There is a "decolonising process" proceeding in New Zealand. The so called indigenous Maori came here in the 13th Century. Most of them are of mixed race. It was most of their chiefs who asked the British Crown to stop the inter tribal wars, cannibalism, and they entered a treaty of Waitangi. If the British did not settle here, they would still be a basically stone age people.
So very true. If anyone should apologise for wrongs done, it should be them. We would have another full race of people living in NZ if they hadn’t been subject to genocide. All of the investment in these people for very little return. Simply a bad investment. Truly a brown burden. 🇳🇿NZ
Just ask what did the Maori do to the indigenous people they found there when they invaded? And the English have been in the British Isles longer than the Maori have been in NZ....yet they are a 'native' people...
What happened to we are one or they are us?? Don't forget the world's most extreme abortion laws, rushed tho durring the first lockdown by dodgy jacinda.
@@DaveCollins123 To be fair there were no "natives" before the Maori came to New Zealand. They did however exterminate all of the islands larger wildlife, the moa and haast eagle being prominent examples.
My grandfather was an ex soldier turned civil engineer, working throughout the UK and the Empire and beyond, working on the Kut barrage scheme, Aswan dam etc. One of his projects in the 1920's was electrification of Nigeria. He was one of a handful of engineers working with workers and there families. He took it upon himself to learn basic medical care, he organised basic schooling, Sunday school and entertainments, such as mule racing. When he learnt that female babies, when born might be left at the side of the road, he arranged for the mothers to be paid an extra shilling at the end of the month, on presentation of the child. There are many such stories that he told my Father.
Thanks for your interest. My Paternal Grandfather Robert Rose, started as a blacksmith in Northumberland, join the Inniskilling Dragoons, got sent to India in 1909,became regimental farrier. He was capable with a sabre and rifle. He won several Empire medals for track and field as well as Bisley shooting medals. He served throughout WW1. When decommissioned he went to night school to learn civil engineering. He worked principally for Balfour Beatty until the 1950s. He worked in some pretty remote places and under extraordinary circumstances. He told my Father that when a surveyor lost his spectacles in Nigeria, they had to stop work for a month! He was a very formidable man he frightened me as a child, but a man of immense integrity and gruff kindness. One bizarre thing, my father recalled he would never stay in a hotel room next to a Catholic priest! Apparently they were too noisy.
Thank you for sharing that with us. Good for your grandfather. Well done him, I hate the way that certain sectors of our society continuously deigrating the British and what its done for the world. thanks again for your input. It is very much appreciated.. regards Antony
Spot on, saying the unsayable, the population of Africa has soared, because we fed them, and stopped them dying. We have truly made a rod for our own back. And what is worse, for our children's and grandchildren's as well.
Its lovely to hear you voicing your opinion. I have always tried to treat people with a straight bat, as my dad used to say. I am so tired of the media and even so called policitians blaming the British for everything bad in the world. Without anyone mentioning the good or the charitable nation we are. I am sick and tired of black people slagging us off on television and making out their culture and their country is so much better. But they were born and live in this country, and had a free education and medical care, but Britain is all bad. I am sick to death of it!!!
I am sick of it for you too, it’s so wrong! I’m a Mexican American; nothing but love and respect for the opportunity my aunties all had to make their own lives better, we the kids are all so grateful, we speak both our languages and love both countries!
Why hasn't Africa developed there own comedians, that can make a satire about colonisation? Imagine the African version of Monty Python, with the line 'What has the British ever done for us?' Of course the first answer of many would be is that 'they abolished slavery'.
@Michael McG "Unfair taxes"? The colonists in America had lower taxes that those people in Britain; and a vastly better standard of living. The Revolution was about greed - more for less. The British in Britain didn't have that luxury.
Bravo Simon! You need to be a voice in Parliament!....It is about time we all stopped being modest Brits. Shout loud and proud into the faces of these groups in denial and those who are still on the take!
In Northern Nigeria on Pentecost Sunday jihadists slaughtered over 100 Christians at worship in the Catholic church. We were all watching the incredible platinum celebrations flyover. It's two different worlds out there.
Hi mate If the white European and English had never gone to Africa, then absolutely nothing would have happened there. They would still be in the stone age, they where Neolithic when we turned up and if we hadn't of gone they still would be
And there lays the white man's demise, generosity tolerance and turning a blind eye to reality, in a sad way we deserve everything that's coming for being so naive.
If we had left the dark continent alone, we our selvs would have been better off today. If any one think over population of the earth is a problem today, then imagine how much less of a problem it would be if we did not give "science and civilization" to every one so that more of their offspring would survive. They are literally out breeding us when you take into account total population vs that of current Western birth rates. Wow good jobb colonials, you saved the West by doing this!
Been to kenya, srilanka, jamaica, egypt, india, and the remains of the lovely cities we left for them are still a bit recognisable. These places are where cruise ships used to visit. Our policy when independence was agreed was to leave everything in the best order possible. To see the shape they are in now breaks your heart. It's like visiting a film set of the Planet of the Apes. Compare our approach of leaving everything as good as possible to, say, how the Portuguese completely deliberately trashed their former colonies never gets a mention in the so called history books today.
@@mirceazaharia2094 Exactly. Sadly, except for a few commentators like Jeff, it is the bad parts of Colonialism that are pushed and the good part ignored.
The jealousy is enormous. Both Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe) and South Africa collapsed as soon as the British passed over the administration of these countries to well trained indigenous native African officials and left the country. Instead of using the example shown by the British, corruption immediately flourished, old tribal hatreds re-emerged, and both countries fell apart. In the then Rhodesia prior to hand-back, when asked why the native people didn't just take back their country. The local policemen, who were armed, while the British officers were not, were unanimous in not wanting this change, because of the model of British justice! They explained that there would no longer be justice in the country unless money exchanged hands in bribes, if the British left and the country would be a mess. They weren't wrong. Two tribes, one war like and one peaceful. All that the British Empire had built up, a very prosperous nation, 2nd only to South Africa, was lost.
Not true about the Portuguese. They did a lot of good things in Brazil, especially after the Royal family moved to Rio. Through the centuries they built cities, schools,roads, hospitals,libraries, beautiful architecture not only in homes, but also many churches, buildings, did work to improve the quality of life in Rio, and created a huge nation through courage and determination while the other Spanish colonies broke up in much smaller countries. Brazil owes a lot to the Portuguese ,its culture and language. Brazil was a savage place before the Portuguese arrived. The natives were mostly cannibals, living in the stone age, living in huts, performing human sacrifices, warrying and enslaving each other. In my opinion Portuguese could have stayed longer in Brazil. Brazil have had awfully corrupt leaders since the Portuguese left.. There were negatives things like everywhere at that time. But a lot of good was accomplished. Brazil could be doing much better if it were not plagued by corrupt politicians and many citizens who engage in destructive activities and crime. The areas where the Portuguese didn't settle, like in the interior of the Amazon, Goias, and other states, the natives still live in the stone age.Let's give credit where credit belongs.
....why stop in the 20th century?if the Roman Empire hadn’t conquered Britain you’d still be worshipping trees,why stop there?if it’s wasn’t for the Greeks the romans would not be as successful as they were,why stop there?if it wasn’t for the ancient Egyptians they Greeks wouldn’t have the know how to do anything.knowledge and information is the most important thing and it can be gotten from anyone and be given to anyone either by force(colonialism) or get off your high horse
I noticed recently, that Israel has changed it's mind about mass immigration from African countries. Some of the politicians are saying that the sovereignty and the future of their country, is at stake...
There are two reasons principally. Firstly, because In 'undeveloped' countries there is no provision within society for looking after you when you're too old to work, so you have lots of children in the hope that at least one of them will survive long enough to look after you in old age. The other reason of course is simply lack of knowlege.
In Australia there is a re-write of history taking place. Apparently, according to the 'new historians" the indigenous aboriginal inhabitants were not living in a pre-Neolithic condition. But had an advanced "civilization" which has lasted 60,000 years until it was destroyed by Europeans.
They have even taken the Canadian natives term of "first nations" to imply some kind of national unity existed. The talk is all about "extensive trade routes", "hunter gatherer plus" and "complex societies".
There is a scene in the 1975 movie the "Man who would be king"by R. Kipling, where the character Billy Fish runs up to M. Caines and S. Connery's character's, and tells them that he has explained to the village up ahead that they are Englishmen. "I tell them you give names to dogs and tip hats at womens" I think it was Connery's character who replies "that's us mate bringing enlightenment to the darker regions of the world"(I don't know if this was in Mr. Kiplings book). An incident in Afghanistan years later, had Afghans on camera shaking their shoes at Americans and calling us "a nation of dog washers", my daughter (a teen at the time)commented "what is their point, that we give greater care to our pets than they do to their people?"
When it comes to the benefits of the Empire for the British, it has to be said that those benefits were mainly enjoyed by the upper and middle-classes, and definitely not by the poor. 1897 when Queen Victoria celebrated her diamond jubilee, is often considered the high watermark of the British Empire, but by 1899 when the British were recruiting troops for the Boer War, the working-class were so stunted and unhealthy, that between 40-60% of the volunteers were rejected. The beginnings of the welfare state were not prompted by compassion for the poor but by the anxiety that the poor were too weak and debilitated to defend the property and privileges of the middle and upper classes.
grenville phillips True , but poverty amongst the workng classes was ,as far as I know, universal. It took a very long time for politics to improve 'morally' so that conditions could improve for those at the bottom of the pecking order. Note also that such impositions are present in nature as a whole. Basically unthinking animals remain the same. Many thinking humans made attempts to improve things. That is no consolation for the economic/health suffering of the masses but is also not a criticism applicable only to the UK.
Agree completely with you. Dr. David Starkey recently spoke about the on-going positive effects from the British Empire. He also said the American colonies were successful because we were British, not French. My mother, a Canadian, always said the world was a better place when the sun never set on the British Empire. I know the Bahamas was a much better place to visit when they were ruled by the British, very clean and orderly. Not so much now. Love from Florida.
I had ancestors from Britain on the mayflower two of the died in the first year but the other two did extremely well and were later joined by other family from England. Your mother was right bless her .
Apparently we "stole all muh resources" in Africa, despite those resources only being of value to _our_ culture, and the mining of which resulted in substantial improvements to local infrastructure and development which benifited the inhabitants. If left alone, the Africans would go on for thousands more years, blissfully unaware of the oil, gold, diamonds, buried half a mile beneath their feet, and having no use for such things anyway.
@@indobalkanizer6557 The Ottomans and Arabs were involved in the export and import of African flesh and blood long before and after the Europeans but apart from a few coastal slave forts they built no lasting infrastructure.
These days, whenever i hear something along the lines of "you don't know what i go through because of the color of my skin". I just think "I know exactly what its like to have to work for everything i have".
@@MDE_never_dies As a White British man I have been judged by my skin colour. You yourself judge White people by skin colour, look how you assume all white people went to college. Myself nor any of my four brothers went on to college after leaving school, it was not something working class families were encouraged to do back in the 80's.
The color of their skin is the best thing about them. Their incompetency and behavioral traits are the problem. And that won’t change as it’s in the hardwiring.
And what exactly is the relevance of one quote to another? So you just implied that people who are not of the same color as you are indolent? People who have been worked to death, denied fair wages, some of which have actually succeeded.... much to your own consternation.
I don't find your video's negative, Simon. They are an inspiration. They make me feel hopeful for the future. Some one has to speak the naked truth. We can't all go around burying our heads in the sand.
Many of the former colonies were granted their independence in the post war years as Britain could no longer afford to maintain an Empire whilst servicing its war debts to the United States, if Britain was looting Africa of its wealth we would not have been able to afford to lose it quite the opposite !
I think it's essential to be proud of one's country's accomplishments and I cheer that attitude. At the same time it wasn't a one way street, and I am not talking of mere profits but the fact that we learned from other cultures as well. When you talked about British bringing health to Africans, we should also remember that bathing and hygiene might have been borrowed from Japan (as implied in the novel SA positive quality of Western culture is that we were willing to learn from others and openly share what we know with others - which has nothing to do with the nonsensical notion of cultural appropriation. Being able to learn from others is a strength.
@@joebloggs5318 Indeed, a practice that continued long after the Romans left. Falling apart gradually as Saxon and Dane invaders brought their primitive ways back to Britain. The bath houses being some of the last building to fall out of use by the ruling classes of the Romano British. Bath and Chester being fine examples but far from alone.
@@joebloggs5318 Good one, but unfortunately all of Europe of the middle ages pretty much forgot how to wash, including England. By the way, watch the mini-series "Shogun" with Richard Chamberlain. I think you will enjoy it. Anyway, as I think you noticed, whether the practice came from Romans or the Japanese, it was "cultural appropriation". Since the rest of the world doesn't appropriate, they tend to stink. (LOL) "Cutlural appropriation" must be one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.
>Be Roman >literally the first civilisation to publicy bathe (not muh vikings - there's little to no proof they bathed daily) >Invade England and give England such habits You: >it was japan tho lel.
I just watched a documentary on Liberia. The colony that took in alot of freed American slaves and the first thing they did was inslave the indigenous peoples. Today it's nothing but a war torn country that doesn't produce anything that I saw wat all . I don't even know how they make money . When they spoke of money the film guy would ask how much was that in US dollars and it equaled to pennies . How does a whole country operate on zeros ? The film didn't have any real economy stuff in it . I am sure they have something that's worth money and somebody is stealing it from there own people . But I would not advise white people to go cause the film crew almost got killed over a prostitute screaming she wanted money and every criminal for miles came running to see what money she was screaming about . Alot of blacks that move to white European countries and America seem to call racism as soon as they hit the ground . It's like a sure way to get free money from white guilt when we really don't have anything to feel guilty about. I really believe it's cultural cause I don't believe they are incapable of learning and asking someone to give up bad cultural habits isn't racism and punishing someone for rape isn't racism because it's their culture in their country . So many things are a part of this problem it's unreal the more I actually read history of Africa . Alot of the black culture in American cities is just like third world behavior with the rape culture and tribal culture of this is my street and I'll kill anyone from another street cause your not one of us . I know criminal enterprises operate on drug territory but these are the regular people seem to think the same way . Idk I actually care what happens but it has to happen in the culture first I do know that and everything isn't the white mans fault.
Lincoln's reason for establishing Liberia was to have a place to send all the slaves back to africa...i think that would of been better for everyone in the long run....wouldn't have majority of the issues we have today in the US if that plan was completed...
The real reason they enslaved the natives was because the natives were attacking and assaulting them. The only way they could have peace and try to establish their nation was to forcibly take control of the natives there. You have to remember a big reason why many blacks in america act the way they do is because they are predisposed to it. Look at how dilapidated many american cities are where they have a major in certain areas. Then look at the sub-saharan african nations where they have roots. You will see the same kind of conditions.
@Top Lobster Which defeats their argument for reparations. Their ancestors chose to stay. They weren't just dumped in Africa either, they had the where-with-all to start a successful; settlement, building, agricultural, smithy tools building supplies, seedlings, draught animals volunteer missionary doctors, nurses, teachers and tradesmen, probably a few bureaucrats as well. As for thei income, the US built a huge Runway and pays the Liberian s USD$4OM per annum. That was a few years ago, could be more now.
The freed slaves sent to liberia didn't enslave the natives. The freed slaves that were sent to liberia only numbered to about 11,000 total. They didn't have the numbers to enslave the natives. The americos did institute a type of apartheid based on cultural differences. The americos cultural identity was western, they were Christians, spoke English, and were literate, while the natives were the complete opposite. The americos fashioned there society based on what they learned in America and saw the natives as culturally backwards. While the americos developed settlements on the coast large amounts of natives flooded the area. Fearing the loss of their power the americos enacted policy that excluded the natives from power.
Hah! No gibs programs there, no , just the occasional bag of rice and bottled free housing, free medical care, free schooling, no one there to give you a free car, I mean, really
The Britsh Empire achieved many great things. But that does not necessaryly mean that people liked living under it. A bit like the peoples who were conquered by the Romans didn't like to be conquered. Only later on they became somewhat aware of the great benefits it brought to them.
The alternative is did Africa actually need all these benefits? Maybe they would be happier living in a perpetual shit hole. As shown by the areas they colonise over here.
@@spitfiremark1a768 if you have a wealthy and prosperous home but your neighbour accross the road is poor and destitute, do you have a right to barge into their home and make changes? (I’m not saying you don’t, just exploring Simon’s idea that empire is fantastic because Britain was so successful and so wanted to invade other countries and make them successful as well).
Simon, I think this headline from today perfectly answers your question: 'At Least 50 Christians MASSACRED in Church Attack (The Nigerian Genocide Continues)'.
Arguably the real plundering of Africa occurred in the 20th century when kleptocratic African leaders looted their own countries and sequestered their ill-gotten gains away in off-shore accounts. Unfortunately Britain is not blameless in this though as most of the off-shore accounts were in British overseas territories such as the Cayman Islands.
Simon Webb , you are a breath of fresh air and truth in this cesspit of an internet and media run World. The truth will out in the end,just don't stop speaking it , no matter what pressure they put on you. because they will !!!!!
I saw an ad on TV yesterday asking for money to pay for "simple treatments" to stop African kids going blind. I commented to my partner that you would think that one of their 'doctors or scientists' could sort it out...
I dont know why they ask us to give money to treat there people because africa has got to be a rich country they have gold mines and diamond mines.ever since the whites have been replaced by blacks the country has gone to shite
Yes, there are certainly two sides to this story. I live in America and sometimes wish that America could have remained part of the Empire..It is a great heritage and that cannot be taken away.
No need. South Africa went from Developed to 3rd World in 25 years. That's DESPITE immense efforts by the remaining "colonists" to prevent the decay and descent into chaos.
The white European people are a great people. Teach your children this and counter the anti-white and white guilt agenda that they try to inflict on our children. Be proud.
Maybe we SHOULD have left them alone and not given them civilisation. It would have stopped many problems we now face in modern times. Slavery and himan sacrifice does still occur in some areas of Africa. I suppose old habits die hard eh?
Just what I said. How they choose to live is NONE of our business. Globalism is the tool of our enemy and it is now being used to destroy us. We should have thrived here on our continent. Every nation should have self-determination, for better or for worse
Kipling should be required reading in all schools. Give our kids a sense of pride in their history, people, and country instead of the endless guilt heaped on them
Kipling is my go to poet! The youngest winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1907 "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author."
I have used this poem in English classes, and it always gave occasion to great discussions about the British Empire and pros and cons of colonialism. There are of course also negative aspects about the British Empire, exploitation and killings f.ex. Interestingly none of my educated colleagues knew the poem.
I noticed that many history teachers read and discuss this in class, but almost never do they annotate it. I love to do that in my English classes AFTER the students read the poem in their history classes. The irony is rarely pointed out.
we are the best. we are the only race on earth not allowed to celebrate our great achievements. 99% of all inventions or breakthroughs in technology science medicine comes from our bright European brains. be proud people 🏴❤️
@@Xymage and there would be less oft hem around to immigrate if we did not go around and give them the medicine and technology to grown their own populations. Talk about a problem of over population. Its absolutely hilarious. If the white man didn't go there, there would be less of them around today.
In light of all the benefits The British empire brought to Africa, as highlighted by Simon, there could be an African unionist version of the Monty Python scene in’The Life of Brian’ re the Roman presence. “ What have the British ever done for us” “Er, education, roads, medicine, manufacturing, law..etc,etc
Lol, I just made a very similar cment about Monty Python. It is so very true though, which is why we don't go around demanding Roman Colosseum's are pulled down just because of what happened to our British Ancestors.
As an American I am endlessly grateful that the colonies that formed the original nexus of the USA were British. Great Britain was the source of the Enlightenment ideals enshrined in our constitution, our original language, values, culture and much more. English and Scottish blood too flows in my veins. You have my lifelong thanks, my British brothers & sisters!!!! 🇬🇧
@@alanmarr3323 Upon contact with the white man most native Americans sold furs particularly beaver furs as their biggest export. The trade was so lucrative for them that most of the wars they fought with each other at that time was so that they could be the ones with whom white people would trade! There was at that time very few outposts of European colonies and the natives could have possibly wiped them out but they were making too much profit from the trade! Something worth thinking about I think. Huge numbers of natives died to secure access too and deny competitors access too those trading outposts.
Im American!Recently I've seen videos of Salisbury,Rhodesia and it looked modern,clean,and peaceful.The films were from late 60's.Now in 2022,Zimbabwe is the name of of the poorest countries in the world.I wonder what older white Rhodesia ns now think of their beautiful home.
decolonization and the "white mans burden" never stopped. Christian missionaries became humanitarian NGOs, a normative empire with human rights and asylum conventions replaced it.
Absolutely. These people are the new imperialists. The liberals of today are the spiritual and political heirs of the imperialists of yesteryear. Once, it was thought right to export European Norms to different parts of the world by any means necessary. Now, people do the same thing but delude themselves into believing that they act only for the sake of others. What they are really doing is trying to remake the world in their own image, or to project their own values onto the rest of mankind. It’s the same thing either way!
I often travel to Brazil for work. About 20 years ago I was having dinner in Brazil with one of our customers and he blurts out that the "Anglo-Saxons" should rule the world. Britain, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand there's a general theme when it comes to the most desirable countries to live in. I was a little caught off guard when he said it, but even back then I knew the truth, that the Anglo Saxon world was starting rot from the inside out, but I understood exactly where he was coming from.
U mean Englishmen because English people are White. Why do you repeat leftists talking points of anyone can be any nationality? You do know that’s how you lose right? By uttering their beliefs you’re reinforcing they’re views. If you want to win don’t acknowledge or accept their views at all
We spread civilisation, industrialisation and superior British culture around the globe. Sadly not all native savages (a relative term) were capable of understanding but those that did, flourished.
I'll always remember that Chinese guy talking to a black fella, the Chinese guy tells him what the British brought to them, and how they have done nothing but, destroy it.
Do today's Africans think that the trains, planes and automobiles just magic'd themselves onto their continent along with multi storey buildings,science, engineering, medicine and literature. A great deal of the African continent is still in a pretty backward state, but can you imagine what it would look like if white Europeans had never been near the place. There is also the fundamental fact that different races of people are very different in their behaviour.There's nothing racist about that, its simply fact. For instance,Africa is the rape capitol of the world.After watching Extreme Worlds by Ross Kemp he stated that one quarter of black South African men openly admitted to raping women.They see no wrong in it. Whereas in white Western culture that type of behaviour is absolutely abhorrent.
The problem is that now they are being taught that THEY taught the white man everything he believes he knows. THAT is the new knowledge, that blacks are all kings & queens, descended from Gods, who ruled the world in peace & prosperity, & then created all that is today... until the white man stole it. And soon, I expect that to show up in mainline school books. That is where we are today... The question is, why??
@@cherchezlavache5183 Yes actually. That’s exactly right. The Muslim term for “Holy War” applies here. Look up Yuri Bezmenov (spelling might be wrong) former kgb and watch his entire lecture on RUclips. He literally describes to a t what is happening now. He defected to the US and described the exact plan to destabilize Western Powers, because they had so much practice destroying their own countries one at a time with communism. Basically if China and Russia could not outright defeat the West, they planned to plant people in key places like universities and local courts and gov, and then those sleeper agents would spread “woke culture”, like destroying the family with lgbt, and destroying our culture and religion with atheism. Before anyone sane even knows what’s happening the culture starts to destroy itself. They needed useful idots to flood the country they wanted to destabilize and start fake opposition “‘movements” like blk power and pro choice and feminism, but secretly it was their agents starting all these “freedom movements” to destabilize the entire civilization until the people meant to protect us were “woke” and useless. Before the end that country would BEG for a dictator to step in and “improve things” with full on socialism. Then they “eliminate” all the “provocateurs” like the feminist and the homo sekual and the “undesirables” who helped them with the “revolution” and they actually intentionally made “traditional values” the Law and culture again to assert their dominance. Because now their communism would be acceptable as the “good choice” and the “stable system”. And that country didn’t even understand they were conquered. Look around.
@@cherchezlavache5183 In other words they are being used as a part of a much larger political plan decades in the making. Literally they will be the guerrilla army of these different political forces because they are easy to manipulate. The poor the uneducated and the desperate for attention and a purpose are the best soldiers, and if they don’t know they are even destroying their own civilization it works even better. They are literally the barbaric hordes that will be manipulated and will be used to destroy Rome. And then they too will be rounded up and “eliminated” right after us. That is the actual plan.
I think African colonization was as much about geopolitical competition between European powers as economics. This is especially true beginning in the 1870s.
The European empires were a pissing contest between the great powers. Since the liquidation of the various European empires,living standards in Europe have soared. The same can be said in the US,after their civil war.
Thats the first time I've heard Kiplings great poem read aloud in it's entirety. It should be read out in every British place of learning, regularly. Although India wasnt nearly so backward as Africa, when we arrived, they had been occupied by the Dutch, although the locals didnr benefit so well. BUt when the British left, in 1947, they left behind a modern construct of a country, that even some European countries could not match. Look at them now by comparison.
A popular Igbo proverb: "A slave who looks on while a fellow-slave is tied up and thrown into the grave should realize that it could also be his turn someday.” The British had an extremely difficult time trying to stop sla*ery in Southeast Nigeria. The Nigerians didnt want it to end. It was abolished in the 1800s by the British, but was not eradicated until the 1940s. The natives did not want it to end. The abolishment of slavery made for a glut of sl*ves in Nigeria. What to do? Wealthy native sl*ve owners competed with one another in the number of slaves each killed for its dead or used to placate the gods.
....why stop in the 20th century?if the Roman Empire hadn’t conquered Britain you’d still be worshipping trees,why stop there?if it’s wasn’t for the Greeks the romans would not be as successful as they were,why stop there?if it wasn’t for the ancient Egyptians they Greeks wouldn’t have the know how to do anything.knowledge and information is the most important thing and it can be gotten from anyone and be given to anyone either by force(colonialism) or get off your high horse
When the story of Rome is told the fact that brought law and stability in the places they conquered. The same goes for the subject you're discussing and also a place like Hawaii. I know alot of the "natives" tend to piss and moan about their status as an American state, but without the islands being taken over you can save goodbye to all modern conveniences. I often wonder why people descended from Africa have such a hard time getting their shit together, even when they've been given access to free food, free housing, a good education, grants and scholarships that are for black people only, preferential treatment when applying to college and preferential treatment when it comes to getting a job. Sure as hell isn't "systemic racism" because I just objectively proved the US isn't trying to "keep the black man down". So why is the crime rate so high in black neighborhoods? Why do they tend to be much more violent than any other group? Why are all the advantages they've been given not improving their socioeconomic status very much? Honestly, I don't think black people and modern day life in a city go together very well. As far as I know they evolved mostly in isolation from the rest of the world and their methods for feeding themselves didn't allow for a large population. They existed mostly in smaller tribes scattered and isolated across Africa. In other words, they're just not wired to succeed in any modern society. Too many people in close proximity to each other and too much complexity for them to handle.
Apart from hunting for food etc., they didn't need to do too much else to survive. Working 8-10 hours a day is an alien concept and possibly a cause of resentment at the thought of their labour helping to line someone elses pocket.
Hey, James - Here's my take on it: The African wilderness is harsh and the people evolved alongside it for millennia, enough so that they wouldn't completely die off while subsisting solely on fauna/flora; So much in fact, that they never really had to develop agriculture and incrementally progress to more refined and new technologies/methodologies. If you introduced a modern cell/smart phone to an 80 year old who's never seen one before, taught them how to use it and keep it maintained - then eventually you were asked to leave or forced to leave; Would that person be able to make their own phone(s) given a reasonable enough amount of time? Empire of Dust, James. It takes two to tango. I can teach someone something, but (in tandem) they have to be willing to learn it, maintain it, and pass the knowledge on to future generations. If one side falters in responsibility, all shall fall as a result.
Michael Levin, who is a racial realist, asserts a striking thought. One must ask oneself if Blacks are not employing a good long-term survival strategy by constantly playing the victim and, therefore, getting others to transfer gigantic amounts of resources to them that normally would go to the benefactors' own children. Therefore, they are able to out propagate the benefactors through the transfer of resources illegitimately to themselves without much effort. Additionally, the Chinese or Japanese would never allow such a terrible thing to happen to their own children.
There is a "decolonising process" proceeding in New Zealand. The so called indigenous Maori came here in the 13th Century. Most of them are of mixed race. It was most of their chiefs who asked the British Crown to stop the inter tribal wars, cannibalism, and they entered a treaty of Waitangi. If the British did not settle here, they would still be a basically stone age people.
So very true. If anyone should apologise for wrongs done, it should be them. We would have another full race of people living in NZ if they hadn’t been subject to genocide. All of the investment in these people for very little return. Simply a bad investment. Truly a brown burden. 🇳🇿NZ
The haka or Morris dancing that is the question.
Just ask what did the Maori do to the indigenous people they found there when they invaded? And the English have been in the British Isles longer than the Maori have been in NZ....yet they are a 'native' people...
What happened to we are one or they are us?? Don't forget the world's most extreme abortion laws, rushed tho durring the first lockdown by dodgy jacinda.
@@DaveCollins123 To be fair there were no "natives" before the Maori came to New Zealand. They did however exterminate all of the islands larger wildlife, the moa and haast eagle being prominent examples.
My grandfather was an ex soldier turned civil engineer, working throughout the UK and the Empire and beyond, working on the Kut barrage scheme, Aswan dam etc.
One of his projects in the 1920's was electrification of Nigeria.
He was one of a handful of engineers working with workers and there families.
He took it upon himself to learn basic medical care, he organised basic schooling, Sunday school and entertainments, such as mule racing.
When he learnt that female babies, when born might be left at the side of the road, he arranged for the mothers to be paid an extra shilling at the end of the month, on presentation of the child. There are many such stories that he told my Father.
wow, that is pretty incredible
Thats awesome, love to hear peoples stories and experiences, some men throughout history just seem to be 'giants' among men
Thanks for your interest. My Paternal Grandfather Robert Rose, started as a blacksmith in Northumberland, join the Inniskilling Dragoons, got sent to India in 1909,became regimental farrier. He was capable with a sabre and rifle. He won several Empire medals for track and field as well as Bisley shooting medals. He served throughout WW1. When decommissioned he went to night school to learn civil engineering.
He worked principally for Balfour Beatty until the 1950s.
He worked in some pretty remote places and under extraordinary circumstances. He told my Father that when a surveyor lost his spectacles in Nigeria, they had to stop work for a month!
He was a very formidable man he frightened me as a child, but a man of immense integrity and gruff kindness. One bizarre thing, my father recalled he would never stay in a hotel room next to a Catholic priest! Apparently they were too noisy.
Thank you for sharing that with us. Good for your grandfather. Well done him, I hate the way that certain sectors of our society continuously deigrating the British and what its done for the world. thanks again for your input. It is very much appreciated.. regards Antony
Ps,, What a fantastic man he was too, your grandad...
Spot on, saying the unsayable, the population of Africa has soared, because we fed them, and stopped them dying. We have truly made a rod for our own back. And what is worse, for our children's and grandchildren's as well.
Its lovely to hear you voicing your opinion. I have always tried to treat people with a straight bat, as my dad used to say. I am so tired of the media and even so called policitians blaming the British for everything bad in the world. Without anyone mentioning the good or the charitable nation we are.
I am sick and tired of black people slagging us off on television and making out their culture and their country is so much better. But they were born and live in this country, and had a free education and medical care, but Britain is all bad. I am sick to death of it!!!
I am sick of it for you too, it’s so wrong! I’m a Mexican American; nothing but love and respect for the opportunity my aunties all had to make their own lives better, we the kids are all so grateful, we speak both our languages and love both countries!
It has all turned against Europeans. All that shows is that we must be careful as to we help.
Your helping destroyed many countries
We shouldn't be helping anyone anymore
We help our own, and that's it.
Why hasn't Africa developed there own comedians, that can make a satire about colonisation?
Imagine the African version of Monty Python, with the line 'What has the British ever done for us?'
Of course the first answer of many would be is that 'they abolished slavery'.
The Romans killed the Druids. They did nothing for us!
@@cannz9134 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Druids are alive and well, living in Glastonbury.
@@TheMirrorGuy 🤣 what have the Druids ever done for us? Thats the real problem 👍
Maybe they have already done that as far as comedy goes. We just don't hear about it.
Not really as it is still rampant on the continent
I can remember when at school in the 1950s we collected pennies for Africa, now they demand millions, what a long way we have come..
Remember the 80s when Pop stars in both America and the UK had songs to raise funds for Africa?
Billions, they demand billions.
@@Craig_N I was a kid when they did that whole scam . 😒 the celebrities colonized the airwaves
I remember doing that , we put them in tubes of empty fruit pastilles from Xmas
@@jeffatkins6890 pastille tubes are a sign of white privilege 😉
As a person being born and raised in the US, I owe the British Empire a whole lot because without it,the US would have never existed.
Same here in Australia...if we weren't a dumping ground for convicts, wouldn't exist..
@@daffyd5867 And you lot became the toughest military force in the Commonwealth.
@Michael McG "Unfair taxes"? The colonists in America had lower taxes that those people in Britain; and a vastly better standard of living. The Revolution was about greed - more for less. The British in Britain didn't have that luxury.
@@johnough4893 "revolution was abt greed" lol history ain't generalised like that
@@indobalkanizer6557 It certainly can be, and was in this case.
Bravo Simon! You need to be a voice in Parliament!....It is about time we all stopped being modest Brits. Shout loud and proud into the faces of these groups in denial and those who are still on the take!
@NateHiggers umm he did a debate with them so idk what your on
In Northern Nigeria on Pentecost Sunday jihadists slaughtered over 100 Christians at worship in the Catholic church.
We were all watching the incredible platinum celebrations flyover.
It's two different worlds out there.
Hi mate
If the white European and English had never gone to Africa, then absolutely nothing would have happened there. They would still be in the stone age, they where Neolithic when we turned up and if we hadn't of gone they still would be
And there lays the white man's demise, generosity tolerance and turning a blind eye to reality, in a sad way we deserve everything that's coming for being so naive.
If we had left the dark continent alone, we our selvs would have been better off today.
If any one think over population of the earth is a problem today, then imagine how much less of a problem it would be if we did not give "science and civilization" to every one so that more of their offspring would survive.
They are literally out breeding us when you take into account total population vs that of current Western birth rates. Wow good jobb colonials, you saved the West by doing this!
As always, everything in moderation. Unfortunately it seems our societies have never learned the meanings or virtues of moderation.
@@Timenaught We will learn the hard way as we always have.
From America, the British Empire was the greatest force for good that the world has ever known.
The greatest theft groups
Well said.
Greatest force for evil!
@@alanmarr3323 indeed! Very well said!
Been to kenya, srilanka, jamaica, egypt, india, and the remains of the lovely cities we left for them are still a bit recognisable.
These places are where cruise ships used to visit. Our policy when independence was agreed was to leave everything in the best order possible. To see the shape they are in now breaks your heart. It's like visiting a film set of the Planet of the Apes.
Compare our approach of leaving everything as good as possible to, say, how the Portuguese completely deliberately trashed their former colonies never gets a mention in the so called history books today.
Just think about the monument and culture that destroyed by britian during colonial times.
@@aiswaryabersan7983 Colonialism did both good and bad things. Both of them must be mentioned, not just the good or the bad.
@@mirceazaharia2094 Exactly.
Sadly, except for a few commentators like Jeff, it is the bad parts of Colonialism that are pushed and the good part ignored.
The jealousy is enormous. Both Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe) and South Africa collapsed as soon as the British passed over the administration of these countries to well trained indigenous native African officials and left the country. Instead of using the example shown by the British, corruption immediately flourished, old tribal hatreds re-emerged, and both countries fell apart.
In the then Rhodesia prior to hand-back, when asked why the native people didn't just take back their country. The local policemen, who were armed, while the British officers were not, were unanimous in not wanting this change, because of the model of British justice! They explained that there would no longer be justice in the country unless money exchanged hands in bribes, if the British left and the country would be a mess. They weren't wrong. Two tribes, one war like and one peaceful. All that the British Empire had built up, a very prosperous nation, 2nd only to South Africa, was lost.
Not true about the Portuguese. They did a lot of good things in Brazil, especially after the Royal family moved to Rio.
Through the centuries they built cities, schools,roads, hospitals,libraries, beautiful architecture not only in homes, but also many churches, buildings, did work to improve the quality of life in Rio, and created a huge nation through courage and determination while the other Spanish colonies broke up in much smaller countries. Brazil owes a lot to the Portuguese ,its culture and language.
Brazil was a savage place before the Portuguese arrived. The natives were mostly cannibals, living in the stone age, living in huts, performing human sacrifices, warrying and enslaving each other. In my opinion Portuguese could have stayed longer in Brazil. Brazil have had awfully corrupt leaders since the Portuguese left..
There were negatives things like everywhere at that time. But a lot of good was accomplished. Brazil could be doing much better if it were not plagued by corrupt politicians and many citizens who engage in destructive activities and crime.
The areas where the Portuguese didn't settle, like in the interior of the Amazon, Goias, and other states, the natives still live in the stone age.Let's give credit where credit belongs.
If the Empire had not ventured to Africa it would be exactly the same. Mud huts in very small villages with huge death rates of children
Most of Sub Saharan Africa is still like that!
@Catherine Golden no … they judge themselves by European standards and being embarrassed by their failures look for someone but themselves to blame !
The highest free standing structure in Africa before the whyts came was a anthill!
....why stop in the 20th century?if the Roman Empire hadn’t conquered Britain you’d still be worshipping trees,why stop there?if it’s wasn’t for the Greeks the romans would not be as successful as they were,why stop there?if it wasn’t for the ancient Egyptians they Greeks wouldn’t have the know how to do anything.knowledge and information is the most important thing and it can be gotten from anyone and be given to anyone either by force(colonialism) or get off your high horse
@@Pouncealot2023 Yes all that is true the difference is we as a people embraced new ideas and used them to improve our people.
As I've said before... I, too, am a tremendous Kipling fan. I think his works should be taught in every public school in the #Anglosphere.
Hiraghm - Ha! Suggest that to your local School Board and watch their heads explode.
I noticed recently, that Israel has changed it's mind about mass immigration from African countries. Some of the politicians are saying that the sovereignty and the future of their country, is at stake...
I love his Bakewell Tarts.
Me too.Kipling is a legend.
I love Gunga Din.If you haven't already, I would recommend it. 👍
I will never understand why poor countries continue to have more children that neither they or the world can afford. It’s become an industry!
There are two reasons principally. Firstly, because In 'undeveloped' countries there is no provision within society for looking after you when you're too old to work, so you have lots of children in the hope that at least one of them will survive long enough to look after you in old age. The other reason of course is simply lack of knowlege.
Well said
In Australia there is a re-write of history taking place. Apparently, according to the 'new historians" the indigenous aboriginal inhabitants were not living in a pre-Neolithic condition. But had an advanced "civilization" which has lasted 60,000 years until it was destroyed by Europeans.
There seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
They have even taken the Canadian natives term of "first nations" to imply some kind of national unity existed.
The talk is all about "extensive trade routes", "hunter gatherer plus" and "complex societies".
The Aboriginals themselves shake their heads at such nonsense.
Yep,😁 farms and all.
@@MDE_never_dies 🤣🤣🤣
There is a scene in the 1975 movie the "Man who would be king"by R. Kipling, where the character Billy Fish runs up to M. Caines and S. Connery's character's, and tells them that he has explained to the village up ahead that they are Englishmen. "I tell them you give names to dogs and tip hats at womens" I think it was Connery's character who replies "that's us mate bringing enlightenment to the darker regions of the world"(I don't know if this was in Mr. Kiplings book). An incident in Afghanistan years later, had Afghans on camera shaking their shoes at Americans and calling us "a nation of dog washers", my daughter (a teen at the time)commented "what is their point, that we give greater care to our pets than they do to their people?"
In Islam dogs are considered filthy. Mohammed hated them.
Gotta love kids, honestly my daughter at 11 is smarter than me.
Awesome movie, seen it a couple times. I think I'll watch it again, thanks.
"what is their point, that we give greater care to our pets than they do to their people?"
That is awesome!!!
Their religion doesn't approve of dogs.
@@tsopmocful1958 dogs are infidels.
When it comes to the benefits of the Empire for the British, it has to be said that those benefits were mainly enjoyed by the upper and middle-classes, and definitely not by the poor. 1897 when Queen Victoria celebrated her diamond jubilee, is often considered the high watermark of the British Empire, but by 1899 when the British were recruiting troops for the Boer War, the working-class were so stunted and unhealthy, that between 40-60% of the volunteers were rejected. The beginnings of the welfare state were not prompted by compassion for the poor but by the anxiety that the poor were too weak and debilitated to defend the property and privileges of the middle and upper classes.
grenville phillips
True , but poverty amongst the workng classes was ,as far as I know, universal.
It took a very long time for politics to improve 'morally' so that conditions could improve for those at the bottom of the pecking order.
Note also that such impositions are present in nature as a whole.
Basically unthinking animals remain the same.
Many thinking humans made attempts to improve things.
That is no consolation for the economic/health suffering of the masses but is also not a criticism applicable only to the UK.
It was also the reason for compulsory elementary schools in Prussia. They had problems with illiterate soldiers.
Agree completely with you. Dr. David Starkey recently spoke about the on-going positive effects from the British Empire. He also said the American colonies were successful because we were British, not French. My mother, a Canadian, always said the world was a better place when the sun never set on the British Empire. I know the Bahamas was a much better place to visit when they were ruled by the British, very clean and orderly. Not so much now. Love from Florida.
I had ancestors from Britain on the mayflower two of the died in the first year but the other two did extremely well and were later joined by other family from England. Your mother was right bless her .
Apparently we "stole all muh resources" in Africa, despite those resources only being of value to _our_ culture, and the mining of which resulted in substantial improvements to local infrastructure and development which benifited the inhabitants. If left alone, the Africans would go on for thousands more years, blissfully unaware of the oil, gold, diamonds, buried half a mile beneath their feet, and having no use for such things anyway.
quite disagree, Ottomans and Arabs would've utilised those resources lol
And now the Chinese are there cleaning up house and owning all they just don't learn do they smfh.
Africa still has a massive amount of valuable materials beneath their feet and China is moving in
@@robertrussell2202 they think china will save them 😂😂😂😂😂
@@indobalkanizer6557 The Ottomans and Arabs were involved in the export and import of African flesh and blood long before and after the Europeans but apart from a few coastal slave forts they built no lasting infrastructure.
These days, whenever i hear something along the lines of "you don't know what i go through because of the color of my skin". I just think "I know exactly what its like to have to work for everything i have".
As a White British man I have been judged by my skin colour.
You yourself judge White people by skin colour, look how you assume all white people went to college.
Myself nor any of my four brothers went on to college after leaving school, it was not something working class families were encouraged to do back in the 80's.
The color of their skin is the best thing about them. Their incompetency and behavioral traits are the problem. And that won’t change as it’s in the hardwiring.
And what exactly is the relevance of one quote to another?
So you just implied that people who are not of the same color as you are indolent? People who have been worked to death, denied fair wages, some of which have actually succeeded.... much to your own consternation.
@@llbean6931 Funny, the Romans have said the exact same things about Brits.
I don't find your video's negative, Simon. They are an inspiration. They make me feel hopeful for the future. Some one has to speak the naked truth. We can't all go around burying our heads in the sand.
Many of the former colonies were granted their independence in the post war years as Britain could no longer afford to maintain an Empire whilst servicing its war debts to the United States, if Britain was looting Africa of its wealth we would not have been able to afford to lose it quite the opposite !
I think it's essential to be proud of one's country's accomplishments and I cheer that attitude. At the same time it wasn't a one way street, and I am not talking of mere profits but the fact that we learned from other cultures as well. When you talked about British bringing health to Africans, we should also remember that bathing and hygiene might have been borrowed from Japan (as implied in the novel SA positive quality of Western culture is that we were willing to learn from others and openly share what we know with others - which has nothing to do with the nonsensical notion of cultural appropriation. Being able to learn from others is a strength.
Why from Japan? The Romans brought those ideas to Britain 2000 years ago.
@@joebloggs5318 Indeed, a practice that continued long after the Romans left. Falling apart gradually as Saxon and Dane invaders brought their primitive ways back to Britain. The bath houses being some of the last building to fall out of use by the ruling classes of the Romano British. Bath and Chester being fine examples but far from alone.
No burden if folks don't like White or Caucasian people then don't move here and live in western ways
@@joebloggs5318 Good one, but unfortunately all of Europe of the middle ages pretty much forgot how to wash, including England. By the way, watch the mini-series "Shogun" with Richard Chamberlain. I think you will enjoy it. Anyway, as I think you noticed, whether the practice came from Romans or the Japanese, it was "cultural appropriation". Since the rest of the world doesn't appropriate, they tend to stink. (LOL) "Cutlural appropriation" must be one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.
>Be Roman
>literally the first civilisation to publicy bathe (not muh vikings - there's little to no proof they bathed daily)
>Invade England and give England such habits
>it was japan tho
The indigenous of Africa made no contribution unless guided by the European.
@user-vr5js6nd3wthey are invading Western societies.
I always wonder what men like this would think of Britain today.
I just watched a documentary on Liberia. The colony that took in alot of freed American slaves and the first thing they did was inslave the indigenous peoples. Today it's nothing but a war torn country that doesn't produce anything that I saw wat all . I don't even know how they make money . When they spoke of money the film guy would ask how much was that in US dollars and it equaled to pennies . How does a whole country operate on zeros ? The film didn't have any real economy stuff in it . I am sure they have something that's worth money and somebody is stealing it from there own people . But I would not advise white people to go cause the film crew almost got killed over a prostitute screaming she wanted money and every criminal for miles came running to see what money she was screaming about . Alot of blacks that move to white European countries and America seem to call racism as soon as they hit the ground . It's like a sure way to get free money from white guilt when we really don't have anything to feel guilty about. I really believe it's cultural cause I don't believe they are incapable of learning and asking someone to give up bad cultural habits isn't racism and punishing someone for rape isn't racism because it's their culture in their country . So many things are a part of this problem it's unreal the more I actually read history of Africa . Alot of the black culture in American cities is just like third world behavior with the rape culture and tribal culture of this is my street and I'll kill anyone from another street cause your not one of us . I know criminal enterprises operate on drug territory but these are the regular people seem to think the same way . Idk I actually care what happens but it has to happen in the culture first I do know that and everything isn't the white mans fault.
Lincoln's reason for establishing Liberia was to have a place to send all the slaves back to africa...i think that would of been better for everyone in the long run....wouldn't have majority of the issues we have today in the US if that plan was completed...
The real reason they enslaved the natives was because the natives were attacking and assaulting them. The only way they could have peace and try to establish their nation was to forcibly take control of the natives there. You have to remember a big reason why many blacks in america act the way they do is because they are predisposed to it. Look at how dilapidated many american cities are where they have a major in certain areas. Then look at the sub-saharan african nations where they have roots. You will see the same kind of conditions.
@Top Lobster Which defeats their argument for reparations. Their ancestors chose to stay. They weren't just dumped in Africa either, they had the where-with-all to start a successful; settlement, building, agricultural, smithy tools building supplies, seedlings, draught animals volunteer missionary doctors, nurses, teachers and tradesmen, probably a few bureaucrats as well. As for thei income, the US built a huge Runway and pays the Liberian s USD$4OM per annum. That was a few years ago, could be more now.
@Top Lobster Lincoln wanted it to be voluntary. Andrew Johnson (the next president) wanted it to be mandatory.
The freed slaves sent to liberia didn't enslave the natives. The freed slaves that were sent to liberia only numbered to about 11,000 total. They didn't have the numbers to enslave the natives. The americos did institute a type of apartheid based on cultural differences. The americos cultural identity was western, they were Christians, spoke English, and were literate, while the natives were the complete opposite. The americos fashioned there society based on what they learned in America and saw the natives as culturally backwards. While the americos developed settlements on the coast large amounts of natives flooded the area. Fearing the loss of their power the americos enacted policy that excluded the natives from power.
Bravo Simon great post, this is how to tell the truth!
Love the Poem! a civilized man you are Simon.
If Africa is so good why don't all the Africans go back there?
I wish they would.
Hah! No gibs programs there, no , just the occasional bag of rice and bottled free housing, free medical care, free schooling, no one there to give you a free car, I mean, really
Because they want to improve our lives with their ancient knowledge and philosophy.
The females ar'nt keen on dumping in a hole !
I think their point is rather that Africa's crap, and it's all our fault, therefore we have to let them come here and live off us.
Even the wheel wasn't discovered in Africa before the white man arrived
The Britsh Empire achieved many great things. But that does not necessaryly mean that people liked living under it. A bit like the peoples who were conquered by the Romans didn't like to be conquered. Only later on they became somewhat aware of the great benefits it brought to them.
So you embrace the tidal wave of “culture” ?
@@reidycruise What makes you think that. Never said it.
@@ce-ce-em made you look you dirty duck lol
"Romanes Eunt Domus?"
Give me one example of any country that went to shit after Britain left.
The alternative is did Africa actually need all these benefits?
Maybe they would be happier living in a perpetual shit hole.
As shown by the areas they colonise over here.
Good point.
Africans don’t colonise areas here. Asians have not Africans. They don’t have the numbers.
We don’t owe them anything
@@seanreidy5549 They owe us!
@@spitfiremark1a768 if you have a wealthy and prosperous home but your neighbour accross the road is poor and destitute, do you have a right to barge into their home and make changes?
(I’m not saying you don’t, just exploring Simon’s idea that empire is fantastic because Britain was so successful and so wanted to invade other countries and make them successful as well).
Simon, I think this headline from today perfectly answers your question: 'At Least 50 Christians MASSACRED in Church Attack (The Nigerian Genocide Continues)'.
All I can say is "no good deed goes unpunished".
Absolutely 100% agree👍
Personally, we should have left them in the state we found them. It was not up to us to hasten their prosperity and then be stabbed in the back.
Heartily agree
Arguably the real plundering of Africa occurred in the 20th century when kleptocratic African leaders looted their own countries and sequestered their ill-gotten gains away in off-shore accounts. Unfortunately Britain is not blameless in this though as most of the off-shore accounts were in British overseas territories such as the Cayman Islands.
Loose the burden.. Referendum on Immigration.
They would never allow it too taboo.
they know what the answer will be in a private ballot , that's why it'll n ever happen.
@@webbo9798 Plus, we might give them the 'wrong' answer, like we did with Brexit. Oh no, they won't let us have any more referendums.
They never should have bothered.
Simon Webb , you are a breath of fresh air and truth in this cesspit of an internet and media run World. The truth will out in the end,just don't stop speaking it , no matter what pressure they put on you. because they will !!!!!
Thank you! Yes, there has been some pressure, like being banned on RUclips a few times.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb stay with it , if impossible there's always the pay wall and you have no shortage of real support.
Perhaps Africa should be paying reparations to us.
They would still be swinging from trees
I saw an ad on TV yesterday asking for money to pay for "simple treatments" to stop African kids going blind. I commented to my partner that you would think that one of their 'doctors or scientists' could sort it out...
I dont know why they ask us to give money to treat there people because africa has got to be a rich country they have gold mines and diamond mines.ever since the whites have been replaced by blacks the country has gone to shite
Yes, there are certainly two sides to this story. I live in America and sometimes wish that America could have remained part of the Empire..It is a great heritage and that cannot be taken away.
Despite glamorized accounts to the contrary, the history of Black Africa over the past 5,000 years is largely a blank.
Don't forget about the Stone Tools.
You are a big-time liar.
@@connoroverall580 What about stone tools
Nubia came before Egypt
Funny that ,because the Ancient Greeks went to Africa to learn
Does 'decolonising' these countries include returning them to the state in which we found them?
Think the people do that themselves
No need. South Africa went from Developed to 3rd World in 25 years. That's DESPITE immense efforts by the remaining "colonists" to prevent the decay and descent into chaos.
The white European people are a great people. Teach your children this and counter the anti-white and white guilt agenda that they try to inflict on our children. Be proud.
Humans are humans, the only different is some like to commit mass murder to achieve their goal, I wonder which one were they? hahahaha
@@washingtongarden4078 That is not the only difference. Cultural differences play a huge part as well.
You can be proud of yourself that doesn't mean to downplay others
@@aiswaryabersan7983 I will decide what I will be proud of, thank you very much.
Maybe we SHOULD have left them alone and not given them civilisation. It would have stopped many problems we now face in modern times. Slavery and himan sacrifice does still occur in some areas of Africa. I suppose old habits die hard eh?
Just what I said. How they choose to live is NONE of our business. Globalism is the tool of our enemy and it is now being used to destroy us. We should have thrived here on our continent. Every nation should have self-determination, for better or for worse
I completely agree, countries like the UK and US would have dramatically lower crime rates
Saw this recently...
Q. 'What did Zimbabweans use to light their homes before candles were used?'
A. 'Electricity'
Coming to America - real soon !
Kipling should be required reading in all schools. Give our kids a sense of pride in their history, people, and country instead of the endless guilt heaped on them
Kipling is my go to poet! The youngest winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1907 "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author."
Been awhile since I heard that poem. Used to be taught in American schools, once upon a time.
I love Kipling's work.
Can you imagine him trying to publish it today.
I have used this poem in English classes, and it always gave occasion to great discussions about the British Empire and pros and cons of colonialism. There are of course also negative aspects about the British Empire, exploitation and killings f.ex. Interestingly none of my educated colleagues knew the poem.
I noticed that many history teachers read and discuss this in class, but almost never do they annotate it. I love to do that in my English classes AFTER the students read the poem in their history classes. The irony is rarely pointed out.
@@moirapettifr7127 which country are from.
Sorry which country are you from
@@markbeale7390 USA.
@@moirapettifr7127 what's the reason for the bann!!!!!
We shouldn’t have bothered xx
They have destroyed the most advanced nation ...SA in 25 years...I lived it.
Life in Africa without Europeans would be pretty cool. Very wild and authentic.
I'm just going to say it: I LOVE BEING WHITE.
we are the best. we are the only race on earth not allowed to celebrate our great achievements. 99% of all inventions or breakthroughs in technology science medicine comes from our bright European brains. be proud people 🏴❤️
Bite the hand that feeds you comes to mind
i don't care about the plight of uncivilized people
@@Xymage and there would be less oft hem around to immigrate if we did not go around and give them the medicine and technology to grown their own populations.
Talk about a problem of over population. Its absolutely hilarious.
If the white man didn't go there, there would be less of them around today.
And they want reparations
Let's face it, we are just better
In light of all the benefits The British empire brought to Africa, as highlighted by Simon, there could be an African unionist version of the Monty Python scene in’The Life of Brian’ re the Roman presence.
“ What have the British ever done for us”
“Er, education, roads, medicine, manufacturing, law..etc,etc
Lol, I just made a very similar cment about Monty Python.
It is so very true though, which is why we don't go around demanding Roman Colosseum's are pulled down just because of what happened to our British Ancestors.
As an American I am endlessly grateful that the colonies that formed the original nexus of the USA were British. Great Britain was the source of the Enlightenment ideals enshrined in our constitution, our original language, values, culture and much more. English and Scottish blood too flows in my veins.
You have my lifelong thanks, my British brothers & sisters!!!! 🇬🇧
I don't think the Native Americans feel the same way! They wanted to be left alone !
@@alanmarr3323 Upon contact with the white man most native Americans sold furs particularly beaver furs as their biggest export. The trade was so lucrative for them that most of the wars they fought with each other at that time was so that they could be the ones with whom white people would trade! There was at that time very few outposts of European colonies and the natives could have possibly wiped them out but they were making too much profit from the trade! Something worth thinking about I think. Huge numbers of natives died to secure access too and deny competitors access too those trading outposts.
@@alanmarr3323 Where would they have got their beads from ?
@@thehound9638 Europeans destroyed their way of life and brought over diseases that they had no resistance to and Millions died
@@alanmarr3323 they had immigrated from Mongolia themselves you commie tumshie
Superb session.
I hope Diane Abbott & her privately educated son will hear this.
I’d rather they never heard ANYTHING again.
No good deed goes unpunished.
You dug your own grave, Britain.
Im American!Recently I've seen videos of Salisbury,Rhodesia and it looked modern,clean,and peaceful.The films were from late 60's.Now in 2022,Zimbabwe is the name of of the poorest countries in the world.I wonder what older white Rhodesia ns now think of their beautiful home.
decolonization and the "white mans burden" never stopped. Christian missionaries became humanitarian NGOs, a normative empire with human rights and asylum conventions replaced it.
Absolutely. These people are the new imperialists. The liberals of today are the spiritual and political heirs of the imperialists of yesteryear. Once, it was thought right to export European Norms to different parts of the world by any means necessary. Now, people do the same thing but delude themselves into believing that they act only for the sake of others. What they are really doing is trying to remake the world in their own image, or to project their own values onto the rest of mankind. It’s the same thing either way!
They stopped eating each other.
TRUTH at last!
Thank you, from America. Thank you for everything. We would not have put boot prints on the moon if not for you guys and your effort
and the Germans rockets ,you got em before we did 😁
Nazis got America to the moon, baby
Men on the moon? Who wrote that fable?
What's more, those places in Africa colonized by the British would like to see the British back again.
I often travel to Brazil for work. About 20 years ago I was having dinner in Brazil with one of our customers and he blurts out that the "Anglo-Saxons" should rule the world. Britain, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand there's a general theme when it comes to the most desirable countries to live in. I was a little caught off guard when he said it, but even back then I knew the truth, that the Anglo Saxon world was starting rot from the inside out, but I understood exactly where he was coming from.
@@reekinronald6776 only white boot licker's will say that
This channel is steadily growing. Good.
Let's hope Susan doesn't notice it.
I'm begining to hate myself for being a white Englishman in my country ....... NAH only joking . 😜
That's exactly what the bbc /media and sad woke community want.
U mean Englishmen because English people are White. Why do you repeat leftists talking points of anyone can be any nationality? You do know that’s how you lose right? By uttering their beliefs you’re reinforcing they’re views. If you want to win don’t acknowledge or accept their views at all
@@floop5536 No , I meant what I said "Englishman" . There is only one of me , not plural .
The saxon began to ####
Biting the hand that fed them
In South Africa it is slowly starting to slide back to what it was.
So it seems
Our ancestors were fantastic
life there would be unchanged, and we would not have dingy divers!
Yes it's good to have and foster an up beat attitude towards being English!
Give a man with nothing one dollar and he will complain that you are mean and why didn't you give him two dollars.
We spread civilisation, industrialisation and superior British culture around the globe. Sadly not all native savages (a relative term) were capable of understanding but those that did, flourished.
I'll always remember that Chinese guy talking to a black fella, the Chinese guy tells him what the British brought to them, and how they have done nothing but, destroy it.
Its all so troublesome.
Do today's Africans think that the trains, planes and automobiles just magic'd themselves onto their continent along with multi storey buildings,science, engineering, medicine and literature.
A great deal of the African continent is still in a pretty backward state, but can you imagine what it would look like if white Europeans had never been near the place.
There is also the fundamental fact that different races of people are very different in their behaviour.There's nothing racist about that, its simply fact.
For instance,Africa is the rape capitol of the world.After watching Extreme Worlds by Ross Kemp he stated that one quarter of black South African men openly admitted to raping women.They see no wrong in it.
Whereas in white Western culture that type of behaviour is absolutely abhorrent.
The British Empire - greatest civilising organisation that ever existed. You don't have to thank us!
More like greatest disaster that destroyed half of earth
@@aiswaryabersan7983 we made the modern world, what you could never have created, open your mind to what you see.
@@davidreed9671 you modernised yourself while destroying the rest of the world. That's what you fools did.
👏👏👏👏. Thank you! Your vids are always interesting and informative.
Well said cousin
Africa was skint & still is!
we occupied Africa because of response to France.
It is nice Simon to here truth instead of fantasy for a change today!
Some of the best countries in the world are ex English colonies. The Apefreakens were in the stone age before the Brits came.
The problem is that now they are being taught that THEY taught the white man everything he believes he knows. THAT is the new knowledge, that blacks are all kings & queens, descended from Gods, who ruled the world in peace & prosperity, & then created all that is today... until the white man stole it. And soon, I expect that to show up in mainline school books. That is where we are today... The question is, why??
WEF and UN
Because we are under a Zionist occupation. They hate us and want us gone.
@@ghost-user559 I do not understand what the gain will be🤷♀️Are these people just leading the ultimate “Heaven’s Gate”??
@@cherchezlavache5183 Yes actually. That’s exactly right.
The Muslim term for “Holy War” applies here. Look up Yuri Bezmenov (spelling might be wrong) former kgb and watch his entire lecture on RUclips. He literally describes to a t what is happening now.
He defected to the US and described the exact plan to destabilize Western Powers, because they had so much practice destroying their own countries one at a time with communism.
Basically if China and Russia could not outright defeat the West, they planned to plant people in key places like universities and local courts and gov, and then those sleeper agents would spread “woke culture”, like destroying the family with lgbt, and destroying our culture and religion with atheism.
Before anyone sane even knows what’s happening the culture starts to destroy itself. They needed useful idots to flood the country they wanted to destabilize and start fake opposition “‘movements” like blk power and pro choice and feminism, but secretly it was their agents starting all these “freedom movements” to destabilize the entire civilization until the people meant to protect us were “woke” and useless.
Before the end that country would BEG for a dictator to step in and “improve things” with full on socialism. Then they “eliminate” all the “provocateurs” like the feminist and the homo sekual and the “undesirables” who helped them with the “revolution” and they actually intentionally made “traditional values” the Law and culture again to assert their dominance. Because now their communism would be acceptable as the “good choice” and the “stable system”. And that country didn’t even understand they were conquered.
Look around.
@@cherchezlavache5183 In other words they are being used as a part of a much larger political plan decades in the making.
Literally they will be the guerrilla army of these different political forces because they are easy to manipulate. The poor the uneducated and the desperate for attention and a purpose are the best soldiers, and if they don’t know they are even destroying their own civilization it works even better.
They are literally the barbaric hordes that will be manipulated and will be used to destroy Rome.
And then they too will be rounded up and “eliminated” right after us.
That is the actual plan.
Should have smashed that burden to peices rathe than hoist it onto our shoulders, now it weighs ten times as much as it did when we started.
I don't find being white and English a burden at all . It makes me feel 50 foot tall .
@@johnbowkett80 You appear to have amental health problem I would seek therapy if I was you!
@@alanmarr3323 Touched a nerve eh ?
@@johnbowkett80 i was implying we take over the world instead of educating it
@@maximus4765 We did educate them .... All of them .
I think African colonization was as much about geopolitical competition between European powers as economics. This is especially true beginning in the 1870s.
The European empires were a pissing contest between the great powers. Since the liquidation of the various European empires,living standards in Europe have soared. The same can be said in the US,after their civil war.
@@johncorrall1739 Absolutely true! You appear to know something about economics, unlike most people.
@@johncorrall1739 And that is why the current standard of living is declining in the US for all but the elite.
The rise in the cost of living is global,isn’t it?
Well yeah, no competitive country is going to watch the competition cut the cake without them.
Thats the first time I've heard Kiplings great poem read aloud in it's entirety. It should be read out in every British place of learning, regularly.
Although India wasnt nearly so backward as Africa, when we arrived, they had been occupied by the Dutch, although the locals didnr benefit so well. BUt when the British left, in 1947, they left behind a modern construct of a country, that even some European countries could not match. Look at them now by comparison.
Mr Kipling does make exceedingly good quotes!
These days, his cakes seem exceedingly small, or are the boxes just exceedingly large?
...and his adverts are at least a little woke
And cakes.
A popular Igbo proverb: "A slave who looks on while a fellow-slave is tied up and thrown into the grave should realize that it could also be his turn someday.” The British had an extremely difficult time trying to stop sla*ery in Southeast Nigeria. The Nigerians didnt want it to end. It was abolished in the 1800s by the British, but was not eradicated until the 1940s. The natives did not want it to end. The abolishment of slavery made for a glut of sl*ves in Nigeria. What to do? Wealthy native sl*ve owners competed with one another in the number of slaves each killed for its dead or used to placate the gods.
Quite right! Exactly. Keep up your good work please Simon. I'm going to buy Rudyard Kipling's best works now. Thanks again!
Yes keep up the clearly racist videos you are doing, the hate in you is poweful.
....why stop in the 20th century?if the Roman Empire hadn’t conquered Britain you’d still be worshipping trees,why stop there?if it’s wasn’t for the Greeks the romans would not be as successful as they were,why stop there?if it wasn’t for the ancient Egyptians they Greeks wouldn’t have the know how to do anything.knowledge and information is the most important thing and it can be gotten from anyone and be given to anyone either by force(colonialism) or get off your high horse
@@Pouncealot2023 Bellend
Thank you simon x
When the story of Rome is told the fact that brought law and stability in the places they conquered. The same goes for the subject you're discussing and also a place like Hawaii. I know alot of the "natives" tend to piss and moan about their status as an American state, but without the islands being taken over you can save goodbye to all modern conveniences.
I often wonder why people descended from Africa have such a hard time getting their shit together, even when they've been given access to free food, free housing, a good education, grants and scholarships that are for black people only, preferential treatment when applying to college and preferential treatment when it comes to getting a job. Sure as hell isn't "systemic racism" because I just objectively proved the US isn't trying to "keep the black man down".
So why is the crime rate so high in black neighborhoods? Why do they tend to be much more violent than any other group? Why are all the advantages they've been given not improving their socioeconomic status very much? Honestly, I don't think black people and modern day life in a city go together very well. As far as I know they evolved mostly in isolation from the rest of the world and their methods for feeding themselves didn't allow for a large population. They existed mostly in smaller tribes scattered and isolated across Africa. In other words, they're just not wired to succeed in any modern society. Too many people in close proximity to each other and too much complexity for them to handle.
Apart from hunting for food etc., they didn't need to do too much else to survive. Working 8-10 hours a day is an alien concept and possibly a cause of resentment at the thought of their labour helping to line someone elses pocket.
Hey, James - Here's my take on it:
The African wilderness is harsh and the people evolved alongside it for millennia, enough so that they wouldn't completely die off while subsisting solely on fauna/flora; So much in fact, that they never really had to develop agriculture and incrementally progress to more refined and new technologies/methodologies.
If you introduced a modern cell/smart phone to an 80 year old who's never seen one before, taught them how to use it and keep it maintained - then eventually you were asked to leave or forced to leave; Would that person be able to make their own phone(s) given a reasonable enough amount of time?
Empire of Dust, James. It takes two to tango. I can teach someone something, but (in tandem) they have to be willing to learn it, maintain it, and pass the knowledge on to future generations. If one side falters in responsibility, all shall fall as a result.
HIGH testosterone ,,,,,,, LOW eye queue
Michael Levin, who is a racial realist, asserts a striking thought. One must ask oneself if Blacks are not employing a good long-term survival strategy by constantly playing the victim and, therefore, getting others to transfer gigantic amounts of resources to them that normally would go to the benefactors' own children. Therefore, they are able to out propagate the benefactors through the transfer of resources illegitimately to themselves without much effort. Additionally, the Chinese or Japanese would never allow such a terrible thing to happen to their own children.
you may find that those from African stock who are indoctrinated from youth in western, Anglo culture do better than those who are not.
All land is stolen land and every foot of earth is a graveyard.
I just want to live in space.