thankyou miss, penjelasannya sangat mudah di pahami, simple dan tidak berbelit2. ini pertama kalinya belajar bahasa inggris di yt dan langsung bisa di pahami.
*Correct Me If I'm Wrong 1. Social function of the text is describe the pigeons in a detailed way, without any modifications/alterations 2. Structure of the text is general classification and descriptions 3. Language features of the text use general noun=pigeon 4. Main idea of second paragraph is their body compact with two larger and muscular wings and two short legs on it 5. Main idea of third paragraph is pigeon can be found almost in any region in the world 6. Size of smallest pigeon have the size of 15 cm and weight 30 g 7. Size of the biggest pigeon have the size of 75 cm and weight 2 kg 8. Colors of pigeons, their color are=palegray, white, brown, reddish and black 9. Pigeons look like have to black bars on their wings. They have a small head with short beak. Their body is compact with two large and muscular wings and two short legs on it 10. Functions of pigeons for human such as courier to deliver short written messages, scared symbols in a wedding ceremony, entertainment in a magic show and also as a racing bird
Fish Fish live in saltwater and freshwater all over the world. They come in maju different shapes and sizes, but most the covered in scales and have strong fins for swimming. A fish’s scales all lie in the same direction to help the fish slip through water. Like us, fish need oxygen to live. But instead of breathing air, they absorb the oxygen in water. Water enters the mouth and is swept over the gills. The oxygen passes from the water info tiny blood vessels in the gills. Fish often swim in groups called shoals. One reason they do this is for protection. Many fish together can confuse a predator. This makes it hard for the predator to single out a fish.
Bedanya kalau descriptive text lebih membicarakan benda, orang, atau tempat yg spesifik. Kalau report lebih membicarakan benda, orang, atau tempat secara general dan biasanya berdasarkan hasil penelitian atau laporan penelitian
Kak maaf, sekedar mengingatkan sesama muslim, kerudung nya bisa di turunkan aja ya kak, karna sudah peraturan nya kalau kerudung itu gunanya untuk menutup dada ya kak😊 makasih banyak ilmunya kak! ❤
Tugas sekolah membawa ku kesini -, -
Gw bru skrg
@@ilhampunker2747 skrg gw dah ujian ;v
Gue baru sekarang😭
@@maulydafitri1908 yahaha gw udah naik kelas
Sama bro🤝😂
thankyou miss, penjelasannya sangat mudah di pahami, simple dan tidak berbelit2. ini pertama kalinya belajar bahasa inggris di yt dan langsung bisa di pahami.
Terimakasih untuk guru saya. Karena telah memberikan pilihan channel yang bagus. Wangy wangy wangy
Top banget penjelasannya cepat Banget saya paham nya
Report text dan Descriptive text bisa diumpamakan saudara kembar, hanya berbeda dibagian fungsinya. Nice presentation miss, 👍👍👍
Maaf kak,mau bertanya...🙏🏻
Apa saja contoh dari Report teks...?
Kesini karena tugas , mbak mbaknya juga cantik.. sukses ka
Lagi turu dikasih tugas kesini
*Correct Me If I'm Wrong
1. Social function of the text is describe the pigeons in a detailed way, without any modifications/alterations
2. Structure of the text is general classification and descriptions
3. Language features of the text use general noun=pigeon
4. Main idea of second paragraph is their body compact with two larger and muscular wings and two short legs on it
5. Main idea of third paragraph is pigeon can be found almost in any region in the world
6. Size of smallest pigeon have the size of 15 cm and weight 30 g
7. Size of the biggest pigeon have the size of 75 cm and weight 2 kg
8. Colors of pigeons, their color are=palegray, white, brown, reddish and black
9. Pigeons look like have to black bars on their wings. They have a small head with short beak. Their body is compact with two large and muscular wings and two short legs on it
10. Functions of pigeons for human such as courier to deliver short written messages, scared symbols in a wedding ceremony, entertainment in a magic show and also as a racing bird
Ada sebagian yang salah dek
@@Derruu sebagian ada yang salah fek
@@Ivan10505 yg mana j
@@Ivan10505 yg mana tolong jelasin
Nice explanation . Keep your enthusiasm in teaching english and good luck.
@Walter Theodore what-💀 lol
@Walter Theodore something wrong i can feel it
Tugas bukan kaleng2, sukses skolahnya lorrr
Suaranya enak bgt didengar, thank you for the explanation Miss🥰🥰
Semoga bermanfaat 🤗
Bagusss bngttt penjelasanya mudah di pahami good job👍👍👍🤗btw aku di bawa kesini karna tugas daring😭
Wah ini sangat bermanfaat sekali👍👍👍👍
MasyaAllah terimakasih sudah nonton 🥰
Good explanation
Kecepatan 2x adalah jalan ninja ku untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini :"
Your English is very good
Sangat membantu , mudah dipahami
Thanks this miss ^^.
Tugas yang sangad
Cantik sekalee auto masuk di otak 🤣
Nice explanation miss
/ \
/ \
/ \
🟤 🟣
Slay gurllll 💅💅💅💅💅💅
Kesini karna tugas cuy🖐️😐🖐️👆😎🤙🤙🤙🦈
Fish live in saltwater and freshwater all over the world. They come in maju different shapes and sizes, but most the covered in scales and have strong fins for swimming. A fish’s scales all lie in the same direction to help the fish slip through water.
Like us, fish need oxygen to live. But instead of breathing air, they absorb the oxygen in water. Water enters the mouth and is swept over the gills. The oxygen passes from the water info tiny blood vessels in the gills.
Fish often swim in groups called shoals. One reason they do this is for protection. Many fish together can confuse a predator. This makes it hard for the predator to single out a fish.
Izin ya kak..teks nya saya pakai buat tugas..terimakasi🙏
Uwalah jan guru siki pnak temen gari jiot link video terus kirim meng murid
Keep your energy, impression
Usually the results of the report text are the results of observations of objects, animals, and others
gigih anaknya joko😊
Terimakasih Kaka 🙏
Blue whale bukanya termasuk deskriptive...krn lbih sepecific...apa masih ada macemnya??
Bismillah besok UH sasing bab ini
This classification usually aims to provide a general description of the object or matter being discussed
Anjayyy tugas sekolah membawa saya kesini awokawokawok
Aku kesini gara gara tugas banyak😊
Izin bertanya Miss, lalu apa bedanya descriptive text dan report text?
Bedanya kalau descriptive text lebih membicarakan benda, orang, atau tempat yg spesifik. Kalau report lebih membicarakan benda, orang, atau tempat secara general dan biasanya berdasarkan hasil penelitian atau laporan penelitian
Plengen prend
Goblok preen
Ijin Komen 🗿
Hi daring season 2
Cute bgt
Dewa anak e sudarrrr
Bima aji absen 09 hadir
And this description contains an explanation of the use of functions, forms and things related to the objects or things being discussed
Makasi kak 🤓😘
Aku juga mawu 😋
Kakaknya cantik banget
MasyaAllah 🫣
Teu gaduh kuota euyy
Ujian lisan membawaku kesini
Kak maaf, sekedar mengingatkan sesama muslim, kerudung nya bisa di turunkan aja ya kak, karna sudah peraturan nya kalau kerudung itu gunanya untuk menutup dada ya kak😊 makasih banyak ilmunya kak! ❤
tergantung orng ny lah mau gmn pke nya
Jangan lupa baca astaghfirullah
Lo lapo gus
Tugas oh tugas
Sabar yaaah 🥺 semangatttt 🥰
Puyeng nase
Nh dik
Hai kak
Haloo haloo
Kesini gara gara tugas
Aduhhhh duhhh
Siapa yang besok PAT!
tugas tugas tugasssss
Semangat yahhh nugasnya 😭
Apk editannya apa kak
Kinemaster 😊
Well definisi otak sepadan dengan muka
Edo Jamal kamsari
Ara ara
help me to do my task ..
Xbb hadir
Sorry ka telat 1 thn
My name is bagus
My home is panyingkiran
Disuruka mam tari ganggg🙁🙁🙁
bsk gw US doain semoga bisa ygy
Semangat US nya yahhh
paham banget disini plisss
kakak sapa aku dong
Halooo 🥰
Bahasa Inggris dong mbak nggak bisa ya
Tugas sekolah membawaku ke siniiii wjagainaajahiajqa
Jual kuota ga mbak😁
Bingung yang mana mau dirangkum
buk,,kata wahyu dia mengantuk
rafa anaknya ibnu sofa
Kunci jawab auto suskreb
Tugas sekolah membawaku kesini 🥲
Yaa nya brp kali😭😭😭😭
Telat ga kak
Miss nya cantik bismilah spill jawaban