Ten or so years ago I was surfing Morro Bay rock alone on the north side at the pit. A foggy morning still and calm. A massive white shark the size of a large 4door car swirled around me about five or six times. Turning the water like a washer machine. Hands down the scariest moment of my life. The top of it was a solid five ft wide. I'm guessing easily 16-18ft.I've been around small sharks before, but something that big scared me pale. I was a little different after that.
@@vblitobrian Saw that. It was probably the same shark just ten years older and bigger. I think being higher up on my board sitting than a bodyboarder, I could have looked different to it.
@@seancameron8209 You're right. Whites hit from deep straight up. The way this monster was circling it was checking me out. It was almost as if the shark was trying to knock me off the board by making it turbulent. It was amazing how much water was stirred up. Went from glassy to extra choppy in a second. The rock is a sketchy deep water feeding ground for big fish.
I’ve had a shark shield on my board for about a year now, and it makes me feel super safe out in the ocean as well as my friends around me. I REALLY recommend this product.
I used to have one but kept getting electric shocks from the long tail. So I sold it. Looks like they have updated the technology. I just go out now when other people are in the water so it reduces the risk of me being the target.
Great review, Kale! 🙌 I use Shark Eyes and Sharkbanz here in Hawaii, but a marine biologist I talked with once who studies sharks at the university said Ocean Guardian is the deterrent he felt was most reliable in terms of performance and how its been tested.
I've been using Ocean Guardian since 2017, the technology does not have anything close in the market for years. Now, the design and specially the weight, both definitely need some serious improvements. Kale was spot on when describing riding the short board, you can feel the weight in the tail. The Power module and the tail pad together weight around 17% of the total weight of my board, 5'10" less than 30L, so it does impact the surf in a short board. If you're working on your aerial game, Ocean Guardian will certainly make harder. I know Ocean Guardian for at least 5 years, with the same design one size fits all approach, since OG introduced a new Antenna few years back, maybe it is about time to design a new Power Module and Tail Pad with Short Boards in mind.
Seems like a well made product. I’d buy one if I was in South Africa or Australia or something- but I’m in Florida and honestly I’ve known a few people who have been bitten around here and they’re all completely fine. I think we just generally have smaller sharks around here. Cool technology though! I love that it doesn’t hurt the sharks
Great video. Been surfing all my life and haven’t really worried about sharks until the past 5years or so after that wave of attacks on the north coast. Kinda like the idea of the product but that whole wrap thing is odd. Think you’re right in streamlining it.
Thanks Kale. Cool review. I have had a Sharkshield for years now. I always said that if they made something to prevent shark attacks I’d buy it and hopefully it will work when I need it. My only concern is the battery connection. Constantly fouls up. I would agree with your comment on the design around the tail but also a sealed power module that can be inductively charged.
Spot on mate And The product support from Ocean Guardian was fantastic when they had a small office in Joondalup Perth West Australia, But now Just Trying to Get hold of someone on the phone is near impossible.
totally agree with your comment and @BOMBSQUAD . I've been using it for five years now and I probably had around 10 new tail pads because of that connectivity issue that seems to show up after a few months of using it. I've been making heaps of suggestions to them about changing the design of how the module gets fixed to the tailpad but since they've moved from west oz to the east coast its just been going downhill with the support.
@64 syth when you say it fouls up, do you mean it corrodes or stops making a proper connection? if so try cleaning the contacts and covering them with some dielectric grease :)
Seems like a cool product. Had a juvenile white shark breach about 30’ away from us in the trestles area. They’re always there. I think about them a lot more the past couple years as there’s been more sightings and attacks up and down the west coast
Good review, we have had some tough years in Aus in recent times. I also felt the confidence when I started using the ocean guardian, soon got used to the little extra weight that I don't even notice it anymore. Independent scientists in Aus, South Africa and Reunion Island all show this as the best product available. Just a point about drum lines, in NSW we have smart drumlines where the sharks are tagged and released within 30 minutes with a 99% survival rate out of 1000 sharks caught. These sharks can be tracked on the site and you will see how far they are travelling, reassuring to know you have some protection.
60 year old South Aussie here, have had my fair share of white pointer encounters starting as a 5 year old fishing with my old man and his mates 8 miles offshore at a snapper ground called Freds Ground. Fred was an 18 foot pointer who hung around the snapper ground and he (or she) would chase hooked snapper up and bite them off at the head. This shark would often rub up alongside boats and grab outboards. Also had a couple of encounters diving around Marino Rocks and also Port Victoria where I was swimming with a couple of mates and some chicks when a sizable pointer swam directly under us in 10 foot of water. I had googles and my mate also had goggles so we saw it, told everyone to stay calm and head back, the chicks thought we were joking till we started to move slowly in, when they realized it was true they freaked out and started heading for shore in a frenzy of splashing which brought the 12 to 14 foot pointer straight back. When we were in 3 foot of water it came in to about 6 foot deep did a couple of passes and left.
Thanks Kale! I'm in Hawaii and I've had a few run ins with sharks. I don't use it since I don't want to be 'that guy' and have a bunch of bros asking me about it and giving me shit, kinda dumb but whatever. I would love to see it integrated into boards so it doesn't stick out all goofy like, especially longboards where only kooks use foot pads. If the company could make one that could slot into a board being shaped and just have a little charging port out the side it would be rad! Even better would be one that is fully embedded that uses wireless charging, that way you could come home and just chuck on a little box or whatever and bobs your uncle!
Yeah no offence mate but I wouldn't give a shit what a few bros thought, either they are your mate and it's banter or they aren't and in that case who cares anyway lol
Hey Broccoli. I've had multiple, multiple experiences with sharks over the years. I'm 45 and I've had at least 8 close calls that I can think of off the bat.(All incredibly terrifying) I'm very interested in the Ocean Guardian as it looks like the first device to have some real success. I would love an update on this if you keep using it.
@@kobihemmerle1140 Because when you have a solid scare you try at all costs to not let it happen again. 8 close calls sounds like he's taunting the beast. Or hanging with small ones risking the rake.
I've been considering getting one of these before I go to South Africa. It's quite expensive but if it works then awesome. So far it seems to be the only one that does work. Thanks for sharing your experience with it.
I bought it because I live in Florida and we have Bull sharks that are very aggressive. I cannot notice it at all. Sometime, you out your hand on the rail and you feel and a very gentle "tickle", which is normal and it tells you that on the instructions. If you live in an area with Sharks and are afraid of them like me, this is the only scientifically researched and proven tool. I have a mid-length 6.10 and I feel I can go by myself and feel super safe. The problem , I am afraid to surf without it now and have to have my board everywhere I go. LOL
I’m definitely getting one or two when I move to Australia. I have the Sharkbanz strap and shark eyes as well as the “Sharkit” stripes on a board. I also got some Shark repellent chum from Sharktec Defense from Florida. I haven’t tried it though- Smells awful, it’s supposed to be like dead sharks in the water. I never used to get worried but recently more nervous.
I'm not sure if you have enough levels of protection for Australia, perhaps also invest in some 'Shark Stank' and don't forget to pack it in your checked luggage lol.
I just came across a very large great white about 15 yards from me after only seeing a shark one other time. Its fin poked up for a few seconds submerged and I paddled fast in. Definitely not a dolphin as they have a sweeping fin and are in a pack. This was In the red triangle- sf ca area … sharks are always in the back of my mind. I don’t know about this device but anything to scare them without hurting wildlife is good
I'v been using Shark shield for 2 years now in Reunion. First I did not notice it but after months I became pretty sure the device does impact negatively my take off ability on some "hard" waves (the kind you have very short time between makable and too steepy/too late...). My second concern is (as Footkinetics suggested in his commentary 1 day ago): how does the device impact health? I really think that Ocean guardian should order studies about it because I do feel the electrical current quite strongly when I'm in the water and that's many hours a week long so the question is really important to fix.
@USCG veteran Christian gamer 1977 With that lack of questioning, combined with your profile I'm going to guess you're protestant lol. Did you know that electricians that work on high voltage power lines have a much higher rate of leukemia than the average population? Probably not, guessing by your "it's just electricity dude" mantra.
People use electrical therapy to stimulate their muscles in legs or wherever. That is far more amps than this would do. Enough to make peoples muscles contract for the therapy, so I am sure it’s fine.
Haven’t tried it yet! But definitely keen to try it out! Being from the east coast it doesn’t seem necessary as there’s usually people out further, but for the times I travel or am out the furthest it would definitely give a sense of security.
Thanks for the very informative video. Can you please do a video with other comparable products? If available? The recent storms in the east coast has brought more shark sightings. Thanks. Ps. Best thing about your videos are keeping under 10 minutes 👍🏼👍🏼
One of my best friends growing up Stephan Schaeffer was killed by sharks off the coast of Stuart Beach FL while kite boarding. He was one of the best watermen I ever knew. I never feared sharks growing up surfing as a kid and would have laughed at a device like this before but now that I’m older, I’d use it.
Really nice review, Kale! Interesting technology. The price concerns me though? $549.00 - U.S.. Ugh! ☹ It cost more than my Wavestorm, LOL! Also, how long( durability ) does it last( battery, tape, )? Seems a bit gimmicky? Sorry to be a bummer dude. Anyways, those waves you rode were awesome! Hopefully, we can get to see you and Ben Gravy team up in the future? 😊👍
Do the electrical signals attract sharks from further out and passing by to investigate? So if one guy is out with one of these boards and is safe because a shark won't go within 3 metres of him but everyone else in the lineup is now in danger because a shark or sharks have now traveled a distance to investigate a strange electrical signal?
Shark Shield Technology does not attract sharks. A research paper released in 2016 by scientists from UWA, Macquarie University, Flinders University, and Oceans Research in South Africa, found no evidence that Shark Shield Technology attracted sharks from a greater distance, which is a common belief shared by some surfers and divers. The results showed that sharks approached much less frequently at all when Shark Shield Technology was on. Furthermore, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour, volume 1, pp. 611-620 states: This research by Collins proves that Shark Shield’s electrical impulses do not attract sharks: “It is true that the electroreceptive system is extremely sensitive (in the µV range). However, in practical terms and this has been born out in many behavioral tests, the electroreceptive system is a relatively short distance sense often working in the 30-60cm range. Since these animals use this sense to detect the presence of living prey items that may not be otherwise detected (i.e. under the substrate), they are really working at their detection limits. Therefore, although theoretically the Ampullae of Lorenzini can detect very low strength electric fields, they do not use them to track animate objects over these long distances. In short, a shark already knows you're there by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors and the electrical field drops off very quickly in salt water.
@@natesylvia1546 Shark Shield Technology does not attract sharks. A research paper released in 2016 by scientists from UWA, Macquarie University, Flinders University, and Oceans Research in South Africa, found no evidence that Shark Shield Technology attracted sharks from a greater distance, which is a common belief shared by some surfers and divers. The results showed that sharks approached much less frequently at all when Shark Shield Technology was on. Furthermore, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour, volume 1, pp. 611-620 states: This research by Collins proves that Shark Shield’s electrical impulses do not attract sharks: “It is true that the electroreceptive system is extremely sensitive (in the µV range). However, in practical terms and this has been born out in many behavioral tests, the electroreceptive system is a relatively short distance sense often working in the 30-60cm range. Since these animals use this sense to detect the presence of living prey items that may not be otherwise detected (i.e. under the substrate), they are really working at their detection limits. Therefore, although theoretically the Ampullae of Lorenzini can detect very low strength electric fields, they do not use them to track animate objects over these long distances. In short, a shark already knows you're there by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors and the electrical field drops off very quickly in salt water.
Thanks dude I been wondering about these shark guards. Might have to do it hey. I legit haven’t gone out when I really wanted to cause it looked so sharky and no one out. 🤙
Definitely possible but practical maybe not, if you are looking at the leads, if you glass over them then there is no contact with the water and you wouldn't get a field. If you're talking about the power pack, then you're probably making it more difficult to swap with other boards or replace it if it needs replacing, and if you're selling the board then someone who doesn't have one might not have their own power bank so there would be this gaping hole where the battery goes. Not to mention you'd still have the weight of the battery whether it was inside the board or outside. So what exactly do you get out of glassing some of it into the board? If the leads were so common that every shaper always just glassed the leads in and left the metal contacts clear somehow (without leading to leaks and still conductive) so you'd always have the option to just hook in a battery the same way shapers always put in a leash hoop. That I think would be ideal.
I understand this might be the best, but I was wondering how sharkbanz holds up compared to this. First off its way more expensive and transferring between boards seems like way too much work. Also charging after sessions will be forgotten or just add more time.
I’ve wondered about this product off & on for a few years now. One thing that keeps coming to mind is the (I presume) EMF this device emits… & if that would have any detrimental (health) affects on us humans… more specifically, testes (for males) & ovaries (for females). Particularly when you’re virtually sitting/lying on the device for hours a week. Haven’t looked into this concern further… but with the recent stormy conditions on the east coast of Australia & subsequent warnings about extra shark activity off Sydney beaches (& recent fatal attack of a swimmer), the shark concern has become more real to me.
Extensive testing has been done on all the main shark species responsible for the vast majority of human and shark interactions, and all sharks tested have been repelled by the Ocean Guardian. These include Great Whites, Tigers, Zambezi (Bull), Mako, Oceanic, Hammerhead sharks. Some sharks, in particular the bottom feeders, including Woobygong, Carpet and Port Jackson sharks, have their Ampullae of Lorenzini located under their snouts and as such have a diminished response to the Ocean Guardian wave form. A small number of sharks such as the Seven Gill and Grey Nurse shark have a diminished Ampullae so are less affected. The sharks that fall into these categories are in general, not considered dangerous to humans.
This is HUGE! My greatest fear in the world is the men in the grey suits, and I live in Northern California and surf in the Red Triangle. Learned to go with flow best as I can, but this a major game changer! Thanks so much for sharing this, and really love your other videos too, dude. Cheers! 🤙
I bought a shark shield a couple of years ago, had it on a 5'10 28.5L board. I had to take it off because I could feel the shock through my hands when I was duck diving and through my feet when I was standing on the board. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't pleasant either. I don't recall there being a a choice of sizes when I got it, so maybe the smaller option now would solve that problem.
i dont think its neccecary sharks are rare and a attack is one in 3 million. you wouldnt call an ambulance before you drive your car for the slight chance that you crash
Problem with the small version is the electrical field is so small I can’t really see the point. If the shark can get to within 50cm of me before the OG kicks in I might as well just rely on punching the shark when it gets too close.
How long does the battery lasts? That should be current limited, but I'm curious... Did you try to put one hand in one electrode and the other on the other electrode ? 😅⚡😵🥴 Also, sea water is conductive... so, did you see bubbling forming near the electrodes?
Is it possible to install this on a twin tip board for kite surfing? I sometimes get a bit nervous when I fall in the water and try to recover my board...
I've had shark encounters, but only while diving or snorkelling in other locations. Shark encounters where I live and surf are relatively rare, thankfully, but I also look around and underneath me in the lineup; we also have some of the more infamous breeds.
Cape Cod has developed a large shark problem, with great whites in and around the lineup feeding on seals daily. I think this product would provide some peace of mind, but wonder how durable it it, and if there is a model for performance SUPs. Does the tape strip on the bottom stay stuck on, even when boards are left in the sun? Does it get abraded by sand? Thanks for the demo.
My brother swims Buzzard's Bay every year for the "Save the Bay" cause. I think he's out of his goddamn mind. Keep in mind, this is coming from a guy who in his 20's, would swim AT bull sharks in Florida because he thought he could knock them out with punches. When they moved away, I thought they were intimidated when they were really just like "Who is this little dipshit? He's gonna scare all the fish away." Obviously, I am no longer delusional about such things. Later on in life, I was in West Palm Beach area and we went swimming. I was in nuts deep water, facing the ocean to look out for fins in the shallows. My wife who was with some friends behind me in about mid-thigh deep water whilst partially squatting to be waist deep, yelled in surprise. I turned to see the fin of a surface swimming bull moving along the beach line southwards. It had bumped them as it swam by. All that effort of watching while thinking I could easily see a fin in shallow water that was "too thin to hide in" and one snuck right up in even skinnier water with its fin on full display. They are masters at what they do.
@@PaulGreen-rz4gg No dude, worst we have are seals, weaver fish and small jellyfish. Not quite sure why we don't have great whites, there are veerrry few. Makos get caught way off the coast but that's rare too! Maybe the water is too cold?
I'm from Holland and we don't have sharks here, well not the kind you need to worry about. Was surfing in South Africa in december and januari. Bought a Sharkbanz but after reading the manual I returned it. It said that it wasn't very effective against white sharks because they are ambush predators and attack from a greater distance and wouldn't stop their attack once they're close enough to notice the technology. So really wonder how the tech you used can be effective? Must generate quite some force field then...
Most research on Shark Shield Technology has actually been done on Whites and it is proven to deter them. Please have a look at our RUclips channel at some of the test clips and research. Some of the footage is truly incredible.
Hi Kale...I think that white cap you were wearing during testing may have also scared away a few undersea predators, & it may also have thrown-off your timing & balance a tad on take-off & maneuvering...that being said, that shark radar thingamajig seems to work fairly well to fair the well...fair dinkum mate!
This is some weird myth that is circulating for some reason.... A shark uses their electrical receptors to detect electrical signals at very close range - typically less than half a metre. A shark already knows where you are by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors, and electrical fields drops off very quickly in salt water. With the FREEDOM+ Surf the electrical field that deters sharks is approx. 4m (13.12ft) long x 3.5m (11.48ft) deep. Outside of this range, it drops off dramatically. It's not attracting sharks before deterring them. There's some more info on this on our website if you're interested in reading up on it further. Published research papers have also confirmed it does not attract sharks.
What happens when your board breaks? Can those bottom stickers be reattached to another board if they didn't get damaged or can you get a spare one for not that much money? But I'll guess the battery pack isn't the expensive part of this product
@@KalesBroccoli thanks for the answer Kale. I don't really worry about the tailpad, I'd use superglue for that, but the "antenna" under the board. You think it could survive a broken board? It's still a pretty good thing to have for peace of mind.
Can someone please explain to me, let's say a malfunction/not equipped proply. Your almost stirring the sharks up? If something went wrong your probably gonna be more shark food then you may of just not using it. This is a product and a great way of advertising. I live in Christmas island people swim with 20-30 sharks at a time spearfishing. Yes there are no great whites. But if a great white was coming from under to take you out do you really think it would stop it? Thanks mate.
Those sharks in the chummed water showed plenty of signs of not so much distress but confusion. If your in the water with a shark you can tell if it's getting to close to comfort or even gonna give you ago. I'd hate to have the device on and let's say it was made in a factory faulty or ran out of battery after a solid session. This is a open question I'm not saying it doesn't work.
If you wanna hear a dude gush how safe he feels on his board or watch footage of him prancing on the beach or paddling for a wave in a neoprene suit -- as punchy, royalty free background music simulates excitement -- this is a fantastic video! He doesn't test the device, though.
@@KalesBroccoli Compared to you, yeah! You're so pressed for time your video, "How to Avoid Shark Attacks Whilst Surfing" skipped the topic! Your Shark Shield review focused on how it affected your surfing. Do you even have time to avoid shark attacks?
thoughts on shark banz? I wear mine in florida (sometimes go to new smyrna) They seem to have a lot of succesful tests and it's just about the same as wearing a surf leash on both feet instead of one.
I love this technology. It is needed now more than ever. I don't care what the media says, the fact is that the number of White Sharks and many other shark species are now actually growing in many parts of the world due to successful conservation efforts directed at both sharks and shark prey, such as seals and turtles. Scientists must think that saying this out loud means people will turn against sharks, but I think it means people will push more money toward investments in cutting edge anti-shark tech like Ocean Guardian. Better anti-shark technology is what is needed desperately right now for the sake of both sharks and people. Shark attacks are up 5 fold in many parts of the world. Every shark attack is bad publicity for sharks and every shark attack prevented is one less bad publicity event for sharks. People, and most of all surfers who tend to ignore this threat, deserve to know the truth and deserve to be protected from bad encounters with sharks. Please, start investing your capital in promising technologies, such as Ocean Guardian so that sharks and people can peacefully co-exist in the oceans. Sharks need something to tell them that they are making a mistake when they launch an attack on a surfer, thinking that surfer is a seal or a sea turtle. This product will do that.
In the late 70's and early 80's I used to hear shit about my board being yellow, they called it yummy yellow for sharks, seems you do not hear that term anymore. ( I currently have a yellow bottom Rusty) still have that old yellow bottom" Ocean "single fin stinger .
Surely brightly coloured wetsuits would help also deter? So we don’t look like seals or turtles? Want me to test when I next dive with sharks? Next step installing in wetsuits and maybe even swimsuits? Really hope it takes off and stops shark nets. 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤞🤞
Cheers Kale, that beachy (if it's the spot at Bunker Bay, near Dunsborough) you were surfing is where I had my last close encounter with a white shark. A lot goes to the saying trust your instincts because I felt it as soon as I got into the water, but went out anyways. It also pays to read the conditions and just practice common sense, especially if it's during salmon season and the water is a bit murky.... Lesson learned.
Wearing a wetsuit? Isn't it risky.. Hate to mention this the sad incident in feb at buchan point little will it be able to tackle something like vertical attack of a shark..
This technology is quite interesting and could possibly prevent many attacks, although I’m wondering if there are additional environmental impacts that it’s use may cause. Just yesterday I read a fascinating article in the New Yorker that discussed the many unique ways that marine creatures experience a very different existence from humans, whether through electrical fields, sound, heat, vibrations, etc. So I’m wondering, and maybe @ocean guardian can chime in here, but does this electrical field technology affect marine creatures other than sharks? For example, if other fish, crustaceans, cetaceans, pinnipeds, etc. would avoid areas where surfers used this technology, then it may impact the coral reefs and other marine ecosystems that depend on these creatures. Which in theory could cause a die off of marine life at these surf spots. Sorry to throw a wrench in the spokes here, but to protect our environment it’s important to consider all the ways that humanity actually changes ecosystems and how that may affect other creatures. If nothing else, the article in the New Yorker is well worth reading.❤
Sorry for the late reply, just saw your comment. The electrical field emitted by Shark Shield Technology only affects sharks and rays as they both have electrical receptors. Fish and other marine life are without electrical receptors so are not affected by it. However, if they do come into direct contact with the antenna then they would get a slight buzz from it, as do we. It's along the lines of that feeling of static electricity.
I don't think a little zap will stop a 2 ton submarine. If anything it will give you a false sense of safety and make you go out in situations that you shouldn't be.
I wonder if sending all those electric signals also will draw a sharks interest.. I dunno .. I feel if you are in the ocean you have signed a waiver form the minute your in….
@@KalesBroccoli I do not want to be negative. however, many professional divers I speak to that use the shark shield tell me they see more sharks. I have also heard of sharks swallowing shark shields. I worry that people may have a false sense of security by having a shark shield and may take unnecessary risks thinking they are safe from sharks...when in fact the system may actually attract sharks. The reason sharks can detect electrical pulses is so that they can hone in on prey....every time your heart beats it emits a small electrical pulse which sharks can pick up on...the shark shield could amplify this and draw more sharks in. it may be like a distress beacon in the ocean, going off .......and all the nearby sharks may think...I wonder what that is..... The research conducted only shows that they take longer to bite the bait - but they do eventually bite it.... I am really not sure about Shark shield....and I have been studying it for about 20 years...when it was originally a SA product. There was a HECS product that acted like a 'faradays cage' and blocked your body emitting any electrical pulse whatsoever....this reduced one way in which sharks can hone in on prey...it was a NZ company...but it has ceased operations. I use shark eyes - only good when water is not murky....
Ten or so years ago I was surfing Morro Bay rock alone on the north side at the pit. A foggy morning still and calm. A massive white shark the size of a large 4door car swirled around me about five or six times. Turning the water like a washer machine. Hands down the scariest moment of my life. The top of it was a solid five ft wide. I'm guessing easily 16-18ft.I've been around small sharks before, but something that big scared me pale. I was a little different after that.
I would say you were lucky
There was a fatal GW attack at Morro Xmas Eve 2021. Got a bodyboarder over in the Pit.
It's not the one you see that gets ya. That had to be so scary. Morro bay is pretty sketchy.
@@vblitobrian Saw that. It was probably the same shark just ten years older and bigger. I think being higher up on my board sitting than a bodyboarder, I could have looked different to it.
@@seancameron8209 You're right. Whites hit from deep straight up. The way this monster was circling it was checking me out. It was almost as if the shark was trying to knock me off the board by making it turbulent. It was amazing how much water was stirred up. Went from glassy to extra choppy in a second. The rock is a sketchy deep water feeding ground for big fish.
I’ve had a shark shield on my board for about a year now, and it makes me feel super safe out in the ocean as well as my friends around me. I REALLY recommend this product.
Love hearing this!!! :-)
I used to have one but kept getting electric shocks from the long tail. So I sold it. Looks like they have updated the technology. I just go out now when other people are in the water so it reduces the risk of me being the target.
@@James-vx7df 🤣 I just painted a banner under my board that says "The other guy tastes better, eat him" 🦈👉🆓️🍴
@@RaulEdu33 💀 💀 💀
You feel protected, but are you actually protected with this product? I am curious if it works and if yes, how.
Great review, Kale! 🙌 I use Shark Eyes and Sharkbanz here in Hawaii, but a marine biologist I talked with once who studies sharks at the university said Ocean Guardian is the deterrent he felt was most reliable in terms of performance and how its been tested.
We have sharkbanz and shark eyes too lol
They don’t do a damn thing. If a hungry shark wants you, it’s game over.
I've been using Ocean Guardian since 2017, the technology does not have anything close in the market for years. Now, the design and specially the weight, both definitely need some serious improvements. Kale was spot on when describing riding the short board, you can feel the weight in the tail. The Power module and the tail pad together weight around 17% of the total weight of my board, 5'10" less than 30L, so it does impact the surf in a short board. If you're working on your aerial game, Ocean Guardian will certainly make harder. I know Ocean Guardian for at least 5 years, with the same design one size fits all approach, since OG introduced a new Antenna few years back, maybe it is about time to design a new Power Module and Tail Pad with Short Boards in mind.
As someone who wished to surf but just terrified of sharks, do you actually recommend this product.
Do you get electric shocks when the antenna comes out of the water? I have a long board and I constantly get shocks when going over waves.
I know its been around for a bit but this is beyond revolutionary
Yesssss I didn’t know we needed this until you posted 😂 great idea!!
Seems like a well made product. I’d buy one if I was in South Africa or Australia or something- but I’m in Florida and honestly I’ve known a few people who have been bitten around here and they’re all completely fine. I think we just generally have smaller sharks around here. Cool technology though! I love that it doesn’t hurt the sharks
Try san Francisco
Have you looked at ocearch? Check those Whiteys that migrate down from the north every year!
Yeah I’ve seen it- the great whites seem to stay off the coast a bit. They don’t come nearly as close as the others
Juvenile Great Whites (6-8ft) come all the way in to waist deep water. That's where they feed on stingrays and skates.
I believe you have bully bull sharks in florida :o
Great video. Been surfing all my life and haven’t really worried about sharks until the past 5years or so after that wave of attacks on the north coast. Kinda like the idea of the product but that whole wrap thing is odd. Think you’re right in streamlining it.
Thanks Kale. Cool review. I have had a Sharkshield for years now. I always said that if they made something to prevent shark attacks I’d buy it and hopefully it will work when I need it. My only concern is the battery connection. Constantly fouls up. I would agree with your comment on the design around the tail but also a sealed power module that can be inductively charged.
Spot on mate And The product support from Ocean Guardian was fantastic when they had a small office in Joondalup Perth West Australia, But now Just Trying to Get hold of someone on the phone is near impossible.
totally agree with your comment and @BOMBSQUAD . I've been using it for five years now and I probably had around 10 new tail pads because of that connectivity issue that seems to show up after a few months of using it. I've been making heaps of suggestions to them about changing the design of how the module gets fixed to the tailpad but since they've moved from west oz to the east coast its just been going downhill with the support.
@64 syth when you say it fouls up, do you mean it corrodes or stops making a proper connection?
if so try cleaning the contacts and covering them with some dielectric grease :)
Seems like a cool product. Had a juvenile white shark breach about 30’ away from us in the trestles area. They’re always there. I think about them a lot more the past couple years as there’s been more sightings and attacks up and down the west coast
Good review, we have had some tough years in Aus in recent times. I also felt the confidence when I started using the ocean guardian, soon got used to the little extra weight that I don't even notice it anymore.
Independent scientists in Aus, South Africa and Reunion Island all show this as the best product available.
Just a point about drum lines, in NSW we have smart drumlines where the sharks are tagged and released within 30 minutes with a 99% survival rate out of 1000 sharks caught. These sharks can be tracked on the site and you will see how far they are travelling, reassuring to know you have some protection.
I had three close buzzes with Mr. Shark during my surfing days. Great job!!
that you know of...
60 year old South Aussie here, have had my fair share of white pointer encounters starting as a 5 year old fishing with my old man and his mates 8 miles offshore at a snapper ground called Freds Ground. Fred was an 18 foot pointer who hung around the snapper ground and he (or she) would chase hooked snapper up and bite them off at the head. This shark would often rub up alongside boats and grab outboards. Also had a couple of encounters diving around Marino Rocks and also Port Victoria where I was swimming with a couple of mates and some chicks when a sizable pointer swam directly under us in 10 foot of water. I had googles and my mate also had goggles so we saw it, told everyone to stay calm and head back, the chicks thought we were joking till we started to move slowly in, when they realized it was true they freaked out and started heading for shore in a frenzy of splashing which brought the 12 to 14 foot pointer straight back. When we were in 3 foot of water it came in to about 6 foot deep did a couple of passes and left.
Thanks Kale! I'm in Hawaii and I've had a few run ins with sharks. I don't use it since I don't want to be 'that guy' and have a bunch of bros asking me about it and giving me shit, kinda dumb but whatever. I would love to see it integrated into boards so it doesn't stick out all goofy like, especially longboards where only kooks use foot pads. If the company could make one that could slot into a board being shaped and just have a little charging port out the side it would be rad! Even better would be one that is fully embedded that uses wireless charging, that way you could come home and just chuck on a little box or whatever and bobs your uncle!
u just need a good bite kook
Yeah no offence mate but I wouldn't give a shit what a few bros thought, either they are your mate and it's banter or they aren't and in that case who cares anyway lol
Who gives a hoot what the peanut gallery thinks or says.
Go get one if you think it will help.
Hey Broccoli. I've had multiple, multiple experiences with sharks over the years. I'm 45 and I've had at least 8 close calls that I can think of off the bat.(All incredibly terrifying) I'm very interested in the Ocean Guardian as it looks like the first device to have some real success. I would love an update on this if you keep using it.
@John Sanders why do you think he’s lying? I’ve had 2 or 3 shark scares in the past year so his numbers for being 45 aren’t that high
@@kobihemmerle1140 Because when you have a solid scare you try at all costs to not let it happen again. 8 close calls sounds like he's taunting the beast. Or hanging with small ones risking the rake.
@John Sanders no need to get upset and have a cry mate I’m not tackling great whites, just a few bronze whalers and a grey nurse
@@kobihemmerle1140 Really? I'm 58 live in WA and haven't had 1
I've been considering getting one of these before I go to South Africa. It's quite expensive but if it works then awesome. So far it seems to be the only one that does work. Thanks for sharing your experience with it.
I’m moving west and I am actually fair freaking out about the sharks there.
Might have to give this one a crack!
Thanks kale I’ve been wondering what to use to keep sharks away for awhile great video
I’ve never had any problems with sharks yet.
I bought it because I live in Florida and we have Bull sharks that are very aggressive. I cannot notice it at all. Sometime, you out your hand on the rail and you feel and a very gentle "tickle", which is normal and it tells you that on the instructions. If you live in an area with Sharks and are afraid of them like me, this is the only scientifically researched and proven tool. I have a mid-length 6.10 and I feel I can go by myself and feel super safe. The problem , I am afraid to surf without it now and have to have my board everywhere I go. LOL
We're stoked to hear it's helping you enjoy your surfing more! Would you mind if we added your comment to our testimonials page on our website? 🙂
I’m definitely getting one or two when I move to Australia. I have the Sharkbanz strap and shark eyes as well as the “Sharkit” stripes on a board. I also got some Shark repellent chum from Sharktec Defense from Florida. I haven’t tried it though- Smells awful, it’s supposed to be like dead sharks in the water.
I never used to get worried but recently more nervous.
I'm not sure if you have enough levels of protection for Australia, perhaps also invest in some 'Shark Stank' and don't forget to pack it in your checked luggage lol.
I’ll definitely buy an Ocean Guard. Nice clear water in this video! What beaches are they?
ive never thought about sharks while out there, just constantly thinking about catching the next good wave haha
I just came across a very large great white about 15 yards from me after only seeing a shark one other time. Its fin poked up for a few seconds submerged and I paddled fast in. Definitely not a dolphin as they have a sweeping fin and are in a pack. This was In the red triangle- sf ca area … sharks are always in the back of my mind. I don’t know about this device but anything to scare them without hurting wildlife is good
Which break? Ocean Beach? Sonoma?
Kale always coming with the helpfuls!!!! Hope all's great buddy! Yew🤙 G⭐
I'v been using Shark shield for 2 years now in Reunion. First I did not notice it but after months I became pretty sure the device does impact negatively my take off ability on some "hard" waves (the kind you have very short time between makable and too steepy/too late...). My second concern is (as Footkinetics suggested in his commentary 1 day ago): how does the device impact health? I really think that Ocean guardian should order studies about it because I do feel the electrical current quite strongly when I'm in the water and that's many hours a week long so the question is really important to fix.
The real question is how will bull sharks tearing off your limbs affect your health long term. Man you wouldn't find me swimming in Reunion.
@USCG veteran Christian gamer 1977 With that lack of questioning, combined with your profile I'm going to guess you're protestant lol. Did you know that electricians that work on high voltage power lines have a much higher rate of leukemia than the average population? Probably not, guessing by your "it's just electricity dude" mantra.
Good point, maybe an emf rating or something. Would be awful to realize one day these were giving every testicle cancer or some shit
People use electrical therapy to stimulate their muscles in legs or wherever. That is far more amps than this would do. Enough to make peoples muscles contract for the therapy, so I am sure it’s fine.
Haven’t tried it yet! But definitely keen to try it out! Being from the east coast it doesn’t seem necessary as there’s usually people out further, but for the times I travel or am out the furthest it would definitely give a sense of security.
On road to 1 million views with a tittle like this!
Thanks for the very informative video. Can you please do a video with other comparable products? If available? The recent storms in the east coast has brought more shark sightings. Thanks. Ps. Best thing about your videos are keeping under 10 minutes 👍🏼👍🏼
When I’m scuba diving I love seeing them, but it is creepy to be in a situation where your in the water and can’t see them
Usually don’t see them until it’s too late 😂
One of my best friends growing up Stephan Schaeffer was killed by sharks off the coast of Stuart Beach FL while kite boarding. He was one of the best watermen I ever knew. I never feared sharks growing up surfing as a kid and would have laughed at a device like this before but now that I’m older, I’d use it.
The most effective way, stand by your board instead of floating on it and looking like a seal...;) I'm 59 and been surfing since 14.
West is best! 🤙😄 Thanks for the video
THE best way to avoid shark attack while surfing. Surf the Great Lakes. We have never, ever had a shark attack here on Lake Erie.
Great review and explanation! Thanks kale.
"i forgot to charge
Sharky :"nnnoooooice mate!
Do they make a version for bodyboards? Pretty epic tech!!!
I ride paipo and also handboard . I use sharkbanz which straps around your ankle..
I have been bit by a blacktip shark on my foot (5 stitches) surfing Jacksonville Beach poles Florida.
Really nice review, Kale! Interesting technology. The price concerns me though? $549.00 - U.S.. Ugh! ☹ It cost more than my Wavestorm, LOL! Also, how long( durability ) does it last( battery, tape, )? Seems a bit gimmicky? Sorry to be a bummer dude. Anyways, those waves you rode were awesome! Hopefully, we can get to see you and Ben Gravy team up in the future? 😊👍
Do the electrical signals attract sharks from further out and passing by to investigate?
So if one guy is out with one of these boards and is safe because a shark won't go within 3 metres of him but everyone else in the lineup is now in danger because a shark or sharks have now traveled a distance to investigate a strange electrical signal?
That's like this local chick that surfs our break on her period. We tell her to beat it, she's chumming.
that's always been my question as well. haven't seen where anyone has answered it.
Shark Shield Technology does not attract sharks.
A research paper released in 2016 by scientists from UWA, Macquarie University, Flinders University, and Oceans Research in South Africa, found no evidence that Shark Shield Technology attracted sharks from a greater distance, which is a common belief shared by some surfers and divers. The results showed that sharks approached much less frequently at all when Shark Shield Technology was on.
Furthermore, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour, volume 1, pp. 611-620 states:
This research by Collins proves that Shark Shield’s electrical impulses do not attract sharks: “It is true that the electroreceptive system is extremely sensitive (in the µV range). However, in practical terms and this has been born out in many behavioral tests, the electroreceptive system is a relatively short distance sense often working in the 30-60cm range. Since these animals use this sense to detect the presence of living prey items that may not be otherwise detected (i.e. under the substrate), they are really working at their detection limits. Therefore, although theoretically the Ampullae of Lorenzini can detect very low strength electric fields, they do not use them to track animate objects over these long distances.
In short, a shark already knows you're there by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors and the electrical field drops off very quickly in salt water.
@@natesylvia1546 Shark Shield Technology does not attract sharks.
A research paper released in 2016 by scientists from UWA, Macquarie University, Flinders University, and Oceans Research in South Africa, found no evidence that Shark Shield Technology attracted sharks from a greater distance, which is a common belief shared by some surfers and divers. The results showed that sharks approached much less frequently at all when Shark Shield Technology was on.
Furthermore, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour, volume 1, pp. 611-620 states:
This research by Collins proves that Shark Shield’s electrical impulses do not attract sharks: “It is true that the electroreceptive system is extremely sensitive (in the µV range). However, in practical terms and this has been born out in many behavioral tests, the electroreceptive system is a relatively short distance sense often working in the 30-60cm range. Since these animals use this sense to detect the presence of living prey items that may not be otherwise detected (i.e. under the substrate), they are really working at their detection limits. Therefore, although theoretically the Ampullae of Lorenzini can detect very low strength electric fields, they do not use them to track animate objects over these long distances.
In short, a shark already knows you're there by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors and the electrical field drops off very quickly in salt water.
Pretty good question I'm gonna try do some research on that
Thanks dude I been wondering about these shark guards. Might have to do it hey. I legit haven’t gone out when I really wanted to cause it looked so sharky and no one out. 🤙
Is there any way to build it into the board in the same way as the fin box?
Definitely possible but practical maybe not, if you are looking at the leads, if you glass over them then there is no contact with the water and you wouldn't get a field. If you're talking about the power pack, then you're probably making it more difficult to swap with other boards or replace it if it needs replacing, and if you're selling the board then someone who doesn't have one might not have their own power bank so there would be this gaping hole where the battery goes. Not to mention you'd still have the weight of the battery whether it was inside the board or outside. So what exactly do you get out of glassing some of it into the board? If the leads were so common that every shaper always just glassed the leads in and left the metal contacts clear somehow (without leading to leaks and still conductive) so you'd always have the option to just hook in a battery the same way shapers always put in a leash hoop. That I think would be ideal.
Great review, thanks for sharing such amazing product
I understand this might be the best, but I was wondering how sharkbanz holds up compared to this. First off its way more expensive and transferring between boards seems like way too much work. Also charging after sessions will be forgotten or just add more time.
I’ve wondered about this product off & on for a few years now. One thing that keeps coming to mind is the (I presume) EMF this device emits… & if that would have any detrimental (health) affects on us humans… more specifically, testes (for males) & ovaries (for females). Particularly when you’re virtually sitting/lying on the device for hours a week. Haven’t looked into this concern further… but with the recent stormy conditions on the east coast of Australia & subsequent warnings about extra shark activity off Sydney beaches (& recent fatal attack of a swimmer), the shark concern has become more real to me.
I been using mine for 2 months and my Weiner is 6x the length it was! Invest now and ya missus will thank you for it!
@@Thoma_5 - Wow! Thanks for the heads up on that! 👍🍆🍌
@@footkinetics 😂😂
I’m surfer and where I surf has been a few shark attacks and it will be great for to get a device that can stop that from happening!
Does it work on great whites? Here in SouthOz they are the most common around..
Extensive testing has been done on all the main shark species responsible for the vast majority of human and shark interactions, and all sharks tested have been repelled by the Ocean Guardian. These include Great Whites, Tigers, Zambezi (Bull), Mako, Oceanic, Hammerhead sharks.
Some sharks, in particular the bottom feeders, including Woobygong, Carpet and Port Jackson sharks, have their Ampullae of Lorenzini located under their snouts and as such have a diminished response to the Ocean Guardian wave form. A small number of sharks such as the Seven Gill and Grey Nurse shark have a diminished Ampullae so are less affected. The sharks that fall into these categories are in general, not considered dangerous to humans.
The black neoprene seal disguise might not be too helpful when it comes to avoiding shark attacks. Can you change that?
This is HUGE! My greatest fear in the world is the men in the grey suits, and I live in Northern California and surf in the Red Triangle. Learned to go with flow best as I can, but this a major game changer! Thanks so much for sharing this, and really love your other videos too, dude. Cheers! 🤙
Beautifully made video
I bought a shark shield a couple of years ago, had it on a 5'10 28.5L board. I had to take it off because I could feel the shock through my hands when I was duck diving and through my feet when I was standing on the board. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't pleasant either.
I don't recall there being a a choice of sizes when I got it, so maybe the smaller option now would solve that problem.
Yea the freedom + shortboard solves that issue
i dont think its neccecary sharks are rare and a attack is one in 3 million. you wouldnt call an ambulance before you drive your car for the slight chance that you crash
I’m sure it is great for your testicles
@@sammycatto2583 better to be safe bro, just because it's rare doesn't mean you shouldn't even care
Problem with the small version is the electrical field is so small I can’t really see the point. If the shark can get to within 50cm of me before the OG kicks in I might as well just rely on punching the shark when it gets too close.
How long does the battery lasts?
That should be current limited, but I'm curious... Did you try to put one hand in one electrode and the other on the other electrode ? 😅⚡😵🥴
Also, sea water is conductive... so, did you see bubbling forming near the electrodes?
6 hours on a full charge! So just enough for a good surf sesh maybe haha
Is it possible to install this on a twin tip board for kite surfing? I sometimes get a bit nervous when I fall in the water and try to recover my board...
I've had shark encounters, but only while diving or snorkelling in other locations. Shark encounters where I live and surf are relatively rare, thankfully, but I also look around and underneath me in the lineup; we also have some of the more infamous breeds.
Where do you live?
@@annabelgrace1267 Durban, South Africa.
I am from Ponce Inlet Florida and there are many smaller sharks. I wear the Shark Banz watch at certain times of the year.
where are you surfing it looks really good?? is it on the east coast?
Cape Cod has developed a large shark problem, with great whites in and around the lineup feeding on seals daily. I think this product would provide some peace of mind, but wonder how durable it it, and if there is a model for performance SUPs. Does the tape strip on the bottom stay stuck on, even when boards are left in the sun? Does it get abraded by sand? Thanks for the demo.
My brother swims Buzzard's Bay every year for the "Save the Bay" cause.
I think he's out of his goddamn mind. Keep in mind, this is coming from a guy who in his 20's, would swim AT bull sharks in Florida because he thought he could knock them out with punches. When they moved away, I thought they were intimidated when they were really just like "Who is this little dipshit? He's gonna scare all the fish away."
Obviously, I am no longer delusional about such things.
Later on in life, I was in West Palm Beach area and we went swimming. I was in nuts deep water, facing the ocean to look out for fins in the shallows.
My wife who was with some friends behind me in about mid-thigh deep water whilst partially squatting to be waist deep, yelled in surprise.
I turned to see the fin of a surface swimming bull moving along the beach line southwards.
It had bumped them as it swam by. All that effort of watching while thinking I could easily see a fin in shallow water that was "too thin to hide in" and one snuck right up in even skinnier water with its fin on full display.
They are masters at what they do.
Hey Kale! Where in WA was this filmed? Cheers!
Looks like Budgie Smuggler's Cove in Fostersbury to me
It is yallingup main break
So glad I only surf UK 🇬🇧..but if did go sa or oz wouldn't think twice to get this 🙂
We may have shit surf but at least every surf is a safe surf!
Is there no sharks over there?
@@PaulGreen-rz4gg No dude, worst we have are seals, weaver fish and small jellyfish. Not quite sure why we don't have great whites, there are veerrry few. Makos get caught way off the coast but that's rare too! Maybe the water is too cold?
Hi. Just wondering do you know if there is one for swimming? Thanks
Check the website for the options :)
If a 20 ft gw is hungry and in full attack mode no shark guard is going to help
Or a bull shark imo
God be with those who don't have have ocean guardian in a line up with those who do...
I'm from Holland and we don't have sharks here, well not the kind you need to worry about. Was surfing in South Africa in december and januari. Bought a Sharkbanz but after reading the manual I returned it. It said that it wasn't very effective against white sharks because they are ambush predators and attack from a greater distance and wouldn't stop their attack once they're close enough to notice the technology.
So really wonder how the tech you used can be effective? Must generate quite some force field then...
Most research on Shark Shield Technology has actually been done on Whites and it is proven to deter them. Please have a look at our RUclips channel at some of the test clips and research. Some of the footage is truly incredible.
I heard about your "white shark" in Holland.
Hopefully this finally work always.
Hi Kale...I think that white cap you were wearing during testing may have also scared away a few undersea predators, & it may also have thrown-off your timing & balance a tad on take-off & maneuvering...that being said, that shark radar thingamajig seems to work fairly well to fair the well...fair dinkum mate!
i wonder if these actually work
Hey kale I was just wondering how long does the battery last when on?
Depends on water temp but generally 6 hours
Do they make anything for swimmers???
Curious to know if the shark shield attracts sharks to you before repelling it away when close enough to get zapped.??
This is some weird myth that is circulating for some reason....
A shark uses their electrical receptors to detect electrical signals at very close range - typically less than half a metre. A shark already knows where you are by it's other senses before it uses its electrical receptors, and electrical fields drops off very quickly in salt water.
With the FREEDOM+ Surf the electrical field that deters sharks is approx. 4m (13.12ft) long x 3.5m (11.48ft) deep. Outside of this range, it drops off dramatically. It's not attracting sharks before deterring them.
There's some more info on this on our website if you're interested in reading up on it further. Published research papers have also confirmed it does not attract sharks.
What happens when your board breaks? Can those bottom stickers be reattached to another board if they didn't get damaged or can you get a spare one for not that much money? But I'll guess the battery pack isn't the expensive part of this product
Like any tailpad it would be difficult to re-apply with confidence in the adhesive
@@KalesBroccoli thanks for the answer Kale. I don't really worry about the tailpad, I'd use superglue for that, but the "antenna" under the board. You think it could survive a broken board?
It's still a pretty good thing to have for peace of mind.
@@marchowa153 Looks like you can buy the parts seperately
Can someone please explain to me, let's say a malfunction/not equipped proply. Your almost stirring the sharks up? If something went wrong your probably gonna be more shark food then you may of just not using it. This is a product and a great way of advertising. I live in Christmas island people swim with 20-30 sharks at a time spearfishing. Yes there are no great whites. But if a great white was coming from under to take you out do you really think it would stop it? Thanks mate.
Those sharks in the chummed water showed plenty of signs of not so much distress but confusion. If your in the water with a shark you can tell if it's getting to close to comfort or even gonna give you ago. I'd hate to have the device on and let's say it was made in a factory faulty or ran out of battery after a solid session. This is a open question I'm not saying it doesn't work.
If you wanna hear a dude gush how safe he feels on his board or watch footage of him prancing on the beach or paddling for a wave in a neoprene suit -- as punchy, royalty free background music simulates excitement -- this is a fantastic video!
He doesn't test the device, though.
You have so much time on your hands
@@KalesBroccoli Compared to you, yeah! You're so pressed for time your video, "How to Avoid Shark Attacks Whilst Surfing" skipped the topic! Your Shark Shield review focused on how it affected your surfing.
Do you even have time to avoid shark attacks?
Yallingup and Rabbit Hill?
a powerful neodymium magnet works well
Yallingup WA is the best! But yeah the whole south west of WA is full of sharks unfortunately
How long does it last?
I want to try surfing but I’m way too scared of sharks! The price of this product is definitely a huge obstacle!
Don't let that be the reason you don't surf. Most areas you'll never see a shark your whole surfing career.
Same bro, I'm from puerto rico and I've never tried surfing because of this, but now knowing this might make me reconsider
thoughts on shark banz? I wear mine in florida (sometimes go to new smyrna) They seem to have a lot of succesful tests and it's just about the same as wearing a surf leash on both feet instead of one.
Unfortunately sharkbanz has failed all independent research and testing.
Anticipating the North American Tour by the Brock!! 🌊🌊🌊🤙🏻👍🏻
Me too!
Hey when will that be??? Awesome!
I love this technology. It is needed now more than ever. I don't care what the media says, the fact is that the number of White Sharks and many other shark species are now actually growing in many parts of the world due to successful conservation efforts directed at both sharks and shark prey, such as seals and turtles. Scientists must think that saying this out loud means people will turn against sharks, but I think it means people will push more money toward investments in cutting edge anti-shark tech like Ocean Guardian. Better anti-shark technology is what is needed desperately right now for the sake of both sharks and people.
Shark attacks are up 5 fold in many parts of the world. Every shark attack is bad publicity for sharks and every shark attack prevented is one less bad publicity event for sharks. People, and most of all surfers who tend to ignore this threat, deserve to know the truth and deserve to be protected from bad encounters with sharks. Please, start investing your capital in promising technologies, such as Ocean Guardian so that sharks and people can peacefully co-exist in the oceans. Sharks need something to tell them that they are making a mistake when they launch an attack on a surfer, thinking that surfer is a seal or a sea turtle. This product will do that.
In the late 70's and early 80's I used to hear shit about my board being yellow, they called it yummy yellow for sharks, seems you do not hear that term anymore. ( I currently have a yellow bottom Rusty) still have that old yellow bottom" Ocean "single fin stinger .
Hopefully this does not agitate the shark and make it attack, most Shark attacks are mistaken identity because of murky water or Low light conditions
don't worry, it just gives them a little ' buzz' in the receptory area hehe
Surely brightly coloured wetsuits would help also deter? So we don’t look like seals or turtles? Want me to test when I next dive with sharks? Next step installing in wetsuits and maybe even swimsuits? Really hope it takes off and stops shark nets. 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤞🤞
Cheers Kale, that beachy (if it's the spot at Bunker Bay, near Dunsborough) you were surfing is where I had my last close encounter with a white shark. A lot goes to the saying trust your instincts because I felt it as soon as I got into the water, but went out anyways. It also pays to read the conditions and just practice common sense, especially if it's during salmon season and the water is a bit murky.... Lesson learned.
Definitely some major Noah’s in that stretch of coast, Busselton etc.
Hey Kale, love your content. Is there an email adress where to contact you regarding a sponsorship collab?
how does the hat stay on during duck dives though???
Wearing a wetsuit? Isn't it risky.. Hate to mention this the sad incident in feb at buchan point little will it be able to tackle something like vertical attack of a shark..
Can this be use on inflatable paddle board?
Unfortunately not, it won't adhere properly
This technology is quite interesting and could possibly prevent many attacks, although I’m wondering if there are additional environmental impacts that it’s use may cause. Just yesterday I read a fascinating article in the New Yorker that discussed the many unique ways that marine creatures experience a very different existence from humans, whether through electrical fields, sound, heat, vibrations, etc. So I’m wondering, and maybe @ocean guardian can chime in here, but does this electrical field technology affect marine creatures other than sharks? For example, if other fish, crustaceans, cetaceans, pinnipeds, etc. would avoid areas where surfers used this technology, then it may impact the coral reefs and other marine ecosystems that depend on these creatures. Which in theory could cause a die off of marine life at these surf spots.
Sorry to throw a wrench in the spokes here, but to protect our environment it’s important to consider all the ways that humanity actually changes ecosystems and how that may affect other creatures. If nothing else, the article in the New Yorker is well worth reading.❤
Sorry for the late reply, just saw your comment. The electrical field emitted by Shark Shield Technology only affects sharks and rays as they both have electrical receptors. Fish and other marine life are without electrical receptors so are not affected by it. However, if they do come into direct contact with the antenna then they would get a slight buzz from it, as do we. It's along the lines of that feeling of static electricity.
My questions is can it cause any health problems since you technically have an electric field around?
I don't think a little zap will stop a 2 ton submarine. If anything it will give you a false sense of safety and make you go out in situations that you shouldn't be.
Does anyone know where this is in WA?
I wonder if sending all those electric signals also will draw a sharks interest.. I dunno .. I feel if you are in the ocean you have signed a waiver form the minute your in….
Not according to the testing done
@@KalesBroccoli I do not want to be negative. however, many professional divers I speak to that use the shark shield tell me they see more sharks. I have also heard of sharks swallowing shark shields.
I worry that people may have a false sense of security by having a shark shield and may take unnecessary risks thinking they are safe from sharks...when in fact the system may actually attract sharks.
The reason sharks can detect electrical pulses is so that they can hone in on prey....every time your heart beats it emits a small electrical pulse which sharks can pick up on...the shark shield could amplify this and draw more sharks in. it may be like a distress beacon in the ocean, going off .......and all the nearby sharks may think...I wonder what that is.....
The research conducted only shows that they take longer to bite the bait - but they do eventually bite it....
I am really not sure about Shark shield....and I have been studying it for about 20 years...when it was originally a SA product.
There was a HECS product that acted like a 'faradays cage' and blocked your body emitting any electrical pulse whatsoever....this reduced one way in which sharks can hone in on prey...it was a NZ company...but it has ceased operations.
I use shark eyes - only good when water is not murky....
Kale when did you film this? Because it looks like yallingup and I might of been there
Marg main break, then Yallingup reef
Late last year
How would this $549 surfboard benefit spearfishers or scuba divers? 👀
Pretend you're an attorney, then they'll treat you with professional courtesy.
i saw you at palmy and my name was ryan
Is that up in Exmouth mate?
Nah south
I bought the shark band. Hopefully it works too haha
If I lived in Australia I just wouldn’t surf. It takes some balls to paddle out there