No Luck With The Ladies? Change This!

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 168

  • @RealMenRealStyle
    @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад +6

    🔴 Go to for a FREE online visit, and if approved get $15 off your first order of ED treatment plus FREE two-day shipping. Thanks Roman for sponsoring this video!
    ➡видео.html - Click here to watch Modern Dating Ruined? 7 INFURIATING Double Standards Men Deal With!
    👉 - Click here to read the article 5 Signs She’s Into You (Female Body Language Explained)

  • @oxysoxos
    @oxysoxos 2 года назад +77

    Antonio is like a dad giving advise to young men who never had that kind of dad.

    • @voltage80x
      @voltage80x 2 года назад +2

      @@mihangelap-williams9871 known to some, not to all.

  • @alandormire4587
    @alandormire4587 2 года назад +40

    Admittedly, I am not in the dating pool being in an extremely long term relationship of 40 years, and yes, I know the world has changed, but here is my best advice. Get yourself right first. Take that as you want: body, intellect, attitude, style. Then get out there socially, church, school, social organizations and participate. If you are active there, women will notice, and you have the added incentive that the women you meet there will share interests and values with you. Note I did not say the bar, the gym or the internet. While I know couples that have met in all three of those places and have long term relationships, most of the solid relationships I have seen have met in social situations.

    • @garmtpug
      @garmtpug 2 года назад +1

      @@albertbernardcontreras2241 Oh, it does sound like you've got a whole lot of negativity when it comes to relationships. It certainly is not true that EVERY woman is about money or taking a man to the cleaners. Many women today are financially more cognizant and secure.
      And I really don't think that whatever you are calling "many features" are that important to most women. There are a myriad of things that matter much more in a relationship and to most women. It sounds like you were burned a few times, but as this video says, you aren't beaten, you've just learned something. :-)

    • @alandormire4587
      @alandormire4587 2 года назад

      @@shawnmendrek3544 Thank you

    • @garmtpug
      @garmtpug 2 года назад

      @@shawnmendrek3544 Quite true.

  • @RogerSingh-o7o
    @RogerSingh-o7o Год назад +1

    I started watching your videos about three months ago, took your advice, started an exercise routine, lost 25 pounds in less than 90 days. Changed diet, bought new wardrobe, and had some of my suits and sports jackets tailored to fit better, even bought some belts your recommended. I probably watch one of your videos nightly, much appreciated, keep up the great job.

  • @Firesword534
    @Firesword534 2 года назад +23

    Don't be afraid to be your authentic self. In my teenage years and early adulthood I had, not a lot, but some anxiety that I'd be seen as the nerdy dorky kind of guy who always finds himself in the friendzone. Fast forward to my mid-twenties and I finally felt confident enough in myself to forget about those kinds of hang ups and just be me. When I met my wife one of the biggest things that attracted me to her and her to me was how easy it was to talk to her by just being the same kind of guy I was around her that I was with my other buddies. I don't say that as a way to condone any sort of negative behaviors that need to be worked on, by the way. Point is know who you are, don't play games or try to be something you're not.

    • @RealMenRealStyle
      @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад +5

      Exactly! Confidence is the key and just be yourself.

    • @JohnSmith-kq2ff
      @JohnSmith-kq2ff 2 года назад

      Good call! As a 55 YO man I no longer have to pretend that I'm interested in a bunch of boring cunts. when I was a young man I played that game of pretending to be interested in their bullshit lives and endless yammering because I did not have the confidence to call them out on how BORING they were. Thank GOD that when you get to a certain age you can be honest with yourself and thus cut out those boring twats from your life.

  • @isaiahsanchevy9252
    @isaiahsanchevy9252 2 года назад +4

    I was a depressed pothead who had very little luck with women. I quit my awful gas station job where I'd worked late night shifts for 5 years and made a commitment to quit pot. Two months after I started my new job at a grocery store (where I work normal, human shits) I met a Starbucks barista who has made my life wonderful for over a year now. I hope it lasts, and I think it will. My advice is to make sure you're doing whatever you can to move forward in life. Doing that will take you to new places where you will meet new people, some of them new friends, some of them women, and some of them women who will notice you.

  • @jakefang9782
    @jakefang9782 2 года назад +3

    I used to be anxious, depressed, and unemployed. A few years later today, I got my degree, got a career as a real estate agent (although it has nothing to do with my degree 😅), changed my style, constantly going to the gym and always remind myself to be polite, respectful and well mannered. Now I’m feeling 100X more confident than before.

  • @sebsebsebbbb8390
    @sebsebsebbbb8390 2 года назад +1

    Guys im sure youve heard this countless times. But go to the gym
    Im not talking about cardio or boxing or any martial art. Lift weights. Learn and study first on how to build muscle.
    Im 5’10 and ysed to weigh 217, i hated myself and it killed my confidence, so i had to do something. I dieted (purely diet no exercise) for a couple months and dropped down to 135. At first i was happy, but then i looked at myself and still had issus with my body.
    Then i found the gym, i built muscle, im a 160 something right now (lean). It has helped me more than i ever thought it would, physically and mentally.

  • @ajstyyled4560
    @ajstyyled4560 2 года назад +19

    I gave up on dating years ago, so what do I know, but taking care of you’re self seems to be the key. I know in the last year, I went from 320lbs to about 240, and also went from jeans, Super hero shirts and running shoes, to suits. I went from 0 attention from women to pretty consistent. Sometimes the attention I get is actually a little off putting. You just can’t expect someone to pay more attention to yourself than you do…

    • @RealMenRealStyle
      @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад +4

      Congratulations on the weight loss AJ! And I agree focus on yourself.

  • @tabiripetrovich517
    @tabiripetrovich517 8 месяцев назад

    So many young men out there, who need to hear this.
    Thank you Antonio for making these videos

  • @ignitionfrn2223
    @ignitionfrn2223 9 месяцев назад +1

    A quote on risk : *to conquer without danger, is to triumph without glory*

  • @blzz42
    @blzz42 2 года назад +31

    Some advice that I would pass on:
    1. exercise, it’ll make you feel better. Do it for yourself and others will notice.
    2. I know this shouldn’t have to be said but dedicate to daily personal hygiene. Many people may not realize this but woman have very good noses. Shower, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, etc. put in some effort and it won’t go unnoticed.
    3. Eye contact, be direct and receptive in your demeanor. If you want to improve your relationships with other people, you have to make them feel like you care about what they have to say, even if you really don’t. It’s a massive improvement on your body language if you can be present in the moment. Also be more expressive with your facial movements (smile, eyebrows, etc.)… you may think your smiling but nobody can even tell.
    4. This may be the most important tip, don’t try too hard. For example, Dressing up too much, wearing too much fragrance, being too ready and willing to give others your time, talking too much, etc. it just comes off as creepy and desperate. The key to communication is remembering that it’s a participatory activity, it’s not all about you. Show the willingness to give others the spotlight, not interrupting them while they speak, fully listening to what they have to say, avoid talking about yourself, showing off, or bragging... if nobody asked then they most likely do not care, and even if they do ask, they probably still don’t care. it’s really like a game of catch, it requires two people, and each person has to be given an opportunity to participate; nobody really cares about your batting average or your fast ball unless your actually playing the game. It shows that you are conscientious, patient, thoughtful, self-aware, and confident in your own ability to not require recognition or attention from others constantly... Woman themselves admit that a good balance of the ‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ makes them obsessed. If you are direct, and outgoing when you first introduce yourself, but then suddenly appear to lose interest, women see more of a challenge in you. You will appear to be more ‘high-value’, and they will feel the need to earn your attention. Of course you have to find the right balance with this, it’s tricky but done correctly this can be a powerful tool.
    5. Last but not least, don’t shirk away from responsibility. I know, nobody likes to work, and I get it, I’m right there with you. Nobody wants to be there, but one thing people hate more than anything is a person who makes everything harder than it has to be. Don’t run away and hide from responsibility, confront it head on, bear your burden and don’t complain. We know it sucks but the world sucks, so it’s time you grow up and stop making it worse. Be the person who steps up to the occasion, to lift your feet and carry your own weight, to confront issues head on, and to get it done quickly without being a whiny loser. Make the world around you a better place, or at least prevent it from getting worse than it has to be. Woman are subconsciously attracted to men who can solve problems, take responsibility on forthrightly, and bear a heavy load. It’s a sign that you aren’t afraid of commitment, and that you can take charge, be resourceful and solve issues on your own without needing someone to hold your hand the entire time. And yeah I already know what your thinking, but my job sucks, you can’t understand the bs I go through, right? Well I had to bag garbages and clean shit off toilets for four years before I finished college. Everybody deals with their own bs, and life isn’t fair. Everybody is miserable inside when they have to do things they don’t want to do. But It’s not about where you are, it’s about where you are going. Everybody starts somewhere, think of every interaction like an opportunity instead of an obstacle. Make the best of what you have and more will be given to you, make the worst of it and everything you do have will be taken… it seems small but things will improve tremendously if you do this. Just remember, you are not alone. Like you, everybody suffers, everybody deals with loneliness, depression, etc. being itself is a tragedy, but it’s all in how you respond to that pain that determines how your story unfolds. You are both the hero and the antagonist of your own story, and only you can decide which one you become.
    If you are reading this I hope this helps you find meaning in your life. I started this journey from rock bottom and I am still struggling up hill. It’s hard to orient yourself in a world that pulls you in so many directions and demands so much from you. I can relate to those feelings of loneliness, meaninglessness, and hopelessness because I was once you. Nobody ever walked the mile without first taking small steps, and its only those willing to travel the distance who make it to the destination.
    “Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”
    - Alexis Carrel
    “Every great man is an actor of his own ideal.”
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
    As Shakespeare famously wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his lifetime plays many parts.”

    • @RealMenRealStyle
      @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад +3

      Solid points here!

    • @blzz42
      @blzz42 2 года назад +3

      @@albertbernardcontreras2241 I think you brought up an important point. Everybody’s situation differs slightly, and there are layers of complexity and nuance that need to be considered for every individual’s circumstance. I myself am still struggling uphill, and I don’t have all the answers. But in general, I believe strongly that you should never despair and lose hope…
      For reference, Abraham lived with his father until he was 75 years old. He ventures into the land of the stranger only to encounter tyranny, starvation, malevolence, war, etc. everything he faces is catastrophic and would be enough reason for anyone to give up. he faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles on his journey; but he pushes on despite that, and eventually he makes a place for himself and becomes regarded as ‘the father of many nations’… psychologically speaking, the moral of the story is: if nothing else seems to be working for you, then try something new. Answer that call to adventure, leave behind what you do know to take that risk and journey beyond the safety of the known into the unknown, into the land of the stranger; and although your journey will be faced with many struggles, and although you may stumble many times on your way; don’t lose faith, because the voluntary confrontation with that unknown, with novelty, will inevitably lead you to where you need to go. I may not quite understand the nuances to your particular situation, but do know that you are not alone. If what your looking for hasn’t yet been found in the places you’ve searched, then it might be best to venture into places you haven’t yet explored.
      Like Sisyphus rolling his boulder uphill only to have it tumble back down again before reaching the top, it’s that eternal struggle of getting back up when you fail and trying again that characterizes mankind’s eternal struggle. As Albert Camus once stated,“one must imagine Sisyphus happy, as The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.” Or In the book, the philosophy of recursive thinking, German author Manfred Kopfer suggests that ‘everytime Sisyphus reaches the top of the mountain, he breaks off a small stone from the mountain and carries it down to the lowest point; this way, the mountain will eventually be leveled and the stone cannot roll down anymore’... In this interpretation, the God’s punishment of Sisyphus is actually a test for him to prove his worthiness of ‘godlike’ status… if Sisyphus proves capable of moving a mountain, he will be granted to do what otherwise only gods were entitled to. Don’t lose hope, and everytime you stumble, everytime you almost reach the top and your boulder falls back to the bottom, take a small piece of that mountain with you; take something away from that experience and use it as a learning opportunity. As Thomas Edison once stated, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work. [..] to invent you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”
      “For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” - Mathew 17:20
      I know I can get really abstract and philosophical in the way I say things, but I believe things like this are easier expressed when put into a narrative context. You are the hero of your own story, and when you face the insurmountable unknown, when you find yourself in the land of the stranger, when you confront the dragon of chaos, when you do that voluntarily and forthrightly; what you find is something within yourself capable of transcending that and overcoming. You are tougher and more capable than you give yourself credit for, and there is something incredibly endearing and intrinsically redeeming in that. It means there is always something more to strive towards, a star you can set your sights on, and have faith in the process. I really hope this helps you even if just a little. May we both continue our struggle in pursuit of meaning, knowing that we are not alone in this journey. Never give in to the temptation of despair and hopelessness, have faith in your ability to transform and make yourself into who you want to become.

    • @JohnSmith-kq2ff
      @JohnSmith-kq2ff 2 года назад +1

      " If you want to improve your relationships with other people, you have to make them feel like you care about what they have to say, even if you really don’t."
      Why would I want to improve my "relationship" with somebody I don't actually give a crap about? After all, if you don't care about what they have to say, then you clearly don't care about them.

    • @oceanhedonist265
      @oceanhedonist265 2 года назад

      Don't give up your day job! 🤣

    • @juancarlosrodriguez6402
      @juancarlosrodriguez6402 2 года назад

      Great points but point 3 sounds very false and risky. When people realizes that you aren´t honest they will not confront you. And maybe you dont realizes about that. But if it works for you, no problem at all. But I totally agree with the second part of the point. Many of us are completely analphabets in terms of not verbal communication and we should practice and improve that.

  • @tgbayesola
    @tgbayesola 2 года назад +33

    Just trying to change my lifestyle. Felt the thing holding me back was the fear of rejection and not getting the same level of attraction I've back.
    Thanks for the Video.

    • @RealMenRealStyle
      @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад +4

      Love that!

    • @Lo-to7zh
      @Lo-to7zh 2 года назад

      Always the same generic advice... Dating coaches are brainwashing you to make money !Dating advice can be amazing but it will very hardly work without the right physical appearance.
      I have always found that dating coaches are lying about the importance of look. They will claim all you need is behavior change and financial status to get the best results. But this is not true.
      When you listen to someone’s advice always ask yourself how they make their money ...

  • @PK-7
    @PK-7 2 года назад +1

    Great insights Antonio.
    The biggest change I made was my diet. That was the starting point for me to lose weight, get in same, and develop good habits.
    It built the momentum for me to grow in confidence and engage with women in a more relaxed and fun way.
    By developing myself both internally and externally I became more confident and relaxed. I dressed better, talked better and built great relationships with men and women.

  • @Lets_go_to_Italy
    @Lets_go_to_Italy 2 года назад +18

    My girlfriend broke up with me after she cheated on me multiple times so i started hitting the gym losing a ton of weight started following this channel to dress better. Furthermore i started recognizing people for who they are and not letting them walk all over me.

  • @hunterxsimple3821
    @hunterxsimple3821 2 года назад +58

    I first misread the title as "How NOT to fall in love with women in 2022"...

  • @greggordon680
    @greggordon680 7 месяцев назад

    Body language is key , especially your own. Im an introvert and finally figured out that my body language was screaming go away

  • @IQof3.0
    @IQof3.0 2 года назад +3

    Im done with dating. When you find someone they will eventually ghost you because they will find someone that will offer them more. Thats usually money or material things.

  • @Raiden6277
    @Raiden6277 2 года назад +1

    I'm still a work in progress. Things were improving for me right before the pandemic hit, so I didn't have much practice with it. What worked best for me is to make best use of my witty statements. I've had a long history with saying witty remarks, so I tried using it in random situations. If a girls laughs or reacts positively to my remark, start the conversation proper. It's a great starter. Now I have to get the hang of maintaining contact via messaging and calls. That's the hard part because either overly invested in a conversation or as aloof as a wall. I had a date recently, and she described me as hard to read. I was genuinely enjoying her company, but I have a habit of being too quiet when I'm having a great time. Different upbringing, I guess. My friends always tell me that I'm too macho or I have too much of a strong energy around me. It was never an issue for me because that was just the normal energy in my family. This "vibe" would've been great to naturally have about 20 years ago before, but times change. I guess I might need to work on that too, or hope there are still women who like that kind of man.

  • @ianpaone2008
    @ianpaone2008 2 года назад

    Biggest realization I came to about 10 years ago, accept responsibility for your station in life. For your successes AND your failures. When you accept responsibility for your successes, you gain the confidence to keep succeeding and accepting responsibility for your failures gives you an opportunity to learn from them and continue growing.

  • @jpjp9111
    @jpjp9111 2 года назад +2

    This has nothing to do with dating however it's regarding my hair cuts.
    During mid 2020 to early 2021, I learned one of my buddies was a professional hair stylist. He was also a Russian. I traded a bottle of Costco vodka (top quality vodka for good price) for a nice hair cut.
    Basically a $60 cut for only $20 worth of vodka.

  • @Turbochargedcat
    @Turbochargedcat 2 года назад +2

    I'm 38 y.o. and i've changed my fashion,i groom way better but i was never ugly, i started working out. I don't do drugs. I nevet put women on pedestals, i have a steady good paying job, nice cars, motorcycles, i'm an interesting person to talk to cause i traveled far and wide, still my dating life is shit. I don't wanna use dating apps cause the women on there are mostly damaged and i ended up with narcissists, feminists and some questionable creatures. I can't figure out why for the life of me.

  • @botekate
    @botekate 2 года назад +4

    Thanks Antonio. If I can add to this topic:
    Be present to the moment. Be grateful for what you have in life, and who you are. That you’re alive and on this beautiful earth. Practicing this mindfulness gives you a peace and ease that will shed away anxious feelings around women (and people in general), making you act more yourself, and ultimately attract more people to you.

  • @ingvartorma9789
    @ingvartorma9789 2 года назад +9

    The best way for men to understand women and treat them with respect is to make female friends and preferably at a young age. When I went to primary school I was constantly bullied, I was lucky that I then made female friends. I had many more female friends than male, this made me mature faster than my peers. The women talked about how I would be with the women I was interested in, how to behave among women, learn to talk and listen to the woman about what she turned on and wanted when it comes to sex, to listen to women at all about what they have to say and talk about. When one of my female acquaintances was treated badly by her boyfriend or he did something they did not like, it told me not to do as their guys did. Do not raise them to the skies but treat them like ordinary women no matter how good-looking or famous the women were. Yes, I learned everything through my female friends from a young age. Thanks to these female acquaintances, I have met and hung out with photo models and celebrities, precisely because I treated them like ordinary people and not for their celebrity or beauty. I look everyday and could never become a photo model, but I mean how you behave and treat women is what is crucial. All women should be treated equally regardless of their background, status, age, skin color and so on.

  • @kletts42
    @kletts42 2 года назад +11

    One of the things I did was started to get used to and be comfortable being single. It was a kind of self confidence where I'd be fine if the woman wasn't interested.

    • @garmtpug
      @garmtpug 2 года назад

      Isn't that the truth! When I was single and just having a good time, the men were just flocking around!

  • @juanarocha8629
    @juanarocha8629 2 года назад +3

    Improving my life, meeting and surround mysself with good quality people and cutting (limiting) my interactions with those who are energy vampires or dont have the best interests for me (like I'm only friends with you because of who I get to meet through you).
    Oh yeah and just doing what interests me

  • @sheapuck
    @sheapuck 2 года назад +1

    I love how RUclips interrupts the in-video ad with two ads🙄😠

  • @walkerskii
    @walkerskii Год назад

    This was really really really really good! It's worth listening to twice.

  • @LivVirtual
    @LivVirtual 2 года назад +1

    so im here because yt recommended this to me (dont know what i was watching for the system to recommend it) and i think that what you discuss can honestly help just about anyone. but for tip #11 especially: thank you for mentioning that. i know some women like being put on pedestals or have grown accustomed to being treated as objects and have resigned themselves to it, but every woman is different since every woman is her own individual person. being put on a pedestal personally makes me feel uncomfortable. it seems unfair and deceitful to me. i know men who do things like hold the door open are just trying to be polite, but it makes me question if they do this for everyone, or if theyre just doing it to me because im a girl. i mean, i have known a guy who steps aside and holds the door open for EVERYONE, but he also willingly let people cut him in the lunch line, so he's a rarity. i start overthinking it. i know if i refuse, i'll look ungrateful: but even though im not strong, im still able-bodied enough to open a door by myself. there's this guy in my art class who helped me put my portfolio away when he saw that i was struggling to get it up onto the shelf. another time he asked if i needed help when i was having difficulty with moving my easel. i appreciated those gestures so much more than the people who step aside and hold the door open, because he was offering help for instances when i genuinely needed it.

  • @bigalcervantes5118
    @bigalcervantes5118 2 года назад

    Antonio, I started the Mike Matthew's fitness program at age 53, now I'm 65lbs lighter, 32" waist 12% bodyfat, and put on 10lbs of muscle. My next goal is to enter a masters natural physique contest next yr lol. Also, women come up to ne asking me about fitness or whatever. I even had a woman come up to me asking me to take her home and have fun lol. That's never happened to me, my confidence is thru the roof. I don't look for women, they somehow find me first lol.

  • @egobuilders415
    @egobuilders415 2 года назад

    This information is all true. I did all of this. I have a great life now.

  • @Shonan2024
    @Shonan2024 2 года назад +1

    I had a lady tell me once, "Rejection is protection, if a woman rejects you sidestepped a headache."
    That is how I look at women that tell me, No, I'm not interested.

  • @mr.ralphn
    @mr.ralphn 2 года назад +8

    Can you make a video on how to reject a girl without it backfiring, because after following rmrs, tmf, and alpha m for 4 years, a lot of girls are coming after me and I don't know what to do with them.

  • @doylemurphy152
    @doylemurphy152 2 года назад +1

    I found out here in my small town in Oklahoma that women are starved for well dress men . Go out dressed like from this channel or Gentleman Gazette. This small town wants everyone to dress like a cowboy but follow the style here or especially classic style from Gentlemen Gazette. Woman down here goes nuts here because I wear a pair of brown Johnston and Murphy dress shoes.

  • @jcronin3155
    @jcronin3155 2 года назад +3

    I can't understand the pressure men put themselves under.
    Firstly, loneliness is from being around the wrong people and not necessarily from being alone. Choose to enjoy your life......there's loads to do and enjoy besides being tied down to a woman.
    Improving fashion, diet and stuff such as that on the physical domain doesn't mean women will appear. These upgrades will only help your confidence and improve you health, but you still have to approach women because they won't approach you.
    My best advice is to improve your character - be honest, be less reactionary, be more patient and thus understanding, be an active listener and then you'll be confident and happy with youreself whatever the outcome.

    • @lindenh2014
      @lindenh2014 2 года назад +1

      I agree! Women-chasing is often a fruitless exercise and can easily be a diversion from the joys that can be experienced through hobbies and interests.

  • @juancarlosrodriguez6402
    @juancarlosrodriguez6402 2 года назад

    I am not a Valentino but I learned something: when you are looking for a new apartment or a new car you are not interested in a construction building or a prototype car, you are interested in a finished apartment and a finished car. Same goes for people. Maybe the apartment doesn´t have enough sunlight and the car doesn´t have a turbo, but is finished, take it or leave it. If you are not a finished person, from your personal issues to your outfit, you are not a matter of interest. And the other thing that I learned is that the communication is alot of discussing and arguing. Don´t get obsessed to be right. Give the other person a victory. This works with women, works in business, works in the family, works with friends. People feels good with someone who can give them a sense of victory. It is a sort of win-win relationship and people love it and feel more comfortable with you. Be challenging but not overwhelming.

  • @bodhitones23
    @bodhitones23 2 года назад

    To be honest I've never dated or been in a relationship and I'm 21 cause so self doubtful and not liking myself a whole lot and alot of it is in my head, not thinking I'm good enough, not much confidence in myself. Even though I act the complete opposite when I'm Around and with others I'm being myself like being bubbly, being interested in wanting to know how people are. But. On the inside I'm not like that, and I think this video has helped alot cause I'm not scared of being rejected it's just taking the shot. So I think I just have to let all that inside stuff go and take the risk.

  • @positive_vibes_2427
    @positive_vibes_2427 2 года назад +2

    I'm 31 and never been in a relationship, nor on a date, before

    • @aahmad341
      @aahmad341 2 года назад +1

      You seem like a brown guy like me. If you are seeking white girls, it's going to be tougher than others races. While the other rave will be a little more forgiving but the best is going to be your own race. Also, apply the tips from Antonio. He's AWESOME 👍😎

    • @davidnavarro4821
      @davidnavarro4821 2 года назад +1

      Seems 🎵🎶like I’m not alone in being alone 🎵🎶

    • @positive_vibes_2427
      @positive_vibes_2427 2 года назад

      @@davidnavarro4821 FACTS

  • @juancarlosrodriguez6402
    @juancarlosrodriguez6402 2 года назад

    In these times I think that more than fear to be rejected is the fear to be sued. I don´t like to work with women for that reason. Because any attitude, gesture or word can lead to an awful misunderstanding many guys now stand back and wait for that "green light" that may never turns on. The actual harassmentphobia is limiting the places for social interaction with women.

  • @aaronlang686
    @aaronlang686 2 года назад +1

    This is a great video. Thank you, Antonio. I needed to see/hear this.

  • @lordlucan7655
    @lordlucan7655 2 года назад +1

    I get approached by women all the time .. the only problem is it always is for “ help” fixing stuff .. my washing machine won’t work / my car won’t start / my grass needs cutting etc etc .. great to get a foot in the door until I always find out they have “ a boyfriend” who can’t do stuff .. great just great !!!!
    My advice is “ sorry I am busy “

  • @richardpauly1635
    @richardpauly1635 2 года назад +3

    Also having the right colonge I like that you help us with that.

  • @waynejones2885
    @waynejones2885 2 года назад +2

    The not the right time for her remark is true but if a guy has patience it’s worth it that woman will come to you when she’s ready and if she thinks you’re it. My wife Wasn’t ready three times because she had stuff going on and on the fourth though we had it off and I’ve been married for seven years

  • @mytwocentsworth2480
    @mytwocentsworth2480 2 года назад +2

    The only person you should be comparing yourself with is the person you were yesterday.

  • @admiralkeelhauled42
    @admiralkeelhauled42 2 года назад +2

    It’s hard to take your shot when your magazine is empty

  • @REALflat1
    @REALflat1 2 года назад

    "The only winning move is not to play"

  • @cloudconnected1476
    @cloudconnected1476 2 года назад

    Well my personal opinion is that core and goal of modern relationships is not defined (yet). What do I mean by that?
    Time varies from country to country, but only 3-4 generations ago (80+ years) people were finding mate by arranged marriages. Parents find you suitable mate and they marry you off. After WW2 , people said "okay we want more freedom and liberty and romance in our love life, we gonna find mates ourselves". So people started going out and dating whomever they prefer in order to test how the relationship is working out for them and if they are decent match, they marry.
    However today young people don't know what they are doing and WHY, with no purpose or goal. How many people in their 20s are dating with goal to be married? They just entered relationship without goal. Being friends with benefits or being in relationship purely to satisfy natural urges is okay, but people often don't clarify that in the beginning and that's what leads to mass confusion.
    P.S. The book above Antonio's right shoulder 1:01 is in colours of my country (Serbia) red-blue-white. Do you read about Serbia or it's something else? Thank You

  • @ACMR6297
    @ACMR6297 2 года назад +1

    Antonio, given how widespread being a "simp" is, I don't think men having high standards is a thing :V I think not for the most of us.

  • @Lo-to7zh
    @Lo-to7zh 2 года назад +3

    The main problems with you not dating might be your height , facial features and ethnicity. You can go gym do nice haircut but this can’t make an ugly face beautiful... These dating coaches are real gaslighter ...
    He is advising on get advice from the best looking guy but this is ridiculous everyone is different...

  • @zlatan9672
    @zlatan9672 2 года назад

    Very helpful tips.Thanks sir 😄

  • @tvblue3010
    @tvblue3010 2 года назад

    These changes can be done.

  • @KMReviews
    @KMReviews 2 года назад

    Take risks lol. I asked out a girl at the salon I went to and was banned because they don’t want their employees being asked out lol.

  • @danevans2397
    @danevans2397 2 года назад

  • @ooofooof4095
    @ooofooof4095 2 года назад +2

    Another great video idea 👏

  • @farkinarkin5099
    @farkinarkin5099 2 года назад +2

    LOL. Can't change my height ---- and that is the problem 100% of the time.

    • @RealMenRealStyle
      @RealMenRealStyle  2 года назад

      How do you deal with this?

    • @p.j._staten
      @p.j._staten Год назад

      No, but you can change your mentality and mindset from negative to positive

    • @farkinarkin5099
      @farkinarkin5099 Год назад

      @@RealMenRealStyle I deal with it like how I deal with most problems:
      __1__ *Change what you can change starting with the man in the mirror:* That means getting the broad shoulders, veiny forearms, great butt and legs… stuff that that ladies love to see. That means getting that better income and building assets. That means dressing well (which you channel is great for). That means you conduct yourself with class.
      = = = = =
      __2__ *Never let naysayers discourage you:* There are plenty of people that do nothing more than label someone a Napoleon or “negative” when you mention heightism. This is all part of how prejudices like heightism are nurtured in society --- it is a form of bullying --- and people should never bow to bullying.
      = = = = =
      __3__ *Recognize, that as a man, people expect you to be mentally tough:* Yes, vvomen “sh1t test” you all the time. Just realize that, on average, and probably in practically all cases, they cannot match your level of spiritual resilience. Believe in your power. VVomen can sense it.
      = = = = =
      Shoes… always pay attention to them. ;-)
      = = = = =
      = = = = =
      (Sorry for the much delayed response, you inquiry did not show up on my feed).


    • @farkinarkin5099
      @farkinarkin5099 Год назад

      @@p.j._staten ……………No, but you can change your mentality and mindset from negative to positive………….
      The problems with that statement are:
      __1__ It implies that one has a “negative” mentality and mindset for simply delivering the truth of the matter. In many cases, that is just a passive aggressive way of denigrating someone for daring to mention a socially engineered prejudice. The litmus test for such comments is to replace “heightism” with s3xism or r4c1sm. If it sounds rather callous or just “blaming the victim”, then it is likely that.
      Example, should we say to a person who doesn’t get a chance at a job because of their ethnicity, “Hey, you should just change your mindset from negative to positive”? How about, a vvoman being treated unfairly for being female? “Hey, you should just change your mindset from negative to positive”.
      *There is no way those comments would not come off as nothing more than being dismissive.*
      = = = = =
      __2__ No shorter-than-average man’s “mindset” is the cause of a dating profile that states, “no one under 6 feet, hee hee, I like to wear heels”. Sorry, but it is the mindset of those that hold a prejudice that has to change --- and those that aid and abet the mindset by discouraging those that call it out.
      = = = = =

  • @1491Alan
    @1491Alan 2 года назад

    Tip 10 and tip 11 great way to get friend zoned!

  • @Saber23
    @Saber23 2 года назад

    Yeah I’m gonna have to disagree with being “friends” with women that’s not something we do where I’m from

  • @javierdiazsantana
    @javierdiazsantana 2 года назад

    Wished it was as simple as the 1950's. You go visit the father in law and ask for the lady's hand. If you had a certain image, presence and most importantly, a certain job or economic wealth, nobody would say a thing if you walked out their house with the girl. The reputation of the guy wouldn't have mattered at all either. I hate dating in 2K22

  • @nsikakabasiawak9866
    @nsikakabasiawak9866 2 года назад +1

    Mad o 🤸🏾‍♂️

  • @spacemooseable
    @spacemooseable 2 года назад

    If you're not catching the fish, you're at the wrong fishing hole. Never undervalue a good truck stop.

  • @dlw3m
    @dlw3m 2 года назад +1

    I became a multimillionaire. That made TONS of difference in my dating..

  • @drjohnsonhungwell5115
    @drjohnsonhungwell5115 2 года назад

    A game you lose even if you win

  • @leonardo7606
    @leonardo7606 2 года назад +1

    Man, advise what to wear with a raglan coat?

  • @michaelperez5822
    @michaelperez5822 2 года назад

    I still am failing need some Air Support Sir Mr

  • @Karabo4344
    @Karabo4344 2 года назад

    Getting hobbies is a great way to attract women

  • @frankcicero4444
    @frankcicero4444 Год назад

    Suggestions from a older man : If you dont know how to smile dont be self employed and meeting women is a self employed job . Don't be a dick , be interested in other people , laugh at yourself be yourself, lay back give room and know when to lean in . Invest in yourself , smell good , look good , be good .

  • @gokulbasnet1216
    @gokulbasnet1216 2 года назад

    Good one antonio ❤️

  • @redspice3230
    @redspice3230 2 года назад

    I started talking to any girl I found attractive. I would immediately ignore that nervous voice in my head and just go for it

  • @jonblablabla1014
    @jonblablabla1014 2 года назад

    I think I have EOD
    Erectile overly functions

  • @dedeborya9015
    @dedeborya9015 2 года назад +1

    My Change - I left the country. I brushed off the language that I learned for the military (Russian) and I left in 2010.
    Life is completely different overseas. I just went to coffee shop and the Barista & Shop manager (Sisters) gave me their number and invited me to their place.
    Never in America. The Yankees - they will not even say hello to me - much less invite you over to their house for brunch on first sight.
    Never coming back to the States. Ever.

  • @Danielblixareed
    @Danielblixareed Год назад

    Solution guys- stay single and work on your goals and your dreams, and let the women focus on themselves and their dreams. We all die alone at the end of the day! Everyone is single.

  • @KBowWow75
    @KBowWow75 2 года назад

    Glad I didn't take my risk. I found out she had a boyfriend.

  • @claylippert7203
    @claylippert7203 2 года назад +1

    Started waking up at 5:30 and doing calisthenics, eating better, started boxing, quit playing video games, stopped going to be after 11:30, and being more social at school. Still don’t have a girlfriend but that’s okay with me. I’m overall more optimistic and feel much healthier.

    • @joeydion8329
      @joeydion8329 2 года назад

      That’s how it’s done gotta be happy with yourself first

  • @SkuzzelB8
    @SkuzzelB8 2 года назад

    Look... I'm a male... I love my other male friends. We do everything together, we think the same way, we have the same tastes. We enjoy the same activities. We can live together and are probably able to stay together for years. The only thing missing from the relationship is intimacy. Which is pretty obvious why its not there! 🙄
    Simply put, if your a guy, who's single, and you enjoy spending your time with other women, and thats all, you have a screw loose. And so do the women your hanging around. 🤪

  • @Hucker_wq
    @Hucker_wq 2 года назад

    Thank god i found my girl 😂😂

  • @captnhuffy
    @captnhuffy 2 года назад

    Approach, but NEVER take risks. The legal ramifications may last the rest of your life. MGTOW means never committing.

  • @lorenzomedina6220
    @lorenzomedina6220 2 года назад

    10:47-11:00 Simp & Simpanzee comment
    contributors !

  • @petey75nyc
    @petey75nyc 2 года назад

    I stopped gaf!

  • @martinXY
    @martinXY 2 года назад

    0:55 What? What did I do? Can't I just watch TV for a while?

  • @w4447
    @w4447 2 года назад +1

    Guys if you can't see your feet when you look down it's time for a gym membership.Stop looking to date and it happens. There are over 7 billion people in this world and over half are women. Your the prize not her.

  • @grosesful
    @grosesful 2 года назад

    The thing about seeing women as normal people actually works, since i implanted that way of thinking in my head i actually got a female friend and we became close friend's not gf and bf but im still satisfied with that. The only thing i can't get rid of (or I'm not sure if i want to) is that when a girl is looking at me for a long time i can't help but smile :D

    • @garmtpug
      @garmtpug 2 года назад +1

      I think that's really cute. (I'm a female btw.) It's always nice to give and receive a smile. If she's looking at you for a long time, she's interested in something about you.

  • @jasonrocksvegas
    @jasonrocksvegas 2 года назад

    Let me take a wild guess before watching this. Hit the gym and make 6 figures 😆

  • @justicekiabe9408
    @justicekiabe9408 2 года назад


  • @rk-ve6jy
    @rk-ve6jy 2 года назад +2

    Fuk getting friendzoned

    • @MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou
      @MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou 2 года назад +3

      "Frienzoned" isn't a thing. You're not entitled to anybody's romantic interest. You're literally complaining about someone who isn't attracted to you being your friend. 🙄

    • @alaskanwhiskey
      @alaskanwhiskey 2 года назад

      Facts I'd never be friends with a women. Recreational use only.

    • @rk-ve6jy
      @rk-ve6jy 2 года назад

      @@MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou It is a thing. Maybe not to you. Thank god I got rid of all those btches out of my life. Life is so peaceful now.

    • @MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou
      @MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou 2 года назад

      @@alaskanwhiskey Sounds like you've got some issues to work out. Women are just people. Not every interaction with them has to be about love or sex.

  • @thomasmorrison675
    @thomasmorrison675 2 года назад

    Nice picture over your left shoulder.

  • @qegvW3H
    @qegvW3H 2 года назад

    1. Dressing well, good clean hygiene
    2. going to the gym, staying in lean shape,
    3. learning to be charismatic, learning how to tell a story (from life experience) and interesting person, have a game
    4. having a good career "status". earning more money
    5. body language, be authentic
    6. be adventurous & spontaneous
    7. date nonmonogamy (spin plates) to get more experience with interaction to the opposite gender
    that work's for me

  • @missingremote4388
    @missingremote4388 2 года назад +1

    Say Saint Anthony

  • @bigallabowski8235
    @bigallabowski8235 2 года назад

    Lowered my standards. Bad advice. You will always get what you feel you are worth. If you want and are worthy of that dime piece, go get her. It might take a while, but you can bang all the 7s 8s and 9s in the process. Great experience.

  • @mikenikolovski8792
    @mikenikolovski8792 2 года назад

    I still have no luck with missy

  • @05carsm
    @05carsm 2 года назад

    reddit kills it

  • @positivelynegative9149
    @positivelynegative9149 2 года назад

    Why do I watch this channel? 🤔
    I dont live in that world. 🤦‍♂️

  • @eden4949
    @eden4949 Год назад

    Don't take dating advise from women.
    Would you ask a fish on how to catch a fish?

  • @Kickback-dm7zt
    @Kickback-dm7zt 2 года назад

    And this is why I DON'T date.

  • @fb7876
    @fb7876 9 месяцев назад

    One of the very few videos which contain some nonsense here and there

  • @TuneinR
    @TuneinR 2 года назад

    Why all this pressure on men.I don't talk to women unless i need a service delivered.

  • @LiquidfirePUA
    @LiquidfirePUA 2 года назад

    What i changed was to learn game, red pill, and lots of reference experience

  • @jackripper4433
    @jackripper4433 2 года назад +1

    cause ya need god

  • @Storytelling35
    @Storytelling35 2 года назад


  • @jebbush2527
    @jebbush2527 2 года назад +1

    Cant change ugly

  • @rosihantu1
    @rosihantu1 2 года назад

    Get a better jawline