Every Shot of an Average Golfer's Round - Front 9 at Clays Golf

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @kevincarlisle7922
    @kevincarlisle7922 2 года назад +8

    Looks like your par putt on the 4th missed, also on the 9th your second shot goes in the bunker but then your hitting your 3rd from the side of the bunker?

  • @xdr8kx
    @xdr8kx 2 года назад +2

    I’m learning so much from watching you! Something that seemed so consistent is you had the perfect angles on your puts, you just left them slightly short. What a great problem to have! I bet if you could go and replay the day you’d safe 5-6 swings! Good stuff man, thank you for sharing!

  • @Joaquim.Oliveira
    @Joaquim.Oliveira Месяц назад

    I’d love to see the clubs that you are using for each shot . Great vid !!!

  • @dylanmccallum740
    @dylanmccallum740 4 года назад +8

    Try putting from the fringe, if you do not like chips around the green. I’ve gained 4-5 strokes trying that

  • @timekiller7020
    @timekiller7020 Год назад

    Love clays golf course, Beautiful course, and wonderful people there :)

  • @brushedaluminum
    @brushedaluminum 4 года назад +6

    Love the content Joe, keep it up!
    Suggestion, add which club you're using on each shot to the graphic in the top right.

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад +5

      Thanks a lot Luke. And sure I'll do that going forward!

  • @jrm8899
    @jrm8899 3 года назад +3

    I wish you'd mention what club you're using for each shot

  • @islandlife4141
    @islandlife4141 4 года назад +2

    Buddy, keep these vids up, way more enjoyable than watching pros..
    I can relate.. where are you located, maybe we can play

  • @robsmith6087
    @robsmith6087 3 года назад +1

    would love to see what clubs you were using ! LOVE the channel Well done.

  • @garethparry6673
    @garethparry6673 3 года назад +2

    Claysgolf is my local and I’m payasyou play member. The greens were hollow tined around when you played there and they are faster now👍 nice video though 😁

  • @AlfieMcbroom-px9mp
    @AlfieMcbroom-px9mp 10 месяцев назад

    What shot tracer did you use buddy?

  • @drodakarambo
    @drodakarambo 3 года назад +4

    What happened on shot 3 of hole 9? Didn't your second shot go in the sand??

    • @nsbc6775
      @nsbc6775 3 года назад

      My guess is free relief from the sand... covid rules.

  • @sw5331
    @sw5331 4 года назад +2

    Love these vids! Can I ask what software you use to get the ball tracker and graphics in the corner? TIA

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад

      Hey dude, for the tracker I use the shot tracer app on IOS/Android. And for the graphic I have manually do that in Photoshop haha!

  • @doggettoutdoors
    @doggettoutdoors Год назад

    How do you get that chart in the top right in the videos ? Is it a app

  • @jareddavis4021
    @jareddavis4021 Год назад

    Did you pull out of the sand on hole 9?

  • @tylerrhoden8165
    @tylerrhoden8165 2 года назад +2

    Hole 4 you missed the par putt but said you made it

  • @shanedeel2
    @shanedeel2 3 года назад +1

    Is yellow for senior citizens in the UK? I’m not judging , I’m just wondering. I go back and forth between white and yellow myself. I’m 41 years old.

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  3 года назад +2

      No mate, on this course the yellows are the standard men's tees 👍

  • @stephenlayton256
    @stephenlayton256 2 года назад

    Your game is OK by me. Come to New Zealand. Golfer's paradise !

  • @davidvictorsomerville6380
    @davidvictorsomerville6380 2 года назад

    Could you put your club choice in the top right graphic

  • @bamabama7938
    @bamabama7938 2 года назад

    Your 9th hole went into the bunker and u moved it 😄 🤣

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  2 года назад

      This was filmed when covid restrictions meant bunkers couldn't be raked, so you got a free drop out 👍

  • @thegoat36
    @thegoat36 4 года назад +1

    When did you play

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад

      I played last Friday mate, teed off at 5pm. A nice, chilled evening game.

    • @thegoat36
      @thegoat36 4 года назад

      @@AverageJoeGolf the green have been super fast but last week they kept the length on them as no rain so protecting the greens. Previous weekend was competition weekend and pin positions were brutal on some with serious speed

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад +1

      @@thegoat36 Ah I see mate, that makes sense then. Don't get me wrong they weren't super slow or anything, they were just different to what I'm used to so it was a bit tricky for me to get used to them at first. Really enjoyed my round though and will hopefully be back again soon!

  • @simonharrison2207
    @simonharrison2207 4 года назад +1

    Pretty sure you were teeing off on the 17th on Sunday wen I was on the second

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад +1

      Do you mean at Llan? Yeah I played in the comp on Sunday. Fortunately I ended up finding my first drive in the trees between the 1 and 17 but managed to chip in later for par 😂 How did you play?

    • @simonharrison2207
      @simonharrison2207 4 года назад

      @@AverageJoeGolf ye llan bud just started playing again after 15 year break played half decent after a dodgy start had a good back nine dropt 4 shots on the back nine... Not playing comps though.. The course is in lovely condition.. I find the fairways a bit tight 🙈

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад +1

      @@simonharrison2207 Ah great to hear you're back playing and enjoying it! And unfortunately I know exactly what you mean mate haha, also the wild rough areas are very daunting particularly when you're not driving well! Hopefully see you around soon Simon!

  • @shanedeel2
    @shanedeel2 3 года назад +1

    I really enjoyed. Subscribed fornsure

  • @yinzergolf4375
    @yinzergolf4375 2 года назад

    Good Stuff man! sub'd

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  2 года назад

      Thanks so much mate, plenty of new videos coming soon!

  • @zlyons1191
    @zlyons1191 6 месяцев назад

    Love the vid but why does he practice his putts like that. Down swing is way faster than the shot he's trying to hit. Defeats the purpose of a practice swing

  • @quinlanroche342
    @quinlanroche342 4 года назад +1

    Have you had anyone bug you about cameras? do you ask ahead of time to film either out of respect or because it is required? I haven't even had a chance to film any of my golf because all the courses I go to are too crowded to let singles go off at the moment let alone singles that play at the speed of a twosome because they are filming. I always get paired up and I just cant warrant slowing people down :(

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  4 года назад

      Ah that sucks man, I haven't found it that difficult to film but recently the courses have been a lot busier than usual. There was a guy behind me most of this round but fortunately I caught up to a 3 ball in front so at least it felt like I wasn't being slow so I stopped rushing at that point. And I do like to get permission out of respect really but also because the club might be interested in collaborating in some way too, like complimentary green fees for promoting the course. 😊

  • @gonzalogaribay8970
    @gonzalogaribay8970 2 года назад

    You should be more honest with your shots. You missed a par putt and you landed in sand but didn’t shoot out of it. I don’t understand. Nice video but just saying.

    • @Modernpigment
      @Modernpigment 2 года назад

      I was confused by this as well. Love your content, just not sure how on the 9th hole at 9:42 in the video how you hit a shot kept it low under the tree and ended up in the bunker, but your next shot was a perfect lay outside of the bunker. Were the bunkers unplayable that day?
      Anyways your videos have taught me a lot as a new golfer and I enjoy watching the videos !!

    • @AverageJoeGolf
      @AverageJoeGolf  2 года назад

      Sorry guys, this is one of my first times I put a video like this together. So I made an editing mistake on the par putt, it was actually a bogey.
      And during this time covid restrictions meant bunkers were unplayable (no raking) so it was a free drop out.

  • @jamal4310
    @jamal4310 2 года назад

    You talk too much during the vid

  • @natespears8489
    @natespears8489 Год назад

    Thought this was @torvesta from RuneScape