Is Speaking in Tongues Necessary for Salvation? (Part 1) | Episode 11

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 205

  • @KirbyDTrim
    @KirbyDTrim 3 года назад +13

    I'm so happy and thankful for the truth found in the scriptures that liberates all who believe and obey!

  • @markjudy7733
    @markjudy7733 2 года назад +14

    According to Jude 1:20, it is necessary to remain strong in the faith and to endure to the end--And I would most definitely say that enduring to the end is definitely a salvation issue; Jesus said, “he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved”.

  • @OctaviaBoesWifey
    @OctaviaBoesWifey 9 месяцев назад +3

    Although speaking in tongues is a gift of the spirit, many people in the New Testament got saved and never spoke in tongues.

  • @remsangachhakchhuak1738
    @remsangachhakchhuak1738 7 месяцев назад +1

    I am from Aizawl, Mizoram;India and I am a member of United Pentecostal Church Mizoram. I really love listening and learning the words/ commands from this man Pastor Bernard. Please continue to preach the true words of God, Please educate us on the truth .

  • @approvedofGod
    @approvedofGod 3 года назад +6

    At 4:19 Dr. Bernard mentions "conversion initiation" and then dying (example). Bro. Bernard states, "you would be saved." I agree 100%. He then goes on to describe the lessons learned from Acts 2:38 which includes the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I also agree 100%. I am super happy with Dr. Bernard's insights into salvation. Praise God!

  • @watchmen6504
    @watchmen6504 2 года назад +19

    So he never did just say a simple "yes" to the question.
    After spending over 30 years in the United Pentecostal Church David Bernard's answer to a simple direct question here was also my experience the majority of times that I remember one of our ministers being asked if tongues was a requirement for salvation.
    They were never able to give a straightforward answer and just say "yes".
    Why is that?

    • @grit5124
      @grit5124 Год назад +4

      Because what charismatic churches see as tongues is nit the biblical definition of tongues. Paul says if you speak in an unintelligible language what use is it. Tongues as defined in the Bible, speaking a foreign language you have not previously learned, is no longer needed. The Bible is translated into hundreds of languages, even Paul says this gift will cease. This speaking of gibberish only edifies the individual. Paul discourages this in 1 Corinthians 14.

    • @erikhaldeman5802
      @erikhaldeman5802 Год назад +1

      @@grit5124 please reread 1 Corinthians 14. What I read in my Bible is that when people are together, he encourages them to prophesy rather than speak in tongues. The reason being is that no man understands him when he speaks in tongues. But when he prophesies, he edifies people around him. He goes on to say to not forbid people from speaking in tongues. The context of first Corinthians 14 is meetings, but Paul says he speaks in tongues more than anybody else. You didn’t see that when you read first Corinthians 14? Paul says he prays with his understanding, and also in tongues, which he clearly says he doesn’t understand. But his spirit speaks to God.

    • @JoshuaMSOG7
      @JoshuaMSOG7 Год назад +2

      @@erikhaldeman5802 29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
      30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
      31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. - 1 Corinthians 12:29-31

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 Год назад +3

      The reason that a direct answerfor whether speaking in tongues is a requirement of salvation never seems to be given by pentecostals is because recieving the Holy Spirit is a requirement of salvation and speaking in tongues is scriptural confirmation that it has occured( Acts ch.2,10,and ch.19.
      To say that speaking in tongues is a requirement for salvation would be "putting the cart before the horse: in a manner of speaking.

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 Год назад

      Speaking in tongues in the Bible isn't speaking in unlearned foreign languages in order to spread the gospel in the first century.
      Look at Paul who was the primary missionary in spreading the gosel in the book of Acts.
      All of the civilized world where Paulj traveled spoke both Hebrew and/ or Greek. So there was no need for a supernatural gift to speak native languages. Paul spoke both fluently.
      The " tongues" of the book of Acts and Corinthians is one spiritual language that Paul calls " the unknown tongue" " that no man knoweth"( 1Cor.14:2).
      If no man knows it then its not a language native to this world.
      The word "tongues" is only pluralized because more than one believer is speaking it not because it is more than one language.
      Paul said ," When i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays , but my understanding is unfruitful.."( 1Cor.14:14).
      The source of any language spoken on earth is our mind that quickly assembles the words that we are about to say, but if the souce is our spirit then this is a supernaturally acquired ability as the result of recieving the Holy Spirit.

  • @byronbuchanan3066
    @byronbuchanan3066 6 месяцев назад +5

    Based on scripture, I believe that the ultimate evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit is the fruit of love. Without love we are nothing.

  • @violinoscar
    @violinoscar 10 месяцев назад +4

    This question plagued me for a long time. I went to a Pentecostal church and answered the altar call. When I got on stage the pastor tried to push me backwards into the waiting arms of the guy behind me. He pushed quite forcefully. There was no doubting his intention. I was supposed to fall backwards.
    Later, when I did not start talking in tongues I was told to fake it till I make it! The instructions were something like, "Just make noises and the Lord will take your tongue."
    You cannot imagine the distress it caused me when I could not pray in Japanese or Mandarin, Dutch or whatever. Then, on closer listening the other fellows of the church were not speaking a known language but were babbling some incoherent stuff. The explanation for this was that at Pentecost, this one heard it in this language and that one heard it in that language.
    _This placed the gift on the ears of the hearer and not the tongue of the talker._
    Aargh! More confusion!
    Finally I heard Pastor Billy Crone explain that we are given the Holy Spirit on salvation, conversion.
    I got a little peace from this but the question still remained. How do I know I have been given the Holy Spirit?
    _The only real outward sign of salvation (that I can see) is that when I sin I feel guilty. Things I used to do with impunity now bother me._
    To make matters worse I don't belong to a church at present. I would like to, I've prayed to be led to a church, I make the decision to go, then Sunday comes and the firm resolve vanishes. I have no reasonable excuse for not attending church but I can't bring myself to go. Of course, this makes me question my salvation all the more.
    I just wish church leaders could have a meeting and agree on a set of criteria for salvation . . .

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 2 месяца назад

      When I first spoke in tongues I had been praying for the presence of thd Lord I felt on the outside of me to be in me. I was quite naive.
      When the Lord answered my prayer and filled me, from my ankles up to my head, the pastor told me to surrender my tongue to the Holy Spirit.
      I stopped thanking the Lord for answering my prayer, opened my mouth and started relaxing my tongue as a way of surrendering it.
      After about fifteen seconds ,I felt the Holy Spirit seize control of my tongue and I began to fluently speak in a language I had never learned. The effect was staggering. Never had I felt such pure joy in my life.
      Later, I learned from the Word that the tongue is our bodys' most unruly member that no man can himself tame. So I had had to consciously yield or surrender it to the Holy Spirit so He could tame it.

  • @JTOG94
    @JTOG94 Год назад +10

    Why does it have to be evident to man that a believer has proof they’re saved. Shouldn’t the proof be the fruits of the spirit at work in our lives? Plus other religions around the world speak in tongues. Are they saved because they do it? Or is someone damned because they don’t? This doesn’t seem very effective because it could be counterfeited. Plus after the book of acts demonstrated events that happened when the church was first established, it doesn’t make everything that happened the “normative experience” moving forward. Do you see cloven toungues of fire in your church. How bout acts of miracle like healings at church every Sunday? If so why aren’t you at the hospital everyday?
    Paul placed regulations on the church which limited churches from speaking in tongues without an interpreter because it would not be fruitful to the unbeliever. Yet in any Pentecostal church I’ve attended there is no order. It seems very selfish. The entire practice seems super works based. Plus it also sounds like youre synergistically working with God for your salvation as opposed to a gift of grace. Which was justified on Calvary and spoken of
    In the past tense every where Paul teaches. I don’t understand how anyone could be in a faith that really believes that our works will save us. Which is what a Pentecostal done. The more they work the more righteous they are. The more they speak in tongues the holier they are. This sound familiar? Faith without works is dead because true faith leads a life of good service. The good works follow faith which is a gift given from God. It’s not a transaction and that is implicit in this doctrine. Talk in tounges, good job you’re saving yourself, come to prayer meeting, good job you’re saving yourself, obey your pastor, good job you’re even more saved now. It’s primed for spiritual abuse and emotional manipulation. If you have ever felt the feeling of being able to boast to other faiths because the holiness confidence your pastor has given you then you are going 100% against Paul’s teachings. You should never be able to be in heaven one day and say “gee you know, I’m sure glad I was wise enough to go to church, I’m sure glad I was smart enough to follow God, good thing I wasn’t an idiot like my neighbor” that’s called boasting and that is taking credit for your own deeds Jesus said they’re as filthy as rags and all fall short of the glory. His mercy and grace saved you. Not a single thing you did on your own.

  • @peteroliver7943
    @peteroliver7943 3 года назад +6

    The answer is no REPENTING of sin and receiving CHRISTS pardon believing in his shed blood on the cross is what is needed for salvation.

    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 2 года назад +1

      That's in Acts 2 as well. You're focusing on one part of what's being said.

    • @sarahmollin3087
      @sarahmollin3087 2 года назад


  • @scottielutz3062
    @scottielutz3062 2 года назад +11

    I haven’t spoken in tongues yet but when I asked if speaking in tongues is a requirement for salvation, I heard that speaking in tongues isn’t a requirement it’s a gift.

    • @valeriagonzalez2040
      @valeriagonzalez2040 Год назад +2

      No it is a requirement for salvation
      John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
      Meaning we must get baptize (water) and speak in tongues (spirt)

    • @valeriagonzalez2040
      @valeriagonzalez2040 Год назад

      But it’s also a promise God made in acts 2:38 when he said “you shall” that’s the promise He made and we are going to receive just have faith in his promise !

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 Год назад

      Psalm 51:11
      And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 Год назад +1

      @@valeriagonzalez2040 wow you really need to learn how to interpret the Bible
      water baptism is not a requirement to be saved, faith alone saves
      and when you believe, you receive the Holy Spirit for your Christian walk
      Tongues are a gift, not everyone gets it
      and there is ONE gift of tongues used in public with an interpreter or in private without an interpreter

    • @timelessnow84
      @timelessnow84 Год назад +2

      There are gifts of tongues which is different from receiving the Holy Ghost/ spirit which is the promise of the comforter

    @ONEFAITHofJESUS 3 года назад +17

    Some of the most concentrated confusion on this topic is speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives evidence versus the specific “gift of tongues.”
    As with so many topics, people tend to want to lump it all together and have a hard time differentiating, due to the critical thinking required and lack of sound teaching.

    • @approvedofGod
      @approvedofGod 3 года назад +1

      Do you agree with Dr. Bernard's teaching on "conversion initiation?" I do!

    • @jlar1984
      @jlar1984 3 года назад +1

      How do you scripturally differentiate the “gift of tongues vs regular tongues”? With scripture not opinion?

    • @sumbutt72
      @sumbutt72 3 года назад

      @@jlar1984 I'm trying to understand why you Pentecostals can't differentiate the difference between when the writer is talking specifically to the Jews (as in Acts 2) and when the writer is writing specifically to the Gentiles. It doesn't matter WHAT kind of tongues we are talking about. We don't need ANY kind of sign to prove that we have the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9 says that if we're saved we HAVE the Holy Spirit and if we're NOT saved.....we DON'T have the Holy Spirit. The King James Bible tells us all we need to know about it. Someone as big as God (or the Holy Spirit) moves inside of us, it will show anyway. I don't have to do any kind of tricks to show that I have the Holy Spirit living in me. Acts chapter 2 has ZERO to do with us or our salvation today in the Church Age. We walk by faith and NOT sight. (2 Cor. 5:7) Wish I could understand why you all insist on following Peter and never Paul when Paul is CLEARLY mentioned as our writer for today in the Church Age. We are clearly instructed to follow his teachings. (1 Cor. 4:16) Really curious as to why you all stay away from Romans through Philemon when presenting what you believe. I have a pretty good idea though.

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 года назад +3

      @@sumbutt72 Do you really think that God would leave it up to any man to say that they have recieved someone so vital to our salvation as the Holy Spirit ?
      That why God provides the supernatural sign of speaking in tongues. That's why, in Acts ch.10, that Peter and the six skeptical Jews instantly knew that the gentiles had recieved the Holy Spirit. As Peter told the others , "They have recieved the Holy Spirit just as we did" ( Acts ch.10:47 ).

    • @apostolicchris2004
      @apostolicchris2004 3 года назад +1

      Book of Roman's on obeyed acts 238 and so did PAUL...

  • @timelessnow84
    @timelessnow84 Год назад +2

    God is a spirit and we speak unto him in heavenly /holy language! My opinion is YES! We need to transcend the earthly realm!

  • @vanessajohnsen388
    @vanessajohnsen388 2 года назад +5

    Salvation, justification is immediate, sanctification is a process. You are saved not being saved. You are being sanctified, made more Holy until Glorification, meaning finished by God.

  • @chrisarchibeque8584
    @chrisarchibeque8584 5 месяцев назад +1

    I don’t know if it has to be a heavenly language or if it’s necessary but I do believe that it’s possible for the Holy Ghost to have a person speak in tongues

  • @mailman5467
    @mailman5467 3 года назад +23

    And some will still not believe the evidence is tongues... I BELIEVE, thank You Lord Jesus for filling me with the Holy Ghost, Amen. 🙏🙏

    • @JoshuaMSOG7
      @JoshuaMSOG7 Год назад +2

      Because Paul pointed this out on 1 Corinthians 12.
      Read & study scripture

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 Год назад

      1 corinthians 12: 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts.
      And I will show you a still more excellent way.
      how come it never mentions tongues when Philip baptized the eunuch?

    • @MarianaFerreira27gatoslindos
      @MarianaFerreira27gatoslindos 11 месяцев назад

      Im happy I prayed in tongues today and have prayed in tongues before

    • @Fr4nkSanchez
      @Fr4nkSanchez 10 месяцев назад

      @@MarianaFerreira27gatoslindos Speaking in tongues edifies yourself, it is good but it is not necessary for salvation. Or how can you say if someone is in middle of baptism and die, then that person not going to heaven? Jesus lied? No, this is only men teachings

    • @haroldbeauchamp3770
      @haroldbeauchamp3770 3 месяца назад

      I am filled with the Holy Spirit but do not speak in unknown tongues, as the Pentecostals steadfastly believe.

  • @johnsmithSongbird
    @johnsmithSongbird 4 месяца назад +1

    The baptism of holy ghost is the gift of God
    When we repent and were baptized
    Every believer was filled with the holy ghost and spoke in tongues
    We are saved by grace through faith
    How will you get into heaven without it
    Speaking in tongues under the holy ghost is a confirmation to God
    I wanted the holy ghost and i spoke in other tongues
    I'm glad i got it
    I never ask God why i just praised him he gave it to me

  • @jvroberts7451
    @jvroberts7451 2 года назад +9

    The evidence of speaking in tongues, after receiving the holy Ghost is not in scripture. Tongues is a gift of the Holy Ghost, given like the other gifts for the spread and ministry of Jesus. The theory that it is the initial evidence was a revelation around 1914.

  • @D_Rog79
    @D_Rog79 6 месяцев назад +1

    Grew up oneness Pentecostal and was in it for 20+ years but where I noticed they may err, is in calling it a heavenly language and most not knowing that the word “unknown” in 1 Corinthians 14 regarding tongues, is a word not in the original Greek. Thus they think because it’s an “unknown” tongue/language that it is a “heavenly” language. I would say it is Heavenly spoke in that the ability is from heaven but they were known languages, yet unknown to the speaker because the speaker hadn’t learned it in the natural manner. They’re languages of man unknown to the speaker. Even look at Acts 2, every man heard them speaking in the language in which they were born! They spoke the languages of man in Acts 2. The speakers however (those in the upper room) did not not the language in the sense of learning it. It has Heavenly/Divinely given. A lot of what is called speaking in tongues today isn’t what is in Acts 2. Whether it was ecstatically spoken meaning in a trancelike state of great rapture or delight, showing or feeling great enthusiasm, I don’t know. It may have, it may not have. But we seem to think that’s the way it’s gotta be. It may not have, but I wouldn’t rule it out but the Bible is silent about. One has to read that into the text of scripture because you can’t say for certain that’s how it is. So much of what is seen in Oneness Pentecostalism or Trinitarian Pentecostalism should at least be questioned and examined in light of Scripture not just experience.

  • @fernandogallardo3458
    @fernandogallardo3458 2 года назад +6

    Seeking after a sign of speaking in tongues for salvation, is not of faith, because faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen [ Hebrews 11:1 ] And without faith it is impossible to please Him [ Hebrews 11:6 ]

    • @dreday4christ
      @dreday4christ 2 года назад


    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 2 года назад +1

      Acts 10:46For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared, 47“Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”
      You're argument is with God.

    • @leslieparmer9327
      @leslieparmer9327 2 года назад +1

      It's called obeying what Jesus said we must do the enter into the kingdom of God. John3:1-7 Jesus tells Nicodemus 1 must be born of water and of the spirit. Or he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.Born of the water = being baptized in the name of Jesus. Born of the spirit = being filled with the Holyghost with the evidence of speaking in other tounges. God Bless 🙏

    • @sarahmollin3087
      @sarahmollin3087 2 года назад


    • @avdouglass3
      @avdouglass3 2 года назад +2

      ​@@leslieparmer9327 This is biblically inaccurate and heretical although I believe you had good intentions. Jesus, when talking to Nicodemus, is emphasizing the need for a spiritual birth --- to be born again. God, through His spirit, regenerates the calloused heart of a sinner, which then makes them spiritually aware/alive. Without the gift of faith that God freely gives to His children, NO ONE would recognize their need for God nor would anyone repent from their sins. More importantly, no one would be saved.
      Remember, my friend, we are ONLY saved by grace through faith in the works of Jesus Christ. Adding any human efforts to that is an insult to God and an egregious distortion to the Gospel message.

  • @Maryana1964
    @Maryana1964 Год назад +4

    I was baptized and has not receive the gift of tongues. Am I going to hell and where in the king James Bible says that anyone not speak and goes to hell

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 Год назад

      It is by grace you are saved not by works.

    • @alexanderh2345
      @alexanderh2345 8 месяцев назад +2

      There is the baptism of the Holy Ghost - which will be confirmed through the sign of speaking in tongues. And then there is the 9 gifts of the Spirit - that a Holy Ghost-filled person can operate in, including the gift of tongues that uses specifically the act of speaking in tongues.
      Don't look for the gift of tongues to come upon you, look for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Afterward, you can pray to be used in the 9 gifts.

  • @ernestdaigle9319
    @ernestdaigle9319 3 года назад +4

    Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments.

  • @ianmcdonald8648
    @ianmcdonald8648 5 месяцев назад

    clear and gracious explanation of the matter contained in the question.

  • @Jesusisthewaytruthlife1
    @Jesusisthewaytruthlife1 Месяц назад +1

    Is Dr. K Bernard saying the apostles were not saved until the day of Pentecost????

  • @scottielutz3062
    @scottielutz3062 2 года назад +1

    Jesus I pray that you help me to be born again with your anointing in your heavenly name I pray for you Jesus are my Lord and Savior and are the way the truth and the life.

  • @mikeleong8174
    @mikeleong8174 3 года назад +2

    This is a conflation between Salvation (declaration) and sanctification (process)

  • @dustinpayne9924
    @dustinpayne9924 3 года назад +6

    The answer is a defining NO their is not scripture to back up that positive claim and it also does not mean that the Holy Spirit is not in you. It is a gift and therefore not everybody will speak in tongues because they have not received it and that is only something God can give and not also just because you ask for it for some confirmation.

    • @evaramos2959
      @evaramos2959 3 года назад +1

      I agree, not everyone will speak in tongues!

    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 2 года назад +1

      Acts 10:46For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared, 47“Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”

  • @NikkiFrost14
    @NikkiFrost14 Год назад +4

    Apostolic gifts have ceased
    1 Corinthians 13

    • @haroldbeauchamp3770
      @haroldbeauchamp3770 3 месяца назад

      Amen. I agree with you.

    • @davidortega357
      @davidortega357 2 месяца назад

      ​@@haroldbeauchamp3770I disagree there still in operation till Jesus comes before the end last trumpet 7

  • @dantheman4259
    @dantheman4259 4 месяца назад

    Believe in Him and he shall be saved...

  • @donaldkagel1952
    @donaldkagel1952 2 года назад +1

    Dr. Bernard , In Acts the word ( tongues ) means languages . From the Parthians to the Arabians , they spoke in their own ( dialects ) . What about those in the early part of Acts who received the H. S.. by the laying on of hands ? Even ( Paul ) the best example in the N. T. ; received the H. S. when Ananias put his hands on him , then he arose and was baptized . What about door to door soul winning ( many believe the Gospel at home ; Romans 10 : 13 ) and then later ( every case different ) they come to the church and are baptized ?

  • @jlar1984
    @jlar1984 3 года назад +8

    Salvation is a broad word. I think the real question is: “is one born again without speaking in tongues”…and also, how do we differentiate the gift of tongues with the tongues that everyone speaks…biblically.

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 года назад +4

      As the Lord said in John 3:5 that we must be" born of water and Spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven ". Being born of water is water baptism and being born of Spirit is Spirit baptism.
      Spirit baptism happened as a result of being filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Once we pray for the Spirit in filling and God does so, you'll know when it happens, we Must then consciously surrender our tongue to the Holy Spirit, the body's "most rebellious member" that " No man can tame", until the Lord takes control of it. That is what initiates the baptismal overflow. God provides an unmistakable supernatural sign that it has occured to yourself and those praying for you that it has occured and that sign is speaking in tongues. Being born of the Spirit is too crucial to our salvation to leave it up to anyone but the Holy Spirit to confirm that it has occured.
      From then on the believer can speak in tongues at will for personal edification. This is the same one language that operates in the church setting along with interpretation for the edification of a church body but a different operation of it.

    • @ernestdaigle9319
      @ernestdaigle9319 3 года назад +1

      Amen Salvation is the most important thing in this earthly life,because this life on earth determines our eternal life.

    • @jlar1984
      @jlar1984 2 года назад +1

      @@robertnieten7259 this is your interpretation. Yes we must be born again of the water and spirit. The question is does everyone speak in tongues? Paul in 1 Cor says no. And UPC believes that Paul is talking about the “gift” of tongues that not all have. But there’s no scripture differentiating between the gift of tongues and the tongues all supposedly speak.

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 Год назад

      The difference between speaking in tongues as the initial evidence that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit and their private prayer language and the gift of speaking in tongues is this.
      Paul said concerning thr gift of speaking in tongues that, "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal"( everyone).
      This refers to the gifts of the Spirit that God gives to whomever He chooses. When it comes to the gift of speaking in tongues it is always to be accompanied by a believer who has the gift of interpretation of tongues so that all In a church gathering may be edified.
      Paul speaks of an ( unknown- added) tongues that no man knoweth( 1Cor 14:2) and is given for the edification of the speaker themself 1Cor.14:4).
      Paul also speaks of him praying in this tongue and says," When I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful"( 1Cor.14:14).
      In other words Paul says that when he prays in this language that he doesn't understand what he is saying.

    • @cdub4693
      @cdub4693 Год назад

      @@jlar1984 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

  • @FreenBecky.IND.5055
    @FreenBecky.IND.5055 3 года назад +2

    As I was from a Hindu family in India I knew nothing much about the holy spirit but when I got baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I didn't recieve the holy spirit..Sir is salvation still for me?? I now belong to the UPC NEI

    • @tat3054
      @tat3054 2 года назад +2

      Conviction is only done by Holy Spirit....
      1. Baptism doesn't describe your salvation... Salvation comes before baptism and baptism is an external prove showing to other believers that I accept Christ Jesus as my personal saviour already.
      2. The moment your are convicted or chosen by God to be save, and you have accepted Christ as your personal saviour, the moment you accept, the Holy Spirit has already seal you, indwell you permanently....
      3. If you doubt your salvation than a person haven't save yet.

    • @repent.sinner
      @repent.sinner Год назад

      Ephesians 2 89 we are saved by grace through faith baptism would be a work there is no Works in Salvation repent and believe.

  • @patrickegan5441
    @patrickegan5441 2 года назад +4

    There are ZERO examples in scripture of someone being saved through a tongue that fell on deaf ears. ZERO.
    Acts 2:1-4: they knew because they heard and understood people speak in their language, who otherwise could not.
    Acts 8:15-19 Simon saw that the Holy Ghost was received by the laying on of hands. There is no mention of tongues. A con artist like himself would have never paid for the ability to speak randomness falling on to deaf ears. Perhaps he understood a tongue, or saw something miraculous. Either way, it does not say.
    Acts 9:9-18 Paul receives the Holy Ghost with no mention of tongues. No need for a sign to the unbelievers, if Jesus is already speaking plainly from Heaven.
    Acts 22: Paul retells his Holy Ghost experience with no mention of tongues.
    Acts 11:12-17 the Holy Ghost fell the same as at the beginning (tongues that were understood).
    Acts 10:44 for they heard (understood) them speak in (the listener's) tongues, and magnify God. They would not know they were magnifying God if it wasn't in their own tongue.
    Acts 4:31 They received the Holy Ghost and the place trembled. No mention of tongues.
    Acts 19:1-6 does not specify one way or the other so it is a mute point.
    Tongues are for a sign, NOT to the believers, but to the unbelievers. When someone who cannot speak your language suddenly does such, it is definitive God is speaking.
    Tongues in today's churches are just the opposite... UNKNOWN tongues, are a sign to the BELIEVERS. This is unscriptural.
    Acts 2:37-41 shows people repenting and being baptized in Jesus name, and being added to the church... meaning they had the Spirit within them. However, no mention of tongues... despite this being the plan of salvation.

  • @jchristophersalinas7078
    @jchristophersalinas7078 3 года назад +3

    Amen! Great teaching!

  • @evixdaud6404
    @evixdaud6404 3 года назад +2

    Hi ps. Bernard, I want to know if someone really believe in Jesus as God, and saviour, admitted his all sins and wants to surrender all his life for Jesus, yet before baptized, he died . For example, former ISIS member who turn into believer, but he is killed by ISIS before been baptized and received holy spirit with an evidence of speaking in tongues. Would he going to hell or heaven?

    • @johnward2655
      @johnward2655 3 года назад

      I mentioned in an early comment similar to this one. God can take care of "what if" scenarios or special case situations. He is a righteous judge who will weigh the sincerity of repentance, motives, attentions of the heart. That being said we need to teach and seek salvation after the pattern of the Jesus and the Apostles.
      Someone dying before having the time to be baptized and recieve the holy ghost (special case situations) vs knowing the truth and rejecting it their entire life is two different things.

    • @slspoon81
      @slspoon81 Год назад

      I don’t believe so. Through God’s grace He provides us opportunities and free will. No man know the hour they will meet their demise. That’s why each day we should always strive to meet Him. The example of the individual you mention still died a sinner as they were born. Ultimately falling short of the mark.

  • @jsmittylife
    @jsmittylife Год назад

    What concerns me with the defense used to defend the evidence of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, is that it uses the same defense that those who believe in the trinity and the rapture use. It is the defense that the concept is in scripture, but scripture nowhere plainly teaches, commands, or includes it in the path of salvation. The accounts of tongues being spoken after receiving the Holy Ghost were largely for a sign to an unbeliever of some sort.
    Day of Pentecost/unbelieving Jews
    Cornelieus/believing Jews at the time did not believe salvation was open to the Gentiles
    Rebaptism/ sign to those then and to us today, that the belief and baptism is to be in Jesus Christ
    Peter had the chance to include tongues in the process in Acts 2:38. He instead, says you will receive the Holy Ghost after repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. There were no further instructions or stipulations included. I am a full believer in exactly what Acts 2:38 says.
    As others, I myself am just in search of God's truth and not man's. How can we create doctrine out of something that is not plainly stated in the bible. These are just some of the questions that come to mind in discussion of this topic.

  • @MarianaFerreira27gatoslindos
    @MarianaFerreira27gatoslindos 11 месяцев назад +1

    Does baptism in water in Catholic Church count? I have prayed in tongues when I was 20 and I can still pray and sing in tongues at 27 am I saved then?

    • @haroldbeauchamp3770
      @haroldbeauchamp3770 3 месяца назад

      Are you still Catholic? Salvation by faith alone, what most Protestants believe. Catholics believe in salvation through faith and works. Pentecostals believe in salvation and faith followed by holiness standards and other heretical teachings.

  • @M4M-.
    @M4M-. 3 года назад +3

    What if you’ve done everything , repentance and baptism and died before getting the Holy Ghost ?

    • @johnward2655
      @johnward2655 3 года назад +4

      I mentioned in an early comment similar to this one. God can take care of "what if" scenarios or special case situations. He is a righteous judge who will weigh the sincerity of repentance, motives, and attentions of the heart. That being said we need to teach and seek salvation after the pattern of the Jesus and the Apostles.
      Someone dying before having the time to be baptized and recieve the holy ghost (special case situations) vs knowing the truth and rejecting it their entire life is two different things.

    • @tambemacho4891
      @tambemacho4891 2 года назад

      @@johnward2655 If there is one who can be saved before getting this or that, everyone can be saved before getting this or that. God's not partial.

    • @leslieparmer9327
      @leslieparmer9327 2 года назад +1

      I don't believe God will allow 1 to die before they receive that gift. Acts2:38 Repent, be Baptized in the name of Jesus,and God promises you the gift of the Holyghost. With that being said if you repented got Baptized in Jesus name and he allowed you to die, he wouldn't be keeping his promise. Jesus keeps all his promises. God Bless 🙏

    • @rogerthompson4379
      @rogerthompson4379 2 года назад +2

      @@leslieparmer9327 Amen John 3 talks about being born of the water and the spirit we need both to make it to heaven it consists of two parts.

    • @jhrsmail
      @jhrsmail 2 года назад +1

      @@rogerthompson4379 ....marvel not, that which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born of spirit is spirit.. Not a scripture about water baptism. We are buried in water baptism, it's not a birth

  • @Post-Trib
    @Post-Trib 2 года назад +13

    Speaking in tongues is not salvation. It's part of salvation.

    • @Jeffdurbla11
      @Jeffdurbla11 Год назад +2

      It’s not even a part of it. It’s a gift of the Spirit whom chooses who gets the gifts. Not everyone will speak in tongues. For poignantly, speaking in tongues is both a different language and of the Angels

    • @andyanderson362
      @andyanderson362 10 месяцев назад +2

      ”Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
      This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away-all who have been called by the Lord our God.”“
      ‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 10 месяцев назад +3

      ​@Jeffdurbla11 Speaking in tongues is the only scriptural evidence that believers spoke when they recieved, ( Acts ch.2,10,and ch.19).
      After the Holy Spirit is recieved by the believer, speaking in tongues becomes the believers' private prayer language for self edification (1Cor.14:4).
      The gift of speaking in tongues is a different operation of this spiritual language. God gives this gift to whom He wills and it is to be accompanied by a believer with the gift of interpretation so that all present in a church setting may be edified. ( 1Cor.12:7).
      The third operation of speaking in tongues is for unbelievers. This is present in Acts ch.2 among the men in the listening crowd.

    • @real8342
      @real8342 3 месяца назад

      It’s not part of salvation

    • @real8342
      @real8342 3 месяца назад

      Peter is not the Apostle of the gentiles,Paul is

  • @davismakasinyongesathanksf8203

    Good teachings brother

  • @colenave
    @colenave 3 года назад +5

    Love this 🙂 It's like asking 'Is light necessary to fires?'

    • @colenave
      @colenave 3 года назад

      Analogy tracks pretty well the more I think about it. Fire is a process, not a material. Technically, fuel (we) can have a brief *encounter* with an ignition catalyst and be affected, but not be on fire. Fuel yields over electrons (self) during oxidation which also creates heat, which oxidizes further, and so on, until a tipping point where ignition occurs, where incandescence occurs as a byproduct of the now-unbridled all-consuming chain reaction which is now a directly resident process (vs. the 'brief encounter' notion). Other fun thought, the fire is the *byproduct* of the related combustion process, not the product. Once fully combusted/oxidized, the new transformed state of that fuel is actually the product of that process.

    • @tat3054
      @tat3054 2 года назад

      You should also read 1st Corinthians 13: 10 to 12......
      Every saying or promise of Christ or prophecy has an end..... Or accomplish......
      There are temporary gift and permanent gift.... You should understand such gift and that those gift really needed in today's life or those gift are only for apostles as they begin the first Christ ministry....???

  • @Paladin1776-v6e
    @Paladin1776-v6e 25 дней назад

    So it’s not necessary. It’s just evidence of a different level of sanctification

  • @OGBMinistry
    @OGBMinistry 3 года назад +2

    Praise God

  • @dantheman4259
    @dantheman4259 4 месяца назад

    It could be, or not...
    There are 9 gifts of the Spirit

  • @geico1975
    @geico1975 Год назад

    I'm curious to know if there's a difference between stammering lips/tongue and speaking in tongues? For me, the answer is YES there is a difference, but then I wonder how many people have mistakenly called their stammering tongue, as spoken in tongues?
    I ask because I think I'm guilty of this. For example, if asked have you spoke in tongues? I say, YES! Then, alone with my thoughts, I think about times I've witnessed an individual speak in tongues and the entire church is quite while tongue talking is going on. After a few minutes they'll be another person speak in English for example, what the other person who spoke in tongues supposedly said. Another example, a preacher will be in the middle of a sermon and utter a few words in another tongue. How these people in these examples sound is completly different than hearing someone with stammering lips. Tongue talking sounds more like real words in another tongue, while stammering lips sound like someone coming in from the cold in minus zero degree weather, who can't control there lips from trembling:)

  • @rogeliosuniga6814
    @rogeliosuniga6814 Год назад

    Brother Bernard is stammering lips the same as speaking in tongues or is it falling short of the mark?

  • @derekbaker777
    @derekbaker777 3 года назад +9

    Amen. Acts 2:38🕊️

    • @approvedofGod
      @approvedofGod 3 года назад

      Do you agree with Dr. Bernard's teaching on "conversion initiation?"

    • @jlar1984
      @jlar1984 3 года назад

      Acts 2:38 doesn’t mention tongues.

    • @marynotmartha3139
      @marynotmartha3139 3 года назад

      @@jlar1984 true. It doesn't. Neither does acts 8. Paul is corinthians says do all speak with tongues?

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 года назад +3

      @@marynotmartha3139 Not all speak in tongues for the edification of a church which is accompanied by one with the gift of interpretation .
      However their is a different operation of speaking in " tongues" that needs no interpretation called " praying in the spirit. " Paul said, " When I pray in a tongue my Spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful.." (1Cor.14:14). In other words Paul is saying that he doesn't understand what he is saying. This is for all born again believers and first happens as a result of the Holy Spirit baptism.

    • @leslieparmer9327
      @leslieparmer9327 2 года назад

      @@jlar1984 Acts2:38 It promises you the gift of the Holyghost. How do you know you have received that gift? You will begin to speak in other tounges as the spirit gives the utterance. God Bless 🙏

  • @GregRickard
    @GregRickard 3 года назад +1

    Great explaination.

  • @BubbyLewis
    @BubbyLewis 5 месяцев назад


  • @GeorgeJansen
    @GeorgeJansen Год назад +1

    Speaking in tongues is not necessary in order to spend eternity with God, in His Heavenly Kingdom. Fact is, not even water baptism is necessary. Religion (mankind's way of getting to God), makes us think it's necessary.
    And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Christ said this to the thief to His right (whom neither spoke in tongues or was baptized) as both of them hung dying on the Cross. And in the case of Christ, dying once, for ALL (past current future) sins.

    • @DavidKBernardUPCI
      @DavidKBernardUPCI  Год назад

      Dr. Bernard addressed the thief on the cross in Episode 101 "What About the Thief on the Cross?"видео.html (Podcast Production Team)

    • @Joe7zn
      @Joe7zn Год назад

      Agreed, in Acts 10:44 at the house of Cornelius when they all received the Holy Ghost they weren't even baptized in water as yet and Peter forbade them to all be baptized who have received the Holy Ghost as they did.

  • @saulespino2510
    @saulespino2510 2 года назад

    I am a born-again Christian and I have never spoken in tongues, so does that mean I am not saved?

    • @komissa3674
      @komissa3674 Год назад

      you are not led by the holy spirit if you don't hear the holy spirit whisper in your ear so you are still a lukewarm Christian

  • @renantebriones2341
    @renantebriones2341 Год назад

    1Cor. 13:8 says that the gift of tongues will cease. It is not determined in this verse when the exact period of time in the future it will cease. What is the main purpose of this gift. The purpose of this gift is to get the attention of the unbelieving Jews to hear the Gospel so that they will believe and be saved from the 5th cycle of divine discipline by God to Israel Lev. 26:26-34 which is dispersal of Jews to other nations. It was prophesied by Isaiah 28:11, clarified by Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 14:21-22. It was expired in 70AD for the 5th cycle of divine discipline was imposed by God, national dispersal of Jews in this period, because the main purpose was already served. This gift is the least of all, why? It was mentioned in 1 Cor. 14:19 Paul would rather speak five words than ten thousand words that cannot be understood, the ratio would be 1:2000; 1 for prophecy and 2000 for speaking in tongues. Tongues was one of the ten gifts that expired and the other 9 expired because the Canon of Scripture, the Bible was completed approximately in 96AD. The book of 1 Cor. was written in 55AD, 15 years before the imposition of the 5th cycle of divine discipline in 70 AD (Lev. 26:26-34) and 15 years left for this gift to serve it's purpose to warn the Jews.
    The purpose of this gift is a sign, sign for unbelieving Jews. Supposed a road is already closed, then no need to put a "slow down' or '20 kph speed limit" signage in the middle of that road for it has been closed. So no need anymore for the sign of tongues as warning because the people to benefit for the sign were dispersed to other nations since 70AD because they were reluctant to respond with the message of the sign.

  • @thedebatefinisher..5521
    @thedebatefinisher..5521 2 года назад +5

    I have never spoken in tongues.. I am saved and fully believe in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus christ.. I believe Jesus christ is God.. Jesus christ is God in the flesh of man's body.. see Jesus christ is the WORD.. so technically the Bible mentions Jesus in the very first chapter and verse of Genesis 1,1.. in the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD.. and see Jesus christ is the WORD.. therefore Jesus christ is God, but in the flesh body.. praise God.. God came as man to save all of us from a fire hell 🔥.. God the father, the son and the holy spirit.. I believe in the trinity.. my grandmother on my mom's side spoke tongues.. but my dad's side did not.. she was pentecostal holiness and the other was Baptist.. God bless you all.. stay praying for knowledge of the meaning of scriptures..

    • @paalpi
      @paalpi Год назад +2

      God bless you. Jesus is not just God, He is the Everlasting God, the God Almighty, the Only One God. There is Trinity. It is a man-made doctrine.

    • @rjdrays2888
      @rjdrays2888 Год назад

      Dr. Bernard may claim you are going to hell because of what you just said. I dont believe that is true

  • @jerrydelacerna2083
    @jerrydelacerna2083 Год назад

    It's unbiblical to say that other manifestations or Signs of being baptized in the Holy Spirit are; Shout, Laugh, Jump, Cry etc. They're not found in the Scripture, it's confusing!! It did not happen during Apostolic Era.

  • @marktheunitedstatescitezen185
    @marktheunitedstatescitezen185 3 года назад

    Amen , my pastor is Pastor J !

  • @davidortega357
    @davidortega357 Год назад +1

    All Jew at that time knew what was repentence their land country political agenda drifted away from the law putting God first they were called by the prophet to turn back to faith in the lord they also knew of baptism washing

  • @matthewhallet681
    @matthewhallet681 7 месяцев назад

    Do you believe that if your not baptised then your not saved?

  • @frankiebrown5010
    @frankiebrown5010 3 года назад +4

    Amen 🙏

    • @approvedofGod
      @approvedofGod 3 года назад

      Do you agree with Dr. Bernard's teaching on "conversion initiation?" I do!

  • @bold58
    @bold58 7 месяцев назад

    " if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is non of his " in Acts chap 10 the Jews knew that the gentiles had the Holy Ghost because "they heard then speak with tougnes ". So if I hear someone speaking in tonges I know for sure that they have the Holy Ghost . The debate seems to be is Speaking in tongnes the ONLY evidence of the Holy Ghost ? If I haven't heard them speak in tonges does that mean they do not have the Holy Ghost.

    • @shericedionisio9269
      @shericedionisio9269 3 месяца назад

      The problem is people can "speak in tongues" and still live like the devil. I grew up in Pentecostal church and tongues don't mean you are living for Jesus.

  • @tank5944
    @tank5944 5 месяцев назад

    What about the thief on the cross?

    • @DavidKBernardUPCI
      @DavidKBernardUPCI  5 месяцев назад

      Dr. Bernard addressed this question in Episode 101 "What about the Thief on the Cross?" (видео.htmlsi=u8qS0mFhnSA2vxBQ) - Podcast Production Team

  • @emanuelrodriguez4369
    @emanuelrodriguez4369 2 года назад +9

    Tongues as evidence of salvation is heretical. It’s a fairly new concept and not historically found in early church teachings. Tongues served as judgement against the Jews as the gospel was now being understood in their native tongue.
    “Do all speak in tongues?”- Apostle Paul
    simply, no.

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 2 года назад +2

      Speaking in tongues is spoken of three times in the book of Acts, ch.2, 10, and 19, as the first evidence that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit when they recieve the Spirit.
      Obviously, a believer is not saved if they haven't recieved the Holy Spirit, " He that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his" ( Rom.8:9 ).
      In Acts ch.10 Peter and the brethren with him knew that the gentiles had recieved the Holy Spirit because they spoke in tongues according to Peter.
      In 1 Corinthians when Paul writes " Do all speak with tongues" ? He immediately follows it with " Do all interpret"? He is speaking of two gifts that work together to edify the church gathering not the initial evidence or the born again believers private prayer language..
      Not all believers have this gift that's purpose is to be interpreted for church edification, but all that recieve the Holy Spirit do have the initial evidence and prayer language for self edification.
      Paul said in 1Cor.14:2, " He that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks to God not man for no man understand him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries".
      Paul also stated, " When I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding us unfruitful. " ( 1Cor.14:14 ) In other words Paul is saying that when he prays in this tongue he doesn't understand what he is saying.
      The reason that pentecostalism seems to have only appeared in the early 1900s is because from the beginning the true body of Christ has suffered persecution first by unbelieving jews then the Roman empire and then by the inquisition of the catholics after the Council Of Nicea in 325 AD. Persecutions continued even under protestants continually forcing the church to go underground. It was only in the early 1800s under the religious freedom of the United States were they able to emerge in the camp revivals of the 1800s.
      I recommend that you read Foxes Book Of Martyrs to see the extent of these persecutions. There are over 1 billion professing christians in the world for the most part catholics and protestants.
      As Jesus said, " Narrow is the way and Few that be that find it".

    • @britniturner8109
      @britniturner8109 2 года назад


    • @jonnyb337
      @jonnyb337 Год назад

      @@robertnieten7259 The narrow way is JESUS ✌

  • @Superalffa
    @Superalffa Год назад

    My problem is that i don't want to speak in tongues.

    • @komissa3674
      @komissa3674 Год назад

      notice this that when you speak and pray in tongues,the devil does not understand but he understands all languages of the earth except tounges because tounges is angels language

    • @komissa3674
      @komissa3674 Год назад

      many a times the devil hears what's you pray and he interfere with what you pray for but when you pray with tongues he doesn't understand

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 Год назад


  • @davidcawthorne7115
    @davidcawthorne7115 4 месяца назад

    No. Of course not. Faith alone.

  • @repent.sinner
    @repent.sinner Год назад

    Yes or no david!!!!

  • @marynotmartha3139
    @marynotmartha3139 3 года назад +3

    Acts 8 doesn't say they spoke in tongues.

    • @brianthomas6316
      @brianthomas6316 3 года назад +2

      It does not say they spoke in tongues. There was a reason they knew the Samaritans had not received the Holy Spirit even after believing and being baptized. Something happened, evidence, for them to know later that the Samaritans had received the Holy Spirit. If you look in the rest of the book of Acts, you see that a sign of tongues was given as evidence that one had received the Holy Spirit. Since the rest of Acts supports tongue as the initial evidence of one receiving the Holy Spirit, it is safe to apply that initial evidence to the case of the Samaritans.

    • @adamr6301
      @adamr6301 2 года назад +2

      Neither did Saul / Paul in Acts 9. Or the Philippian Jailer, or Tabitha, countless other people did not in Acts.

  • @mrmariobarroso
    @mrmariobarroso 2 года назад +2

    Acts 2 38 to be saved in Acts 2 was for the Jews. Tongues here were known as earthly languages.
    Salvation for the church today is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 saved by faith though grace no works so no one boost.

  • @JamieCline-i1m
    @JamieCline-i1m Год назад

    No we're in the Bible does it say we as Christians have to speak in tongues to go to heaven.. it's just not in the Bible.. the only requirement for heaven is to except Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.thats all.and also you don't have to be baptized in water to go to heaven.water doesn't wash away your sins only the blood of Jesus Christ.our salvation is not wrapped up in tongues or water to go to heaven.its the excepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior...

  • @Jonmarcus-i7f
    @Jonmarcus-i7f 7 месяцев назад

    You can speak in tongues and miss the rapture if some one like him went to meth for 3 4 months so he forfitied his salvation
    But he Spoke in tounges as God Spirit gave uttersnce
    But he went to meth for 4 months rapture happens he wont go up cuase he went ti a life style of meth
    So his experience doesn't mean he will make the rapture it made him apart of the kingdom of that's it

  • @timoconnor892
    @timoconnor892 3 года назад +6

    I believe and received the holy ghost speaking in tonguess

  • @joerod5621
    @joerod5621 Год назад

    Acts2:41 3000 were converted, and no mention of tongues you have to assume! In all three events Acts you have Jews that still can’t believe Gentiles are included! After Jesus was resurrected, the apostle themselves did not believe the women! Till Jesus appeared to them and rebuked them! You also assumed with the eunuch !
    Signs are for unbelievers …
    Prophecy/ preaching is for believers!
    Simon wanted the ability because people could speak an unknown languages without ever having to learn them like an earthly languages because they heard them prophesy/preach!
    If they were incantations, like modern tongue speakers, he could do that too, since they were doing that way back when Moses and magicians we’re competing!
    John14:23 Jesus, said my father and I will make our abode in you!
    Jesus is the Holy Spirit and I know he lives in me!
    The apostle’s didn’t really get the full picture till they saw Jesus ascend into heaven and realize he was the glory of God!
    The angel had to reassure them, they would see him again!
    Even though I am a Oneness, why do Pentecostals have to have a sign that the third member of the holy trinity is in them!
    John20:29…Jesus said blessed are the ones that saw me & believed, more are the ones that didn’t see me & believe!!!

  • @RobTheTruth
    @RobTheTruth Год назад

    The 3000 saved in peters sermon no tounges

  • @AlmaHernandez-vs2uf
    @AlmaHernandez-vs2uf 3 года назад

    Acts ch 19.

  • @DannyLoyd
    @DannyLoyd Год назад

    no it is not.....The 3000 on the day of Pentecost didn't speak in tongues, the people in Acts 8 didn't, the Eunuch in Acts 8 didn't, Pauls conversion in Acts 9 didn't and more....there are only two examples of speaking in tongues in Acts. Acts 2, the apostles and Acts 10, a Gentile. It was not to saved them, so David thinks the Apostles weren't saved until they spoke in tongues? The case of Cornelius was simply to show the Jews who were with Peter, that the Gentiles were now accepted by God. It also fulfilled the prophecy of Joel 2. Spirit poured out on ALL FLESH as quoted in acts 2. All flesh, in Acts 2 the Jews, in Acts 10 the Gentiles, All Flesh. Never ever saved anyone. Lastly, Eph 4 says there is one baptism, David believes in two too many

  • @tomtom6319
    @tomtom6319 3 года назад +7

    Just answer the question
    Your talking in circles

    • @hailey5672
      @hailey5672 3 года назад

      Part 2 may be more clear for you

  • @randyclark222
    @randyclark222 2 года назад

    Denominational doctrine

  • @roberttucker5571
    @roberttucker5571 2 года назад +1

    This is out of love and respect. What if you were born without a tongue

  • @matthewhallet681
    @matthewhallet681 7 месяцев назад

    Baptism doesn’t save

  • @Ayporque
    @Ayporque 3 года назад

    Glosolalia vs Xenoglasia

  • @frankiebrown3265
    @frankiebrown3265 3 года назад +1


  • @zbrooks1252
    @zbrooks1252 2 года назад


  • @veggieman357
    @veggieman357 2 года назад +1

    The gift of tongues has ceased.

  • @bwade8786
    @bwade8786 Год назад

    Tongues ceased. It was for the Jews. I dont know what they are calling "tongues" its babbling.

  • @sumbutt72
    @sumbutt72 3 года назад +3

    Acts 2:38 has NOTHING to do with Church Age salvation. Peter is talking to Jews and telling them they had just killed their Messiah and the Jews didn’t ask what must we do….TO BE SAVED. They simply wanted to know what to do to make amends for Jesus being crucified. True, Bible salvation can be found in Ephesians 2:8,9
    Sign gifts were only to unbelieving Jews who REQUIRED signs. But we are saved by grace through FAITH now. No signs needed. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us to tongues and sign gifts have ceased.

    • @vincecm9480
      @vincecm9480 3 года назад +9

      "While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God." Acts 10:44-46

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 года назад +6

      All of Paul's letters from Romans on were addressed to saints that were already born again according to Acts 2:38. Paul himself believed that to be the plan of salvation according to Acts ch.19.
      Paul's letters to the churches were in the form of further instructions towards living a Christian life not evangelical messages to the unsaved. The plan of salvation is found in Acts not in Romans.

    • @lefonzopollock4345
      @lefonzopollock4345 3 года назад +2

      Didn't ask.....what shall we do to be saved? 🧐
      Read Peter's answer!
      Acts 2:40 And with many other WORDS did he TESTIFY and EXHORT, saying, SAVE YOURSELVES from this untoward generation. 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

    • @hailey5672
      @hailey5672 3 года назад +1

      James 2:26 faith without works is dead. You must do something to show your faith in God. Belief isnt enough, even the demons believe. Baptism isn't a continual work to earn salvation but it is a work of obedience to the word of God. Receiving the Holy Spirit isnt boastful either, it is something given from the Lord.
      There are 2 days tongues are used in the church. 1 way is as an initial sign of the holy spirit in but the other is the gift that requires an interpreter. The evidence is a part of your prayer language and not speaking to the entire church but the gift is toward the whole church

    • @saltandlight316
      @saltandlight316 2 года назад +1

      I do not believe that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the Holy Spirit. However, speaking in tongues is still for today. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Also, Paul extensively teaches a GENTILE church the proper way to use tongues. There is NO WHERE in Scripture that states of insinuates that speaking in tongues was only for the early church.

  • @progodspeed2311
    @progodspeed2311 2 года назад +1

    Bernard is wrong to use Acts 8 to show how there is a lag between saving faith and well... being saved! If that’s how we were to understand Acts 8... why did Paul ask John’s disciples in Acts 19 if they had received the Holy Ghost WHEN THEY BELIEVED! Doesn’t also 1st John 5:1 and 1st Cor 12:3 EXPLICITLY say that those who believe are born again and must have the Holy Spirit! Or are we going to pretend the epistles don’t teach that you are justified WHEN you place faith in Christ (Romans 4:5).

    • @paulriffe6447
      @paulriffe6447 2 года назад +2

      Amen! The Apostle Paul says not all will speak in tongues and they never use this scripture. They use a historical book of the church to base doctrine on and ignore the teaching books. This is so wrong. It makes me sick to think that people think they have to speak in tongues to be saved or that they are lesser than because they don't speak in tongues. This has lead so many to stumble or become unbelievers!

  • @andrewiglinski148
    @andrewiglinski148 2 года назад +1

    Not only is speaking in tungs not from God… it’s not even sane. You’re just babbling nonsense and convincing yourself that it’s something magical happening. It’s not… it’s a group of adults playing make believe and creating an environment where everyone feels the social pressure to also have a similar reaction, and in turn each person convinces the next person that since everyone else thinks it is real, then it must be real. There are real, scientific phenomena that point to something we might call God… but making up your own language is just ridiculous and a clear indication you’re losing touch with reality.