It angers me how Roblox is fined to promote and sometimes funds these bad sponsor events, but not rb which was frustrating to see the people behind it had to pay out of their pockets and think needed to have a go fund me
We need to boycott Roblox for at least 3 days just to show them the impact of a self-aware community on a multi-billion dollar company. I know my voice won't probably be heard but I think that this is what has to be done. Edit: Let's make the call go big by copying and pasting this message on every occasion each one of us gets. We need to inform everyone about the concept so it can get as much attention as it should. Thank you for your support.
the lack of communication between roblox and players is the biggest issue. when ever issues arise, they just stay silent. you also forgot to mention the time when roblox made the headless horseman free by accident
Roblox is the real example of choosing quantity over quality. Roblox is a multi-billion company who cares a lot about investing in that huge pool of money rather than it's playerbase, so they don't care about their own community and continued to part with investors. Kinda sad honestly, multi-billion companies can get really greedy for money and care very little about their own playerbase
Meaning hsr improving the gameplay and end play, listens players voice and promises their wish…… If hsr listens players voice, you can do it too David Bazuki, simply just fix your damn moderation and make good events!
Adding to the events, I was MOST disappointed on one particular collaboration they had, Hamilton. When I first heard about them collabing with the official musical, I was very hyped out about it (as I've had a hyperfixiation on it for years.) I scrambled to join the game, only for it to be another simulator. The endless amounts of possibilities they could've made with the collab was unbelievable and yet they chose to do another cash grab. I was very disheartened.
I desperately want the nsfw aspects of Roblox to be shown for the horrific problem it is to the general public. It’s genuinely so disturbing, and troubling that Roblox has generally accepted and embraced it on the platform they made for children. I used to love the website more than anything as a kid, but now I want it to be sued into dust for its apathy towards child safety.
@@Deoxy81 Me and a friend did something really similar recently just to see if it really was as bad as it seemed, and we found a group with 30k members and at *least* hundreds of them were pedophiles. I stopped keeping track after we hit page 200 of the members list. A sick fuck said “I’m just exposing children to the real world.” And I will never forget that blatant horror. It really messed me up seeing all that stuff. Way more than I thought it would.
it really does suck honestly٫ perfect example being how notive had a nsfw addiction٫ posted cropped furry gore porn٫ had a nsfw server with MINORS in it and groomed a minor later on
The worst thing to happen was brands coming on and taking down user games as it means any smaller games will be destroyed and you will have to be rich as hell in order to use any irl stuff in your game, which sucks alot as it kills alot smaller games
Being devil's advocate, brands have the power to take down anyone, even outside of Roblox platform, if we use their brand without a contract and permission. That's why if you are gonna put a McDonalds restaurant in your game, you should change the name - like McDoughnalds or something - and change the logos and identifying stuff - not just make them upside-down - , and depending on how ruthless the brand is, you have to change even the colors. Read more about trademark and brand laws, this is a "general problem", not just "the invasion of brands in Roblox - problem".
13:26 being someone which lost her own account on roblox and after 5 years recovered it. The faces removal is a serious issue specially if you struggled to get the items in time, or if you are not a new player it's seriously removing the self expression which makes me almost wanna quit feeling bad for the new users btw.
So yeah this issue can be for recent recovered accounts/ those who struggled to get them and since the head adjustment feature won't be added it's becoming hard using avatars
Wow you’re lucky you got your old account recovered. I have an account i cant sign back into after i reset my password, and roblox has yet to help me out even when contacting support.
As someone who recently got into Hunger Games and watched all the movies and bought all the books, the fact they missed that event opportunity really disappoints me.
i wish i could've hopped in the event and screwed around with my friends instead of crying over my own mediocre hunger games fanfiction that i still need to work on
Further adding to how Roblox only cares about their value, one of the only times I noticed their moderation team moving out extremely swiftly was when they accidently made the Headless bundle free this year a week or so after it went offsale. It was hilarious watching people scramble to get the bundle, and I too had it for a while, thought of course Roblox moderation would revert all purchases of the bundle by the time the next day rolled around. But never have I seen the moderation team swoop in so quickly lmao
I think we should start a movement its called #saveroblox on may 14th, roblox players are asked to stop buying robux, and stop playing roblox for the entire day, so we can finally get roblox's attention and take a stand
One day? JUST one day? That’s just going to tell them to wait it out, let them spend less so they profit more off of the ACTUAL CHILD LABOUR, brought to you by Robux, the modern day equivalent of the not-money they gave Victorian factory workers so that if they ever decide to get their pay check, OOPS, there it all goes.
By almost twice the length. Surprised this vid isn’t 200 minutes long tbh, and surprised that the good things about Roblox video hit the 8 minute mark.
We will add a state saving system this year, where inventory and position are kept, even when joining other games If you want to reset, you need to delete your account (we will be removing account deletion in 2025, be quick!) and create a new account
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for mentioning the marketplace polict update!! This is such an important thing to talk about and quietly postponing it isn't enough!
It’s so crazy to me how Roblox is planning on endorsing dating on the platform, as if it’s not easy for a little kid to upload their moms drivers license to get access to the “17+” games. They’re more focused on “expanding the platform” than fixing the existing problems like the thriving condos community or the pedos they’re giving a platform to harm more kids with.
It's solely to appeal to investors, sadly. I'm never going to fully understand why companies just focus on investors after some point... or why investors don't just look up the many problems Roblox has. Are they stupid or do they just not care so long as the stock price goes up? The entire stock system needs to be changed.
@@supyeetusgod636 Roblox has a massive problem with creeps and minors getting into incredibly NSFW games involving pole dancing and stuff. You have NO idea what you're talking about.
Roblox definitely forces everyone applying for a job as a decision maker in Roblox to do an IQ test And only allows the one who scored exceptionally low.
Lovely video and a great example of how Roblox is still failing to understand it's own community Also, if you are a fan of Hunger Games, there is a group named "Panem" by Zaternos which does their own lore, games and custom morphs if that's your style
@@intdisaster tbh there was a section here abt the failure of the actual hunger games thing and just wanted to suggest a group abt it if anyone was looking for something like that
The thing that angers me about roblox is how they completely ignore their fanbase and how they try so hard to appeal to corporate brands and just how they make terrible updates besides the odd occasions where they make an actually good update but besides that, roblox is a platform where negatives always outweigh the positives because roblox dont care about players and rather getting paid by all these big brands
I remember the dynamic heads glitch thing. I was playing a game and when I look at my face, which was the "Errrrrr..." face, it blinked at me. I remember I left the game so fast to change it. I hate the dynamic heads.
@@trafficlover74 David fell off, I seriously doubt he was what made roblox good in the first place i hope he steps down and hopefully get a ceo that knows what hes doing and not a 60 year old that doesnt even know hes running roblox
due to the sheer mass of players, even if the game continues to sharply decline in its quality, the earliest possible time will be slow sink into obscurity some time in the mid-late 2030s or 2040s.
I kept assuming it was going to die out over the years- but if kids are fine playing zero-thought simulators on their tablets all day, Roblox has the capacity to keep a playerbase and continue reaping profits.
Meanwhile i get banned for asking a question directly related to the roblox game, I asked "who here has the furry chat tag" Like DIRECTLY related to an in game mechanic in Item Asylum. Someone was li,e "how dare he" and reported it an moderation said "yeah thats worse than sex roleplaying with kids"
If Catalogs can't equip "not owned" items it will be harder to shop and buy items I usually go to Catalog to test how items work and what items to use before buying If this gets push through it will be like the guy who bought a tank top online to be macho but ended up into a muscled ballroom dancer in a dress
The fact that they put 17+ games in is basically asking for pedos and children to be harmed. This shows how much they really care about their players and how blind they can be to their own playerbase.
I was minding my own business playing a zombie survival when somebody pipes up in chat asking if anybody wants to voice chat. Another person responded, and they publicly exchanged ages - 14 (boy) & 21 (girl). That never sat well with me, even though the oldest member was female, it's not hard to imagine a similar scenario taking place but with the genders reversed.
i think my least favourite update has to be the mandatory "nudity bars" or wtv you call them on human body packages. it essentially forces people to start buying the 3d clothing unless they wanna have a huge bar covering their avatar, sometimes multiple
I really hated the moderation, I got banned because I said the word "hacker", there was a hacker in the server and they didn't get banned. yet I did. I made a complaint and I got the usual bot response of "Sorry, you have broken tos" and all that bullshit. If roblox doesn't get their act together, they may well cause something of a riot.
They always pretend an actual person reviewed it, but really its just them saying you are wrong for literally no reason. One time I got banned for a month because I told someone to “stop being toxic”. When I tried appealing the ban I got the same response as you. Appealing does literally nothing
roblox will eventually, in the future just get in the biggest trouble they will ever be if they dont fix anything in their platform instead of always adding something new. if they dont do anything they will probably get 1,e+18 lawsuits and 1,e+18 dmca strikes and the trouble will be so big that the platform balance will not be enogh to fix the broplem so the servers, the entire platform will be closed forever.
It’s honestly hard to find a game nowadays where the creators don’t feel like your enemies. Roblox feels like a constant war between the community and the roblox development team, with them constantly pushing out horrible updates.
Wouldn't be surprised if parents start aggregating lawsuits on the matter. They made a huge mistake by thinking they could continue appealing to and bolstering an extremely young playerbase while also shifting in 17+ content. Every time Roblox has 'played both sides' of various circumstances, they end up getting hit either with legal fees or other inconveniences.
Roblox still fails to see that the foundation of the whole website are the players since they are the one making games. While roblox is filling it's pockets with money by basically doing nothing and still have the mind to try to take as much money as they can by hosting sponsored events and etc.
@Niga13s Solution for #1. cease promotion of online dating, listen to reports and actually punish players who were reported for Dating, it IS an option in the report dropdown Solution for #2. Train the employees better, Definitely hire different people. Solution for #3. Same as #2 Solution for #4. the amount of creeps grew and grew because the environment is still perfect for them, AKA same as #1 There, I gave solutions to them :)
You could write a postcard worth of text about the good things on Roblox, meanwhile you could write 2 dictionaries worth of text about the bad things on Roblox. -a wise man that I found behind Mcdonalds
Seeing Roblox slip up more and more from their original selves is so disappointing but I’m not really surprised as the game has been going downhill since it went on the stock market
I really hope that greenlegocats123 makes an April fools joke video called "the best of roblox 2024" and its just a black screen until he says "thanks for watching!" And the video ends.
I personally dislike the new search algorithm. For example whenever you look up the word "fur" or something else Roblox will put games with that word in it until after 20 games. After the 20 games the algorithm makes it so games that just have one of the letters in what you searched in their description or title appear. This makes smaller devs have trouble due to only obby games and other unrelated games pop up when you search for their game.
They broke the search engine to force the most profitable games to the top of the results. Your search is highly irrelevant, all they want is for you to feel FOMO and buy a --lootbox-- surprise mechanic. Good games can only be found by looking through other people's favourites or painstakingly searching for hours (ie me, trying to find co-op horrors for my friend).
freaking call update is scary and annoying whenever someone calls me on roblox i always think its my family facetiming me or just calling me i cant even turn it off.
To be honest, Roblox as a game is becoming more of something like Steam, where it just lets you upload the games somewhere for people to download and then has the games themselves take care of moderation, etc..
If roblox moderation was existent the online dating thing wouldnt be an issue. But making it 17+ instead of 18+ is just odd, and their track record of not moderating pedos and relying on rubin sim to clean up the mess isnt a good idea
As someone who invested in shares of Roblox, they would a drastic amount of revenue for Robux sales if they ever attempted to become a fully corporatized shell of a platform. The idea of a Metaverse has probably been the greatest example of how out of touch Roblox has become with the people that supported them throughout most of the years.
Funniest thing at 12:41 you’d assume the videos almost over considering that it said Christmas update it was the end of the year, until you realize there’s 8 fucking minutes left lmaoooo
If Roblox would actually listen they could’ve have actually improved but they’re just moving away from the community and being more corporate and money hungry
People say that old Roblox wasn’t better and it’s “just nostalgia” but I haven’t heard the community praise Roblox more than hate it since 2018, and that’s not an exaggeration.
The fact that I’m surprised that it’s only a puny 20 minute long video instead of a big boi 200 minute long documentary says a lot about the degraded state of Roblox.
yeah, the whole "classic 2d faces are animated now and look like shit" thing really sucked, as i actually used one of the affected classic faces, that being the "Err..." face (thankfully the main ruined part is covered by accessories, that being the eyes)
If you thought User relations was terrible now, I bet in 2024 they will make 2023 user relations seem like a World Record high year for User relations. I bet Roblox will start suddenly implementing policies with no preparation time or warning beforehand and will not back down in response to ANY amount of user backlash, and in 2025, not even real life riots will budge Roblox.
I remember playing in the Ready Player One event years ago, it was fun! Now i think they want to do the RPO thing but not as an event, but just change the whole platform as a whole, homestly it's starting to be worrying. Roblox went from an amazing, really cool platform, to a decent one to play with the lads, to a painful soon-to-be metaverse.
at this rate I'm starting to feel like david bazucki shouldn't even be the ceo of Roblox, he has no idea what hes doing, and is just killing his own game, they should replace him with someone who actually knows what they are doing.
@@Twister39 And you're somehow less insufferable by covering for them? And I'm pretty sure a lot of people would still feel the same way without commentary channels making vids like these.
@@Twister39That's wild considering the company itself has been insufferable for the last 3-4 years. Hell around half of these issues are *because* they refuse to open their damn ears.
One thing that I feel should have been mentioned on the list is the filter update (i assume). Overnight, words that used to be fine were banned for zero reason. (For example, Damn was banned.)
3:23 when i saw that tweet i was worried. worried that if roblox keeps associating with these content creators, roblox will just become a game full of disturbing UGC and games.
Guys, if you only focus on the negative stuff you’re never gonna have any fun. Throughout my entire history on Roblox since 2016 (I did play as a guest in 2015 but I don’t feel that really counts) I’ve never had to stop playing my games because of some update (Besides audio, but that didn’t really stop me from playing many games) or event or change that Roblox put into effect. It’s always remained static and I haven’t had to put much thought into events. If you guys don’t like an update, event, or collaboration that Roblox is doing then ignore it, trust me you can live without it, I do it everyday and I absolutely love Roblox. Roblox has made my entire life and I think 2023 was another great year for me on the platform (I finally learned studio!). There really is no reason to be constantly thinking about the negatives, just ignore it, you can live without getting mad about the poor choices Roblox may be making. Just enjoy the platform, and accept the fact that change is always inevitable. (Don’t comment that I’m yapping, I don’t care)
Ugc literally turned the catalog into a place where people would just sell whatever the hell they want with no consequences as long as it didn't "break" the rules (aka. painting a tiger on a dog). Or what I like to called "Salt Market"
UGC is great since people can actually make and sells whatever accessories they want. My biggest issue is publisher restrictions, Roblox sets the minimum price, despite profiting already from Robux sales.
What did you hate the most about Roblox from 2023?
The BEST of Roblox 2023 - - -видео.html
The 2nd Innovation award
i think it's 2024 now and notive might've sacrificed himself irl.
womp womp
the idle
2020: "It got worse."
2021: "It got worse."
2022: "It got worse."
2023: "It got worse."
2020 was the turning point of Roblox
2024: “it got worse”
@@mytromic 2025: “it got worse”
@@mysteryian 2026: "It got worse."
@@snowflurryz2027: “it got worse”
I love how this vid's twice longer than the positive video.
I wonder if it's gonna slowly be a running trend
@@GoodMorningCIA That'll be great
@@GoodMorningCIA Knowing how good ROBLOX is as a company, oh boy it will
Absolutely hilarious
is anyone even surprised
It angers me how Roblox is fined to promote and sometimes funds these bad sponsor events, but not rb which was frustrating to see the people behind it had to pay out of their pockets and think needed to have a go fund me
@KatiLina-ec8qo Your life means EVERYTHING, you serve ALL purpose, you should treat yourself NOW! (now change everything into negative)
Roblox cares about investing in that pool of cash
Roblox would probably fund preston has he's constantly giving roblox money via marketplace fees
@@Bonnie_Plush21what did they say?
We need to boycott Roblox for at least 3 days just to show them the impact of a self-aware community on a multi-billion dollar company. I know my voice won't probably be heard but I think that this is what has to be done.
Edit: Let's make the call go big by copying and pasting this message on every occasion each one of us gets. We need to inform everyone about the concept so it can get as much attention as it should. Thank you for your support.
replying in an attempt to get more people in on this
@@pixelad3584 agreed
@@pixelad3584 same
ironic, the pedo platform fanboy trying to boycott roblox.
You forgot when Simbuilder showed up to RDC uninvited with a gun, forcing it and the Innovation Awards to get cancelled
Bro knew what was bouta happen to roblox and went nuts
innovation isn't even benefiting it
The gun was in his car, which is completely legal. The actual issue was him getting aggressive with security.
@KatiLina-ec8qoL bot
Should've used it honestly
the lack of communication between roblox and players is the biggest issue. when ever issues arise, they just stay silent. you also forgot to mention the time when roblox made the headless horseman free by accident
It wouldn't really matter considering how incompetent the company has become, especially how they don't give a crap about any backlash whatsoever
Roblox is the real example of choosing quantity over quality. Roblox is a multi-billion company who cares a lot about investing in that huge pool of money rather than it's playerbase, so they don't care about their own community and continued to part with investors. Kinda sad honestly, multi-billion companies can get really greedy for money and care very little about their own playerbase
Meaning hsr improving the gameplay and end play, listens players voice and promises their wish……
If hsr listens players voice, you can do it too David Bazuki, simply just fix your damn moderation and make good events!
They only care about money. They even ignore large controversies now. They do not care about the desires of the userbase only shareholders matter
Adding to the events, I was MOST disappointed on one particular collaboration they had, Hamilton. When I first heard about them collabing with the official musical, I was very hyped out about it (as I've had a hyperfixiation on it for years.) I scrambled to join the game, only for it to be another simulator. The endless amounts of possibilities they could've made with the collab was unbelievable and yet they chose to do another cash grab. I was very disheartened.
bruh roblox and hamilton had a collab? that sounds like something straight out of my fever dreams
I desperately want the nsfw aspects of Roblox to be shown for the horrific problem it is to the general public. It’s genuinely so disturbing, and troubling that Roblox has generally accepted and embraced it on the platform they made for children.
I used to love the website more than anything as a kid, but now I want it to be sued into dust for its apathy towards child safety.
FR like me and my friend were snooping around on shady game servers and we found people saying shit like "suck it" and much much worse.
@@Deoxy81 Me and a friend did something really similar recently just to see if it really was as bad as it seemed, and we found a group with 30k members and at *least* hundreds of them were pedophiles. I stopped keeping track after we hit page 200 of the members list.
A sick fuck said “I’m just exposing children to the real world.” And I will never forget that blatant horror.
It really messed me up seeing all that stuff. Way more than I thought it would.
it really does suck honestly٫ perfect example being how notive had a nsfw addiction٫ posted cropped furry gore porn٫ had a nsfw server with MINORS in it and groomed a minor later on
Nobody cares and get lost
The worst thing to happen was brands coming on and taking down user games as it means any smaller games will be destroyed and you will have to be rich as hell in order to use any irl stuff in your game, which sucks alot as it kills alot smaller games
thats not new at all. nintendo did the same with pokemon brick bronze.
@@bulldogcowwy3959 I still cry about that
Being devil's advocate, brands have the power to take down anyone, even outside of Roblox platform, if we use their brand without a contract and permission. That's why if you are gonna put a McDonalds restaurant in your game, you should change the name - like McDoughnalds or something - and change the logos and identifying stuff - not just make them upside-down - , and depending on how ruthless the brand is, you have to change even the colors. Read more about trademark and brand laws, this is a "general problem", not just "the invasion of brands in Roblox - problem".
13:26 being someone which lost her own account on roblox and after 5 years recovered it. The faces removal is a serious issue specially if you struggled to get the items in time, or if you are not a new player it's seriously removing the self expression which makes me almost wanna quit feeling bad for the new users btw.
So yeah this issue can be for recent recovered accounts/ those who struggled to get them and since the head adjustment feature won't be added it's becoming hard using avatars
Most likely dynamic heads update is almost failure
Wow you’re lucky you got your old account recovered. I have an account i cant sign back into after i reset my password, and roblox has yet to help me out even when contacting support.
@@averagejoe2301Yeah..but without most of the classical faces that I need it's an issue :/..
@@averagejoe2301The only way is to have spent robux on the website and to appeal and give them the billing email yet
As someone who recently got into Hunger Games and watched all the movies and bought all the books, the fact they missed that event opportunity really disappoints me.
i wish i could've hopped in the event and screwed around with my friends instead of crying over my own mediocre hunger games fanfiction that i still need to work on
Im just saying that i’m a little disappointed, not crying.
Further adding to how Roblox only cares about their value, one of the only times I noticed their moderation team moving out extremely swiftly was when they accidently made the Headless bundle free this year a week or so after it went offsale. It was hilarious watching people scramble to get the bundle, and I too had it for a while, thought of course Roblox moderation would revert all purchases of the bundle by the time the next day rolled around.
But never have I seen the moderation team swoop in so quickly lmao
they’re only worried about their precious limiteds
roblox when a child sees horrific NSFW:😪
roblox when the expensive item that gives them money goes free:🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃🏃♂️🏃♀️🏃♂️🏃🏃♂️🏃🏃♂️🚓🚓
Roblox needs a new CEO. This one sucks. Old man makes the worst decisions ever
He’s old enough to retire soon
I think we should start a movement
its called #saveroblox
on may 14th, roblox players are asked to stop buying robux, and stop playing roblox for the entire day, so we can finally get roblox's attention and take a stand
spread the word as much as you can, so we can finally get what we want
One day? JUST one day?
That’s just going to tell them to wait it out, let them spend less so they profit more off of the ACTUAL CHILD LABOUR, brought to you by Robux, the modern day equivalent of the not-money they gave Victorian factory workers so that if they ever decide to get their pay check, OOPS, there it all goes.
replying to try and get this comment higher on the list
^ same
^same x2
As expected, longer than "The Best Of Roblox 2023"
yes very expected
By almost twice the length. Surprised this vid isn’t 200 minutes long tbh, and surprised that the good things about Roblox video hit the 8 minute mark.
Yeah guys I know! Old Roblox good new Roblox bad
@@Twister39at this point everyone actually would agree this time
as much as you guys consume more negative news than positive news, so that's why this video receives more views than positive one
Watch Roblox remove the option to reset in 2029.
We will add a state saving system this year, where inventory and position are kept, even when joining other games
If you want to reset, you need to delete your account (we will be removing account deletion in 2025, be quick!) and create a new account
@@tylern6420 also, deleting your account costs 1000 robux now!
@@berylbiter you must provide your organs and at least 5 chromosomes if you still want to proceed after 2025
@@tylern6420 DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for mentioning the marketplace polict update!! This is such an important thing to talk about and quietly postponing it isn't enough!
It’s so crazy to me how Roblox is planning on endorsing dating on the platform, as if it’s not easy for a little kid to upload their moms drivers license to get access to the “17+” games. They’re more focused on “expanding the platform” than fixing the existing problems like the thriving condos community or the pedos they’re giving a platform to harm more kids with.
It's solely to appeal to investors, sadly.
I'm never going to fully understand why companies just focus on investors after some point... or why investors don't just look up the many problems Roblox has. Are they stupid or do they just not care so long as the stock price goes up? The entire stock system needs to be changed.
Boohoo, what are they going to see? Someone saying a naughty word? Or will they get SA? Just leave the game
@@supyeetusgod636 lots of kids don’t do that, and predators are creative and can easily get them in a 3rd party platform
it's not that suprising, theres already 2 roblox employees who got exposed for being porn addicts and creeps.
@@supyeetusgod636 Roblox has a massive problem with creeps and minors getting into incredibly NSFW games involving pole dancing and stuff. You have NO idea what you're talking about.
Mark my words: roblox will do something way, WAY worse in 2024 that will either result in multiple lawsuits or mass quit from players
this just sealed roblox's fate bro
@@InevitableWelchs their fate was sealed the moment they Officially added OD(online dating) to the game
@@umrayquazashinyapareceu1672ODing is OLD in roblox dude
@@SourAttmoz yeah, but before they at least tried to stop it.
Now they're embracing it
@@umrayquazashinyapareceu1672 yeah
Roblox definitely forces everyone applying for a job as a decision maker in Roblox to do an IQ test
And only allows the one who scored exceptionally low.
Nah, I’ve seen the hiring process. They just go straight to a retirement home, and pick the ones who were good at business. Keyword being “were”.
"Roblox will never be the same"
- Little Timmy from 2nd grade
Lovely video and a great example of how Roblox is still failing to understand it's own community
Also, if you are a fan of Hunger Games, there is a group named "Panem" by Zaternos which does their own lore, games and custom morphs if that's your style
Seems offtopic to promote/advertise a group, but ok.
@@intdisaster tbh there was a section here abt the failure of the actual hunger games thing and just wanted to suggest a group abt it if anyone was looking for something like that
They only follow their inner internet troll, the rotten bits of the community, and community-hating investors.
@@d1kgaws12 the investors just don’t know about all of this. They just haven’t done the bare minimum research required to find this out.
@@froobletonjust wait until the news has another kidnapping case
I hate how roblox is so corrupt and put so low effort on moderation and still somehow not bankrupt
tubers93’s back must hurt from how much he’s carried the platform this year
I'm pretty sure he's racist, maybe it was nice and all that meepcity got rekt for like a day or so but I wouldn't consider them a god
What you are doing is very good for the roblox community- helping all of us. I appreciate your videos, man.
2024 gonna be a good year for Roblox
because it can’t possibly get any worse than this
It can get worse, because whenever something happens it can get worse or better but it’s probably going get worse due to way 2023 went for Roblox
2024 will be way way worse than ever
Knowing Roblox, it can always get worse
That's true unless people say "It's gonna get worse". Oh wait they already said it in replies, does that mean all of community want it to get worse?
The thing that angers me about roblox is how they completely ignore their fanbase and how they try so hard to appeal to corporate brands and just how they make terrible updates besides the odd occasions where they make an actually good update but besides that, roblox is a platform where negatives always outweigh the positives because roblox dont care about players and rather getting paid by all these big brands
This is probably why Fortnite is still alive.
it's been like this for nearly 10 years buddy. it's not that shocking
@@user-uo8ny1kj4cBut it 100% was NOT this bad.
They said it couldn’t get any worse. They said we were already at rock bottom. They said it would get better.
They were wrong
they were at rock bottom but dug to the earths core
soon they will dig to china
I remember the dynamic heads glitch thing. I was playing a game and when I look at my face, which was the "Errrrrr..." face, it blinked at me. I remember I left the game so fast to change it. I hate the dynamic heads.
Kicking the CEO will stop Roblox being worst.
The CEO is the root of bad updates he sucks at his job
@@ZxCv134-n3b but he’s David Baszucki though..
at this point hes almost like Jeff Bezos now.@@trafficlover74
at least he didn’t rename the platform Metaverse or Ro-bot! (yet)
@@trafficlover74 David fell off, I seriously doubt he was what made roblox good in the first place i hope he steps down and hopefully get a ceo that knows what hes doing and not a 60 year old that doesnt even know hes running roblox
This is so freaking depressing. What's going to happen in 2024? Probably something even worse.
We can only hope they will open their eyes this year although I'm not getting my hopes up I wonder when they will finally lose their playerbase.
7 year olds will always be 7 year olds. Until a proper competititor shows up, nothing will change
due to the sheer mass of players, even if the game continues to sharply decline in its quality, the earliest possible time will be slow sink into obscurity some time in the mid-late 2030s or 2040s.
@@Unnamed86 if doom can survive 30+ years just through modding imagine how long roblox will be around
yeah, that's why I said 2030s-2040s earliest possibility. It could be 2070 or even 2100.@@StackND
I kept assuming it was going to die out over the years- but if kids are fine playing zero-thought simulators on their tablets all day, Roblox has the capacity to keep a playerbase and continue reaping profits.
Meanwhile i get banned for asking a question directly related to the roblox game,
I asked "who here has the furry chat tag"
Like DIRECTLY related to an in game mechanic in Item Asylum.
Someone was li,e "how dare he" and reported it an moderation said "yeah thats worse than sex roleplaying with kids"
If Catalogs can't equip "not owned" items it will be harder to shop and buy items
I usually go to Catalog to test how items work and what items to use before buying
If this gets push through it will be like the guy who bought a tank top online to be macho but ended up into a muscled ballroom dancer in a dress
The fact that they put 17+ games in is basically asking for pedos and children to be harmed. This shows how much they really care about their players and how blind they can be to their own playerbase.
multiple of their employees are pedos anyway.
I was minding my own business playing a zombie survival when somebody pipes up in chat asking if anybody wants to voice chat. Another person responded, and they publicly exchanged ages - 14 (boy) & 21 (girl). That never sat well with me, even though the oldest member was female, it's not hard to imagine a similar scenario taking place but with the genders reversed.
@@scrittlewhy is it less bad if the pedo is a girl?
i think my least favourite update has to be the mandatory "nudity bars" or wtv you call them on human body packages. it essentially forces people to start buying the 3d clothing unless they wanna have a huge bar covering their avatar, sometimes multiple
No matter how bad this year may seem, it can always (and will) get worse
Absolutely praying that Roblox falls so out of touch that the investors call for a change in management
I thought Roblox was a kids game not a dating app
roblox feels like they forgot that they are a game hosting site and now their main goal is to create the new world order
I really hated the moderation, I got banned because I said the word "hacker", there was a hacker in the server and they didn't get banned. yet I did. I made a complaint and I got the usual bot response of "Sorry, you have broken tos" and all that bullshit. If roblox doesn't get their act together, they may well cause something of a riot.
They always pretend an actual person reviewed it, but really its just them saying you are wrong for literally no reason.
One time I got banned for a month because I told someone to “stop being toxic”. When I tried appealing the ban I got the same response as you. Appealing does literally nothing
@@DecidueyeMain yh the supposed "person" who rejected my appeal was called Jaci, so definitely a bot.
@@Basterdio123 hack is a trigger word. Me and my friends get banned for calling out a hacker.
"I think it's safe to say that 2023 was yet another disappointing year in Roblox history" 💀💀
Ngl, I think this year is the most disappointing for Roblox 😭
Roblox's gonna fell off in 2024. David Baszucki wake up, it's never too late to fix your platform
roblox will eventually, in the future just get in the biggest trouble they will ever be if they dont fix anything in their platform instead of always adding something new. if they dont do anything they will probably get 1,e+18 lawsuits and 1,e+18 dmca strikes and the trouble will be so big that the platform balance will not be enogh to fix the broplem so the servers, the entire platform will be closed forever.
This is why we must go play Minecraft you Tail Plug >:C
This is why we must go play Minecraft you Tail Plug >:C
Man, I've been wanting for Roblox to go like "We're removing everything bad and going back to old roblox." that would be so nice
It’s honestly hard to find a game nowadays where the creators don’t feel like your enemies. Roblox feels like a constant war between the community and the roblox development team, with them constantly pushing out horrible updates.
I hate how this video is almost double the length of the best of roblox 2023
The whole dating thing heavily concerns me as someone who was groomed in the past.
Hope to see some lawsuits in the far future (not happening)
Wouldn't be surprised if parents start aggregating lawsuits on the matter.
They made a huge mistake by thinking they could continue appealing to and bolstering an extremely young playerbase while also shifting in 17+ content.
Every time Roblox has 'played both sides' of various circumstances, they end up getting hit either with legal fees or other inconveniences.
it wasn't a 3 hour long documentary.
Roblox: Corporate Dystopia Edition.
The dating thing is STILL shocking to me.
So true, pretty sad the roblox community changed
Roblox still fails to see that the foundation of the whole website are the players since they are the one making games. While roblox is filling it's pockets with money by basically doing nothing and still have the mind to try to take as much money as they can by hosting sponsored events and etc.
Roblox is like watching something you love slowly change for the worse.
Thats basically how i felt like when i learnd that there were unmoderated creeps online dating
@Niga13sthe roblox security breach with roblox doing barely anything
@Niga13s Solution for #1. cease promotion of online dating, listen to reports and actually punish players who were reported for Dating, it IS an option in the report dropdown
Solution for #2. Train the employees better, Definitely hire different people.
Solution for #3. Same as #2
Solution for #4. the amount of creeps grew and grew because the environment is still perfect for them, AKA same as #1
There, I gave solutions to them :)
@Niga13s seeing this comment makes me want to take a spoon and gouge my eyes out. also ur username is a slur lol
@Niga13sFunny how you tell them to stop complaining when you’re the one whining about it. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.
imagine caring about investors who have never played the game, more than the actual playerbase
7:23 Now people are uploading literal t*ts to the marketplace. They're also really easy to find
You could write a postcard worth of text about the good things on Roblox, meanwhile you could write 2 dictionaries worth of text about the bad things on Roblox.
-a wise man that I found behind Mcdonalds
Seeing Roblox slip up more and more from their original selves is so disappointing but I’m not really surprised as the game has been going downhill since it went on the stock market
I really hope that greenlegocats123 makes an April fools joke video called "the best of roblox 2024" and its just a black screen until he says "thanks for watching!" And the video ends.
I personally dislike the new search algorithm. For example whenever you look up the word "fur" or something else Roblox will put games with that word in it until after 20 games. After the 20 games the algorithm makes it so games that just have one of the letters in what you searched in their description or title appear. This makes smaller devs have trouble due to only obby games and other unrelated games pop up when you search for their game.
They broke the search engine to force the most profitable games to the top of the results. Your search is highly irrelevant, all they want is for you to feel FOMO and buy a --lootbox-- surprise mechanic. Good games can only be found by looking through other people's favourites or painstakingly searching for hours (ie me, trying to find co-op horrors for my friend).
freaking call update is scary and annoying
whenever someone calls me on roblox i always think its my family facetiming me or just calling me
i cant even turn it off.
To be honest, Roblox as a game is becoming more of something like Steam, where it just lets you upload the games somewhere for people to download and then has the games themselves take care of moderation, etc..
If roblox moderation was existent the online dating thing wouldnt be an issue. But making it 17+ instead of 18+ is just odd, and their track record of not moderating pedos and relying on rubin sim to clean up the mess isnt a good idea
As someone who invested in shares of Roblox, they would a drastic amount of revenue for Robux sales if they ever attempted to become a fully corporatized shell of a platform. The idea of a Metaverse has probably been the greatest example of how out of touch Roblox has become with the people that supported them throughout most of the years.
lose* a drastic amount?
They prepared for that.
They still make majority of the money from underage devs, who are KIDS, mind you, and stock brokers.
Funniest thing at 12:41 you’d assume the videos almost over considering that it said Christmas update it was the end of the year, until you realize there’s 8 fucking minutes left lmaoooo
If Roblox would actually listen they could’ve have actually improved but they’re just moving away from the community and being more corporate and money hungry
Not sure if it's his choice or his investor's that has done this.
People say that old Roblox wasn’t better and it’s “just nostalgia” but I haven’t heard the community praise Roblox more than hate it since 2018, and that’s not an exaggeration.
Fingers crossed that this Year wont be as bad as the last one, and hopefully the 'Worst of Roblox 2024' wont be as long as this.
This comment will not age well
at this point, its not safe for kids that are young
I’m convinced that David Bazooka is literally some ai.
He got body snatched probably in 2012 or 2007 idk and is not the actual David but instead a alien wearing his look
i don’t even play roblox like that anymore. i’ll occasionally play every now and then but real talk it’s so different now
We all already know 2024 is gonna be another disappointing year for roblox.
The fact that I’m surprised that it’s only a puny 20 minute long video instead of a big boi 200 minute long documentary says a lot about the degraded state of Roblox.
the same person that made “grab the child” was outed as a pedo and yet he’s still in roblox
i JUST finished watching the best of roblox. perfect timing
yeah, the whole "classic 2d faces are animated now and look like shit" thing really sucked, as i actually used one of the affected classic faces, that being the "Err..." face (thankfully the main ruined part is covered by accessories, that being the eyes)
14:23 , I love how roblox doesnt ban NSFW Roleplay accounts / games but it bans me for saying "hi"
the thing i hated the most in 2023 is how they priced up those free character/cheap characters we usually buy every day
we did get 2 events so far this year, but i mean they werent like egg hunts, but i like that they made them return.
If you thought User relations was terrible now, I bet in 2024 they will make 2023 user relations seem like a World Record high year for User relations.
I bet Roblox will start suddenly implementing policies with no preparation time or warning beforehand and will not back down in response to ANY amount of user backlash, and in 2025, not even real life riots will budge Roblox.
I remember playing in the Ready Player One event years ago, it was fun!
Now i think they want to do the RPO thing but not as an event, but just change the whole platform as a whole, homestly it's starting to be worrying. Roblox went from an amazing, really cool platform, to a decent one to play with the lads, to a painful soon-to-be metaverse.
I wonder what Roblox's new year's resolution is... Probably something about being more "innovative."
at this rate I'm starting to feel like david bazucki shouldn't even be the ceo of Roblox, he has no idea what hes doing, and is just killing his own game, they should replace him with someone who actually knows what they are doing.
Roblox ALWAYS fails to make it's COMMUNITY be happy with an update.
Roblox probably doesn’t listen to the community because these videos make you, and the community, more insufferable every year.
@@Twister39 I know.
@@Twister39 And you're somehow less insufferable by covering for them?
And I'm pretty sure a lot of people would still feel the same way without commentary channels making vids like these.
@@Twister39That's wild considering the company itself has been insufferable for the last 3-4 years. Hell around half of these issues are *because* they refuse to open their damn ears.
@@Twister39 Corporations' most intelligent tool:
One thing that I feel should have been mentioned on the list is the filter update (i assume). Overnight, words that used to be fine were banned for zero reason. (For example, Damn was banned.)
Honestly it would be better if he merged both the best and worst to 1 video
I personally like how people are recreating limiteds so you don’t have to flush hunt of dollars down the drain to get one
hopefully roblox will do better in the near future
Alarm clock joined the chat
I started playing roblox less in 2023 and I swear every year gets worse. I joined in 2016 and the stuff I've seen I feel like a Vietnam veteran.
The true worst thing is that i cant get refunded for the 300 robux blade ball scammed me out of 💀 😔
3:23 when i saw that tweet i was worried. worried that if roblox keeps associating with these content creators, roblox will just become a game full of disturbing UGC and games.
It'll be 2035... and Roblox will still be doing bad things 💀
Are you a time traveler? Wtf
@@PowerLevelScalinghes just guessing
nah he’s a time traveler
@@plankthegoober he said "it's" then he edited it
It’s a simple assumption I guess.
It’s probably right, based on how roblox has been for years.
Roblox: Where your safety is not our problem.
roblox has fallen....
The worst of roblox is literally double the best of roblox, i think we may be screwed this year
Guys, if you only focus on the negative stuff you’re never gonna have any fun. Throughout my entire history on Roblox since 2016 (I did play as a guest in 2015 but I don’t feel that really counts) I’ve never had to stop playing my games because of some update (Besides audio, but that didn’t really stop me from playing many games) or event or change that Roblox put into effect. It’s always remained static and I haven’t had to put much thought into events. If you guys don’t like an update, event, or collaboration that Roblox is doing then ignore it, trust me you can live without it, I do it everyday and I absolutely love Roblox. Roblox has made my entire life and I think 2023 was another great year for me on the platform (I finally learned studio!). There really is no reason to be constantly thinking about the negatives, just ignore it, you can live without getting mad about the poor choices Roblox may be making. Just enjoy the platform, and accept the fact that change is always inevitable. (Don’t comment that I’m yapping, I don’t care)
Ugc literally turned the catalog into a place where people would just sell whatever the hell they want with no consequences as long as it didn't "break" the rules (aka. painting a tiger on a dog). Or what I like to called "Salt Market"
UGC is great since people can actually make and sells whatever accessories they want. My biggest issue is publisher restrictions, Roblox sets the minimum price, despite profiting already from Robux sales.
I’d admit the dynamic faces will probably be the worst of all of Roblox as the 2d faces are nostalgic and old with the OG 2d faces
but I don’t think new players who wearing 2d face are nostalgic
the dynamic faces are so creepy its hilarious so its a 10/10 for me
Another year of my childhood game being yet another dumpster fire of a community.