Seba1805 It would be too strong and would dominate the server and destroy every non-herbivore while killing bosses and Gigas. It would be too intelligent, create Tek Wolverine gauntlets and Auto-Harvesters. Even the devs wouldn’t be able to stop him. Be careful...
The Therizinosaurus harvest Fiber, Thatch, Wood, Charcoal from burned trees on ragnarok, meat, hide and probably some more.. Therizinosaurus is my favorite harvest dino. and it can get upgraded harvest settings like the mochops or whatever it was called. nice video tho!:D and it has very good health and damage. almost as good as a rex
Brynnley Ritchings well I don't really know about that the giant sloth is very good for a variety of things you can buff it with the bug thing and it's also really good at with fiber
the Therizinosaurus is about the same as the Megatherium. they collect the same stuff. but i think the Therizinosaurus are more common i always seem to find them more.
I was really surprised how much berries and Wood/Thatch i was getting from a Moschops i tamed, it really saves time when i need some narco berries for narcotics and i hope I don’t lose mine one day
@@Cross-vo1ui yeah while I do play ark mobile. I always tame 2-6 asap and put them in a random Forrest, even if they don’t last it’s still an easy couple thousand Fibre and thatch and berries. Which is poggers
The frog is amazing for the island especially the insect cave with the right prep can get u hundreds near a few thousands of cementing paste off all those small insects
He did say at the start easiness to tame and individual abilities and the mega also has the damage buff to everything after killing bugs, and it's amazing for getting chitin.
there’s also an Iguanadon (herbivore) if you need to collect berries as food for your dinos or collect seeds since you can use an option to convert the berries in its inventory to seeds for a greenhouse or farm.
Only recently started playing and the anky is simply great, i just take like 2 or 3 of them like a small convoy and i go for a couple in game days metal hunting, fill them all up with metal and then back to base i go!
At first I thought the mantis was pretty op since you can move around quickly with him, but then I realized due to weight you'd have to put his stuff away after every second tree, which is really gonna slow you down. Might it not be smarter tu just farm yourself at that point.
Megatherium: Has the insane ability to harvest thousands of chitin in minutes, is basically invulnerable to any insect creatures and has a massive buff when killing any insects.
My 2 favourite resource Dino are the snail and beetle by far. I have 3 snails and three beetles on official. I have all the cementing paste I'll ever need and enough oil from the beetles to make the gas I require. I went on one or two chitin runs near the start, but since then I haven't bothered as the snails give me plenty of paste. It's given me enough to build a 12/12 behemoth gate height base plus all the other stuff that comes with that, I run out of metal long before I need any more paste. Snails also give polymer and you can store collected polymer from elsewhere in them to make it last longer. Ghillie suits a plenty. One of the first things I do is get a bear, then get a beehive. Get a sap tap. Plant some crops to get ingredients for Vege cake.Go get my snails. Jobs a gooden.
I always like to get speciffic creatures for speciffic resources: Casteroides for wood and berries, Doedicurus for stone, Megaloceros for thatch, ankylosaurus for metal, crystal, flint, oil and obsidian. Often flying them back and forth with an Argentavis that is specced in weight and stamina. Still works like a charm.
I'd definetly prefer the raveger over the Argentavis, they can't fly they have half the weight of an Argentavis and they can't carry any harvesting creatures... And doedikurus is an absolutely must have in the midgame or if you go for massive amounts of gunpowder. Mantis is more of an niche pick, simply because of his weight capacity, and I personally can't see the benefits of the allround harvester creatures, if you go for metal you take the anky (massive gathering and good weight reduction), if you need wood you take a beaver, thorny dragon, therazino or mammoth (massive gathering and weight reduction), if you need stone you take the doedikurus (same reasons) and all of them are carried by an argi or quetz
Neglected the fact that therizino gets harvesting levels to increase its efficiency, also neglectes that megatheriums gather the most insane amount of chitin due to their buff.
Beavers are OP. So are turtles. And Moschops. Thanks for the vid!!! Never knew there's dinos that have specific resource weight reduction! Moschops are prob my FAV waddlers ♡ love them so much. No saddle so easy af!
You said the Moschops is a relatively easy creature to tame but it’s in your hardest creatures to tame video. Er. Also, one of the best things about the Megatherium is the bug buff which makes it great for getting chitin. With enough bugs you can get thousands of chitin per minute.
umm... the theri harvests more and deals WAY more damage, it can be specialized in power or delicate harvesting for the different harvest buttons, and even has a unique button that allows it to collect ONLY the second resource from things (I.E. Wood, hide, chitin, etc.). sure the megatherium has the bug buff, but the theri is already badass enough to surpass it. Sure, you might be able to do the broodmother with the megatherium, but with a bred theri army you could probably take on ALL the bosses lol
Add a Karkino to all your harvesting dinos, and you get higher carrying capacity and traveling speed for your harvesting dinos. And the Doedicurus and Moschops even work without having to ride them.
You forgot one crucial thing about the megatherium. For therizino or bronto you need kibble. Megatherium can be tamed with honey! Super easy and super fast tame 😉
You can tame a low level bronto with a slingshot. A high level can be done with tranq arrows. Therizinon is a little more difficult, but neither require kibble.
I don’t comment often, but wanted to call you out here. Therizino has to be considered on this list. By far best wood gatherer with power harvest, top 2 in meat, and probably best in fiber, and gathers berries. If you are talking about boses, they are useful for dragon boss. Megathereum you didn’t even mention it’s crazy chitin gathering, it’s best gathering ability. Maybe you did idk. My opinion for primary resources you need therizino, doed, and anky. Secondary resources giga, mantis for element, bronto, and mosachops for poly.
Anky is also #1 for obsidian, #1 for crystal and #2 for oil. all very important late game mats. It IS one of the most important gatherer one should have in Ark. Period. If only for metal. Ridiculously easy to tame like the Doedi which is not on this list. My Top 6 is: Anky (Metal, Obsidian, crystal, oil) uses Dilo kibble... Casteroid (mainly Wood, he's far from the best berry harvester at #17) Direwolf (Hide, pelt, Organic polymer, Chitin, keratin and decent meats) Therizino (Almost everything but primarily fiber, berries, thatch and also meats) Doedi (stone which is needed in ridiculous amount mid game) uses Dilo kibble... like the anky, one of easiest tame in Ark Frog (cementing paste which is also needed in ridiculous amount) Mantis is only good if you play SE. Which, lets be honest, who does??? All these are easy tames except for Theri which takes forever and the Beaver which is a drug addict. You'll never run out of your main resources with this team and most can be tamed with plain vegetables, raw meat or silly Dilo kibble. GL!
The casteroides is also a really good source of cement paste if you let him on wander near water he'll make a dam and provide you with a constant source of cement paste and wood, used to at least IDK if he does anymore
Kyle Zimmermann And megatherium outpaces it for boss grinding. It’s super easy to grind broodmother, one of the arguably easiest bosses of this time, for some element. Chitin gets cementing paste, and wood is only used for refining forges and campfires in late game, maybe for charcoal. Chitin is needed for a lot more late game stuff, and seeds help for kibble. Even if you can specify your therizino, you have a tame that outpaces it in the important late game resources
@@theonethathungers5552 Broodmother gives the least reward because its the first boss. its a waste of time when compared to other bosses. also theri surpasses megatherium in even chitin farming if yours isn't utter trash tier. plus the ability to defend itself well against bugs AND other dinos? I think the mt dew is getting to your brain.
Theris can gather all the resources individually, like c for berry’s right click for thatch and fiber, left click for wood and animal drops. The only thing the megatherium has over the theri is the broodmother boss and swamp cave. If you want a harvesting Dino, get a theri.
Hollow T4nK you can use it as a tank you can whistle passive and let other creatures attack it while you're taking care of the creatures hacking it and it's also a good early game water mounts because it's actually decently capable of taking on a low-level megalodons and has infinite oxygen also it's a good early game fighter for you to it can easily take out Raptors dilos and other small deadly creatures so overall good early game on Mount
I use them as tanks and when i did not have a Baryonyx yet i used it to travel in water I also used him to get the Baryonyx as a tank while i shot him with Tranq Arrows
Dunk beats the Anky for metal gathering, just set up a shore side work shop and a slot for the Dunk to pull into and your all set. It gathers more per node, and it's easy to get from node to node.
Hey cj, most people don't answer my comments and u probably won't notice this but I just wanted to say can you make a fresh new PvP scorched earth server? Like if you want this aswell so cj will notice!!!!!!
the mantis is good, but it's a jack of all trades, and therefore a master of none. the theri is still better for the many things it harvests, and for what it can't, the other specialist dino's are better than the mantis for what they can harvest. still, the mantis does seem like a good tame to have :3
Ankies is my favorite, the only things he can't harvest are fiber, and animal resources, but a thylacoleo gathers enough animal resources to make up for it. Bigfoot for fiber if you really need it. (I normally get to the point where fiber is unnecessary, so I'm not too worried about fiber.
Casteroides are easy to catch too. Just make a little square box (out of stone), make 1 wall a door, put ramps up the other 3 on the outside... then go mess with a dam, run up the ramp and out the door... boom all the local casteroides are in the box.
@Cjthechessedj,ONE KEY THING YOU LEFT OUT OF THE THERIZINOSAURUS. They are one of the safest mount's to ride. Which makes a big difference going out into the wild. Where dilo,raptors and Caron's, can lurk.Also their alpha variant will leave you alone.(BIG plus) With a megalania, you are going to have to make sure you tame a good one and HOPE they have good stats. Which will take time. Or breed and imprint one. Which again will take time. All so that you can be ready to fight any predators that come your way. As opposed to a Therizinosaurus which you can tame any you see and be pretty much be safe in the woods. Trash stats or not. The only thing it can't do is thatch. But everything else on the Therizinosaurus is golden. Add his harvesting point's to his gathering and your set. Allosaurus + Dire Bear = Therizinosaurus.
Just wanted to comment. Yes Therizinosaurus are hard to tame. But for a reason. THeir a power house. Double attack with torpor. Just have 3 large bear traps. Lots of narcotics and lots of vegetables from you crop plots. It can be done. That how I got mine. And I can kill anything on the map. Except for a high level alpha rex. BUT I can make them get close to death.
@@PonchoYT. weight is worse, gathering is slow as shit cause low range, too damaging for a beaver, argie is better as a mobile smithy and is just lame as shit in general.
THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THE MOSCHOPS BECAUSE THIS OVERGROWN LIZARD DOESNT GET ENOUGHT LOAF Litterly I’m mid game and it is basically one of my best berry, and fiber collecting creature, next to the theri and infront of the parasaur since it can collect meat.
Ravagers definitely do get the pack bonus even when tamed, maybe not the bleed effect, but they do get the pack bonus. Also should've mentioned that Megatherium are the BEST Chitin gatherer in the game.
Raw Meat/Raw Prime Meat/Hide - Giganotosaurus; Raw Fish Meat/Organic Polymer - Pelagornis; Raw Prime Fish Meat - Mosasaurus; Chitin - Megatherium; Keratin - Sabertooth; Stone - Doedicurus; Wood - Castoroides; Thatch - Megaloceros; Fiber - Therizinosaurus; Flint/Metal - Ankylosaurus; Obsidian/Crystal (on land) - Mantis; Oil/Crystal (in water) - Dunkleosteus; Berries - Brontosaurus. Of course it should be said that a bred, imprinted, mutated Mantis with a ton of points in melee may be better than all of these listed here, but I don't know for sure.
just to give you heads up a monkey can get fiber on its own what i do is tame the monkey man have him wander my base location with a dino leash area so it stays put and a monkey will gather you free fiber until he is slot capped or over weight so i get on and push the weight and melee stats as high as i can get them if he is just a base dino his health can be a little bit lower cause you don't have to fight with him but you can make them fighters as well
I love how to beaver is the favorite for wood but the mammoth is 10x better than the beaver hands down. My case for the mammoth is that it is A) easier to find, B) easier to tame, C) they reduce the carrying weight of wood to 12.5 per stack, and D) they have at least 4x the carry weight of a beaver. Also as an added bonus they are a 4 star berry collector and as long as they are no slowed down they can be fast as fuck and have huge amounts of stamina. With all these facts the mammoth is better than the beaver try and change my mind.
And they can defend themselves easily because of that health and knockback so you dont need to worry about Raptors, Carnos, Therizinosaurs, Allos and sometimes Rexes and spinos
I think the Megatherium is better, because it’s a bit hard to get thatch with a Thery, he’s got the same base stats (almost) of this other guy and he’s able to rekt bosses, mostly the Broodmother, with his brute power and his abilitie of Super-Sayan Chitin Harvesting Power (known as S-SCHP) !
I would also pick the megatherioum because i did some testing and the megatherioum gathers a lot more chitin than the theri so that's a really good win
The mammoth needs a tlc to better define its role from the other wood harvesters. Should get a small platform saddle (quetzal size) and the ability to grab and hold medium size creatures with its trunk.
if they added the "reduced weight" ability to the Therizino... it would be the perfect multipropose machine
Seba1805 It would be too strong and would dominate the server and destroy every non-herbivore while killing bosses and Gigas. It would be too intelligent, create Tek Wolverine gauntlets and Auto-Harvesters. Even the devs wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Be careful...
Just breed if you want more weight
yeah most people get fat after they have kids
Omg yes
It would be too much of a machine
Is no one gonna mention the BRUTAL execution of the penguin?
And the fearless dodo
Looks very ISIS to me
PoisonTHEREAPER what penguin
Dan the meme man 5:29
The Therizinosaurus harvest Fiber, Thatch, Wood, Charcoal from burned trees on ragnarok, meat, hide and probably some more.. Therizinosaurus is my favorite harvest dino. and it can get upgraded harvest settings like the mochops or whatever it was called. nice video tho!:D and it has very good health and damage. almost as good as a rex
It's an amazing combat mount and gatherer, and it also has something most large carnivores don't: stamina. Tickle chickens need more love.
Ikr the therizinosaurus is so good way better then the giant sloth
Ådne Abs Åkerøy like I said in the video it just comes down to personal preference
Brynnley Ritchings well I don't really know about that the giant sloth is very good for a variety of things you can buff it with the bug thing and it's also really good at with fiber
the Therizinosaurus is about the same as the Megatherium. they collect the same stuff. but i think the Therizinosaurus are more common i always seem to find them more.
CJ: "I had trouble with choosing the number 2 spot, but decided that the Therizinosaurus didn't quite get it"
Me: "Shouldn't it be #3 then?"
what if you give a mnatis a club
i think itwill become aknockout machine
It's a really good way of farming Wyvern milk. Build a trap, lure them in, and knock them out.
I play ragnarok on primitive plus and the mantis can hold a metal hammer which is 5 times better than club
Give it a crossbow with tranq arrows
The Almighty Doge it can’t use long range weps
“Carboneeeeeemis attacking”
Cj: #4. The Moschops
Me who “put down“ my army of Moschops: *Sad noises*
Waifu :)
@@___MANA___ why
I was really surprised how much berries and Wood/Thatch i was getting from a Moschops i tamed, it really saves time when i need some narco berries for narcotics and i hope I don’t lose mine one day
@@Cross-vo1ui Sadly I had to make room for my Allosuars (I had 3) so I had to kill 6 mosochops. 2 lived and they are currently missing
@@Cross-vo1ui yeah while I do play ark mobile. I always tame 2-6 asap and put them in a random Forrest, even if they don’t last it’s still an easy couple thousand Fibre and thatch and berries. Which is poggers
I'd add the Dode, but it is only a specialist on stone. Still, it should be noted.
Bryce Felperin Plus the fact that it can hide in it's shell to become invincible, it's a beast!
I love it’s invisibility power too really good dino
@@shrek6438 invincibility*
Yeah but his problem is the weight. It increases of 10 per shot and it’s hard when u got advanced weapons and everything...
Plus element dust, single handed best tame for it
The frog is amazing for the island especially the insect cave with the right prep can get u hundreds near a few thousands of cementing paste off all those small insects
Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel that the moschops definitely out does the megatherium with fiber gathering.
Alec Pitcher yeah
Plus organic polymer
Actually, that's right
He did say at the start easiness to tame and individual abilities and the mega also has the damage buff to everything after killing bugs, and it's amazing for getting chitin.
“He is able to gather raw hide”
Ridin wind and weather
Makes sense
I like raw hide over the cooked hide
@@Time2StopYT wild Dinos prefer raw hide over cooked hide
I never would've thought about the Mantis like that. I knew they could hold tools, but awesome!! It is now on my list of future tames!!
there’s also an Iguanadon (herbivore) if you need to collect berries as food for your dinos or collect seeds since you can use an option to convert the berries in its inventory to seeds for a greenhouse or farm.
11:20 theri is also a knockout tame not pasive
Christopher D,Amico but theri is a knockout tame
yeaahhh he should probably edit that😂 they are the least passive “territorial” Dino in the game lmao
But he doesn't say theri
@@thunderroxz5988 11:10
Wow the disrespect for the Therry didn’t even put him on the list😭😭
its my favorite
Anything you're able to hold? So compies? Archas?
And they can gather any resources? BERRIES?
Seriously 🤦♂️
With a whip yes
Only recently started playing and the anky is simply great, i just take like 2 or 3 of them like a small convoy and i go for a couple in game days metal hunting, fill them all up with metal and then back to base i go!
At first I thought the mantis was pretty op since you can move around quickly with him, but then I realized due to weight you'd have to put his stuff away after every second tree, which is really gonna slow you down. Might it not be smarter tu just farm yourself at that point.
If your gonna farm wood you could take the Mantis alongside an army of castoroides with points in weight. That's what I do with my therizino
Megatherium: Has the insane ability to harvest thousands of chitin in minutes, is basically invulnerable to any insect creatures and has a massive buff when killing any insects.
If you've got multiple and a Daeodon/Yuty, you can farm the Broodmother, up to Alpha, and get squillions of Chitin and also Element!
My 2 favourite resource Dino are the snail and beetle by far. I have 3 snails and three beetles on official. I have all the cementing paste I'll ever need and enough oil from the beetles to make the gas I require. I went on one or two chitin runs near the start, but since then I haven't bothered as the snails give me plenty of paste. It's given me enough to build a 12/12 behemoth gate height base plus all the other stuff that comes with that, I run out of metal long before I need any more paste. Snails also give polymer and you can store collected polymer from elsewhere in them to make it last longer. Ghillie suits a plenty. One of the first things I do is get a bear, then get a beehive. Get a sap tap. Plant some crops to get ingredients for Vege cake.Go get my snails. Jobs a gooden.
The song in the video is one of the few I had on my ark playlist when the game first came out and damn it was a welcome throwback , thank you
The Gryphon is basically what you get when you combine a Thyla and an Argent into a single package.
the moment when black friday sale opens
Tamed ravagers get a pack boost.
Kyle Zimmermann, Wild ones also have it
@@andersbuchjeppesen5493 guy on vid said that tamed ravagers don't get pack boost
At 1:25 was he really trying to break a rock with a sword? Lmao
He was pointing at it lmao
Just bought Ark Survival because of your enthusiasm. Just subscribed and thanks.
You deserve more subs! Well done, i love these kinds of videos! KEEP UPLOADING!
I always like to get speciffic creatures for speciffic resources: Casteroides for wood and berries, Doedicurus for stone, Megaloceros for thatch, ankylosaurus for metal, crystal, flint, oil and obsidian. Often flying them back and forth with an Argentavis that is specced in weight and stamina. Still works like a charm.
I'd definetly prefer the raveger over the Argentavis, they can't fly they have half the weight of an Argentavis and they can't carry any harvesting creatures... And doedikurus is an absolutely must have in the midgame or if you go for massive amounts of gunpowder. Mantis is more of an niche pick, simply because of his weight capacity, and I personally can't see the benefits of the allround harvester creatures, if you go for metal you take the anky (massive gathering and good weight reduction), if you need wood you take a beaver, thorny dragon, therazino or mammoth (massive gathering and weight reduction), if you need stone you take the doedikurus (same reasons) and all of them are carried by an argi or quetz
You do know that in the beginning you said you preferred the raveger over the argy then proceeded to explain why the argy was better
@@jellyfishjam6756 also called sarcasm
@@reinerzufall978 raveger suck
i died laughing when he headshot that poor penguin lmao
Legends say you could hear him say "Snoot Snoot" for greetings just before he pulled the trigger.
Neglected the fact that therizino gets harvesting levels to increase its efficiency, also neglectes that megatheriums gather the most insane amount of chitin due to their buff.
Imagine a mantis with 1k melle damage, mate boosted and with ascendant metal picks
Beavers are OP. So are turtles. And Moschops. Thanks for the vid!!! Never knew there's dinos that have specific resource weight reduction! Moschops are prob my FAV waddlers ♡ love them so much. No saddle so easy af!
You said the Moschops is a relatively easy creature to tame but it’s in your hardest creatures to tame video. Er.
Also, one of the best things about the Megatherium is the bug buff which makes it great for getting chitin. With enough bugs you can get thousands of chitin per minute.
That's because it can be hard or easy sometimes it will want a single berry and sometimes it will want specific meals tou need to cook up
umm... the theri harvests more and deals WAY more damage, it can be specialized in power or delicate harvesting for the different harvest buttons, and even has a unique button that allows it to collect ONLY the second resource from things (I.E. Wood, hide, chitin, etc.). sure the megatherium has the bug buff, but the theri is already badass enough to surpass it. Sure, you might be able to do the broodmother with the megatherium, but with a bred theri army you could probably take on ALL the bosses lol
Vegeta GotKicked And I can harvest chitin a lot faster with a megatherium, which is much better in terms of late game
Actually, doing broodmother with an army of Theriz is more efficient and fun to watch than a few megas lol
Omfg 🤣🤣🤣 mantis is OP. I didn't know they used weapons! That's adorable 😍
special feature on beaver is that its the only smithy saddle where you can repair weapons. cant on argie saddle.
Add a Karkino to all your harvesting dinos, and you get higher carrying capacity and traveling speed for your harvesting dinos. And the Doedicurus and Moschops even work without having to ride them.
3:19 “best metal gatherers “ gets one metal
If you break rocks
It gives you lots of flint and a few stone and metal
Break metal nodes to get metal
Bruh thats a simple thing to know
Craigs Craig go play fortnite
No you dumb 8 year old that game is cancer
I hate the beaver in the game for personal reasons
So every time I see a beaver i kill it
Jøhñŷ Töûçåñ mind sharing why?
Charles Maroon attacking him when he gets his cp lmao
Their too overpowered stg too much health and a lot of damage
Plus it kinda sucks
Your American so you hate Canadian random people ?
* Runs away *
I totally agree with the moschops it is also really good at gathering fiber
You can ride them now
Pelagornis is better for farming organic polymer than the moschops I think
My favorite wood gatherer is a theri Because you can bump up the harvest levels.
Could you do a video on good early tames for Aberration? I'd love to see what you would do with that.
You forgot one crucial thing about the megatherium. For therizino or bronto you need kibble. Megatherium can be tamed with honey! Super easy and super fast tame 😉
Kibble aren't really needed actually
You can tame a low level bronto with a slingshot. A high level can be done with tranq arrows. Therizinon is a little more difficult, but neither require kibble.
@@theonethathungers5552 U better Tell me how many slingshots do i need
Sqipurt maybe do the math yourself instead of demanding things of people
@@theonethathungers5552 Im asking you because i really dont believe the slingshot does enough torpor
Moschomps is good I guess for sap and leech blood but honestly your basic wooden club does 5 star collection on organic polymer.
I don’t comment often, but wanted to call you out here. Therizino has to be considered on this list. By far best wood gatherer with power harvest, top 2 in meat, and probably best in fiber, and gathers berries. If you are talking about boses, they are useful for dragon boss. Megathereum you didn’t even mention it’s crazy chitin gathering, it’s best gathering ability. Maybe you did idk. My opinion for primary resources you need therizino, doed, and anky. Secondary resources giga, mantis for element, bronto, and mosachops for poly.
Loved your video you make your viewers stay you just got yourself s sub👍👍
Anky is also #1 for obsidian, #1 for crystal and #2 for oil. all very important late game mats. It IS one of the most important gatherer one should have in Ark. Period. If only for metal. Ridiculously easy to tame like the Doedi which is not on this list.
My Top 6 is:
Anky (Metal, Obsidian, crystal, oil) uses Dilo kibble...
Casteroid (mainly Wood, he's far from the best berry harvester at #17)
Direwolf (Hide, pelt, Organic polymer, Chitin, keratin and decent meats)
Therizino (Almost everything but primarily fiber, berries, thatch and also meats)
Doedi (stone which is needed in ridiculous amount mid game) uses Dilo kibble... like the anky, one of easiest tame in Ark
Frog (cementing paste which is also needed in ridiculous amount)
Mantis is only good if you play SE. Which, lets be honest, who does???
All these are easy tames except for Theri which takes forever and the Beaver which is a drug addict. You'll never run out of your main resources with this team and most can be tamed with plain vegetables, raw meat or silly Dilo kibble. GL!
GL as in gunlance? Also replace beaver with mammoth and it's perfect 👌
what about the woolly rhino? it gathers wood, thatch and berries so well and its good at fighting
The casteroides is also a really good source of cement paste if you let him on wander near water he'll make a dam and provide you with a constant source of cement paste and wood, used to at least IDK if he does anymore
I have a therezino on ark and I just have so much wood and Thatch and fiber that my base is getting too big and its Not even on this list
Valiebro 15000 it’s his opinion
Make like 3 walls around your base
Therazino can harvest fiber like crazy
That mantis is a beasssttt!!!
Therizino can level power or delicate harvesting, it will outpace the Megatherium, power for wood, delicate for fiber, to each their own I guess
Kyle Zimmermann And megatherium outpaces it for boss grinding. It’s super easy to grind broodmother, one of the arguably easiest bosses of this time, for some element. Chitin gets cementing paste, and wood is only used for refining forges and campfires in late game, maybe for charcoal. Chitin is needed for a lot more late game stuff, and seeds help for kibble. Even if you can specify your therizino, you have a tame that outpaces it in the important late game resources
@@theonethathungers5552 Broodmother gives the least reward because its the first boss. its a waste of time when compared to other bosses. also theri surpasses megatherium in even chitin farming if yours isn't utter trash tier. plus the ability to defend itself well against bugs AND other dinos? I think the mt dew is getting to your brain.
nice armor and nice list for a beginner like me. thx
I just started playing and find your vids very entertaining... but if I hear this song anymore, i’m gunna lose my mind 😂.
Theris can gather all the resources individually, like c for berry’s right click for thatch and fiber, left click for wood and animal drops. The only thing the megatherium has over the theri is the broodmother boss and swamp cave. If you want a harvesting Dino, get a theri.
The turtle has to be buffed or made useful
MrTurtle it is pretty useful
The Randomizer legend123 how?
Hollow T4nK you can use it as a tank you can whistle passive and let other creatures attack it while you're taking care of the creatures hacking it and it's also a good early game water mounts because it's actually decently capable of taking on a low-level megalodons and has infinite oxygen also it's a good early game fighter for you to it can easily take out Raptors dilos and other small deadly creatures so overall good early game on Mount
Zahida Aviles oh nice
I use them as tanks and when i did not have a Baryonyx yet i used it to travel in water
I also used him to get the Baryonyx as a tank while i shot him with Tranq Arrows
Hi, you forgot that the Castoroide, because it's a bever , it's a good swimmer...and it's making dams where you find a lot of stuff..
Thanks bro subbed with bell 🔔 on from 🇬🇧👍🏻🇬🇧👍🏻
welcome to the channel :)
Dunk beats the Anky for metal gathering, just set up a shore side work shop and a slot for the Dunk to pull into and your all set. It gathers more per node, and it's easy to get from node to node.
Hey cj, most people don't answer my comments and u probably won't notice this but I just wanted to say can you make a fresh new PvP scorched earth server?
Like if you want this aswell so cj will notice!!!!!!
UnlimitidPower Gaming rlly?
RIL3YN3LS0N probably won't 've making a new one as my server just reset already to ragnarok
Cjthecheesedj oh ok 👍
Cjthecheesedj have you got a ragnarok server
If so what is the name
I never knew the Mantis could do that. Forget the Therizino - I'm going after a Mantis!!
the mantis is good, but it's a jack of all trades, and therefore a master of none. the theri is still better for the many things it harvests, and for what it can't, the other specialist dino's are better than the mantis for what they can harvest. still, the mantis does seem like a good tame to have :3
Ankies is my favorite, the only things he can't harvest are fiber, and animal resources, but a thylacoleo gathers enough animal resources to make up for it. Bigfoot for fiber if you really need it. (I normally get to the point where fiber is unnecessary, so I'm not too worried about fiber.
Casteroides are easy to catch too. Just make a little square box (out of stone), make 1 wall a door, put ramps up the other 3 on the outside... then go mess with a dam, run up the ramp and out the door... boom all the local casteroides are in the box.
I agree I have three moschops and if I need fabric I can just go get it by going to my moschops so there pretty usefull
Kitin it’s ke-ra-tin that’s how you saw it also I subbed
2 different materials buddy... Chitin and Keratin
@Cjthechessedj,ONE KEY THING YOU LEFT OUT OF THE THERIZINOSAURUS. They are one of the safest mount's to ride. Which makes a big difference going out into the wild. Where dilo,raptors and Caron's, can lurk.Also their alpha variant will leave you alone.(BIG plus) With a megalania, you are going to have to make sure you tame a good one and HOPE they have good stats. Which will take time. Or breed and imprint one. Which again will take time. All so that you can be ready to fight any predators that come your way. As opposed to a Therizinosaurus which you can tame any you see and be pretty much be safe in the woods. Trash stats or not. The only thing it can't do is thatch. But everything else on the Therizinosaurus is golden. Add his harvesting point's to his gathering and your set. Allosaurus + Dire Bear = Therizinosaurus.
Just wanted to comment. Yes Therizinosaurus are hard to tame. But for a reason. THeir a power house. Double attack with torpor. Just have 3 large bear traps. Lots of narcotics and lots of vegetables from you crop plots. It can be done. That how I got mine. And I can kill anything on the map. Except for a high level alpha rex. BUT I can make them get close to death.
Megatherium bug buff op af forgot to mention that
I will always like your videooosss
wooden club gives more polymer then a mochops
thats what i was thinking
I am subbbbiiiiiing
Mamoths are better than the castroids
And their saddles are unlocked at only lvl 30
@@martiniliev35 counterpoint. The beavers are better because I say so.
The saddle of the beaver is a mobile smithy and it can also swim very fast,
@@PonchoYT. but weigh is worse than the mammoth
@@PonchoYT. weight is worse, gathering is slow as shit cause low range, too damaging for a beaver, argie is better as a mobile smithy and is just lame as shit in general.
Can you do more best base locations for the maps?
Litterly I’m mid game and it is basically one of my best berry, and fiber collecting creature, next to the theri and infront of the parasaur since it can collect meat.
Is Therizinasaur a passive tame
Love the channel keep it up
Nice vid
Ravagers definitely do get the pack bonus even when tamed, maybe not the bleed effect, but they do get the pack bonus. Also should've mentioned that Megatherium are the BEST Chitin gatherer in the game.
Raw Meat/Raw Prime Meat/Hide - Giganotosaurus; Raw Fish Meat/Organic Polymer - Pelagornis; Raw Prime Fish Meat - Mosasaurus; Chitin - Megatherium; Keratin - Sabertooth; Stone - Doedicurus; Wood - Castoroides; Thatch - Megaloceros; Fiber - Therizinosaurus; Flint/Metal - Ankylosaurus; Obsidian/Crystal (on land) - Mantis; Oil/Crystal (in water) - Dunkleosteus; Berries - Brontosaurus. Of course it should be said that a bred, imprinted, mutated Mantis with a ton of points in melee may be better than all of these listed here, but I don't know for sure.
Wood - Mammut
Rare flowers, Rare mashroom, fiber - Therezinosaurus
Still looking for favorite Thach harverster :)
For Thatch i prefer the male Megaloceros. It runs fast and he is able to harvest while sprinting. And he gets you high amounts of Thatch.
and i have 2 sitting in base doing nothing..., while i try to get thatch with diplo :) thx alot!
just to give you heads up a monkey can get fiber on its own what i do is tame the monkey man have him wander my base location with a dino leash area so it stays put and a monkey will gather you free fiber until he is slot capped or over weight so i get on and push the weight and melee stats as high as i can get them if he is just a base dino his health can be a little bit lower cause you don't have to fight with him but you can make them fighters as well
13:30 "a crap ton of stone"
He got 2 stone :)
#6- 0:40
#5- 2:46
#4- 4:20 😆
#3- 6:36
#2- 9:29
#1- 12:04
That moschops bug 5:50 still happens when any wild creature attacks it on neutral or you whistle it to attack something
Cj if u hold on like sap on moschops keep holding it and spam the shape (i play xbox so i spam A)
I love how to beaver is the favorite for wood but the mammoth is 10x better than the beaver hands down. My case for the mammoth is that it is A) easier to find, B) easier to tame, C) they reduce the carrying weight of wood to 12.5 per stack, and D) they have at least 4x the carry weight of a beaver. Also as an added bonus they are a 4 star berry collector and as long as they are no slowed down they can be fast as fuck and have huge amounts of stamina. With all these facts the mammoth is better than the beaver try and change my mind.
And they can defend themselves easily because of that health and knockback so you dont need to worry about Raptors, Carnos, Therizinosaurs, Allos and sometimes Rexes and spinos
I think the Megatherium is better, because it’s a bit hard to get thatch with a Thery, he’s got the same base stats (almost) of this other guy and he’s able to rekt bosses, mostly the Broodmother, with his brute power and his abilitie of Super-Sayan Chitin Harvesting Power (known as S-SCHP) !
Hey can get the pack buff with the ravanger
Can you make a video of what region you find these dinos?
I agree good vid also stop saying he should of put a theri bc it’s his opinion
You:Megatherium is better
Therizino:What did you say?!
Ankys and Agries are best buddies when it comes to metal harvesting!
Argie saddle is now a smithy
I would also pick the megatherioum because i did some testing and the megatherioum gathers a lot more chitin than the theri so that's a really good win
How do you get into creative mode?
I do type GMC but it doesn’t work. Pls help
U forgot to mention the megatherium is great for collecting chitin but u pretty covered up the most important resources it can collect
Metheriam and therizino is like the same dino except therizino looks scary and badass
The mammoth needs a tlc to better define its role from the other wood harvesters. Should get a small platform saddle (quetzal size) and the ability to grab and hold medium size creatures with its trunk.
Plus the ability to throw the held creature. Of course quetzals wouldnt be able to carry them anymore (looks ridiculous anyway).
who told this man he need to reach 5000 words for this video
WHAT!? Watched out of boredom and never knew beavers refused stone weight.