Did Jesus have SIBLINGS?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 346

  • @Lightstar449
    @Lightstar449 4 месяца назад +5

    It teaches this because the Romans wanted to replace the goddess they used to worship

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад +2

      And Catholicism started to pull in and allow pagan doctrines and rituals.

  • @Lightstar449
    @Lightstar449 4 месяца назад +8

    Well the Bible says that he didnt know Mary until after the birth of Jesus. Also mentions several times, he has brothers and sisters

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      They have a reading comprehension problem and then make up a whole bunch of gobbledygook gook.

    • @YlwmY888
      @YlwmY888 3 часа назад

      Where does the Bible says this???

  • @LennyCooke636
    @LennyCooke636 Год назад +14

    Actually it would not make any difference to me whether the Virgin Mary was an "eternal virgin" or not, as long as she was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. To me it would make her seem even more human than a myth. The protestants who have a more literal style to the bible claim that Jesus did have brothers and maybe some sisters. The Catholic church claims that Mary's womb was closed after giving birth to Jesus making her an eternal virgin. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, maybe it was revelation, maybe speculation ? Regardless, it does not change the mission of Jesus one iota.

    • @hamercapitle3559
      @hamercapitle3559 3 месяца назад

      Do you have any proof that God Close the Womb of mary after she gives birth to our Lord Jesus?

  • @michaelhughes5512
    @michaelhughes5512 Год назад +114

    The Bible says Joseph did not lay with her UNTIL AFTER she had birthed Christ!!! That implies he did lay with her after! Mary was a beautiful soul chosen by God to carry God BUT KEYWORD BUT DONT PRAY TO HER. The only one who can hear you is God

    • @karlalopez1650
      @karlalopez1650 Год назад +3

      I love this. This is an honor to Mary.

    • @brianmachuca5074
      @brianmachuca5074 Год назад +18

      2 of Samuel 6:23 michal daughter of Saul had no children until her death.the word until is used as a different meaning in the Bible how can you have children after death and Catholics don’t pray to her we are very well aware she is not God but she is a very important woman and we do ask for her intercession

    • @brianmachuca5074
      @brianmachuca5074 Год назад +8

      When Jesus was talking with Moses and Elijah his disciples could see and hear them and also they were taken up to heaven in body so why couldn’t God do the same with Mary

    • @CommandoShepard
      @CommandoShepard Год назад +12

      @@brianmachuca5074 because you’re adding things not in the Bible. If it had happened it would of said she did as that’s in an important factor. You people try to stretch and leap in logic over and over. Stop it already repent for your heresy and find god

    • @brianmachuca5074
      @brianmachuca5074 Год назад +2

      @@CommandoShepard tell me where in the Bible it says to only refer to the Bible the Bible says many more miracles were performed but they wouldn’t fit in the whole world and read revelations it’s talking’s about the woman and the place reserved for her the dragon/satan will go after her offspring and also in genesis to the snake .Also it says she was given the wing of an angel to fly to the place reserved for her

  • @cezarykwasiborski1275
    @cezarykwasiborski1275 Год назад +22

    According to Mark 6:3 Jesus had four brothers (and two sisters): "Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon?

    • @Alec_Cox
      @Alec_Cox 2 месяца назад

      At least 2 sisters because "sisters" is plural and none of the sisters names are mentioned.
      The 4 brothers are named, James especially, is called, "THE BROTHER (not disciple) of Jesus Christ and he led the Church in Jerusalem taking over for Peter. Peter BTW never went to Rome because he was a Jew and they were kicked out of Rome. Aquila and Precilla were Jews leaving Rome when they met Paul. Paul was also a Roman citizen by his Mother. His father was a Pharisee. Paul was a "Pharisee of Pharisees" a Benjamite.

    • @raijannbascoe276
      @raijannbascoe276 2 месяца назад +1

      Every video avoids talking about this person I want to talk about this verse

  • @johng.3740
    @johng.3740 Год назад +9

    There are many movies and documentaries about Jesus and the many different aspects of his life BUT I haven't seen any movie or documentary that focuses on Jesus' brothers or sisters.....the bible does mention Jesus had biological half brothers and sisters! Look at Matthew 12:46
    “While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him.”
    After Mary had Jesus she could have had other children.

    • @samiramawby1257
      @samiramawby1257 9 месяцев назад

      Sara Manat sister ofcJesus who was dark living far away from worldcountry of people to create new life living in dark as dark colour,,and Johanne young brother

    • @trentitybrehm5105
      @trentitybrehm5105 Месяц назад

      Mark 6:2-3, Acts 1:13-15, Matthew 1:25, Matt 13:55-56

  • @Allyourbase1990
    @Allyourbase1990 Год назад +25

    Jesus had actual brother . Jude was one of his actual brothers

    • @mzkaluta8928
      @mzkaluta8928 9 месяцев назад +4

      Where does it say actual brothers

    • @shine2678
      @shine2678 6 месяцев назад +1

      Nope, they r cousins not actual brothers

    • @patrickpeter7499
      @patrickpeter7499 4 месяца назад

      I wonder if Joe had other wives that were never mentioned...and had children with those wives....it was not uncommon in this era for men to have multiple wives.....and the Bible never mentioned joe being a virgin

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead 4 месяца назад +1

      Why is he just “Joe” now crazy how you guys treat Mary like royalty but spit on Joseph the adapted dad. Jesus had brothers and sisters by Mary and Joseph.

    • @FlightOfTheFamily
      @FlightOfTheFamily Месяц назад

      or Judas, coincidentally... who taught Jesus Buddhism...

  • @m.i.c.h.a.e.l.1
    @m.i.c.h.a.e.l.1 8 месяцев назад +15

    the answer:
    Jacob, the brother of the Lord, is James the son of Alphaeus, and at the same time he is the cousin of Christ according to the flesh, the son of Mary, the wife of Clopas (Celopas is another pronunciation of Alphaeus).
    The cousins' children were considered brothers due to the close relationship, according to the Jewish customs of talking about this relationship.
    An example of this topic is what was said about Jacob’s kinship with his maternal uncle Laban, as the book says: “And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his maternal aunt, and the sheep of Laban’s maternal aunt, that Jacob went forward and rolled back the stone, and watered the sheep of Laban his maternal aunt, and Jacob kissed Rachel and raised his voice and wept, and told Jacob Rachel is her father's brother and Rebekah's son” (Genesis 29:10-12). We see that although Laban was Jacob's uncle, he was considered his brother.
    This same situation was used by Laban with Jacob when he asked him to be paid for herding his sheep. He said to him: “Because you are my brother, do you serve me for free? Tell me what is your reward?” (Genesis 15:29).
    The same situation occurred in expressing the kinship between Abraham and Lot.
    Abram was Lot's uncle. Therefore, the book said about the history of Abram and Haran (Lot’s father): “And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son’s son” (Genesis 11:31). However, when Lot was taken captive from Sodom in the war at Kedorlaomer, the book said: “And they took Lot, Abram’s nephew, and his possessions, and departed... And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he dragged his trained servants with him” (Genesis 14:12-14).
    According to this ancient custom, Christ’s cousins, the children of Mary, Clopas’ wife, were called his brothers.
    As for this Mary, she is the one mentioned in the Gospel of John: “And standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene” (John 19:25) (Read another article on this topic here on the St-Takla website in the Questions section and articles). It was said about this Mary in the Gospel of Mark: “And there were also women looking from afar, and among them were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger, and Joses, and Salome” (Mark 15:40).
    These Jacob, Joses, and Salome, the sons of Mary, the wife of Clopas, are the ones mentioned in the Jews’ saying about Christ in the Gospel of Matthew: “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers Jacob, Joseph, and Judas?” (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3).
    As for the Virgin Mary, she gave birth to none other than Christ, and she lived as a virgin all her life, and the “brothers of Christ” are not her children, but rather her sister’s children.
    James the Younger (son of Alphaeus) was called the Younger, to distinguish him from James the Great (son of Zebedee), the brother of John the beloved.

    • @jonathanhnosko7563
      @jonathanhnosko7563 7 месяцев назад +1

      Hello, You have obviously given this some thought. That Mary the Mother of James and Joseph is Mary the wife of Clopas certainly helps make sense of all the various Marys mentioned in the New Testament. To further identify Clopas as Alphaeus seems to further cement the case.
      However, if Eusebius is to be believed, Clopas is most clearly the father of Simon called the cousin of the Lord with no mention of the James or Joseph from his wife Mary and no mention at all for either of them of Judas, whom Eusebius calls the brother of Jesus along with James.
      Finally, if Clopas is Alphaeus and potentially the father of James, Simon, Judas, and Joseph [and Levi/Matthew as well?] that would put some, but not all, of his sons among Jesus disciples, who are mentioned as separate from his brethren, who did not believe in him, on multiple occasions in the New Testament.
      So, it helps, but does not make complete sense of the New Testament record. What would help is that if somewhere either Clopas/Alphaeus or Mary was called parent of all four or five men, if also including Matthew in the mix.

    • @blackgateboxingxuanmenquan6407
      @blackgateboxingxuanmenquan6407 5 месяцев назад

      Nope. Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3. John 25:19. Mary of Clopas (wife of Joseph’s brother) is the mother of Simeon, the successor of James at the Jerusalem church after James is martyred-and so Simeon is Jesus’s cousin. James is the brother of Jesus, along with Jude, Simon, and Joses (short for Joseph, as his father’s namesake).
      Cite every web of “cousins” and “brotherhood” you wish. Brother also means brother-blood relation. And there’s no reason to suppose that Matthew, Paul, James, Jude, John, or Mark were discussing cousinships. Sometimes a brother is literally a brother.

    • @blackgateboxingxuanmenquan6407
      @blackgateboxingxuanmenquan6407 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@jonathanhnosko7563 It’s all a bit silly to avoid just accepting that Jesus had brothers and a family. The simplest interpretation is usually the best one. No need for embarrassment. Jesus having brothers and sisters doesn’t threaten Christianity. Simeon, son of Clopas, was Jesus’s cousin. James the Just was his brother. So his brother (1) and his cousin (2) were the first bishops of the Jerusalem Church. If anything, that makes a lot of sense. Jude refers to himself as a servant of Christ and the brother of James. He chose this formulation because Jesus had died on the cross (and had ceased appearing among the Apostles as in early Acts). But James, his brother, was the legitimate head of the then existing church, and the most important figurehead for the mission in all of Jerusalem. Citing a familial relationship this way (using James) was rather relevant for evangelizing and proving legitimacy; and is not parsed as it is because Jude wasn’t Jesus’s brother and was just a cousin. Jude was a brother of both James and Jesus. Simon/Simeon is no more complicated that the proliferation of other Simons/peters, Mary’s, and Johns.

    • @xero6970
      @xero6970 5 месяцев назад +1

      This doesn’t really make sense then why wasn’t John called the brother of Jesus instead the cousin of Jesus?

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead 4 месяца назад

      Stop the lies plain and simple They were his half siblings. Mary had children with Joseph . It’s not a sin they were married. Geez Catholics are just as bad as Muslims

  • @lanabowers5332
    @lanabowers5332 3 месяца назад +5

    Joseph & Mary had 8 children: Jesus, James, Joses, Jude, Simon, Mary ( Mary Jacob, Mary Cleophas, Mary the Gypsy. She was married to Jacob Cleophas), Joanna, and Sarah.

    • @davethesid8960
      @davethesid8960 10 дней назад

      Not true. There's evidence against it from both Scripture and Church Tradition.

  • @SmashGhost
    @SmashGhost Год назад +27

    Wait, who handed the Catholic church the sole authority to interpret scripture? Where is that written? Who signed that POA?

    • @dustinburwell7693
      @dustinburwell7693 Год назад +7


    • @efrainilopez
      @efrainilopez Год назад +2

      How so? Christianity wasn’t a thing when Jesus was alive. So how did he give the authority to a religion that was not yet formed.
      Also, Jesus was a Jew, practicing Judaism. He himself was not a Christian.

    • @dustinburwell7693
      @dustinburwell7693 Год назад +5

      @@efrainilopez by your flawed logic Jesus founded no Church, when he literally called Peter to be the rock on which he would found his church. So that’s how. Now the next question: which church serves as Peter’s burial place? Jesus Christ founded our Church, and thankfully that fact doesn’t rely on your or any other confused soul’s affirmation. It is true. Peace be with you.

    • @SkittlesGirl65
      @SkittlesGirl65 Год назад +4

      Read your history on the catholic church. Evil. The Holy Spirit helps the believer interpret the scriptures.

    • @dustinburwell7693
      @dustinburwell7693 Год назад +7

      @@SkittlesGirl65 then why are there so many different interpretations? Like every Protestant church believes something different. Even within the churches there’s disagreement. That’s how you get heresy.

  • @SkittlesGirl65
    @SkittlesGirl65 Год назад +24

    God created marriage. Joseph and Mary are husband and wife. After the birth of Jesus, they most certainly consummated their marriage the way God intended it from the beginning.

    • @protochris
      @protochris Год назад

      You would think. You have to ask, if Mary didn't sleep with Joseph, then where in the house did she really sleep?

    • @kdjones5149
      @kdjones5149 9 месяцев назад +1

      Joseph was a carpenter. Maybe he built single bunk beds, lol. I think it Joseph were to abstain for life, that would have been mentioned in one of the four Gospels

    • @davethesid8960
      @davethesid8960 10 дней назад

      You know that consummation wasn't necessary for a valid marriage back then, right?

  • @Tom-sp3gy
    @Tom-sp3gy Год назад +11

    Isn’t John the Baptist a cousin of Jesus (6 months older than him)??? Why doesn’t the Bible refer to John the Baptist as the “brother” of Jesus???
    If it isn’t an open rejection of human sexuality as something forbidden or evil, why are priests required to be celibate in the Catholic Church? The scripture (and Christ himself) doesn’t mention a single word anywhere about the need for observing celibacy to please or serve God.

    • @user-bx4ti6ig3i
      @user-bx4ti6ig3i 4 месяца назад +1

      That was another John.

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      @@user-bx4ti6ig3ino it was John his cousin who was leading the way.
      The priests are celibate because Catholicism is an apostate version of Christianity which integrated Pagan rituals into worship while aligning themselves with governments.
      2 Timothy says why the forbid to marry.
      4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
      2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
      3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

  • @donnalisti3473
    @donnalisti3473 4 месяца назад +3

    How is the conclusion drawn that Mary opened herself to the Lord? Mary didn’t do anything, Gabriel approached Mary. Gabriel was sent by the Father. I suppose Mary could’ve rejected the opportunity to carry Jesus. But the idea that Joseph needed to follow Mary and the two of them needed to remain celibate goes against so many things Jesus tells us. Scriptures, tell us to honor our husbands and not deny them our bodies. There isn’t anything in scripture that talks about what empowered Joseph to deny the sexual desires. God naturally places in him. God is literally silent on this topic. I’m sorry. I cannot think this is anything other than a wrongly drawn conclusion. If it isn’t written in the scripture, it just can’t be depended upon to be true.

  • @v4vannatta521
    @v4vannatta521 4 месяца назад +1

    "BOTH/AND" is such a nuanced and awesome theme in our faith :) God bless everyone!

  • @ambiuscyben4045
    @ambiuscyben4045 3 месяца назад +1

    Matthew 1:25 Joseph didn't know her until after Jesus was born. Linguists everywhere knows what "knowing" someone is within this context. Mary did not remain a virgin after Jesus. Even if Jesus didn't have brothers or sisters, Mary did not remain a virgin.

  • @eliasfarias2911
    @eliasfarias2911 Год назад +1

    The Catholic Church has the authority to tell us the right interpretation.. I have read the Bible many times and found no such statement written on it , so please don't spread anymore falsehood.

  • @bornbranded29
    @bornbranded29 2 года назад +6

    The issues evangelicals must face is 12yo Jesus in the temple is mentioned as being retrieved by Mary and Joseph ALONE. So deniers of this would need to explain where his siblings are in this abrupt rush to locate the lost boy.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +3

      It says they were in a caravan with relatives and acquaintances, so non-Catholics might just say that they could have left their other children with them while they went to look for Jesus. Or, it's possible that the Gospel author chose not to say anything about the other children during the journey. You can't make an absolute statement that there were no other children just because they were not specifically mentioned. I'm Catholic myself, and I agree that this Gospel account may imply no other children, but we cannot be absolutely sure by this account alone, so it's best to not use this account to prove anything. God Bless.

    • @samiramawby1257
      @samiramawby1257 9 месяцев назад

      Every religion doesnt want to open up because they are jealous to tell the young sister of Jesus Sara is living in Africa naturally as dark

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      Is he literally thought Jesus was part of the caravan of relatives. You think she’d just forget the one kid? Having several kids to attend to made sense. She left the rest with the caravan she thought Jesus was in this showing it was friends and family traveling together.

  • @Epicurious18
    @Epicurious18 5 месяцев назад +1

    There’s other passages that actually say that he did not know her until after the birth of Jesus meaning joseph so you’re obviously wrong and I’m a Catholic

  • @TundraMan907
    @TundraMan907 4 месяца назад +1

    Every hard question I ask just leads me back to believing.

  • @Mr.C-Mister
    @Mr.C-Mister 2 месяца назад +2

    This man is so lost. Galatians 1:9 NKJV - As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
    Galatians 1:19 NKJV - But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother.

  • @RodiMaregn-g3e
    @RodiMaregn-g3e 23 дня назад +1

    I was reading the bible, particularly the book of Genesis. It was talkin about how Abraham left with hi cousin Lot to a new land. Later in the passages Lot is referred as his Brother. I believe it was the culture and customs of that time to refer your cousin as Brother. So Jesus brothers could be his cousins trough joseph or Mary.

  • @veddermn8
    @veddermn8 Год назад +4

    Mary and Joseph never consummating means they weren't married according to the traditional Catholic definition.

    • @SkittlesGirl65
      @SkittlesGirl65 Год назад +8

      The Catholic Church makes up their own fancy feel good religion. I was raised catholic and God's word set me free from all those torturous lies.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +1

      Where is that definition located so I can see it for myself?

    • @loqiao833
      @loqiao833 Год назад +5

      @@SkittlesGirl65 true their twisted version of bible , hailing a virgin goddess, and paganism practice is obvious that people are blinded

  • @jonathanhnosko7563
    @jonathanhnosko7563 7 месяцев назад +1

    Dr. West, Thank you for this video! As a Protestant who has investigated Catholicism over the past decade, I have really come to appreciate many of the redemptive themes from the Theology of the Body. This one really got me thinking and is quite beautiful.
    Your portrayal of the celibate and heavenly marriage of Mary and Joseph is incredibly inspiring. Indeed, it was tremendously comfortingly to me personally.
    However, I find it difficult to take the Church at its word on the status of the most intimate details of Mary and Joseph’s private relationship when it seems unable to weigh in with similar certainly on the general nature of their relationship and the relationship of Jesus to the close relatives you mentioned.
    Did Mary take a vow of virginity as a child (Infancy Gospel of James) or did both she and Joseph take mutual vows only after learning of the nature of her conception by the Holy Spirit (Thomas Aquinas)?
    Was James the son of Joseph by a previous marriage (Infancy Gospel of James) or was he the son of Clopas/Alphaeus and the other Mary along with Joses, Simon, and Judas (Jerome)?
    Some say that 3 of these “brothers” are among the Twelve as James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son/brother of James, though “his own brothers did not believe in him" and his brothers and disciples are mentioned as separate groups joining Jesus at the wedding in Cana.
    Finally, the Infancy Gospel of James contains accounts of unprecedented investigations into the situation of Mary’s pregnancy by the Holy Spirit that seems to remove all public sense of scandal, like the test of bitter waters for both Mary and Joseph, which seems at odds with the testimony of Scripture.
    Otherwise, how were Luke and Matthew able to say that Jesus was the son, so it was supposed, of Joseph the carpenter? Mary’s perpetual virginity just seems like such an odd detail to be so certain about amidst the relative Scriptural/historical uncertainty of so many of the surrounding details.
    Cheers, Jay

    • @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute
      @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment! Christopher and his wife Wendy answer more specific questions in their weekly podcast. Feel free to submit your question here askchristopherwest.com/ask and check periodically to see if it was addressed on one of the episodes!

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      It is literally wrong though. Matt 1: 24,25 When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until a child was born.
      So when was Joseph not allowed to have sex with her? The dude didn’t prove the point from the Bible and then went on a tangent the whole time that deviates from the question.
      You can’t trust Catholicism to interpret scripture.
      They have adulterated with the Kings of the Earth.

  • @lukethibodaux790
    @lukethibodaux790 Год назад +6

    Matthew 1:24-25 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.
    Now someone please enplane to me how we get the concept of perpetual virginity when we have it right there in Matthew in black and white that they had normal marital relations after Jesus was born. Nowhere in actual scripture does anyone tout the perpetual virginity of Mary much less all of this Mary worship that I see among the Catholics. It all just seems like a man made construct with no basis in scripture, and it's practice is actually contrary to scripture and I quote John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." please note he did not say through Mary and then me. No question about it Mary was an amazingly righteous woman without equal, and we are supposed to pray for the intersession of the saints, but I feel that the Orthodox and Catholic churches have taken things far beyond reverence and made another form of idolatry out of it. I have zero interest in what Canon law or whatever priest has to say on the issue because if it is contrary to actual scripture it is not Christian.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      Sorry, I must have missed that verse which clearly said they had marital relations after the birth of Jesus.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      Please explain to me where it says they did have normal marital relations afterwards? What you are doing is assuming things, and you blame the Catholic's for doing the same thing, lol.

    • @lukethibodaux790
      @lukethibodaux790 Год назад +2

      @@jzak5723 "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS" That pretty much says it all right there and yes I did read the Greek and the meaning is the same.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      Do you think Joseph would have had sexual relations with Mary between the time she conceived and the time she gave birth?

    • @lukethibodaux790
      @lukethibodaux790 Год назад

      @@jzak5723 No it says very clearly that he did not know her until after she had given birth. That much is very very clear.

    @TENEBRAELGAMING Год назад +7

    The mental gymnastics on this on. Literally half way through I couldn't tell if we're still talking about Mary or some kind of Pagan goddess

    • @khakicampbell6640
      @khakicampbell6640 Год назад

      Right?? The Romans usurped and assimilated the pagans, just like they did with the Christians, so it had to come out somewhere I guess!🤷‍♂ lol

    • @judgestacker9472
      @judgestacker9472 Год назад

      That's because they made her into a god the same way they make saints into gods.

    • @Lightstar449
      @Lightstar449 4 месяца назад

      Christians don't follow Yeshua, the Son of God

  • @leatherpastor
    @leatherpastor 9 дней назад

    The Bible is clear: Jesus had 4 brothers and at least 2 sisters. This makes Mary and Joseph normal Jewish parents with a typical Jewish family for the time. I don’t understand why Catholic apologists of Mary’s perpetual virginity have to fabricate so many convoluted theories about Mary and Joseph’s family to keep her that way. Let the Scriptures speak for themselves in this instance. Mary and Joseph had at least 7 children with Jesus being the oldest, the miracle child, being born when Mary was a virgin. The rest of his siblings were born thereafter.

  • @firemanhenry
    @firemanhenry 5 месяцев назад +1

    Boyyyyy A LOT of Fluff. You said it, Joe “ KNEW “ Mary after Jesus was born. She was no longer a Virgin.

  • @Don_LM
    @Don_LM 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very simplistic resolution "Who says what the scripture means ??... well... we do !!"

  • @eliasfarias2911
    @eliasfarias2911 Год назад +2

    USA, a christian country going through spiritual issues bad ones and we all know them. Mexico a catholic country going through very dark times we all know them as well. its reading and practicing the teachings of christ through Paul the apostle to the gentiles; only then we can walk close to the light of Jesus in righteousness, peace and justice, it is not by following certain denomination that makes us right with GOD. the Bible is for guidence not to pick this denomination vs that denomination. time to wake people of GOD

  • @markrutledge5855
    @markrutledge5855 День назад

    There is the plain meaning of the text and no magisterial authority can remove the plain meaning of the text. In Mark 5:31-35 and Mark 6:3 the Gospel writer is writing about Jesus' immediate family. Honestly, if you didn't have a perpetual virgin doctrine to defend there would be no doubt that the plain meaning of the text is that Jesus has literal brothers and sisters.

  • @johndavid3474
    @johndavid3474 5 месяцев назад +1

    Why divulge in gnostic explanations, when the Bible is clear that not only did Mary have children after Christ was born but she also tried to put a stop to his ministry when the crowd gathered by thinking her son had gone mad.
    Mary is your typical mother full of fear for the direction their children take and the blame they take on themselves when things go wrong.
    Early on when Jesus was just a boy his Mother frantically searched for him and Jesus responds why are you looking for me don't you know I must be engaged upon my father's business ?
    Mary was a typical mother fearful of her child.
    Then when Mary was entertaining guests and she ran out of wine, she began to panic and Jesus said what does that have to do with me woman?
    Again a typical woman worrying about what people will say.
    Elevating Mary to an idol position because she bore Christ is a huge mistake...

  • @Jack-yf1ss
    @Jack-yf1ss 25 дней назад

    He said that our view versus your view, who really knows” then goes on to say they believe God has given the Catholic Church the authority. How do Catholics know this? What if a mother religion also thinks they’ve been given the authority. We know nothing. God obviously doesn’t consider silly details like having siblings important. We need to stop building doctrines from our guess of what’s in between the lines and on the straight word

  • @Jack-yf1ss
    @Jack-yf1ss 9 дней назад

    Galations 2vs11 When Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13 The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.
    14 When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?

  • @rhonamahino7914
    @rhonamahino7914 5 месяцев назад +1

    If the so called brothers refers to brothers in beliefs why only mention james, joses, judas and simon as his brothers, why they did not mention peter, matthew, and the other desciples if it refers to brotherly beliefs, it was mention as his brothers because they actually sons of Mary, why distort the word of God

  • @underconstruct2024
    @underconstruct2024 2 месяца назад

    Humans are all part of The Holy Family. Saint Augustus and all other saints before sainthood, focused a lot on Earthly pleasures to explain. Jesus Christ doesn't ask for validation. Christ just wants you to be caring. 🙏

  • @bornbranded29
    @bornbranded29 2 года назад +5

    Another point. If Jesus had other siblings, why give Mary over to John's care? Also, Mary and Joseph had relations it would have been adultery on all their parts

    • @kelleighstrong-watkins6972
      @kelleighstrong-watkins6972 Год назад +4


    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      Simple. As you read in the scriptures that Jesus family did not all yet believe in him. He made sure to pass on the care of his mother to someone who believed. Simple.

  • @devinsiegfried9351
    @devinsiegfried9351 Месяц назад +1

    Good job of not giving a straight answer to the question and focusing on some other idea entirely.

  • @Cori761
    @Cori761 2 года назад +6

    This made absolutely no sense

    • @bornbranded29
      @bornbranded29 2 года назад +2

      Do you mean you don't agree, or you literally don't understand him?

    • @SmashGhost
      @SmashGhost Год назад +4

      It's incorrect. That's what is meant here. Check out Mattherw13:55 , which is conveniently bypassed in this video and by the Catholic faith

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад +2

      Using his logic in the video. Marry did not know a man. He did not know her until……. 4 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.
      Literally from the Catholic Bible. So after Jesus was born he got to know her and she got to know him. The scriptures did not in anyway say he was to never touch her or have sex relations with her.
      Catholic faith is simply the deviation and apostate church Paul warned Timothy about.
      2 tim Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
      2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
      3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the
      Who is forbidding priests to marry?

  • @user-om5fh1bi9d
    @user-om5fh1bi9d Год назад +9

    Paul instructs believers who cannot control themselves to be married and have sex. Not to withhold sexual relations from each other so the devil does not have an opportunity to crest temptation.

    • @davethesid8960
      @davethesid8960 10 дней назад

      Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit.

  • @peterrabbit1054
    @peterrabbit1054 Год назад +2

    It's pretty clear, the Gospels list siblings of Jesus, not cousins. Denying it is simply a theological position, not historical.

  • @underconstruct2024
    @underconstruct2024 2 месяца назад

    Religion and state probably need each other more than I thought 🤔. Education and politeness need more work. Peace be with you 🙏 Please pray for my marriage with Muhammad ❤️ thanks 🙏

  • @Epicurious18
    @Epicurious18 5 месяцев назад +1

    So basically, joseph never was having sex for the rest of his life that kind of sucks

  • @Noegusis
    @Noegusis 7 месяцев назад +1

    Bro, get to the point. I clicked to know about Jesus's brothers, not about Mary's love life.

    • @FavianShields
      @FavianShields 4 месяца назад

      Yeah when did he answer the question?

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      He deviated after simply making the statement and instead of opening the Bible opened his Catholic made up book.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.

  • @judgestacker9472
    @judgestacker9472 Год назад +2

    Everyone: it literally says this specific thing
    Catholics: but it isn't (source: trust me bro)

    • @firefly3196
      @firefly3196 8 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus: „This is my Body“
      Protestants: „No, he didn’t mean it that way“.

    • @marco13mag
      @marco13mag 8 месяцев назад

      @@firefly3196Jesus did talk in parables so…
      Like Jesus did say that faith even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains….

  • @underconstruct2024
    @underconstruct2024 2 месяца назад


  • @Perfect_shot1146
    @Perfect_shot1146 3 месяца назад

    Here is a key text to read and understand (I am not saying this is correct but just by reading the text you can understand and have the information needed to make your decision.)
    Matthew 1:25
    25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.
    Key Words here are "KNEW" & "Till"
    The word "Knew" or "Know" goes back to start in the beginning to Adam & Eve, & Noah etc. God uses that word to explain "Consummate" Or "Sex" if you want to be blunt.
    "Till" meaning didn't know her "Until" had brought forth the son.

    • @trentitybrehm5105
      @trentitybrehm5105 Месяц назад

      Mark 6:2-3, Acts 1:13-15, Matthew 1:25, Matt 13:55-56

  • @merinvabraham6204
    @merinvabraham6204 Месяц назад

    Mark chap 6 vs 3-HOLY BIBLE
    Mathew chap 13vs 55,56.-HOLY BIBLE

  • @underconstruct2024
    @underconstruct2024 2 месяца назад

    Those brothers and sister could be not sanguine, like ADOPTED SIBLINGS or FIRST COUSINS!!!

  • @ancientruth5298
    @ancientruth5298 2 месяца назад

    Mary and Joseph still has his grand grand grand grand grand grand children today

  • @franksam6818
    @franksam6818 Год назад +1

    Joseph did not know Mary until after Jesus'was born. In Matthew - In Black & White

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      The word "after" is not in the Bible. It says "Joseph knew her not until Mary gave birth to her firsborn son."

    • @franksam6818
      @franksam6818 Год назад

      @@jzak5723 Oh, so you mean to tell me that threw you off that much. And certain words aren't in the Bible ? ......Meanwhile, it's compromised of Aramaic, Greek, the Otiot etc & so on. Translated & transliterated to other languages afterwards. Come on. Oh, & I already know the typical reply someone like you will have in return. Just like Yeshua told the pharisees. You bow to every letter of the law..... But disgrace the heart of the law.

  • @michaelgreene5525
    @michaelgreene5525 Год назад +2

    In Mark it says Judas, John, James, and Simon are His brothers and It mentions sisters also. In Galatians it says James the apostle is the brother of Jesus. The gospels tell us the names of both the disciples named James which are Alpheus and Zebedee. So you would have to assume that Mary was married to either zebedee or alpheus and this as Jesus’ half brother or you have to understand the term brother and sister was used to not describe people from same womb as we still use the term today. Also do you actually think Judas and Simon are the brothers of Jesus. It tells how Jesus first met Simon and Andrew by the Sea of Galilee. This is a very simple study but bottom line is the term brothers and sisters are used to describe close friends and relatives just like it is also used today.

  • @mccalltrader
    @mccalltrader Месяц назад

    Jesus commanded us to love God with all of our minds..we do not need someone to tell us what the Bible means and interpret and think for us. Especially when that “authority” is wrong, demonstrably, several several times throughout catholic history. No, the Bible’s teachings are clear. One must really be careful when you say, yes it says this, but what it means is something else…it happens, but you had better have your evidence ready!

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      I mean they kinda worship idols and have images before God and pray to saints.

  • @michaelhughes5512
    @michaelhughes5512 Год назад +6


  • @wilhelm7450
    @wilhelm7450 4 месяца назад

    Jesus have a chinese sibling, he even started a rebellion!

  • @helena_augusta
    @helena_augusta 2 года назад +4

    In the Eastern tradition, Jospeh was a widow. James (the less) and Jude were Jospeh's children.

    • @peterrabbit1054
      @peterrabbit1054 Год назад +2

      If this is so, why weren't they taken along when Mary was pregnant with Jesus.

    • @protochris
      @protochris Год назад +2

      @@peterrabbit1054 I believe the tradition says they were already adults, also, Joseph had to be discreet with Mary's advanced pregnancy. That said, we see his brothers and sisters did travel together at the Wedding at Cana of Galilee. As a Catholic, but I find the dogma of Mary's perpetual virginity to very challenging from scripture alone.

    • @jrexx2841
      @jrexx2841 Год назад

      Who the heck js Jospeh

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      I don't think its challenging at all. In fact, no early church father that I know of said anything about Jesus having biological siblings.

  • @NakatoFlorence-bm5eo
    @NakatoFlorence-bm5eo 2 месяца назад

    I thank God for he's love

  • @SmashGhost
    @SmashGhost Год назад +4

    Please explain Matthew 13:55 :)

    • @michaelgreene5525
      @michaelgreene5525 Год назад +3

      James the son of zebedee and James the son of alpheus are the disciples. In Galatians 1:19 it also says the apostle James is Jesus’ brother so u know it doesn’t mean blood brother because it provides fathers names. Also it gives the first encounter Jesus has with Simon and Andrew by the Sea of Galilee. Also u can get the names of Judas parents they are not Mary and Joseph. Also u can read the comment I just left which gives more detail.

    • @nitrianskehosamospravnehok4397
      @nitrianskehosamospravnehok4397 Год назад

      It didn’t said “Biological” as a matter of fact “Siblings” in there. So nice try

  • @LennyCooke636
    @LennyCooke636 Год назад

    Nonsense ! I know pastors that can spin an entire book out of 1 or 2 simple passages in the Bible. This "over-interpretation" of things sometimes makes the Bible more confusing and complicated than it should be. ...

  • @underconstruct2024
    @underconstruct2024 2 месяца назад

    Those brothers and sister could be not sanguine like ADOPTED SIBLINGS!!! Virginity has various definitions. Attention to respect her our holy mother's physical intimacy.

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад +1

      She had sex with her husband. Sex with one’s husband is Gods arrangement. After Jesus was born they had sex. It is very clear.
      You tell your kids - don’t use their iPhone until they clean their room. What does that imply and communicate? That once they clean their room they can do what? Use their phone.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.

  • @johnr.renteria1275
    @johnr.renteria1275 5 месяцев назад +2

    You are so wrong, I think you should read the Bible, and pray that God opens your eyes.

  • @James-gc6rp
    @James-gc6rp Месяц назад

    Refilling my mind

  • @JackieSuz917
    @JackieSuz917 27 дней назад

    read the end of Revelation, there are comsequences for adding to scriptures...beware!!!

  • @meepmoopmeep1
    @meepmoopmeep1 2 года назад +3

    But why is a celibate marriage seen as a good and holy thing? It is good to consummate the covenant of marriage. Mary and Joseph could have consummated their marriage and that would not have been a sin. In fact, it would have been good.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +2

      Catholic's don't claim it would have been a sin, they just don't believe that Mary and Joseph would choose to have more children after the Son of God was born through Mary's womb.

    • @SmashGhost
      @SmashGhost Год назад +2

      The Bible says that a good wife and a good husband "do not deprive eachother"

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +2

      It's not about one of them depriving the other one in the case of Mary and Joseph, what IF they mutually agreed to abstain from relations after the Son of God was born through Mary's womb? Can you envision this at all?

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      @@jzak5723Joseph was given one rule.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.
      There is no indication they were celibate. After Jesus was born they resumed normal marriage traditions.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Месяц назад

      Whoa! Where do you see in that passage that Joseph had sexual relations with Mary after Jesus was born?

  • @FatLingon
    @FatLingon 4 месяца назад

    Wow, do you go preachy about Mary's virginity here. I just wanted to have some depth to the question if Jesus had Siblings.

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      It was a lot of words to sound like something that went through hoops and just made it sound smart while ignoring actual Bible texts and simple reading comprehension. Paganism creeped in and was brought into true Christianity through the Catholic Church the OG apostate church.

    • @G5_Undisputed
      @G5_Undisputed Месяц назад

      @@themightyflogwell said

  • @radhikakurup9787
    @radhikakurup9787 5 месяцев назад

    Mary have 5 Sons and one doughter

  • @franksam6818
    @franksam6818 Год назад

    The Roman Catholics also claimed not too far back that infants not baptized that died. Are in limbo & not allowed into Heaven in the presence of GOD.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      How do you know that there will be infants in heaven? The Bible certainly doesn't give us that indication whatsoever. So what happens to them, baptized or not?

    • @franksam6818
      @franksam6818 Год назад

      @@jzak5723 Scriptures make very clear that there's an age of innocence. And not Biblical of infant or child water baptism, because they can not repent on something they aren't aware of. Because they are below the age of accountability. John Baptized with water. But Jesus Baptized His Grace through the Holy Spirit. Roman Catholicism through Blasphemy, claimed children who weren't Baptized werent allowed in Heaven, away from The Almightys presence. Totally disgusting deception!

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +1

      The problem is, people like you will argue that the Catholic Church goes beyond Scripture in their teachings, YET, you have no issue claiming that infants who die automatically go to heaven in the presence of God, when Scripture is silent on the matter. The Catholic Church, for good reason, has never declared with certainty the fate of these innocents, although we can speculate about it, and the common hope is that God would not reject them, even though they obviously never had the opportunity to accept Christ on earth. The better position for you and I to take is to not say with assurance that they are in the presence of God, but that it seems plausible that God would provide eternal life to them in some way through His Grace. Can you agree with that?

    • @franksam6818
      @franksam6818 Год назад

      @@jzak5723 Actually, your complacency & showing your lack of Biblical knowledge is the issue. And it's not silent on those matters stated above. As well as the fact, that not to take on man made lies & man made religions & false idol worship. Keep watching because the scope of things is unfolding real quick. Oh, one more thing. There's a good chance your also a supporter of the film, Sound of Freedom & those involved. So here's a little tid for you. So this way when more is revealed, it'll validate something. MYCHIP What the movie is funding. And the profiles funding it.
      MASONIC YOUTH CHILDREN IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM. But hey, Roman Catholics love being misled, when things sound nice.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +1

      It IS silent on it, and you have failed to show where in the Bible it says otherwise.(unless you choose to read something into the text)
      quote; Keep watching because the scope of things is unfolding real quick.
      Yes they are, I sure agree with that.

  • @1001011011010
    @1001011011010 2 года назад +3

    "The man with clean hands and pure heart will climb the mountain of the Lord"

  • @stephenherbes4084
    @stephenherbes4084 Год назад +3

    I think it’s unlikely the « brothers « mentioned in the Bible were children of Joseph and Mary. First, none of their names appear in the genealogies in Matthew and Luke, but Luke 1:61 says it was the custom to name children after someone in the family. Second, neither Matthew nor Luke mention any other children in the infancy narratives. In an age without birth control, one would have expected a reference to other children in connection with the flight into Egypt and certainly by the visit to the temple when Jesus was 12. Third, Jesus leaves his mother in the care of the beloved disciple, which wouldn’t have been necessary if he had other brothers and sisters. Fourth, the most widespread belief throughout history has been that the adelphoi mentioned in the Gospels were cousins or step-brothers. We tend to discount tradition, but a widespread tradition that’s been held for 2,000 years deserves some respect.
    Tobit uses the Greek word adelphos to describe relatives other than brothers, and the language in Matthew that Joseph didn’t know Mary until after Jesus’ birth doesn’t imply that he knew her afterwards any more than the statement sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool, mean that Jesus will no longer sit at God the Father’s right hand afterwards.

  • @SkittlesGirl65
    @SkittlesGirl65 Год назад

    Bible says Joseph knew her not (Mary) until after she brought forth her first born son.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад +1

      The word "after" is not in Scripture, why do you people just add it in? Quote it just as it says please.

    • @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey
      @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@jzak5723the word until implies the after. You lost that debate in another thread.
      'I didnt have sex with my wife until we were married'
      You understand the implications perfectly here.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 5 месяцев назад

      Not the same. Why did Matthew feel the need to write down that Joseph didn't have relations "until she bore a son"? Is that something we needed to know or not?

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      @@jzak5723yes it is. Here is the Catholic version.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Месяц назад

      The word "after" is not there, just as I said. The word "until" doesn't always mean a change occured, it can also mean "up to the point" of something, in this case, until Mary gave birth to Jesus. So, in a nutshell, Matthew is telling the reader that Joseph had no relations with Mary up to the point of her giving birth to Jesus. It doesn't infer that Joseph began having relations with her immediately afterwards, since Matthew is not concerned about that, only that Joseph had nothing to do with Mary conceiving, meaning that Jesus' father is THE FATHER/GOD.

  • @abubakarabtalin1615
    @abubakarabtalin1615 Месяц назад

    Dont tell me jesus christ is playboy if he jesus had a son the gods of christian having grandson or grand daoghter they also god

  • @spinstressandfelonmatthews6150
    @spinstressandfelonmatthews6150 11 месяцев назад

    I listen tho this entire rant and he didn’t talk about the title at all.

  • @ianpaul7895
    @ianpaul7895 Год назад +3

    This is hilarious.

    • @khakicampbell6640
      @khakicampbell6640 Год назад


    • @paulaumentado1588
      @paulaumentado1588 Год назад

      How so tell me

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead 4 месяца назад

      @@paulaumentado1588because it’s false . Catholics are just as bad as Muslims . Mary and Joseph had other children

  • @franksam6818
    @franksam6818 Год назад

    She was a sinner. Born of original sin. So there's no reason for Jesus Virgin Birth. He could have been born the same way.

    • @jzak5723
      @jzak5723 Год назад

      It couldn't have happened normally, Jesus had to come into the world in a miraculous way, He was the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, no human father.

  • @JohnE9999
    @JohnE9999 7 месяцев назад

    When you get right down to it. ,who cares and why does it matter?

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      They do cause they almost worship marry.

  • @Hugh780
    @Hugh780 Год назад +1

    He is glorifying Mary not god almighty. Shame on you

  • @richi9812
    @richi9812 Год назад

    Was Jesus first born then how can he have an older sister and i also got to know his surname is omram

    • @SkittlesGirl65
      @SkittlesGirl65 Год назад

      I heard that perhaps Joseph was a widower and had his own adult children before he married Mary. It refers to the Sons of Joseph, and with Jesus the Son of Mary.

  • @hillarymary
    @hillarymary 2 года назад +2

    Celibate marriage sounds good. Church should allow it.

  • @tedoymisojos
    @tedoymisojos Год назад +1

    This was a pretty cringey

  • @lizdiaz4091
    @lizdiaz4091 День назад

    So sad, I hope the truth comes to all who believe the lie this man is sharing.

  • @georg7120
    @georg7120 Год назад

    Yes, Genesis 6 mentions them.

  • @CerebrumExpansion
    @CerebrumExpansion 2 месяца назад

    dont be ashamed of your dirty house, lose the gross screen in the background

  • @user-wx2uy6ut4l
    @user-wx2uy6ut4l Год назад +1

    Excellent Explanation AMEN

  • @sakura7431
    @sakura7431 9 месяцев назад

    Yes, Hong Xiuquan

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 6 месяцев назад +1

    The Greek word ADELFOI/ADELPHOI means brotherly love or ADELFAI/ADELPHAI means sisterly love... yes, indeed, the Greek word used does not necessarily mean BIOLOGICAL Brothers or Sisters (Blood-Related)... Why did the writer choose this Greek Word?
    I firmly believe that the Gospel writers knew that Christ Jesus was not the Biological Son of Blessed Mary and St. Joseph... HOW?... even St. Paul knew and revealed to the Hebrews (Hebrews 10:5) that the "PREPARED BODY" (Human Body/flesh) of Christ Jesus was Solely created/made by His Father God, which makes Blessed Mary, a modern-day terminology called "SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD."... "Bressed is the WOMB that bore the Son of God... (ref. Luke 11:27).
    Take note: The Scripture did not say Blessed is the PERSON who bore the Son of God... which means, that even if Blessed Mary turned down the TASK offered to her, God could still make another "HA ALMAH" and continue God's plan for nothing is impossible with God... Prophet John the Baptist claimed that God could make DESCENDANTS of Abraham out of the STONE/ROCK.
    Christ Jesus has the sole IMAGE and LIKENESS of God... complete 46 Chromosomes (complete DNA) that come solely from God, just like when God created ADAM (1st Man) from the dust...
    Blessed Mary and St. Joseph had their own biological children who were logically not "BLOOD-RELATED" to Christ Jesus... that was why the Greek word ADELFOI (brotherly love) was used...
    In conclusion, therefore, in reality, Christ Jesus does not have TRUE Biological (Blood-Related) Brothers or Sisters, not even Cousins, or Uncles/Aunties... however, Blessed Mary and St. Joseph had children of their own who were not blood-related to Christ Jesus but HE loved them as well ... In the real sense, Christ Jesus is the adopted SON of Joseph and Mary... for HE is God by/in Nature...
    Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen and Amen...

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      So she still didn’t remain a virgin. They would have been his 1/2 brothers. He was still having Mary’s dna.

    • @jvlp2046
      @jvlp2046 Месяц назад

      @@themightyflog Christ Jesus' BODY has NO DNA from Blessed Mary... God created the "PREPARED BODY" of His Son long before Mary was born... just like ADAM (1st Man) solely from God's DNA (Image and Likeness)... (ref. Hebrews 10:5)...
      That is why Christ said, "Anyone who DOES the WILL of My Father (God) in Heaven, is my mother, brother, and sister." (ref. Matt. 12:40)...
      Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.

  • @Bloodlust9896
    @Bloodlust9896 9 месяцев назад

    I like how he says God did not choose an authority, and that all these denominations are fighting each other, so how do we know who is right. Man versus man. Opinion versus opinion. And thennnnn goes on to say that the Catholic Church itself by its own designation believes that it has the authority given to them by Jesus. Really by “their belief in Jesus.” That makes no sense. Catholicism and Christianity did not exist, until after Jesus was gone. How could he direct that Catholicism was in charge of interpreting the word. The same church that denominates saints such as good old Saint Nick. The capitalist, Cash, cow of America.

  • @pedroalbertoagustinfiguero6126
    @pedroalbertoagustinfiguero6126 3 месяца назад

    What CCC number is he quoting ?

  • @eliasluis6035
    @eliasluis6035 Год назад +1

    Our mother Mary is only holy one by holy spirit,Amen !🙏

    • @BornAgainFaith
      @BornAgainFaith Год назад +1

      Idolaters will not enter the Kingdom. The goddess Ashera who God hates is known otherwise as Mother of God. Mary isn’t God or Devine. If she was God’s word would have said that. You catechism is not the word of God but of corrupt man. I love you and tell you this as a hope that your life can be spared and saved by Yeshua before you die. He is our Lord. He died for our sins. He is our eternal father, prince of peace, wonderful counselor, Almighty God.

  • @user-ke6wx8vs9x
    @user-ke6wx8vs9x Год назад

    This guy is the worst at trying to explain this. So all the amen.. There his own comments

  • @dorissanders1950
    @dorissanders1950 9 месяцев назад

    You believe the Catholic church? 😂

  • @Goretti8201
    @Goretti8201 2 года назад +8

    Thank you so much - this answers many questions I've had about the Blessed Mother. Other married Saints have chosen to live in celibate marriages. It's understandably difficult for most - but why do we not hear more about this option in marriages today (beyond what we hear about NFP)? Thanks!

    • @tedoymisojos
      @tedoymisojos Год назад

      Everyone knows about this option. Most marrriages are naturally celibate marriages 😂. It just happens!

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      But what he says is not scriptural.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.
      Joseph was told not to have relations with her till Jesus was born. It was a commandment. What do you think happened ‘after’? It was very clear that only applied until Jesus was born. After he could get to know her.

    • @Goretti8201
      @Goretti8201 Месяц назад

      @@themightyflog - Matthew 28:20 says, "I am with you always, until the end of the age." Does that mean Jesus is no longer with us?

  • @lydiamesfin2139
    @lydiamesfin2139 11 месяцев назад

    marry didn't have sex even after jeuse

  • @rnhmbover63
    @rnhmbover63 19 дней назад

    This video is what convinced me to change my mind on the Blessed Mothers Perpetual Virginity. Beautifully explained

  • @joeygarcia946
    @joeygarcia946 9 месяцев назад

    Does abode find this story hard to believe 😂

  • @LightningJackFlash
    @LightningJackFlash Год назад

    GOD BLESS YOU for your work!

    • @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute
      @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute  Год назад +1

      Thank you! You too!

    • @themightyflog
      @themightyflog Месяц назад

      Lying to folks? Teaching them wrong.
      Matthew 1:24-25
      Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
      24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had borne a son;[a] and he called his name Jesus.
      He knew her for sure after Jesus was born.

  • @lauraphillips7395
    @lauraphillips7395 Месяц назад

    My two cents on top of m.i.c.h.a.e.l (above)
    JAMES : An apostle. Son of Zebedee and Salome (Matthew 4:21;27:56; Mark 15:40;16:1)
    Mother of Zebedee's children, in seeking favor for her sons (Matthew 20:20-23
    If Joseph had other sons, Why weren't any other brothers enrolled per Jewish law?
    Luke 2:5
    To be enrolled with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child
    Matthew 4:21
    he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father,
    Matthew 10:3
    James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, and James the son of Alpheus,
    Matthew 17:1
    James, and John his brother,
    Matthew 27:56
    Among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
    Mark 1:19
    James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were mending their nets in the ship:
    Mark 3:17
    And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he named them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:
    Mark 3:18
    James of Alpheus,
    Mark 5:37
    And he admitted not any man to follow him, but Peter, and James, and John the brother of James.
    Mark 10:35
    And James and John the sons of Zebedee,
    John 19:25
    Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen.
    Romans 16:6
    Salute Mary, who hath laboured much among you
    James wasn't Jesus biological brother and Joseph wasn't James' Dad. Jesus had brethren, not brothers.

  • @lukebalane9024
    @lukebalane9024 8 месяцев назад

    Wow. thank God, I love your explanations on Mary's portrayal of the transcendence and sublimity of sexuality. Amen. 🙏

  • @eliasluis6035
    @eliasluis6035 Год назад

    Amen! 🙏

  • @paulwrobel2994
    @paulwrobel2994 4 месяца назад

    Another video another bull shit answer

  • @efrainilopez
    @efrainilopez Год назад

    Respectfully, this is a ridiculous explanation.

  • @josephology3290
    @josephology3290 Год назад

    ruclips.net/video/X34YPZPgsxY/видео.html now THIS would be a FUN debate to see!