Agreed, he is very wasted and sorely missed, and would have worked great in the ep...but I admit, it never occurred to me that the BBC might not want him because of the tv movie's reception! If that's true, then it means we probably won't be seeing him in ANY capacity. Shame...he was never going to be given his own series, but a series of mini-webisodes would have been very satisfying.
24:11 I don't think you're giving the Time War solution enough credit honestly. The screwdriver as a metaphor for the Doctor himself - same program, different casing - was pretty brilliant, and it keys into the core of what makes all multidoctor stories work, that he (and us) truly can solve any problem if we work with our future generations and enable them. It's a great lesson honestly
I adore the detail on the night of the doctor on how 8 regenates into young war(young john hurt) Implying how he's been fighting for such a long time that it's taken it's toll even on his age. The war doctor begins of big finish shows this as well.
Does any media ever give us a good look at an early War Doc adventure? Such a shame that the couple I know of seem committed to capturing the character we saw onscreen, so we may never get to see him as "young"... Initially, the War Doctor aging miffed me because it makes a total hash of the Doctor's age, but that ship has long since sailed anyway. Still, remember the temporal weapons used warped time in various ways, it's entirely possible he was artificially aged (like Ten by the Master) and didn't actually reach that aged appearance normally...
I do love the parallel between multi doctor stories and the multi master story. The doctor bickers with themselves but ultimately comes together to get things done. The master flirts with themselves and ends up stabbing themselves in the back in the end Also I think the zygon story, while underdeveloped, does work in context. It's like the moment showed the war doctor his future selves normal mode of operation, stopping bad guys
The multi masters stories from big finish are really good though still haven't listened to masterful yet I've listened to ravenous 4 and the master trilogy (you will obey me/vampire of the mind/the two masters) I don't remember if there are any others besides the missy story with the lumiat
There is that one missy story from her first boxset which I guess kind of counts as a multi-master story, where missy helps the slaves escape or so it seems that's what she was doing
I really like your reading that being locked in the dungeon is analogous to the future Doctors mindset when it comes to having the War Doctor as part of them. While you dismissed the resolution as a 'joke,' I'd actually say it supports your read, since the reveal is that the only thing keeping them locked up is, essentially, themselves and their pride and it takes a Companion unthinkingly blundering in to make them realize this.
Imagine giving a moment for Tom Baker to imply/state that Gallifrey is safe (which is confirmed later), just for Chibnail to kill all the Time Lords later anyway
But if the Curator is a future Doctor from some point after 13, I can't imagine he'd tell 11 that Gallifrey is out there if he knows the Master is going to nuke it. So we can assume it likely gets restored again eventually.
Zygons were Tennant's favourite and the one classic monster he wished he could have worked with. That's probably why they used them to entice him back!
Regarding the cop-out and "misremembering that he actually saved Gallifrey", I always viewed it as that he originally did blow up the planet, and in The Day of the Doctor he changes the timeline not having done it after all. But in the OG timeline he did. That's at least how I view it.
Either way, the point is that he went through a lot of genuine suffering because of that choice...undoing it, by any means, really kinda cheapens that. Rewatching "Dalek" and other eps touching on the Doctor's trauma now feels completely different, because we now know he really *didn't* do that...but he still thinks he did, so he now went at least of a couple of regenerations tormenting himself over *nothing*, which lessens the power of those stories.
@@HandofOmega again that’s not how I personally view it. He originally did it, then changed what happened. In episodes like Dalek he’s still in the timeline where he actually went through with it. Again, that’s just my take away from the events of TDotD.
@@JTD95 Doesn't really matter, when the Doctors have a crosstime adventure, they lose their memories of the events until they live through it for the last time, after which they can recall the events from all POVs; this explains why the First Doctor didn't know what was going on in The Five Doctors, nor did the Fifth, despite having already lived thru them four times over, until they all parted ways, when he could suddenly remember it all. So, after parting ways in DotD, Eleven is the ONLY one who gets to know what really happened. This is confirmed in War's dialouge, when he says something like, "shame I won't get to remember this"...So, regardless of timelines, the Doctor is still going to believe he's a mass murderer for two entire regenerations.
And with respect to the characters, the war doctor did choose to blow up Gallifrey, so the character development still lines up. The time between the war doctor choosing to blow up Gallifrey and regenerating is a discontinuity that doesn't exist in the continuity of the 9th doctor, whether the past was changed or Gallifrey was saved all along.
Something I love about John Hurt's casting is that he's an old man, because it really suggests just how long the Time War has been going on for. You just wouldn't have been able to do that if McGann or Eccleston had been in that role.
The problem with it is, we have no emotional ties to the war doctor it has no meaning what he did because we have no prior experiences with him. Would've been far more effective as a 50th anniversary having Paul Mcgann being the bridge between the classic series to the new one in the 50th anniversary. The war doctor is just so shoe horned in.
The Zygons storyline is to show the War Doctor the kind remarkable person he becomes after the Time War. He even tells it to Bad Wolf Girl. His guilt and regret of the destruction of his own world causes him to do better. Also "Cup of Soup".
Still one of my faves and rewatchable anytime. Agree that it's a shame the 12th Doctor didn't do much to try to find Gallifrey, but then again it seems they weren't on the best of terms anyways. Tom Baker's cameo had me crying man-tears of joy, so good!
There was that time when Ten said something along the lines of choosing to remember the good things. He hated that they turned so indolent towards others' suffering.
12 has great character arcs but it would have been awesome if the plot arc had been him actively looking instead of them kidnapping him. Then again Heaven Sent was awesome so what can I say.
I've always viewed the memory thing as the Moment's doing. It is clearly much more than a world destroying weapon, and I can imagine that it could make the Doctor think he did it, as penance for deciding to
Also, I love how Moffat expanded upon the big event in the novelization by giving a little bit more focus to Capaldi's sudden appearance (he literally walks into the meeting room of the timelords in the book) and by adding in an epilogue/prologue (yes, it's both in one, what did you expect) featuring Whittaker, allowing the two more recent Doctors to be part of this celebration as well.
In the 50th anniversary I think they do actually reference Malcom from planet of the dead. When Kate Stewart is on the bench she says tell Malcom the birds need new batteries(I’m paraphrasing but she definitely says Malcom though) Also it’s very weird how the older doctor in this trio is played by the youngest actor and the youngest doctor is played by the oldest actor Also also the zygons want the black archive since it’ll allow them to take over the world in a day(as the zygon who’s taken a random scientists form says). Actual Kate Stewart comes in with osgood and random scientist to then blow up London. Kill thousands to save billions which is the same as the doctor thinking of killing billions to save quadrillions with the moment. The zygons are in London (since they want the black archive for its powerful items) which is why the bomb will only blow up London
I actually rlly like Osgood I thought she was so cool being a doctor fan who is actually competent. I love how his presence amazes her like it would anyone and she doesn’t see the dark sides just the good.
I really love the concept of the Moment: a weapon that, beyond being conscious, developed a _conscience._ That is to say, a weapon that refuses to be used.
An extremely niche criticism that only my mother, a prolific knitter, could make is that it's implied that Osgood's scarf is literally the same scarf the Fourth Doctor wore passed down to her except it's clearly not knitted in the same pattern as Tom Baker's scarf.......apparently. According to my mom anyway.
While I enjoyed his performance, I'm one of those fans whose a stickler for continuity and such, so I *really* wish they hadn't messed up the numbering of the Doc's selves (and Moffat's "are you counting bodies or faces?" dodge was non-sensical), which opened the door to all sorts of stuff down the road, so that now the upcoming 14th Doctor is actually the 17th or 18th...It really would have been better if the ep had ended with some "timey-wimey" handwave that made the War Doc disappear from ever having existed at all, outside of the TW, esp since we knew we'd never see him again (but you can still have audios and comics etc)...
@@harryvideoz8863 Yeah, unfortunately. I wish sir John Hurt had done a Big Finish story with sir Derek Jacobi, as the War Doctor and the War Master respectively, before his passing. That would've been awesome.
As far as the saving Gallifrey goes, it's totally head canon on my part (and there's certainly many continuity hiccups involved, but what else is new), but I think it did happen the first time around. I think the War Doctor used the moment and burned Gallifrey and the Daleks. What we're seeing at the end of the episode is exactly what Eleven says it is: Him changing his mind. Be it timey whimey meddling by the moment or maybe some aftereffect of Clara entering the Doctor's timeline in the graveyard version of Trenzalore, but maybe some factor this time around was just different enough that caused the Doctors to make a different decision in the end. The whole misremembering thing was just history reshuffling around such a monumental change. Like I said. This is all head canon, but it lets Nine, Ten and Eleven's journey still have all the meaning it did leading up to Day and makes Day not a retcon, but the result of that journey and living with that guilt and second guessing he's spent three incarnations dealing with.
For me, "Day Of The Doctor" has aged like fine wine. It's an epic episode I've REALLY come to appreciate over time. When I first watched it, I had my issues, but as time has gone on, I've just come to respect the task Moffatt had on his hands, and considering everything the Moff had to do, I think he did BRILLIANTLY! One of the things I like is that he doesn't overcrowd the story. I came to appreciate this after recent ventures, like CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths or Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. The cameos and references in those feel shoe-horned in, muddling the focus of the narrative. That's why I personally disagree with Moffat's focus on mainly NuWho, with only three main Doctors at the forefront. Overall made for a more focused, character-driven, emotional-rewarding story, that made sense based on the trajectory of NuWho. You still get lots of Classic Who references: UNIT, The Zygons, Tom Baker, The War Doctor's Classical/Modern fusion, ALL THIRTEEN, etc. I feel saying that's a huge issue is a bit harsh. I agree it's a cop-out The Doctor never destroyed Galifrey tho, but that's more BTS reasoning. In the episode, War was going to destroy Galifrey, but Eleven changed his mind. With that, I think we can just say, after many years, after everything he's been through, all the regret, The Doctor FINALLY got to fix things. It's a shame the whole "Finding Galifrey" storyline has not paid off satisfyingly since then, but I think there is HUGE potential in a storyline where Galifrey FINALLY returns into the main universe, meaning The Time War would begin again, and then what will happen?! If I was a showrunner, that's something I'd definitely tackle (Tho I'm sure RTD can do better). Overall, I can see why Moffatt says this was one of the most difficult episodes to write as the showrunner, and it's impressive considering the BTS drama what he produced. Let's hope RTD can do the same (I'm sure he can. I'M SO GOSH DARN HYPED!!! 😍 *Knock On Wood* )
I like how War hopes his ears won't be so conspicuous only to there being jokes about 9's ears in later episodes. And the Curator alluding to visiting old faces. 12 revisits a face from his past.
Love it or hate it, putting Gallifrey in a pocket universe explains how a few Daleks were able to survive the Time War. Instead of the 100% kill rate the Moment would have had, they blew themselves up with a 99.999% kill rate.
The zygon plot does work into the solution for the time war. Both it and the screwdriver plan are used together to figure out they can seal gallifrey into a single moment of time "like a picture". They even say it in the episode.
People say the saving of gallifrey ruins the ninth doctor’s character arc. It’s fair enough if you think that, but my stance is that the Doctor flagellating himself for a genesis he didn’t actually commit is so fundamentally doctorish. He’s got a massive conscience, and just him thinking he did it is enough to set the wheels of trauma in motion
fun fact, the anniversary of doctor who is also my birthday, and this event specifically was my 16th. i had a few friends over to watch it and eat some tardis-shaped cake, then we just played mario party for a few hours after lmao
"That sound brings hope wherever it goes. To anyone who hears it Doctor, however lost. Even you." The entire barn scene is a masterclass in writing and acting, but THIS will forever be my favourite line in NuWho.
Something from the time war that always has me itching for more information is the nightmare child. The little information we get is almost lovecraftian in nature just horrors even war hardened veterns recall with a bitter sting in their tongue, yet at the same time I don't want anymore information our imagination fills in the blanks. Bittersweet I suppose.
Regarding the scene where all the doctors are saving Gallifrey, I recall reading somewhere that the 11th doctor sent out a psychic message to all previous incarnations as to what the plan would be. The message would state what the plan was and when to do it, that is why 10 and war react the way they do, with 10 saying “oh I’m getting that too”, as it was the message coming thru. 12 was there because he remembered sending the message out and when it was happening.
I think you completely missed the point of the Zygons in this special. Thematically speaking, they tie into this story centered around The Time War because they are REFUGEES, showing just how impactful The Time War was on the rest of the Universe. It's true that any Doctor Who monster could have been used in their place, but the Zygons' ability to completely transform themselves into the people of Earth make them the most suitable to represent the difficulties and struggles involved when refugees attempt to immigrate to another place. As for their relevance to the plot, The Doctor never would have thought of how to save Gallifrey if he weren't inspired by what the Zygons did.
Day of the Doctor is one of Steven Moffat's strongest scripts. Not quite Heaven Sent level writing but not far off. Stories like The Angels Take Manhattan fall apart if you think about them too much but Moffat knew how important the 50th Anniversary was. He pulled out all the stops and must have redrafted this script countless times until he got it right. Day of the Doctor actually gets better the more you think about it.
Something I love about this special is the concept of The Moment. The idea of a weapon of mass destruction having sentience and a consciousness to decide whether you can use it is really imaginative and unique. And for it to use a face of which you are familiar with(this special being exempt since it only shows one face, from War's future) is also haunting as a concept. Would love to see this presented in more sci-fi works, it would be so fun. I think in DoTD, It executes a really good narrative of showing the journey the Doctor has from cowardly exhaustion of the Time war, wanting to just stop it without weighing yet the full lasting consequences, to acceptance that he will lead a future life of sorrow and grief and that he must embrace that he isn't someone else for making this choice. He's The Doctor, even if his future selves don't believe that, even if he chose to be this incarnation to try and not be The Doctor. a weapon of mass destruction that forces you to accept that YOU are who is deciding this path of genocide, haunting and sad. The Moment is almost like a foil for The Doctor's motivations to be honest. The Doctor wants to help people from their pain, The Moment is helping The Doctor to go towards their pain, that being the genocide of their people and The Daleks. I think also that the experience with The Moment would later inform Capaldi's Doctor when pleading with Bonnie and Kate during that zygon inversion speech, The Doctor acting as The Moment's consciousness for the two boxes of irreversible destruction, The doctor having to be the one to convince to let things. Only instead of talking them into destruction, the Doctor talks them out of it, how he wishes The Moment would have done for him, or anyone else, before he did what he did*. *Thought he did.
I hadn't realised until watching this, but the way Clara is paired with John Hurt is not disimilar to the way that Tegan and the First Doctor were left together in the Five Doctors.
I like this episode, I also really love the book. I agree the show doesn't celebrate all fifty years of the show at the time but I think it does the smart thing of respecting the past and looking to the future, we see that pretty well in the twelfth Doctor's era especailly. I saw the episode while at the fiftieth anniversary celebration and it really was an event for me. Great memories. Fun fact: I got hit by a dinosaur while there.
Harbo gonna be needing a well deserved break after Smith's run. The 50th Anniversary is certainly an episode but I feel the stuff surrounding it is way better when you consider the likes of Night of the Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot and An Adventure in Space in Time were released the same month and set an unprecedented high bar for what was ultimately slightly underwhelming story. Thankfully we can forget about The Afterparty…
Worst thing chibnall era did was destroy off screen all the beautiful work this story did to give The Doctor the ultimate redemption they wanted. Such a cheap joke. Anyways to counter act negavity, bravo to you once again for reaching another milestone in your ultimate reviews, always good to watch
The Moment/Bad Wolf pulled the Doctors into the timewar and caught them up to speed. Then she put them back in their timeline and wiped their memories.
I wasn't expecting this special to focus so much on the Zygons, I mean they get more screen time than the Daleks. More to the point about Classic Who not getting enough representation, an easy fix would be to bring in a Classic companion as the Moment when Eccleston refused. It makes more sense with the War Doctor not having met Rose yet.
I read somewhere that Moffat's original plan for the 50th could have been a battle between Clara and the Great Intelligence within the Doctor's timestream. Basically the Great Intelligence would ruin a moment in the Doctor's history, then Clara would fix it, etc. If true, I'm glad it was scrapped (the 50th special being a Doctor lite episode would not work in my opinion) but it's a rather interesting idea tbh. It would have solved the one major issue with the 50th, that being not enough focus on classic Who.
I really like this special, and I saw it twice on TV on November 23rd, 2013, and in the movie theater and when I saw it in the theaters, I was a junior in high school and it was on a school night, and it was the best night ever. I can't wait to see the 60th anniversary.
the 50th was, in a sense, Doctor Who's version of Avenger's Endgame before that ever came to be. The epic scope of it and the war to end all wars. All the characters are great in their parts and how they interact off of each other. The callbacks were great to see and the Doctors trying to make peace with what the War Doctor had done was great to see played out. It was a shame that Paul McGann couldn't have been involved more, hopefully he'll pop up in the 60th somehow. Overall it's a fun ride and a pretty good multi-Doctor story.
First comment so maybe you’ll see this! Just wanted to let you know how much you’ve helped me through your videos (of which I’ve watched all of by this point). I’ve had a lot of long term mental health problems, which also affect my sleep. Your videos have been a massive help with this, real soothing - helps stop my head doing all sorts at night. Keep them coming, you’re smashing it :)
Here's my defense of the Zygon plotline. The true protagonist of The Day of the Doctor wasn't the 10th or 11th Doctors. It was the War Doctor. This whole episode is essentially the Moment's bid to show the Doctor at his lowest point that he's not a monster. So it shows him his future selves: the hero and the madman, and it allows him to not only witness but participate in an act of peace. Saving lives instead of just taking them. The Zygon plot has a happy ending for everyone involved, and it's thanks to him. This is what motivates him to accept what he has to do. And later, it's what motivates him to save Gallifrey.
The fiftieth is good. The NOVELISATION of the fiftieth is stupendously excellent. Watching the fiftieth with the the context of the novelisation is so orgasmic I’m amazed you’re not buying your copy as you read
Seconded, Moffat himself wrote the novel, and tho he plays his usual "too clever by half" tricks (it's written first-person from the Doc's POV, but doesn't tell you WHICH Doc and constantly tries to surprise you), it's still a great read. The prison cell sequence alone is worth the price of admission (esp as, being a novel, I could reread it, "casting" the 8th or 9th Docs in the War Docs' role!), but the "Save Gallifrey" scene warms the hearts by being able to actually tell us what the various Doctors were doing to save lives at the end (they also have a large tea party in the museum, but we only get to see the tail end of that). If you only read ONE DW book this year...!
@@HandofOmega I’d quite comfortably say it’s one of the most innovative novel I’ve ever read, it’s like his brief was to write doctor who in the style of italo Calvino with a sprinkling of the elegant detail and character work of Frank Herbert. If anything I think it proves that Moffat would make a better novelist than a TV writer, when his imagination is unbound he can loose something truly special. RTD’s rose novel, on the other hand, is a bit of a damp squib. It’s not poorly written, but you realise reading it how much of RTD’s writing is based around momentum and flow, whereas a novel can and arguably should meander a bit more. He’s the master of creating instantly distinct characters but I don’t know if he always knows what to do with them after the detailed characterisation
@@tobylerone4285 One of my favorite bits in DotD is near the beginning, where the Doctor is explaining how he's psychically transmitting the story to the book in real time, so he's aware of us reading it, which he demonstrates by telling "Chris" to stop reading the book at his job and to get back to work...Now, it just so happens that I have a coworker named Chris who is also a Whovian, so I handed him the book and told him to read that passage...😉😅
I remember this aired on thanksgiving and I left the table to go to my room and watch it. Time flies man, I was 9 years old. Easily one of the greatest episodes of the show.
Recently rewatched this one, I loved Matt's scenes, as well as Hurt's. David was obviously on his A game too but that was kind of expected. I loved the painting stuff too, interested that there wasn't much stuff done with the concept before in the show.
25:58 The Destiny of the Doctor audiobook miniseries that was a co-production between AudioGo and Big Finish did use something like that to link the stories to the finale, the Eleventh Doctor contacting his past incarnations so they’d each provide part of the solution he needed to get out of the situation he was caught in be it making sure specific people got to the end of the story alive, collecting a particular item the Doctor of the story may have otherwise seen destroyed or running an errand that would pay off by the time the Eleventh Doctor needed it to.
I think the unit/zygons plot ties in with the gallifrey plot because it introduces the stasis cubes, which are what is used to save Gallifrey. I also disagree with the happy ending part, this isn’t really a completely happy ending, Gallifrey is stuck, frozen in a single moment, for now it’s just as gone as if it were destroyed, to paraphrase the episode, the Doctor still has nothing, but he has hope. I also think this is sold really later when the Doctor lies to Clara that he found Gallifrey only to show him in the tardis drifting in space where Missy said Gallifrey was. It is, however, a shame that Gallifrey returns so suddenly.
The only real failing in the DotD is that there is no reason established for why The Moment never just tells the War Doctor flat out about the idea of using the stasis cubes - if that really was its plan all along, implied by BadWolf Girl saying "Now you're getting it!" The Moment's purpose isn't to be a guru or a teacher, it's to be a conscience, and so it makes no sense that it goes to such convoluted lengths just to force the Doctor to figure out the idea for himself. Apart from that, it's a good anniversary special, and kicks The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors into the ground.
I completely agree that it would've totally worked with the 8th Doctor. Don't get me wrong, John Hurt was amazing as the War Doctor, but I just wish Paul was given more screen time in the actual show instead of just 6 minutes on RUclips. Especially considering the fact that he absolutely killed it in The Night of the Doctor. #MCGANNGANG
I do think there's elements of the war doctor though that is the essence of the classic series and it's commentary on the modern series if it was represented by a character, particularly when he interacts with 10 and 11.
I absolutely love Day of the Doctor, it's my second-favourite Doctor Who story! I saw it in 3D at the cinema then watched it on TV that night - everything surrounding the 50th just felt so special and epic back then. It's not without flaws though, as you've pointed out. I've never liked the way Clara interrupts what should have been a beautiful moment of the Doctor coming to accept that he can't always save everyone, only to have him save Gallifrey. Ultimately it ended up being pointless anyway. The "search for Gallifrey" never really happened and then Chibnall just blew it up again off-screen. I also agree that there should have been more classic Who representation, although the Doctors all coming together and that final group shot were both beautiful, plus Tom Baker's surprise cameo nearly made me jump in excitement and surprise. Perhaps the Moment could have taken the forms of different companions from different points in their lives? That way they could bring back a companion to represent each Doctor, since most of them are still alive. My line-up would be: Susan, Jamie, Jo, Romana II (since Elisabeth Sladen had already passed), Tegan or Nyssa, Peri, Ace, Charley or Lucie (in their live-action debut), Rose/Bad Wolf, Martha or Donna, and Amy. Overall though, it's a beautiful celebration.
I have a theory that the emotional trauma of the atrocities of the time war flashback whenever the doctor regenerates, like their entire lifetimes flash before their eyes. Then the next regeneration's behavior and personality are shaped by that. Like when the 10th doctor asks rose who he is
For me this still is arguably the best hour of the show I've ever had the pleasure to watch. Some other episodes surpass in one element or another but none quite hold together as an entire block like this one does. I never found the ending too much if s retcon. What's the difference between Gallifrey being lost or destroyed? Functionally lost is the same. It was just a shame Moffat returned to the well and brought it back so quickly 2 years later. It could have stayed lost permanently and we'd be better off for it
I think Day of the Doctor is where Moffat really hit his stride as both a writer and as showrunner. I don't think Peter Capaldi holds a candle to Matt Smith but he did have stronger scripts, which is consistent with the quality that Moffat delivered in the 50th Anniversary. The fact that Smith is, in my mind, still the definitive Doctor despite having weaker stories than Capaldi shows that he's a far better actor than Capaldi will ever be. However, that's a casting issue, not a writing issue. On paper, Capaldi could have been the greatest Doctor of all time but he just wasn't a good enough actor to pull it off. Swap him with John Hurt and I'd be calling Seasons 8 and 9 two of the greatest seasons in Doctor Who history.
@@tomnorton4277 i always thought Moffat hit the ground running in series 5, but then struggled (maybe overworked / lack of time to perfect) to get his ideas across in series 6 and 7. Some great concepts but largely rushed through with some glaring holes. S5 though just worked. I think Capaldi era is great, but more of a mixed bag. The big concepts and ideas work, but with that ambition come more misses as well. In both cases even when the show mis steps the lead actor salvaged the worst excesses though.
The Zygon plot is the catalyst. I comes to give crucial plot device for war story and goes away without being used. Zygons are the ones who use the translate in painting device which is used to save time lords. But you can't just have it fall on Doctors head and be done with it. Also it's Kate who wants to blow up London to prevent Zygon to get all the confiscated alien tech. The Zygon Kate is the one who stops it every time.
I just wish that Elisabeth Sladen and Nicholas Courtney had lived long enough to take part in the 50th Anniversary celebration. It cannot be overstated how important they are to the franchise.
Is it possible that the event in one of the 7th Doctor episodes, where the Hand of Omega is accidentally used by the Daleks to destroy their homeworld, thanks to the Doctor, is what triggered the Time War in the first place meaning the Doctor started and ended the War
To be fair the Doctor never thought of getting help from previous incarnations during the events of “The Stolen Earth”/“Journey’s End” or “The Pandorica Opens” both events featured universe ending threats. So it’s not too far fetched to think that the War Doctor never considered going back to his previous incarnations for help.
I forgot where I saw it, but I am pretty sure the BBC released a little comic that showed 11 went back in time and uploaded a program into the TARDIS which made the calculations to freeze Gallifrey.So I guess that means all the other Doctors likely saw it and didn't mess with it.
That 8th doctor special is some of the best of new who and I'm so annoyed he never got the chance to act alongside the rest of the modern doctors, especially since he is a bridge between the classic and new who era's.
60th didnt feel like a monumental episode, just felt like a normal episode a bit less, was just okay. 50th was an amazing episode that i will rewatch alot
Thanks so much for the heads-up about the Fivish Doctors. I didn't even know it existed. Just came back from watching it on Daily Motion. It was hilarious!🤣🤣🤣
I do love this episode, it has plenty of flaws I know but I do love seeing 10 and 11 act off each other. John Hurt was great as well despite how shoehorned in the war doctor felt due to being a last minute bodge. I also liked seeing the return of the Zygons, back when I was a kid in the 90s growing up watching classic Who reruns on cable tv and VHS the Zygon episode was the only episode of who ever that terrified me. For some reason the classic Zygons really gave me nightmares despite never being particularly scared by any other classic villains.
Stephen Moffat wrote a novelization if this episode. It is well worth the read. There is a lot more detail and inner thoughts going on and lots of extra business and extended scenes. Moffat also wrote in a quirky way that will please fans of the timey-wimey. Highly recommended.
i was fine with the resolution to gallifrey personally, it's like last of the time lords where, while everything was undone, development still happened to the main characters. the doctor is still who he is because of everything that happened, even if he found a solution down the line. this special was always going to leave a dent on the trauma of the time war and i believe that how it was handled was a good way to have a suitably celebratory ending the zygon arc also serves as a way to organically introduce the solution to the episode and serve as a narrative mirror to the war doctor's story of having to find another way to forgo genocide. not sure why they picked the zygons of all things but at least it made for a neat moment with the statues ig
If you didn't like how Moffat didn't celebrate the entire 50 years then just wait for the 60th. RTD just celebrated series 4 of new who😂😂😂 what a shame
Would love to see a multipart 60th anniversary with 3 parts.1 part has some of the old doctors and another some of the new and in the third, they all meet to solve the crisis. The villain for this special could be the valeyard and the plot could revolve around stopping the doctor from regenerating into him. The special ends with the current doctor regenerating and it's left unknown if they ultimately stopped his creation or merely delayed it.
I think my biggest problem with Day of the Doctor is that the story doesn't hold up well. At all. It retcons the importance of the first four seasons story, and the story removed from the time war plotline doesn't really... work? This is a problem I have with Matt Smith's era in general, where Moffat kinda... doesn't really acknowledge the first four seasons happened beyond "Oh the Doctor is so lonely in the universe he's allllll so alone because he killed everyone else." But... that doesn't even matter anymore. Since Moffat retconned it. Now rewatching those great first four seasons just... the Doctor himself doesn't make sense. His PTSD and war trauma aren't weighted anymore. Because Gallifrey never died. He just kinda forgot he saved the entire planet...??? Like retcons are one thing, but to retcon a well loved plotline that set up all of the first part of the series feels like a huge slap in the face. I just despise it. I think Moffat in general struggles with large scale stakes and season long storylines, if you haven't seen it, I recommend checking out hhbomberguy's video on Sherlock. I'll give him credit he makes great single or duo episode stories, The Empty Child is one of my all time favorite episodes of the show, but this shouldn't have been in his wheelhouse, or written by him in the first place.
Rose was like Clara, they were both were human/machines. Rose was the first and she was on par with Tardis. Donna became Doctor Donna in her Wedding, left the show half John Smith and 10. Rose became a a time traveler when she was saved by her other Universe Dad. Rose was partly Time Lord and returned in the scene with Dalek killing 10.
I would have loved it if when 11 revealed that he forgot about how many kids they killed when 10 remembers and pissed that he forgets it in 400 years would have given a deeper reaction cause of 10 not getting answers to the one spoiler that he acting really wants and forcing the war doctor to have to break them up
How can you say in one breath that the Zygon plot feels disconnected, when you just finished saying them being shape-shifters and not knowing what side they're on makes the ending brilliant!?? You can't have it both ways. They're either crap or amazing, but you keep flip-flopping back and forth as if they're inclusion is 2 things at once, when it only ever is one thing; a secondary story plotted and told well within the context of the larger story. Now if you remember Terror of the Zygons, the 4th Doc at the end says something along the lines of their next wave will hit Earth somewhere in about 20 or 30 years, so them being seen here was something I had been hoping would be picked up upon at some point. Little did I know then the greater Zygon story was coming that would tie back into that, but at the time of this episode I was extremely pleased to see them. As for Osgood, I guess agree to disagree, I liked her Way more than Malcolm. She's more of a 3D personality, Malcolm is more of a fanboy. I think the only thing gratuitous and nonsensical about the ending resolution of the main plot was the inclusion of other Doctors outside of War, 10 & 11. That was pure fanwank, but the rest of it was brilliant. The best line in the whole thing goes to Clara when asked who 11 should be: "What you've always been, be a Doctor." So well written, delivered, and it just hits so hard because a mere Warrior couldn't solve a problem that needed a Doctor. That's just my take though. Finally, a small point, but there is one glaring omission of a recurring classic series villain, who yes, got more Mentions than screen-time, but in fairness they get Name-dropped more than Zygons or Macra ever did, and that's the Rutan Host! I've been campaigning for the Rutan return for years, I've always thought we could handle the effects in modern WHO so much better now and just make them a brilliant rival to the over-used Sontarans. We have got to be shown the other side of that eternal war is just as bad, if not worse than the clone armada holding them back! Perhaps even telling a morally challenging story where the Doctor has to keep them fighting each other for the sake of the rest of the universe should one of them ever win.
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Whinge, whinge, whinge. This is an A+++ episode, period.
Liam Cunningham, Robert Carlyle or Aidan Gillen would’ve been a better War Doctor?
@@Kayjee17 Liam Cunningham, Robert Carlyle or Aidan Gillen would’ve been a better War Doctor?
I do wish Paul McGann was in this special cause i think he would have fit so well
Ben listening to his Big Finish stuff and he’s so good. Really wish he got his second chance on screen here.
Same I'm still praying that he may be apart of the 60th
Agreed, he is very wasted and sorely missed, and would have worked great in the ep...but I admit, it never occurred to me that the BBC might not want him because of the tv movie's reception! If that's true, then it means we probably won't be seeing him in ANY capacity. Shame...he was never going to be given his own series, but a series of mini-webisodes would have been very satisfying.
@@HandofOmega never know what rtd got planned
i had never watched his film but he proved to me in his short that he was more than up for the task. imedietly winning me over
24:11 I don't think you're giving the Time War solution enough credit honestly. The screwdriver as a metaphor for the Doctor himself - same program, different casing - was pretty brilliant, and it keys into the core of what makes all multidoctor stories work, that he (and us) truly can solve any problem if we work with our future generations and enable them. It's a great lesson honestly
I agree with this comment
Yes, enabling, thats a great moral to take away 😅
I adore the detail on the night of the doctor on how 8 regenates into young war(young john hurt) Implying how he's been fighting for such a long time that it's taken it's toll even on his age. The war doctor begins of big finish shows this as well.
Does any media ever give us a good look at an early War Doc adventure? Such a shame that the couple I know of seem committed to capturing the character we saw onscreen, so we may never get to see him as "young"...
Initially, the War Doctor aging miffed me because it makes a total hash of the Doctor's age, but that ship has long since sailed anyway. Still, remember the temporal weapons used warped time in various ways, it's entirely possible he was artificially aged (like Ten by the Master) and didn't actually reach that aged appearance normally...
@@HandofOmega Big Finish's "The War Doctor Begins" does this
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I do love the parallel between multi doctor stories and the multi master story. The doctor bickers with themselves but ultimately comes together to get things done. The master flirts with themselves and ends up stabbing themselves in the back in the end
Also I think the zygon story, while underdeveloped, does work in context. It's like the moment showed the war doctor his future selves normal mode of operation, stopping bad guys
That two parter is prob my fav of doctor who missy and simm are great together and its easily 12s best
The multi masters stories from big finish are really good though still haven't listened to masterful yet
I've listened to ravenous 4 and the master trilogy (you will obey me/vampire of the mind/the two masters)
I don't remember if there are any others besides the missy story with the lumiat
There is that one missy story from her first boxset which I guess kind of counts as a multi-master story, where missy helps the slaves escape or so it seems that's what she was doing
@@TheRealUnkn0wn_289 never tried big finish
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I really like your reading that being locked in the dungeon is analogous to the future Doctors mindset when it comes to having the War Doctor as part of them. While you dismissed the resolution as a 'joke,' I'd actually say it supports your read, since the reveal is that the only thing keeping them locked up is, essentially, themselves and their pride and it takes a Companion unthinkingly blundering in to make them realize this.
That's a really good point, never thought of it that way
Imagine giving a moment for Tom Baker to imply/state that Gallifrey is safe (which is confirmed later), just for Chibnail to kill all the Time Lords later anyway
But if the Curator is a future Doctor from some point after 13, I can't imagine he'd tell 11 that Gallifrey is out there if he knows the Master is going to nuke it. So we can assume it likely gets restored again eventually.
@@AdrianParkinsonFilms ah, yes, the ultimate doctor who copout😂
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Zygons were Tennant's favourite and the one classic monster he wished he could have worked with. That's probably why they used them to entice him back!
Regarding the cop-out and "misremembering that he actually saved Gallifrey", I always viewed it as that he originally did blow up the planet, and in The Day of the Doctor he changes the timeline not having done it after all. But in the OG timeline he did. That's at least how I view it.
The timeline never change. That was really happen.
Either way, the point is that he went through a lot of genuine suffering because of that choice...undoing it, by any means, really kinda cheapens that. Rewatching "Dalek" and other eps touching on the Doctor's trauma now feels completely different, because we now know he really *didn't* do that...but he still thinks he did, so he now went at least of a couple of regenerations tormenting himself over *nothing*, which lessens the power of those stories.
@@HandofOmega again that’s not how I personally view it. He originally did it, then changed what happened. In episodes like Dalek he’s still in the timeline where he actually went through with it. Again, that’s just my take away from the events of TDotD.
@@JTD95 Doesn't really matter, when the Doctors have a crosstime adventure, they lose their memories of the events until they live through it for the last time, after which they can recall the events from all POVs; this explains why the First Doctor didn't know what was going on in The Five Doctors, nor did the Fifth, despite having already lived thru them four times over, until they all parted ways, when he could suddenly remember it all.
So, after parting ways in DotD, Eleven is the ONLY one who gets to know what really happened. This is confirmed in War's dialouge, when he says something like, "shame I won't get to remember this"...So, regardless of timelines, the Doctor is still going to believe he's a mass murderer for two entire regenerations.
And with respect to the characters, the war doctor did choose to blow up Gallifrey, so the character development still lines up. The time between the war doctor choosing to blow up Gallifrey and regenerating is a discontinuity that doesn't exist in the continuity of the 9th doctor, whether the past was changed or Gallifrey was saved all along.
Something I love about John Hurt's casting is that he's an old man, because it really suggests just how long the Time War has been going on for. You just wouldn't have been able to do that if McGann or Eccleston had been in that role.
The problem with it is, we have no emotional ties to the war doctor it has no meaning what he did because we have no prior experiences with him. Would've been far more effective as a 50th anniversary having Paul Mcgann being the bridge between the classic series to the new one in the 50th anniversary. The war doctor is just so shoe horned in.
The Zygons storyline is to show the War Doctor the kind remarkable person he becomes after the Time War. He even tells it to Bad Wolf Girl. His guilt and regret of the destruction of his own world causes him to do better. Also "Cup of Soup".
I love his quote about that. "Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."
Still one of my faves and rewatchable anytime. Agree that it's a shame the 12th Doctor didn't do much to try to find Gallifrey, but then again it seems they weren't on the best of terms anyways. Tom Baker's cameo had me crying man-tears of joy, so good!
There was that time when Ten said something along the lines of choosing to remember the good things. He hated that they turned so indolent towards others' suffering.
12 has great character arcs but it would have been awesome if the plot arc had been him actively looking instead of them kidnapping him. Then again Heaven Sent was awesome so what can I say.
I've always viewed the memory thing as the Moment's doing. It is clearly much more than a world destroying weapon, and I can imagine that it could make the Doctor think he did it, as penance for deciding to
The 50th was top tier Doctor Who. I adore the exploration of what it means to be The Doctor
Also, I love how Moffat expanded upon the big event in the novelization by giving a little bit more focus to Capaldi's sudden appearance (he literally walks into the meeting room of the timelords in the book) and by adding in an epilogue/prologue (yes, it's both in one, what did you expect) featuring Whittaker, allowing the two more recent Doctors to be part of this celebration as well.
In the 50th anniversary I think they do actually reference Malcom from planet of the dead. When Kate Stewart is on the bench she says tell Malcom the birds need new batteries(I’m paraphrasing but she definitely says Malcom though)
Also it’s very weird how the older doctor in this trio is played by the youngest actor and the youngest doctor is played by the oldest actor
Also also the zygons want the black archive since it’ll allow them to take over the world in a day(as the zygon who’s taken a random scientists form says). Actual Kate Stewart comes in with osgood and random scientist to then blow up London. Kill thousands to save billions which is the same as the doctor thinking of killing billions to save quadrillions with the moment. The zygons are in London (since they want the black archive for its powerful items) which is why the bomb will only blow up London
I actually rlly like Osgood I thought she was so cool being a doctor fan who is actually competent.
I love how his presence amazes her like it would anyone and she doesn’t see the dark sides just the good.
Nah she was the worst. “the Doctor will save me. The doctor will save me” oh shut up. Was so happy when Missy killed her
She’s a pain in the ars*
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Work I don’t know why he is hating coz if the doctor was real, him and his viewers would probably do the same
@@berniet1215 I don’t think I’d be dressing up as him tbh
I really love the concept of the Moment: a weapon that, beyond being conscious, developed a _conscience._ That is to say, a weapon that refuses to be used.
An extremely niche criticism that only my mother, a prolific knitter, could make is that it's implied that Osgood's scarf is literally the same scarf the Fourth Doctor wore passed down to her except it's clearly not knitted in the same pattern as Tom Baker's scarf.......apparently. According to my mom anyway.
I swear, during Wars regeneration, you can see Eccleston's face slowly take over Hurt's.
I was unsure of the War Doctor, but John Hurt was glorious and so compelling. Idk if any other actor could do it.
The War Doctor was played by John Hurt. William Hurt was the guy who played General Ross in the MCU.
While I enjoyed his performance, I'm one of those fans whose a stickler for continuity and such, so I *really* wish they hadn't messed up the numbering of the Doc's selves (and Moffat's "are you counting bodies or faces?" dodge was non-sensical), which opened the door to all sorts of stuff down the road, so that now the upcoming 14th Doctor is actually the 17th or 18th...It really would have been better if the ep had ended with some "timey-wimey" handwave that made the War Doc disappear from ever having existed at all, outside of the TW, esp since we knew we'd never see him again (but you can still have audios and comics etc)...
@@MappaDoji both gone now unfortunately
@@harryvideoz8863 Yeah, unfortunately. I wish sir John Hurt had done a Big Finish story with sir Derek Jacobi, as the War Doctor and the War Master respectively, before his passing. That would've been awesome.
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As far as the saving Gallifrey goes, it's totally head canon on my part (and there's certainly many continuity hiccups involved, but what else is new), but I think it did happen the first time around. I think the War Doctor used the moment and burned Gallifrey and the Daleks. What we're seeing at the end of the episode is exactly what Eleven says it is: Him changing his mind.
Be it timey whimey meddling by the moment or maybe some aftereffect of Clara entering the Doctor's timeline in the graveyard version of Trenzalore, but maybe some factor this time around was just different enough that caused the Doctors to make a different decision in the end. The whole misremembering thing was just history reshuffling around such a monumental change.
Like I said. This is all head canon, but it lets Nine, Ten and Eleven's journey still have all the meaning it did leading up to Day and makes Day not a retcon, but the result of that journey and living with that guilt and second guessing he's spent three incarnations dealing with.
I really like that Clara after effect idea 👍👍
For me, "Day Of The Doctor" has aged like fine wine. It's an epic episode I've REALLY come to appreciate over time. When I first watched it, I had my issues, but as time has gone on, I've just come to respect the task Moffatt had on his hands, and considering everything the Moff had to do, I think he did BRILLIANTLY! One of the things I like is that he doesn't overcrowd the story. I came to appreciate this after recent ventures, like CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths or Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. The cameos and references in those feel shoe-horned in, muddling the focus of the narrative. That's why I personally disagree with Moffat's focus on mainly NuWho, with only three main Doctors at the forefront. Overall made for a more focused, character-driven, emotional-rewarding story, that made sense based on the trajectory of NuWho. You still get lots of Classic Who references: UNIT, The Zygons, Tom Baker, The War Doctor's Classical/Modern fusion, ALL THIRTEEN, etc. I feel saying that's a huge issue is a bit harsh. I agree it's a cop-out The Doctor never destroyed Galifrey tho, but that's more BTS reasoning. In the episode, War was going to destroy Galifrey, but Eleven changed his mind. With that, I think we can just say, after many years, after everything he's been through, all the regret, The Doctor FINALLY got to fix things. It's a shame the whole "Finding Galifrey" storyline has not paid off satisfyingly since then, but I think there is HUGE potential in a storyline where Galifrey FINALLY returns into the main universe, meaning The Time War would begin again, and then what will happen?! If I was a showrunner, that's something I'd definitely tackle (Tho I'm sure RTD can do better). Overall, I can see why Moffatt says this was one of the most difficult episodes to write as the showrunner, and it's impressive considering the BTS drama what he produced. Let's hope RTD can do the same (I'm sure he can. I'M SO GOSH DARN HYPED!!! 😍 *Knock On Wood* )
I like how War hopes his ears won't be so conspicuous only to there being jokes about 9's ears in later episodes. And the Curator alluding to visiting old faces. 12 revisits a face from his past.
And now 14 looks like 10.
@@cameronbaker97 that face must have been his most favorite! The Doctor did admit to having vanity issues!
Love it or hate it, putting Gallifrey in a pocket universe explains how a few Daleks were able to survive the Time War. Instead of the 100% kill rate the Moment would have had, they blew themselves up with a 99.999% kill rate.
The zygon plot does work into the solution for the time war. Both it and the screwdriver plan are used together to figure out they can seal gallifrey into a single moment of time "like a picture". They even say it in the episode.
People say the saving of gallifrey ruins the ninth doctor’s character arc. It’s fair enough if you think that, but my stance is that the Doctor flagellating himself for a genesis he didn’t actually commit is so fundamentally doctorish. He’s got a massive conscience, and just him thinking he did it is enough to set the wheels of trauma in motion
fun fact, the anniversary of doctor who is also my birthday, and this event specifically was my 16th. i had a few friends over to watch it and eat some tardis-shaped cake, then we just played mario party for a few hours after lmao
Ooh, it was on the day after my birthday!
The best thing from this special is that we finally figure out the ending to *The Shakespeare Code*
"That sound brings hope wherever it goes. To anyone who hears it Doctor, however lost. Even you."
The entire barn scene is a masterclass in writing and acting, but THIS will forever be my favourite line in NuWho.
It means even more when that sound and feeling transcends the show and means so much to the audience watching.
Something from the time war that always has me itching for more information is the nightmare child.
The little information we get is almost lovecraftian in nature just horrors even war hardened veterns recall with a bitter sting in their tongue, yet at the same time I don't want anymore information our imagination fills in the blanks.
Bittersweet I suppose.
And he is just a big Dalek.
Regarding the scene where all the doctors are saving Gallifrey, I recall reading somewhere that the 11th doctor sent out a psychic message to all previous incarnations as to what the plan would be. The message would state what the plan was and when to do it, that is why 10 and war react the way they do, with 10 saying “oh I’m getting that too”, as it was the message coming thru.
12 was there because he remembered sending the message out and when it was happening.
I think you completely missed the point of the Zygons in this special. Thematically speaking, they tie into this story centered around The Time War because they are REFUGEES, showing just how impactful The Time War was on the rest of the Universe. It's true that any Doctor Who monster could have been used in their place, but the Zygons' ability to completely transform themselves into the people of Earth make them the most suitable to represent the difficulties and struggles involved when refugees attempt to immigrate to another place. As for their relevance to the plot, The Doctor never would have thought of how to save Gallifrey if he weren't inspired by what the Zygons did.
Day of the Doctor is one of Steven Moffat's strongest scripts. Not quite Heaven Sent level writing but not far off. Stories like The Angels Take Manhattan fall apart if you think about them too much but Moffat knew how important the 50th Anniversary was. He pulled out all the stops and must have redrafted this script countless times until he got it right. Day of the Doctor actually gets better the more you think about it.
Something I love about this special is the concept of The Moment. The idea of a weapon of mass destruction having sentience and a consciousness to decide whether you can use it is really imaginative and unique. And for it to use a face of which you are familiar with(this special being exempt since it only shows one face, from War's future) is also haunting as a concept.
Would love to see this presented in more sci-fi works, it would be so fun.
I think in DoTD, It executes a really good narrative of showing the journey the Doctor has from cowardly exhaustion of the Time war, wanting to just stop it without weighing yet the full lasting consequences, to acceptance that he will lead a future life of sorrow and grief and that he must embrace that he isn't someone else for making this choice. He's The Doctor, even if his future selves don't believe that, even if he chose to be this incarnation to try and not be The Doctor. a weapon of mass destruction that forces you to accept that YOU are who is deciding this path of genocide, haunting and sad. The Moment is almost like a foil for The Doctor's motivations to be honest. The Doctor wants to help people from their pain, The Moment is helping The Doctor to go towards their pain, that being the genocide of their people and The Daleks. I think also that the experience with The Moment would later inform Capaldi's Doctor when pleading with Bonnie and Kate during that zygon inversion speech, The Doctor acting as The Moment's consciousness for the two boxes of irreversible destruction, The doctor having to be the one to convince to let things. Only instead of talking them into destruction, the Doctor talks them out of it, how he wishes The Moment would have done for him, or anyone else, before he did what he did*.
*Thought he did.
The Moment literally did everything short of physically harming or killing the Doctor to convince him not to destroy Gallifrey.
I hadn't realised until watching this, but the way Clara is paired with John Hurt is not disimilar to the way that Tegan and the First Doctor were left together in the Five Doctors.
I like this episode, I also really love the book. I agree the show doesn't celebrate all fifty years of the show at the time but I think it does the smart thing of respecting the past and looking to the future, we see that pretty well in the twelfth Doctor's era especailly. I saw the episode while at the fiftieth anniversary celebration and it really was an event for me. Great memories.
Fun fact: I got hit by a dinosaur while there.
Harbo gonna be needing a well deserved break after Smith's run. The 50th Anniversary is certainly an episode but I feel the stuff surrounding it is way better when you consider the likes of Night of the Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot and An Adventure in Space in Time were released the same month and set an unprecedented high bar for what was ultimately slightly underwhelming story.
Thankfully we can forget about The Afterparty…
Don't worry, all the other 50th stuff will get its own video next year
Worst thing chibnall era did was destroy off screen all the beautiful work this story did to give The Doctor the ultimate redemption they wanted. Such a cheap joke. Anyways to counter act negavity, bravo to you once again for reaching another milestone in your ultimate reviews, always good to watch
I don’t think I can possibly complain about 9 and 8 not being the one who ended the time war, John Hurt is just amazing
Can’t really imagine him fighting a war though ngl
The Moment/Bad Wolf pulled the Doctors into the timewar and caught them up to speed. Then she put them back in their timeline and wiped their memories.
I wasn't expecting this special to focus so much on the Zygons, I mean they get more screen time than the Daleks. More to the point about Classic Who not getting enough representation, an easy fix would be to bring in a Classic companion as the Moment when Eccleston refused. It makes more sense with the War Doctor not having met Rose yet.
I read somewhere that Moffat's original plan for the 50th could have been a battle between Clara and the Great Intelligence within the Doctor's timestream. Basically the Great Intelligence would ruin a moment in the Doctor's history, then Clara would fix it, etc. If true, I'm glad it was scrapped (the 50th special being a Doctor lite episode would not work in my opinion) but it's a rather interesting idea tbh. It would have solved the one major issue with the 50th, that being not enough focus on classic Who.
I really like this special, and I saw it twice on TV on November 23rd, 2013, and in the movie theater and when I saw it in the theaters, I was a junior in high school and it was on a school night, and it was the best night ever. I can't wait to see the 60th anniversary.
I'll always be fine with the Zygons being here just because it allows David Tennant to interact with his favourite Doctor Who monster.
the 50th was, in a sense, Doctor Who's version of Avenger's Endgame before that ever came to be. The epic scope of it and the war to end all wars. All the characters are great in their parts and how they interact off of each other. The callbacks were great to see and the Doctors trying to make peace with what the War Doctor had done was great to see played out. It was a shame that Paul McGann couldn't have been involved more, hopefully he'll pop up in the 60th somehow. Overall it's a fun ride and a pretty good multi-Doctor story.
First comment so maybe you’ll see this! Just wanted to let you know how much you’ve helped me through your videos (of which I’ve watched all of by this point). I’ve had a lot of long term mental health problems, which also affect my sleep. Your videos have been a massive help with this, real soothing - helps stop my head doing all sorts at night. Keep them coming, you’re smashing it :)
Here's my defense of the Zygon plotline. The true protagonist of The Day of the Doctor wasn't the 10th or 11th Doctors. It was the War Doctor. This whole episode is essentially the Moment's bid to show the Doctor at his lowest point that he's not a monster. So it shows him his future selves: the hero and the madman, and it allows him to not only witness but participate in an act of peace. Saving lives instead of just taking them. The Zygon plot has a happy ending for everyone involved, and it's thanks to him. This is what motivates him to accept what he has to do. And later, it's what motivates him to save Gallifrey.
The fiftieth is good. The NOVELISATION of the fiftieth is stupendously excellent. Watching the fiftieth with the the context of the novelisation is so orgasmic I’m amazed you’re not buying your copy as you read
Seconded, Moffat himself wrote the novel, and tho he plays his usual "too clever by half" tricks (it's written first-person from the Doc's POV, but doesn't tell you WHICH Doc and constantly tries to surprise you), it's still a great read. The prison cell sequence alone is worth the price of admission (esp as, being a novel, I could reread it, "casting" the 8th or 9th Docs in the War Docs' role!), but the "Save Gallifrey" scene warms the hearts by being able to actually tell us what the various Doctors were doing to save lives at the end (they also have a large tea party in the museum, but we only get to see the tail end of that). If you only read ONE DW book this year...!
@@HandofOmega I’d quite comfortably say it’s one of the most innovative novel I’ve ever read, it’s like his brief was to write doctor who in the style of italo Calvino with a sprinkling of the elegant detail and character work of Frank Herbert. If anything I think it proves that Moffat would make a better novelist than a TV writer, when his imagination is unbound he can loose something truly special. RTD’s rose novel, on the other hand, is a bit of a damp squib. It’s not poorly written, but you realise reading it how much of RTD’s writing is based around momentum and flow, whereas a novel can and arguably should meander a bit more. He’s the master of creating instantly distinct characters but I don’t know if he always knows what to do with them after the detailed characterisation
@@tobylerone4285 One of my favorite bits in DotD is near the beginning, where the Doctor is explaining how he's psychically transmitting the story to the book in real time, so he's aware of us reading it, which he demonstrates by telling "Chris" to stop reading the book at his job and to get back to work...Now, it just so happens that I have a coworker named Chris who is also a Whovian, so I handed him the book and told him to read that passage...😉😅
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I remember this aired on thanksgiving and I left the table to go to my room and watch it. Time flies man, I was 9 years old. Easily one of the greatest episodes of the show.
Recently rewatched this one, I loved Matt's scenes, as well as Hurt's. David was obviously on his A game too but that was kind of expected. I loved the painting stuff too, interested that there wasn't much stuff done with the concept before in the show.
25:58 The Destiny of the Doctor audiobook miniseries that was a co-production between AudioGo and Big Finish did use something like that to link the stories to the finale, the Eleventh Doctor contacting his past incarnations so they’d each provide part of the solution he needed to get out of the situation he was caught in be it making sure specific people got to the end of the story alive, collecting a particular item the Doctor of the story may have otherwise seen destroyed or running an errand that would pay off by the time the Eleventh Doctor needed it to.
Also, as an asthma sufferer, Osgood uses her inhaler WAY too much
I think the unit/zygons plot ties in with the gallifrey plot because it introduces the stasis cubes, which are what is used to save Gallifrey. I also disagree with the happy ending part, this isn’t really a completely happy ending, Gallifrey is stuck, frozen in a single moment, for now it’s just as gone as if it were destroyed, to paraphrase the episode, the Doctor still has nothing, but he has hope. I also think this is sold really later when the Doctor lies to Clara that he found Gallifrey only to show him in the tardis drifting in space where Missy said Gallifrey was. It is, however, a shame that Gallifrey returns so suddenly.
The only real failing in the DotD is that there is no reason established for why The Moment never just tells the War Doctor flat out about the idea of using the stasis cubes - if that really was its plan all along, implied by BadWolf Girl saying "Now you're getting it!" The Moment's purpose isn't to be a guru or a teacher, it's to be a conscience, and so it makes no sense that it goes to such convoluted lengths just to force the Doctor to figure out the idea for himself.
Apart from that, it's a good anniversary special, and kicks The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors into the ground.
Huh that's true but she also did want thim to se the kind of person he would become if he had done that... But yeah it's still peak.
I completely agree that it would've totally worked with the 8th Doctor. Don't get me wrong, John Hurt was amazing as the War Doctor, but I just wish Paul was given more screen time in the actual show instead of just 6 minutes on RUclips. Especially considering the fact that he absolutely killed it in The Night of the Doctor. #MCGANNGANG
No, the Eigth Doctor is the Time's Champion. He never work in the Time War.
I fully agree, we have no emotional ties to the war doctor, would far better with the 8th doctor.
I do think there's elements of the war doctor though that is the essence of the classic series and it's commentary on the modern series if it was represented by a character, particularly when he interacts with 10 and 11.
Don’t forget BF’s Light at the End did all the heavy lifting for celebrating classic who for the 50th
I absolutely love Day of the Doctor, it's my second-favourite Doctor Who story! I saw it in 3D at the cinema then watched it on TV that night - everything surrounding the 50th just felt so special and epic back then.
It's not without flaws though, as you've pointed out. I've never liked the way Clara interrupts what should have been a beautiful moment of the Doctor coming to accept that he can't always save everyone, only to have him save Gallifrey. Ultimately it ended up being pointless anyway. The "search for Gallifrey" never really happened and then Chibnall just blew it up again off-screen.
I also agree that there should have been more classic Who representation, although the Doctors all coming together and that final group shot were both beautiful, plus Tom Baker's surprise cameo nearly made me jump in excitement and surprise.
Perhaps the Moment could have taken the forms of different companions from different points in their lives? That way they could bring back a companion to represent each Doctor, since most of them are still alive. My line-up would be: Susan, Jamie, Jo, Romana II (since Elisabeth Sladen had already passed), Tegan or Nyssa, Peri, Ace, Charley or Lucie (in their live-action debut), Rose/Bad Wolf, Martha or Donna, and Amy.
Overall though, it's a beautiful celebration.
Comit a genocide is not a beatiful moment. Spycho weirdo.
I have a theory that the emotional trauma of the atrocities of the time war flashback whenever the doctor regenerates, like their entire lifetimes flash before their eyes. Then the next regeneration's behavior and personality are shaped by that. Like when the 10th doctor asks rose who he is
For me this still is arguably the best hour of the show I've ever had the pleasure to watch. Some other episodes surpass in one element or another but none quite hold together as an entire block like this one does.
I never found the ending too much if s retcon. What's the difference between Gallifrey being lost or destroyed? Functionally lost is the same. It was just a shame Moffat returned to the well and brought it back so quickly 2 years later. It could have stayed lost permanently and we'd be better off for it
I think Day of the Doctor is where Moffat really hit his stride as both a writer and as showrunner. I don't think Peter Capaldi holds a candle to Matt Smith but he did have stronger scripts, which is consistent with the quality that Moffat delivered in the 50th Anniversary. The fact that Smith is, in my mind, still the definitive Doctor despite having weaker stories than Capaldi shows that he's a far better actor than Capaldi will ever be. However, that's a casting issue, not a writing issue. On paper, Capaldi could have been the greatest Doctor of all time but he just wasn't a good enough actor to pull it off. Swap him with John Hurt and I'd be calling Seasons 8 and 9 two of the greatest seasons in Doctor Who history.
@@tomnorton4277 i always thought Moffat hit the ground running in series 5, but then struggled (maybe overworked / lack of time to perfect) to get his ideas across in series 6 and 7. Some great concepts but largely rushed through with some glaring holes. S5 though just worked.
I think Capaldi era is great, but more of a mixed bag. The big concepts and ideas work, but with that ambition come more misses as well. In both cases even when the show mis steps the lead actor salvaged the worst excesses though.
The Zygon plot is the catalyst. I comes to give crucial plot device for war story and goes away without being used.
Zygons are the ones who use the translate in painting device which is used to save time lords.
But you can't just have it fall on Doctors head and be done with it.
Also it's Kate who wants to blow up London to prevent Zygon to get all the confiscated alien tech. The Zygon Kate is the one who stops it every time.
I just wish that Elisabeth Sladen and Nicholas Courtney had lived long enough to take part in the 50th Anniversary celebration. It cannot be overstated how important they are to the franchise.
Is it possible that the event in one of the 7th Doctor episodes, where the Hand of Omega is accidentally used by the Daleks to destroy their homeworld, thanks to the Doctor, is what triggered the Time War in the first place meaning the Doctor started and ended the War
The Peter Cushing movie plot line is mentioned in the day of the doctor target novelisation
i personally love the time war resolution, without it we would never see the time lords properly again
When The 8th Doctor talks to the Sisters of Karn and insists a warrior was needed it makes a good segue to The War Doctor/ 9th Doctor.
Loved this special! Love your review and analysis videos!
The "Gallifrey Falls No More" reveal was worth the cop-out. Blew me away, because it was right there in front of me the whole time.
To be fair the Doctor never thought of getting help from previous incarnations during the events of “The Stolen Earth”/“Journey’s End” or “The Pandorica Opens” both events featured universe ending threats. So it’s not too far fetched to think that the War Doctor never considered going back to his previous incarnations for help.
I forgot where I saw it, but I am pretty sure the BBC released a little comic that showed 11 went back in time and uploaded a program into the TARDIS which made the calculations to freeze Gallifrey.So I guess that means all the other Doctors likely saw it and didn't mess with it.
That 8th doctor special is some of the best of new who and I'm so annoyed he never got the chance to act alongside the rest of the modern doctors, especially since he is a bridge between the classic and new who era's.
1:47 it’s a machine that goes “ding”.
60th didnt feel like a monumental episode, just felt like a normal episode a bit less, was just okay. 50th was an amazing episode that i will rewatch alot
Thanks so much for the heads-up about the Fivish Doctors. I didn't even know it existed. Just came back from watching it on Daily Motion. It was hilarious!🤣🤣🤣
@@tvguy61No but it's probably still up on Dailymotion. It's definitely worth a watch
After watching John Hurt’s character in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, it’s no wonder he was cast as the War Doctor.
Me and my buddy were the only Whovians at the theatre premiere with our Sonic Screwdrivers. Very fun night
I am so glad I'm not the only one who didn't take to Osgood!
While the Unit and Zygon thing does feel out of place, it’s story did give birth to a good two parter with 12 and one of the best Doctor speeches
I do love this episode, it has plenty of flaws I know but I do love seeing 10 and 11 act off each other. John Hurt was great as well despite how shoehorned in the war doctor felt due to being a last minute bodge.
I also liked seeing the return of the Zygons, back when I was a kid in the 90s growing up watching classic Who reruns on cable tv and VHS the Zygon episode was the only episode of who ever that terrified me.
For some reason the classic Zygons really gave me nightmares despite never being particularly scared by any other classic villains.
I'm so fed up with hearing about the bloody Azbantium subscriber.
to be fair, he gets £100 a month from that guy, so i'd be pretty happy if that happened to me too.
Stephen Moffat wrote a novelization if this episode. It is well worth the read. There is a lot more detail and inner thoughts going on and lots of extra business and extended scenes. Moffat also wrote in a quirky way that will please fans of the timey-wimey. Highly recommended.
gallifrey falls no more until the master destroy it
"It's a powerful moment" whyy
i was fine with the resolution to gallifrey personally, it's like last of the time lords where, while everything was undone, development still happened to the main characters. the doctor is still who he is because of everything that happened, even if he found a solution down the line. this special was always going to leave a dent on the trauma of the time war and i believe that how it was handled was a good way to have a suitably celebratory ending
the zygon arc also serves as a way to organically introduce the solution to the episode and serve as a narrative mirror to the war doctor's story of having to find another way to forgo genocide. not sure why they picked the zygons of all things but at least it made for a neat moment with the statues ig
If you didn't like how Moffat didn't celebrate the entire 50 years then just wait for the 60th. RTD just celebrated series 4 of new who😂😂😂 what a shame
John Hurt and the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷
Now all we need is Harry’s Moving Media to release a “Did It Suck” on the 50th and my life will be complete.
I rlly wanna see Paul Mgan come back as the doctor for a full episode I think he’d be amazing.
Can’t he be in the 60th or make an episode with him in.
26:37 exactly. It happened off-screen for a reason. At no point was Russell celebrating this. Such a bizarre criticism Steven has.
Would love to see a multipart 60th anniversary with 3 parts.1 part has some of the old doctors and another some of the new and in the third, they all meet to solve the crisis. The villain for this special could be the valeyard and the plot could revolve around stopping the doctor from regenerating into him. The special ends with the current doctor regenerating and it's left unknown if they ultimately stopped his creation or merely delayed it.
So they save Gallifrey… but then Chibbys goes and destroys it…
15:05 Allegedly this was actually a BBC decision, and Moffat just took responsibility.
Edit: okay cool, you covered that
I think my biggest problem with Day of the Doctor is that the story doesn't hold up well. At all. It retcons the importance of the first four seasons story, and the story removed from the time war plotline doesn't really... work?
This is a problem I have with Matt Smith's era in general, where Moffat kinda... doesn't really acknowledge the first four seasons happened beyond "Oh the Doctor is so lonely in the universe he's allllll so alone because he killed everyone else." But... that doesn't even matter anymore. Since Moffat retconned it. Now rewatching those great first four seasons just... the Doctor himself doesn't make sense. His PTSD and war trauma aren't weighted anymore. Because Gallifrey never died. He just kinda forgot he saved the entire planet...??? Like retcons are one thing, but to retcon a well loved plotline that set up all of the first part of the series feels like a huge slap in the face. I just despise it.
I think Moffat in general struggles with large scale stakes and season long storylines, if you haven't seen it, I recommend checking out hhbomberguy's video on Sherlock. I'll give him credit he makes great single or duo episode stories, The Empty Child is one of my all time favorite episodes of the show, but this shouldn't have been in his wheelhouse, or written by him in the first place.
Rose was like Clara, they were both were human/machines. Rose was the first and she was on par with Tardis. Donna became Doctor Donna in her Wedding, left the show half John Smith and 10. Rose became a a time traveler when she was saved by her other Universe Dad. Rose was partly Time Lord and returned in the scene with Dalek killing 10.
I'll never understand how people can hate Osgood yet love Malcolm. He's so much more insufferable.
I would have loved it if when 11 revealed that he forgot about how many kids they killed when 10 remembers and pissed that he forgets it in 400 years would have given a deeper reaction cause of 10 not getting answers to the one spoiler that he acting really wants and forcing the war doctor to have to break them up
How can you say in one breath that the Zygon plot feels disconnected, when you just finished saying them being shape-shifters and not knowing what side they're on makes the ending brilliant!?? You can't have it both ways. They're either crap or amazing, but you keep flip-flopping back and forth as if they're inclusion is 2 things at once, when it only ever is one thing; a secondary story plotted and told well within the context of the larger story.
Now if you remember Terror of the Zygons, the 4th Doc at the end says something along the lines of their next wave will hit Earth somewhere in about 20 or 30 years, so them being seen here was something I had been hoping would be picked up upon at some point. Little did I know then the greater Zygon story was coming that would tie back into that, but at the time of this episode I was extremely pleased to see them.
As for Osgood, I guess agree to disagree, I liked her Way more than Malcolm. She's more of a 3D personality, Malcolm is more of a fanboy.
I think the only thing gratuitous and nonsensical about the ending resolution of the main plot was the inclusion of other Doctors outside of War, 10 & 11. That was pure fanwank, but the rest of it was brilliant. The best line in the whole thing goes to Clara when asked who 11 should be: "What you've always been, be a Doctor." So well written, delivered, and it just hits so hard because a mere Warrior couldn't solve a problem that needed a Doctor. That's just my take though.
Finally, a small point, but there is one glaring omission of a recurring classic series villain, who yes, got more Mentions than screen-time, but in fairness they get Name-dropped more than Zygons or Macra ever did, and that's the Rutan Host! I've been campaigning for the Rutan return for years, I've always thought we could handle the effects in modern WHO so much better now and just make them a brilliant rival to the over-used Sontarans. We have got to be shown the other side of that eternal war is just as bad, if not worse than the clone armada holding them back! Perhaps even telling a morally challenging story where the Doctor has to keep them fighting each other for the sake of the rest of the universe should one of them ever win.
The Waf Doctor incarnation was also 800 years old, which means he probably lived a hundred years or so longer than he should have.
Having to invent the war doctor must have changed Moffitts original plans for the 11th doctor.