Homelessness in Older Adults: An Emerging Crisis

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @yellowbird5411
    @yellowbird5411 4 года назад +7

    I received my Social Security statement of increase of benefits yesterday. 1.6% it said, in accordance with the cost of living. I think that comes to about $10 or so. One week's groceries have increased that much in the last year. One week. How can our government say that this covers the cost of living increase????

  • @cazpk6840
    @cazpk6840 4 года назад +3

    Shelter food and water must always be affordable for all.

    @JVONROCK 4 года назад +3

    In the 60’s in high school we learned, “Rats in a Cage” and look, we’re there, yipes.
    At 70, I think what I’ve missed most is People. When family an friends die, their..gone.

    • @cazpk6840
      @cazpk6840 4 года назад

      If u believe in Jesus today - though u die, u shall still live.

  • @michaelashcraft8569
    @michaelashcraft8569 4 года назад +4

    How could no one see this coming? I began working at age 14 on 1965 when wages were 1.25 per hour. Worked until age 34 when a heart attack totally disabled me. Time and chance never came to me just as it did not for many of the "Boomer" era, so here we are. Let's just not do anything, we'll all die off, right?

    • @gailsmith5231
      @gailsmith5231 4 года назад

      Michael Ashcraft how awful for you. So sorry

    • @hollydowns2279
      @hollydowns2279 2 года назад

      @@gailsmith5231 for so many of us

  • @yellowbird5411
    @yellowbird5411 4 года назад +2

    We talk. We do lectures. We do studies. We report the statistics. We do more talks. More studies. We get grants to do even more studies. We do more talks. More reports. We have enough studies, reports and statistics to fill a football field related to homelessness. It is cheaper for the government to give more money for grants to keep studying the problem than to actually solve it. Same with diseases. Just keep giving those grants and then we can say we're studying the problem. We're doing research for a solution. We're working on it............

  • @ihartsacto
    @ihartsacto 4 года назад +1

    Thé age group 1954- was a group who actually the first group who were affected by the drug epidemic while they were in high school. It has plagued them their entire lives because the severity of it has never been even publicized.

  • @Reconciliation777
    @Reconciliation777 6 лет назад +4

    The New Cult Culture Job Market which Started Right After the 2008 Economic Crash.
    Most companies today comes across as a kind of kindergarten cult that plies its young employees with parties, toys, naps, playtime The open space is usually decorated with bright colored geometric shaped couches, chairs and vintage wood coffee tables, ping pong tables, and football game tables, and resembles a Montessori style kindergarten.
    Fun is mandatory. Workers, many in shorts and flip-flops, are inordinately proud of the “candy wall” where they can fill up on free snacks. There are vast amounts of candy anything from chocolate bars to gum balls, licorice sticks and cream puffs. Dogs roam the halls. Conference rooms contain bean bag chairs. At the open space desks, employees sit on bouncy balls rather than chairs.
    There is usually free lunch, free cupcakes, and free Perugino, and cappuccino. Many of these offices offer free beer every day and all day. Some offices keep a very large stock of hard liquors such as vodka, gin, whisky, and some exotic and dangerous bottles of liquor that come from foreign countries with warning labels on them, “Drink at Your Own Risk” Although one cannot say for sure, some employees are high on something more than just alcohol. Some companies have beer taps installed in the kitchen. For bike commuters, there are showers upstairs with too many employees using them as sex cabins.
    One very famous non-profit charity that has been around for decades, laid-off all their workers who were over the age of 39 and now their entire staff are in their 20’s and early 30’s. They also changed their décor to bean bags, lollipops, and stuffed animals to make the children feel at home.
    Companies since the 2008 economic collapse have refused even meeting with or interviewing anyone over 35 years old with experience. They will only interview “RECENT” college graduate for entry level and mid-level jobs and the salaries start at $50-60,000 per year or even up to $100,000 a year with full benefits and vacation and many other perks. They prefer to even limit and narrow their recruiting efforts to only youngsters from top tier colleges who have played sports and joined fraternities or sororities. Applicants with proven job skills get ignored because, they’re in their 50s and most companies prefer young know-nothings. And then there is what Steve Jobs calls the “Bozo Explosion”. - B players hire C player so they can feel superior to them, and C players hire D players.
    Your immediate manager or boss will most likely be an intern age boss who is a guy with only one previous job (an entry-level gig doing sales for Google). What matters is “scale,” which you create by hiring people right out of college and making work seem fun. Give them foosball and beer, plus cultishly reinforced propaganda oozing with blather about how “you can make the world a better place” and you will secure. Companies now also give employees a lengthy, pseudoscientific, entirely scary-sounding personality test (devised by a crackpot whose claim to fame was creating the Wonder Woman comics). All of this sounds kind of like the bizarre questionnaire Scientologists take while grasping tin cans.
    Some of these companies will have employees where rubber bracelets containing transponders, which are needed to lock and unlock doors when moving about HQ, which means the company is tracking you at all times.
    The office spaces are open, with very little desk space, and no cubicles. Yes, companies can save even more money by packing these people into cavernous rooms, shoulder to shoulder, as densely as they can. You tell them you’re doing this not because you want to save on office space but because this is how their generation likes to work. So now you have to sit very close to your fellow employees, and endure their body odors, their farts, and their smelly lunches, and listen to them hum with headphones on. Because employees have to sit so close together in an open-space the noise level is high, and there are many interruptions and distractions which keep one from being able to focus for very long. This type of seating situation rarely elicits collaboration between employees, and employees never talk to each other all day while in this tight seating arrangement. And they have to avoid eye contact at all times with the people sitting directly opposite them in order to respect another’s internal space. It all looks from a distance like a Chinese factory assembly line and no longer an up-scale normal healthy office environment.
    Also, every employee has their favorite stuffed animals and action figures cluttering their already tiny desk space like young Japanese girls love their “Little Kitty.” Also, every office has at least one office bully, and you are an open-target all day and every day because there is no private space or cubicle to run and hide in. it is almost impossible to dodge the office bully and avoid conflict. Stress is the only result of the open-space Chinese factory assembly line decorated like a kindergarten to subdue the Orwellian reality.
    The company’s CEO or Chief technology officer announces he is bringing a teddy bear to meetings and invites everyone else to do the same. On Halloween, everyone comes to work in a wacky costume so that company can do a group photo captioned, “We dare to be different.”
    Employees are encouraged to come to work in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flop. If the office is cold in the winter and they ask for management to increase the heat, the HR just informs employees to bring in their warm fuzzy bathrobe from home and wear it around the office to keep warm.
    Employees disappear without warning. Employees do not stay at these jobs anyway. The human resources people have no clue how to discover talent, asking potential hires the right questions. Well, that is probably because the human resource folks are also “RECENT “ college graduates in their 20’s and they don’t have a clue about how to find and interview good talent, and besides they limited their search to only other “RECENT” college graduates in their 20’s who don’t have a clue either. Meanwhile intelligent, talented, experienced and mature workers over 40 years of age who need to work are kept out of the job market. The work place used to have employees of all different ages. Since people over 40 will never be 24 again and never be a “recent” college graduate in their 20’s ever again, they are forced out of the job market forever which means if they don’t hit the lottery any day now, they will be homeless.
    Which brings us to the most important point in this essay. Since the 2008 economic crash this Hitler Youth Movement to only hire “RECENT” college graduates for both entry-level and mid-level jobs paying $50-60k per year and up with full benefits, has destroyed economically an entire age demographic of candidates seeking employment who are age 40 and over. People age 40, 50 and over lost their 401 k and their savings during the economic crash of 2008 and they needed to go back to work, but since then the powers that be will not even bring them in for an interview let alone hire them even though they have the skills and experience. They hire instead only youth, and create an only youth culture.
    As a result particularly women over 40 have had to survive long-term unemployment, losing their savings, often their marriage, their kids and their family, because no one can live indefinitely without a decent paying job. They have lost their mental and physical health as well. Many educated people over 40 have ended up on welfare and food stamps even though they were willing and able to work, had the skills, including the tech skills, and they had the experience. Many have lost their homes and their apartments and are living on the street. They never took drugs, they never drank, they never lived above their means, they never gambled, and they never had a criminal record. Their only crime is to be over 39 years of age. This shows you how sick our society has become. It has not only the destroyed the lives of good up-right standing citizens and their families in this country, but also put a burden on the welfare system, health care system and a bigger burden on the tax-payers back for all the extra services needed now by out of work Generation X.
    People who are not ready for retirement at the young age of 40, and 50 etc, especially since the economic crash of 2008 cannot afford to stay home and retire. They still need decent paying jobs or they become a bigger homeless statistic. How could this country allow this to happen? Since when did a healthy strong, talented and experienced vibrant person age over 40 and 50 and over be considered a useless employee, not to even be called in for an interview let alone given a job.
    The Irony of it all, is that most of these companies claim to be socially conscious doing volunteer work for the less fortunate, but they have actually caused most of the population to become less fortunate by making them homeless, and destroying their lives and their families due to this outrageous age discrimination. Many people cannot retire until they are age 65, and since the economic crash of 2008 very few can even retire at the age of 65. Keeping people out of work due to their young age of 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 etc. is a crime. It is criminal and it is sick.

    • @timmc8444
      @timmc8444 5 лет назад

      Right on..age discrimination imagination on the job is staggering!

    • @bethocdunwitty6641
      @bethocdunwitty6641 5 лет назад

      Welcome to the implementation of the New World Order Illuminati Beast System in the workplace. Phase out the adults; control the day care raised child slave workforce.

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      It’s based off the brave new world style and the idea he is referring to is arrested development keeping people infantile also don’t forget the drugs aka soma from doctors and Ull get a suicide booth and a coffin apartment and a score that allows you to live in said apartment and eat soylent green and ur score reflects how good of a slave u are to the pedophile masters

  • @timmc8444
    @timmc8444 6 лет назад +13

    Solutions...build housing...NOW! This problem will only get worse..MUCH!

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      Any new houses will cost too much to afford they will be used to house the weapons of mass migration and no mental care facilities are coming enjoy being eventually homeless cuz this will be global in a few decades

  • @Creashone
    @Creashone 7 месяцев назад

    It would be so nice to match single parent homes with a senior.

  • @markiscouch6729
    @markiscouch6729 4 года назад +1

    Great video! Excellent content!

  • @bucklaw
    @bucklaw 2 года назад

    In Chicago one tent City. It started off as one. American Exceptionalism. Everyone has a solution-and yet-not. No water or bathrooms. A revolution of the heart.

  • @timmc8444
    @timmc8444 5 лет назад +4

    Their needs to be shelter specific to older people..very different needs. Until serious issue s like violence against older homeless people at shelter result in law suits nothing is ever done!

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      Shelters for old people would cost too much healthcare wise it’ll never happen

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      Violence food laws drugs sex destroy families kids etc etc lots of things trim the herd

  • @diamond_soul_black_gold
    @diamond_soul_black_gold 3 года назад

    There needs to be more resources and changed policies for our elderly and the future

  • @dannydrew8169
    @dannydrew8169 4 года назад +6

    Your study justifies your employment. Studying human beings homelessness like scientist do studies on mice. You never mentioned a solution.

    • @erickfigueroa250
      @erickfigueroa250 4 года назад

      People proposing solutions will be able to draw on this research to garner support for implementing policy that can help address the issue. As the speaker mentions: " the solution to ending homelessness isn't by only giving the homeless housing, but rather in addressing the issues that cause people to enter homelessness" She also talks about how housing assistance has stagnated beginning in the 70's. This to me is a strong argument for increasing affordable housing assistance and expansion of social safety net around individuals who lose employment or fall behind on a housing payment.

    • @hollydowns2279
      @hollydowns2279 2 года назад

      @@erickfigueroa250 Nah ! They can not allow any one to live in a home ! Have heart ! Eat ! And yet every fetus must be born and suicide is very hard to find out an effective method to avoid dying of exposure or starvation Do they really think suicide is not better ?

  • @SuperDobieGirl
    @SuperDobieGirl 4 года назад +1

    Homeless older adults.
    Did not take life and eventual retirement seriously when they were young. Goofed off. Didn't save. Didn't stabilize their finances when they were young and had the chance. Didn't care and wouldn't listen to their parents to SAVE money. Buy a home. SAVE money.
    And now the chickens are coming home to roost.
    I got a late start.bought my house at 40. Started my 401k at 50. Still working at 60 and hoping to pay the mortgage off in 3 years so I can retire.
    Ain't looking good, but at least it's a good chance I will if I keep my nose to the grind stone. Buying a home by 35 is the key. Not goofing off. If I had bought my home at 35, I'd be sitting pretty. But I'm oy 5 years behind.

    • @yellowbird5411
      @yellowbird5411 4 года назад +3

      Trying to raise a family and save money at the same time on an average salary is nearly impossible. Any money saved is a drop in the bucket and is gone in a flash. One medical situation can wipe you out in a heartbeat. Savings are gone. It is estimated that someone will need over a million dollars to be able to retire.

    • @debbieframpton3857
      @debbieframpton3857 3 года назад

      It is possible to raise a family with only one income and save money my husband at the time and I were examples of this got married in 1974 he had a good paying Factory job raised two daughters and I stayed home in the 28 years we were married we probably only bought two brand new cars when our daughters were young we had a camper I was an extreme couponer back then my ex worked at a paper recycling plant and that's how I got my coupons was a very careful shopper shopped at garage sales and thrift stores my girls did get a lot of new back then. Now I've been divorced 20 years own my own home quit my job of 20 years 2 years ago I'm living on Social Security only( won't go into details why no pension from ex job) I still shop garage sales and thrift stores use coupons buy markdown meat and Shop mark down aisles at the store. I can afford to buy more new but I like to bargain shop.

    • @SuperDobieGirl
      @SuperDobieGirl 3 года назад +1

      Update: I was able to pay the house off last Thanksgiving..

    • @debbieframpton3857
      @debbieframpton3857 3 года назад +1

      @@SuperDobieGirl ,
      Keep trying you'll get there

    • @hollydowns2279
      @hollydowns2279 2 года назад

      Wow are you so perfect ? I would rather die than live because my husband has a worthless degree a masters in business ! $70,000 in debt ! I got him out of it because he was and is disabled ! There is no way to get through ! Not college not saving if it worked fo you MIRACLE Stop judging others try to be intelligent

  • @dannydrew8169
    @dannydrew8169 4 года назад +1

    What's the solution in the cess pool of California greed.

  • @timmc8444
    @timmc8444 5 лет назад

    It will soon re a h unimaginable levels..there need to be massive developments built across this country!

  • @hermanrogers1325
    @hermanrogers1325 2 года назад

    GOD help us all

  • @johnnykennysobiech6399
    @johnnykennysobiech6399 4 года назад +1

    Buy office buildings and turn them into homeless hotels. And UC social work and UC medical can run them . Bring services to the people.

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      They can’t making buildings up to code costs a ton and most of that staff will have the money drained before help even comes homelessness is about making money off a solution that will never exist

    • @SuperDobieGirl
      @SuperDobieGirl 4 года назад

      And who's paying for it? Do you have any idea how much refurbishing costs? They should have worked when they were young. Instead of sitting around goofing off. Even McDonald's has a 401k retirement benefit. Get roommates. Save then buy your home. No one wants to do it right. They want to goof off, not TRY, and then cry and complain that the black man can't get ahead. Of course not when you don't work and don't try.

  • @raulacevedo2890
    @raulacevedo2890 4 года назад +7

    You are the problem all you do is talk that's all nothing is done !

  • @mikeharrington5593
    @mikeharrington5593 6 лет назад

    Interesting, but some graphs to illustrate might help, including typical length of time homeless, or else these opening figures could be a straight line graph of the same people it started with just getting older.

  • @MW-xm1rc
    @MW-xm1rc 2 года назад

    I guess that these people should have put SOME effort into the productive years of their life. It was their choice only problem is now they want me to bail them out. I had people tell me I was a fool to put so much time and effort into work, may be, but I am not asking for help.

  • @acajudi100
    @acajudi100 4 года назад

    Temp work, so not any benefits for the homeless, and too many babies.

    • @usefulidiot2842
      @usefulidiot2842 4 года назад

      Lol too many babies yet importing weapons of mass migration lol enjoy not breeding and being replaced fool

  • @josephcecilhornesmithjunio1426
    @josephcecilhornesmithjunio1426 4 года назад

    💟🏳️‍🌈Beautiful and More!‼️☮️🥇 homelessness Wow!❗️💚
    HEAVEN Forever!‼️🏳️‍🌈✝️