockmyer949
    @danielrockmyer949 Год назад

    Wow! I learned a lot about this time period. Thanks

  • @pjscafe
    @pjscafe 4 года назад +1

    Love this interview. 👍👍👍

  • @omarpryor7465
    @omarpryor7465 4 года назад +1

    Bruce Lee was the best nobody couldn't out beat him, an even Ai couldn't or mike tyson, because he was so fast........🔅🎭

  • @semirecumbentoneYT
    @semirecumbentoneYT 2 года назад

    Seldom listened to such a good storyteller, this was a thorough listening enjoyment, one of the absolutely best memories of Bruce, thanks Van - typical "Tex Willer Texas ranger poker face" with excellent verbal socialising skills.

  • @yellowbelly8402
    @yellowbelly8402 3 года назад +2

    Good Bloke.
    If Bruce lived longer they maybe would have made some great movies together,good chemistry as they say.

  • @dorakid2008
    @dorakid2008 3 года назад +1

    Class guy, very different from so many self-absorbed actors today…

  • @matejstefanovic779
    @matejstefanovic779 5 лет назад +3

    Nice interview,Bruce was the greatest ever!

  • @patrickperalta59
    @patrickperalta59 3 года назад +1

    that is amazing 2 year old Brandon Lee flying across the porch smashing a square block of wood.

  • @Babyfaceref
    @Babyfaceref 3 года назад +1

    A Gentleman. Class personified.

  • @robertblanks9602
    @robertblanks9602 2 года назад

    Thank you for this. It’s golden!!!👏👏👏👏✅👍

  • @jackadoni
    @jackadoni 4 года назад +3

    "He was an Oriental"?? "He had to play a play of a manservant??" That's that OLD SCHOOL racism!!!

  • @kballenger53ify
    @kballenger53ify 2 года назад

    This Is Very Informative! Van Revealed Lots Of Information That I Always Wanted To Know! Thanks For Posting This! 👍

  • @chadfortman8098
    @chadfortman8098 2 года назад

    That was cool they stayed in touch and learned from others .

  • @bingcherry1122
    @bingcherry1122 Год назад

    Awesome interview!!!! Rest in Peace Van.

  • @hart60
    @hart60 4 года назад +1

    Great man and interview

  • @normanduke8855
    @normanduke8855 4 года назад +5

    Van should have been a much bigger star but the best looking man of his time was hidden behind a mask. I remember him in 'Surfside Six'.

    • @daviddorward7684
      @daviddorward7684 2 года назад

      I remember Surfside Six, another great show now sadly almost forgotten, but it was The Green Hornet that I remember oh so fondly since I first saw it in 1966.

  • @biz2130
    @biz2130 2 года назад +1

    He's a very respectful man!

  • @MistaKnifeguy
    @MistaKnifeguy 5 лет назад +12

    Bruce never did "non-contact Karate".

  • @XepApex
    @XepApex 4 года назад +1

    Awesome Interview.

  • @NotADood
    @NotADood 4 года назад +2

    He says he told Lee he was proud of him for Enter the Dragon but that movie wasn't released in the US until after Lee died.

    • @AegisNova
      @AegisNova 4 года назад

      Fair point. Possible they were in touch with each other during production in the ‘72 timeframe. I’m not trying to be a fanboy. It’s possible the Williams misspoke, but it doesn’t feel like a lie.

    • @Kijinn
      @Kijinn 4 года назад +1

      Van Williams was probably thinking of "Way of the Dragon" but confused the titles. It would make more sense considering that's the one Lee directed himself, showcasing what he had learned about film making.

    • @billygreen5597
      @billygreen5597 Год назад

      Maybe he told him before the movie came here ASS!!

  • @anthonydennis8268
    @anthonydennis8268 5 лет назад +3

    Van Williams and Bruce Lee are kicking ass in Heaven!!

  • @user-ty6do8yz4l
    @user-ty6do8yz4l 3 года назад

    I just learned so much!

  • @ksw6513
    @ksw6513 Год назад

    Want this to be on British TV itv network

  • @victorsforza5578
    @victorsforza5578 3 года назад +1

    Jeffrey hunter was capt christopher pike on star trek tos he was also in an episode of the green hornet.

  • @salamaraif1648
    @salamaraif1648 3 месяца назад

    Van Williams was Bruces student not just that but very good friends as well

  • @JoeRiggsMentalist
    @JoeRiggsMentalist 4 года назад

    Loved it. Although I've seen videos of Bruce from before Hornet and never had trouble understanding him. But Van was a Texan, I lived in Texas awhile so I get it lol. They didn't understand my east coast accent half the time. ;).

  • @yellowjoe.2000
    @yellowjoe.2000 2 года назад

    Rest in peace Van. I hope you and Bruce are reuniting in heaven.

  • @gregggaldo9181
    @gregggaldo9181 2 года назад +2

    Hayashi Kato....that is the full name of the character KATO....he was the first born son of the ORIGINAL Kato , Ikano Kato... Hayashi had 2 younger brothers Hatami and Kumara....the Kato family is avoid Internment the Reid's told the Chinese Government that Kato was Filipino......

  • @corneilmadison9436
    @corneilmadison9436 4 года назад +2

    You can tell at the end almost him talking about bruce he gets a little emotional, bruce Lee was one of a kind, I think Tarantino probably didn't get along with bruce, this dude said bruce was a little cocky but not in a bad way, he can take criticism if he knew it would help him, I doubt Tarantino knew bruce as a martial artist personally, because he made a comment that if he was in the jungle he'd bet against bruce but in bruce back yard he'd bet against old boy, what he probably didn't know is dude could kill with his hands dude from military but bruce wasn't just a martial artist but a smart educatted martial artist, powerful martial artist, if you rick him off he'd hurt you bad cripple you wise, seeing him look like he wanted to cry at the end he misses bruce you can tell, I started tearing up, bruce Lee is really missed

    • @NotADood
      @NotADood 4 года назад +1

      Quentin Tarantino was 10 years old when Bruce Lee died.

    • @gerrydooley951
      @gerrydooley951 3 года назад +1

      @@NotADood Tarantino is still 10 years old and very over rated.

  • @hectorespinosa6599
    @hectorespinosa6599 3 года назад +1

    I respect this man

  • @turningpointfitness1972
    @turningpointfitness1972 4 года назад

    very nice interview!! thank you!!!

  • @hangover4833
    @hangover4833 4 года назад +1

    He called Bruce a "fighting machine" haha. a very acurate description🤣

  • @CharlesDamianoBLC
    @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +2

    Great interview my friend! Appreciate you posting this! Where did it come from? Never seen this one before.

    • @onionsan7688
      @onionsan7688  4 года назад +2

      Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! It came from Bruce Lee's 30th anniversary commemorative box set.

    • @CharlesDamianoBLC
      @CharlesDamianoBLC 4 года назад +2

      Wow priceless! One of the best interviews. Thanks

  • @truthserum9456
    @truthserum9456 3 года назад

    Just a great interview with a lot more insight into the emerging Bruce Lee and his conflicted personality striving to be ego less but ever seized by it demonstrated by his terrible temper. That's not water my friends.

  • @scottjulie27
    @scottjulie27 5 лет назад +2

    Wow. I didn't know that Dan Reed (The Lone Ranger) was the great grandfather of Britt Reed. :)))