Chief Kolar on JonBenet Ramsey

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Listen to Chief Kolar, lead investigator on the JonBenet Ramsey case, discuss his book and the intruder theory at the Wilkinson Public Library.

Комментарии • 843

  • @SpiritualAtheist
    @SpiritualAtheist 11 лет назад +17

    This would have been a whole lot more interesting if this guy had spent more time talking about the case and less time talking about the "writing process".

    • @xymotic
      @xymotic 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @aqam7023
    @aqam7023 8 лет назад +52

    The sound is not loud enough

  • @alicesmith7913
    @alicesmith7913 8 лет назад +38

    This theory makes perfect sense. The behavior of the parents after the fact, shows us they were not only capable of a cover-up, but just horrible people! Making all that money from book sales, from their own child's murder! They had no boundaries when it came to attention. I can see Patsy's narcissistic behavior shine through, in the 'ransom note". The note constantly praised John and even shows her dependency on him " It's up to you now John"!!! Her writing style, language arts, southern culture and narcissistic personality is what I was able to "read" in the note. It was never, ever a ransom note. Only something to decieve those who were investigating. Burke killed his sister, the mom wrote the note and dad helped in all the cover-up!

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      This liar just jumped on the bandwagon like so many others, just to make money from this high profile crime. Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @79bewareofpuppies97
      @79bewareofpuppies97 Год назад

      It's not a bit surprising that you and other BDIs are more psychologically comfortable blaming a child (9-yr old Burke) for JonBenet's murder rather than an adult like yourself.

    • @ticesine6589
      @ticesine6589 Месяц назад


    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.

  • @alex14111
    @alex14111 3 года назад +16

    Has there ever been a kidnapper that penned such a bizarre ransom note? Who tells sleeping people to be well rested.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @79bewareofpuppies97
      @79bewareofpuppies97 Год назад

      Patsy delivered JonBenet to John so he would get her in bed and then told him that he needed to get to sleep himself (i.e. The delivery [JonBenet] will be exhausting [tired], so I advise you to be well rested.)

    • @alex14111
      @alex14111 Год назад

      @@79bewareofpuppies97 It might way more complicated than that

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@79bewareofpuppies97 I don’t see Anyone railing against all those who Make Up from their sick Heads, all the despicable garbage, which is them Accusing JonBenet Herself, of all the Vile incest & paedophile acts that they conjure up with Glee & post proudly.
      Of the Hundreds of such comments & Stories that I’ve read from these abhorrent so-called human beings, Nobody says a friggin Thing to them. What a National Disgrace.
      Hang on that’s right, Lots of Other so-called human beings Do say certain things to them, they Agree with them. And because they’re of the Same Ilk, they’re Bolstered to post Their sick thought processes about the same Vile acts, incest & paedophilia, all about this Child, including 9 year old Burke sometimes & no-one rebukes them in Any way.
      There was never one Skerrick of evidence that JB was previously sexually molested Nor one Skerrick of evidence that JB was previously sexually abused. Not one Skerrick about Burke either. Yet the Ramseys & their Kids are very cruelly subjected to a round-robin of particularly grotesque accusations that include - child sacrifice, satanic worship scenarios, pedos at the garden parties, selling their child, their friends being Allowed to abuse their child, society members being Allowed to abuse their child including Of Course, Epstein & so on & so on - on it goes, Incessantly.
      According to the same so-called human beings, because the Ramseys were wealthy at the time, all of the above is what they did with their spare time.
      Nobody Ever mentions that the Ramseys had deep faith in God & were avid church goers.
      One can pop over to the many videos about the Chris Watt’s murder case. Let me know when you find Anyone who has posted Any comment about Him sexually abusing his little girls Or any other comment about a gang of his friends who did the same & worse.
      Of all the Hundreds of videos about same subject & victimology, Nobody talks about Any of Those kids as soo many do about This, highly intelligent 6 year old murdered little girl.
      Shame on you

    • @mrsnapple5827
      @mrsnapple5827 Год назад

      @@bethryan9077hello again, u must be on the payroll

  • @emirlie
    @emirlie 10 лет назад +41

    There should be a law making collection of DNA from dead people before their burial or cremation... Many cold cases could be solved that way. Although the suspect(s) never get a trial.

    • @ralsharp6013
      @ralsharp6013 3 года назад +2

      That's a great idea!

    • @MoralMaze163
      @MoralMaze163 Год назад +1

      I couldn't agree more

    • @susanlee8609
      @susanlee8609 8 месяцев назад

      I agree.

    • @VelveteenRabbit77
      @VelveteenRabbit77 10 дней назад

      Their lawyer would block that. 😳😳😳😳

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      @@VelveteenRabbit77 From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.

  • @Crimejaildotcom
    @Crimejaildotcom 10 лет назад +28

    Police should investigate this video for the theft of stereo.

    • @keylime2438
      @keylime2438 4 года назад +1

      Everyone knows who wrote the Ransom note... No doubt it was Patsy.. so indict heR what the Grand jury said they concluded.

    • @rmiddlehouse
      @rmiddlehouse 4 года назад

      and also of beginning

    • @melaniemunro6696
      @melaniemunro6696 3 года назад

      This comment is under appreciated

    • @cozettem8226
      @cozettem8226 3 года назад

      @@keylime2438 She's dead, can't indict a dead person. But should indict John for being an accessory and helping her cover it up.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@cozettem8226 This guy is a blatant liar. Besides all his other bs he just said JB was suffocated. The autopsy photo clearly shows the cord embedded in her neck & there were dig marks from her nails at the cord because she was fighting for her life. The photos show that also. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins not 2. The type of air taser used was identified. He's just another con artist who wrote a book for financial gain. Even More despicable than the rest, he used a 9 year old Kid.

  • @sherileehoadley4308
    @sherileehoadley4308 8 лет назад +22

    whoever hurt her I hope they rot in hell

    • @marygillkeir1894
      @marygillkeir1894 8 лет назад +1

      Watch the (Kay Griggs) get a whole different approach to this murder. Its 4 parts.....she is the wife of a Colonel Griggs.

    • @lorimiller4301
      @lorimiller4301 8 лет назад +6

      +Mary Gill I believe the key is the death date. There is a reason for it to be on Christmas day!

    • @marygillkeir1894
      @marygillkeir1894 8 лет назад +5

      Yes, I agree...

    • @lorimiller4301
      @lorimiller4301 8 лет назад

      I have watched it. Heart wrenching. My dad tried to brainwash me but it didn't work. He hates my guts for it.

    • @cellblocknine5385
      @cellblocknine5385 6 лет назад

      Lori Miller How did he try to brainwash you?

  • @filex00
    @filex00 8 лет назад +28

    That darn ransom is the biggest mystery. It does not make sense. No kidnapper decides to write the long letter while he was there. I heard another creepy thing John said on some you tube that he described Jon Benet as a sex kitten. Oh my gosh! What Dad describes their daughter in that disgusting way.

    • @protochris
      @protochris 8 лет назад +8

      It's not really a ransom note either; it's a written ransom phone call in a letter form, which makes it more fake. Very telling is that neither of the Ramsey's finger prints are on the note. They read it without touching it.

    • @notoriouslee3441
      @notoriouslee3441 8 лет назад

      What about when patsy recites the "no I lay the down to sleep...." thing? So creepy.

    • @zyxmyk
      @zyxmyk 7 лет назад +15

      and the note says, "use your good southern common sense" which sounds exactly like the mother who was extremely proud of being southern, like a southern belle. and "we respect your business mr. ramsey" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard--we respect your business so we're murdering your child? it's totally an attempt to cover up that the mother went nuts and killed her somehow. what's rarely mentioned is the poor child wasn't just wetting the bed but was defecating in the bed--which I presume made the mother lose her temper and do something that resulted in the child's death.

    • @alanaronald244
      @alanaronald244 7 лет назад +12

      Patsy knew her husband wasn't Southern: she was.

    • @scarfacemmm
      @scarfacemmm 7 лет назад +2

      search programmed to kill / joebeneet case on youtube and tell me what you think

  • @DDavis-mi2cg
    @DDavis-mi2cg 4 года назад +16

    I’ll never believe John and Patsy had nothing do with their daughter’s murder.

    • @mendy5453
      @mendy5453 4 года назад +1

      The word "never" is unreliable.

    • @kellysutton2780
      @kellysutton2780 4 года назад

      I believe it was someone they trusted and they may have had a key

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      People need to do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @mrsnapple5827
      @mrsnapple5827 Год назад +2

      @@bethryan9077oh now u r spamming

  • @Websleuths01
    @Websleuths01 11 лет назад +13

    James Kolar is one of the bravest people I know. He risked so much to get the truth out about JonBenet. Thank you Chief Kolar for giving us a glimpse of the hell you went through trying to do your job under Mary Lacy. Burke Ramsey needs to man up and tell the truth. No one will be prosecuted but the truth needs to be told. The Ramseys harmed too many innocent people by accusing them of this killing. Burke Ramsey needs to do the decent thing and tell us all the truth. For the sake of his sister.

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

      hi tricia...i listened to your podcast with Chief are also the brave one...keep voicing the truth about this case.. unlike the bogus jameson245..

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад +1 you know why a chair was moved in the basement? was it used by Burke to stand on in order to reach up and latch the wine cellar door?

    • @ncf1
      @ncf1 4 года назад +1

      ...instead Burke cashes in big time. Extraordinary how the Ramsey family have not only gotten away with this but made a fortune, John and his books as well, just unbelievable.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      Kolar is a blatant liar

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@gamislatte5470 Ha, You don't a damn thing & that's Not where the chair was.

  • @NoName-ub2db
    @NoName-ub2db 8 лет назад +47

    Having just watched the two night CBS program and having followed this story from the beginning what they presented fit like a puzzle. I'm sure nothing will happen to Burke and I honestly feel sorry that Patsy went through such a unspeakable horror. It's wrong it's sad and no one won and everyone loss and her Daughter will never have justice in her name. And John will continue to protect the lie he and Patsy created and the two remaining will have that lie continue to destroy their soul.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      CBS Bogus shite & formatted to this con artists BS book. Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      People should do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

  • @lilypad1077
    @lilypad1077 9 лет назад +15

    Speak up poor sound

  • @mitchg7809
    @mitchg7809 8 лет назад +35

    His voice is so calm.
    I could listen to him talk all day

    • @dogfan4lyfe
      @dogfan4lyfe 6 лет назад +1

      Mitch G I would love it if he could read me bedtime stories. I have no idea if he speaks truth but the way he says things SO SOFTLY is soothing.

    • @cheyanndoyle2542
      @cheyanndoyle2542 5 лет назад

      Monotone voice!

    • @cellblocknine5385
      @cellblocknine5385 5 лет назад +1

      Why am I getting notifications for this comment? I never replied to it! Why the fuck is this happening to me?! I’m enraged.

    • @adriennesaffer1881
      @adriennesaffer1881 5 лет назад

      He is a rambling, boring, disjointed speaker.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@adriennesaffer1881 Cause he is lying his ass off.

  • @mardigann996
    @mardigann996 11 лет назад +10

    JB's case is one of those whimsical 1 offs. The killer is watching TV thinking "Damn that was lucky. . I'm never doing THAT again'' The killers stars aligned that night for EVERYTHING to play out in such a way for him to get away with murder. Factors include coincidences such as Rookie novice cop on site, high media pressure, inexperienced police department, inability to ask for help, inability to throw out leads that go nowhere due to ego, complacency, bad timing. Damn, that's a lot of stars.

    • @rodneyjohnson7327
      @rodneyjohnson7327 3 года назад +2

      Yes all that was about 50% of the problem. But you forgot to mention the primary reason the Ramsey's were never charged with a crime. THE District Attorney, Alex Hunter.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@rodneyjohnson7327 He was one of the few who had Full integrity

    • @rodneyjohnson7327
      @rodneyjohnson7327 2 года назад

      @@bethryan9077 Did Alex Hunter have integrity when he lied or misled the American people to believe that the Grand Jury voted not to indict the Ramsey's? When in actuality they had. Was it his integrity that allowed the murder of a six year old to go unsolved and unpunished under his watch?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@rodneyjohnson7327 Why do you people Always Fail to say that the vote was Not for murder? Very Telling about You actually. He Never said that at all. Go back & listen to what he said, so, you can't accuse him of lying. The DA has the last say & Unlike y'all, Hunter Saw All the evidence. The grand jury system needs to be abolished. They only hear from the prosecution who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses to bring in. There is no judge or defence lawyers. As a consequence the jurors vote on the side of the prosecution 99.6% of the time. Steve Thomas also withheld vital evidence. The DNA alone proved just how Wrong the jurors Were. Oh right, so Only JB's murder has gone unsolved & unpunished in the whole of the U.S. & the only one Ever according to You. LMAO. This murder is Solved btw, the BPD are holding things up

    • @kellyjacquin715
      @kellyjacquin715 2 года назад

      Or she

  • @timeisshort5069
    @timeisshort5069 4 года назад +13

    I'm in 25 minutes to this video and all he's talked about is himself I'm out

    • @jeandixson5610
      @jeandixson5610 3 года назад

      Yep click bait

    • @debrak8521
      @debrak8521 3 года назад

      @@littledovecafe They have a suspect in the Madeleine McCann case.
      His name is Christian Brueckner.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      @@littledovecafe They are both just Paid Pipers, there's Plenty of those just the Same

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@littledovecafe They're all Proven Liars, who say Whatever just to make Money from the high profile crime.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@littledovecafe Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

  • @rebabh
    @rebabh 11 лет назад +10

    No it hasn't. Innocent people don't behave like they did.

  • @janethardy3208
    @janethardy3208 4 года назад +16

    I believe that John Ramsey is the guilty one.

    • @brittany6315
      @brittany6315 4 года назад +1

      Janet Hardy I agree with you

    • @CallumJonesILOVECOCO
      @CallumJonesILOVECOCO 4 года назад +1


    • @Miguel195211
      @Miguel195211 4 года назад +5

      Janet Hardy John Ramsey never in his past showed violence towards his older children by a previous marriage. Burke has said the kids were never spanked. Of course, anything is possible, but out of the three family members he is my least likely suspect.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      This is the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on.
      The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued.
      All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All.
      You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

  • @milanetc4865
    @milanetc4865 8 лет назад +8

    what happened to the audio? Can't hear

  • @wj878
    @wj878 2 года назад +2

    Why does he talk in a whisper? Too hard to hear even with volume turned up,

  • @sandrastone7019
    @sandrastone7019 7 лет назад +5

    As far as the low audio, if you can stream it to a television either from an iPad or directly through a RUclips app via Apple TV hardware, the audio is at comfortable listening level.

  • @aerialkate
    @aerialkate 8 лет назад +7

    But did the toy train track prongs / connectors in the Ramsey household also have the centre track prong missing? Very interesting theory though and certainly food for thought.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      No, Burke's train tracks had Three steel pointy pins. Kolar's next made up story was that the centre pin from one was totally broken off. LOL. Kolar is just a con artist, one of many who just wanted money off the back of this heinous crime. He even said JB was suffocated when the autopsy photos clearly show the white nylon cord embedded in her neck & the Authentic autopsy report clearly states cause of death was asphyxiation, due to the strangulation.

  • @donnalegoo3446
    @donnalegoo3446 9 лет назад +15

    Just some of my thoughts. Mr. Ramsey claims he broke into the basement window in August. So it's not fixed after 4 months? The autopsy report stated JonBenet had pineapple in her stomach which was not eaten at their dinner location but there was pineapple in the house. Patsy said that sometimes JonBenet would wake up and go to her brother's room. It's not unusual on Christmas night for kids to want to see or play with their toys especially since they had the outing which took them away from the house. I also read that either Mr. or Mrs. Ramsey said that their son wanted to stay up longer to play video games but John had put JonBenet directly to bed. Did she wake up after her pajamas were put on her and then go downstairs, eat pineapple and go to her brother's room? But even if he had struck her with a toy, the strangulation is a far reach in considering availability of the rope and just seems far to extreme for a 9 yr old. And wouldn't the parent's hear the commotion? Then again, I thought the configuration of the house has the children's bedrooms on an opposite wing then the parents. It's really difficult to consider that any family member was responsible but an intruder who spends the time to write a 3 1/2 page ransom note and not take the body with him/her seems very absurd. Just saying.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      Burke & John were putting a new together & about 15 minutes then he took Burke up to go to bed. There was No rope involved. Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @drby0788
      @drby0788 15 часов назад

      ​@@bethryan9077nope. Sorry, but there was no intruder. No evidence to suggest one either

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      @@drby0788 The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.
      BTW - you kids don't even know what evidence Is. Now, go play.

  • @iwantedcreases
    @iwantedcreases 2 года назад +2

    Volume is too low.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +10

    That's true but it's also hard to believe six different intruders were the house that night because that's how many different touch DNA strands they found. Personally I think contaminated equipment was used as I read somewhere the forensic guy who does the scrapping under the nails admitted the pair he used wasn't a new pair or something like that.

    • @nyasiia433
      @nyasiia433 2 года назад

      They probably wasn’t even intruders tbh

    • @consciousconspiracy7072
      @consciousconspiracy7072 Год назад

      that's because the evidence in the case is presented with a false narrative trying to mislead everyone because the police tried to pin the murder on the family immediately, jump the gun and not look into anything else for over 30 years.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад +1

      None of that is true.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@nyasiia433 The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

    • @consciousconspiracy7072
      @consciousconspiracy7072 Год назад

      @@bethryan9077 yes it is are you stupid?

  • @cellis3045
    @cellis3045 5 лет назад +3

    I think this guy is you really think that if Burke hit JonBenet with the flashlight in a fit of anger and knocked her out, the parents wouldn't have rang an ambulance?..Burke was
    only a little kid, and even if he did kill her in an accident the most he would have got would
    have been a little time away at some detention centre etc, still a tragedy, but to go to the
    other extreme of the parents covering it up to the extent of strangling their own daughter in a
    sado-masochistic noose controlled sexual mock type killing to hide the fact....whilst
    JonBenet was struggling for her life, and she was, as there was evidence of her fingernail
    marks on her throat trying to get the garrote off...I just don't buy it...not from these types of
    parents!...No way,
    Kolar can say what he likes, I will never buy that scenario....There was another similar attack
    a few doors down of an intruder in a little girl's bedroom, and she was sexually assaulted but
    managed to survive as her mother woke up...and the Police didn't follow that up?..Come on!
    They need to take their heads out of their asses and admit that they have wasted precious
    time focusing on the parents, instead of the intruder/acquaintance theory, and not make
    such a dog's dinner of the investigation and they may have been able to solve this!..

    • @robertbunton6394
      @robertbunton6394 4 года назад +1

      I dont think we will ever know the truth

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      So well said. Cheers. Kolar is The most despicable asswipe of the lot.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@robertbunton6394 Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @dianawalker1622
      @dianawalker1622 Год назад +1

      C Ellis, I know this is late coming, and hopefully you will see this. I concur with everything you said!

    • @Seabasstien
      @Seabasstien 10 месяцев назад

      I agree I don't think Burke did it, and if he did or Patsy or John and it was an accident then why not seek medical attention, and the only explanation I can come up for that is fear that sexual abuse would be discovered. An intruder/sex crime/ kidnapping cover up would be a solution. My bias is Burke innocent and against Patsy and John because they were the adults and were the masterminds of the ransom letter.

  • @TheIrishLoaf
    @TheIrishLoaf 11 лет назад +7

    Thanks for telling me this. It sounds like a forensic mess then. I don't think there is much that can be done beyond speculation if it this bad.

  • @notoriouslee3441
    @notoriouslee3441 8 лет назад +16

    His book was great. EXTREMELY detailed. He's very logical, organized, and detailed. This man was on a quest for the truth. His book really helps put it all into place. I believe his theory is the correct one. The DA's in Boulder were assholes. Point blank

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Kolar is nothing but a con artist & a Proven Liar

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      People should do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @freddie3206
      @freddie3206 Год назад

      Notorious Lee, I can't hear him. Who does he think did this?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys. Now, go play.

  • @jameswoolery5060
    @jameswoolery5060 11 лет назад +3

    Burke has a LinkedIn page showing he graduated from Purdue and his recent jobs in the computer field. Looks like he's doing alright for 27, and furthermore certainly not hiding from the world.

  • @zovalentine7305
    @zovalentine7305 2 года назад +3

    Forensic experts Marcel Elfers and Peter Hyatt have solved the JonBenet case. Rest in powerful peace JonBenet Patricia Ramsey 🙏

    • @bobgillis1137
      @bobgillis1137 2 года назад +3

      I am unfamiliar with Marcel, but I agree with Peter Hyatt. What many do not know about the Ramsay case is that the Ramsays were indicted by a grand jury examining the case, but the DA refused to prosecute them.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      omg, Neither of those Proven Liars are forensic experts. LMAO. They are Both a##wipes who say Whatever for Money. BTW - all Ramseys were Proven Innocent a Long time ago with a mountain of Actual evidence & by Real experts, who included Forensic Scientists. I feel sorry for people like you who are so friggin Gullible.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@bobgillis1137 The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@bobgillis1137 This is the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on.
      The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued.
      All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All.

  • @phillipgalan660
    @phillipgalan660 2 года назад +1

    Why would someone from the FBI see the boot print but not be a part of the investigation!? Another red flag

  • @winston2015
    @winston2015 8 лет назад +14

    How can anyone doubt the mother did it? She def wrote the note. She never went to sleep that night, still had on the same clothes and make-up, hair done from a party the night before when the police arrived the following day. In a real scenario, the family wouldve found her long before the cops got there. Why wouldnt they have looked in every room and space in the house? And he left the garrote around her neck after finding her?? the whole thing is ludicrous. The husband covered for his wife who lost it after she wet her bed,, at about 1 am, based on the timeline the coroner set,,a nd all supported by the physical evidence.

    • @janedoh2625
      @janedoh2625 8 лет назад +7

      Agree. The evidence points to Patsy. The ransom note is definitely her. She was wearing the same clothes the next day...her side of the bed was undisturbed. Why would they send Burke off to the neighbor's house that morning if he murdered his sister? Kids are notorious for telling/bragging about such things. If BDI, the parents would've probably homeschooled him and turned him into a virtual recluse to prevent him from blabbing. That didn't happen because he didn't do it.

    • @tracy7275
      @tracy7275 7 лет назад +2

      I have said the same thing . If burke did it no way would they have let him leave the house that morning and no way would they have let him be interviewed . any social worker , psychiatrist could have easily tripped him up

    • @winston2015
      @winston2015 7 лет назад +3

      no way the boy did that! he would not have even been legally liable,, there would have been no motivation to cover the crime by staging the sexual abuse and writing the note. No. An adult threw that child by yanking her by her shirt collar, They know this bc the perp left a red mark there on her neck. She probably hit the corner of a tub or sink,, whatever she hit it was with tremendous force (the momentum of being thrown and her body weight).. I thought it was telling that half her skull has a huge crack, yet her skin was not broken. It was not a bloody scene. She would have seemed dead,, maybe convulsing but only the person who threw her could know the severity of her wounds. You see, if they just would have found her unconsciousness they would have immediately called 911. They would not have known looking at her, the boy could not be held legally responsible at 9, records would be sealed if there were any. who knows.. No this was an adult covering for an adult (self?) who knew what she had done. I cant say Patsy killed her, but I can say for sure, in my informed opinion, she wrote the ransom note.

    • @Jane_Louise_b72
      @Jane_Louise_b72 7 лет назад +5

      Burke wouldn't have gone to jail but he would have been institutionalized. It is more or less the same thing as he would have been taken away from them. Patsy was overheard saying numerous times she could not go on living if she lost Burke. Why would she need to say this? i think it could have been Burke or patsy. They both have suspicious facts about them which make them both seem guilty. I agree with your theory above but also I wouldn't rule out Burke hitting her and pasty's covering the crime. John Ramsey seems the most innocent but he must have played a part in the cover up.

    • @nadinebrown7644
      @nadinebrown7644 6 лет назад +2

      Jane Byfield no in fact Patsy is the least culpable. John had more of a part in this than Patsy.I have no doubt it was his idea to stage it and desecrate her body. Look at every interview and how Patsy always looked at John when answering questiin. He had the control period. And she seems the most affected by it. Not only that John was military and he knew how to use a garott. The biggest tell that Burke committed the crime is the 911 call. The only reason the Ramseys would have to.lie about Burke being asleep is to keep suspicious off of him because he was the one who hit her with with a maglite. Not only that he had hit her before with a golf club and had smeared feces all over candy and bed.

  • @doodieevanshenagan3330
    @doodieevanshenagan3330 3 года назад +7

    Why are you reading all this stuff, who cares how you felt and how pretty the area is.......just talk‼️

  • @michaeld2716
    @michaeld2716 5 месяцев назад +1

    If Sammy the Bull was on the case. Confessions might have been finished in less than 5 minutes.

  • @FathomlessJoy
    @FathomlessJoy 8 лет назад +11

    There should a law, just like murderers cannot profit from the stories of their crimes, so too public servants cannot profit off the suffering of citizens they are supposed to protect unless and until they actually solve the case. What a disgrace.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      So well said & someone needs to lobby your government about it imo.

  • @HumanimalChannel
    @HumanimalChannel 4 года назад +5

    It was SMIT that left the smudge of soot dirt on the wall. You see it happen on film. He does it when showing how someone could climb through the window which is laughable because we already know John did that 4 months he says. That's when he planned the murder. He would have been able to get a key fro. Somewhere so many people had them.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      omg, that mark is in the Crime Scene Photos, Lou wasn't even on the case Then. Doh.
      This is the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know A Damn Thing about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on.
      The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued.
      All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All.
      You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. All you highly ignorant Ramsey haters need to Read That.

  • @kellywoodworth7559
    @kellywoodworth7559 7 лет назад +2

    Beckner did a case- change incomplete public reversal on his DNA comments, according to a February 24, 2015 article published in the Daily Camera newspaper in Boulder in that article Beckner is quoted as saying. "I think the only thing I would emphasize is that the unknown DNA from (JonBenet clothing) is very important and I'm not involved anymore but that has got to be the focus on the instant investigation in my opinion at this point that's your suspect."
    This 2015 Comet was the first time Beckner had ever acknowledged a direct link from the DNA to a suspect in the Ramsey murder prior to this Boulder Police Department rumors had asserted that the DNA was not key to solving the murder in essence, what the former Chief said meant the DNA does not match the ramseys, so they are not suspects in the murder. Only The Daily Camera picked up and publish this case changing statements. HERE IT IS BECKNER ADMITS THE RAMSEY ARE NOT GUILTY!!

  • @sdschlegs
    @sdschlegs 11 лет назад +4

    You mentioned Burke could have SBP. I don't know what that is, can you help me out?

    • @rainbowgirlism
      @rainbowgirlism 5 лет назад +4

      Sexual Behavior Problems (For the record, I am not personally expressing an opinion oh is having them or not having them, I'm just answering your question).

    • @robertbunton6394
      @robertbunton6394 4 года назад

      @@rainbowgirlism good answer

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      This is the problem for all the general public - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on.
      The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued.
      All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All.
      You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

  • @annettebarlette9471
    @annettebarlette9471 3 года назад +3

    Show the real hand writing from Pasty& crazy note from makebelive writer.

  • @HumanimalChannel
    @HumanimalChannel 4 года назад +1

    So this was a chief working on this case?
    And he is profiting from this book?
    What bullshit.

  • @ronaldrendina7267
    @ronaldrendina7267 11 лет назад +3

    burke still needs daddy cant man up yet besides you know burke slept through EVERYTHING anyway i think john said he was sleepwalking and talking. johns got a lie for everything.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      When did John say Burke was sleepwalking & talking that night? He did Not say that At All.

  • @jbdominicano
    @jbdominicano 11 лет назад +8

    Kolar and Thomas, Thomas, the good homicide detectives who never solve one. And they can't agree between them about who kill JonBenet. That clearly explains why this case is still unsolved.

    • @robertbunton6394
      @robertbunton6394 4 года назад

      You are 100 percent right...i wonder how many more years will pass before we know the truth

    • @megholli1981
      @megholli1981 3 года назад +1

      well Thomas worked primarily in narcotics.

    • @cozettem8226
      @cozettem8226 3 года назад +2

      Linda Arnt knew it was John. It shouldn't matter which one of the Ramseys killed her both Patsy and John were complicit in hiding the crime. The law was Burke could not have been prosecuted at 9 for a crime in CO so if he did it nobody would have gone to prison if they has called 911 for help. Even if Patsy had accidentally lost her temper and hurt her she could have said JBR slipped in the shower and hit her head against a fawcet or she woke up, went in the bathroom and saw her passed out on the floor and didn't know why. Regardlesd who did this it makes no sense to stage it by strangling her and writing a ransom letter. They could have said she fell down the stairs or they have no idea what happened. Covering it up to look like a sex crime by an intruder, they may have gotten away with that without anyone suspecting them had they never added that ridiculous ransom letter and tried to pretend she was kidnapped. None of it makes sense.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      @@cozettem8226 Arndt wrote a positive report that day about the Ramseys. She later resigned because she was put on desk duties. She tried to sue the BPD & lost. Her next try for money was a book deal & that Performance on TV. After that, obviously her report came to light & she retracted all she said. The Ramseys were exonerated due to all the evidence & the DNA cleared them all.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

  • @sajram77
    @sajram77 9 лет назад +1

    I read his book, its brilliant but one disappointment is that he didn't share his theory of prosecution :( I, like many others, would love to know his take on how the murder went down that night. I felt a little deceived.

    • @tinalouise4100
      @tinalouise4100 9 лет назад +1

      that's why it would be called THEORY, which is all that was asked for. ugh

    • @Jane_Louise_b72
      @Jane_Louise_b72 7 лет назад +4

      I think he left out his theroy for good reason. The Ramsey lawyers would be right onto him

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@Jane_Louise_b72 Because he is nothing but a con artist & a liar

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

  • @LarsPop-Tartus
    @LarsPop-Tartus 4 года назад +2

    The knot was tied very neatly

    • @sandraknight4751
      @sandraknight4751 2 месяца назад

      John was in the Navy.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      @@sandraknight4751 John was a civil engineer when in the navy, he wasn't taught a damn thing about knot tying. You people should do some actual research & find the photo of that whole contraption - it was a complex made Bondage Device & that's why the Loops over her shirt at the wrists. BTW - the Ramseys were Proven Innocent a Long time ago but certain a##wipe cops were out to make Money from the high profile crime & so, the never ending BS on all these fooltube shows because content creators are also making money from the naive, the hateful & the stupid.

  • @jbdominicano
    @jbdominicano 11 лет назад +1

    Maybe I am, maybe you are. Who knows? But the Grand Jury had a less difficult task, being just to say if some individual should be indicted. Proving the Ramseys' culpability beyond reasonable doubt was another thing. The DA was gutsy enough not to sign the indictment, because of no sufficient evidence to prove that the Ramseys "did ... permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child's life or health which resulted in the death of JonBenet"

  • @margaretnewellnewell1951
    @margaretnewellnewell1951 5 лет назад +6

    I think the parents of Jon benet has killed the girl

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022

  • @letstalkdiabeteswithAnthony
    @letstalkdiabeteswithAnthony 4 года назад +1

    A kidnaper would not leave the body in the house they would take it with them If some broke into my house I would wake up The father is covering for some this is common sense he is not the killer he is helping certaion people This is my opinion only

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      That was a huge 4 level mansion, the parents were on level 4, JB's room was on level 3 & she was carried down to the basement, level 1. Think of the steps that needed to be taken to get someone out of a house & not be seen & to get away & then have to do that in reverse to get the cash & the cops Know by then. This was a very, Very well Planned crime & JB was never to be taken from the house, it was as simple as that.

  • @TheIrishLoaf
    @TheIrishLoaf 11 лет назад +3

    What I was led to believe based on John Douglas and John Ramsey is that the DNA found under her nails is also matched to the DNA found in her clothes/blood. I am not sure from p.137 if when it says 'different touch DNA' does it mean different DNA or a different method of DNA collecting. The fact there is any DNA in her blood that isn't from a Ramsey I think is compelling. If forensics is messing up the DNA then to be honest this case has had it and likely will never be solved I think.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but that is Not the point. The cops have Always kept Hidden from the public also, that their cops didn't know about those windows til they went back that evening. That's Why the 'famous' photo of the open broken window & the suitcase under it were taken in the Night.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. You can find that online.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +2

    I have read the book and I do agree that the DNA from 6 people does show that the validity of the DNA is very questionable, however I must admit the DNA in the underwear does concern me a little. It was the strongest and found in the panties waistband as well if I'm correct? While I agree the DNA is most likely meaningless I do find this troubling.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

  • @kellywoodworth7559
    @kellywoodworth7559 7 лет назад +2

    On Thursday's extra show, Dr Phil discussed the missing footprints in the snow, which he claimed was the “number one thing that made people prejudiced against the Ramseys” and pointed out one obvious fact from the crime scene photos. Pictures taken by police on the day that JonBenet Ramsey was found dead in 1996 and there were only patches of snow that could be seen.
    “There's no snow,” Dr Phil said, showing the crime scene photos around the house meant no footprints could have been left by an intruder, referring to reports that the investigators had been trying to get a confession about the murder.
    Dr Phil- No Snow in crime scene photos.

    • @jackhersh1
      @jackhersh1 6 лет назад +5

      Dr. Phil's show covering that was awful. He proclaimed the Ramsey's innocence when he really does not know for certain they are innocent. He is biased.

    • @jilltheprivateinvestigator3328
      @jilltheprivateinvestigator3328 6 лет назад +3

      Kelly Woodworth Dr Phil and JR have common attorneys. That explains why he sucked their a$$, and handled them with kid gloves.

    • @deletedleaf2688
      @deletedleaf2688 5 лет назад +3

      Yeah that’s a red herring. There was frost that night in boulder, and that means snow or no snow, footprints would be left in the grass.
      Anyone who’s lived in a cold climate would know this.

    • @rodneyjohnson7327
      @rodneyjohnson7327 3 года назад

      @@jackhersh1 They share the same lawyer. Lynn Wood.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@jackhersh1 Don't be friggin stupid, the DNA Alone Proved the Ramseys innocent & Then over 200 pieces of evidence in the house. Put together is why they were exonerated

  • @AndHence
    @AndHence 2 года назад


  • @xanaduxanadu2181
    @xanaduxanadu2181 8 лет назад +2

    Oh Geez I can't believe that a 9 yo did this but weirder things have been known to happen. I've always thought the mom had a huge part in this because she believed she had to pay god back for curing her of cancer (at the time she was in remission), it was a deal she had promised to god years before, and she had to follow up, just like in the old testament. She went kookoo. That ransom note is too bizarre and holds great significance to this case. But no one will ever know.

    • @robertbunton6394
      @robertbunton6394 4 года назад

      Yea we will never know

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      We all know the kooks came out for these threads don't we Xanadu

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. *Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!*
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, the Case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this 6 year old Child. BTW - Burke, was Never even a suspect.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +6

    "Mitch Morrissey, the district attorney in Denver and a national DNA and forensics expert, agrees the case ran into trouble from the start. Among other things, the crime scene was contaminated and the coroner used the same clipper to clip the fingernails of several corpses, including JonBenet and someone else, rendering the fingernail clippings useless as evidence.“They didn’t know about DNA,” says Morrissey.

    • @cozettem8226
      @cozettem8226 3 года назад +1

      I read that "using the same nail clipper on multiple corpses" was just a theory as to why JBR had unknown DNA under her fingernails. Another theory is her playing on the carpet. I just can't believe a coroner would not know to sterilize his nail clippers in between bodies, otherwise there would be cross contamination and no point in clipping and DNA testing fingernails. Is it for sure?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      That is just bs. Matching DNA & testing done at 3 separate labs - from under her fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns.. The DNA is in CODIS. Next with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The DNA not only cleared all Ramseys but lots of others then & since including John Mark Karr who said he did it.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@cozettem8226 People make up all manner of bs to hate on the Ramseys. There was 3 separate labs that did DNA testing & that DNA Matched from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA is in CODIS. Next DNA testing more recently - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 6 часов назад

      @@cozettem8226 The DNA was from under her pinkie fingernails so clearly that's just another tabloid Fodder made up story. Then there's the Fact that the Same unknown male's DNA was later found to be saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the big underpants & Then in 2016, the Same unknown male's DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, being pulled up/down. BTW - the DNA from that unknown male, has been in CODIS since 2003. The 2nd perp's DNA was also on the long-johns due to same advanced technology in 2016, he is hispanic.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +2

    I agree, it is hard to explain DNA from the same person found in more then one place.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +3

    I think there may have been some under her nails and on the waistband of the underwear that matched the one in the underwear, so I have to admit that is suspect. It's hard to know what to think, the DNA is the only thing that throws a shadow of doubt for me onto whether the Ramseys were involved or not.

    • @megholli1981
      @megholli1981 3 года назад +2

      responding to a post from 7 years ago lol but the DNA of the "unknown male" is touch DNA. it is basically a trace amount of, potentially damaged, DNA from skin cells. Could be from where the clothing was manufactured, packaged, store employees, anything.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@megholli1981 Matching DNA - from under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA is in CODIS. The DNA not only cleared the Ramseys but lots of others then & since including John Mark Karr who said he did it.

    • @AApr1374Jo1881
      @AApr1374Jo1881 Год назад

      The dna under her fingernail did not match the long johns & panties. The dna under her fingernail was also old & cracked, been there for days.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@AApr1374Jo1881 Stop making up more & more BS just because you have a hate-filled Agenda against this Proven Innocent family. Stick to your one hour made up TV crime shows, that tell ya the ending.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 5 часов назад

      @@AApr1374Jo1881 None of that is true, as usual. One can scroll down this page & read all the contradictory Made Up stories that come from you Highly ignorant Ramsey bashers. And I am referring, in particular, about the lies told about the DNA but you people do the same about All aspects. Clearly you all need to start growing some firing Brain Cells. Jeez.

  • @jbdominicano
    @jbdominicano 11 лет назад +4

    Three police officers have theories about this case: Linda Arndt, Steve Thomas and James Kollar. And they can't agree among them. That speaks tons and is the answer to the questions "why-this-case-is-still-unsolved" or "why-the-Ramseys-never-were-prosecuted"

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

  • @ruthbashford3176
    @ruthbashford3176 8 лет назад +24

    This is the man who got to the truth of what happened to JonBenet

    • @cheyanndoyle2542
      @cheyanndoyle2542 7 лет назад +6

      ruth bashford No one got to the bottom of this case as you put it. You're ridiculous.

    • @drewbishopfitness
      @drewbishopfitness 5 лет назад +1

      Cheyann Doyle oh wow. You’re all over the place with your opinion.

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

      @@cheyanndoyle2542 “Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer.

    • @mariecohen3052
      @mariecohen3052 3 года назад +1

      @@gamislatte5470 dad guilty as hell
      Paid people to bring confusion to the case
      Patsy help with the ransome note
      Burke was innocent and therefore sent to the neighbors
      John carries the stigma of someone guilty I read the Cyril Wecht theory and that the one I believe
      Also take a good look at Jonbenet drawings and you will figure it all out

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 3 года назад +1

      @@mariecohen3052 everyone was there in the morning of the murder, the neighbors, the friends, the priest, john's son andrew etc...ONLY BURKE was not there the next morning, only BURKE was 'sent' to the neighbors....only BURKE was prevented from questioning by john...figure out why :)

  • @lashymg619
    @lashymg619 8 лет назад +4

    ok understandable so sorry for asking but we are all allow opinion free speech right

    • @Miguel195211
      @Miguel195211 4 года назад

      Melissa Martinez yes. This is not a jury trial or authorities speaking, so we can speculate.

  • @sherileehoadley4308
    @sherileehoadley4308 8 лет назад +3

    the killer had no criminal record. so you cant match DNA. The Ramseys were not just moving away, they were running for there lives. It was a business venture gone bad that caused this unthinkable crime. John deserves to get on with his life and put this behind him. God Bless this family.

    • @lashymg619
      @lashymg619 8 лет назад

      +Bugar Jones
      who are u and why would u care mmm make me wonder

    • @jadejones6595
      @jadejones6595 8 лет назад +1

      only a moron would have to ask this question. Why would care? Um, anyone who has a heart.

  • @kellywoodworth7559
    @kellywoodworth7559 7 лет назад +3

    The black duct tape used on JonBenet's mouth has also not been sourced to defendants. (SMF ¶ 170; PSMF ¶ 170.) Both ends of the duct tape found on her were torn, indicating that it came from a roll of tape that had been used before. (SMF ¶ 171; PSMF ¶ 171.) No similar duct tape was found in the house, nor is there evidence that defendants ever used or owned such duct tape. (SMF ¶ 172; PSMF ¶ 172.) Plaintiff also notes that the strip of duct tape found on JonBenet's mouth
    [253 F.Supp.2d 1332]
    had a bloody mucous on it and a "perfect set of child's lip prints, ¶ 53.) Animal hair, alleged to be from a beaver, was found on the duct tape. (SMF ¶ 183; PSMF ¶ 183.) Nothing in defendants' home matches the hair. (SMF ¶ 183; PSMF ¶ 183.) Dark animal hairs were found on JonBenet's hands that also have not been matched to anything in defendants' home. (SMF ¶ 184; PSMF ¶ 184.)

    • @mrjefferies90
      @mrjefferies90 6 лет назад

      Kelly Woodworth great information, source?

    • @jilltheprivateinvestigator3328
      @jilltheprivateinvestigator3328 6 лет назад +2

      They linked it to the beaver hair from PR boots, which she wore Christmas night.

    • @brianlion1957
      @brianlion1957 5 лет назад +2

      Poorly informed info. Millions of houses have duct tape, cords and items that come from packaging mailed to the house, for example. Patsey had paint supplies delivered where these items could have come from. I often keep tape and cords that come from packages, because they can be re-used.

    • @mattbergseid9196
      @mattbergseid9196 5 лет назад

      @@brianlion1957 used tape?

    • @kellyjacquin715
      @kellyjacquin715 3 года назад

      The duct tape also had 8 fibers from Patsys jacket. Exsplain that please.

  • @goldengirl67
    @goldengirl67 11 лет назад +1

    At 30:00 Kolar says that John Ramsey stripped down to his underwear and dress shoes, opened the grate, broke the window, and made a scuff mark with his shoe entering into the basement. Well, wouldn't his dress shoe have paint from the wall engrained in the leather on the back of the shoe? Was that ever tested?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      John did that in the summer & the scuff mark was new. Kolar is not only full of lies, he plays the old 'smoke & mirrors'.

  • @susanlee8609
    @susanlee8609 8 месяцев назад

    Stun gun wouldn't be needed by family? Not unlesss they were trying to stage an intruder scenario....

  • @joannschlicker6995
    @joannschlicker6995 6 лет назад +3

    Can't hear it. Everything is on max loudness.

  • @cb8199
    @cb8199 4 года назад +4

    Crap!!! Just to make money... No conclusion

  • @drby0788
    @drby0788 14 часов назад

    I believe it wss most likely Patsy in a fit of rage over Jon Benet wetting the bed. Ive always felt this. She accidentally bashed JonBenets head off of the tile wall in her bathroom..she panicked, and had john stage the crime scene, and the strangling, but not knowing that she was still alive actually ended up killing her. Patsy then wrote the "ransom note" using excerpts from the movie speed "dont try to grow a brain" and used Johns bonus amount as the ransom. They then called the cops.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 5 часов назад

      The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys. Now, go play.

  • @alanaronald244
    @alanaronald244 7 лет назад +3

    The DNA cleared the family. There were so many keys to the Ramsey house given to contractors (recent house reno), babysitters, housekeepers, electricians, etc.
    - Sketchy people: 28 registered sex offenders within a 2 mi radius.
    - Alarm wasn't on
    - Man NOT her father introduced himself as her father at a pageant.
    - Boulder Law enforcement didn't secure the crime scene.
    - Housekeeper had asked for a loan about the same amount as $118,000 just before Xmas.
    -John Ramsey got a bonus for a similar amount from his company, Access Graphics.
    - JonBenet spoke of a "secret meeting" with Santa the day after Xmas.
    - "Santa" McReynolds had a son who had been convicted for kidnapping & assault
    -Janet McReynolds had written a play, "Hey Rube", about a woman killed on the same day, Dec. 26, years before.
    - Neighbours reported hearing a child's scream.
    -John Mark Karr did NOT have a proper police interview after confessing to the crime. He had kidnapped one of his former underage wives & liked bondage sex. Alibi photo his wife produced didn't have him in the photo Dec 25/26th, but his lawyer got him released.
    - An electrician, Michael Helgoth, had worked in the Ramsey home as an electrician, found dead in a suspicious "suicide". He had been heard saying, "I wonder what it would feel like to crack someone's skull?"He liked to stalk, break into homes & committed petty theft.
    -Strange vehicle reported parked in the neighbourhood at the time.
    -Pageant photographer found naked wandering streets claiming he didn't hurt JonBenet. A mother said she would have never left her child alone with this man.
    -Housekeeper in the Ramsey home in Charlevoix claimed that a strange man had asked to speak to Patsy. Cowboy boots were found in JB's bedroom.
    Although I can't find it now, I have read of a pedophile porno ring operating in & around the Boulder area & there was a bust in 1996/97. The names Keith Schwinaman, Gary Oliva & Chris Wolf were investigated regarding this case. Look into all these names. Ask yourself: was JB used as fodder for a pedophile ring photo & someone carried the S & M "game" too far into murder?
    Research & you will find the Ramseys DID co-operate but it BPD didn't accept the help from FBI, some mentioned the "political" nature of the crime. Does this indicate someone in law enforcement had a link to this crime or an interest in NOT solving this case? Many, many questions here with many twists & turns & mysterious clues that lead...where? Poor JonBenet.

    • @kellysutton2780
      @kellysutton2780 4 года назад

      Just wondering if the pastor's dna was tested?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@photological Arndt put her on the floor there. John didn't go Anywhere.

    • @phillipgalan660
      @phillipgalan660 2 года назад +1

      @@bethryan9077 ok; Burke

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@photological Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@phillipgalan660 Grow tf Up James Kolar

  • @B-ch6uk
    @B-ch6uk 5 лет назад +5

    I can see how the brother got angry and hit his sister on the head. I guess I can understand how the parents wanted to protect him but I cannot imagine why they would tie a garrote around her neck like that. What parent would do such a thing?

    • @francinelaurin520
      @francinelaurin520 5 лет назад

      #BH ...indeed! overkill! could they? for what purpose? prove a kidnapping? ..or to protect their other child? moi, canada 🇨🇦

    • @tereseshaw7650
      @tereseshaw7650 4 года назад +3

      BH: it was a red herring, to create confusion and point away from the family. She was already dead.

    • @B-ch6uk
      @B-ch6uk 4 года назад

      @@tereseshaw7650 Yeah, but did they have to go to that extreme? It was more a hate kill than anything.

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад +7

      you all got it was not a garrote, it was more like tightening stick "Prussian hitch knot" that Burke himself fashioned (he learn from Boyscout)..he whittled the paintbrush using his swiss army knife...the use of this tightening stick is to drag jonbenet body from outside the door to move it inside the wine cellar.....because 9 yo boy scared to touch dead body...also he poked the dead body with his train track toy..

    • @B-ch6uk
      @B-ch6uk 4 года назад +3

      @@gamislatte5470 The coroner said she was probably alive when the garrote was placed around her neck killing her. The cause of death was affixation.

  • @briandenton145
    @briandenton145 7 лет назад +1

    Well, at least the first 15 mins. is boring.

  • @anativefox13
    @anativefox13 11 лет назад +1

    What prevented this justice dept. from leading a meticulous investigation?This guy dreams up murder mysteries before graduating high school.All badges should have DNA tested,Unethical,outrageous lengths to discount & prejudice fact.Protest much? Sniffling,body language,it's fair to point out,is detaching from victim & routine to convince his audience of a superior awareness & boredom with subject.

  • @sherileehoadley4308
    @sherileehoadley4308 8 лет назад +2

    The note left by the murderer were simply quotes from old movies. They are not clues, they mean nothing but sarcasm.

    • @nadinebrown7644
      @nadinebrown7644 6 лет назад

      sherilee hoadley ha no coincidence in your stupid head that The Ramseys were major movie buffs.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@nadinebrown7644 No they were Not & the posters on the walls in the train room were Johns from the old house.

  • @yaranpaupore2041
    @yaranpaupore2041 2 года назад

    How may I contact you? Please let me know.

  • @sklaboratory3983
    @sklaboratory3983 4 года назад +1

    Now that Patsy is not in the world, only John and Burke know the current situation and truth in the house where the incident is, and they can now tamper with it in any way.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      People need to do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 5 часов назад

      The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys. Now, go play.

  • @aveo533
    @aveo533 3 года назад +2

    Such a boring man. At the end of his presentation he said “ read the book and decide “, some one from the audience replied by to him basically saying: you want us to solve the murder?! He chuckled and said good bye.

  • @officialheathercombseardrp559
    @officialheathercombseardrp559 8 лет назад +7

    Case is solved, God knows the parent's hold at least some guilt. Maybe... JonBenet was accidentally killed by her brother...they were up late at night playing around...jealousy over Christmas gifts? Who knows. Patsy came downstairs and found make a long story short...Mommy wrote that ransom letter...Jon knew too. All to make it look like a stranger did this....if i was a kidnapper...i wouldn't sit there and write a 3 page letter, in the home....and neatly place the letter on their staircase...then go down in the basement of the little girls house and kill her...who does that..the police or detective found in a drawer in the kitchen a note pad...when they took a pencil and lightly rub all over that pad of paper, the ransom note came through..Sexual assault was staged, top of paint brush found in basement... Garoat (sp?) staged, there are NO fingernail marks, I've seen the photos, that's a fallacy.

    • @TorkG8
      @TorkG8 8 лет назад +5

      If I was a kidnapper, I wouldn't murder the child and leave the child in the house. If I was a murderer, I would have no reason to leave a ransom letter.
      Dubious case from day one..

    • @ruthbashford3176
      @ruthbashford3176 8 лет назад +4

      That's about right. I have some sympathy for the Ramseys covering up because they didn't want to lose Burke but I think it was misguided. They also accused innocent people of being involved

    • @lisamartin3734
      @lisamartin3734 7 лет назад +11

      the most disgusting thing for me was finding out that Burke wiped shit all over her chocolate and he also defecated on her bedsheets found by the housekeeper. This is clearly signs of some serious issues with him.

    • @Jane_Louise_b72
      @Jane_Louise_b72 7 лет назад +4

      Yep that pretty much sum up the story. I'm glad you mentioned the nail marks. The coroner with tons of experience didn't note any nail marks on his report then Lou Smit comes along and claims he sees nail marks from looking at Photos. I agree I've looked at those photos, can't see any nail marks.. Lou Smit said you must go with the evidence but his theroy doesn't fit so he tried to changed the evidence.. Like those supposed burn marks from the stun gun , again the coroner wrote abrasion not burn marks

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

  • @joanlynch5271
    @joanlynch5271 4 года назад

    If Ramsey took off his clothes before climbing in, it must have been pretty secluded.
    Why would Burke want to harm her. If he stuck her in the back, she would not have been around for her to also be burned on the face.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +1

    I have heard that theory before and it does make a lot of sense, why she was wearing those huge undies is very suspicious, and fresh out of the packet. Considering the other staging at the crime scene it wouldn't surprise me if that was what happened.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m. & the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. He just said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long til cops arrived? After calling 911 she called the Whites & Fernies for Help.
      2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & is why they knew where everything was, where to go & exactly what they were going to do. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white nylon cord & tasered on her back in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours & tasered & tortured near that boiler room. The huge pee staining on both undergarments prove that. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & using electricity. Both these factors & position is why there is such large pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off & never found. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any of that pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (Top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME chunks of pineapple were in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the bits in the Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st was a brick on the top of the head & that caused the huge fracture. The 2nd was a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no money was paid. Their back-up was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do btw. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the house they had nowhere to operate. The SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & is why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs did an excellent job in taking all the photos & the videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 4 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of $118,000 was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window was opened after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry or exit point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs 1993 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window, unclothed. That bowl (with chunks of pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on many of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

  • @Grushenke89
    @Grushenke89 11 лет назад +3

    I think the parents are responsible. But it doesn't matter. Touch DNA has "exonerated" them. . Both John and Patsy come off as psychopaths. Typical defensiveness, John appears to be smiling throughout a lot his interviews,basking in his celebrity. The ransom note was absurd. When's the last time you heard of any child molester,killer leaving a ransom note when the child is dead in the house?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does.
      Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there.
      The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect.
      The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True.
      *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      This is the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on.
      The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued.
      All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All.
      You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

    • @dianawalker1622
      @dianawalker1622 Год назад +1

      @@bethryan9077 Beth Ryan, I agree with everything you have posted as of today, February 10th, 2023. That includes everything you've typed on every post you've commented on. The Ramseys are good Christian people that loved all their children. These utube detectives only slander them because of their wealth and or faith.

    • @freddie3206
      @freddie3206 Год назад

      @@dianawalker1622 You are just as crazy as she is. Nobody is going to kidnap a kid and only ask for 118,000. Impossible! John Ramsey wanted the BPD to think it was someone he worked with that knew about his 118,000 bonus to throw everyone off. That ransom note was foolish as the ransom amount.

    @SUNMAYDEN518 9 лет назад +1

    cant hear it

    • @sajram77
      @sajram77 9 лет назад

      unmute the sound on the vid

  • @TheIrishLoaf
    @TheIrishLoaf 11 лет назад +1

    Is that 6 different DNA on JonBenet? or around the home/basement in general. I can understand 6 in the house as they often had an open house, but not 6 under nails etc. Can you clarify that point and also the forensics quote. thanks.

    • @kellyjacquin715
      @kellyjacquin715 3 года назад

      Its 6 different people, that touch JonBenet.

    • @kellyjacquin715
      @kellyjacquin715 2 года назад

      @@bethryan9077 you again? Thats B.S.. its not the dna of those men you speak of, or they would already be arrested.
      Have you read any books on this case? Nonfiction i mean?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@kellyjacquin715 Listen up deary, you Know Nothing about this case except what you read on the back of a cereal box. Obviously you don't read very well & you don't understand that perps don't sit outside the cops shop for over 24 years Waiting to be arrested. lol. Unlike you brainwashed twats, I do Actual research. Does it occur to you that just because you know nothing about this case, that others DO? Do you realise that dogged private investigators kept working this case? Do you know that it's not 'back in the day'? Don't even Try to lump Me in with the likes of You, some of us are actually Intelligent.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      None of that is true. The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption.
      The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day.
      Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing.
      The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago.
      The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      N.B. *Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!*
      Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.

    • @TheIrishLoaf
      @TheIrishLoaf Год назад +1

      @@bethryan9077 Patsy wrote the ransom note in their own notepad and used their own marker. That is why she denied it was her handwriting in the matching family photo albums brought to her attention in lawsuits for defaming her house cleaners.

  • @georgeblythe8773
    @georgeblythe8773 9 лет назад +11

    Burke her brother was the killer may he rot in hell

    • @88kaylarenee
      @88kaylarenee 8 лет назад +2

      to accuse a child at the time of this murder with no evidence and then to wish him to rot in hell, that's very cruel.

    • @georgeblythe8773
      @georgeblythe8773 8 лет назад +3

      He won't even speak to police he's guilty

    • @marygillkeir1894
      @marygillkeir1894 8 лет назад

      Listen to the interview with Kay Griggs.....on Utube.

    • @nadinebrown7644
      @nadinebrown7644 6 лет назад

      kayla dotson what's cruel is psychopath ice brat who bashes his beautiful sister in the head with a maglite, and her dad staging and desecration her body, and her mother writing a fake letter.

    • @nadinebrown7644
      @nadinebrown7644 6 лет назад

      kayla dotson so I agree rot in hell Burke. It should have been y o u instead of the better child Jon Benet.

  • @auroralopez5156
    @auroralopez5156 2 года назад

    How did the suit case get in the house . It didn't fit the window. The alarm system was off . I believe it might have been someone that they invited in the house.

  • @LeeEberle
    @LeeEberle 4 месяца назад

    Drunken Patsy did it.

  • @colfer222
    @colfer222 9 лет назад +1

    lou smit ..taser matched on the head wound no?...including a blue line between the tongs ...... matched perfectly with one particular model

    • @hillbillyhoodoo
      @hillbillyhoodoo 9 лет назад +3

      +colfer222 No they never matched, not in the face wound nor on the back wound......the official report records these wounds as "abrasions" not burns, I suggest you read it....... the measurements were close but indeed they never matched...the distance between the marks on JB's body measured exactly 2.9 cm. The measurements between the "Air Taser" stun gun probes is 3.4 cm. This is as "close" as Smit was EVER able to get .....and thats not close enough...electricity does not leave a "blue line" just because the electric current is blue and passes through the flesh.....means nothing other wise ppl struck by lighting would be covered in them. Welders who expose their skin to intense blue arc produced by arc welding get a typical red sunburn, they don't turn into blue smurfs. Nor would their finger turn blue if they were stupid enough to touch the arc.......simple science and common since are needed here.

    • @colfer222
      @colfer222 9 лет назад

      +Hillbilly Hoodoo.... thanks for
      coming back hillybilly
      i got my "facts"? from the vid .."the killing of jon benet : an evil twist" (2006)...circa 30 to 35 minutes.....
      i think this expert says they were a good match and the injuries consistent with those expected from a taser...don't forget skin is elastic and can be stretched and pinched so depending how the taser was applied the distance may not be an exact match any how.......the more i watch these vids the more i'm dubious of "experts" can always find one to rebut what another one says......even dna doesn't count because it could always be planted by someone else who may of come in contact with a suspect......probably the best piece of evidence is the letter and intuition tells me the Ramseys just couldn't have written that after just killing their daughter...p.s. this vid again 39 mins...i've taken out the center pin?" if that's the case and she was stabbed with this,why not three marks? ,or is he saying whoever did it to her thought.."o yes i'll take out the center pin first".....would be really nice to know the truth....cheers..hillybilly...

    • @hillbillyhoodoo
      @hillbillyhoodoo 9 лет назад +1

      Hey your welcome! I got my info after review of the of the official autopsy report. (Sorry I should have said what the "official reports" were) The reports of the trials Smit and Dobberson did on live pigs with the AirTaser stun gun to replicate JB's injuries. And they did report that the pigs jerked violently when the stun gun was applied, there fore movement was a factor and no blue lines present. All measurements were still 2.9 cm as close as they ever got. Also the autopsy report of Gerald Boggs, a homicide victim where a stun gun was used before time of death. The report includes pictures of the stun gun wounds Mr. Boggs received. The wounds were clearly burns not abrasions, indeed some look like fire ants had got ahold of the man, due to amount of swelling and redness present and again no blue lines. Also reports from the company that manufactured the AirTaser stun gun at the time of JB's death. And there were a few independent studies I guess you could call them lol, where ppl actually applied and tasered themselves with the AirTaser. Anyway, the information is vast and a book could be wrote alone on all of it....but the one thing that was the same throughout was the measurements 2.9 cm v/s 3.4 and the actual wounds themselves, abrasions v/s burns.
      The toy train tracks that were used in this mans demonstration I find interesting for a couple of reasons. I myself as a child had this exact type 0 train track as a child that accompanied a train set I had, my father being a engineer for the railroad. Anyway I had trouble with the pins myself falling out/off always getting stuck in the carpet....the one I had the most trouble with was the middle pin. Personal experience I know and not valid in court I'm sure. lol..... The other reason I find the train track evidence interesting, besides the fact it does fit the 3.4 measurements exactly, is the fact it was item not only found in the home but in the basement were JB was killed and her body found. To bad this was not discovered in 97....evidence could have been collected and test conducted then.
      I agree with you on the DNA evidence.....esp after it was found out that the same clippers that they used to collect JB's nails were used in all the autopsies they performed there at the time instead of the practice of using separate sterile clippers for each individual autopsy and each finger. Indeed the same clippers were used for all of her fingers.....serious cross contamination factors there. As far as the DNA found in the panties they were reported by Patsy Ramsy to investigators to be fresh, unused and unlaundered out of the package from a set that she bought at Bloomingdales in a trip a few months prior to New York.....I could go on here and indeed wright another book on the degradation of samples found, lack of identifiable markers found, incompleteness, enhancement of the underwear DNA sample that took the lab years in order to get the 10 markers that were needed in order to enter it into CODIS ,but alias I am getting tired lol
      One last thing thou......What did you think about the fact that finally the court documents were unsealed and released of the final Colorado grand jury held in 99 (yes Smit was a wittness) and they issued a indictment charging the Ramseys of child abuse resulting in the death of JB and being accessories to that crime? Here is a link to the papers...related article link can be found at top of page there

    • @colfer222
      @colfer222 9 лет назад

      +Hillbilly Hoodoo, Sorry HillBilly been a bit busy...thanks again for your reply,...give me a couple of days and i'll get back to you and answer your question....thanks...

    • @hillbillyhoodoo
      @hillbillyhoodoo 9 лет назад

      colfer222 No prob, take your time, look forward to hearing back from you. :)

  • @gforce5459
    @gforce5459 5 лет назад +3

    All the experts who interviewed Burke said he was not a suspect.

  • @judypyle6336
    @judypyle6336 3 года назад

    Bad volume

  • @marijorieholoway6783
    @marijorieholoway6783 6 месяцев назад


  • @rahla53
    @rahla53 7 лет назад

    Too bad sound is so poor-:>(

  • @annettebarlette9471
    @annettebarlette9471 3 года назад +1

    Killer opened door for police & closed door when they left, thinking how fast he could pay someone off.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      Known Facts - Alarm set 5.30 a.m., the Ramseys were to get on a plane for Charlevoix. Patsy found the note, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John & could only say about a note & JB gone. He said “call the police”. It was pitch dark, no-one around & they were terrified. Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies for Help. John Fernie called their pastor for prayers & comfort. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 2 got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the Whites for dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the white cord & tasered on her back in bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a side door, down to the back & waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had run into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. She was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was not a garrotte it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Both these factors & position & so much water is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. The carpet & underlay were cut out due to the pee stain & are in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's exact height. The tip of the paintbrush was cut off, used at her privates & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did not eat any pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded statement June ’98, Thomas Haney told her the pineapple in the bowl was Different to the fragments in the top of the small Intestine. When Patsy called 911, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then 3 blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the end of the steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called. They didn't plan that Patsy would stay on the phone calling friends to come & help. That phone on the wall was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It is easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise hers, which is impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Myer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. JB was never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known Plus because the crime scene techs who did an excellent job & taking all the photos & videos & collecting all the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. Thomas was only brought into the case 3 days after because the investigators present refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a ransom, which was the first crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about misinformation & leaked certain photos. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Lou made a mistake about that window, that's all. It was never an entry point. Early that morning, 2 officers did not go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. Those tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo of the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That was not a nightgown of JBs found in the cellar, it was a dress taken off her life-sized doll that was kept in the corner of her room, but found in the playroom standing at a window. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. That glass had a dried tea bag & no tea was made in that. That silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree that was the same as the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA cleared them plus lots of others then & since. It is 2021, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. Justice is coming.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      Patsy was out on the front stairs near hysterical & She let officer French in the door In Fact & because JB was found, more cops arrived & so, were Still There when the Ramseys Left, now just Shut It. You're just Another brainwashed zombie stumbling around Desperately. What part of Exonerated do you Not understand?

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 5 часов назад

      The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing.
      From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public.
      The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point.
      The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake.
      Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime.
      The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year.
      Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor.
      Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass.
      NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved..
      The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”.
      *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.*
      The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly.
      Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally.
      One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All.
      The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.

  • @stipV
    @stipV 11 лет назад +2

    I don't think DA's decision had anything to do with having guts, more likely he was afraid because he had next to no experience with trials! AH was in the Ramseys pocket from day 1.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      There was No evidence to move forward. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. The jurors only hear from the prosecution who get to pick & choose what evidence to present. There is no judge, no defence lawyer & No experts to rebut whatever is presented. As a consequence the jurors vote on the side of the prosecution 99.6% of the time. Snake Steve Thomas also withheld evidence. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jurors were. Hunter was one of the few who had full integrity.

  • @gamislatte5470
    @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

    why did you take the centre pin...? for demonstration purpose? that defeats the whole should use the actual 3 pins...and wonder why jonbenet mark only had 2-pin marks....dont cherry pick!

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

      @Marten Dekker this true? thank you! where did you get this info? can you cite source?

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

      @Marten Dekker ok i have the book..i will search for the exact paragraphs about the 1 middle pin being loose. thanks.

    • @gamislatte5470
      @gamislatte5470 4 года назад

      @Marten Dekker ok that worries me...because if he can not prove that, he jumped into conclusion too soon...i dont think he wants to be deliberately misleading...but we need that 2-pin track found and must be in the close proximity with jonbenet dead body......normal 3-pin track will NOT do it..

    • @thesaint5619
      @thesaint5619 3 года назад

      @@gamislatte5470 there was pieces of this track in burkes bedroom as well as basement the crime scene video shows this I believe

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      @@thesaint5619 The train tracks in Burke's bedroom was a New train set he was given for Xmas. The 'abrasions' were Burns from an Air Taser & the type used has been identified. FYI - Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins, Not 2 blunt ones.

  • @danscalia1188
    @danscalia1188 2 года назад +1

    what a long-winded annoying self-righteous humblebrag presentation

  • @TrevorBoggs
    @TrevorBoggs Год назад +1

    this is a whole lotta nothing

  • @annettebarlette9471
    @annettebarlette9471 3 года назад

    Explain the rasome cr as zy letter

  • @sherileehoadley4308
    @sherileehoadley4308 8 лет назад

    Why not expand your horizons and try to find where John has gone during business. Find out who he knows, the type of people and where theh reside. God bless

    • @mariecohen3052
      @mariecohen3052 3 года назад

      John Ramsey paid big money not to be accused of a crime he committed

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      @@mariecohen3052 Oh Sure, all the cops, detectives, crime scene techs, scientists, 3 DAs, Federal Court Judge Cairn, their friends, family, church members & their pastors, the list is endless, all paid according to You to protect highly sadistic murderers.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 5 часов назад

      @@mariecohen3052 That's the best ya got hey?? Grow Up!

  • @glamdolly30
    @glamdolly30 2 года назад

    DAMN it's so quiet!!!

  • @teddyl7006
    @teddyl7006 7 лет назад +8

    This was a really good book. One of the best for this case.

    • @B-ch6uk
      @B-ch6uk 4 года назад +1

      Who does he think committed the murder?

    • @shamyahawkins9652
      @shamyahawkins9652 4 года назад +2

      BH JonBenét brother Burke

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад +1

      Book of BS

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      BS. People should do some actual research instead of just believing what you saw on a documentary that was put together just so More of the unscrupulous make Money. That CBS Bogus 'show' was formatted to James Kolar's book of BS blaming Burke & that's why He was on there too. Sensationalism sells & soo many were happy as pigs in mud to lap it all up because y'all know Nothing about this case as a whole & you sure don't know anything True, let alone about what Actually happened to the poor child. CBS were mightily sued for the gross misleading of the public & those lying con artists were included in the suit. CBS settled out of court & paid multi millions of $$$. The 2 so-called scientists, Lee & Spitz, were personally sued for their deliberate lies & misinformation. FYI - there were Two Severe fractures to the skull. One was down the length & Open, the other was a Hole. How does a whack from Any weapon produce Two fractures like That for a Start? It is a fact that if Either of the fractures had occurred Before death, the skull would have been filled with blood, It Wasn't. At about 1.30 a.m. JB was choked & tasered in her bed, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried down to the boiler room. She was given a lot of water & tasered & tortured with the bondage device, that was Not a garrotte & that's why the loops over the shirt at her wrists. Source the photo of the whole thing & while you're there, source the autopsy photos & the photo of the skull. The Authentic autopsy report can be found online. The 1st page has the symbol for Colorado. JB was never unconscious & there were dig marks from her nails in her skin at the cord because she was fighting for her life when being strangled to death. The autopsy photos show those marks And the White nylon Cord that was left Embedded in her neck. The blows to the head occurred just after her death, 3 weapons, each in evidence & None were that flashlight. The 1st blow caused the huge fracture down the skull & the photo of the skull shows the impact from the brick used, on the top of the head. A crime scene photo of the cellar shows the brick. The measurements Match. The 3rd blow caused the hole that the 2nd started & that weapon was put on the half-wall outside of the butler's kitchen door where the perps exited from. There is a crime scene photo showing that black steel ball bat & the glass exit door left wide open. The utility knife was left in the cellar & the tool used to do the small stabs to the skull, was broken off & never found. From the position of the cord at the front of the neck & the necklace caught at the bottom of the cord at the front of the neck, Proves JB was on her Back when strangled to death. That also Means that she was looking Up at the person doing that. The paintbrush was cut, broken & whittled to also implicate Burke. This whole crime for money was set up to incriminate the whole family if the cops were called & the perps didn't get their cash. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsys. The tip was used at JB's genitals & that caused bleeding that was wiped off with a blue cloth. The fibres are mentioned in the Authentic autopsy report. The tip was never found because some deviants keep trophies. Other vile acts occurred but too sensitive for this page. Those charlatans showed a doctored photo of JB's sheets with a big yellow stain when in fact JB did Not wet the bed. They swayed the public with 'some parts' that had been heard & read about previously & just twisted that info to suit Their agenda. They said a ligature was 'wrapped around the neck as staging' & showed a package of blue rope. Fact - a blue rope was found in a bag in the guest room that didn't belong to the Ramseys. They denied any attack at JB's genitals also because the Real Facts of what happened to the child was too much of a stretch for the audience to believe Burke would have done all, Or the parents & That's Why they didn't Talk about the huge fracture down the length of the skull Or the strangulation. And Then they said the cops were looking for the wrong offender. Spitz had the Hide to say that the very small slithers of wood must have jumped into the vagina when John carried her up the stairs & referred to That as contamination - when in Fact at autopsy, those slithers were found & those Blatant liars knew That also. There was a second autopsy done with other pathologists present & so, a 2nd report. Burke's train tracks had 3 steel pointy pins Not 2 blunt ones. The type of air taser used has been identified & they were Burns, not abrasions, the shapes were rectangular. The same burns on her face & under her ear, as on her back. The one on her face was bigger because the electrode was placed there more than once. The reason for that area near the brain is about control - little balance to walk & poor memory. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs, 1993, Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns to his face, the second was on his ear lobe. Those air tasers were widely used by drug dealers in the 90s. The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 private renowned experts, all 4 said the Ramseys did Not write the note. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad with their Own marker & then put both near the phone For The Cops? There is something fundamentally Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That. For the Real investigators, that was the First clue that told them the Ramseys were not involved. Unfortunately for the Ramseys, Steve Thomas was brought in as lead detective because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder case before. He thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime & constantly talked about the book he was going to write. He leaked confidential evidence material to the media & misinformation about the Ramseys. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD were only interested in saving their own incompetent asses & went into damage control because the child was found in the home that afternoon by her poor father when Their officers should have found her early that morning. They Hid lots of what they did & didn't do that morning from the public & pretended there was no intruder so the media were at the family Instead. Thomas also Hid vital evidence from his superiors & others on several occasions including from the grand jury, Of Course. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge & no defence lawyers. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution, 99.6% of the time. The DNA Alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Federal Court Judge Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent in 2003 due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online which includes what She had to say about Cina Wong, that she had No qualifications to call herself a writing analyst. Carne was quite scathing at Steve Thomas as Well. He resigned on national TV because that was his marketing Ploy for his book of bs he went off to write, blaming Patsy because of a notepad. He had illegally taken evidence material from the BPD before his useless ass was Fired. He was sued for his book of lies & garnered Money from the public to fund his defence & then refused to get on the stand to back himself. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. He still whines to this day, blaming Alex Hunter who was one of the few involved who had full integrity. Alex Saw all the evidence known at that time, that pointed to an intruder, the public Did Not. The DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs from 1997 til 2008, the results were - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. James Kolar was in the DA's office for a short time, was fired & he went off to write His book of bs for financial gain also & blamed Burke. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence known at that stage that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of & the DNA Already Cleared them All plus lots of others then & since including known paedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. Officer Beckner also wrote a book of BS for financial gain. He at least came to some realisations down the line & publicly stated "when the owner of the DNA is found, there's your killer". Further testing in 2016 with advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died & he continues still. Because of the Many dedicated private investigators who continued the search Unpaid, all is now Known & the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. There has been so many so-called experts who came out of woodwork to find their version of fame & to make Money from this crime which Soo Many seem for Forget is About a 6 Year Old Child. There are also many pages with 'typing' as if from police files, all Fake. Then some pages with 'words' & 'letters down columns' as if Patsy wrote that, all Fake. All this is put on many vids as if from police files, they are Not. It's been over 25 years & the BS continues to go around about this case. I don't know when the autopsy photos & so much more was put online but it is there now. Y'all Really need to do some Actual Research & at the same time, find some Common Sense. It is way over time to leave this Proven Innocent family In Peace.

    • @teddyl7006
      @teddyl7006 2 года назад +1

      @@bethryan9077 I read every book I could get my hands on this case. I did my research. Those who say that the Ramseys weren't given a fair chance don't understand that the investigators didn't understand what they investigators wanted. They wanted more than anything else to find the guilty party but everyone else say 'anyone but the Ramseys'. I know every foot of that house except for the really strange place of Patsy's closet (wish has a really strange architectural design.) I know the reasons for calling in an external investigator. The Ramsey's attorneys, their own private investigators and Lou Smit, wouldn't ever allow this to come to court. Why is that? If the Ramsey's had gone to court and proved innocent, then this couldn't have ever been brought up again in court. The detectives on the case wanted more than anyone else to find someone responsible for this. They couldn't. 6 different entries on the ground floor and Lou Smit focuses on the only basement entry that can be viewed from a heavily accessible ground floor, a 2nd floor that can see the supposed entry and exit, a 3rd floor that can also see that supposed entrance and exit, an entrance and exit that can be seen from the neighbors home, and finally an entrance and exit that was supposed to be used (in Lou's theory) to be used as an exit from when the police entered the home. None of the investigators wanted to frame the Ramseys on the day after Christmas because they were wealthy and powerful (the reason why the Ramseys were supposedly hated by the police.) The Ramseys attorneys were top notch. They focused on discrediting the investigators before any of this could ever reach a courtroom. I'm not someone who reached my conclusions from a few RUclips videos. I went into extreme depth and my conclusion is the same as the grand jury. The Ramseys were involved. JMK was already dismissed by the original investigators as a suspect. Mary Lacy was weak and ineffective and was part of the original investigation stating that the killer's butt prints were found on the carpet of the house without realizing that anyone from the house could have sat on that carpet. If you support the distraction that the original investigators were out to get the Ramseys, then you're mistaken. They focused on the case so intensely (24/7) that there own personal lives were hurt.
      Lou Smit wanted so desperately to prove that this case was just like the case that was his true claim to fame. In that case, Lou tried desperately to prove parents weren't responsible for their child's death. In the end, one member of Lou's team found a single fingerprint on a screen door which lead to the the killer. He couldn't do that in this case. The best he got was a broken window and a scuff mark on basement wall. Hell, even Paula Woodward tried to claim it was multiple killers (in her book) claiming that multiple people were climbing in and out of the Ramseys crawl space in the basement. The problem with that claim is that 1) multiple strangers weren't seen around the Ramsey home. 2) The Ramsey's had children and with children and their friends (and and a housekeeper) there's an unpredictable nature with the comings and goings around the house. 3) There were not scuff marks leading up to those crawl spaces on the walls in the basement. 4) John Ramsey said he was the one who broke the basement window and put the scuff marks on that wall.
      Don't claim this is BS. The grand jury claimed that Ramesys were involved. Alex Hunter himself wouldn't stop having lunch with the Ramseys attorneys. There was a complete and total conflict of interest here. Alex Hunter brought in Lou Smit because he was being cut out of the details of the investigation according to the book. You need to get to the heart of the details and to claim that I didn't understand the details of the case is simply crazy.
      And for the record, I don't believe Burke committed this crime. I've gone through every detail of the Ramseys manuscripts. John and Patsy's stories change. I'm fine with parents removing a child from suspicion, but I'm not comfortable with the way John and Patsy's timelines don't align on the morning JonBenet was found missing. Patsy distanced herself from the guest bedroom. She spent as much as 10 minutes outside of JonBenet's door that morning. They needed to catch a private flight and needed to meet the other children at another airport and yet they doddled. Patsy (a notorious clothes horse decided to wear the exact same clothes that she dressed in the previous night). Patsy distanced herself from the guest bedroom where she had recovered from cancer (a room that she was using for packing for the families 2 trips). John took a ridiculous amount of time in the shower (ridiculous for a businessman who was going to co pilot a jet airplane he didn't own). They needed to meet up with his children at another airport, but by the timeline, it's like they didn't care at all about being on time. It's like John and Patsy were avoiding each other before the big event hit.
      What happened when it hit? Patsy called 911 (and not discretely) even though the ransom not said not to call the police. John read the ransom note (not on the kitchen counter), but since he has such poor eyesight, he read on the floor in his boxer shorts when Patsy was on the phone with 911. After Patsy was done calling the police, did she sit and wait? No. She called her friends to come to the house--it says they'll kill her, but let's bring as many people to the house she can.
      And no matter how much everyone has tried to discredit Linda Arnd't instincts. I actually trust her (Except she made the biggest mistakes EVER in the case.) Her mistake wasn't to ask John to search he house. Her unforgivable mistake was to sympathise with the parents, but she argued not to seperate the Ramseys and interview them right then and there. She believed they could be interviewed later. She also didn't get everything on tape which made the made the Ramsey's defense team's day, month, year and life. But she was following orders from people who later threw her under the bus.
      Don't think I haven't done my homework. This case haunted me. JBR was given the golden ticket, she was talented, pretty, smart and rich. Aside from her becoming Ms. America I should have never known anything about her. Good for her, and no one should have ever taken this away from her. It's so sad. So many other children have never been given the chances she had and have met horrible ends. This is the one who had such chances for an enchanted life. No one should have taken this away from her and it breaks my heart.
      Too bad her parents didn't want to stay in Boulder and work with police to help find her murderer. Extradition and interviews are harder from another state.
      Oh, and I have the abomination, "The Death of Innocence". That book should have never been published. It's not a book about grieving. It's a book about defending the indefeasible and showing how so much more clever you are than the press. Too bad the title isn't about JonBenet. It's about John and Patsy's loss of innocence with the press and the police. It's a sickening testament to the way John and Patsy felt about the loss of their daughter. Honestly, this should have been a 'color by numbers book' about the loss of a child and how to deal with it. It's more about how John and Patsy have run around their friends, the police and the press. I can't believe some of the statements made in the book, but it is what they wrote. This whole thing is just sad.

  • @Noodleydoo
    @Noodleydoo 11 лет назад +3

    ummmm--why would an intruder need a stun gun but the "parents wouldn't need it?" Why would anybody need one? I wish Kolar would spend less time on the incoherent intruder nonsense and more time on the fact that all the evidence at the crime scene came from within the Ramsey home.

    • @mariecohen3052
      @mariecohen3052 3 года назад

      Look at the head of the Ramsey’s home
      It’s the dad

    • @Noodleydoo
      @Noodleydoo 3 года назад +1

      @@mariecohen3052 There is no evidence pointing to John Ramsey. Sorry, but zero.

    • @mariecohen3052
      @mariecohen3052 3 года назад

      @@Noodleydoo have you taken the time to look at Jonbenet classroom drawings
      May be you will think differently

    • @Noodleydoo
      @Noodleydoo 3 года назад +1

      @@mariecohen3052 I have seen them. They are NOT evidence

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Год назад

      Except for the notepad, Zero evidence came from the home. You kids saw a few photos - cord on a stick, pineapple in a bowl, flashlight on a bench & writing on some pages & you Actually Believe That Is The Evidence. LMAO.

  • @ncf1
    @ncf1 4 года назад +2

    Mr Kolar, Listen! ........ I love your work!! :D

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 2 года назад

      He is nothing but a con artist & a Proven Liar

  • @valerielock2374
    @valerielock2374 4 года назад +1

    Blah blah ..nothing new

  • @terrybb7376
    @terrybb7376 9 лет назад

    Notice the misspelled word 'sCUTiny', implying more violent intent. Notice that the word 'un harmed' has been modified, as if to say that 'unharmed' is not the truth. The word 'At' is shaped to resemble the word 'Art', there's solid Zodiac killer linkage in this hint and it's uncanny!. Now take notice of all of the improperly placed capital letter's 'F' and 'W', there are approx. 30ea of these. Now go around the thing and notice how "fanciful" most of the letters actually are. The primary JT initial clues actually render or decode to a linear statement. Using the word in the upper line: it is or goes something like: "(it) exhausting...daughter watching.....Speaking daughter being....any killing family killing...think." One can derive other variations of and from this but I think you get the idea. Notice where the intersection of 'watching' over 'like' occurs, it strongly resembles the Zodiac killer crosshairs, it also doubles as a JT initial clue. If you take and draw a diagonal like from the word 'The' and connect it to the word 'Speaking', it reads from right to left, as does Hebrew, reads or decodes to: "The Zodiac not Speaking." Couple that with the joo hint, where the 'j' from 'your' is placed close to the 00 in $100. This last clue goes all the way back to one of the Black Dahlia documents and all the way through the Zodiac killer documents to this Ramsey ransom note. GO LOOK!!! You might then ask.... so how is it that TerryB knows all these things but LE and the major media is mum on it? Well...1)TerryB has been very tenacious in the study of these case for the last 4 years 2) TerryB has the same question for LE and the rest of the powers that be. And the answer to the second part of that question is very troubling indeed.

  • @annettebarlette9471
    @annettebarlette9471 3 года назад

    Maybe Pasty nalis , not stun gun, wouldnt she have scramed