BR313 Symposium 023 - Marny Godden: When the Spirit World Looks Back at Us

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @ezmarn
    @ezmarn 3 года назад +12

    Just checked and the haunted portrait was painted in the 40s or 50s x

  • @ezmarn
    @ezmarn 3 года назад +13

    Betty was a big personality. She taught at Goldsmiths art school. A man called Paddy ashmoore wrote a book about Betty. Apparently he was totally obsessed with her, they were also friends. In it he mentions that her father favoured her younger sister who was academic. This really hurt Betty and possibly explains her anger. She use to paint animal seances.

  • @Tina_K
    @Tina_K 3 года назад +36

    I feel as if I should wait till nightfall to get the full creepiness when listening to this but I can't wait that long.

  • @helenbrereton6738
    @helenbrereton6738 3 года назад +7

    Such a cool conversation

  • @geminigeminicottoneyejo5905
    @geminigeminicottoneyejo5905 3 года назад +7

    Fab show, I'm really appreciative of these shows, better than tv any day x

  • @Peekie2202
    @Peekie2202 3 года назад +2

    LOVED this episode! I have so many strange events that have happened to me I couldn't even begin to count. The most terrifying however was when I was a teenager and was laying on my side in bed about to fall asleep. My eyes were almost closed and I could see someone standing in front of me from the chest down in a black suit and dress shoes. Next thing I know I was slapped across my left cheek. I jumped and completely opened my eyes and nobody was there. My cheek was stinging and when I went in the washroom there was a hand print on my face. It scared the shit out of me. I never liked that townhouse we moved into when I was about 14. It always had a creepy feel to it.

  • @tallyho2249
    @tallyho2249 3 года назад +1

    I can't believe I've only just found this channel. I feel home.

  • @gleneagles1837
    @gleneagles1837 3 года назад +5

    Great show, love Marnie, picture is like reversed ace of cups and feels charged. As a child and teen I could escape into the space of a sound and be in another timeless world, certain sounds, like a chair scraping the floor, and I’d be gone, I could come and go as I pleased.

  • @Abaddon3x7
    @Abaddon3x7 3 года назад +6

    Marny has a fun vibe and dynamic energy that I think would add in interviews, I think its a good idea to have her on when doing paranormal interviews.

  • @juliemcvey9340
    @juliemcvey9340 3 года назад +1

    Loved the show once again guys ! Great stories from you all. Good to see Marny back, love her energy !!

  • @colingreen8470
    @colingreen8470 3 года назад +9

    When you thought it couldn't get any an more amazing, WOW what a Brilliant episode, i was totally glued to the stories. Thank you Thomas, Jason and Marny. Can't wait for the next episode.

  • @hankjb8291
    @hankjb8291 3 года назад +2

    Hello, great show. I have watched and enjoyed both. One thing that popped out for me was when Thomas showed his picture, I immediately felt the two were connected. Soooo, thanks to modern computing I paused and took a SNIP of each and pasted them on a word doc side by side. I recommend you do the same and see what you get.
    Love your symposiums, thank you for your work

  • @officialname5412
    @officialname5412 3 года назад +5

    Great episode I appreciate you guys so much. Marni is a great guest, someone I'd love to have a conversation with in real life

  • @lalalalalalalalala60
    @lalalalalalalalala60 3 года назад +4

    Loved having Marny back so soon! Love the conversations on this channel..... I reckon the two people giving the thumbs down are just sad because they couldn't use the portal painting to be mardy bums somewhere else.

  • @naomigee5762
    @naomigee5762 3 года назад +8

    Marny is so interesting to listen to and refreshingly down-to-earth. She should consider starting her own arts/ paranormal podcast. I would definitely subscribe.

  • @trentbrocato3254
    @trentbrocato3254 3 года назад +1

    Wow more of this please!!! Riveted the entire show...

  • @honkinhappy
    @honkinhappy 3 года назад +6

    Really enjoyed this show , connected a lot with the conversations . Found it interesting the type of flowers the artist painted on the bonnet being pansies , peony , primrose and passionflower which is a type of flower which l feel has an alien look to it ..Thank you , looking forward to hearing more from Marny Godden

  • @richardianson
    @richardianson 3 года назад +5

    Fantastic. Nice to hear about your amazing paranormal experiences Marny. The part of London you refer to Thomas (the financial and law parts,the temple area, the part that is essentially the "City of London") contains a large number of coincidences that show Cambridge to be the original capital of England prior to London. I would love to talk to you about it one day (and about my hundreds - not joking - of paranormal experiences and my knowledge and experiences of magick etc etc etc etc).

  • @dannyboy1983
    @dannyboy1983 3 года назад +12

    I*ve had a simmilar experiance on th etrain home one late evening. A homeles, young fella in his 30s wearing a coat. He sat next to me and started talking about my family relations and how my relationships were failing and past trauma and how I need to acknowledge it. He was spot on and knew things he posibly coulcn't know. really freaked me out. I asked him how he knew, and he just pointed to his head and said he can read people like an open book. I've had simmilar experiances with homeless people. What's up with that?

    • @tdarons
      @tdarons 2 года назад

      People who are marginalised and suffer from complex trauma are often incredibly gifted, psychic, and intuitive. They also develop the ability to be very insightful of other’s energy or personalities as they often live in constant Danger so need to sum up a stranger in mere seconds.
      I have never been homeless although came close to it a few times but I have some of these “abilities” honed from living under constant threat.
      As I age my psychic abilities have increased quite remarkably.
      I often used to to talk with my homeless friends outside the casino and what I found amazing was my friend Katrina could be so drunk, almost to the point of blacking out or in a fugue state yet hold the most loving insightful and profound conversations with me, and at the same time be very protective. She was I believe schizophrenic but actually very bright and cast off by society.
      Sometimes I felt she was actually channeling a Dybbuk (or her primal childhood trauma based horror). In those times I would say “Hello” but hold space for her or if particularly sinister I would just avoid her for that night. The following weekend she would be bright as a daisy again. Ie Lucid, ebullient, clearcognisant.
      Ironically she loved me dearly and would refer to me as Her “Angel” or her “goddess”
      I miss seeing her actually as I have not been permitted to go to clubs or the casino because of the ping pong mandates.
      She suggested I come out on the weekends and hang out with her homeless community anyway (as I often used to do after hours of dancing to de-stress and calm down before heading home!) (de-stressing from my own shamanic performance art style of dancing while fending off drunks and the occasional sexual predators. Hard work on my body and emotions and at times very very spiritual :-) )
      But I decided it’s safer to stay home as I would miss the dancing and it would be upsetting to be out on the streets watching all the other regular dancers going by.
      When our ridiculous government ends the mandates I will be out there strutting my stuff again. Dancing is very healing for my mind, body and spirit. It opens me creatively and psychically as well.

  • @Johnbryan0
    @Johnbryan0 3 года назад +4

    So thought provoking this one
    I could comment all day but I don't wanna hog the thread

  • @Johnbryan0
    @Johnbryan0 3 года назад +4

    Highway to heaven
    My grandma loved that
    Brings back great memories after school with a pot noodle and a 54321 biscuit

  • @davidwilliams7552
    @davidwilliams7552 3 года назад +2

    For sure old thongs do carry an energy. I grew up with lots of antiques in the house. I am lucky to have furniture that used to belong to my great great grandparents and the energy it holds is very powerful. Nobody else in the family cares I'm the only one who appreciates these old items. Have old diaries from long ago as well they are even more powerful.

    • @tdarons
      @tdarons 2 года назад

      Haha I burnt all my old diaries in 2020 as I felt they stored too much of my energy (trauma processing) but were getting all Tatty looking from age. But funnily enough I transcribed everything into digital form as I could not part with my “evidence” of my journey through life. So I did not really destroy them just transmuted their form. ;-)

  • @SeveredCulture
    @SeveredCulture 3 года назад +6

    I honestly got a chill when Marny took out the portal painting.

  • @peterwilliams1153
    @peterwilliams1153 2 года назад +2

    Selling England by the pound is the album I think you are refering to. It appears to be the gateway or avenue between the concious and dreamscape as the figure is asleep on a bench. Going to dust it off and take a closer look. Interesting stuff guys!

  • @johnfused8281
    @johnfused8281 3 года назад +7

    Loved this. Might relisten tonight. Marnie is a South London girl I understand? I used to go to an old antique shop with my nan near blackheath hill. Would have been SE10. Anyways great chat and interesting talk enjoyed both interviews and subscribed.

    • @aljomc6444
      @aljomc6444 3 года назад

      The Junk Shop? Great spot...I live nearby

  • @JadeMelany
    @JadeMelany 3 года назад +2

    Very interesting indeed. I dreamed of meeting my double. And quite a few of my paintings are definitely portals!!!

  • @callincrow
    @callincrow 3 года назад +3

    Loving this paranormal stuff, Marny is a superb guest, glad to hear she will be returning. If you don’t already have him lined up, Dr Neil Rushdon would be an interesting guest, for a future symposium. Cheers.

  • @Oregonthistle
    @Oregonthistle 3 года назад +4

    Absolutely amazing show! Thanks so much.

  • @RyanLafferty191
    @RyanLafferty191 3 года назад +4

    The angle of the painting is crazy , does it 👀 at you at that angle, love this analysis!

  • @ralphwinter6421
    @ralphwinter6421 3 года назад +3

    Great Show Thomas Jason & Marny... total weirdness...

  • @eternaltale6552
    @eternaltale6552 3 года назад +3

    Brilliant show! This story about picture reminded my childhood memories, When I with a black marker on an A4 white sheet draw one particular image, a scary-looking head of some kind of deity or demon with 3 eyes, similar to 3 eyed demons of Asia. I was 7 or 8 years old and I don't know If I saw similar before that( I live in the Baltic states), in those times there was limited access to information. Well, I put that picture on display, but somehow during the whole evening, when I played with my sibling, I felt more and more frightened from my artwork. So later I somewhere hid It, to never see it again.

  • @TheDalaiLamaCon
    @TheDalaiLamaCon 3 года назад +4

    I am lucky.
    2 days ago whilst making my way amongst slippery rocks in a Welsh mountain river, I had a premonition of losing my phone. I moved my phone to a different pocket I thought was safer.
    Literally the next step I took snagged the pocket and pinged my phone into a crevice.. Million to one. Imznaged to retrieve it, but it was scary.
    I am sure had I not heeded my instinct to move the phone something worse would have happened.
    I am lucky.

  • @ozbfotwo9596
    @ozbfotwo9596 3 года назад +3

    4 minutes in to watching andalready getting good vibes of ya'll

  • @sunnymoon1028
    @sunnymoon1028 2 года назад +2

    So good 👍

  • @CarpeNoctemArts
    @CarpeNoctemArts 3 года назад +2

    Agreed. I also have had a bunch of paintings that kind of predicted things, like notre Dame de Paris burning, with saturn/capricorn/Satan (?) on the front, burning all, and I painted it a few months before it happened. Another one, still unfinished, it's a Dr-la-peste and a Templar, view from below, from someone on the ground, like they're gonna kill him/her. Background is the Sagrada Familia ceiling so it's a super anachronic painting but that's the point. Started it right before their covid plan started. Yeah We kind of pick streams in the nothingness of potentials, somewhere above. That's why I never sign my canvas : do we really create, or partly at least? I see that as a (how do you say in English) garden hose. It just let the water pour out, it conveys, but the water sure will taste rubber. I think humbly that my canvas and scribblings are just that. Part is me, but mostly I convey sthg which I do not own. I just have good antennas, every sensitive person probably picks some things all the time while feeling inspired 🙌🏻 BTW, super cool lady you invited guys 🙏🏻

  • @scarlettannep9137
    @scarlettannep9137 3 года назад +2

    Yep, I immediately thought of Anne Boleyn when I saw her.

    • @ezmarn
      @ezmarn 3 года назад +1

      When you saw the painting? That’s interesting. Anne Boleyn was the first role I played in a school play at primary school aged 8. I carried a green dummies head under my arm. Some parallels there x

  • @GlobalEnglishSupernaturals
    @GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 3 года назад +4

    You three together: fantastic viewing❣️❣️❣️

  • @DecMc
    @DecMc 3 года назад +1

    Hi mate. I I live in 5 flats to an Edwardian house. Huge ceilings, schizophrenics in each one.Yep I am the only one to look for a job. No jab no job. xx.

  • @GlobalEnglishSupernaturals
    @GlobalEnglishSupernaturals 3 года назад +5

    So glad my undies are freshly washed for this superbly fascinating and frightening episode 😜👍

  • @texttonic
    @texttonic 3 года назад +3

    Fascinating show. Great stories. The show you were thinking of was Highway to Heaven if I'm not mistaken.

  • @AntonSlavik
    @AntonSlavik 3 года назад +2

    That painting is fascinating on so many levels

  • @ben393
    @ben393 3 года назад +5

    Did anyone watch neighbours in the 80s and early 90s? That painting reminds me of the weird painting of Mrs Mangle, the strange old woman. Creepy painting, that would scare me at 8 years old too 😳

  • @dweels2006
    @dweels2006 3 года назад +2

    good job enjoyed that one

  • @bmmaaate
    @bmmaaate 3 года назад +3

    I have a painting of The Jimi Hendrix Experience and depending on my mood when I look at it they either look quite menacing or like they are smirking at me and are about to play a trick. I think pictures reflect back at you and if you stare long enough they change into complete abstraction and then into something else entirely.

    • @tdarons
      @tdarons 2 года назад

      I made a large tapestry of The Boating Scene (the girl with the little dog in her hands). Every time I was about to move house and did not know a move was impending that little black dog shook his fur and the girl looked like she was about to kiss the dog). I used to freak out at my tapestry coming alive but each time there was a sudden move so I soon learned that the movement was a warning that I and my children would be moving house again.
      Thankfully that tapestry has been quiet for the past almost 19 years. I finally found a home that was safe for me. :-)

    • @bmmaaate
      @bmmaaate 2 года назад

      @@tdarons Very interesting. I wasn't sure whether you were referring to a painting but I had a feeling it would be a Manet or a Renoir style and all the pics that came up on the search were by those two. Is it a Renoir? I see one of a girl kissing a dog.

  • @Sheshe1263
    @Sheshe1263 3 года назад +3

    The flowers in her hat all speak of unrequited love , and a cross to bear in the language of flowers
    Just an interesting observation
    And all ll the flowers begin with the letter P

  • @SteveOSpielberg
    @SteveOSpielberg 3 года назад +5

    I wonder does the Glastonbury High Street fall into the Charring Cross situation. I often wonder about the High Cross erected by Bligh Bond in Glastonbury is that a lightning rod for this sort thing?

  • @gibbo675
    @gibbo675 3 года назад +3

    I had a girlfriend that had a painting that she had painted herself that hung in her living room that looked like a cross between a crow and a frog with a large human style foot, quite a grotesque picture. She carried a deep seated sadness within her connected to traumatic events in her life and a couple of years after we went our separate ways she ended up sectioned in a mental hospital after suffering psychotic delusions.

  • @tdarons
    @tdarons 2 года назад +1

    Great show

  • @ollieoleary
    @ollieoleary 3 года назад +2

    Highway to Heaven was that Michael Landon show, remember it well!

  • @richardkelly419
    @richardkelly419 3 года назад +2

    I was on a stage on front of a bunch of psychic people to do a channeling and what came in was a man who was just shot and i was caught from falling anyway i continued and described everything i could for 5 minutes or so. I felt embarrassed and went out for a smoke, a woman came out and told me i described to a tee her uncle who was killed by a poison arrow in the massacre in the Congo on the Irish army.

  • @lindajoyworbey1
    @lindajoyworbey1 3 года назад +3

    That was brilliant. Totally engrossed the whole time. One of my drums called out to me from a dress shop window really wyerd experience but that’s another story 😊
    Thanks very much for sharing
    My very best wishes
    Linda ☺️

  • @scarlettannep9137
    @scarlettannep9137 3 года назад +1

    Oh, she brought the painting?!. Pausing to fill up my drink and get a snack!

  • @francinemore3978
    @francinemore3978 3 года назад +3

    I thought it was interesting the lightning surge in Dublin cut you off just as you were going to say something about artists muses. Made me wonder what you were about to say but it's just destiny I will just have to wonder. Of course we remember each other from other lives but that didn't come up this time either but fun show! Thank you.

  • @jasonsherrod5811
    @jasonsherrod5811 3 года назад +2

    she was doing bindings in her paintings

  • @joeroubidoux2783
    @joeroubidoux2783 3 года назад +2

    Super awesome

  • @Test4Echos
    @Test4Echos 3 года назад +4

    It was the album Selling England By The Pound she did the cover for. Maybe she did other covers too. Here is Genesis story about meeting her for doing the album cover. "watch?v=RPZ2MrXhEpk&t=1582s"

  • @lynnamasshardy5224
    @lynnamasshardy5224 2 года назад +1

    Since looking at these images I’ve got a kind of extra terrestrial being jumping in and out of dimensions around me ‘ shape shifting. If she painted herself sleeping amongst animals which seem to morph around her maybe she saw shape shifters or was in fact one . Thankyou for the insight

  • @JadeMelany
    @JadeMelany 3 года назад

    I jokingly termed this a "nutter magnet" years ago, when you become a beacon for strangeness.

  • @ben393
    @ben393 3 года назад +2

    Is that TV show you was thinking of called Highway To Heaven? I used to watch that as a little boy. I used to love it.

  • @danielrueb1905
    @danielrueb1905 3 года назад +2

    Intro score gets me every time!! Love it!

  • @zenazen777
    @zenazen777 3 года назад +9

    The painting of the woman looks like a reptilianoid (look at the green greyish color of the neck) that is wearing a facemask to hide itself to emulate a bourgeois woman. The painting reminds me of the painting Femme au Chapeau from Matisse.

    • @CMC-lr7kq
      @CMC-lr7kq 3 года назад +1

      Maybe David Icke was right.

  • @patrickmclaughlin2851
    @patrickmclaughlin2851 3 года назад +2

    That painting is unsettling to say the least.

  • @tjausten7478
    @tjausten7478 3 года назад +2

    This was a great conversation. I've definetely noticed the magical energy in Greenwich and around charing Cross! I grew up in chislehurst, just afew miles down the road from Greenwich on the kent/London borderline, and that area has the same magical vibe to it. Chislehurst caves is quite famous for being haunted and has a fantastic history, dating from the Canti druids up to the Blitz of world war 2. Lots of strange and powerful energy in that place. If either of you get a chance to visit chislehurst caves, it could be a great potential documentary.

  • @wigsy9386
    @wigsy9386 3 года назад +1

    excellent guys

  • @Test4Echos
    @Test4Echos 3 года назад +1

    It was the album Selling England By The Pound she did the cover for. Maybe she did other covers too. Here is Genesis story about meeting her for doing the album cover.видео.html

  • @Johnbryan0
    @Johnbryan0 3 года назад +1

    Remember the old paintings of the boy and girl crying?
    Everyone said if you had one, your house would go on fire.

    • @bmmaaate
      @bmmaaate 2 года назад +1

      That image is ringing a bell, I think my mother had it and I did set the house on fire after messing with matches.

  • @mynyddyquartzite2034
    @mynyddyquartzite2034 3 года назад +4

    It’s a shame Dereck akorah passed away would of loved him on this channel him and Thomas would of been wow 😮

  • @helmutsecke3529
    @helmutsecke3529 3 года назад +2

    Jason’s a right one off and no mistake.

    • @EgoShredder
      @EgoShredder 3 года назад +1

      You're either a one off or merely one of... The former is preferable by a mile.

  • @sattelwolf
    @sattelwolf 3 года назад +5

    If you wanna chop Up your Artwork there might be something wrong it!?. I think she unconciously knew it would be better to destroy those portals, probably attracting, enteties, Because loaded with all Kind of crazy Emotions from the Artist.

  • @ceeteemcdee9680
    @ceeteemcdee9680 3 года назад +3

    After seeing a freaky video on your Facebook group about graphene oxide, I was wondering if it might be possible to get Harald Kautz Vella on your show? That would be friggin awesome!

  • @becky9244
    @becky9244 3 года назад +1

    this is great

  • @judiththomson8895
    @judiththomson8895 Год назад

    The Portrait has a passing resemblance to the late Hilary Mantel

  • @tdarons
    @tdarons 2 года назад

    I have several homeless friends. I met them outside the casino. Lovely people although at times Dybbuk ridden. But they always had my back. Judge not lest thou be judged. Accordingly :-)

  • @lalalalalalalalala60
    @lalalalalalalalala60 3 года назад

    10:14 the audio disruption part (few seconds before)

  • @pearsef7550
    @pearsef7550 3 года назад +3

    Really interesting episode, that painting acting as a portal is really interesting but at the same time I wouldn't like anything like that in my house. Also the fact the the homeless of big cities being attracted to certain areas is interesting , if entities looking for hosts is the cause then why is that more prevalent in modern society than in the past and why do they want physical contact with other people especially children which should be totally of limits to a stranger.

  • @barryhannon5634
    @barryhannon5634 3 года назад +2

    "Great show"! .... Auld Bang Bang rest Him!

  • @sattelwolf
    @sattelwolf 3 года назад +2

    Just burn it maybe?. Release it from it's sad beeing. Or will the entity be free to roam than? What's your take on burning stuff like that. Or maybe Just Put Salt on it hahaha?

  • @wigsy9386
    @wigsy9386 3 года назад +2

    I heard it lol

  • @DecMc
    @DecMc 3 года назад

    Yeah. Public transport. Mental cases. Perhaps magnetic? I dunno? I test it soon.

  • @Johnbryan0
    @Johnbryan0 3 года назад +1

    That's what I see
    . Awas

  • @Jodigi12
    @Jodigi12 3 года назад

    18 minutes 8 seconds in . Is there a reason why part of your body was disappearing ? tuatha de ?

  • @guruguruguru92
    @guruguruguru92 3 года назад +1

    You always chanel though resonance.

  • @PSElackman
    @PSElackman 3 года назад +1

    Selling England by the pound Genesis album same face on cover lying down again eyes 👀 seem to follow the viewer karma mechanics

    • @helmutsecke3529
      @helmutsecke3529 3 года назад +1

      That bird painted the Foxtrot cover as well?