A Reason for My Hope Within: The Moral Law

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • This is a brief poetic presentation of some of the most moving reasons to believe that God is the only reliable foundation for objective moral values. Presented by Wes Hardin at Woodland Community Church in Bradenton, FL. See full text below.
    “A Reason for My Hope Within: The Moral Law" by Wesley Hardin, Copyright 2024.
    So, you’re asking me to give you a reason for my hope within?
    Where do I begin?
    Well, I think a very good place to start
    is the evidence from Right and Wrong,
    The Moral Law written on the heart.
    Tell me, do you believe some deeds are truly evil?
    and others are good?
    That there are some things
    we absolutely ought never, ever do…
    and other things we all should?
    Not just socially accepted norms or customs
    like every country and culture’s got,
    but objective, universal rules
    of thou shalt and thou shalt not?
    Look, I get it.
    We are living in a crazy time!
    You watch the news and read the feeds online
    And it's like everyone’s literally losing their minds
    On some kind of audacious relentless mission
    to try and redefine…everything!
    I mean so much of what I always thought
    about the way things should always be…is just not.
    And sometimes,
    after listening to what the influencers say,
    the black and white seems to sort of fade to gray
    And it’s hard to know exactly what to do
    or whose side to take
    Because everyone’s saying something different,
    and you can't tell the real news from the fake!
    Can somebody please just steer me straight?
    What on Earth is going on?
    For Heaven's sake!
    But then,
    Then there are these moments
    when I listen with my heart and it's so easy to hear
    the background noise fade away
    and the voice of Truth speaking crystal clear,
    Obvious and plain, no more to figure out.
    Now here are some things I know to be true
    beyond the shadow of a doubt!
    It is Good to do to others
    as you’d have them do to you,
    And to love your neighbor
    just as much as you love yourself, too!
    It's Blessed to seek peace
    with every person you meet,
    To be grateful for all you're given,
    and cheerfully give to orphans, widows,
    and those in need.
    You Should be the father your kids deserve,
    And honor your own parents,
    even when they do get on your nerves!
    We Ought to be honest,
    don't tell or live a lie,
    And that includes the vow to be faithful
    for better and for worse your entire life!
    And we all know it is Wrong to be racist
    or discriminate,
    to be prejudiced
    or speak hate.
    And when Freedom and Justice for All is threatened,
    it's right to rise up
    and take a stand for Goodness sake!
    But why?
    If there's no God, then all things are permitted,
    and then it's just might makes right
    in the fight of the survival of the fittest!
    But do you really think the conscience
    is just an accident of evolution?
    I’m sorry, but the drive to survive and reproduce
    is NOT a satisfying solution!
    Think about it!
    What do your selfish genes profit
    by laying down your life for your friends?
    Or staying loyal to just one mate
    all the way to the very end?
    It doesn't add up!
    And neither does morality based on majority rules
    because sometimes the majority is a group of Nazis
    or some other crowd of wicked fools!
    Don't you see?
    We're all fallen sons of Adam
    and daughters of Eve!
    And we're all made in God's image
    with the same built-in ability to perceive
    There are Holy, Divine Commands
    That apply to all women and every single man!
    True for YOU
    Regardless of orientation, age, gender, ethnicity, or race!
    True for YOU
    No matter what your personal preference, opinion, or taste!
    And His Law teaches us
    the most important lesson we can ever learn…
    That no matter how hard we work,
    salvation is not something we could ever earn!
    You see,
    the cost for sin is death.
    And we can't afford to pay that price!
    But the free gift of God is forgiveness
    and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ!
    All you have to do is believe it.
    Come as you are,
    Confess your sins and receive it.
    And this Hope will be yours!
    Lyrics composed by Wesley Hardin, MA, PA-C
    Background Music: "The Adam Project" by Rob Simonsen
    Wesley Hardin earned a Masters Degree in Christian Theology from Wheaton College and a Masters Degree in medicine from Wayne State University. He taught middle school and high school science in inner-city Chicago and Detroit for 6 years, and then went on to become a Physician Assistant and has practiced as a medical provider in Family Medicine for the past 13 years. He has had a lifelong passion for Christian Apologetics, which is giving a rational defense for the Truth of Christianity. He started Meaningful Science to help people to practice real science with real faith. Check out meaningfulscience.com for more info!

Комментарии • 2

  • @Karenmusic509
    @Karenmusic509 13 дней назад +1

    Wow Wes! That is incredibly powerful and well spoken! Hope from Within offers such great insight! Definitely love it and so worth listening. I will share this with others