Okay everyone is forgetting that Wally was sick his whole childhood and that can stunt even stop someone growth and sickly kids are that small as adults and I'm just happy seeing Wally traveling like he wanted to.
Good point. One theory some people have is that Wally is a severe asthmatic which is why he had to leave Petalburg which is by water and therefore would make his Asthma worse to Verdenturf town which due to the winds and the way ash falls around Lavaridge town makes sickly people (ie people with lung conditions) a lot healthier.
@@davidfitzpatrick4254 I get that theory and like it a lot and it could be possible as well as my theory that he is a psychic and was making himself sick because he was not letting his power out and his frist pokemon is ralts and the area he gets it from is a 5% encounter rate and after getting his psychic Pokemon he suddenly has the strength to travel all over the region. Plus I'm pretty sure he is adopted all his family has brown hair while he has green, so it makes sense that a orphan psychic boy didn't know about his powers or his family that adopted him.
@@shadowwizard2383 know what? I like that. Kind of like an Atreus situation from God of War (2018). In that game its revealed that the reason Atreus was always sick as a kid was because he didn't know that he was part God (small spoiler!) I think it could be both as a little combing of the two theories. Wally is adopted and a orphan with psychic powers and the sickness he has because he doesn't let his power out is Asthma and related illnesses and the reason he has green hair is because of his psychic power (kind of like Goku in Saine mode)
@@davidfitzpatrick4254 actually my theory keeps going after this with who his family could be based on his looks and his family looks but it gets a little crazy since we don't have a lot to go on but I think Wally and N are twins but Wally was sick so he didn't grow right like N and he looks just like N and his father gethies the tricky part who is the mom so out of all the important psychic people the one that fits being in unova and looking like Wally's family (I know it doesn't match my theory but he still is adopted just within the family and they don't know about his powers. Only thing I don't like is would she be that cruel to her twin boys.) I think there Mom is Caitlin she's in unova and a powerful psychic and was in sinnoh battle frontier so she could of had family in Hoenn and she has the same brown hair as Wally's family, so I think she didn't want to raise the twins or be a mother and she sends Wally to her family in Hoenn and she leaves N in the forest and tells gethies that their son is in the forest if he wants him and that is how he knows where N is and that they are father and son. I know it's out there.
@@shadowwizard2383 I'll be honest I don't know too much about Unova since I didn't have a DS so my Pokemon gaming till the switch games pretty much stopped after gen 3.
You´re overthinking the explanation for Wally. The reason for why Wally looks a bit younger by comparison is most likely because he was a pretty sickly person and that affected his growth and made him look less physically developed. It´s also the reason why he looks more pale than other characters.
One of my all time favorite episodes (even if it was really sad) because Ash's Charizard challenged one BIG one and it kicked his butt so fast. The girl who watched over the valley (I can't remember her name at the moment but her Charizard's name was Charla) said that the bigger one was one of the more laid back or mellow ones in the valley. I don't like Ash as a character, but his Pokemon are another story.
@@BatmanfanYokokurama Yep they gave alot of Ash's Mons more personality and backstory than him. Ash's Charizard and Charla even "bonded"(sly dog 😆) but the writers never followed up with that after the valley keeper and Charla brought Ash Zard back to meetup with him
My explanation for why Arceus can be caught is because the version of Arceus we see is just an avatar created by the original being. The actual god pokemon could be like Super Shenron in dragon ball super. It is a being so massive and powerful, it spans galaxies.
I like the idea that Arceus is just a little bit of a troll and decided to see what the reactions of those who worship him would be if they saw him just following some child around like a pet and occasionally blasting some unsuspecting kid's level 4 Rattata on command.
I'd say the Fly theory is exactly like that, the pokemon learns the ability or gains the strength to be able to carry people around. I remember reading gold and silver manga when Silver's Murkrow carried him using its feet
I think a better explanation for the Drowzee one is that they all can eat dreams but not in a painful way like the move can. But with the TM version, it's dream eating powers get strong enough to arm those that it eats from.
I was thinking the exact same thing! Like the explanation for moves like fly, surf, and dive; the Pokémon can do all of those things normally, the move is just utilizing that ability in a specific way.
Or maybe Drowzee can naturally eat dreams, but it takes too long to effectively use it in the middle of a battle. So the TM version is a super-charged version of their natural ability that can eat a dream in a single turn.
So, the Drowzee thing... It naturally eats dreams in a symbiotic way without harming the target, but when trained by humans it can be made into a damaging attack instead.
My theory on the Bug vs Dark also has to do with Japan, but a different reason. Dark is Evil type, we established that. But Kamen Rider, a popular Tokusatsu show in Japan, had it's first iteration wearing a mask inspired by a bug. Kamen Rider fights evil. Therefore bugs are strong against dark. This would also be pretty well understood by Japanese kids, since many of them are familiar with Kamen Rider.
for the Bug being super effective against Dark, it might be alluding to the Kamen Rider franchise - super heroes that initially had bug motifs (helmets with big bug eyes and antennas) that fight Evil (Evil being the Japanese term for the Dark-type)
Fun fact: there's a certain type of fish that was thought to only be female, as male fish of that species weren't seen. Much later, it was discovered that the males exist, but they weren't found because they were so tiny compared to the females that nobody thought to look for creatures that were of the same species, but thousands of times smaller.
I've heard that. Kinda like how the male Angler Fish is much smaller than the females. In fact the males don't even survive the mating process, they legit just attach themselves to the females and die and pretty much becomes part of the females body.
About Ground being super effective against poison, I think it's because soil tend to be able to dissipate poisons or even radioactive particles (I know poison and radioactive are two totally different things but I'm pretty sure they work almost the same in the Pokemon world). An example would be the activated coal that we use at hospitals for intoxicated patients
I just noticed, when you use fly while surfing, you leave the pokemon you were surfing on behind... yet the pokemon is in its pokeball when you check later... huh?
And some have extreme cases of this. The best example I can think of is Hirohiko Araki (Jojo's author). The guy looks 20-30ish, but jesus lord he's 61 years old.
Have you considered that Arceus, rather than "letting" itself be caught, lets an avatar and representation of itself be caught? You can't catch God; their power and responsibilities go too far for a little ball to be able to hold them up. But an avatar of itself, still a living being, that can channel that power for the sake of a kid and its team, is not out of the realm of possible.
My favorite type matchup is Psychic being weak to Bug, since insect/arachnid phobias are very common. Really adds to the allusion between Psychic and the human mind!
I think Psychic is strong against Poison because of the concept of placebos. If you are sick and you take pills that someone said would make you feel better but actually don't do anything, your mind will make you believe that you are getting better. For example, the character Eddie in Stephen King's "IT" is given placebo pills by his mother as a way to prevent him from doing dangerous things because he had developed bronchitis when he was little.
@@indigoandriko4216 and if we'd take psychic as actually an ESPer, a person with extra sensory perception. You can't poison someone who can read your mind and find out that the drink you suggest to them is poisoned. (and yes i know it was like two moths ago)
Nah, the Wally paradox can be easily explained by his illness. Although he's recovered from it, it still should have left some issues, and not growing tall enough can be one. Besides Wally, I'm more interested in how Cynthia didn't grow old from Gen4 to Gen7? Even her friend Catilin looks muck older from Gen4 to Gen5, it doesn't make sense that she looks identical in the Alola games.
Some people just don't age consistently. I've known people who basically looked exactly the same from 20 to around 45 or so, then afterward had their age catch up to them like a brick to the face.
This would make even more sense if the Red and Blue we see in SM/USUM are the same as the ones in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. Even if LGPE takes place at the same time as ORAS, the Red and Blue in those games are older than the player characters, having already completed their Pokémon journeys
Why a “mega” timeline? It would make more sense to separate the timelines to the original (RBY-SwSh) and remakes (FRLG-ORAS). Why would Pokémon X and Y cut the timeline if it didn’t relate to ORAS, but rather vice versa only? It’s things like Annabel and Wally that confirmed the inconsistency (therefore stupidity) of the Mega timeline. Sun and Moon isn’t even canon since instant remakes (like Emerald and Platinum) are always canonical, therefore Ultra Sun and Moon. They might as well treat as if the Battle Tree never existed.
If Wally was a faller or time traveler in any game, what about his family? His mum, dad, aunt and uncle. His relatives are all there. Why don’t they recognize any change in him. Since there’s also a Wally in their life, where’s the other one? Time travel theories are as big a cliche cop out as “it was a coma” or “it was just a dream” tropes. The devs took creative liberties with the character model. That’s it.
Ground type being effective against poison could be rooted in a mud baths. Mud baths and clay facials are often claimed to have detoxifying properties to draw out impurities in the skin. Considering that hot springs are rather widespread across Japan, and mud baths are offered at many of them... The idea of mud, and by extension ground, being strong against poisons/impurities might not be so strange over there.
Yeah, aren't there some NPCs whose challenge is that they want to be shown the biggest specimen of a certain species (like heracross, barboach or shroomish)?
My headcanon explanation for how we catch legendaries, since Gen 1 was released in the US, that the legendaries can break free of balls easily, even asleep and with 1 hp, so they obviously choose to join you if they get captured. If they didn't, they would struggle until faint or black out the player character.
For the Ground being strong against Poison, I imagine it has a lot to do with how radioactive waste is disposed of, being placed in concrete and buried underground. And radiation can be considered poison, right?
So my thoughts on Drowzee, anybody can eat food, biting a person to cause damage takes a bit more effort same concept. The thing with Arceus i think has to do with the fact he's an omnipotent omnipresent being, catching him would be impossible, but a sliver of his presence he allowed to split away to help isn't so crazy
If you think about it, a god is immortal. So it being caught by a trainer is only a very small fraction of its' lifetime before it escapes or just release itself. Hoops is right that Arceus chooses to stay with a trainer so that they can become stronger. I think Arceus can break out anytime it wants to.
That´s because there are many bugs that can produce poison themselves and because many bugs can live almost literally in any place no matter how deadly the place could be. It´s the same logic as to why the flying type isn´t called "bird type" (because not only birds have wings, and their common trait is more the fact that they can fly rather than having wings). If a bug can poison other creatures it wouldn´t make sense to make the entire type weak to it since there are plenty of cases where they can survive or produce it.
00:07:35 Am I the only one who ever noticed how the Pokemon Comapany produced an official LifeSize Furret plush doll, specifically to debunk the popular meme that "Furret is TALLER than Charizard" and demonstrate that Furret's "hight" is actually its LENGH. But it didn't work, People (such as fellow beloved Poketuber Dobbs) just saw how big the plush was, and thought it confired that Furret is huge, so the misinformation just got reinforced instead of debunked.
Interesting video. I think your explanation for ground vs. poison is pretty good to be honest. I never really thought about poison vs. psychic before but when you mentioned disease I thought maybe it was a whole "mind over matter" thing (like the placebo effect). For bugs vs. dark ("evil"), I think the negative bug stereotype is too western for it to be the case. I was thinking if insects are really associated strongly with children and nature, maybe it's more of an "innocence is more powerful than evil" thing.
I Love the effort that the pokemon RUclips community is going for. Shining light on other small and some more well known RUclipsrs in the pokemon genre and how yall are sponsoring each other. Keep it up man this is awesome.
for Drowzee I thought that the reason for it not learning DreamEater naturally was because it ate the dreams for energy or substains normally, not to deal damage to others
Bugs are also the backbone of nature and therefor reality, making them sacred, and this is the counter to negative emotion and the other aspects associated with the dark type and how the humans perceive the dark type
Ground type being strong against Poison is most likely based on how when organisms are poisoned, they'll eat up minerals commonly found on the ground to help absorb those poisons.
5:40 Oh yeah? If it is the original Wally, then why does that Wally have a Gallade and not a Gardevoir? The Magnezone. Makes sense if he was dropped at Vast Poni Canyon. But the Gallade though.
Dark bug situation, i just thougt, bugs like darkness, is common bugs go out during night time so is like 'their home', therefore, bug has the upperhand
Bug vs Dark makes alot of sense if you take the "Dark" name literal. Bugs "beat" darkness due to the fact that alot of bugs have natural methods of navigating through darkness. In Japanese culture, literal darkness/shadows and evil are almost always lumped together anyway, so it still checks out.
if we go by animal based sizes, often times females would be larger then males, especially in sea creatures, arthropods, and reptiles, you can still have the odd big boy here and there but on average females can be double, tripple, or even 20x larger then males (angler fish and some spiders, males tend to be a speck)
When it comes to Ground vs Poison, I think of it like "Dirt/ash etc can be used to absorb or contain toxins." (Think of it like an ash or charcoal face mask absorbing oils etc) It works as kind of a trio with Grass as well: -Grass is strong against Ground, due to plants taking nutrients from the soil, which in Pokemon terms would weaken the Ground type. (for the sake of explanation) -Ground is strong against Poison, due to bare earth being able to absorb toxins with no problem itself. (again, for the sake of the explanation) -Poison is strong against Grass, due to how weed killer works, or making dirt inhospitable to plants.
Charcoal cleanses a large amount of poisons, as well as certain edible dirts, so maybe the charcoal or edible dirt cleanses the poison away to explain the ground type oddity of being good against poison but brings the point as to why isn't rock type super effective against poison and to that I say that it has to be a powdered form of activated charcoal or edible dirt as the particulates cling to the poison better than the solid could, plus you would choke on solid rocks so there's that
Might be interesting if Arceus needs a trainer as a sort of “Intermediary” to tether him to the mortal world. Gods has this thing where they are in such higher plane and can’t interact with the physical plane without this intermediaries, which would make us some kind of his prophet, avatar, incarnate and stuff like that.
I think bug beating dark is more simply explained as bugs often live in dark areas away from sunlight so being well adapted to it means they can easily overcome it. I like the science beats viruses one. I think the earth not being susceptible to poison is more plausible than the one about bug and dark.
Wally had overly protective parents. Which made me wonder if he had an illness. Maybe he had kidney problems leading to him not growing as quickly as others.
Can someone explain to me what he meant by "Faller" and "Mega Hoenn?" Does Alpha sapphire and Omega Ruby take place in a different version of Hoenn or something?
I think arceus has multiple like avatars like ygdrasill from digimon and every avatar is an arceus that explains the shiny existance the limits of an supposed omnipotent pokemon and the reason of why can be catched for a kid
I think the anime, Pokémon Go and the Let's Go games all proved that Pokémon can come in different heights and weights. I agree that the PokeDex descriptions are just kind of a median idea of the Pokémon size, not one that's is set in stone by any means.
9:48 your charizard one was kinda meh, if anything the female charizards would be larger because that's usually the case for reptiles. and the ones in game could seem smaller because charizards have a very high male to female ratio so the average size would be distorted by all the manlet 'zards out there. 22:46 I just think of it as when you defeat a chemical fire by putting sand on it. (On that topic, I think poison should be weak to water, & water weak to poison because of how acid and water interact with each other. Add acid to water to dilute it but if you add water to acid it reacts aggressively and releases a bunch of heat energy. I think it would be cool if poison attacks could burn the overpowered water type.)
I was also wondering why a spearow pecking gastly once harms it (peck) but pecking it more than once suddenly doesn't (fury attack). Still not as ridiculous as bonemerang not working on flying targets while rollout does (seriously, Gamefreak needs to turn bonemerang into the ground type equivalent of freeze dry and have it super effective against flying targets instead of constantly missing for no dang reason).
Regarding Wally: There's this thing that happens IRL where people are short and don't grow facial hair. I know, it's surprising. It's absolutely possible for Wally to look like that after 10 years.
As for Lugia, I want to point out that it's stated that it once lived in the burned tower. The pokedex also states that it lives in the sea to prevent the destruction caused by the flap of its wings
RSE Wally would not know what Mega Evolution is if that were the case so how does he have a Mega Gallade? The other answer that makes more sense would be that ORAS takes place like 3 years or so before SM. It makes more sense when you look at LGP&E and their Red, Blue, and Green already did their journies and about two years passed since then. Meaning that SM takes place 8 years post-LGP&E, and Wally still being young can't have battled Brendan/May more than 2-4 years prior to SM. Sorry man, but I have to dethrone your statement that Wally is from the Prime timeline. It's even more solidified with Wally having his Gallade Mega pendent from ORAS.
Perhaps ground being strong against poison is a commentary on how kids who grow up playing outside and getting dirty usually have higher immune systems compared to kids who are forced to stay clean all the time.
Another possible different explanation for pikachu species looks may be that rodents are very flexible and may look "chubby" and "fit" as i have observed my gerbils when they change stances, per say
Also for the wally case, if you look at wally design its his mega timeline/universe portrayal, my guess is either time travel via celebii, some weird anti aging disease , or he found eternal youth.
Close. In the non-mega timeline, the Gen 1 and Gen 3 games take place at the same time. In the mega timeline, LGPE and ORAS take place concurrently with the non-mega games. The Wally we see in the Battle Tree is ORAS Wally and since SM takes place a few years later it explains why he hasn’t changed much, plus the fact that he has a Gallade.
Unlike Red and Blue with Ruby and Sapphire, Maybe they didn't happen. Wally is from the mega timeline, where Red and Blue are much older, as with the Mega timeline, the Let's Go protagonists are the focus. In the Mega timeline, ORAS takes place at the same time as Let's Go, where Red and Blue are much older.
Lol was gonna bring up the fact that Wally was always a sick kid during childhood, but looks like that's been addressed. The whole Dark vs Bug type scenario was a pretty funny one. Alotta bug themed super heroes. Makes sense. I like a lotta your theories! :)
Ground is strong against Poison because some ancient theories of medicine taught that certain type of clay could neutralize poison or animal venom. I don't think the real science pans out, but this is the most likely reason Ground pokemon have such a decisive advantage against their sludge-spewing opponents.
Huh. I remember my physical anthropology teacher saying that even non-human primates have been known to practice geophagy to neutralize poison they ingest, so it seems hard to believe it can be chalked up to nothing but superstition. Though maybe it isn't perfectly reliable as the minerals that actually do the job would be dispersed throughout the clay in possibly trace amounts.
@@jaschabull2365 Sounds like you know more than me on the subject, I just remembered that bit of trivia from media and not any documentary, so I didn't want to claim it as fact. Glad someone else knows about it!
I think people put too much into Wally’s appearance. I have a feeling that he’s actually supposed to be way younger than the protagonist, which is why everyone dotes on him the entire game. And would explain why when everyone else seem MUCH OLDER… it would more likely be that he’s just a late bloomer while they are finished completely with puberty. Anime styles often draw 16 year olds like they’re 25, & 5 yr olds like they’re 12. Also consider that… some people just look young. I knew a guy who looked 13 until he was almost 20. 4 foot 1 as a senior. I know a 40 year old who literally never got more than a handful of facial hair, and generally is super baby faced. I think Wally just us or looks young, and we’re just looking too much into that particular appearance.
If the Wally in the Battle Tree is the one from RSE, then he wouldn't have a key stone, he'd be wearing his original outfit, and he'd have a Gardevoir, not a Gallade
True, and yet Grass is strong against Water insted of only resisting it, so it seems that such explanations are valid in Pokemon. But personally my theory would be that Psychic is strong against Poison because Psychic is associated with magic or spirit and thus might have purifying powers.
I think that ground is good against poison because you can like die down some poison by covering it with dirt - or it's because of the expression "Rub some dirt on it" when you get a scrape - being bad
I doubt they thought this heavily into it, but a reason for why ground is super effective against poison could be due to how poison is represented by disease, toxins, and acid. We get the base materials for antacids from minerals in common dirt, the vaccine for TB came about from studying soil samples. You did a great job for explaining why ground would resist poison, so I just thought I would expand on that a bit.
Remember, Ho-oh appeared in the first episode then appeared in the second generation, so its possible that Lugia was created around the time mew and mewtwo were; maybe even celebi too.
I feel like psychic being strong against poison is symbolic of mind over matter/willpower in getting over being poisoned. And I think ground is meant to be symbolic of the earth producing natural cures or even vitamins/minerals being used to counter toxic imbalances in the body
I always liked to see it as bugs not needing light to get around since many types of them actually use scents and antennae as their sight, which is why they're strong against dark, but thinking on it now, it sounds more like a reason for a resistance rather than a strength
For the Ground vs. Poison question, we can use your explanation of the Psychic vs. Poison to help here. You had made a point of the latter match up being scientifically made medicines going up against illnesses. Some medicines are made from plants or other substances found in or around the ground, so it kind of makes sense that ground is super effective against poisons, because many places use natural remedies to cure illnesses and poisons.
Wally theory is flawed because his main Pokémon is a Galade, not a Gardevoir. Easiest explanation is that Gamefreak over looked this detail. Or in the mega time line, Red and Blue happened at a different time than the events of ORAS
One possible answer as to why Ground is resistant to and effective against Poison may have to do with how effectively layered earth can filter impurities. In my Natural Sciences class back in high school we did a simple experiment wherein we created a cross-sectional piece of layered earth in a plastic Solo cup and filtered various contaminants through it, testing for the concentration on the other side. In spite of the very small amount of layered earth we used as a filter, versus how much would exist between Earth's surface and groundwater, our experiment was able to filter out 99% of impurities in everything except pure acid (vinegar) which was still very much reduced in concentration.
Not to nitpick, but like so many other commenters said, not all female animals are smaller than their male counterparts, in fact, I recently learned the majority of species experience *female-biased* sexual dimorphism. Of course, we’re mammals, so it’s easy to see things through a mammalian lens, but we have to realize what is true for us isn’t necessarily true for the rest of the animal kingdom. Larger & stronger males are mostly a mammalian characteristic, because male mammals tend to compete for mating rights and territory, whereas many *(but not all)* reptiles, fish, amphibians & invertebrates have larger females because larger females can produce larger clutches of eggs. So if Pokémon followed real life sexual dimorphism (aside from aesthetic differences like horn size, of course) I doubt it would be *entirely* skewed towards males, but lizards are one of the reptiles groups where some males outsize females, so perhaps a male Charizard *would* be bigger. *Fun fact:* spotted hyenas are one of the few mammals where females outsize males; others include bats, baleen whales (like blue, bowhead & humpback) rabbits & naked mole rats. *As a general rule of thumb,* if males compete with each other for mates and territory (deer, lions or vipers) they will be the larger sex and if species survival depends on egg clutch size, females will be the larger sex (which is why most species with female-biased sexual dimorphism are egg-laying.) *Biology geek here!*
thought you were going to go in a different direction with dream eater, and after watching this, I like the idea that it's like fly & the move dream eater, is different from actually eating dreams. so for the typing I always thought dark was darkness/evil, and villains often thought of hero's opposing them as bugs, weaklings, so with the absence of a "light type" it made sense to me. I did some research recently, and found the type weaknesses of the fairy type are actual based in lore, which was pretty cool, of using ivy/oak and a certain metal to word off the fae.
Yet this Wally has a gallade, which only oras Wally has. The rse Wally has a gardevoir. So that theory doesn't fly. The real reason? Gamefreak is just too lazy to make an older model for that 1 little bit of cameo in a very optional area in a game where he isn't even a minor character.
Okay everyone is forgetting that Wally was sick his whole childhood and that can stunt even stop someone growth and sickly kids are that small as adults and I'm just happy seeing Wally traveling like he wanted to.
Good point. One theory some people have is that Wally is a severe asthmatic which is why he had to leave Petalburg which is by water and therefore would make his Asthma worse to Verdenturf town which due to the winds and the way ash falls around Lavaridge town makes sickly people (ie people with lung conditions) a lot healthier.
@@davidfitzpatrick4254 I get that theory and like it a lot and it could be possible as well as my theory that he is a psychic and was making himself sick because he was not letting his power out and his frist pokemon is ralts and the area he gets it from is a 5% encounter rate and after getting his psychic Pokemon he suddenly has the strength to travel all over the region. Plus I'm pretty sure he is adopted all his family has brown hair while he has green, so it makes sense that a orphan psychic boy didn't know about his powers or his family that adopted him.
@@shadowwizard2383 know what? I like that. Kind of like an Atreus situation from God of War (2018). In that game its revealed that the reason Atreus was always sick as a kid was because he didn't know that he was part God (small spoiler!) I think it could be both as a little combing of the two theories. Wally is adopted and a orphan with psychic powers and the sickness he has because he doesn't let his power out is Asthma and related illnesses and the reason he has green hair is because of his psychic power (kind of like Goku in Saine mode)
@@davidfitzpatrick4254 actually my theory keeps going after this with who his family could be based on his looks and his family looks but it gets a little crazy since we don't have a lot to go on but I think Wally and N are twins but Wally was sick so he didn't grow right like N and he looks just like N and his father gethies the tricky part who is the mom so out of all the important psychic people the one that fits being in unova and looking like Wally's family (I know it doesn't match my theory but he still is adopted just within the family and they don't know about his powers. Only thing I don't like is would she be that cruel to her twin boys.) I think there Mom is Caitlin she's in unova and a powerful psychic and was in sinnoh battle frontier so she could of had family in Hoenn and she has the same brown hair as Wally's family, so I think she didn't want to raise the twins or be a mother and she sends Wally to her family in Hoenn and she leaves N in the forest and tells gethies that their son is in the forest if he wants him and that is how he knows where N is and that they are father and son. I know it's out there.
@@shadowwizard2383 I'll be honest I don't know too much about Unova since I didn't have a DS so my Pokemon gaming till the switch games pretty much stopped after gen 3.
You´re overthinking the explanation for Wally. The reason for why Wally looks a bit younger by comparison is most likely because he was a pretty sickly person and that affected his growth and made him look less physically developed. It´s also the reason why he looks more pale than other characters.
That’s what I always thought too.
Mega gallade : 😐
I was skipping through a lot of these tbh… the conclusion was either way too predictable or just stupid nonsense… 😣
More like, for Wally they already had a 3D model available from the previous games but for the others they had to create them first.
Or that just prove the theory that Wally is dead.
Hoops: “Charizard can be lots of different sizes, just like people.”
Also Hoops: “why the F*CK is Wally so scrawny”
The Charizard Valley where Ash left his to train had many Charizards of different sizes
One of my all time favorite episodes (even if it was really sad) because Ash's Charizard challenged one BIG one and it kicked his butt so fast. The girl who watched over the valley (I can't remember her name at the moment but her Charizard's name was Charla) said that the bigger one was one of the more laid back or mellow ones in the valley. I don't like Ash as a character, but his Pokemon are another story.
@@BatmanfanYokokurama Yep they gave alot of Ash's Mons more personality and backstory than him. Ash's Charizard and Charla even "bonded"(sly dog 😆) but the writers never followed up with that after the valley keeper and Charla brought Ash Zard back to meetup with him
I just said that lol 😅
I thought Ground was super effective against Poison because radioactive waste is stored underground.
I only know that because I had a Gengar without levitate
Same thought i had just yesterday. So i agree
I just remember that we bury garbage
"take the breeding jokes to bed" top teir pun
Godly pun
On fleek pun, Hoops should try his hand at stand-up😉😂
Psychic vs poison... Ever heard of placebos.
My explanation for why Arceus can be caught is because the version of Arceus we see is just an avatar created by the original being. The actual god pokemon could be like Super Shenron in dragon ball super. It is a being so massive and powerful, it spans galaxies.
I like the idea that Arceus is just a little bit of a troll and decided to see what the reactions of those who worship him would be if they saw him just following some child around like a pet and occasionally blasting some unsuspecting kid's level 4 Rattata on command.
I'd say the Fly theory is exactly like that, the pokemon learns the ability or gains the strength to be able to carry people around. I remember reading gold and silver manga when Silver's Murkrow carried him using its feet
I think a better explanation for the Drowzee one is that they all can eat dreams but not in a painful way like the move can. But with the TM version, it's dream eating powers get strong enough to arm those that it eats from.
I was thinking the exact same thing! Like the explanation for moves like fly, surf, and dive; the Pokémon can do all of those things normally, the move is just utilizing that ability in a specific way.
Or maybe Drowzee can naturally eat dreams, but it takes too long to effectively use it in the middle of a battle. So the TM version is a super-charged version of their natural ability that can eat a dream in a single turn.
So, the Drowzee thing... It naturally eats dreams in a symbiotic way without harming the target, but when trained by humans it can be made into a damaging attack instead.
Wally CLEARLY took lessons from Ash on how to stay young~
( or being sick simply stunted his growth : it happens a lot xD )
My theory on the Bug vs Dark also has to do with Japan, but a different reason.
Dark is Evil type, we established that. But Kamen Rider, a popular Tokusatsu show in Japan, had it's first iteration wearing a mask inspired by a bug. Kamen Rider fights evil. Therefore bugs are strong against dark.
This would also be pretty well understood by Japanese kids, since many of them are familiar with Kamen Rider.
for the Bug being super effective against Dark, it might be alluding to the Kamen Rider franchise - super heroes that initially had bug motifs (helmets with big bug eyes and antennas) that fight Evil (Evil being the Japanese term for the Dark-type)
I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this!
Could also be an obtuse Mothra reference, since Mothra generally is seen fighting evil monsters.
Fun fact: there's a certain type of fish that was thought to only be female, as male fish of that species weren't seen. Much later, it was discovered that the males exist, but they weren't found because they were so tiny compared to the females that nobody thought to look for creatures that were of the same species, but thousands of times smaller.
Ok boomer
I've heard that. Kinda like how the male Angler Fish is much smaller than the females. In fact the males don't even survive the mating process, they legit just attach themselves to the females and die and pretty much becomes part of the females body.
@@manojjishajisha9989 ok person who hates knowledge
@@lucifermorningstar8562 male octopus detach their d!ck for the female to mate with and after giving birth, the female just dies
About Ground being super effective against poison, I think it's because soil tend to be able to dissipate poisons or even radioactive particles (I know poison and radioactive are two totally different things but I'm pretty sure they work almost the same in the Pokemon world). An example would be the activated coal that we use at hospitals for intoxicated patients
Hope those 10 year old kids will now finally realize that they never had the power of god and anime on their side
I just noticed, when you use fly while surfing, you leave the pokemon you were surfing on behind... yet the pokemon is in its pokeball when you check later... huh?
You can easily 'return' a Pokemon you were surfing on to its Pokeball while you are on the Pokemon you are using to 'fly'.
@@onijester56 yeah, but I just thought it was funny.
"You are my trainer. If youre going im coming with you. THERE AINT NO CHOICE"
I think it could be possible that, due to Wally’s sickness, he simply has a physically smaller, frailer body, but has actually indeed aged.
Couldn't Wally just... Look young? Many people like tom cruise don't seem to age at all in real life
Tom Cruise is an immortal vampire.
@@nathangaspar4989 He rejected his humanity.
And some have extreme cases of this. The best example I can think of is Hirohiko Araki (Jojo's author). The guy looks 20-30ish, but jesus lord he's 61 years old.
Have you considered that Arceus, rather than "letting" itself be caught, lets an avatar and representation of itself be caught? You can't catch God; their power and responsibilities go too far for a little ball to be able to hold them up. But an avatar of itself, still a living being, that can channel that power for the sake of a kid and its team, is not out of the realm of possible.
My favorite type matchup is Psychic being weak to Bug, since insect/arachnid phobias are very common. Really adds to the allusion between Psychic and the human mind!
I like to think that Fly summoned an air/bird spirit to aid in carrying, enveloping the actual pokemon which is why the shadowy bird appears.
I think Psychic is strong against Poison because of the concept of placebos. If you are sick and you take pills that someone said would make you feel better but actually don't do anything, your mind will make you believe that you are getting better. For example, the character Eddie in Stephen King's "IT" is given placebo pills by his mother as a way to prevent him from doing dangerous things because he had developed bronchitis when he was little.
That, and apparently you can remove some toxins from the body by meditation.
You really had to use a.movie to explain placebo??
Its so obvious you found out about it because of the movie and want to show off
@@indigoandriko4216 and if we'd take psychic as actually an ESPer, a person with extra sensory perception. You can't poison someone who can read your mind and find out that the drink you suggest to them is poisoned. (and yes i know it was like two moths ago)
Nah, the Wally paradox can be easily explained by his illness. Although he's recovered from it, it still should have left some issues, and not growing tall enough can be one.
Besides Wally, I'm more interested in how Cynthia didn't grow old from Gen4 to Gen7? Even her friend Catilin looks muck older from Gen4 to Gen5, it doesn't make sense that she looks identical in the Alola games.
Plastic surgery (joking)
Some people just don't age consistently. I've known people who basically looked exactly the same from 20 to around 45 or so, then afterward had their age catch up to them like a brick to the face.
I thought the reason Lugia is Flying/Psychic was because Game Freak didnt want a legendary to have a 4x weakness and a type advantage over Ho-oh.
Makes way more sense lol
I like to think that those are his main types. Or that he uses his psychic abilities to control water.
What if instead, Wally's just of the Mega timeline, explaining his Gallade and younger age [with ORAS taking place 'later' and at the same time as XY]
Great idea.
This would make even more sense if the Red and Blue we see in SM/USUM are the same as the ones in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. Even if LGPE takes place at the same time as ORAS, the Red and Blue in those games are older than the player characters, having already completed their Pokémon journeys
Why a “mega” timeline? It would make more sense to separate the timelines to the original (RBY-SwSh) and remakes (FRLG-ORAS). Why would Pokémon X and Y cut the timeline if it didn’t relate to ORAS, but rather vice versa only? It’s things like Annabel and Wally that confirmed the inconsistency (therefore stupidity) of the Mega timeline. Sun and Moon isn’t even canon since instant remakes (like Emerald and Platinum) are always canonical, therefore Ultra Sun and Moon. They might as well treat as if the Battle Tree never existed.
If Wally was a faller or time traveler in any game, what about his family? His mum, dad, aunt and uncle. His relatives are all there. Why don’t they recognize any change in him. Since there’s also a Wally in their life, where’s the other one? Time travel theories are as big a cliche cop out as “it was a coma” or “it was just a dream” tropes. The devs took creative liberties with the character model. That’s it.
I think Wally just has stunted growth
Ground type being effective against poison could be rooted in a mud baths. Mud baths and clay facials are often claimed to have detoxifying properties to draw out impurities in the skin. Considering that hot springs are rather widespread across Japan, and mud baths are offered at many of them... The idea of mud, and by extension ground, being strong against poisons/impurities might not be so strange over there.
9:10 A perfect example of this would be the huge difference in size between Ash's & Gary's Krabby's, S1 Ep65.
Yeah, aren't there some NPCs whose challenge is that they want to be shown the biggest specimen of a certain species (like heracross, barboach or shroomish)?
Thank you so much for all videos you made. You are one of my absolutely best youtubers ever. :)
Jsi borec. Mám moc rád tvoji tvorbu.
Well that explains why garchomp and yanmega can't learn fly
My headcanon explanation for how we catch legendaries, since Gen 1 was released in the US, that the legendaries can break free of balls easily, even asleep and with 1 hp, so they obviously choose to join you if they get captured. If they didn't, they would struggle until faint or black out the player character.
Wally could just be a really short guy who hasn't developed physically that much.
He’s a shota
So hes just a really late bloomer
@@garenthal9638 why the fuck did you say that
@@REIZORSHARK because it’s a meme
@@slothape yeah guys usually grow slower than girls.
For the Ground being strong against Poison, I imagine it has a lot to do with how radioactive waste is disposed of, being placed in concrete and buried underground. And radiation can be considered poison, right?
So my thoughts on Drowzee, anybody can eat food, biting a person to cause damage takes a bit more effort same concept.
The thing with Arceus i think has to do with the fact he's an omnipotent omnipresent being, catching him would be impossible, but a sliver of his presence he allowed to split away to help isn't so crazy
If you think about it, a god is immortal. So it being caught by a trainer is only a very small fraction of its' lifetime before it escapes or just release itself. Hoops is right that Arceus chooses to stay with a trainer so that they can become stronger. I think Arceus can break out anytime it wants to.
For me it’s insane that bug is not weak to poison type, it makes perfectly sense!
That´s because there are many bugs that can produce poison themselves and because many bugs can live almost literally in any place no matter how deadly the place could be. It´s the same logic as to why the flying type isn´t called "bird type" (because not only birds have wings, and their common trait is more the fact that they can fly rather than having wings). If a bug can poison other creatures it wouldn´t make sense to make the entire type weak to it since there are plenty of cases where they can survive or produce it.
I think it used to be in gen 1
Yea it did.
for me it is however illogical since pesticides (which are poisons) are the first thing that comes to mind to eliminate bugs
A lot of bugs develop immunities or resistances to pesticides over time of exposure.
00:07:35 Am I the only one who ever noticed how the Pokemon Comapany produced an official LifeSize Furret plush doll, specifically to debunk the popular meme that "Furret is TALLER than Charizard" and demonstrate that Furret's "hight" is actually its LENGH.
But it didn't work, People (such as fellow beloved Poketuber Dobbs) just saw how big the plush was, and thought it confired that Furret is huge, so the misinformation just got reinforced instead of debunked.
I feel like bug is strong against dark because even evil people get startled by bugs.
Or because most bugs have night vision
Take my like
Sameee, I always thought the same thing
I think thats why bug and ghost are good against Psychic. Bugs enjoy the darkness
@@jvmeel7454 but it has nothing to do with actual darkness. Its "evil" type.
Interesting video. I think your explanation for ground vs. poison is pretty good to be honest. I never really thought about poison vs. psychic before but when you mentioned disease I thought maybe it was a whole "mind over matter" thing (like the placebo effect). For bugs vs. dark ("evil"), I think the negative bug stereotype is too western for it to be the case. I was thinking if insects are really associated strongly with children and nature, maybe it's more of an "innocence is more powerful than evil" thing.
Wally might just be a baby face. Maybe it's been 10 years and 18 year old Wally can't grow facial hair yet
"You seldom see fully evolved Pokemon in the wild"
Wild Area: Am I joke to you? 😂
Only In later gens due to trainers releasing their fully evolved Pokémon
Not often, rarely.
“Japan adores bugs and hold them very highly in their culture.”
Mothra anyone?
Stands to reason that one of the dark types from the first gen that had the type was a Godzilla lookalike.
@@jaschabull2365 I never even thought of that…
Arceus isn't being caught by you, you're being caught by Arceus >.>
It's that a Zlatan Reference
I Love the effort that the pokemon RUclips community is going for. Shining light on other small and some more well known RUclipsrs in the pokemon genre and how yall are sponsoring each other. Keep it up man this is awesome.
for Drowzee I thought that the reason for it not learning DreamEater naturally was because it ate the dreams for energy or substains normally, not to deal damage to others
Bugs are also the backbone of nature and therefor reality, making them sacred, and this is the counter to negative emotion and the other aspects associated with the dark type and how the humans perceive the dark type
I didn't realize people got confused over the ground and poison matchup. I mean for me it makes sense, you can't poison the ground.
Ground type being strong against Poison is most likely based on how when organisms are poisoned, they'll eat up minerals commonly found on the ground to help absorb those poisons.
But Sun and Moon Wally has Gallade - but his Ruby and Sapphire version didn't.
He caught another one? (Speculation)
5:40 Oh yeah? If it is the original Wally, then why does that Wally have a Gallade and not a Gardevoir? The Magnezone. Makes sense if he was dropped at Vast Poni Canyon. But the Gallade though.
Is there ever any indication that the gallade is actually his starter?
Dark bug situation, i just thougt, bugs like darkness, is common bugs go out during night time so is like 'their home', therefore, bug has the upperhand
Bug vs Dark makes alot of sense if you take the "Dark" name literal. Bugs "beat" darkness due to the fact that alot of bugs have natural methods of navigating through darkness.
In Japanese culture, literal darkness/shadows and evil are almost always lumped together anyway, so it still checks out.
if we go by animal based sizes, often times females would be larger then males, especially in sea creatures, arthropods, and reptiles, you can still have the odd big boy here and there but on average females can be double, tripple, or even 20x larger then males (angler fish and some spiders, males tend to be a speck)
Yes,I Always Wondered Why The Flabébé Family Was'nt Grass Type....
Because its not a part of its body even though it can use it (havent watched video yet btw)
@@minteyleafy You're Actually Right Btw...
@@UrBoiJayEX Nice! I got it right!
When it comes to Ground vs Poison, I think of it like "Dirt/ash etc can be used to absorb or contain toxins." (Think of it like an ash or charcoal face mask absorbing oils etc)
It works as kind of a trio with Grass as well:
-Grass is strong against Ground, due to plants taking nutrients from the soil, which in Pokemon terms would weaken the Ground type. (for the sake of explanation)
-Ground is strong against Poison, due to bare earth being able to absorb toxins with no problem itself. (again, for the sake of the explanation)
-Poison is strong against Grass, due to how weed killer works, or making dirt inhospitable to plants.
Never thought of that trio
We should have a region with starters based on this trio, it’s pretty cool
Charcoal cleanses a large amount of poisons, as well as certain edible dirts, so maybe the charcoal or edible dirt cleanses the poison away to explain the ground type oddity of being good against poison but brings the point as to why isn't rock type super effective against poison and to that I say that it has to be a powdered form of activated charcoal or edible dirt as the particulates cling to the poison better than the solid could, plus you would choke on solid rocks so there's that
i'd say battle tree wally isn't a faller since he uses gallade and not gardevoir like in og rse. i think his illness just leaves him stunted in growth
Might be interesting if Arceus needs a trainer as a sort of “Intermediary” to tether him to the mortal world. Gods has this thing where they are in such higher plane and can’t interact with the physical plane without this intermediaries, which would make us some kind of his prophet, avatar, incarnate and stuff like that.
I think bug beating dark is more simply explained as bugs often live in dark areas away from sunlight so being well adapted to it means they can easily overcome it.
I like the science beats viruses one.
I think the earth not being susceptible to poison is more plausible than the one about bug and dark.
it is confirmed that in legends arcues that you only get a part of it, meaning it might not look like that and is much more powerful
Wally had overly protective parents. Which made me wonder if he had an illness. Maybe he had kidney problems leading to him not growing as quickly as others.
Can someone explain to me what he meant by "Faller" and "Mega Hoenn?" Does Alpha sapphire and Omega Ruby take place in a different version of Hoenn or something?
Yes. It's a separate timeline. It was the pokemon company's way of explaining why Mega Evolution was there when it wasn't in the original games.
I think arceus has multiple like avatars like ygdrasill from digimon and every avatar is an arceus that explains the shiny existance the limits of an supposed omnipotent pokemon and the reason of why can be catched for a kid
I think the anime, Pokémon Go and the Let's Go games all proved that Pokémon can come in different heights and weights. I agree that the PokeDex descriptions are just kind of a median idea of the Pokémon size, not one that's is set in stone by any means.
9:48 your charizard one was kinda meh, if anything the female charizards would be larger because that's usually the case for reptiles. and the ones in game could seem smaller because charizards have a very high male to female ratio so the average size would be distorted by all the manlet 'zards out there.
22:46 I just think of it as when you defeat a chemical fire by putting sand on it.
(On that topic, I think poison should be weak to water, & water weak to poison because of how acid and water interact with each other. Add acid to water to dilute it but if you add water to acid it reacts aggressively and releases a bunch of heat energy. I think it would be cool if poison attacks could burn the overpowered water type.)
So how does a bird slamming its body through a ghost using Quick Attack different from slamming into a ghost with Aerial Ace?
I was also wondering why a spearow pecking gastly once harms it (peck) but pecking it more than once suddenly doesn't (fury attack).
Still not as ridiculous as bonemerang not working on flying targets while rollout does (seriously, Gamefreak needs to turn bonemerang into the ground type equivalent of freeze dry and have it super effective against flying targets instead of constantly missing for no dang reason).
I am pretty sure that psychic and ground being strong against poison has to do with the medical and the field of modern hellenistic medicine.
What if the legendaries we came accross and can capture were " just" avatars of the real deal ?
Regarding Wally: There's this thing that happens IRL where people are short and don't grow facial hair. I know, it's surprising. It's absolutely possible for Wally to look like that after 10 years.
As for Lugia, I want to point out that it's stated that it once lived in the burned tower. The pokedex also states that it lives in the sea to prevent the destruction caused by the flap of its wings
RSE Wally would not know what Mega Evolution is if that were the case so how does he have a Mega Gallade? The other answer that makes more sense would be that ORAS takes place like 3 years or so before SM. It makes more sense when you look at LGP&E and their Red, Blue, and Green already did their journies and about two years passed since then. Meaning that SM takes place 8 years post-LGP&E, and Wally still being young can't have battled Brendan/May more than 2-4 years prior to SM. Sorry man, but I have to dethrone your statement that Wally is from the Prime timeline. It's even more solidified with Wally having his Gallade Mega pendent from ORAS.
Perhaps ground being strong against poison is a commentary on how kids who grow up playing outside and getting dirty usually have higher immune systems compared to kids who are forced to stay clean all the time.
I always saw it as ground being unaffected by poison because you can't really poison something inorganic.
Another possible different explanation for pikachu species looks may be that rodents are very flexible and may look "chubby" and "fit" as i have observed my gerbils when they change stances, per say
Also for the wally case, if you look at wally design its his mega timeline/universe portrayal, my guess is either time travel via celebii, some weird anti aging disease , or he found eternal youth.
Close. In the non-mega timeline, the Gen 1 and Gen 3 games take place at the same time. In the mega timeline, LGPE and ORAS take place concurrently with the non-mega games. The Wally we see in the Battle Tree is ORAS Wally and since SM takes place a few years later it explains why he hasn’t changed much, plus the fact that he has a Gallade.
Unlike Red and Blue with Ruby and Sapphire, Maybe they didn't happen. Wally is from the mega timeline, where Red and Blue are much older, as with the Mega timeline, the Let's Go protagonists are the focus. In the Mega timeline, ORAS takes place at the same time as Let's Go, where Red and Blue are much older.
Exactly, I don't know why this theory doesn't have more traction.
Uhm, Wally was in the original Emerald game.
@@Jay75364 Yeah, but this isn't that Wally. The Wally from ORAS, SM, and USUM isn't the Wally from Emerald. It's the Mega Universe version of Wally.
Lol was gonna bring up the fact that Wally was always a sick kid during childhood, but looks like that's been addressed. The whole Dark vs Bug type scenario was a pretty funny one. Alotta bug themed super heroes. Makes sense. I like a lotta your theories! :)
Ground is strong against Poison because some ancient theories of medicine taught that certain type of clay could neutralize poison or animal venom. I don't think the real science pans out, but this is the most likely reason Ground pokemon have such a decisive advantage against their sludge-spewing opponents.
Huh. I remember my physical anthropology teacher saying that even non-human primates have been known to practice geophagy to neutralize poison they ingest, so it seems hard to believe it can be chalked up to nothing but superstition.
Though maybe it isn't perfectly reliable as the minerals that actually do the job would be dispersed throughout the clay in possibly trace amounts.
@@jaschabull2365 Sounds like you know more than me on the subject, I just remembered that bit of trivia from media and not any documentary, so I didn't want to claim it as fact. Glad someone else knows about it!
I think people put too much into Wally’s appearance.
I have a feeling that he’s actually supposed to be way younger than the protagonist, which is why everyone dotes on him the entire game. And would explain why when everyone else seem MUCH OLDER… it would more likely be that he’s just a late bloomer while they are finished completely with puberty. Anime styles often draw 16 year olds like they’re 25, & 5 yr olds like they’re 12.
Also consider that… some people just look young. I knew a guy who looked 13 until he was almost 20. 4 foot 1 as a senior. I know a 40 year old who literally never got more than a handful of facial hair, and generally is super baby faced.
I think Wally just us or looks young, and we’re just looking too much into that particular appearance.
If the Wally in the Battle Tree is the one from RSE, then he wouldn't have a key stone, he'd be wearing his original outfit, and he'd have a Gardevoir, not a Gallade
For the small pokemon with hm fly, I like to think of the pokemon calling other flying types to help carry you.
21:35 As with most explanations people give, that sounds more like a reason for Psychic to resist Poison, not the other way around.
True, and yet Grass is strong against Water insted of only resisting it, so it seems that such explanations are valid in Pokemon.
But personally my theory would be that Psychic is strong against Poison because Psychic is associated with magic or spirit and thus might have purifying powers.
All of your explanations are very well done, especially the ones on Arceus, pokemon heights, fly, and type matchups.
If you’ve ever played the 3DS free mii game, there’s a part where the yellow mii cures the poison from a room with sand.
Finally a sponsor worth a damn
Prof silver is amazing and I suggest him to any pokemon fan
I think that ground is good against poison because you can like die down some poison by covering it with dirt - or it's because of the expression "Rub some dirt on it" when you get a scrape - being bad
I doubt they thought this heavily into it, but a reason for why ground is super effective against poison could be due to how poison is represented by disease, toxins, and acid. We get the base materials for antacids from minerals in common dirt, the vaccine for TB came about from studying soil samples. You did a great job for explaining why ground would resist poison, so I just thought I would expand on that a bit.
I like Professor Silver. Discovered him recently. Really surprised to hear that he, a fellow RUclipsr, sponsored this video.
7:16 ok snorlax jumping like that surprised me, i know thats how body slam works but i hadnt seen the 3d model go up before
The typing with Lugia is still kind of weird because there are Legendries that are non-psychic types 🤔
Remember, Ho-oh appeared in the first episode then appeared in the second generation, so its possible that Lugia was created around the time mew and mewtwo were; maybe even celebi too.
About Wally: He is the Wally of the Mega Time Line and maybe was Born later in speak after the Events.
I feel like psychic being strong against poison is symbolic of mind over matter/willpower in getting over being poisoned. And I think ground is meant to be symbolic of the earth producing natural cures or even vitamins/minerals being used to counter toxic imbalances in the body
I’d really like to see that video explaining why type matchups work the way they do
I always liked to see it as bugs not needing light to get around since many types of them actually use scents and antennae as their sight, which is why they're strong against dark, but thinking on it now, it sounds more like a reason for a resistance rather than a strength
For the Ground vs. Poison question, we can use your explanation of the Psychic vs. Poison to help here. You had made a point of the latter match up being scientifically made medicines going up against illnesses. Some medicines are made from plants or other substances found in or around the ground, so it kind of makes sense that ground is super effective against poisons, because many places use natural remedies to cure illnesses and poisons.
It's absolutely amazing that rhyperior and aggron can learn surf, when in reality they'd sink to the bottom of the ocean like an anvil
Wally theory is flawed because his main Pokémon is a Galade, not a Gardevoir. Easiest explanation is that Gamefreak over looked this detail. Or in the mega time line, Red and Blue happened at a different time than the events of ORAS
One possible answer as to why Ground is resistant to and effective against Poison may have to do with how effectively layered earth can filter impurities. In my Natural Sciences class back in high school we did a simple experiment wherein we created a cross-sectional piece of layered earth in a plastic Solo cup and filtered various contaminants through it, testing for the concentration on the other side. In spite of the very small amount of layered earth we used as a filter, versus how much would exist between Earth's surface and groundwater, our experiment was able to filter out 99% of impurities in everything except pure acid (vinegar) which was still very much reduced in concentration.
Not to nitpick, but like so many other commenters said, not all female animals are smaller than their male counterparts, in fact, I recently learned the majority of species experience *female-biased* sexual dimorphism. Of course, we’re mammals, so it’s easy to see things through a mammalian lens, but we have to realize what is true for us isn’t necessarily true for the rest of the animal kingdom. Larger & stronger males are mostly a mammalian characteristic, because male mammals tend to compete for mating rights and territory, whereas many *(but not all)* reptiles, fish, amphibians & invertebrates have larger females because larger females can produce larger clutches of eggs. So if Pokémon followed real life sexual dimorphism (aside from aesthetic differences like horn size, of course) I doubt it would be *entirely* skewed towards males, but lizards are one of the reptiles groups where some males outsize females, so perhaps a male Charizard *would* be bigger. *Fun fact:* spotted hyenas are one of the few mammals where females outsize males; others include bats, baleen whales (like blue, bowhead & humpback) rabbits & naked mole rats. *As a general rule of thumb,* if males compete with each other for mates and territory (deer, lions or vipers) they will be the larger sex and if species survival depends on egg clutch size, females will be the larger sex (which is why most species with female-biased sexual dimorphism are egg-laying.) *Biology geek here!*
thought you were going to go in a different direction with dream eater, and after watching this, I like the idea that it's like fly & the move dream eater, is different from actually eating dreams.
so for the typing I always thought dark was darkness/evil, and villains often thought of hero's opposing them as bugs, weaklings, so with the absence of a "light type" it made sense to me.
I did some research recently, and found the type weaknesses of the fairy type are actual based in lore, which was pretty cool, of using ivy/oak and a certain metal to word off the fae.
What if Wally ran into a certain green-tinted mythical Pokemon before meeting Anabel and falling into Ultra Wormhole alongside her?
or even that it sent Wally forward in time
@@pkmnlover3812 that is what I am implying
Yet this Wally has a gallade, which only oras Wally has. The rse Wally has a gardevoir. So that theory doesn't fly. The real reason? Gamefreak is just too lazy to make an older model for that 1 little bit of cameo in a very optional area in a game where he isn't even a minor character.