Civilization VI Leader Spotlight: Ambiorix

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 131

  • @AnAngelineer
    @AnAngelineer 3 года назад +92

    Potato McWhiskey pointed out that they are actually pretty good for diplomacy : the culture helps you get civics for envoys and better governments, and the production allows you to build the key wonders relatively easily. This argument makes a lot of sense as diplomacy requires culture, but NOT tourism.
    Personally, I like flexible civs. So Gaul seems right up my alley. Will have to wait for my next holiday to play them, but I'm looking forward to it.

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад +2

      Literally any civ is good for the diplomatic victory, it’s the easiest victory. Hell, you don’t even need any cities for it

    • @AnAngelineer
      @AnAngelineer 3 года назад +6

      @@michaelibrahim9275 I know the meme. but Spiffing Brit always plays on prince. This does not mean anything for experienced civ players, as prince is ridiculously easy once you start to understand the game.

    • @aaronlee6279
      @aaronlee6279 3 года назад +4

      @@michaelibrahim9275 Spiff doesn't know the way of Deity difficulty and the aggressive persona of every AI in the game, not just generally aggressive civs. Its definitely not the easiest victory, as if you add up the production, amount of culture and science, and currency (gold and diplomatic favour) you are investing about as much as a science victory or domination.

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад

      Hyakkidour4n Even if you ignore spiff’s meme (also spiff stole the idea from reddit), you can consistently get 1 diplomatic victory point every world congress because the ai always votes for the same things. You don’t exactly need to have a ton of production to just rush a few key wonders. I was playing as the Ottomans in my first GS game on immortal and I had 16 diplo points while I was going for domination.

  • @liorthedemon
    @liorthedemon 3 года назад +133

    Saxy: No reason to rush Iron working coz no swordsmen upgrade.
    Also Saxy: They unlock their unique district which is a better industrial zone with Iron working.
    If you're seen Potato's recent videos, and also from personal experience, I can tell you, RUSH IRON WORKING ASAP, those Oppidums are insane.

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад

      Gotta rush iron working after unlocking animal husbandry too, gotta make sure you can get max adjacency bonuses

    • @wombat4191
      @wombat4191 3 года назад +1

      @@LINKedup101 Yeah. I usually research Animal husbandry as the very first thing, and I concluded that I still should do it with Gauls. Getting Eureka for Bronze working will take some time anyways, and those yields from revealed horses are really helpful early on.

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад

      @@wombat4191 I went mining first, to get them border pops, then husbandry, and by that time I usually have the eureka for Bronze Working. Once them oppidums are online the production just pours in lol

    • @wombat4191
      @wombat4191 3 года назад +1

      @@LINKedup101 Yeah that works as well. I just like to get Animal husbandry first because you don't need to have a builder to get immediate benefit from it. My basic build order is Scout - Slinger - Settler - Builder (the last two can go the other way), so usually I get Mining before a Builder anyways.

    • @kyleevans5996
      @kyleevans5996 3 года назад

      Yeah I was laughing when I heard that classic

  • @spencera1129
    @spencera1129 3 года назад +35

    No Civ has ever messed up my city planning as much as Gaul haha; particularly Harbors, the Oppidum, and the Diplomatic quarter, among others

    • @zacharymangoba3128
      @zacharymangoba3128 3 года назад +4

      Yeah when there’s no hills I’m just like sure what the hell y’all can do diplomacy stuff over here

  • @peteydog1473
    @peteydog1473 3 года назад +25

    the music for this guy is a banger

    • @bacchus8081
      @bacchus8081 3 года назад +2

      NGL I'm playing an Etheopia game atm and that fucking flute is driving me nuts xD I think I will dumpster that game and switch to Gaul.

  • @swall185
    @swall185 3 года назад +9

    A bonus I didn't hear: Your first Oppidum gives you the Apprenticeship Tech. Full unlock. So that's not only one less tech to worry about, but your mines get that +1 prod quicker.

  • @bacchus8081
    @bacchus8081 3 года назад +31

    Not being able to upgrade into swordsmen isn't that bad when you can just pump out a horde of Gaesatae for 60 production each (vs swordsman's 90) with 0 maintainance cost (vs swordman's 2 gold). Even without the district strength bonus it only takes 3 units around a Gaesatae to be equal to a swordsman's 36 combat strength, plus you need a bunch of iron that you could otherwise sell to the AI.

    • @Isengardtom
      @Isengardtom 3 года назад

      You can still just get swordsmen.

    • @snakevenom4954
      @snakevenom4954 3 года назад

      @@Isengardtom Plus I found the gold more worthwhile to save up into your third settler

    • @richardtwopenny9175
      @richardtwopenny9175 2 года назад

      Not to mention they get +10 vs units with higher base strength than them

    • @Cynical_Socialist
      @Cynical_Socialist 2 года назад

      @@Isengardtom why not just build men-at-arms

    • @Yannick8164
      @Yannick8164 2 года назад

      And if your Gaesatae has a couple of promotions by then they are really strong against swordsmen

  • @mdeluxe1929
    @mdeluxe1929 3 года назад +17

    I would put Science as A. Remember, they can translate their production into Science Projects. For Diplomatic, they can easily and quickly produce all of the diplomatic wonders. I have found in my two games that I have nothing else to produce in several cities and end up just spamming wonders or science projects.

    • @snakevenom4954
      @snakevenom4954 3 года назад +1

      That also translates into great scientists which are op

  • @Madmuli
    @Madmuli 3 года назад +39

    Hey Saxy, if you´ve played the Gauls, you should have noticed that multiple quarries and/or strategic resources DO stack, each giving +2 adjacency. Furthermore, you stated that the Gaesate gets +5 combat strength when fighting units in districts, but doesn't that only apply to defensable ones (city centers, encampments and oppidums), in which you're actually not fighting the unit inside, only the district itself?

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад +3

      Yeah idk what he's talking about with only 2 production, it's a major adjacency bonus that stacks with mines.

    • @alexmarin8727
      @alexmarin8727 3 года назад +3

      I was going to comment the thing about the oppidum adjaceny lol

  • @ParasiticTruth
    @ParasiticTruth 3 года назад +23

    "no reason to rush iron working as Gaul"
    Seconds later:
    "The oppidum unique district unlocks earlier at iron working and..."

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад +5

      Not to mention he messed up how the Oppidums get adjacency, they aren't capped at +2 it's just a normal major adjacency from strategic resources and quarries

    • @ParasiticTruth
      @ParasiticTruth 3 года назад +2

      @@LINKedup101 to be fair the in-game leader summary is phrased misleadingly. Uses the "if adjacent to" language instead of "major adjacency bonus" language

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад +3

      @@ParasiticTruth that's fair, but using the leader in game clears it up pretty quickly, which is what I thought these spotlights are meant to be based on

    • @snakevenom4954
      @snakevenom4954 3 года назад +1

      @@LINKedup101 Do horses add to the adjacency bonus since they're also a strategic resource? Or only strategic recources from mines?

    • @LINKedup101
      @LINKedup101 3 года назад

      @@snakevenom4954 all strategic resources

  • @jaceivanova5248
    @jaceivanova5248 3 года назад +22

    Playthrough with Potato, please! Don't keep putting it off! :D
    👍 if you want it to happen. #SaxyPotato

  • @runaravenscraft5314
    @runaravenscraft5314 3 года назад +4

    In my plays with Gaul, I've found it's pretty pretty essential that you have to go for early war rush. The only time I've gotten any traction with them in about 8 attempts was when I rushed 8 special units immediately and then some archers and just go attacked nearest civs, razing cities if they have poor layout to your district needs. Doing this I've easily squashed the other 4 civs on my continent by early medieval era, BEFORE meeting any foreign civs, resulting in a massive empire and I should not have diplo / grievance penalty when meeting new civs.

  • @dinuraboody1249
    @dinuraboody1249 3 года назад +1

    The quarries & strategic resources definitely stack up. Gaul can ve pretty good when playing on highland & abundant resources

  • @vicratlhead2228
    @vicratlhead2228 3 года назад +3

    I feel like the bonus culture is just there to make building culture buildings less important. You can crank out units while building faith (for currency, not religion) or science. Then you can choose a space or dom victory down the road.

  • @brianhum8765
    @brianhum8765 3 года назад +1

    As a long time channel follower, I don't feel like this was one of your better videos Saxy. I take it you haven't played them yet? As others have mentioned the Oppidums get major adjacency from all quarries AND strategic resources (in the early game that's stone, the 2 quarry luxuries, iron, horses and niter) and in fact I believe the major from strategic and minor from mines BOTH work if it's a strategic mine resource and given how quarry resources seem to always be bunched together, I've had no issue making them +4 to 6 as soon as they're created... which is in the classical area!!
    You also didn't mention the fact that Gaul instantly gets Apprenticeship, one of the vital early-mid techs (not just the boost, the ENTIRE tech which negates the fact that you usually don't have the science early to unlock mid game techs fast enough) when they unlock the Oppidum which gives +1 to mines, which Gaul is already spamming out and theirs are stronger than normal mines.
    This video felt pretty inaccurate and may be worthy of a redo, particularly drastically undervaluing their production power between the classical era Oppidum (which is way better than normal Indy zones, way earlier and cheaper) and all their mine bonuses (which they also get extremely early); they are flat production machines. Potato recently played them and showed just how nuts they can go, especially as an early war civ.

  • @ryratsephable
    @ryratsephable Год назад

    Saxy i wanted to mention bc i just found this out, when you build the oppidum you immediately gain the apprenticeship tech which means if u have iron u can skip swordsman all together and upgrade the gaesatae into man at arms which is soooo strong

  • @atocanboi409
    @atocanboi409 3 года назад +17

    ok so you rated Germany S for science but these guys are B? also the insane production is really good for getting important wonders for culture. not to mention their Domination rating should be A or even S since they get: a combat bonus, a production bonus and a research bonus from building an army.

    • @kitfisto6345
      @kitfisto6345 3 года назад +3

      Compared to germany, Gaul dosent stand a chance in a science victory.

    • @atocanboi409
      @atocanboi409 3 года назад +1

      @@kitfisto6345 I think if Germany gets an S Gaul should get an A (I don't like his ranking system anyways). I'd argue that because they can consistently get Campus adjacency if they don't have mountains they make up for the insane Hansa adjacency.

    • @DrewBa9288
      @DrewBa9288 3 года назад

      @@atocanboi409 if you don't like it why even watch

  • @jlwhalen877
    @jlwhalen877 3 года назад +1

    As said by others, the Oppidum is +2 per quarry/resource. I've been playing nothing but since the patch and really enjoy this civ. Rush animal husbandry and bronze working to be able to get good city placement for all your settled cities and they should almost all have really good production giving you a huge advantage particularly in the mid game when the unique unit falls off, allowing you to build a massive army (and catch up/pass the AI in the culture tree.) and steamroll. The early great engineer points pretty much guarantee you'll get at least the first three great engineers which gives you a few free walls, an extra district in one of your cities and an easy finish on a wonder of your choice.

  • @ChessJew
    @ChessJew 3 года назад +7

    Great civ, most similar to Germany. Gain some land with your upgraded warriors and Oligarchy rush, then settle in and sim city to Diplo or Science.

  • @biborkiraly394
    @biborkiraly394 3 года назад

    s tier for science. hill bias means mountain bias in most cases, plus culture from mines means you can pretty much skip theatre squares. And early culture is as, if not more, important than early science for a science win.

  • @metroidnerd9001
    @metroidnerd9001 3 года назад +6

    Are we going to get a separate leader spotlight for Bull Moose Teddy? His appeal-based yields give him a much different playstyle compared to Vanilla and Rough Rider Teddy.

  • @BerlinRams85
    @BerlinRams85 3 года назад +1

    It was nice to play with him.
    I started on a world map, with every continent setteled by a civ. I had to put Trajan in the game and I defedet him, had to be because of Asterix and Obelix.
    It was a nice, different gameplay. I only deactivated science victory, because whit this in the game, it will be the first accomplished condition by an enemy or me.
    So I went for diplomacy and managed it pretty easy on deity, because all the "help natural desaster" congresses are easy to do with such a high production.

  • @IAM-lj3io
    @IAM-lj3io 3 года назад +1

    The major problem with the guesatea is archery . Because an archer have less power than this unit and the bonus is not active ... so its so easy to counter this unit in ffa or cpl. Morality it’s a very good unit between early game and medium game but if I have archers they are medium

  • @Skinineful
    @Skinineful 3 года назад

    Sidenote that Gaesatae get the +10 bonus against barbarian spearmen who have a CS of 25. Meaning that with the added bonus against anti-cav they can VERY easily dispatch barb camps early on. They're even stronger than Aztec Eagle Warriors for that task...
    I feel like the civ is a bit underappreciated in the rankings, the Oppidum in particular is way stronger than described. It's easily on par with the Hansa, if not better - it comes earlier, gives a free tech that is extremely important and further boosts production, and it is really easy to snowball from there. Germany is at the top of the rankings for basically the Hansa alone, and I feel like Gauls should be right next to them.

  • @johnmuller7623
    @johnmuller7623 3 года назад +6

    C for diplomativ victory is way off. The culture + production puts them in a key spot to buy all the diplo wonders. Not needing iron for swordsmen lets them trade for favour as well.

  • @jasonsacchi
    @jasonsacchi 3 года назад +8

    I build the military units to start an early war battle against the enemies.

  • @frozenfairy2323
    @frozenfairy2323 3 года назад +2

    Man. Can you believe the gaul of this civ?

  • @TheGenxennial
    @TheGenxennial 3 года назад +3

    Wow. They were an awesome Diplo civ for me. Maybe it was the Owls but I was done in 205 turns.

  • @turtleprincip5587
    @turtleprincip5587 3 года назад +1

    Oppidum get multiple bonuses from multiple adjacent quarries and strategics

  • @awheckitsgoldie
    @awheckitsgoldie 3 года назад +3

    this guy looks pretty cool, would be fun to play as him going against the Romans haha

  • @Isengardtom
    @Isengardtom 3 года назад

    I agree with your rankings except diplo. This is an A tier civ for diplo easily.
    Extra production allows you to build the wonders faster, mines with culture allow civic tree to go faster (more envoys) and the oppidum will produce carbon which will allow for the recapture project that gives victory points.

  • @ryanance9871
    @ryanance9871 3 года назад +1

    He is my new favorite civ to play.

  • @morrigannibairseach1211
    @morrigannibairseach1211 3 года назад

    If you go for nationalism you can combine the gaesatae into a corp and later with mobilization an army which gets their base up a decent amount plus all the bonuses. I was wrecking cities with my max level Gaesatae armies backed by cannons right up until I got nukes. I'd end up swarming cities and completely surrounding them. I do have to take a break from warring in mid game but generally if other civs are mad at me they often still deal with me because I am a large empire from the early game. Mind you I'm new to 6.
    Also I have a +6 oppidum in my game right now. Also also it's easy to keep friends if you declare formal wars and trade a lot with other civs. But if you warmonger too hard and dont keep on top of trades they do turn on you quick. Also also also spam out wonders. Especially ones that give bonuses to tourism. Then people dont mind the mines so much.

  • @FlishonyanKing
    @FlishonyanKing 3 года назад +2

    Saxy, I think you do a great job making these overviews and they're very enjoyable to watch, but your Diplo ranks always seem very strange to me. These guys get huge production bonuses, the most important resource for a diplo victory, and a small culture boost, which is the second most important resource for a diplo victory. Just because a civ doesn't get diplo currency doesn't make it a bad Diplo civ! Diplo currency is only useful in the late game, if you aren't producing enough culture and production early and mid game, you won't even have the diplo currency at the end of the game to win. These guys are easily a B, maybe even A tier Diplo civ.

  • @nestorsaronte3387
    @nestorsaronte3387 3 года назад

    Oh, but quarries and strategic ressources DO stack for the oppidums (opida?). If you know what you are doing, a +5, +6 bonus is what you can safely aim for, especially in the later game when more strategic ressources have been revealed. The classical era snowball can actually be scary.

  • @fionnmoules7620
    @fionnmoules7620 3 года назад +1

    It’s a very well rounded civ can pretty much get any victory just hard to decide which one you want to go with

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro 3 года назад

    This is teh Saurman-civ. You build mines, clear trees and AWLAYS need more builders and land to use up.
    Very fun though with a hilly start, makes dester or tundra less useless :-)

  • @thatcrazykid1393
    @thatcrazykid1393 3 года назад

    First Gaul game came away with a diplo win. They are a strong diplo and science civ for sure. They also can rush late game units and wreck everyone too.

  • @TheWarmupLap
    @TheWarmupLap 3 года назад

    There is a reason to rush Iron working. It unlocks the powerful Oppraum district. I rush it every game.

  • @CJack14dt
    @CJack14dt 3 года назад

    One minor thing, they have a diplomacy handicap because the can't put the diplomatic district next to the city center.

  • @vicratlhead2228
    @vicratlhead2228 3 года назад +1

    I'm kind of disappointed in the oppidum though. It doesn't get the adj bonus from canals, dams and aqueducts that a standard industrial district does. It feels like you're just trading that for the quarry strategic thing. I've been getting great industrial districts with some good planning as other civs. The oppidum is more subject to the whims of the map generation. Itd be a kickass district if that were added back to it.

  • @gunzakimbo
    @gunzakimbo 3 года назад

    Already see it pointed out in the comments already but Saxy Saxy Saxy, a C in diplo? With all that culture, the only thing is if you can open with a religion (I have yet to do that on deity but screw religion with them Lol) then you have an easy (easy-ish on Deity) path to Mahabodi and Statue of Liberty on top of you having all of that production! on top of that if you have Apocalypse mode on and aid requests no one is competing with you especially if have a ton of Commercial Hubs or Harbors to help with money, they might be an A or even an S rank! And the Dom game I might give them an A as well just cause like you said if you get an early war (which I have in 3 of 5 starts Lol) you melt through cities. Still like Suliman better but Ambi gives him a run for his money on early war!
    Still, keep up the great work my man! Love the civ content! Finally subscribed to Isotopic! :)

  • @hydralance8837
    @hydralance8837 3 года назад

    Two quarries does stack giving you four or more production and i find quite easy to get 6 adjacency from them which is insane.

  • @presidenttogekiss635
    @presidenttogekiss635 3 года назад

    But they do get exta production from each quarry and strategic resource. That was a pretty easy thing to notice Saxy.

    @MoodyNINEMILLY 3 года назад +1

    I think the Gaesatae is better than your giving it credit for. It can't upgrade to swordsman, but you don't really need to, just build a few of them and keep them adjacent to each other, supported by ranged and siege units one tile behind them and they are pretty powerful. And if you get a great general in there you can start taking citys extremely fast. Aside from any civs with a good defensive unique unit (like Maya), you have a pretty solid and cheap millatary into the midgame. You have to factor in that the Gaesatae is cheaper than a swordsman and doesn't require iron, if you run a Solo gaesatae into a swordsman he will have 32 combat strength vs 36, and thats assuming no promotions or other adjacent units.

  • @Mo-pt7bw
    @Mo-pt7bw 3 года назад +1

    They’re kinda hard to play because after you’ve conquered both your neighbors and built an empire that covers the continent, you think okay but how do I win?

  • @Southeastern_Thrills
    @Southeastern_Thrills 3 года назад

    The reason that Gaesatae can’t upgrade into swordsmen is because the Gaesate were able to defeat the early Roman Leigons

  • @irrelevantweeb6658
    @irrelevantweeb6658 3 года назад +1

    Looks like a good science civ

  • @urdnotsex5228
    @urdnotsex5228 3 года назад

    This guy works really well with the pyramids so you can spam out mines

  • @AndPennyThought
    @AndPennyThought 3 года назад +1

    I think the Gaesaetae is better than swordsmen why would I upgrade them to swordsmen?

  • @ciscoytube5352
    @ciscoytube5352 3 года назад +1

    The district restriction is a massive pain in the ass. It creates logistical hell in smaller maps. You almost need pangaea standard to make it worth playing them. Warrior replacement is pretty good though. But makes it an uphill climb for diplo or culture victory because everyone hates you. I give them a +meh.

  • @kapuz-z4083
    @kapuz-z4083 3 года назад +1

    Do a Comandante General Tier list

  • @switch1e
    @switch1e 3 года назад

    Gaul isn't the best civ out there but he is SO fun. Basically you should always knock out a Civ in the ancient era with his unit and then turn into a production empire.

  • @atocanboi409
    @atocanboi409 3 года назад +1

    did you not mention that the Oppidum unlocks Apprenticeship when build? cause that's pretty good

  • @dominikkollar3935
    @dominikkollar3935 3 года назад

    Hey guys, could you please help me understand how is it possible, that i have Ambiorix or Basil II available in multiplayer even though i dont own the Byzantium and Gaul pack? It confuses me a bit, i want to try out all leaders in single player, and this makes just straight up confused. Does multiplayer allow more leaders even if you dont own the expansions? Thanks.

  • @gunzakimbo
    @gunzakimbo 3 года назад

    Saxy long ass comment here but hear me out. I posted this on one of yours and Potato's earlier videos but with Work Ethic fixed I'm definitely going to try this. Need to get really lucky and I'd personally go with the Dutch, Germany or the best bet is Japan. Get a religion (that's why I think Japans best) and try to get Dance of the Aurora or Desert Folklore. If you have a Natural Wonder, you can get a plus 12 or 13 Holy Site I believe and but even that's a little crazy you'd only need 8 to 10 (only Lol) Obviously once you have it, grab Work Ethic and whatever else really. Meeting House would be ideal from pure production. Next, get the super Industrial Zone surrounded by 2 Aqueducts a dam (2 if really lucky) Gov't plaza and if you have 5 districts put another one down or if you have 2 Iron mines that could work. If my math serves me correctly you can get a plus 13 with Japan!!!! If you had the cards to double that's 78 production from IZ and HS alone! Imagine getting Ruhr Valley I think you'd see 200-300 production. Sorry in advance to anyone going to try! I've been trying for 2 whole days now and still haven't even gotten back to a plus 10 Holy Site. ):

  • @wombat4191
    @wombat4191 3 года назад

    Oppidum gets adjacency from each quarry and strategic resource. And you forgot to mention that Gaesatae costs 60 production, which imo is a bit too much. Though I think it is a bit hard to balance, as lower production means better for group tactics. So it's there to kinda balance out a crazy strong early push for a more future-proof and longer lasting one. And it can't get both +10 and +5 at the same time, since attacking district defences means that you don't attack the unit. And barbarian encampments and non-defensible districts don't activate the +5 bonus.
    Man, did you even try this civ out?
    Edit: Also, my analysis after winning a domination with them is that they basically have 3 very strong things going for them.
    First, a lot of early culture means that you don't have to spend time on building Monuments, and can focus on troops and mines instead. This continues throughout the game as well, you get culture with very low effort just by playing to their strengths.
    Second, Oppidum is amazing early on. Just reveal Horses and Iron, unlock Iron working, and start slapping Oppidums down, and you easily get at least +4 usually. On top of that you straight up unlock Apprenticeship, which gives your mines +1 production. So no one can beat their classical era production, and they can amass a huge army, which synergises extremely well with both parts of the King of the Eburones skill. Revealing better Oppidum spots along the game can be frustrating, and they fall off a bit in realistic max production potential compared to Industrial zones once Aqueducts and Dams are unlocked.
    Third, that grouping adjacency bonus is crazy strong, and as I said, synergizes well with their early production. In my game I made a big and unkillable army and rolled through Sumeria's War-Carts like they were nothing. I also beat Korea, that was around 10 techs ahead (no surprise there) largely due to getting at least +8 CS almost all the time.
    So though they seem like a hot mess of culture, domination and production bonuses, it all actually synergises in a very weird way. It takes a couple of tries to get used to their playstyle, but with no other civ have I ever managed to balance early aggression and infrastructure development so well together.

  • @michaelibrahim9275
    @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад

    I feel like the Gaesatae would demolish spearmen. Warriors already win against spearmen because of the anti-cavalry bonus, so a +10 on top of that would be insane

  • @danieleaton5444
    @danieleaton5444 3 года назад

    Generally a huge fan of your work, but this one I have to disagree with on a lot of things. The quarries do stack, so you can get absolutely MONSTER production very early.. So when you say in your breakdown that they don't have bonuses to many win conditions.. that is absolutely not true.. Production is the most important resource in the game and they get it so much earlier. you can get it 3 techs in, instead of 9 or so if you rushed apprentice. For a science victory it clearly helps massively with the space race.. for diplo it helps with projects and wonders. for Domination, you can crank out units like CRAZY.. which stacks with their starting unit being free maint AND with their extra flanking bonuses. Sure they cant upgrade into swordsmen, but who cares. They fight Swordsmen 1 on 1.. and then after that, they can still assist, especially while flanking. And then when you are done with them, you just move on pumping out other troops with your insane production. Culture isn't as optimal, but you do have the option since you can make more wonders and build buildings and such much faster.. Religious is the only one it really doesn't help much at all.
    Finally, one big thing people seem to be missing is the culture bomb. When I see this for most other leaders, its fairly blah since its generally for a district which is only 1 per city, and generally not at the outskirts to push land out.. but mines?? you can get many MANY mines per city and so your borders can get positively massive quickly. Not to mention, you can actually use it aggressively against your opponents by forward settling. This might be as OP as Byzantium. Byzantium, if it gets rolling is unstoppable, but the Gauls are more steady and just build and build and build.

  • @Krisz023
    @Krisz023 3 года назад

    There's no reason to upgrade Gaesatae into swordsman, cause they're same strong. I defeated lots of swordsman in 1v1 with them (not just barbarian sworsdman).

  • @BigOrse420
    @BigOrse420 3 года назад

    The gaestae is stronger then a swordsman when there is three adjacent units due to Gauls ability

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  3 года назад +1

      A swordsman with 3 adjacent units would still be stronger than a gaesatae with 3 adjacent units though because it still gets that bonus too. It's just better in all cases to have a swordsman rather than a gaesatae

  • @willswanson1840
    @willswanson1840 3 года назад

    Definitely gotta disagree that they're not geared toward any particular win condition. They are absolutely monstrous for diplo. They can steal early land to boost yields, but more importantly, they can turtle easily while focusing on civilian production -- which they get boatloads of, along with culture. Culture and production are the main currencies of a diplo win. They don't get bonuses that are as on-paper "direct" as, say, Teddy, but closer inspection shows that the benefit really is quite direct. This is a diplo civ all the way.

    @ZERO4LIFE 3 года назад +1

    Finally Belgian representation

  • @teddys5775
    @teddys5775 3 года назад

    Arnt they stronger than swordsmen if two are together for the adjacency bonus?

  • @loganmcgee18
    @loganmcgee18 3 года назад +2

    You say they'll never be stronger than swordsman by 1. Were you counting the +2 combat bonus from adjacent combat units, or does it not count the unit that you are attacking?
    Edit: Might I suggest a change to your scoring on the letter grading? For example, often you'll rate a Civ's score lower in Culture due to warring being a detractor to a culture win focus. I think you should state if the Civ requires early warring or not, no matter which win condition you go for, other wise it's a moot point. Since I wouldn't be warring, if I was going for a cultural victory, ya know what I mean?

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад

      Yeah I was really annoyed by that. Especially for diplomatic victory. He gives domination civs a lower rating in diplomacy, but as you stated, I wouldn’t be taking over my neighbors if I were going for a diplomatic victory!

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  3 года назад

      It doesn't count that +2 combat bonus because the a swordsman would also get that +2 since its part of the civ ability

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад

      The Saxy Gamer You also miscalculated when you said the max combat strength of the gaesatae was 35. The +10 and the +5 can never stack because cities aren’t units. But the thing is other civs don’t have the +2 so even if you don’t train swordsmen, your gaesatae still have the potential to be stronger than another civ’s swordsman. In this case the max strength would be 42 for the gaesatae which is insane.

  • @ottovonbismarckboi9112
    @ottovonbismarckboi9112 3 года назад +2

    Crazy to think there is now ANOTHER FRENCH CIV

    • @EvanSchatz
      @EvanSchatz 3 года назад +1

      It's weird how they've only ever had Charlemagne in one Civ4 expansion

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад

      The Gauls aren’t really French. They lived in the same geographic region and the French culture was influenced by the Gauls a lot, but the Gauls are a distinct entity with their own society and culture

    • @michaelibrahim9275
      @michaelibrahim9275 3 года назад +1

      Also who else is French? There’s only France as far as I recall

    • @EvanSchatz
      @EvanSchatz 3 года назад

      @@michaelibrahim9275 a lot of French people give great reverence to the Gauls, in particular Vercingetorix for his heroics against Caesar's invasion. They aren't necessarily all direct blood relatives but it's a definite regional loyalty

    • @ottovonbismarckboi9112
      @ottovonbismarckboi9112 3 года назад +1

      Michael Ibrahim yeah but there is France 1, France 2, France 3 and now “France” four.

  • @Trinity0809
    @Trinity0809 3 года назад

    the oppidum get's a mayor adjacency from strategics and quarries, it's not a special rule. also: very deffensive, bonus to culture and an IZ in every city? that sounds like a diplo civ! yes no direct bonusus like canada, america etc, but still. capture all the CO2

  • @natedogg890
    @natedogg890 3 года назад

    I disagree pretty hard on the Gaesatae take, yes in a vacuum they aren't stronger than a swordsman, but bunchone up with like 2-3 other Gaesatae and a few archers and they can melt through almost any ancient-medieval era army, I've even been able to go toe-to-toe with knights

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro 3 года назад

    This is a domination civ. Science victory is very hard anyway so to go for science victory is just.. extra extra hard.
    Production and flanking bonus is pure military gold. To get free culture means you keep up more in civics , just make sure to get some science to get better units...

  • @jasonfox6932
    @jasonfox6932 3 года назад

    After seeing potato mcwhiskey's playthrough I'd say that this spotlight is a bit tone deaf with the strengths that the gauls have especially since they can have insane levels of production in the early game. This civ feels a lot like rome, but with a german twist in terms of gameplay for me.

  • @thegooddinggleberry
    @thegooddinggleberry 3 года назад

    Basil II attacked me early Game and it I wipe him out. It really didn't effect my deplomacy that much, I still ruled the world congress.

  • @jpw547
    @jpw547 3 года назад

    One of the achievements for the Gaul is to kill a tank with a Gaesatae, so clearly Firaxis thinks they are relevant past swordsmen 🤷‍♂️

    • @ColinS89
      @ColinS89 3 года назад

      They definitely are, he forgot to account for the +2 combat strength that Ambiorix's ability gives

  • @timhiker5512
    @timhiker5512 3 года назад

    I’m in the midst of a reasonably successful run but my districts are a total mess.

  • @elaphar
    @elaphar 3 года назад +1

    Gaesatae is latin, so both "ae"s are pronounced (almost) as "eye"... Oppidum (town) is proparoxytone too...
    Now make a video of the gauls beating the living crap of the romans!

  • @Paper_Sunset
    @Paper_Sunset 3 года назад +1

    Umm Opidom unlocks a tech

  • @charlesvattimo4674
    @charlesvattimo4674 3 года назад

    Does the “cannot build districts next to city center” also apply to harbors?

    • @matttiernan3465
      @matttiernan3465 3 года назад


    • @charlesvattimo4674
      @charlesvattimo4674 3 года назад

      Matt Tiernan, ouch. That’s a nasty downside. More the reason to keep from shores.

    • @wernerlindorfer3693
      @wernerlindorfer3693 3 года назад +1

      @@charlesvattimo4674 but you can still get adjacency from mines. +4 harbors are quite hard to get, but +3, with 2 coastal resources and 2 mines is doable quite often. But Gaul is definitely not a naval civilization.

  • @wernerlindorfer3693
    @wernerlindorfer3693 3 года назад

    I think B is too low of an overall rating for Gaul. The early high production is just insane.

  • @dinuraboody1249
    @dinuraboody1249 3 года назад

    You should retract this video and do a new one. Too many mistakes...

  • @Thekapo8
    @Thekapo8 3 года назад

    This civilization is sooooo Soviet Union-ish...

  • @tropico4008
    @tropico4008 3 года назад

    Basil should be a B ;-;