Yesterday I tried my very first log in after the 3.18 drop, get 19k error two times, but third try was the good one! I got in, able to create a character and spawn in lorville, tried ASOP, worked with a little latency but worked! Server was about 12 fps, i got 30/45 fps in Lorville. Ended the session. Tonight I tried again, logged in without any problem, able to claim ship and fly around, server was 7fps, i got 50 fps in lorville, but on planetary outpost i got only 30fps, sounds strange, but it works pretty good, able to travel with my corsair and do some loot and reset my keybinds (move all button is a live changer! Finally! Can't wait to try it with hadanite stored into ROC!). At the outpost I met a guy with a Reclaimer, first time I see one in game! What a show! That's thing is way more massive then I thought! I avoided at all to change my ship paint due to losing stuff bug, I never used my pledged 325a after wipe, but it result to be with out any of the customisation I pledged on the website, don't know if it is a known issue.. after all i was lucky to have some fun, hope you'll be able soon to play (talking to players locked out from the game) see you in the verse! o7
Did you bed log ? If so change character gender a few times and play your bed-logged ship in arena commander multiplayer for about 5 min. AC forces the game to replace your ship and character modification forces the game to re-generate your avatar. Works sometimes but not all.
For anyone still not able to login give this a try. I have been locked out since Fri and today even after installing the patch I was unable to get in. Wanting to play I decided I would go into just play royal and while it would not let me in, when I went back to the loading screen it had another update and after that I got in and have never had a smoother game play experience. hope that works for others!
It's probably cuz I'm a noob (3 months of play minus 3.18 drama) but I tried 2 bounty missions today and I could not find my assignment! I thought before 3.18 you basically just fly to there last known location and presto! They would engage you. Not so now.
I still can’t get in the game. 30018 error, unstowed character, melted all extra gear, crashed at prison release on the elevator to Everest in Harbor. I have submitted a ticket every morning for two weeks asking for help. Nothing yet.
I meet a white knight yesterday, saying that people where ungrateful and that he hasnt experience a single issue since 3.18, he even said the reclaimer is bug free but players dont know how to use it 😅🤣 Man the SC community can be fun AF!
for me its not working at all . nvm this game is anyway the biggest scam ever exist in video games . 10 years of development half billion dollar and you get after 10 years nothing than wipes and bugs .
I got on, couldnt claim my ship still and got off. Just gonna wait until the next update again lol
Yesterday I tried my very first log in after the 3.18 drop, get 19k error two times, but third try was the good one! I got in, able to create a character and spawn in lorville, tried ASOP, worked with a little latency but worked! Server was about 12 fps, i got 30/45 fps in Lorville. Ended the session. Tonight I tried again, logged in without any problem, able to claim ship and fly around, server was 7fps, i got 50 fps in lorville, but on planetary outpost i got only 30fps, sounds strange, but it works pretty good, able to travel with my corsair and do some loot and reset my keybinds (move all button is a live changer! Finally! Can't wait to try it with hadanite stored into ROC!). At the outpost I met a guy with a Reclaimer, first time I see one in game! What a show! That's thing is way more massive then I thought! I avoided at all to change my ship paint due to losing stuff bug, I never used my pledged 325a after wipe, but it result to be with out any of the customisation I pledged on the website, don't know if it is a known issue.. after all i was lucky to have some fun, hope you'll be able soon to play (talking to players locked out from the game) see you in the verse! o7
At 3:00, I’m surprised you got that bounty to exit the asteroid. For me, the guy usually hits the wall from the inside, then blows up.
keybind for landing request changed to Alt-N in 3.18 live. That might have been why that didn't work...
I get an infinite loading screeeeeeeen
Did you bed log ? If so change character gender a few times and play your bed-logged ship in arena commander multiplayer for about 5 min. AC forces the game to replace your ship and character modification forces the game to re-generate your avatar. Works sometimes but not all.
For anyone still not able to login give this a try. I have been locked out since Fri and today even after installing the patch I was unable to get in. Wanting to play I decided I would go into just play royal and while it would not let me in, when I went back to the loading screen it had another update and after that I got in and have never had a smoother game play experience. hope that works for others!
It's probably cuz I'm a noob (3 months of play minus 3.18 drama) but I tried 2 bounty missions today and I could not find my assignment! I thought before 3.18 you basically just fly to there last known location and presto! They would engage you. Not so now.
Was working fine for me earlier, but now my ships aren’t spawning again just empty markers on the pad
I still can’t get in the game. 30018 error, unstowed character, melted all extra gear, crashed at prison release on the elevator to Everest in Harbor. I have submitted a ticket every morning for two weeks asking for help. Nothing yet.
Is it any better now? Asking cuz this video is a month old now
I meet a white knight yesterday, saying that people where ungrateful and that he hasnt experience a single issue since 3.18, he even said the reclaimer is bug free but players dont know how to use it 😅🤣
Man the SC community can be fun AF!
I could finally play normally without major issues since the hotfix.
Keep fixing and we will have a great days in space once again!
Friday 24th 4am UK. Nothing works and everything remains in a very poor state. They don't seem to be fixing anything.
I do enjoy bounties (when things are working) in this update. no spoilers but.. try to loot the dead pilots bodies if you can find them!
are u playing on keyboard and mouse
How are dealing this much damage is that a default arrow?
I have attrition repeaters on it. Arrow has one of the highest DPS for light fighters and these are low level npc bounties
@@AverageArdvark oh wow thanks for the info. Must have been a real pain in the butt to get those with all those buggy shop interfaces right now
@@illuminant777XtX yeah it took a couple tries but here we are lol
I wouldn't give it a c plus. D- at best. Bout 20% of the time it works half as well as 3.17.5
do you play HOSAM or MNK ?
Glad it worked for you.
I can no longer get in now due to player unstowed 😂
But 3.18.1 is live for evocati so hopefully that drops soon.
Try a arena commander game, after you load into the cockpit quit and try the pu again, thats how I fixed player unstowed
you could also try getting into Star Marine. Get killed, respawn, quit. Worked for me and a bunch of others last night.
@@popularnhandsome I got in after a couple of regular attempts.
Servers where probably overloaded again yesterday after news of the hotfix came out.
Is that ship equiped with stock weapons ?
Attrition repeaters
@@AverageArdvark Ah ok, so when I change the loadout it just keeps disappearing...
I have had the player unstowed (30018) for last 11 days now........ 😅😂😂🎉
You’re not trying hard enough to get back in. There’s many ways
I still cannot login as I still have Player Unstowed status, going on now for two weeks
Get into Star Marine. Get killed, respawn, quit. That'll stow your player. Worked for me and a bunch of others last night.
Ha who needs that racket
counter measures often dont work
CIG is clueless 😡
salvage is broken , infinity loading screen, asop's work :/
Nope 30009 still.
for me its not working at all . nvm this game is anyway the biggest scam ever exist in video games . 10 years of development half billion dollar and you get after 10 years nothing than wipes and bugs .
No....I still cant log in...
worst patch in history!