Average height of male in China about 170 cm. However, due to invisible elevator shoes and socks that result in lots of misleading height in Chinese male or female. Some invisible elevator shoes can gain height up to 10cm. According to survey, the sale number of invisible elevator insoles in China can surround two turns of earth. Many school and CDC in China do not require bare foot while measuring height. Many people wear invisible elevator socks to measure their height that results in incorrect height measurement in China. 根據西方歐洲的外國人的調查突然發現近幾年來亞洲人尤其在大陸身高突然男女都長高許多,在大陸街上六呎以上身高男士好像滿多的。經過調查後發現長期由於內增高鞋和內增高襪的原因造成很多在身高上面的誤判。很多增高鞋可以增高8到10公分。現在很多歐美西方人也開始訂購這類型的球鞋和皮鞋。他們認為這叫equal benefit! 接下來可試試踩高蹺吧。
長時間穿增高墊會不會對脊椎 或是一些骨骼有不良影響??
Average height of male in China about 170 cm.
However, due to invisible elevator shoes and socks that result in lots of misleading height in Chinese male or female. Some invisible elevator shoes can gain height up to 10cm. According to survey, the sale number of invisible elevator insoles in China can surround two turns of earth. Many school and CDC in China do not require bare foot while measuring height. Many people wear invisible elevator socks to measure their height that results in incorrect height measurement in China.
根據西方歐洲的外國人的調查突然發現近幾年來亞洲人尤其在大陸身高突然男女都長高許多,在大陸街上六呎以上身高男士好像滿多的。經過調查後發現長期由於內增高鞋和內增高襪的原因造成很多在身高上面的誤判。很多增高鞋可以增高8到10公分。現在很多歐美西方人也開始訂購這類型的球鞋和皮鞋。他們認為這叫equal benefit!