@@causticbeet Whoops, you’re right. Either way,, i think 7.62 NATO is in a bad spot until they can add something between BCP and M80. The guns are just too big and slow for a 35 pen round to feel good, compared to a 7.62x39 gun. You get m80 equivalent ammo and SVDS, SVTs to fire it from LL3 prapor 10 levels sooner
Ref is lit. Arena is fun to play once per day. I enjoy last hero the best and team fight only with friends. I am like .85 rep tho. Takes forever for max rep. Also level 45 btw. I don’t need arena but it’s honestly a good warm up for tark
you just do gurmps room and you will have unlimited tier6 plates i already have 3 items cases full of the best ones, and im running tier5s every solo raid, or tier6s when i play with buddies. enough tier 6 armor/ammo to use the rest of the wipe and never run out.
I don’t care about ‘early wipe’ - NO ONE with a job is willing to play 1-15 so that people without jobs can dumpster them - making Tarkov SLIGHTLY more accessible has been GOOD!
This...one week into wipe, coming home from work to put an ak74 and t4 armor on my level 12 pmc just to get dunked on by a lvl 46 t6 armor, spear hybrid ammo, no lifer who had a hit count of 3 vs my hit count of 16...🤬🤬. Now I can at least grind flea in one evening on arena and go back to eft with some cash to get decent gear.
The idea ppl have of early wipe, running SKS and PACA, doesnt exist any more. Its rose tinted glasses from a tarkov from years ago. Streets, Lighthouse, Reserve, all the map expansions full of great loot, all are huge force multipliers for personal economy. And now the skill floor is even higher since PVE draws out many of the casual players from PVP, so the majority of the people playing know how to get past that stage efficiently. I have a feeling a lot of the people lamenting the lack of early wipe arent missing out on their opportunity to run shit kits (because like everyone else, they know how to get usable gear early), theyre just missing out on the ability to stomp timmies for weeks into the wipe.
You're out of your mind if you think the source of easier leveling should be a separate paid game that somehow progresses you faster than playing the game itself. I own arena, sure, but I don't feel good about a p2w method being in the game. Make its affect on EFT exp progression and rouble making miniscule after lvl 15, and then it might be acceptable.
@@terrys.3278you’re just bad lil bro. My first wipe while working 60 hours a week I still managed to get level 62 and a decent kd you just need to stop being dog shit
@@richardnalbandyan Which came at a price tag and is not even available any more. And lets not forget they did try to charge for it. People will say "it's not p2w, it's pay to avoid the grind". Ok, ok. It's still pay to have an advantage or mitigate the disadvantage, which is basically a f2p business/price model but for a game that is not at all cheap already to begin with.
@@sseacpovo EoD is p2w too then? Pay to avoid disadvantage? If we use your definition. You get like 20 quests worth of rep for owning EoD + unheard. Thats mega OP for start wipe. IMO way more impactful than people simply "playing arena" for 2 days to hit level 15.......?
Bad take, its pay to play another game where you can transfer progression, which has a benefit if you own both, like transfering pokemon between versions of a game. They are mutually exclusive, one can be owned on its own. @@sseacpovo
For me and my buddy this is wipe being pretty chill. While playing 2-3 hours Arena + Base game, easy level 40 in one month. And Ref provides some good stuff and worth to open it.
As someone who has played a lot of arena this wipe (just before Ref level 4) I have to say that he is already extremely strong. This is because you get things much earlier than from other dealers. His RSASS can be used 1:1 for Gunsmith and is very playable even with a small investment of rubles. Considering that you could already run around with 5 armor, m80 and RSASS after about a week, it's pretty crazy.
Hi Giga, as someone who has barely touched the base game this wipe I wanted to point out that you don't need to do Ref's quests in the base game to level him up, you can do the daily and weekly operational tasks in Arena which are fairly simple and give you rep with him. I'm already Ref LL3.
I did say that in fairness. I quite like that there are multiple routes, BSG just gotta get the balance right. I'm doing my dailys every day now, whereas I very rarely do them in base Tarkov
90% of base tarkov dailies are insane and quite bs. When comparing the rewards from 3 hours of eft to finish one of the common ludicrous dailies vs sometimes just 1 round of arena to clear dailies...
@@SPARTA-- why? everybody shat on arena, and after it started really paying off for those who plays it daily\enjoys it with rewards, all of a sudden crybabies are fuming about it being op. Just play the base game or buy arena or unistall lmao
It feels more like a fun alternative to scav runs to me, especially early on with low fence rep before you can run scav after scav and just amass crazy money between runs.
Yeah I agree with the video pretty much. I personally think ref is a great addition as I don't play much normal tarkov, but when my friends ask me to play I can get a good loadout to play with them through ref.
Loving overall arena changes. First time in ~3 years I’ve progressed past lvl25 before dropping the game till next wipe - and I still want to play more. I might end up with the highest PMC lvl in my 6 years of playtime. Ref3 is massive and is the quickest way to get lvl5 plates so yes, it’s strong.
Gigabeef deserves a creator item in game. He is the most efficient, informative, in depth content creator for Tarkov. Love your videos brother. Keep up the solid work! 💪
Im loving ref so far. Im around .90 rep with him and arena has been a blast since they added custom presets! To the point ive completed every daily and weekly since wipe with a taking a break for a couple days! on the grind to LVL 4 ref!
I got arena cuz tbh i like the concept of the game. I have a standard account abd sometines i do genuinely wanna play a fast match using tarkov's unique arnour and healing mechanics
This is rant by no means is against Gigabeef, however, this does address the general sentiment from a few of the Content Creators I've watched over the years. Never have I seen so many Tarkov Content Creators out of touch with their general audience. Who the hell cares if people have all this gear accessible to them, the money, the exp? Finally the non-sweaty audience can keep relevant throughout wipe and here we are again, pointing out things that don't fit our "Norm" when it comes to Tarkov. The truth of the matter is this, Streamers are getting wrecked by people who aren't playing nearly as much as they are and now they'll push their hardest to construct this narrative that these things need to be removed for the sake of "Balance". Well, BSG did balance Tarkov, just not in the way the people who make a living off this game wanted. I've put in near 6k hours into this game, most all of it spent playing Solo, and I've never viewed these changes as detrimental to my experience. In a game where you can get killed by a Scav with a TOZ despite wearing 5mil+ Kits, y'all are focused on what gear people have access too or what level they are? Truly surreal "Everyone needs to have fun the way I want to have fun or else it's unfair" mentality.
And in the past, that's how the game worked. You could just buy everything from the flea. The "early wipe" didn't exist back then, nobody talked about it - because most people didn't quit after a couple of weeks, most people played until they got bored of the game, not because they were forced to quit because they could no longer progress due to both skill AND gear difference.
So.. I have a job and I have kids. I don't have Arena and I don't plan on getting it - simply because the twitch-aim CQB fights are my least favorite part of EFT. I really like the early wipe, because it makes every raid matter and give me the challenge of making the best of the very limited gear I have. If someone has better gear than me, it is on me to find a favorable engagement or avoid the fight. The issue for me is the frequency of running into players who simply outclass me with their gear. If only streamers / no-lifers have the top tier gear, the chances of me running into the chad on week 2 is rather low - since I know to avoid the PvP hot spots or be more careful around them. However, if everybody who shells out 35$ (standalone) or 80$ (EOD) or 210$ (Unheard) for access to different game and can grind out top tier loadout on week 2, then I run into people with that advantage much, much more often. I run into them not only in PvP hot spots, but everywhere. Arena and Ref makes the game significantly more imbalanced towards a pay-to-win crowd and it amazes me, how many comments triumphantly gloat about the pay-to-win advantage is negating the advantage of players who put time and effort into the actual game.
And instead of making the base game more accesible you just slap another 40bucks to pay for convenience. Most EOD forget that you got Arena for "free" so since you already paid for it you are happy that is useful but forget about any other new player coming or how this affects standard players, but ill get the usual response of "just pay, its 0'25bucks for me with how many hours i played"
Even tho his LL3 is stronger than other traders, he’s time gated being the arena dailies because realistically no one is rushing his quest line. And by the time you get 0.5 from dailies, you’re most likely already LL4 or close
Just wanted to let you know they did not reset people to 2000ARP this wipe, I messaged them after my ARP was reset to 1500 and I was over 2000. They said it was intentional and everyone got the same treatment.
Grumpy key is by far the most consistant Ref key. Its near multiple spawns on interchange, its in a heavily defensibe position, and has a scav rep increasing extract right behind it, and was opposite from the marathon extract and thus the marathon extract campers. It gives endgame ammo, level 5/6 plates and high end guns you normally cannot get without lvl4 traders and cannot get on flea. Basically, to make the extract insanely consistant is you dont open it without the car available, and its free endgame loot at level 2 ref which youll get natrually by getting your first or second lega.
With only 10 uses of the key I had 38 level 5 plus plates, easily over 500 rounds of m995 and SSA ap, and over 1000 rounds of ingrognik, 3 black MDRs, 4 Black Scars, and a couple of rhyz-t and vulkan helmets
I still don’t have my bonus trader rep from EOD. Since I played arena first, my traders have been messed up. It’s been weird questing as a novice starting at 0 rep lol.
I think arena/ ref are in a decent place, I think the exp from dailys could be adjusted, they are way easier than tark dailys and give you more exp. But other wise, this balances out the early wipe, usually after 3 days you already far enough behind you die in two bullets, this has let casuals KEEP up.
IMO, there is a huge point that no one is talking about (i think landmark mentioned), its the GP coins, there is not much of them since you can only get them via the 3 daily tasks which max gives you approx. 150 of them and remember we need them also on arena to purchase stuff.
yes everyone is rocking an ospray with black ulak they need to make it tied to a quest it makes it hard to get quests like setup done when everyone is wearing level 5 armor with a level four helmet and the death mask
I have played since 2018 (3000 hours) and gatekeeping the end game gear is honestly silly. I like questing but forcing it upon 100% of the player base isnt the way forward. Give players lots of options so that people stick around and my favorite game lives on.
you actually did convince me on the CPC not being a *huge* deal on ref, but I still think the keys should at LEAST stop spawning any tier 6 plates/armors, because that's just not fair - imo it's also inaccurate to frame the choice as "grinding arena" vs "not grinding arena" when really, the choice is spending 35€ for arena to then even have the OPTION of grinding it, vs not doing that
I haven't even done any of the Ref quests besides the food one because Arena daily/weekly quests give enough rep to get lvl 3 after I think I had it in a week and a half.
Just got ref lvl 4 yesterday, the dailys are super easy to do, besides planting the bomb dailys of capturing the flag dailys. I'm also sitting on over 2000 GP coins
you can literally ignore all of ref's quest and just play for 10 days to go from .2 to .5 rep, you get a total of .03 every day for completing dailies. Personally I couldn't be happier, I freaking hate early wipe
@@shatteredteethofgod That's true, just also seems like an excuse to not say they are bad at the game, after a couple of wipe, going to 1-15 is pretty fast.
@@madaofan7378A friend of mine that hasn’t played for two wipes got on for 2 hours, blitzed through the early game and marathon quests, and ended up being the same level as myself, where I had been playing for a week on both arena and the base game. Leveling has never been hard, people are just dogshit at the game. (I am too.)
Wow, you have to work, like most people, what a great argument for pay to win. Id rather not be forced to chose between paying off a greedy scam company or die to people who paid 250 bucks to win in a video game.
I was playing last night and started noticing hits not registering. I would see multiple blood spots on the wall from my hits but the game saying I only hit once. Is this a known problem?
@@devrynrick1530 I've always heard about dsync, but was never really sure when it was happening in the main game. You're right it's glaringly apparent in arena.
Im just trying to figure out how people win last hero in 1st place. I literally cant find enough people, even on Chop Shop, to even get enough kills, let alone that top spot also usually has more deaths than me lol
Great video. 100% agree. Could use a slight GP coin change, but otherwise its really a wash. People who aren't playing base game are playing arena, and vice versa. So by the time any of this becomes an issue, its already mid-late wipe.
But then the only part of the game that's left is quests. They basically made skipping the entire game minus the one part literally everyone hates most behind a paywall.
@@businesspole limited to 30 but they still level in arena my stamina is 34 and I het the green progress of it going up for the main game I just think in match everyone is locked at 30
Why do people act like 1 million a day is a lot?? Thats literally 4 kits at best early wipe. 1-2 min wipe. It should be more like 5 million a day to make sense
@@calopsita4465 explain the unskillful part, because I don't see much skill in looting shit, and where do you much skill required in today's version of tarky
I'm okay with the Ref keys. To me its no different than a marked key but i'm basically limited to one per week as thats how often i get tasks with lega medal rewards. meanwhile my buddy is buying the reserve marked keys all the time and earning his money back and then some before he runs out of uses and then just turns them into a dorms marked key through jaeger and does it again, before selling the key on the flee once he's done.
Goes to show that the real problem with early wipe was people no life-ing it. Interesting how it becomes a problem when everyone can keep up. However, locking cosmetics behind ref is ass.
In light of the many comments delighted that Arena gives them gear on par with the "sweats" and the "no-lifers": I have a job and I have kids. I don't have Arena and I don't plan on getting it - simply because the twitch-aim CQB fights are my least favorite part of EFT. I really like the early wipe, because it makes every raid matter and give me the challenge of making the best of the very limited gear I have. If someone has better gear than me, it is on me to find a favorable engagement or avoid the fight. The issue for me is the frequency of running into players who simply outclass me with their gear. If only streamers / no-lifers have the top tier gear, the chances of me running into the chad on week 2 is rather low - since I know to avoid the PvP hot spots or be more careful around them. However, if everybody who shells out 35$ (standalone) or 80$ (EOD) or 210$ (Unheard) for access to different game and can grind out top tier loadout on week 2, then I run into people with that advantage much, much more often. I run into them not only in PvP hot spots, but everywhere. Arena and Ref makes the game significantly more imbalanced favoring a pay-to-win crowd and it amazes me, how many comments triumphantly gloat about the pay-to-win advantage is negating the advantage of players who put time and effort into the actual game. In essence, I have the choice of slipping from a middle-of-the-pack position in gear towards the bottom of the distribution or buying and grinding a different game I don't want to buy and that I don't enjoy. I rather enjoy Escape from Tarkov with the hours I have to play after kids are in bed (or the rare weekends they are out of town), rather than putting in an hour of Arena each day to have really good gear.
Bro it is not as easy as you make it out to be, arena can be difficult cause their are super sweats there too, and for the casual gamer having better gear than you on week 2 is not really feasible, what the issue as always is, is the sweats have another tool to boost them in early wipe this can be used by casuals too which puts most people that have arena on a similar footing, i personally love arena and the base game, i have played for about 5 wipes now and i see no issue with this system, i have a full time job and only get to play for about 2 hours a day if im super lucky, amd so far i have all traders lvl3 and im lvl 37.
@@RATTLER-1 You don't see a problem, that the casuals without Arena get dumpstered progression-wise and gear-wise by casuals with Arena? Sweats will be sweats and if you put in tons of time into the game, you'll be at an advantage over a casual - that's expected. Between sweats there is probably very little difference, but Ref opens up a wide gulf between casuals that just play EFT and casuals that can optimize XP gains and resources in Arena. That's the problem.
I don't think that it's that bad. I'm somewhat experienced (2k hours of mostly solo, got near kappa three times but left the game at boss hunting tasks). I could probably unlock lvl5 armor and m80 faster than I did it with ref, but I just decided to not spend my already limited time grinding quests another wipe, and instead played alot more aggresively and just for the fun, without the pains of playing one map over and over, and actually having something to loot outside of first 10 minutes of raid (thanks to the ref keys). And with the influx of players arena is actually fun to play, the old ones were mostly people, who were used to waiting in a single spot till someone pushed them. Albeit most of the unranked players are just extremely clueless, and playing unranked tdm/bomb can be frustrating
Do the gun mastering skills sync over from Arena to EFT? I haven't seen this at all except maybe at a tiny fraction. (Level 30 in Arena might mean high level 1 or level 2 in EFT)
So I have just sticked to playing PVE tarkov for the game and I just play PVP for fun since I have the flee unlocked and I just transfer money from Arena over every time .
My problem with Ref is that he has stuff you can't get on the flea, so being locked out of him for not owning it just removes a whole avenue to get those items that would otherwise be FIR only. Is that overpowered? Not really, no. Is it frustrating? Yeah, a good bit.
I supported BSG in playing Arena, but as a result of my support, I got punished. My rep still hasn't recovered. My character is level 43, but the trader is only level 3 after a lot of quests finish. Screw you, BSG!
I don't really see how being 43 lvl without 4 lvl traders is a problem, Arena isn't subtracting anything from your rep, and you can just finish enough quests :/
@@Karkade_StG It's easy. BSG makes people lose all their trader rep when they open the arena. You can check the BSG announcements for more information.
@Karkade_StG Yeah theyre trying to tell you about the big bug that plagued Arena and caused peoples accounts to be reset. It was a widespread thing. If you played Arena before the fix was made during the bug, consider yourself lucky you didnt lose progress. Me on the other hand, my trader rep from last wipe never reset 😂 So my first scav was a tank.
Dont advocate for gp coin prices raises please, I'm gp coin poor these days after dumping loads of them unlocking attachments and guns in arena 😂. I went into the armory with 340 and came out with 80 without even realizing it. Now it feels like I'm constantly out of gp coins lol.
Every thing good gets taken away bc 0.000000001% of the player base speaks for the rest of us, the truth is the people like us that don’t have time to grind our balls aginst a sweaty giggachad that hasn’t touched grass in 10k hours… but we’ll just be told sucks you have to work you’ll just have to play more.
i just find it hillarious. Ref is such an awesome addition to the game and jet ppl find things to complain about. Me myself also hated arena up until 1 week ago or so. Never tried it and kept being ignorant to not playing it. As soon as i tried it i loved it and its such a nice alternative to regular EFT. I just hate one thing and that is that its still not in the regular Tarkov game itself. Could be such an awesome way to kill time waiting for ur teammate to extract or die AND u also have progress aswell, so ur teammate doesnt outlevel you on a bad day of dying consitantly. Also, who the fuck cares about early wipe progress being to fast these days... I cant think of anything less fun than running around with shitty modded weapons and every fight is just a spray and pray of who hits narnia and who the other PMC. To skip this is such a blast IMO. And also, there are still more than enough ppl who played the first couple levels regularly and ppl just overexagerate immensly. I did it mayself in regular EFT and still was 20 after 2 or 3 days.... Its always the same. The loud minority finds stuff to complain untill BSG gets sick of it and nerfs it to shit. Ref is in no way broken at all. I rather find it silly that BSG completely removed lvl 6 armor from traders. Make it 1 per restock and let ppl enjoy the game and the crybabys cry....
Don't be fucking poor, You're essentially pre ordering a beta, so yeah no shit, if you're so broke you can't afford a mic or arenas, don't play video games
its fairly plain to see that ref 3 is pretty crazy. Im working towards ref 4 and Im wondering how insane that will be. I think the trader will get toned down in the future. BSG always makes new stuff pretty strong and then tones it down. However I do think the faster progression is nice.
Unlocking m80 on peacekeeper is so easy, run a night raid on lighthouse. Last wipe i got it so quick because i stuck to the objective of marking the shit instead of going around for loot. Killed only the rogues and scavs that were on the way and left.
scar is really nice now, but yea, i think some thing need to change, tho, not going back to PVP, and you cant buy zabralo at all without Ref, there is no late quest thats open it for purchase
Is it technically p2w, yes, did bsg dig this hole, and that hole is their lack of revenue streams, yes. Eod and arena, etc, they are just new cash flows. Without some other form of montization, i doubt we will see a stop to these technically p2w bundles coming out.
All this drama about Arena breaking the economy and here I am reading all these comments that this wipe is the most fun (aside from bugs, audio and other technical stuff) and actually agreeing. As a person that does not live in Tarkov every day I am certainly having the most fun since 3 wipes now. I can buy stuff I like and when chilling in Arena I can help base game too
all these people commenting about how they lose because the people that kill them must be unemployed,, they probably haven't heard of something called "knowing the game" and "aiming good"
Arena and it's connectivity to the main account is FUN in my opinion. Is it overpowered? Maybe, probably... I don't know. But it feels just about right in terms of worth to play, and as I said - it's fun and that should be the most important metric of all. Please, with the bait titles, do not get this changed for the worse.
BSG wont be nerfing ref anytime soon. He gets people playing arena. That is the goal and they are succeeding on their goal. They gotta make the rewards worth it because you arent in EFT while dojng it. Btw, Grumpys key is ass. It used to be the best key from Ref but its clearly been nerfed. I had a room that had 1 class 5 plate, 2 class 4 plates, a box of 7N40 and a box of HP ammo. Thats it. No guns. No armors. No keycards. I dont think ill be buying another key when i used up the one i have.
Its not the levels. Its the non fir flee 1 mill a day isnt effecting the game as much as being able to buy and resell from traders to the market and that its self is broken and to say the arbitrary level or gear is the problem isnt addressing the real issue the market is inflated so much cause of the non fir flee
M80 should be peacekeeper 3 and not 4, why they change shit like that is beyond me cause M80 sucks ass really when you start going against good armor consistently which is basically now
I also dont think ref's overpowered. I just think the prices need to be changed. The price for the aacpc is criminally low... Maybe if ref sold the armor without its plates it would've been fine. But right now, its the best bang for buck for gp coins.
lol he’s not op at all for people who can’t play all day everyday. I actually like that it’s not insanely hard to have good gear anymore since I don’t have near the time I use to to play the game
I just want GPs coins to stop spawning in PvE, there is no Ref in PvE and I don’t and won’t be owning Arena. Just takes up a rare spawn and is literally useless now all barters have been deleted, also thanks BSG for locking rooms in the game I paid for to try and make me buy their other game. I don’t hate arena as a concept, just the increasingly scummy moves by BSG to get more money out of us
literally best wipe of my life being lvl 40 in one month while playing 2 hours per day, im able to run mid gear daily without breaking my legs rushing quests people crying about arena being op go touch some grass, then just play base game, buy arena or unistall and shut up.
nikita coerces the player base to purchase an unfinished game with the allure of unatainable items that only ref sells and just by giving a samll advantage is allready enough to create a disparity between does who have it and those who dont. I still wont waste more money on this game just for the item advantage. In my opinion and advantage is an advangate regardles of if ti is big or small
Throwback to the people who remember when you could get M80 commonly on scavs.
I remember m62 on m700 scavs lol
he also compares it to PP when you can get BT on the flea as well which is better
@@andrewsanchez6038 hes talking about 7.62x39 PP not 5.45
@@causticbeet M61 on Vepr Hunter scavs...
@@causticbeet Whoops, you’re right. Either way,, i think 7.62 NATO is in a bad spot until they can add something between BCP and M80. The guns are just too big and slow for a 35 pen round to feel good, compared to a 7.62x39 gun. You get m80 equivalent ammo and SVDS, SVTs to fire it from LL3 prapor 10 levels sooner
Ref is lit. Arena is fun to play once per day. I enjoy last hero the best and team fight only with friends. I am like .85 rep tho. Takes forever for max rep. Also level 45 btw. I don’t need arena but it’s honestly a good warm up for tark
I dont have access to arena so i think ref is shit sorry bud
iirc the later ref quests in tarkov give a bunch of rep with him so getting lvl 4 with him isnt as impossible as it might seem initially
@@JohnnyBoy8089it’s worth it
@@thedrain9328 his quests are bugged/locked
you have to do your dailies every day for like 1 month
NOTE:: The zabralo on Ref 4 comes with class 5 plates instead of class 6
Zhuk too?
@@honzavasicek zhuk comes without plates
you just do gurmps room and you will have unlimited tier6 plates
i already have 3 items cases full of the best ones, and im running tier5s every solo raid, or tier6s when i play with buddies. enough tier 6 armor/ammo
to use the rest of the wipe and never run out.
I don’t care about ‘early wipe’ - NO ONE with a job is willing to play 1-15 so that people without jobs can dumpster them - making Tarkov SLIGHTLY more accessible has been GOOD!
This...one week into wipe, coming home from work to put an ak74 and t4 armor on my level 12 pmc just to get dunked on by a lvl 46 t6 armor, spear hybrid ammo, no lifer who had a hit count of 3 vs my hit count of 16...🤬🤬. Now I can at least grind flea in one evening on arena and go back to eft with some cash to get decent gear.
The idea ppl have of early wipe, running SKS and PACA, doesnt exist any more. Its rose tinted glasses from a tarkov from years ago. Streets, Lighthouse, Reserve, all the map expansions full of great loot, all are huge force multipliers for personal economy. And now the skill floor is even higher since PVE draws out many of the casual players from PVP, so the majority of the people playing know how to get past that stage efficiently. I have a feeling a lot of the people lamenting the lack of early wipe arent missing out on their opportunity to run shit kits (because like everyone else, they know how to get usable gear early), theyre just missing out on the ability to stomp timmies for weeks into the wipe.
You're out of your mind if you think the source of easier leveling should be a separate paid game that somehow progresses you faster than playing the game itself. I own arena, sure, but I don't feel good about a p2w method being in the game. Make its affect on EFT exp progression and rouble making miniscule after lvl 15, and then it might be acceptable.
And for the people without a job?
@@terrys.3278you’re just bad lil bro. My first wipe while working 60 hours a week I still managed to get level 62 and a decent kd you just need to stop being dog shit
No it's great addition for casual players who don't spend 24/7 in game so they not feel bahins
for $35 extra dollars
@@jwanikpo Most people who play Arena have EOD
@@richardnalbandyan Which came at a price tag and is not even available any more.
And lets not forget they did try to charge for it. People will say "it's not p2w, it's pay to avoid the grind". Ok, ok. It's still pay to have an advantage or mitigate the disadvantage, which is basically a f2p business/price model but for a game that is not at all cheap already to begin with.
@@sseacpovo EoD is p2w too then? Pay to avoid disadvantage? If we use your definition. You get like 20 quests worth of rep for owning EoD + unheard. Thats mega OP for start wipe. IMO way more impactful than people simply "playing arena" for 2 days to hit level 15.......?
Bad take, its pay to play another game where you can transfer progression, which has a benefit if you own both, like transfering pokemon between versions of a game. They are mutually exclusive, one can be owned on its own. @@sseacpovo
For me and my buddy this is wipe being pretty chill. While playing 2-3 hours Arena + Base game, easy level 40 in one month. And Ref provides some good stuff and worth to open it.
Love the arena and ref integration, best thing to happen to the game in a long time. Now we need IP and hardware bans, and better anti cheat.
Guys please don't make bsg nerf ref. I can finally run armor that isnt paper
literally best wipe of my life being lvl 40 in one month running mid gear daily without breaking my legs rushing quests
Agreed makes it way more enjoyable for people who dont no life the game. Really loving this wipe. @alexmesa5393
Seriously bro. This game is already a huge grind. Finally casual players can compete with the sweats
@@alexmesa5393 noooob
@@jay-ti4bt no life virgin
As someone who has played a lot of arena this wipe (just before Ref level 4) I have to say that he is already extremely strong. This is because you get things much earlier than from other dealers. His RSASS can be used 1:1 for Gunsmith and is very playable even with a small investment of rubles. Considering that you could already run around with 5 armor, m80 and RSASS after about a week, it's pretty crazy.
grumps room is crazy OP too
Hi Giga, as someone who has barely touched the base game this wipe I wanted to point out that you don't need to do Ref's quests in the base game to level him up, you can do the daily and weekly operational tasks in Arena which are fairly simple and give you rep with him. I'm already Ref LL3.
I did say that in fairness. I quite like that there are multiple routes, BSG just gotta get the balance right. I'm doing my dailys every day now, whereas I very rarely do them in base Tarkov
Arena is 100% a fuck you to all other players that dont got arena
90% of base tarkov dailies are insane and quite bs. When comparing the rewards from 3 hours of eft to finish one of the common ludicrous dailies vs sometimes just 1 round of arena to clear dailies...
@@SPARTA-- why? everybody shat on arena, and after it started really paying off for those who plays it daily\enjoys it with rewards, all of a sudden crybabies are fuming about it being op. Just play the base game or buy arena or unistall lmao
@@Gigabeefthe dailys in tarkov get so silly and stupid past lvl 20 or whatever it is. kill 5 pmcs with leg shot from 50 meters. so i understand that
It feels more like a fun alternative to scav runs to me, especially early on with low fence rep before you can run scav after scav and just amass crazy money between runs.
1 to 15 has been amazing for a person with a family and a career. Most tarkov I’ve ever played with the limited time I have a week
Yeah I agree with the video pretty much. I personally think ref is a great addition as I don't play much normal tarkov, but when my friends ask me to play I can get a good loadout to play with them through ref.
Loving overall arena changes.
First time in ~3 years I’ve progressed past lvl25 before dropping the game till next wipe - and I still want to play more. I might end up with the highest PMC lvl in my 6 years of playtime.
Ref3 is massive and is the quickest way to get lvl5 plates so yes, it’s strong.
Gigabeef deserves a creator item in game. He is the most efficient, informative, in depth content creator for Tarkov. Love your videos brother. Keep up the solid work! 💪
Im loving ref so far. Im around .90 rep with him and arena has been a blast since they added custom presets! To the point ive completed every daily and weekly since wipe with a taking a break for a couple days! on the grind to LVL 4 ref!
Im level 32 having only played arena, and like 10 raids on main. This is the most fun ive had yet in a wipe.
Damn thats crazy I can only touch arena for daylies and weeklies cause of the terrible Recoil
@@hallow6763 What? Almost none of the guns have any recoil at all? I use everything including the ash12
I got arena cuz tbh i like the concept of the game. I have a standard account abd sometines i do genuinely wanna play a fast match using tarkov's unique arnour and healing mechanics
It becomes a nice adrenaline rush game, if done right and no lag. 😂
I love Arena so much. Clapping guys with the Sword MK-18 Mjolnir which I would never have the chance to ever use in the main game is so much fun
This is rant by no means is against Gigabeef, however, this does address the general sentiment from a few of the Content Creators I've watched over the years.
Never have I seen so many Tarkov Content Creators out of touch with their general audience. Who the hell cares if people have all this gear accessible to them, the money, the exp? Finally the non-sweaty audience can keep relevant throughout wipe and here we are again, pointing out things that don't fit our "Norm" when it comes to Tarkov. The truth of the matter is this, Streamers are getting wrecked by people who aren't playing nearly as much as they are and now they'll push their hardest to construct this narrative that these things need to be removed for the sake of "Balance".
Well, BSG did balance Tarkov, just not in the way the people who make a living off this game wanted. I've put in near 6k hours into this game, most all of it spent playing Solo, and I've never viewed these changes as detrimental to my experience. In a game where you can get killed by a Scav with a TOZ despite wearing 5mil+ Kits, y'all are focused on what gear people have access too or what level they are?
Truly surreal "Everyone needs to have fun the way I want to have fun or else it's unfair" mentality.
@@shatteredteethofgod recursive logic detected. Segmentation fault error
And in the past, that's how the game worked. You could just buy everything from the flea. The "early wipe" didn't exist back then, nobody talked about it - because most people didn't quit after a couple of weeks, most people played until they got bored of the game, not because they were forced to quit because they could no longer progress due to both skill AND gear difference.
So.. I have a job and I have kids. I don't have Arena and I don't plan on getting it - simply because the twitch-aim CQB fights are my least favorite part of EFT. I really like the early wipe, because it makes every raid matter and give me the challenge of making the best of the very limited gear I have. If someone has better gear than me, it is on me to find a favorable engagement or avoid the fight.
The issue for me is the frequency of running into players who simply outclass me with their gear. If only streamers / no-lifers have the top tier gear, the chances of me running into the chad on week 2 is rather low - since I know to avoid the PvP hot spots or be more careful around them. However, if everybody who shells out 35$ (standalone) or 80$ (EOD) or 210$ (Unheard) for access to different game and can grind out top tier loadout on week 2, then I run into people with that advantage much, much more often. I run into them not only in PvP hot spots, but everywhere.
Arena and Ref makes the game significantly more imbalanced towards a pay-to-win crowd and it amazes me, how many comments triumphantly gloat about the pay-to-win advantage is negating the advantage of players who put time and effort into the actual game.
@@Der_Thrombozyt Tarkov was always P2W. If you don't like it - don't play it.
And instead of making the base game more accesible you just slap another 40bucks to pay for convenience. Most EOD forget that you got Arena for "free" so since you already paid for it you are happy that is useful but forget about any other new player coming or how this affects standard players, but ill get the usual response of "just pay, its 0'25bucks for me with how many hours i played"
2:52 I have done a single ref task and I already have the rep needed to get him to lvl 4
Even tho his LL3 is stronger than other traders, he’s time gated being the arena dailies because realistically no one is rushing his quest line.
And by the time you get 0.5 from dailies, you’re most likely already LL4 or close
Just wanted to let you know they did not reset people to 2000ARP this wipe, I messaged them after my ARP was reset to 1500 and I was over 2000. They said it was intentional and everyone got the same treatment.
I believe people above ~4-5k ARP were reset to 2k, everybody else got reset to 1,5k ARP. They warned about it in announcement
Grumpy key is by far the most consistant Ref key. Its near multiple spawns on interchange, its in a heavily defensibe position, and has a scav rep increasing extract right behind it, and was opposite from the marathon extract and thus the marathon extract campers. It gives endgame ammo, level 5/6 plates and high end guns you normally cannot get without lvl4 traders and cannot get on flea. Basically, to make the extract insanely consistant is you dont open it without the car available, and its free endgame loot at level 2 ref which youll get natrually by getting your first or second lega.
With only 10 uses of the key I had 38 level 5 plus plates, easily over 500 rounds of m995 and SSA ap, and over 1000 rounds of ingrognik, 3 black MDRs, 4 Black Scars, and a couple of rhyz-t and vulkan helmets
@@KadiusFTW seems a lil overpowered if you ask me
@@comic_the_ace it definitely is.
I still don’t have my bonus trader rep from EOD. Since I played arena first, my traders have been messed up. It’s been weird questing as a novice starting at 0 rep lol.
G28 is actually lighter than SR-25 with a similar price.
I think arena/ ref are in a decent place, I think the exp from dailys could be adjusted, they are way easier than tark dailys and give you more exp. But other wise, this balances out the early wipe, usually after 3 days you already far enough behind you die in two bullets, this has let casuals KEEP up.
IMO, there is a huge point that no one is talking about (i think landmark mentioned), its the GP coins, there is not much of them since you can only get them via the 3 daily tasks which max gives you approx. 150 of them and remember we need them also on arena to purchase stuff.
I think L 3 rep could be pushed back a few XP levels before unlock, two tier 5 plate carriers are pretty wild
Ref is OP yeah. He is by far the strongest trader, I haven't even bothered lvling all the other traders this wipe.
yes everyone is rocking an ospray with black ulak they need to make it tied to a quest it makes it hard to get quests like setup done when everyone is wearing level 5 armor with a level four helmet and the death mask
Imagine being so down bad you need armor from Ref
I have played since 2018 (3000 hours) and gatekeeping the end game gear is honestly silly. I like questing but forcing it upon 100% of the player base isnt the way forward. Give players lots of options so that people stick around and my favorite game lives on.
I remember when M80 could 1-tap through class 4 armor and everyone and their mom would run the vepr hunter with m80
you actually did convince me on the CPC not being a *huge* deal on ref, but I still think the keys should at LEAST stop spawning any tier 6 plates/armors, because that's just not fair - imo it's also inaccurate to frame the choice as "grinding arena" vs "not grinding arena" when really, the choice is spending 35€ for arena to then even have the OPTION of grinding it, vs not doing that
Just rat the doors, dude
I haven't even done any of the Ref quests besides the food one because Arena daily/weekly quests give enough rep to get lvl 3 after I think I had it in a week and a half.
Just got ref lvl 4 yesterday, the dailys are super easy to do, besides planting the bomb dailys of capturing the flag dailys. I'm also sitting on over 2000 GP coins
you can literally ignore all of ref's quest and just play for 10 days to go from .2 to .5 rep, you get a total of .03 every day for completing dailies. Personally I couldn't be happier, I freaking hate early wipe
Unlike most, i work...id rather have this than a dude one up me everytime cause hes unemployed
@@shatteredteethofgodyou deffo stream to 3 people from your mums basement 😂
@@shatteredteethofgod That's true, just also seems like an excuse to not say they are bad at the game, after a couple of wipe, going to 1-15 is pretty fast.
@@madaofan7378A friend of mine that hasn’t played for two wipes got on for 2 hours, blitzed through the early game and marathon quests, and ended up being the same level as myself, where I had been playing for a week on both arena and the base game.
Leveling has never been hard, people are just dogshit at the game. (I am too.)
my favorite excuse for being bad at something.
Wow, you have to work, like most people, what a great argument for pay to win. Id rather not be forced to chose between paying off a greedy scam company or die to people who paid 250 bucks to win in a video game.
I was playing last night and started noticing hits not registering. I would see multiple blood spots on the wall from my hits but the game saying I only hit once. Is this a known problem?
yea its takov desync is crazy and arena shows how bad it is
@@devrynrick1530 I've always heard about dsync, but was never really sure when it was happening in the main game. You're right it's glaringly apparent in arena.
I’ve lit people up and they turn on me and one tap and the game says I got no hits.
You can also get the sr-25 with gp coins from ref as well so you don't even need a flea market
Im just trying to figure out how people win last hero in 1st place. I literally cant find enough people, even on Chop Shop, to even get enough kills, let alone that top spot also usually has more deaths than me lol
Great video. 100% agree. Could use a slight GP coin change, but otherwise its really a wash. People who aren't playing base game are playing arena, and vice versa. So by the time any of this becomes an issue, its already mid-late wipe.
What’s your opinion on the current duping glitch? Inflation might become a massive problem.
I hate quests after doing them so many times. arena has been amazing for skipping to 42 and just getting rep and money spent up
But then the only part of the game that's left is quests. They basically made skipping the entire game minus the one part literally everyone hates most behind a paywall.
you cant get to 42 in arena?????? It's locked to level 30 bro. lol???
@@DojuOG skills are limited to level 30, not your character level
@@DojuOG what do you mean ? You can get to 50 playing arena if you wanted to
@@businesspole limited to 30 but they still level in arena my stamina is 34 and I het the green progress of it going up for the main game I just think in match everyone is locked at 30
Why do people act like 1 million a day is a lot?? Thats literally 4 kits at best early wipe. 1-2 min wipe.
It should be more like 5 million a day to make sense
Even 1.5mil is not alot at all, you can make much more playing live tarkov considering scav, crafting etc
Because its risk free and unskillful
@@calopsita4465so are scav runs
@@calopsita4465 explain the unskillful part, because I don't see much skill in looting shit, and where do you much skill required in today's version of tarky
@@calopsita4465 little timmy thinks looting garbage bins while encountering 0 players that wants to kill you is skill
2:44 prepare for escape also starts with bonus 0.2 if you didnt know.
I'm okay with the Ref keys. To me its no different than a marked key but i'm basically limited to one per week as thats how often i get tasks with lega medal rewards. meanwhile my buddy is buying the reserve marked keys all the time and earning his money back and then some before he runs out of uses and then just turns them into a dorms marked key through jaeger and does it again, before selling the key on the flee once he's done.
Nice analysis!
Goes to show that the real problem with early wipe was people no life-ing it. Interesting how it becomes a problem when everyone can keep up. However, locking cosmetics behind ref is ass.
Im so mad I need Ref 4 and 10 lega medals to get them drip ass Nike boots on my BEAR.
In light of the many comments delighted that Arena gives them gear on par with the "sweats" and the "no-lifers":
I have a job and I have kids. I don't have Arena and I don't plan on getting it - simply because the twitch-aim CQB fights are my least favorite part of EFT. I really like the early wipe, because it makes every raid matter and give me the challenge of making the best of the very limited gear I have. If someone has better gear than me, it is on me to find a favorable engagement or avoid the fight.
The issue for me is the frequency of running into players who simply outclass me with their gear. If only streamers / no-lifers have the top tier gear, the chances of me running into the chad on week 2 is rather low - since I know to avoid the PvP hot spots or be more careful around them. However, if everybody who shells out 35$ (standalone) or 80$ (EOD) or 210$ (Unheard) for access to different game and can grind out top tier loadout on week 2, then I run into people with that advantage much, much more often. I run into them not only in PvP hot spots, but everywhere.
Arena and Ref makes the game significantly more imbalanced favoring a pay-to-win crowd and it amazes me, how many comments triumphantly gloat about the pay-to-win advantage is negating the advantage of players who put time and effort into the actual game.
In essence, I have the choice of slipping from a middle-of-the-pack position in gear towards the bottom of the distribution or buying and grinding a different game I don't want to buy and that I don't enjoy. I rather enjoy Escape from Tarkov with the hours I have to play after kids are in bed (or the rare weekends they are out of town), rather than putting in an hour of Arena each day to have really good gear.
Bro it is not as easy as you make it out to be, arena can be difficult cause their are super sweats there too, and for the casual gamer having better gear than you on week 2 is not really feasible, what the issue as always is, is the sweats have another tool to boost them in early wipe this can be used by casuals too which puts most people that have arena on a similar footing, i personally love arena and the base game, i have played for about 5 wipes now and i see no issue with this system, i have a full time job and only get to play for about 2 hours a day if im super lucky, amd so far i have all traders lvl3 and im lvl 37.
@@RATTLER-1 You don't see a problem, that the casuals without Arena get dumpstered progression-wise and gear-wise by casuals with Arena?
Sweats will be sweats and if you put in tons of time into the game, you'll be at an advantage over a casual - that's expected. Between sweats there is probably very little difference, but Ref opens up a wide gulf between casuals that just play EFT and casuals that can optimize XP gains and resources in Arena. That's the problem.
I don't think that it's that bad. I'm somewhat experienced (2k hours of mostly solo, got near kappa three times but left the game at boss hunting tasks). I could probably unlock lvl5 armor and m80 faster than I did it with ref, but I just decided to not spend my already limited time grinding quests another wipe, and instead played alot more aggresively and just for the fun, without the pains of playing one map over and over, and actually having something to loot outside of first 10 minutes of raid (thanks to the ref keys). And with the influx of players arena is actually fun to play, the old ones were mostly people, who were used to waiting in a single spot till someone pushed them. Albeit most of the unranked players are just extremely clueless, and playing unranked tdm/bomb can be frustrating
Do the gun mastering skills sync over from Arena to EFT? I haven't seen this at all except maybe at a tiny fraction. (Level 30 in Arena might mean high level 1 or level 2 in EFT)
Yeah they do. Most of my guns are level 3 on Tarkov now.
@@TheMrPandabeast are they 1 to 1 leveling? So if a gun is level 30 in arena it's level 30 in eft?
@@vaggeto arena skills are locked to 30. But you gain skill exp and it transfers to EFT.
What's the deal with kaban being in that random ass building? how did he even get there?
A PMC used acid green flare most likely, or high rep scav if they can still get bosses to follow them.
So I have just sticked to playing PVE tarkov for the game and I just play PVP for fun since I have the flee unlocked and I just transfer money from Arena over every time .
Did you just put 5 gps for the rig in the thumbnail instead of the original 22? lol.
Wait, people don't do dailies? Why? Deaaarrr gooood, I had to hand in two wrenches for 110k! The humanity!
My problem with Ref is that he has stuff you can't get on the flea, so being locked out of him for not owning it just removes a whole avenue to get those items that would otherwise be FIR only. Is that overpowered? Not really, no. Is it frustrating? Yeah, a good bit.
any1 is mad too how arena's physics is soooo different compared to classic EFT?
They aren't, you just have level 30 skills in Arena.
I supported BSG in playing Arena, but as a result of my support, I got punished. My rep still hasn't recovered. My character is level 43, but the trader is only level 3 after a lot of quests finish. Screw you, BSG!
I don't really see how being 43 lvl without 4 lvl traders is a problem, Arena isn't subtracting anything from your rep, and you can just finish enough quests :/
@@Karkade_StG It's easy. BSG makes people lose all their trader rep when they open the arena. You can check the BSG announcements for more information.
@@chiyancheng1793 uh... You probably encountered a bug, because i didn't lost any rep while playing Arena
@Karkade_StG Yeah theyre trying to tell you about the big bug that plagued Arena and caused peoples accounts to be reset. It was a widespread thing. If you played Arena before the fix was made during the bug, consider yourself lucky you didnt lose progress.
Me on the other hand, my trader rep from last wipe never reset 😂 So my first scav was a tank.
Dont advocate for gp coin prices raises please, I'm gp coin poor these days after dumping loads of them unlocking attachments and guns in arena 😂. I went into the armory with 340 and came out with 80 without even realizing it. Now it feels like I'm constantly out of gp coins lol.
They should make the keys available for everyone because those are op
Just dont be poor smh
@@wolfu__3009 Money runs are boring
@@tfc9388 mate i meant just buy unheard
mfs will say ref is op when they scav lighthouse
still haven't got my rep back 😒
How do you get rep for rep? Does playing arena unranked or ranked / winning matches give rep?
shhh bro dont make him get nerfed
all they need to do is add weelky/daily quests in eft the can give the same rewards ie lega medals and gp.
Every thing good gets taken away bc 0.000000001% of the player base speaks for the rest of us, the truth is the people like us that don’t have time to grind our balls aginst a sweaty giggachad that hasn’t touched grass in 10k hours… but we’ll just be told sucks you have to work you’ll just have to play more.
i just find it hillarious.
Ref is such an awesome addition to the game and jet ppl find things to complain about. Me myself also hated arena up until 1 week ago or so. Never tried it and kept being ignorant to not playing it. As soon as i tried it i loved it and its such a nice alternative to regular EFT. I just hate one thing and that is that its still not in the regular Tarkov game itself. Could be such an awesome way to kill time waiting for ur teammate to extract or die AND u also have progress aswell, so ur teammate doesnt outlevel you on a bad day of dying consitantly. Also, who the fuck cares about early wipe progress being to fast these days... I cant think of anything less fun than running around with shitty modded weapons and every fight is just a spray and pray of who hits narnia and who the other PMC. To skip this is such a blast IMO. And also, there are still more than enough ppl who played the first couple levels regularly and ppl just overexagerate immensly. I did it mayself in regular EFT and still was 20 after 2 or 3 days....
Its always the same. The loud minority finds stuff to complain untill BSG gets sick of it and nerfs it to shit.
Ref is in no way broken at all. I rather find it silly that BSG completely removed lvl 6 armor from traders. Make it 1 per restock and let ppl enjoy the game and the crybabys cry....
I absolutely hate how ref doesnt have daily quests in the base game. Just another slap in the face for the base edition guys
dont be poor
Don't be fucking poor, You're essentially pre ordering a beta, so yeah no shit, if you're so broke you can't afford a mic or arenas, don't play video games
Cry or show further support
Bro buy the game then rofl
Video games are just about the cheapest hobby per hour even if you bought the unheard edition at full price. Not getting any sympathy from me.
tbh ive been buying the m80, but the fast shooting guns are meta right now
Arena is a really great addition !
its fairly plain to see that ref 3 is pretty crazy. Im working towards ref 4 and Im wondering how insane that will be. I think the trader will get toned down in the future. BSG always makes new stuff pretty strong and then tones it down. However I do think the faster progression is nice.
Unlocking m80 on peacekeeper is so easy, run a night raid on lighthouse. Last wipe i got it so quick because i stuck to the objective of marking the shit instead of going around for loot. Killed only the rogues and scavs that were on the way and left.
Classic gigabeef - getting barters and weapons nerfed one video at a time. Thanks mate
if you mainly play arena and quest in base game after doing arenas daily's and don't log back into arena until the next irl day it wont bug out
oh and you can craft 10 beers with nutrition 3, the beef jerky's are harder to find
scar is really nice now, but yea, i think some thing need to change, tho, not going back to PVP, and you cant buy zabralo at all without Ref, there is no late quest thats open it for purchase
Is it technically p2w, yes, did bsg dig this hole, and that hole is their lack of revenue streams, yes. Eod and arena, etc, they are just new cash flows. Without some other form of montization, i doubt we will see a stop to these technically p2w bundles coming out.
I hate that the SPEAR is banned from the flea 😔
All this drama about Arena breaking the economy and here I am reading all these comments that this wipe is the most fun (aside from bugs, audio and other technical stuff) and actually agreeing. As a person that does not live in Tarkov every day I am certainly having the most fun since 3 wipes now. I can buy stuff I like and when chilling in Arena I can help base game too
all these people commenting about how they lose because the people that kill them must be unemployed,, they probably haven't heard of something called "knowing the game" and "aiming good"
And how does aiming good help you when you don't have decent ammo and can't even pen a mask that an unemployed player wears?
Arena and it's connectivity to the main account is FUN in my opinion. Is it overpowered? Maybe, probably... I don't know. But it feels just about right in terms of worth to play, and as I said - it's fun and that should be the most important metric of all. Please, with the bait titles, do not get this changed for the worse.
Just finished the video, no
BSG wont be nerfing ref anytime soon. He gets people playing arena. That is the goal and they are succeeding on their goal. They gotta make the rewards worth it because you arent in EFT while dojng it.
Btw, Grumpys key is ass. It used to be the best key from Ref but its clearly been nerfed. I had a room that had 1 class 5 plate, 2 class 4 plates, a box of 7N40 and a box of HP ammo. Thats it. No guns. No armors. No keycards. I dont think ill be buying another key when i used up the one i have.
Its not the levels. Its the non fir flee 1 mill a day isnt effecting the game as much as being able to buy and resell from traders to the market and that its self is broken and to say the arbitrary level or gear is the problem isnt addressing the real issue the market is inflated so much cause of the non fir flee
Ive done all my dailies and weeklys since wipe and I am only .95 ref. Cant find any pevko beer
I'm EOD and my bonus trader rep is bugged so I didn't receive my additional 0.2 rep :(
Is the GAC class 5 plate still craftable?
not infinite any more, it takes 2 plates to make a rig - last wipe it only took one, so you put one in and got 2 out
M80 should be peacekeeper 3 and not 4, why they change shit like that is beyond me cause M80 sucks ass really when you start going against good armor consistently which is basically now
ref is thw big hawmie from Big Hazard
I also dont think ref's overpowered. I just think the prices need to be changed. The price for the aacpc is criminally low... Maybe if ref sold the armor without its plates it would've been fine. But right now, its the best bang for buck for gp coins.
lol he’s not op at all for people who can’t play all day everyday. I actually like that it’s not insanely hard to have good gear anymore since I don’t have near the time I use to to play the game
Put m80 and CPC at ref 4 and drop its requirement to 0.8
Womp womp
Ref is soooooooo good it’s insane. I’m so glad I grinded arena.
I just want GPs coins to stop spawning in PvE, there is no Ref in PvE and I don’t and won’t be owning Arena. Just takes up a rare spawn and is literally useless now all barters have been deleted, also thanks BSG for locking rooms in the game I paid for to try and make me buy their other game. I don’t hate arena as a concept, just the increasingly scummy moves by BSG to get more money out of us
My account still is affected by the arena quest bug, made me stop tasking for the wipe
literally best wipe of my life being lvl 40 in one month while playing 2 hours per day, im able to run mid gear daily without breaking my legs rushing quests
people crying about arena being op go touch some grass, then just play base game, buy arena or unistall and shut up.
Ngl I'm still not through refs first task
I'm at .72 rep just by doing his dailys constantly over the wipe
I haven't had any issues with trader rep and Arena but I guess that I am lucky
nikita coerces the player base to purchase an unfinished game with the allure of unatainable items that only ref sells and just by giving a samll advantage is allready enough to create a disparity between does who have it and those who dont. I still wont waste more money on this game just for the item advantage. In my opinion and advantage is an advangate regardles of if ti is big or small